SAC Newsletter - St. Aloysius College

SAC Newsletter
ST aLOYSIUS college
Issue 5: Friday 24 March 2016
Ms Paddy McEvoy
Harmony Day is always a great day to celebrate at St Aloysius
College. The orange flowers popping up all over the
campus on Monday, along with orange ribbons, signalled
our intention to be a school that welcomes everyone. The
theme for this year was ‘Our diversity is our strength’ and
this sentiment emerges strongly in my conversations with
students, families and staff. At our enrolment interviews
last weekend, many families mentioned this feature of
the College as one of the key reasons for enrolling their
daughter, as there is so much to learn from being part of a
diverse community.
Continued page 2.
“May you and your family experience the
Mercy of God in ever-richer ways
this Easter”
Ms Paddy McEvoy
Harmony Day .............................................................................................................................................2,3
Term 1 Diary....................................................................................................................................................3
Canteen Roster..............................................................................................................................................3
Careers and Employment Expo...............................................................................................................3
Sacraments 2016..........................................................................................................................................4
‘You Give a Little, I Give a Little’.............................................................................................................5,6
International Women’s Day.......................................................................................................................6
SAC Uniform Shop ......................................................................................................................................7
Digital Technology Competition ............................................................................................................7
Music Camp....................................................................................................................................................8
Year 1 Shows Us Their Skills.......................................................................................................................9
Congratulations SAC Swim Team...........................................................................................................9
Secondary Sport ........................................................................................................................................10
Year 6 Camp..........................................................................................................................................12, 13
Year 8 Camp.................................................................................................................................................14
Chancery Lane Montessori Pre-School...............................................................................................15
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
Page 1
From the Principal’s continued.
Catholic Education SA is conducting an important research study
to gain a better understanding of how South Australian parents
make decisions about schooling. The research will provide insights
that will be used by the CESA Marketing and Communications
Team and individual participating schools. We would like to
encourage all our families to complete the survey online so that we
can hear from as wide a range of families as possible. The survey can
be accessed at
We will be looking to engage the broader parent community
in the development of the College’s strategic plan this year. To
this end, we will be holding community conversations early next
term to ask for your input and listen to your contributions. We
will also create an online option for feedback for those parents
who are unable to attend. We know that parents are keen to have
their voice heard in making these plans and look forward to your
participation in the forums.
Over the last fortnight, Years 4 to 6 students have all taken part
in year level camps. Having these experiences early in the year
allows the students to build strong friendships and get to know
each other in a new context. The girls made the most of the
time away, with team-building activities and new adventures.
We thank the staff who make these opportunities possible for
our students through their generosity of spirit. I know their
contributions are greatly appreciated by our parents.
Last Sunday began the celebration of Holy Week, celebrating
the heart of Christian faith in the passion, death and resurrection
of Jesus of Nazareth. In a recent quote, Pope Francis spoke of Jesus
as ‘Mercy: the bridge that connects God and humanity.’ The full
quote runs as follows:
“We need constantly to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is
a wellspring of joy, serenity, and peace. Our salvation depends
on it. Mercy: the word reveals the very mystery of the Most Holy
Trinity. Mercy: the ultimate and supreme act by which God
comes to meet us. Mercy: the fundamental law that dwells in
the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his
brothers and sisters on the path of life. Mercy: the bridge that
connects God and humanity, opening our hearts to the hope of
being loved forever despite our sinfulness.” Pope Francis
May you and your family experience the Mercy of God in
ever-richer ways this Easter.
Ms Paddy McEvoy
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
Page 2
The 2016 Adelaide Careers & Employment Expo is
happening on Friday 20 May and Saturday 21 May at
the Jubilee Pavilion, Adelaide Showgrounds. Friday is the
day dedicated for students to attend with their schools,
however if you’d like to attend with your child/children on
the Saturday, they’ll have the opportunity to speak with
leading training and education providers, receive guidance
from professional Career Advisors, and figure out what
they might be interested in doing once they leave school.
Grab a coffee and relax and/or chat with other parents
regarding the best way to guide your children through
what can be an overwhelming and confusing time.
The theme for Harmony Day 2016 was ‘Our Diversity is our Strength’.
