A Novel DC Link Soft-Switched Inverter with a Coupled Inductor Jianwen Shao, Ray L. Lin, and Fred C. Lee Center for Power Electronics Systems The Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA Abstract— In this paper, a novel DC link soft-switched inverter with a coupled inductor is presented. The new inverter provides soft-switching feature while keeping pulse width modulation (PWM) capability without high voltage stress. First, this paper gives a brief literature review of the research in DC link soft-switched inverters. Then, a novel DC link soft-switched inverter is described. The paper presents a detailed analysis of the circuit and the operation principles. Finally, the simulation and experimental results are shown to verify the theory. I. INTRODUCTION The emergence of high-frequency power semiconductor devices, such as IGBTs and MOSFETs, has revolutionized the power conversion industry. However, the high- frequency devices cause new problems: high switching frequency induces high switching loss, which might cause thermal problems; and high switching frequency generates conducted and radiated electromagnetic interference problems. To solve these problems, soft-switching techniques are proposed. The basic idea is that if the devices can switch under softswitching conditions (zero-voltage turn-on or zero-current turn-off), these two problems can be avoided. Because of the simple structure, resonant DC link softswitched inverters have received considerable research interest in past ten years. The major drawbacks of this kind of DC resonant inverter are that it suffers from high voltage stress and has no PWM capability. Seeking a solution has led to lots of new DC link soft-switched topologies. In this paper, a novel DC link soft-switched inverter is presented, which can have PWM capability without high voltage stress. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a brief literature review of the research in DC link soft-switched inverters. Section 3 describes a novel DC link soft-switched inverter, providing the detailed analysis of its circuit and the operation principles. Finally, the simulation and experimental results are shown to verify the principle behind the circuit. II. EXISTING TOPOLOGIES OF DC LINK SOFT -SWITCHED INVERTERS This work was supported by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd and the ERC Program of the National Science Foundation under Award Number EEC-9731677. In the past ten years, researchers and engineers have proposed many interesting topologies for resonant DC link inverters. This section gives a brief literature review of reported topologies. A. Resonant DC Link Inverter (RDLI) This is the first type of resonant DC link inverter [1], which sets the DC link voltage into oscillation so that zerovoltage conditions are created periodically for soft-switching purposes. It is very nice that RDLI only adds an inductor and a capacitor to a hard-switched inverter. However, it suffers substantial voltage stress (about 2.5 per unit) across the devices. Moreover, pulse density modulation (PDM) has to be adopted, which will increase the line harmonics significantly. To produce the same spectrum quality, the switching frequency must be four to five times higher than occurs in a hard- switched PWM strategy. B. Active Clamped Resonant DC Link Inverter (ACRDLI) In order to reduce voltage stress in an RDLI, the active clamped resonant DC link inverter is proposed [2]. The proposed circuit uses another auxiliary switch to clamp the DC link voltage. The peak voltage across the devices can be clamped at 1.3~1.5 per unit. However, the clamp switch is switched at resonant frequency and turned off at high current. As a consequence, this switch suffers from a large energy loss. Also, the charge balance of the clamp capacitor is required to maintain link resonance. Thus, a complicated control strategy is necessary. Additionally, PDM still has to be adopted in the ACRDLI. C. Passive Clamped Resonant DC Link Inverter (PCRDLI) Since the auxiliary switch induces excessive losses in active clamped resonant DC link inverters, passive clamped resonant DC link inverters have been introduced [3]. In the passive clamped resonant DC link inverters, three coupled windings and one diode are used to clamp the peak voltage. With the help of the coupled windings, the peak voltage can be clamped at 1.3 times the dc voltage and PWM can be applied. The disadvantages are that the clamped diode suffers from twice the voltage stress, and the leakage between primary winding and clamping winding causes a high voltage ©2000 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from IPEMC 2000. 