Making Waves - Issue 54 (February 2010)

news from the International Marine Contractors Association
issue 54 – February 2010
Praise for the Heave Compensation Workshop
“Excellent!” “Glad we came!” “Very interesting stuff here!” Just some of the positive comments resulting from the
IMCA workshop held at the Radisson Blu Airport Hotel at Schiphol, Amsterdam on 16 February 2010
This workshop arose from
discussions in the sub-group of the
IMCA Crane and Winch
Operations workgroup tasked with
the development of guidance on
crane integrity management, where
a number of issues associated with
heave compensation were
identified. Initially it was proposed
that a manufacturer of heave
compensation equipment could
come and meet with this small subgroup, but it was thought that it
should meet with a wider audience,
with at least the main CWO
workgroup benefiting. This was
when we advertised it to all the
technical committees. The reaction
from the membership, many quickly
registering for attendance,
confirmed the importance of this
subject. Speakers at the event
were from two manufacturers of
heave compensation equipment and
a contractor, with a workshop
session in the afternoon.
The seminar was chaired by Caspar
Berends of Heerema Marine
Contractors, who is also chairman
of both the CWO and the Crane
Integrity Management sub-group.
The audience of over 100 people
was clearly impressed by the
speakers, who first showed how
design and manufacturing of the
systems has evolved so far. The
presentations then focused on the
practical aspects of the use of
heave compensation, identifying the
effort and intensive research done
by both manufacturers and
contractors on the use of heave
compensation in subsea activities.
Both the benefits and operational
issues arising from the use of heave
compensated operations were well
described and it was clear that
great care was being taken by
contractors regarding the use of
heave compensation equipment.
One contractor specifically
discussed the lengths it was going
to in establishing pragmatic, safe
control parameters in its offshore
During the workshop discussion
session better training of crane
operators was strongly advocated.
It was considered unrealistic to
place all responsibility on crane
operators in the use of heave
compensation, especially in the
absence of common training
guidelines for operating such
systems. Although the systems in
use are currently all based on
similar operational principles, the
individual controls varied enough
to require specific training in their
operation, particularly when the
systems were not in frequent use.
A strong similarity was drawn with
the dynamic positioning industry in
its earlier days, before
manufacturers got together with
contractors to develop training
requirements and study how
control systems could be
simplified and commonly
understood. This is something
that IMCA could assist with for
heave compensation issues. It was
agreed that training should be
simply demonstrated and quick to
understand. A very effective
demonstration of resonance in a
crane wire rope, showed how a
basic instruction could save hours
of classroom time.
The specification requirements for
designing a system were also
alluded to and it was agreed that
further guidance might be
appropriate. At least one
manufacturer offered to send its
specification request procedure to
the sub-group. The audience was
also invited to send details of
operational procedures and
manufacturer’s guidance, to help
IMCA develop a common approach
to both operational and training
The event was certainly a success
and it is hoped that the audience
and the industry generally will
work with IMCA to produce
pragmatic operational guidance in
the use of heave compensation
systems in the great diversity of its
The presentations given at the
event will be distributed to the
attendees in the near future.
Also in this issue:
Common Marine Inspection
Latest update and information about
the CMID, database and e-CMID web
Get the full story on page 4
Certification scheme
IMCA has moved
The number of applications for Air and
Bell Diving Supervisor and Life Support
Technician examinations continues to
The IMCA secretariat has moved
across the road to new London offices.
Please update your address books as
Find out more on page 11
Full details on page 3
International Marine Contractors Association
The IMCA Newsletter
News from around IMCA
issue 54 – February 2010
IMO Update
In this issue:
News from around IMCA 2
From the President
Core activity news
Regional news
IMCA Directory
Secretariat staff
and committees
Current members
You may have missed ...
recent documentation 10
Divisional news
Offshore Survey
Remote Systems & ROV 14
on Alan Allred
Forthcoming events
IMCA continues to attend IMO meetings on a range of topics,
and to monitor any IMO developments which may impact on
IMCA members. Current issues include:
u STCW review – see page 12
u Special Purpose Ships (SPS) Code – the IMCA submission
on the SPS Code and offshore construction support vessels
will be considered at the next meeting of the IMO subcommittee on ship design and equipment (DE) at the end of
February. It is hoped the IMCA paper will help IMO resolve
possible inconsistencies in the 2008 SPS Code and consider
providing some guidance on the importance of a risk based
approach to the classification of unusual vessel designs, such
as offshore construction support vessels.
u Environmental issues – IMCA continues to follow work
underway in different IMO committees to address various
environmental issues, including the development of market
based instruments to reduce shipping’s atmospheric
emissions and the production of international best practices
for minimising the effects of bio fouling.
u Enclosed spaces – IMCA has been providing input to a
correspondence group looking at the IMO
recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships,
to pass on any ‘lessons learnt’ from the offshore industry.
For more details on IMO issues, please contact
Investing in the downturn
Making Waves – the newsletter of the
International Marine Contractors
Association – is published quarterly to
promote knowledge of safety and
technical matters affecting the offshore,
marine and underwater engineering
Succinct, positive contributions of
potential interest to a wide cross-section
of members are welcome.
The views expressed on these pages are
those of the respective authors and do
not necessarily reflect the policies or
positions of IMCA itself.
Artwork: Andy Butler
Despite the current economic
crisis and tough market
conditions, Norway is making a
significant effort to secure
industry growth and technology
development. The Norwegian
government is funding new and
existing businesses to continue
to develop new technology.
secure enough future MSc and
PhD candidates to bolster
Norwegian R&D.
Statoil is also pushing the service
providers and discipline
specialists to take new
technology forward and has
launched a project with ‘Teach
First Norway’ –
eachFirstNorway.aspx – to
cultivate interest among students
to obtain the right competence
to get into the energy industries.
One of the objectives is to
At the IMCA annual seminar in
Rio de Janeiro we heard how
Petrobras was investing at the
bottom of the market and this
subject was discussed at the
North America section joint
meeting with Deloitte about
‘human capital’. The Norwegian
and Brazilian moves are to be
applauded and we hope they will
encourage others to follow suit
so that our industry comes out
of the ‘crunch’ ready for the
inevitable upturn in demand.
Two major shipping companies,
Frontline and Golden Ocean, are
flagging parts of their tanker
fleets back to Norway to support
the initiative.
Get involved
In this edition of Making Waves
you can find a variety of ways in
which you can get the most
from your IMCA membership.
Here are a few pointers:
Help to get the competence
message across
see page 5
Register for the ROV
seminar on umbilical and
handling systems running
Toolbox talk DVD
Toolbox talks are an
important tool in the
offshore workplace leading
to increased awareness of
hazards present and the
precautions needed to
eliminate or control them.
Just a few minutes spent
discussing a task, no matter
how small, in a structured
and disciplined manner
during a short toolbox talk
can bring huge benefits,
from avoidance of
accidents, injuries,
breakages, disruptions,
downtime and delays to
improving working
methods or perhaps using
equipment more effectively.
IMCA is currently finalising
a short DVD on this issue.
The video covers when
toolbox talks should take
place, who should lead
them, who should attend,
what should be discussed,
what the outcomes are and
how should the toolbox
talk be recorded or logged.
The DVD will be made
available in PAL and NTSC
formats and will be in a
number of languages to
enable wide use with the
offshore workforce.
alongside Oceanology 10
see page 14
Attend an upcoming social
event or suggest a topic for
the annual seminar
see the back page
issue 54 – February 2010 | makingwaves | 3
Global Industries becomes IMCA’s ninth ICO
At the autumn OMC meeting we were delighted to welcome Global
Industries as IMCA’s ninth ICO member – joining Acergy, Allseas,
Heerema Marine Contractors, Helix ESG, J Ray McDermott, Saipem,
Subsea 7 and Technip. Global Industries has gradually expanded its
membership to cover all of their business areas in each relevant region
and now has stepped up as an ICO to take part in all of IMCA's work
around the world. OMC and Council expressed their pleasure at this
move and look forward to their further assistance in determining
IMCA's work programme and management plus the future direction of
the Association.
Office move
In mid December 2009, the secretariat moved into smart new offices
on the eighth floor of 52 Grosvenor Gardens, just a stone’s throw
from our old offices in London’s Victoria. With almost double the floor
area, the light and airy office has a pleasant view and comfortable feel
for our 17 staff. The floor had been refurbished before we took it on,
so we were able to fit it out to our own requirements before we
moved in. We had a lease for five years in the old office and the
landlord wanted to redevelop, so – for once – the credit crunch
worked in our favour as we got good terms on the new lease. This
provides room to continue to expand and still allows members to use
the boardroom for their own meetings if they wish to meet clients in
London. Please call us if you wish to book using our standard
telephone number as we were able to bring that with us too.
Adam leaves IMCA
Adam Hugo left IMCA at the end of January.
Adam joined the Association 11 years ago on
a temporary staff basis but was soon
employed by IMCA and fully involved in our
support services, especially the structure of
everything that we publish. He was Support
Services Manager for nearly seven years,
during which time the support staff team
grew from two to nine. We are very grateful for his input on IMCA
publications, logo and IMCA ‘branding’, our document and computer
systems layout, and the creation of our websites – to identify just a few
achievements – and we wish him every success in the future.
A call for media
DVDs are a popular way of disseminating guidance but footage is
expensive and time consuming to obtain. Member companies often
have video for their promotional material and sometimes they make
this available to IMCA for use in publications. If you know of any
video footage or high quality photographs that could relate to any
existing or future IMCA guidance, we would be very grateful to
receive it. We could potentially create a library that will save
considerable production time.
