Compliances of Companies Act 2013 by filing of E‐forms at the MCA Portal In Correct CERTIFICATION WILL LEAD FOR SECTION 447 448 449 & 450 447,448,449 MGT 14-fraud FRAUD (EXPLANATIONS TO SECTION 447): For the purpose of Section 447, in relation to affairs of a company or a body corporate, a fraud includes: •any act, or omission, or concealment of any fact, or abuse of position; •with intent to deceive, or •to gain undue advantage from, or •to injure the interests of; •the company or •its shareholders, or •its creditors, or •any other person •by any person, or •by any other person with connivance in any manner; •whether whether or not: any wrongful gain, or any wrong loss. Wrongful Gain: • Wrongful gain means the gain by unlawful means of property to which the person gaining is not legally entitled. •Wrongful f l loss: l • Wrongful loss means the loss by unlawful means of property to which the person losing is legally entitled. SECTION 447 (new) ( ) PUNISHMENT FOR FRAUD imprisonment not less than 6 (may extend to 10 months years) AND fine not less than the amount involved in the fraud ( may extend to 3 fraud) times i the amount involved in the Provided id d that h where h the h fraud f d in i question i iinvolves l public bli interest, the term of imprisonment shall not be less than 3 years. NON BAILABLE AND NON COMPOUNDABLE, COZNIZABLE OFFENCE SECTION 448 ((old 628)) PUNISHMENT FOR FALSE STATEMENT Save as otherwise provided in this Act, if in any • return, • report, • certificate, • financial statement, • prospectus, • statement or other document required by, by or for for, the purposes of any of the provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder, any person makes a statement,— (a) which is false in any material particulars, knowing it to be false; or (b) which omits any material fact, knowing it to bematerial,, he shall be liable under section 447. SECTION 449 (old 629) PUNISHMENT FOR FALSE EVIDENVE SSave as otherwise h i provided id d iin this hi A Act, if any person intentionally gives false evidence— (a) upon any examination on oath or solemn affirmation, authorised under this Act; or (b) in any affidavit, deposition or solemn affirmation, in or about the winding up of any company under this Act, or otherwise in or about any matter arising under this Act, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than 3 years but which may extend to 7 years and with fine which may extend to Rs. R 10 Lakhs L kh . SECTION 450 (old 629A) PUNISHMENT WHERE NO SPECIFIC PENALTY If a company or any officer of a company or any other person contravenes any of the provisions of this Act And F which For hi h NO PENALTY OR PUNISHMENT IS PROVIDED ELSEWHERE IN THIS ACT, the company and every officer of the company who is in default or such other person shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rs.10000 Rs.1000 for everyy dayy after the first duringg which the contravention continues. OTHER SECTIONS ATTRACTED SECTION 143 (12) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, if an auditor of a company, in the course of the performance of his duties as auditor, has reason to believe that an offence involving fraud is being or has been committed against the company by officers or employees of the company, he shall immediately report the matter to the Central Government within such time and in such manner as may be prescribed. (13) No N duty d t to t which hi h an auditor dit off a company may be b subject bj t to t shall h ll be b regarded d d as having been contravened by reason of his reporting the matter referred to in sub‐ section (12) if it is done in good faith. (14) The provisions of this section shall mutatis mutandis apply to— (a) the cost accountant in practice conducting cost audit under section 148; or (b) the h company secretary in i practice i conducting d i secretarial i l audit di under d section 204. (15) If any auditor, auditor cost accountant or company secretary in practice do not comply with the provisions of sub‐section (12), he shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than Rs. 1 Lakh rupees but which may extend to Rs.25 lakh rupees. Continuation… In addition to the things mention above the following things are shall also require to file with ROC in MGT‐14 per Rule 8 of Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers), Rules 2014‐ **Government o e e of India d a MCA notification o f ca o dated da ed 18 8th March, a c , 2015 0 5o omitted ed thee below stricken points from filing of MGT‐14 but the same is yet to be gazetted** 1. To make political contributions. 2. To appoint or remove KMP 3. To take note of appointment(s) or removal(s) of one level below the KMP; 4. To appoint internal auditors and secretarial auditor; 5. To take note off the disclosure off director’s ’ interest and shareholding; 6. To buy, sell investments held by the co.(other than trade investments), constituting 5% or more of the paid up share capital and free reserves of the investee co.; co ; 7. To invite or accept or renew public deposits and related matters; 8. To review or change the terms and conditions of public deposit; 9 To approve quarterly 9. quarterly, half yearly and annual financial statements or financial results as the case may be. Continuation… 179 (3) The Board of Directors of a company shall exercise the following powers on behalf off the h company by b means off resolutions l i passed d at meetings i off the Board, namely:— ((a)) to make calls on shareholders in respect p off moneyy unpaid p on their shares; (b) to authorise buy‐back of securities under section 68; (c) to issue securities, securities including debentures, debentures whether in or outside India; (d) to borrow monies; ( ) to invest (e) i the h funds f d off the h company; (f) to grant loans or give guarantee or provide security in respect of loans; (g) to approve financial statement and the Board’s report; APPLICABLE PROVISIONS ON ANNUAL BASED ITEMS AND SECTIONS PRIVATE COMPANY LISTED COMPANY PUBLIC COMPANY √ √ √ ‐‐‐‐ √ √ APPOINTMENT OF INTERNAL AUDITOR 138 – MGT 14 (AS APPLICABLE) √ √ √ ANNUAL RETURN AND BALANCE SHEET √ √ √ BR TO APPROVE FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND THE BOARD BOARD’SS REPORT MGT 14 ‐179 179 (3)(G) APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARIAL AUDITOR 204 – MGT 14 FILING REPORT ON ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 121(3) – MGT 15 MGT 15 NEW FORM MGT-14 OLD FORM 23 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution(s) & Exp. St. u/s 173 2. Altered l d MOA 3. Altered AOA 4. Copy of agreement CG-1 MGT-14 1. Resolution(s) & Exp. St. u/s 102 2. Altered l d MOA (Mandatory in case any change in MOA). 3. Altered AOA (Mandatory in case of any change in AOA). 4. Copy of agreement Form MGT 14 also requires filing of resolutions specified u/s 117 & 179(3) of the Companies Act (List attached) 117 FORM CG‐1 (Application with CG) Fees (In case of Company having share capital) Application made By a company having an authorized share capital of: 1. Up to Rupees 25,00,000 2 Above 2. Ab R Rupees 25 00 000 but 25,00,000 b t up to t Rupees 50,00,000 3. Above Rupees 50,00,000 but up to Rupees p 5,00,00,000 , , , 4. Above Rupees 5,00,00,000 but up to Rupees 10 Crore or more 5. Above Rupees 10 Crore By a company limited by guarantee but not having a share capital By a company having a valid license issued under section 8 of the Act ((Section 8 Company) Other than OPC & Small company OPC & Small company 2,000 1,000 5,000 2,500 , 10,000 NA 15,000 20,000 2 000 2,000 NA NA NA 2,000 NA SURRENDER OF DIN 1. BOTH DIN ARE ACTIVE AND USED – SURRENDER ONE 2. ONE IS ACTIVE AND THE OTHER IS ACTIVE BUT NOT USED – WRITE A LETTER 3 BOTH ARE INACTIVE – WRITE A LETTER 3. 4. ONE IS ACTIVE AND THE OTHER IS INVALID / REJECTED – WRITE A LETTER DIR 5 SHOW CAUSE NOTICE RD 1 SIX NEW FORMS MGT ‐ 3 MGT 3 Purpose ‐‐Notice of situation or change in place where foreign register shall be kept Attachments ‐‐No N Attachments Att h t Disclosures ‐‐‐‐Situation of Office where foreign register is kept Type of Security to which Foreign register relates. Timeline ‐‐‐‐Within Withi 30 days d off opening of Foreign Register PAS ‐ 6 NOT AVAILABLE IN THE MCA PORTAL Purpose Purpose ‐‐‐‐Filing of letter of offer with ROC Attachments ‐‐‐‐‐PAS PAS ‐ 4; Format for Letter of Offer ‐‐‐‐‐‐PAS ‐ 5; Record of Private Placement Offer Disclosures Disclosures ‐‐‐‐‐‐Details of Remuneration paid to Directors, Related Party Transactions, Summary of Qualifications made by Auditor of the Company, Details of material frauds committed against the Company and Details of Inquiry and Investigations made against the Company or its subsidiaries for its last three financial years Timeline Timeline ‐‐‐‐Within 30 days of circulation of letter of offer DPT ‐ 3 DPT 3 Purpose ‐‐‐‐Return of Deposits Attachments ‐‐‐Auditor's Certificate ‐‐‐List of Depositors q Assets ‐‐‐Details of Liquid ‐‐‐Trust Deed ‐‐‐Instrument Creating the Charge ‐‐‐Deposit Deposit Insurance Contract Disclosures ‐‐‐Particulars of Deposits, ‐‐‐Particulars of Liquid Assets, ‐‐‐Particulars of Deposits matured Timeline ‐‐‐30th June of every year MGT-15 MGT ‐ 15 Purpose sec 121 ‐‐‐‐Report of Annual General Meeting MGT 15 Attachments ‐‐‐‐No Attachments Disclosures ‐‐‐‐Venue of AGM, Chairman of AGM, Members present in AGM, AGM etc Timeline ‐‐‐‐‐Within h 30 d days off AGM AOC ‐5 AOC-5 Purpose ‐‐‐‐ Notice of address at which books of account are maintained U/s. 128(1) Attachments ‐‐‐‐ Copy of Board resolution wherein a decision regarding address at which books of account are to be maintained has been taken is to be attached Timeline Timeline ‐‐‐‐‐seven days of passing the Board Resolution Section 94 Purpose Registers or copies of return may also be kept at any other place in India in which more than 1/10 th of the total number of members entered in the register of members reside id Attachments ‐‐‐Copy of SR in