Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes State of Wisconsin Wis. Statutes s.16.75 DOA-3070 (R08/2003) BIDS MUST BE SEALED IN AN ENVELOPE OR BOX AND ADDRESSED To: Remove from bidder list for this commodity/service. Bid envelope must be sealed and plainly marked in lower corner with due date AGENCY ADDRESS: and Request for Bid # 28164-WEG. Late bids will be rejected. Bids MUST be date and time stamped by the soliciting purchasing office on or before the date Department of Administration and time that the bid is due. Bids dated and time stamped in another office will State Bureau of Procurement be rejected. Receipt of a bid by the mail system does not constitute receipt of P. O. Box 7867 a bid by the purchasing office. Any bid which is inadvertently opened as a result of not being properly and clearly marked is subject to rejection. Bids 101 E. Wilson Street, 6th Floor must be submitted separately, i.e., not included with sample packages or other Madison, WI 53703-3405 bids. Bid openings are public unless otherwise specified. Records will be available for public inspection after issuance of the notice of intent to award or the award of the Contract. Bidder should contact person named below for an REQUEST FOR BID appointment to view the bid record. Bids shall be firm for acceptance for sixty (60) days from date of bid opening, unless otherwise noted. The attached terms and conditions apply to any subsequent award. 28164-WEG THIS IS NOT AN ORDER BIDDER (Name and Address) Bids MUST be in this office no later than August 7, 2014; 2:00 PM CT Name (Contact for further information) Bill Goff, Procurement Specialist Phone (608) 266-1002 Quote Price and Delivery FOB Wisconsin Date July 15, 2014 Description Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes for the State of Wisconsin See section 6.4 Method of Bid Payment Terms net 30 days Delivery Time Bidder claims minority or disabled veterans bidder preference pursuant to s.16.75(3m)(b) 3, Wis. Stats. A 5% preference may be granted to a minority business enterprise (MBE) and disabled veteran-owned business (DVB) certified by the Wisconsin Department of Administration, Supplier Diversity Program. If you have questions concerning the certification process, contact the Wisconsin Department of Administration, Supplier Diversity Program. Bidder preferences do not apply to printing bids. We are a work center certified under Wis. Stats. s. 16.752 employing persons with severe disabilities. Questions concerning the certification process should be addressed to the Work Center Program, State Bureau of Procurement, 6th Floor, 101 E. Wilson St., Madison, Wisconsin 53702, (608) 266-2605. Wis. Stats. s. 16.754 directs the state to purchase materials which are manufactured to the greatest extent in the United States when all other factors are substantially equal. Materials covered in our bid were manufactured in whole or in substantial part within the United States, or the majority of the component parts thereof were manufactured in whole or in substantial part in the United States. Yes No Unknown In signing this bid we also certify that we have not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement or participated in any collusion or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competition; that no attempt has been made to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a bid; that this bid has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; that this bid has not been knowingly disclosed prior to the opening of bids to any other bidder or competitor; that the above statement is accurate under penalty of perjury. We will comply with all terms, conditions and specifications required by the state in this Request for Bid and all terms of our bid. Name of Authorized Company Representative Title Phone ( ) (Type/Print) Fax ( ) Signature of Above Date email This form can be made available in accessible formats upon request to qualified individuals with disabilities. Page 1 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE .................... 3 1.1 DEFINITIONS ............................................ 3 1.2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE REQUEST FOR BID .................................. 5 1.2.1 Description of LOTs ........................ 5 1.3 GENERAL CONTRACT INFORMATION .. 7 1.3.1 Contract length / renewal................ 7 1.3.2 Evaluation Period ........................... 7 1.4 MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACT ........... 7 1.4.1 Termination for Cause .................... 7 1.4.2 Termination for Convenience ......... 8 1.4.3 Termination for Change In Law ...... 8 1.4.4 Contract Cancellation ..................... 8 1.4.5 Orderly Termination ........................ 8 1.5 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE ...................... 8 1.6 COOPERATIVE PURCHASING SERVICES ................................................. 9 1.7 ESTIMATED VOLUME .............................. 9 2.0 BIDDER QUALIFICATIONS & REQUIREMENTS .............................................. 9 2.1 EXPERIENCE .......................................... 10 2.2 MANUFACTURING ................................. 10 3.0 MANDATORY REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS OF BID .............................. 10 3.1 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS............... 10 3.1.1 Quality Standards ......................... 10 3.1.2 Electronic Communications .......... 10 3.1.3 Required Software ........................ 10 3.1.4 Required Equipment ..................... 11 3.2 SUBCONTRACTING ............................... 11 3.3 PERFORMANCE AND SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS .................................... 11 3.3.1 Quantities...................................... 11 3.3.2 Overruns/Underruns ..................... 11 3.3.3 Envelope Construction ................. 11 3.3.4 Two Sided Printing ....................... 14 3.3.5 Artwork .......................................... 14 3.3.6 Paper ............................................ 14 3.3.7 Inks ............................................... 15 3.3.8 Proofs ........................................... 15 3.3.9 Finishing ....................................... 16 3.3.10 Standard Packaging ..................... 16 3.3.11 Non-Standard Packaging ............. 17 3.3.12 Delivery Requirements ................. 17 3.3.13 Support Requirements .................. 19 3.3.14 Customer Service and Responsiveness ........................... 19 3.3.15 Production Schedule .................... 19 4.0 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF BID ............................................................. 20 4.1 ORDERING METHOD / PRICING / INVOICING / PAYMENTS........................ 20 4.1.1 Ordering Method ........................... 20 4.1.2 Invoicing ........................................ 20 4.1.3 Payments ...................................... 21 4.2 REPORTS, RECORD-KEEPING, AND RECORD RETENTION ............................ 21 4.2.1 Market: Paper Stocks ................... 21 4.3 FORCE MAJEURE .................................. 21 4.4 SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY OF MATERIALS ....................................... 22 5.0 BID PROCEDURE AND INSTRUCTIONS ...... 22 5.1 CALENDAR OF EVENTS ........................ 22 5.2 CORRESPONDENCE, CLARIFICATIONS AND QUESTIONS .... 22 5.2.1 News Releases ............................. 22 5.3 REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS .... 22 5.4 VENDORNET REGISTRATION............... 22 5.5 SUBMITTING A BID ................................. 23 5.5.1 Security Procedures, Bid Receipt.................................... 23 5.6 FORMAT OF BID RESPONSE ................ 23 5.6.1 Signed RFB Sheet ........................ 23 5.6.2 Standard Terms and Conditions for State of Wisconsin Printing...... 24 5.6.3 Samples ........................................ 24 5.6.4 Additional Information ................... 24 5.7 INCURRING COSTS ............................... 25 6.0 BID ACCEPTANCE AND AWARD ................. 25 6.1 BID OPENING .......................................... 25 6.2 BID REVIEW ............................................ 25 6.3 BID ACCEPTANCE.................................. 25 6.4 METHOD OF BID ..................................... 25 6.4.1 Pricing ........................................... 25 6.4.2 Price Chart LOTs A, B, and C Structure ....................................... 26 6.4.3 Wage Rate Adjustments ............... 26 6.5 METHOD OF AWARD ............................. 27 6.6 AWARD NOTIFICATION ......................... 27 7.0 REQUIRED FORMS ........................................ 27 Appendix A – Approved Envelope Construction Diagrams.................................. 28 A1 ZY101 ....................................................... 28 A2 ZY102 ....................................................... 28 A3 ZY105 ....................................................... 29 A4 ZY106 ....................................................... 29 A5 ZY107 ....................................................... 30 A6 ZY115 ....................................................... 30 A7 ZY116 ....................................................... 31 A8 DOT – MV2305 ........................................ 31 A9 DOT – MV3672 ........................................ 31 Page 2 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE 1.1 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Request for Bid (RFB) and resulting Contract(s), the following definitions of terms shall apply, unless otherwise indicated: Agency means an office, Department, Agency, institution of higher education, association, society or other body in state government created or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law, which is entitled to expend moneys appropriated by law, including the legislature and the courts, but not including an authority. Authorized User means any Agency or other state or local public body authorized to use statewide Contracts, as established in §§ 16.70 (1b), (1e), (2), (4) and (8), 16.73 and 66.0301 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Basic/Color Proof is the cost for a laser or PDF proof of artwork supplied by the ordering Agency. It will also be used for four (4) color work. Proofs will be trimmed or ruled out to show position and colors indicated if envelope requires up to four (4) color printing. A four (4) color laser or color digital proof may be requested for better indication of color breaks. This charge will not be allowed if the Agency supplies proof or in the case of an exact rerun. This charge is to be included in the per thousand pricing. Bid means a price quotation specifically given to a prospective purchaser by a prospective seller; a bid is an offer to sell. Bidder means any person or entity which submits a competitive bid in response to requests for bids. BPAD Bureau of Publishing and Distribution Broker is someone that acts as an agent for others, as in negotiating Contracts, purchases, or sales in return for a fee or a commission. Business Days means Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM excluding state holidays. Contract means the written document between the Department of Administration (DOA) and the Contractor containing at a minimum, the terms and conditions and the responsibilities of the Contractor and the Department based on this RFB. Contract Manager is the designated Bureau of Procurement staff personnel. Contractor means any person, or entity providing equipment, materials, supplies, contractual services to a contracting Agency of the State. Deduction for Exact Rerun is the cost per thousand deducted from the total cost of the job. Delivery Hours means delivery hours are 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except state holidays, unless otherwise noted on the order. Department means Department of Administration (DOA). Destination-Inside Door means shipping/receiving dock. DET means Division of Enterprise Technology DOT means Department of Transportation DPI means Dots Per Inch. Final Day means the date the proof is received by the ordering Agency. FOB Destination means Contractor pays for and retains title and control of goods until they are delivered and the Contract of carriage has been completed. The Contractor selects the carrier and is responsible for the risk of transportation. The Contractor is responsible for filing claims for loss or damage. