Summary work plan 2015 Reckitt Benckiser palm oil

work plan
palm oil
Reckitt Benckiser (RB) joined TFT as a member in late 2013 to support RB’s commitment to
take responsibility for the environmental and social quality of its products. TFT reviewed RB’s
commitments on sourcing natural materials including palm oil and requirements for
responsible sourcing.
RB Standard
As a result, the RB Standard on Responsible Sourcing of Natural Raw Materials (the
‘Standard’), originally launched in 2012 and revised in July 2014:
Supplier engagement
TFT began supplier engagement in January 2014, working with the RB palm oil procurement
team and targeting suppliers in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, India and Pakistan. During
the individual supplier meetings RB sought to ensure every supplier understood its
responsibilities in meeting the Standard. These meetings also provided opportunity for
suppliers to discuss any concerns.
RB also hosted a workshop in Delhi in 2014, to discuss how to build palm oil traceability and
deliver responsible palm oil collectively in India.
This has resulted in traceability to refinery level for all suppliers. We will continue to work
with suppliers to trace palm oil back to mills by the end of 2015.
Work plan 2015
The focus is to continue working towards achieving supply chain transparency.
This involves verified compliance with RB’s Standard for the Responsible Sourcing of Natural
Raw Materials & Zero Deforestation and palm oil commitments. Supplier engagement is
crucial in this process. TFT will continue to work with the RB procurement team to build on
the momentum it has gained. This will include targeted engagement with all of RB’s direct
soap noodle suppliers.
Supporting RB towards achieving supplier alignment to RB’s Standard on Responsible
Sourcing of Natural Raw Materials & Zero Deforestation
TFT will continue to work with the RB procurement team to promote RB’s Standard and the
obligations of suppliers, including third-party suppliers, to both comply and verify
TFT to report to RB its assessments of how well each supplier aligns with the
Standard, based on supplier meetings and additional information on policies and
Supply chain transparency – working back to mills by end 2015
Supply chain mapping will remain a key focus. The primary objective will be to obtain milllevel information for palm and palm kernel oil sources. Through this work, TFT will be
supporting RB’s aim to work with palm oil suppliers to trace palm oil back to mills by the end
of 2015.
TFT will capture and report supply chain information for each supplier.
Supply chain transformation
Once traceability to mill is achieved, TFT will conduct desktop analysis of each mill’s location
and fresh fruit bunch (FFB) sourcing catchment. This will identify mills in areas posing
potential environmental risks. TFT will seek to agree appropriate action plans with RB
suppliers to address non-compliance risks.
Complete desktop analysis of mills in each supply chain, provided suppliers make the
necessary information available.
Report results of desktop analysis to RB.
Report current level of compliance with the Standard to RB.
Report status of suppliers’ improvement action plans to RB, so far as supplier
confidentiality permits.
Complete assessments, with agreed metrics, of supplying mills against the RB
Supporting RB with external communications on progress
TFT will continue to support RB’s external communications and stakeholder engagement as
the needs arise.
Stakeholder engagements as required.
Progress reports for external communications. This will include communication on
the TFT website.