advance of GM with ROC with MGT 14 (at least one day before the date of GM – CH 7 – R 15(6) ‐‐‐ Normal SR of GM with ROC with MGT 14 within 30days. INC 29 INC 29 Purpose (Sections 4, 7, 12, 152 and 153) ‐‐‐‐Single Single application for reservation of name name, incorporation of a new company and/or application for allotment of DIN. Maximum three Directors are allowed for using this integrated form for allotment of DIN while incorporating a company. INC 29 help Attachments Att h t ‐‐‐‐ PLEASE SEE THE HELP KIT FOR (pg 7 point 5b) FORMS CAME WITH CHANGE IN VERSION ON 01.05.2015 INC 7 7_NEW NEW VERSION INC C 22_NEW VERSION NEW POINT NO. 10 & 11 HAS BEEN INSERTED IN THE NEW VERSION OF FORM INC 7 ONLY point 4 of the declaration part has been inserted BUT ALL THE POINTS REMAIN SAME AS BEFORE INC 7_OLD VERSION INC 22_OLD VERSION FORMS CAME WITH CHANGE IN VERSION ON 04.06.2015 INC 1 Filing declaration by a ‐commencement off business or exercising its borrowing powers – no longer required to file e‐form INC‐21 with the Registrar through MCA portal. NOT AVAILABLE WEBSITE IN ONLY point PART D has been inserted BUT ALL THE POINTS REMAIN SAME AS BEFORE DIR IR 3 ONLY VERSION SO CHANGED COMPULSORY ANNUAL FILLING Ch IX Accounts of Companies(AOC) Forms Section Purpose AOC 1 AOC‐1 129(3) SStatement Containing C i i Salient S li F Features off Financial Fi i l statement of SC/AC/JV (Format) AOC 1 AOC1_SUBSIDIARY PAGE AOC‐2 Chapter VI ‐ Register of Charges (CHG) 134(3)(h) Form for disclosure of Particulars of Contract as entered with RPT in 188(1) including Arm length transactions in Board Report (Format) AOC‐3 136(1) Form of Abridge Financial Statements(Format) AOC‐4 137 Form for Filling of Fin St & other doc with ROC Certified by CA only AOC‐5 128(1) Notice of address at which books of account are maintained (from 17th Jan, 2015) AOC 2 AOC-5 At present no new form has been notified Company A Annual l Fillings Filli Section 8 C Company Annual Fillings Form 23AC/ACA Form 23AC/ACA Form 8 LLP 23 AC 23 ACA Form 23AC/ACA (XBRL) 23 ACA 23 AC LLP Annual Filli Fillings 2014.12.10_Infra LLP Form 8 Form 21A 21A 23 AC XBRL 23 ACA XBRL Form 20B 20 B Form 11 LLP 2013.11.06_Jagan nathForm11LLP ANNUAL FILLING OF LLP of STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS AND SOLVENCY 2014.12.10_Infra 2014 12 10 Infra LLP Form 8 FORM 8 HAS TO BE FILED WITHIN 30TH OCTOBER FOR EACH FINANCIAL YEAR I.E. WITHIN A PERIOD OF THIRTY DAYS FROM THE END OF SIX MONTHS OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR. 9Like if LLP is registered upto 30.09.2014 – have to mandatorily close the financial year on 31 03 2015 and filling of form 8 has to be done within 30.10.2015 31.03.2015 30 10 2015 9Like if LLP is registered from 01.10.2014 upto 31.03.2015 – have option either to close financial year as on 31.03.2015 or 31.03.2016 and to file both form 8 & form 11 accordingly. Note:‐ If not filed within time limit then additional fees of Rs.100 is payable per day till date of filling. Contents of Form 8 ¾Statement of Solvency ¾Statement of Accounts and Statement of Income & Expenditure ¾Disclosure under MSMED Act. FORM 8 HAS TO BE DIGITALLY SIGNED BY TWO DPS AND CERTIFIED BY CA/CS/CWA(IN WHOLE TIME PRACTICE ANNUAL FILLING OF LLP of ANNUAL RETURN 2013.11.06_Jagan 2013 11 06 Jagan nathForm11LLP FORM 11 HAS TO BE FILED WITHIN A PERIOD OF SIXTY DAYS FROM THE END OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR. DUE DATE FOR FILLING FORM 11 IS 30TH MAY EVERY YEAR Note:‐ If not filed within time limit then DPs shall be liable to be punishable with fine which shall not be less than Rs.25000 but which may extend to Rs.5Lacs. Contents of Form 11 ¾Details of LLP and/ or company in which partner/ designated partner is a director/ partner FORM 11 HAS TO BE DIGITALLY SIGNED BY TWO DPS AND CERTIFIED BY CA/CS/CWA(IN WHOLE TIME PRACTICE) FACT OF ANNUAL RETURN FILLING MGT 7 MGT 7 MGT-7 Format Of Annual Return (MGT‐7) • But Form MGT-7 shall apply to annual returns in respect of companies whose financial year ended on 31.03.2015 and d for f annual returns the h Companies C Act, 2013 is applicable for the FY…01.04.2014---31 03 2015 but whereas the FY….01.01.2014------31.03.2015 FY 01 01 2014------31.12.2014 then the format will be old for filling. • Under Section 92(1) of the Act, the Annual Return is to be signed both by a Director and a CS or PCS. MGT 8 Section 92(2) Certification of AR by PCS (MGT‐8) MGT 8 filed by A LISTED COMPANY or a company ‐‐‐‐PAID‐UP PAID UP SHARE CAPITAL OF RS. 10 CRORE RUPEES or more or TURNOVER OF RS. RS 50 CRORE RUPEES OR MORE, MORE shall be certified by a Company Secretary in practice and the certificate shall be in Form No. MGT.8 MGT 9 Extract Of Annual Return (MGT‐9) MGT 9 Extract off Annual Return to be attached to Director Report off 31.03.2015‐‐‐92(3) ( ) • • • • • • • REGISTRATION AND OTHER DETAILS PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY PARTICULARS OF HOLDING, SUBSIDIARY AND ASSOCIATE COMPANIES MGT-9_Co. SHARE HOLDING PATTERN (Equity Share Capital Breakup as percentage of Total Equity) 9 Category‐wise Share Holding 9 Shareholding of Promoters 9 Change in Promoters’ Shareholding (please specify, if there is no change) 9 Shareholding Pattern of top ten Shareholders (other than Directors, Promoters and Holders of GDRs and ADRs) 9 Shareholding of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel INDEBTEDNESS 9 Indebtedness of the Company including interest outstanding/accrued but not due for payment REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS AND KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL 9 Remuneration to Managing Director, Whole‐time Directors and/or Manager 9 Remuneration to other directors 9 Remuneration To Key Managerial Personnel Other Than MD/Manager/WTD PENALTIES / PUNISHMENT/ COMPOUNDING OF OFFENCES EVENT BASED FILLING FORM INC‐24 (change of name) FORM RD 2 (Section 87‐charge) FORM GNL 1 (AGM /Accounts extension, Compounding, merger scheme etc.) FORM INC 23(shifting) FORM CG 1 (condonation of delay section 117 and 403) FORM RD 1 (issue of license‐section 8 co., removal of auditor, surrender of DIN, rectification of name) FORM MR 2 (CG approval for remuneration) Application made By a company having an authorized share capital of: 1. Up to Rupees 25,00,000 2. Above Rupees 25,00,000 but up to Rupees 50,00,000 3. Above Rupees 50,00,000 but up to Rupees 5,00,00,000 4. Above Rupees 5,00,00,000 but up to Rupees 10 Crore or more 5. Above Rupees 10 Crore By a company limited by guarantee but not having a share capital B a company having By h i a valid lid license li i issued d under d section 8 of the Act (Section 8 Company) Other than OPC & Small company OPC & Small company 2,000 5,000 1,000 2,500 NA NA NA 10,000 15,000 20,000 2,000 NA 2 000 2,000 NA Forms Section Purpose Old Forms INC‐1 4(4) Application for Reservation of Name 1A INC‐2 3(1) &7(1) OPC‐Application for Incorporation ‐‐‐‐‐ INC‐3 3(1) OPC‐Nominee Consent ‐‐‐‐‐ INC‐4 3(1) OPC‐Change in Member/Nominee ‐‐‐‐‐ INC‐5 Specified in rule OPC‐ Increasing threshold ‐‐‐‐‐ INC‐6 18 OPC‐Application for Conversion ‐‐‐‐‐ INC‐7 7(1) Application for Incorporation INC‐8 ‐‐‐‐ Declaration by CA/CS/CW/Adv ‐‐‐‐‐ INC‐9 ‐‐‐‐ Affidavit by Subscriber (on Stamp paper) ‐‐‐‐‐ INC‐10 Specified in rule Form to Verify sign. Of Subscriber from Bank ‐‐‐‐‐ 1 Forms Section Purpose INC‐11 7(2) COI ‐‐‐‐‐ INC‐12 8(1) & 8(5) Application for grant of License under section 8 24A INC 13 INC‐13 Rules 19(2) Memorandum of association of the proposed Section 8 company ‐‐‐‐‐ INC‐14 7(1)(b) Declaration by Professionals for draft MOA & AOA of Section 8 company ‐‐‐‐‐ INC-12 INC-14 INC‐15 Old Forms Rules 19(3)(d) Declaration of Promoter or Applicant for making application u/s 8 company ‐‐‐‐‐ INC‐16 or INC‐17 Rules 20(6) Granting License u/s 8_ New or Existing Companies which is desirous of being registered ‐‐‐‐‐ INC‐18 8(4)(ii) Application to RD for conversion of Sec. 8 Company into Company of any other kind ‐‐‐‐‐ INC-15 INC-18 Forms Section Purpose Old Forms INC‐19 Rules 22(1) ( ) Notice to be advertised for conversion of Section 8 company into any other kind of company ‐‐‐‐‐ INC 20 INC‐20 8(4) & 8(6) Intimation to Registrar of revocation / surrender of license issued under section 8 ‐‐‐‐‐ INC‐21 11(1)(a) Declaration for Commencement of Business 20 INC‐22 ( ) &(4) ( ) 12(2) Notice of situation of Registered g off add 18 INC‐23 12(5) & 13(4) Application to RD for Shift of Registered off from One state to another 24AAA INC‐24 13(2) Application to CG for Change of Name‐ 1B INC‐25 ‐‐‐‐‐ COI on change of Name ‐‐‐‐‐ Forms Section Purpose Old Forms INC‐26 Rules 30(6)(a) Advertisement for shifting of Registered Office ff ffrom one state to another h state ‐‐‐‐‐‐ INC‐27 14 public company p y into p private Conversion of p company and vice‐a‐versa 1B,62 , INC 28 INC‐28 ‐‐‐‐ Notice of order of the Court or any other Competent authority 21 CHANGE OF NAME 1. Make an application for name along with the copy py of Board Resolution in Form INC 1 2. Obtain shareholders approval and inform ROC in Form MGT 14 3. Approval for change of Name by making application in Form INC 24 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT FOR CHANGE OF NAME AFTER RESERVATION OF NAME NEW FORM INC 24 (old Form 1B) INC 1 ATTACHMENTS INC 24 1. Minutes of the member’s meeting 2 Copy of any approval order obtained from the concerned authorities 2. (certificate of INC 1) 3. A certificate from chartered accountant regarding turnover details from new activity, ti it If change h off name is i due d to t change h in i main i activity ti it off the th company. 