Peanut M&Ms

Peanut M&Ms
Get acquainted
10-15 minutes
Have enough “fun sized” bags of peanut M&Ms for each person to
have one small bag.
This will be a fun activity that will get you to know the people at your
table. (Another option if not seated at tables is to have each
participant find a person in the room that he/she does not know to
share information with.)
1. Have students open their bags of candy and take note of what
colors it contains.
2. The task is to share one thing related to the corresponding color of
each M & M. If the bag has more than one of a color, a response
related to that category must be shared for EACH one.
Orange: An interesting fact about you that no one else in the room
would already know or be likely to have in common.
Blue: What you like to do in your spare time.
Brown: The thing you like best about school.
Yellow: Something you hope to learn in this class.
Red: Something you did over the summer.
Green: What you like to do in your spare time.
3. Once the tables or pairs have visited, have each person stand and
share their name and one thing that makes him/her different from
everyone else in the class.