Guidelines for Fishing Vessels 15m LOA and over

Guidelines for Survey of Fishing Vessels of
15m Length Overall and Over.
Rev 1 – 18/11/09
Change History
Revision 1 – Insertion of Chapter 5
19th November 2009
Rev 1 – 18/11/09
Object of the Guidelines
Legislative References
Surveys of Fishing Vessels – General Information
Initial and Periodical Surveys – General.
Survey of Accommodation, Protection of the Crew, ventilation etc.
Structural Fire Protection
Life Saving Appliances
Fire-fighting Appliances
Navigational Equipment
Radio Equipment
10. Conclusion of Survey
11. Survey Report
12. Periodical Surveys of Vessels
13. Issue of Fishing Vessel Safety Certificate / Certificate of Compliance
ORGANISATION (to be developed and inserted)
Guide for Hull Thickness Measurement
It Pays To Be Prepared For Your Vessel Survey
Recommended Practice On Portable Fish-Hold Divisions
Rev 1 – 18/11/09
1 Object of Guidelines
The primary objective of these guidelines is to provide practical guidance to the surveyor
undertaking the survey of an existing fishing vessel of 15m Loa and over. The guidance is
intended to be of a general nature and is divided into two distinct sections covering those vessels
that are “in class” with a recognised organisation and those that are not “in class”. Specific
problems relating to individual vessels may require reference to more detailed guidance
information. The guidelines should be regarded as a live document and further or more detailed
guidance may be included going forward. Although primarily aimed at existing vessels, the
guidelines may also have relevance with respect to specific issues for new vessels.
2 Definitions
“length overall (Loa)” means the length measured on a straight line from the fore part of the stem
at top to the aftermost side of the transom or stern contour;
“length (L)” means 96 per cent of the total length on a waterline at 85 per cent of the least depth,
or the length from the foreside of the stem to the axis of the rudderstock on that waterline, if that
length is greater. In vessels designed with rake of keel the waterline on which this length is
measured shall be parallel to the designed waterline;
“new fishing vessel” means:
• in relation to a vessel of 24 metres in length (L) and over, a fishing vessel for which
(a) on or after 1 January 1999 the building or major conversion contract is placed; or
(b) the building or major conversion contract has been placed before 1 January 1999, and
which is delivered three years or more after that date; or
(c) in the absence of a building contract, on or after 1 January 1999:
- the keel is laid, or
- construction identifiable with a specific ship begins, or
- assembly has commenced comprising at least 50 tonnes or 1 % of the estimated mass
of all structural material, whichever is less;
• in relation to a vessel of 15 metres in length overall and over but less than 24 metres in
length (L), a fishing vessel the keel of which is laid or which is at a similar stage of
construction on or after 1 October 2007
“existing vessel” means a fishing vessel, which is not a new vessel
3 Legislative references
The sea fisheries licensing authority may not issue a licence until a vessel complies with the safety
requirements and the owner submits a copy of an appropriate safety certificate confirming this.
S.I. 418 of 2002. Fishing Vessel (Safety Provisions) Regulations, 2002
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These regulations implement Council Directive 97/70/EC as amended. The directive, in turn,
implements and amends the Torremolinos Convention 1977 as modified by the 1993 Protocol in
order to introduce a harmonised safety regime for fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and over.
The Torremolinos Protocol as amended by Council Directive 97/70/EC (as amended) applies
principally to new fishing vessels of 24m length and over, with some limited parts applying to
existing vessels. For the purpose of these guidelines the relevant part of the directive is Article 5,
which states that: “the standards for the design, construction, and maintenance of hull, main and auxiliary
machinery, electrical and automatic plants of a fishing vessel shall be the rules in force at the date
of its construction, specified for classification by a recognised organisation, or used by an
In addition to the requirements of this S.I. existing fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and over
must still comply with, inter alia, the requirements of the Life-Saving and Fire-Fighting
requirements of the “1967 Rules”.
S.I. No. 640 of 2007. Merchant Shipping (Safety Of Fishing Vessels) (15-24 Metres)
Regulations 2007
These regulations apply to every mechanically propelled fishing vessel of 15 metres in length
overall and over but less than 24 metres in length, registered in the State.
The regulations set out the standards for the safe construction and equipment of fishing vessels
and also the survey and certification requirements for new and existing vessels. The regulations
will apply initially to new vessels and then to existing vessels on a phased basis:
(a) on 1 October 2007, for new vessels,
(b) on 1 October 2008, for existing vessels the keel of which was laid or which was at a
similar stage of construction on or after 1 October 1997,
(c) on 1 October 2009, for existing vessels the keel of which was laid or which was at a
similar stage of construction on or after 1 October 1987, and
(d) on 1 October 2010, for existing vessels the keel of which was laid or which was at a
similar stage of construction before 1 October 1987.
S.I. No. 325 of 1999. Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (fishing vessels) Regulations 1999.
These regulations are made under the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989 and apply to
new vessels of 15m length and over and existing vessels of 18m length and over. (Although the
Act has been subsequently replaced, the Regulations remain in force.) For these regulations a
new vessel is one whose keel was laid on or after 23 November 1995.
Although the majority of the requirements of this S.I. have been incorporated in S.I. No.640 of
2007, the S.I. in its entirety still applies to vessels of 24m length and over.
For all vessels certain provisions covering hoisting equipment and hauling gear, etc are the
responsibility of the Health and Safety Authority.
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Prior to conducting surveys it will be necessary to have a copy of this S.I. and an understanding
of which parts are relevant.
Other Legislation
In addition to the above fishing vessel safety regulations, there are a number of other Statutory
Instruments, including those related to Marine Pollution, Collision Regulations & Manning,
which apply to fishing vessels and their crews. Surveyors, Owners and Skippers should be
familiar with these and a list of applicable legislation is available from Marine Surveyors’
4 Surveys of Fishing Vessels – General Information
Scope of survey
The matters on which the surveyor is to be satisfied are indicated in Regulation 71 and
Regulation I/61. In respect of radio equipment and installations the surveyor should ensure
that a radio surveyor has issued a declaration of survey. The surveyor should check, as far
as possible, that the details supplied on the SUR6 application form are correct and refer to
the vessel being presented for survey.
Survey of classed vessels
Where the survey of a vessel classed with a recognised organisation for the issue of a
Fishing Vessel Safety Certificate or a Fishing Vessel Certificate of Compliance is to be
undertaken, a valid hull and/or machinery class certificate issued by the recognised
organisation may be accepted by the Minister as an equivalent provision for those items
covered by Parts 2 & 4 or Chapter II & IV as appropriate, provided there is no evidence of
non-compliance. The guidance in Part C should be followed. Where there is a clearly
identified shortfall in any classification society rules in respect of compliance with a
specific requirement of the applicable statutory regulations, then this should be brought to
the attention of the Chief Surveyor.
Survey of un-classed vessels
The surveyor should follow the guidelines in Part B when the vessel is opened out for
survey. These guidelines are not to be taken as the maximum requirements in respect of the
survey of fishing vessels and where he/she considers that additional examination, opening
out or testing is necessary in order to be satisfied, the surveyor should ensure that his/her
requirements are complied with.
Construction Standards for Existing Vessels
For existing vessels, a satisfactory service history may be taken as satisfactory evidence
that the strength and construction is sufficient to withstand all foreseeable conditions of
intended service.
Where any doubt exists in relation to strength issues a more in depth analysis may be
Regulation References in italics refer to the Torremolinos Protocol & those in “normal” refer to SI 640 of 2007.
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The vessel will be inspected in relation to structural corrosion and damage in the normal
Preparation for Survey
Surveyors should be familiar with the MSO Surveyor Activities section of the Safety
Statement for the Department of Transport. In addition surveyors should make themselves
familiar with the safety statements and procedures of shipyards, boatyards, repair facilities,
etc. Particular attention should be paid to tank entry, means of access and working aloft.
Owners and skippers should be advised that they must have their vessel prepared for survey
and their attention brought to the leaflet ‘IT PAYS TO BE PREPARED FOR YOUR
VESSEL SURVEY’ which is reproduced at Appendix 2.
All available drawings for the vessel are to be submitted prior to the initial visit.
Where no construction drawings are available a scantling analysis is to be submitted
demonstrating that the construction and strength of the vessel is adequate for the
intended operational areas. The surveyor may accept scantlings for a vessel that was
constructed in accordance with “BIM” or “Sea Fish” (UK) prescribed schemes.
Other standards may be considered and details should be forwarded to the Chief
• The Owner is to provide the necessary facilities for a safe execution of the survey.
• Means are to be provided to enable the Surveyor to examine the structure in a safe
and practical way.
• Tanks and spaces are to be safe for access, i.e., gas freed, ventilated, illuminated, etc.
• In preparation for survey and thickness measurements and to allow for a thorough
examination, all spaces are to be cleaned including removal from surfaces of all loose
accumulated corrosion scale.
• Spaces are to be sufficiently clean and free from water, scale, dirt, oil residues etc. to
reveal corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration.
However, those areas of structure whose renewal has already been decided by the
owner need only be cleaned and de-scaled to the extent necessary to determine the
limits of the renewed areas.
• Sufficient illumination is to be provided to reveal significant corrosion, deformation,
fractures, damages or other structural deterioration.
Equipment for Survey
Thickness measurement is normally to be carried out by means of ultrasonic test
equipment. The accuracy of the equipment is to be proven to the Surveyor, as required.
One or more of the following fracture detection procedures may be required if deemed
necessary by the Surveyor:
• Radiographic examination.
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• Ultrasonic examination.
• Magnetic particle examination.
• Dye penetrant examination.
Companies or individuals approved by Recognised Organisations may be used to carry out
thickness measurement or non-destructive testing. Other persons who possess the required
training in NDT techniques and who operate in accordance with a satisfactory quality
control procedure may also be acceptable to the Minister. The surveyor should not accept
NDT that has been carried out by the owner or his representative.
