Cooper Chronicle Volume III Issue III Novemer 2003 Principal’s News Dear Parents, Inside This Issue: Dr. Epperson’s Message 1 Counselor News 2 Citizen of the Month Focus 3 Media, PE 4 Art, Thank You, VIP 5 Fundraiser Update 6 Honor Roll Students 7 PTA Education Comm. 8 Bountiful Books 9 Nutrition News 10 The weekend of November 8-9, 2003 was a busy weekend at Cooper Elementary. The long awaited sidewalks were installed between the trailers. The parents who helped get the project organized and coordinated are Lee and Amy Smith. The very dedicated team of volunteers made up of parents, teachers and spouses of teachers framed out the walkways and then pushed wheelbarrows of concrete for 5 hours and a team worked on finishing the concrete, which itself is an art. A total of 540 feet of walkways were poured. I want to thank those parents who made monetary contributions to the project and Allied Readymix and Fulton Concrete who each donated nine yards of concrete to the project. We tried to get the names of those who worked over the weekend and I apologize if we have missed anyone. If you know any of the people listed below, take time to thank them for a volunteer job well done: Lee and Amy Smith, Markus Siegmann, Jeremy John, Marie and Don Sucill, Duane and Pam Smith, Dave Joachim, Bill Jones, John Taylor, Stuart Allen, Lawton Roberts, Paul McCalla, Tonda Reynolds, Ronnie Nichols, Mike Wilkerson, Alan Adams, Sandra and Forrest Reed. Our next big project is the camera surveillance system for the trailers. The funds have been raised to finance the system and we hope to get approval and move forward with installation soon. If you have any expertise in this type of system installation, please let me know. COOPER CHRONICLE VOLUME II, ISSUE PAGE 2 Counselor’s Corner Parenting Tip: Do’s and Don’ts of Disclipline DO • • • • • • Notice and comment when your child does something well. Be specific. Give your child your full attention, be affectionate, and calmly state how your child violated a rule. Respond as quickly as you notice a violation. Respond consistently. Be firm about discipline and suggest better behavior, Be consistent by setting the same standards for boys as for girls. DON’T • • • • • • • Only notice your child when he or she violates a standard. Use threats. Use physical punishments. Attack or ridicule your child. Manipulate your child with shame, humiliation, or guilt. Use labels, such as “You’re lazy.” “You’re such a slob.” Notice the violated rule sometimes and not others. Be consistent. Reminder: You received a letter from the counselors regarding Holiday Help. If you would like to make a monetary donation to the Care Team, please contact Jennifer Martin (770-554-7062) or Rachael Nolte (770-554-7063). Noteworthy News: Our fifth grade “Ram Buddies” are off and running. We have received many positive comments about their good work. “Go Ram Buddies!” 2003-2004 Cooper Ram Buddies: Taylor A. Taylor G. Sammy H. Nicole N. Tyler R. Alex W. Kelly W. Brianna D. Shelby O. Allison D. Justin R. Alex H. Zack L. Rachel P. Danielle C. Lauren H. Leah J. Bethany S. Brittany S. Taylor T. Jennifer A. Caleb B. Joshua B. Cory R. Clay A. Sydney C. Joshua C. Brad C. Shaun C. Juliana C. Miguel D. Maggie D. T.J. S. Savanna Z. Don M. Genesis R. Jada S. VOLUME III ISSUE PAGE 3 COOPER CHRONICLE Kindergarten Matthew M. Kate D. Seth R. Sydney W. Elizah W. Katie P. Cole C. Madison C. Harrison G. Matthew C. Thomas M. Second Grade Hope C. Lexie S. Kaitlyn C. Taylor T. Hailey M. Lan D. Alexis M. Jordan W. Austin H. Kami A. Fourth Grade Jessica M. Tyler R. Jasmine S. Gitty J. Berhane W. Zachary S. Fred Z. Casey A. First Grade Davis B. Lily K. Meagan R. Morgan B. Ned D. Michaela D. Emily C. John M. Devin C. Mary Beth M. Third Grade Brooke H. Merritt T. Lauren B. Lina P. Amanda C. Morgan M. Caitlyn H. Tanya B. Kinley P. Fifth Grade Lidiya D. Daniel M. Wesley F. Kelly W. Rachell P. Briana D. Samantha S. Taylor T. November Citizens of the Month Special Ed. Leann M. FOCUSING On FOCUS W.J. Cooper’s Fifth grade FOCUS program hosts…. “Survivor Challenge” As a “Kick-off” to this year’s fifth grade FOCUS program, FOCUS teachers, Kristie Horn and Holly Shelnutt planned a “Survivor Challenge” Event consisting of Team Building Challenges and Think Stations. On Wednesday, October 1st 2003, the 1st Annual “Survivor Challenge” was underway. The fifth grade FOCUS students were divided into “tribes”, assigned a tribal color, and allowed fifteen minutes to create a pennant displaying their tribal name. Once the “Opening Tribal Council” meeting was concluded, tribes began their Team Building