Authentic Education for a Better Community FINAL EXAM POLICY 1

Policies and Procedures Manual
Authentic Education for a Better Community
Title: Policy Number: Effective Date: Issuing Authority: Final Exam Policy AC 102.01.2011 January 25, 2011 University Council 1. Rationale This policy establishes the final exam rules and regulations and highlights the responsibilities of the instructor and proctors, and the expected conduct of students during the exam. The policy aims to control, assure quality, and maintain integrity in the conduct of the final examination experience at Dhofar University. Adherence to this policy is essential to the quality and integrity of the educational process. This policy highlights the exam rules and regulations, grading policy, exam management process, student rights, instructors, students, and administrators responsibilities, and the process of reporting cases of misconduct and irregularities. It is the responsibility of the Deans to ensure that this policy is properly enforced. In case a rule herein contradicts with or deviates from the established MOHE rules, then the MOHE rules are applied. 2. Exam Preparation Guidelines 1.
Exam content should cover the full semester course materials The exam questions should be original to the extent possible The exam should be used as a tool to assess the course learning outcomes Specific test rules should be clearly stated on the exam cover page (open or closed book, etc.) The points allocated for each problem should be written on the exam sheets The following honor code pledge should be included to be signed by the student before starting the exam: Pledge: I Pledge that I will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid on this test. Name: Signature: 3. Exam Management Policy Final Exams are administered according to the following rules: 1. Exams of multiple sections of the same course should be the same and should be administered at the same time. The course coordinator is responsible for enforcing this rule. 2. The exam must be administered during the final exam period and in a timely manner ‐ must begin and end at exactly the allocated time period 3. A student who is late for less than 30 minutes is allowed to take the exam and he/she is required to submit his/her test by the end of the exam period with no extension. 4. No student is allowed to leave the exam room in less than 30 minutes from the start of the 1. Final Exam Policy
AC 102.01.2011 Policies and Procedures Manual Policies and Procedures Manual
Authentic Education for a Better Community
exam. 5. A student who does not take the exam during its scheduled time is not given a make‐up exam. In extreme situations a student may submit a petition to the Dean of the College for his/her approval no later than one week after the regularly scheduled exam time. 6. The course instructor must submit to the Dean’s Office copies of the exam at least 48 hours before the exam time. 7. The instructor informs the Deans’ Office on any special needs for the exam (answer booklets, etc.), 8. Each exam session will have a head proctor designated by the Dean’s Office. The head proctor will be assisted by the assigned proctors 9. The Head Proctor picks up the exams, exam report form and the students’ lists for the associated exam session from the Dean’s Office 15 minutes before the start of the exam 10. The proctors distribute the exams before students enter the exam room 11. The head proctor verifies the identity of the students taking the exam against the students’ lists 12. Exam begins and ends at the specified times 13. The Head Proctor returns the exams to the Dean’s Office to be immediately distributed to the instructors for grading. 4. Proctoring Policy The role and responsibilities of the proctors include: 1. Understand and implement the Final Exam policy; 2. The proctors must show up to the exam room on time; 3. Read the students' conduct policy as it is posted on the Whiteboard in the exam room before the exam starts; 4. In case a student insists in not following a proctor's request for any reason during the exam, the head proctor summons the Chairperson or the Dean to the exam room to resolve the issue; 5. At no time the proctors engage the students in any argument that leads to upsetting tranquility in the exam room; 6. The proctors must try to create a relaxed atmosphere inside the exam room; 7. The head proctor must report all cases of attempting plagiarism with the evidence regardless of the form or how trivial the plagiarism attempt occurs; 5. Students’ Conduct Policy A problem that is detrimental to students’ learning and growth is plagiarism. To curb plagiarism, students are required to: 1.