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Initial & Periodical surveys - General
The survey of existing fishing vessels should include:
(a) a complete and thorough examination of the vessel's structure both internally and
(b) an examination of all fittings and appliances for the protection of openings, including:
Hatchways, manholes and scuttles in freeboard and superstructure decks,
Machinery casings and covers, funnel annular spaces, skylights,
companionways and deckhouses protecting openings in freeboard or
enclosed superstructure decks,
Portlights together with deadlights, cargo ports, chutes and similar openings
in vessel’s sides or ends below the freeboard deck or in way of enclosed
Ventilators, air pipes together with flame screens, scuppers and discharges
serving spaces on or below the freeboard deck. Air pipe “closure devices”
are to be randomly opened out and their condition verified,
Watertight bulkheads, bulkhead penetrations, end bulkheads of enclosed
superstructures and the operation of any doors in same,
Weathertight doors and closing appliances for all of the above including
stiffening, dogs, hinges and gaskets. Proper operation of weathertight doors
and closing appliances to be confirmed;
(c) Sea chests, sea suction and overboard discharge valves;
(d) Freeing ports, together with bars, shutters and hinges;
(e) Guard rails, lifelines, gangways and deck houses accommodating crew;
(f) An examination of the stability and, where applicable, loading and ballasting information which is required to be supplied to the skipper.
Such tests, as the surveyor considers necessary, should be carried out to ascertain the
Where in an exceptional case the Minister allows departures from the requirements of the
Regulations the arrangements shall provide an equivalent standard of safety and protection
and be no less effective than those provided for in the Regulations.
1.1 Survey of steel or aluminium vessels
The vessel should be placed in a dry dock or on a slipway on blocks of sufficient height to
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enable the bottom shell plating to be examined thoroughly fore and aft to ensure that its
condition is satisfactory. When in dry dock or on a slipway the remaining shell plating and
its means of connection, i.e. riveting or welding should also be examined; the surveyor
should be afforded safe access to any area of shell plating which he/she considers it
necessary to examine.
Internally the examination should include the plating, framing and means of connection etc
in the double bottom, holds, 'tween decks, peaks, accommodation and machinery spaces;
and any ceiling sparring, linings and insulation should be removed wherever the surveyor
considers it to be necessary. The plating and beams of the working and superstructure
decks should be surveyed and the surveyor may require portions of deck planking, deck
composition or tiling to be removed where deterioration is evident or suspected.
At each renewal survey all tanks, which are an integral part of the hull structure, are, in
general, to be surveyed internally. Where such tanks are used exclusively for the carriage
of oil fuel they need not be examined at each renewal survey unless as a result of an
external survey or for any other reason the surveyor considers it necessary. Independent oil
tanks in machinery spaces are to be externally examined and, if deemed necessary, tested
under a head of liquid. Cross-levelling arrangements fitted for stability purposes should be
Boundaries of double-bottom, deep, ballast, peak and other tanks are to be tested with a
head of liquid to the top of air pipes, except that fuel oil and lube oil tanks may be tested to
the highest point that liquid will rise under service condition. Tank testing of fuel oil, lube
oil and fresh water tanks may be specially considered based on a satisfactory external
examination of the tank boundaries.
The testing of double bottoms and other spaces not designed for the carriage of liquid may
be omitted, provided a satisfactory internal examination together with an examination of
the tank top is carried out.
The Surveyor may require further tank testing, as deemed necessary.
Thickness measurements are to be carried out in accordance with the following:
Age ≤ 10 Years
Suspect areas throughout the vessel.
10 < Age ≤ 15 Years
Suspect areas throughout the vessel.
Two (2) transverse sections within the amidships 0.5L.
Internals in forepeak tank.
Age >15 Years
Suspect areas throughout the vessel.
Two (2) transverse sections within the amidships 0.5L.
Internals in forepeak and after peak tanks.
All hatch covers and coamings (stiffeners and plating).
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Bulkheads forming the boundaries of the main compartments, throughout
their vertical and transverse extent taking into account any recesses or
steps, which may be fitted.
Wind-and-water strakes, port and starboard, full length.
All exposed main deck and superstructure deck plating.
Flat keel plating full length. Also, additional bottom plates in way of
cofferdams, machinery spaces and aft end of tanks.
For tank vessels, gauging of principal internals throughout cargo and
ballast tanks.
Plating of seachests. Shell plating in way of overboard discharges as
considered necessary by the attending Surveyor.
A detailed report of the state of the vessel including the thicknesses of plating is to be
Guidance on thickness measurement and wastage allowances is given in Appendix 1
1.2 Survey of wood vessels
This section is currently under development and will be inserted when complete.
The MSO resources deployed in respect of an initial survey of the hull of a wooden vessel
will be specially considered. Owners should be encouraged to engage a shipwright to
attend at the initial survey.
1.3 Vessels constructed of other materials
This section is under development and will be inserted when complete.
2 Survey of accommodation, protection of the crew, ventilation etc.
The surveyor should examine the escape routes, escape hatches, and their means of
operation, stairways and ladders, bulwarks and guardrails, working spaces and all items
concerning the protection of the crew.
All accommodation arrangements should be maintained in accordance with the
requirements that could have been expected at time of build. Sanitary facilities should all
be in operational condition and arranged so as not to be harmful to health. Ventilation
should be adequate, heating and as appropriate air conditioning being provided. Ventilation
ducts (particularly extractions from galleys) should be examined and verified not to present
a fire hazard. Gas cooking arrangements should comply with requirements of Marine
Notice No.1 of 2002. In particular it should be noted that domestic appliances, if fitted,
might not comply with marine standards.
Adequate lighting should be provided in crew mess and accommodation areas, sufficient to
allow a person to comfortably read a standard newspaper size of print.
Accommodation areas located below the working deck of a vessel should be specially
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A safe means of access to the vessel is to be provided for the crew and for all other persons
having legitimate business onboard. The owners should be able to demonstrate a system
or combination of systems to facilitate safe access at the normal states of the tide. Whereas
it may be acceptable for persons to “step” onboard when the side of the vessel is close in
and no gap exists between the boarding deck and the quay, the practice of jumping across
gaps between a quay and the vessel will not be considered as a safe means of access.
Fishing vessels of 15 metres in length and over shall possess sufficient stability for their
intended service and comply with the requirements of Part 3 and Schedule 3 of the
Regulations or Part III of the Protocol.
It is likely that for many existing vessels additional equipment will have been added to the
vessel that may have adversely affected the stability of the vessel. It may be difficult to
establish if the stability information available actually relates to the vessel in its current
condition. Manufacturers data plates on heavy items of deck equipment may show a date
after the date on the stability information. G.A drawings as built may show different
arrangements than the current ones.
It will be beneficial if the owner can submit stability information and drawings prior to
commencement of survey. Such checks are likely to be necessary in a substantial number
of cases and should be performed prior to dry-docking or slipping in order to establish if
remedial work will be necessary. Changes in fishing methods and operational practices
may have resulted in conditions that give rise to inadequate stability margins. It should be
verified that the skipper of the vessel is aware of any operational limitations, and is
complying with any such limitations. Where doubt exists, surveyors may ask skippers to
explain the stability book more fully so as to verify their understanding of the various
operating conditions.
The stability requirements to be complied with are set out below.
(a) New Vessels.
The stability information for new vessels shall comply with Part 3 and Schedule 3
of the Regulations or Chapter III of the Protocol, in full.
(b) Existing Vessels.
• All existing vessels shall be subject to a Lightship check before the first issue of
a Fishing Vessel Safety Certificate or a Fishing Vessel Certificate of
Compliance. However, where an existing vessel has been subject to an
inclining test, within the last 10 years, which was witnessed by a surveyor
from the MSO it may not be necessary to carry out a lightship check at this
time, provided the surveyor is satisfied that no modifications, which may
have adversely affected the stability of the vessel, have been made – the
vessel should, however, be subject to a lightship check within 10 years from
the date of that inclining test.
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• Some existing fishing vessels may already have been subjected to an inclining
test and the stability information prepared but this information may not have
been submitted to the Department, as there was no requirement to do so under
previous legislation.
(a) Where the lightship displacement and LCG, obtained from the lightship
check, are within the limits given in Regulation 38(3)(b) or Regulation
III/9(2) and the information in the stability book is substantially in
accordance with the requirements of Part 3 and Schedule 3 or Chapter III,
the stability book can be approved. If, however, the information in the
stability book is not substantially in accordance with the requirements of
Part 3 and Schedule 3 or Chapter III, the stability book is to be revised and
submitted for approval
(b) Where the lightship displacement and/or the LCG, obtained from the
lightship check, are outside the limits given in Regulation 38(3)(b) or
Regulation III/9(2), the vessel is to be re-inclined and a new stability book,
prepared in accordance with the requirements of Part 3 and Schedule 3 or
Chapter III, submitted for approval.
• Where no stability book exists it will be necessary to incline the vessel, in the
presence of an MSO surveyor, and submit for approval stability information
based on Part 3 and the requirements of Schedule 3 or Chapter III.
Special consideration may be given to the stability information provided for vessels engaged in
voyages of limited extent and where particular conditions of service apply, subject to the approval of
the Chief Surveyor.
3.1 Date by which stability information must be provided for fishing vessels
Recognising that it may not always be possible to have the Stability Information Book
approved before the Safety Certificate is issued, a Short Term Certificate may be issued for
a period not exceeding 12 months provided the surveyor is satisfied that reliable provisional
Stability Data is available for the use of the skipper.
Owners should however be encouraged to submit stability information as soon as possible
to the Department for examination and approval, particularly for vessels where no previous
submissions have been made.
3.2 Inclining test
The Inclining Test is to be carried out in accordance with the ‘Detailed guidance for the
conduct of an inclining test’ given in Annex 1 of the IMO Code on Intact Stability.
3.3 Deck cargo
Fish cargo when approved for carriage on deck shall be stowed in pounds or other suitable
containment so as not to interfere with or impair the following:
(a) the crew working on deck, the access to their living quarters or other
working spaces;
(b) the free drainage of water coming on deck and
(c) the effective operation of the deck closing appliances, control valves or
any other operation necessary for the safety of the vessel.
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3.4 Fish-hold divisions
The scantlings of portable fish-hold divisions, if fitted, shall be to the satisfaction of the
Minister. An acceptable standard would be that given in the attached Appendix 3 ‘Recommended practice on portable fish-hold divisions’ as set out in annex IV of the IMO
Voluntary Guidelines for the Design, Construction and Equipment of Small Fishing
Vessels, 2005.
3.5 Minimum Freeboard
For 15 – 24m vessels, SI 640 of 2007 Reg. 41(2) requires that: “Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (1), all existing fishing vessels shall have
a freeboard of at least 300mm at any point along the working deck.”
