Program 1:30 - 2:00 Registration 2:00 - 2:30 Opening Ceremony Welcoming Remarks Yim Tea-Hee, Chairman of Korea Policy Foundation Congratulatory Remarks Na Kyung-won, Chairwoman of the National Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee 2:30 - 3:40 Assembly Session 1 Moderator: James Wan-Ryung Yoo, Chairman, SGI Consulting Inc. “Developing the ICT Infrastructure in the Korean Peninsula in Preparation for the Era of Unification” Chulwan Kim, Senior Research Fellow, KISDI “Suggestions for the Inter-Korean Co-operation in developing the ICT infrastructure” Nam-Gyu Kim, Professor, Dong-Eui Univ. Panelists: Ghilwook Lee, Director, KT Tae-Ho Lee, M&C Deputy Leader, Samil PwC Heung-Su Seo, Director, KBS 3:40 - 4:00 4:00 - 4:50 Coffee Break Session 2 Moderator: Jaehoon Lee, President and Senior Consultant, SGI Consulting Inc. “Engaging with DPRK through Science Diplomacy” Chan-Mo Park, Chancellor, PUST, “Teaching ICT: Power for Change” Wesley H. Brewer, Professor, PUST “Changes in the digital environment and the role of PUST” Steven Eisenbarth, Professor and Dean, PUST 4:50 - 5:20 Q&A 5:20 – 5:30 Closing Remarks 1 Session 1. Developing the ICT Infrastructure in the Korean Peninsula in Preparation for the Era of Unification 통일 대비 남북한 ICT 인프라 구축 협력방안 Moderator James Wan-Ryung Yoo Chairman SGI Consulting Inc. Mr. James Wan-Ryung Yoo is Chairman of SGI Consulting Incorporated based in Seoul. He is a pioneer in the development of inter-Korean relationship at the private-sector level. Mr. Yoo was one of the first entrepreneurs who have invested in the DPRK, when he set up computer monitor manufacturing lines in the Daesung District, Pyongyang in 1998. He has also consulted numerous large domestic and international firms from various industrial sectors in their pursuit of business opportunities in the DPRK market. His track record and contribution to the development of private-sector businesses with the DPRK had been outstanding. He firmly believes that active private-sector level exchanges will serve as a conduit to forge affirmative inter-Korean relationships. 2 Speaker Chulwan Kim Senior Research Fellow Korea Information Society Development Institute(KISDI) Chulwan Kim was a former marketing professor at Ivan Allen College of Management and International Affairs of Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia. He had his Ph. D in Marketing at the Wharton School of U. of Penn. He taught many marketing courses for various levels both at the Wharton and Georgia Tech As a professor at Georgia tech, Chulwan Kim had also, with the request of the Office the President, pioneered in developing the Master's program called 'Technology Management' to foster the venture businesses. In addition to teaching and research, he gave a number of talks and lectures to many outside firms as the part of many consulting projects he was engaged in. After years of teaching and research at Georgia Tech, he joined the Korea Information Society Development Institute(KISDI) of the former Ministry of Information and Communication which has now recast as the Korea Communication Commission in Seoul, Korea. At KISDI, Chulwan Kim has conducted numerous government's research projects from the postal businesses to the communication policies and the international IT cooperation(e.g., ODA for the Digital Divide) including IT cooperation between South and North Korea. Along the line of his devotion, the government was able to start introducing the services such as the parcel and the data protection in the postal and in the digital sector, respectively. 3 Abstract 남북한의 공동번영과 효율적인 미래 한반도 통일을 위해서는 민생인프라 구축이 필요하다. 뿐만 아니라 남북관계 등 여건조성에 대비하는 동시에 통일비용 절감 을 위해 남북간 통합ICT인프라 구축계획이 절실한 바, 이에 따라 남북 간 ICT 인프라 구축을 위한 로드맵을 제시하고자 한다. 1. 북한 ICT 인프라 및 서비스 현황 북한의 ICT 인프라 및 서비스 현황을 살펴보면, 체신산업의 첨단화 및 통신망의 현대화 강조에 힘입어 이동통신 사업이 두각을 나타내고 있다. 유선통신의 경우, 시외전화는 중앙집중식이며 국제전화는 위성을 활용하여 통화품질이 낮고 비싼 한계를 보이고 있다. 이동전화는 2011년 기준 총 453개 기지국을 구축하였으며 총 가입자 수는 2014년 약 280만 명까지 급증하였다. 또한 북한은 교육목적 이 외의 외부 인터넷 사용을 엄격이 제한하고 있으나, 인트라넷을 활용한 국내학 술교류는 활발하게 이루어지고 있다. 한편, 북한의 아날로그 TV방송과 라디오 중·단파 방송의 경우 전국 커버리지를 갖추고 있다. 그러나 전력난 및 수신기 보급 저조로 인해 TV방송시청에 제약이 있으며 FM라디오 방송은 송신환경이 열악하여 개성과 평양지역을 중심으로 방송되고 있다. 2. 