For further details please contact
From the
Johan Rasmussen, Acergy
IMCA President 2010
The economic recession is still impacting
many parts of members’ work.
Last year we discussed this at various IMCA events: the
annual seminar learnt that Petrobras had decided
positively to invest at this time because it was the right
time for it, its supply chain and the Brazilian economy;
our Europe & Africa section meeting in September
discussed ‘the role of a trade association in challenging
times’; and our North America section joined with
consultants Deloitte to host a forum on ‘Our Journey to
Recovery: The Human Capital Challenge’ in November,
which discussed the actions of oil majors and contractors
during this strained period and the likely difficulties ahead
when the industry recovers. In each case IMCA played
its role as a facilitator for dialogue which we hope is
beneficial for all parties.
The Association has not been immune to the effects of
the recession – a few members have resigned and/or
disappeared – yet the overall membership picture is rosy.
Against this economic challenge membership rose by
about 18%. We are not out of the woods yet but
interest in IMCA carries on at a positive pace and we are
grateful to members in all corners of the world who
continue to promote IMCA membership. IMCA itself
will continue to develop its ability to serve its members
and to promote their interests.
Companies often make the most of recessions in helping
them to make tough decisions and in some cases change
structurally. Words such as downsizing, re-allocation and
natural wastage can be used cynically to hide simple layups and lay-offs, but these actions can also create a
better structure to arise like the Phoenix from the ashes.
Our industry is so diverse and long-term that some parts
may still be on the decline when others are already
seeing the green shoots of recovery. However, a healthy
industry would be busy and profitable in all sectors, so
we applaud those that continue to invest in new projects
in the downturn and encourage others to follow suit.
At the same time as the industry restructures for the
future, IMCA is also doing this itself. This year will see
the separated North and (new) Central & South America
sections settling in, the Association growing into its new
office and some new staff in the secretariat. The
Association wants to be ready for the upturn too.
4 | makingwaves | issue 54 – February 2010
News from IMCA’s core activities
CMID inspector competence
In March 2009 the new
version of the IMCA Common
Marine Inspection Document
(CMID) was issued. This was
followed in November by the
launch of the database for
completed reports and the eCMID to assist inspectors in
completing them. These arose
from work carried out during
the revision of the previous
version and one of the
significant changes is the
clarification of the inspector
competence, which was
recognised as a key part in
delivering consistently good
CMID reports.
The areas addressed are
qualifications, experience and
verification of competence.
Under qualifications the
intention was to recognise
that, although the majority of
inspectors come from a
marine background – Master,
Chief Officer, Chief Engineer
or Second Engineer – some
persons from other disciplines
have become competent
inspectors. This has been
captured within the document
by the phrase “or other
appropriate qualification for
vessel type”. Recognition of
The required experience is
addressed through a series of
accompanied inspections, a
new inspector moving from
work understudying an
experienced inspector to
being shadowed, before finally
being considered competent
to carry out CMID inspections
on his or her own. The need
for feedback and guidance on
further development upon
completion of accompanied
inspections is identified and
the need to complete a
number of inspections within a
year to ensure maintenance of
competence is also addressed.
Under verification, the
guidance proposes that
inspection companies should
establish a competence
assurance scheme based upon
the above. An important
feature of this would be
feedback on inspections from
clients and vessel operators,
providing a document which
the client or vessel operator
could review in advance of
commissioning an inspection.
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Security Task Force
the benefit of holding an
inspection/audit qualification
has also been included.
assist in this area a
framework for CMID
inspector competence has
been developed which will be
incorporated within IMCA
C 001 – Competence assurance
and assessment – in due
course. Inspecting companies
can use this to construct and
develop their own
competence scheme, tailored
to meet their own needs. For
example, the CMID
inspections may form only a
part of a company’s inspection
and audit work and a part of
the system they operate. They
could include it within a
progressive hierarchy of
inspection and audit
IMCA will continue to review
and develop all aspects of the
CMID to ensure that it
remains effective and efficient
in meeting the needs of our
members and their clients and
would welcome any feedback
to assist in this.
Security work includes a DVD
version of IMCA SEL 014 –
Guidance on travel security – in its
final stages of production, and a
DVD on gangway security is being
developed. This second DVD will
be aimed particularly at the
employment of third party
security personnel and is intended
to rely strongly on its visual
impact as a teaching aid, requiring
little translation when producing
other language versions at a later
Involvement with the newly
formed OGP Security Committee
is also proving to be of interest,
opening possibilities of joint
consultation on similar issues of
For more details contact
Safety statistics
IMCA is once again seeking input
from contractor (ICO/Co)
members on their safety statistics
for last year. In the previous two
years record numbers have
contributed to this important
exercise and we hope that this will
continue. As this issue goes to
press, 62 contractors have already
submitted information on their
safety statistics. Submissions are
requested as soon as possible so
that the full analysis can be carried
out and the report published.
Submissions are confidential, with
only anonymised figures, totals and
trends published.
For more details contact
issue 54 – February 2010 | makingwaves | 5
Improving safety together
IMCA safety flashes disseminate important information on
incidents and potential hazards and the lessons learnt
from them that can help prevent incidents occurring
elsewhere in the industry.
In addition to circulating the initial reports, information received
from members on incidents is crucial in helping to formulate the
various committee work programmes. A number of workshops,
briefing notes and guidance documents have followed on directly
from issues first raised in these safety flashes.
All members are strongly encouraged to pass on information on
incidents and the lessons learnt from them, in order to assist in
raising the standards of safe and efficient operations world-wide
throughout the industry. Anyone wishing to contribute to these
flashes can submit the relevant details to All information is anonymised as needed and checked
with contributors before issue.
Whilst the secretariat will always carefully format and check the
material sent in for safety flashes, members can assist in this
process by following a number of pointers:
u The title should be concise and focus the reader’s mind on
the issue
u The content should be succinct and specific – What
happened? Where? Why? How? What do we do to avoid
it happening again?
u Ideally there should be photographs or illustrations
u The focus should be on the lessons learnt and on how to
prevent a recurrence, rather than on the incident itself.
The successful safety flash will provide sufficient detail to
effectively communicate risks, precautions and necessary
actions, without releasing detailed information about the
persons or organisations involved.
Getting the message across
The C&T committee is organising
a workshop on implementing
competence schemes to be held
at the Aberdeen Exhibition and
Conference Centre on
Wednesday 24 March.
Aimed at contractors, their
Competence and Training
representatives and their
offshore personnel, the workshop
will be a mixture of short
presentations and round table
discussion sessions. The topics
to be covered during the
workshop will include the
importance of competence both
from a client and regulatory view
point, the offshore perspective of
competence in the workforce,
transferability of competences
and assessment, verification and
administration. The discussion
sessions will look at a number of
these issues and in particular
encouraging competence
offshore – how to get the
message across!
The programme for the event is
currently being finalised and will
be distributed shortly.
Safety Seminar 2010
Not long after the newsletter
goes to press, the 2010 IMCA
safety seminar – Safety is our
common language – will take
place on 24-25 February 2010 at
the Marriott Hotel in Singapore.
There will be a varied and
interesting programme featuring
presentations from leading
contractors, client
representatives and other
specialists. The presentations
will cover issues such as
contractors and clients working
together for safety, specific
aspects of safety in the offshore
environment, health, learning
from incidents and various client
and contractor safety initiatives.
There will also be table-based
discussion sessions with plenary
feedback. These have proved
highly successful at previous
events in raising issues, sharing
ideas and prompting specific
work by IMCA through its
committees and workgroups.
Alongside the seminar there will
be a safety share fair where
delegates will be able to display
their company’s safety
promotional materials, enabling
those present to review and
discuss successful safety
initiatives with each other.
There will also be a social and
networking programme, with a
drinks reception, a dinner and a
trip on the Singapore Flyer.
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6 | makingwaves | issue 54 – February 2010
Regional news
Europe & Africa
The Europe & Africa section will
hold its next meeting alongside
Oceanology International (OI) at
London's Excel Centre on
Wednesday 10 March 2010.
Section members, members
visiting from other parts of the
world and guests will be
welcome. Please see page 14 for
details of our ROV seminar to be
held on that day too. IMCA will
also be sponsoring a careers
promotion day at OI on Thursday
11 March 2010 aimed at students
and graduates from all disciplines
who may be thinking of entering
the offshore, marine and
oceanographic industries.
The Asia-Pacific section held its latest meeting
on 3 December 2009 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The
well-attended meeting included the usual member-only discussions
followed by IMCA general and technical updates, with clients and
potential new members joining the meeting as guests.
In the afternoon there were two interesting presentations: one from
Roger Dennerley of Underwater Engineering on the Vitalink diver
patient monitoring equipment and the other on lessons learnt from a
fatality. These were followed by workshops on guidance on marine and
diving systems in extreme environmental conditions and on oil
company safety rules.
The next section meeting will take place on 23 February 2010 – the
day before the safety seminar in Singapore.
The UK IMHH (industry mutual
hold harmless) scheme has
successfully reassured
contractors working offshore in
the UK sector alongside one
another where a contractual
relationship does not exist, that
the widely understood 'knockfor-knock' principle will cover
their personnel and property.