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard for transferring files over the Internet. FTP programs and utilities are used to upload and download electronic files such as: web pages, graphics, and other files from your hard drive to a remote server which allows FTP access. Page 3 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes Good File means an electronic medium with all graphic and font elements included, that can be processed effectively through a commercial printers prepress/RIP program to make press plates. Image Assembly is the cost for converting supplied file or artwork to each plate. This charge will not be allowed if the job is an exact rerun. This charge is to be included in the per thousand pricing. Lithographic is a method for printing using a metal plate with a completely smooth surface. LOT is defined by the size, number of inks, and quantity of the order. Lowest Responsible Bidder means the person or entity submitting the competitive bid with the lowest price that meets the Specifications contained in the requests for bids. In establishing the lowest responsible Bidder, all of the following factors may be considered: (a) The financial ability to provide the services required or to complete the Contract; (b) The skill, judgment, experience, and resources to complete the Contract; (c) The necessary facilities, staff, personnel, and equipment to complete the Contract; (d) The demonstrated ability to satisfactorily perform the work or provide the materials in a prompt, conscientious manner; (e) The demonstrated ability to comply in situations where the award is contingent on special considerations subject to the nature of the services or Contract required; and (f) Any other factor determined to be relevant in assessing the Bidder’s ability to supply as required. (Adm. 6.01 (9)) Move Update NCOA USPS requirement to update mail list address information to receive postal discounts National Change of Address NCOALink® MPE (Mail Processing Equipment) or equivalent USPS approved software. Non-exclusive, vendor provided USPS® licensed automated system that updates addresses by matching names and addresses with current Change of address orders on file. A piece updated with NCOALink® MPE or equivalent USPS approved software can be delivered directly to the new address. NCOALink® MPEsystems interface with USPS approved automation systems such as multi-line optical character readers (MLOCRS). NCOALink® MPE or equivalent USPS approved software can be used in multiple ways: The Mailing List Correction application updates computerized name and address mailing lists before mail piece creation; the MLOCR application provides an “on-piece” address correction during mail processing before deposit into the mail stream. Customers of DOA/DET have the option of receiving address updates via an electronic file, or by receiving the actual mail piece back for address correction prior to re-mailing. Flat General term for flat-size mail—so called because the large mail is sorted without bending it so that the mail remains flat. Offset Printing is a commonly used printing method where the inked image is transferred (or "offset") from a plate to a rubber blanket, then to the printing surface. When used in combination with the lithographic process, which is based on the repulsion of oil and water, the offset method employs a flat (planographic) image carrier on which the image to be printed obtains ink from ink rollers, while the non-printing area attracts a water-based film (called "fountain solution"), keeping the non-printing areas ink-free. Purchase Card (P-Card) means State of Wisconsin VISA payment card program. PMS Pantone Matching System (inks). Preflight is a term used in the industry to describe the process of confirming that the digital files required for the printing process are all present, valid, correctly formatted, and of the desired type. Prepress is the cost for converting supplied files or artwork to printer ready files. This charge will not be allowed if the job is an exact rerun. This charge is to be included in the per thousand pricing. Page 4 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes Price Chart are the base prices used by the Agency print managers and authorized users to price out purchase orders for work. Procuring Agency means the state Agency which conducts the purchasing transaction. Production Make Ready is the cost for each color and includes plates, inking, and press make ready functions. This charge is to be included in the per thousand pricing. Request for Bid (RFB) means all documents used for soliciting bids. Raster Image Processor (RIP) A computer that accepts digital files and creates a print-ready file. Run Cost/M Charge is the cost per thousand to determine how much the Agency will pay for the number of envelopes they are ordering. Example: DOA orders 10,000 envelopes @ $12.13/M x 10/M = $121.30. This charge will include prepress, image assembly, basic/color proof, scanning, and production make ready for all LOTs. For LOTs B and C this will also include the cost for paper and black ink. Scanning is the cost for scanning each logo or other artwork that is not the proper size or are not included in electronic files. This charge is to be included in the per thousand pricing. Specification means a description of what the procuring Agency requires and, consequently, what a Bidder must offer to be considered for an award. A Specification may be a description of the physical or functional characteristics, or of the nature of a supply. It may include a description of any requirement for inspecting, testing, or preparing a supply item for delivery, the necessary performance criteria, and a description of the procedures to be followed when submitting and evaluating bids. State means State of Wisconsin. State Holidays are days on which state Agencies are legally closed and usually coincide with federal holidays in the United States; however, each state defines its own state holidays. USPS United States Postal Service Working Days are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM CT, except state holidays. 1.2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE REQUEST FOR BID The purpose of this document is to provide interested parties with information to prepare and submit a bid for printing of envelopes: commercial, booklet, and catalog sizes for the State of Wisconsin. The State, as represented by the Department of Administration, State Bureau of Procurement, intends to use the results of this process to award Contract(s) for the above said printing per Chapter 35.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes. This Request for Bid (RFB) will result in a statewide mandatory Contract for the printing and manufacturing of envelopes. This includes printing on one or two sides with one or multiple inks by the inkjet, lithographic, or flexographic process on white wove and color papers. This bid includes normal finishing operations such as standard glue, latex gum, and metal clasp. This bid includes quantities from 1,000 to 2,000,000 plus in increments of 500 for commercial size envelopes and 1,000 for booklet and catalog envelopes. All Price Charts are based on the submission of electronic artwork files by the ordering Agency. The Contractor is responsible for providing all materials and services necessary for and incidental to the manufacture and delivery of printed products as ordered by the Agencies, including insured shipping of the finished product, proofs, and the return of artwork and samples with invoices. 1.2.1 Description of LOTs This bid and resulting Contract is constructed in three (3) LOTs; A, B, and C. LOTs are based on the number of inks, printing process, and quantity. LOTs A and B will have a standard #10 window size: 4-1/4”H x 1-1/8”L with a placement of 5/8” from the bottom edge, and 5/8” from the left edge. Throughout this document and in the Price Charts, reference shall be made to these LOT designations. Page 5 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG LOT A B C Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes Description # of Inks Printing Process # of Sides Pre-Made Envelopes Commercial 24# White Wove (Diagonal Seam; with 1, 2, Inkjet 1 or 2 and without Window; with and without Safety 3, 4 Tint) Catalog 24# and 28# White Wove (Center Seam) Booklet 24# and 28# White Wove (Side Seam) # 6-3/4 ( 3 -5/8” x 6 -1/2” ) #9 ( 3 -7/8” x 8 -7/8” ) # 10 ( 4 -1/8” x 9 -1/2” ) # 11 ( 4 -1/2” x 10 -3/8” ) 6” x 9” 6 -1/2” x 9 -1/2" 9” x 12” 10” x 13” Manufactured Envelopes Commercial 24# White Wove (Diagonal Seam and 1, 2 Lithographic 1 or 2 Side Seam; with and without Window; with and or Flexographic without Safety Tint) Catalog 24# and 28# White Wove (Center Seam) Booklet 24# and 28# White Wove (Side Seam or Diagonal Seam) # 6-3/4 ( 3 -5/8” x 6 -1/2” ) #9 ( 3 -7/8” x 8 -7/8” ) # 10 ( 4 -1/8” x 9 -1/2” ) 6” x 9” 6 -1/2” x 9 -1/2" 9” x 12” 10” x 13” All LOT C - White Wove; Side Seam ZY106 Enterprise Envelopes; 500 carton pack; 28# White Wove; 1 Lithographic 1 or 2 9" x 12" Catalog; Regular Gum across the entire flap; Double Window; or No Print Flexographic Upper Window: 1"H x 3-1/2"L, placed 4-1/4" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-1/4"H x 4-1/4"L, placed 2-1/4" from bottom edge Both Windows are 5/8" from left edge ZY116 Enterprise Envelopes; 1,000 carton pack w/ center dividers; 24# White Wove; 6" x 9-1/2" Booklet; Double Window; Black Ink; Printed 1 side Upper Window: 1"H x 3-3/4"L, placed 4-1/4" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-3/8"H x 4-1/2"L, placed 2-1/4" from bottom edge Both Windows are 3/8" from left edge #10 (4-1/8” x 9-1/2”) 2,000 carton pack w/ center dividers; 24# White Wove All windows have round corners ZY101 Enterprise Envelopes #10 Double Window Safety Tinted; Black Ink; Printed 1 side Upper Window: 1"H x 3-3/4"L, placed 2-3/4" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-3/8"H x 4-1/2"L, placed 5/8" from bottom edge Both Windows are 3/8" from left edge ZY102 Enterprise Check Envelopes #10 Double Window Safety Tinted; Black Ink; Printed 1 side Upper Window: 5/8"H x 2-1/4"L, placed 3-1/8" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-1/16"H x 4-1/4"L, placed 13/16" from bottom edge; Both Windows are 3/8" from left edge Page 6 of 31 Quantity 1,000 – 50,500 – 50,000 125,500 250,500 500,500 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 50,000 125,500 250,500 500,500 50,000 100,000 – 125,000 – 250,000 – 500,000 – 1,000,000 – – – – 9,999 14,999 19,999 49,999 – 125,000 – 250,000 – 500,000 – 1,000,000 #10 With or Without Security Tint 250,000 500,500 1,000,500 2,000,500 – 500,000 – 1,000,000 – 2,000,000 – plus Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes ZY105 Enterprise Check Envelopes #10 Double Window Safety Tinted; Black Ink; Printed 1 side; "Return Service Requested" Upper Window: 5/8"H x 2-1/4"L, placed 3-1/8" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-1/16"H x 4-1/4"L, placed 13/16" from bottom edge; Both Windows are 3/8" from left edge ZY107 Enterprise Envelopes - Printed #10 Double Window Safety Tinted, Black Ink, Printed 2 sided Print in Black ink on Face - Return Service Requested Upper Window: 1"H x 3-3/4"L, placed 2-3/4" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-3/8"H x 4-1/2"L, placed 5/8" from bottom edge Both Windows are 3/8" from left edge. ZY115 Enterprise Envelopes - Printed #10 Double Window Safety Tinted, Black Ink, Printed 2 Sided Print in Black ink on Face - Important - Open Right Away Upper Window: 1"H x 3-3/4"L, placed 2-3/4" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-3/8"H x 4-1/2"L, placed 5/8" from bottom edge Both Windows are 3/8" from left edge. MV2305 Department of Transportation Envelope - Printed #10 Single Window, Black Ink, Printed 1 side Window: 1-1/8"H x 4-1/4"L, placed 5/8" from left and bottom edge MV3672 Department of Transportation Envelope – Printed #10 Single Window, Black Ink, Printed 1 side Window: 1-1/8”H x 4-1/4”L, placed 5/8” from left and bottom edge 1.3 GENERAL CONTRACT INFORMATION The Department of Administration intends to utilize the results of this RFB to award a Contract. The RFB documents, the Contractor’s response as accepted by the Procuring Agency and any purchase order issued shall become the Contract between the parties unless a separate Contract is executed. This is a mandatory Contract which means all State and UW Campuses must use this Contract for their envelope print jobs provided they meet the specifications outlined in section 1.2.1. However, this is not a mandatory Contract for municipalities; municipalities have the option to use this Contract. 1.3.1 Contract length / renewal The Contract shall be effective on the date it is executed by the Department and will run for an initial one-year period. The Department and the Contractor, upon written mutual agreement, may renew the Contract for up to two (2) additional one-year renewal periods. 