4. Altered MOA and AOA – optional (if ROC requires) KEY POINT: An existing company seeking for change of name shall apply to Central Government (ROC) by filing an application in e‐Form INC‐24. For changing the name, company is required to have a name reserved by filing e‐Form INC‐1 and shall have passed the special resolution. As per MCA notifications dated 21.05.2014 power u/s 13(2) ‐ Change of name of Company had been delegated to ROC FORM INC‐24 (Application for approval of Central Government for change of name) Application pp made By a company having an authorized share capital of: 1. Up to Rupees 25,00,000 2. Above Rupees 25,00,000 but up to Rupees 50 00 000 50,00,000 3. Above Rupees 50,00,000 but up to Rupees 5,00,00,000 4. Above Rupees 5,00,00,000 but up to Rupees 10 Crore or more 5. Above Rupees 10 Crore By a company limited by guarantee but not having a share capital By a company having a valid license issued under section 8 of the Act (Section 8 Company) Other than OPC & Small company OPC & Small company 2,000 5,000 10 000 10,000 15,000 20,000 1,000 2,500 NA NA NA 2,000 NA 2,000 NA CONVERSION – 1. PVT TO PUBLIC 2. PUBLIC TO PVT CONVERSION FROM PVT. CO TO PUBLIC CONVERSION FROM PVT. CO TO PUBLIC 1. Call BM. 2 Give 21 clear days notice to members for GM 2. MGT 14 Agenda:‐ 1. Alteration of MOA, 2. Alteration of AOA, 3. Conversion of Company 3. File E‐Form MGT14 within 30 days from GM. 4. AOA MOA In the third and last step, the company has to file E‐Form INC27 with ROC within 15 days with following attachments; • AOA‐MOA‐ altered with name • BR • Minutes of GM LETTER INC 27 MINUTES S Post Conversion formalities 1. Intimate all the concerned authorities like Excise and sales tax etc about the status change. 2 Arrange new PAN No 2. No. of the company company. Update company bank account details details. 3. Arrange new stationary with new name of the Company. 4. Analyze your newly adopted AOA and MOA and remove all things which are in contradiction with the conditions of AOA. 5 All Act applicable to public Companies need to be complied 5. Pre Conversion formalities 5. Raise the paid‐up capital to minimum Rs. 5 lakhs, if the same is less than Rs. 5 lakhs. 6. Increase Number of Director to minimum 3 Directors. CONVERSION FROM PUBLIC CO TO PVT. • CONVERSION FROM PUBLIC CO TO PVT. For Conversion of Public into Private Company 1. Call BM. 2. Give 21 clear days notice to members for GM 3. File E‐Form 4 4. MGT14 within 30 days from GM. MGT 14 In the third and last step, step the public company has to file ROC within 15 days with following attachments; • • EE‐Form Form INC27 with MOA AOA‐MOA‐ altered with name AOA INC 27 Order of Tribunal in case conversion of public into private company. LETTER • Order for condonation of delay ‐ In case form is filed after due date of filing • Minutes of the member member’ss meeting where approval was given for conversion and altered article of association • CIRCULAR MINUTES At present the ROC is requiring the Companies to attach an affidavit declaring that the Company had not accepted deposits. (This is no where given in the Act) Section 14(1)& (2) of CA, CA 2013 have not been notified by the MCA. MCA In view of this Section 31(1) (2A) of the CA, 1956 still remains till the corresponding provisions of the CA, 2013 has been notified. The CG has delegated the Power vide its notification of 10th July 2012 to ROC for making application for conversion vide notification dated 11th June, 2014. FILING OF INC 27 INC 27 Conversion of private company into public company 15 days from Date of passing the special resolution **Conversion of public company into private company 15 days from Date of receiving the order of Competent authority ** Since the order of Tribunal is not effective and power is vested with ROC, the date of order cannot be mentioned in the form . The same being a mandatory field in the Form INC27, attach a clarification letter for the same FORM INC-27 (Conversion of public company into private company or private company into public company) Fees (In case of Company having share capital) Nominal Share Capital Less than 1,00,000 1,00,000 to 4,99,999 5,00,000 to 24,99,999 25,00,000 to 99,99,999 1,00,00,000 or more Fee applicable Rupees 200 Rupees 300 Rupees 400 Rupees 500 Rupees 600 Fee (in case of company not having share capital) Rupees 200 SHIFTING OF REGISTERED OFFICE INC 22 Information / Documents required for filing Form INC. INC 22(Form 18) ¾P f off registered ¾Proof i t d office ffi address dd (C (Conveyance/ / Lease L d d/ Rent deed/ R t Agreement etc. along with the rent receipts is required to be attached). deed ¾C i off the ¾Copies th utility tilit bills bill (proof ( f off evidence id off any utility tilit service i like lik telephone, gas ,electricity, mobile bill etc. depicting the address of the premises not older than two months is required to be attached). ELECTRICITY BILL ¾Proof that the company is permitted to use the address as the registered office of the Company ………. (Authorization from the owner or occupant of the premises along with proof of ownership or occupancy and it is mandatory if registered office is owned by any other entity/ person (not taken on lease by company). NOC ¾Full address of the police station under whose jurisdiction the registered office is situated Application to Regional Director for approval to shift the registered office from one state to another state or from jurisdiction of one registrar to another within the state NEW FORM INC-23 ATTACHMENTS Form INC-23 Form_INC 23 1. Application (Petition) and MOA/AOA. 2. Notice and Explanatory statement. 3. SR. 4. Extract of Minutes of EGM. 5 Proof of service of the application to 5. ‐‐‐‐Registrar, ‐‐‐‐ Chief Secretary of the state, ‐‐‐‐SEBI SEBI or any other th regulatory l t authority, th it if applicable. (RBI) 6. Power of attorney/ vakalatnama/ Board resolution. 7. List of creditors and debenture holders. 8. Affidavit from Directors in terms of rules. CONTINUATION…… 9. Affidavit verifying the application. 10. Affidavit by the CS of the company and the Directors in regards to the correctness of list of creditors and affairs of the company. 11. Affidavit by directors about no retrenchment of employees. Affidavit verifying the list of creditors. 12. It is mandatory to attach in case if there is any prosecution is pending against the co co. or if any inquiry, inquiry inspection or investigation is initiated against the co. 13. Copy of newspaper advertisement for notice of shifting the registered office. It is mandatory to attach copy of newspaper publication in case if the registered office is shifting within the state. 14. Copy of objections (if received any) Any other information can be provided as an optional attachment(s) User is required to send the copy of newspaper attachment(s).User publication in case of shifting of registered office from one state to another. FORM INC‐23 (Application to the Regional Director for approval to shift the Registered Office from one state to another state or from jurisdiction of one Registrar to another Registrar within the same State) Fees (In case of Company having share capital) Application made By a company having an authorized share capital p of: 1. Up to Rupees 25,00,000 2. Above Rupees 25,00,000 but up to Rupees 50,00,000 3 Above Rupees 50,00,000 3. 50 00 000 but up to Rupees 5,00,00,000 4. Above Rupees 5,00,00,000 but up to Rupees 10 Crore or more 5. Above Rupees 10 Crore By a company limited by guarantee but not having a share capital By a company having a valid license issued under section 8 of the Act (Section 8 Company) Other than OPC & Small S ll company OPC & S Small ll company 2,000 1,000 5,000 2,500 10,000 NA 15,000 20,000 2,000 NA NA NA 2 000 2,000 NA NOTICE OF THE COURT OR THE COMPANY LAW BOARD ORDER NEW FORM INC-28 ATTACHMENTS Form INC-28 Under Companies Act 2013 Section 12(6)‐One ROC to other, within same state ‐Copy of Court order or Section 13(7)‐shifting ‐CLB order or Section 58(5) (old 111)‐Refusal of ‐order order by any other registration of AOA/transfer/transmission / / competent authority Section 87 (old 141)‐charge condonation Section 111(5) – circulation of members resolution Under 1956 Act 391/394/ 396/397/ 398/621 A/81(4) PENALTY: If anyy default is made in complying p y g with the p provisions of section 111(5), ( ) the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to a penalty of twenty‐five thousand rupees. FORM INC‐7 (Application for Incorporation of Company (Other than OPC)) Memorandum of Association (MOA) filing fee (in case of company having share capital) EFormProcess Nominal Share capital Up to 1, 00, 000 More than 1,00,000 up to 5,00,000 More than 5,00,000 up to 10,00,000 More than 10,00,000 10 00 000 up to 50,00,000 More than 50,00,000 up to 1,00,00,000 More than 1,00,00,000 Other than OPCs and Small Companies Fixed For every 10, 000 or part thereof Small Companies Fixed For every 10, 000 or part thereof 5,000 5,000 + NA 400 2,000 2,000 NA NA 21,000 + 300 2,000 NA 36 000 + 36,000 300 2 000 + 2,000 200 1,56,000 + 100 NA NA 2,06,000 + 75 NA NA At the time of incorporation of the company, if fee payable on authorized capital is exceeding Rupees two Crore and fifty Lakhs then the fee applicable shall be limited to two Crore and fifty Lakhs only. Memorandum of Association (MOA) filing fee (in case of company not having share capital) Number of members Up to 20 members More than 20 but up to 200 members b More than 200 members (If number of members not stated as unlimited in AOA) Fee applicable 2,000 5,000 5,000 + Rupees 10 for every member, after the first 200 The maximum fee payable to the Registrar for registration of a new company not having share capital is fixed at rupees 10,000. Fee for filing Articles of association (in case of company having share capital) Nominal Share Capital Less than 1,00,000 1,00,000 to 4,99,999 5,00,000 to 24,99,999 25,00,000 , , to 99,99,999 , , 1,00,00,000 or more Fee applicable Rupees 200 Rupees 300 Rupees 400 Rupees p 500 Rupees 600 Fee for filing Articles of association (in case of company not having share capital) Fees Applicable Applicable‐ Rupees 200 per documents. documents Fee for filing form INC‐7 (in case of company having share