第 17 卷 第2 期 电 机 与 控 制 学 报 ELECTRI C MACHINES AND CONTROL 2013 年 2 月 Vol. 17 No. 2 Feb. 2013 用于离岸风场高压直流输电的并网型多电平拓扑研究 费拉斯, 许烈, 李永东 ( 清华大学 电机工程与应用电子技术系,北京 100084) 摘 要: 提出一种新型的风力发电变换器拓扑结构 。可用于离岸型海上风电场,并可采用高压直流 输电的方式接入电网。其中,离岸部分包括 5 个单元结构,每一个单元结构均由一个永磁同步电机 ( permanent magnet synchronous generators,PMSG) 和一个三电平中点钳位 ( 3 - level neutral point clamped,3L - NPC) 变换器组成,通过最大功率点跟踪 ( maximum power point tracking,MPPT) 算法 控制 3L - NPC 变换器,进而控制 PMSG 运行速度。 离岸平台由半桥结构串联组成,用于平衡各离 岸单元电压并控制总体直流侧电压为给定值。 超高压直流电缆将被用于离岸侧和岸侧的功率传 输。在岸侧,采用一种模块化多电平变换器( modular multilevel converter,MMC) 实现直流到交流的 逆变,并将系统接入电网。 关键词: 永磁同步电机; 三电平中点钳位变换器; 半桥结构; 模块化多电平变换器; 系列直流风电场 中图分类号: TM 46 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1007- 449X( 2013) 02- 0007- 07 Grid-connected multilevel topology for HVDC offshore wind farm FIRAS Obeidat, XU Lie, LI Yong-dong ( Electrical Engineering Department,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: This paper presents a topology to connect HVDC offshore wind farm into the grid; the offshore part consists of five units,and each one contains permanent magnet synchronous generator ( PMSG) connected to a three-level neutral point clamped converter ( 3L-NPC) which works as a rectifier to control the generator speed by using a maximum power point tracking ( MPPT) control. The offshore platform consists of a half bridge connected in series to balance the voltage between units and to collect the voltage in order to get the desired DC voltage. The HVDC cable will be used to transfer power from the offshore side to the onshore side. A modular multilevel converter ( MMC) is used in the onshore side to convert the voltage from DC to AC voltage and to connect the offshore wind farm into the Grid. Key words: permanent magnet synchronous generators; three-level neutral point clamped converter; half bridge; modular multilevel converter; series DC wind farm 0 Introduction Currently there is a rapid increase on the demand of energy in most of countries especially in those countries which have growing economies,and because of environmental problems which are produced from coal and oil; countries are now looking for renewable energy sources to face this demand and to decrease the greenhouse effect and reduce CO2 emissions. The research focus of renewable energy is on wind 收稿日期: 2012 - 10 - 15 作者简介: 费拉斯( 1979—) ,男,博士研究生,研究方向为电力电子技术、新能源发电; 许 烈( 1980—) ,男,博士,讲师,研究方向为电力电子技术、矩阵变换器、新能源发电; 李永东( 1962—) ,男,博士,教授,研究方向为电力电子技术、电机控制,新能源发电等。 通讯作者: Firas Obeidat( 费拉斯) 电 8 机 与 控 制 学 报 第 17 卷 and solar energy and many plants have been erected to through one leg MMC and each submodule is 3L - harness these two kinds especially in wind energy. The NPC,other papers used DC / DC converters connected first wind power plants have been mainly erected on- in series to get HVDC in the offshore side like in [16] shore,but now many are being erected offshore. And which used full bridge isolated boost ( FBIB) converter the number of offshore wind farms is increasing for and [17 - 18] which used quasi - Z - source DC / DC many reasons such as: even with large investment on converter. The generator can be a multi phase PMSM wind energy,onshore wind plants can’t grow due to a and each three phase connected to an AC / DC convert- lack of space to erect new farms; onshore farms are an er and then all of the converters are connected in series eyesore and effect the landscape; more energy cab be to get the desired HVDC as used in [19]. extracted from offshore farms because offshore wind are In this paper,a series DC offshore wind farm lay- more constant and effective; and there are no noise out is presented. The offshore side consists of a number complaints as offshore wind farms tend to be located far of units,each