1.3.2 Evaluation Period The resulting Contract is subject to an initial ninety (90) day evaluation period. If at the end of that time, the quality and/or responsiveness of the Contractor(s) are unacceptable according to the terms of this bid, the Contract may be canceled and awarded to the next lowest responsible Bidder or rebid. 1.4 MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACT The Contract must not be used for purchasing commodities or services outside of the general scope and intent of the original RFB. Any modifications made to the Contract must fall within the scope of the Bid and be rendered in writing and signed by both responsible parties or they will be void. 1.4.1 Termination for Cause The State of Wisconsin may terminate the Contract after providing the Contractor with 30 calendar days written notice of the Contractor’s right to cure a failure of the Contractor to perform under the terms of the Contract. The Contractor may terminate the Contract after providing the State 120 calendar days’ notice of the State’s right to cure a failure of the State to perform under the terms of the Contract. Upon the termination of the Contract for any reason, or upon Contract expiration, each party shall be released from all obligations to the other party arising after the date of termination or expiration, except for those that by their terms survive such termination or expiration. Page 7 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes 1.4.2 Termination for Convenience Either party may terminate the Contract at any time, without cause, by providing a written notice; the State by providing at least 30 calendar days’ notice to the Contractor, and the Contractor providing at least 120 calendar days’ notice to the State in advance of the intended date of termination. In the event of termination for convenience, the Contractor shall be entitled to receive compensation for any fees owed under the Contract. The Contractor shall also be compensated for partially completed services. In this event, compensation for such partially completed services shall be no more than the percentage of completion of the services requested, at the sole discretion of the State, multiplied by the corresponding payment for completion of such services as set forth in the Contract. Alternatively, at the sole discretion of the State, the Contractor may be compensated for the actual service hours provided. The State shall be entitled to a refund for goods or services paid for but not received or implemented, such refund to be paid within 30 days of written notice to the Contractor requesting the refund. 1.4.3 Termination for Change In Law The Contract may be terminated either by mutual agreement or at the discretion of the State following any amendment to, or judicial interpretation of, Federal or State law that: • Renders performance, enforcement or compliance with the totality of the Contract impossible, patently unreasonable, or unnecessary • Renders accomplishment of the Contract’s objectives impossible, patently unreasonable, or unnecessary. 1.4.4 Contract Cancellation The State of Wisconsin reserves the right to cancel the Contract in whole or in part without penalty if the Contractor: • Breaches or defaults an obligation under the Contract as follows: ─ Fails to perform any material obligation required under the Contract; ─ Files a petition in bankruptcy, becomes insolvent, or otherwise takes action to dissolve as a legal entity; ─ Allows any final judgment not to be satisfied or a lien not to be disputed after a legallyimposed, 30-day notice; ─ Makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; • Fails to follow the sales and use tax certification requirements of s. 77.66 of the Wisconsin Statutes; • Incurs a delinquent Wisconsin tax liability; • Fails to submit a nondiscrimination or affirmative action plan as required herein; • Fails to follow the nondiscrimination or affirmative action requirements of subch. II, Chapter 111 of the Wisconsin Statutes (Wisconsin’s Fair Employment Law); • Becomes a federally debarred Contractor; • Is excluded from federal procurement and non-procurement Contracts; • Fails to maintain and keep in force all required insurance, permits and licenses as provided in the Contract; • Fails to maintain the confidentiality of the State’s information that is considered to be Confidential Information, proprietary, or containing Personally Identifiable Information, or Contractor performance threatens the health or safety of a State or municipal employee. 1.4.5 Orderly Termination Upon termination/cancellation or other expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall immediately return to the other all papers, materials, and other properties of the other held by the Contractor for purposes of execution of this Agreement. In addition, each Party shall assist the other Party in the orderly termination of this Agreement and the transfer of all aspects hereof, tangible or intangible, as may be necessary for the orderly, non-disruptive business continuation of each Party. 1.5 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE In the event of Contract award, the contents of this RFB (including all attachments), RFB addenda and revisions, the Bid response from the successful Bidder, as accepted by the Procuring Agency, and any additional terms agreed to in writing by the parties shall be incorporated into the Contract. Failure of the successful Bidder to accept these elements into the Contract will result in the cancellation of the Contract award. Page 8 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes In the event of conflict with the incorporated elements of the Contract, the following order of precedence will prevail: • Official Purchase Order • Final Signed Contract with clarifications included • Bid Response as accepted by the State of Wisconsin • RFB 1.6 COOPERATIVE PURCHASING SERVICES Commodities and services may be made available to Authorized Users. See Bidder AgreementWisconsin’s Cooperative Purchasing Services (DOA-3333), for definitions and other information on Authorized Users. Authorized Users must be able to obtain the commodities and services procured under the Contract at the same rates agreed to by the procuring Agency and the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for confirming the status of potential Authorized Users with the Procuring Agency and providing appropriate documentation and support and reporting Contract usage by Authorized Users (see Cooperative Purchasing Form, DOA-3333 attached to this RFB). 1.7 ESTIMATED VOLUME Below is the list of Contract orders for a one-year period (April 2013 – March 2014): Envelope Regular / # of # of Total LOT Qty Size Window Colors Jobs Cost 6” x 9” R 1/0 22 120,000 $ 5.959 6” x 9” W 1/0 1 5,000 $ 506 9” x 12” R 1/0 57 424,500 $ 24,968 9” x 12” W 1/0 4 103,000 $ 12,033 10” x 13” R 1/0 37 163,000 $ 10,811 10” x 13” W 1/0 1 50,000 $ 6,176 A #6-3/4 R 1/0 10 74,500 $ 1,861 #9 R 1/0 73 513,500 $ 8,380 #10 R 1/0 322 2,771,500 $ 67,425 #10 W 1/0 11 249,500 $ 7,290 #11 R 1/0 1 50,000 $ 1,495 #11 W 1/0 1 7,500 $ 444 TOTAL LOT A 4,650,000 $ 147,348 6” x 9” R 1/0 1 80,000 $ 1,796 6” x 9” W 1/0 8 1,222,000 $ 16,324 9” x 12” R 1/0 2 15,000 $ 604 9” x 12” W 1/0 1 15,000 $ 1,897 10” x 13” W 1/0 1 67,500 $ 7,769 B #6-3/4 R 1/1 2 227,800 $ 9,069 #9 R 1/0 6 1,960,000 $ 27,117 #9 W 1/0 1 300,000 $ 4,323 #10 R 1/0 14 2,740,500 $ 39,663 #10 W 1/1 12 5,470,000 $ 100,367 TOTAL LOT B 10,845,800 $ 208,929 6” x 9-1/2” W 1/0 2 572,000 $ 13,275 C #10 W 1/0 45 35,913,000 $ 477,624 TOTAL LOT C 37,737,000 $ 490,899 The State does not guarantee any minimum or maximum volumes on the Contract. Any bid that requires a minimum quantity or dollar amount purchased shall be rejected. 2.0 BIDDER QUALIFICATIONS & REQUIREMENTS All Bidder qualifications in this section are mandatory. Failure to meet a qualification will disqualify your Bid. In the event that no Bidder is able to meet an individual mandatory requirement, the State reserves the right to continue the review of Bids and to select the Bid that most closely meets the requirements specified in this RFB. Page 9 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes 2.1 EXPERIENCE All Bidders shall have been performing print production as described in section 1.2.1 for the past five (5) years. 2.2 MANUFACTURING All work will be performed within the plant of the Contract printer unless excepted by the Department per Wis. Stats. s. 35.56(4). This Contract will not be awarded to a Broker. 3.0 MANDATORY REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS OF BID All Specifications are defined as mandatory minimum requirements unless otherwise noted. For a Bidder to be considered, the Bidder must meet all requirements listed. In the event that no Bidder is able to meet an individual mandatory requirement, the State reserves the right to continue the review of Bids and to select the Bid that most closely meets the requirements specified in this RFB. 3.1 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1.1 Quality Standards The State requires all work performed on the Contract to be of excellent quality, conforming to these quality criteria: 1. Shall not vary in size by more than 1/16”. 2. Must maintain minimum of 5/8” from bottom of envelope to bottom edge of window. 3. All envelopes must meet USPS requirements. 4. All envelopes must operate in state mailing and inserting equipment without difficulty. • Bell & Howell, Forerunner 13 • Bowe Bell & Howell, Mailstar 500 • Bowe Bell & Howell, Mailstar 750 • Bowe Bell & Howell, BH 3000 • Pitney Bowes, 5 Series Tabletop (F550) • Pitney Bowes DI900/950 Series 5. Must operate in laser printing equipment without damage to ink or glue. 6. Folding, cutting, and gluing must not interfere with the contents of the envelope. 7. Glue must be sufficient to allow perfect and permanent adhesion of flaps and seams. 8. Commercial envelopes must hold up to three (3) ounces. 9. Inking must be consistent and uniform throughout in color strength and density. 10. Correct ink match to specified PMS colors. 11. Halftones must be clean and crisp, with consistent quality at 133 line screen on uncoated stock and 150 line screen on coated stock. 12. Finishing operations must be clean and applied correctly. 13. Cutting and trimming must be square, clean and correctly aligned and positioned. 14. Regular use of quality measurement tools on press sheets, such as registration targets, star or slur targets and color bars. 15. Consistent use of densitometry throughout the prepress and press processes. 16. Consistent calibrations in the prepress and at the press and the proper use of color corrected lighting in press and proofing areas. 17. Additional controls include proper control of humidity and temperature in all production and work staging areas, paper storage in temperature and humidity controlled areas and cleanliness of work areas. The Contractor must employ industry standard process controls to ensure and maintain quality printing. 3.1.2 Electronic Communications The Contractor must have email capabilities and a file transfer protocol (FTP) web server. 3.1.3 Required Software The state will submit electronic files in a variety of software’s such as Quark Xpress, Adobe Suite, and Microsoft Suite. The Contractor must be able to work with electronic files created in these applications. Software Platforms The Contractor shall have, and be proficient in the use of software on PC and MAC platforms. Page 10 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes Digital Files Contractor must be able to edit original digital files. 3.1.4 Required Equipment Required equipment must be installed and operational in the Contractor’s plant twelve (12) months prior to the time of bid submission. In-House Production Equipment The Contractor must submit all in-house production equipment used to fulfill the Contract per section 6.6. 