General Information for Conference Participants Information and Registration The Registration and Information Desk will be situated in the Pullman Bangkok King Power on the second floor, and will be open at the following times: Saturday, January 26 (08:15-16:00) Sunday, January 27 (08:15-16:00) Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions will run on January 26th and 27th . Sessions are usually 90 minutes in length. Presentations and Equipment All presentation rooms are equipped with a screen, an LCD projector, and a laptop computer installed with PowerPoint software. You will be able to insert your USB flash drive into the computer and double click on your presentation to open it in PowerPoint. We recommend that you bring two copies of your presentation in case of one fails. You may also link your own laptop computer to the projector cable, however if you use your own Mac please ensure you have the requisite connector. A Polite Request to All Participants Participants are requested to arrive in a timely fashion for all addresses, whether to their own, or to those of other presenters. Presenters are reminded that the time slots should be divided fairly and equally between the number of presentations, and that they should not overrun. The session chair is asked to assume this timekeeping role. Poster Sessions & Poster Requirements Materials Provided by the Conference Organizer: 1. X-frame display & Base Fabric Canvases (60cm×160cm) 2. Adhesive Tapes or Clamps Materials Prepared by the Presenters: 1. Home-made Poster(s) 1 Requirement for the Posters: 1. Material: not limited, can be posted on the canvases 2. Size: smaller than 60cm*160cm 2 Conference Schedule Friday, January 25, 2013 Committee Meeting (Committee Only) Saturday, January 26, 2013 Time Information 08:15-16:30 08:45-10:15 Registration (2F) Oral Session Beta II, Communication I Oral Session Delta, Finance I Oral Session Epsilon, Psychology I 10:15-10:30 Tea Break / Poster Session 10:30-12:00 Oral Session Beta II, Society I Oral Session Delta, Economics Oral Session Epsilon, Education I 12:00-13:00 Lunch Time 13:00-14:30 Oral Session Beta II, Law I Oral Session Delta, Management I Oral Session Epsilon, Education II 14:30-14:45 Tea Break / Poster Session 14:45-16:15 Oral Session Beta II, Culture I Oral Session Delta, Education III Oral Session Epsilon, Politics I Oral Session Gamma, Politics II 3 Sunday, January 27, 2013 Time Information 08:15-16:30 08:45-10:15 Registration (2F) Oral Session Beta II, Psychology II Oral Session Delta, Education IV Oral Session Epsilon, Law II Oral Session Gamma, Psychology III 10:15-10:30 Tea Break / Poster Session 10:30-12:00 Oral Session Beta II, Communication II Oral Session Delta, Politics III Oral Session Epsilon, Management II 12:00-13:00 Lunch Time 13:00-14:30 Oral Session Beta II, Culture II Oral Session Delta, Finance II Oral Session Epsilon, Society II Oral Session Gamma, Society IV 14:30-14:45 Tea Break / Poster Session 14:45-16:15 Oral Session Beta I, Management III Oral Session Beta II, Society III Oral Session Delta, Education V Oral Session Epsilon, Tourism Management Monday, January 28, 2013 Bangkok City Tour 4 Pullman Bangkok King Power Floor Plan 2F BETA II BETA I 5 Program - Oral Sessions Communication I Pullman Bangkok King Power, BETA II 2013/1/26 Saturday 08:45-10:15 Session Chair: Prof. Canan Mesude Ozturk B108 The Effects of Political Ads on Electors: Which ad for which elector? Omer Kutlu︱Anadolu university B109 Turkish Journalists’ View of New Communication Technologies Tezcan Ozkan Kutlu︱Anadolu University B290 How Can We Measure the Brand Value of Special Events and Set Its Measurement Constructs? Levent Ozkocak︱Anadolu University B348 How Much Effective CSR Reporting for Corporate Reputation Canan Mesude Ozturk︱Anadolu University B218 The Role of Electronic Words of Mouth (eWOM) in Shaping the Future of Malay Film Industry Abdul Aziz Azizam︱Universiti Teknologi Mara Azizul Halim Yahya︱Universiti Teknologi Mara B592 The Ethics of Digital and Visual Manipulation - What Must the Academic and Professional Communities Do to Address the Problem? Gary Swanson︱University of Northern Colorado 6 Communication II Pullman Bangkok King Power, BETA II 2013/1/27 Sunday 10:30-12:00 Session Chair: Prof. Inta Brikse B284 International news agenda: stability of old traditions Inta Brikse︱University of Latvia B352 The News