J. Appl. Prob. 29, 667-681 (1992) Printedin Israel Trust 1992 Applied Probability ? ON THE OPTIMALITYOF LEPTAND cp RULES FOR MACHINESIN PARALLEL CHENG-SHANGCHANG,* T. J. WatsonResearchCenter XIULI CHAO,**New JerseyInstituteof Technology MICHAELPINEDO,***ColumbiaUniversity RICHARDWEBER,****Universityof Cambridge Abstract We consider schedulingproblemswith m machines in paralleland n jobs. The machinesare subjectto breakdownand repair.Jobs have exponentiallydistributed processingtimes and possibly random release dates. For cost functions that only depend on the set of uncompletedjobs at time t we provide necessaryand sufficient conditions for the LEPTruleto minimizethe expectedcost at all t withinthe class of preemptivepolicies. This encompassesresults that are known for makespan,and providesnew resultsfor the workremainingat time t. An applicationis that if the cyi rule has the same priority assignment as the LEPT rule then it minimizes the expected weighted number of jobs in the system for all t. Given appropriate conditions, we also show that the cy rule minimizes the expected value of other objectivefunctions,suchas weightedsum ofjob completiontimes,weightednumber of late jobs, or weightedsum of job tardinesses,whenjobs have a common random due date. EXPONENTIAL ING; WEIGHTED DISTRIBUTION; FLOWTIME MAKESPAN; AMS 1991 SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION: PRIORITY POLICIES; STOCHASTIC SCHEDUL- PRIMARY 90B35 1. Introduction Considerm machinesthatoperatein parallelandaresubjectto breakdownandrepair. Their up times and down times are arbitrarilydistributed.The machinesare used to process n jobs, whose release dates, R1,- - *, R, are also arbitrarilydistributed. Jobj has a processingtime Pj, that is an exponentiallydistributedrandomvariablewith rate yj. Received 6 December 1989; revision received 28 June 1991. * Postal address:IBM Research Division, T.J. Watson Research Center, PO. Box 704, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA. ** Postal address: Division of Industrial and ManagementEngineering,New Jersey Institute of Technology,Newark,NJ 07102, USA. *** Postal address: Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA. The researchof this authorwas partiallysupportedby the NSF under grantECS 86-14689. **** Postal address:CambridgeUniversity EngineeringDepartment, Mill Lane, Cambridge,CB2 1RX, UK. 667 668 C.-S. CHANG, X. CHAO, M. PINEDO AND R. WEBER Eachprocessingtime is distributedindependentlyof all other randomvariablesin the model. Withoutloss of generality,we makethe followingassumption. (Al) 0 1 1 2 ' n. Let Q1,tbe the indicatorfunctionforthe eventthatjobj hasbeen releasedby time t butis not yet complete,i.e. Qj,t is 1 or 0 as job j is or is not in the system at time t. Define Q,= (Q1,t,Q2,t,' ' ', Qn,) as the state of the jobs at time t. A cost g(Qt) is associated with the system at time t, whereg: (0, 1)" '-> R. This cost dependsonly on the set of in the at t. jobs system Our main resultis the followingtheorem. Theorem 1.1. Suppose(A1)holds.Let 7r be thepolicythatschedulesjobs accordingto prioritiesthataredecreasingin theirindices.Thenwithintheclassofpreemptive policies, 7r minimizesEg(Q,), the expectedcost at time t, for all t, and all processesof arrivals, machinebreakdownsand repairs,if and only if the costfunctiong(x) satisfies (A2) (A3) g(x) - g(x - ep), gg(x - e,) > #pg(x - ep)+ (Cu- p )g(x) for all a > fl, whereejis a rowvectorof n components,whosejthcomponentis 1 andothercomponents are 0. Note that since (Al) is assumedto hold, r is equivalentto the LongestExpectedjob ProcessingTime (LEPT)firstrule.This ruleis wellknownto stochasticallyminimizethe makespanof jobs with exponentiallydistributedprocessingtimes that areprocessedon parallelmachines;moreover,it is knownto hold foran arbitraryarrivalprocess(see Van Der Heyden(1981),Fredericksonet al. (1981), Weiss(1982)and Weber(1982), (1983)). This result reappearsas an applicationof Theorem 1.1 at the start of Section 2. Our proof of Theorem 1.1 is based on certain coupling techniquesand is similar to the approachof Van Der Heyden.In Section2 we shedsome lighton conditions(A2)-(A3), by providingfurtherexamplesof cost functionsfor whichthey hold. In Section3, we considerthe specialcaseg(x) -= This is the caseof weighted