\ta 1013112008 Exam2 Physics105 rl Name )ott't'4 B As a student at NJIT I will conduct myself in a professional manner and will comply with the provisions of the NJIT Academic Honor Code.I also understand that I must subscribe to the following pledge: On my honor, I pledge that I have not violated the provisions of the NJIT Academic Honor Code. Multiple Choice: (15 questions,lpt. each) Identify the letter of the choice that best answers the question. l. I If a firefly collides with the windshield of a fast-moving bus, which statementis correct? l\k-J "t' L-- t l'/ a a c t T c ^ n o\n Ctt a. The firefly experiencesan impact fbrce with a larger magnitude f\ b. The bus experiencesan impact force with a larger magnitude fne firefly and bus experienceforces with samemagnitude @ d. The firefly and bus experienceforces with samedirection e. None of the above ? r-[ n f'V* 11@.-).-. 2. When a certainforce is appliedto an object with a massof 2 kg, its accelerationis 10.0m/s2.When the same force is appliedto a different object, its accelerationis 4.0 m/s'. The massof secondobject is a. l.25kg F=lvr,' = L"' t\/' (o *^(r= ":."F "lgx b . 8.0kg 10.0kg d. 2.5kg A I w.t 5.0kg zo^./=lmx +ry 'b^ls : r*/+ =, d:,30o, : , 5 u - , pnd .a 3 . A block is pushedacrossa horizontal surfaceby the force F with constant velocity. F : 20 N, a J + +7i : M l0 kg. What is the magnitudeof the normalforceon theblock? 7i A ro8N A\",y Y cJ b. 98N / .r- c. 94N e.20N 7*c6t1^F , ,^^,,i Fn t.v : n4 dut I d. 88N = o s{r.g= -r 1-- tFl O. tFl **e tir *\8,l{ -^J , ,-\, tt \rr\r, | ''rv O tt xsnrsc -- *A t F sru"g ':: "'o { d,f := (l "Du ' J':8 - l'l tx r ei \ ' 4 . A heavy weight is supported by two cables that exert tensions of magnitude Tland Z. Which statement is correct? ',t7 a. Tt: Tz b . Tn,: Tt, o _. Tt> Tz {. T t < T z e. We need the mass of the box in order to determine the correct answer (\. - (r LiL ^i t - +U ) T lL "' I:jl'T. 2D ) T,>T- -Fr Phvsics105 r0/3112008 Exam2 B Name in an elevatoris equalto 44 N. What is the 5 . Thetensionin a stringfrom which a 4.0-kgobjectis suspended acceleration of theelevator? "t ,< r r t -A. ? i . ' F,,"* t v " t ' t ' ,7 hA a. um/s2upward l l l 4 T ,^ (9)t'zrnls^upward i t ib c. l0 m/s'upward d. t .2rn/s2 downward e. 2.4m/s2ao*n*urJ il I 1 : , -ug--,,r^^ +[tl t , 'J ' lm--ae d'v i I L-.-*J { ,, i" tJ j .. 6L= tl--b fi\^ = ft- -?-r= l r L A 3.0-kg block slides on a frictionless 20o inclined plane. A force of 16 N acting parallel to the incline and up of tfre block? the incline is applied to the block. What is the.aCpele.ration J +\.^: At*1r a. 3.9 m/s'up the incline b . 3.9 mls'down the incline I ?) Fr*1.{- M (* n.lSinzo=M Ar. ld \ ' l- 2.0 mls2down the incline )t 2.0 mls2up the incline ,) e . ).J llvs- up me lncllne ,:0 S* LO n -$sTvrzo " A.r=# = 1,18 = i6 -?.FxJTvrLo 3 7. ln a game of shuffleboard (played on a horizontal surface),a puck is given an initial speedof 6.0 m/s. It slides a distanceof 9.0 m before coming to rest. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction beSweenthegrck and the surrace? n=elli r*)'- K:?l .r. v.Lt i 16 o.zu d ry --;; 0.18 e' 0'13 cL= "-*t d 7r: \ Fnt'*)'n I: 74{'n1 U d/ n I '" ['-1';''< . i I I tt - f 3li *YlE 1ft-ci iu t('"-t t a"T v i Al"fK'-ltl = wKx z4\ (t'-_l-' ' )i U ft-6t +--= \,r' ' -L'^15 " i r- i \ lJ , *frrFn,'=rA4* 7-(r/l-vA\r n " l , u y ' ^ a - n t / n a't. - 8. What is the smallestvalueof the forceF suchthat the 2.0-kgblock will not slidedown the w6tttTtre coeffiiieit of staticfrictionbetweentheblockandthewall is 0.2. . O i*o^ At d.20N fr'f i t*.tlkq. tne4,X s). /r,. H---+ gesN iF"r-(il=Do.''[F^'l--trl td 'J =v^qI At'Y i 7,t, F*+.? e o - t't^fl *t^A :| [fr---l -a rfirtF Phvsics105 r0/3U2008 Exam2 Name 1.5 kg, what is the tension in the string connectingM and 2M ? Assume that all surfacesare 9. If ,F: 40 N and M: frictionless. 57 J7 Yqlr't^ 'tz,,'t^ i " F1of.ett {tlVtc\ -t Mi =@t (Lftttl) -^:hok nr --hrL uP F^ d^r- a. 13N b. 15N c. 36N I -F rt y\r-{. eNL, o @ zgN 6. 28N c^-: c1A F, a ^: -FLla -"Tl- \ a* -cgot (.5x?.tr JK l.l f f'\" : F.".,,rt :@ ( Ln ) O\* z-fr a. €- Ltot tx l.s-;' (-t'6 / ft -F+T - 2n 4 TG10. An airplane flies in a horizontal circle of radius 500 m at a speedof 150 m/s. If the plane were to fly in the same 1000 m circle at a speedof 300 m/s, by what factor would its centripetalaccelerationchange? a. (b.) ( d. e. 4.00 2.00 1.00 0.s0 0.25 z-U2-r.? 4lrt Lf- around. inaclockwise direction I r. Aballismoving "-.,6;;***il = LCL =g *Yr[,lfn":::ffi#I*- (a) whEiT[e batfis locatedat thatpoint on the circlg? directionsof its velocityvector(v-),andacceleration ;--\ t. r I tY ,\ /\ .a a. .'--: al ,' lr'l l '. rl, I ,\ xv tl, - -rr -a fvr'---Il \ +3- e \ t I I \ /1 t' \ lra I I I '-- \---l -a' b. e. 9., At the bottomof a circulardip of 12. A roller-coastercarhasa massof 500 kg whenfully loadedwith passengers. radius40 m (asshownin the figure)the carhasa speedof 16 m/s.What is the magnitudeof the forceof the track on the car at the bottom of the dip? fu) s.rkN Y. s.3kN c. 4.9kN d. 3.2kN e. 1.7kN f? Al"t 7, F*ri =M^-1 I l m \f"rar=*(f) --w;t*f {um : ti,r 16= \ .-.1nr\2x(?.tr+ =*"cJ*H) +o, I = 8(* Nj' I .J E,r Physics105 1013u2008 Exam2 Name 13. A 5-kg ball hangs at one end of a string that is attachedto a support on a railroad boxcar. When the boxcar acceleratesto the right, the rope makes an angle of 30" with the vertical. The accelerationof gravity is 9.8 m/s2 l+', and air resistanceis negligible. Find the acceleratio4sf the boxcar. j '( ?D :: / * ^ Al,"{i : a. 56.6m/s' ;' 19, ^/"' c. ". V- 'Y '^., 17.0mls2 rJ /^r.s"v" ( s.l ^t"' ) .- f\A a. Kl-i^"t i , 7 n o , --^)* tf lu-Jlo rJ l.i, ( t \': a,t,t ot --a-?c"5 3c' A-\"gf t F-.*,x=r/rn<-x l-\ r htSrur]o ': l,tt(.x . \e{T S i n l e 6 / = (w q r c,o 5 \ o'"' ft^2-", : !1tat4lco bf \c" Y ^ -A .'- ^x -d =? t- fxtwtla'= 9-.66 14. If the coefficient of static friction between the tires and road on a rainy day is 0.5, what is the fastestspeedat whicha carcanmakea turnwith a radiulg{80$meters?Theroadis flat. J '1,^ r Al 3.l'#'*..s''''..ffJJ''-*tx;int-Vn1 . ; , f *r !\ ir d. 25 m/s Fo J r-Po;; *,/ -"'f r:l^ 15. eil 0.s88 Y-/ o.oo c. 0.294 d. 60.0 e. 588.0 d -- vvt lFuI \ ar ^./ - i'im" 'flf-*.ry " @ ^-r'ftg= ".'':;-r,.-- ,!,: i-r,.--- FtJn; ,-.-.rtrl=,tfi,1,,,f.=J