2016-2017 Undergraduate Announcements
Second Semester
3 - CE 3110 Transportation Engineering Planning
and Design
4 - CE 3210 Geotechnical Engineering
3 - CE 3420 Applied Hydraulics and Hydrology
1 - CE 3530 Professional Seminar
3 - EES 4010 Environmental Engineering
3 - Design Technical Requirement2
Senior Year
First Semester
3 - ENGL 3140 Technical Writing
3 - Design Technical Requirement2
6 - Technical Requirement3
3 - Technical Requirement Restricted3
Second Semester
3 - CE 4590 Capstone Design Project
3 - Arts and Humanities Requirement1 or
3 - Social Science Requirement1
3 - Arts and Humanities (Literature) Requirement1
3 - Technical Requirement3
3 - Elective
129 Total Semester Hours
See Policy on Humanities and Social Sciences for Engineering
Curricula. Six of these credit hours must also satisfy General
Education Cross-Cultural Awareness and Science and Technology in Society Requirements.
See advisor for approved list.
See advisor for approved list. Technical Requirements and
electives may be used to complete an emphasis area in one
or more of the following fields: Applied Fluid Mechanics,
Construction, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical/
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Structural Engineering, or
Transportation Engineering.
1. Civil Engineering students may neither enroll in nor receive
credit for any CE or EM course unless they have a 2.0 Engineering grade-point average.
2. Civil Engineering students enrolling in any CE course (except
CE 4590) must have a grade of C or better in the prerequisites
for that course.
Bachelor of Science
Computer engineers have excellent career opportunities in the design and application of hardware
and software components for a variety of computer
applications. These include mainframe, desktop, and
embedded microprocessor platforms, as well as the networking of various types of computers and peripherals.
Based on a strong foundation in mathematics,
computer science, and the physical sciences, the
Computer Engineering program includes engineering
science and design in circuits, electronics, computer
organizations and design, peripheral interfacing, and
software engineering. Emphasis is placed on hands-on
experience with networked computer systems, micro-,
mini-, and mainframe computers, and the solution of
a wide range of practical problems using engineering
principles. In addition to these technical skills, students learn to communicate effectively and to develop
interpersonal, teamwork, and management skills,
all of which contribute to success in a professional
engineering career. The program is also an excellent
preparation for graduate study.
College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
Information on the program and its objectives is
available at
Freshman Year
First Semester
4 - CH 1010 General Chemistry
3 - ENGL 1030 Accelerated Composition
1 - ENGR 1050 Engineering Disciplines and Skills I
1 - ENGR 1060 Engineering Disciplines and Skills II
4 - MATH 1060 Calculus of One Variable I
3 - Arts and Humanities Requirement1 or
3 - Social Science Requirement1
Second Semester
1 - ENGR 1070 Programming and Problem Solving I
1 - ENGR 1080 Programming and Problem Solving II
1 - ENGR 1090 Programming and Problem Solving
4 - MATH 1080 Calculus of One Variable II
3 - PHYS 1220 Physics with Calculus I
6 - Arts and Humanities Requirement1 or
6 - Social Science Requirement1
Sophomore Year
First Semester
3 - CPSC 1110 Introduction to Programming in C
2 - ECE 2010 Logic and Computing Devices
3 - ECE 2020 Electric Circuits I
1 - ECE 2090 Logic and Computing Devices Lab.
1 - ECE 2110 Electrical Engineering Lab. I
4 - MATH 2060 Calculus of Several Variables
3 - PHYS 2210 Physics with Calculus II
Second Semester
1 - ECE 2120 Electrical Engineering Lab. II
3 - ECE 2220 Systems Programming Concepts for
Computer Engineering
3 - ECE 2620 Electric Circuits II
3 - ECE 2720 Computer Organization
1 - ECE 2730 Computer Organization Laboratory
4 - MATH 2080 Intro. to Ordinary Diff. Equations
Junior Year
First Semester
3 - ECE 2230 Computer Systems Engineering
1 - ECE 3110 Electrical Engineering Lab. III
3 - ECE 3200 Electronics I
3 - ECE 3300 Signals, Systems, and Transforms
3 - ECE 3710 Microcontroller Interfacing
1 - ECE 3720 Microcontroller Interfacing Lab.