For vessels that do not meet the minimum freeboard criteria but do not submerge the lower
deck, the following arrangements apply: 1.
Vessel built after 1st October 1997 and surveyed/inspected during construction or
on completion by the MSO.
The working deck (lower deck) may not be submerged in any loading conditions.
The vessel must have a weathertight enclosure above this working deck and satisfy
all other specified stability criteria. Therefore generally in line with Rule 41(3)(f).
The owners/consultants apply for an exemption under Rule 4(2) outlining why
they require to be considered for such an exemption.
For vessels that may submerge the lower deck the following may be considered to satisfy the
freeboard requirement,
The working deck may be considered to be stepped in way of an aft weathertight
The upper deck may be considered as the working deck.
In such instances the following must be considered,
A. Openings such as doors in the collision bulkhead and machinery space bulkheads,
which are required to extend to the working deck shall be fitted with indication to the
bridge and shall have single lever operation to close.
B. Penetrations in the collision bulkhead are to be examined on a case-by-case basis in
relation to means of closure. Special consideration may be given to the height of any
penetrations in relation to the height of any floodwater if there is damage forward of
the collision bulkhead.
C. Consideration is to be given to the possibility of progressive flooding of the vessel by
the upwelling of floodwater from the machinery space.
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D. Where an upper deck has been designated as the working deck a reduction in the
coaming height of hatchways may be considered on the basis that there is an excess
of freeboard to that deck.
E. Where accommodation is located below a lower deck which may be submerged in
service, special attention should be given to maintaining a safe means of escape from
such spaces in the event of the vessel being damaged
Where doubt exists concerning the designation of the working deck, full details should be
forwarded to the chief surveyor. Special consideration will be given where an equivalent
level of safety can be demonstrated in respect of a vessel previously constructed in
accordance with the rules of a recognised organisation, which has a designated working
deck that does not satisfy the rule requirements.
3.6 Treatment of Free Surfaces
For 15 – 24m vessels, in relation to the method outlined in SI 640 of 2007, Schedule 3
Paragraph 11; it is an acceptable equivalent to use the methodology outlined in Chapter 3
Paragraph 3 of Res. A.749(18).
3.7 Severe Wind and Rolling
For 15 – 24m vessels, SI 640 of 2007 Reg. 34 requires that: “For vessels intended for operation in areas where exceptionally adverse weather
conditions may be experienced, special attention shall be given to the capability to
withstand the capsizing effects of breaking waves.”
The method outlined in Chapter 3 Paragraph 2 of Res. A.749(18) as amended should be used
to satisfy this requirement. Additionally the reductions in wind pressures for fishing vessels
from 24m to 45m as outlined in Chapter 4 Paragraph 2 may be applied to vessels from 15m
to 24m. For existing vessels with approved stability information, the owner should be
requested to submit supplementary wind and rolling calculations to be retained on file.
If a vessel is non-compliant with the recommended criteria, then the owner may apply to the
Chief Surveyor for an operational weather restriction to be imposed, to provide an equivalent
level of safety.
A warning should be inserted in the stability book concerning the capsizing effect of
breaking waves.
3.8 Water on Deck
For 15 – 24m vessels, SI 640 of 2007 Reg. 35 requires that: “Vessels shall be able to withstand the effect of water on deck, taking account of the
seasonal weather conditions, the sea states in which the vessel will operate, the type of
vessel and its mode of operation.”
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The water on deck calculation is to be carried out as described in the recommendations
contained in the consolidated edition of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol.
Account should be taken that a vessel to which this section applies will have to have freeing
ports as required by Reg. 26 of SI 640 of 2007 and that compliance with these requirements
should ensure rapid draining of trapped water on the deck
The well for retention of water relates to the exposed section of deck.
For vessels that have a non-weathertight bulkhead or no bulkhead within the well, the length
of the well being considered is to be increased by 50% of the breadth of the vessel. However
the volume of any side casings within this well may be excluded.
Any non-compliance may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the Chief
Surveyor and where a weather restriction on the vessel may be introduced to provide an
equivalent level of safety.
For open vessels to which this section applies a special warning is to be issued to the owner
concerning the arrangement and use of pound boards on deck, which form wells.
3.9 Freeing Ports
The length for the calculation of the freeing port area will be based on the length of the
bulwark in way of all non-weathertight structure, subject to the restriction of 70% of the
vessel length as specified in the rules. The length in way of enclosed structures/casings will
not be included.
No deduction or addition in area will be applied for height in relation to sections in way of
shelter decks.
3.10 Use of Water Ballast
For 15 – 24m vessels in relation to Rule 31(3)(a); water ballast may be permitted on the basis
that it is solid in so far as it does not have a free surface effect associated with it. Therefore
the ballast tank space must be fully pressed up and all pipe work that could permit the
draining of the tank must be removed.
4 Survey of structural fire protection
The Minister will accept the fire protection, detection and extinguishing arrangements on
existing vessels providing they comply with and are maintained in accordance with
previous requirements under the Merchant Shipping (Fire Appliance) Rules 1967 (S.I. No.
100 of 1967) and continue to remain efficient in service.
Where structural fire protection is fitted to an existing vessel, the survey requirements are
to be as follows:
4.1 Class 'A' and 'B' Divisions
The surveyor should examine all 'A' Class and 'B' class divisions and satisfy himself that
their integrity has not been impaired. Such an examination need not necessarily include the
sighting of concealed insulation but the surveyor may at his discretion require removal of
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such parts of linings etc as may be necessary to enable him to check the condition of
insulation. The surveyor should also take advantage of any opportunity afforded by the
removal of linings etc for other purposes to make an examination of insulation. Existing
structural fire protection must have been maintained in good condition, and be free from
damage, not soaked with oil vapour etc.
All doors and other means for closing openings in Class 'A' and Class 'B' divisions should
be inspected and their condition and efficiency checked. These inspections may be carried
out when the vessel is in the upright condition but surveyors should take advantage of any
opportunity afforded to check the operation of doors and shutters that are required to
comply with the Regulations at any angle of the vessel's inclination up to about 3½ degrees.
The surveyor should see that the means for operating dampers in ventilation and other
trunkways are in proper working order and properly marked.
If the surveyor finds deficiencies in the proper working order of fire doors and shutters
which may be attributed to a design fault or that any of the materials used are not proving
satisfactory in service he should report the matter to the Chief Surveyor so that it may be
referred to the appropriate manufacturer.
4.2 Painting
The surveyor should check that any repainting or resurfacing is in accordance with
Regulation 80(7), and Regulation 82(8) or Protocol Ch. V. Reg. 11(3) and Reg. 31(3)
where applicable.
4.3 Appropriation of spaces
The surveyor should have regard to the possible existence of any storerooms and lockers or
other spaces that are being used for the storage of materials, or for any purposes, other than
those for which they have been designated which may affect the existing fire protection
4.4 Alterations etc
If any alterations or other work is done to a vessel the surveyor should ensure that the
structural fire protection arrangements are not thereby impaired. Owners should be made
aware of the importance of their giving prior notice of any proposed alterations etc which
may affect the structural fire protection arrangements, together with sufficient information
and such drawings as may be necessary to enable the matter to be given proper
consideration and any modifications should be duly recorded in the files. When alterations
are made to the fire protection arrangements it is essential that the vessel's fire control plan
and the copy held by the Department are amended as necessary.
Any renewals or alterations to the vessel should comply with requirements for structural
fire protection in force at the time. For older vessels the presence of asbestos must be
considered and dealt with by specialist contractors as appropriate. It may not be necessary
to remove any asbestos provided it is adequately sealed; the recommendations of specialists
in this area should be adhered to.
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Machinery Surveys Machinery surveys – general
The main and auxiliary machinery essential for the safety and propulsion of the vessel and for
maintaining the vessel in normal habitable conditions are to be surveyed at initial and periodic
surveys. This should include auxiliary boilers and ancillary steam machinery if any, air receivers
and other pressure vessels; air pressure feed pipes and their arrangements; the main engines, shafting
and propellers (including the pitch changing system of controllable pitch propellers), the steering
gear and oil fuel installations. Watertight doors, bilge pumping arrangements and electrical
equipment and installations must comply with the requirements of Parts 2 and 4 of the Regulations
or Part B and Part C of the Protocol, as appropriate.
Surveyors should ensure that the vessel complies with other applicable maritime safety and
environment protection legislation, particularly in respect of Annexes I, IV, V and VI of the
MARPOL Convention.
Surveyors should be satisfied that boilers and other pressure parts used exclusively for purposes
unconnected with the propulsion or safety of the vessel are safe.
Initial surveys of machinery
Plans and particulars of the makes and types of the main engine and gearbox, shafting, engine
casing, fuel tanks and fuel system, means for preventing the spread of oil from the engine space,
bilge pumping arrangements, steering gear, fire extinguishing arrangements, pollution protection
arrangements and anchors and cables should be made available by the owner for inspection.
Before a declaration of survey is issued, a surveyor must witness trials of the machinery. The trials
should be made at sea or under conditions that approximate to those of the service in which the ship
will be engaged. The main and auxiliary steering gear should be tested during the trials. The vessel
must be manned in accordance with the applicable regulations during sea trials.
Periodical surveys of machinery
Regulation 7 and Regulation 6 together with the following guidelines indicate the maximum periods
permitted between surveys of boilers, machinery and equipment but the surveyor may in certain
circumstances require such surveys to be carried out at more frequent intervals.
5.3.1 General
The surveyor may at his/her discretion require any item of machinery or equipment to be opened up
for inspection at any survey. However, unless there are, or appear to be, special circumstances
which in the surveyor’s opinion require more frequent or more thorough inspection, the time
intervals and extent of inspection for the items specified below are considered adequate.
Machinery that has been maintained in accordance with the manufacturers recommended intervals
and instructions will not normally be required to be opened up if the maintenance interval specified
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does not coincide with the survey period. Documentary or other evidence of maintenance should
be provided as proof of maintenance. These could take the form of service reports, receipts for
parts used and retention of used parts for inspection at the time of the survey. Running inspection
of machinery should always be carried out.