Construction Model in Malaysia Siti Suriani Othman︱Islamic Science University of Malaysia Kuok Tiung Lee︱Malaysia Universiti Sabah Liana Mat Nayan︱University of Tunku Abdul Rahman B395 Stylistic Choices Related to Agency Attribution: An Analysis of Academic Writing Conventions in Business and the Social Sciences Peter J Morton︱Chinese Culture University B566 Globalization and the African Single Story Phenomenom Pretty Sesitemba Segwai︱Waseda University 7 Culture I Pullman Bangkok King Power, BETA II 2013/1/26 Saturday 14:45-16:15 Session Chair: Prof. Cheryl Dangatan Taclawan B073 Kalinga Parental Marriage: A Bane or A Boon Cheryl Dangatan Taclawan︱Saint Louis University B122 Status of Women and Socio-Economic Changes in the Assamese Society in the Brahmaputra Valley Pallavi Baruah︱L.O.K.D.College B213 About EVS : “Take All You Can!” Didem Güven︱Sami Sipahi Secondary School Kismet Deliveli︱Mugla Universty Yusuf Yıldırım︱Ziya Gokalp Primary School İlim Aksu︱Anadolu Universty Gozde Demirdag︱Anadolu Universty B214 The Analysis of the Sonata for Bassoon and Piano by Paul Hindemith Emre Hopa︱Anadolu University B123 The Rhetorical Feminization of China in Contemporary Chinese Novels of Transnational Love and Marriage:Origin, Development, and Evolution Sun Gui Rong︱Shandong Normal University B300 Educative Approach towards Piano Sonatas by Mozart Toros Can︱Anadolu University 8 Culture II Pullman Bangkok King Power, BETA II 2013/1/27 Sunday 13:00-14:30 Session Chair: Prof. Ahmet Bulent Alaner B323 Culture, Communication and Competence: Application of a Theoretical Model to Intercultural Interactions in a Service Industry Leonard Barnett︱Bangkok University Edward G.L. Carter︱Bangkok University B335 Shifting Moral Value in Balinese Adolescent Indri Oktavia Rospita︱University of Udayana Kinanti Larasati︱University of Udayana B405 Shifting Identities: Changes in Immigrant Subcultural identity as part of the process of Assimilation and Accommodation Roger Sherman︱Seton Hall University B369 The Place of Polyphonic Music within the Westernization Initiations of Ottoman Empire Ahmet Bulent Alaner︱Anadolu University School of Music And Drama B464 Academics Ethics of Philosophers in Slovakia Vasil Gluchman︱University of Presov B282 Reading Through Desires, Rituals, Silence and Protest of Women in Bhojpuri Folk Songs Vachaspati Dwivedi︱S.V.P.G. College 9 Economics Pullman Bangkok King Power, DELTA 2013/1/26 Saturday 10:30-12:00 Session Chair: Prof. Yihong Yu B117 Flexible Fourier Stationary Test of Unemployment for PIIGS Countries Cheng Shu-Ching︱Feng Chia University B240 Industrial Policy for Photovoltaic Industry in China Lihong Yu︱East China University of Science and Technology Yihong Yu︱Fudan University B244 The Strategic Implications of China-Nigeria Economic Relations Okolo Abutu Lawrence︱Xiamen University B281 Exchange Market Pressure: Empirical Evidence from Malaysia and Singapore Evan Lau︱Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Jenny Yong︱Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Venus Khim-Sen Liew︱Universiti Malaysia Sarawak B447 Analyzing the Spillover effect of Housing Prices Kyongwook. Choi︱University of Seoul Namwon. Hyung︱University of Seoul Hyungchol. Jeon︱University of Seoul Jegook. Kim︱University of Seoul 10 Education I Pullman Bangkok King Power, EPSILON 2013/1/26 Saturday 10:30-12:00 Session Chair: Dr. Anson Yang B160 Changing Time, Changing Space, and Changing Self: A Studying-Abroad Life Story Jin-shan Chen︱Chihlee Institute of Technology B170 Localization of Autonomous Learning in Confucian-heritage Culture Chin-mu Ko︱Chihlee Institute of Technology Jin-shan Chen︱Chihlee Institute of Technology B535 Learning mathematics in English? Why? Gregorry Bautista︱Binus International School Anson Yang︱King Ling College B081 Planned Happenstance Moderating the Indirect Effect of Occupational Engagement to Career Decision through Career Decision Self-Efficacy Sun Hwa Jung︱Korea University Boram Kim︱Korea Youth Counseling & Welfare Institute Sun Hee Jang︱Korea University Bo Hyun Lee︱Korea University Sang Min Lee︱Korea University B090 An Investigation on Suppressor Effect of Self-Focused Attention on Depression Eun Bi Chang︱Korea University Sung Yoon Park︱Korea University Sang Min Lee︱Korea University 11 B096 Role of Academic Control on Academic Burnout and Parental Academic Achievement Pressure: Using Latent Growth Model