capital) Nominal Share Capital Less than 1,00,000 1 00 000 1,00,000 to 4,99,999 5,00,000 to 24,99,999 25,00,000 5,00,000 too 99,99,999 1,00,00,000 or more Fee applicable Rupees 200 Rupees 300 Rupees 400 Rupees upees 500 Rupees 600 Fee for filing Form INC‐7 (in case of company not having share capital) Fees Applicable‐ Rupees 200 per documents. Declaration prior to the commencement of business or exercising borrowing powers (For Private & Public both ) NEW FORM INC 21 ATTACHMENTS Specimen signature of all subscriber to MOA in Form INC10 – Should be certified by your banker or notarized INC-10 A declaration printed in Rs. 20 stamp paper (based on the state of registration) – Should be signed by a director and notarized. Stamp paper should be in the name of the company. Declaration for INC 21 If the company is regulated by any sectoral regulator, then certificate of registration issued by the RBI (only in case of NBFC) or from other regulators are required to be attached. Declaration as per Section 11(1)(a & b) INC 21 As per section A i 11(2) off companies act 2013, if any default is made in compliance to these p provisions then the company shall be liable to a penalty which may extend to Rs.5000 and every officer who is in default shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rs. 1000 per day during which such default continues (section 11(2) of Companies Act, 2013) 1. Form INC‐1 (Name Availability) 2. Form INC. 12 (Application for incorporation to be filed as an attachment to Form RD‐1 3. Attachments‐‐‐‐ (a) the draft memorandum(INC 13) and AOA (b) the declaration in Form No.INC.14 by an Advocate, CA , Cost Acc. or CS in practice, that the draft MOA and AOA have been drawn up in conformity with the provisions of section 8 and rules made thereunder (c) an estimate of the future annual income and expenditure of the company f next three for h years, specifying if i the h sources off the h income i and d the h objects bj of the expenditure; (d) the declaration by each of the persons making the application in Form No. INC 15 INC.15 ISSUE OF SHARES Chapter III Prospectus & Allotment of Securities(PAS) Forms Section Purpose PAS 1 PAS‐1 27(1) PAS‐2 31(2) PAS‐3 39(4) & ( ), 62 42(9), 42 Advertisement Ad ti t giving i i d details t il off Notice of RS for varying the terms of pros or altering the object for which the Prospectus was raised Information Memorandum‐in GNL2 IM Return of Allotment PAS‐4 Old Forms ‐‐‐ ‐‐‐ 2 PAS 3 PPOL‐Private Placement Offer Letter‐in GNL‐2 Record of PPOL to be kept by Co ‐‐‐ PAS 4_NCDS PAS‐5 42(7) PAS 5 ‐‐‐ IM ((2)) / PPOL(4) ( ) / PAS(5) ( ) NEW FORM PAS PAS‐2 2 , 4 & 5 (NO OLD FORM) Currentlyy this form can be fil d as an filed attachment to Form GNL 2. As per MCA amended rule Dt. 18.03.15 PAS -4 is not required in case of any preferential offer made by a company to one or more existing i ti members only GNL 2 General conditions A Company private p placement subject to the p provisions p y mayy make p j of the Section 42(1) through issue of PPOL to a Group of Persons (other than by way of public offer). PAS 4_NCDS 9PPOL to be in Form No. PAS 4 [Rule 14(1)(a)]. 9Application be serially NUMBERED, ADDRESSED to the offeree shall h ll be b sent either i h in i writing i i or Electronic El i Mode M d within i hi 30 days d off recording of the names [Rule 14(1)(b)]. 9No No person other than the addressee shall apply. 9Valuation to be done by the Registered Valuer. 9All monies payable shall be paid through Cheque or DD or other banking channels BUT NOT BY CASH from the bank account of first applicant named in the Application. [Sec. 42(5)]. 9Money received shall be kept in a separate bank account in a scheduled bank [proviso to Sec. 42(6))]. Cont… General conditions ¾Money received shall not be utilized for any purpose other than— for adjustment against allotment of securities; or for the repayment of monies where the company is unable to allot securities. ¾Offers shall be made only to such persons whose names are recorded by the company prior to the invitation to subscribe. Suc pe persons so s sshall a receive ece e tthe eo offer e by name a e ¾Such ¾A complete record of such offers shall be kept by the company in such manner as may be prescribed – RECORD OF OFFERS AND ACCEPTANCES TO BE KEPT IN PAS 5. ¾Complete ¾ l i f information i about b such h offer ff shall h ll be b FILED WITH ROC WITHIN 30 DAYS OF CIRCULATION OF PPOL. 42(7) – Such “Record of Offers” and PPOL to be filed with ROC and SEBI in form PAS 4 (SEBI only in case off Listed Li d Companies) C i ) 9Prohibition on Advertisement [Sec.42(8)] PAS 3 Return of Allotment to be filed with the Registrar in PAS.3. [Sec.42(9)] read with Rule 9Return 14(4) ¾To identified shareholders of the Company by sending a letter of Offer. ¾Notice of EOGM. BR ¾Explanatory Statement u/s 102 containing basis/justification of the offer price. ¾Special Resolution to be passed at the EOGM. SR ¾Notice of Offer to be sent through By Hand/ Registered post/Speed Post/Electronic mode before the opening of issue. ¾F ¾Form PAS 3 shall PAS‐3 h ll be b filed fil d with i h ROC within i hi 30 days d off allotment. ll PAS 3 ¾Intimation to the ROC to be filed in Form No. PAS‐3 along with a complete list of all security holders containing : 9name, address, 9name address PAN, PAN e‐mail e mail id of the security holder, holder 9class of security held, BR FOR ALLOTMENT 9date of allotment of security, 9no. of securities held, nominal value, amount paid, particulars of consideration if securities were issued d for f consideration d other h than h cash. h ¾Allotment shall be made within sixty days from the date of receipt of the application money. ¾If not allotted within 60 days, money to be refunded within 15 days from the date of completion of 60 days. ¾If fails to repay the application money, shall be liable to repay money with interest at 12% per annum from the expiry of the 60th day. CHECKLIST FOR PRIVATE PLACEMENT Applicable provisions for private placement p act 2013 read with Rule 14 of Companies p ((Prospectus p & Allotment of Securities)) Rules 2014 Section 42 of the Companies Obtain Valuation certificate Particulars Details Date Sequence Obtain Valuation certificate Prepare draft Private Placement offer Letter in Form PAS.4 to be issued with application form Decide the names to whom offer shall be made Separate Bank account need to be opened Issue of Notice of BM Hold a Board Meeting for To be held on 05.01.2015 •proposal of private placement 26.12.2014 05.01.2015 •approval of draft offer letter •finalization of names to whom offer will be made •approval of draft notice of EGM for passing special resolution for the issue of Securities •Fix date, place and time for EGM •Fixation of date of next Board Meeting File Form MGT.14 MGT 14 with ROC within 30 days of BM Upto 03.02.2015 Hold EGM and pass special Issue of shares for private placement resolution approval of draft PPOL; 29.01.2015 Issue/circulate letter of offer (Date of Private Placement Offer letter 29.01.2015 (PAS 4) and maintain record shall in Form PAS.5 be deemed to be the date of Circulation of PPOL as per explanation to Rule 14(3) of Prospectus and Allotment of Securities.) Board Meeting For authority to Board by shareholders date of circulation of PPOL will 29 01 2015 29.01.2015 be 29.01.2015 File letter of offer (PAS 4) and with ROC within 30 days of circulation in Upto 01.03.2015 complete record of private Form GNL 2 (as per MCA Public Notice placement offers (PAS 5) 25.04.2014) File Form MGT.14 with ROC (The with disclose the basis/justification for the (Logically should copy resolution of & special explanatory explanatory statement must Upto 27.02.2015 price (including premium if any)) be filed before statement within 30 days of filing GNL 2 i.e., passing Special Resolution before 01.03.2015) Opening and closing of offer No time period specified.(Time will be May specified in the offer letter) be 02.02.2015 from to 09.02.2015 Get share application money (The Company shall keep the record of Within the Bank A/c from where the payments period had been received for subscription of NCDs/equity/preference.) Issue of Notice for Board To be held on 10.02.2015 Meeting for allotment (shares should be allotted within 60 days of receipt of application money) 01.02.2015 offer Pass Board resolution (only in Board meeting) for allotment 10.02.2015 File Form MGT.14 with ROC with copy of Board resolution (pursuant to Upto Section 179(3)(c) of The Companies Act 2013) 11.03.2015 Date of allotment 10.02.2015 File return of allotment in form PAS.3 with following complete deta Upto Attachments 11.03.2015 ¾ Copy py of Board Resolution ¾ Copy of Special Resolution along with the explanatory statement ¾ Record in PAS 5 Details ¾ Full name of each security holder ¾ Address of each security holder ¾ PAN of each security holder ¾ Email id of each security holder ¾ Class of security held ¾ Date of Allotment of Security ¾ No. of Security held ¾ Nominal Value of security ¾ Amount paid on such security ¾ Particulars of consideration received (if issued other than cash) ¾ List of allottee must be signed by the signatory of the Form PAS 3 I Issue S Securities iti certificate tifi t Entry in register of members Withi 2 months Within th ffrom U t Upto the date of Allotment 10.04.2015 ¾To existing shareholders of the Company by sending a letter of Offer. CAF ¾BR OR SR LETTER OF OFFER ¾No additional Requirement in the Rules. ¾Notice of Offer to be sent through 9Registered post, or 9Speed Post, Post or 9Electronic mode at least 3 days before the opening of issue. issue ¾Right of Renounciation‐62‐1‐a‐ii (BY ALTERING THE AOA) RETURN OF ALLOTMENT NEW FORM PAS-3 (Right Issue) ATTACHMENTS 1. List of allottees signed by director signing in form 2 Copy 2. C off BR approving i allotment ll 3. Valuation Report in case obtained from the valuer (If any). 