For personal use only Contactt: Stuart S Smith RedFlow w Brisbane e Australia +61 7 33 376 0008 mith@redflow Hanna ah Wattersonn Watte erson Marketting & Comm munications Principal +61 419 531 332 hanna Emerson n Network Power P and d RedFlow announce a Asian collaaboration Uniq que Austra alian batterries integra ated into en nergy soluttions Brisban ne, QLD (July 3, 2013 3) – Emerso on Network Power, a business of E Emerson (NYSE::EMR) and a global lea ader in maxximising relia ability, deployment speeed and operatio onal efficien ncy for telec communicattions netwo orks, and Au ustralian en gineering and a manufa acturing com mpany RedF Flow (ASX: RFX) have e formed a partnership p to take Red dFlow’s unique flow batteryy storage te echnology in nto new markets. are already underway fo or a trial witth a telecom mmunication ns companyy located in the Plans a Asia-Pa acific region n and the tw wo companie es are in dis scussion wiith a Europeean-based telecom mmunication ns company y. ent Emerso on Network Power will integrate its s solar enerrgy solutions with Under tthe agreeme RedFlow w’s Zinc Brromide Module (ZBM) fflow batterie es to provide power to remote site es that lack con ntinuous po ower. attery techno ology is ide eally suited tto the telco market as it uses the ssame DC voltage “Our ba allowing g 100 per ce ent discharg ge - and op perates in te emperatures s up to 50 ddegrees Celsius,” said Stu uart Smith, chief execu utive officer,, RedFlow. “Compare this t to the leead acid ba atteries tradition nally used in n the telco sector s that ccan only dis scharge to 80 8 per centt and need air a conditio oning in ambient tempe eratures ove er 25 degre ees to ensurre ongoing pperformanc ce.” Emerson Ne etwork Pow wer’s successs in the tele ecommunic cations markket as well as a its It was E expertisse in energyy and its glo obal footprin nt that attracted RedFlo ow. “Our agreement with Emerson offers us the opportunity to expand our business into the telecommunications sector as well as other off-grid and micro-grid markets,” said Smith. “The collaboration with Emerson is an important step in the validation of RedFlow’s For personal use only technology, and the ongoing development of our prototype ZBM batteries towards a commercially ready stage.” RedFlow, a Queensland-based company, is the only provider in the world of modular zinc bromide flow batteries which lower the cost and complexity of potential implementations and enable customers to easily add more units as needed. “RedFlow’s technology also offers customers a range of environmental benefits,” said Ross Campbell, vice president for Emerson Network Power’s Energy Systems business in Asia. “Because they can be fully discharged fewer batteries are needed to power a site and there is less need to call on back-up generators. Also, because the RedFlow batteries function in ambient temperatures of up to 50 degrees they are less likely to need an air-conditioned environment. In addition, whereas industry standards recommend that lead acid batteries are replaced every five years with the consequential environmental impacts, the RedFlow ZBM batteries have largely plastic components which are expected to be less of an issue with hazardous waste,” said Campbell. RedFlow also supplied 12 ZBM batteries this year to a major USA conglomerate with some activities in the US defense industry following a trial in the second half of 2012. ### For personal use only About RedFlow RedFlow’s ZBM’s specific characteristics of daily deep charge and discharge capability mean they are ideal for storage and shifting of intermittent renewable energy, managing peak load on the grid as well as for supporting off-grid (‘island’) power systems. RedFlow currently has over 100 ZBMs deployed in the field in a number of different electricity storage applications in Australia, USA and other countries. About Emerson Network Power Emerson Network Power, a business of Emerson (NYSE:EMR), maximizes reliability, deployment speed and operational efficiency for communications networks. A trusted industry leader in smart infrastructure technologies, Emerson Network Power provides innovative, rapidly deployable solutions that deliver efficiency and uncompromised reliability regardless of network demands. Our solutions are supported globally by local Emerson Network Power service technicians. Learn more about Emerson Network Power products and services at About Emerson Emerson (NYSE: EMR), based in St. Louis, Missouri (USA), is a global leader in bringing technology and engineering together to provide innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and consumer markets around the world. The company is comprised of five business segments: Process Management, Industrial Automation, Network Power, Climate Technologies, and Commercial & Residential Solutions. Sales in fiscal 2012 were $24.4 billion. For more information, visit