3 - MATH 3110 Linear Algebra
Second Semester
3 - ECE 3170 Random Signal Analysis
3 - ECE (CPSC) 3220 Intro. to Operating Systems
3 - ECE 3270 Digital Computer Design
3 - ECE 3520 Programming Systems
3 - MATH 4190 Discrete Math. Structures I
Senior Year
First Semester
3 - COMM 1500 Intro. to Human Comm. or
3 - COMM 2500 Public Speaking
3 - ECE 4090 Intro. to Linear Control Systems
2 - ECE 4950 Integrated System Design I
3 - ENGL 3140 Technical Writing
6 - Computer Engineering Technical Requirement2
Second Semester
2 - ECE 4960 Integrated System Design II
3 - Arts and Humanities Requirement1 or
3 - Social Science Requirement1
6 - Computer Engineering Technical Requirement2
3 - Special Requirement3
127 Total Semester Hours
See General Education section of the Undergraduate Announcements. Six of these credit hours must also satisfy General Education Cross-Cultural Awareness and Science and Technology
in Society Requirements.
Select from department-approved list.
Three additional credits of university or college approved Arts
and Humanities or Social Science courses; or ELE 3010 or
4010; or any additional three-credit, 4000-level course from the
departmental Computer Engineering Technical Requirement
list or Electrical Engineering Technical Requirement list; or
one additional course selected from MATH 4120, 4340, 4350,
4400, 4410, or 4530.
1. A student is allowed to enroll in ECE courses (excluding
ECE 2070, 2080, 3080) only when all prerequisites have been
passed with a grade of C or better.
2. All Computer Engineering students must have a cumulative
engineering grade-point average of 2.0 to enroll in any 3000- or
4000-level ECE courses.
3. No student may exceed a maximum of two attempts, excluding
a W, to complete successfully any ECE course.
Bachelor of Science
The Computer Information Systems degree program is oriented toward computer applications in
management-related problems. The program emphasizes functional areas of management, including
accounting, production, marketing, and finance
and the applications of computers in these areas.
The curriculum is designed to prepare students for
careers in areas such as systems design and analysis,
applications programming, database administration,
and information retrieval, as well as for continued
study toward an advanced degree.
Students who change majors into Computer Information Systems must have a cumulative grade-point
average of 2.0 or higher.
Additional information can be found at www.
Freshman Year
First Semester
3 - ENGL 1030 Accelerated Composition
3 - MATH 1020 Business Calculus I1 or
4 - MATH 1060 Calculus of One Variable I1
4 - Introduction to Computing Requirement2
4 - Natural Science Requirement3
1 - Elective1
College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
Second Semester
3 - MATH 2070 Business Calculus II1 or
4 - MATH 1080 Business Calculus II1
3 - Arts and Humanities (Non-Lit.) Requirement4
4 - Introduction to Computing Requirement2
3 - Natural Science Requirement3
3 - Social Science Requirement4
1 - Elective1
Sophomore Year
First Semester
3 - CPSC 2070 Discrete Structures for Computing5
4 - CPSC 2120 Algorithms and Data Structures
3 - Arts and Humanities (Literature) Requirement4
3 - Oral Communication Requirement6
3 - Social Science Requirement4
Second Semester
3 - CPSC 2150 Software Development Foundations
4 - CPSC 2310 Intro. to Computer Organization
1 - CPSC 2910 Seminar in Professional Issues I
3 - MGT 2010 Principles of Management
3 - STAT 3090 Introductory Business Statistics7
Junior Year
First Semester
3 - ACCT 2010 Financial Accounting Concepts
3 - CPSC 2200 Microcomputer Applications
3 - CPSC 3220 Introduction to Operating Systems
3 - CPSC 3720 Intro. to Software Engineering
3 - Writing Requirement8
Second Semester
3 - ACCT 2020 Managerial Accounting Concepts
3 - CPSC 3600 Networks and Network Program.
3 - CPSC 3710 Systems Analysis or
3 - MGT 4520 Systems Analysis and Design
3 - Computer Science Requirement9
3 - Economics Requirement10
Senior Year
First Semester
3 - CPSC 4200 Computer Security Principles or
3 - CPSC 4240 System Admin. and Security
3 - CPSC 4620 Database Management Systems
3 - CPSC 4910 Seminar in Professional Issues II
3 - Business Requirement11
3 - Computer Science Requirement9
Second Semester
3 - MGT 3120 Decision Models for Management
3 - MKT 3010 Principles of Marketing
3 - Business Requirement11
3 - Computer Science Requirement9
3 - Information Systems Requirement12
122 Total Semester Hours
Select either the MATH 1020/2070, 1060/2070 or 1060/1080
sequence. Students who select the 1060/1080 sequence will
have satisfied the two elective credits in the freshman year.
Select either the CPSC 1010 and 1020 sequence; or the CPSC
1060 and 1070 sequence. The sequence of CPSC 1110 and
1020 is also acceptable with one elective credit taken in the
first semester.
2016-2017 Undergraduate Announcements
Select from courses in BIOL, BCHM, CH, GEOL, MICR,
PHYS; or ENSP 2000. At least one course must include a
laboratory and satisfy the Natural Science General Education Requirement.
