Application Form for Senior Construction Workers Registration

Senior Construction Workers Registration
Guidance Notes on Completing Working Experience Certification Form
Guidance Notes on Completing Working Experience Certification Form for Application for
Senior Construction Workers Registration
A. Categories and Requirements of Senior Workers Registration
Group 1
An applicant who has not yet possessed the required qualifications
for applying to register as a Registered Skilled Worker (Designated
Trade Division), i.e. Trade Test Certificate issued by the
Construction Industry Council (CIC) or the Vocational Training
Council (VTC), or other qualifications (e.g. other recognized
registration, certificates or licenses) as specified in Schedule 1 of
the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (the Ordinance),
but can prove possession of not less than 10 years of experience
before 1st April 2015, personally carrying out construction work of
the relevant trade division, at least 6 years of experience
possessed before 29th December 2005.
Group 2
An applicant who has not yet possessed the required qualifications
for applying to register as a Registered Skilled Worker (Designated
Trade Division), i.e. Trade Test Certificate issued by the CIC or the
VTC, or other qualifications as specified in Schedule 1 of the
Ordinance, but can prove possession of not less than 10 years of
experience before 1st April 2015, personally carrying out
construction work of the relevant trade division.
☆ If a qualification is listed in “Other qualifications or requirements” of Schedule 1 of the Ordinance
for a designated trade division, senior workers registration is not applicable to this trade.
Group 1 Senior Worker is eligible to apply for registration as a Registered Skilled Worker of the
relevant trade division. If applicant has been registered as Registered Skilled Worker (Provisional)
of the relevant trade, it will be regarded as an evidence of possession of 6 years of relevant
working experience before 29th December 2005.
Group 2 Senior Worker should pass an assessment in order to have the eligibility to apply for
registration as a Registered Skilled Worker of the relevant trade division. If applicant has been
registered as Registered Semi-skilled Worker (Provisional) of the relevant trade division, it will be
regarded as an evidence of possession of 2 years of relevant working experience.
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B. Application for Senior Workers Registration
Proof of Relevant Working Experience: An applicant applying for Senior Workers
Registration has to complete and submit a “Working Experience Certification Form for
Application for Senior Workers Registration)” (Form SWR1) to prove that he/she
possesses the required experience in personally carrying out the construction work of the
designated trade division.
Closing Date for Application: 30 September 2016
C. How to Complete “Working Experience Certification Form for Application for
Senior Construction Workers Registration”
1. The applicant is required to fill in “Part I : Details of construction work personally carried
out by the applicant relevant to the designated trade division”, and to his/her best
knowledge provide the details as required in Table 1. The applicant is also required to
sign the “Declaration of Applicant”.
2. The applicant may submit certification of his/her working experience of personally
carrying out construction work experience of the trade division as listed in Table 1 of Part
I by one of the following ways:
Certification by
trade union
The applicant is required to submit Form SWR1, Form
SWR2 (if applicable) and all relevant proofs of his/her
working experience to the trade union. Trade Union
should assess and verify the applicant’s working
experience according to the guidelines, standards and
established procedure given by the Construction Workers
Registration Board, and certify applicant’s working
experience in Part III : Certification of Membership /
Working Experience by Trade Union.
submission of
proof of working
experience to
the Registrar
The applicant is required to submit Form SWR1, Form
SWR2 (if applicable) and all relevant proofs of his/her
working experience to the Registrar for consideration of
his/her registration application.
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3. Limitation on the length of working experience to be certified by the following means:
by Employer*
(Fill in Part II)
by Trade
(Fill in Part III)
Group 1
No limitation#
Group 2
No limitation#
(Fill in Form SWR2
and make the
declaration in any
District Office of
Home Affairs
Department or in
the presence of a
Justice of the
Peace (JP) or a
(Registration of RSW(P)
/ RSS(P))
As a proof of not
more than 3 years
work experience
(including, but not
limited to the years
before 29th
December 2005)
Registration of RSW(P)
of the relevant trade will
be regarded as an
evidence of possession
of 6 years of relevant
working experience
before 29th December
As a proof of not
more than 3 years
work experience
Registration of RSS(P)
of the relevant trade will
be regarded as an
evidence of possession
of 2 years of relevant
working experience
(See Paragraph 4)
(All information or
documents as proof
of working
No limitation#
* If an applicant cannot acquire the certification for all or even part of the required working experience as listed in Table 1 of Part I
from his/her employer, he/she has to make declaration on such in Column (9) to (12) of Table 2 of Part II of the certification form.