Challenges and Think Stations. The Challenges were more physical by nature, requiring students to use both fine and gross motor skills and the Think Stations were more cognitive by nature, requiring the students to use their deductive reasoning and critical thinking skills. For example, one of the Team Building Challenges required students to make the largest bubble using rope and a bubble solution. The Think Stations ranged from trying to build the tallest toothpick tower to deciphering a secret code using a reflective object provided by the teachers. The final tribal activity required the tribes to participate in an improvisational theater skit. Each tribe had to perform their skit using a prop supplied by the teachers…. they only had 5 minutes to plan and execute their skit. This was very entertaining! A “Final Tribal Council” meeting helped to bring closure to the day’s events. The teachers held an open forum to discuss the importance of working as a team and taking responsibility as a participating member of a team. There is no “I” in TEAM… became the theme for the day and for the year! It is the hope of Mrs. Horn and Mrs. Shelnutt that these team building exercises will have positive results throughout this school year as the students face new challenges in their FOCUS classes, as well as in life! One final note…. We want to thank all of the parents who helped to make our “Survivor Challenge” Event so successful. Your time and service was most appreciated!!! Thank you!!! VOLUME III ISSUE COOPER CHRONICLE PAGE 4 Media Center Minutia In November, we celebrated National Children’s Book Week. There were a few small activities, such as, students voting for their favorite author and guessing how many books are in the media center. I think the answer to the question surprised many students! Each student also received a bookmark and there was a display of teacher’s favorite books. The Internet has changed how we locate information, and it is amazing the amount of information which can be found. Many students struggle with using the Internet and parents worry about what they will find while doing searches. I would strongly suggest students use the on-line resources provided by Gwinnett County. The county pays for subscriptions to many resources, such as, encyclopedias. A database of newspaper and periodical articles is available also. The address to access these on-line resources is Students can select either Elementary or Middle resources. The county pays for these resources, so many have passwords. The teachers have been shown the on-line resources and have the passwords to share with students. We will be doing a mid-year inventory in December. This will help us locate books missing and help us to put books back in order. On December 4-5 and December 8-9 students will NOT be able to check out NEW books. Students may keep the current books they have checked out. Once inventory is complete, they can get new books. Thank you for your understanding. The media center will be selling bookplates for the holiday season. The bookplates can be put in books to honor a teacher or a child. The cost for the bookplates will be $10.00 and the money collected will be used to purchase new books. Students will be able to select the book from the collection or as new books arrive. If you are interested, contact the media center-770-554-7065. Hello Parents, PE NEWS Things are going great in P.E. Please remind your children to wear rubber soled shoes on their PE days. With all the moving we do, this is very important so no-one twists an ankle or worse. I have written several grants this year and so far I have been able to purchase 5 Climbing Wall Panels. Hopefully, very soon, we will have the wall up and ready to use. Next, I'm sure by now everyone has heard of the Y-Tie sale going on at school. They are great gifts and great for your shoes. I have a pair in my shoes and I love them. We will be selling them throughout the year or until we sell out. So if you are in need of a pair, come see me. They come in many colors and are $3.00 a pair. The money raised will go to the Relay for Life Cancer Walk. Lastly, the Grayson-Loganville Elks Lodge is sponsoring a "Hoop Shoot" Free Throw Contest. This is open to students age 8-13. The initial phase will be held here at Cooper. The age categories are; 8-9, 10-11, 12-13. There will be a boy and a girl winner from each age group. The winners will go on to compete at the local finals held on Saturday, January 24, 2004 at Richards Middle School. From there, if they continue winning, they go to district, state, regional, and