Surveyors should require all shaft bearings and thrust surfaces to be exposed where practicable and
shafts to be turned for complete examination. Essential pumps and all sea inlet and discharge valves
in connection with the machinery should be opened up and, when considered necessary, the
propeller shaft should be withdrawn. The surveyor should be satisfied that the propeller has been
properly secured by inspection of the securing arrangements and a visual check of any taper fit for
any movement. If the propeller is bolted, the securing arrangements and locking devices should be
visually checked and tested for tightness as necessary.
Spare gear should be examined as to its fitness and use. An appropriate stock of spare gear suitable
for the size of vessel concerned should be carried onboard. There should be sufficient hand tools,
nuts, bolts, packing materials, repair bands, hose, lubricants and other consumables available for
emergency repairs. Vessels should carry spare fuel injectors, filters and essential monitoring
devices such as pressure switches and gauges.
5.3.2 Main machinery Opening up of machinery.
If the propelling machinery is to be opened up for survey the following parts should be inspected: Compression Ignition Engines (diesel engines) - cylinders, pistons, valves, piston rods, connecting
rods, crossheads, crankshafts, valve gear, coolers, air pipe system, fuel pipe system, safety devices
and any transmission gears. The surveyor should be satisfied regarding the efficiency of the cooling
and lubricating systems. Manufacturers recommendations should be followed regarding inspection
of parts and fitness or otherwise for further use. Owners should be encouraged to utilise the services
of the manufacturers authorised service agents to oversee the overhaul of main engines.
In the case of diesel engines for which the engine manufacturers recommend overhaul and
inspection periods have been reached, based on the actual running hours of the engine as a whole or
any of its components the required maintenance should be carried out. The owner should furnish
documentary evidence that the engine has been maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s
overhaul and inspection recommendations. Where a manufacturer stipulates extended service
periods where an engine has been run predominantly at a lower power than the rated power, then the
surveyor should request verification, which may be in the form of an electronic record contained in
the engine management software.
For vessels operating with a periodically unattended machinery space, all external high pressure fuel
delivery lines between the high pressure fuel pumps and fuel injectors should be protected with a
jacketed piping system capable of containing fuel from a high pressure line failure, except that a
suitable enclosure of engines having an output of 375 kW or less having fuel injection pumps
serving more than one injector may be used as an alternative to the jacketed piping system.
On completion of the survey, the main engine should be subjected to a running trial and the various
mechanical and electrical safety devices tested.
Low lube oil pressure alarm and stop
High water temperature alarm and stop
Electronic overspeed/speed reduction as applicable
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Mechanical overspeed
Remote and local emergency stop/start
Turning gear and start air interlocks if appropriate.
Crankcase relief valves.
Oil mist detection if applicable.
All external high pressure fuel delivery lines between the high pressure fuel pumps and fuel
injectors should be protected with a jacketed piping system capable of containing fuel from a high
pressure line failure, except that a suitable enclosure of engines having an output of 375 kW or less
having fuel injection pumps serving more than one injector may be used as an alternative to the
jacketed piping system. Gearboxes
A visual inspection of the gearing including clutches, reverse and reduction gears should be made,
including inspection through the sight holes if available. A running inspection should always be
carried out. Gearbox oil filters should be checked in the presence of the surveyor. An oil sample
analysis may be requested where no recent test has been carried out. Where there is any doubt
regarding the condition of gearboxes they should be opened out for inspection. Propeller and intermediate shafts
Removal of a propeller shaft is to be anticipated whenever the vessel is dry-docked for FVC renewal
survey, in accordance with the survey schedule.
However, where there is evidence available to indicate that the stern gear is in good working order,
it may not be necessary to insist on removal. The following checks are designed to help the surveyor
determine that the stern gear, including the propeller shaft, will continue in a serviceable condition
for the period covered by his declaration. If there is any reasonable doubt, the propeller shaft should
be removed, either partially or fully. In order to assist surveyors arrive at a decision the following
points should be considered: evidence of recent maintenance work carried out on the stern gear, and
any other relevant comments by the owner/skipper on the running condition of the stern gear.
These to be recorded. Note: Wherever possible, the surveyor should see the engine run with the
vessel afloat, prior to slipping, to help him assess its running condition.
In all of these cases the surveyor should make a judgement taking into account the following items: (a) date the propeller shaft was last withdrawn,
(b)date the propeller shaft was last replaced or reconditioned,
(c) any records of excessive noise/vibration,
(d)indication that the propeller shaft is bent,
(e) any evidence of the intermediate bearings (if any) between the engine (or gearbox) and the stern
tube running hot,
(f) in an oil lubricated stern gear system any evidence of oil consumption over a known period of
(g)oil sample analysis results
(h)any evidence of water in the oil reservoir
(i) any evidence of oil leakage past an internal seal.
(j) Material of construction of the shaft particularly if not corrosion resistant.
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With the vessel slipped, additional in-situ checks, which vary for different types of stern gear,
should be made. The following paragraphs details these checks, which cover water, grease and oil
lubricated propeller shafts respectively;
Table 1 indicates which checks are applicable. Wherever possible advice should be sought and
taken, from competent repair technicians on how to proceed with examination of the stern gear.
In cases where further advice on in-situ checks is required an Engineer Surveyor should be
In order to carry out some of the following checks it may be necessary to dismantle some parts of
the stern gear to gain access to surfaces hidden from view.
In-situ checks: (i) Wear - check for wear by lifting or jacking the shaft, utilising a dial gauge or feeler gauges. In
some vessels a smaller than rule size shaft may be found for which exemption has previously been
obtained. Where the wear exceeds the allowable limits then shaft withdrawal is indicated.
Note: When jacking or lifting care should be taken not to damage the shaft by excessive movement.
Jacking should not be utilised where mechanical seals are fitted.
On larger vessels, the wear is measured using a wear down gauge.
(ii) Bent shaft and/or oval worn bushes - check by rotating the shaft against a dial gauge.
(iii) Visible corrosion and/or cracking - check in way of aft bearing and propeller mounting. This
will involve removal of the propeller and release of the inboard shaft coupling to partially withdraw
the propeller shaft.
(iv) Grooving in way of inboard gland - check by releasing the gland and removing the packing or
(v)Visual examination of seals (if fitted) - check for any signs of deterioration or significant damage.
(vi) Grease supply to bearings - check for broken external supply pipes and prove supply by
pumping grease.
(vii) Lubricating oil - check by analysis for signs of contamination.
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Table 1 - Applicability of checks
Bent shaft
Corrosion/pitting Yes
Grease supply
Oil analysis
Notes –
Water lubricated propeller shaft bearings
This type of stern gear has many variations in operating conditions, which can affect its
serviceability, including whether the shaft material is corrosion resistant or not. The stern
gear should be checked as detailed in Table 1.
Grease lubricated propeller shaft bearings
This type of stern gear can be expected to need less frequent maintenance than water
lubricated bearings, but not always achieve the extended maintenance free periods of oillubricated bearings. Depending on whether seals, glands or a combination of these are
fitted, the stern gear should be checked as detailed in Table 1.
Oil lubricated propeller shaft bearings
This type of stern gear is designed to operate maintenance free for long periods of time.
The system should not be disturbed unless there are clear grounds to proceed beyond the
basic in-situ checks as detailed in Table 1 plus removal of propeller for signs of cracking or
Many of these types of shafts will have controllable pitch propellers fitted to them. It is
most important that it is demonstrated that the sealing arrangements between hub and blade
bases are in good working order.
At this point the surveyor should make a decision based on evidence already available and
that obtained from the above checks whether to remove, or partially remove the stern gear
for examination.
Rev 1 – 18/11/09 Controllable pitch propellers and operating gear
When the propeller shafts are withdrawn for inspection, the internal parts of the hub should be
examined. Trained personnel should overhaul CPP hubs strictly in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions. The design of the propeller will determine how much opening up will
be necessary to ensure that crankpins, sliding shoes, centre posts etc, are in good condition. At each
survey the propeller should be seen to operate satisfactorily at normal pressure and to be free from
oil leakage. Owners should be reminded that these units depend upon the operating oil being totally
free from dirt and impurities for the satisfactory working of the various parts, therefore great care is
necessary in dismantling and reassembly to ensure that all parts are maintained in a clean condition.
Repairs and dismantling of the CPP hub should be undertaken in workshop conditions and systems
should be flushed through prior to putting back into service.
5.3.3 Auxiliary machinery Diesel Generators
Diesel engines and associated gearing driving electric generators should be opened up at the
intervals specified by the manufacturer and where practicable the intervals between the surveys of
each generating set should be equally spaced over the four-year survey period. On completion of the
survey, the electric generating set should be subjected to a running trial and the various diesel engine
safety devices tested as per main engines and additionally the following generator protection devices
as applicable:
Reverse power
Under voltage
Manufacturers recommendations should be followed regarding inspection of parts and fitness or
otherwise for further use.
In the case of diesel engines for which the engine manufacturers recommend overhaul and
inspection periods have been reached, based on the actual running hours of the engine as a whole or
any of its components the required maintenance should be carried out. The owner should furnish
documentary evidence that the engine has been maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s
overhaul and inspection recommendations. Emergency electrical generators.
The intervals between surveys specified for auxiliary generators need not necessarily apply in the
case of these machines. Surveyors should however ensure that these machines are examined and
proved fit for purpose at each survey. Pumps, compressors etc.
All pumps and compressors etc, associated with the propulsion or safety of the vessel should be
examined and tested to ensure efficient and effective operation.
All power and hand bilge pumps should be tested and the direct suction connections should be tested
on the bilges. Any emergency pump fitted should be tested to see that it starts quickly and operates
Rev 1 – 18/11/09 Fire Main
Where in existing vessels connections to the fire main have been made to supply fish processing
gear / wash-deck systems etc, the surveyor should ensure that the operation of a single valve located
in an easily accessible position will isolate all such systems from the fire main. An additional
valve for the supply of the anchor hawse pipe wash from the fire main may also be provided. Steering gear.
The steering gear should be examined and tested to ensure efficient and effective operation. Where
doubt exists, the hydraulic and mechanical parts that may be subject to wear should be opened out
for survey.
The auxiliary steering gear should be rigged and examined at each survey.
For 15 – 24 metre vessels, where the existing provision of an electrical or electro hydraulic auxiliary
steering gear is not in accordance with Regulation 61 (7)(a) but would fully comply with the
requirements of SOLAS 74, Ch.II-2, Regulations 29 and 30 for a cargo ship of the same gross
tonnage, the vessel should be considered to have complied with Regulation 61.(1)(a) and (b). Windlasses.