present an ID for verification sign the pledge on the exam cover sheet before starting the exam conduct themselves in the highest ethical standards adhere to the test rules indicated on the exam cover sheet refrain from any form of communication with each other during the test without the permission of the Head Proctor have no cell phones or any other communications devices stop writing when the head proctor announces end of exam. Any attempt for cheating or misbehavior during the exam will be referred to the University 2. Final Exam Policy
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Authentic Education for a Better Community
Disciplinary Committee with evidence for possible further disciplinary actions. The Department Chairperson shall resolve any infringement on implementing these rules that may occur during the exam. The head proctor is responsible for implementing these rules. 6. Denied Students Policy 1. The instructor should submit to the OAR’s Office the list of students who were absent for more than 20% of lecture periods and should be denied from entering the exam by the end of week 14. 2. The students are informed of the decision denying them from entering the exam room and remove their names from the courses’ lists submitted to the instructors prior to the final exam. 7. Grading and Grade Submittal Policy 1. Dean’s office distribute exam papers to the instructors for grading 2. Exams must be graded in a fair and transparent manner using a clear rubric. 3. The course instructor after consultation with the Department Chairperson may apply the following formula to control the average and standard deviation of final grade distribution: Final Grade =100*(X/100)^(LOG(Y/100)/LOG(Z/100)) X = Actual course grade earned by student Y = Intended Average Z = Earned Class Average 4. The final course grade should be submitted to the OAR office using the Grade Report Form for the course, signed and dated by the instructor, the chairperson (or convener) and the Dean of the College within 72 hours of the final exam 5. The instructor should request a colleague to verify the accuracy of the composite final exam grade 6. The instructor should provide statistical analysis of the course grades 7. The OAR enters the grades into the system and sends back an official copy to the instructor (or convener) for final verification. The instructor signs the Final Grade Form and returns it to the OAR. 8. Instructors may discuss grade details with students only after the OAR posts the final grade results. 8. Exam Grade Review Policy 1. Graded tests must be made available for students review till the end of the second week of the following term. 2. If a student has a strong concern about his/her final grade, he/she may submit a request for Final Grade Review Approval Form to the Department Chairperson within two weeks of the beginning of the following term classes. 3. In case of a grade change, the instructor must submit a Change of Grade Form to the Department Head for approval and submittal to the Dean and finally to the OAR for final processing. 4. Instructors are required to announce itemized course grades to the students before the final exam. 3. Final Exam Policy
AC 102.01.2011 Policies and Procedures Manual Policies and Procedures Manual
Authentic Education for a Better Community
9. Stakeholder Impact and Scope This policy serves to regulate the conduct, protect the rights, and define the responsibilities of all parties involved in the final exams. 10. Related Documents The following forms are employed: 1. Final Exam Cover Sheet 2. Exam Envelope Cover Sheet 3. Final Exam Report Form 4. Test Template 11. Approval and Review The stakeholders who reviewed and approved the policy are: 1. Policy proposed by: 2. Reviewed and forwarded by: 3. University Policy Review Committee 4. Colleges and Foundation Program 12. Final Approval Approved as policy by University Council on: Approved by the BOT (if required) on: Dates of Official Enactment: Dates of Amendments: History: Cross Reference: Next Revision Date: Vice Chancellor Signature: Date: 4. Final Exam Policy
AC 102.01.2011 Policies and Procedures Manual Policies and Procedures Manual
Authentic Education for a Better Community
Course and Number/Course Title
Fall 2008
Test Rules
Instructor adds the rules he/she deems appropriate. Here is a sample of possible rules 1. Have a positive attitude, relax and do your best, and consider this test as a step toward a better future 2. Open‐book and open‐notes. 3. Test period ∼ 120 minutes. 4. Be very specific and brief in your answers. 5. Show all work for full credit. 6. Write equations whenever applicable before substituting numerical values. 7. Give proper units to the answers as applicable. 8. Part of the grade will be assigned on legibility and organization. 9. If you think that a parameter in a problem is missing, assume it and work accordingly. 10. If two versions of a solution are present, the wrong solution will be considered. Problem # 1 (10 pts) A dog was crossing the railroad track when his tail got stuck in the rail. The dog tried to free its tail for quite sometime to no avail. The dog saw the train approaching, yet continued its efforts to shake its tail loose. The train did not stop of course, and neither did the dog. You can guess what happened. Write no more than two lines on what you have learned from the dog’s tragedy. And so on. 5. Final Exam Policy
AC 102.01.2011 Policies and Procedures Manual Policies and Procedures Manual
Authentic Education for a Better Community
Exam Date: Exam Room #: Exam Start Time: Exam End Time: Courses Course/Number Title Misconduct Report Student Name/Number # Students Description of committed misconduct Absent Students Name Head Proctor: Proctors 1. 2. 3. Course Signature: Date: Date: Chairperson’s Comments Chairperson’s Signature: 6. Final Exam Policy
AC 102.01.2011 Policies and Procedures Manual Policies and Procedures Manual
Authentic Education for a Better Community
Exam Envelope Cover Sheet
Exam Date
Exam Time
Exam Room
Instructor Name
Course Name
Course Code
Course Section
Needs answer sheet?
… Yes
… No
Head Proctor
Proctor 1
Proctor 2
Proctor 3
Number of sheets
Number of Students
7. Final Exam Policy
AC 102.01.2011 Policies and Procedures Manual Policies and Procedures Manual
Authentic Education for a Better Community
Final Examination Cover Sheet
Student’s Name: Student’s ID: Course Code: Course Title: Year: Term: Date: Pledge: I pledge that I will neither keep any unauthorized material in my possession, nor give or Receive unauthorized aid on this test. Student’s Signature: Final Exam Score Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 Problem 6 Problem 7 Problem 8 Problem 9 Problem 10 Final Exam Score Instructor Name: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Verified by: 8. Final Exam Policy
AC 102.01.2011 Policies and Procedures Manual 