LIFE matters VO L U M E 4 6 ISSUE 1 S P R I N G 2 015 A QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF FOUNDATION FOR LIFE AND GRE ATER TOLEDO RIGHT TO LIFE Legislative Briefing Breakfast Seven Years Strong Ranade Kryder, who presented Ohio’s legislative agenda for 2015/2016. Attorney General Mike DeWine gave this year’s remarks followed by a brief question and answer period. Greater Toledo Right to Life held its 7th Annual Legislative Briefing Breakfast at the Holiday Inn French Quarter in Perrysburg. Nearly 200 pro-life community members, high school, and college students attended this year’s event. Monsignor Marvin Borger from St. Rose Catholic Church in Perrysburg welcomed the early morning audience with an invocation. This year’s speakers included Ohio Right to Life Executive Director, Stephanie 2015 BOARD MEMBERS STAFF Mike McCartney Ed Sitter PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR VICE PRESIDENT TREASURER DIRECTOR OF OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Dr. Tom Lieser Sara Weisenburger Jeffrey Barefoot Jeff Palmer Marty Regan Kirk Ross Carol Tyson Mark Wagoner Christine Kisabeth 5726 SOUTHWYCK BLVD., SUITE 120 TOLEDO, OH 43614 OFFICE: FAX: 419-535-5800 419-535-5565 NEWSLETTER DESIGNER: Lorrie Cesarz Weiher EDITOR: Mary The MC for the 2015 LBB was former State Senator and current GTRTL board member, Mark Wagoner, who introduced Congressman Bob Latta, State Representatives Barbara Sears and Tim Brown, and Toledo City Councilman Tom Waniewski. Greater Toledo Right to Life President, Mike McCartney, presented Attorney General DeWine with a Champion for Life award. This was only the second time GTRTL has given this kind of award for exceptional prolife service by an elected public servant. State Senator Randy Gardner was the first such recipient and introduced Attorney General DeWine. Chad Gilligan, Pastor, of Calvary Church in Maumee, closed the breakfast in prayer. “We have received nothing but very positive feedback from those in attendance on the Attorney General’s inspiring story of how just one person’s life can make such a profound impact for life where we live.” said Ed Sitter, Executive Director of GTRTL. Legislation Agenda Aims to End Abortion in Ohio This year, we are excited to bring you a legislative agenda that goes head-to-head with abortion-ondemand and the fateful Supreme Court decision that ushered it in just 43 years ago. Take a look at the six inspiring legislative initiatives: which many experts agree happens no later than by 20 weeks gestation. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act would ban abortions when an unborn baby can feel pain, Our Down Syndrome NonDiscrimination Act will prohibit an Attached to this legislation is a post-Roe trigger clause, which would prohibit all abortions in Ohio following the overturning of Roe v. Wade. SEE LEGLISLATION ON PAGE 2 WE’RE ON THE MOVE! Effective May 1, 2015 our new offices will be located at: 5726 Southwyck Blvd., Suite 120 Toledo, OH 43614 FOUNDATION FOR LIFE NEWS In MEMORY of: Joseph Beham and Leo Heintschel By Rudy & Betty Beham Aubrey M. Faist By Marianne M. Faist-Lazar Michael Farkas By Ron & Carolyn Moening Mary Kerscher By Ron & Carolyn Moening Norma Krueger By Ron & Carolyn Moening Pro-Life Movement Mourns Loss of Legendary Leader - In Memoriam: Dr. John Willke Dr. John (Jack) Willke, the Father of the Pro-Life movement, passed away February 21, 2015. History will record his life-long dedication to God, his family, his country and, in particular, to the innocent and vulnerable unborn. With his wife Barbara, who passed away in April of 2013, Dr. Willke traveled the state, the nation, and the world to educate about the humanity of the pre-born and to motivate those who value life to stand with him to accomplish legal protection for the unborn. March for Life 2015 Dr. Willke was a physician, author, lecturer, TV and radio personality, and an expert in human sexuality. He served for ten years as president of the U. S. National