te mĀtauranga pŪtaiao the sciences sc1000ca course and assessment guide science ncea level 1 2015 science (sc1000) teacher contact details When you first make contact with your teacher, please fill out their details below, for future reference. teacher’s name: telephone: 0800 65 99 88 ext: alternative telephone number: email address: Private Bag 39992, Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045 Please keep your Science (SC1000) Course and assessment guide in a safe place so that you can use it to plan your study and to record your assessment results. For future information about courses at this level, please refer to Student Guide to Years 11–13 and the Student Guide to National Certificates, both are available on the school website (www.tekura.school.nz) Cover photo: Apollo 17 image, 1972. © NASA/Goddard Space Flight Centre Scientific Visualisation Studio. Copyright © 2012 Board of Trustees of Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu, Private Bag 39992, Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045, New Zealand. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu. © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n am u contents 1 Welcome to SC1000 2 Getting started information 3 Designing your science programme 4 NCEA Level 1 sciences matrix 5 Assessment information 6 My course planner © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u SC1000CA 1 1 welcome to sc1000 Welcome to the Level 1 Science (SC1000) course offered by Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu. overview of sc1000 SC1000 is a twenty-first century course for twenty-first century students. It enables you to study the traditional mainstream topics in science at NCEA Level 1, or to choose your own topics to study science topics that match your specific goals and interests. It also allows you to choose a programme with a specific theme. For example a student interested in medical science should contact their teacher to plan a programme around standards and topics useful as background for a career in medicine. There are 31 standards in all. A one year course would normally involve studying for at least five of these. The course consists of the course booklets, available online or in print form (depending on your enrolment), supplementary learning material and access to our online learning environment (OTLE). If you want to continue studying the sciences at NCEA Level 2 then you should consider studying for more credits. This is best done by enrolling for two or more science subjects. Of the 31 standards on offer, 12 standards are assessed with an external exam, run by NZQA, in November each year. We recommend that you try at least one externally-assessed standard. This will give you practice at doing exams, and if you do well enough it means that you will be able to get your science course endorsed on your NCEA certificate. The other 19 standards are internally assessed. For internal assessment your teacher will send you an assessment task. Most of the internals for science standards involve an investigation – a practical investigation, information research, or both. A few standards also involve tests. Some topics give you the option of studying for internally-assessed or externally-assessed standards. If you have enrolled for SC1000 you may have already been asked where you want to start. Give your science teacher a call and talk to them about selecting standards that suit your career and future study goals. course endorsement This course can be endorsed with Merit or Excellence in a single year if you gain 14 or more credits at Merit and/or Excellence within Level 1 Science. At least three of these credits must be from externally assessed standards and three from internally assessed standards. 2 SC1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu 2 getting started information how this course is delivered SC1000 is a print-based course, with course material and supplementary material accessed from the online teaching and learning environment (OTLE). Dual enrolled students are expected to access material from OTLE. Other enrolled students may request printed materials to be posted, accepting there will be a delay between enrolment and receiving the first posting. You will receive an email explaining how to log in to OTLE. This email includes a link to set your password if you have not logged into the OTLE before. You can access OTLE by clicking on www.tekura.school.nz/login. It is recommended that you bookmark this site in your browser. This will take you to a page with links to your courses. Your username and initial password is your Te Kura student ID number. You will be asked to set a new password when you first log in. After that, if you need to reset your password you can click on the ‘Forgot password’ link on the OTLE login page. If you have difficulties logging in, please email: helpdesk.otle@tekura.school.nz organising your study Plan a regular time to study. Some people learn best from frequent short sessions while others do better with fewer, longer sessions. It is important to have a plan or a timetable and to keep to it. There is a suggested planner in the back of this guide for you to plan your programme of study. You may wish to consult with your subject teacher to help you decide on your plan. Getting your study underway is very important. Your first return of work should be two to three weeks after you first received your initial work. If you have any issues returning your work within this time please contact your subject teacher. For more information on how to study successfully, refer to the Student Guide to Years 11–13 (www.tekura.school.nz). te kura codes Your course code is: SC1000. SC is the code for Science and 1 refers to Level 1. ‘SC1---’ refers to a booklet that covers a particular learning topic in the SC1000 course. ‘SC1---Y1’ refers to the first assessment for an