4. Copy of the SR authorizing the issue of securities; 5. Copy of contract where securities have been allotted for consideration other than cash or attachment wherein the details of contract reduced in writing by the company (If any). KEY POINT: Debt Structure of the Company also required to be filled even if the allotment is made for equity shares for earlier period i.e. before 31.03.2014. RIGHT ISSUE VS. PPOL PPOL •The entire amount raised by the Issue of offer 'or invitation will need to be parked in a separate bank account and cannot be used until allotted. [Proviso to Section 42 (6)] . •The particulars of every private offer shall be filed with the Registrar g within 30 days. y off circulation of offer letter. [Section 42(7)] •Application be serially NUMBERED, ADDRESSED to the offeree shall be sent either in writing or Electronic Mode within 30 days of recording of the names [Rule 14(1)(b)].No person other than the addressee shall apply. •Valuation to be done by the Registered Valuer. •Return of allotment is required to be filed with the Registrar. [Section 42(9)] (The time limit for filing return of allotment is 30 days, from the date of allotment.) RIGHT ISSUE •No Separate Bank Account Required •No requirement of filling offer Letter and CAF •Notice of Offer to be sent through 9Registered post, post or 9Speed Post, or 9Electronic mode at least 3 days before the opening of issue. •No Requirement q off Valuation Report. p •Return of allotment is required to be filed with the Registrar in Form PAS 3 (The time limit for filing return of allotment is 30 days, from the date of allotment.) RIGHT ISSUE VS. PPOL PPOL RIGHT ISSUE •The companies ,offering or inviting subscriptions under private placement cannot advertise or utilize any marketing media. [Section 42(8)] . •One of the rigorous conditions prescribed is that the application money cannot be received in cash. Cheque, demand draft or banking channels is the only l way for f issue i off securities i i even under d privately i l placed offers, [Section 42(5)] . PAS 4_NCDS •The Offer shall be made to those person whose names are already l d recorded d d by b the h company prior i to the invitation to subscribe by PPOL in Form PAS 4. •AII securities under private placement are to be allotted ll tt d within ithi a period i d off 60 days d f from th receipt the i t of application money. If the securities are not allotted within the specified period}, If fails to repay the application money, shall be liable to repay money with ith interest i t t att 12% per annum from f th the expiry of the 60th day [Section 42(6.)] . (No Scope of Renounciation) •application money cannot be received in cash. Cheque, q , demand draft or banking channels is the only way for issue of securities •All conditions are like Letter of Offer •To issue shares to anyone at anytime at such price is gone •Via Renounciation will apply as easy Target for Takeover or Entry of Outside Shareholders possible. RIGHT ISSUE VS. PPOL PPOL RIGHT ISSUE •No Fresh Offer shall be made unless the earlier allotment is completed. •The Value of such Offer or Invitation per person shall be minimum Rupees Twenty Thousand as Face Value. PAS 5 PAS 4_NCDS •The Company shall maintain a Complete Record of PPOL in PAS 5. Filling of PAS 5 and PAS 4 in Form GNL 2 is required. required •A complete list of all security holders containing‐ (i) the full name, name address, address Permanent Account Number and E‐mail ID of such security holder; (ii) the class of security held; (iii) the date of allotment of security ; (iv) the number of securities held, nominal value and amount paid on such securities; and particulars of consideration received if the securities were issued for consideration other than cash. •Fresh Offer (like PPOL) can be made unless the earlier allotment ll i completed. is l d •There is no minimum fface value of Rs.20000 specified for Right Issue. •No requirement to maintain PAS 5 and File it with i h GNL 2 •A List of Allottees has to be maintained for filling PAS 3. RIGHT ISSUE VS. PPOL PPOL PENALTY RIGHT ISSUE •AS PER SECTION 42(10) If a company makes an offer or accepts monies in contravention of this section, section the company, company its promoters and directors shall be liable for a penalty which may extend t the to th amountt involved i l d in i the th offer ff or invitation rupees, or two crore whichever is higher, and the company shall also refund all monies to subscribers within a period of thirty days of the order imposing the penalty. PENALTY as per Section 450 (Old Section 629A) F Forms S ti Section SH-1 46(3) SH-2 P Purpose Old Forms Share Certificates --- 46(3) Register of Renewed & Duplicate Share Certificates ---- SH-3 54 Register of Sweat Equity Shares ---- SH-4 SH 4 56 Securities Transfer Form 7B SH-5 56(3) Notice for Transfer of Partly Paid securities ----- SH-6 62(1)(b) Register of ESOP ---- SH-7 SH 7 64(1) Notice to ROC for alteration of Share Capital- SH-1 SH-4 5 F Forms S ti Section P Purpose F Old Forms SH-8 68 Letter of Offer SH 9 SH-9 68(6) D l ti off S Declaration Solvency l (b (buy b back) k) --- SH-10 68(9) Register of Buy Back ---- SH-11 68(10) Return of Buy Back 4C SH-12 71(13) Debenture Trust Deed format SH-13 72 Nomination Form SH- 14 72(3) Cancellation or variation of Nomination SH- 15 Specifie Certificate of Compliance in respect d by rule of Buy Back of Securities Sec 68old77A Sec71old117 Sec 72 old 109a-b -------- SH-4 Securities Transfer Form MCA Circular No No. 19/2014 dated 12 12.06.2014: 06 2014: Share Transfer Form executed before 1.04.2014 in Form 7B which are yet to be accepted / registered by the Companies. If share Transfer Form executed before 01.04.2014 is not submitted, the Co. should get satisfied itself with suitable jjustification of delayy in submission. If the Co. not accept the Form then the Co. is required q to g give the reason for non-acceptance p within time u/s 56(4)(c) of the Act. Increase in Authorized Capital 1. Call BM. 1 BM 2. Give 21 clear days notice to members for EGM 2014.07.07_Form_ 3. File E‐Form MGT14 within 30 days from EGM. T-14_increase in Au (MGT‐14 should be filed as MOA is altered by SR U/s 13) 4. In the third and last step, the public company has to file E‐ Form SH 7 with ROC within 30 days with following attachments; • Altered MOA SH 7 • Altered AOA (if any). • Minutes of the member’s meeting. • Notice with Explanatory Statement of EGM FORM SH‐7 (Notice to Registrar of any alteration of share capital) The Companies (Fee for filings with Registrar of Companies) Rules, 2014 Fee applicable in case purpose of form is: 1. ‘Increase in Authorized Capital Independently’ 2. ‘Increase in Authorized Capital due to Central Government Order’ MOA Registration Fees Nominal i l Share h capital i l Up to 1, 00, 000 More than 1,00,000 up to 5,00,000 M More than h 5,00,000 5 00 000 up to 10,00,000 More than 10,00,000 up to 50,00,000 M More than th 50,00,000 50 00 000 up to 1,00,00,000 More than 1,00,00,000 Other h than h OPCs and d Small Companies Fixed For every 10, 000 or part thereof h f 5,000 NA 5,000 + 400 OPC and d *Small ll Companies Fixed For every 10, 000 or part thereof h f 2,000 NA 2,000 NA 21 000 + 21,000 300 2 000 2,000 NA 36,000 + 300 2,000 + 200 1 56 000 + 1,56,000 100 NA NA 2,06,000 + 75 NA NA Notes: At the time of increasingg the authorized capital, p , if fee payable p y on increased authorized capital p is exceedingg Rupees p two Crore and Fifty Lakhs then the fee applicable shall be limited to two Crore and Fifty Lakhs. For increasing the authorized share capital, the difference between fee applicable on the increased share capital and fee applicable on existing authorized capital, at the rates prevailing on the date of filing the notice, shall be payable. For this purpose, the rates will be same as specified above. Notice of consolidation, division, etc. or increase in share capital or increase in number of members OLD FORM 5 NEW FORM SH-7 SH 7 SH_7 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS Proof of receipt of Central Government order Copy of the Resolution for alteration of capital, if article permit; Altered MOA Explanatory Statement Altered AOA Altered Altered MOA; Optional attachment(s), if any Optional Attachments, Attachments if any CHAPTER-V DEPOSITS(DPT) Forms Section Purpose p DPT-1 Circular in Form of Advertisement DPT-2 Deposit Trust Deed DPT-3 Return of Deposits DPT-4 Statement Regarding Deposits existing on Commencement of Act to be filed in 3 months Sec 74-1-a Old Forms DPT- 1 shall be filed as an attachment to form GNL 2 As per CLB Order dated 28th January' 2015, y An application u/s 73(4) read with ith Section 76 of the Companies Act regarding failure to repay deposits shall be made in Form No. 4 in Annexure ll. y An application u/s 74(2) of the Companies Act regarding extension of time to repay the deposits for shall be made in Form No. 7 in Annexure ll. y As A per MCA Notification N tifi ti dated d t d 31.03.2014- Any A amountt received by way of subscriptions to any shares, stock, bonds or debentures before the 01.04.2014 and disclosed in the balance sheet for the FY ending g on or before the 31.03.2014 against g which the allotment ll is pending d on the h 31.03.2015, the h company shall, h ll b by the h 01.06.2015, either return or allot or comply with Deposit rules. MCA circular 3oth March, 2Ol5 y amounts received by private companies from their member, director or relatives before prior to 1st April, 2Ol4 shall not be treated as 'deposits' deposits under the Companies Act,2013 and Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014 subject to the condition that relevant private compan shall disclose company disclose, in the notes to its financial statement for the financial year commencing on or after lst April, p 2014 the figure g of such amounts and the accounting head in which such amounts have been shown in the financial statement. Chapter VI ‐ Register of Charges (CHG) Forms Section