Schaevitz® T700-0101 Series DC-Operated, Characterised Single and Dual Axis Inclinometer Introduction The Sherborne Sensors’ T700 range of Solid State Inclinometers measure inclination proportional to sine of angle in one axis (T710) or two axes mutually at right angles (T720). The inclinometer utilises MEM technology and has mechanical stops giving excellent shock resistance. The unit is compensated for the effects of temperature on both sensitivity and zero. Additinally, the T710-0101 or T720-0101 versions incorporate a temperature sensor enabling each sensor to be indivually characterised over its operational temperature range. A data sheet containing the characteristic output equation is supplied with each sensor enabling errors due to zero offset, sensitivity error, linearity, thermal zero shift and thermal sensitivity shift to be minimised. By entering the equation coefficents into the host operating software, cost-effective high accuracy angle sensing may be achieved. FUNCTION 6.5 – 18 V Supply * Ground ** X-Axis output Y-Axis output Temperature output Self-test input * power supply input is reverse-polarity protected ** electrical ground is isolated from the case 3.00 Designed for operation from an unregulated DC power source, the T700 is packaged in a robust aluminium alloy housing with an integral shielded cable connection; the shield is connected to the sensor case. The cable may, as an option, be fitted with an electrical connector. WIRE COLOUR RED BLACK YELLOW WHITE GREEN BLUE Ø3.00 LOCATION HOLE NB T710 : X-Axis only T720 : X-Axis & Y-Axis 1 Ringway Centre, Edison Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6YH, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 870 444 0728 Fax: +44 (0) 870 444 0729 Email: Website: T700-0101 - Iss 4.doc Schaevitz® T700-0101 Series DC-Operated, Characterised Single and Dual Axis Inclinometer General Specification (before error correction) Full Scale Angular Range (each axis) Signal Output Full Scale Output Zero Offset Voltage Max deviation from sine function Cross Axis Sensitivity Cross Talk between Axis Band Width Rise Time Warm Up Time Power Supply Current Consumption Electrical Connection Weight Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Mechanical Shock Humidity/Immersion Insulation Resistance Housing Material Housing finish ± 30 ± 60 Analog voltage ±1.000 ± 0.025 ±2.000 ± 0.050 2.500 ± 0.050 < ± 0.5 < ± 3% None 10 <1 < 60 +6.5 to +18 5 Integral cable < 50 -20 to +60 -55 to +125 > 3500 IP55 > 100 Temperature Sensor AD592 Output 1 Degrees Volts Volts %FSO Full Scale Output Hz (-3db) Second Seconds Volts DC mA nom. 300mm Grams Degrees C Degrees C g (0.5mS, ½ sine) MΩ @ 25 volts dc Aluminium alloy Chromate conversion coating (Alochrome) µA/Degree K Additional Specification (after error correction) Accuracy X-Axis Accuracy Y-Axis <±1 <±1 Milliradian Milliradian Characteristic error correction equation supplied with each unit for each axis Angle (°) = K1F3 + K2F2 + K3F + K4 where: F K1 K2 K3 K4 Function of axis output voltage and temperature 3rd order output coefficient 2nd order output coefficient 1st order output coefficient Output constant = = = = = DESIGNATION & ORDERING CODE T7 F 0 - 0 1 0 1 - F F º Series Number 1 Single Axis 2 Dual Axis RANGE ± º 1 Ringway Centre, Edison Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6YH, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 870 444 0728 Fax: +44 (0) 870 444 0729 Email: Website: T700-0101 - Iss 4.doc