Keunhwa Kim︱Korea University Sang Min Lee︱Korea University 12 Education II Pullman Bangkok King Power, EPSILON 2013/1/26 Saturday 13:00-14:30 Session Chair: Prof. Bob G Barrett B104 Online Teaching Strategies for Dealing with Students with Learning Difficulties and Barriers Bob G Barrett︱American Public University B586 A Study on Workplace and Academic Dishonesty Behavior: An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior Chun-Hua Lin︱Taiwan Shoufu University I190 Post-secondary Pathways and Students with and without Special Education Needs in the Toronto District School Board Paul Anisef︱York University Robert S Brown︱Toronto DSB Karen Robson︱York University Gillian Parekh︱York University I271 Workforce Development in Thailand: Improving Capacity through Education Ratchaneekorn Larpvanichar︱Thammasat University Prang Opasniputh︱United Nations Economic and Social Commissionfor Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Masato Abe︱United Nations Economic and Social Commissionfor Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) 13 I282 A Study of Care Management Course Development Hsiang-Ping Wang︱Hungkuang University I192 International Schools and Programs Howard W. Combs︱San Jose State University Sak Onkvisit︱San Jose State University 14 Education III Pullman Bangkok King Power, DELTA 2013/1/26 Saturday 14:45-16:15 Session Chair: Ms. Yarong Jiang Ashley B191 Attitudes And Motivation Of Malaysian ESL Learners Towards The Use Of Slang In English Rowena Francis︱National University of Malaysia B192 Learner Independence Among ESL Learners In A Public University In Malaysia David Low︱National University of Malaysia B194 “Internationalization” and New Knowledge Hierachy in Post-Secondary Education in China Yarong Jiang Ashley︱University of Wyoming David Ashley︱University of Wyoming B221 Educational Strategies from the Islamic Perspective: A Comparative Study Masthurhah Ismail︱University of Technology Mara Perak Muhammad Sufi Mohd Yusoff︱Professional Mara College Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim︱University Technology of Mara Perak Nurul Khairiah Khalid︱University of Technology Mara Perak B365 Study Habits of computer major Students in learning Social Science Courses Von Jaryd R. Dinglasan︱Batangas State University 15 I247 The Study on Development Policies for Humanities and Social Science Young Teachers in Chinese Technological Universities Junhong Dong︱Northwestern Polytechnical University Tiantian Shi︱Northwestern Polytechnical University Can Yang︱Northwestern Polytechnical University I249 On Automated Essay Scoring In Chinese EFL Writing Evaluation Ximing Yuan︱Northwestern Polytechnical University 16 Education IV Pullman Bangkok King Power, DELTA 2013/1/27 Sunday 08:45-10:00 Session Chair: Dr. Farhad Shafiepour Motlagh B250 A Multi-Group Latent Growth Modeling on Burnout among Korean Middle School Students YouJin Jang︱Korea University Boyoung Kim︱Korea University Hyun Kyung Noh︱Korea University Sang Min Lee︱Korea University B287 To Cheat or Not to Cheat: Exploring Opinions on Classroom Cheating Behaviors of Senior Teacher Education Students in Cebu City, Philippines Marissa P. Generale︱University of Cebu Lapulapu and Mandaue Cebu City B333 Build a Function to Generate a Pictograph Message for Mail User Agent Akinori Toguchi︱Takushoku University Bo Gao︱Takushoku University Hitoshi Sasaki︱Takushoku University Kazunori Mizuno︱Takushoku University B361 The mediating effects of emotion regulation on the relationship between parental attachment and learning flow Seong Chan Lee︱Korea University Hye Jin Lee︱Korea University Min Young Lee︱Korea University Sang Min Lee︱Korea University 17 B416 Proposing a Model for Evaluation of the Factors Affecting the Development of Students Critical Thinking in Smart Schools Farhad Shafiepour Motlagh︱Department of Educational administration, Mahallat Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahallat, Iran Hossein Nazari︱Isfahan University B461 Education and Language Communication - Ethical and Human Approach in Globalized School Environment Marta Gluchmanova︱Technical university of Kosice 18 Education V Pullman Bangkok King Power, DELTA 2013/1/27 Sunday 14:45-16:15 Session Chair: Prof. Lucille D. Evangelista B478 Critical Thinking Among Trained Nurses in Diabetic Foot Care Management Ng Yoon Mooi︱Universiti Kuala Lumpur Royal College of Medicine Perak Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah︱Universiti Kuala Lumpur Royal College of Medicine Perak B488 Struggle and Survive: Difficulties Encountered by Students Undertaking Research Lucille D. Evangelista︱Batangas State University Maria Theresa A. Hernandez︱Batangas State University B517 Competency Level of Teachers in Inclusionary Setting in the Philippines Chico, Kristine Mae E.