See General Education Requirements.
MATH 1190 may be substituted.
Select from: COMM 1500, 2500, HON 2230; or the cluster
of courses AS 3090, 3100, 4090, 4100; or ML 1010, 1020.
MATH 3020 or STAT 3300 may be substituted.
Select from: ENGL 3040, 3120, 3140, 3150, 3160, 3330; AS
3090, 3100, 4090, 4100; ML 3010, 3020, 4010, 4020.
Select from 3000-level or higher CPSC courses or DPA 3070.
No more than three credits of CPSC 3990 or 4810 may be
applied to this requirement, and no more than six credits
of CPSC 4820 may be applied. Up to three credits of ECE
3000-level or higher courses; or MATH 3650; or MATH
4000-level courses may be substituted.
Select from ECON 2000, 2110, or 2120.
Sophomore Year
Select from FIN 3060 and MGT 3900, 4000.
Select from MGT 4520, 4540, 4550, 4560, or any 4000-level
CPSC course. CPSC 4810 may not substitute.
1. For graduation, a candidate for the BS degree in Computer
Information Systems must have earned a grade of C or better
in each CPSC course applied to the non-elective requirements
of the degree.
2. A grade of C or better must be earned in all prerequisite
courses (including CPSC and MATH courses) before enrolling
in the next CPSC course.
3. General Education Cross-Cultural Awareness and Science
and Technology in Society requirements must be satisfied.
Junior Year
First Semester
3 - CPSC 2070 Discrete Structures for Computing5
4 - CPSC 2120 Algorithms and Data Structures
3 - Arts and Humanities (Literature) Requirement4
3 - Modern Language Requirement2
3 - Oral Communication Requirement6
Second Semester
3 - CPSC 2150 Software Development Foundations
4 - CPSC 2310 Intro. to Computer Organization
1 - CPSC 2910 Seminar in Professional Issues I
3 - Modern Language Requirement2
4 - Natural Science Requirement7
First Semester
3 - STAT 3090 Introductory Business Statistics8
6 - Computer Science Requirement9
3 - Minor Requirement
3 - Natural Science Requirement7
Second Semester
3 - Computer Science Requirement9
6 - Minor Requirement
3 - Social Science Requirement4
3 - Writing Requirement10
Bachelor of Arts
Senior Year
The Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science is ideal
for students interested in acquiring a broad-based
liberal arts education that includes a strong and solid
understanding of computer science. The curriculum
is oriented toward design, implementation, and application of computer software systems to solve information processing problems. The program prepares
students for employment in the computer software
field or for continued study toward an advanced
degree in computer science. Additional information
can be found at
Students who change majors into Computer Science
must have a cumulative grade-point average of 2.0
or higher.
Freshman Year
First Semester
3 - ENGL 1030 Accelerated Composition
3 - MATH 1020 Business Calculus I1 or
4 - MATH 1060 Calculus of One Variable I1
4 - Modern Language Requirement2
4 - Introduction to Computing Requirement3
1 - Elective1
Second Semester
3 - MATH 2070 Business Calculus II1 or
4 - MATH 1080 Calculus of One Variable II1
3 - Arts and Humanities (Non-Lit.) Req.4
4 - Modern Language Requirement2
4 - Introduction to Computing Requirement3
1 - Elective1
First Semester
6 - Computer Science Requirement9
3 - Departmental Humanities Requirement11
3 - Minor Requirement
3 - Social Science Requirement4
Second Semester
3 - CPSC 4910 Seminar in Professional Issues II
3 - Computer Science Requirement9
3 - Fine Arts Requirement12
3 - Minor Requirement
3 - Elective
121 Total Semester Hours
Select either the MATH 1020/2070, 1060/2070, or 1060/1080
sequence. Students who select the MATH 1060/1080 sequence will have satisfied the elective credits in the freshman
year. Students interested in computer graphics should select
the MATH 1060/1080 sequence.
Students must complete through 2020 in a modern language.
See Modern Languages Requirement at Clemson University
statement on page 27.
Select either the CPSC 1010 and 1020 sequence; or the CPSC
1060 and 1070 sequence. The sequence of CPSC 1110 and
1020 is also acceptable with one elective credit taken in the
first semester.
See General Education Requirements.
MATH 1190 may be substituted.
Select from: COMM 1500, 2500, HONS 2230; or the cluster
of courses AS 3090, 3100, 4090, 4100; or ML 1010, 1020.
Select from courses in BIOL, BCHM, CH, GEOL, MICR,
PHYS; or ENSP 2000. At least one course must include a
laboratory and satisfy the Natural Science General Education Requirement.
MATH 3020 or MATH 3110 or STAT 3300 may be substituted.
MATH 3110 is required for computer graphics courses.