통일 대비 ICT인프라 구축방안 통신은, 단기적으로는 취약설비가 보완되어야 하며 이동전화 중심의 인프라 설계를 추진할 필요가 있다. 중·장기적으로 북한 내 핵심도시에 5G 및 All-IP 서비스 인프라 구축 및 시범서비스를 실시하여 북측 전 지역으로 All-IP 인프라를 확대해 나가야 한다. 방송의 경우, 라디오 중심의 통합방송을 실시하고, TV 인프라 보강 및 디지털 수신 요건을 우선 조성해야 한다. 이후 지상파 방송의 디지털 전환을 단계적으로 추진하고, 장기적으로 난시청 해소 및 All-IP 구축에 따른 매체 다양화가 요구된다. 3. 남북 ICT통합인프라 구축을 위한 재원조달 방안 원활한 재원조달, 위험분산, 글로벌 협력모델의 상징성 확보를 위해 정부 , 사업자, 국제기구, 금융기관 등이 참여하는 컨소시엄 구성을 통한 재원조달이 요구된다. 한편, 북한 ICT인프라(방송 통신) 보완 및 신규구축 비용 약 11조 8천억 원이 소요될 것으로 추정된다. 4 Speaker Nam-Gyu Kim Professor Dong-Eui University Nam-Gyu Kim received the B.S. degree in Computer Science from KAIST, Deajeon, Korea and earned the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science and engineering from POSTECH, Pohang, 1996 and 2005, respectively. Research Institute Korea, in He joined Advanced Telecommunications International (ATR), Kyoto, Japan Telecommunication (KT) research center, Daejeon, Korea. and Korea Since 2009, he has been an assistant professor in the department of game engineering, Dong-Eui University, Busan, Korea. His research interests include 3D human computer interaction in games and multimedia systems, computer vision, and visual information processing in field of virtual and augmented reality. During Ph.D., the virtual reality area collaboration with North Korea was conducted with Professor Chan-Mo Park. In terminology addition, of the information and South North and communication Korea, and technology inter-Korean collaboration fields for small and medium IT enterprises were studied. 5 Abstract 남북간 IT 관련 인프라 구축 격차는 크다고 알려져 있다. 격차가 커질수록 향후 통일을 대비하는 비용 마련에 대한 부담과 상호간 동질성 회복은 더욱 어려워 질 것이다. 과거 활발했던 남북한 기술 교류의 장에서 북한 연구원들간의 실무 및 기술 교류에서 얻은 작은 경험을 바탕으로 미래 지향적인 남북한 ICT 인프라 구축 방안을 위한 제안 내용을 다음의 두 가지로 제시해 본다. 첫째, 기술 Difference map의 정의 가능 여부이다. 그 동안 많은 문헌들에서는 기술의 격차를 외부로 나타나는 정보의 차이들로 제시해 왔다. 통일 대비 측면 에서 이 단순 정보의 차이는 실무 차원에서 문제가 되진 않는다. 예를 들어 전 화회선의 경우, 자동전화회선 장비가 차이가 있을 것이며, 백본 전송망 광전송 장비의 스펙은 확연히 다를 것이다. 그 차이는 나중에 상호 통신 회선 구축에 큰 문제로 제기 될 것이다. 북한 정보의 부족으로 인프라 및 기술의 격차는 현 재 알려진 사실보다 더 클 수도 작을 수도 있을 것이다. 이를 위해 단순 통계의 차이보다는 현재 알려진 정보들을 통해 북한의IT 기술 격차를 역으로 산출해 보 는 기술 Difference map을 만들어봄이 좋을 것이다. Map 정의를 위한 내용은 상호연결 및 동질성 회복시간, 장비 리스트 등이 될 것이다. 이를 위해서는 분야 별 IT관련 전문가들로 구성된 분석 모임이 필요할 것이다. 둘째, 남북한 ICT 인프라 구축 전략 내에 “사람”의 개념을 도입하는 것과 이에 부합하는 교류 방안에 대한 문제이다. ICT 인프라란 20세기까지만 해도 H/W에 집중되어 왔다. 하지만 실질적으로 이 하드웨어를 다루는 사람의 활동도 매우 중요하고, 실제 ICT관련 회사는 사람의 활동을 경제화 하고 효율화 하는 방안 등을 고려하고 있다. 이제는 모든 시스템을 전반적으로 운영할 수 있는 베테랑 운영자는 찾기 어렵다. 그만큼 시스템의 복잡하고 커졌기 때문이다. 따라서, ICT 분야에서도 사람과 관련한 활동, 예를 들어 Operator, Programmer, Administrator, System/Infra Architect 등의 구분이 필요하며, 사람과 활동과 관련한 북한의 장점과 이를 활용 방안을 고민해야 할 것이다. 북한 또한 창의적 인 IT 인력이 있다는 것은 자명한 일이다. 하지만, 그 보다는 노동집약적 산업에 익숙하다. 따라서 ICT 관련 사람의 활동 중, 보다 노동집약적 활동(예, Operator)을 미리 교육함으로써 향후를 대비할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 6 Panelists Ghilwook Lee Director of Corporate Relations Office Korea Telecommunication(KT) Mr. Ghilwook Lee is Director in Corporate Relations Office of KT in Seoul. He studied Law in Pusan National University until 1995, and received LL.M Degree from Minnesota Law School in 2004. He worked for telecom 1)Contract business for KEDO’s between South International and telecom North Korea service such between as the participating countries and North Korea 2)Public Payphone installation in Mount Geumgang 3)supporting the telecom service for the National events including Two Korea Summit in 2000, National reunion event of the separated family, and International Sports Game with North Korea. He is handling the telecom issues of Gaesong industrial complex with Northern partners. His main endeavour is in the area of communication infra after forthcoming unification. And he is working on the regulatory reform concerning telecom infra issue with Korean Govt. His sincere belief is that steady-going relation with the North will pay in the near future. 