Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Performance Plan


Mechanical and Aerospace


Performance Plan

ME Graduate Program

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

ME Graduate Program

• Strategy 1 – Improve the quality of the graduate program

– Goal 1: Improve quality of incoming students and monitor trend

– Goal 2: Increase number of PhD students graduated per year

– Goal 3: Decrease average time to graduate (BS-PhD)

Goal 4: Improve mentoring of students, especially for academic placement

– Goal 5: Encourage students to take more ownership of their PhD research

Goal 6: Identify resources for competitiveness in recruiting graduate students

• Strategy 2 – Improve quality of life for graduate students

– Goal 1: Facilitate social interactions

Goal 2: Facilitate professional interactions

– Goal 3: Improve faculty-student interactions for incoming graduate students

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

ME Graduate Program

• Strategy 3 – Strengthen MS program

– Goal 1: Strengthen ME role in Masters for Global Engineering Leadership program

Goal 2: Develop new partnerships with industry for training of MS students

• Strategy 4 – Improve diversity of student body

– Goal 1: Improve representation of women in student body

Goal 2: Improve representation of ethnic minorities in student body

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Mechanical and Aerospace


Performance Plan

Nuclear Engineering Program

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Nuclear Engineering

• Strategy 1 – Grow graduate program size and visibility

Goal 1: Use TIE resources judiciously to maximize impact

– Goal 2: Secure additional resources from national funding agencies for program infrastructure and student support

Goal 3: Increase number of PhD students graduated per year

– Goal 4: Seek funding for faculty growth in targeted areas

Goal 5: Strengthen NE role in Masters for Global Engineering Leadership

(MGEL) program

– Goal 6: Develop new partnerships with industry for training of MS students

Goal 7: Improve nuclear engineering pipeline

– Goal 8:Undertake an internal assessment of ways to improve the NE doctoral program and respond to recommendations

Goal 9: Increase collaboration with other departments

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Nuclear Engineering

• Strategy 2 – Plan, and secure funding for, undergraduate major in nuclear engineering

Goal 1: Formulate plan for nuclear engineering major and get department and college approvals to seek external funding

– Goal 2: Secure external funding for introduction of NE major

• Strategy 3 – Upgrade reactor laboratory to support research, teaching, and outreach mission

Goal 1: Formulate performance plan for reactor laboratory and get program and college approvals

– Goal 2: Secure external funding for reactor laboratory upgrade

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Mechanical and Aerospace


Performance Plan

Faculty, Research

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Faculty, Research

• Strategy 1 – Increase faculty size and makeup for greater visibility in research community, while maintaining strong teaching

– Goal 1: Grow tenure-track faculty size to better support areas of concentration and external visibility

– Goal 2: Hire research-track faculty in areas of research strength

– Goal 3: Hire clinical-track faculty to support professional practice courses and programs with significant industrial appeal

• Strategy 2 – Increase the visibility and reputation of departmental research

– Goal 1: Establish large federally funded centers/group efforts led by department faculty

Goal 2: Increase federally funded research level in department, including awards in CAREER category

– Goal 3: Renew core disciplinary strengths in department

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Faculty, Research

• Strategy 2 – Increase the visibility and reputation of departmental research (contd.)

Goal 4: Encourage external recognitions and awards for faculty

– Goal 5: Emphasize external recognition, quality of research publications and quality of graduate student mentoring

Goal 6: Improve awareness of department accomplishments in peer communities

• Strategy 3 – Provide support and resources for enhanced faculty effectiveness

– Goal 1: Establish a structured mentoring system for junior faculty members

Goal 2: Reduce teaching duties for junior faculty members prior to fourthyear review

– Goal 3: Provide support/release for writing/leading group proposals and for developing small centers into larger centers

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Faculty, Research

• Strategy 3 – Provide support and resources for enhanced faculty effectiveness (contd.)