I'.. cjxj. in for time which a cost is incurred each unit job j remainingin the holding cost, cj system. It is easy to checkthat this cost functionsatisfies(A2)-(A3) if and only if (A4) pici i 92C2i ' ' ' i i -nCn 0. Condition(A4)saysthatthe orderof increasingexpectedprocessingtimes is the sameas the order of increasing values of cy. So if both (Al) and (A4) hold, nrand LEPT are the same and equivalent to the cp rule, which is defined as the preemptive rule that always processes a set of jobs whose values of cp are greatest. In the literature, a combination of conditions such as (Al) and (A4) is often called an 'agreeability condition'. In Section 3 we show that the cp rule minimizes various objective functions, including (i) the expected weightednumberof jobs in the systemat an arbitrarytime t; (ii) the expected weighted sum of job completion times; On theoptimality of LEPTandcyirulesfor machinesinparallel 669 (iii) the expectedweightednumberof latejobs whenthejobs havea commonrandom due date; (iv) the expectedweightedsum of job tardinesseswhenthejobs have a commondue date. The LEPT and cp rules have received a great deal of attention in the stochastic schedulingliterature.If there is only a single machine, then there is no need for an agreeabilitycondition. Variousauthorshave consideredthe single-machinecase and shownthat the cp ruleminimizesobjectivefunctionssuch as (i)-(iv) above;see Pinedo (1983), Baraset al. (1985), Buyukkocet al. (1985) and Shanthikumarand Yao (1991). Optimalityof the cjprule for parallelmachinesrequiresan agreeabilitycondition. Ross (1983) consideredtwo machinesin parallel,n jobs availableat time 0 and no arrivalsafterwards.For this setup he showed that under the agreeabilityconditions (Al) and (A4), the cuirule minimizesthe expectedweightedsum of completiontimes. Kampke(1987) extendedRoss's resultto m machines,and weakenedthe agreeability conditions to c, c, and (A4). Under the agreeability conditions cl ... ~ ... and p,(t,)c, > pn(tn)c,for all t,, - - -, tn,Weber(1988) generalizedKampke'sresultto ?? models in which the job processing times have hazard rates, p,(t),. . . , p,(t). Corollary 3.1 in this paper generalizesRoss's result to m machines and an arbitraryarrival process. For moregeneralcost functions,conditions(A2) and (A3) arisequite naturally.They have been consideredby Weissand Pinedo(1980), who investigatedsimilarscheduling problemsto those in this paper,but underthe assumptionthatalljobs arepresentat the start.Theyshowedthata policyminimizesthe totalholdingcost incurredby time t if the expectedtotalcost underthatpolicy,say G(x), satisfies(A2)-(A3),withg replacedby G. They statedconditionson g thatwouldbe sufficientto guaranteeoptimalityof the LEPT rule;however,these wereincompleteand correctedby Kampke(1987), (1989) through the additionof(A3). (Wenote thatKampkewas concernedwithgenerallist policies,not only LEPT.He thereforealso requireda submodularityconditionthat is not neededin Theorem 1.1.) The contributionof the presentpaperis to show that conditions(A2)(A3) aresufficientto guaranteeoptimalityof LEPTwhentherearearrivalsandmachine breakdownsand repairs.Also, conditions(A2)-(A3)arenecessary,in the sensethatthey must hold if LEPTis to be optimalfor all t and for everypossibleprocessof machine breakdownand repair. Our results also apply to models in which machines have differentspeeds,since this scenariocan be approximatedby rapidlyalternatingperiods of breakdownand repair.This generalizationhas previouslybeen made by Weiss and Pinedo, and also Kampke. 2. The optimality of the LEPT rule To shed some light on the conditions (A2)-(A3) in Theorem 1.1, we first provide some examples that satisfy these conditions. We then prove Theorem 1.1. Example 2.1. Consider the indicator function gj(x) = {xji, x,>o)*- 670 C.