unit consist of a generator connected to from populated areas. an AC / DC converter. And all of the units are connect- The erected offshore wind farms use high voltage ed in series through a DC offshore platform. HVDC ca- AC ( HVAC) technology to transfer energy from off- ble is used to transfer the power from the offshore to the shore to onshore,but research tends to use high voltage onshore side and an DC / AC converter is used to con- DC ( HVDC) technology to transfer energy from off- nect the offshore wind farm with the grid. shore to onshore for many transmission and power gencan be avoided; the cross section of the cable in the Series DC Offshore W ind Farm Configuration eration reasons such as: by using HVDC reactive power 1 case of HVDC is less than in the case of HVAC for the The configuration of the series DC offshore wind same power; there is no resonance between the capaci- farm which proposed in this paper is illustrated in tance of the cable and the inductive reactance of the Fig. 1. This configuration can be divided into a wind grid; the frequencies in both end are independent; and generator level,an offshore platform ( collection lev- a short circuit can’t be transferred by using HVDC[1 - 2]. el) ,a transmission cable,and an onshore converter. Offshore wind farms can be classified into two Offshore%Side types according to their connection,series and parallel. Each of these connections has advantages and dis- Onshore%Side DC%Cable PMSG SM AC/DC uap WT advantages. For example,a series connection can re- PMSG AC/DC PMSG AC/DC E 2 SM SM SM WT lation index to reduce the losses of the converters. In a steps to get the desired voltage which reflects on the [3] cost and the weight of the offshore platform . SM SM SM SM ib PMSG AC/DC E 2 WT ic PMSG AC/DC WT SM SM SM SM SM uan ubn SM SM SM SM ucn SM SM SM DC%Cable Phase%a parallel connection the transmission losses are high due to the high current. Thus this connection needs more SM SM ucp WT type of connection the losses for converters are high so the designer must be careful when choosing the modu- SM ia duce the transmission losses and there is no need for transformers to get large power density,but for this SM ubp Fig. 1 Phase%b Phasec submodule SM S1 VC S2 General configuration for the proposed layout The wind turbine connected to a direct driven permanent magnet synchronous generator ( DD - PMSG) Many papers explained general HVDC configura- and the stator of the generator connected to a 3L - NPC tions for offshore wind farms like in [4 - 8 ]; others converter which is used to convert the voltage from AC used parallel connection in offshore side to get HVDC to DC as shown in Fig. 2. like in [9 - 12]. And others used series connection in For this layout the wind farm consists of five u- offshore side to get HVDC; [13] used a medium fre- nits. Each unit is connected from the DC side to a half quency transformer ( MFT ) and bridge rectifier,in bridge and the half bridges are connected in series to [14 - 15] the wind turbines are connected in series collect 40 kV in the offshore platform. 费拉斯等: 用于离岸风场高压直流输电的并网型多电平拓扑研究 第2 期 9 wind speeds. So the variable speed generator is more suitable than a fixed speed generator in the wind generation system. PMSG Wind%Turbine%Output%Power WT Fig. 2 C pm3 Block diagram for wind generator connected to 3L-NPC The DC transmission cable can be a single core v3>v2>v3 B pm2 A pm1 v3 v2 Optimal%Linc v1 ( single core) or a double core ( bipolar ) . A single 棕m1 棕m2 棕m3 core system uses electrodes for sea or ground return, Wind%Turbine%Shaft%Speed but reducing the cable and laying cost. This kind of Fig. 3 cable system has some disadvantages such as: creation wind turbine