︱University of the Philippines Gomez, Marie Grace /University of the Philippines Kanapi, Maria Marguerita Nina V.︱University of the Philippines Lobramonte, Ivy Kenneth Joy R.︱University of the Philippines Lobrin, Ivy Illene G.︱University of the Philippines Santos, Ariel Dominique E.︱University of the Philippines B597 Gender Relation in Access to Education Sanju Nepali︱National Campaign for Education (NCE) Nepal B135 Field Work Practicum in Professional Social Work Education in India: Issues And Recommendations Rambabu Botcha︱Indira Gandhi National Open University 19 I229 Analysis on L2 Learners’ Fossilization in the View of Internal Lexicon Junhong Dong︱Northwestern Polytechnical University Tiantian Shi︱Northwestern Polytechnical University 20 Finance I Pullman Bangkok King Power, DELTA 2013/1/26 Saturday 08:45-10:00 Session Chair: Prof. Namryoung Lee B219 A Project Evaluation of Alternative Fire Insurance and Security Services with the Fire Loss Frequency Uncertainty Jen-Chieh Lee︱Takming University of Science and Technology and National Dong Hwa University Tyrone T. Lin︱National Dong Hwa University B107 An integrated Recurrent Neural Networks to Forecast Taiwan Stock Market Liang-Ying Wei︱Yuanpei University B116 Nonlinear Behavior of the US Stock Price-Dividend: Evidence from Threshold Unit Root Tests Tsung-Pao Wu︱Feng Chia University B407 World-Wide Corporate Taxes: How Much Do Rates Really Matter? Namryoung Lee︱Korea Aerospace University Charles Swenson︱Marshall School of Business B448 Accessing the Level of the Internal Control System (ICS) in a Higher Educational Institution in Malaysia Haslindar Ibrahim︱Universiti Sains Malaysia Hasnah Haron︱Universiti Sains Malaysia Norizan Baba Rahim︱Universiti Sains Malaysia 21 Finance II Pullman Bangkok King Power, DELTA 2013/1/27 Sunday 13:00-14:30 Session Chair: Dr. Farooq Salman ALani B134 Predictability and Efficiency of the Philippine Stock Exchange Index Jo-Hui Chen︱Chung Yuan Christian University John Francis T. Diaz︱Chung Yuan Christian University B485 Herding where retail investors dominate trading: the case of Saudi Arabia M. Arifur Rahman | Universiti Brunei Darussalam Shah Saeed Hassan Chowdhury | Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University M. Shibley Sadique| University of Rajshahi B487 Assess the Efficiency of Financial Analysis Tools Used in Islamic Banking Farooq Alani︱University of Brunei Darussalam 22 Law I Pullman Bangkok King Power, BETA II 2013/1/26 Saturday 13:00-14:30 Session Chair: Prof. Roni Rosenberg B380 Between Action and Omission in Criminal Law Roni Rosenberg︱Carmel Academic Center, Law School B397 Law, Religion and Gender: A Study of Women’s Rights in Mizoram Sawmveli Vytuchho︱Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Guwahati B417 The Right to Treatment: Wyatt v. Stickney 325 F. Supp. 781(M.D. Alabama 1971) Barbara Sherman︱New York Law School B278 Legal Status of Transgender in Asia and Comparative Study across the Globe Avnish Bhatt︱Hidayatullah National Law University Parth Chandra︱Hidayatullah National Law University Dipti Malviya︱Government State Law College ( Barkatullah University) B518 Industry Activities and Regulatory Responses in International Direct-to-Consumer Marketing of “Stem Cell” Products Douglas Sipp︱RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology 23 Law II Pullman Bangkok King Power, EPSILON 2013/1/27 Sunday 08:45-10:00 Session Chair: Prof. Henry N Pontell B455 Transgender/Third Sex under International Human Rights Law: an Evaluation with Special Reference to India Sanjeev Kumar Tiwari︱The University of Burdwan Jayanta Kumar Saha︱The University of Burdwan B599 Rights of Minorities under International Law with Specific Reference to “Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities” Abbas Hardani︱Multimedia University B600 Antidumping: A Public Interest Not So Much in the Public Interest Alessandro Romano︱LUISS Guido Carli Peachya Thammapitagkul︱Somnuk Sutee & Associates B603 Too Big to Fail, Too Powerful to