745-9746 Register now at 10-week session: May 18-August 1 1st 5-week session: May 18-June 22 Tuition Resident Non-Resident Lower-Division (050 - 299) $174.00/credit hour $618.00/credit hour * Upper-Division (300 - 499) $210.00/credit hour $654.00/credit hour * 2nd 5-week session: June 25-August 1 Summer 2015 Dates & Deadlines 5/18—8/01 5/18—6/22 6/25—8/01 10-week 1st 5-week 2nd 5-week session session session Professional Development (500-599) Tuition costs vary View schedule and textbooks online Feb 2 * Non-resident students who restrict their registration to no more than four (4) credits each semester are charged resident tuition. Any credits registered beyond the four credit limit will cause all credits to be assessed at the non-resident tuition rate. UAOnline priority registration for degree-seeking students Feb 23 UAOnline open registration begins March 2 Last day to add to wait list May 17 Tuition does not include lab, material, or other fees. Fees Session begins May 18 May 18 June 25 Accuplacer Test Fee (placement): $15 Admission Application Fee: $40 Computer Lab/Classroom Fee: $25 per semester Distance Education Fee: $38 per course Lab, Material, and Other Fees: Varies by course Learning Center Fee: $5 per semester Network Charge: 3% of tuition for academic year 2014-15 NSF/Return Check Fee: $30 Student activity fee: Not charged during summer semester Technology Fee: $5 per credit ($5.00 per credit hour to a maximum of $60.00. Does not apply to distance delivered courses. Refundable only through the 100% refund period.) Faculty Approval Required (Approval to add required after first class meeting) May 19 May 19 June 26 Memorial Day Holiday No classes—Campus closed May 25 May 25 --- End of 100% refund period May 26 May 26 July 6 Add/drop deadline Last day to change to/from Audit and CR/NC May 26 May 26 July 6 All MSC fees are approved by the University of Alaska Board of Regents and are subject to change. For a complete list of fees, see the current MSC Catalog at Withdrawal period begins Financial Obligations If you register for classes, the University holds you financially responsible for that registration. Payment of tuition and fees is due by the published deadline. Failure to meet your financial obligation will result in interest, late fees, and/or collection costs added to your account. Past due accounts are referred to a collection agency and/or collected via garnishment of PFDs and debts are reported to a local credit bureau. Refund Policy To be eligible for a refund, you must complete the drop process by deadlines listed. Lack of attendance does not constitute dropping a class. Please allow 4-5 weeks for processing. Contact the college at 745-9739 if you have questions concerning your refund. If you have an outstanding balance, any refund will be applied towards your balance first. This includes the Tuition Management System (TMS) payment plan. Purchasing Textbooks A limited number of textbooks will be available for sale in the Campus Cache on a first come, first serve basis. Not all optional texts will be carried in the Campus Cache. All textbooks for Mat-Su College courses are available through MBS Direct (Missouri Book Service), an online book company. Log on to at time of registration to view a complete list of required and recommended textbooks for Mat-Su College courses along with instructions and information on ordering. For more information contact the MSC Campus Cache at 745-9739 option 1 or MBS Direct at 800-722-4867. Summer Admission deadline Open entry registration deadline May 26 May 27 May 27 July 7 --- June 1 --- Summer Break for 10-week Session No classes—Campus open June 23 & 24 Application