-S. CHANG, X. CHAO, M. PINEDO AND R. WEBER It is clearthatthis functionsatisfies(A2)-(A3).It thenfollowsfromTheorem1.1thatthe LEPT rule minimizes P(j:.1 Qi,t > 0). Now let Zj be the completiontime of job j. Conditioning on the event {Rj = rj,j = 1, 2, ..., n), we note that Qi,t > P(i 0)= 1 -P(Q, =0,i= 1,2,...,j) (Zil{r<t) t) =1-P (max where 1(r,;t) equals 1 or 0 as the event [ri ~ t] does or does not occur.Consideringthe casej = n, we have that the LEPTrule stochasticallyminimizesthe makespanof jobs arrivingbeforet. Note that since the makespanis largerthan t if thereis a job arriving after t, P( max (Zi)~ t)=P( max (Zi) < t, t Unconditioningthe event {Rj = rj,j = 1, 2, cally minimizesthe makespan. limax(ri)). ., n })yields that the LEPTrulestochasti- Example 2.2. Let V1,... , V,, be independentexponentialrandomvariableswith mean 1/z1,. * , 1/n,. Consider the function g(x)= Ef(V1x, x,, V2x 2, , VnXn), where f: R u {0} ~() R. Theorem2.3. Iff is (i) increasing,i.e. f(z') f(z2)for all z' z2 componentwise; (ii) arrangement increasing, i.e. f( . ., z1, . z,* f(. . ., zj, . z,. . . ) for all .. ?, ,..) i, j and zi zj; •_ in each variable,i.e. f(z + + f(z + c2ei) l (iii) convex (6, + 62)ei)+ f(z) f(z + c5ei) for all i and 65,62 i 0; (iv) submodular,i.e. f(z + ei +62ej) + f(z) and 6,, 2 f(z + 61ej)+ f(z + 2ej)for all i #j 0; >-- theng(x) satisfies(A2)-(A3). Proof. It is clear that the increasingpropertyoff implies condition (A2). Chang (1992) has shown that (i)-(iv) imply (A3) when f is symmetric.His proof is easily adaptedto the case thatf is arrangementincreasing. Let Vi,,be the remainingworkof job i at time t. Since the job processingtimes are Q. memoryless, V,t has the same distribution as the quantity V Q, Using Theorem 2.3, we have the following corollary for the work remaining at time t. Corollary 2.4. Suppose (A 1) holds and fsatisfies (i)-(iv) of Theorem 2.3. Then the LEPT rule minimizes Ef(V, t, V2,,, , t "? V,,t). Examples of functions that satisfy these four conditions are (i) f(z)= a2 ' ' ' an, and zi;> 0 for all i, and (ii) f(z)= max(alz,,* , az,), with a >- Ontheoptimalityof LEPTandcprulesfor machinesinparallel S 671 h,,(z) for all z (see Definition3.4) andh,(z) increasingconvex hi(z,),with h,(z) >%, -pIall i. For more examples,see Chang(1992) and Changand Yao (1990). for In fact,the LEPTrulenot onlyminimizesthe totalamountof workat time t, 2:i=1 V,t,, in expectation,but also in the senseof stochasticordering.The argumentgoesas follows. For a given problem,consideran auxiliaryproblemin which the numberof available machines is truncatedto 1 past t. Let M be the makespanof the auxiliaryproblem. Clearly,the total amountsof workare the same at time t, if in both problemsthe same schedulingpolicy has been used up to time t. Moreover,the total amount of work remainingat time t is max(M- t, 0). Sincethe LEPTrulestochasticallyminimizesthe makespanfor the auxiliaryproblem,it also stochasticallyminimizesthe totalamountof workremainingat time t forthe originalproblem,takinginto accountthatthe maximum functionis increasing. The rest of this section is devotedto the prooffor Theorem1.1. The prooftakesthe same approachas Van Der Heyden. It uses the uniformizationtechnique and an inductivemethodthathasbeen called'forwardinduction'(see Walrand(1988), Section 8.3). Using the well-knownuniformizationtechnique,our continuous-timeoptimization problemis transformedinto a discrete-timeone. We firstshowthat i is optimalin one step and then take as an inductivehypothesisthat 7r is optimalin k - 1 steps. A problemwith k steps has k decisionepochs.Denote the policiesappliedbetweenthese If we are able to show that (r, r,. . 7r) is better than epochs as (a0, . , ak-_). a1,.. ., for admissible (a, nt,..., rt), any policy a and any initial state, it follows from the induction hypothesisthat 7r is optimal over k steps. As a resultof applyingdifferent policies 7rand a at time 0, the states at step 1 are different. To show that (7r, r, * *,Ir) is better than (a, tr,- *, rt),we must show that starting from time 0 the states reached after applying7r are better than those reachedafter applyinga. Thus, the proof requiresa partialorderingamongstthe states.The appropriatepartialorderingis containedin the followingdefinition.Using it, we can establishinequalitiesthat are similarto (3.3) and (3.4) in Van Der Heyden'spaper. Definition 2.5 (partial sum ordering). Let x' = (x , x., . x ), i = 1, 2, be two ?,denotethisx' vectors.Wesay thatx' is smallerthanx2 underpartialsum, and is x l x2, for all 1, 2, - -, n. iji l1= , x2, if .. The partialsum orderingis very similarto the weakmajorizationordering(Marshall and Olkin(1979)).However,the weakmajorizationorderingof x' andx2 requirestheir components to be in decreasingorder. The following propertyof the partial sum orderingis easyto prove(see Ross(1983),Lemma3.4). Note thatit does not requirexjto be either0 or 1. Lemma 2.6. If Cf;_l ,tj x' s x2, = 1 Z = 1 x/ and i p2 < ?... <,, then z '_1u, !,jxjK. - The next lemma gives a constructive characterization of the partial sum ordering. Consider two integer-valued vectors that are partial sum ordered. We show that the greater of the two vectors can be transformed into the lesser by a number of canonical steps, each of which either reduces some component by 1, or makes a transfer of 1 from a C.