Primary students celebrated Harmony Day through a variety of
activities led by SRC and Social Justice and Mercy Leaders within
the school. Focus activities for primary students included creating
orange flowers for Harmony Day which were planted in the school
gardens along Wakefield Street and in the Mitchell and Dunlevie
Courtyards, ‘Dancing for Harmony’ during lunch, wearing orange
ribbons and celebrating with orange themed treats.
Ms Louise Murphy
Harmony Day Committee
TERM 1 DIARY (for students and parents)
28 March
29 March
(public holiday)
10am School Tour 12 noon R-12 Easter
4 April
5 April
30 March
6 April
31 March
1 April
2 April
3 April
7 April
8 April
9 April
10 April
available on
SAC website
Meeting, McAuley
Auditorium, 7pm
28 March
29 March
(public holiday
Joanne Mandi
Kristy Liddicoat
4 April
Di Young
Fran Buller
30 March
31 March
1 April
Karen Golding
Pam/Rex Robinson
Sue Cecere
5 April
6 April
7 April
8 April
Sue Moyle
Andy Mennillo
Pam/Rex Robinson
Minoque Pace
Sue Cecere
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
Page 3
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Students at St Aloysius College have an opportunity to prepare
for the sacraments of:
• Reconciliation (from Year 3)
• Confirmation and First Eucharist (from Year 4).
These are according to the Catholic Rite. They will learn about
these sacraments through the Religious Education program
with their class teachers (Years 3 & 4) or at lunchtime lessons
(Years 5-7). They will attend a one day workshop at school with me.
Students can then celebrate their sacraments in the Adelaide
Cathedral Parish or in their own parishes.
Parents are required to attend some meetings during the year
to participate in the family preparation. This is an important
part of the sacramental program. You will be required to
present your daughter at one Mass early in the year and at the
Thanksgiving Mass at the end of the year. These presentations
will be conducted with St Marys College and Christian Brothers
College who form part of the Adelaide Cathedral Parish.
A meeting will be held on Tuesday April 5, 2016 in the
Catherine Mc Auley Auditorium at 7pm for those interested
in having their daughters prepare and celebrate the sacraments
this year. Fr Paul Cashen from the Adelaide Cathedral Parish
will discuss the importance of the sacraments. You will be able
to nominate your daughter to participate in the sacramental
program for this year. Please send me a copy of your daughter’s
Certificate of Baptism and return the slip below to the class
teacher or email to me directly.
Ms Sandra Sofia
Contact Information for
Religious Education Coordinator (R-7)
Ms Sandra Sofia
Ph: 8217 3212
Please return to class teacher by 31 March, 2016
I/We will be attending the Sacrament meeting on
Daughter’s Name:
Contact name and phone number:
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
Page 4
Pipalyatjara Anangu School
‘Ngapartji Ngapartji’ (Nap-art-ji Nap-art-ji) is a Pitjantjatjara phrase
meaning, “you give a little, I give a little.” A special community in
North-Western South Australia gives St Aloysius College more than
just, “a little.” The community is tucked into the corner where three
states meet, nestled in the Tomkinson Ranges. It is a place with
rich cultural history; where learning takes place, laughter is shared
and stories are told. In Week 5, intrepid students (Mahalia Fowler,
Imogen Lee, Georgia Muller, Tara Murali, Gretel Oliver and Harper
Robb) along with three staff (Ginny Edgerley, Maddie Kelly and Jo
Tapp) ventured to this place - the Pipalyatjara Anangu Community
to commence the first part of our annual cultural exchange.
St Aloysius College has visited Pipalyatjara since 2010. As always,
we were welcomed back in 2016 with open arms. Experiencing a
different culture is always a privilege; however, it is an especially
profound experience when this understanding and personal
growth occurs within one’s own country, which we often think
we know so well. Even as visitors, sacredness of the undisturbed,
ancient soil and the value of the land to its traditional owners,
was felt implicitly. During the week, students and staff offered
classroom support in the mornings, before being taken out on
bush-visits in the afternoon. Students hunted for maku (witchetty
grubs), ate malu wipu (kangaroo tail) and collected chrysoprase, a
semi-precious stone found only in certain parts of the world. Ninti
Media, an organisation which specialises in creating films with and
about people in indigenous communities, followed the journey and
will produce a documentary about the exchange.