characteristics of an electromagnetic field and gas emission from the e- When the wind speed is v1 ,the maximum output lectrodes. A double core system is commonly used in mechanical power from the wind turbine will be p m1 and the design,but also includes electrodes if one of the the shaft speed will be w m1 ,but when the wind speed cables is damaged [20]. changes to v2 ,the mechanical power will not be the Five levels modular multilevel converter ( MMC) maximum for the shaft speed w m1 ,so the speed will in- is used to integrate the offshore wind farm into the grid crease to reach w m2 in order to get the maximum output and convert the HVDC to HVAC. mechanical power for the wind turbine which is p m2 . 2 In order to keep the wind generation system oper- Wind Generator Model 2. 1 ating around the points A,B,and C ( which are the points when the optimal line crosses the p m - w m Wind Turbine Model The mechanical power captured by the wind tur- ( MPPT ) must be applied. So for this purpose the bine from the wind can be described as [21]: P m = 0. 5 ρAv3 C p ( λ ,β) curves) ; a maximum power point tracking control ( 1) MPPT method in[22]will be applied in this paper. 2. 2 Where 3 ρ is the air density ( kg / m ) ; A is the swept area ( m ) ; C P is the power coefficient of the turbine,which 2 PMSM Model The mathematical model is similar to that of the wound rotor synchronous motor. Since there is no ex- is a function of tip speed ratio ( λ ) and pitch angle ( β) ; v is the wind / water current speed ( m / s) . ternal source connected to the rotor side and variation The power coefficient and the tip speed ratio can there is no need to include the rotor voltage equations. in the rotor flux with respect to time is negligible,so A rotor reference frame is used to derive the model of be given as ( ) - 12. 5 116 - 0. 4 β - 5 e λ i , ( 2) C p ( λ ,β) = 0. 22 λi ωm R . ( 3) λ= v Where ω m is the wind turbine speed ( rad / sec) , R is the radius of the turbine blades ( m) ,and 1 1 0. 035 = - . λ i λ + 0. 008 β 1 + β3 ( 4) From equation ( 1) ,it can be seen that the output the PMSM[23]. The electrical dynamic equation in terms of phase variables can be written as v a = R a i a + pλ a , v b = R b i b + pλ b , ( 5) v c = R c i c + pλ c . While the flux linkage equations are λ a = L aa i a + L ab i b + L ac i c + λ ma , mechanical power for the wind turbine is a function of λ b = L ab i a + L bb i b + L bc i c + λ mb , rotor speed. Fig. 3 shows this relation for different λ c = L ac i a + L bc i b + L cc i c + λ mc . ( 6) 电 10 机 与 控 制 学 报 第 17 卷 Considering symmetry of mutual inductances such regulated by PI controller,the output of speed regula- as L ab = L ba ,self inductances L aa = L bb = L cc and flux tor is used as reference for i q . i q and i d are also regula- linkage λ ma = λ mb = λ mc = λ m . For this model,input power p i can be represented ted by PI controller and the output of them is used as as ting the coupling components. reference for the SVPWM of the converter after subtrac- ( 7) p i = va ia + vb ib + vc ic . ted as v d = ( R s + L d p) i d - w r L q i q . - + PI + PI Nref - - ( 8) 姿m × + + × ( 32 ) ( P2 ) ( λ i m q N Fig. 5 + ( Ld - Lq ) id iq ) . ( 10) The equation for the machine dynamics is P ( T - T L ) = ( Jpω r + Bω r ) . 2 3. 