3.2 SUBCONTRACTING There will be not subcontracting of LOT A. The subletting of LOT B and LOT C, the conversion of flat sheets into envelopes, on the Contract are not allowed. Latex Gum and Metal Clasp applications may be subcontracted. The Contract will be between the ordering Agency and the Contractor. If the Contractor chooses to subcontract specialty operations, the Contractor will act as the Prime Contractor and is responsible for all performance of the subcontractor. The State will not be liable for charges incurred due to the fault of a subcontractor. Subcontracted work not priced in the Price Charts may be billed at no more than five (5) percent (%) above actual cost. The Bidder must identify any potential subcontractor it intends to use to provide the product or service it will provide if awarded the Contract. The Contractor may not transfer, assign, or subcontract any work without the prior consent of the State ordering Agency, nor may any of the work be performed outside of the Contractor's plant without advance approval by the State ordering Agency in writing. Any proposed substitution of a subcontractor must be submitted in writing to the Department 30 days prior to implementation of the substitution, and include the substitute’s qualifications, the reason for the change, and the intended effective date of the substitution. Failure to notify the Department may result in cancellation of the Contract without notice and without penalty to the State. 3.3 PERFORMANCE AND SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS 3.3.1 Quantities This bid includes quantities from 1,000 through 6,000,000 in increments of 500 for commercial size envelopes and 1,000 for booklet and catalog envelopes. The Price Charts are based on per one thousand run charges. Quantities under the minimum and over the maximum amount for each LOT are optional and must be negotiated and agreed upon between the Contractor and the ordering Agency. 3.3.2 Overruns/Underruns This Contract is expected to be an exact count; however, in the event of overruns the State will apply these rules: quantities ordered up to 10,000 will not exceed three (3) percent (%) and quantities ordered over 10,000 will not exceed one (1) percent (%). The Contractor will be paid for the actual quantity delivered within this tolerance. In the case of underruns, ordering Agencies may require an order be placed back on the press, at no additional charge to the ordering Agency or the ordering Agency may accept lower quantity at a negotiated price, at the sole discretion of the ordering Agency. Overruns will be priced based on run per thousand cost(s) only. 3.3.3 Envelope Construction Envelopes must be constructed and glued strong enough to allow for up to 8 sheets machine inserted and 12 sheets hand inserted 20 pound copy paper. Window material must be free of creases, lines and other obstructions for automation equipment. All envelopes produced on this Contract must meet USPS automation requirements. Any questions on USPS requirements or design elements, please contact your post office representative. Page 11 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Envelope Booklet Catalog Commercial Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes Seam Side Center Side or Diagonal All envelopes in LOT C are side seam. All envelopes for this Contract will be manufactured according to existing trade standards for the highest quality. Envelopes must be suitable for use in State of Wisconsin automated inserters and State or USPS mail processing equipment. Please see Addendum A for current approved envelope construction diagrams. Envelope Dimensions Envelopes shall not vary in size more or less than 1/16” in any direction. The center edge of the flaps of each envelope must extend no less than 1-1/4” from the top fold. Flaps must not be flat or square, but must extend no less than 1/4” further in center as near sides for operation in automatic inserter, with the center no less than 1-1/4” from top fold of flap. Sides of flap must not be parallel or flush to the sides of the envelope pocket, but must be cut at an angle to avoid interference with inserter/feeding equipment. Standard Envelope Sizes The Contractor is required to provide all envelope sizes up to 10” x 13”. See section 1.2.1, Description of LOTs, for specific sizes required per LOT. Standard Window Specifications Window size and placement must be within 1/16” as specified. Windows have round corners and are no closer than 3/8” from the left edge and no closer than 5/8” from the bottom edge. Placement of the window on the envelope will be determined by the ordering Agency. The LOT B Contractor is required to place windows in envelopes where requested. Window sizes and positions may vary with each Agency order. Other sizes of windows may be requested on this Contract. Awarded Contractor is required to provide a list of available vendor stocked window dies which will then be posted for all ordering Agencies (section 6.6). Window Clear Space Address windows must have round corners and are no closer than 3/8” from the left edge and no closer than 5/8” from the bottom edge of the envelope. Please be aware, that the consolidated Publishing and Distribution Center located in Madison WI, uses Move Update NCOA processing to meet the USPS move update requirements. Contact them if you have any questions. Website address: Distribution/Mail In matters of First-Class Mail, any envelope whose window intrudes into the barcode clear zone is not eligible for Move Update NCOA processing to meet the move update standard. Check with your local mail-piece design analyst for guidelines. Window Material and Dies For all LOTs; Poly window material shall be used and must be suitable for optical scanning by the U.S Postal service. If the Contractor does not have a requested window die configuration, the Contractor may supply a price quote for that die. State Window Envelope Standard Size The State standard for both LOTs A and B #10 window envelopes is: Window Size – 1-1/8”H x 4-1/4”L Window Position – 5/8” from the bottom edge, 5/8” from the left edge. LOT B Optional Window Sizes The LOT B awarded Bidder is required to place windows in envelopes when and where requested by the ordering Agency. Window sizes and positions may vary with each order. Below are examples of the State’s window sizes and placements: Page 12 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes Example Window Sizes Example Window Placements 1-1/8” x 4-1/2” 5/8” from bottom edge; 7/8” from left edge 1-1/2” x 3-1/2” 7-1/2” from bottom edge; 1/2” from left edge * 3” x 4-3/4” 1” from bottom edge; 4-1/2” from left edge *2-1/8” x 3-3/8” 1-5/8” x 3-3/4” *Windows sizes 3” x 4-3/4” and 2-1/8” x 3-3/8” will need a pre-order price quote. The Contractor shall supply a list of their window dies for Agency use, which will be posted with the Contract on VendorNet. If the Contractor does not have the die size requested, they may supply a pre-order price quote for that die size. LOT C Window Specifications Windows have round corners and are no closer than 3/8” from the left edge and no closer than 5/8” from the bottom edge. Any manufacturing tolerances shall not vary by more than 1/16”. Envelopes must match current envelope construction. See Section Window Material and Dies. Windows for #10 DET Commercial Envelopes Double Window Security Tint printed one and two sided for Division of Enterprise Technology (DET). All #10 DET windows are 3/8” from left edge. ZY101, ZY107, and ZY115 Upper window: 1”H x 3-3/4”L, placed 2-3/4” from bottom edge. Lower window: 1-3/8”H x 4-1/2”L, placed 5/8” from bottom edge. ZY102 and ZY105 Upper window: 5/8”H x 2-1/4"L, placed 3-1/8” from bottom edge. Lower window: 1-1/16”H x 4-1/4”L, placed 13/16” from bottom edge. Window for #10 DOT Commercial Envelope Single Window #10 printed one sided for Department of Transportation (DOT). MV2305 and MV3672 Window: 1-1/8”H x 4-1/4”L, placed 5/8” from left and bottom edge. Windows for ZY116 (6” x 9-1/2” Booklet) DET The envelopes are printed one side in black ink for the Division of Enterprise Technology (DET). Both windows are 3/8” from left edge. Upper window: 1”H x 3-3/4”L, placed 4-1/4” from bottom edge. Lower window: 1-3/8”H x 4-1/2”L, placed 2-1/4” from bottom edge. Windows for ZY106 (9” x 12” Booklet) DET The envelopes are No Print for the Division of Enterprise Technology (DET). Both windows are 5/8” from left edge. Upper window: 1”H x 3-1/2”L, placed 4-1/4” from bottom edge. Lower window: 1-1/4”H x 4-1/4”L, placed 2-1/4” from bottom edge. Glue Glue must be firm and seal to the edge of seam with no spreading of glue outside of seams of envelope or window material. Window material must be sealed firmly to edges on all sides with no adhesive extending beyond seal and no loose edges that would interfere with automatic inserting; regular gum glue on flap for sealing and no excess glue on flap. Page 13 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes Envelope Closure The standard closure for all envelopes on the Contract will be a moist enabled gummed flap. Latex Gum Latex gum is required on LOTs A and B to be available. This is a self-adhering latex adhesive on two (2) surfaces that seal on contact without moisture. Flaps are extended and adhesive is exposed. Metal Clasp Metal clasp envelopes are required to be available. This is a double prong metal clasp for added security. String and Button String and button envelopes may be requested and sublet; however, the Contractor may charge no more than five (5) percent (%) above actual cost. The ordering Agency will work with the Contractor to negotiate the cost which is subject to a pre-order price quote. Grip and Seal Grip and Seal envelopes may be requested and sublet; however, the Contractor may charge no more than five (5) percent (%) above actual cost. The ordering Agency will work with the Contractor to negotiate the cost which is subject to a pre-order price quote. 3.3.4 Two Sided Printing Two-sided printing, including security tint, is required on LOTs B and C and is shown on the Price Chart LOTs B and C. Two-sided printing on LOT A is available and shown on the Price Chart LOT A. 3.3.5 Artwork Electronic files will be submitted with each purchase order via email, mail (i.e. CD, DVD, Flash Drive) or Contractor’s FTP Site. Contractor is required to return original files at no charge. Upon request the Contractor must return final printer files to the ordering Agency. Contractor may not charge for returning electronic files during the life of the Contract. Artwork Alterations When alterations have been requested in writing by the ordering Agency, prepress charges from the Price Chart LOTs A, B, or C will be used in quarter (1/4) hour increments. Contractor will reschedule delivery date to accommodate the time it takes to complete the changes with the ordering Agency. Contractor must submit the amount of time used to do the alterations on the invoice as a separate line item. 3.3.6 Paper Virgin white wove and 24 lb. and 28 lb. are required on this Contract and supplied by the awarded Bidder. Assorted colored wove 24 lb. blue, canary, green, etc. may also be requested. Recycled stock must be made available to Agencies upon request. All papers shall be clean, free from imperfections and suitable for writing with ink or ball-point pen as well as laser and inkjet printers. Stock must meet or exceed the "normal range" standards for BASIS WEIGHT 17 x 22 - 500; WHITE WOVE. 24 lb.: Brightness 79-81, Opacity 91-93, Mullen 27-33, Tear 64-70, and Caliper .0047-to .0053 and must meet the USPS Domestic Mail Manual requirements. At each Contract renewal term, the State will review the market for paper stocks on the Contract. The Contractor will be required to keep records on the volume and types of stocks requested by state Agencies and report at the time of renewal. The Contract Manager may request a copy of actual paper invoices at the time of renewal. Agency Furnished Envelopes Some envelopes for LOT A of this Contract may be furnished by the ordering Agency on an individual order basis through the State’s paper Contract. All Agency furnished envelopes stored with the Contractor is subject to certification of envelope inventory to establish the correct envelope count. When the ordering Agency furnishes the envelopes for the print job: 1. An acknowledgement of receipt by the Contractor is required. An email or fax to the ordering Agency confirming the receipt of envelopes is acceptable. Page 14 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes 2. The Contractor is required to safely store and protect from damage all Agency furnished envelopes. 3. The Contractor is required to report and file any paperwork necessary for claims due to defective envelopes with the supplying paper vendor when envelopes are ordered from the Statewide Mandatory Paper, Printing Grade Contract. 