With the help of Felicity Martin from Pipalyatjara Anangu school,
Mahalia & Gretel found some delicious make
It is difficult to articulate the impact that such an experience can
have. Past and present ‘Pip Trippers’ have expressed a desire to
strengthen the relationship between our school community and
theirs. They articulate beautifully what the experience means to
“Before leaving for Pipalyatjara, our thoughts and expectations were
far from what we imagined. We went into the experience with a high
level of optimism, however we were still influenced by preconceived
ideas about what the trip was going to involve. We were worried
about not being accepted into the community, offending the elders
and having difficulties communicating. However, as soon as we
arrived, and saw the children running up to greet us, our thoughts and
Continued page 6.
Eating Malu Wipu & meeting local artist, Molly Miller, and her daughter,
Dolores, was a highlight of the journey
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
Page 5
From page 5 continued.
worries flew out of the window. Each of us had multiple significant
moments throughout the trip, that deeply affected us and will
further resonate with us for many more years to come. One thing
that all of us found inspirational, was the children in Pip and their
strong sense of resilience to the life around them. Every morning
we were greeted with exuberant smiles, bubbly personalities and a
strong sense of joy and cheerfulness. We were openly accepted into
the community, felt embraced and had a strong sense of belonging
to this beautiful place. The Pip immersion really altered the way in
which we see ourselves and the world. From the people we met, we
learnt about the importance of sharing, community living and being
present in the moment with one another which is very distant from
our lives in the city. It has become a vital part of our everyday lives
since we got back to implement these values into our own actions
in the hope of improving our lifestyle and how we treat others
around us. In the near future we aim to continue maintaining and
growing our relationships with the Pip community. Pipalyatjara
was much more than just a school trip, it was a truly changing
experience that will continue to influence us for the rest of our lives.”
Mahalia Fowler 11FD, Imogen Lee 11NR, Georgia Muller 11TC,
Tara Murali 11TC, Gretel Oliver 11CE & Harper Robb 11NR
Tara, Gretel & Imogen serving breakfast before school
“Like someone wise once said “home is where the heart is.” My heart
is still in Pipalyatjara, even a year on from the truly life changing
experience. Words can’t explain what happened and how it touched
me, but I still have this yearning and desire to go back. Everyone
needs to find their ‘special’ place that touches them and makes a
lasting impact on their life and I am thankful that I have found
mine.” Aimee Brett 12MN
St Aloysius College looks forward to welcoming students from
Pipalyatjara to our school later in the year. In the coming weeks,
we will have a fundraising launch of the Ninti Media documentary
at the College. Further details will soon be provided. We will also
shortly be requesting winter clothing donations to be sent to
Pipalyatjara. ‘Ngapartji Ngapartji’: “you give a little, I give a little.”
Together, we can give a lot!
Ms Maddie Kelly, Ms Ginny Edgerley & Ms Jo Tapp
It takes a total of four days to drive
to and from Pipalyatjara, but the
scenery is worth it!
On March 8, we celebrated International Women’s Day. Justice and
Mercy students decided to use this event as an opportunity to raise
awareness of the struggles still faced by millions of women around the
world. However, they also realise the importance of celebrating the
contribution that females make to our society. The students formed a
sub-committee of the Justice And Mercy group and, after undertaking
some research, displayed posters around to school to inform others
about the importance of gender equality. They also made a life-size cut
out of a purple female and invited students, staff and parents to write
a note stating what they love about females, or why they are grateful
to be one, which was attached to the figure’s dress. The cut out is hung
on the wall of the Dunlevie Courtyard archways and will remain there
until the end of term. We encourage you to read the notes as you walk
past, or even better, to add your own!
Ms Maddie Kelly
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
Page 6
On the Year 11 Society and Culture excursion to Oxfam
at Hutt Street, we learnt about what Oxfam does and
how they personally contribute to communities both in
Australia and overseas. It was fitting to go there on the
17 March as this coincided with Close the Gap – a campaign
Oxfam is committed to. We also learnt about their other
passion, striving for gender equity through advocacy
and other programs. Fair Trade is also important to this
organisation so that workers and producers are given a fair
price for their products. In addition, their work involves
giving aid to countries facing natural disasters through the
provision of fresh water.
Ms Sharyn Schubert
“Overall, I thought that our trip to Oxfam was a rewarding
experience. I felt like I got a lot out of it and I’m now more
aware of the issues that some parts of the world are facing
and how I can contribute to the action being taken by
Oxfam to help, such as purchasing Fair Trade products.”