7 Taeho Lee Partner / M&C Deputy Leader Samil PwC Tae-ho Lee is a Samil PwC's partner and M&C Deputy Leader. He brings extensive experience in auditing, advisory services, and project financing consulting. Since he joined the firm, Mr Lee served some of the largest domestic clients and public institutions in the areas of property sales, including sales of the Goyang Express Bus Terminal property, relocation of several training institute--Incheon National Univ., Yonsei Univ., Sugang Univ., Seoul National Univ. He worked with IGIS Asset Management, K·REITS & PARTNERS to provide advisory services for developing real estate indirect investment goods. Mr. Lee also consulted and reviewed major project financing work for public sector including Incheon International Airport, Busan New Port authority, and several highways and railroad authorities. Aside from his leadership role at Samil PwC, Mr. Lee served as an advisor to National Pension Service, Korea Electric Land&Housing Corporation. Power Corporation(KEPCO), and Korea He was invited as an adjunct professor at Graduate School of Urban and Real Estate of Sejong University. He graduated from Business School of Yonsei University and received his master’s degree from Seoul National University. 8 Heung-Su Seo Director of Technology Planning Department Korea Broadcasting System(KBS) Heung-Su Seo is currently positioned as a director of Technology Planning Department of Korea Broadcasting System(KBS). Since he joined the firm in 1994, he has sourced and completed numerous major projects. During 2000-2012, he proceeded with Digital Television(DTV) switchover and analog switch-off(ASO) along with the government's broadcasting policy. terrestrial 2004-2006. ultra Digital Multimedia He also worked for starting a Broadcasting(DMB) service during Furthermore, Mr. Seo has endeavoured to introduce an high-definition(UHD) TV since the year of 2012, During 2009-2011, he planned and directed the introduction of Player-K, which is a free multi-channel media service platform, and enlarged the number of channel to provided more high-quality service for users. He is currently interested in introducing digital broadcasting to North Korea, and, since 2007, has researched the measures to broadcast in the North Korean area in the case of emergency. He graduated from Sogang University as electronic engineer, and received master’s degree in digital media studies in the same University. 9 Session 2. ICT in North Korea Today and the Potential for Development: With a Focus on the Case of the Pyongyang Science and Technology University(PUST) 북한 ICT 현황 및 발전가능성: 평양과기대 사례를 중심으로 Moderator Jaehoon Lee President / Senior Consultant SGI Consulting Inc. Dr. Jaehoon Lee, President and Senior Consultant of SGI Consulting Inc., has an extensive background in research and consulting related to the policy formulation for national development and strategic industry development for developing nations. Having been commissioned by the Government of Korea, The Government of Ethiopia, the Government of Kenya, the African Development Bank/African Development Fund, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and other domestic and international institutions. Dr. Lee conducted numerous assignments for governments in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and in Latin America. His research also includes a business strategy formulation for the Rajin-Sonbong Free Trade Zone and the Gaesong Industrial Complex. He earned his BA in Business Administration and MBA from California State University at Los Angeles and MA in Political Economy and PhD in Political Science from Claremont Graduate University. 10 Panelist Prof. Chan-Mo Park Chancellor Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST) Professor Chan-Mo Park was the 4th President of POSTECH from 2003 to 2007. After retiring from POSTECH he served as a Special Advisor on S&T to the President of ROK and the 1st President of NRF of Korea before he assumed a Chancellor and Professor of Computer Science position with PUST, a unique private and international university in DPRK in 2010. He received his B.S. degree from Seoul National University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Maryland, College Park. In 1995, he was elected as a Fellow by the Korean Academy of Sciences and Technology. Dr. Park's experience includes professorship in Computer Science at the University of Maryland, KAIST, The Catholic University of America, and POSTECH. He has also served as a president of several professional societies in U.S.A and Korea. His major research interests are Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, and System Simulation. For the past several years, he has been involved with research activities concerning IT development in DPRK and carried out a joint research on virtual reality with PIC in DPRK for seven years. 