151 Willowbend Road
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Phone: 770-487-7657
Fax: 770-631-2505
Probation Services
To clarify, the City will not allow the selected probation company to use City equipment such as copy
machines. Any copying required by the Probation Company shall be their responsibility at their
151 Willowbend Road
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Phone: 770-487-7657
Fax: 770-631-2505
Probation Services
1. Is the current vendor providing an interpreter or is this a new request by the City for this procurement cycle?
RESPONSE: The Current Vendor provides this service.
2. Are there currently outstanding warrants associated with this program? RESPONSE: Yes. If so, how many?
As of 10/15/12, 169 outstanding VOP warrants exist.
3. What software package is the Clerk of the Municipal Court currently using for case management? RESPONSE:
The Clerk of Municipal Court uses Courtware.
4. Is the City interested in receiving proposals that incorporate an interface between the selected vendor’s case
management system and the Clerk of the Municipal Court case management system? RESPONSE: Yes.
5. What is the average sentence length for probationers assigned to this program? RESPONSE: The average
length is approximately 12 months.
6. How many judges preside over hearings in the City of Peachtree Municipal Court? RESPONSE: One judge
151 Willowbend Road
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Phone: 770-487-7657
Fax: 770-631-2505
Probation Services
1) How many active probationers are currently being serviced by the current provider?
RESPONSE: As of 8/31/12, 396 offenders were supervised.
2) Referencing page 8, No. 22: Please confirm it the city is requiring the vendors to provide
interpreter services only related to probation matters or all court matters? RESPONSE: All
court matters that occur on court dates (Wednesdays).
151 Willowbend Road
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Phone: 770-487-7657
Fax: 770-631-2505
October 2, 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The City of Peachtree City will be accepting sealed proposals (one original and two copies) at the office of the
Purchasing Department, 151 Willowbend Road, Peachtree City, Georgia 30269, for the Purpose of Providing
Probation Services for the City until 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 25, 2012. The proposals will be
opened at that time and place and the name of each Proposer shall be announced. Proposals received after the
set time will not be considered.
All proposals must strictly conform to the specifications and scope of work which are available on the City’s
web site at
The City expects to enter into a one year contract for services (January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013),
with the option of extending the contract for two (2) additional calendar years.
Proposals (one original and two copies) are to be submitted in a sealed envelope, with the name of the service
(Probation #13-111PMC ) clearly marked on the face of the envelope. The date and time of opening are also
to be included, along with the name of the company submitting the proposal. Items to be included in the
proposal package are listed below. The proposal made by any company or firm must be signed in the name of
such company or firm in a legal manner by a duly authorized officer; and the principal place of business must be
shown (no post office boxes).
It is the City’s intention to have a panel review the sealed proposals. The panel will based their decisions on the
following weighted criteria:
Prior Related Experience
Cost/Fee Proposal
Organization Description – Availability of Personnel
Contract Management Plan/Services Outline
The City Attorney will review any contract and the Peachtree City Council, at a regularly scheduled meeting, will
award the contract.
No proposals may be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days after the scheduled time to receive the proposal.
Any request for clarification must be made in writing (hand delivered, letter, fax, or e-mail – to Angela Egan, Purchasing Agent, by the close of business, no less than five business days prior to the
submission of proposals. Any clarification issued will be in the form of an addendum to the proposal instructions,
plans, or specifications and will be issued to all potential offerors not later than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the
time of submission of proposals. Any addendums will also be placed on the City’s web site at Although the Purchasing Department will take effort to send any addendum to known firms, it is
the proposer’s ultimate responsibility to ensure that they have all applicable addenda prior to submittal.
This may be accomplished via contact with the Purchasing Agent or by visiting the City’s website prior to
The City reserves the right to award the contract on the phases it deems to be in the City’s best interest.
The City will choose the lowest, best, responsible, or responsive offer. The City will exercise its discretion in
awarding the contract to the offeror who best satisfies the needs of the City. The City also reserves the right to
reject any and all proposals and to waive any and all irregularities. The City’s policy and procedures for this
process are available in the Purchasing Department for inspection.