2 ( 11) link / Matlab. × Lq + + Theta 1/s id × Ld-Lq Rs 棕e × Ld + - Offshore Platform Control The offshore platform is half bridges connected in series,this platform has two functions,the first is to collect the voltage to the desired HVDC,and the secunits for the DC sides of the generator converter DC sides. The controller includes measuring the DC voltages voltage. For each sampling time,four of the units must 1/Ld flux id The control model for PMSM side converter for the lowest DC voltage with respect to reference DC Va,b,c abc-dq PMSM and then sorting them. After that,get the percentage Rs iq 兹g PMSM Measurment ond to balance the DC voltages for all of the generation Fig. 4 shows the modeling of PMSG using Simu- 棕e ia,b,c id iq The electrical torque T e ,can be represented as Te = Lq dq-abc cal speed. And the instantaneous power can be derived ( 9) PMSM Converter + chronous inductances,respectively. w r is motor electri- 3 p i = ( vq iq + vd id ) . 2 SVPWM + PI Ld Where L d and L q are called d - and q - axis syn- as Va,b,c dq-abc + v q = ( R s + L q p) i q + w r L d i d + w r λ m , + id The voltage equations in d - q axis can be presen- id 1/Lq + 3p/2 + TL 1/s + - 1/J 1/s - be connected to the system and the fifth one which is id Te id p F dq-abc Ia,b,c 棕e the lowest one is bypassed depending on its percentage with respect to the reference DC voltage. 1/s Theta 3. 3 Grid Side Control Fig. 6 shows the control model for the converter flux connected to the grid based on FOC. In this model i q Fig. 4 3 Modeling of PMSM Offshore Wind Farm Control equal to zero to inject zero reactive power to the grid and the DC voltage is the outer loop and regulated by PI controller and the output of DC voltage regulator is The control of the proposed offshore wind farm used as reference for i d ,i q and i d are also regulated by control can be divided into three parts: the machine PI controller and the output of them is used as refer- and its converter control,an offshore platform control, ence for the phase Disposition sinusoidal PWM ( PD - and a grid side converter control. SPWM) of the converter after subtracting the coupling 3. 1 component. Generator Side Converter Control. Fig. 5 shows the control model for the PMSM con- In order to get five levels waveform in MMC ac nected to a space vector pulse width modulation ( SVP- voltage side PD - SPWM method is applied. Four tri- WM) converter, based on a field oriented control angle carrier waveforms displace symmetrically with re- ( FOC) . In this model i d is set equal to zero in order to spect to the zero axis. Then compare the reference volt- get maximum torque,the speed is the outer loop and age with the carrier waveforms the voltage level is de- 费拉斯等: 用于离岸风场高压直流输电的并网型多电平拓扑研究 第2 期 11 termined in the ac voltage side. The direction of the also includes PD - PWM method and voltage balancing current and the capacitor voltages for each SM must be for the capacitors of each sub module. The parameters measured and the level number determines how many for the MMC are: submodule capacitor = 2. 7 mF,in- SMs from the upper leg and how many SMs from the ductance for each arm = 3 mH and resistance for each [24] lower leg that must be charged or bypassed Vdc* + + PI iq PI + PI - . + + 棕Lsiq - + + 棕Lsid - Va,b,c dq-琢茁 琢茁-abc Gna Converter SVPWM + dq-琢茁 vq id iq Va,b,c control the DC voltage to 40 kV. Figure 8 shows the phase voltage for the AC side of the MMC which clear to line voltage for the same side. Fig. 10 shows DC 琢茁-abc ia,b,c dq-琢茁 25 kV and the frequency = 50 Hz. the MMC is used to that it is five levels,and Figure 9 show nine levels line PLL vd arm = 1 Ω. For this simulation the line grid voltage is V rms = voltage for the MMC from the cable side and it is clear 琢茁-abc Grid that it take some time before reaching to the desired voltage. Fig. 6 The control model for the rectifier 3 connected to the grid ×104 All the procedure of PD - PWM method and balancing the capacitors voltages is shown in Fig. 7. Vphase%/%V 2 1 0 -1 -2 Modulating%Reference%Generator -3 1 1 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1 1.12 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.2 