The scheme saves all parties
money and provides much
wanted clarity. In existence since
2002 it has attracted over 500
signatories. However, the Deed
ends on 31 December 2011 and
a new Deed will start on
1 January 2012. Companies need
to sign the new Deed to achieve
continuity. See
Middle East & India
Members enjoyed the recent meeting held at the Jebel Ali Golf Resort
Shooting Club. Following a world-wide update by Jane Bugler, the
work of the technical divisions was discussed. This was followed by a
presentation on the recently launched CMID database, then by a
question and answer session where some of the details of how to
register onto the system and upload e-CMIDs on the system were
discussed. Members agreed that the CMID database should prove to
be a valuable tool and would include their CMIDs on the database as
they come up for renewal on an annual basis.
This year the Middle East & India section will once again play host to
the IMCA annual seminar, this time at the Grand Hyatt in Dubai on
23-24 November 2010. The seminar was last held in the region in
2005 when the event was held in Abu Dhabi. A call for papers has
now been issued and the arrangements regarding location and precise
timing of the event are currently being finalised.
North America
A one day event titled Marine
operations – self-regulation and
standardization is a follow up to
IMCA's successful annual safety
seminar held in Houston in
March 2009. It will focus on
safety and efficiency in marine
operations, with reference to the
broad work programme of
IMCA's Marine Division and its
guidance documents.
There will be presentations and
workshops to encourage
delegate participation and
improve dialogue and
understanding between the
parties, so client and contractor
project personnel in particular
should attend.
The event is open to all IMCA
members and non-members
involved in marine projects.
Central & South
The new Central and South
America section has elected its
first Chairman and Vice
Chairman – Giorgio Martelli
from Saipem and Gilles Lafaye
from Acergy. The section is
attracting new members and has
subscriptions of 50% of normal
for 2010. Please encourage your
local companies, supply chain
companies, competitors and
friends to join IMCA in the
The first section meeting will be
in April 2010 in Rio de Janeiro
where the section's work
programme will be discussed. All
members are welcome and we
hope many others will attend to
find out more about the benefits
of membership.
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IMCA secretariat:
Hugh Williams
Chief Executive
15 February 2010
Committee Members
To achieve its objectives and deliver its work programme, IMCA relies on
elected member representatives who serve on the committees listed below
as well as various individuals active on workgroups around the world.
Overall Management Committee
Jane Bugler
Technical Director
IMCA President and OMC Chairman
Johan Rasmussen, Acergy
IMCA Vice-President:
Andy Woolgar, Subsea 7
Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen
Philip Wiggs
Technical Adviser
Steve Sheppard, Helix ESG
Wallace Robertson, Helix ESG
Dave Forsyth, Bibby Offshore
Alan Forsyth, Subsea 7
Paul Blewett, Technip
Pete Somner, Technip
Pete Fougere, Transocean
Will Primavesi, Specialist Subsea Services
Walter Steedman, Veripos
Neil Milne, Subsea 7
Espen Ingebretsen, Oceaneering
Nick Hough
Technical Adviser
Ian Giddings
Technical Adviser
Paul Evans
Technical Adviser
Emily Comyn
Technical Adviser
Genine da Cruz Harvey
Certification Schemes Administrator
for diving supervisors and LSTs
Kylie Griffiths
Operations Support Manager
Nina Adams, Senior Administrator
- publication sales
Parul Patel, Administrator
- seminars and committee meetings
Claudine Bleza, Administrator
- social events and exhibitions
Ann Barnatt, Administrator
- document production and member records
Andy Butler, Administrator
- document production and certification support
Chi Edwards, Administrator
- document production and member records
Gordon Kelly, Database Administrator/Developer
- CMID database and IT
Jean Carmichael, Bookkeeper
52 Grosvenor Gardens
London, SW1W 0AU, UK
+44 (0) 20 7824 5520
+44 (0) 20 7824 5521
Hugh Williams, Chief Executive
Jane Bugler, Technical Director
Regional Section Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen
Andy Bolton, Technip Oceania
Mark Shepherd, Mermaid Offshore Services
Central & South America
Giorgio Martelli, Saipem
Gilles Lafaye, Acergy
Europe & Africa
Wim de Boer, Heerema Marine Contractors
Jim Sommerville, Fugro-Rovtech
Middle East & India
Roy Donaldson, Topaz Marine
Kris Chambers, Global Industries
North America
Alan Allred, Aker Marine Contractors
Bruce Gresham, Heerema Marine Contractors
Competence & Training Committee
Marine Division MC
Chairman: Steve Sheppard, Helix ESG
Vice-Chairman: Vacancy
Craig Darroch, Acergy
Pauline Irwin, DOF
George Robertson, Fugro-Rovtech
Hilary Cliffe/Julian Nelson, Fugro Survey
David Moxey, Northern Marine Management
Paul Gleisner, Schilling Robotics
Gavin Smith, Subsea 7
Roy Hay, Technip
Asia-Pacific: Anthony Reudavey, Blue Water Engineering
Middle East & India: Mohamed Omar, INW
North America: Tony Greenwood, Cal Dive International
Chairman: Pete Somner, Technip
Vice-Chairman: Pete Fougere, Transocean
Alistair MacLeod, Acergy
Quirien Grul, Allseas
Derek Judd, Bibby Offshore
Anders Waage, DOF Management
Michiel Goedkoop, Heerema Marine Contractors
David Blencowe, Maersk Supply Service
John de Hartog, Saipem
Geir Karlsen, Subsea 7
Kjell Egil Helgøy, Teekay
Asia-Pacific: Mike Meade, M3 Marine
Middle East & India: Ron Clark, Topaz Marine
North America: Mike Lawson, Transocean
Safety, Environment & Legislation Committee
Offshore Survey Division MC
Chairman: Wallace Robertson, Helix ESG
Vice-Chairman: Dave Forsyth, Bibby Offshore
Andrew Culwell, Acergy
Raffaele Mascia, Allseas
Keith Mobbs, Trico Marine Group
Jos van der Horst, Heerema Marine Contractors
Jim Knight, Heerema Marine Contractors
Sal Ruffino, Saipem
Alan Forsyth, Subsea 7
Allan Hannah, Technip
Asia-Pacific: Des Power, Subsea 7 Asia Pacific
Middle East & India: Mohamed Osman, Maridive
North America: Greg Payne, Heerema Marine Contractors
Chairman: Will Primavesi, Specialist Subsea Services
Vice-Chairman: Walter Steedman, Veripos
Ray Morgan, Acergy
Michiel van de Munt, Allseas
Stuart Reid, Andrews Survey
Ed Danson, C&C Technologies
Simon Barrett, DOF Subsea
Ian McKenzie, Fugro Survey
Peter Thomas, Maritech
Martin Day, Neptune Marine Services
Paul van Waalwijk, Noordhoek Offshore
Paul Bennion, Saipem
Mike Clark, Subsea 7
Asia-Pacific: Dave Scott, Fugro Survey Pte Ltd
Middle East & India: Mark Beloeil-Smith, GEMS International
North America: Vacancy
Diving Division Management Committee
Chairman: Alan Forsyth, Subsea 7
Vice-Chairman: Paul Blewett, Technip
Joar Gangenes, Acergy
Alan Thomas, Cape Diving
Steve Sheppard, Helix ESG
Jerry Starling, Integrated Subsea Services
Darren Brunton, KB Associates
David Smith, National Hyperbaric Centre
Hans Berkhof, Noordhoek Offshore
Calum Buchanan, RBG
Maurizio Chines, Saipem
Dennis Stolk, SMIT Subsea
Asia-Pacific: Glyn Jones, Hallin Marine
Middle East & India: Kris Chambers, Global Industries
North America: Allan Palmer, Cal Dive International
SMTT Chairman: Dave Munro, Subsea 7
Remote Systems & ROV Division MC
Chairman: Neil Milne, Subsea 7
Vice-Chairman: Espen Ingebretsen, Oceaneering International
Colin Mackay, Acergy
Piet Sluijter, Allseas
Keith Robathan, DOF Subsea
Jim Mann, Fugro
Mike Arnold, Hallin Marine
David Rhodes, Integrated Subsea Services
Kevin Kerins, Oceaneering International, Inc.
Brian Fleming, Saipem
John Pirie, Technip
Asia-Pacific: Ian Huggins, Hallin Marine
Middle East & India: Doug Graham, Fugro Survey ME
North America: Ian Edmonstone, Helix ESG
Member Directory
International Contractors
Allseas Group
Global Industries
Heerema Marine Contractors
Helix Energy Solutions Group
J Ray McDermott
Subsea 7
Acergy Asia Middle East
Adams Offshore Services Ltd
Advanced Energy Systems (ADES)
Ajang Shipping Sdn Bhd
Aker Marine Contractors AS
Aker Marine Contractors Inc
Aker Oilfield Services
Alam Subsea Pte Ltd
Allied Marine & Equipment Sdn Bhd
AlMansoori Production Services LLC
Andrews Survey
Aqua Diving Services
Arab Tanker Services
Arabian Gulf Mech. Svcs & Ctrg Co. Ltd
Arctia Shipping Ltd
Arena Sub srl
Argus Remote Systems AS
ATCO Ports Management & Marine Svcs
Atlantic Towing Ltd
B+H Equimar Singapore Pte Ltd
BEKK Solutions Ltd
Bibby Offshore Ltd
BJ Services Co. Middle East Ltd
Bluestream Offshore BV
Bluewater Energy Services BV
Bluewater Offshore Construction LLC
Boskalis Offshore
Brodospas dd
Bumi Armada Berhad
C&C Technologies
C&C Technologies, Inc.