Proposals will not be accepted from any person, firm, or corporation who is in arrears in any debt or obligation to
the City of Peachtree City or any other governmental entity.
Ownership of all data, materials, and documentation prepared for and submitted to the City in response to this
request for proposals shall belong exclusively to the City and will be considered a record prepared and
maintained or received in the course of operations of a public office or agency and subject to public inspection in
accordance with the Georgia Open Records Act, Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Section 50-18-70, et.seq.,
unless otherwise provided by law.
Questions regarding the scope of services may be directed to Angela Egan at
Notice: The logo of the City of Peachtree City is protected and may not be used in submissions to the City.
When using a logo, proposers should use only their corporate logos.
Angela Egan
Purchasing Agent
Peachtree City Purchasing Department requests experienced probation services providers to submit proposals
for conducting and supervising of a probation management system for The City of Peachtree City Municipal
Court. The Peachtree City Municipal Court holds court on Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and handles
approximately 6,000 to 8,000 cases annually.
Probation services are provided for defendants for committing violation of State law and municipal ordinance
offenses that directly affect the quality of life of the citizens of Peachtree City.
Proposals must be received no later than 3:30 p.m. on October 25, 2012 to be considered. Proposals
should be directed to Ms. Angela Egan, Purchasing Agent, at City Hall, 151 Willowbend Road, Peachtree City,
GA 30269.
Any proposals received after the above stated time and date will not be considered. It shall be the sole
responsibility of the vendor to have his/her proposal delivered to the City of Peachtree City Purchasing
Department for receipt on or before the above stated time and date. If a proposal is sent by U.S. Mail, the
vendor shall be responsible for its timely delivery to the Purchasing Department. Proposals delayed by mail will
not be considered and shall not be opened.
Three copies (one original and two copies) shall be submitted in one (1) sealed package with the cost
proposal sealed separately from the rest of the proposals. The original should be marked "Original". The
envelope/package shall be clearly marked on the outside: “Probation Svcs. #13-111PMC”, and addressed to:
Angela Egan, Purchasing Agent
City of Peachtree City Purchasing Department
151 Willowbend Road
Peachtree City, Georgia 30296
Proposals shall be publicly received, with only the names of the vendors disclosed at the above stated date and
Proposals shall clearly indicate the legal name, address, and telephone number of the vendor (company, firm,
partnership, individual). Proposals shall be signed above the typed or printed name and title of the signer. The
signer shall have the authority to bind the vendor to the submitted proposal.
The City expects to enter into a one year contract for services (January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013),
with the option of extending the contract for two (2) additional calendar years.
Each vendor shall examine all proposal documents and shall judge all matters relating to the adequacy and
accuracy of such documents. Any inquiries, suggestions or requests concerning interpretation, clarification or
additional information pertaining to the request for proposal shall be made through the City’s Purchasing
Department. The City will recognize only communications from firms that are in writing as duly authorized
expressions on behalf of vendors.
The City shall not be responsible for oral interpretations given by any City Employee, representative or others.
The issuance of an addendum is the only official method whereby interpretation, clarification or additional
information can be given. For technical information, submit written questions to: Angela Egan, Purchasing Agent,
Fax: (770) 631-2505 or email
If any addenda are issued to the request for proposal, the City will attempt to notify all prospective vendors who
have secured same. Any addendums will also be placed on the City’s web site at
However, it shall be the responsibility of each vendor, prior to submitting the proposal to determine if
addenda were issued and to make such addenda a part of the proposal. Any clarification issued will be in the
form of an addendum to the proposal instructions, plans, or specifications and will be issued to all potential
offerors not later than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the time of submission of proposals and any addendums
will also be placed on the City’s web site at
All expenses for making proposals to the City are to be borne by the vendor.
Any proposal may be withdrawn up until the date and time set above for receipt of the proposals. Any proposals
not so withdrawn shall, upon opening, constitute an irrevocable offer for a period of ninety (90) days to furnish
the City with the services set forth in the attached scope of work until a proposal has been duly submitted and
accepted by the Peachtree City Council. City Council action on proposals will normally be taken within ninety (90)
days of receipt of proposal; however, no guarantee or representation is made herein as to the time between
receipt of proposal and subsequent City Council action.