Right to Life Committee and helped found the International Right to Life Federation. Until recently he served as president of the national Life Issues Institute, headquartered in Cincinnati. Dr. and Mrs. Willke co-authored Abortion, Questions and Answers: Why Can’t We Love Them Both; Handbook on Abortion; Abortion and Slavery, History Repeats; Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, Past & Present; plus six books on human sexuality, videos, brochures, and more. Their works have been translated in over 30 languages worldwide. In January of 2015, Dr. and Mrs. Willke’s autobiography Abortion and the Pro-Life Movement: An “Inside View” was released, chronicling the life of this legendary couple. Legislation Mother Teresa Respect for Life sponsored the annual March for Life in Defiance, Ohio which began at the same time as the March for Life in Washington DC to unite in prayer and walking for the voices of the unborn who cannot speak for themselves. The march began at the Defiance County Courthouse. A police escort led the march to the “Dr. Willke was a true giant in the pro-life movement, yet always warm, always humble, a mentor and a friend,” said Jack Hart, President, Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati. “We can never replace him. We can only do our best to carry on his legacy, and redouble our efforts to create the culture of life that he worked so hard and so well to bring about. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 abortion from being performed on an unborn child on the basis of that child having Down syndrome. Pro-life supporters across Northwest Ohio participated in several ‘March for Life’ events across our area. St. Joseph’s parish in Maumee held its tenth annual March for Life on Sunday, January 18th. Over 300 participated in the event which began with a prayer service followed by a mile long march to the parish cemetery where a brief ceremony was held at the memorial of the unborn. “Dr. Willke was a worldwide leader in the right to life movement. He and his wife Barbara brought great passion to their mission to protect the unborn. Dr. Willke also brought his professional skills as a doctor to help support this mission. He will be remembered as a great teacher and friend and stalwart leader in giving a voice to the most vulnerable in our society.” - Attorney General Mike DeWine The Abortion-Inducing Drug Safety Act, which keeps abortionists from experimenting with dangerous drugs. Further efforts to de-fund Planned Parenthood, critical legislation which cuts off funds to Ohio’s abortion giant. Monument for the Unborn. Our Pregnancy and Parenting Support Program will expand our pilot program to fund the lifeaffirming work of Ohio’s pregnancy help centers. Over 1,000 pro-life supporters from our area, including 650 youth, traveled to Washington DC to participate in the national March for Life - the largest pro-life event in the world! We are confident that this agenda, which was carefully crafted to challenge abortion from every angle, will result in huge wins for Ohio and our unborn babies. Our Pain-Capable ban, as well as our trigger clause, strikes at Roe from both sides. When Roe is overturned, Ohioans would legally be able to obtain an abortion up to 24 weeks. Our trigger-clause changes that. This is a critical, proactive step in our incremental strategy to challenge Roe and end abortion-ondemand. Yes, this agenda is ambitious, but thanks to your generous support, we know that we can see it through. We are tremendously grateful to have pro-life leaders like Senator Randy Gardner, Representative Barbara Sears, and Representative Tim Brown. Together we are making a difference for life where we live. Together we are a “Voice for the Voiceless”! PAGE 2 SEAL TEAMS NEWS Student Reviews for 2015 March for Life Dear Greater Toledo Right to Life, Thank you for your monetary support in allowing me to be able to be part of the 2015 March for Life. The March for Life was much more than a political event, it was a