0.5 t/s 0 Fig. 8 Phase voltage for the ac side of the MMC -0.5 -1 1 Level4 0 Level3 -0.5 Level2 -1 Vabc%/%V Level5 0.5 Level1 nnp t/s Detemine%the%number%of%required%SMs%in%the upper%arm(nnp) and%lower%arm(nlow) nnp+nlow=4 Fig. 9 inp If%(inp>0),select%nnp%SMs%with%the%lowest%values%of%vCup If%(inp<0),select%nnp%SMs%with%the%highest%values%of%vCup Sort If%(ilow>0),select%nlow%SMs%with%the%lowest%values%of%vClow If%(ilow<0),select%nlow%SMs%with%the%highest%values%of%vClow Sort ilow Switching%Functions Fig. 7 4 Vcup1 Vcup2 Vcup3 Vcup4 Vclow1 Vclow2 Vclow3 Vclow4 Gating%Signal To%IG%BTs%Gates Generator VDC%/%V nlow ×104 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 1 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1 1.12 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.2 voltage for the ac side of the MMC ×104 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 0 1 0.5 t/s PD-PWM method for MMC Fig. 10 Simulation Results DC voltage for MMC side For the offshore side each 2MW wind generator The whole simulation structure is built - up in worked for different wind speeds,the left column from simulink / Matlab including grid block,R s = 0. 03 Ω and L s = 3 mH block which represent the equivalent in- figure 11 shows the wind profile for each wind generator at 0. 7 sec the wind changed to another value,the ductance and resistance of the AC reactors between right column from the same figure represents the corre- power source and rectifier, respectively. Rectifier sponding wind generator speed. It can be seen that the block includes five levels MMC used IGBT inside,and speed for each generator varies according to wind 与 控 制 学 speed; this is because a MPPT control is applied. Ethe 3L - NPC converter side,which is proof that the shown in figure 11. And the difference between them is 0 1 0.5 1 0.5 1.5 t/s 1 0.5 1.5 1.5 30 20 10 0 0 t/s Speed4 12 11 10 9 0 1 0.5 t/s 12 10 8 0 1 0.5 1.5 Vab2 Vab3 0.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 t/s 0.5 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 t/s 30 20 10 0 0 0 1 0.5 1.5 1%000 500 0 -500 -1%000 0 1 0.5 1.5 0.5 1 1.5 t/s 1%000 500 0 -500 -1%000 0 1 t/s 1.5 t/s 1 0.5 1.5 Fig. 14 Phase currents for PMSGs t/s 5 Left column wind profile and right Conclusions The simulation results are performed for a series 15%000 DC offshore wind farm layout,in this work a three 10%000 10%000 phase 3L - NPC converter is used in the offshore side VDC4 VDC1 1 0.5 15%000 5%000 0 0 1 0.5 5%000 0 0 1.5 to convert the voltage from AC to DC for each unit. A 1 0.5 t/s 1.5 t/s half bridge connected in series to represent the offshore 15%000 15%000 platform. A five level MMC is used to integrate the off- 10%000 10%000 shore wind farm with the grid. From the obtained re- 5%000 sults it can be seen that the control systems for the 3L VDC5 VDC2 0 1%000 500 0 -500 -1%000 t/s t/s 0.5 1%000 500 0 -500 -1%000 column wind generator speed 5%000 0 0 1 0.5 1.5 0 0 1.5 8%320 8%310 8%300 8%290 8%280 8%720 0 VDC(1,2,3,4,5) 5%000 1 0.5 t/s Fig. 12 1.5 - NPC,offshore platform,and MMC worked correctly. t/s 10%000 0 0 1 0.5 t/s 15%000 VDC3 Vabc4 1%000 500 0 -500 -1%000 line voltage the 3L-NPC converter sides t/s t/s Fig. 11 Vab1 t/s 30 20 10 0 0 30 20 10 0 0 Speed3 11 10 9 8 0 1.5 1.5 Vabc5 1 0.5 1 0.5 Vabc2 Speed2 10 8 0 0 Fig. 13 Vab3 Speed1 1.5 t/s Speed5 wind%profile1 wind%profile2 wind%profile3 wind%profile4 wind%profile5 1 0.5 1.5 t/s from one value to another due to the sudden change. 30 20 10 0 1 t/s 1 0.5 and there is oscillation when the wind speed change 12 10 8 0 0.5 0 -1 0 crease or decrease depends on the wind speed change 1.5 0 -1 0 1.5 1 t/s t/s 1 worked correctly. 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