The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all proposals, to waive irregularities and
technicalities, and to request re-submission. Any sole response that is received the first submission date may or
may not be rejected by the City depending on available competition and timely needs of the City. There is no
obligation on the part of the City to award the contract to the lowest vendor and the City reserves the right to
award the contract submitting a responsive proposal with a resulting agreement that is in its best interest and its
decision shall be final.
Also, the City reserves the right to make such investigation as it deems necessary to determine the ability of any
vendor to perform the work or service requested. The vendor shall provide information the City deems necessary
to make this determination. Such information may include, but shall not be limited to current financial statements
by an independent CPA; verification of availability of personnel; and past performance records.
Any agreement or contract resulting from the acceptance of a proposal shall be on a City approved form
document. The City reserves the right to reject any agreement which does not conform to the request for
proposal and any City requirements for agreements and contracts.
INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Insurance must be written by a licensed agent in a company licensed to write
insurance in the State of Georgia, and acceptable to Peachtree City. Insurance coverage must be current from
time of award through the period of final acceptance from Peachtree City. Proposers shall submit with their
proposal, proof of ability to provide the types and amounts of insurance specified below. The following
requirements shall apply.
A. Policies and/or certificates certifying policies are to contain an agreement that the policies will not be
changed and/or canceled without a ten (10) day prior notice to Peachtree City, as evidenced by return
receipts of registered or certified letters.
B. Each respondent shall submit with the proposal, proof to provide the types and amounts insurance
indicated below. The insurance shall be for the contract period.
C. The successful respondent must maintain, at their expense, insurance in at least the following amounts
and types.
1. WORKERS COMPENSATION – STATUTORY (In compliance with the Georgia Workers
Compensation Act)
2. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE (Including Contractual Liability Insurance)
Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Each Occurrence
(Other than Products/Completed Operations)
General Aggregate
Products\Completed Operation Aggregate Limit
Personal and Advertising Injury Limits
Fire Damage Limits
$ 100,000.
Combined Single Limits
Each Occurrence
(Including operation of non-owned, owned, and hired automobiles).
(In excess of above noted coverage’s)
Each Occurrence
Each Occurrence
(Required if respondent providing quotation for professional services).
(Employee Dishonesty)
Each Occurrence
Insurance in no way Limits the Liability of the Respondent.
$ 100,000
The vendor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents of same from and
against any and all losses, costs, expenses, including attorneys fees, claims, suits and judgments whatsoever in
connection with injury to or death of any person or persons or loss of or damage to property resulting from and all
operations performed by the vendor, its officers, employees and agents under any terms of the contract
Compliance with Georgia Security & Immigration Compliance Act of 2006
House Bill 2, Section 1
(b)(1) No public employer shall enter into a contract pursuant to this chapter for the physical performance of
services within this state unless the contractor registers and participates in the federal work authorization
program to verify information of all newly hired employees or subcontractors. Before a bid for any such service
is considered by a public employer, the bid shall include a signed, notarized affidavit from the contractor
attesting to the following:
(A) The affiant has registered with and is authorized to use the federal work authorization program;
(B) The user identification number and date of authorization for the affiant; and
(C) The affiant is using and will continue to use the federal work authorization program throughout the
contract period.
An affidavit required by this subsection shall be considered an open public record once a public employer has
entered into a contract for services; provided, however, that any information protected from public disclosure by
federal law shall be redacted.
Sample forms are attached.
Upon award, completion of the SAVE form is required. A sample form is attached also.
A. General
CONTRACTOR agrees to provide the following probation services for and on behalf of the Peachtree City
Municipal Court, hereinafter referred to as the COURT:
1. CONTRACTOR shall be on call for all regularly scheduled plea and arraignment hearings, and all other
criminal hearings as requested by a judge or judge designee of the Peachtree City Municipal Court, for
the purpose of providing private probationary services for each Probationer placed on probation during
the hearings. Dates of regularly scheduled court sessions will be available to CONTRACTOR at least
thirty days in advance of the hearing. Other hearings or court sessions may be called by a judge on a
shorter notice.