456 spike. In order to minimize the leakage inductance, special transformer structure needs to be considered. D. Parallel Resonant DC Link Inverters (PRDLI) different operation modes, and Fig.3 shows the operation waveforms of the circuit in the time sequence. Initially, the auxiliary switch Sa1 is on and the auxiliary switch Sa2 is off. Due to the effect of active clamping, the voltage of the capacitor C0 is KVs, 1<K<2. Unlike the previous resonant DC link soft-switched inverters, a PRDLI inverter has its LC resonant tank in parallel with the DC link [5,6,7]. Someone names some similar topologies as quasi-resonant DC link inverters. In parallel resonant DC link inverters, the resonant circuit is activated only during the resonant transient. Since the resonant circuit is paralleled with the main power path, the commutation loss in auxiliary circuit is reduced. Another advantage of PRDLI is that the PWM strategy is available. The major disadvantage is that because there is an active switch in series with the dc bus, this switch consumes a large amount of energy. L Sa1 Lx Da Vs C1 M C0 Sa2 Fig. 1 A novel DC link soft -switched inverter with a coupled inductor. E. DC Bus Notched Commutated Inverters (DBNCI) The operation principles of DC bus notched commutated inverters are quite different from those of the RDLI [4]. In the DC bus notched commutated inverters circuit, a simple active snubber subcircuit is used to realize soft-switching condition. While maintaining the conventional PWM, the circuit can restrict the voltage stress to within 1.3 times the dc voltage. However, since the auxiliary switch is hard turn-on and turnoff, there is a large amount of switching loss in the auxiliary switch. Furthermore, high frequency ringing exists in the dc link. The high frequency ringing causes severe electromagnetic interference problems. All these topologies have their advantages and disadvantages. In general, the preferred topology can provide the soft-switching feature and PWM capability without big penalties such as high voltage stress and more loss. Based on the foundation of previous research, a novel DC link soft-switched inverter is proposed. In this circuit, the high voltage stress of devices can be avoided and the PWM operation is available. III. DC LINK SOFT -SWITCHED INVERTER WITH A COUPLED INDUCTOR The proposed circuit is shown in Fig. 1. In the circuit, there are two auxiliary switches Sa1 and Sa2. Inductors Lx and L are coupled with each other. C0 is the clamp capacitor. A. Principles of operation The operation of the circuit is explained by referring to Fig.1 and 2 and 3. Fig.2 shows the equivalent circuit in Mode 0) steady mode (Fig.2a): The auxiliary switch Sa1 is on and the link voltage is clamped by the capacitor C0. Meanwhile, the other auxiliary switch Sa2 is off. Mode 1) resonant mode (with Sa1 off and Sa2 on, Fig.2b): To initialize a resonant transient, assume at time t0 that Sa1 is turned off and that Sa2 is turned on just before a switching action of the main switches of the inverter. When the auxiliary switch Sa2 is turned on, the capacitor C1 resonates with L and Lx. The resonance between L, Lx and C1 causes the capacitor to discharge and pulls down the link voltage to zero. In the meantime, inductor L shares the resonant current with Lx. At time t2, the capacitor voltage reaches zero, the resonant process stops, and the current of inductor Lx freewheels through diodes paralleled with main switches. The zero-voltage condition is created for main switches and can be maintained for a short period of time that is determined by the link parameters. During this short period, the main switches of the inverter can be triggered under zero-voltage condition. Mode 2) feedback mode (with Sa1 off and Sa2 on, Fig.2c): When the Lx current freewheels, the feedback mode starts. Because of the coupled inductor feedback mechanism, the freewheeling current decreases linearly until it is zero at time t3. Thus, the switch Sa2 can be turned off under zerocurrent condition. Mode 3) charge mode (with both Sa1 and Sa2 off, Fig.2d): After the resonant stage finishes, C1 is charged by the voltage source through L. During this charge period, Da blocks the inductor Lx so that the inductors L and Lx are decoupled. The voltage source will charge the inductor L linearly until the inductor current reaches load current. When the inductor current is equal to the load current, L and C1 begin to resonate. The resonance between L and C1 keeps driving the link voltage to the clamp voltage KVs. At time t4, the dc link voltage equals to clamp voltage KVs, the parallel diode of the Sa1 starts to conduct, and excess energy is fed into the clamp capacitor