spiritually moving event for me. I was stunned by the number of people who gathered for the 2015 March for Life. It was so motivating and uplifting to see the hundreds of thousands who came together for the voiceless. For me it was a breathtaking experience and you cannot fully understand or begin to put into words the sense of this event, you need to experience it for yourself. Attending this event reaffirmed my belief and made me encouraged to do more to help stop abortion. Even though I am young, I am more determined than ever to go and stand up for life on the sidewalks and encourage others to join me in this incredible mission. I am so thank for having had the opportunity to experience the 2015 March for Life. Mary Bosler Dear Greater Toledo Right to Life, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the Greater Toledo Right to Life Organization for helping me financially to attend the 2015 March for Life in Washington, D.C. This was my first time attending such an event and it was beyond amazing to see all the people marching for the cause and being a voice for the voiceless, especially the youth and young adults. I was honored to be part of the hundreds of thousands of people speaking up for the unborn and hope and pray that I can attend next year as well. Theresa Bosler On Thursday, January 22, 2015, I went to the March for Life (#42) in Washington, D.C. for the first time. There was over 500,000 people at the march, with a surprisingly big amount of kids my age there. I really liked the signs that we could carry, especially the one that said “I am the pro-life generation”, because it said to me that we would carry on the legacy of all the past pro-life advocates. It was cool because we saw that there were people that cared. A couple days ago, my homeroom teacher asked me to tell the class about my trip. I talked about marching, and how I felt about marching. A little after I spoke that, I told my friend about the horrible picture of the babies that had died, and how SOME people don’t think that the little homosapien inside the mother’s womb wasn’t a human, but a ‘blob of tissue”. She was terrifically horrified about the little arms, hands, heads, and bodies that are disembodied, vacuumed and deteriorated every single day. When she saw that there were web sites to “help women terminate their pregnancy legally and safely”, she was furious. “There are actually web sites that say this!?” That’s what she said about Planned Parenthood. I think she is a strong pro-lifer now. I really hope that more kids become aware of abortion and that it stops. Every now and then, I wonder, “What could’ve those dead children become? Could they have come up with a cure for cancer? Could they have actually stopped abortion?” The list goes on and on. I guess that’s all I have to say. For now. Thank you. Autumn Sekerak P.S. I am 11. I chose to go to the March for Life 2015 in Washington, DC for several reasons. Being pro-life, I want to work with others who share the goal of ending the tragedy and horror which is this country’s (and world’s) culture of death. To be in a crowd with hundreds of thousands of people who share the same objective is nature to me. I was also grateful to be with our bishop and to see how excited he was about being at the March. After going to the March in 2013, I wanted to go again. Seeing masses of people at that March for Life, I could not imagine not being a part of the event again and joining the thousands more that arrive every year. At this year’s March for Life and the March I attended in 2013, I experienced a range of emotions. At one end of the spectrum, a sensation of disbelief rose at the fact that people with opposite views would slow the March just to make a point. However, as I stood in front of the Supreme Court building, a more positive sense of accomplishment flowed over me. The fact that I had most likely saved the lives of numerous humans, young and old, by witnessing to those in our nation’s capital and around the world