PUBLICATION PROCEDURE FOR INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVACED STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (IJASE) International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering, The Professional Journal of Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch would like to extend an invitation to all the researchers and structural engineers to submit their contributions and novel research activities for publication. Two principal types of papers published in IJASE are contributed research papers and state-of-the-art reviews. IJASE is published quarterly (January, April, July and October) both online and in print. Acceptance Criteria The papers are expected to make a significant contribution to the research and development activities of the academic and professional engineering community with the highest quality. All papers will be peer-reviewed in accordance with the Journal policies by the professional advisory editors. Specific acceptance criteria for papers published in IJASE are: (1) professional orientation toward a topic having a direct application to advanced structural engineering, (2) original material, (3) sufficient technical quality, including adequacy and conciseness of presentation to warrant publication as judged by peer review, (4) adequate representation of diverse disciplines and concerns of structural engineering, and (5) timely information. Submission of Manuscript Manuscripts that authors wish to have considered for publication should be submitted to the Editor-in-chief of IJASE at No hard copy of the manuscript is required. Information for authors on filling out initial submission forms, sending the files (including cover letter, manuscript and figures) is available at the web site: Instruction for Typing Manuscript Manuscripts submitted for consideration must be comprised of the Title and author page, Authors’ address and affiliation, Abstract and keywords, Introduction, Text with tables and figures, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References and Appendix/ Appendices (if needed). Abstract should be single paragraph with maximum length of 200 words. An abstract should be an informative summary of the most important results, but not a summary of subjects covered. Do not include references, figures, or tables. The abstract is widely indexed and therefore is the most read portion of a manuscript. Introduction includes the purpose of the study, methods used to derive results, previous work and a sketch of manuscript organization. Conclusions should discuss the significance and applicability of the work without merely restating the abstract and include the limitations or conditions under which the results can be applied. Manuscript should be in Word format. All texts should be in single-column format on 8 ½ by 11 in. paper, using portrait orientation. Leave 1” margins on all four sides of the paper. Paragraphs should be one and a half-spaced, using full width justified paragraph alignment. Do not start new sections on a new page if space is available on the previous page. The preferred font for the manuscript is Times New Roman. The title should be centered on page 1 (2” from the top of the page) and typed in 14 point font size. The authors’ names and addresses must be typed below the manuscript title in 12 point and institutional affiliations should be given at the bottom of the first page, inserted as a footnote. Use 11 point for the abstract, 12 point for main body and 11point for captions. Captions should be centered. Headings and Subheadings should be typed in bold 12 point size with the initial letter of each word capitalized, and placed flush with the left-hand margin of the column. Subheadings should be typed in italic. Equations should be set in Equation Editor, in Times New Roman italics, centered, and numbered with numbers flush right at margin. Every equation must be mentioned in the text. Measurements should be given in SI (International System) units. All figures, diagrams, graphs and photographs should be high quality and have the highest resolution possible. Figures will be printed in black and white and only online color is available. Figures and tables must be consecutively numbered and placed as close as practical to first mention in text. For table use Times New Roman size 10 without border and vertical lines. All references cited must be mentioned in the text with names and dates corresponding exactly and should be typed at the end of the manuscript in alphabetical order. Here are some examples for typing the references: Alavi, B. (2004), “Behavior of moment-resisting frame structures subjected to near-fault ground motions”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 33, No. 6, Pages 687-706. Chopra, A.K. (1995), “Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering”, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ., USA. Makris, N. and Black, C. (2003), “Dimensional analysis of inelastic structures subjected to near fault ground motions”, EERC Report 2003/05, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA., USA. Motamedi, M., Nateghi, F and Ziyaeefar, M. (2004), “Using accordion thin walled tubes as a hysteretic metallic damper”, 12th Word Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, BC., Canada, Paper No. 2264. Please submit manuscripts in English and proofread carefully. IJASE will not be responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Electronic Template for Manuscript All manuscripts published in IJASE should be prepared using the IJASE template for Microsoft Word. The template file is available for download at the IJASE website: using a variety of browsers. To use the electronic template, follow these procedures: 1. Save an electronic copy of the file IJASE in your template directory for Microsoft Word, 2. Select File New, 3. Select IJASE as a document, 4. Format manuscript by either replacing the text in each component of the template document with your own text, or assigning the appropriate style to typed text using pull-down menu of Word, 5. Save file with desired document name.