for August Graduation due July 1 Campus Closed for Independence Day July 2 & 3 Directed/Independent Study Deadline July 6 --- Payment Deadline July 8 Late fee ($125) assessed July 9 Withdrawal deadline July 17 Late fee ($175) assessed June 12 --- July 17 July 29 Session ends Aug 1 June 22 Aug 1 Grades due Aug 5 June 25 Aug 5 Grades available online Aug 6 June 26 Aug 6 For summer classes with different start dates: • Add/Drop/Refund ends at 5:00 p.m. five business days after the first class day. • • For classes star ng prior to June 9, withdrawal deadline is 6/12/15. For classes star ng on or a er June 9, the withdrawal deadline is 7/17/15. For complete course descrip ons, prerequisites, restric ons and/or approvals please refer to or Summer 2015 Courses Start Date End Date 10-wk 1st 5-wk 05/18/15 05/18/15 08/01/15 06/22/15 2nd 5-wk 06/25/15 08/01/15 CRN SUB CRS # SEC Title CR Days Start End BLDG/RM Start End Instructor 51927 51802 51803 51847 51805 51810 51843 51812 51814 51816 51928 51929 51930 51931 51817 51818 ACCT ANTH ANTH ANTH ANTH ART ART ART ART ART BA BA BA BA BIOL BIOL A101 A101 A200 A202 A250 A160 A160 A215 A261 A262 A131 A151 A231 A242 A102 A103 P23 PX1 PX1 PX1 PX1 P23 PX1 P21 PX1 PX1 PN1 P21 P21 PX1 P21 P21 Principles of Financial Acct I *Intro to Anthropology *Na ves of Alaska *Cultural Anthropology *Rise of Civiliza on *Art Apprecia on *Art Apprecia on Beginning Printmaking *History of Western Art I *History of Western Art II Personal Finance *Introduc on to Business Fundamentals of Supervision Business Law II *Introductory Biology *Introductory Biology Lab 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 MTW WEB # WEB # WEB # WEB # TR WEB # TR WEB # WEB # W TR MW WEB # MW T 0115p 0400p 0430p 0815p 0300p 0645p 0530p 0900a 0700p 0830p 1100a 0900p 1000a 0900a 1200p 1200p FSM 105 DIST BLKBD DIST BLKBD DIST BLKBD DIST BLKBD FSM 202 DIST BLKBD FSM 212 DIST BLKBD DIST BLKBD FSM 204 FSM 105 FSM 105 DIST BLKBD SNOD 119 SNOD 106 06/25/15 06/25/15 05/18/15 06/25/15 05/18/15 06/25/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 Berberich D Ko J Day K Ko J Day K Laucius B Laucius B Barton J Desimini F Desimini F Noonan H Ammons D Cieslo M Wa s T Pavia-Jones K Dubey R 52080 BIOL A111 P21 *Human Anatomy & Phys 1 4 T 0500p 0900p SNOD 119 05/18/15 08/01/15 Reynolds-Rogers 52466 BIOL A111L P24 Human Anat & Phys I Lab 0 R 1200P 0400p SNOD 106 05/18/15 08/01/15 Reynolds-Rogers 52081 BIOL A111L P21 Human Anat & Phys I Lab 0 R 0500p 0900p SNOD 106 05/18/15 08/01/15 Reynolds-Rogers 51888 BIOL A112 P21 *Human Anatomy & Phys II 4 MW 0300p 0500p SNOD 118 05/18/15 08/01/15 Nevis K 51889 52083 52082 51890 51822 A112L A112L A113 A114 A055 P21 P24 P21 P21 P21 0 0 3 3 3 MW MW T MW TR 0505p 0705p 0500p 0300p 0100p 0700p 0900p 0900p 0500p 0300p SNOD 106 SNOD 106 SNOD 119 SNOD 118 SNOD 119 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL CHEM Human Anat & Phys II Lab Human Anat & Phys II Lab Lectures Human Anat/Physiol I Lectures Human Anat/Physiol II Contemporary Chemistry 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 Nevis K Nevis K Reynolds-Rogers Nevis K Dubey R Summer CISO Skill Center Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8:30A-5:30P, Wednesdays: 11:00A -8:00P Classes are offered as open-entry, individualized courses. Students select the mes that work best for them within the posted hours. 