Windlasses should be examined and opened up for survey if doubt exists regarding their fitness for
use. The various safety devices should be tested. Auxiliary Boilers and Evaporators
Pressure type to be fully surveyed every two years. Non-pressure type boilers and evaporators
should be surveyed at intervals not exceeding four years. Air receivers
Air receivers including their various mountings should be opened up for survey at the initial survey.
Small air receivers, where access to conduct a thorough internal examination cannot be made,
should be subject to a hydraulic test to the original test pressure and an endoscope may be utilised.
Air receivers should be examined externally for signs of corrosion at least every two years and
tested / opened up if doubt exists as to the internal condition. Sea inlets and discharges.
Sea inlets and discharges should be examined and operated at two yearly intervals and opened up for
survey every four years. Sea inlet valves should be tested to prove that they seat correctly by
requesting to see the strainer boxes opened out in water. Discharges should be checked as far as is
practicable to prove that any non-return valves remain operational. Piping systems.
These should all be in good condition, particular emphasis being placed on fuel system piping and
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insulation of exhaust systems. Unauthorised alteration to pipe systems, use of unapproved materials
e.g. plastic, poor condition of lagging, leaking joints, damaged and missing brackets and supports
are all examples of areas that should be repaired or replaced. Fuel and oil systems
Gutters, save-alls, remote operated closing valves, self closing drains, suitable and safe tank contents
gauges, sounding arrangements, flexible pipes, etc are items that should be verified in good
Where oil fuel tanks are located forward of the collision bulkhead, these tanks are to be
decommissioned from such usage.
5.3.4 Electrical installations
Surveyors should be satisfied that the requirements of the IEC 60092 regulations are generally
followed and that the condition of the electrical installation, equipment, wiring, safety devices,
control gear, fittings on switchboards and spare gear remain fit for purpose. Over-current and
reverse power trip systems for generators should be tested in the surveyor's presence. The condition
of generator stators and rotors and their windings and the electrical connections, slip rings etc.
should be verified.
Electrical equipment where used for lighting only shall be given a general examination and, if
considered necessary, a test made on the wirings and fittings. When electrical equipment is used for
driving essential machinery, steering gears or windlasses, the prime movers shall be opened up for
inspection if necessary. All generators and essential motors shall be inspected as far as practicable
without dismantling any fixtures or casings unless such dismantling is deemed necessary. A test
shall be made on generators, motors, cables, heaters and fittings if necessary. All generators shall be
run and all main switches and circuit breakers shall be operated.
Surveyors should be satisfied that routine testing and overhauling of generators, motors and other
electrical parts of essential auxiliaries and electrical installations is carried out and recorded, and
insulation tests should be made if considered necessary.
Owners should be reminded that circuits, which contain variable speed alternating current
generators, transistorised regulators and semi-conductors used in such alternating current generators,
should be tested in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Irreparable damage can be done
to voltage sensitive items of equipment by megger testing. Polarity conscious equipment, i.e.
alternating current generators and some transistorised regulators can suffer similar damage by
reversed polarity connections to the battery.
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Table 2 - Summary of Survey Requirements
Opening up
Watertight doors
Sea inlets and discharges
Subject to operational test.
All within four years
Bilge pumps
Fire extinguishing apparatus
Subject to operational test.
Extinguishers and fixed
installations every two years.
Fire pumps subject to test at
each survey and opened up as
Subject to operational test.
All within four years*
All within four years*
Subject to operational test.
Steering gear
Diesel engines
Gear boxes
Pumps, compressors, etc
Air receivers
Tail and intermediate shafts
operating gear
Pressure type
Auxiliary Boilers and
Anchors and cables
Auxiliary electric generators
Emergency generators
Inspection of internal structure
Oil fuel tanks.
At initial survey
Generally every 4 years*
Generally every four years*
Special attention at
each survey
Visual inspection and
Bilges pumped
Inspection and running
Pressure test fire main.
Operational test
Operational test
Operational test
Examination under
running conditions
External Examination
Visual examination
Operating test
Every two years.
Operating Test and
safety devices
Every four years
Operating Test and
safety devices
Every four years
Visual examination
Every four years
Visual examination
All within four years*
Running test of all
Subject to Operational test.
Running test of all
All within four years
From the first to the tenth year inclusive.
All tanks to be examined externally at 4-year survey. One
or more tanks to be cleaned out and examined internally,
but may be waived following successful tank test to the
maximum pressure head that the tank is exposed.
After the tenth year. As above, but at least one tank to be
cleaned out and opened up and examined in rotation so
that all tanks have been thoroughly examined by year 20.
It is at the discretion of the surveyor to require any oil fuel
tank to be opened up for inspection at any survey.
* See full guidelines in section 1.3
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6 Life-saving appliances
The requirements for life-saving appliances are given in Part 7 of the regulations and in the
Protocol in Ch.7 and in the Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliance) Rules 1967
All appliances must be in good order and tested/serviced as required. All loose equipment
(flares, line throwing equipment, boat equipment etc) should be examined and be readily
available. If any exemptions have previously been granted in relation to LSA it should be
verified that any conditions relating to the exemptions are being complied with.
7 Fire-fighting appliances
The Minister will accept the fire protection, detection and extinguishing arrangements on
existing vessels providing they comply with and are maintained in accordance with
previous requirements under the Merchant Shipping (Fire Appliance) Rules 1967 (S.I. No.
100 of 1967) and continue to remain efficient in service.
All appliances must be in good order and tested/serviced as required.
Existing vessels may retain their manually operated emergency fire pump provided it
remains effective in service.
Where a portable power operated emergency pump is
provided in lieu of a manual operated pump, surveyors should be satisfied that as a
minimum, an equivalent level of safety has been provided.
Where the fire extinguishers provided are of a type that cannot be re-charged on board, the
Protocol requirement is that the number of spares to be provided should be equivalent to
50% of the required extinguishers of each type.
8 Navigational equipment.
This should all comply with regulations and be in good working order. AIS where
required to be fitted should comply with the performance standards developed at the IMO.
Any electronic chart system used for navigation must be of an approved type. Appropriate
corrected charts for the operating area are required to be carried.
9 Radio Equipment.
It will be necessary for the vessel to have a radio survey. Liaison with the radio surveyors
should be arranged prior to survey.
10 Conclusion of survey.
With the vessel afloat machinery, LSA, fire fighting etc should all be tested. A short sea
trial should be undertaken. A fire and abandon drill ship should be held.
11 Surveyor's report
11.1 General
For vessels less than 24 metres in length, the report referred to in Regulation 8 should generally
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consist of the following documents as appropriate:
Record of Particulars.
Report of Periodical Inspection.
Stability Declaration.
Report of Scantlings of Steel Vessels.
Report of Scantlings of Wood Vessels.
Report of Scantlings of GRP Vessels.
Declaration of Survey.
In complicated cases when great difficulty could be experienced in compiling the
particulars of the requirements of the Regulations, a drawing or plan that shows the
complete information may be attached to the form. In such cases a copy of the plan or
drawing should be kept on board the ship and be available for reference at all times.
For over 24 metre vessels the declaration of survey should be forwarded to the Chief
Surveyor together with any details of exemptions sought.
11.2 Completion of Record of Particulars
In general these documents or alternative evidence will be submitted at the conclusion of
the survey but where a surveyor doubts whether the vessel complies with the requirements
of the Regulations he/she should make an interim report so that an early decision can be
made. .
Surveyors should note that where structural plans are submitted for examination and are
approved by the Department he/she may in such cases refer to the plan by title, number and
date of approval in the appropriate section on the report. At the initial survey the surveyor
should confirm on the report that the vessel has been built in accordance with the approved
If at subsequent surveys alterations are found to have been made to the structure, details of
the structural modifications should be included in the report or a modified structural plan
submitted for approval. The surveyor should also note satisfactory completion of the survey
together with any recommendation as to the period of validity of the certificate.
When completing the Record of Particulars it will not be necessary to complete the diagram
on Form FV2 if the surveyor forwards a suitable plan showing all the features referred to in
the form. An 'as fitted' general arrangement plan would be considered suitable for this
purpose. The surveyor should note that the details contained on Form FV2 (Record of
Particulars) will be the determining factor in deciding whether or not a vessel complies
with the Regulations. It is therefore essential that the various questions in the form are
answered fully and that all particulars are provided as requested.
The owners should ensure that one copy is placed on the vessel in the custody of the
skipper. Where references are made on Form FV2 to the information attached thereto (e.g.
approved drawings) copies of such drawings should also be kept on the vessel in the
custody of the skipper.
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12 Periodical survey of vessel
12.1 General
Under Regulation 7 and Protocol Ch. 1, the owner is required to make application for the
periodical / intermediate survey. The appropriate fee prescribed in the current fees
regulations should accompany the application. Where the survey is not completed in one
operation the whole survey should be commenced and completed in a period not exceeding
three months. Where the survey period exceeds this time, the chief surveyor should be
consulted. When such a partial survey has been carried out the surveyor should state on
his/her report the items that remain to be dealt with and inform the surveyors at the port
where the owners propose to have the survey completed.
12.2 Requirements for periodical surveys
At each periodical / intermediate survey the surveyor must ensure that the matters referred
to in Regulation 7 are in order and that the requirements of paragraphs 7(1)(b) and 7(3) or
Protocol Ch I, Reg. 6(1)(b), (c) & (d) are met.
During the survey the surveyor should be satisfied that where enclosed superstructures have
been taken into account in the construction of the cross curves of stability the closing
appliances fitted to any openings therein are fully effective and that no alterations have
been made. If the surveyor finds that alterations or additions have taken place that would
materially affect the stability (e.g. significant increase in the light weight of the vessel) he
should ask for revised stability information to be submitted for approval.
The characteristics and details of the fittings, appliances and arrangements approved for the
vessel which are recorded on Form FV2 (Record of Particulars) are to be checked at each
periodical survey.
No hatchway or fitting in its vicinity should be inspected when work is in progress at the
hatchway if this interferes with effective inspection. Advantage should be taken of any
opportunity to hold the inspection when the vessel is in a dry dock, on a slipway or on a
The surveyor should ensure in respect of radio equipment and installations that a current
certificate issued by a radio surveyor is held.
