request for proposal - Clifton Park Water Authority

Clifton Park Water Authority
Clifton Park, New York
Inspection and Cleaning Services
(2) Water Storage Tanks
April 2011
The Clifton Park Water Authority will receive proposals from qualified firms to contract for an
inspection and cleaning services for two (2) water storage tanks until 2:00 PM local time on May
12, 2011.
Parties interested in submitting a proposal may obtain a copy of the RFP from the Clifton Park
Water Authority. All information outlined in the RFP, along with any other pertinent facts
necessary for a proper evaluation of this proposal, should be delivered to Clifton Park Water
Authority, 661 Clifton Park Center Road, Clifton Park, New York 12065 prior to the hour
and date designated above.
The Clifton Park Water Authority reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in
the proposals received, or to reject any or all proposals without explanation. The CPWA
specifically reserves the right to reject any conditional proposal and will normally reject those
which make it impossible to determine the intent of the proposal.
All information regarding opening date and description of the proposal must be listed on the
outside of the envelope.
Any additional information necessary can be obtained by directing calls to Mr. Don Austin,
Clifton Park Water Authority, 661 Clifton Park Center Road, Clifton Park, New York
12065, (518) 383-1122.
Clifton Park Water Authority
661 Clifton Park Center Road
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Water Storage Tank Inspections
Project Description
The Clifton Park Water Authority is soliciting a Request for Proposal (RFP) for inspection and
cleaning services for the following water storage tanks:
Boyack Road Water Treatment Plant Clearwell
Barney Road Water Storage Tank
The main focus of this project is to perform a comprehensive evaluation of the interior and
exterior condition of the tanks, and remove any accumulated sediment.
All inspection and cleaning services are to be conducted with the tanks full and in service. Water
levels will not be adjusted for these services. No confined space entry into the tanks will be
Equipment Specifications
The following is a description of the remote vehicle capabilities that are a minimum for the
completion of this work. Any ROV being proposed for this project shall meet these
ROV shall be dedicated for potable water use only. The consultant shall provide a letter
of certification stating that the ROV is dedicated to potable water inspections.
ROV shall contain no liquids that could contaminate the water. Any thruster seal fluid
must be a food grade product.
ROV must be capable of abrading the underwater surfaces to clean off corrosion products.
ROV must be able to measure sediment depths on tank floor.
ROV must have a macro zoom camera capable of extreme close up inspection and long
distance inspection of above water surfaces.
ROV must be capable of taking ultrasonic metal thickness readings on the floor and walls.
Inspection Qualifications
The successful consultant shall meet the following minimum qualifications:
Conducted at least sixty (60) inspections of potable water tanks using similar methods.
NACE Certified Coatings Inspector in charge.
Field inspector must have at least ten (10) years of water tank inspection experience and
NACE II Coating Certification.
Experience with the preparation of specifications for tank rehabilitation and lead paint
Proposal shall include project references for at least five recent projects and the resume of
the field inspector and report preparer. Reports must be prepared by a NACE Certified
Coating Inspector.
All equipment entering the water must be disinfected in accordance with AWWA C652
Section 5 standard for potable water tank diving and disinfection of equipment.
Project Scope
Tank Evaluation
Consultant will perform a comprehensive interior inspection of the tanks in accordance with
AWWA M42 Manual of Water Supply Practices “Steel Water Storage Tanks.”
The consultant shall provide high quality DVD video inspection of 100% of all internal surfaces,
including the roof. The video from the underwater camera shall be narrated on site by at least a
NACE Level II Coating Inspector. The inspector shall be able to remove coatings and corrosion
products on the internal submerged surfaces for direct examination of metal loss, pit depth, and
coating failure.
All equipment that is used in the tank must be sprayed with a chlorine solution, at a
concentration of 200 mg/l, in accordance with AWWA C652-86 Section 4.2.
The following items shall be inspected on each tank:
Condition of steel on the interior and exterior.
Corrosion of any exposed reinforcing materials.
OSHA safety compliance of tank ladders and hatches.
Sanitary conditions of tank hatches, vents, and other penetrations.
Measurement of bottom sediment depths in at least (4) four locations.
Collect a sample of bottom sediment for analysis by the CPWA.
Percentage of coating failure and corrosion on all coated surfaces.
Test adhesion of exterior coatings as per ASTM D3359.
Measure Dry Film Thickness of Exterior Coating
Condition of foundation and anchors
Collect internal and external paint samples for metals analysis.
The report shall be prepared by a NACE Certified Coating Inspector. The written report will
contain at least twenty (20) color photographs from both the interior and exterior surfaces as an
appendix to the report. The report must contain detailed recommendations for any safety,
sanitary, or rehabilitation requirements along with estimated costs. The consultant shall supply
two (2) copies of the report, one (1) CD of photographs taken, and one (1) DVD containing the
video inspection of the tanks.
Underwater Cleaning
Based on the results of each inspection, the tanks may require sediment removal. The decision to
clean will be made by the Clifton Park Water Authority.
Cleaning will be conducted with the tanks full and in operation. No confined space entry is
permitted. Bottom sediment shall be removed and disposed of on site. The sediment/water
slurry can be disposed of in the drying bed at the Boyack Road Water Treatment Plant.
All cleaning equipment shall be disinfected on site as per AWWA C652 Section 5.
Consultant must provide Certificates of Insurance to the CPWA showing General Liability,
Automobile, and Workers’ Compensation coverage.
Fee Schedule
Wet Internal/External Inspection with Report
Boyack Road Clearwell
Barney Road Water Tank
Sediment Removal
Underwater removal and disposal of tank bottom sediment
(Base price to include a maximum of one (1) inch of sediment)
Base Price
Additional Removal
Boyack Road Clearwell
Barney Road Water Tank
Paint Analysis
Interior and exterior paint samples tested per EPA 6010B for the presence of lead, cadmium and
These rates must include all travel, per diem, and other related expenses, so that there are no
additional expenses to the Clifton Park Water Authority above and beyond the amounts indicated
in the proposal.
Tank inspections are to be complete by June 30, 2011, with final inspection reports due to the
CPWA by July 15, 2011.
CPWA Water Storage Tank Data
Tank Name
Capacity (MG)
Ht. x Dia. (Ft.)
Year Erected
Year Painted
Boyack Clearwell
36 Boyack Rd.
48 x 48
Welded Steel
Barney Road Tank
Brookwood Dr.
64 x 55
Welded Steel