C0. The conducting of Sa1’s parallel diode creates 457 the zero-voltage condition for Sa1. After time t4, Sa1 can be turned on at any time with zero-voltage condition. The circuit operation then goes back to normal steady mode. Sa1 Sa2 B. Analysis of the soft-switched inverter An analysis of the inverter operation can be performed as follows, based on the equivalent circuit shown in Fig.2. To simplify the analysis, the dc link current can be replaced by a constant current source. In charge mode (Fig.2d), the inductor is first charged linearly to the dc link current Io, I L1 = Io . (1) After the inductor current reaches the load current, the inductor L begin to resonate with C1. The equations can be expressed as: Vs sin θ Zo V c = Vs − Vs cos θ I L = I L1 + Smain Ll Ix (2) Vc1 Where Zo = L . C1 By solving equation (2), the current of inductor at the time t4 (Vc = KVs) can be found to be I L 2 = I L1 + k ( 2 − k ) Vs 2 Zo 2 . (3) t0 Il L Vs C1 Io Vs t3 t4 dt = ( k − 1)Vs L . (4) I L C0 t2 In the steady mode, the link voltage is clamped by the C0 and the inductor is discharged by the C0: dI L Io t1 Fig.3. Key waveforms in soft -switching commutation. C1 Lx Io Using the energy balance of capacitor C0, the period of the operation, which is the same as period of PWM of the main switches, can be calculated as: Ix T= (b) (a) Vs Il Il L L Lx C1 Io k (2 − k ) LC1cos −1 (1 − k ) + 2 . k − 1 (5) Fig. 4 shows a plot of T/(LC1)1/2 as a function of K. From this curve, we know the relationship between T and L, C1 under certain voltage stress K. This relationship will offer the guideline for the circuit design. Vs C1 Io Ix IV. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS (c) (d) Fig.2. The mode diagrams of DC link soft -switching operation, (a) steady mode, (b) resonant mode, (c) feedback mode, and (d) charge mode. In this novel DC link soft-switched inverter with a coupled inductor, parameters L, Lx, C1 and K need to be chosen to satisfy some specifications, such as di/dt, dv/dt and voltage stress. Given a desired clamping voltage factor K and switching period T, (LC1)1/2 can be chosen. A simple approach to estimating the EMI performance according to the di/dt value is illustrated in [9]. 458 100 100 80 T LC1 Ix 60 40 20 I 1 3.142 0 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 Clamp voltagekindex K Fig.4. The relationship between circuit parameters and clamping voltage Here is a design example. Using K=1.05 and the switching frequency of the hard-switching inverter of 20kHz. From Fig.4, we can get the value of (LC1)1/2 . Based on computation and simulation work, a set of parameters is chosen as L=40uH, Lx=16uH, Lleak=4uH and C1=47nF. From a control point of view, and in comparison with other DC link resonant inverters, this new topology has very simple control requirements to realize the soft-switched PWM strategy. There is no need to add another control loop to adjust the voltage of the clamp capacitor because the voltage balance of the clamp capacitor is maintained by nature. It only requires a trivial revision to an original hardswitching PWM control scheme. A simulation is performed to verify the analysis. Fig. 5 shows the simulation results. As can be observed from Fig.5, the dc link voltage is pulled down to zero when auxiliary circuit is activated and the coupled inductors share the resonant current. 1kw prototype inverter is also built and Fig. 6 shows the experimental results. The experimental results verify the analysis and the simulation. Vc 1 Fig.5. Simulation results of the novel inverter: Ix is the current of inductor Lx; I1 is the current of inductor L; and Vc1is the voltage of the dc link. I1 Il 10A/div Ix 10A/div Ix V. CONCLUSION In this paper, a novel DC link soft-switched inverter is presented. In comparison with other resonant link inverters, the new topology can provide soft-switched PWM strategy without suffering high voltage stress. With the help of a coupled inductor, the current stress of the auxiliary switch is greatly reduced and the switch has zero-current turn-off condition. The control of the soft-switched inverter is simple, and the voltage balance of the clamp capacitor is fulfilled naturally. The operation principles of the novel inverter are analyzed and verified by the simulations and experiments. Vds(Sa2) 250V/div Vds(Sa2) Vc1 250V/div Vc1 T/div=2us Fig.6. Experimental results of the novel inverter: I1 is the current of inductor L; Ix is the current of inductor Lx; Vc1is the voltage of the dc link; and Vds(Sa2): drain to source voltage of auxiliary switch Sa2. 459 5. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 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