Appendix C - Error Messages

Appendix C: Error Messages
Here is a list of the more common problems that people run into.
Sometimes you can take care of them yourself, usually, you will need to
call Center Stage Software for technical support.
General Error Messages
Computer freezes
Cause: Flaky motherboard or else you are using Windows with certain
brands of motherboards.
Solution #1: Try pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del and ending the task. If that does not
work, you will have to turn off your computer and turn it back on. You will
have some file damage.
Don’t use Windows (or any other operating system) until service pack 2
comes out . You can also try using Wintix on another machine.
Solution #2: Take the cover off the computer and vacuum out any dust –
especially on the heat sink for the CPU. This should be a regular part of
the computer’s maintenance – once a year.
Frequently the damage is confined to 1 file: Shows.fpt. If that is the case,
Wintix gives the error: Bad or missing Shows.fpt. The easiest way to fix
this is to restore from backups. If you have been using Wintix to back up,
start Wintix from a command prompt by typing:
Wintix3 /restore
And you will have the opportunity to restore your files.
When these machines "lock up" what kind of a lock up is it?
Try pressing the caps lock and the num lock keys. Do they respond? If
they do not respond, you have a hardware problem bad enough that you
can return the computers.
How long have the machines been running when the lock ups start
occurring? If they never freeze when first turned on and only start locking
up after being used for an hour or so, this is another hardware issue.
Another test for this is to turn the machines off for 1-3 minutes before the
busy time hits. That will give the chips time to cool down so they will run
Error Messages
When one machine locks up, do all the machines lock up? If so, there will
be a router or server problem.
Does anything else happen on the network with that machine locked up?
If the network slows down, there may be a problem with a network card.
Turn that machine off and see if the network speeds up.
Are there any error messages displayed? If there is something like, "This
computer has performed an illegal operation" or "General protection fault"
this is a Windows error. You can't do much about it except get out of all
other programs.
If there is a "1957" error, this is a printer error. Usually re-booting solves
it. In extreme cases, you may need to re-install the printer driver.
Bad or missing Shows.fpt
Cause: Some of the file information was not saved in the last crash.
Solution: Build a new file. Start Tixsales.exe (the menu-driven version).
At the main menu, select “4. Change the show information,” then “1. Edit
a show.” Select any show. Next, press “F3 – Add a date” and enter a
date and time. Make sure that “Seating chart” is set to “Y.” Press F6 and
add a new chart (this step is important). After the chart comes up on the
screen, press escape twice. Last, press F4, select the performance you
just added, and delete it. You are done.
If this trick does not work, you will need to restore shows.dbf and
shows.fpt, from backup and reindex. If you have been using Wintix to
back up, start Wintix from a command prompt by typing:
Wintix3 /restore
And you will have the opportunity to restore your files.
Internal consistency error
Cause: The index files are not synchronized with their attached database
tables. This error drops you back to your desktop.
Solution: Usually, no harm is done.
Restart Wintix and click on File | Reindex. Reindex everything.
This program has performed an illegal operation and will be
Cause: Windows bug
Error Messages
Solution: None. This happens with all Windows programs.
Error 1958 and something does not print
Cause: the printer driver is not installed properly.
Solution: Delete the printer’s icon and re-install it. Then, re-attach the
label or report to the printer you want to use (see Appendix B. installing a
printer under Windows).
Printer Prints Garbage
1. The printer is not plugged in solidly at both ends
2. The printer cable is bad
3. The printer or printer port is bad (try a test page from the printer’s
icon) If that works, look in the printer’s manual and it will tell you how
the printer can print its own test printout.
4. You are using the wrong printer driver
Detail band is too large for the page
Translation: you have told the printer you want to use an incorrect paper
size. Generally, this happens when you are fooling around with a Ticket
format or label. You need to check 2 things. Click on File | Page setup
and make sure the paper size is correct. Click on the “Detail band” in the
label designer and move it up so it is no larger than the size of paper you
are using.
For instance, if you are trying to print labels, 1 inch high, the detail band
must be no larger than one inch. Click on File | Print preview to check it.
Invalid operation for the cursor
Translation: The program is trying to write a temporary file and cannot do
it. This is usually an XP problem caused by not enough permissions.
Solution: You need more permissions. When you log in as administrator,
the problem will go away. Give yourself permission to write to your
temporary subdirectory.
Error Messages
Network conflict
Your network is working properly. The file (or record of the
file) is not available.
Check to make sure someone else (usually the boss) is
not doing something that requires exclusive control of the
files. Re-indexing while other people are on the network is
the most common cause of this message.
Corruption detected
The index file is not synchronized with the underlying
database. The usual cause is an improper shutdown. This
can be caused by unplugging the computer, pressing the
reset button, network crashing, or the computer freezing.
Go into Tixsales. Find a show (preferably one that has
passed). Press F3 to add a date. Add a date (any date).