was more than enough to provide for me the conviction to return and march again and again. My favorite part of the March for Life both years that I have attended has been looking behind as the route takes us up Capitol Hill. At that moment, one can look down Constitution Avenue and not see the end of the sea of people. I cannot put into words how inspiring it is to see how many additional pro-lifers there are who support and believe that we should cease of killing of millions of unborn babies and stop ending the lives of those who are considered a “burden” to society. The memory of this sight makes me wish I could have run back a little further and kept climbing the hill to look back and see if the line continues to become longer and longer. Traveling to the March for Life 2015 was not a decision made by my parents, an excuse to get out of school, or just for a tourist experience. I went because I am pro-life. A variety of emotions are all happening at once for me during each March for Life, from disgust and disbelief that anyone could kill a blameless child or even a terminally ill adult, to awe of the huge multitude of pro-lifers with me. I cannot wait to go again next year and share the pro-life message with so many more people. Evan Sekerak Foundation for Life Northwest Ohio-SEAL Team PAGE 3 GREATER TOLEDO RIGHT TO LIFE NEWS Will you agree to become a Greater Toledo Right to Life (GTRTL) MVP? The GTRTL is an advocacy organization (501c4) whose purpose is to advocate for laws and public policies that safeguard the Right to Life of both the born and unborn. As an advocacy organization, gifts to GTRTL are not tax deductible. That is why becoming an MVP of GTRTL is so important to sustaining our ongoing work. You can help make all this possible by becoming an MVP of GTRTL. Together we can influence our community and those who represent us in Columbus and Washington to safeguard the right to life in law. So what’s an MVP? It’s Membership, a willingness to make your Voice heard and a commitment to Prayer. Our voices are making a difference. The 130th General Assembly shattered the record number of life-saving pieces of legislation signed into law in the 129th General Assembly. Become a Member of GTRTL. We have three levels of annual membership: General MVP - $30 Those new laws helped close four abortion clinics, saving unborn babies’ lives. They established new funding sources for pro-life pregnancy centers, strengthened health and safety requirements on abortion mills, and defunded Planned Parenthood. In December, this record setting was capped off with Governor Kasich signing Right to Life’s adoption reform legislation, S.B. 250, following historic bipartisan majority votes from the Senate, 29-1, and the House of Representatives, 81-4. This adoption reform will eliminate unnecessary costs, protect birth parents and adoptive families, prevent fraud and minimize the bureaucracy in the Ohio adoption process. There is still much work to be done! No state in the nation has achieved as much as Ohio has Advocate MVP - $50 Patriot MVP - $100 Voice – I will commit to being a “voice for the voiceless” on pro-life issues in 2015. Pray – I will commit to praying for the restoration of the Right to Life of the unborn. I will pray for the success of those public servants who are committed to safeguarding the Right to Life at every stage of life. in restoring the right to life for the pre-born. This is evidenced by the historic low number of abortions as reported by the Ohio Department of Health. Join with us to be a strong, clear “Voice for the Voiceless” in the public square and become a Greater Toledo Right to Life MVP today! University of Toledo to host Rebecca Kiessling Come join us on Tuesday, April 21, 2015, from 7 – 9 pm at the University of Toledo Law School McQuade Auditorium to hear special guest speaker, Rebecca Kiessling on “Abortion the Difficult Choices”. The event is free and open to the public. Rebecca Kiessling has been an international pro-life speaker and