# As a proof of relevant working experience before 1st April 2015.
4. Apart from obtaining certification on the required working experience from employer or
through statutory declaration, the applicant may provide all the details, as far as possible,
and all related proof or supporting documents such as (including the following examples
but not limited to) payroll record, staff permit, attendance record, injury record,
employment certificate, as proof of the construction work personally carried out by him
relevant to the designated trade division. In addition, the applicant can also submit
supplementary proof of his working experience given by a registered skilled worker of
other relevant trade division or by a worker who is eligible to apply for the registration as
a registered skilled worker of the designated trade division.
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Construction Industry Council
Application Form for Senior Construction Workers Registration
(1) Personal Information (Personal Information must meet with Applicant’s HKID card)
HKID card number:
Date of Birth:
Correspondence Address:
Home Tel.:
Contact Tel.:
Personal Information Collection Statement
The information you provide to the Construction Industry Council (the CIC), including any personal data as defined in the Personal Data
(Privacy) Ordinance (the Ordinance), will be used solely for purposes related to the activities of the CIC.
To keep you informed of CIC activities and industry developments which may be of interest, the CIC would like to use your personal data,
including your name, phone number and correspondence and email addresses, to update you in relation to training courses, trade testing,
registration, events and other aspects of its work and the construction industry.
You are free to decide whether you wish to receive such information. If you choose not to do so, please put a tick in the box below.
You are also entitled to request access to and correction of any errors in your personal data. If you wish to do so please write to the CIC at 15/F,
Allied Kajima Building, 138 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
I do not wish to receive any information from the CIC in relation to its activities or developments in the construction industry
(2) Categories and Requirements of Senior Worker Registration
Group 1
Group 2
An applicant who has not yet possessed the required qualifications for applying to register as a
Registered Skilled Worker (Designated Trade Division), i.e. Trade Test Certificate issued by the
Construction Industry Council (CIC) or the Vocational Training Council (VTC), or other
qualifications (e.g. other recognized registration, certificates or licenses) as specified in Schedule
1 of the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (the Ordinance), but can prove possession
of not less than 10 years of experience before 1st April 2015, personally carrying out construction
work of the relevant trade division, at least 6 years of experience possessed before 29th
December 2005.
An applicant who has not yet possessed the required qualifications for applying to register as a
Registered Skilled Worker (Designated Trade Division), i.e. Trade Test Certificate issued by the
CIC or the VTC, or other qualifications as specified in Schedule 1 of the Ordinance, but can prove
possession of not less than 10 years of experience before 1st April 2015, personally carrying out
construction work of the relevant trade division.
If a qualification is listed in “Other qualifications or requirements” of Schedule 1 of the Ordinance for a
designated trade division, senior workers registration is not applicable to this trade division.
Group 1 Senior Worker is eligible to apply for registration as a Registered Skilled Worker of the relevant
trade division. If applicant has been registered as Registered Skilled Worker (Provisional) of the relevant
trade division, it will be regarded as an evidence of possession of 6 years of relevant working experience
before 29th December 2005.
Group 2 Senior Worker should pass an assessment in order to have the eligibility to apply for registration
as a Registered Skilled Worker of the relevant trade division. If applicant has been registered as
Registered Semi-skilled Worker (Provisional) of the relevant trade division, it will be regarded as an
evidence of possession of 2 years of relevant working experience.