Cal Dive International Pte Ltd
Cal Dive International Pte Ltd – ME
Cal Dive International, Inc.
Canship Ugland Ltd
Cape Diving
Caspian Sea Oil Fleet (CSOF)
CDS Subsea Pte Ltd
Celtic Africa Ltd
CH Offshore Ltd
Clough Oil & Gas
CNS International srl
CCC (Underwater Engineering) SAL
Coral Alliance Sdn Bhd
Dalgidj Private Company
DCN Global LLC
Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc
DNT Offshore srl
DOF Management AS
DOF Subsea (Australia & Asia Pacific)
DOF Subsea Brasil Serviços Ltda
DOF Subsea Norway AS
DOF Subsea UK Ltd
Dolphin Drilling Ltd
Dolphin Offshore Enterprises (India) Ltd
Duik Combinatie Nederland BV
Dulam International Ltd
Dunnimaa Engineers & Divers Ent. Pvt Ltd
EDT Marine Construction Ltd
EDT Shipmanagement Ltd
EGS (Asia) Ltd
Eidesvik AS
EMAS Offshore Pte Ltd
ER Offshore GmbH & Cie KG
Fairmount Marine bv
Far Eastern Shipping Company
Farstad Shipping ASA
Five Oceans Services GmbH
Fugro Marine Services bv
Fugro SAE
Fugro Subsea Services Pte Ltd
Fugro Survey (India) Pvt Ltd
Fugro Survey (Middle East) Ltd
Fugro Survey Ltd
Fugro Survey Pte Ltd
Galliano Marine Service LLC
GAS Geological Assistance & Services srl
GEMS International NV – Abu Dhabi
GeoLab Limited Abu Dhabi
GeoLab Srl
GEOTeam srl
Global Marine Services
Global Marine Systems Ltd
GO Offshore
GOGAS Gulf Oil & Gas LLC
Great Offshore Ltd
Greatship (India) Ltd
Gulf Dredging & General Contracting Co.
Gulf Marine Services
Gulf Offshore (North Sea) Ltd
Gulmar Offshore Middle East LLC
HAL Offshore Ltd
Hallin Marine
Hallin Marine UK Ltd
Halul Offshore Services Company
Harbor Star Shipping Services Inc
Halani Shipping Pvt Ltd
Horizon Survey Company (FZC)
Hornbeck Offshore Operators LLC
Hull Support Services Ltd
Huta Marine Works Ltd
IDMC srl – Impresub Diving & Marine
IKM Subsea AS
Impresub International LLC
Inspectahire Instrument Co Ltd
Integrated Subsea Services AP Pte Ltd
Integrated Subsea Services Ltd
International Marine Works – Alexandria
International Naval Works – Abu Dhabi
Island Offshore Management AS
Jack-Up Barge BV
Jifmar Offshore Services
Jumbo Offshore VoF
KD Marine Ltd
Khalifa A Algosaibi Diving & Marine Svcs
Knutsen OAS Shipping AS
Kreuz Offshore Marine Pte Ltd
Kreuz Subsea Pte Ltd
Lamnalco Group
Lauritzen Offshore Services AS
LD Travocean
Louisiana Overseas Inc.
Maersk Drilling
Maersk Supply Service
Maridive & Oil Services
Maridive & Oil Services (SAE)
Maridive Offshore Projects
Marine Consulting srl
Marine Subsea (UK) Ltd
Marine Subsea AS
Master Tech Diving Services Pte Ltd
Mermaid Marine Australia Ltd
Mermaid Offshore Services Ltd
Miclyn Express Offshore Pte Ltd
Middle East Navigation Aids Service
Mohn Drilling AS
Mutawa Marine Works Est
National Marine Dredging Co
NPCC Survey
NDE – Nordisk Dyk Entreprenad AB
Neptune Marine Services
Neptune Survey Expedition ehf
Nexans Norway AS, Energy Division
Noordhoek Offshore BV
NOR Offshore Ltd
Northern Marine Management Ltd
Ocean Works Asia, Inc.
Oceaneering International
Oceaneering International Asia Pacific
Oceaneering International, Inc.
OceanWorks International Inc
Odfjell Drilling
Offshore Geo-Surveys Sdn Bhd
Offshore International FZC
Offshore Manpower SA
Offshore Marine Services Pty Ltd
Offshore Oil Eng. Co. Ltd (COOEC)
Offshore Subsea Services
Offshore Subsea Works Sdn Bhd
Offshore Technology Solutions Ltd
Olympic Shipping AS
Orogenic GeoExpro Sdn Bhd
OSM Offshore AS
Pacific Crest Pte Ltd
as at 15 February 2010
Pacific Richfield Marine Pte Ltd
Pelican Offshore Services Pte Ltd
Petra Resources Sdn Bhd
Petroleum Marine Services Co.
PFCE Ocean Engineering Sdn Bhd
Phoenix International
Pride International
Prosafe Offshore Ltd
PT Calmarine
PT Ekanuri Indra Pratama
PT Lancar Rejeki Berkat Jaya
PT Prima Mitranata
PT Samudera Biru Nusantara
PT Wintermar
Rana Diving spa
REM Offshore ASA
Riise Underwater Engineering AS
Riise Underwater Engineering AS – AP
Riise Underwater Engineering AS – MEI
Rolv Berg Drive AS
ROV Service di Rocco Fabio
Rubicon Offshore International Pte Ltd
Sahara Petroleum Company
SAL Shipping
Sapura Diving Services Sdn Bhd
Sarku Engineering Services Sdn Bhd
SBM Offshore NV
SC Grup Servicii Petroliere SA
SC Shark SRL
Sea Trucks Group – Asia-Pacific
Sea Trucks Group – Europe & Africa
Seabed AS
Seacor Marine (International) Ltd
Seadrill Americas Inc
Seadrill Management AS
Seahorse Services Co. Ltd
Sealion Shipping Ltd
Searov Offshore
Seascape Surveys Pte Ltd
Seatrans AS
Seatrax Singapore Pte Ltd
Sea Trucks Group FZE
Seaway Heavy Lifting Engineering BV
Seaways International LLC
Seaworks Ltd
Sevan Drilling Pte Ltd
Siem Offshore AS
SMIT Subsea (Africa)
SMIT Subsea (Singapore)
SMIT Subsea Europe
SMIT Subsea Middle East LLC
Solstad Offshore Ltda
Solstad Shipping AS
Specialist Subsea Services Ltd
Stapem Offshore SA
Stena Drilling Ltd
Subocean Group Ltd
Subsea 7 Asia Pacific
Subsea Explore Services (M) Sdn Bhd
Subsea Intervention Technologies Ltd
Subsea Petroleum Services
Subtech (Pty) Ltd
Subtech Qatar Diving and Marine Svcs LLC
Swire Pacific Offshore Operations Pte Ltd
Target Engineering Construction Co.
Technip Oceania Pty Ltd
Technip USA, Inc
Technocean AS
Teekay Norway AS
Tidewater Inc.
Tidewater Marine North Sea Ltd
Tideway Marine & Offshore
Timsah Shipbuilding Company
TL Geohydrographics Sdn Bhd
Topaz Marine
Topaz Marine – Azerbaijan
Topaz Marine – Kazakhstan
Topaz Marine MENA
Total Marine Technology Pty Ltd
Transoceanic Cable Ship Company Inc
Trico Marine Group (CTC Marine, DeepOcean
and Trico Offshore) – NA
Trico Marine Group (CTC Marine, DeepOcean
and Trico Offshore) – E&A
Troms Offshore AS
TSMarine Pty Ltd
UMC International plc
Underwater Services Company Ltd
URS nv
UTEC Survey Asia Pte Ltd
UTEC Survey, Inc.
V.Ships Ltd
Van Oord Offshore BV
Varun Shipping Company Ltd
Vastalux Sdn Bhd
Vector Offshore Ltd
Veolia Environmental Services Special Svcs
Visser & Smit Marine Contracting bv
Vroon Offshore Services BV
VTT Maritime AS
Wagenborg Offshore BV
Wilhelmsen Ship Management (Norway) AS
Workships Contractors BV
Zakher Marine International Inc.
Zamil Offshore Services Company
Suppliers of equipment
ABPro Pte Ltd
AC Plus Marine Inc.
Advanced Marine Pte Ltd
Ageotec srl
Air Liquide America Specialty Gases LLC
Air Liquide UK Ltd
Air Products Middle East FZE
Air Products plc
Air Products Singapore Pte Ltd
Analox Sensor Technology Ltd
Arab Tanker Services
Arabian Industrial Gases Company
Ashtead Technology (SEA) Pte Ltd
Balmoral Offshore Engineering
Bibby Offshore Ltd
Brunvoll AS
CAPE Group Pte Ltd
CCC (Arcadia) Subsea Ltd
Chem-Gas Pte Ltd
Chesterfield Special Cylinders Ltd
Clough Oil & Gas
CMC Industries
Comanex SAS
Converteam UK Ltd
D&R Boats Pte Ltd
Deep Diving Consultancy Ltd (DDC Ltd)
Deep Down, Inc.