-S. CHANG,X. CHAO,M. PINEDOAND R. WEBER 672 lesserto a greatercomponent.In the firstcase,we thinkof I as being'transferredout' of the vector;in the secondcase 1 is transferredbetweentwo components.Informally,we call this the 'transferproperty'of the partialsum ordering.A similarpropertyholdsfor the weakmajorizationordering(Muirhead(1903)). Lemma 2.7. Ifx' andx2 are two integer-valuedvectorsandx' -, x2, thenx2 can be transformedinto x' by a finite numberof applicationsof the following two types of transfers: (i) x H x - ep, where xf > 0; (ii) x x + ea- ef, wherea > fl and xf > 0. Moreover,if T is the combinationof afinite numberof transfersof theforms in (i) and (ii), then T(x) <P,,x. x is clear.Conversely,the transferpropertyis clearfor n = 1, Proof. That T(x) P•, in one dimensionmeansx1 x22,and we need only make since the partialsum ordering inductionhypothesisthatx2 reductionsof 1 to x1 to obtainx,. Thus,we can takeas our<_ can be transformedinto x' when these are vectorsof n - 1 components.If :1%1xJ < x x<xf . We can use then thereis a constantl such that . x2, -~2i' x? =•need to consider the transferx -* x - ef, fl l until i" xi = f=, x. Thus,we only • x2 impliesx' > 2. If xI = x2, then the case that IP., xf = x2. Nothathatx' _p, n - 1 components.If x) > x2, then can be appliedto the first the inductionhypothesisI.,we can find a constantI such that X2 > 0 and xj = 0, i = 1 + 1,..., n and repeatedly apply the transfer x2 h x2 + en - el until the nth component of the resulting vector equalsxI. Once again,this leaves a case to which the inductionhypothesisfor n - 1 applies.This completesthe proof. In the followinglemma,we show that the partialsum orderingis preservedunderIt (the LEPTrule). Lemma 2.8 (n-monotone). Considertwo systems with differentinitial conditions. Let Qj,Lbe the indicatorfunctionfor the eventthatjobj is in the systemi at time t, and Q i = 1,2. Assume(Al) andQ <,<Q02.Thenthereexist two Q = Q2t,',,.*,and,,t), (Q,/, random vectors e2 such that under nr we have (i) i =st Qi, i= 1, 2, and Q^t Proof. Let m(t) denote the number of machines available at time t and let (Mk, k 1} be the set of epochsthat dmi(t)# 0. At each time Mk,one machinebreaks down or-one machinebecomesavailableagainfollowingits repair.Considerthe event {(R = r, j = I, .., n andMk= mk, k 1. Let to= 0 and (tk,k - I} be the sequenceof {r1,j = 1,. ., n and mk, k > })after sorting in time. Clearly, between tk and tk+l there are no arrivals and the number of machines is constant. First, we show that we can construct two processes between toand t1 such that they satisfy conditions (i) and (ii) of this lemma. Using the standard coupling and uniformization technique (Keilson (1979)), we generate a Poisson process with rate A= m(to)j,,. Let {Zk, k ? 1} be its arrival epochs and define -o = 0. Generate a sequence of independent and identically Ontheoptimality of LEPTandcl rulesfor machinesinparallel 673 distributed (i.i.d.) random variables (Uk, k > 1) uniformly distributedover [0, 1]. Constructthe uniformizedMarkovchainsas follows: Qi= Q, i = 1,2, and Qj,Tk+I= Qj, where =i {kA1 - for all Tk+1 jk IXk k A < tl X and Xj,k = 1 ifjobj is served in system i at time Tkand XJ k = 0 otherwise. As desired, it 2.Under is clearthatQ =tQ,Q, i ,k , k m(to)andX k = 0 j, k if = otherwise.Thus, = min(m(to),2 )}.From the induction hypothesis X2k 2=Qk .~l, it that I follows I2 k n. Sincethere , k < =1 X2k, j = 1,Q 21=1X, Tk ^ = ^2 most one at Tk+1, is atI-1l, ., departure , Tk Tk Ql, Tk+1, =QTTk+1 if 21 l "2 In Therefore,we need only considerthe ?