Chelsea Andrew 11NR
Olivia, Ms Sharyn Schubert, Da-Youn, Ataliah, Georgia,
Mr Chris Leaver (Oxfam), Chelsea, Mahalia, Maddison &
Ophelia at the Year 11 Society & Culture excursion to Oxfam at Hutt Street
The 2016 Digital Technologies Competition which is an initiative of
Educational Assessment Australia (EAA) of the University of New South
Wales (UNSW) will be held on Tuesday 17 May 2016. This competition
provides an opportunity for all students to gain a measure of their own
achievement in an external assessment situation. It provides schools and
teachers with comprehensive reporting of results and also gives parents
helpful information regarding their child’s performance.
The competition is open to all students from Year 3 to Year 10.
All participating students receive a Certificate and an individual Student
Report indicating which questions they answered correctly, as well as
the average mark for the state/region.
Certificates are awarded for each year level in each state/region as
High Distinction to the top 1% of entrants
Distinction to the next 10% of entrants
Credit to the next 25% of entrants
Participation to all other students who sit the competition
Medals are awarded to the top student(s) in each year level in the state/
This year, all entries must be made through our secure online payment page
The cost of entry is $8.80. All entries must be received by Monday 4 April
(Week 10 of Term 1) at the latest.
Mr Brian Davey
For students new to the college this year, now
is the time to look at purchasing the winter
uniform ready for the first day of Term 2.
Current students are also encouraged to check
that their winter uniform from last year still fits.
We recommend making an appointment now
for your daughter to be fitted during opening
times in the last weeks of Term 1.
Appointments can be made by visiting
Thursday 28 April and Friday 29 April from
8:30am - 4pm
Please access the shop via Angas St.
Ms Skye Harper
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
Page 7
On the 6 and 7 of March, we, alongside the school’s music
cohort, had the fantastic opportunity to practice our
skills and have fun at 2016’s annual Music Camp. Music
students, both new and old, gathered at the Nunyara
Conference Centre to rehearse our ensembles ready for the
Open Night performances. It wasn’t all work however. We
kept the tradition of the highly competitive music quiz and
sing-along movie musical which was voted this year as
Mulan. It was also a chance for students to get to know
other music enthusiasts and to try out new ensembles.
Open Night was a huge success and offered all the
ensembles a chance to shine! We put our hard work to the
test, with the Flute and String ensembles, Stage and Rock
band, Orchestra, Drum Corps, Catch 22 and Senior Choir
featuring throughout the night.
We’d like to thank the music coordinator Ms Linda
Clemente and other music teachers who made this camp
and Open Night an enjoyable experience.
Ruby Gazzola 12BC & Caitlin Byrne 12BC
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
Page 8
The Year 1s have just begun
practicing their ball handling
skills in Physical Education
classes. Already, the girls have
demonstrated great control
in their throwing, catching
and dribbling. Some are even
able to dribble through and
around their legs! The girls
are learning to watch the ball
carefully and to treat it as their
‘friend’. It is encouraging to see
their enthusiasm in lessons and
their eagerness to show their
classmates how skilful they are.
Keep up the good work girls; I
can’t wait to see your progress
over the next four weeks.
Ms Katie Fenoughty
On the night of Wednesday 16 March 2016, a
group of sixteen students competed in the Catholic
School Girls swimming carnival. Throughout the
night we showcased our swimming ability in all
strokes and as our results were very consistent.
A special mention must go to four outstanding
students, Emma-Lee Arnold 10MB, Eve Caton
11CE, Emily Tyler 10AW and Charlotte-Rose
Connor 9LF who excelled in all of their Div 1 races
and also broke the record for the U/16 Freestyle
relay (they also did this at the SSSSA carnival a
week earlier). Congratulations girls! It was a team
effort on the night and all members performed
extremely well. Big thanks to our teacher officials,
Ms Kate Marks, Ms Vashti Casserly-Lund, Ms
Kamala Bode, Ms Elizabeth Rousoss, Ms Katie
Fenoughty and Ms Sarah Eaton for helping at the
two carnivals this term.
Well done girls and we look forward to defending
the title next year!
Ms Nicole Wedding
Championship winning team
U/16 Freestyle record breaking team!
ST aLOYSIUS college
Charlotte Connor In action!