Divex Asia Pacific
Divex FZE
Divex Ltd
Dominion Gas
Dominion Gas Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Dräger Safety
Drass Galeazzi Underwater Technology Srl up
DRC Dive Systems
Drexel Oilfield Equipment
Eastar Offshore Pte Ltd
Fincantieri Cantieri Navali Italiani spa
Foundation Associates Engineering Pte Ltd
Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd
Fugro GRL
Global Gases Australia Pty Ltd
Global Gases Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Global Gases Group FZCO
Global Gases South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Global Marine Systems Ltd
Great Offshore Ltd
Guidance Navigation Ltd
Halani Shipping Pvt Ltd
Hydratight Ltd
Hyperbaric Technology BV (Hytech)
JW Automarine
Kenz Figee BV
Kirby Morgan Dive Systems
Kongsberg Maritime AS
Kongsberg Maritime Ltd
KTL Offshore Pte Ltd
Kystdesign AS
L-3 Communications
Lexmar Engineering Pte Ltd
MacGregor Hydramarine AS
Mako Technologies LLC
Marine Solutions (Pty) Ltd
MCS Free Zone
Measurement Devices Ltd
MJR Controls Ltd
Nautronix plc
For the current list of members, including website links, visit
Navis Engineering OY
Offshore Joint Services
Offshore Logistics (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd
Pacific Commercial Diving Supply Pty Ltd
Pacific Crest Pte Ltd
Perry Slingsby Systems Ltd
Perry Slingsby Systems, Inc.
Pommec TDE BV
Proserv Offshore
PT Advanced Oil & Gas Consulting
Redaelli Tecna spa
Rolls-Royce Marine AS
Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
Rolv Berg Drive AS
Rovsco Asia Pte Ltd
Saab Seaeye Ltd
SBM Offshore NV
Schilling Robotics Ltd
Schilling Robotics, Inc.
Sea and Land Technologies Pte Ltd
Sea Trucks Group FZE
Seaflex Ltd
Sealion Shipping Ltd
Seanetics Asia Works Pte Ltd
Seaswift Subsea Engineering LLC
Seatools BV
Serimax Ltd
Siem Offshore AS
Skan-El AS
Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd
Solstad Offshore Ltda
Solstad Shipping AS
Sonardyne Asia Pte Ltd
Sonardyne International Ltd
Submarine Manufacturing & Products Ltd
Subsea Vision Ltd
Sundan Offshore Pvt Ltd
TGH AP Pte Ltd
The Tritanium Company
Totalmat Ind. e comercio de Equip. Hiper. Ltda
Trico Marine Group (CTC Marine,
DeepOcean and Trico Offshore) – E&A
Trelleborg Protective Products AB
Trim Systems Pte Ltd
TSMarine Pty Ltd
Underwater Technology Services (S) Pte Ltd
Unique Hydra
Unique System FZE
United Oil Company (Unico)
Viking Moorings Ltd
Vroon Offshore Services Ltd
Suppliers of services
Abermed Ltd
Advanced Marine Pte Ltd
Advanced Offshore Contractors Pvt Ltd
Air Products Singapore Pte Ltd
Alfa Petroleum Services
Alliance Marine Services
Anglo-Eastern Group
Anglo-Eastern Group (Asia-Pacific Region)
ARV Offshore Co Ltd
ASP Rope Access
Auto Dynamic Positioning Services Ltd
Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Co.
Blade Offshore Services Ltd
Blue Water Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd
Braemar Falconer
Braemar Howells Ltd
C-MAR Group
CAPE Group Pte Ltd
Construction Specialists Ltd (CSL)
Creative Offshore Yard Pvt Ltd
Deep Down, Inc.
Delta Marine Technologies Inc
Diving and Offshore Works Consultancy
DMC Offshore
DRC Dive Systems
Drexel Oilfield Equipment
El-Automation AS
ESS Support Services Worldwide
Fender & Spill Response Services
Flinders EMA Pte Ltd
Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd
Global Maritime
Global Maritime Singapore
GW & Associates Ltd
Houlder Insurance Services Ltd
Imes Ltd
Inchcape Shipping Services
Inchcape Shipping Services (S) Pty Ltd
Inchcape Shipping Services – North America
Inchcape Shipping Services Ltd
Inchcape Shipping Services – South America
Independent Risk Solutions BV
Inter Mar Technology Ltd
InterMoor Marine Services Ltd
Interocean Marine Services Ltd
K2 Specialist Services Pte Ltd
KB Associates Pte Ltd
Kennedy Marr Ltd
Lexmar Engineering Pte Ltd
London Offshore Consultants Ltd
M3 Marine Pte Ltd
Marex Marine Services Ltd
Marine Cybernetics
Maritime Management Services Inc
MCS Free Zone
MJR Controls Ltd
Modular Underwater Systems Ltd
MOS Marine Offshore Service Pte Ltd
National Hyperbaric Centre Ltd
Nautronix plc
Navigare International, Inc.
NBB Dredging & Engineering
Noble Denton & Ass. Serviços Maritimos Ltda
Noble Denton Consultants Ltd
Noble Denton Marine, Inc.
Noble Denton Middle East Ltd
Noble Denton Singapore Pte Ltd
Offshore Commissioning Solutions
Offshore Joint Services
Offshore Marine Management Ltd
Offshore Technical Management Solutions
Optimus Safety Management Ltd
Orwell Offshore Ltd
PAE Singapore Pte Ltd
PEM Offshore Ltd
Perry Slingsby Systems Ltd
Peterson SBS Den Helder BV
Promarine Ltd
PT Advanced Oil & Gas Consulting
PT Sirius Maritimindo Services
QinetiQ Ltd
Reel Group Ltd
Rolls-Royce Power Engineering plc
Schilling Robotics, Inc.
Seacroft Marine Consultants Ltd
Seanetics Asia Works Pte Ltd
Sebastian AS
Sigma Offshore Ltd
Skan-El AS
Skuld AS
Sparrows Offshore Services Ltd
Spica Marine Inspections Ltd
Subsea Vision Ltd
Survey Association
The Tritanium Company
Thome Offshore Management Pte Ltd
Tigitrans SA
Tristein AS
Underwater Technology Services (S) Pte Ltd
United Oil Company (Unico)
Vassnes MB Consultants AS
Vroon Offshore Services Ltd
Wartsila Electrical & Automation Services
Wavespec Ltd
Personnel agencies
Ace Diving Services CC
Advanced Offshore Contractors Pvt Ltd
Alfa Petroleum Services
Amberjack Oil & Gas Recruitment Services bv
Aqua Omega Services Pvt Ltd
Atlanta Ltd Maritime Agency
Atlas Seistech
Atlas Services Group Australia Pty Ltd
Bibby Ship Management Group Ltd – E&A
Bibby Ship Management Group Ltd – ME&I
Dave Oliver Hydrographics Services Ltd
De Moura Shipping Ltda
Drexel Oilfield Equipment
Flare Project Services LLC
Hydrosub Ltd
Lerus Ltd
Maritech Group
MJD (North East) Ltd
Naurex Resources
Nautech Services Ltd
Oceanscan Ltd
Offshore Marine Services UK Ltd
Oilfield Medics UK Ltd
Petrolis SA
Pharos Offshore Group Ltd
PR Offshore Services Ltd
PT Bahana Galang Jaya
PT Pakar Sinar Jaya
ROVin Marine Ltd
Seatek India
Sheffield Offshore Services Pte Ltd
SubNet Services Ltd
SubNet Services Ltd – Asia-Pacific
Tigitrans SA
Total Marine Services
UK Project Support Ltd
Underwater Engineering Ltd
Skilltrade BV
SMTC Global Inc.
Stord/Haugesund University College
SubNet Services Ltd
SubNet Services Ltd – Asia-Pacific
Survie Mer Formation
The Dynamic Positioning Centre Ltd
The Faraday Centre Ltd
The Ocean Corporation
The Underwater Centre (Tasmania) Pty Ltd
The Underwater Centre Fort William Ltd
The Underwater Centre Fremantle Pty Ltd
The Underwater Training Centre of S. Aus.
Underwater Engineering Ltd
WA Maritime Training Centre – Fremantle
Yak Diving Academy
Training establishments
Corresponding Members
A1 Safety Training Consultants 1995 Ltd
Aberdeen Skills & Enterprise Training Ltd
Abyss AS
AdriaMare Maritime Training Center
Ålesund University College
AMC Search Ltd
Banff & Buchan College
Bergen University College – Diver Education
Bibby Ship Management Group Ltd – E&A
Bibby Ship Management Group Ltd – ME&I
Bonifacio Srl
Centre for Marine Simulation
CFO – Centro Formazione Offshore
Commercial Diving Academy
Daniels Maritime Group
De Moura Shipping Ltda
Delphinus Services Ltd – ROV Training
Divers Academy International
Divers Institute of Technology
Divers University Esporte Aquático Ltda
DiveSafe International
Diving Diseases Research Centre
Falck Nutec bv
Force Technology
Fundação Homem do Mar
Gdynia Maritime University
Global Marine Systems Ltd – Subsea Training
Holland College – Georgetown Centre
Holland College – Marine Training Centre
Hydratight Ltd
IDESS Maritime Centre (Subic) Inc
Institut National de Plongée Professionnelle
Interdive Services Ltd
KBA Training Centre Pte Ltd
Kirby Morgan Dive Systems
Lowestoft College
Marine Solutions (Pty) Ltd
Maritech Group
Maritime Institute Willem Barentsz
Maritime Training & Competence Sol. Ltd
Marseille Maritime Academy
MOG Industry Training Co. Ltd
MSTS Asia Sdn Bhd
National Hyperbaric Centre Ltd
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
National Polytechnic College of Science
Netherlands Diving Centre
Noble Denton Consultants Ltd
North Sea Lifting Ltd
Offshore Skills Training Centre (OSTRAC)
PetroVietnam Manpower Training College
PNI Training Centre AS
Power & Generation Services Ltd
Professional Diving Academy
Professional Diving Centre
PT Barron International
PVD Technical Training and Certification JSC
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
SBS International Ltd
SEA Team Solutions Pte Ltd
Seahorse Services Co. Ltd – Training
SEATAG Offshore Ltd
Seneca College – Underwater Skills Program
Ship Manoeuvring Simulator Centre AS
Naval units
Irish Naval Service
Royal Saudi Navy Forces
Salvage & Marine Operations IPT
Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company
Agip Kazakhstan North Caspian Op. Co. NV
Aker Exploration AS
Azerbaijan International Operating Company
Bapco – The Bahrain Petroleum Company
BG Americas and Global LNG – C&SA
BG Americas and Global LNG – N. America
BG Group
BHP Billiton
BP America Production Company
BP Berau
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd
Brunei Shell Petroleum Company
Cairn Energy India Pty Ltd
Chevron Brasil Petroleo Ltda
Chevron Energy Technology Company Subsea
Chevron Nigeria/Mid-Africa
Chevron Shipping Co
Chevron Thailand E&P Ltd
CNR International UK Ltd
ConocoPhillips (UK) Ltd
ConocoPhillips China Inc.