51755 CIOS 51756 CIOS A101 PS1 A101A PS1 Keyboarding Keyboard A: Basic Keyboarding 3 1 TWR TWR TBA TBA FSM 106 FSM 106 05/18/15 06/22/15 Hensel G 05/18/15 06/22/15 Hensel G 51757 51772 51773 51758 51759 51760 51761 51762 51776 51763 51764 51765 51779 51767 51768 51769 51786 51787 51788 51789 51790 51791 51792 51793 51795 51796 51770 51801 A101B A101C A102 A113 A115 A125A A130A A135A A135A A140A A146 A150A A154B A162A A164 A201A A207 A208 A230A A230A A235A A235A A240A A240A A254B A254B A262A A295 Keyboard B: Business Docs I Keyboard C: Business Docs II Keyboarding Skill Building Opera ng Sys: MS Windows 10-Key for Business Calc Electronic Comm I: MS Outlook Word Processing I: MS Word Spreadsheets I: MS Excel Spreadsheets I: MS Excel Databases I: MS Access Internet Concepts & Apps Presenta ons: MS PowerPoint Desktop Pub I: MS Publisher Shorthand Filing Document Processing Machine Transcrip on Medical Transcrip on Word Processing II: MS Word Word Processing II: MS Word Spreadsheets II: MS Excel Spreadsheets II: MS Excel Databases II: MS Access Databases II: MS Access Desktop Pub II: MS Publisher Desktop Pub II: MS Publisher Professional Development Office Internship 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 0 TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA WEB # TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA WEB # TBA WEB # TBA WEB # TBA WEB # WEB # TBA FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 DIST BLKBD FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 FSM 106 DIST BLKBD FSM 106 DIST BLKBD FSM 106 DIST BLKBD FSM 106 DIST BLKBD DIST WEB FSM 106 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS CIOS PS1 PS1 PS1 PS1 PS1 PS1 PS1 PS1 PY1 PS1 PS1 PS1 PS1 PS1 PS1 PS1 PS1 PS1 PS1 PY1 PS1 PY1 PS1 PY1 PS1 PY1 PY1 PS1 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G Hensel G CRN 51932 51916 51917 51918 51891 51848 51825 51827 51828 51830 51849 51850 51851 51831 52011 52012 52022 52013 SUB CIS COMM COMM COMM DN HIST HIST HIST HIST HIST HIST HIST HIST LSIC MATH MATH MATH MATH CRS # A110 A111 A241 A241 A203 A101 A101 A102 A131 A132 A225 A226 A341 A231 A054 A055 A055 A105 SEC P21 P22 P22 P24 P21 P22 PX1 P23 P22 PX1 PX1 PX1 P22 PX1 P21 P21 P24 P21 Title Computer Concepts in Business *Fund Oral Communica on *Public Speaking *Public Speaking Nutri on for Health Sciences *Western Civiliza on I *Western Civiliza on I *Western Civiliza on II *History of United States I *History of United States II Ancient History Medieval History *History of Alaska Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Prealgebra Elementary Algebra Elementary Algebra Intermediate Algebra CR 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Days M MTW MTW TR S TR WEB # TR MTW WEB # WEB # WEB # MTW WEB # TR MW MW TR Start 0100p 0900a 0100p 0100p 0100p 0900a End 0445p 1145a 0345p 0445p 0445p 1100a 0100p 0900a 0300p 1145a 0400p 0645p 0100p 0100p 0400p 1030a 0300p 0300p 0600p 1230p 52023 52014 52016 52017 52024 51832 51845 51834 51852 51836 51839 51842 51892 51893 51935 MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MUS MUS PHIL PHIL PHIL PHIL PHIL PHYS PHYS PMED A105 A105 A107 A108 A200 A121 A121 A101 A201 A211 A212 A231 A123 A123L A261 P23 P24 PX1 P21 P21 P22 P23 PX1 PX1 PX1 PX1 PX1 P22 P22 PM1 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 8 MWF MW 0900a 1030a 0800a 0800a 0800a 0900a 0900a 1130a 1230p 1000a 1000a 1000a 1245p 1245p 0800a 1100a 0900a 0900a 1045a 0145p 0500p 0200p 51936 51937 51920 51921 PMED PMED PSY PSY A262 A295 A111 A150 PM1 PM1 PX1 P21 Intermediate Algebra Intermediate Algebra *College Algebra *Trigonometry *Calculus I *Music Apprecia on *Music Apprecia on *Intro to Logic *Intro to Philosophy *History of Philosophy I *History of Philosophy II Truth, Beauty, and Goodness *Basic Physics I *Basic Physics I Laboratory Paramedicine III AND Clinical Rota on III Paramedic Internship *General Psychology *Lifespan Development WEB # T 0100p 0445p 52295 52037 52019 52025 51846 51934 PSY