1 CS 594/594L: Microprocessor Based System Design, Fall 2016


CS 594/594L: Microprocessor Based System Design, Fall 2016

Instructor: Abu Asaduzzaman


Office Location:



Preferred Method of Contact: In person during office hours or e-mail

Office Hours:

Classroom, Days/Time:


Course Website:

General University Policies

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science




TR 1:00 — 1:45PM, T 8:15 — 8:45PM 253JB

TR 3:30 — 4:15PM 330WH

310WH, TR 2:00—3:15PM; 330WH, TR 3:30—6:00PM

CS 238, CS 394 http://webs.wichita.edu/aasaduzzaman/html/cs594.html

Some general university policies pertaining to all syllabi can be found at: https://webs.wichita.edu/?u=ofdss&p=/students/syllabusinformation/

Academic Honesty

Students are responsible for knowing and following the Student Code of Conduct, can be found at http://webs.wichita.edu/inaudit/ch8_05.htm and the

Student Academic Honesty policy, can be found at http://webs.wichita.edu/inaudit/ch2_17.htm


All homework assignments in this course are individual assignments. You can discuss them with others, but you cannot write the solution together; your submission (wording/coding) should be substantially different from others’. “Collaboration is good, cheating is not!”

There will be severe consequences for academic dishonesty. This includes copying homework assignments and cheating during tests (including quizzes and exams). Cheating in any test will automatically result in an F grade for the course; this applies to ALL the parties involved (including the ones who help/show). Be aware that I do NOT have to catch you (or even notice) cheating during the test; I could catch you later, based on any unusual similarities in your answers.

Course Description

Presents development of microprocessor based systems. Studies memory systems, handling interrupts, and interfacing the processor chip with various input/output (I/O) devices. Vendor-supplied, specialpurpose chips/modules, such as interrupt controllers, programmable I/O devices, and sensor modules, are integrated into systems designed in class/lab. Labs give hands-on experience.

Definition of a Credit Hour

Success in this 4 credit hour course is based on the expectation that students will spend, for each unit of credit, a minimum of 45 hours over the length of the course (normally 3 hours per unit per week with 1 of the hours used for lecture) for instruction and preparation/studying or course related activities for a total of 180 hours.

Measurable Student Learning Outcomes: Undergraduate Level

After passing this course, students will be able to:

1) Understand the fundamental concepts, challenges, and opportunities of microprocessor based systems.

2) Design and develop simple to moderate microprocessor based systems using hardware (such as DEMOEM board) and software (such as CodeWarrior).


Measurable Student Learning Outcomes: Graduate Level

After passing this course, students will be able to:

1) Understand the importance and benefits of designing microprocessor based systems and engage in life-long learning of microprocessor based embedded systems for professional success.

2) Design, develop, and assess microprocessor based embedded systems using hardware (such as DEMOEM board) and software (such as CodeWarrior).

Required Texts

No textbook; class notes, reading materials, and lab manual/assignments will be made available via WSU Blackboard.

Reference Book: Programming Embedded Systems: With C and GNU Development Tools, Michael Barr and Anthony Massa,

O'Reilly Media, second edition, 2009.

Topics Include

Introduction: Microprocessor Based Systems a) What/Why Microprocessor Based Systems b) Basic Organization of a Microprocessor (CPU, Memory, and Bus) c) Registers, Memory system, and I/O Devices

Designing Microprocessor Systems (using Assembly language) a) Review Assembly Language using IDE68K software package b) Interrupt Processing; Interfacing Concept; Analog/Digital Serial/Parallel I/O

Programming Microprocessor Systems in C/C++ a) Review C/C++ Language using CodeWarrior IDE and DEMOEM board b) Programming Timer, Sensor, liquid crystal display (LCD), etc.

Project/Research a) Monitoring/Control Systems, Applications of Microprocessors b) Hardware-Based Security

Grading Policy

For lab assignments and team-project, different grading scales will be used for undergraduate and graduate students. For homework, quiz, and exam, same grading scale will be used for all students.