national finals. Be looking for information to come home soon. We will hold the contest before Christmas vacation. Thanks and Keep On Playing, Mr. Cash COOPER CHRONICLE VOLUME III ISSUE PAGE 5 ART WISH LIST The Art Department is still in need of donations. Currently, the most needed items are plastic Rubbermaid (under the bed/flat) containers. Approximately 50 are needed and will be used to store each class’s art work. Additional items on the wish list are: paper plates, wax paper, yarn, wrapping paper, plastic wrap, plastic cups, paper cups, foil, bars of soap, fabric, zip lock bags, disposable cameras, magazines, cans (with labels removed), ribbons, beads, and buttons. Thank you so much for helping the Art Department with you donations. Artfully Yours, Debbie Glasheen, Art Teacher Thank You Thank you to the Teacher Appreciation Committee Volunteers and the VIP Committee Volunteers for making snack day a success. The teachers really enjoyed their snacks on the early release days. Your support and dedication to these committees is very much appreciated! Thank you also to all the teachers for your dedication to our children. We appreciate everything you do. Best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday to all! Michele Kitchens Teacher Appreciation Committee Representative VOLUNTEERS ARE SHINING STARS The VIP Committee wants to Thank all of the “Shining Stars” who are helping to shape Cooper Elementary into a world class school! Reminder: December’s Lunch and Learn will be held on the 16th. Please contact your Classroom Chairperson ASAP if you are unable to volunteer at your scheduled time. Your support is greatly appreciated. VIP Representatives Darci LePage & Tara Franklin Valued your time and care Opening your heart with all you share Lending a hand whenever you’re asked Using your talents to ease our tasks Needed for your contributions Taking the time to find solutions Esteemed for your many thoughtful ways Ever eager to brighten our days Respected and treasured wherever you are Shining your light, just like a star COOPER CHRONICLE VOLUME III ISSUE PAGE 6 FALL FUNDRAISER UPDATE 2003 Dear W. J. Cooper Parents, I would like to thank everyone who participated in this event and made so many educational opportunities available to our students with your support of the Fall Fundraiser 2003. I would also like to thank the people who volunteered with me during delivery of the merchandise and pick up from parents: The coordinator: Amy Smith Marie Lance, who did so much extra work in combing forms. Stacy Kimmel Sandy Reed And of course, Jimmy and Stephanie from the PTA. A special THANK YOU to the two fifth grade classes who helped unload the truck on delivery day and without them the job would not have been done in time. Thank you to Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Rowe and the classes. There are still some open accounts out there, please send those in so we can finish this paperwork. Thank you so much, Audrey Tobin Fall Fundraiser Chairperson 2003 Don’t Forget . . . To clip and save your Box Tops for Education labels and the Campbell’s soup labels. This is a great and easy way for us to help our school! Sign up today to become a Booster Member at: and we’ll earn extra points. Thank you for your continued support and effort in this project Happy Thanksgiving VOLUME III ISSUE COOPER CHRONICLE PAGE 7 CONGRATULATIONS HONOR ROLL STUDENTS - STRAIGHT A’s The Cooper PTA Education Committee would like to congratulate the following students for earning straight A’s during the first nine weeks. Each student was presented a Certificate of Merit from Beef ‘O’ Brady’s. 2nd Grade Honor Roll Students Jessica A. Haley J. Leslie S. Ore A. Jennifer K. Lane S. Alexandra B. Alison L. Lauren S. Connor B. Grey M. Emily S. Rianna B. Alexis M. Stephanie T. Viktoria C.-G. Jesse M. Amelia T. Amber C. Emily O. Jordan W. Brian C. Kaitlin P. Michael W. Nick C. Somaly P. Dakota W. Samuel C. Destinee P. Michael W. Taylor D. Kayla R. Ashleigh W. Emily E. Emily R. Aislinn W. Meagan F. Dustin R. 3rd Grade Honor Roll Students Jessica A. Olivia C. Hannah M. Itoro A. Russell E. Alex N. Darby B. Alex G. Taylor O. Blakelee B. Taylor H. Christopher P. Tanya B. Whitney H. David P. Macy B. Brooke H. Rachel S. Ryan B. Tori J. Alex R. Imani C. Jack K. Michael W. Matthew C. Allison L. Amanda C. Preston M. 4th Grade Honor Roll Students Holley A. Nichole G. Matthew S. Connor B. Ryan H. Stacie S. Austin B. Will M. Connor T. Allie B. Stephen M. Chelsea V. Andraya C. Caitlin P. Alexa D. Wesley R. 5th Grade Honor Roll Students Jennifer A. Laura H. Nicole N. Chance B. Alex