=1 case, =-1 case that 1 ik I1 = fsuch Tk. P= Xk , P II X/,k 1 X, kand ~f= X1, k p = I1 ,' j - 1.FromLemma2.6, it = ,k follows that and thus CIJ . Therefore, we =1 =1 IXk _1,k liXJ < concludethat k1 2 Observethat the partialsum orderingis also preserved whenthereis an arrivalof the sametypeat bothsystems.By induction,we canconstruct two processessuch that Q1 PsQt. Let be the expectedcost at time t from the initial state Q0 Jt(Qo)d E(g(Q) IQo) under the policy 7r. Corollary2.9. Assume(A1)-(A3) hold, and Q1<s Qj. Thenschedulingundern we have for all t ? 0. t Jt(Q1) Jt(Q2) Proof. From (A2) and (A3), it follows that g(x - e,) E g(x - ef) for all a > p. Using the transferpropertyin Lemma2.7 yields thatg(x1) ? g(x2) ifx1 It then follows ,ps x2. from the ir-monotone propertyin Lemma2.8 that J(Q ) ? Jt(Q2)if Q1< Q2. Lemma 2.10. Under(A1)-(A3) and n, (1) it,Jt(Qo- e,,) pJt(Qo - ep) + (i, - pfl)J (Qo), for any initial state Q0 with Q,,o = Ql,o = 1 and a > p. = e, + e . We use the e,. same construction as in the proof of Lemma 2.8. First, we show that (1) holds for all = 0. Now take as an induction t E [to, t1). From(A3), it followsthat (1) is satisfiedat mo Proof. To simplifythe notationsin the proof, we denote hypothesis that (1) holds for tE Tk].Let S(or Sa, Sp) be the set ofjobs served at time 0 under at given the initial state[m0, Q0 (or Q0 - ea, Q0 - ep). Note that {rk+1 - Tk) is a of i.i.d. random variables. Analogous to Kolmogorov's backward sequence exponential equation, we have C.-S. CHANG,X. CHAO,M. PINEDOAND R. WEBER 674 X J'k+I(Qo) Similarly, - e) and = J'*k+ 1(eO Jtk+(Qo - efi) = j - ej)A Jrk(Qo (Q) jES A Es SJ - ea,j) Jk (Qo-e,) +J,,(Qo-e.) kj+ Jtk(Qo - ef,j) + -a jES, (eo Jk,,(Qo - ea) AjES' Considerthe followingfour cases. Case 1: Q, o > m(to). In this case, S = S = S . Thus, if ) - uJQ+,l(Qo ZJ,,+l(Qo e( = + - - aJ,, ((u Ji(Qo e.) (S aJ, + ef) - (eU- i a )J•-+l(Q0) - (Qo e.iJ) - (Cu -- )J (Qo - ej)) U-f)J(Q)) -)(Qo- e) - J, j(Qo >0. Case 2: Ifl. Qj,0,5 m(to)and 21. 1Qj,0> m(to).In this case, there exists a y such that i y<a and =I Q,:o< m(to), Y' ,0> m(to).Clearly,S = S = S U (}) \ {y + 1). Thus, eQ aJ,,+,(eo = eai) ) )Jk+l(Qo) -u1J,,?(Qo XI (kuGJk(Qo- ea,j)- lJk(Qo -e e,j )-(au - jeS \ (p)f A- - (~U-iti X )Jk(Qo - )) i., + A (USaJk(Qo - ea) - Jk(Qo - ef) - (Uui JT,1(Qo- ea,8) - ,A+1],,(Qo - eay+ ef+)) )- - (U - )J,(Q)) A+, )Jr,(Qo - >0. Case 3: CIf. m(to) and f. ,Qj,, > m(to). Analogous to the proof of Case 2, Qj,o, that a 7 < n and CI_ there exists a 7 such o m(to), f:2~'Q, o > m(to). Clearly, < S = S, u {a} \ {y + 1} = Sp U {fl} \ {y +1}). Qj, Thus,- 675 On the optimalityof LEPT and cprulesfor machinesin parallel rk+,(Qoa•J - ep) - (Ya- l )Jk+(Qo) ea)- tJfjrk+,(Qo S- u +in S jo-s A + tak + - efq)- (ora 2U)Jk(Qo)) - e)( aJrk(QO JLkk(QO a(JtCu(Qon- eo,)ti+ hlJak(Qo - el, ,)- La-4 - I(QkeP).(Q A foeYP+ (+lJ e,+)- J )Jk(Qo - eY+o)) -f)Jrk(Qo)) ( (/r+ >0. Cwhease 4:(t) followsClearly, all same , then itm(t). the samethe argument, withfrom + ereplaced by(Qo e.) - AjE (!JYaJrk(Q?_ + I'a l A e.) - Jk(QO with and S =replaced by argument, served e, tha- () holds)J(Q for all - efi)J,,Jk(Qo [t, (Pa -Ufl)Jrk(Qo)) ep)). i(J,(Q0e- J,( - - e) from Corollary It e e)( Since Q0- e2.9. then follows )e>_from these fourcases that (1) holds for t t). 0.[t0, Now take as the inductionhypothesisthat (1) holds for all t E [t0, tk). If tk is an epoch =# then it followsfromthe sameargument,with where me(to)beingreplacedby dmn(t) 0, E If t is the arrival that holds for all epochof job]j, then it follows [t0, tk + ,). tk m (tk), (1) from the sameargument,with replacedby Qo+ ej, that (1) holds for all t E [to,tk +1). Q0 Thus, (1) holds for any t 0. _-> Proof of Theorem1.1 (sufficientcondition). Again, we transformthe continuoustime problem into a discrete-timeone by using uniformization.Let {tk, k > 0} be defined as in the proof of Lemmas 2.8 and 2.10. Recall that tkis either an arrival epoch or an epoch when a machine breaks down or becomes available. Generate a sequence of independent Poisson processes, N1(t), 1 > 0 with rates Ai(y) = ym(t)lu, for some y 1. Let (rt,, k 1} be the arrival epochs of the lth Poisson processes and define o,0=_ 0. Observe that- the ZI,k'Sare epochs when a job completion may occur in the coupling scheme we presented in the proof of Lemmas 2.8 and 2.10. Analogous to the proof of 676 C.