12.3 Items to be given particular attention at periodical surveys
12.3.1 Hatchways situated in the freeboard deck and hatchways within super structures which
are not enclosed superstructures
The surveyor should ensure that all the materials, bearing surfaces and fittings associated with
hatches, including rollers, chains, hatchways coamings, beams, fore-and-afters, covers, tarpaulins,
battens and securing arrangements are in good and effective condition. The whole arrangement
should be assembled in place for inspection either before or after the examination of the individual
parts. Steel covers and their components are to be examined carefully in place and where the
surveyor has doubts as to the effectiveness of the sealing arrangements he may require tests to be
carried out. Where hatch coamings are of a height less than that required under Regulation 17(1) or
Ch. II. Reg. 5 & 6 or where flush hatches have been permitted the surveyor should survey these
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hatches for their effectiveness and, if extensive repairs have been carried out, hose test should be
carried out if necessary.
The Surveyor should report any alterations that have been made to the closing appliances of
enclosed superstructures. Where alterations have been made to the closing appliances
reducing the effectiveness of such superstructures, the surveyor should request modification
or replacement to meet the Regulation requirement.
12.3.2 Openings in the vessel’s sides below the freeboard deck and in the sides and ends of
enclosed superstructures
Means of closing these openings are to be examined carefully in place and hose tested if
considered necessary to ensure watertightness or weathertightness as appropriate.
12.3.3 Machinery casings, companionways and deckhouses
Casings protecting machinery openings and companionways, whether separate or within
deckhouses are to be examined ensuring that their sills, doors, fastenings, etc continue to be
12.3.4 Freeing port shutters
The surveyor should ensure that the shutters hang freely and that any fittings for retaining
them in the closed position will not prevent them from opening if a substantial amount of
water is shipped.
12.3.5 Ventilators and air pipes
The surveyor should ensure that the closing appliances e.g. ball valves, hinged gasketed
plates, flap valve steel covers etc are satisfactorily maintained and are effective.
The surveyor should ensure that all fittings or appliances required by the Regulations as
appropriate are in good condition.
12.4 Departures from Record of Particulars
Where alterations to the Record of Particulars have been made the alterations are to be
recorded on Form FV2.
12.5 Endorsement of certificates, completion of report etc
On completion of the periodical survey if the surveyor is satisfied that the fishing certificate
should remain in force he will
(a) return the copies of forms FV2, suitably endorsed, to the skipper drawing his
attention to the need to retain these documents on the vessel;
(b) endorse the certificate, including the electronic copy held in the MSO and the
certified copy in possession of the skipper; and
(c) submit a Report of Survey and return to the ship’s file their copies of Forms FV2
that should agree with the vessel's copies.
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13 Issue of a Fishing Vessel Safety Certificate / Certificate of Compliance
13.1 Requirements relating to the issue of a certificate
All new vessels shall comply with all the requirements of the Regulations relevant to their
Existing vessels shall comply with such of the requirements of the Regulations as are
applicable in their cases, due regard being paid to the issue of exemptions where full
compliance would be unreasonable or impracticable bearing in mind the type of fishing on
which the vessel is engaged and its foreseen life. In cases where existing vessels undergo a
major structural modification, repair or alteration, the vessel should be brought in line with
the Regulations as far as is reasonable and practicable. Vessels undergoing a main engine
change should comply with the requirements for a new vessel to the extent of the
machinery and ancillary systems concerned.
13.2 Record of Particulars relating to the issue of a certificate
In determining whether or not a vessel complies with the requirements of the Regulations
and should be issued with a certificate, the 'Record of Particulars' (Form FV2) will be a
determining factor and should be carefully studied.
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developed and inserted)
Rev 1 – 18/11/09
Guide for Hull Thickness Measurement
1. Purpose
The purpose of thickness measurement is to establish, in conjunction with a visual examination,
that the condition of the existing structure is, or will be after the required repairs, fit for
continued service during the subsequent survey interval. The gauging requirements include
measurements, which are used to verify remaining longitudinal strength, transverse sections, as
well as measurements of areas known to be potential problem areas, main deck plates and wind
and water strakes. Thickness measurements are a tool used to assess ship structure, not a standalone method of inspection. Thickness measurements are a confirmation of conditions sighted
by the Surveyor. When a Surveyor confirms that a set of thickness measurements are
representative of the conditions found, he can only do so if he personally examined and selected
the particular areas to be measured, and is satisfied they actually represent the conditions of the
structure involved and not the thickness in way of isolated pits or localised corrosion. Local pits
and corrosion are to be dealt with as necessary by the Surveyor.
2. The Thickness Measurement Process
When an Owner requests attendance for a survey with thickness measurements due, the
Surveyor will ensure scantling drawings will be available, either from the Owner or from MSO
files. The Surveyor will advise the Owner of the thickness measurement requirements and of the
requirement to use an approved company to take the thickness measurements.
The Surveyor is to attend the vessel while thickness measurements are being taken in order to
advise the Owner of the locations. The Surveyor is to regularly review the thickness
measurement results, in order to promptly advise the Owner of any additional readings which are
to be taken to confirm marginal conditions or the accuracy of questionable readings. When
multiple readings are taken to confirm marginal or questionable readings, the Surveyor will
determine and report the single reading which in his / her professional judgement and based on
observation, represents the average condition of the plate in question.
A corrosion pattern may be localised, may be uniformly present on an individual plate or may
cover an entire bottom of a tank. An individual reading does not constitute a corrosion pattern.
One marginal reading would require additional readings to be taken and assessed together with
close visual examination by the Surveyor for determination of extent of corrosion pattern. When
multiple readings are taken or marginal readings encountered, the Surveyor must make an
assessment of the average condition based on observations of the structure from visual
examination and the gauged readings.
3. Thickness Measurement Review
First, the Surveyor is to ensure that all thickness measurement requirements for the applicable
survey are met. Any required measurements which have not been taken, will be noted in his
report as an item remaining to be completed before the survey can be credited.
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Next, the Surveyor is to check that all individual plate thickness measurement results are within
the allowances listed in Table 2 “Steel Wastage Allowances” and Table 3 “Aluminium Wastage
For unconverted, conventional type vessels, wastage allowances are to be applied to the as-built
To request a thickness measurement review based on other than as-built thickness or a scantling
reassessment, the Owner should contact the Marine Surveyors’ Office.
Finally, the Surveyor is to check the average wastage of the top and bottom transverse sections.
If individual plates are to be renewed, this average is to be checked with the renewed plate
thickness. For ease of check, the plates and internals are to be averaged separately.
The top of the transverse section includes the deck plating, stringer plate and sheer strake. The
bottom of the transverse section includes the flat keel plating, the bottom plating, and bilge
plating. The internals are those longitudinal members attached to the aforementioned plates.
The average wastage is a simple, arithmetic average of the individual plate or internal wastage
percentages. For example, assume there are seven (7) plates in a top section with individual
plate wastages of 12%, 16%, 18%, 13%, 19%, 11% and 17%. The average wastage of the top
section of plating is (12 + 16 + 18 + 13 + 19 + 11 + 17) divided by the number of plates, seven
(7), which equals 15.1%.
4. Thickness Measurement Reports
Reports are to clearly present the location, original thickness, measured thickness and percent
The attending Surveyor will review the results for accuracy and completeness and endorse the
report with the vessel’s name, the date and his signature to indicate the results are considered
representative of the actual condition of the vessel.
5. Thickness Measurement Company Approval Requirements
Persons or companies who act at the request of the Owner to take ultrasonic thickness
measurements on vessels for statutory surveys, must be approved by a Recognised Organisation
or be acceptable to the Minister.
The local MSO can provide the Owner with a list of approved companies in that office’s area.
The Department does not recommend or endorse any specific company and it is entirely up to
the Owner to select the company.
6. Thickness Measurement Requirements and Locations
The thickness measurement requirements for Surveys are based on the conditions found at the
time of survey, as well as conditions documented at Paragraph 5.1 of the Guidelines. Thickness
measurement requirements for Periodical Survey are based on age of vessel.
In all cases, the Surveyors have the discretion to require thickness measurements to supplement
their visual examinations where there is any doubt of the structure’s fitness for continued
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The Surveyor will indicate the locations to be measured. Transverse sections should be in one
section, not over several frame spaces. The sections should be located where the largest
reductions are suspected to occur or are revealed from deck plating thickness measurements.
Where possible, locations different from those measured at previous Periodical Surveys should
be selected.
7. Modification of Thickness Measurement Requirements
In general, thickness measurement requirements of internals may be modified for vessels with
acceptable, corrosion-resistant, hard-type coatings, such as epoxy or zinc, providing that after a
careful examination, the Surveyor can verify the continued effectiveness of it. No consideration
for reduced thickness measurements will be given for soft type coatings.
Where there is evidence that the coating is no longer intact (such as heavy staining, blistering,
cracking, peeling or bare spots), the Surveyor must require sufficient confirmatory thickness
measurement to clearly establish the condition of the internals. Note that in the initial stages of
coating breakdown, the corrosion may proceed at a very high rate in the exposed spots due to the
abnormal area ratio between the protected and unprotected surfaces.
For converted vessels, the Periodical Survey and the thickness measurement requirements are
based on the age of the original, retained sections. However, the thickness measurement
requirements for the new body sections may be in accordance with Periodical Survey
requirements for a vessel of corresponding age.
8. Additional Thickness Measurements and Substantial Corrosion
The Surveyor will specify additional thickness measurements in areas of known or suspected
wastage. During the thickness measurement process, the Surveyor will also advise the Owner if
any additional readings are to be taken to confirm questionable readings or marginal conditions.
Substantial Corrosion is defined as, “an extent of corrosion such that assessment of corrosion
pattern indicates wastage in excess of 75% of the allowable margins, but within the acceptable
limits”. An individual reading does not constitute a corrosion pattern. A single, marginal
reading requires additional readings to be taken and evaluated together with close visual
examination by the Surveyor in order to determine the extent of the corrosion.
For example, assume the individual plate wastage allowance for plates in a transverse bulkhead
is 25% and the original thickness of the plate in question was 12mm, the following illustrates the
wastage limits:
• For a gauged thickness of 9.75 to 12mm, the percent diminution was 18.75% (i.e., 75% of
25%) to 0%, therefore, the plate had some corrosion.
