Account Manager - junior.challenger

Become an Account Manager by participating in this certificate course...
... become tomorrows‘ Sales Representative!
The Georg Simon Ohm Management Institute and upDATE GmbH
offer a training program alongside your job, in which you will become a
certified account manager.
By further developing your sales skills with the help of scientific methods, you will lay the foundations for sales management on all management levels. Especially as a manager of a sales team or a key
account manager, you have more and more contact with owners and
entrepreneurs. Therefore, you need instruments and skills for dealing
with these target groups.
Short Overview:
Focus: Sales strategies and processes, finding new
customers, systematics, opportunity and account
management, business processes, financial
viewing angles
Target Group: Internal and external sales representatives
Length: 15 months alongside your job
Goals: Train sales talents. Establish and steer sales in a
comprehensible way. Make success repeatable.
Content of the training:
20 sales training days (10 modules, two days each):
• Customer-oriented presentations
• Sales systematics
• Sales communication
• No need - no sale
• Sales based on behavior
• Consultative Selling
• Account planning
• Strategic management in sales
• The name of the game is profit!
• From communication to the communicator
Three exams (each one day long):
• Interim exam
• Final exam part one
• Final exam part two
Sales methods will be purposefully developed, as well as interpersonal communication skills for difficult conversations.
Lecturers from the Hochschule Fulda – University of Applied Sciences & from the Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg will share their academic knowledge and practical experience with the participants.
Management Institute of Georg Simon Ohm University Nuremberg
Kressengartenstraße 2
90402 Nuremberg, Germany
upDATE Gesellschaft für Beratung und Training mbH
Lina-Ammon-Straße 19a
90471 Nuremberg, Germany
Course units:
• Professional sales development program;
• Close interlocking of theory and practice;
• Small groups with 6 – 10 participants;
• Cross-company experience;
• Sales argumentation for technical solutions;
• Strong Partners (Georg-Simon-Ohm Management Institute,
upDATE GmbH & partner companies);
• Close contact and quick integration into the companies;
• Kick-off workshop with mentors, one day via a web conference;
• Mentor concept with regular feedback sessions;
• Mentor handbook with implementation and preparation tasks;
• Communication and provision of knowledge: Access to a portal,
including personal login data.
10 modules, one interim exam, two final exams (in total: 23 days)
Account Manager
job-concurrent training program
Next courses:
November 2011 in Nuremberg
Please find out the exact dates by visiting:
University certificate
from the Georg Simon Ohm University
of Applied Sciences Nuremberg
Cost of the course:
Module 1-7
Module 8-10
7.100,00 €
3.800,00 €
Target group:
The training program is geared towards:
• Experienced sales representatives, who would like to bring more
structure into their sales;
• Those, with solid foundations in sales, who have changed their
career path and would like to start a new career;
• Young, “unexperienced” employees, for whom sales is the future.
For each additional participant that a company sends, there is a 10%
discount (when participants are registered together). If you make the
entire payment at once, you will receive an 8% discount. The cost
includes all seminars, seminar materials, fees for exams and certification, as well as drinks.
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Georg Simon Ohm Management Institute
Kressengartenstraße 2 | 90402 Nuremberg, Germany
Phone: +49 911/5880 2800 | Fax: +49 911/5880 6800
E-Mail: |
Course content:
Module 1: Customer-oriented presentations
• Finding the right format for presentations and tailoring them
towards the respective target group
• Structure of speeches, lectures and presentations
• Convincing: Dramaturgy and argument structure
• Mastering difficult participants and questions
Module 2: Sales systematics
• Analysis of strengths and weaknesses
• Sales processes and steps
• Planning capacities, target customers and turnover
• sales funnel and 90 day plan
• Elevator speech and needs-oriented selling
• Sector one-pager
Module 3: Sales communication
• Communication and perception
• Acquiring new customers and preparing conversations
• Leading conversations, time- and self-management
Module 4: No need - no sale
• Sensitizing own approach in a sales conversation
• Effective preparation and leading target-oriented conversations
• Needs-oriented value propositions and dealing with objections
• Finding a suitable solution profile from the customers point of view
Module 8: Strategic management in sales
• Instruments for strategic planning and practical use
• Sales funnel: from medium term planning to a successful closing
• Key Account Management KAM: the key to sustainable success
• Supply Chain Management SCM and sales management
• Efficient Consumer Response ECR – a promising concept
• The relationship between sales and marketing – how does a win-win
situation come about
Module 9: The name of the game is profit!
• Rentability – liquidity – strategic potential for success
• Costs- vs. cost-in-use orientation in purchasing
• Optimization of returns: Return on investment as a selection criterion
• Cash-flow management
• Break-even analysis and economic- or investment calculation
• Strategic steering in advance: securing the future of ROI & cash flow
Module 10: From communication to the communicator
• Planning topics and content for a sales conversation
• With what kind of conception of man do I encounter my customer?
• How do I produce authentic communication?
• Role playing games and video air checks: steering and controlling sales
• Case study: Role playing game with a real customer case
• When the customer is an entrepreneur: What are the hidden rules of the
Scientific management:
University certificate from the Georg Simon Ohm University
Nuremberg as
Certified Account Manager
(Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg
and upDATE GmbH)
Prof. Dr. Werner Fees
conomic sciences
Management Institut of the
Georg Simon Ohm
University of Applied
Sciences Nuremberg
Requirements for participation:
At least one of the following three requirements has to be met:
• University degree and at least one year of relevant experience;
• At least three years of relevant experience;
• Employee with high potential, who is recommended by the
employing company
Interim Exam
Module 5: Sales based on behavior
• Definition of sales competency
• Meaning of typologies and customer fears
• Buyer and seller styles
• Conversation strategies in proper style, questions and value propositions
Module 6: Consultative Selling
• Creating a customer value-added chain
• Preparing the project qualification matrix
• Reviewing the current buying center & producing value propositions
• Observing the competition and creating a joint action plan
Module 7: Account Planning
• Collecting and processing background information on customers
• Creating a customer SWOT
• Implementation of quantitative and qualitative measures
• Influence of account planning on the sales funnel
• Implications on personal time management
Final exam part one
Final exam part two
The Georg Simon Ohm Management Institute was already founded 10
years ago as an independent institute for professional academic advanced training at the Nuremberg Ohm University. This institute made it possible for people to study alongside their job. Next to internationally oriented
masters programs, advanced training courses for skilled employees and
managers are offered. A select team made up of lecturers and top speakers from the private sector ensure the consequent interlinkage of science
and practice and assure the current transfer of knowledge.
The upDATE Gesellschaft für Beratung und Training mbH (Society
for Consultancy and Training) is specialized in optimizing complex sales processes in the B2B area and enables companies and their employees to make their sales business even more successful! Since it was
founded 13 years ago, upDATE has been offering practice-oriented sales
seminars and courses for junior employees, sales employees and managers. Therefore, the maxim of the company is: “live sales”.
Cumulative practical knowledge:
Walter Kapp
Managing partner,
senior trainer and
consultant, premiumworkshops
Prof. Dr.
Werner Fees
Senior trainer,
sales manager
Frank Fäder
Trainer and
consultant for „Next
Generation Business“
Prof. Dr.
Lutz Schminke
Alexander Zeitelhack
lecturer of
media management
Trainer and
business coach