(3) Collection of Registration Card
By post to correspondence address (This service is not available for new application)
In person at Service Locations (Please refer to Page 12 for details)
Kowloon Bay
Tsing Yi
Sheung Wan
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Nam Cheong
Working Experience Certification Form for Application for
Senior Construction Workers Registration
Form SWR1
Before completing this application form, please read carefully the “Guidance Notes on Completing Working Experience Certification Form for
Application for Senior Construction Workers Registration” and the Declaration and Statement contained in this form.
The applicant is required, to his/her best effort, provide all details as required in this SWR1 form for the consideration of the Registrar
on his/her registration application.
If applicant has been registered as Registered Skilled Worker (Provisional) of the relevant trade division, it will be regarded as an evidence of
possession of 6 years of relevant experience before 29 December 2005/ Registered Semi-skilled Worker (Provisional) will be regarded as an
evidence of possession of 2 years of relevant experience. Applicant need not to provide working experience certification of that period again in
completing this form.
Please complete the form in English, except the Chinese name of the applicant.
Please use ball pen or pen, of either black or blue ink, to complete this form.
The applicant should first complete Part I and the other appropriate parts as indicated in Part C of “Guidance Notes on Completing Working
Experience Certification Form for Application for Senior Construction Workers Registration”.
All information given and certified by the parties concerned, either in the name of a person or an organization, in every part of this certification
form must be, to their best knowledge and belief, true and correct. If any false information is given or false statements are made on this
certification form knowingly, the application is deemed to be invalid and the person(s) concerned is liable to commit criminal offence under the
To:The Registrar of Construction Workers
Part I: Details of construction work personally carried out by the applicant relevant to the designated trade
division (To be completed by the applicant)
HKID Card No.
) have personally carried out
construction work relevant to the trade division which I am applying for:(Please tick in the appropriate box)
R Registered Group 1 Senior Worker which *has been/*has not been registered for Registered Skilled
Worker (Provisional) of the relevant trade division below.
Registered Group 2 Senior Worker which *has been/*has not been registered for Registered Semi-skilled
Worker (Provisional) of the relevant trade division below.
Trade Division Code
; Trade Division Name
Table 1
Name of Direct
Name of
Construction Site
(if known)
Name of
Main Contractor
(if known)
Scope of Work
1.*Please delete the inappropriate item where appropriate
2. If space provided above is insufficient, please continue to provide your details on a separate copy of Table 1 of Part I and attach it to this form.
Total length of working experience:
Declaration of Applicant
1. I have carefully read the “Guidance Notes on Completing Working Experience Certification
Form for Application for Senior Construction Workers Registration” and all information
contained in this certification form.
2. I declare that all information given by me on this certification form is, to my best knowledge and
belief, true and correct. I understand that giving false information or making false statement
on this certification form knowingly is an offence under the law and my application is deemed to
be invalid and registration will be disqualified.
3. I also authorize the registration office to acquire the required information from the concerned
issuing organization and verify the qualifications necessary for processing the application.
Applicant’s signature:
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Part II:Certification by Employer / Reasons for Failing to Obtain Employer’s Certification / Contact Details of Employer
(Please refer to Part C of “Guidance Notes on Completing Working Experience Certification Form for Application for Senior Construction Workers Registration”)
Applicant’s employer may certify the working experience by completing Column (1) to (4) of Table 2 with reference to the information provided by the applicant in Table 1. If the employer is not one of the
government/public organizations, their registered contractors or members of the trade associations listed in Table 3, the employer should seek the upper-layer company/contractor to certify their
contractual relationship by completing Column (5) to (8).
If employer is a member of trade associations stated in code 218-223 in Table 3, respective trade association is required to certify the information provided by the employer by chopping on Column (4).
Employers with the above requirement are ineligible to certify the contractual relationship for the lower-layer company/contractor.
The applicant should submit the employer’s certification for the working experience listed in Table 1 of Part I, other supporting documents or statutory declaration to the registration office. However, if the
applicant is certified as a member of an authorized trade union for a period of not less than 10 years for application as senior worker, it is not necessary to submit the direct employer’s certification.
(Applicant of Group 1 Senior Worker must be certified as a member of the trade union not less than 6 years as at 29 December 2005.)