– Goal 4: Implement research space allocation policy to ensure that research space allocation is aligned with productivity in sponsored research

Goal 5: Reduce teaching duties for tenured faculty active in sponsored research to align them better with highly ranked peer departments

• Strategy 4 – Enhance competitiveness in faculty hiring and retention

– Goal 1: Achieve competitiveness in faculty hiring

Goal 2: Endow named professorships and endowed chair to recognize and retain highly productive mid-career faculty and senior faculty respectively

Goal 3: Enhance competitiveness with peers in compensating most productive faculty members at all levels

– Goal 4: Improve numbers of faculty hires from top-tier grad schools, including women and ethnic minorities

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Mechanical and Aerospace


Performance Plan

ME Undergraduate Program

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

ME Undergraduate Program

• Strategy 1 – Strengthen undergraduate curriculum and undergraduate student experience

Goal 1: Integrated approach to threads in curriculum (simulation, communication, design, modeling, experimental)

– Goal 2: Continuous Quality Improvement of TE program, faculty advising,

FE exam participation

Goal 3: Continue improvements in instructional laboratories

– Goal 4: Offer students more opportunities for hands-on experiences

Goal 5: Maintain/improve student participation in honors research

– Goal 6a: Grow industrially sponsored multi-disciplinary 3-quarter long capstone design course sequence and pass administration to the College of Engineering (ENG 658, 659)

– Goal 6b: Continue with Biomedical Assistive Device section of the 3quarter long design-build capstone design course sequence (ME 565)

Goal 7: Strengthen practice components in BS curriculum

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

ME Undergraduate Program

• Strategy 2 – Improve diversity of student body

– Goal 1: Improve representation of women in student body

– Goal 2: Improve representation of ethnic minorities in student body

• Strategy 3 – Renew the curriculum

– Goal 1: Incorporate material relevant to micro and nano scales and/or bioengineering in curriculum

– Goal 2: Introduce global educational experiences for students

– Goal 3: Introduce/strengthen alternative capstone design experiences

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Mechanical Engineering

Performance Plan

Administration, Staffing

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Administration, Staffing

• Strategy 1 – Work with the college to address fiscal issues

Goal 1: Position ME department for investment of re-directed or new college/university PBA

– Goal 2: Make the case for re-investment of ME vacancy credits to department

Goal 3: Work with the college/university to address Scott lab financing and other loan payment issues

• Strategy 2 – Identify resources for department priorities

– Goal 1: Estimate resource needs for department priorities

Goal 2: Incorporate some resource needs into capital campaign priorities

– Goal 3: Work with college to identify other sources to support department priorities

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Administration, Staffing

• Strategy 3 – Broaden faculty/staff awareness of, and seek input on, department fiscal issues and staffing issues/needs

Goal 1: Institute periodic discussions of departmental budget, investment priorities, budget cuts

Goal 2: Seek faculty/staff input on staffing needs and priorities

– Goal 3: Seek regular faculty/staff feedback on staff performance

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Mechanical and Aerospace


Performance Plan

Development, Alumni Relations

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Development, Alumni Relations

• Strategy 1 – Fund-raise to meet Scott Lab construction loan obligations

– Goal 1: Inform and involve campaign committee in formulation of strategy and implementation

Goal 2: Actively engage most likely prospect donors and secure commitments

– Goal 3: Formulate fund-raising drives to engage untapped segments of alumni base

– Goal 4: Identify and cultivate corporate donors and foundations

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University

Development, Alumni Relations

• Strategy 2 – Formulate campaign for effective ME participation in next OSU Capital Campaign

Goal 1: Formulate elements of capital campaign and communication strategy

– Goal 2: Identify and cultivate lead donors during quiet phase (01/09 – 12/11)

Goal 3: Relate campaign elements to department priorities and goals

• Strategy 3 – Improve communications with alumni and avenues for their involvement

– Goal 1: Improve alumni communications

Goal 2: Develop options for alumni involvement with department

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University