11 Abstract "Engaging with DPRK through Science Diplomacy" It is very important to engage with DPRK to ease the tension between the two Koreas. One way to achieve this goal is through Science Diplomacy. In this presentation after a brief introduction to a motivation for engaging with DPRK and Inter-Korean collaborations on IT such as a joint research between POSTECH and PIC as well as KCST, the first Inter-Korean Conference on S & T in Korean peninsula, the current status of PUST that is a typical example of Science Diplomacy will be presented. PUST is a unique private and international university in DPRK established by South and North Korea jointly and opened in 2010. All the courses are taught in English by foreign professors from many countries who are volunteers. PUST has been striving to make it a global university by holding International Conferences on S & T every other years and sending many graduate students to universities in Europe and South America for a Master degree or as a research intern. Also undergraduate students have been visiting universities and companies in China as a part of study tours. As a scientist who has been working with DPRK since 2000, I found that the following factors are needed to be successful in engaging with DPRK in addition to Science Diplomacy. They are mutual trust, awareness of homogeneity, patience, and love. Most of the PUST faculty members are pursuing their duties with Christian love. The ultimate goal of engaging with DPRK is to globalize the country so that DPRK becomes a good neighbor of the Western countries and to accomplish a peaceful reunification of Korea. 12 Panelist Wesley Brewer Professor Pyongyang University of Scence and Technology (PUST) Wesley Brewer is currently a Professor of Computer Science at the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST). After working for a number of years as a Professor and Consultant in America, Dr. Brewer moved to Korea in 2007 to teach Computer Science at Handong Global University. software development In 2008, he moved to China to start a company for outsourcing programmers to South Korean companies. North Korean Since 2010, he has been at the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST), first serving as the founding Dean of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and more recently serving as the Vice President for Science & Research. As VP, he has been actively involved in starting a new Singaporean-based company, EnoVision International, with the goal using PUST graduates to design and manufacture appropriate technologies (such as solar powered lamps and IT outsourcing) to help people living in underprivileged countries. Dr. Brewer holds a B.S. in Engineering Science and Mechanics from the University of Tennessee, an M.S. in Ocean Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in Computational Engineering from Mississippi State University. 13 Abstract "Teaching ICT: Power of Change“ Herbert Simon(1916-2001), a Nobel laureate, said, “We must look ahead at today’s radical changes in technology, not just as forecasters but as actors charged with designing and bringing about a sustainable and acceptable world. New knowledge gives us power for change: for good or ill, for knowledge is neutral…. Information technology, so closely tied to the properties of the human mind, can give us, if we ask the right questions, the special insights we need to advance these goals.” Many worry that teaching the North would hurt the South. However, We are primarily teaching only classes that are being taught at other universities in the DPRK. Our primary focus is to educate the students in English so that we can send them abroad. The US Bureau of Industry and Security maintains a 90-page long commerce control list (CCL) which includes every possible technology which is directly used in developing weapons of mass destruction. So, we must avoid teaching anything on that