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
Page 9
The last round for Secondary Term 1 sport will take place in
Week 10, with water polo teams concluding their season on
April 7 and Saturday sport teams on April 9. These rounds are
the finals rounds where all teams will play off for a finishing
place on the premiership table for their competition. Students
will be notified of the details of their Week 10 finals game at
the beginning of that week (Week 10) via the weekly schedule
that is emailed on Monday mornings. Therefore, there will be
no trainings in Week 11 of this term.
Approximately 130 Years 7-12 students have nominated to play
Term 2/3 sport for the winter season. We have nine netball
teams, six badminton teams, two soccer teams and one lacrosse
team representing the College next term. Permission forms will
be issued to all nominated students during Week 9 of Term
1 and must be returned by the end of Week 10 in order to
participate. Information packs regarding Term 2/3 sport will be
issued to each student involved by Week 10 and 11 of Term 1. I
ask that all students and parents read this carefully so they are
fully aware of the details regarding each sport.
There are no Saturday Secondary sport games on the Easter
Year 8 SAC 2 C volleyball team coached by old scholar Tallulah Robb
Over Term 2-4 Secondary students are given the opportunity
to trial for our Knockout sport teams. Trials will be held and
the best available team selected to represent St Aloysius College.
In 2016 we would like to nominate teams for Junior and Open
Netball, Junior and Open basketball, Open touch football,
Open soccer, Open AFL football and Year 10 volleyball. If your
daughter excels in any of the sports below, she is encouraged
to trial in order to represent the school. Students must pay
careful attention to the student bulletin notices and emails
regarding meeting times, registration of interest and trial
details. Any students selected in these teams must be committed
to all trainings and games with an expectation to adhere to the
Secondary Sport Knockout Policies outlined in the Secondary
Sport Handbook in order to maintain a position in the team.
This week information was issued via student emails
regarding Year 10 Knockout Volleyball and Junior and Senior
Knockout Netball. Students who wish to be considered must
sign their name up of the PE office window by Thursday
Week 9. Trials will be held in Week 10 and 11.
Ms Vashti Casserly-Lund
Elise leads the way with
a power shot for the
undefeated SAC 1 Senior C
water polo team
Maidlin in attack for the Year 7/8 SAC 1
Jnr C water polo team
Ava makes a touch for the Year 8-10
SAC 1 C touch football team
Zara in her singles match for the Year 8
SAC 1 C tennis team
Contact Information for Secondary Sport Coordinator:
Ms Vashti Casserly-Lund
Tel: 0447 937 709 or 8217 3233
Ashleigh in attack or the Year 8 SAC 1 C volleyball team.
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
Page 10
The Catholic Church in SA has recently foreshadowed
changes to some of the arrangements relating to police
checks for volunteers. These changes are consistent with
moves across South Australia to align the volunteer police
checking process more closely with recommendations
arising from the Royal Commission into Institutional
Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
While the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide’s Police Check
Unit (PCU) will still manage the police check process, some
of the changes, effective from 1 May 2016 include:
• Sourcing a Working With Children Check through the
SA Government’s Department for Families and Social
Inclusion (DCSI);
• A streamlined and simpler application process;
• The opportunity for volunteers to volunteer on 7
occasions per year without the requirement for a
police check (where the volunteering does not include
excursions or overnight stays);
• No requirement for children under 18 years of age to
hold a check;
• The provision of a convenient wallet-sized clearance
card as distinct from a clearance letter
As our school transitions to the new arrangements by
1 May it is possible that we may invite you to renew your
current check, prior to its usual expiry date, under the
current arrangements. If this is the case we will contact you.
In the meantime if you have any questions with regards to
police checks as a volunteer please contact me.
Mr John Konopka
All Parents are welcome to purchase an
Entertainment Book Membership through
the payment page that has been setup on
behalf of the Staff Social Club. This year,
we are offering parents the opportunity to
purchase books or digital memberships. The
price is $65, of which $13 commission will go
towards supporting Mercy Works.
The Entertainment Book for 2016/17 will be launched in April
which means you will start using Early Bird bonus offers as soon as
you get the book or digital membership. I can certainly recommend
the convenience of the digital version which you download as a
SmartPhone App. It is very convenient because you can easily have
all offers with at all times. The digital membership can also be shared
with an immediate family member.
All payments need to be made by clicking on the link below to the
online payment page. After you have selected your membership type,
you will see the Delivery Options (see below). Unless you want to pay
extra to have a book home delivered, choose Pick Up and I will collect
it for you on the launch date, after which you will be able to pick it up
from St Aloysius College.