-S. CHANG, X. CHAO, M. PINEDO AND R. WEBER Pinedo (1983), Theorem 1, we firstshow that 7ris optimalwithin the class of policies W(y),where W(y) consists of all policies that allow preemptiononly at time epochs {tt + Tl,k, k _>0, 1 0) with tt + zT,k<t+,1. Then it followsfroma continuityargument as y -- oo that 7ris Optimalamongall the policies. To simplifythe notation, let {(;', k 0} be the sequenceof {t1 + TIk,k,k O0, 1 0) aftersorting.Weuse inductionon ({ }).First, we showInis optimalin a singlestepfor all initial statesQ0.If rT is the arrivalepochofjobj, thenthe stateofjobs at Tris Q0+ ejfor any policy.This impliesthe costsat z arethe sameforany policy.If z is an epochthata machinebreaksdownor becomesavailable,i.e. dm(t) z 0, then the stateofjobs at Ti is Qofor anypolicy.Again,this impliesthe costs at T" arethe samefor any policy.Thus,it sufficesto consider the case that Tz is not a point of {tk, k i 1). Considera policy a EEW(y).Let Xj0 be the indicatorfunctionof the event thatjob j is servedat time 0 under a policy a and let Xg = (X10,... Xn,0). Let XKbe the correspondingquantity underIn. Since the policy n schedulesjobs accordingto priorityof the lowestindex, we have thatXg <,, Xg for anypolicya in W(y).FromLemma2.7, it followsthatXg canbe reachedfrom Xg througha finite numberof applicationsof the followingtwo types of transfers:(i) x + x - epand (ii) x - x + e, - ep, a > f. Thus, we only need to compare the expectedcost at z for two policies a' and a2 with X' = T(Xg), where T is of the form (i) or (ii). Now let Q1''be the states of jobs at ZTunderthe policy a', i = 1, 2. It sufficesto show that (2) Qo)> E(g(Q 02) Q0). E(g(Q •') Case 1: The first type of transfer. In this case, X'l = X'2 - ef for some fi. This is equivalentto insertingidle time into a machine.Clearly,we have Q`> Q)'. follows from (A2) that (2) holds. It then Case 2: The secondtypeof transfer.In this case,Xa = somea > f. X•2 + ea epfor = = we 1 and The assume difference a' between and a2 is only (Clearly, Xa,o 0.) X,0'o that a2puts the low-indexjob fl into serviceinsteadof the high-indexjob a. Now define Si = (j : Xj' = 1} as the set of jobs served at time 0 under policy ai. Then for i = 1, 2, (3) P(Q•f = Qo- e = IQ0) , E jEs' , Ao(Y)-A0o(y) /I jS' j 4 Si. Thus, we have from (A3) that E(g(QI')Qo)- E(g(Q2)IQo) = > 0. 1 (uag(Qo - e,) - gpg(Qo ep) - (J. - /p )g(Q0)) 677 On the optimalityof LEPT and cp rulesfor machinesin parallel Therefore,7 is optimalin a singlestep. Take as the inductionhypothesisthat 7ris optimalover k - 1 steps. Now we would like to showthat the policythat appliesa2 at time 0 and then appliesInafterTris better thanthe policythatappliesal at time 0 andthenappliesInafterTz.Now let Qa, i = 1, 2, be the statesof jobs at zr underthese two policies.It sufficesto showthat (5) E(g(Q E(g(Qa'Qo) I fz ). Again,we only haveto considerthe casethatTris not a point of {tk,k > 1). Forthe first It then followsfrom type of transfer,we have that Q,' > Q1. This impliesQ, > the transitionprobabilities Corollary2.9 that (5) holds.Analogousto (4), we have fromQ-,. of the uniformizedMarkovchainsthat for the secondtype of transfer, E(g(Qa')IQo)- E(g(Q'2) IQo) = zIk(y)(i.J,;;(Qo Ao - e.) - JiJ ,',(Q0 - ep) - (.a - Ip,)Jr;,,(Q0)) = where IQ,,). From Lemma2.10 and the inductionhypothesis,it J,,, E(g(Q,,) ,(Qo) followsthat 7ris optimalwithin W(y).A continuityargumentthen completesthe proof that the conditionsin Theorem1.1 are sufficientfor optimalityof r. (Necessarycondition). We would like to show that if the policy r minimizes the expectedcost for all t and any realizationof machinebreakdownsand repairsthen (A2) and (A3)mustholdforall initialstatesQ0.Thismeanswe mayconsidera problemwith1 the policy machines available at time 0, where I=/C,=, Qi,. Clearly, = 7r begins by assigningto machinesall jobs whose index is not largerthanft. Call this set of jobs S. Then the expectedcost of the policy n aftera very smallamountof time 3t is (6) E g(Q0- e)uidt + (1- iEpidt) g(Qo) + o(3t). Now considera policy a' whichschedulesjobs havingindicessmallerthanfl on to I - 1 machinesand keepsthe Ith machineidle. Let a' be the policythat is the same as 7r but schedulesjob a insteadofjob fl, a > ft. The expectedcostsof the policiesa' anda2,after a very small amountof time St, can be computedsimilarly.It is easy to see that the differencebetweenthe expectedcosts of the policies n and a' at time 3t is (7) g(Qo - ep),p&t- g(Qo),pdt + o(St). The optimalityof n for all t, whenthereare I machinesavailableat time 0, impliesthat the quantity in (7) must not be greater than 0. Letting 3t -* 0 yields (A2). Similarly, the difference between the expected costs of the policy ir and a2 at time st is g(Qo - ep)lpuSt- g(Qo)up3St- g(Qo - ea)uaOt + g(Qo)jpS3t+ o(3t). The optimality of r implies that the quantity in (8) must not be greater than 0. Letting 6t -* 0 yields (A3). (8) 678 C.