4. It is the responsibility of the supplying paper vendor to work out resolutions to problems and to keep the ordering Agency informed of proposed remedies. Contractor Furnished Envelopes The LOT A Contractor will be required to supply stock envelopes in accordance with USPS regulations and/or the specifications listed in this document. The awarded Bidder must manufacture the stock for LOT A, these envelopes must meet the same requirements of construction and window size and placement as LOT B envelopes. Contractor Furnished Roll Paper Stock The LOT B and C Contractor will furnish all roll paper stock required on these LOTs and must meet the requirements listed in Section 3.3.6 of this document. Recycled Paper 24# recycled paper is required to be available with the cost per thousand entered on the Price Chart LOT B. Color Paper 24# color paper (i.e. blue, canary, green, etc.) is required to be available with the cost per thousand entered on the Price Chart LOT B. Kraft Paper 24# brown kraft paper is required to be available with the cost per thousand entered on the Price Chart LOT B. 3.3.7 Inks Black, process and all PMS colors must be available. A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must be provided upon request. Special Inks Special inks such as metallic, fluorescent, and tinted varnishes may be requested via a run per thousand pre-order price quote. Inside Safety Tint All available standard tint pattern samples must be provided with bid. The entire inside of the envelope except for glue areas must be covered by the requested available standard tint pattern. No vendor identification or logos may appear on the finished envelopes. Tinting must secure all information on inserts except that which appears behind windows. LOT B will be required to tint the inside of the envelope with black ink when requested by the ordering Agency. LOT C DET envelopes shall be inside tinted with the manufacturer’s standard tint pattern. 3.3.8 Proofs Proofs are included in the price charts; therefore, proofs will always be included with each order. The ordering Agency will indicate which proof is requested on the order supplement at no additional charge. The Contractor must be able to provide three (3) different types of proofs. PDF Proofs (After RIP) This is a Portable Document Format (PDF) created by Adobe that enables a document to be distributed on different systems while preserving the layout. The Contractor must have the ability of producing PDF Proofs. PDF Proofs will be provided at no additional charge. Page 15 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes Basic Proof These are plotter type proofs. These proofs will be supplied trimmed, backed-up, and folded (if necessary) to show the actual trim of final product. Color breaks may be shown by a variety of methods but may not reflect actual color. The Contractor must have the ability to produce Position Proofs. Color Proof These are color proofs that show color breaks but are not expected to match the color on the press. These proofs will be supplied trimmed, backed-up, and folded (if necessary) to show the actual trim of final product. The Contractor must have the ability to produce Basic Color Proofs. 3.3.9 Finishing Folding, scoring, and die cutting are required on the Contract and may not be subcontracted. See section 3.2. Folding Standard folding is required on the Contract for all LOTs. Scoring Scoring and perforating may be requested on some orders. Die Cutting Die cutting is required on the Contract. Drilling Drilling may be requested and sublet; however, the Contractor may charge no more than five (5) percent (%) above actual cost. The ordering Agency will work with the Contractor to negotiate the cost which is subject to a pre-order price quote. Other Finishing Operations Other finishing and special trimming operations may be requested and sublet; however, the Contractor may charge no more than five (5) percent (%) above actual cost. The ordering Agency will work with the Contractor to negotiate these costs which is subject to a pre-order price quote. 3.3.10 Standard Packaging Each order must be packed separately. Corrugated board cartons (200 lb. test or stronger) must be uniform in size and suitable for shelf storage and employee handling. Each carton in a shipment must be clearly labeled with purchase order number; name of ordering Agency, delivery address (as shown on purchase order), item contained, numbering sequence if applicable, and total order/quantity per carton. Cartons shall be shipped on sturdy four-way general purpose pallets with loaded dimensions not to exceed 36” x 48” x 72” high, stacked no more than 10 cartons high each. Double stacking pallets will not be allowed. High speed inserting equipment is sensitive to bent, wrinkled or crushed envelopes; any stock that interferes with inserting will be returned for credit. Catalog/Booklet Envelopes shall be packed per carton and each carton labeled with quantity and order number. Oversized or weak cartons are unacceptable. Loaded cartons must not weigh more than 40 pounds each. Commercial Envelopes must be firmly packed in cartons to protect against jamming and shifting, spoilage, loss, or damage during delivery. Cartons must be delivered on skids or pallets when the number of cartons reaches half a pallet or more. Packaging materials, including cartons, skids, and pallets, must be furnished by the Contractor. Ordering Agencies may request bulk packaging on some orders. Bidder’s must submit their standard bulk packaging specifications for each commercial envelope size listed in the specifications. Bulk packaging will reduce the price on a large order; this reduces the waste and handling. Bidders must list a cost per thousand reduction for bulk packaging on Price Chart LOTs A and B only. Contractor shall package an even, consistent quantity per carton, bulk packed with flaps closed in such a way as to prevent wrinkling, crushing, bending curling or shifting of contents. Double stacking pallets will not be allowed. All cartons must be labeled for quantity each carton, title of job, and total quantity. Page 16 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes For DOT envelope; bulk packaging with 2,000 envelopes per carton. Place cartons on 40” x 48” pallets, four-way entry, double-faced, general purpose, stackable. Loaded pallet must not exceed 40” width, 48” depth and 60” height. No overhang of cartons. Packaging terms are provided in Section 8 of the Standard Terms and Conditions for State of Wisconsin Printing attached to this RFB. 3.3.11 Non-Standard Packaging The charges for special packaging requirements such as shrink-wrapping, banding, and Kraft wrapping are shown on the Miscellaneous Operations price chart. Other special packaging needs such as special count/quantity packaging needs with odd sized cartons may be required and are subject to a pre-order price quote. When non-standard packaging is requested by the ordering Agency, additional package wraps are chargeable. No credit is allowed when fewer packages are requested. 3.3.12 Delivery Requirements Deliveries will be made during Delivery Hours unless otherwise noted on the purchase order. FOB Destination-Inside Door (shipping/receiving dock) to any Wisconsin destination, Freight Prepaid Seller pays freight charges for one delivery point per order is required. This does not include specific room number, floor number, or “no dock available” destinations. Deliveries will be determined by each individual ordering Agency and specified on the purchase order. Contractor will make deliveries to locations as needed during the state's normal Delivery Hours (8:00 AM-3:00 PM), excluding State of Wisconsin holidays. It is expected that all stocked items must be delivered within five (5) days of placement of an order, if such delivery time is requested by an ordering Agency. Vendors must notify the Agency immediately if the requested delivery time cannot be met. Some Agencies may have specific trucking policies i.e., UW-Madison does not permit access to trucks over thirty (30) feet in length on several designated streets on campus. Agencies must inform the printers of their policies once per Contract period. Agencies that do not have docks or docking services must make a note of it on their purchase orders. Contractors must check with Agencies for docking services. A late delivery charge in an amount not more than five (5) percent (%) per day of the net due for each working day the vendor is late may be charged to the Contractor. The late delivery fee may be deducted from any payments due the Contractor. LOT C – DET Delivery for DET LOT C envelopes will be made to the interior/ground floor or inside dock at the Department of Administration, Division of Enterprise Technology, 2316 Darwin Rd, Madison, WI 53704-3108. Dock is available. Normal delivery hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., except state holidays; however, 2316 Darwin Rd, Madison, WI 53704-3108 will receive delivery earlier than 8:00 a.m. and later than 3:00 p.m. by contacting customer service at (608) 243-2405 to arrange for outside of normal delivery hours. LOT C – DOT Delivery for DOT LOT C envelopes will be made to the inside dock at DOT Stores, 3623 Pierstorff Street, Madison, WI 53704-2518. Secure Facilities Security concerns vary statewide, but are especially important at correctional facilities and certain Department of Health Service facilities. Contractor’s and subcontractors’ employees must comply with the security requirements at each facility. Ordering Agencies are responsible for alerting Contractor to these requirements before or while placing their first order. Contractors are aware that common security restrictions include: • Identification: All of Contractor’s and subcontractors’ employees, while working on State property, must carry or display acceptable identification. Requirements vary by ordering Page 17 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes Agency. For instance, some facilities require a visible photo-ID badge, while correctional facilities may require a valid driver’s license instead. • Vehicle Security: In many locations, drivers must turn off vehicle motors and lock cab doors whenever their truck is unattended. • Patient/Inmate contact: Delivery personnel should minimize interaction with inmates or patients, and must report any verbal contact to the ordering Agency before leaving the site. Drivers who enter high security facilities must have prior approval to enter from security staff, generally involving a background check to ensure they are not convicted felons. At some facilities, trucks must be searched prior to entry and exit, causing up to 30 minutes delay each way. At some correctional facilities, drivers shall not have any weapons (including jack knives or box cutters), cell phones, pagers, drugs, tobacco products or any item deemed to be potential contraband. Correctional officers can hold these items for drivers at the delivery sally-port and return them as the driver exits the grounds. Any illegal items shall not be returned. Contractor must comply with all security, safety and identification requirements of any ordering Agency at no additional cost. All state buildings are Tobacco-Free. Contractors are not to possess or use any tobacco product inside an institution. Disregard for any facility’s policies concerning tobacco use could result in a fine and immediate expulsion of the employee from the facility. Security and Credential Review The DOC requires that all persons providing services in its facilities submit and pass criminal background and license/credential checks. History of arrests and/or convictions could disqualify an individual if deemed relevant to the position, service or site. Background checks will be conducted and paid for by the institution, and records will be maintained on site, as well as copies of credentials and licenses. Inside Facility Delivery These products may require delivery within the confines of a State of Wisconsin Correctional Facility to which access is tightly controlled. Delivery persons will need to be properly documented with approved identification: a valid Wisconsin or other State’s driver’s license. Vehicles will be subject to search upon entering and leaving said Facility. Vehicles containing weapons, drugs or drug paraphernalia, live animals, additional passengers, and/or any other restricted items will not be allowed to enter the facility. Possession of contraband may be reported to local law enforcement. The DOC will not be responsible for any additional delivery charges resulting from being denied entry by non-compliant delivery personnel. Access to DOC Institutions Execution of this Contract requires access/entrance into DOC secure facilities. All Contractor staff will be required to submit to a Criminal Background Check, which must be successfully completed prior to arrival. Although specific policies vary somewhat between facilities, the following will apply: • All vehicles entering and leaving the facility may be searched. Within the fence, contraband items are prohibited in the vehicle as well as on the person. Contraband items include but are not limited to drugs, tobacco products, cell phones, adult or pornographic materials, explosives, and weapons (including pocket knives and razor knives, unless a part of an inventoried tool box.) Tool boxes should be inventoried prior to arrival to facilitate security staff accounting. Items may be left with security, however illegal items may not be returned. • Contractor staff walking in may be required to pass through a metal detector and/or have all carry-in items x-rayed or searched. • Fraternization with inmates is prohibited. Nothing is to be given to inmates (food, mail, money, newspapers or magazines, etc.) without authorization and nothing is to be received from inmates for removal or transport from the institution. Security Issues All Contractors’ employees, while working on state property, must: Page 18 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes • Wear a clearly displayed photo identification badge (provided by the Contractor at the Contractor’s expense) showing they are employees of the Contractor. Acceptable identification includes but is not limited to photo identification or a valid driver’s license. Badges must be available but will not be required to be worn when protective clothing and respiratory protection is required. UW-Madison requires the photo identification badge to be display at shirt pocket height. • Behave in a professional manner and avoid inappropriate contact with students and ordering Agency staff. • The State reserves the right to request the removal of any objectionable Contractor from its premises. • Follow all parking policies of the ordering Agency location. Unauthorized vehicles in ordering Agency’s’ parking lots or loading docks without permits will be ticketed and/or towed. Contractor shall not assess additional costs to the ordering Agency for parking fees and violations incurred by the Contractor. 