Purpose CHG‐1 77,78,79 Register of Charges Creation/ Modification 8 CHG‐2 CHG 77(1) ( ) &78 & 8 Certificate C tifi t off Register R i t (by (b ROC) ‐‐‐ CHG‐3 79(b) Cert. of Register of Modification (by ROC) ‐‐‐ CHG‐4 82(1) Part of Satisfaction of Charge 17 CHG‐5 82/83 Memorandum of Satisfaction of Charge‐ (by ROC) ‐‐‐ CHG‐6 84(1) Notice of Appt/ Cessation of Receiver 15 CHG‐7 85 Register of Charge ‐‐‐ CHG‐8 77(1) Application to CG for extension of time for Register of Creation/Mod/ Satisfaction of Charge or Rectification‐RD ‐‐‐ CHG‐9 71(3),77,78 Register of Debenture Creation/ ,79 Modification CHG‐10 Condonation of delay with ROC‐30‐300 days ***Not Available for filing*** Old Forms 10 ‐‐‐ Creation / Modification of charge (other than debentures) OLD FORM 8 ATTACHMENTS NEW FORM CHG-1 C G1 ATTACHMENTS CHG-1 1. Instrument(s) of creation or modification of charge 2. Instrument(s) ( ) evidencing id i creation i or modification of charge in case of acquisition of property which is already subject to charge SAME AS PREVIOUS 3. Particulars of all joint charge holder Form can be filed by the Company only Form can be F b filed fil d by b the th charge h Holder or Company PARTICULARS FOR SATISFACTION OF CHARGES OLD FORM 17 NEW FORM CHG-4 CHG 4 CHG-4 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS Letter L tt off the th charge h holder h ld stating t ti that th t the amount has been satisfied SAME AS PREVIOUS Different from others Additional Fees in case of delay (CHG 4) Period of delays Fee applicable Up to 30 days 3 times of normal fees More than 30 days and up to 60 days 6 times of normal fees More than 60 days and up to 120 days 9 times of normal fees More than 120 days and less than180 days 12 times of normal fees More than 180 days but equal 270 days 20 times of normal fees More than 270 days 30 times of normal fees ( Delay Cases !!!!!!! (CHG 4)) Beyond B d 30 days d Application to CG for condonation of delay Form CHG‐8 Order of CG for approval for condonation of delay in Form INC.28 (Old Form 21) should also be filed. FINE ONE LACS Min (Section 86) (Earlier also Condonation of delay was required 930 days in case of satisfaction of Charge Application to CG for extension off time ffor filing of pp f g pparticulars of registration g creation / modification / satisfaction of charge OR Rectification of omission or misstatement of any particular in respect of creation/ modification/ satisfaction of charge NEW FORM CHG‐8 (NO OLD FORM) to RD ATTACHMENTS: CHG-8 1. Instrument creating/modifying/satisfying the charge; 2 Letter 2. L tt off authorization th i ti (in (i case off Authorised A th i d Representative R t ti off a foreign f i company); ) 3. Copy of resolution of the Board authorizing the filing of the application and appointing the authorized representative, if any; 4. Affidavit; 5. Confirmation from the Charge-holder; 6. Balance Sheet and Annual Return of financial year in which form was filed for which rectification is done (if completed). KEY NOTE: Currently this form can be filed as an attachment to Form RD 2. RD-2 Creation or Modification of charge (Debentures) OR Rectification in the above particulars ( its new !!!!) OLD FORM 10 NEW FORM CHG-9 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS ¾ Resolution authorizing the issue of the debenture series ¾ Instrument of creation or modification of charge Form can be filed by the Company only CHG-9 1. Certified true copy of resolution authorizing the issue of the debenture series (in case of creation of charge) 2. Instrument containing details of the charge created or modified 3. Order of the Central Government (in case eForm is being filed for rectification of charges) Form can be filed by the charge holder or the Company ( Delay Cases !!!!!!! (CHG 1 & 9)) y 330 days y but before 3300 Beyond days Reason for non‐filing should be mentioned in the Form CHG‐10 in case of creation & modification Beyond B d 300 days d Application to CG for condonation of delay Form CHG‐8 Order O d off CG for f approval for condonation of delay in Form o INC.28 C. (O (Old d Form 21) should also be filed. (Earlier also Condonation of delay was required 9beyond 60 days in case of creation & modification and , Chapter VII Management & Administration(MGT) Forms Section Purpose Old Forms MGT‐1 88(1)(a) Register of Members ‐‐‐ MGT‐2 88(1)(b)& (c) Register of Deb holder/other sec holder ‐‐‐ MGT‐33 MGT 88(4) Notice to kept the Foreign Register ‐‐‐ MGT‐4 89(1) Dec by Regst owner of share who do not hold beneficial Interest in share ‐‐‐ MGT‐5 89(2)&(3) Dec by Beneficial owner who acquire beneficial Interest in Shares ‐‐‐ MGT‐6 89(6) Return to ROC Section 89 old 187C) 22B MGT‐7 92(1) Annual Return Sch V Annual Return Chapter VII Management & Administration(MGT) Forms Section Purpose Old Forms MGT‐8 92(2) Certification by PCS ‐92– (all Listed/ Public paid up 10 cr or T/o Public‐paid T/o‐ 50cr, Pvt all –Dir & Cs or PCs) ‐‐‐ MGT‐9 92(3) ‐Extract of Annual Return to be attached to Director Report of 31.03.2015‐‐‐92(3) ‐‐‐‐ MGT‐10 93 Change in Shareholding Pattern of 2% Inc/Dec in Promoter & Top Ten Share—in 15 days d ‐‐‐‐ MGT‐11 105(6) Proxy Format MGT‐12‐Polling Paper ‐‐‐‐ MGT‐13 109 Report of Scrutinizer ‐‐‐‐ MGT‐14 94(1),117 Filling g of Resolution & Agreement g to (1) ROC MGT 15 121 MGT 13 Form 23 MGT 15 121 Report on AGM MGT 15 Form of return to be filed with the Registrar (in respect of beneficial interest in any shares 187c ) OLD FORM 22B NEW FORM MGT-6 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS MGT-6 1.Declaration by person who does not hold the beneficiary interest as per section 187 C (1) is to be attached. 1. Declaration by person who does not hold the beneficiary interest as per section 89 (1) is to be attached in Form MGT 4 (in duplicate) 2.Declaration by the person who holds the beneficiary interest187 C (2) is to be attached. 2. Declaration by the person who holds the beneficiary interest 89 (2) is to be attached in Form MGT 5 (in d l duplicate) ) 3. Declaration by beneficial owner on an change in beneficial interest any 89(3) in Form MGT 5 (in duplicate) 3. Declaration by beneficial owner on any change in beneficial interest 187 18 C (3) (3). ANNUAL RETURN‐ SALIENT FEATURES MGT 7 MGT-7 • CIN, Pub/Pvt, Sub Caste—Govt co/ Small Co/ OPC, Listed/un, Regd Add, RTA, • Principal Business –10 10 % or more of TO • Particulars of HC/SC/AC • Detail of Share Capital‐Auth/ Issue/Sub/Paid – opening, Change during and d Closing, Cl i D Debenture, b t other th sec, Premium P i details d t il • TO and Net worth as on 31.03.2015 g Promoter,, Changes, g , Top p 10,, Dire & KMP , Indebtness • Shareholding‐ • List of Shareholders and Transfer details • Detail n Changes in Promoter/ Director/ KMP‐begin and end • Meeting of Member‐AGM, EGM, date of meeting, attendance • board meeting, committee meeting, direct attendance Director KMP, KMP • Remuneration of Director, • Penalty/ Punishment/ Compounding of offence • All Filling Details to Roc or others, Disclosure, Detail‐FIIs, Others MGT 10 MGT 10 Change in Shareholding Pattern of 2% Change in Shareholding Pattern of 2% Inc/Dec in Promoter & Top p Ten Share—in 15 days y • Earlier MGT 10 was filed as an attachment to GNL 2 as per MCA General Circular No. 06/2014 / d d 29.03.2014 and dated d 09/2014 / d d dated 25.04.2014. • Form F MGT 10 was available il bl online li w.e.f. f 22.11.2014. • ProblemProblem Form is taking change in promoter / top ten shareholder of 2% individually, whereas the ACT interpretates the change in shareholdings of 2% of paid up share capital. MGT 14 CLARIFICATION ON FORM MGT‐14 THROUGH STP MODE. As per MCA General Circular No. 28/2014 dated 09.07.2014 All cases of MGT-14 except for y Change of name, y Change of Object, y Resolution for Further Issue of Capital and y Conversion of Companies will be processed and taken k on record d using the h Straight S h Through Th h Process P (STP)Mode. (This Circular will be effective from 21.07.2014) CH VIII-(DIV)idend DIV y DIV DIV-5 5 Statement of Amount Credited to Investor Education & Protection Fund y Form and Sec 124, 125 not yet Notified y Rules amended vide MCA Circular dated 12.06.2014 1 INV - Statement of amount credited to IEPF Procedure - Pay Online or generate offline challan and deposited g p the same at the designated g Bank. After confirmation of credit of challan of unclaimed dividend File form 1INV with the copy of challan 1 INV 5 INV- Statement of unclaimed and unpaid amounts y Fill and Upload form 5 INV on the IEPF portal y A Challan with User Id and Password is generated Form 5INV challan y Install the Pre-requisite Software's available at the IEPF Portal . q y Download and Fill the excel template for investor wise details of unclaimed and unpaid from the IEPF Portal y Upload excel files within 14 days of filing form 5 INV with investor-wise details of unclaimed and unpaid amounts with the above User Id and Password under “Upload Upload Investor details” details y confirm uploaded files at the IEPF Portal under “confirm uploaded files” 5 INV 5 INV- Statement of unclaimed and unpaid amounts Informations required to fill the excel template for investor wise details of unclaimed l i d and d unpaid id from f the h IEPF Portal P l y Date of AGM y Name of shareholders . y Address y Country, state, district, pin code y Father Father’ss Name y Folio No. (as applicable) y Investment type y Amount A t due d y No. of Shares y Proposed date of transfer to IEPF Excel Sheet CHAPTER- X A di and Audit d Auditor(ADT) A di (ADT) Forms Section Purpose Chapter VII ADT 1 Specified Information to the Registrar by Management & Administration(MGT) in rules Company for appointment of Auditor in Old Forms 23B 15 days of AGM – Sec 134 Auditor (E Form available from 20th October, 2014) ADT 2 Specified in rules Approval for Removal of auditor before expiry of term; (To be filed in Form RD 1) --- ADT 3 Specified in rules Notice of Resignation