Conduct an initial interview with each probationer at the time of his or her sentencing or as soon
thereafter as is practicable for purposes of explaining the scope of the court order relative to fines and/or
restitution imposed as well as requirements and conditions for probation supervision. CONTRACTOR
shall obtain current and correct probationer information including the correct spellings of their name,
address, place of employment, and vehicle description (including tag #). Any information found to have
been given to the CONTRACTOR by the probationer falsely shall result in a violation of that probation.
3. Collect from Probationers Court ordered fines, restitution and other costs associated with all orders,
judgments and sentences of the COURT.
4. Prepare referrals and lend assistance to probationers either ordered to receive or desiring employment
assistance or counseling. Probationers identified by the COURT as having special treatment and/or
education needs will be referred to appropriate community programs and their progress followed and
noted in their case record.
5. Drug and alcohol counseling and urinalysis will be addressed with Probationers identified by the COURT
as having drug or alcohol related difficulties. If counseling or urine surveillance is ordered by the COURT,
Probationers will assume the cost of random drug/urine testing. Probationers ordered to participate in
regular evaluation for alcohol, drug, or domestic violence will receive intensive supervision.
6. CONTRACTOR will provide electronic monitoring services to the COURT and City at the direction of the
COURT. The cost of these services will be paid by the probationer to the CONTRACTOR.
7. CONTRACTOR will coordinate community service work as required as a condition of probation by the
COURT. CONTRACTOR will coordinate only that community service work that is reasonably consistent
with those duties performed by regular, unskilled labor City employees.
8. CONTRACTOR will maintain case files on each probationer regarding compliance with the terms and
conditions of probation, reporting dates, contract as they occur and on the amounts and dates of monies
collected. This will include maintenance of current address information.
9. All reports, files, records, and papers relative to the supervision of Probationers by the CONTRACTOR
shall be confidential and shall be available only to the COURT, or affected City officials or departments,
or as otherwise mandated by Open Records law.
10. All reports, files, records, and papers relative to the supervision of Probationers by the CONTRACTOR
are to be retained in accordance with Georgia State law.
11. CONTRACTOR will provide the COURT, and others as may be determined by the Court Clerk, with a
monthly report identifying the number of offenders supervised, court collectable cases, new cases,
closed cases (closed successfully, closed modified and closed unsuccessfully), warrants (both new and
outstanding), fines (total fines, fine amounts paid this month, balances due), number of restitution cases
and restitution paid this month, fees collected, Community Service (Court-ordered hours, hours done in
lieu of fine hours and total hours given), number of cases on Pre-Trial Intervention and Conditional
Discharge programs (including fees specially collected for Pre-Trial Intervention program), and numbers
of individuals referred to various community programs, specifically to Keep Peachtree Beautiful program.
Format of said report shall be determined by the Court Clerk but should include, at a minimum, current
month, year to date, and cumulative totals where appropriate. Reports are due to the Court Clerk’s office
within fifteen (15) calendar days of a month / quarter / year end close. In addition, the CONTRACTOR
will supply the COURT with a copy of the quarterly and annual State mandated reports within fifteen (15)
days of submittal to the State of Georgia.
12. CONTRACTOR will maintain collected fines and fees in a banking institution that is FDIC insured.
CONTRACTOR will disburse to the Court, on monthly basis, fines and fees collected as partial or full
payment on individual cases. The payment shall be accompanied by an electronic remittance statement
reflecting payment of fines and fees itemized by individual case to allow for electronic posting directly
into the COURT software program. If an account is deemed not collectible, in whole or in part,
CONTRACTOR will disburse all collected funds pursuant to a court order from the Judge.
13. CONTRACTOR will reconcile all records with the Court Clerk on a monthly basis. Records will be
available on any given day, which reflect the provider’s liability to the COURT. All closed cases will be
submitted monthly to the COURT. These documents should be alphabetized by defendant’s last name.