ConocoPhillips Indonesia
Dana Petroleum plc
Department of Labour
Det Norske Veritas
Esso Australia Pty Ltd
GDF Suez E&P Nederland bv
Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company (GUPCO)
Health & Safety Authority
Husky Energy
International Diving Schools Association
International DP Operators Association
Kuwait Oil Company
Lloyd's Register EMEA
Maersk Oil Qatar AS
Mobil North Sea LLC
Murphy Sarawak Oil Co Ltd
National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority
Nautilus Minerals
Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij BV
Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd
Perenco UK Ltd
Petro Canada Netherlands BV
Petrobras SA
Premier Oil Natuna Sea
PTT Exploration & Production plc
Qatar Petroleum
Ras Laffan Industrial City
Sarawak Shell Berhad
Shell International E&P BV
Shell Petroleum Dev. Co. of Nigeria Ltd
Shell Todd Oil Services Ltd
Sonangol Pesquisa & Produção
Statoil ASA
Suncor Energy Inc.
Talisman Energy (UK) Ltd
Talisman Malaysia Ltd
Total Austral SA
Total E&P Indonesie
Total E&P Nederland BV
Total E&P UK Ltd
Total Exploration & Production
Wintershall Noordzee BV
Woodside Energy Ltd
Zakum Development Company (ZADCO)
IMCA welcomes the following new members:
Abyss AS
Creative Offshore Yard Pvt Ltd
Brodospas dd
An offshore towage, salvage and shipping company, founded in 1947. Services rendered include
the transport/supply of oil rigs with necessary materials, towage on both long and short
routes, and salvage.
Tel: +38 5 2140 5128
Specialising in maritime training, port and ship security, anti-piracy, unexploded ordnance
survey and disposal, high-risk shore-end cable lay and pipeline projects, with an offshore
contracting capability encompassing air diving, ROV inspection and survey and positioning
Tel: +44 20 7067 2930
National Marine Dredging Co
Nautech Services Ltd
Neptune Survey Expedition ehf
OceanWorks International Inc.
Rov Service di Rocco Fabio
A new specialised company providing underwater assistance to offshore survey, drilling and
construction activities through state of the art ROV systems.
Seacroft Marine Consultants Ltd
Seacroft provides a wide range of marine support, safety and consultancy services including,
auditing, verification, research, training and technical authorship to offshore and ship operators,
owners and industry bodies internationally.
Tel: +44 12 2458 0026
Sevan Drilling Pte Ltd
A subsidiary of Sevan Marine ASA, providing a new cylindrical design type of drillship to the
deep water drilling industry.
Spica Marine Inspections Ltd
Cargo surveyors based in Mombasa, undertaking warranty work for heavy lift projects and rig
moves, discharge, loading and securing oil field materials, safety and condition inspections for
barges, supply vessels, cranes, containers.
Tel: +25 44 1231 5440
Tidewater Inc
Tidewater Marine North Sea Ltd
The Underwater Training Centre of South Australia
Total E&P Indonesie
Tristein AS
Wilhelmsen Ship Management (Norway) AS
Part of Wilhelmsen Maritime Services, WSM Norway specialises in advanced vessels operation
with technical and crew management for 45 different vessels.
Web: Tel: +47 6758 4700
Recent name changes
New publications:
A marine survey company which owns two recently re-fitted survey vessels. The company
offers geophysical, hydrographic and geotechnical vessels, equipment and survey services to the
renewables, oil, gas and pipeline/cable route sectors.
Tel: +44 78 1847 8679 or +35 4527 7770
This summary of recent IMCA documentation keeps all members
updated on activities throughout IMCA. If you would like a copy of any
document, or for further information, please contact the secretariat.
CMC Industries
DRC Dive Systems
Farstad Shipping AS
Global Maritime Singapore
I-UTecH Institute for Underwater Technology and Human
Lauritzen Offshore Services AS
MacGregor Hydramarine AS
Maritime & Underwater Security Consultants (MUSC)
A Jersey based recruitment agency which places fulltime and freelance contractors to the ROV,
hydrographic, seismic and offshore construction markets. Equipment rentals lease purchase
and capital purchases also undertaken
Tel: +44 15 3448 5838
You may have missed ...
Air Liquide America LP is now Air Liquide America Specialty Gases LLC
BUE Marine is now Topaz Marine Azerbaijan
DeepOcean – Europe & Africa is now Trico Marine Group (CTC Marine, DeepOcean and
Trico Offshore) – Europe & Africa
DeepOcean – North America is now Trico Marine Group (CTC Marine, DeepOcean and
Trico Offshore) – North America
EDT Offshore is now EDT Shipmanagement Ltd
Finstaship is now Arctia Shipping Ltd
Neptun Subsea AS is now IKM Subsea AS
NICO Marine is now Topaz Marine
Oceanteam Subsea Services is now Specialist Subsea Services
OSM Ship Management AS is now OSM Offshore AS
Petro Canada - Terra Nova Project is now Suncor Energy Inc.
PT SBS Indonesia is now SBS International Ltd
Statoil Hydro ASA is now Statoil ASA
Technip Subsea 7 Asia Pacific is now Technip Oceania Pty Ltd
West Coast Commercial Diving School is now SEADOG
Proceedings of the IMCA Annual Seminar 2009
(IMCA M 201)
Safety flashes:
Safety flash 17/09 – covering two incidents: Injury during
personnel transfer capsule operation; Loading and securing of
Safety flash 18/09 – four incidents: Fatality during pressure
test; Fatal incident onboard a dive support vessel; Lost time
injury to leg; Loss of ROV: dropped object
Safety flash 01/10 – four incidents: Diver fouled on
descending load; Diver falls into bell maintenance pit; Bail-out
whip failures; Fatality on diving support vessel
Information notes:
Safety, Environment & Legislation
IMCA SEL 25/09 Unintended consequences of IMO cargo blending ban:
Member feedback invited
26/09 Review of IMO Recommendations for Entering Enclosed
Spaces aboard Ships: Feedback Required
27/09 IMO proposals for new electro-technical competences:
Feedback invited
28/09 IMO STCW review update: Feedback invited
01/10 SEL Documents Issued in 2009
02/10 Special Purpose Ships – DNV Class Notation
03/10 Oil & Gas UK Statement on the Phased Reintroduction of
Personal Locator Beacons
04/10 IMCA IMO SPS Code Submission – Next Steps
05/10 IMO Cargo Blending Ban - Further Details: Member Feedback
06/10 UK Sector Helicopter Flights – Personal Locator Beacons
Diving Division
IMCA D 15/09 Proposed changes to DNV rules for diving support
01/10 Diving Division Documents Issued in 2009
02/10 The Control of Bell Blow-Down Facility During Saturation
03/10 Periodic examination of diver harnesses
Marine Division
IMCA M 28/09 Unintended consequences of IMO cargo blending ban:
Member feedback invited
29/09 CMID Inspector Competence
30/09 Review of IMO Recommendations for Entering Enclosed
Spaces aboard Ships: Feedback Required
31/09 IMO proposals for new electro-technical competences:
Feedback invited
32/09 IMO STCW review update: Feedback invited
01/10 Marine Division Documents Issued in 2009
02/10 Oil & Gas UK Statement on the Phased Reintroduction of
Personal Locator Beacons
03/10 Further Guidance for Registering and Using the CMID
Database and e-CMID
04/10 IMCA IMO SPS Code Submission – Next Steps
05/10 Special Purpose Ships – DNV Class Notation
06/10 IMO Cargo Blending Ban – Further Details: Member Feedback
07/10 UK Sector Helicopter Flights – Personal Locator Beacons
Offshore Survey Division
IMCA S 01/10 Offshore Survey Division Documents Issued in 2009
Remote Systems & ROV Division
IMCA R 05/09 Election Results – Remote Systems & ROV Division
Management Committee
01/10 Remote Systems & ROV Division Documents Issued in 2009
issue 54 – February 2010 | makingwaves | 11
Diving Division
Certification scheme growing
There has been a notable increase in the number of exam
applications being submitted to, and administered through,
the IMCA Certification Scheme covering offshore Air and
Bell Diving Supervisors and Life Support Technicians.