Indict? On the Absence of Criminal Prosecutions after the 2008 Financial Meltdown Henry N Pontell︱University of California B453 Protection of Minorities under International Law Hasnain Alvi︱Hidayatullah National Law University 24 B557 Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention Anil Vishnoi︱National Law University Odisha Ritu Chatterjee︱National Law University Odisha 25 Management I Pullman Bangkok King Power, DELTA 2013/1/26 Saturday 13:00-14:30 Session Chair: Prof. Jagdeep Jassel B085 Integrated Framework: Creation of Causal Model of Ethical Organizational Climate, Lmx Quality, Career Commitment, and Turnover Intention Kijpokin Kasemsap︱Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University B086 Unified Framework: Developing a Causal Model of Transactional Leadership, Team Identity, Team Cooperation, and Team Innovation Kijpokin Kasemsap︱Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University B128 Believability and Consumer Perceptions of Scarcity Signals: Effects on Purchase Intentions Hsuan-Hsuan Ku︱Soochow University B265 Non-hospitable Policies in the Hospitality Industry: A Societal Analytical Study in Malaysian Hotels Jagdeep Jassel︱INTI International University Sandra Corlett︱Northumbria University Fiona Robson︱Northumbria University B329 Exploratory positive analysis about the measure intention to the Ecological Issue of Small and Medium-sized enterprises in Japan Masahiro Maruyama︱Meijigakuin University 26 B403 Mergers and Acquisitions in the Turkish Retail Sector Ibrahim Akgobek︱Selcuk University 27 Management II Pullman Bangkok King Power, EPSILON 2013/1/27 Sunday 10:30-12:00 Session Chair: Prof. Anna Maria Vasquez Rivera B367 An Inventory Model with Imperfect Quality and Capital Investment Policy Tien-Yu Lin︱Overseas Chinese University B432 Exploring the Factors Effecting the Intention to Reaccess Mobile Application Store by University Students in Bangkok, Thailand Chayanee Sukawat︱Assumption University B434 A Study on the Relationship among Customer Loyalty Program, Relationship Commitment and Customer Loyalty, a Case of A Hypermarket in Bangkok, Thailand Achaya Klavaech︱Assumption University B435 Factors Influencing Intention to Reuse Alipay E-Payment of Working People in Qingxiu District, Nanning, China Xuefeng Li︱Assumption University B436 Factors affecting Thais organic food purchase behavior in Bangkok, Thailand Sasanun Kittipakdee︱Assumption University B620 Impact of Cooperatives to the Lives of Its Members: Basis for Extension Project of BAT State U Anna Maria Vasquez Rivera︱Batangas State University 28 Management III Pullman Bangkok King Power, BETA I 2013/1/27 Sunday 14:45-16:15 Session Chair: Prof. Mozart B.C. Menezes B463 The Effect of Maternal Communication Patterns on Mother’s Attitude toward Advertising, Mother’s Mediation Behaviours Resi Permanasari︱UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur B546 A Feasibility Study for Hyacinth Creations Waterlily Wallpaper in Alangilan, Batangas City Teodorica G. Ani︱Batangas State University Kenji Ardyth G. Balitaan︱Batangas State University Joyce Charmaine A. Bucal︱Batangas State University Romelito A. Valencia︱Batangas State University B573 The Wisdom of Voters: Evaluating the Benevolent Dictators Objective at the Condorcet Solution when Locating Facilities. Mozart B.C. Menezes︱University of Calgary Zvi Drezner︱California State University B578 Relevance of IT in Information Management at University Library, Gondwana University, Gadchiroli in India: A Study S.M.Rokade︱Gondwana University 29 B618 Greenhouse Gas of Reverse Logistics for Disposed Consumer Electronics in Korea Hyunsoo Kim︱Kyonggi University Tae-Young Hur︱Bowoo System Heungsun Park︱Hankuk University of Foreign Studies B468 Organic Food Purchasing Behaviour of Concumers model Osman Karkacıer︱Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Selma Karabaş︱Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi 30 Estimates Using a WTP Politics I Pullman Bangkok King Power, EPSILON 2013/1/26 Saturday 14:45-16:15 Session Chair: Prof. Ephraim Kahana B076 The Contemporary Global Political System: Still Westphalian? James Edward Robert Unsworth︱Griffith University B088 Filipino Seafarers in Global Maritime Affairs: Issues and Interventions in Recent Philippine Diplomatic Relations Arvin Kim Ascano Arnilla︱Aklan State University B119 Human Rights and the Struggle against