14. CONTRACTOR shall assist the COURT’S law enforcement authorities in tracking absconders through
the submission of an absconder investigation report which details the probationer’s personal history and
employment information, the circumstances of his or her violation(s) and his or her last known
15. As permitted and authorized by a proper Court Order, if a determination is made by the CONTRACTOR
that the probationer is lacking the resources to be able to make weekly or monthly payments, then every
effort will be made to convert the remaining fines, costs, etc, to community service hours. Probationers
will be allocated the equivalent of a monetary value determined by the Court to one (1) hour of service.
16. At any point in time when material breaches in conformation to conditions of probation occur,
CONTRACTOR will take the appropriate contempt of Court and/or revocation of probation actions to
bring the breaches to the attention of the COURT. In this regard, the CONTRACTOR shall submit any
executed warrants to the Bailiff within 48 hours of judicial execution.
17. CONTRACTOR will assign at least one person who is responsible for the direct supervision of probation
officers employed by the CONTRACTOR and who shall have at least five year’s experience in
corrections, parole, or probation.
18. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that any person it employs as a private probation officer: (1) is at least 21
years of age, (2) has completed a standard two-year college course; provided however, that any person
who is so employed as a private probation officer as of July 1, 1996, and who has at least six months of
experience as a private probation officer shall be exempt from such college requirement: (3) has
received an initial 40 hours of orientation upon employment and has received 20 hours of continuing
education per annum as approved by the COURT and Municipal Probation Advisory Council, provided
that the 40 hour initial orientation shall not be required of any person who has successfully completed a
probation or parole officer basic course of training certified by the Peace Officer Standards and Training
Council or any private probation officer who has been employed by a private probation corporation,
enterprise, or agency for at least six months as of July 1, 1996; and (4) has not been convicted of any
felony (to ensure that its private probation officers have not been convicted of a felony, CONTRACTOR
shall conduct a documented criminal record check on all its private probation officers.) (ref: OCGA 42-8102).
19. CONTRACTOR will maintain a ratio of probation officers to probationers recognized as an acceptable
standard in practice by a professional organization.
20. CONTRACTOR shall maintain an office within Peachtree City to serve probationers of the
Peachtree City Municipal Court.
21. The CONTRACTOR shall possess or obtain a GBI Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC) Originating
Agency Identifier (ORI) number in order to update Computerized Criminal History Dispositions within the
mandated guidelines under Criminal Justice Information System Network (CJIS).
22. CONTRACTOR shall provide a Georgia Certified or Registered Spanish Interpreter for
arraignment and trial calendars or bear the cost of AT&T Language Line. The cost of these
services will be paid by the CONTRACTOR.
B. Kick-off Meeting
Within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of written notice to proceed from the Court Clerk, the CONTRACTOR
shall meet with Court representatives to begin implementation of the contract. The CONTRACTOR shall provide
a detailed schedule for implementing the project at the first meeting. The schedule shall, at a minimum, show
milestones for the completion of the major program elements.
Failure to submit any required data item may be cause for rejection. Vendors may submit such other data as they
deem appropriate; however, voluminous or overly elaborate proposals are discouraged. The information
submitted must be on typewritten pages. All tables, charts and graphs must clearly cross reference the
descriptive literature. These tables, charts, and graphs must clearly cross reference and should be located
immediately behind the descriptive reference information, in order of occurrence.
Proposal information to be submitted shall include the following:
A. Organization Description – Provide a short resume of the organization’s staffing and experience.
Proposers must address corporate history and background, size of organization (staffing, makeup,
expected changes in ownership, mission and values, and relationships with subcontractors). Any recent
and/or anticipated change in organization ownership, and/or management must be addressed in this
B. Subsequent management and/or ownership changes must be reported to Peachtree City in writing, with
a statement of the expected impact on the organization’s future direction, with fifteen (15) calendar days
of the occurrence of this event.
C. References – Provide a minimum of three (3) comparably sized government and/or municipal
references for which probation services contract has been performed, or is currently being done.