By 2009, and within just six years, the number of
applicants entering the scheme had increased
seven times. January 2010 figures confirm
this upward trend is continuing. In the
past two years, the number of
applications to enter the scheme
have doubled. Exam invigilation is
now available in 35 countries.
Worldwide diving
statistics on the way
IMCA has published annual diving
and ROV statistics for the North
Sea area since 1982 (initially as
AODC). Although it is
appreciated that the figures only
present a ‘snapshot’ they have
nevertheless been indicative
when looking at trends and other
factors. Diving statistics for
2007-2008 were published as
information note IMCA D 12/09.
For 2009, it was felt that
extending this to cover
worldwide diving statistics would
be a useful indicator for trends in
the offshore diving industry.
So far, nearly 50 diving contractor
members have contributed their
statistics and early figures would
suggest that a peak of 4000
diving personnel were employed
offshore by this group. The
figures indicate that globally air
diving still exceeds saturation
diving, but that regional trends
remain as expected with
saturation diving exceeding air
diving in the Europe & Africa
section and the majority of air
diving carried out in the Middle
East & India section.
The statistics which will be
broken down by diving discipline
and regional section activity will
be published via a Diving Division
information note in due course.
The control of bell
Information note IMCA D 02/10
aims to address concerns about
the bell diving supervisor not
always being in control of the
main blow-down, should any of
240 Air Diving Supervisor (ADS)
108 Bell Diving Supervisor (BDS)
139 Life Support Technician (LST)
There has been a high volume of
enquiries with regards to the qualifying
process for LSTs. New LST applications are at an
all time high, exceeding BDS applications for the second year running.
the bell occupants lose
consciousness or become
It sets out current IMCA
guidance and explains why they
should have control. It notes
that a risk assessment should
identify the failure modes that
could prevent the supervisor
from having overall control of the
bell pressurisation.
Risk assessment, preventative
measures, divers’ training in
emergency scenarios and
emergency response measures
are highlighted as key areas for
The introduction of
PLCs into saturation
diving systems
IMCA recognises that certain
new-build DSVs on or due to
come onto the market have
diving systems using
programmable logic control
(PLC) technology to control
applications of their saturation
diving systems. The introduction
of these new control systems
could have a significant impact on
the application of Diving
Equipment Systems Inspection
Guidance Note (DESIGN) for
Saturation (Bell) Diving Systems
(IMCA D 024). This may result in
an additional section to IMCA
D 024 or the issue of specific
guidance for the inspection of
such systems. IMCA has engaged
consultants to help take this issue
forward and to help produce
IMCA guidance for use by both
contractor and client members.
For more details contact
Offshore diving operations
management and training
Bell Diving Supervisor
Q IMCA Diver Assessment
Q DSV Audits
Q Personnel and Equipment
Q Risk Assessments
Q In-house Training
Q HSE Approved courses
Q HSE First Aid at Work and
Q NPD Leadership
Q IMCA Diver Medic
Q IMCA Trainee Air and
Tel: +44 (0)1224 894498
Number of Applications Submitted in 2009:
Appointed Person
Q HSE Offshore Medic
Q Advanced Medical Skills
Q MCA Medical courses
Q RYA First Aid
Q Overseas training
To learn more about how Interdive can help
your diving operations please call us on:
Tel: +44 (0)1752 558080 or e-mail us on
diving @
12 | makingwaves | issue 54 – February 2010
Marine Division
IMCA has been participating in the IMO review of the International
Convention on the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for
Seafarers (STCW Convention) and associated Code. This is the first major
revision since 1995 and in January IMCA attended the most recent review
meeting to finalise the proposed STCW amendments.
Of particular interest to IMCA members will be the new guidance on the
training and experience of DP operators (based on text developed by IMCA)
and for offshore supply vessel personnel. There will also be new mandatory
standards for the training and certification of electro-technical personnel,
although it has been ensured that appropriately qualified personnel from nonmarine backgrounds will still be able to perform electro-technical functions.
There will be a number of other major changes, including expanded tanker
training, new security training, competence standards for Able Seafarers (ABs),
and extended work hour rules.
The STCW amendments are due to be adopted in June this year and are
expected to come into effect in 2012. There will be a transition period for
existing seafarers.
Vessel assurance and
the CMID
The operation of a marine
construction vessel could be
considered as a wall built of
many bricks. These bricks
represent the many components
that go into a marine
construction operation, two of
which are the CMID inspection
report and vessel assurance.
Both the client and the vessel
operator will want to assure
themselves that the proposed
vessel is not only safe from the
marine point of view but can also
carry out the proposed project.
To this end, a number of
inspections and audits, including
CMID and a separate vessel
suitability, are normally carried
out. Part of this overall look at
the vessel could include vessel
assurance which may be made
available from the vessel
operator online. Many vessel
operators now have their own
in-house vessel assurance system,
whilst others use external thirdparty contractors to prepare and
possibly host their vessel
assurance system.
Following feedback from
members, IMCA is preparing
guidance on vessel assurance.
This guidance will take the form
of a vessel assurance template
which will facilitate the recording
of compliance with international
regulations, guidance and
standards and demonstrate the
assurances needed. Within this
template, along with many other
documents such as the IMCA
standard ROV audit document
and the diving equipment systems
inspection guidance note, could
be the CMID. Also the vessel
assurance could identify the
policies and procedures
implemented and followed by the
vessel operator.
management of thruster systems.
The vessel assurance could also
link directly to the above as well
as other documentation held on
the vessel operator’s computers.
In being a living document it
could give a comprehensive
picture of the vessel operator, its
vessels and its operations.
The Marine Division Management
Committee has a busy work
programme. Publishing IMCA
M 199 – Guidelines on installation
and maintenance of DGNSS-based
positioning systems and IMCA
M 200 – Deep water acoustic
positioning brought up the 200
mark. Other documents are
being developed.
Crane and winch
Management of the integrity of
equipment has been identified in
IMCA technical committees and
workgroups as the preferred way
of presenting some types of
guidance. That on crane integrity
guidance would follow on from
IMCA M 194 – Guidance on wire
rope integrity management for
vessels in the offshore industry, a
popular download; and there are
also plans to update and expand
the existing IMCA
documentation on thrusters to
create guidance for integrity
The Crane & Winch Operations
Workgroup recently liaised with
DSM Dyneema to arrange a day
at the DSM facilities in Heerlen,
The Netherlands, where the
interest was on the latest
developments in the manufacture
and use of fibre ropes.
Marine Committee
work programme
Guidelines for the design and
operation of dynamically positioned
vessels (IMCA M 103) is under
review, as are IMCA M 137 –
General thruster specification and
bid information questionnaire – and
IMCA M 141 – Guidelines on the
use of DGPS as a position reference
in DP control systems – and a
guidance combining earlier
documents on power and control
systems. There is also a proposal
to update 112 UKOOA Part 2 –
Guidelines for auditing vessels with
DP systems. The Marine
Competence tables (IMCA
C 002) are also under review.
issue 54 – February 2010 | makingwaves | 13
Offshore Survey Division
New guidance on simultaneous
operations (SIMOPS) is close to
completion, as well as generic
guidance on radar and laser
based positioning systems and
guidelines to assist with the
engagement of contractors –
following on from information
note IMCA M 20/09.
Other projects embrace
combined mooring and DP, and
well-specific operating guidance,
with input requested from
members to help with developing
guidance for programmable logic
This has unfortunately delayed
other projects, for example work
on developing guidance on the
minimum scope of failure modes
and effects analysis.
Ways and means of improving
logbooks have been discussed
and your views would be
welcome on what other job
positions might benefit from the
use of a specific IMCA logbook.
The DP incident report for 2008
is near completion and there is a
notable increase in the number
of reports. Members who have
not yet provided reports for
2009 need to submit their
reports very shortly.
For more details on any of these,
please contact
IMCA/OGP DGPS review workgroup
During 2009 and early this year a combined IMCA/OGP workgroup has been working on the
revision of the well-known 1994 UKOOA DGPS guidelines. The document has been brought up
to date to reflect modern satellite positioning practice and is approaching completion.
Publication of the document is anticipated in Q2 of this year. Broad agreement has been
reached between IMCA and OGP as to the form of publication of this important document,
which will be available to IMCA members and OGP members as a free download from either
association’s website.
Update on publications
The Offshore Survey Division
Management Committee has
several new publications in the
u Draft guidance on the
selection of satellite
positioning systems for
offshore applications. This
document will provide
information on different
satellite systems,
augmentation services and
systems and available
service providers and will
cover in detail
considerations for selection
of satellite positioning
equipment for offshore
u Members of the committee
are working on guidelines in
subsea metrology. This is
intended to provide an
overview rather than a
detailed treatment of this
complex subject. Work is
continuing on development
of the text
Guidance on ultra-short
baseline (USBL) positioning
systems is in development,
with an initial draft being
readied for review by the
committee before the next
A small workgroup has met
twice to develop a
document addressing some
of the considerations in the
use of geographical
information systems (GIS).
This workgroup will liaise
with an OGP workgroup
addressing the same issue.
Work has begun on
developing the text for this
document, which is intended
to educate and inform
rather than cover this huge
subject in technical detail
Following the publication in
June 2009 of the updated
Digital video offshore: A review
of current and future
technologies (IMCA R 012/S
008 Rev. 1), the Digital Video
Workgroup will shortly be
ready to deliver a
companion document
provisionally entitled
Discovering digital video,
which is intended as a nontechnical introduction to
digital video concepts
Members of the committee
are starting work on a
document addressing data
management and data
handling. This is intended to
be a brief summary of some
basic principles of data
management, by members
and for members.