Terrorism in Israel –the Normative Debate Ephraim Kahana︱Western Galilee College Daphna Sharfman︱Western Galilee College B195 Thailand’s Foreign Policy under Abhisit Vejjajiva Jutamanee Samakkeenit︱University of New South Wales 31 Politics II Pullman Bangkok King Power, GAMMA 2013/1/26 Saturday 14:45-16:15 Session Chair: Prof. Azi Lev-On B353 Municipalities on Facebook: How Many Use it, and what Do They Do? Azi Lev-On︱Ariel University Center B145 Building the “Multilateralism through Bilateralism (MTB) Thesis”: Networked Governance of Foreign Investments in East Asia Chi-Wook Kim︱University of Ulsan B534 Political Assimilation through Cultural Diffusion: From Kakereg To Kashere Abubakar Sambo Mohammed︱Federal University, Kashere, Gombe State B635 Understanding the poverty of Orissa (India) in the context of Development deficit vs. Governance deficit Santosh Kumar Patra︱Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA) B615 The Identity Debate in the Shaping of New Turkish Foreign Policy toward Asia Baris Adibelli︱Dumlupinar University 32 Politics III Pullman Bangkok King Power, DELTA 2013/1/27 Sunday 10:30-12:00 Session Chair: Dr. Shivali Agarwal B568 The Plurinational-State of Bolivia: the State Refundation as a Mean of Emancipation and Resistance from the Original Nation’s against Globalization in XXI Century Enrique Catalán Salgado︱Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco B580 PBC- A Commission for hegemonic peacebuilding? Keorapetse Mmoloki Gabatlhaolwe︱Xiamen University I199 Christianity, Islam and Liberal Democracy: An Irreducible Incompatibility Kenneth Houston︱Webster University I261 A Brief Discussion about Contemporary Urban Design in China Ting-Shuo Huang︱National Cheng Kung University Yu-Cheng Wu︱National Cheng Kung University I288 Human Rights, Corruption and Good Governance in India Indu Sharma︱Ismail National (P.G) College I289 Good Governance in India: A reality Test Shivali Agarwal︱Ismail National PG College 33 Psychology I Pullman Bangkok King Power, EPSILON 2013/1/26 Saturday 08:45-10:15 Session Chair: Prof. Hasida Ben-Zur B099 Development and Revalidation of the Career-related Planned Happenstances Scale Soo Hyun Cho︱Korea University Bo Ram Kim︱Korea University Sang Min Lee︱Korea University B139 Personal Resources, Social and Temporal Comparisons, and Wellbeing Hasida Ben-Zur︱University of Haifa B150 Can Disaster Public Health Professionals Cooperate with Communities? – A Review of the Competency Literature Adam Lebowitz︱University of Tsukuba B165 Interobjectivity: Artifacts and the Mediation of Social Behaviour Gordon Sammut︱University of Malta B207 Shifters’ and Transferees’ Need for Achievement Motivation: Career Planning for students of Batangas State University Dianne B. Solis︱Batangas State University B215 Assessment Of Multicultural Competencies Of Counselor Practioners, Counselor Educators And Teacher Educators Myra Alday-Bersoto︱Batangas State University 34 Psychology II Pullman Bangkok King Power, BETA II 2013/1/27 Sunday 08:45-10:15 Session Chair: Prof. Cezar Giosan B234 Darwinian Psychoterapy for Depression Cezar Giosan︱Berkeley College B248 Quality of Life in Indigenous School Children at North of Chile Alejandra Caqueo-Urízar︱Universidad de Tarapacá Alfonso Urzúa︱Universidad Católica de Norte Jorge Escudero-Bello︱Universidad de Tarapacá B385 Big Five Personality and the Tendency of Corruption Rabiatul Aprianti Saifuddin︱Islamic University of Indonesia M. Fauzan Azima︱Islamic University of Indonesia B398 Constructing and Exporting the Trauma Model of Mental Health: A memory of Rwanda Glen Scot Hamilton︱Miyazaki International College B404 Adolescent Bullying and Cyber-Bullying: Psychological Effects and Protective Factors Tomas Cummings︱Mindful Matters Douglas Smith︱Southern Oregon University 35 Psychology III Pullman Bangkok King Power, GAMMA 2013/1/27 Sunday 08:45-10:15 Session Chair: Prof. Lucille Tobias Dote-Evangelista B443 Relational Dynamics and Friendship Stories of Young Adults Kannupriya Kamboj︱Tata Institute of Social Sciences Surabhika Maheshwari︱Delhi University B495 Smokers’ Demographic Profile and Depression Level Lucille Tobias Dote-Evangelista︱Batangas State University B504 Young Adults Choose Effortless Ways to Lose Weight Sreethi Sreekumaran Nair︱Abu Dhabi University B624 Interpersonal Forgiveness Intervention on Forgiveness and Emotional Regulation for Taiwanese