Contact information should contain client government and/or municipality name, contact person,
telephone number and contact period. No exceptions will be allowed from this requirement.
D. Work History – Provide a description of experience the firm has had with contracts similar to the one
described herein. Include contact person, name of government/municipality and telephone number, other
than members of your firm that can be contacted regarding this contract.
E. Qualifications of Key Staff – Provide a personnel summary of qualifications of specific individuals who
will be involved in directing and/or performing the service, and the percentage of work for which each will
be responsible.
F. Current Workload – Provide the existing workload of personnel to be assigned, showing the ability to
meet the needs of the project.
G. Contract Management Plan/Approach of Work – Provide a plan indicating how the vendor installation
of the probation management system, as specified, in calendar days, (minimum/maximum). The plan
must also address the subjects in this section and all other sections in this RFP. Peachtree City reserves
the right to reject all incomplete proposals.
H. Project Plan - Submit a project plan in line item format.
Financial Statement - Submit an audited financial statement, or equivalent, for the last two (2) years
showing financial responsibility.
No Cost Statement - Statement of the vendor that there will be no cost to the City from the vendor for
providing a probation management system to the courts.
K. Probationary Services - Provide a list of probationary services that will be supplied by the vendor to the
City in the implementation and management of this program.
L. Proposed Fee Schedule - Provide a proposed fee schedule representing fees to be paid by the
probationers to the vendor for supervision services. (To be in a separate sealed envelope from your
technical proposal).
The award shall be made by the City Council of Peachtree City to the responsible offeror(s) whose proposal is
determined to be in the best interest of the City, upon a written recommendation by the Municipal Court
One award will be made to the vendor submitting the most feasible business plan. Issues to be evaluated include
the following:
Evaluation Criteria
• Prior Related Experience
• Cost/Fee Proposal
• Organization Description – Availability of Personnel
• Contract Management Plan/Services Outline
Weight Factor (%)
Prior Related Experience:
(40 points max.)
Provide a summary of experience the vendor has had with contracts similar to the one described herein
to Governmental clients; (Federal, City, Municipal, Local). The information shall include:
A. Recent Project type Experience: Provide a summary of the most recent projects similar to
this project in which the vendor participated during the last five (5) years. The summary shall
include detailed information of the extent of services rendered with these projects. Include
contact person, name of government/ municipality and telephone number, other than
members of your firm, that can be contacted regarding this contract.
B. Client References: (name, title, phone number of clients) minimum of three (3) clients other
than Peachtree City where probation services have been provided. Provide information for
references that may be contacted regarding vendor’s performance.
C. Provide specific supporting data on experience, knowledge and abilities to provide probation
management services.
D. Services the vendor rendered degree of involvement and principal staff involved.
Organization Description – Availability of Personnel: (20 points max.)
A. Provide a short narrative about the firm, quality of the staff and the firm’s principals, such as
education; years of experience in profession, certifications and/or licenses.
B. Provide a personnel summary of qualifications of specific individuals who will be involved in
directing and/or performing the service(s), and the percentage of work for which each will be
C. Include extent of staff’s successful experiences with related projects and clients such as
Peachtree City.
D. List all contracts to which the firm has entered into within the past five (5) years with
Peachtree City. Include name, brief description of the project, status, and actual probation
fees received.
E. Provide named personnel assigned to this contract. Include qualifications, title, service level.
F. Address the firm’s other commitments and their impact on scheduling resources to meet the
needs of this project.
Contract Management Plan/Services Outline:
(20 points max.)
Provide a plan indicating how the firm envisions performing the work and a schedule to indicate the time
required for design, provision, and implementation of the probation management system, as specified, in
calendar days, (minimum/maximum). The plan must include:
A. A list of probationary services that will be supplied to the Court in the implementation of this
program. Provide an outline or example of a format for a monthly report on all relative data to
be provided to the Court (at a minimum include current month and year to date statistics on
supervision, referrals, and collections).