For more details on any of these
projects, please contact
14 | makingwaves | issue 54 – February 2010
Remote Systems & ROV Division
Workshop on ROVs
in decommissioning
ROV seminar at
International 2010
IMCA is holding a seminar
and workshop on ROV
umbilical and handling
systems on Wednesday
10 March 2010, alongside
the bi-annual Oceanology
This seminar follows on in subject,
style and format from the very
successful workshop on
deepwater umbilicals, chaired by
Jim Mann of Fugro, which took
place at the IMCA 2009 annual
seminar in Rio de Janeiro. The
Oceanology seminar programme
includes two short presentations
on ROV umbilical issues, followed
by a brief discussion of important
topics. Then delegates will form
several workshops to discuss and
decide on the best ways to move
things forward in this developing
area of technology.
To attend this event please contact
Annual statistics
Each year IMCA undertakes an
analysis of ROV activity, which
has provided a useful benchmark
for monitoring ROV work. Some
uses of this data are to provide
background for any discussions
on the state of the industry and
to describe the extent of
operations in a variety of
situations. The analysis is now
undertaken on a global basis and
this year IMCA is also collecting
data on the classes of ROV used
(class I, II, III, IV, V etc) and the
numbers of vehicles in use. If any
ROV contractor (ICO/Co)
member has not yet submitted
its data (which of course is held
anonymously by IMCA) it is
encouraged to do so as soon as
To contribute, or for further details
on this initiative, please contact
At the 2009 annual seminar in
Rio de Janeiro IMCA held a
workshop on the use of ROVs in
decommissioning. The workshop
was chaired by Andrew Sunley of
Oceaneering and included some
constructive discussions in which
delegates teased out the various
roles of ROVs in the
decommissioning task. Beginning
with survey and pre-engineering
tasks, procedures and plans and
moving through to project
execution, delegates highlighted
some of the special
considerations required for ROV
usage on decommissioning
projects. These included crew
size, spares requirements, deck
and mobilisation planning, physical
mobilisation and execution of
job, and some of the lessons that
could be learnt.
Feedback from the workshop is
available on the Proceedings of the
IMCA annual seminar CD (IMCA
M 201).
issue 54 – February 2010 | makingwaves | 15
Spotlight on Alan Allred
Alan Allred is Vice President of HSEQ, Risk and Document Control for the Subsea NA
business unit of Aker Solutions and serves as Chairman of the IMCA North America
section and a member of the Overall Management Committee.
In this article, he discusses his ‘day job’ and provides a personal insight into the
work currently being undertaken in the region on behalf of members.
Please tell us about your company
and what it does
Aker Solutions is a leading global
provider of engineering and
construction services, technology
products and integrated solutions.
The Subsea NA business unit of
Aker Solutions provides subsea
technology and lifecycle solutions,
including well intervention services
and marine operations. Aker
Solutions has access to a fleet of
state-of-the-art vessels and
submersible barges. Our offshore
construction vessels, BOA Deep C
and BOA Sub C, have worked
continuously for Aker Solutions
since their launch. They are
designed for ultra-deep water
construction and represent a stepchange in capacity, workability,
safety and comfort. They have
proven to be an excellent resource
to meet our clients’ needs.
How did you get to where you are
in your career today?
I started out as a commercial diver
(not a very good one) and lasted
long enough to earn enough money
to go back to college and get my
degree at Texas A&M. Through its
marine licensing program I was also
able to become licensed as a ship’s
officer and eventually a ship’s
As a mariner before HSE and Q
were issues of any importance I
was one of many that complained
about safety and quality. In the mid
90s the demand for ISO9000
certification and the ISM Code that
shortly followed gave many of us
“squeaky wheels” the opportunity
to put up or shut up by accepting
shoreside opportunities. In the late
90s I made it back to offshore
construction with J Ray McDermott
as Master of some of their selfpropelled crane vessels. Because of
my experience with quality and
safety management systems I was
again offered management
responsibilities for Marine HSE and
Q. Later with the
implementation of the
ISPS Code, marine and
facility related security
responsibilities were
added. I joined Aker
Solutions in late 2006.
I’m still scratching my
head over how I picked up
document control, but must confess
it fits with quality.
What do you see as the key areas
affecting the industry at the
The advancements being made in
subsea processing and boosting and
the step change it brings are
impressive. The opportunities for
environmental improvement and
reducing our carbon footprint by
moving to the sea floor will be
significant and also cost saving.
Along similar environmental lines is
the growing focus on
decommissioning/abandonment and
alternative energy. It’s good to see
our offshore industry starting to
think more broadly about new
opportunities for all of us. Our
ability to embrace these new
opportunities should vastly improve
the world’s perception of the oil
and gas industry and may even help
mitigate the manning challenges we
face after the current downturn.
The industry needs to think outside
the box to find safe and costeffective ways to work in ultradeep water. I’d like to see a coordinated effort to revise safety
factors, construction methods and
materials for subsea structures to
help reduce their weight.
Computerisation of manufacturing
processes has allowed revised
safety factors in aerospace and
aviation and it may now be possible
for offshore construction. It would
certainly help to keep the size of
the new vessels and the associated
lifting kit to a minimum.
What issues are key at present for
working offshore North America?
In the US we have a very specific
cabotage law known as the Jones
Act. Last summer modification to
the administration and enforcement
of the Jones Act was proposed that
we felt would have a negative
impact on offshore construction in
general and our members in
particular. These issues are far from
resolved and we continue to work
to make the responsible governing
agencies aware of all the
unintended consequences these
changes may present.
In 2007 and 2008 considerable
attention was paid to finding
competent manning for our vessels
and shoreside technical support
including qualified engineers. In
2009, as a result of both the
economic and offshore
construction downturns, we were
faced with the lay-off of many of the
same people we’d just worked so
hard to acquire. When this
happened in the 80s we lost a
whole generation and we can’t
afford to repeat that. Where will
we find engineers and competent
personnel when things turn
around? In November our North
America section partnered with
Deloitte to host a seminar for
contractors and clients to discuss
this. While no concrete resolutions
were offered, it was widely
expressed that there was a need
for more open and direct dialogue.
The hope was that IMCA would
take the lead in facilitating that
How can these issues be taken
The short answer is: through our
collective voice. 2009 was a big
year for our section. The Jones Act
challenge was both boon and bane.
While it took a toll on our time
and resources, the adversity also
brought our Section together. We
had the opportunity to witness the
value and strength we have as an
association of like minded
companies. The recognition of
IMCA as a leader in our industry
opened doors for us in Washington
that we could never have opened as
individual companies. We need to
continue to expand our roles and
responsibilities as an industry
What issues do you, as Chairman
of the North America section, see
as key for IMCA in your region?
We stand to gain the most value
from identifying the critical issues
affecting our members and finding
ways to help resolve them. Every
IMCA section meeting should add
value for both our contractor and
client members. If we can add that
value we will continue to grow. It
may also increase participation
from the major oil companies and
the marine warranty surveyors who
make up the triumvirate for
effective self-regulation. We’d also
like to increase our collaboration
with other groups such as the
Nautical Institute, NOIA, API and
other trade associations to address
common issues.
We are committed to work more
closely with our members to
understand the application of selfregulation in their routine
operations, processes and
procedures. To that end we have a
section seminar on “Marine
Operations – Self-Regulation and
Standardization” on 21 April 2010
where we hope to solve the world’s
marine problems once and for all!
We’d like to find ways to generate
more of the world class guidance
that IMCA is known for and simply
can’t be found elsewhere (such as
the Lifting Operations, Wire Rope
Integrity and DP Guidance).
How do you think IMCA makes a
IMCA makes a difference by using
our 600+ membership as platforms
for dialogue. I believe we’ve started
to reach out to more organisations
and associations to establish
common ground, which often
reveals that we have more in
common than we have differences.
This advances the philosophy of
self-regulation and globalisation of
industry best practices and reduces
the need for governmental
How do you see the future?
The future is bright! We’ve
experienced great growth but the
full potential of what the
association can achieve has yet to
be realised. Now may be the time
for the association to re-evaluate
our position in the industry and
adjust our focus to take advantage
of both internal growth and
external industry changes to
advance as the dynamic industry
leader we have become.
Forthcoming events
2-4 March
Subsea Tieback Forum & Exhibition
Galveston, USA
3-6 March
OceanTEX World Expo 2010
Mumbai, India
9-11 March
Oceanology International
London, UK
10 March
Europe & Africa Section
London, UK
10 March
ROV Seminar
London, UK
23-25 March
China Offshore Summit
Beijing, China
23-24 March
Offshore Support Vessels 2010
London, UK
7 April
Central & South America
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
19 April
Middle East & India Section
Dubai, UAE
20 April
North America Section
Houston, USA
21 April
North America Marine
Houston, USA
26-27 April
OSV Asia Pacific Annual Conference
27-29 April
North Sea Offshore Cranes & Lifting
Aberdeen, UK
3-6 May
Houston, USA
13 May
IMCA Golf Day
Aberdeen, UK
20 May
IMCA Social Reception
HQS Wellington, London, UK
26-27 May
The European Dynamic Positioning
London, UK
27 May
Asia-Pacific Section
Hong Kong
4 June
Midsummer Charity Ball
Aberdeen, UK
23-24 November
Delivering value in marine
operations –
IMCA annual seminar
Dubai, UAE
For full details on forthcoming
IMCA and third-party events,
please visit the website: