eWPTS - Shared Service CLEC User Guide

eWPTS Shared Services CLEC View
User Guide
Revised June 2008
Release 8.2
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
Table of Contents
eWPTS Shared Services Web Site Overview___________________ 3
Shared Services Order Type Overview _______________________ 3
Download Digital Certificate ________________________________ 4
Logon Process _____________________________________________ 4
Selecting the Worklist _______________________________________ 5
eWPTS Header Information __________________________________ 6
Work List Filters _____________________________________________ 7
Display and Reset Buttons___________________________________ 8
Search_____________________________________________________ 8
The Worklist ________________________________________________ 9
Event Log Interactivity _____________________________________ 11
Event Log Remarks ________________________________________ 12
Job Aid 1 - MAC Code Display Translation __________________ 15
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
eWPTS Shared Services Web Site Overview
This document outlines the capabilities of the eWPTS Shared Services web site as
an organizational and notification tool. The eWPTS Shared Services Application
will support the workflow of end users by providing a single, unified, easy-to-use
interface to service order data, and status information from all relevant Verizon
Operations Support Systems (OSS).
Shared Services Order Type Overview
There are a variety of Verizon Shared Services products offered to Verizon’s
CLEC/DLEC customers. Service sharing permits the CLEC to offer data to an end
customer over Verizon’s voice loop facilities, requiring that Verizon loop facilities
be partitioned and shared. Hence, Shared Services orders are typically service
‘Change’ orders for an existing Verizon customer. Typically, two (2) related
orders are issued, one to accomplish the physical and electronic changes that
need to be made to support sharing on the customer’s loop, and another to
initiate billing to the CLEC for the sharing arrangement.
The eWPTS Shared Services application will handle the following types of Shared
Services orders:
Line Share (Retail/Resale)
Line Split
CLEC-to-CLEC Migrations (Line Share only)
Non-Conforming Loops
Line Share Equipment Change
Line Split Equipment Change
Loop Share Migration
ADSLPLUS (West Only)
Packet Switch (East Only)
Line Share with Pair Change
Line Split with Pair Change
Line Share Unbundled Sub-Loop Arrangement (LSUSLA)
House and Riser
Packet at Remote Terminal Service (PARTS)
Premise Service Visit
DSLAM Overlay
New Loop Share
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
Wholesale Advantage DSL (East Only)
eWPTS will display additional Shared Services order types as the formal definition
of the orders distinguishing characteristics and work flow management steps
become available.
Note - For WADSL Orders Only: The due date listed on the Local Response will
not be the same as the due date posted in eWPTS Shared Services CLEC View.
The Local Response will list Verizon Wholesale's Service Ready Date. The due
date listed in the eWPTS Shared Service CLEC View will serve as the ILEC
provisioning date for core network requirements.
Procedure to Download Digital Certificate:
See the Verizon Partner Solutions Website below for Instructions:
Logon Process
To log on to the eWPTS Shared Services website:
1. Bring up your web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
2. In the Location/Address field, type in the following address:
3. A pop up window with the company guidelines for access will appear.
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
4. Select OK.
5. Enter e WPTS User ID & Password
6. This will bring you to a secured site. (If you get a security message, select
Selecting the Worklist
Select the Worklist hyperlink to access the CLEC View data.
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
eWPTS Header Information
Sign Out
Logs user out of eWPTS
Change Password
User can change eWPTS
What’s New
See what’s new and
different in eWPTS
Web-based training for
Opens a new window with
links to our web-based
training modules
Contact Us
Contact information for the
eWPTS Help Desk
eWPTS User Guide
Opens the user guide for
the applicable module
What’s New Notification
Date the What’s New link
was last updated.
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
Work List Filters
The filter area is located at the top of the Work List View screen.
Due Date
Date list starting with the current date and
consecutively listing the following 15 days. Also
includes an ALL option.
Work Flow Status
eWPTS workflow status driven by SOP
• All
• In Progress
• Investigating
• Order Completion Error
• Order Completed
• Order Cancelled
Filter by state and region.
CLEC Name. Your login limits you to see only
your company’s orders.