3.3.13 Support Requirements The Contractor is required to provide the following services for each order submitted on the Contract: 1. Produce the type of work described in the Contract, as ordered by the Agency. 2. Provide all materials and services required by the order. 3. Cover shipping, insurance, and other costs incidental to and necessary for proofing, manufacturing and delivering the printed product, returning artwork and samples with invoices. 4. Store and archive electronic files for the duration of the Contract. 5. Return, at no charge to the Agency, any specifically requested files during or at the end of the Contract period within 180 days after Contract has ended. 6. Write to an electronic medium, such as CD, the final electronic files during or at the end of the Contract term, see section 3.3.5. 3.3.14 Customer Service and Responsiveness Customer service and responsiveness are critical to the Contract. The Contractor is required to: 1. Maintain a primary contact for State orders throughout the term of the Contract. 2. Respond to all inquiries within 24 hours after a request is placed by an ordering Agency. 3. The Contractor is expected to review each order for accuracy and completeness and to advise the ordering Agency of any discrepancies. Orders must be acknowledged promptly, referencing the order number and delivery date. The acknowledgement becomes a firm delivery. 4. Provide pre-order price quotes for delivery charges when special delivery instructions are provided by ordering Agency before order is run on press and confirm in writing. 5. Acknowledge orders, as described in the Standard Terms and Conditions for State of Wisconsin Printing in this document. 6. Resolve conflicting/foreseeable issues with the order form. 7. Notify Agencies of scheduling problems and changes. The Contractor must notify the ordering Agency when a change in delivery date is anticipated. This notice must be made by telephone and confirmed in writing. 3.3.15 Production Schedule Agencies will request delivery dates using the following delivery schedule based on LOT. Agencies are encouraged to confirm a production schedule with the Contractor before placing critical orders. Printer Acknowledgement Contractor should acknowledge receipt of an order. Contractor is required to acknowledge an order within 48 hours if they cannot make the production schedule set forth on the purchase order. Failure to do so binds the Contractor to the original schedule. Proof Time Allowances Proofing time allowed will be two (2) working days. Proofing time begins the day Good Files are received by the Contractor. The Contractor must report any file problems to the ordering Agency within the first 24 hours of a working day (Monday through Friday, except State holidays) of receiving files. Shipping of the proof should be at the end of the next to last working day to allow the Agency to receive the proof by the Final Day. Page 19 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes The schedule may require overnight shipment of proofs on the part of the Contractor and the Agency. The Contractor will pay for shipping proofs to the Agency. The cost of shipping the proof back to the Contractor will be paid by the ordering Agency. The Contractor must take into consideration in their bid the cost of shipping proofs to the Agency for next-day delivery (e.g. UPS Next Day, Federal Express). Agencies will return proofs via the same method, when necessary to meet the production schedule. If the Agency’s files require extensive alterations due to improper preparation or require extensive proof alterations a new schedule must be negotiated with the Contractor. Standard Production Time Allowances Production Time begins with the return of the approved proof, with delivery on the last production day. All days are Working Days. LOT Quantity Proof Production Total Time Time Time A 1,000 – 100,000 2 days 7 days 9 days B 50,500 – 125,000 2 days 10 days 12 days B 125,500 – 250,000 2 days 15 days 17 days B 250,500 – 500,000 2 days 18 days 19 days B 500,500 – 1,000,000 2 days 20 days 22 days C 250,000 – 500,000 2 days 20 days 17 days C 500,001 – 1,000,000 2 days 20 days 22 days C 1,000,001 – 2,000,000 2 days 25 days 27 days C 2,000,001 – plus 2 days 30 days 32 days Scheduling Exceptions Delivery schedules of less than the standard production time allowance must be negotiated between the ordering Agency and the Contractor prior to the issuance of a purchase order. The Agency and Contractor should agree on additional charges that may be incurred before an order is placed through a pre-order price quote. The Contractor will also notify the ordering Agency immediately when problems occur in the plant that will affect delivery so alternative measures can be taken. Unless the Agency is properly notified, the Contractor is obligated to complete each order on time. Orders delivered late are subject to late delivery charges described in Section 11 of Standard Terms and Conditions for State of Wisconsin Printing. The charge for late delivery is not more than five (5) percent (%) per working day. 4.0 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF BID 4.1 ORDERING METHOD / PRICING / INVOICING / PAYMENTS 4.1.1 Ordering Method Orders will be issued by individual state Agencies or university campuses and in compliance with all requirements included in the State of Wisconsin Procurement Manual, PRO-J series. 4.1.2 Invoicing Invoicing shall be in accordance with Section 10, Invoicing in the Standard Terms and Conditions for State of Wisconsin Printing. A separate invoice with samples of completed work for each individual order must be sent directly to the ordering Agency promptly after the job is delivered. Invoices presented for payment must be submitted in accordance with instructions contained on the purchase order, including reference to purchase order number and submittal to the correct billing address for processing. Invoices shall not be dated as received or processed for payment until all accompanying items required are received by the state. Contractor invoices shall be submitted within thirty (30) days of delivery. Invoices for purchase orders shall contain complete and accurate information. All Contractor invoice discounts for quick payment must be extended to the State of Wisconsin. The Contractor shall be paid after the following has been provided: • Confirmation of receipt of delivery • Receipt of an invoice with samples that meet the requirements set forth Page 20 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes • Failure to meet Contract requirements may result in affected Agency or university campus withholding payment 4.1.3 Payments State authorized print buyers shall audit invoices and approve them for payment only if the invoice complies with the Specifications, purchase order, and samples of the completed job. See Section 10: Invoicing and Payments in the Standard Terms and Conditions for State of Wisconsin Printing. The State of Wisconsin shall pay properly itemized and submitted invoices within thirty (30) days of receipt providing goods have been delivered and accepted as specified. A payment may be in the form of a written check or purchase card payment. The State has implemented a Purchase Card (P-Card) program to reduce the volume of hardcopy payment checks that are processed from invoices. While some Agencies will continue to use a check payment process for invoices with the Contract, some Agencies may choose to establish use of the PCard method for payments. NO orders shall be accepted without an official state purchase order form. All Bidders are required to accept the State P-Card system as a payment option. Contractor is not allowed to charge additional costs for use of the purchasing card. 4.2 REPORTS, RECORD-KEEPING, AND RECORD RETENTION The Contractor must establish and maintain records of all State expenditures incurred under the Contract in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The State Bureau of Procurement and/or any designated bureau representative may request reports. The Contractor will be required to maintain records documenting Contract performance. Contractors are required to furnish quarterly (3-month) reports that contain a detailed description of each order produced under the Contract to the State Bureau of Procurement. These reports will be due by the 15th of the following month in an electronic data base format compatible with MS Excel and will include the information listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Order Entry Date Ordering Agency LOT Envelope Size Envelope Construction (i.e. Center Seam, Diagonal Seam, Side Seam) Delivery Date Quantity Number of Ink Colors (i.e. 2/1) Type of Paper Used Paper Weight Per Job Dollar Amount Duly authorized representatives of the State and the Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau shall have the right to audit, review, examine, copy, and transcribe any pertinent records or documents relating to any Contract resulting from this RFB. The Contractor shall retain all documents associated with the Contract for a period of not less than four (4) years after final payment is made. Failure to complete one or all of the required reports will be grounds for cancellation of the Contract. 4.2.1 Market: Paper Stocks At each Contract renewal term, the State will review the market for paper stocks on the Contract. The Contractor will be required to keep records on the volume and types of stocks requested by state Agencies and report at the time of renewal. The Contract Manager may request a copy of actual paper invoices at the time of renewal. 4.3 FORCE MAJEURE Neither Party shall be considered in breach of this Agreement for its failure to perform or its delay in the performance of any obligation hereunder, except for the State’s obligations to pay amounts due hereunder, if the performance of such obligation is prevented or delayed by fire, flood, explosion, war, insurrection, embargo, governmental actions or requirements, military authority, act of God, shortages Page 21 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes in the marketplace or any other event beyond the reasonable control of that Party. Contractor and State agree to take prompt reasonable actions to minimize the effects of any such event or circumstances. 4.4 SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY OF MATERIALS In addition to the Standard Terms and Conditions for State of Wisconsin Printing, the Contractor agrees to shred and destroy all waste or excess material used in producing work under the Contract or work not accepted by the ordering Agency, to prevent their use by another or in any other manner not expressly authorized by the ordering Agency. The Contractor agrees that upon failure to fully comply with this paragraph, the Contractor shall reimburse the ordering Agency any costs incurred by it in recovering materials or work or ensuring against its unauthorized use. The Contractor further agrees to pay the ordering Agency the face value, or other value ascribed the work by the ordering Agency, for work completed but not delivered or otherwise disposed of or accounted for to the satisfaction of the ordering Agency. 5.0 BID PROCEDURE AND INSTRUCTIONS 5.1 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Listed below are important dates and times by which actions related to this RFB must be completed. Bid Release Questions Due by Answers Released Bids Due by July 15, 2014 July 25, 2014, at 4:00 PM CT July 29, 2014 (tentative) August 7, 2014, 2:00 pm CT 5.2 CORRESPONDENCE, CLARIFICATIONS AND QUESTIONS Bidders must submit in writing any questions, exceptions or additions they have concerning the RFB document by July 25, 2014, 4:00 PM CT. At any time, if a Bidder discovers any significant ambiguity, error, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other deficiency in this RFB, the Bidder must immediately notify the Procuring Agency representative named below of the issue in writing and request modification or clarification of the RFB document. Bill Goff State Bureau of Procurement 101 E Wilson St, 6th Floor PO Box 7867 Madison, WI 53707-7867 Email is the preferred method of contact: Please email to: In the event it becomes necessary to provide clarifying data or information, or to revise any part of this RFB, supplements or revisions and addendums DOA-3098 will be posted on VendorNet ( No clarifications or revisions will be made by telephone. 5.2.1 News Releases News releases, information sheets or advertising concerning the Contract will not be done without the permission of the State. 5.3 REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS The Department will provide reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. If you think you need accommodations at a bid opening/Bidder conference, contact Bill Goff at (608) 266-1002 (voice) or (608) 267-0600 (FAX). 5.4 VENDORNET REGISTRATION Registration on the State of Wisconsin’s VendorNet System ( is available free of charge to all businesses and organizations that wish to sell goods and services to the State. By registering on VendorNet, a Bidder may register for a Bidders List for any commodity or Service the Bidder is interested in providing to the State. VendorNet also provides automatic e-mail notification each time a Procuring State Agency, including University of Wisconsin System campuses, posts a RFB Page 22 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes with an estimated value over $50,000 in their designated commodity and or service area(s). Registered Bidders will also receive e-mail notification of any addendums or amendments relative to an RFB. Only registered Bidders with a valid e-mail address at the time an RFB is posted will receive e-mail notifications of addendums or amendments. Bidders who obtain the RFB from a third party, through the public notice website or by any other means assume responsibility for checking for updates to the RFB. 5.5 SUBMITTING A BID Bidders must submit one hard copy, and a thumb drive or CD, of all materials listed on the Bidder Check List in their original format, i.e.; MSWord, Excel, or PDF for acceptance of their bid by the deadline shown below. BIDS MUST BE SEALED IN AN ENVELOPE OR BOX AND ADDRESSED to one of the following: USPS ADDRESS Department of Administration RFB #28164-WEG Division of Enterprise Operations Bureau of Procurement P. O. Box 7867, 6th Floor Madison, WI 53707-7867 COMMON CARRIER ADDRESS Department of Administration RFB #28164-WEG Division of Enterprise Operations Bureau of Procurement 101 E. Wilson Street, 6th Floor Madison, WI 53703-3405 Bids must be received and date and time stamped in the State Bureau of Procurement office prior to the stated bid opening time. Bids are due on August 7, 2014, 2:00 PM CT. Bids not so stamped will be considered late. Late or faxed bids will not be accepted. Receipt of a bid by the State mail system does not constitute receipt of a bid by the State Bureau of Procurement office, for purposes of this RFB. All bids must be packaged, sealed, and show the following information on the outside of the package: • Bidder's Name and Address • RFB Title • RFB Number • Bid Due Date By submitting its Bid Response, the Bidder stipulates that their Bid Response complies with all the terms and conditions of the Bid and any supplements or revisions thereto. 5.5.1 Security Procedures, Bid Receipt The Department of Administration has established new building security policies and procedures at the 101 East Wilson Street address in Madison. There is a security checkpoint in the first floor lobby. All visitors are required to provide current identification and sign in for a visitor’s pass. Security personnel will call the intended state employee prior to the visitor being allowed to proceed to their destination in the DOA building. This new policy will affect the timing for hand-deliveries of bids, proposals and other time-sensitive packages. However, properly credentialed package delivery couriers (e.g. UPS, FedEx, etc.) will be allowed to proceed without obtaining a pass. If you intend to hand-deliver your bid or proposal, please plan additional time to account for the security process to be completed. Packages cannot be date/time stamped at the security desk on the lobby level and security personnel will not sign for deliveries; the package must be date/time stamped by the office identified in the bid/proposal. The bid due date and time will not be adjusted to accommodate tardiness due to the new processes, nor will any exceptions to the due date and time be made. The State is not responsible for deliveries that do not reach their destination by the required due date and time. 5.6 FORMAT OF BID RESPONSE Bidders responding to this RFB should thoroughly read the bid document and comply with all of the requirements. All documents must be received by the Department no later than the due date and time listed in Section 5.5. 5.6.1 Signed RFB Sheet Include here the signed RFB sheet (bid cover sheet) DOA-3070 for submittal of a bid. Bids submitted in response to this RFB must be signed by the person in the Bidder's organization who is responsible for Page 23 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes the decision as to the prices being offered in the bid or by a person who has been authorized in writing to act as agent for the person responsible for the decision on prices. By submitting a signed bid, the Bidder's signatories certify that in connection with this procurement: 1. The Bidder's organization or an agent of the Bidder's organization has arrived at the prices in its bid without consultation, communication, or agreement with any other respondent or with any competitor for the purpose of restricting competition, 2. The prices quoted in the bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the Bidder's organization or by any agent of the Bidder's organization and shall not be knowingly disclosed by same, directly or indirectly, to any other respondent or to any competitor, and 3. No attempt has been made or shall be made by the Bidder's organization or by any agent of the Bidder's organization to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. 5.6.2 Standard Terms and Conditions for State of Wisconsin Printing The Standard Terms and Conditions for State of Wisconsin Printing (form DOA-3604 attached) shall govern this RFB and subsequent Contract awards. Bidders must accept these terms and conditions. Submission of any Bidder terms as a substitute for language in these Standard Terms and Conditions for State of Wisconsin Printing is not a sufficient response to this requirement and may result in rejection of the Bidder's bid. The State reserves the right to negotiate contractual terms and conditions other than those in the Standard Terms and Conditions for State of Wisconsin Printing form (DOA3604) when it is in the best interest of the State to do so. This does not mean that Bidders may take exception to mandatory bid requirements and Specifications. 5.6.3 Samples All Bidders must supply samples of each LOT being bid on as described in section 1.2.1. Samples must be clearly marked as “SAMPLE” along with corresponding LOT letter (A, B, or C). All samples supplied by the Bidder must have been produced in the Bidder’s plant on their own equipment during the twelve (12) months prior to submission of the bid. These samples will be used to verify compliance of each Bidder. Bids submitted without samples will be rejected. LOT A LOT A will have inkjet or small litho envelope production presses established and in working order for the last six months. Samples from both press types must be submitted with your bid. LOT B LOT B will have web lithographic press or presses for envelope production that are in working order for the last six months to a year. Samples for all styles of envelopes produced on this press must be submitted with your bid but must also include a list of window dies that are available to use. Multiple samples of different window die size samples must be submitted with your bid. LOT C LOT C will have web lithographic press or presses for envelope production that are in working order for the last six months to a year. All envelopes in LOT C are side seam Samples of these envelopes produced on this press must be submitted with your bid but must also include a list of window dies that are available to use. Multiple samples of different window die size samples must be submitted with your bid. Evidence of Quality Following award of this RFB, the samples provided by the successful Bidder will be used as the quality standard for the Contract and a measure of all work produced. Jobs produced below the standard of those documents agreed upon by the State and the Contractor as representative samples will be reprinted at the Contractor’s expense, including paper costs. 5.6.4 Additional Information The Bidder Check List and all forms and/or documents listed on the Bidder Check List associated with this bid document must be completed and returned with the bid submission. Omission of any one of these required forms/documents may be cause for rejection of your bid. Alteration of or failure to complete any of the required forms may be grounds for rejection of your bid. Page 24 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes Include here the completed Vendor Information, Vendor Reference, Designation of Confidentiality, Wage Information, Purchase Card Information, Subcontractor form, and any other forms required in this bid. Include printed samples for each LOT your company is bidding on and label which LOT the sample represents. Include all additional information that shall be essential to an understanding of the bid. Alteration of or failure to complete any of the required forms may be grounds for rejection of your bid. 5.7 INCURRING COSTS The State of Wisconsin is not liable for any cost incurred by a Bidder in the process of responding to this RFB. 6.0 BID ACCEPTANCE AND AWARD 6.1 BID OPENING Bids shall be opened on August 7, 2014, 2:00 PM CT at 101 E. Wilson St., 6th floor, Madison, WI. Names of the Bidders may be read aloud at that time. 6.2 BID REVIEW Bids shall be reviewed by the State to verify that they meet all specified requirements in this RFB. This verification may include contacting references furnished in this bid, requesting reports on the financial stability, and conducting site visits. • All requirements in this RFB are mandatory. • The requirements must be met at no additional cost to the State. • Conditions of the Contract that include the word “must” or “shall” describe a mandatory requirement. • All Specifications are defined as mandatory minimum requirements unless otherwise stated. • Failure to meet a mandatory requirement may disqualify your bid. • This RFB document, any amendments, addenda and the Contractor response as accepted by the State shall become the Contract. 