by Auditor (E Form available from 02nd October, 2014) ---- ADT 4 Specified in rules Report of CG ---- NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR BY COMPANY OLD FORM 23B NEW FORM ADT-1 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS 1.Copy py of the intimation received from the company 2. Optional attachment(s) - if any The Form need to be filed by the Auditor 1 Copy of the intimation sent by 1. company 2. Copy of written consent given by auditor 3. Copy of resolution passed by the company The Form need to be filed by the Company CHAPTER- XI Appt & Qualification of Directors(DIR) Forms Section Purpose Old Forms DIR-1 150 Application for inclusion of Name in Data Bank of Independent Director DIR-2 DIR 2 152(5) Consent to act as Director ( applicable for all) DIR-3 153 Application for Allotment of DIN DIR-3 C 157 Intimation of Director Identification Number by the company to the Registrar DIN services DIR-4 153 Verification of Applicant for DIN application (in Affidavit) DIR -5 153 Application for surrender of DIN DIR-2 DIN-1 CHAPTER- XI Appt & Qualification of Directors(DIR) Forms Section Purpose DIR-6 Specified p in Rule Intimation of Change g in Particular of DIN DIR-7 Specified in Rule Verification of Change in Part of DIN( in affidavit) DIR-8 164(2) Intimation by Director-164(2) DIR-9 164(2) Report by Company to ROC for Disqualification DIR-10 164(2) Form for Removal of Disqualification of Direct DIR-11 168(1) Notice of Resignation of Director to ROC-168 DIR-12 7(1)(c),168 & 170(2) Part of Direct, KMP and Changes Old Forms DIN-4 DDA 32 OLD FORM DIN-1 NEW FORM DIR-3 ATTACHMENTS C ATTACHMENTS C 1. Proof of Identity 2. Proof of Residence 3. Affidavit by the applicant as per Annexure - 1 of the DIN Rules R l s DIR-3 1. Proof of Identity (self attested mandatory) d t ) 2. Proof of Residence (self attested mandatory) ((DIR-4 not to be attached as the same is inbuilt in DIR-3) T Type and d Area A off occupation ti need d to t b be specified in the Form An applicant is required to affix his/her DSC in the Form OLD FORM DIN-4 NEW FORM DIR-6 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS 1. Proof of change in particulars 2. Copy of verification by the director/ designated partner as per Annexure - 2 of the DIN rules DIR-6 1. Proof P f off change h in i particulars i l ( lf (self attested) 2. Copy of verification by the director in Form No. DIR-7. (not required) 3. Proof of Identity of director/ designated partner t ( In I case off Indian I di nationals, ti l Income-tax PAN is a mandatory ) (self attested) Attachments to Form DIR 6 Proof of Identity of director/ designated partner Income-tax PAN (In case of Indian nationals) Passport (In case of foreign nationals) Proof of residence of Indian director/ designated partner (should not be older than 2 months ) 9Bank statements, 9Electricity bill, 9Telephone bill, 9Utility bills etc. In case of foreign director/ designated partner (should not be older than 1 year) In case of proofs which are in languages other than Hindi/ English, the proofs should be translated in Hindi / English from professional translator carrying his details (name, signature, address) and seal. NEW FORM DIR-12 OLD FORM 32 ATTACHMENTS 1. Evidence of payment of stamp duty where qualification shares is involved (This will be mandatory d t only l if th the di director t giving consent agrees to pay for at least one share) 2 C 2. Consent(s) t( ) off th the appointee i t Managing Director, director(s) C ti Continue….. Form DIR 12 ATTACHMENTS 1. Letter of appointment (in case of an appointment of a Director / Manager / CS/ CEO / CFO.) CFO ) 2. Declaration by first director in Form INC-9 (in case of a new company) 3. Declaration of the appointee director, managing director, in Form No. DIR-2 (in case of appointment of a Director / Manager / CS/ CEO / CFO.) CFO ) Continue…. 3. Declaration regarding g g qualification shares 4. Evidence of cessation 4. Notice of resignation ( in case of cessation of a Director / Manager / CS/ CEO / CFO.) 5. Evidence of cessation (in case of cessation of a Director / Manager / CS/ CEO / CFO.) 6. Interest in other entities of director (attach in case number of entities entered is more than one.) NEW FORM DIR-11 (NO OLD FORM) ATTACHMENTS: ¾ DIR-11 DIR 11 Notice of resignation filed with the company ¾ Proof P f of f dispatch d h ¾ Acknowledgement received from company, if confirmation is received by the Company As per MCA Circular dt.03.03.15 DIR-11 can be signed by the same Director signing DIR12.(But still MCA is not accepting the same) To be filed by the Director to the ROC within 30 days of resignation The reason for g should be resignation specified by the Director The Form DIR 11 shall not be required to be filed by the director in case of the followings:followings: Removal of Director u/s 169 Vacation of Office u/s 167 Vacation of Office u/s 161 Death Retirement Disqualification u/s 164 Nomination withdrawn by appointing authority Not been re-appointed CHAPTER-XII MEETING OF BOARD & ITS POWERS ¾ MBP-1 Notice of Interest byy Director ¾ MBP-2 Register g of loans, securityy & Acquisition q made byy the Company 186(9) ¾ MBP-3 Register of Investment not held in its own name by the Company 187(3) ¾ MBP-4 Register of contracts with related Party and contracts & Bodies etc. in which directors are interested. 189(1) In Electronic by listed & more then 1000 share sec 120 ¾ 184(1) ( ) CHAPTER-XIII APPOINTMENT & REMUNERATION OF MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL ¾ MR 1 Return of appointment of MR-1 MD/WTD/Manager/KMP old 25C (Section 196 read with Sec 197 & sch V) ¾MR-2 Application to CG for Approval of Appointment/Reappointment/Remuneration/ i increase i remuneration/waiver in ti / i f excess or over for payment to MD/WTD/ Manager & Commission or remuneration to directors old 25A [Section 196,197,200,201(1),203(1)] ¾ MR-3 3 Secretarial Audit Report p [Section 204(1)] Return of appointment of managing director or whole time director or manager/KMP 1. BR 2. SR OLD FORM 25C NEW FORM MR-1 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS MR-1 1. BR 2. Copy of letter of consent to act as a MD/ WTD/Manager /CEO/CFO/Secretary 3. SR, Notice & Exp. St. in case passed for such appointment 4. Copy py of CG approval pp ((in case appointee pp is convicted or detained as per Schedule V.) 5. Certificate by the NR Committee that the remuneration is as per the remuneration policy of the company. Remuneration, Perquisites Amount, Tenure, terms and d others h hhas to bbe given i manadatorily CONTINUATION…… FINE: N : If any person contravenes the provisions of b punishable p b with fine this section,, he shall be which shall not be less than one lakh rupees but which may extend to five fi lakh l kh rupees. rupees MR-3 Secretarial Audit Report As per section 203 of Companies Act, 2013, Secretarial Audit is applicable to – 1. Every Listed Companies 2. Every Public Company having paid up Share capital of 50 Crores or more, and 3. Every Public Company having turnover of more than 250 Crores or more Management Representation letter to be provided by the Company to the auditor CHAPTER-XXIV R i t ti Offices Registration Offi &F Fees ¾ GNL-1 Form for filing application with Registrar of Companies old ld 61 ¾GNL-2 GNL 2 Form F f submission for b i i off Documents D t with ith the Registrar old 62 ¾ GNL-3 Particulars of person(s)/KMP charged or specified for the purpose of sub-clause (iii) or (iv) of clause 60 of section 2 ¾ GNL-4 Form for filing addendum for rectification of defects or incompleteness (Replacement of FORM 67) Form for filing an application with Registrar of Companies OLD FORM 61 NEW FORM GNL 1 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS ¾ Board resolution ¾ S Scheme h off arrangement, t amalgamation ¾ Detailed application ¾ Copy of notice received from ROC or any other competent authority GNL-1 ¾ Board resolution passed for the purpose of making an application ¾ Scheme of arrangement, amalgamation if application is filed f amalgamation for l ti ¾ Detailed application is required to be attached in all the cases of filing ¾ Copy of notice received from ROC or any other competent authority Continuation…… IIn case off compounding di off offence, ff the h detailed d il d application should contain the following details: Detailed application--Petition General profile and history of the company containing details such as name name, date of incorporation, main objects of the company Facts of the case mentioningg nature of offence and p period of default Whether the offence is made good, if yes then how and when (i.e. the date where applicable) Prayer to compounding authority for compounding of offence Continue… Continue Continuation…… In case of extension of AGM, the detailed application should contain the following details: Reasons of extension Period for which extension is required (Note: It should not exceed three months) IIn case off extension t i off FY, FY the th detailed d t il d application li ti should contain the following details: Reasons for extension of financial year Period for which extension is required ( (Note: It should h ld not exceed d three h months) h ) FORM GNL 1(OLD 61) Purpose of filing Section under which hi h the th form f is required to be filed (CA'13) Chapter N b Number Application for Compounding of Offences 441 28 Application for Extension of period of annual general g byy three Months meeting 96 8 Application for Extending the period of annual accounts upto eighteen months under section 210(4) 132 9 Application for Declaring a defunct Company 248, 252 28 Application A li ti ffor S Scheme h off arrangement, t amalgamation 232 15 Application for Normalising a dormant Company 455 29 Application – Others Form for submission of documents with Registrar of Companies OLD FORM 62 NEW FORM GNL-2 GNL 2 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS ¾Copy of statement in lieu of prospectus as per schedule IV or copy of prospectus as per schedule II ¾Form 149 or form 152 or form 153 or form 154 or form 156 or form 157 or form 158 or form 159 of the C Companies i (C (Court)) Rules, l 1959 ¾Copy off prospectus ¾C t or iinformation f ti memorandum or private placement offer letter or record of private to be kept by the company p y ((PAS 2,, 4,5) ¾Form 149 or form 152 or form 153 or form 154 or form 156 or form 157 or form 158 or form 159 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 ¾ Form 4A of the Companies (Central Government's) Government s) General Rules and Forms, 1956 ¾Form SH-9: Declaration of solvency ¾Return of deposits pursuant to rule 10 off the th Companies C i (Acceptance (A t off Deposits) Rules, 1975 ¾Return of deposits or circular for inviting deposits or circular in the form of advertisement for inviting deposits FORM GNL 2(OLD 62) Purpose of filing Statement in lieu of prospectus as per schedule IV Prospectus Form SH.9: Declaration of Solvency Filing Final Statement of Account of winding up Liquidator's statement u/s 551 read with rule 327 [Companies (Court) Rules] Liquidator's Affidavit u/s 551 read with rule 327 [Companies (Court) Rules] Liquidator's Statement of Unpaid Dividend or Undistributed Assets under Sec.555 read with rule 335 Declaration of Solvency embodying a statement of assets and liabilities - Rule 313 [Companies (Court) Rules] FORM GNL 2(OLD 62) Purpose of filing Return of final winding up meeting (Members voluntary winding up)- Rule 331 [Companies (Court) Rules] Return of final winding up meeting (Creditors voluntary winding up) - Rule 331 Return of final winding up meeting (Creditors voluntary winding up) - Rule 331 [Companies (Court) (Co rt) R Rules les Other documents AS AN ATTACHMENT PAS-2, PAS-4, DPT-1, DIR-9,NDH-1, NDH-2 & NDH-3 FORM FOR FILING APPLICATION TO REGIONAL DIRECTOR NEW FORM RD-1 (old 24A) ATTACHMENTS FILED AS AN ATTACHMENT: MGT-3, ADT-2, DIR-5 (SURRENDER OF DIN), NDH-2, INC-12 For issue of license u/s 8 In case of new association: 1 MOA 1. 2. AOA 3. Declaration as per rule 19 of the Companies (Incorporation) rules, 2014. 4 Details application in Form INC 4. INC-12 12 5. Statement of brief description of the work, if already done by the association and work proposed to be done. 6. Statement of the grounds on which application is made 7. Other necessary attachments as per rules 19 of the Companies (Incorporation) rules, 2014 Continuation…… In case of company already registered 1. Detailed application in Form INC-12 2 Assets and liability statement as per rule 20 of the Companies (Incorporation) 2. rules, 2014 3. Last 2 years' accounts, balance sheet and report on working of the association as submitted to the members of the association 4. Statement S off brief b i fd description i i off the h work, k if already l d d done b by the h association i i and work proposed to be done. 5. Other necessary attachments as per rules 20 of the Companies (Incorporation) rules, 2014 Rectification of name 1. Copy of board resolution Removal of auditor 1. Copy of ordinary resolution py of special p notice 2. Copy 3. Copy of the representation if any made by the statutory auditor Form for filing Application to Central Government (RD) (Section 87) NEW FORM RD-2 (Old 24AAA) ATTACHMENTS 1. Copy of application in form CHG-8 1 CHG 8 2. Affidavit verifying the application 3. Other necessary attachments as per applicable rules and sections OLD FORMS STILL EXISTING AS ON DATE SL NO. PURPOSE FORM 1. Form for submission of compliance certificate with the Registrar 66 2 2. Statement of unclaimed and unpaid amounts Form for intimating to Registrar of Companies of conversion of the company into limited liability partnership (LLP). Form for filing g annual return byy a company p y having g a share capital p with the Registrar 5INV 3. 4. 5. 6 6. Particulars of annual return for the company not having share capital 14LLP 20B B 21A Form for filing balance sheet and other documents with the Registrar 23AC Form for filing Profit and Loss account and other documents with the 7. 23ACA Registrar 8. Form for filing XBRL document in respect of Profit and Loss account 23ACAand other documents with the Registrar XBRL 9. Form for filing XBRL document in respect of balance sheet and other 23ACdocuments with the Registrar XBRL 10. Form of application to the Central Government for appointment of 23C cost auditor (NEW FORM AVAILABLE w.e.f. 21.08.2014) CONTINUATION……… 11 11. Form for Information by Cost Auditor to Central Government 12. Information to be furnished in relation to any offer of a scheme or contract involving the transfer of shares or any class of shares in the transferor company to the Form for filing XBRL document in respect of compliance report and other documents with the Central Government Application for striking off the name of company under the Fast Track Exit(FTE) Mode 13. 14. 23D 35A A-XBRL FTE 15. Form for filing XBRL document in respect of cost audit report and other documents with the Central Government I-XBRL 16. Application for requesting refund of fees paid Refund 17 17. Application for simplifying bank account opening process as user shall not be required to submit any physical application form BankACC 18. Form for filing complaint(s) against the company Investor Complaint Form 19. Clarification 67AD. 20. Information by auditor to Registrar (effective w.e.f. 16.08.2014) 23B Chapter Ch t XI Section S ti 148 COST AUDIT APPOINTMENT OF COST AUDITOR FORM CRA-2-----TO BE FILED FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 2015 CRA-2 FORM 23C-----TO 23C TO BE FILED FOR FINANCIAL YEAR COMMENCING BEFORE 2015 23C LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNER Incorporation‐ 1st Step Obtain DSC of the desired partner for making application Apply for a Designated Partner Identification Number (DPIN) 2nd Step File Form DIR‐3 in order to obtain or DPIN (In case you already have a DIN the same can be used as a DPIN. •Proof of identity. •Proof P f off residence id (IF ALREADY HAVING DIN CHECK WHETHER RESIDENT IN INDIA OR NOT) 3rd Step 2014.05.19_Form1 File Form 1 ((Application pp for reservation or change g of name)) LLP th 4 Step File Form 2 (Incorporation document and Subscriber’s statement) 2014.07.08_Form2 LLP •Proof of address & NOC •Details of Directors •List of Partners •List of Shareholders •Resolution of BC for Authorization •Subscriber sheet including consent of DP. 2014.07.22_Form3 LLP Agreement 5th Step LLP File LLP Agreement with signed (on Stamp Paper of Rs. 100) within 30 days of Incorporation in Form 3. CONVERSION OF PRIVATE LIMITED TO LLP Steps for Converting Private Limited Company into LLP 2014.12.10_Infra No Charge with Bank should be there. LLP Form 8 Contribution and Profit sharing Ratio should be same as per share Holding in the company‐ as per Sec 47(clause XIII B) of IT Act, 1961 1st Step Fil Form File F 1 for f (Application (A li ti for f reservation ti or change h off name)) 2nd Step Fil Form File F 18 along l with i h Form F 2 with i h following f ll i attachments:‐ h 9Affidavit 9Income Tax Return 2014.07.08 Form1 2014.07.08_Form2 2014.07.08_Form1 2014 07 08 Form2 9 9List of Shareholders 8LLP LLP 9Statement of Assets & Liability 3rd 2014.05.19_Form1 LLP LLP Agreement 2014.07.22_Form3 2014 07 22 Form3 LLP Step File LLP Agreement with signed (on Stamp Paper Rs. 100) within 30 days of Incorporation in Form 3. An application for reservation of name u/s 16 : Rs. 200/‐ For registration of Limited Liability Partnership including conversion of a firm or a private company or an unlisted public company into Limited Liability Partnership: Limited Liability Partnership whose contribution does not exceed Rs. 1 lakh Limited Liability Partnership whose contribution exceeds Rs. 1 lakh but does not exceed Rs. 5 lakhs Limited Liability Partnership whose contribution exceeds d Rs. R 5 lakhs l kh but b t does d nott exceed d Rs. R 10 lakhs l kh Limited Liability Partnership whose contribution exceeds Rs. 10 lakh Rs. 500/‐ Rs. 2000/ 2000/‐ Rs. 4000/‐ Rs. 5000/‐ E‐FILLING PRECAUTIONS ACTIVITY POINTS TO REMEMBER BEFORE GOING FOR E-FILLING :1. Check past Status of Login id ‐ at every 15 days interval 2. What to check?????? – PUCL/Resubmission/Addendum/Invalid/Assigned/Pending for action 3. Initiate action to resolve the above within 15 days of form submission 4. Collect all documents/data ready as required for filing the form 5 Check your due dates 5. 6. Avoid filing after 270 days 7. Always download the fresh form before filing the same 8 Avoid 8. A id 11th hour h fili filing 9. Always keep your system clean by deleting cookies/temp files etc. 10.Update your Java, Adobe version as per the MCA System 11 Always 11. Al check h k the h attachments h b before f fili filing the h same as maximum i fforms are STPs. 12.Always download the New Upgraded Form from MCA mentioning the date on the Website. 13.Always do check the Forms correctly before attaching the DSC otherwise then again you have to modify and attach the DSC. DSC IS A BIG FACTOR FOR E-FILLING 1. Check that whether the Director have the DSC or not.. 2. DSC Form Attachments:‐ (Take half day / full day to make it) ‐‐‐‐Pan Card (ID Proof) / Passport ‐‐‐‐Voter‐Identity Card / Electricity Bill / Gas Bill / Municipality Challan 1. Get all new DSC registered with MCA & check its validity 2. Check your DSC e token & its software in advance 3. Set the Password 4. Always y keep p yyour system y clean byy deletingg cookies/temp / p files etc. 5. Update your Java, Adobe version as per the MCA System 6. Check properly before attaching DSC to the Forms as the Forms are not ggettingg modified after affixingg DSC. 7. Attach the DSC of that DIN/PAN of whom it is mentioned in the Form. 8. Always check the Signatory details of the Company whether the DSC has been expired or not. 9. If expired, renew the same with earlier token or make the new DSC.