From / To
Due date search that allows you to search
within a given date range.
Order Type
Filter by order type.
C/D Order
Select from connect and/or disconnect orders.
Key in box for numeric MAC (Missed
Appointment Code) codes, separated by a
comma. (East & West)
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
Display and Reset Buttons
To refresh the list back to its original order, select the display button in the Filters
The reset button clears the input fields and returns the drop-down lists to their
default positions.
The Find feature allows you to search for an individual SS Order, PON, or
Telephone Number. Once you make your selection from the drop-down list,
type the SS Order, PON, or Telephone Number in the space provided and then
select the red arrow.
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
The Worklist
The Worklist data is a read-only format and contains column titles that enable
you to sort by each column. The interactive options are limited to sorting by
columns and the Event Log hyperlink.
Listed at the top of the Worklist is a gray band that displays a color key for
the order type, the date and time the query was pulled, and the total number
of pages and orders.
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
Worklist columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order. One
click will sort the list in ascending order, click again on the header to change the
list to descending order. To refresh the list back to its original order, click on the
Display button.
System generated identifier - Hyperlink to the
Event Log and comment field. A checkmark
will display in the box next to an order that has
a remark waiting for acknowledgement.
See Event Log Interactivity for more
Due Date
Current order due date from Service Order
CLEC/DLEC Identifier
SS Order
Main Shared Services order number
Telephone number associated with order
Circuit ID
Circuit ID associated with the order
Related Order
Related order associated with PON
Purchase Order Number
Order Type
Identifies type of order
Workflow Status
Current eWPTS lifecycle of an order - driven
by Verizon based Operational Support
Meet Point
Splitter Bank information – Point of Termination
Now Available for
the East and West
Translated numerical value driven by Verizon
service order Missed Appointment Code
(MAC/JEOP) - East/West
See Job Aid 1
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
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Located along the bottom of the screen are tools to help you navigate
through multiple pages of data.
Event Log Interactivity
The Item number for each order provides access to the Event Log, also called
the Event List, for that order.
Even though the item number will change, the link will always take you to the
Event Log for that specific order.
Click on the Item number to open the Event Log.
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
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Event Log Remarks
At the top of the Event Log screen, the order number and order status are
displayed. If you desire to add a remark you can enter the text in the space
provided under the Order Number and then select the Add Remark button.
To acknowledge all remarks sent by Verizon, click the Acknowledge button.
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
- 12 -
Adding a remark will require a contact reason be selected from the
Reason/Details for Contact drop down. (Effective March 2007)
The following values are displayed in the Reason/Details for Contact drop-down
Service Emergency
Order Status
Corresponding Detail
No Dial Tone
Cancellation Inquiry
Completion Inquiry
Dispatch Out Updates
Due Date Inquiry
Missed Commitment
No Access
Order Verification/Inquiry
Updating Access Information
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
- 13 -
Request Escalation
Corresponding Detail
Due Date
Facility Issue
Missed Commitment
Multiple Dispatch Issue
Service Complaint
Speak to Manager
The history of the order is documented at the bottom of the Event Log
screen. Each event is Date & Time stamped, and provides the ID number, the
User ID of the person entering the remark, the Contact Reason, Contact Details,
and the remark (Data) itself.
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
- 14 -
Job Aid 1 – MAC/JEOP Code Display Translation
– East/West
MAC Code
Company Assignment
Company Business Office Reason
Company Catastrophe
Company Facilities
Company Load
Company Other
Company Switching
Engineering Other (Not Available in Mid-Atlantic Region)
Subscriber No Access
Subscriber Other Defective Port
Note: For WADSL orders - No Action Required (order under
internal review)
Subscriber Not Ready Busy CFA –
Subscriber – Refer to LSR response from NMC for
further information.
Subscriber Later
Subscriber Prior – North Only
Subscriber Prior – South Only
Note: For WADSL orders - No Action Required (order under
internal review)
For additional information, please contact eWPTS Support via email at
All information available through the Verizon eWPTS Shared Services web site is proprietary and may not be
disclosed outside the Verizon Companies without prior written consent.
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