Achievement Standard. For example: SC1101Y1 refers to the first assessment for the standard AS90949. ‘AS’ is the code for Achievement Standard, and ‘US’ is the code for Unit Standard. A code ending in ‘A’ (e.g. SC1111A) refers to a teacher-marked assignment which will help you prepare for your achievement standard assessment task or external examination. © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u SC1000CA 3 getting started information resources you need Te Kura booklets, stationery, paper, calculator. There are many hands-on activities. You will be provided with some specialist equipment for the topic you are studying, if it is needed, but for most activities you will also need to find everyday items from around your home. As you study science you will find it very useful to have a computer with internet access. The teaching and learning materials for each topic are supported both with printed booklets and with a topic webpage. The booklets can be downloaded from the topic webpage for each topic. The webpages also contain useful links, and interactive and multimedia learning materials essential for some activities. choosing topics and standards NZQA advises that a one-year course should lead to 18–20 credits. You may only wish to do some topics. For example, you may want to do only internal standards for this course. You should look carefully at the course outline and make your choices. It is important to consider how well this will meet your learning goals (such as gaining enough credits to achieve your NCEA Level 1, or meeting the entry requirements for the Sciences at NCEA Level 2 or any future study). To be awarded NCEA Level 1, you will need to gain a minimum of 80 credits at Level 1 (or above) including the 10 credits for literacy and the 10 credits for numeracy. A list of achievement standards from levels 1, 2 and 3 that count towards Level 1 literacy and numeracy can be accessed from: www.nzqa.govt.nz/about-us/our-role/legislation/nzqa-rules/secondary-schools-supportinginformation/level-1-literacy-and-numeracy-requirements/ You should discuss your options with your learning advisor and/or your teacher. self-marking Many activities are self-marked. You’ll find an Answer guide in each resource. Use these answers to mark your own work and make corrections where necessary. Self-marking is important as it gives you instant feedback on how well you understand the ideas, concepts or information that has been covered. assessment Students are required to send in their self-marked and teacher-assessed work. Teachers return student work with feedback and advice in preparation for NCEA internal and external assessments. Internal assessments for this course may include: •• practical investigation (for example, Practical Chemistry) •• information research (for example, Physics Application) •• closed book test (for example, Life Processes). 4 SC1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu getting started information The detailed criteria for Achievement Standards will be given in the relevant booklets. They can also be found by searching the subject and level in the NCEA part of the NZQA website (www.nzqa.govt.nz) and then finding the relevant standard(s). If there are two assessment opportunities for an Achievement Standard, one is called ‘Y1’ and the other is called ‘Y2’. External assessment preparation includes: •• teacher-marked activities •• Te Kura practice examinations. time commitment You should be aiming to do at least five achievement standards in this course. The number of booklets for each topic varies, depending on the number of credits given to each standard. It is expected that 10 study hours are required per credit. Each booklet will take approximately 10 hours of work to complete at the normal pace, representing about two weeks of work at five hours per week. Central concepts are repeated in a number of topics, enabling you to progress more quickly after you have completed your first level 1 topic. Before deciding on the pace of learning, read through this Course and assessment guide and ask yourself the following: •• How much time can I set aside for study each week? •• Will I be attempting both externally and internally assessed standards? •• Will I be able to keep a steady pace of five hours of study each week? •• Do I intend to sit the external examination at the end of the year? •• Do I need specific external or internal credits for next year’s study or work? normal pace of learning As a guide, expect to do at least five hours work per week in this subject. This means five booklets each term so that you complete the course before the external examination at the end of the school year. flexible pace of learning If you have less than a year because you start later or need to finish earlier, you can decide the pace at which you work. You could still complete the whole course by devoting more time and effort to it. Your teacher can ensure that you receive the resources you need in time to do this. cover sheets The back cover of the booklets is the cover sheet for your work. Fill it in and sign it before sending it back to Te Kura. If applicable, your supervisor also signs this sheet as part of our authenticity requirements. All students are encouraged to submit as much as possible of their work on line via the OTLE Dropbox. When work requires authentication, students will follow the instructions provided in OTLE. queries about your work It is important to contact your teacher if you have any queries about your work. It helps to have your ID number, booklet code (for example, SC1101) and the activity or question number when you contact your teacher, but it is not essential. © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u SC1000CA 5 3 designing your science programme You should aim to complete at least five standards in one year. Your choices will depend on how your interests develop. You may have already decided what you want to study, but you may not be sure. External exams take place in November. You will have to decide which external exams you want to enter by July. With 31 standards to choose from there is a lot of choice. Where do you start? Start with something that interests you. Talk to your teacher and to your Learning advisor. Try to choose at least one standard from each of the main curriculum strands – the Physical World, the Material World, the Living World and Earth and Space Science. Each standard is described in the following format: 90940 Mechanics Science 1.1 This line shows the standard number and its short title Demonstrate understanding of aspects of Mechanics This is the title of the standard. 