Spare part management

Spare part management
Support the purchaser in reviewing and selecting spare parts
Our solution saves review and purchase costs
Every oil or gas plant needs spare parts to insure
Guidelines have been developed for projects to support
operational reliability and plant capacity. Spare part
project management in controlling the spare parts
management systems can help companies determine an
review process. Recommendations are provided for the
optimal spare parts inventory that supports optimal plant
coordination, review, selection and purchase of spare
ORTEC developed a spare part management tool for
The spare part management tool has been used for over
a large international oil & gas company. The software
20 years in refineries, chemical plants, platforms, LNG
package enables them to collect spare parts data from
plants and GTL plants. Since its inception, the tool has
suppliers and then review, select and order efficiently. The
cut review costs by 50% and purchases by up to 75%.
tool recommends spare parts for equipment, identifies
existing interchangeable parts, proposes optimum
purchase quantities, and enables Material Masters and
Bills of Materials in SAP and other ERP Systems.