Add a record and then remove it. If the corruption is in the
Customer file, add a name, delete it, and permanently
remove deleted records. If the corruption is in the Shows
file, add a performance with F3, attach a chart, and bring
the chart up on the screen (this last step is important).
Then, use F4 to delete the performance. If the corruption
is in Master or Mainsale, you will need to add a show and
then remove it.
If none of the above works, you will need to restore from
If the program fails during re-indexing, the file header is corrupt.
You will need to restore the file from your backups. Restore the
corrupt file only. If this happens on a regular basis, you probably
have a hard disk failing.
Error Messages
Sector Not Found Reading Drive C
Hard disk damage.
Pray. Then, try Scandisk and any other disk repair utilities
you can find. Sometimes a low-level format will work.
However, 90% of the time all your files will be lost and you
will have to replace the hard disk.
You have been backing up, haven’t you?
Error Messages
Comix and HB Error Codes
These are errors that occasionally would happen with Tixsales. The old DOS version of Tixsales used a
driver called Comix to access the files. The errors were called “Comix errors.” The newer version
of Tixsales uses a “HB” driver. Error numbers are the same although they may begin with a “HB
If you have had a reliable system and these errors start appearing, be careful. You may have a
hard disk starting to crash. Back up everything on a separate set of backup media first.
If the solution turns out to use Wintix to repair the files, do it on the server. It’s faster and more
reliable on the server.
If the errors tend to happen at the same time of the day, look at what else is happening on the
network. Accounting programs can give problems when they are running large reports. Microsoft
Exchange server will cause problems because of the huge amounts of data that need to get
transferred. In most cases, the solution is to move the other programs to a different network
1001: Open error. This indicates the file cannot be opened. The cause is incorrect network permissions
1002: Open error DOS error 2. This indicates the file does not exist. Either you are not in the proper
subdirectory or you will need to restore the file from backup.
1003: Cannot open file This error code indicates that a file cannot be opened. This will occur if you try to
SET INDEX TO a non-existent file.
1006: Cannot create file This error code indicates that a file cannot be created. If you tried to create an
index using a filename which already exists and is marked as read-only, you would get this error.
1010: A read which should have worked failed (database or memo _only_) This occurs if a database or
memo file is damaged in a cold boot or unplanned shutdown. Solution is to erase all CDX files
and reindex. If this happens when a single performance is chosen, the Shows.fpt header is
corrupted. Fix this by adding a new performance (to any show) and a chart. Bring the chart
up on the screen (important). Then, delete the new performance.
Alternative solution: start Wintix. Click on Help | About Wintix. Right click in the gray box
and select “Repair shows.”
1011: A write which should have worked failed This would occur if the media failed (hard disk problem?),
or if a physical lock on the region existed.
1012: The index _or_ database is corrupted This error code indicates that the index file or database has
gotten corrupted. Solution is to reindex.
1023: Exclusive Required An operation which requires exclusive use of the database (e.g., a PACK) was
attempted on a database which was opened in SHARED mode.
Error Messages
8001: Index FOR condition didn't evaluate to a logical This error code indicates that you've tried to use an
expression in a FOR clause of an INDEX statement which doesn't evaluate to a logical.
8002: The type or length of the key doesn't match what's stored on disk. This indicates that a key
expression has changed since the index was created. For example, if you had an index on LAST,
and changed the width of the last name field from 20 bytes to 25 bytes, and then tried to use the
old index, you would get this error. Solution is to erase the CDX file and reindex
8007: Scope Type Mismatch An attempt was made to use an incorrect type for a scope. For example, if
you have a numeric key and attempt to use a date for a scope, you will get this error.
8009: A read which should have worked failed (index _only_) This would occur if an index file was
truncated during a CHKDSK or corrupted somehow. Solution is to run Scandisk and then
reindex. Alternative solution for stubborn cases: copy a similar CDX file on top of the
damaged CDX file and reindex.
8101: DBF Signature Invalid Reasons for this error include: Trying to use a non-DBF as a DBF,
corruption, trying to use a file with a DBT memo-field. The Customer file is the one most often
affected. The most common cause is Wintix has created the file in VFP5 format which Tixsales
cannot read. Solution: start Wintix. Click on Help | About Wintix. Right click in the gray box
and select “Repair Customer.”
8201: Memo Type Invalid. All FPT memo entries have a type field. This error indicates that the type field
is invalid. The reasons for this error include:
Memo file corruption (restore from backup)
Trying to use a memo-field type which Comix doesn't understand (e.g., FPW Picture Field
Type) . Solution: start Wintix. Click on Help | About Wintix. Right click in the gray box and
select “Repair Customer.”
8202: Memo Too Long This error occurs when attempting to access a memo field over 64K in length with
the older version of Tixsales. Comix's maximum length of a memo field (with an .FPT memo file)
is 65,520 bytes. Reasons for this error include:
Memo file corruption (restore from backup)
Filling up the memo field by using Wintix (which does support > 64K memo fields).
Solution is to use the latest version of Tixsales (which does support > 64K memo fields).