1. COURSE TITLE 1.1. Course number 1.2. Course area 1.3. Course

Subject: Device Technology (Tecnología de Dispositivos)
Code: 18470
Institution: Escuela Politécnica Superior
Degree: Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering
Level: Graduate
Type: Core course
Device Technology
1.1. Course number
18470 (Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering Degree)
1.2. Course area
Device Technology
1.3. Course Type
Core course
1.4. Course Level
1.5. Year
1.6. Semester
1.7. Credit allotment
6 ECTS credits
1.8. Prerequisites
It is recommended though to have coursed General Physics, Linear Algebra and
Calculus I.
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Subject: Device Technology (Tecnología de Dispositivos)
Code: 18470
Institution: Escuela Politécnica Superior
Degree: Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering
Level: Graduate
Type: Core course
1.9. Minimum attendance requirement
There are two evaluation itineraries, one with CONTINUOUS evaluation and other
without CONTINUOUS evaluation. By default, it is assumed that all students, being
enrolled in the course, choose the CONTINUOUS evaluation method.
The continuous evaluation method is closely related to class attendance. The rule to
follow in each case is as follows:
Continuous and not continuous evaluation for theoretical contents:
In both methods the theory attendance is not mandatory but strongly
Very important:
Without prior notice, tests may be done during classes for use in the continuous
evaluation. The absence during one of these classes involves the non-realization of
that test and the resulting score of zero points in the activity.
Details about the evaluation rules for each of the two modes are given in section 2.2
of the Spanish version of this guide.
1.10. Faculty data
Manuel Cervera
Departamento de Física Aplicada
Institution: Facultad de Ciencias (edificio principal)
Office: Módulo 12, Despacho 502-III
Tel.: +34 91 497 5267
e-mail: manuel.cervera (add @uam.es)
Web: Subject page at Moodle (http://moodle.uam.es/)
Office hours: The student should e-mail first to get an appointment.
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Subject: Device Technology (Tecnología de Dispositivos)
Code: 18470
Institution: Escuela Politécnica Superior
Degree: Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering
Level: Graduate
Type: Core course
1.11. Course objectives
The main objective of this course you learn the physical principles of semiconductor
materials and devices. We study and analyze the basic concepts related to the
structure of actual devices, manufacturing technology, characteristics and circuit
models. From these it is intended that the students:
- Learn about the physical basis of the operation of electronic devices,
- Know and be able to extract basic characteristics of circuit models to
describe them and their limitations,
- Acquire basic ideas of the manufacturing processes of electronic devices,
- May predict the qualitative performance of any layered structure of
semiconductor materials.
The course will provide the following skills and knowledge:
Basic: The understanding and mastery of the physics and technology of
semiconductor materials, electronic and photonic devices, logic families and their
application to circuit design and resolution of problems of engineering. More
specifically it is intended that the student be able to:
- Understand the classical model of free electrons and the band theory.
- To understand the differences between the different materials in regard to
its conductive properties.
- Knowing how intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors conduce.
- Know the device manufacturing processes and limitations established in the
- To understand the behavior of PN junctions (diode) and the PNP or NPN
bipolar transistors.
- Understand the basic operation of field effect transistors.
- Understand the characteristics and limitations of different types of logic
- Understand the basic operation of optoelectronic components and their
integration in optical communication systems.
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Subject: Device Technology (Tecnología de Dispositivos)
Code: 18470
Institution: Escuela Politécnica Superior
Degree: Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering
Level: Graduate
Type: Core course
- Ability to use different components for the design of electronic and power
systems, use of energy sources especially solar photovoltaic.
- Ability to understand and choose the right components for each type of
- Ability to use the data sheets of the component manufacturers to introduce
into the design of an electronic and/or communications.
1.12. Course contents
Synthetic program:
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Semiconductor fundamentals
Topic 3:
Transport in semiconductors
Topic 4:
PN junction
Topic 5:
Planar technology
Topic 6:
Bipolar junction transistors (BJT)
Topic 7:
Bipolar junction transistors (2)
Topic 8:
Field Effect Transistors (JFET)
Topic 9:
MOS structures
Topic 10:
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET)
Topic 11:
MOSFET transistors (2)
Topic 12:
Power devices
Topic 13:
Photodetectors and solar cells
Topic 14:
LEDs and semiconductor lasers
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Subject: Device Technology (Tecnología de Dispositivos)
Code: 18470
Institution: Escuela Politécnica Superior
Degree: Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering
Level: Graduate
Type: Core course
Detailed program:
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Fundamentals of semiconductor materials. Solid structure, bonds,
energy bands. Intrinsic semiconductors, doped semiconductors.
Crystal, polycrystalline and amorphous semiconductors; crystal
growth. Silicon.