SOC STAT STAT THR THR A168 A101 A252 A252 A121 A141 P21 PX1 PX1 PX2 P22 P21 51895 VETT A295 Human Sexuality *Introduc on to Sociology *Elementary Sta s cs *Elementary Sta s cs Introduc on to Ac ng Stagecra I AND P21 Veterinary Assistant Prac cum 4 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 M & WEB# MW TR TR TR WEB # WEB # WEB # WEB # WEB # MWF MWF MTW S TR 1000a WEB # T & WEB# 0300p W 1030a M 0900a MW 1000a W 0100p T 0700p 1200p 0500p 1230p 0130p 1200p 0345p 0945p BLDG/RM FSM 104 FSM 204 FSM 204 SNOD 103 SNOD 119 FSM 103 DIST BLKBD FSM 103 FSM 107 DIST BLKBD DIST BLKBD DIST BLKBD FSM 103 DIST BLKBD SNOD 117 SNOD 119 SNOD 117 SNOD 117 Start 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 06/25/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 End 08/01/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 06/22/15 08/01/15 06/22/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 06/22/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 06/22/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 Instructor Banks H Bloomstrom K Bloomstrom K Praetorius P Medalla P Lockwood A Wiltsey T Lockwood A Hirschmann E Wiltsey T Wollert E Wollert E Hirschmann E Johnson C Williams R Pavia-Jones K Weber J Williams R FSM 105 SNOD 117 DIST COLL SNOD 117 SNOD 117 FSM 207 FSM 207 DIST BLKBD DIST BLKBD DIST BLKBD DIST BLKBD DIST BLKBD SNOD 103 SNOD 108 SNOD 145 SNOD 145 ARRANGED ARRANGED DIST BLKBD FSM 206 06/25/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 06/25/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/11/15 06/27/15 05/18/15 07/02/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 06/22/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 06/26/15 06/26/15 06/29/15 06/27/15 07/01/15 08/08/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 Grabarek L Allen H Graham R Allen H Allen H Esary C Stamoolis N Deery III H Allhoff III F Allhoff III F Johnson C Johnson C Gooch C Gooch C Roberts K Roberts K Roberts K Roberts K Burgess R Welton S FSM 206 DIST BLKBD DIST COLL DIST COLL FSM 207 TBA TBA SNOD 120 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 05/18/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 06/22/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 Robinson H Willis M Graham R Graham R Olson A Sale M Sale M Corneliussen T * General Educa on Requirement (GER) Refer to the “Registra on Guide” available on our web site for full registra on policies and forms • senior ci zen tui on waivers • secondary (high school) student enrollment • course me conflicts # Web-Based Courses (DIST BLKBD) Web-based courses require computer skills and have computer equipment requirements. Check h p:// on for system requirements, student resources and the Distance Educa on (DE) Student Guide. DIST COLL: Online/Web Delivered plus Web Mee ng Class Days: M-Monday T-Tuesday W-Wednesday, R-Thursday F-Friday S-Saturday Note: Schedule is subject to change. UAA/MSC is an EEO/AA employer and educa onal ins tu on. Simple registration! Visit us online at Workshop Tuesday-Friday June 2-5 Contemporary Landscape and Figura ve Realism in Oil Pain ng Professional Development Credit available. See Free Presenta on Thursday June 4 Free and Open to the Public — 7:00 pm Join Dean Larson as he speaks about his process of crea ng exquisite works of art in the mehonored classical atelier tradi on. Saturday 1-Day Workshop Oil Pain ng: Cityscapes Ar sts and students of all experience levels are invited to a end a one day workshop exploring both landscape/cityscape techniques. Wednesday, June 3, 2:00 PM–5:00 PM and Saturday, June 6, 7:30, Op onal performance For more informa on contact Felicia Desimini at or 907-745-9755