Delivery Options:
Pick up - $0.00
eParcel (can be tracked) - $12.00
Express Post - $15.50
Telephone: 8217 3200
Telephone: 8217 3254
Mr Brian Davey
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
Page 11
In Week 7, the Year 6 classes enjoyed their first two-night
camp at Adare, Victor Harbor.
The girls had an amazing time participating in activities
such as kayaking, treasure hunts, challenge courses,
mountain biking, beach games and a giant ‘Flying Kiwi’
swing. At night, the girls enjoyed a visit to the mini golf
course at Victor Harbor, and a girls’ movie night.
They worked in teams to overcome challenges and push
their limits whilst having fun. The highlight of the camp
experience was the opportunity to strengthen existing
friendships and develop new ones with their peers.
We congratulate the girls on their excellent behavior and
attitudes towards all aspects of the experience and hope
that they enjoyed their first two-night camp.
Ms Renee Lambi, Ms Melissa Potter & Ms Zoe Duffy
Do you want a bonding experience with your friends? Then
go to Adare, Victor Harbor! We learnt many things like
how to kayak, work together and how to get over our fear of
heights! We made new friends and tried delicious new foods!
Charli Horn 6MP & Emma Dalton 6RL
My favourite activity was Mountain Biking. We rode big
mountain bikes through the streets of Victor Harbor. We
passed by the beach while cycling. You could smell the salt
in the air and the ocean was beautiful. Year 6 camp was an
amazing experience! Lynelle Cheung 6MP
The ‘Flying Kiwi’ was one of my favorite activities! One
person was called the kiwi and was harnessed to a rope. The
other tribe members would be at the other end of the rope
and would run. When the kiwi ran in the opposite direction
they got pulled into the air, becoming a ‘Flying Kiwi’.
Lily Zada-Schwarz 6MP
The most enjoyable thing at camp was kayaking. We had a
race and it was very difficult. We had to row without falling
in, but a few people got wet! Elke Milne 6SH
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
Page 12
I really liked the treasure hunt because I enjoyed searching for
the hidden items. I found the flying kiwi activity challenging
because pulling people up high was hard. Seeing the view
from the top was great! Paige Tran 6SH
I enjoyed all of our camp activities, but especially the ‘Flying
Kiwi’ and the mountain biking. The most challenging part
for me was the water obstacle but it felt really refreshing
afterwards. An important lesson I learnt on camp was
that teamwork is extremely important, and trusting your
teammates is the key. Cruz Choe 6RL
I liked all the activities, but especially the kayaking. The
highlight was developing friendships, trusting each other and
meeting new people. The mountain biking was great fitness
and my legs were in pain but this was satisfying because I
knew I finished and pushed myself through, which was a
good result. Arian Ravell 6RL
I really enjoyed the ‘Flying Kiwi’ activity because our tribe
worked well together. The survivor challenge was a bit tricky
as trusting your teammates was very important. I learnt that
you have to trust other people and work together to complete
something. Adrienne McInnes 6MP
“I learnt that you have to trust other
people and work together to complete
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
Page 13
During Weeks 3 and 4 of Term 1, the Year 8s set off for
the Glenhaven Park campsite. The Year 8 camp was split
into two groups. 8KF, 8RG and 8NR attended camp from
Wednesday 17 to Friday 19 February and 8KM and 8NW
attended from Wednesday 24 to Friday 26 February.
The Year 8 camps were designed to challenge students but
also to help them develop new friendships, whilst building
upon existing ones. The program started with team building
challenges through initiatives and the tower challenge
which puts groups of 12-14 students into scenarios that
can only be completed as a group. This then set the theme
for the next couple of days where challenge and tests were
placed on individuals and groups to achieve to the best
of their abilities. The three days gave the opportunity for
students to get to know one another, break the ice, build
trust and develop new skills. Activities included raft
building, bush skills, archery, 10 metre high ropes course,
giant swing and a river hike. It was fantastic to see so many
students overcome their fears and the encouragement that
the girls gave to one another as they completed the various
activities was particularly impressive.
Night time activities included ‘Rambo’ in the dark and the
‘SAC’s Got Talent’ show which revealed the girls’ excellent
skills and abilities. On the last night, a disco was held in the
hall at the campsite.
Many students have commented on what a fantastic
opportunity it was to get to know new students and build
upon friendships that will continue to develop over their
time at SAC.
Ms Rachel Gould.