• For a gauged thickness of 9.0 to 9.75mm, the percent diminution was 25% to 18.75%,
therefore, the wastage of the plate was in substantial corrosion range.
• For a gauged thickness of less than 9.0mm, the percent diminution was greater than 25%,
therefore, the wastage of the plate was outside the allowable wastage limit and the plate
should be renewed.
Once a thickness measurement reading reaches a critical wastage range (by substantial corrosion
definition, 75% of allowable wastage), the accuracy of that reading is more crucial in
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determining the appropriate recommendation. Accordingly, when substantial corrosion is found,
the number of readings must be increased.
In assessing the overall condition, it should be borne in mind that where wastage limits are based
on a percentage, thinner members would of course reach the limit sooner, assuming the material
loss rate per surface is the same. Also, where both surfaces of a member are exposed to the
same wastage conditions, the limit will be approached at double the normal rate. For instance,
internals in tanks, since they are exposed to corrosion on both surfaces and because they are
often originally thinner than the plating in the same area, usually reach the limiting wastage
much earlier than the plating. Accordingly, if substantial corrosion is found on plating,
additional thickness measurements should be extended not only to surrounding plating, but also
to internal members. Likewise, when substantial corrosion is identified on internals, additional
thickness measurements are to be extended to other similar and thinner internals.
For Example, considering a typical bottom structure: “Bottom shell plating and longitudinal members are gauged across a transverse section in way of
the aft most bay of a wing tank. The transverse section required each plate and longitudinal
member to be gauged. The readings identified one bottom strake with wastage in the substantial
corrosion range.”
The following action would be required:
• For the one identified strake, the number of readings must be increased. This will require a
five-point pattern to be thickness measured on each panel of the strake within the bay. This
high density of readings will provide a higher degree of accuracy in determining the
corrosion pattern and will provide sufficient data to establish appropriate recommendations
for extent of repair, if required.
• Bottom shell thickness measurements are to be extended. This will require the bottom shell in
way of two other bays to be measured with the minimum thickness measurement pattern. If
vessel’s age is 15 years or greater, all bottom plates will have been measured as a baseline
requirement. If the minimum thickness measurement pattern indicates wastage in the
substantial corrosion range, thickness measurements should be increased to the five-point
pattern per panel as above.
• No internal members were identified with wastage in the substantial corrosion range for the
transverse section. However, as internals usually reach the limiting wastage much earlier
than the plating, additional thickness measurements should be extended not only to
surrounding plating, but also to internal members. This will require in way of the two other
bays identified in above, three longitudinals in each bay to be measured with three (3)
measurements in line across flange and three (3) measurements on vertical web. Similar
action should be taken with regard to bottom girders and brackets and bottom transverse
Areas of Substantial Corrosion identified would have to be thickness measured at subsequent
Intermediate Surveys.
If areas of Substantial Corrosion have been coated with a hard coating and the Surveyor
finds the coating is still effective at the time of survey, the confirmatory thickness
measurements normally required at that Intermediate Survey may be specially considered by
the Surveyor.
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9. Suspect Areas
Suspect Areas are areas prone to rapid wastage or having Substantial Corrosion. Special
attention should be paid to unprotected salt water ballast tanks, bilge wells, shaft alley recesses,
pipe tunnels or duct keels, lower edges of bulkheads, bulkhead stools, exposed hatch covers,
hatch coamings and brackets, areas just above joint of tween deck or tank top to side shell
plating, horizontal stringers and webs, shell plating adjacent to transverse bulkhead boundary
welds, void spaces under boilers, plating in way of steam drains and adjacent to heated tanks,
plating in way of areas where drainage accumulates or flows very fast, and panting areas.
Plating behind under deck accommodation linings should also be paid special attention.
10. Individual Plate Wastage Allowances
The wastage allowances for individual plates are found in Table 1 and Table 2.
Guidance wastage allowances for rudders or rudder components are:
• Rudder side plating and vertical diaphragms: 25 %
• Rudder top and bottom plating and horizontal diaphragms: 30 %
11. Wastage Compensation and Repair
Wasted areas are to be repaired to the satisfaction of the Surveyor or noted as outstanding
recommendations in the survey report.
Individual plates or structural members that are wasted in excess of allowable limits are to be
cropped and renewed. The primary concerns in assessing overall wastage are the hull
longitudinal strength and the local buckling strength.
Localised wastage and pitting is to be dealt with to the satisfaction of the Surveyor and may not
require renewal. Local wastage should be viewed from the standpoint of local buckling, fracture
and the potentially serious risk of marine pollution. Localised areas of serious wastage, pitting
or grooving may have to be dealt with immediately.
Highly localised pitting, usually found in oil tanks, may be cropped and renewed, cleaned and
coated with a special coating, cleaned and filled with a special filler, or repaired by welding.
The choice of repair method depends mainly on the percentage of the plating surface area that is
pitted, the depth of pits and the size of pits. The Surveyor will make the appropriate repair
recommendation considering the particular circumstances. For additional information on pitting
repairs, IACS “Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard” may be referred to.
Areas showing signs of load deformation (permanent set) or stress corrosion may have to be
reinforced or renewed even though the wastage allowance may not have been exceeded.
Partial renewal of a plate is permitted provided the remaining portion is satisfactory. Small
inserts should be avoided because fractures frequently develop, probably due to cumulative
shrink stress and notch effect at the corners. Preferred renewal is full width, and length no less
than the width; or at least half-width and length equal to one plate width or more. For less than
full width inserts, the corner that does not land on a seam or butt should be radiused. For local
inserts, it is suggested that the minor dimension should never be less than 300mm.
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Replacement plating should be the same, equivalent or higher Grade and substantially the same
thickness as the original Rule requirement. Replacement shapes must equal original Rule
section modulus (with plate) and sectional area. Substitutions of steel differing from that
originally installed, alteration of original structural configuration or change from riveted to
welded joints is not to be made without prior approval.
Local doublers are not acceptable as a permanent repair or wastage compensation. If such
doublers are found, the plating underneath should be carefully investigated and repaired, where
found necessary.
Where straps are resorted to for area loss compensation of deck or bottom plating area, there
must be sufficient material underneath to effectively transmit the load. If used to reinforce a
longitudinal strength member, then continuity must be maintained throughout the affected area.
Any local plate wastage is to be dealt with by renewal prior to the installation of straps.
In general, a strap should be continuous throughout the amidships 0.5L and no more than 1.5
times the thickness of the underlying plating. The strap should fit tightly onto the underlying
plating and be continuously welded around the edges; if over 600mm wide, it should also be
plug-welded on 300mm centres. Strap ends should taper in width and terminate at least two
frame spaces or approximately 2 meters beyond structural changes-in-section (such as hatch
ends or superstructure end bulkheads). Where possible, straps should be situated over underdeck
longitudinal girders or bulkheads. All proposals for continuous strapping are subject to
In any case where elimination of riveted joints or change of structural form is contemplated in
connection with renewals, prior approval must be obtained.
12. Wastage Rates – Effects on Thinner Members and Welds
In assessing the overall condition, it must be understood that where wastage limits are based on a
percentage, thinner members will of course reach the limit sooner, assuming that material loss
rate per surface is the same. Also, where both surfaces of a member are exposed to the same
wastage conditions, the limit will be approached at double the normal rate. For instance,
internals in most ballast tanks, since they are exposed to corrosion on both surfaces and because
they are often originally thinner than the plating in the same area, usually reach the limiting
wastage much earlier than the plating.
Special attention should be paid to the fillet welds attaching internals to the plating, particularly
in forepeak tanks and on the underdeck of tanks. The wastage of the heavy deck longitudinals
may be relatively low on a percentage basis, but the relatively small fillet welding attaching the
longitudinals to the plating may be already wasted sufficiently so as to render the internal
member ineffective.
Likewise, internal members such as hold frames and end brackets may be subject to necking and
grooving corrosion adjacent to connection that will require special attention and thickness
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Steel Wastage Allowances
Main Deck Plating
Bottom Plating
Keel Plating
Sheer Strake
Bilge Strake
Side Shell Plating
Internals and Bulkheads
Aluminium Wastage Allowances
Main Deck Plating
Bottom Plating
Keel Plating
Sheer Strake
Bilge Strake
Side Shell Plating
Internals and Bulkheads
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Quick Guide to Survey Preparation
Preparing and presenting your vessel properly for survey will save you both time and
Forward planning and preparation could make the difference between success and failure. This
leaflet sets out useful advice to help ensure your next survey is a successful one.
Apply early to your local Marine Survey Office. Survey Application Form available at Ensure that the details that are supplied on the
application form are correct, especially in relation to the vessel name, port of registry, dimensions,
tonnage and registered power. Incomplete or incorrectly filled applications may be returned to the
applicant. Surveyors will also check the application details against the vessel at the time of the
Your survey can begin up to six months before your Fishing Vessel Safety Certificate expires.
Organise your survey to limit the number of visits the Surveyor has to make. Most surveys can be
completed in two visits.
The most efficient order for surveys is an out of water survey followed by an in water survey.
However if the vessel is being surveyed for the first time (an Initial Survey), you should arrange for
an additional in water survey prior to the vessel being taken out of the water. At this time you can
discuss with the Surveyor the survey procedure.
Have your Marine Consultant conduct stability checks whilst the Surveyor is conducting the initial
in water survey.
Survey Check List
A surveyor will check for the following during a survey. Follow the guidelines below to cut down
the time the Surveyor spends on board and the need for re-visits.
• Pressure wash the hull but do not re-paint until after survey.
• Open up Tanks and Spaces which are to be inspected. Tanks are to be clean and certified
gas free and other spaces are to be clean.
• Ultra sonic tests to be carried out on total hull area and suspect areas whilst Surveyor is
present, (on steel vessels).
• Remove and clean sea valves, both inlets and overboards for inspection.
• Propeller shaft clearances to be taken. This may be achieved by feeler gauges or by lifting
the shaft and using a clock gauge. The Surveyor will then advise if withdrawal/renewal of
shaft is required.
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Rudder pintel bearing clearance to be taken.
Draft marks to be checked.
Wooden vessel. Having a shipwright available at survey time allows the Surveyor to discuss
any required course of action with him.
Fastenings on wooden vessels will be withdrawn at the discretion of the Surveyor.