H. T.J. S. Benjamin C. Sara H. Ashley W. Nicholas C. Sammy H. Laura W. Savanna Z. PAGE 8 COOPER CHRONICLE VOLUME III ISSUE COOPER PTA EDUCATION COMMITTEE UPDATE WOW!! 1,480 BOOKS COLLECTED!!! BOOK DRIVE UPDATE THANKS FOR YOUR OVERWHELMING SUPPORT!!! We would like to thank all the students and parents who participated in sending in books for the teachers’ classroom libraries. What a great response we had with 1,480 books collected!! Congratulations to the following classes for collecting the most books in their grade level: Kindergarten – Ms. Baty’s Class – 59 books collected First Grade – Ms. Benzor/Walker’s Class – 42 books collected Second Grade – Ms. McCool’s Class – 159 books collected Third Grade – Ms. Davidson’s Class – 73 books collected Fourth Grade – Ms. Cofield’s Class – 475 books collected Fifth Grade – Ms. Seymour’s Class - 80 books collected DUE TO A GREAT RESPONSE AND PARENTS REQUESTS, WE WILL DO THIS AGAIN AFTER THE FIRST OF THE YEAR!! *Bountiful Books Program** The PTA Education Committee is continuing to seek monetary donations from families in order to purchase additional books for our media center. Names of donors will be recognized on plaques to be displayed in the media center. This effort will continue during the entire school year. Your quick response will allow for books to be purchased and in the media center to be used by our students. A special thank-you to the following contributors: GOLD LEVEL SILVER LEVEL BRONZE LEVEL Rita Cook James Cashin Glenda Laboon Linda Burton Robert Norton, Jr. Loan Duong Susan Mitchell Oyetola Oworu Robert Ray The Crim Family The Allen Family **To make a donation, please see flyer printed in this issue** VOLUME III ISSUE COOPER CHRONICLE PAGE 9 BOUNTIFUL BOOKS PROGRAM The PTA Education Committee is seeking monetary donations from families in order to purchase additional books for our media center. Literacy is the key to learning and the more opportunities your child has to read, the better he/she will become. Names of donors will be recognized on one of three plaques to be displayed in the media center: GOLD LEVEL DONATION: $100.00 SILVER LEVEL DONATION: $ 50.00 BRONZE LEVEL DONATION: $ 25.00 This effort will continue during the entire school year. Your quick response will allow for books to be purchased and in the media center to be used by our students. BOUNTIFUL BOOKS PROGRAM DONATION FORM Please make checks payable to: W.J. Cooper Elementary Please complete & return with your donation. NAME:_________________________________________________ (Please print name the way you would like it to be on the plaque) TEACHER: ______________________________________________ CHECK ATTACHED IN THE AMOUNT OF: _______________________ December 2003 NUTRITION NEWS Healthy Snacks At this time of year, it is just as easy for children to put on excess pounds as an adult. So, it is important to have healthy choices around when kids decide they want a snack. In general, snacking has become a big part of today’s fast paced society. According to a USDA survey of about 10,000 children, kids today are twice as likely to eat snack foods such as crackers, popcorn, pretzels, and corn chips as kids 20 years ago. The survey also found that soda consumption increased 37 percent among six to nine year olds. Although kids are consuming extra calories, they are still not meeting their daily-recommended dietary intake of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E, vitamin B6, zinc, and iron. This means children’s snacks need to be as healthy as their daily meals. Healthy snacks taste great and offer important nutrients that children need to grow and be healthy. Always keep healthy snack foods such as the ones listed below on hand and encourage children to pack them in their bags before leaving the house. So, what are some choices that can be offered to help meet children’s dietary needs? • Chopped raw vegetables and dip • Breadsticks or pita chips with hummus • Pretzels or popcorn • Tortilla chips with bean dip • Granola bars – a great alternative to candy bars • Raisins – kids love the single serving boxes • Fruit shakes – mix together a banana, a splash of fruit juice, and a handful of berries in the blender for a nutritious snack • Cheerios, granola or other cereal in a bag • Mini rice cakes with peanut butter • Fresh fruits • Homemade muffins or cornbread • Applesauce or other fruit cups • Baked chips • Trail mix of peanuts, raisins, and low-fat granola • Frozen fruit bars More ideas can be found at these websites: Stephanie Fitts, School Nutrition Program Manager Audrey Tobin, Nutrition Education Leader