Topic 3:
Semiconductors in equilibrium. Electrons and holes, carrier
semiconductors. The continuity equation. Charge transport in
semiconductors: diffusion and drift currents; generation and
recombination processes; carrier injection.
Topic 4:
qualitative description.
characteristic curves. Junction capacitance. Circuit models.
Switching. Special diodes: zener, tunnel, Schottky diodes.
Topic 5:
Planar technology. Epitaxial growth, oxidation and deposition
Photolithography and etching. Package. Fabrication sequence of a
PN junction.
Topic 6:
Bipolar junction transistors (BJT). Introduction: structure, types.
Operation description. Fabrication sequence.
Topic 7:
Bipolar junction transistors (2). Operation analysis. I-V
characteristic curves. Equivalent circuit models for large and
small signals. Switching. Bipolar logic families.
Topic 8:
Field Effect Transistors (JFET). Introduction: structure, types.
Operation description. Equivalent circuit models. MESFET, HJFET.
Applications of high frequency/microwave.
Topic 9:
Metal-insulating-semiconductor (MIS) structures, MOS capacitor.
Operation description. C-V characteristic curves.
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Subject: Device Technology (Tecnología de Dispositivos)
Code: 18470
Institution: Escuela Politécnica Superior
Degree: Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering
Level: Graduate
Type: Core course
Topic 10:
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET).
Introduction: structure, types. Operation description. Fabrication
Topic 11:
MOSFET transistors (2). Operation analysis. I-V characteristic
curves. Equivalent circuit models. MOS logic families: CMOS.
Topic 12:
Power devices. Overview of materials. Package. Dissipation.
Topic 13:
Radiation absorption. Optical properties of semiconductors.
Photodetectors (PIN, APD). Solar cells. Image capture devices:
Topic 14:
Radiation emission. Another look at energy bands. Radiative and
non-radiative recombination. Light emitting diodes (LEDs).
Semiconductor lasers.
1.13. Course bibliography
Primary bibliography:
Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - 2006 Electronic Edition. C.G. Fonstad.
Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Basic Principles. D.A. Neamen. 4th
revised international edition. McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2012.
Semiconductor Device Fundamentals. R.F. Pierret. 1st international edition.
Pearson, 1996.
Supplementary bibliography:
Topics 1, 2 y 3:
Introduction to Semiconductor Physics. R.B. Adler, A.C. Smith and R.L.
Longini. Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
Integrated Electronics. J. Millman and Ch.C. Halkias. Ed. McGraw-Hill.
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Subject: Device Technology (Tecnología de Dispositivos)
Code: 18470
Institution: Escuela Politécnica Superior
Degree: Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering
Level: Graduate
Type: Core course
Topic 4:
Integrated Electronics. J. Millman and Ch.C. Halkias. Ed. McGraw-Hill.
The PN Junction Diode. G.W. Neudeck. Ed. Addison Wesley.
Physical electronics and circuit models of transistors. P.E. Gray, D. De Witt,
A.R. Boothroyd and J.F. Gibbons. Ed. Wiley.
Topic 5:
- Diseño y tecnología de circuitos integrados. M.J. Morant. Ed. Addison Wesley.
(Only in Spanish.)
Integrated Electronics. J. Millman and Ch.C. Halkias. Ed. McGraw-Hill.
Topics 6 y 7:
Integrated Electronics. J. Millman and Ch.C. Halkias. Ed. McGraw-Hill.
Microelectronics. J. Millman and A. Grabel. Ed. McGraw-Hill.
Physical electronics and circuit models of transistors. P.E. Gray, D. De Witt,
A.R. Boothroyd and J.F. Gibbons. Ed. Wiley.
The bipolar junction transistor. G.W. Neudeck. Ed. Addison Wesley.
Topics 8, 9, 10 y 11:
Microelectronics. J. Millman and A. Grabel. Ed. McGraw-Hill.
Topic 12:
Physics of Semiconductor Devices. S.M. Sze. Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
Topics 13 y 14:
Physics of Semiconductor Devices. S.M. Sze. Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
Sistemas y Redes Ópticas de Comunicaciones. J.A. Martín Pereda. Ed.
Pearson. (Only in Spanish.)
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Subject: Device Technology (Tecnología de Dispositivos)
Code: 18470
Institution: Escuela Politécnica Superior
Degree: Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering
Level: Graduate
Type: Core course
Websites of interest:
Microelectronic Devices and Circuits, MIT (2009):
Integrated Microelectronic Devices, MIT (2007):
Educational Applets in Electrical Engineering:
Semiconductors and Microelectronic Devices Educational Applets. C.R.Wie.
(Mirror at http://jas.eng.buffalo.edu/)
Principles of semiconductor devices. B. Van Zeghbroeck, 2011.
PVCDROM: Electronic book on Photovoltaics. S. Bowden y C. Honsberg.
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