If the applicant fails to obtain employer’s certification for the working experiences listed in Table 1, he/she is required to state the reasons of such and provide the contact details of his/her employer in
Item (9) to (12) of Table 2. The Registrar/trade union (if applicable) may contact the applicant’s employer and make any enquiry necessary for processing the application.
Table 2
This is to certify that the information given by
, HKID No.
Items in Table 1
Certification by Employer
Work Period
Name of Direct
Registration No.
yr mth yr mth
Tel. No. of
Employer /
(if applicable)
Telephone No.:
Name of
Signature of
Certifier &
Company Chop
(See Remark 2)
Signature &
Registration No.: Company Chop:
Telephone No.:
Signature &
Registration No.: Company Chop:
Telephone No.:
Signature &
Registration No.: Company Chop:
) in Part I of this form is correct.
Reasons for Failing to Obtain Employer’s Certification and Contact
Details of Employer
Reasons for failing
Name of
Name of
to obtain
phone no.
Being a government
certification from
its registered contractor/
member of trade
Certification on Contractual Relationship by Upper-layer Company/Contractor
Being a government
its registered contractor/
member of trade
Name of
 Yes;Code:
Membership Registration
 No;Please contact
the upper-layer to
complete Column
(5) to (8)
 Yes;Code:
Registration No.:
 No;Please contact
the upper-layer to
complete Column
(5) to (8)
 Yes;Code:
Registration No.:
 No;Please contact
the upper-layer to
complete Column
(5) to (8)
Tel. No. of
Registration No.
Name of
Signature of
Certifier &
Company Chop
(if applicable)
(See Remark 3)
Telephone No.: Name:
Signature &
Company Chop:
Signature &
Company Chop:
 Yes;
Membership Registration
 No
Telephone No.: Name:
 Yes;
Membership Registration
 No
Telephone No.: Name:
Signature &
Company Chop:
contact lost
unwilling to
record lost
business closed
contact lost
unwilling to
record lost
business closed
contact lost
 Yes;
unwilling to
Membership Registration
record lost
business closed
1. If space provided above is insufficient, please continue to provide the details on a separate copy of Table 2 of Part II and attach it to this form.
2. The signature of employer is deemed certifying the working experience of the applicant, it also consents the registration office to acquire the required information from the relevant organization and verify the information
provided by his/her employer/company.
3. The signature of upper-layer company/contractor is deemed certifying the contracting relationship, it also consents the registration office to acquire the required information from the relevant organization and verify the
information provided by its upper-layer company.
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Table 3: Government/public organizations and their registered contractors, construction-related
trade associations (Codes in tables below are to be used by employer & upper-level company/contractor
for completion of Table 2)
A. Government / Public Organizations and their registered contractors
Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation
Peak Tramways Company Limited
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
Hong Kong Housing Authority – Registered Works
Buildings Department – Registered Contractors*
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited
Security and Guarding Services Industry Authority –
Licensed Security Companies
Construction Industry Council – Registered
Subcontractors under “Subcontractor Registration
The Hong Kong Housing Society
Hong Kong Tramways Limited
The Hong Kong Electric Company, Limited
MTR Corporation Limited
Fire Services Department – Registered Fire Service
Installation Contractors
Development Bureau – Approved Contractors for
Public Works
Airport Authority
Government Works Group of Departments – Approved
Office of the Telecommunication Authority – Telecom
Electrical & Mechanical Department – Registers of
Electrical Contractors, Lift Contractors, Escalator
Contractors, Gas Contractors
*not include the Registered Minor Works Contractors
B. Construction-related Trade Associations
201 The Hong Kong Construction Association Limited
202 The Hong Kong Electrical & Mechanical Contractors’
Association Limited
Hong Kong General Building Contractors
Association Limited
The Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and
Mechanical Contractors Limited
Hong Kong Construction Sub-contractors
Hong Kong Electrical Contractors’ Association Limited
Hong Kong Plumbing and Sanitary Ware Trade
Association Limited
Association of Electrical Contractors
Hong Kong and Kowloon Scaffolders General
Merchants Association Limited
The Lift and Escalator Contractors Association (LECA)
Hong Kong Bar-Bending Contractors Association
The Hong Kong Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
Association Limited
Association of Plastering Sub-contractors Limited
The Association of Registered Fire Service Installation
Contractors of Hong Kong Limited (FSICA)
The Hong Kong Marble & Granite Merchants
Hong Kong Hydraulic Truck Cranes Association Limited
Hong Kong Façade Association
218# Contractor’s Authorised Signatory Association
219# Hong Kong Cargo Vessel Traders’ Association
220# Hong Kong Registered Ventilation Contractors
221# Registered Minor Works Contractor Signatory
222# Sign Association of Hong Kong
223# Minor Works Contractor Association Limited
# Information provided by certifier who is the membership of construction associations stated in code 218-223,
respective association confirmation by chopping on Column (4) in Table 2 is required.