B. A statement of the vendor that there will be no cost to the City from the vendor for providing a
probation management system to the Courts.
C. A proposed schedule of payment to the City if a probationary licensing fee is to be paid for
implementation of this project.
Cost/Fee Proposal:
(20 points max.)
A. A proposed fee/payment schedule representing fees to be paid by the probationers to the
vendor for supervision services. Please indicate how often the fee is charged (i.e.daily,
monthly, annually, per screen).
B. A notation on the fee/payment schedule by the vendor that there will be no cost to the City
from the vendor for providing a probation management system to the Courts.
It is the City’s intent to select a vendor with demonstrated experience in management of a private probation
system of similar size, scope and complexity as outlined in this Request for Proposal. The vendor submitting the
proposal that is deemed to be in the best interest of the City will be awarded the contract.
a. The City expects to enter into a one year contract for services (January 1, 2013, through December 31,
2013), with the option of extending the contract for two (2) additional calendar years.
b. The selected firm must notify the Court Clerk at least one hundred eighty (180) days before the
expiration of the existing contract of its availability to continue to operate the probation services
management system.
1. The selected firm must agree: to provide the highest quality of service, thoroughly brief any new
successor, and turn over all documents pertaining to the cases, clients, financials, and related
information to any new successful proposer during the transition period.
2. The selected firm agrees that the decision of the Peachtree City Council to award to a new successful
proposer, based on the competitive award process, amounts to proper notice of termination of interim
and permanent contract, and Peachtree City or its assign, has no further responsibility to give verbal or
written notice to said successful proposer.
1. Successful proposer agrees to submit any data required by Peachtree City within fifteen (15) calendar
days after oral or written request.
1. Peachtree City reserves the right to terminate any contract resulting from this RFP with a notice period of
seventy-two (72) hours, if the contractor fails to meet the terms and conditions listed in the scope of
services. Peachtree City reserves the right to seek monetary damages from the contractor in
compensation for damages resulting from non-compliance and /or performance in the execution of any
contract emanating from the RFP.
2. The Peachtree City will terminate a contract resulting from this RFP for reasons of professional
misconduct including, but not limited to, insubordination, dishonest behavior, failure to abide by City
policies, or inability of the contractor to satisfy all the terms and conditions outlined in this RFP.
3. In the event that the contractor is in breach of contract, Peachtree City reserves the right to appoint the
next highest scoring responsible proposer to complete the RFP, under the same terms and conditions
contained in this request for proposal, and restrict the contract to only the elements which are needed to
perform effectively.
The following template should be used when submitting your proposed fee/payment schedule:
See next page.
Service Description
Proposed Fee
Cost to City
Proposed Annual Payment to City
Proposed Monthly Licensing Payment to City
Sliding Fee Scale
Basic Supervision
Intermediate Supervision
Intensive Supervision
Restorative Justice Supervision
Electronic Monitoring
Electronic Monitoring -Watch Patrol
Electronic Monitoring -Home Confinement
Electronic Monitoring -Watch Patrol & Home Confinement
Electronic Monitoring and Remote Alcohol Testing
Substance Abuse Monitoring
Voice Track Monitoring
Pre-Trial Diversion
Domestic Violence Intervention
Community Service Work Coordination
Community Service Work Coordination & Supervision
Treatment Groups -Domestic Violence & Cognitive MRT
Treatment Group Training Material
Substance Abuse Questionnaire Assessment
Anger Control Workshop
Youthful Offender Workshop
Resume /Job Placement Workshop
Interlocken Device
Revised 08-01-2011
By executing this affidavit, the undersigned contractor verifies its compliance with § O.C.G.A.
13-10-91, stating affirmatively that the individual, firm, or corporation (“Contractor”) which is engaged in
the physical performance of services on behalf of the City of Peachtree City has registered with, is
authorized to use and uses federal work authorization program commonly known as E-Verify, or any
subsequent replacement program, in accordance with the applicable provisions and deadlines
established in § O.C.G.A. 13-10-91.