-S.CHANG,X. CHAO,M. PINEDOAND R. WEBER 3. The optimalityof the cy rule In this section,we considerthe cost functiong(x) = cjxj. In otherwords,for each •_,1 unit time thatjobj remainsin the system,a cost cjis incurred.Assumingthe agreeability condition(A4)of Section1,we use Theorem1.1to establishoptimalitycriteriaforthe cy rule. Recall that the cy rule is the preemptivepolicy that ordersjobs in increasing priority according to increasing values of cy. Under (A4), the cy rule results in the same order as the LEPT rule. The objective functions that are consideredin this section include the expected values of (i) the weightednumberof jobs in the system at an arbitrarytime t, (ii) the weighted sum of job completion times, (iii) the weighted number of late jobs when the jobs have a common random due date, and (iv) the weightedsum of job tardinesseswhen the jobs have a commondue date. Corollary3.1 (minimizationof theexpectedweightednumberofjobsat arbitrarytime t). Assume(A1)holds.Let Irbe thepolicythatschedulesjobs accordingtoprioritiesthat are decreasingin theirindices. Then r minimizesE[ I ~, cjQ, t], the expectedweighted numberofjobs, for all t (t > 0), and all processesof arrivals,breakdownsand repairs,if and only if (A4) is satisfied.Preemptionneedonly occurat the releaseof a newjob. Proof. For g(x) = I..", cixi, it is easy to see that (A2)*c >-c 0 and that (A3)c c,: > In fact, Corollary3.1 also follows immediatelyfrom the known result that LEPT minimizesthe makespanstochastically.Recall,Vj,, = Qj,,/j. Observethatthe objective functionis an arrangement increasingfunctionof the expectedworkremainingat time t, i.e. = E EEcjQj, j-1 t j-1 c jt V;, c i-i (cipi - E j-1 , , where we take cn+ ,n+, = 0. Since LEPT minimizes the expected work remaining at everytime t, it is clearthatthe summationon the right-handside aboveis minimizedby LEPT. It is clear that without the agreeabilitycondition (Al), the ci rule itself cannot be optimal. Counterexamplescan be found, even under Kampke'sweaker agreeability condition of cl, >.. c, and (A4). Consider the following set of jobs: cjyj= 1, 9 ,=? and cj=1I(n-1), j=n-1, j= j=l,*..,n-1, j=1,***,n-l,1, n two machines and all 1, 2, ... , n. Thereare jobs have a common(fixed)due date at 2. Take n very large.The firstn - 1 jobs requirea total amountof processingequalto 1. The variance in this total amount goes to 0 as n tends to 0o. It is clear that job n will start under the ci rule at time ?. It is also clear that starting job n (the large job) at time 0 significantly increases the probability that it is completed by time 2, and therefore maximizes the expected number of jobs completed by the due date. For an example in which the ci rule does not minimize the expected sum of the weighted completion times, consider again two machines and the same set of jobs as the one described above and all n jobs available at time 0. Now, instead of a due date at time 2, a second batch of jobs Ontheoptimality of LEPTandcyirulesfor machinesin parallel 679 arrivesat time 2. It is clearthat the cy ruledoes not minimizethe expectedsum of the weightedcompletiontimes. It is necessaryto start the long job at time 0 in orderto maximizethe expectedmachineutilizationbeforetime 2. Corollary3.2 (minimizationof the expectedweightednumberof latejobs). Assume (A 1) and (A4) hold, and thejobs havea commondue date, D. Let Zj be the completion time ofjob j. Let Ujbe the indicatorfunctionfor the event[Zj Dj]. Then7 minimizes >= , cjUj ]. E[ •-. Proof. Consider the event (Rj = rj,j = 1,... , n, D = d). On this event, Uj = Q, dif rj< d and 1 if rj d. ApplyingCorollary3.1 completesthe proof. _ Remark 3.3. Corollary 3.2 is an extension of Pinedo and Rammouz (1988), Theorem 2, to parallel machines. Pinedo (1983), Theorem 8, also showed that if cn, and the common due date D has a concave Jl cl c2 "-,, _:2 _-... _-> SEPT ruleminimizesE[ distribution then the statesa function, i=1, cjUj].Corollary3.2, differentset of conditionsunderwhichthe LEPTruleis optimal. The followingdefinitionis useful in obtaininga result for more generalweighted functionsof completiontimes.The subsequentcorollaryextendsPinedoand Rammouz (1988), Theorem1, to parallelmachines. Definition 3.4 (Pinedoand Rammouz(1988)). Let F,(t) and F2(t)be two increasing functions. F, is said to be steeperthanF2 if F,(t2) - F1(t1)- F2(t2) - F2(tl)for all t, < t2. Wedenotethis by F1 > F2. Corollary3.5 (minimizationof the expectedweightedsum ofjob completiontimes). n are increasingfunctions,such that Suppose(A1) and (A4) hold, and Fj(t),j = - . Then 7rminimizes 1,.-, Fl , F2 s > , F,. E[ 1j, cjFj(Zj)]. Proof. It is notedin Pinedoand Rammouz(1988) thatCorollary3.2 is equivalentto minimizingE[ cjF(Zj)],whereF(t) is the distributionfunctionof the commondue if.•,7t minimizes E[2 date D. Thus, cjF(Zj)] for all F increasing. Note that CI = - Fn+2_i(Zj)], and taking c=E[Fn+,_i(Zj) Bi with B, = E[;-1 cFj(Z1)]-•I1 = 0. Now that is Zn•1i-i Combinedwith the fact implies (t) increasing. + F,n Fj , Fj+, Fj Fj1, that F, is increasing, this implies that 7t minimizes B,, i = 1,. minimizesthe sum of the B 's. ., n, and thus that it Corollary3.6 (minimizationof the expectedweightedsum ofjob tardinesses). The tardinessof job j, Tj, is definedas max(Zj- Dj, 0). Suppose(A1) and (A4) hold, and 5 D, : D2 D, a.s. Thenn minimizesE[ I=1 cjTj]. _ ??? Proof. Consider the event (D1 = d), j = 1,. ., n). The objective function is equivalent to E[2J.. c?FI(Z,)],with F1(t)= max(t - di, 0) (Pinedo and Rammouz (1988)). Clearly, the Fj(t)'s are increasing and F1 >, FJ, . An application of Corollary 3.5 completes the proof. Remark 3.7. Pinedo (1983), Theorem 3, showed that ifD, D2 D, a.s. and ? ?? _ (A4) is satisfied, then rminimizes E[ I, c?T ] for a single-machine problem with all the C.-S. CHANG, X. CHAO, M. PINEDO AND R. WEBER 680 jobs presentat time 0. Corollary3.6 is an extensionof thattheoremto parallelmachines with releasedates. In the followingtwo corollaries,we considerthe specialcasethatalljobs arepresentat time 0. A static list policy is one that assignsjobs to machinesin the orderof a fixed permutationof their indices. Clearly,the set of static list policies is a subset of the dynamicpolicies we have consideredthus far, and n, whichunder(Al) assignsjobs in the order 1,. *.., n, is optimal amongstall static list policies when (Al) and (A4) are satisfied.In the followingtwo corollariesthe conditionsneededin Corollaries3.2 and 3.6 are relaxed from the strong sense (a.s.) to the weak sense (distribution).These corollariesgeneralizePinedo(1983),Theorems4 and 2, to parallelmachines.Recallthat a randomvariableX is stochasticallysmaller than Yif P(X > t) < P(Y > t) forall t. - s Corollary3.8 (minimizationof the expectedweightednumberof latejobs). Assume function (A 1) and (A4) hold, and duedatesDj,j = 1,- - , n, havea commondistribution F(t). Let Ujbe the indicatorfunctionfor the eventthatjob j is late. Then7rminimizes E[ J', cjUj] amongst all the static list policies. Proof. Let a = a2,. ., a,)} be a permutationof (1, 2, - , n } and supposethe ? accordingto the static list policy that assignsjobs to machinesin jobs are scheduled(al, priority order a,, q2,.. , a,. Under these circumstances,let Q1, be the indicator function for the event that job j is in the system at time t and let Uf'be the indicator functionthatjob j is late. FromCorollary3.1, it followsthat under(Al) and (A4) n (9) Z j=1 n < EcjfQ j=1 EcjQj,. t_ All the jobs are presentat time 0, so U;J= Q J. Since the orderin whichjobs will be assignedto machinesis determinedat time 0, it followsthat QTt,is independentof the due date Dj. (This is not true if the policy is dynamic.)We have (10) = EQO f EQtdF(t). Combining(9) and (10) completesthe proof. Corollary3.9 (minimizationof the expectedweightedsum of job tardinesses). Assume (A1) and (A4) hold and due dates satisfy <st D2st ' stDn. Let Tj be the D1 all list static tardinessofjob j. Then7r minimizesE[ 1~ , cjTj] policies. among Proof. 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