6.3 BID ACCEPTANCE Bids which do not comply with instructions or are unable to comply with Specifications contained in the RFB shall be rejected by the State. The State retains the right to accept or reject any or all bids, or accept or reject any part of a bid deemed to be in the best interest of the State. The State shall be the sole judge as to compliance with the instructions in this RFB. 6.4 METHOD OF BID Alteration of or failure to complete any of the required forms shall be grounds for rejection of your bid. All costs for furnishing the product(s) and/or service(s) included in this bid shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions in this RFB. 6.4.1 Pricing All jobs will be priced from the Price Charts included in this RFB. Overruns will be priced based on run per thousand cost(s) only. All cost for non-standard paper will be on a pre-order price quote. In cases where the Price Charts have no provision for pricing, pricing shall be negotiated between the ordering Agency and the Contractor with a pre-order price quote. • Price Chart LOT A is to be filled out by each Bidder choosing to bid on LOT A. LOT A is for printing production located at the top and blank pre-made envelope stock by quantity ranges located at the bottom. All pricing in LOT A is to include the cost for Prepress, Image Assembly, Basic/Color Proof, Scanning, Production Make Ready, and delivery FOB Destination-Inside Door to any Wisconsin destination. Indicate additional cost per thousand for metal clasp’s on the Price Chart LOT A and deductions cost per thousand for both exact reruns and bulk packing. • Price Chart LOT B is to be filled out by each Bidder choosing to bid on LOT B. LOT B is for manufactured envelopes. All pricing in LOT B is to include the cost for Prepress, Image Assembly, Basic/Color Proof, Scanning, Production Make Ready, paper, black ink, and delivery FOB Destination-Inside Door to any Wisconsin destination. LOT B is designed for converting roll stock into envelopes. Indicate additional cost per thousand for 24# recycled paper, 24# color paper, 24# brown kraft paper, inside safety tinting, and metal clasp’s on the Price Chart LOT B. Page 25 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes Also enter deductions cost per thousand for both exact reruns and bulk packing. Enter all the different colors of paper available for both 24# and 28# on the Price Chart LOT B. • Price Chart LOT C is to be filled out by each Bidder choosing to bid on LOT C. LOT C is for double window security tint envelopes. All pricing in LOT C is to include the cost for Prepress, Image Assembly, Basic/Color Proof, Scanning, Production Make Ready, paper, black ink, and delivery FOB Destination-Inside Door to any Wisconsin destination. LOT C is designed for converting roll stock into envelopes. Indicate the deduction cost per thousand for exact reruns on the Price Chart LOT C. • Price Scenario is to be filled out by each Bidder no matter what LOT the Bidder is bidding on; however, only fill out the scenario for the LOT being bid on. Fill out the Print Scenario using the prices entered in Price Chart LOTs A, B, and C. All LOT pricing is to include the cost for Prepress, Image Assembly, Basic/Color Proof, Scanning, Production Make Ready, and delivery FOB Destination-Inside Door to any Wisconsin destination. LOTs B and C will also include the cost of paper and black ink. The “LOT A GRAND TOTAL”, “LOT B GRAND TOTAL”, and “LOT C GRAND TOTAL” will be used to compare bidder pricing for each LOT. The prices entered in LOT’s A, B, and C are required to include the cost for Prepress, Image Assembly, Basic/Color Proof, Scanning, Production Make Ready, and delivery FOB Destination-Inside Door (shipping/receiving dock) to any Wisconsin destination, Freight Prepaid Seller pays freight charges for one delivery point per order. This does not include specific room number, floor number, or “no dock available” destinations. Deliveries will be determined by each individual ordering Agency and specified on the purchase order. Orders with more than one delivery point (including specific room number, floor number, or “no dock available” destinations, beyond one major destination) or out of state locations must be communicated and cost supplied to ordering Agency in writing and may be shipped prepaid with actual freight charges for the additional locations or out of state freight added to the invoice. Freight bills must accompany the invoice. Any other special delivery requirements will be a pre-order price quote. The Price Chart LOTs A, B, and C will remain unchanged during each term of the Contract except when the Contractor submits paper supplier mill letters indicating an increase or decrease in paper prices. The Price Chart LOTs A, B, and C will be adjusted accordingly only after mutual agreement between the Contractor and the State. 6.4.2 Price Chart LOTs A, B, and C Structure Exact Reruns are any previously run order by the Contractor. Exact reruns have NO changes or revisions. 24# Recycled Paper is the cost per thousand for an ordering Agency requiring the use of recycled paper stock. 24# Colored Paper is the cost per thousand for an ordering Agency requiring the use of color paper stock. Additional time to get the color stock will be negotiated at the time of placing the order. 24# Brown Kraft Paper is the cost per thousand for an ordering Agency requiring the use of brown kraft paper stock. Inside Safety Tinting is the cost per thousand for printing a safety tint inside the envelope, LOT B only. Deduction for Bulk Packing is the cost per thousand deducted from the total for packaging envelopes in higher quantities other than 500 a box. Metal Clasp is the cost per thousand to run envelopes with metal clasps. 6.4.3 Wage Rate Adjustments Contract wage adjustments are allowed only at Contract renewal. One half of one percentage (1/2%) of change in the average wage rate may be applied to the Contract Price Chart LOTs A, B, and C. Allowable adjustments are effective at the renewal date of the Contract and do not apply to orders written before the effective date of change. The Contractor must submit a current wage statement with any request for adjustment and must supply more wage information if requested. See the Wage Information form (DOA-3543) for complete information. Page 26 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes 6.5 METHOD OF AWARD The bid award will be made on the basis of the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder per LOT. The Bidder with the lowest cost in the “LOT A GRAND TOTAL”, “LOT B GRAND TOTAL”, and “LOT C GRAND TOTAL”, located at the bottom of each LOT on the Price Scenario (attached), will be awarded the Contract; however, the State reserves the right to award multiple LOTs to a single Bidder if it is in the best interest of the State. Prices entered in the Price Chart LOTs A, B, and C (attached), must be in US dollars unless otherwise indicated. Bids that require a specific quantity or dollar amount will be disqualified. In the event of Bidder error in calculation, unit price shall prevail in award. Per Wis. Stats. s. 35.56(4) The Specifications shall provide that all work will be performed within the plant of the Contract printer unless excepted by the Department. Bidder affirms all printing will be performed within the Bidder’s plant and only Department authorized special functions may be subcontracted. The Contract will not be awarded to a broker. Before the award of any Contract, DOA shall be satisfied that the Bidder has sufficient qualified resources available for performing the work described in this bid. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to acquaint DOA with these qualifications by submitting appropriate documentation as requested or through the references. Prior to award the State reserves the right to conduct an on-site visit of the apparent winning Bidder’s facility previous to Contract signing to ensure Bidder has all required equipment in their facility. This onsite visit will be conducted during regular hours of operation at a time and date mutually agreed to. 6.6 AWARD NOTIFICATION Any Bidders, who respond to this RFB with a bid response, shall be notified by email of the State's notice to award of the Contract as a result of this RFB. Upon notification to award, Contractor must submit an in-house equipment list (section and a list of available window dies within five (5) business days after receiving the notification to award letter (section After the notice to award is made, and under the supervision of Agency staff, bids shall be available for public inspection from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM CT at 101 E. Wilson St., 6th floor, Madison WI 53703. Bidders should schedule reviews with Bill Goff at (608) 266-1002 to ensure that space is available for the review. 7.0 REQUIRED FORMS All of the following forms/documents must be completed and submitted in accordance with the instructions given in Section 5.6. Blank forms are attached in separate files on VendorNet. Omission of any one of these required forms/documents may be cause for rejection of your bid. 1. Bidder Check List 2. DOA-3027 Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information 3. DOA-3070 RFB Cover Page 4. DOA-3333 Cooperative Purchasing Agreement 5. DOA-3477 Vendor Information 6. DOA-3478 Vendor References 7. DOA-3478A Subcontractor(s) 8. DOA-3543 Wage Information 9. DOA-3604 Standard Terms and Conditions for State of Wisconsin Printing 10. DOA-3766 Vendor Purchasing Card Information 11. In-house Equipment List (awarded Contractor only: due five (5) business days after receiving the notification to award letter) formatted in any style. 12. Available Window Dies List (awarded Contractor only: due five (5) business days after receiving the notification to award letter) formatted in any style. 13. Samples of all standard tint patterns submitted with bid response 14. Standard bulk packaging specifications for each commercial envelope size 15. Print Samples of quality work produced in-house 16. Price Chart LOT A 17. Price Chart LOT B 18. Price Chart LOT C 19. Price Scenario Page 27 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes Appendix A – Approved Envelope Construction Diagrams All Envelope Construction is Side Seam and all Windows have round corners (diagrams not shown at true size) A1 A2 ZY101 2,000 carton pack w/ center dividers; 24# White Wove; #10 Double Window Safety Tinted Black Ink; Printed 1 side Upper Window: 1"H x 3-3/4"L, placed 2-3/4" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-3/8"H x 4-1/2"L, placed 5/8" from bottom edge Both Windows are 3/8" from left edge ZY102 2,000 carton pack w/ center dividers; 24# White Wove; #10 Double Window Safety Tinted Black Ink; Printed 1 side Upper Window: 5/8"H x 2-1/4"L, placed 3-1/8" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-1/16"H x 4-1/4"L, placed 13/16" from bottom edge Both Windows are 3/8" from left edge Page 28 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG A3 A4 Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes ZY105 2,000 carton pack w/ center dividers; 24# White Wove; #10 Double Window Safety Tinted Black Ink; Printed 1 side; "Return Service Requested" Upper Window: 5/8"H x 2-1/4"L, placed 3-1/8" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-1/16"H x 4-1/4"L, placed 13/16" from bottom edge Both Windows are 3/8" from left edge ZY106 500 carton pack; 28# White Wove; 9" x 12" Catalog; Regular Gum across the entire flap Double Window; No Print Upper Window: 1"H x 3-1/2"L, placed 4-1/4" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-1/4"H x 4-1/4"L, placed 2-1/4" from bottom edge Both Windows are 5/8" from left edge Page 29 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG A5 A6 Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes ZY107 2,000 carton pack w/ center dividers; 24# White Wove; #10 Double Window Safety Tinted; Black Ink; Printed 2 sided; "Return Service Requested" Upper Window: 1"H x 3-3/4"L, placed 2-3/4" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-3/8"H x 4-1/2"L, placed 5/8" from bottom edge Both Windows are 3/8" from left edge ZY115 2,000 carton pack w/ center dividers; 24# White Wove; #10 Double Window Safety Tinted; Black Ink; Printed 2 Sided; "Important - Open Right Away" Upper Window: 1"H x 3-3/4"L, placed 2-3/4" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-3/8"H x 4-1/2"L, placed 5/8" from bottom edge Both Windows are 3/8" from left edge Page 30 of 31 Request for Bid #28164-WEG A7 A8 Class 8 Printing and Manufacturing of Envelopes; Commercial, Catalog, and Booklet Sizes ZY116 1,000 carton pack w/ center dividers; 6" x 9-1/2" Booklet; 24# White Wove; Double Window Black Ink; Printed 1 side Upper Window: 1"H x 3-3/4"L, placed 4-1/4" from bottom edge Lower Window: 1-3/8"H x 4-1/2"L, placed 2-1/4" from bottom edge Both Windows are 3/8" from left edge DOT – MV2305 2,000 carton pack w/ center dividers; 24# White Wove; #10 Single Window; Black Ink; Printed 1 side Window: 1-1/8"H x 4-1/4"L, placed 5/8" from left and bottom edge A9 Page 31 of 31 DOT – MV3672 2,000 carton pack w/ center dividers; 24# White Wove; #10 Single Window; Black Ink; Printed 1 side Window: 1-1/8"H x 4-1/4"L, placed 5/8" from left and bottom edge