list. PUST primarily focus on using ICT to help bring change. According to the US Department of Labor, almost 280,000 new software developer jobs will be added to the US economy from 2012 through 2022. addition, another 242,000 developers positions will also need to be filled. will be retiring and In these We aim to make it easy to find jobs for our students, and to provide them with an ICT education that highly impacts on economic growth and social change. As Michael Gundlach, a creator of Adblock said, the Internet is “the best hope for democracy for the oppressed.” Every technology can be used either as an agent for evil or an agent for good. We use science and technology as a tool to leverage freedoms. 14 Panelist Steven Eisenbarth Professor and Dean, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Pyongyang University of Scence and Technology (PUST) Professor Eisenbarth was a central player in the development of the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Baylor University. His teaching career started in 1980 as a lecturer in the newly launched Computer Science and Engineering program. In 1981, after completing a doctorate in Physics, he accepted a tenure-track position in computer science at Baylor. In 1987 his teaching assignment was moved from computer science to electrical and computer engineering. He has served as Computer Science Graduate Director, Associate Dean of the School of Engineering and Computer Science, and the Associate Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. In December 2013, after 33 years of service to Baylor University, he retired from his teaching position as Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In 2011, Professor Eisenbarth was invited to teach a summer course at the newly opened Technology(PUST). Pyongyang University of Science and The challenge of beginning a new engineering program at an international university in the DPR Korea, ultimately lead him to move his full-time teaching commitments from Baylor to PUST. In 2014, he was appointed Dean of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His teaching assignments include: graduate-level courses in Wireless Sensor Networks, Embedded Systems Design, and 15 Nano CMOS Device Technology and undergraduate-level courses in Discrete Event Systems and System Modeling, Computer Architecture, VLSI Design, and Semiconductor Devices and Materials. Professor Eisenbarth's current research activities are focused on wireless sensor networks technology and its application to the control of distributed, time-dependent, non-linear systems. He is a research mentor for several masters-level graduate students at PUST. Abstract A combination of globalization and communication technologies is changing the historic economic and social fabric of nations. Under the circumstances, the lack of access to Information (e.g. the Internet) is a significant handicap to the professional development of scientists, engineers and technical staffs without regard to national origin. The lack of Information access may create a “global digital divide” between nations that will inhibit economic growth in less developed nations for the foreseeable future. The digital divide impacts every nation. The 2008 global economic downturn significantly changed the structure of employment in the U.S. The current labor participation rate is the lowest since the Great Depression (1930s). Jobs for low skilled workers who lack information technology skills have disappeared for the U.S. economy; never to return again. This situation contributes to income disparity, poverty, and social instability. For many U.S. workers, the future is not bright. The impact of the “global digital divide” on DPR Korea is so great that its ability to compete in the global market development may be significantly damaged. space of economic Given the current social, political and educational environment in DPR Korea it is unlikely that it can independently resolve the information deficit that contributes to its 16 “digital divide” both internally and globally. PUST provides opportunities for smart and savvy students who seek English language skills and internationally recognized education programs. 17 Memo 18