Table population All usual residents aged 16 to 74 living in the area out of term-time
Reference OT607EW
Census 2011
Out of term population, Long-term unemployed, NS-SeC, Students, Schoolchildren, Unemployed
Latest data
Last updated
England and Wales
2014-09-24 09:30:00
01329 444 972
This dataset provides 2011 Census estimates that classify the out of term population in England and Wales aged 16 to
74 by NS-SeC. The estimates are as at census day, 27 March 2011.
The out of term population is a redistribution of the usually resident population to their place of residence in out of term periods. Students who reported a second address that was a student's home address are counted at that second address. Students that did not provide an out of term address and usual residents who are not students are counted at their usual residence.
Statistical Disclosure Control
In order to protect against disclosure of personal information from the 2011 Census, there has been swapping of records in the Census database between different geographic areas, and so some counts will be affected. In the main, the greatest effects will be at the lowest geographies, since the record swapping is targeted towards those households with unusual characteristics in small areas.
More details on the ONS Census disclosure control strategy may be found on the Statistical Disclosure Control page on the ONS web site.
The following types of geography are available:
NHS area teams, clinical commissioning groups, built-up areas including subdivisions, built-up areas, national assembly for wales electoral regions 2010, postcode areas, postcode districts, postcode sectors, national assembly for wales constituencies 2010, english parishes / welsh communities, 2011 local health boards, 2011 primary care trusts, 2011 strategic health authorities, 2011 wards, 2011 super output areas - middle layer,
2011 super output areas - lower layer, 2011 output areas, local enterprise partnerships (as of January 2013), parliamentary constituencies 2010, local authorities: county / unitary (prior to April 2015), local authorities: district / unitary (prior to April 2015), regions, countries
The category "L17 Not classifiable for other reasons" has been omitted as it counts persons under 16 and the population for this dataset is aged 16 to 74. - 01 October 2016
The following NS-SeC are available:
All categories: NS-SeC
1. Higher managerial, administrative and professional occupations
1.1 Large employers and higher managerial and administrative occupations
L1 Employers in large establishments
L2 Higher managerial and administrative occupations
1.2 Higher professional occupations
L3.1 Traditional employees
L3.2 New employees
L3.3 Traditional self-employed
L3.4 New self-employed
2. Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations
L4 Lower professional and higher technical occupations
L4.1 Traditional employees
L4.2 New employees
L4.3 Traditional self-employed
L4.4 New self-employed
L5 Lower managerial and administrative occupations
L6 Higher supervisory occupations
3. Intermediate occupations
L7.1 Intermediate clerical and administrative occupations
L7.2 Intermediate sales and service occupations
L7.3 Intermediate technical and auxiliary occupations
L7.4 Intermediate engineering occupations
4. Small employers and own account workers
L8 Employers in small establishments
L8.1 Employers in small establishments in industry, commerce, services etc.
L8.2 Employers in small establishments in agriculture
L9 Own account workers
L9.1 Own account workers (non-professional)
L9.2 Own account workers (agriculture)
5. Lower supervisory and technical occupations
L10 Lower supervisory occupations
L11 Lower technical occupations
L11.1 Lower technical craft occupations
L11.2 Lower technical process operative occupations
6. Semi-routine occupations
L12.1 Semi-routine sales occupations
L12.2 Semi-routine service occupations
L12.3 Semi-routine technical occupations
L12.4 Semi-routine operative occupations
L12.5 Semi-routine agricultural occupations
L12.6 Semi-routine clerical occupations
L12.7 Semi-routine childcare occupations
7. Routine occupations
L13.1 Routine sales and service occupations
L13.2 Routine production occupations
L13.3 Routine technical occupations
L13.4 Routine operative occupations
L13.5 Routine agricultural occupations
8. Never worked and long-term unemployed
L14.1 Never worked
L14.2 Long-term unemployed
L15 Full-time students - 01 October 2016