MV Network Managment Fault tracking, monitoring and control Easergy Range Merlin Gerin Schneider Electric Industries SAS Postal address MV department F-38050 Grenoble Cedex 9 Tél. : +33 (0)4 76 57 60 60 RCS Nanterre B 954 503 439 ART.28792 As standards, specifications and designs change from time to time, please ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication. Publishing : Schneider Electric Realisation : Schneider Electric printed by : Imprimerie des Deux-Ponts 01/2003 ENMED199054EN /1 ©2001 Schneider Electric - All rights reserved References To optimise your electrical network For Power Distribution Utilities the market place is becoming increasingly competitive. There is a challenge to improve profitability whilst simultaneously providing higher quality. How can you address this paradox? in terms of safety, profitability, availability What does network automation provide? b Network management provides higher levels of service. b Having a major positive impact on both capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX), it allows you to face your market challenges in the best position. b Monitoring and control of your network follows your global policy of the electrical network equipment program such as retrofit, expansion, network equipment upgrade, operation (local or remote, manned or unmanned substation...), maintenance... One of your main needs to cut implementation and operating costs It is now known from market feedback that: b the MV distribution network has to face very frequent evolution - flexible solutions are mandatory b implementation duration may affect return on investment performance - the maximum has to be tested in factory b maintenance issue may be a difficult issue if not well addressed at the design level b the simplest may be the most efficient. What are the expected benefits from Easergy range products? b Increasing customer service and satisfaction b Improving economic performance b Mastering investments (past and future). b Reduce outage time v Easergy Fault Passage Indicators identify certainly the network faulty section v Easergy control unit actuate network switchgear from remote control center. b Optimised operation and use of the network v Easergy products provide accurate information on outages and significantly simplify and reduce the field crew effort required to clear faults v Easergy products dramatically reduce the time to localise faults and to re-configure the network v intelligent devices of Easergy products offer assume optimised maintenance procedure thanks to self test features and comprehensive maintenance function v Easergy products provide an efficient access to new communication system (GSM, Internet…). b Reduced pressure on budget by mastered costs and investments v Easergy modular and highly integrated devices reduces dramatically installation and commisioning costs v with Easergy offer, thanks to a comprehensive modular range, just invest what is really accessible and get immediate cash. Then proceed to relevant expansion when budget is available. Customers satisfaction ììì ììì Margin effect Investment mastering ìì ìì ììì ì ìì ììì ì ìì ìì ìì ì ìì ìì ììì ìì ììì MV network Fault localisation Easergy-Flite Efficient range of Fault Passage Indicators for Overhead MV distribution lines b Designed for the tracking of permanent and transient fault on MV Overhead networks. b Thanks to ampmeter-di/dt and directionnal fault detection scheme it covers all type of MV networks. b Pole mounted or Clip-on line product assume the best fit with different lines arrangement. b Digital technology gives the lineman the facility to parameter in accordance with primary substation protection. b Connection to a SCADA system could be provided. Advantages b Advanced detection algorithm for an accurate Fault Passage Indication. b High visibility. b Long life duration thanks to lithium battery. Easergy-Flair Efficient range of Fault Passage Indicators for underground MV distribution networks b Designed for the tracking of permanent fault on MV cable networks. b Thanks to ampmeter and directionnal fault detection scheme it covers all type of MV networks. b A range of CT and power supplies assumes the best fit with all kind of substation configuration. b Digital technology gives the lineman the facility to parameter in accordance with primary substation protection. b Connection to a SCADA system could be provided. Advantages b Advanced detection algorithm for an accurate Fault Passage Indication. b Versatile and easy setting-up. b Long life duration thanks to lithium battery. Easergy-G200(*) MV network remote Fault localisation b Connection to a SCADA system through communication system for overhead line Fault Passage Indicator. b Compliant with most popular protocol and transmission system. (*)Available soon MV network reconfiguration and monitoring Easergy-T200 Advantages b All-in-one unit dedicated to distribution network. b A single responsability for all the monitoring and control function from the FPI, the substation power supply, the communication to the switchgear control. A Monitoring and control unit with a high level of integrated function b Fault Passage Indicator v phase and earth fault for each feeder. b Communication system v compliance with most popular protocol such as TCP/IP, IEC 870-5-101, DNP3, MODBUS v compliance with various transmission system such as Radio, GSM, PSTN, optical fiber... b Interface with switchgears motorization v ready to connect to standard switchgears. b Uninterrupted Power Supply v battery backup power supply v supply for motor mechanism and remote transmission devices. b Other function v current measurement v automation: Autochange over, sectionnaliser v Local control. Advantages b Highest availability of supply due to the reliability of the product, the high level of manufacturing testing. b Simple commissioning, operation and maintenance. b Enable you to cut purchase, commissioning, operation and maintenance costs; use it as a key factor to reduce outage times, to optimize field crew management… A flexible architecture in order to fit with all types of substation b v b v v b b A range of solution for Underground and Overhead network Easergy T200I, Easergy T200P. A guaranty of availability all function being tested in manufacture no programation, pre-defined kit for connection to switchgear. A comprehensive catalog of current sensors System integration through Easergy G500 gateway for SCADA and DMS. The 15 years experience of a leader with over 40 000 units in operation worldwide.