[Remark : Please note that the list above is not exhaustive, any government / public organizations or
construction-related trade associations may apply to the Construction Workers Registration Board for admission in the
above list.]
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Part III: Certification of Membership / Assessment & Endorsement of Working Experience by Trade
Union (To be completed by trade union)
(Please refer to Part C of “Guidance Notes on Completing Working Experience Certification Form for Application for Senior
Construction Workers Registration”)
Certification of Membership (To be completed when applicant is being a member of the trade union)
1. We hereby certify that Mr./Ms.
member of
) from
(HKID Card No.
)) is a
(name of trade union (Remark 1)) (Membership
month to
2. The trade division of the applicant registered in our union is
(Trade Division Code
3. Applicant’s membership was invalid during (time period)
Assessment & Endorsement of Working Experience
We (Remark 1)
, in accordance with the guidelines, standards, and
established procedures for the application of Senior Workers Registration given by the Construction Workers
Registration Board, have assessed the information provided in form SWR1, SWR2 (if applicable), all attachments,
and other supplementary information submitted by the applicant, and endorse that the applicant has possessed the
working experience of
years in personally carried out construction work of the trade division
(Trade Division Code:
Trade Division Name:
) which he/she is applying for registration.
Name of certifier/endorser representing the trade union:
Telephone no. of trade union:
Contact phone no. of certifier/endorser:
Certifier’s/Endorser’s Declaration
I have carefully read the “Guidance Notes on Completing Working
Experience Certification Form for Application for Senior Construction
Workers Registration” and all information contained in this certification form.
I declare that all information given by me on this certification form are, to my
best knowledge and belief, true and correct. I understand that giving false
information or making false statement on this certification form knowingly is
an offence under the law and my application is deemed to be invalid and
registration will be disqualified.
I also authorize the registration office to make any request for acquiring
information from the concerned organizations and to verify the information
provided by the undersigned.
Signature & chop:
Remark 1:
The trade union giving certification should be on the list below. The list is not exhaustive. If any trade union
(must be a registered trade union of the Labour Department and relevant to the trade divisions open for Senior
Workers Registration) is willing to certify the membership of its members or assist to assess and endorse the
working experience of applicants, it may apply to the Construction Workers Registration Board for admission in
the list below.
Please insert  in the appropriate box.