4 credits This is the number of credits in the standard and the mode of assessment. External On the final page of this guide is a table of all the Science standards available at NCEA Level 1. Use the table to make a list of the standards you would like to study for. Consider the following recommendations when you are making your list: •• your choices should reflect your interests, as well as your future study and career goals •• five standards or 18–20 credits make up a full year’s programme for a science subject •• you should aim to do at least one standard that is externally assessed •• an example of a ‘normal’ science course for the year is given on the next page – use this as a starting point to select topics you are interested in. Once you have a list of standards to study, give your science teacher a call to discuss your choices. They will then be able to plan your programme to ensure you are sent the learning materials. 6 SC1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu designing your science programme Some students want a ‘normal’ school science course. The new 31 standard matrix means that every school in New Zealand is doing something slightly different. Most schools are running two courses: one for students who like academic study and who are aiming to study at university, the other for students who find that they can’t ever do well in exams and who are more practicallyskilled. A traditional academic programme could be: CREDITS ASSESSMENT Genetics (90948) 4 November examination Mechanics (90940) 4 November examination Acids and Bases (90944) 4 November examination Practical chemistry (90930) 4 practical investigation Physics application (90936) 2 information research 18 This programme gives a good preparation for study of biology, chemistry or physics at NCEA Level 2. The study for externally assessed standards is completed in time for the Te Kura practice exams in September. By following this programme you would develop both practical and information research skills. Because there is a balance of internally and externally assessed standards, if you got good grades you could get a science course endorsement. A weakness of this programme might be that there is no Earth science or astronomy. A student interested in these could add a substitute standard from the Earth and Space science strand of the matrix. This is a good starting point, but the choice is yours. Look at the list of standards available in Science at NCEA Level 1 – you’ll find it on pages 8 and 9 of this guide. © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u SC1000CA 7 4 ncea level 1 sciences matrix Physical World AS90940 Material World Science 1.1 AS90944 Science 1.5 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of mechanics Demonstrate understanding of aspects of acids and bases 4 credits 4 credits AS90941 External Science 1.2 AS90945 External Science 1.6 Investigate implications of electricity and magnetism for everyday life Investigate implications of the use of carbon compounds as fuels 4 credits 4 credits AS90942 Internal Science 1.3 AS90947 Internal Science 1.8 Investigate the implications of wave behaviour for everyday life Investigate selected chemical reactions 4 credits 4 credits Internal AS90931 Chemistry 1.2 AS90943 Internal Science 1.4 Investigate the implications of heat for everyday life Demonstrate understanding of the chemistry in a technological application 4 credits 2 credits Internal AS90932 Chemistry 1.3 AS90935 Internal Physics 1.1 Carry out a practical physics investigation that leads to a linear mathematical relationship, with direction Demonstrate understanding of aspects of carbon chemistry 4 credits 4 credits External AS90933 Chemistry 1.4 AS90936 Internal Physics 1.2 Demonstrate understanding of the physics of an application Demonstrate understanding of aspects of selected elements 2 credits 4 credits External AS90934 Chemistry 1.5 AS90937 Internal Physics 1.3 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of electricity and magnetism Demonstrate understanding of aspects of chemical reactions 4 credits 4 credits AS90938 External External Physics 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of wave behaviour 4 credits AS90939 External Physics 1.5 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of heat 4 credits 8 External SC1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu ncea level 1 sciences matrix Living World AS90948 Earth Space Science Science 1.9 AS90955 Science 1.16 Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas relating to genetic variation Investigate an astronomical or Earth science event 4 credits External 4 credits AS90949 Science 1.10 Internal Investigate life processes and environmental factors that affect them 4 credits Internal AS90950 Science 1.11 Investigate biological ideas relating to interactions between humans and microorganisms 4 credits Internal AS90951 Science 1.12 Investigate the biological impact of an event on a New Zealand ecosystem 4 credits AS90925 Internal Biology 1.1 Carry out a practical investigation in a biological context, with direction 4 credits AS90926 Internal Biology 1.2 Report on a biological issue 3 credits AS90927 Internal Biology 1.3 There will be exclusions between: •• S1.2 and P1.3 •• S1.3 and P1.4 •• S1.4 and P1.5 •• S1.6 and C1.3 Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas relating to micro-organisms •• S1.7 and C1.4 4 credits •• S1.8 and C1.5 AS90928 External Biology 1.4 •• S1.11 and B1.3. Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas relating to the life cycle of flowering plants. 4 credits AS90929 External Biology 1.5 Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas relating to a mammal(s) as a consumer(s) 3 credits External © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u SC1000CA 9 5 assessment information standards The National Qualifications Framework has two types of national standards: Achievement and Unit Standards. Credits from both Achievement Standards and Unit Standards count towards NCEA. Please refer to our Student Guide to National Certificates or Te Kura (www.tekura.school.nz) and NZQA (www.nzqa.govt.nz) websites for more information about National Certificates of Educational Achievement, and assessment. internal assessment Some Achievement Standards and Unit Standards are internally assessed. This means that your teacher sets and marks all assessments that count towards credits gained for these standards. external assessment External assessment means that an external examiner marks your assessment work. This may be through the NZQA examinations at the end of the year or (for subjects such as Graphics, Technology and Art) by submitting a portfolio or project. You will be able to complete practice assessments and Te Kura practice examinations for external standards. te kura practice examinations Students should complete the Te Kura practice examinations for any external standards with an end of year examination they have entered. It is important that students complete all practice external assessments and examinations. If for some reason, such as illness, you are unable to sit the NZQA examinations at the end of the year, you will only be eligible for consideration for a derived grade (compassionate consideration) if you have completed the Te Kura practice examinations. resubmissions If you have made mistakes in your standard assessment, your teacher may offer you one resubmission opportunity. This means you have made errors that you are capable of discovering and correcting by yourself. A resubmission allows you to improve your result. further assessment opportunities for internal assessments For some standards, you will be able to complete a second assessment called a ‘further assessment opportunity’ to improve your results. These standards are indicated in the course outline. You should take this opportunity where it is available. authenticity Authenticity means that students complete and submit work that is their own. When you submit work to Te Kura, you sign an authentication declaration that the work you are submitting is your own work and was done under the required assessment conditions. Where applicable, your supervisor signs to confirm this declaration. When submitting work online via the OTLE Dropbox, if it requires authentication, students must follow the instructions provided in OTLE. 10 SC1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu assessment information derived grades (compassionate consideration) If for any unexpected reason you are not able to sit your end of year examination or to submit final work towards an external standard (portfolios or projects), you may be eligible for a derived grade. Please refer to the Student Guide to National Certificates and contact your teacher or learning advisor as soon as possible to find out more should you feel this is necessary. appeals You have the right to query an assessment result if you want further clarification or disagree with the result. If you are still not satisfied, you may appeal. Refer to the Student Guide to National Certificates for more information. You can also appeal any other decisions, procedures or policies about assessments. Contact your teacher or learning advisor if you wish to appeal. Further information and a form that students can use to appeal is available on the Te Kura website in the Student toolkit area (www.tekura.school.nz and go to Student toolkit). © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u SC1000CA 11 12 SC1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu 6 my course planner Here is a sample course, for a student who is aiming to complete a balanced academic course, choosing 3 externals and 2 internals (Note this student is not also enrolled in BY1000). You should design your course in consultation with your teacher. You should allow 10 study hours per credit. Remember that you should return work to your teacher within two weeks of starting the course. Term Targets Tick Term 1 Get my learning space set up and check out the SC1000 course in OTLE Life processes (AS90949; Internal, 4 credits): Start SC1101 Complete and send in SC1101. Complete and send in SC1102. Complete SC1101Y1 Acids and bases (AS90944; External, 4 credits) Start SC1051 Complete SC1102Y1: achieve AS90949 Complete SC1051 and SC1051A Term 2 Complete SC1052 and SC1052A. Complete SC1053 and SC1053A Complete SC1054 and SC1054A Mechanics (AS90940; External, 4 credits) Complete SC1011 and SC1011A Complete SC1012 and SC1012A Complete SC1013 and SC1013A Term 3 Complete SC1014 and SC1014A Genetic variation (AS90948; External, 4 credits) Complete SC1091 and SC1091A Complete SC1092 and SC1092A Term 4 Revise for Te Kura practice exams (AS90944, AS90940 and AS90948) Complete and return Te Kura practice exams (AS90944, AS90940 and AS90948) Practical chemistry (AS90930; Internal, 4 credits) Complete SC1171 Complete SC1221Y1 Exam revision NCEA Exams Catch up time to improve my grades if I need to do further assessments for the internals. © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n am u