College Students Weifen Lin︱National Hsinchu University of Education B066 Self-Efficacy of Crop Cultivators Debdulal Dutta Roy︱Indian Statistical Institute B602 Fostering Emotional Intelligence and Coping with Diabetes and Evaluation of Quality of Life Anubhuti Dubey︱D.D.U.Gorakhpur University Laxmi Bajpai︱B.B.D. University, Luknow 36 Society I Pullman Bangkok King Power, BETA II 2013/1/26 Saturday 10:30-12:00 Session Chair: Prof. Basem Essa Al Atom B120 Rural-Urban Differences in Life Satisfaction: Evidence from the EU Jens Fyhn Lykke Sørensen︱University of Southern Denmark B199 Young men’s course of action toward elderly in Jordan Basem Essa Al Atom︱Jordan University of Science and Technology B293 What Explains Mothers’ Leaving Their Job?: A Comparison of Full-Time and Part-Time Female Employees with Children in Korea Youngsoon Chung︱Ewha Womans University Erica Yoonkyung Auh︱Ewha Womans University Yujin Im︱Ewha Womans University Seonkyung Lee︱Ewha Womans University B294 Impact of Income Generating Projects on Family Income and Expenditure in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo Onesime Sadiki Byombuka︱Max Impact 37 Society II Pullman Bangkok King Power, EPSILON 2013/1/27 Sunday 13:00-14:30 Session Chair: Prof. Charles John Emond B345 Happiness and Regional Segmentation: Does space matter? Chun-Hung A. Lin︱Tamkang University Suchandra Lahiri︱Tamkang University Ching-Po Hsu︱National Central University I211 Social Change and Women’s Roles from Early Modern to Modern Times in Japan Rumi Matsuzaki︱Tohoku University I219 The Genealogy of the Tourist Gaze Part 1: Art History, Anthropology and Souvenirs David L Hume︱Burapha University I201 Hidden History: Homosexuality in Selected Societies Charles John Emond︱Webster University I263 Analysis on Bilingual Public Signs in the View of Audience Theory -- A Case Study of City Traffic Public signs in Xi’an Wenmin Li︱Shanxi University of Science & Technology 38 Society III Pullman Bangkok King Power, BETA II 2013/1/27 Sunday 14:45-16:15 Session Chair: Prof. Elizabeth Monk-Turner B476 Rehabilitation for Prisoners under Sentence of Death in a Human Rights Perspective: A Case Study of Bang Khwang Central Prison Sutawan Chanprasert︱Chulalongkorn University B583 Wellbeing Differences between Students in China, Thailand and the United States: A preliminary study Elizabeth Monk-Turner︱Old Dominion University Charlie Turner︱Old Dominion University Jiliang Ma︱China Agricultural University B584 Celebrity Sex Scandal: A case study of the Edison Chen – Cammie Tse incident Murphy Choy︱Singapore Management University B601 Marriage System of Madia Gond Tribe in Bhamragad ,Vidarbha Region, Maharashtra,India: A Sociological Study Vinayak Shriram Irpate︱Gondwana University B613 Family at Risk: Perception and coping strategy of family risks among lone mothers in Hong Kong Kam Wah Chan︱The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Ka Man Lo︱The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 39 Society IV Pullman Bangkok King Power, GAMMA 2013/1/27 Sunday 13:00-14:30 Session Chair: Prof. Lai-ching Leung B106 Institutional Capacity Analysis of Community Based Organizations for Basic Community Service Delivery in Nepal Keshav Kumar Acharya︱University of New England B500 Social integration and Social media Hangsub Choi︱Kookmin University B511 Children Witness to Violence: Will they Become Potential Domestic Violence Perpetrators in Later Life? Lai-ching Leung︱City University of Hong Kong B235 A Comparison between the significance of Number 7 in Persian Context and Number 9 in Chinese Context Ali Zamani Alavijeh︱Payame Noor University 40 Tourism Pullman Bangkok King Power, EPSILON 2013/1/27 Sunday 14:45-16:15 Session Chair: Prof. Kai-Chieh Hu I195 The Effects of Servicescape and Experiential Marketing on Consumer Loyalty for Taiwan Hot Spring Hotel Industry Kai-Chieh Hu︱Soochow University I221 Using Social Media Services for Tourism to Thailand Shu-Hsiang Chen︱Maejo University Sanggun Lee︱Paichai University Weerapon Thongma︱Maejo University Tzung-Cheng Huan︱National Chiayi University I287 The Relationships among Theatrical Components, Experiential Value, Relationship Quality, and Relationship Marketing Outcomes – A Case of Theme Park in Taiwan Chin-Fa Tsai︱National Maejo University Budi Guntoro︱National Gadjah Mada University Weerapon Thongma︱National Maejo University Tzung-Cheng Huan︱National