Related Documents
Drawings and general provisions of the bid documents, including general and supplementary
conditions apply to this section.
Description of Work
The Sports Lighting section includes:
Galvanized steel pole and luminaire mounting cross-arm
Luminaire, with appropriate glare/spill light control
Pole Foundations
Control System
The purpose of this specification is to define the performance standards, product
values and features required, manufacturer's service responsibilities, and design
standards for Muckleshoot Skate Park.
A. It has been predetermined that these project specifications are the minimum
acceptable criteria for this project.
B. Manufacturers requesting approval shall provide submittal information as per Section
1.03 D. Submittal information must be received 10 days prior to bid opening, approved
manufacturers will be notified by addendum.
C. Submit each item in this article according to the conditions of the contract and
specification section. Any deviations to the specification requires the manufacturer to list
and describe in detail such deviations. Failure to provide this information shall be
grounds for immediate rejection.
D. Submittal information required:
1. Light scans as per Section 1.04 of the specification.
2. Detail foundation design as described in Section 2.01 of the specification.
3. Provide written information for the operating control system to include LCC
cabinet and manual switches.
4. Energy cost analysis detailing energy and maintenance cost over a 25 year
life cycle.
5. A list of 5 similar project references in the State of Washington using the
proposed equipment. The list shall include contact names and phone
Sports Lighting Performance
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The manufacturer shall supply lighting equipment and computer generated pointby-point analysis to meet the following:
The performance shall be+/- 10% of predicted mean in
accordance with IESNA RP-6-01 and measured within the first
100 hours of operation. Light Levels shall meet or exceed the
following for the entire 5000 hour lamp life.
Area of Lighting
Entire Field
Entire Skate Park
Uniformity Ratio: The footcandle level shall have a uniformity ratio
of maximum to minimum ratio of not greater than the following:
Area of Lighting
Entire Field
Entire Skate Park
The manufacturer guarantees field light intensity levels and
uniformity ratios at initial start-up and throughout rated life of the
lamp (5000 hrs). Light level readings shall be completed as
detailed in the point-by-point analysis specification.
1.05 Point by Point Analysis
Submitted computer models shall depict the Measurements of light shall be
demonstrated on a computer generated model which consists of a grid of a
specified number of points covering a stated area on an equally spaced grid. See
the below chart for the exact specifications of points, areas, and grid spacing for
each field.
Computer Models - Test Stations
Area of Lighting
# of Points
Size of Area to be Covered
Grid Spacing
Skate Park
Entire Skating Area
20’ x 20’
2. The lighting manufacturer shall be required to provide lighting calculations
based upon the criteria of one of the following options:
Option A
i. Lamps shall be rated for a nominal 134,000 lumens over the rated life
of the lamp;
ii. Light levels shall be a constant for 5000 hrs (rated lamp life);
iii. Light levels shall be guaranteed over a 25 year period.
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Option B
iv. Lamps shall be rated for a maximum of 155,000 initial lumens.
v. A Recoverable Light Loss Factor not greater than 0.70 shall be used.
vi. Light levels shall be guaranteed by the manufacturer.
vii. Luminaires shall be NEMA 3, 4 & 5; NEMA 2 is not permitted.
Lighting Structure
General Description
The lighting structure system shall consist of a steel pole and steel crossarm
assembly, wire harness, and aluminum electrical component enclosure (ECE).
The pole shall be supported by a pre-stressed concrete base section embedded
in concrete backfill or concrete foundation; or supported by an anchor bolt and
base plate assembly with a concrete foundation.
Pole Structural Steel
1. The wind loading on the pole and all attachments shall be based upon the
IBC 2009 building code and wind speed at the location of the project.
2. The pole manufacturer shall provide complete pole and foundation
calculations, prepared and sealed by a Structural Engineer, licensed in the
State of Washington.
Foundation Design
1. The foundation design shall be based upon recommendations contained in
the Geotechnical Report furnished by the Owner. If a Geotechnical Report is
not provided by the Owner, a preliminary foundation design shall be based on
soils that meet or exceed those of a Class 5 material as defined by the 1997
UBC Table 18-I-A.
It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to notify the owner of soil conditions
other than the design criteria. The owner shall then be responsible and
absorb the additional costs associated with:
a. Providing engineered foundation embedment design by a registered
engineer in the State of Washington for soils other than specified soil
a. Additional materials required to achieve alternate foundation.
Luminaire Assembly
1. The luminaires shall be separate from the ballasts and capacitors, ballast and
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capacitor to be mounted remote to the Luminaire in the ECE.
2. Each reflector shall arrive completely assembled c/w lamp and be ready to
attach to the cross-arm in such a way that its aiming position has been
determined relative to all other fixtures on the pole, so that in the factory all
luminaires on the assembly are oriented to form a single photometric unit.
3. The cross-arm mounting plate shall be attached to the cross-arm assembly at
the factory and be constructed in such a way that the pre-assembled
luminaire shall attach using 2 stainless steel threaded bolts.
3. Lamps shall be 1500 metal halide and shall meet ANSI designation M48PC1500 and be Philips MH1500MZ (Z lamp orientation) or an approved equal.
4. The reflector shall be cast aluminum and powder coated gray and shall be
complete with an external visor.
Control System
1. Factory assembled lighting control cabinet (LCC) – The LCC shall be
assembled and wired by a UL listed panel builder. The LCC shall contain,
Contactors, Monitoring and Control System and door mounted Manual off-onauto selector switches. The LCC shall arrive a the job site ready to attach to
an existing wall, switchgear, or a free standing enclosure.
Control Wire Terminations - The Control Wire Terminations shall
include UL listed terminal blocks mounted on a DIN rail and 250
volt, 16 amp, touch safe type fuse holders.
The ECE shall be constructed of aluminum and shall be powder
coated gray. The cabinet door shall utilize a lockable, 3 point
latching assembly that provides a NEMA 4 rated seal.
Contactor Modules – Contactors shall be UL listed for lighting
applications. They shall be rated at full capacity, be electrically
held, utilize a 120 volt coil and be rated for operation in a ambient
temperature range from -40 degrees C to +70 degrees C.
Manual off-on-auto Selector Switches – For on site manual
control, three position selector switches shall be factory mounted
to the ECE door. The switches shall be keyed and maintain
position, with make before break contacts. The switches shall be
factory wired to control terminal blocks.
Warranty – The LCC shall be covered under the standard
warranty for the accompanying lighting equipment.
Part III - Warranty and Accountability
1. 10-Year warranty including ten years parts, two years labor. Lamps are
warranted for two years, with the first year including lamps and labor, and
the second year lamps only.
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Life Cycle Savings
Energy Consumption: Based on a 5000 hour operating cycle, the average kWh
consumption for the entire field lighting system shall be 10 or less.
Inspection and Verification – The lighting manufacturer shall guarantee illumination
light levels within +/- 10% of the criteria in section 1.04. Field measurements shall be
done per IESNA RP-6-01 recommendations. Failure to achieve the required results will
require individual fixture re-aiming and re-measurements at the expense of the
Field Technician - Manufacturer shall have available a local factory trained technician
to provide project support including but not limited to: Lamp replacement, confirm
luminaire aiming points, troubleshoot, and educate customer maintenance personnel.
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