adoption speaker since 1995. She’s also an attorney, wife, and mother of 5 (two oldest are adopted,) lost 2 additional babies to miscarriage, and adopted daughter Cassie, who was born with special needs. She appeared in the following documentary films: The Citizens United film, “The Gift of Life with Gov. Mike Huckabee,” the “40” film, “Conceived in Rape: From Worthless to Priceless,” “Except in Cases of Rape? 1 2 Stories of Survival,” and “Conceived in Rape and Other Exceptions.” Rebecca has appeared on Fox’s Huckabee (which has the clip of Gov. Rick Perry), CNN’s Piers Morgan debating Gloria Allred, CBN’s 700 Club, Catholic TV’s “This is the Day,” ABC’s Good Morning America, EWTN’s Life on the Rock and Defending Life with Fr. Frank Pavone, “Facing Life Head On,” as well as the nationally­syndicated TV program “Extra.” Her story has been featured in Glamour Magazine and Marie Claire Magazine. Rebecca Kiessling President and Founder of Save the 1 Conceived in Rape Rebecca is the National Spokeswoman for Personhood USA and for National Personhood Alliance. Board Member of Hope After Rape Conception. Her website is: For more information contact: Foundation for Life at 419-535-5800 or SIGN UP Today to receive the LifeMatters e-newsletter at and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn PAGE 4 The Supreme Court said I was not a person... FOUNDATION FOR LIFE - FFLNWO.ORG 1857 : Dred Scott Dr. & Mrs.Thomas Abowd Joseph Adams Dennis & Therese Addis Dr. Ana Thompson & Dr. Tim Anders John & Jo Ann Anders, M.D. Tom & Jennifer Antonini Dale & Kristel Asmus Andy & Judy Babula Dr. George Baibak Jeffrey Barefoot Alice Baumgartner Dorothea Baumgartner Frank & Louise Baumgartner Mary Ann Baumgartner Rudy & Betty Beham Jim & Jane Berger Jim & Lynn Bine David & Irene Bland Tom & Anne Marie Blank Lois Bonitati Ron & Mary Jo Bosch James & Corinne Bracken* James Brewer Nancy Brewer Louise Brubaker Glen & Joanne Buckenmeyer Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Buganski John & Mary Bunda Paul A. Byrne, M.D. Robert Cain Joan Canning Al & Kathy Caperna Glenn & Kimberly Carlson Kevin & Lorrie Cesarz Chuck Childers Elizabeth Chisholm Eric Chisholm John & Colleen Clark Tom & Katherine Clark Charles Comes John & Noreen Conley Kevin Coulter Forrest & Carol Cousino Joan & Wesley Cousino Mark Cousino Joan Cousino Jane Creps John & Noreen Cromly Brad & Mary Crown Robert & Susan Darmofal Jarman & Rachael Davis, III Dr. Dennis & Elizabeth DeLapp Bob & Tiffany Densic Leona Diehl Mike Dodson Liz Dumas Bob Duris Dr. Paul & Ruth Eby Anne Eddingfield Jack & Donna Edwartkoski William & Roxanne Ervin Dale & Anne Evearitt Robin Evearitt Dick & Kathy Faist Marianne Faist-Lazar Don & Carol Feller Richard & Margaret Fern George & Grace Flanner Mr. & Mrs. Harold French Donna Friesner Robert & Shirley Fulop Randy & Sandy Gardner Karol Gargac-Phillips Dr. & Mrs. Edward Garvin PAGE 5 Since July 1972 a “Voice for the Voiceless” throughout the greater Toledo area Jim Geck Mary Geck William & Mary Goetz Kristi Greaser Dr. & Mrs. Lynn E. Griffin Joe & Marcia Grossmann Molly Haggerty Ken & Dolores Hartbarger John H. & Marilyn R. Hasley Bill & Karen Herald Phil & Jackie Hertzfeld Sue Hess Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hills Jim & Ginny Hiltner James & Nancy Hindley Erica R. Hobbs Tom & Lisa Hoersten Christine A. Holliday Darrell & Sharon Holman Edna Homan Paul & Carol Hood Richard & Kathleen Hoppe Ben Howington Marilyn Howington Mark Howington Rev. Monte Hoyles William & Marian Iott Rich & Chris Iott Tom & Julia Irmen Dr. & Mrs. George Jacobs Lauren & Gabriel Jakubisin Jon & Missy Jakubowski Father Jason Kahle William & Jamie Kaiser Dr. & Mrs. Su-Pa Kang Suzanne Kanney Russ & Amny Karban Daniel & Margarita Kasprzak John & Mary Keener Blaine & Debra Keigley Kevin & Kate Kelly Jack Kelly John & Eileen Kennedy Dr. & Mrs. Jim (Linda) Kettinger Linda Kettinger Charlie Kettinger Mary Kettinger Haily & Isabella Kinsey Kenan & Nicholas Kinsey Mariska and Emily Kinsey Stephen & Angela Kinsey Janis Kircher Brad & Christine Kisabeth Robert & Jean Korsnack Victoria Kreinbihl Tom & Lou Ann Kress Joseph & Kristine Kunkle Carol Kurivial Kristen Kurivial Mike Kurivial Dave Labardee Nanette Labardee Betty Lagger Leszlee Laky Ryann Laky Patricia Laky Khaila Lambright Janet Lankey Clarissa Lapinski Mark Lapinski Bob & Marcia Latta Kirsten Learned Dr. & Mrs. Tom (Kathy) Lieser Dale & Anne Limes David Lincoln Jr. John Lincoln Tony & Ginny Lucarelli Andrea Lyn*** Jim & Rosie Maas Edward & Loretta Maher John & Winifred Mangas Richard & Jill Maroney Mike & Terri Marsh James & Susan Maulucci Mike & Molly McCartney Michelle McCauley Tom & Jean McGuire Marsha McHugh Susan B. McHugh Dr. & Mrs. Daniel (Susan) McKernan O.J. & Karen McLaughlin Nicole McLeod Gene & Pam McMillin Marilyn McNamee Teresa Metcalf Dorean Miller Dorothy Miller Paul & Joan Miller Sean Miller Ron & Carolyn Moening Lorin & Leslie Morrin Franz Morsches Mary Ann Morsches Carrie Murdock Todd Murdock Sue Murphy Dr. & Mrs. Robert Navarre Rick & Kathryn Nelson Ed & Carol Nofziger Robert & Nancy Nudo Jim Nycz Trisha Nycz Mike & Margaret O’Dea Pat Oedy-Murray Lester O’Neill Edward J. Onsel David & Clarissa Ordorica Jeff & Heidi Palmer Suzanne Parks Phil & Marian Parsons Walter Pauly Sandra Pecora Charles Perdeau William & Sarah Petro Phyllis Petty Joseph & Mary Pierce Mark Pitman Dr.& Mrs. Harvey (Beatrice) Popovich Mary C. Quinn Dorothy Radon Peter Range John & Janell Reynolds Joan Rohen Christine A. Rohrs Kirk & Kate Ross Charles & Odessa Rowan James & Sheri Rumpf Anastasia Russell Christopher Russell Jennifer Russell Keith Russell Melissa Russell Patrick Russell Stacey Russell Dr. & Mrs. Ed (Janet) Ruszkiewicz David Sankovich Kendra Sankovich Rita Sarto 1973 : Unborn Mary Kate Savage Christine A. Scarlett Gabriel S. Scarlett Mary-Catherine Scarlett Robert A. Scarlett Terry & Amy Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Schalk Jim & Betty Schaublin Dennis Scherger Bob Schoen John Schoen Richard Schoen Rita Schoen Janet Schoen-Adams Barbara Sears Carol Singer Ed & Dianne Sitter Andrea Slivka Carol Smith Dennis & Rose Smith Sue Smith Richard Smith Chris Spielman Dominic J. Spinazze Suzanne Spinazze Richard J. Stainbrook, II Wendy L. Stainbrook Helen Steinmetz Liliana Steffin Shaenna Steffin Stephen Steffin Jeff & Diana Stephens Lee Strang Elizabeth Strang Art & Mary Sussman Crystal Thompson Gary & Peggy Thompson Patricia Todak Richard & Georgianne Torchia Laurie Toth Joan Tussing Mark & Carol Tyson Laura Ulery Donald & Theresa Valtin Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. (Mary) Vollmer Mark & Meredith Wagnor Tim & Kateri Walsh Barb Weaver Phil Weaver Matthew & Sara Weisenburger Drs. Bob & Jeanne Weisenburger Dr. & Mrs. Harold Welch, Jr. Maryann Wesolowski David & Janet Wilhelm Mike & Brenda Wilhelm Don & Gael Windom Marilyn Wolff Karen L. Woodbury Tara Woodbury Theresa Wozniak Virginia Wysong Jerry Yeager Sandy Yeager Lowell Yoder Janice Young Drs. John & Beth Zavell Nancy Zellers Robert Zellers Ed Zippay Louann Zippay Tom & Connie Zouhary** Dr. & Mrs. William (Jane) Zouhary * In Memory of our Parents, Elaine & Dick Schoen, A Family for Life! and to honor their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. ** In Honor of Dr. & Mrs. William (Jane) Zouhary *** In Honor of Jett, born at 23 weeks, now 10 years old. NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PA I D TOLEDO, OH PERMIT NO. 179 WWW.FFLNWO.ORG WWW.GTRTL.ORG 3454 Oak Alley Court Suite 211 Toledo, OH 43606 Phone 419.535.5800 Fax 419.535.5565 UT Students Toledo for Life and The Foundation for Life presents April 21, 2015 from 7-9 PM University of Toledo Law School McQuade Auditorium n o i t r o Ab ....the difficult choices “rape, incest and health of the mother” • Question and Answer Session afterward This Event Is Free And Open To The Public For more information contact: Foundation for Life at 419-535-5800 or PAGE 6 Guest Speaker: Rebecca Kiessling President and Founder of SAVE THE 1