Chiayi University Yu-ling Liao︱National Chiayi University I267 Risk Takers and Tourist’s Satisfaction of Local Transportation Yodmanee Tepanon︱Kasetsart University Wuttigrai Ngamsirijit︱National Institute of Development Administration I300 Tourism and University Branding in a Rural City through Technology Tzu-Ching Lin︱TransWorld University 41 Program - Poster Sessions Communication Pullman Bangkok King Power, 2F 2013/1/27 Sunday 10:00-12:00 B288 Comparison of Scientific Literacy among Media Journalists and University Students Ping-Hung Chen︱National Taiwan Normal University Culture Pullman Bangkok King Power, 2F 2013/1/27 Sunday 14:00-16:00 B138 The Movement of Indonesian Women in A Portrait of the Role of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)’ Women Nuriyati Samatan︱Gunadarma University B272 Tourism, Hmong Tribes and Poverty: Laotian Case Tian Shi︱Guilin Jinzhong Mountain Tourism Academy I213 Hotels Green Market Segmentation based on Tourists Preference for Green Hotel Attributes Chia Jung Chou︱Tajen University 42 Economics Pullman Bangkok King Power, 2F 2013/1/27 Sunday 10:00-12:00 B472 The Characteristics and Change of the Size Distribution of Chinese Cities Seong-Min Yoon︱Pusan National University Xiao Yun︱Pusan National University Finance Pullman Bangkok King Power, 2F 2013/1/26 Saturday 10:00-12:00 B158 Applying Real Options Model on M&As with Sustainability Operation Concept Tyrone T. Lin︱National Dong Hwa University Chuan-Chuan Ko︱Jinwen University of Science & Technology Chia-Chi Lee︱National Taipei College of Business Hsin-Yuan Chang︱Takming University of Science and Technology Yi-Shun Huang︱National Dong Hwa University 43 Education I Pullman Bangkok King Power, 2F 2013/1/26 Saturday 10:00-12:00 B241 The Relationships between Teachers’ Sense of Self-Efficacy, Job Satisfaction, and Teaching Motivation among College Professors in Taiwan Fan-Ni Hsia ︱Ming Chuan University B243 On Intercultural Communicative Competence in English Teaching of Modern Distance Education Liu Benying︱Dalian University of Technology Wang Ning︱Dalian University of Technology B310 Breakthrough the Experiment-Teaching’s Bottleneck of Administrative Management in Network Education Environment Dan Tian︱Dalian University of Technology He Lin︱Dalian University of Technology B315 Development of Korean Version of the Child Self-Report Form of the Behavioral Assessment System for Children -2 (BASC-2 SRP-C) Byung-Jun Yi︱Pusan National University Yun seo Jeong︱Pusan National University Mi-Gyeong Jeong︱Pusan National University B343 Recontextualization of the Narratives of Knowledge-Based Society and Lifelong Learning in Estonia Katrin Aava︱Tallinn University 44 B509 Counselling Training at University Shelley Wright︱Kanda University of International Studies B589 Thai vs. Korean Students’ Perceptions on Roles/Functions of School Psychologists Kamonwan Tangdhanakanond︱Chulalongkorn University DongHun Lee︱Pusan National University TaeYoung Lee︱Pusan National University 45 Education II Pullman Bangkok King Power, 2F 2013/1/27 Sunday 10:00-12:00 I260 Education for the 21st Century - the Singapore Context Marc Jonet︱Breyer State University I212 Group Investigation in College English Program at a Chinese University:A Case Study Hao Liu︱Xian Jiaotong University I255 Digital images scaffolding the construction of disciplinary concepts Natasa Lackovic︱University of Nottingham Charles Crook︱University of Nottingham I194 Islamic schools in Seljuks period Masoud Farshidnia︱Islamic Azad University Sosan Rahmanian︱Islamic Azad University Sina Farshidnia︱Islamic Azad University I179 The case of study of Khalaji language in Iran Marziyeh Davari︱Islamic Azad University 46 Law Pullman Bangkok King Power, 2F 2013/1/26 Saturday 10:00-12:00 B318 NPT’s Purpose: Nonproliferation or Exclusive Proliferation? Maziyar Shokrani ︱Xiamen University Management Pullman Bangkok King Power, 2F 2013/1/27 Sunday 14:00-16:00 B126 Bidding, Bargaining and Royalty in Public-Private-Partnerships Chao-Chung Kang︱Providence University Tsun-siou Lee︱National Taiwan University Ssu-Chi Huang︱National Taiwan University Psychology Pullman Bangkok King Power, 2F 2013/1/26 Saturday 10:00-12:00 B297 The Impact of Workplace Gossip on Employee Effectiveness: Insights from the Employment Relationship Perspective Chien-Chih Kuo︱National Chengchi University Chiu-Yi Lu︱Chung Yuan Christian University 47