My most memorable moment was going on the giant swing for the
first time. It was extremely thrilling and fun. Scarlett Eldridge 8RG
Camp was fun and exciting. It was great that people were supporting
me when I was on the Tower Challenge. Trish Phan 8NW
The highlight was the SAC disco, and of course, making new
friends. Natasha English 8NW
It was my first ever camp at my new school. The whole camp was
a memorable moment. Joseph Bellita 8NW
The best thing about the Year 8 camp would have to be the high
ropes course! It was challenging yet fun. I’m so glad I took the
leap of faith because I caught the bar! Amy Wang Rui 8NW
The high ropes course challenged you mentally and physically,
however once it was completed, you felt a great sense of
accomplishment. Holly Burns 8NW
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
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As the term quickly goes by, we continue to extend
upon the children’s interests and learning in our
outdoor classroom. After seeing an interest in yoga
sessions in our classroom, we decided it would be
more enjoyable for the children to enjoy the lessons
outdoor, under the shade of our trees. Using yoga
mats, the children have loved trying relaxing and
trickier yoga poses, working in small groups with the
Using yoga mats, the children have loved trying
relaxing and trickier yoga poses, working in small
groups with the teachers.
Regardless of the weather, we have been making the
most of the outdoors, be it very warm or very wet!
Over the hotter days, the children have been busy
expanding on their imagination and creativity to
construct their own running creek. They used team
work to gather stumps and rocks and used watering
cans in order to run the creek water down the yard’s
slope. We all loved the feel of the water to cool down
our warm feet as we waded through it, as well as
watching the water weave through the rocks all the
way to the bottom. On the extra hot days we’ve had a
ball getting soaking wet by jumping over the misting
hose, having ice play and using boats and funnels in
our water troughs and puddles in the yard.
The Chancery Lane Montessori Pre-School Team
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
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Kids Day Out
For ages 7 - 12 years
April school holiday fun for the budding chefs of the future!
All sessions held from 9.30 am -12.30 pm and cost $45 per head>
Thursday 21 April 2016
Friday 22 April 2016
Tiny Tasty Sweet Treats
Italian Feast
Come and join Chef Danielle for a fun filled morning as she will
turn two classic dishes into tasty tiny treats.
This class is back by popular demand!
Mini chocolate banoffee pies and mini apple and cinnamon
loaves. You will learn how to make chocolate pastry, chocolate
caramel filling, rich butter cakes topped with apple and
cinnamon and a spiced honey cream.
Chef Nick will teach you how to make fresh home-made
pasta from the finest ingredients along with other traditional
Italian dishes including arancini balls and for those with a
sweet tooth – your own tiramisu!
Breakfast Buddies!
Tiny Tasty Sweet Treats
Learn how to prepare some fun and nutritious breakfasts.
Come and join Chef Danielle for a fun filled morning as she
will turn two classic dishes into tasty tiny treats.
Delicious recipes that are kid-friendly and fast – exactly what
you need for those crazy mornings!
Chef Dave will help you to make yoghurt muesli berry pots in a
jar to take home, breakfast frittata and the favourite - hot cakes.
Mini chocolate banoffee pies and mini apple and cinnamon
loaves. You will learn how to make chocolate pastry,
chocolate caramel filling, rich butter cakes topped with apple
and cinnamon and a spiced honey cream.
Breakfast Buddies!
Learn how to prepare some fun and nutritious breakfasts.
Delicious recipes that are kid-friendly and fast – exactly what
you need for those crazy mornings!
Chef Dave will help you to make yoghurt muesli berry pots in
a jar to take home, breakfast frittata and the favourite - hot
Book at:
For further information:
TAFE SA Regency Campus
137 Days Road REGENCY PARK SA 5010
P: 8348 4097 E:
Lets get cooking - FREE class for parents
While your kids are enjoying the cooking classes Pam Tobin
and the team from The Food Studio would be delighted to
have your company for a special cooking class of your own!
Enjoy an educational and fun few hours learning delicious
and easy everyday meals using local fresh produce.
Special guest chefs and a celebrity host will be on board.
Prizes, give-aways, recipes and tastings will add to the
mornings enjoyment. So come along and join in the fun!
RTO Code: 41026
To book for this event, please contact Gemma McGowan on
8348 4097 or
A Children’s University
Learning Destination
ST aLOYSIUS college
53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 / / 82173200
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