Small Craft Workers Unions
China Light & Power Company Chinese Employees
Motor Transport Workers General Union
Welding Industry Employees Association
Construction Site Workers General Union
Hong Kong Metal and Electronics Industries
General Union
Hong Kong Coppersmiths, Blacksmiths and Air
Conditioning Workers Union
Hong Kong Moulding & Glass Engineering Works
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Hong Kong Metal Manufacturing Industry
Workers’ Union
Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees
General Union
*The Hong Kong Gas and Fuel Practitioners
Hong Kong Communication Industry Association
Hong Kong Shipbuilding, Machinery
Manufacturing, Electrical and Steel Industries
Employees General Union
Hong Kong Plumbing General Union
Hong Kong Landscape and Arboriculture
Professionals General Union
Hong Kong Decoration Trade & Building
Maintenance Employees Association
*Hong Kong Information Technology &
Network Engineering Employees Association
Hong Kong Tramway Workers Union
*Hong Kong Telecommunications Industry
Employees General Union
Hong Kong General Union of Lift and Escalator
Hong Kong Machinery Workers General Union
Hong Kong Electrical & Mechanical Engineering
Professional Employees Association
The Federation of Hong Kong Electrical &
Mechanical Industries Trade Unions
Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway Staff General
Hong Kong Railway Management
Professionals Union
Hong Kong Railway Employees Union
Hong Kong Railway Industry Union
Harbour Transportation Workers General Union
Fire and Security Engineering Employees
Concrete Industry Workers Union
Hong Kong and Kowloon Carpenters General
Hong Kong and Kowloon Painters General Union
H.K. & KLN. Ship Building & Repairing Trade
Workers Union
Hong Kong Electric Investments Limited
*Hong Kong & China Gas Co., Ltd. Chinese
Employees Association
Renovation and Decoration Industry Union
Other Authorized Trade Union (Please Specify): __________________________________________________
Trade union marker with (*) shown in the
list above are for membership certification
only. Trade unions without (*) will also
assist assessment of working experience
for Senior Workers Registration.
For official use only
Application No.:
Signature of verifying officer:
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Statutory Declaration (Oath)
Form SWR2
I (Name),
of (Residential Address)
solemnly and sincerely declare that :
I have personally carried out the following construction work of the designated trade division during
the following periods (a total of ________ months) (not exceeding 36 months) :
Name of
(if known)
Name of Construction
Site / Project
(if known)
Trade Name
Trade Code
(If space provided is insufficient, please continue to provide the details on a separate copy of this Form SWR2.)
Notes: Applicant may make the statutory declaration in any District Office of Home Affairs Department or in the presence
of a JP or a lawyer.
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Form SWR2
And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Oaths and
Declaration Ordinance.
Declared at
in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
day of
through the interpretation of
the said interpreter having been also first declared that he/she* had truly,
distinctly and audibly interpreted the contents of this document to the
declarant, and that he/she* would truly and faithfully interpret the
declaration about to be administered to him/her*.
(signature of declarant)
Before me,
Commissioner for Oaths
solemnly and sincerely declare that I well understand the English and
Chinese languages and that I have truly, distinctly and audibly interpreted
the contents of this document to the declarant
, and that I will truly and faithfully interpret the declaration
about to be administered to him/her*.
(signature of interpreter)
Declared at
in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
day of
Before me,
Commissioner for Oaths
Warning: The declarant should note that the making of any false statement knowingly is an offence
and he/she is subject to criminal liability.
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Application for Senior Construction Workers Registration
Please check and bring along the following documents for the Senior Workers
List of Application Forms and Documents
Forms / Documents
1. Working Experience Certification Form for
Application for Senior Construction
Workers Registration
Form SWR1
2. Statutory Declaration (Oath)
Form SWR2
(if applicable)
with remaining validity
3. The original and copy of a valid Green Card not less than 30 days at
the date of application
4. The original and copy of the documentary
proof of working experience
Submit an Application﹕
Please call 2873 1911 to make you appointment on the date, time and the Worker
Registration Service Points for submitting the application (appointment by fax or e-mail will
not be accepted).
Service Hours & Locations of Worker Registration:
G/F, CIC Kowloon Bay Training Centre, 44
Service Hours
Mon –Fri
Sat –Sun
Kowloon Tai Yip Street
(Exit A, MTR Kowloon Bay Station)
Tsing Yi
Shop 6, MTR Nam Cheong Station
(Opposite to the gates of Exit D within the
Room 2001, Alliance Building, 133 Connaught
Road Central
(Exit C, MTR Sheung Wan Station)
Shop 12, U2 Level, Airport Express,
MTR Tsing Yi Station (Unpaid Concourse)
9am - 5pm
Closed on public holidays
9am - 7pm
Closed on public holidays
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