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The Surveyor will look at the following areas whilst on board your vessel.
The following sections tell you what the Surveyor is looking for when he or she checks these areas.
Doing your own checks in advance can identify problems you can sort out beforehand so saving you
time and money on the survey itself.
• Wheelhouse
• Wheelhouse top / Casing top / Shelter top
• Accommodation
• Maindeck
• Fishroom
• Engine Room
• Other internal spaces
• Aldis/signalling lamp
• Bell
• Bilge alarms
• Certificate of Registry
• Charts and publications
• Compass deviation card
• Crew qualification/Safety training certificates
• Echo sounders
• Engine maintenance documents
• Equipment
• Fire detection system
• Flares
• Gas detector system
• General alarm/ fire alarm/CO2 alarm
• Liferaft, fire equipment and medicine chest certificates
• Line throwers
• Navigation lights and shapes
• Paperwork
• Radars
• Stability book
• Fishing Vessel Safety Certificate displayed
• Whistle
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• Escape hatches and clips
• Lifebuoys
• Life rafts and release arrangements
• Rescue boat and launching device (if fitted)
• Shelter access hatches and clips
• Signs marking escape ways
• Smoke/light floats
• Ventilator flaps and closures
• Water tight door clips
• Watertight doors must seal properly when closed.
• Clips must operate freely and rubber seals must be in good condition.
• Hold back clips must be removed and a notice exhibited on both sides of the door stating:
“Door to be kept closed at sea.”
• Ventilator flaps and closing devices must operate freely.
• Indication must show open and close positions of ventilation flaps.
• Air pipes from fuel tanks must be fitted with a flash back gauze and satisfactory closing
• Air pipes and sounding pipes should be marked to indicate what tanks they serve and
sounding pipe caps should be attached to the sounding pipe with a short length of chain.
• Lifejackets - check battery expiry on light, reflective tape is in good condition and straps
and stitching are sound. Lifejacket should be in good condition with no signs of dampness or
rotting of fabric.
(We recommend that a suitable stowage space for lifejackets, outside of cabin is used, where
they are rapidly accessible.)
• Lifejacket donning notices should be displayed.
• Medicine chest - check it is intact, serviced and in date.
• Fire extinguishers - check they are serviced and in date.
• Bunk lights - fitted with covers.
• Cabin escape - access clear, signs in place and emergency light fitted and working.
• Porthole / windows – securing clips and deadlights should all be free and for external
windows blanks should be available for use if windows are broken.
• Fire hazards - tea towels, etc, should not hang over galley stove.
• Door - Self-closing device should not be disabled.
• Electric stove / fryers / ventilation or extractor fan - switches to isolate this equipment
should be fitted outside galley / mess room.
• Gas detection / shut down alarm - system should operate satisfactorily.
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• Doors fitted with self-closing devices must operate properly. This type of door would be
situated at the Galley, Engine Room entrances and any stairways fitted with structural fire
• Wooden or steel blanks must be available for at least two windows in the wheelhouse and
• Hygiene in all areas must be of an acceptable standard.
• Freeing ports should pivot freely and shutter types should be fitted with retaining chains.
• Rails and bulwarks complete with any extension wires should be in place and in good
• All hatches covers should be weathertight, clips should be free and seals in good condition.
• Open decks should have lifelines or points for attachment of safety harnesses
• Any ‘trip’ hazards, which would cause personal injury, should be removed or clearly
• Anchors and cable should be ready for rapid deployment.
• All storerooms should be cleaned out so that the internal hull and decks can be surveyed.
• Access ladder should be available and ladder is to be secure.
• Light fittings should be in good order.
• Refrigeration coils should be in good order and securely fastened to deck head.
• Bilge strums should be clean and clear of any obstructions.
• Bilge alarm sensors should be in good order.
• Ice scuttles should be in place and fitted with retaining chains.
The area should be clean and tidy with bilges dry and particular attention taken to check the
• Seawater pipework should be in good condition.
• Seawater inlet valves should be easily and readily accessible.
• Savealls should be fitted where required.
• Appropriate signs should be displayed prohibiting the discharge of oil overboard and
indicating high noise level.
• Flexible hydraulic hoses should not be too long and are properly clipped.
• No leaks of fuel or hydraulic oil to be present.
• Self-closing valves should be fitted to water drains and gauge glasses on fuel tanks.
• CO2 warning signs if required.
• CO2 Alarm should be fitted and operational.
• CO2 – fixed system servicing
• Rotating machinery should be adequately guarded.
• Main and auxiliary diesel engines should be in good order.
• Bilges should be cleaned to allow access to seawater pipes/bulkheads, etc.
• Bilge systems should be clear of obstructions.
• Bilge alarm sensors should be in good order.
• Bilge pumps should be in good order.
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This is defined as any gear such as landing derricks, cranes and rescue craft davits.
• Lifting devices such as cranes, derricks and davits should be inspected and tested by a
competent person in accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Fishing
Vessels) Regulations, 1999.
• The SWL should be indicated on the boom. A certificate of test should be provided.
• Blocks, wires and shackles should be checked and special attention paid to steel-to-steel
contact surfaces on eyes, shackles and derrick heel pins.
• Rescue craft davit when fitted should have a broad red band painted around the boom if
davit is not suitable to lift the full complement of the rescue boat.
• The davit should be tested, marked with SWL and a certificate of test should be provided.
• Main and emergency fire pumps (afloat survey).
• Main and emergency bilge pumps including full function test from all spaces (afloat
• Remote closures for oil fuel and hydraulic oil tanks.
• Remote shut off switches for ventilation fans and oil transfer pumps.
• Remote shut off switches for electric galley appliances.
• Emergency lighting to include liferaft embarkation areas.
• Man overboard retrieval systems (afloat survey).
• Boarding ladders.
• Rescue boat launch and operation (if provided) (afloat survey).
• Fire detection system.
• Main and emergency steering gear.
• Changeover from main to emergency power (afloat survey).
Apart from testing any remote winch stops, none of this equipment comes into the FVSC survey.
However, owners are advised to be aware that this equipment should installed and maintained as set
out in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Fishing Vessels) Regulations, 1999.
• Inclining test or Lightship check to be carried out.
• Consultants to be involved in above tests as advised by Surveyor.
• Any modifications to vessel to be advised to the Surveyor before they are carried out.
The senior crewmembers must be able to satisfy the Surveyor as to their familiarity with vessel
emergency equipment and procedures.
A muster list and emergency stations list should be displayed where applicable.
Drills demonstrating familiarity with the equipment should be carried out as frequent intervals and
all drills should be recorded in the appropriate logbook.
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• Discharge of oil
• Garbage and waste disposal
• Air pollution
• Certificates of competency
• CECs if applicable
• One day training courses
• Lifting appliances (Health and Safety Regulations)
• Safe access to the vessel
• A radio survey by a radio surveyor must be carried out before the fishing vessel
certificate can be issued.
MSO Dublin
MSO Cork
Tel: +353 (0)1 678 3400
Fax: +353 (0)1 678 3409
Tel: +353 (0)21 496 8662
Fax: +353 (0)21 496 8617
MSO Ballyshannon
Tel: +353 (0) 71 982 2400
Fax: +353 (0) 71 982 2439
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1. Recognizing the desirability of ensuring the adequate strength of scantlings of portable
fish-hold divisions, studies on national practices have been carried out, resulting in the
establishment of certain formulae for scantlings, which are recommended to
Administrations for their guidance.
2. These formulae represent the average of a wide range of experience covering all types of
vessels operating in all sea areas, and in conditions likely to impose the maximum
loading on a division. Alternative scantlings might, however, be accepted where
experience has shown that these are more appropriate.
3. According to the basic type of construction, the following formulae are recommended for
vertical fish-hold divisions:
.1 Vertical steel uprights and horizontal wooden boards
Minimum section modulus of vertical steel uprights
Z = 4ρ sbh2
Minimum thickness of horizontal wooden boards
t = 8 ρ sb2
.2 Horizontal steel beams and vertical wooden boards
Minimum section modulus of horizontal steel beams
Z = 4ρ sHS2
Minimum thickness of vertical wooden boards
t = 3.6 ρ sh 2
Z = section modulus, in cm3.
t = thickness of wooden board, in cm.
ρ = density of cargo, in t/m3.
s = maximum transverse distance between any two adjacent longitudinal divisions or line of
supports, in m.
h = maximum vertical span of a column taken to be the hold depth, in m.
b = maximum longitudinal distance between any two adjacent transverse divisions or line of
supports, in m.
H = vertical span of a division which is supported by a horizontal beam, in m.
S = horizontal distance between adjacent points of support of a horizontal beam, in m.
Appendix V of the annex of Assembly resolution A.168(ES.IV) incorporating subparagraphs 4(g) and 4(h)
adopted by the eighth Assembly.
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4. In applying the above formulae, the following notes should be observed:
.1 The formulae are applicable to longitudinal divisions. Where the divisions are athwartships the
formulae should be modified by interchanging s and b.
.2 The formulae were derived on the assumption that the loads were on one side only of the
divisions. When it is known that the divisions will always be loaded on both sides, reduced
scantlings may be accepted.
.3 If vertical steel uprights are permanent and well connected at both ends with the structure of
the ship, reduced scantlings may be accepted depending upon the degree of security provided by
the end connections.
.4 In the formula for vertical wooden boards, the full depth of the hold is assumed as the
unsupported span, where the span is less the thickness may be calculated using the reduced span.
.5 The timber used should be of sound durable quality, of a type and grade which has proved
satisfactory for fish-hold divisions and the actual finished thicknesses of boards should be those
derived from the formulae. The thickness of boards made from good quality hardwood may be
reduced by 12.5%.
.6 Divisions made of other materials should have strength and stiffness equivalent to those
associated with the scantlings recommended for wood and steel, having regard to the
comparative mechanical properties of the materials.
.7 Channelways in stanchions to take pound boards should have a depth of not less than 4 cm and
the width should be equal to the pound board thickness plus 0.5 cm.
.8 Each pound board should have a length not less than the distance between the bottom of the
respective channelways into which it will engage minus 1 cm. If pound boards have shaped
ends to allow a rotational manoeuvre for easy housing, the extent of end shaping should not be
more than allowed by a radius equal to one half the length of the board with its centre at the mid
length and depth of the board.
5. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the application of the formulae.
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