Your letter grade will be based on the following components:

Attendance and Performance: 5%

Homework (ten): 10%

Lab (ten, short quiz and experiment): 15%

Quiz (four, 30-minute in classroom): 16%

Exam-1 (before Mid-Term point): 14%

Exam-2 (before semester ends): 20%

Team-Project (Proposal, Presentation, and Report): 20%

Your final course grade will be approximately based on the following:

























Total 93 out of 100 does not guaranty an ‘A’ grade; it depends on overall class performance.


Homework assignments and their due dates will be announced in class. Late submissions will not be accepted after five days from the original due date/time. Exceptions include documented emergency situations and prior consents.

Missed Exams

Makeup for missed tests will be given only when there is a genuine reason, with clear proof. It is your responsibility to provide the proof; if the reason for missing a test is illness, a doctor’s note will be required. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to contact me BEFORE the makeup test.


Important Academic Dates

For the Fall 2016 semester, classes begin Aug 22, 2016, and end Dec 8, 2016. The last date to drop a class and

receive a W (withdrawn) instead of F (failed) is Nov 1, 2016. The final exam period is Dec 10-15, 2016.

T entative Schedule



Selected instructional materials (such as lecture notes, reading materials, homework assignments, solution keys, and project related information) and important announcements for this course will be made available via

Wichita State University (WSU) Blackboard (URL: http://blackboard.wichita.edu


Important Notes

Homework Submission: No e-mail submission. (Repeat) No e-mail submission. Everyone must turn in his/her own assignment, unless special permission is given.

Late Submission: No late submission for assignments after five days from the actual due date/time. Up to 50% points should be subtracted for any late submission.

Project Report: One printed report should be submitted by each group. (In addition, I may ask for an editable softcopy of the report.) NO late submission for project report.

Communication via E-mail: You must use your WSU e-mail account for e-mail communication.

Professionalism (e.g., proper manners) is highly expected.

 All academic dishonesty cases will be handled following the University Code of Academic

Conduct. You may check the University Catalog for further information.

Additional Information

The objective of this course is to study the basic microprocessor organization (hardware) and how to program it (software). Students who successfully complete this course should be able to design and develop (in C and/or Assembly) various useful microprocessor systems with special-purpose chips, such as interrupt controllers and programmable I/O devices. The past, present, and future of microprocessor based embedded systems should be discussed.

By continued enrollment in this class, you are certifying that you have met the pre-requisites (CS 238:

Assembly Language Programming and CS 394: Introduction to Computer Architecture) for this course.

Laboratory Information

There are two lab sections for this course; you enroll one of the two sections. A graduate teaching assistant

(GTA) should assist you in the lab sections. In addition, I’ll be available as needed. The main purpose of the lab sections is to provide you enough hardware, software, and service supports so that you can complete the lab assignments and projects. IDE68K related lab assignments should be solved individually. But CodeWarrior and DEMOEM board related problems should be solved as a group. Each group should be given one

“Microprocessor Tool Box” to use. “Microprocessor Tool Box” should have the microprocessor and some accessories. You may install the CodeWarrior software at your Laptop PC, take the “Microprocessor Tool

Box”, and work anywhere anytime. Please note that “Microprocessor Tool Boxes” belong to WSU EECS

Department and you are required to return all of them in good working condition at the end of the semester.

Lab Sections: CS 594L - 13647  Tuesdays from 3:30 to 6:00 PM 330WH

CS 594L - 13646  Thursdays from 3:30 to 6:00 PM 330WH

Lab Activities: Each lab session will have two parts: individual short quiz (25%) and group activities (75%)

Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)

Lab GTA:

Kishore K. Chidella ( kkchidella@wichita.edu


Office Hours/Room: Lab Hours, 330WH

Grading GTA:

Md Shariar Kabir ( mxkabir1@wichita.edu


Office Hours/Room: Lab Hours, 330WH

It is important to understand that the lab GTA should be in the lab (330WH) for the entire session to assist you. The lab GTA should grade your lab assignments and the grading GTA should grade your HW and quiz papers. However, the GTAs are not allowed to solve your problems (any problem). If you have any questions regarding the course materials and/or lab assignments, you should immediately contact me.