Furthermore, the undersigned contractor will continue to use the federal work authorization
program throughout the contract period and the undersigned contractor will contract for the
physical performance of services in satisfaction of such contract only with subcontractors who
present an affidavit to the contractor with the information required by § O.C.G.A. 13-10-91(b).
Contractor hereby attests that its federal work authorization user identification number and date of
authorization are as follows:
Federal Work Authorization User Identification Number
Date of Authorization
Company Name / Contractor Name
Name of Project
I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on _______________ ___, 20____ in __________________________
Signature of Authorized Officer or Agent
Printed Name and Title of Authorized Officer or Agent of Contractor
______ DAY OF_____________________, 20____
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:
Revised 08-01-2011
By executing this affidavit, the undersigned subcontractor verifies its compliance with §
O.C.G.A. 13-10-91, stating affirmatively that the individual, firm, or corporation which is engaged in the
__________________________________________ (name of Contractor) on behalf of the City of
Peachtree City has registered with, is authorized to use and uses federal work authorization program
commonly known as E-Verify, or any subsequent replacement program, in ac-cordance with the
applicable provisions and deadlines established in § O.C.G.A. 13-10-91.
Furthermore, the undersigned subcontractor will continue to use the federal work authorization
program throughout the contract period and the undersigned subcontractor will contract for the
physical performance of services in satisfaction of such contract only with sub-subcontractors
who present an affidavit to the sub-contractor with the information required by § O.C.G.A. 13-1091(b).
Additionally, the undersigned subcontractor will forward notice of the receipt of an affidavit from a
sub-subcontractor to the contractor within five business days of receipt. If the undersigned
subcontractor receives notice of receipt of an affidavit from any sub-subcontractor that has
contracted with a sub-subcontractor to forward, within five business days of receipt, a copy of
such notice to the contractor. Subcontractor hereby attests that its federal work authorization
user identification number and date of authorization are as follows:
Federal Work Authorization User Identification Number
Date of Authorization
Company Name / Subcontractor Name
Name of Project
I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on _______________ ___, 20____ in __________________________
Signature of Authorized Officer or Agent
Printed Name and Title of Authorized Officer or Agent of Contractor
______ DAY OF_____________________, 20____
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:
2012 Calendar Year
Affidavit Verifying Status for City Public Benefit Application
By executing this affidavit under oath, as an applicant for a City of Peachtree City, Georgia Business License or
Occupational Tax Certificate, Alcohol License, Taxi Permit, or other public benefit as referenced in O.C.G.A.
Section 50-36-1, I am stating the following with respect to my application for a City of Peachtree City (circle one)
Occupational Tax Certificate or Alcohol License, or other public benefit.
I am stating the following for______________________________________________________,
(The name of person applying on behalf of business, corporation, partnership, or other private entity)
As a representative of ______________________________________________________________.
(The name of the business, corporation, partnership, or other private entity)
1) ______ I am a United States citizen
2) ______ I am a legal permanent resident of the United States 18 years of age or older, please
include Alien Registration Number below signature *
3) ______ I am a qualified alien or non-immigrant under the Federal Immigration and Nationality
Act 18 years of age or older and lawfully present in the United States *
* O.C.G.A. § 50-36-1(e)(2) requires that aliens under the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act, Title 8 U.S.C., as
amended, provide their alien registration number. Because legal permanent residents are included in the federal
definition of “alien,” legal permanent residents must also provide their alien registration number. Qualified aliens that do
not have an alien registration number may supply another identifying number below:
In making the above statement under oath, I understand that any person who knowingly and willfully makes a
false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation in an affidavit shall be guilty of a violation of OCGA
Section 16-10-20.
This is an annual requirement.
Please supply/verify email address(es) and additional
Email for order placement: _______________________________________________________
Email for this form if different from above: ___________________________________________
Phone number:______________________________________________________
Physical address: ____________________________________________________
Signature of Applicant
Printed Name
Date of Birth of Applicant
*Alien Registration number for non-citizens
_____________________, 20_____.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: _________
Return to or fax # 770.631.2507. Federal guidelines
prohibit the mailing of id/documents.
Revised April 2012