International Journal of Computer Science and Communication Engineering IJCSCE Special issue on “Emerging Trends in Engineering” ICETIE 2012 Statistical Characterization of CMOS OP-Amp 0.13 Microns Tech Er.Vishal Mehta1, Er.Pradeep Mallik2 Assistant Professor, Surya world, Patiala, India1, 2, 1 Abstract—This paper explained design and analysis of OPAmp at 0.13 microns and emphasis laid for minimising size, enhancing efficiency and reliability of OP-Amps. Demonstrations for composite cascode differential stage, operating in the sub-threshold region, can form the basis of a high gain, low-power op amp .Equations has to be executed Via MATLAB code and simulation will be done with Tanner Tool. Keywords— Two Stage CMOS OP-AMP , Cascode , High Swing ,Ultra-Low-Power, Low-Voltage . INTRODUCTION Research in analog-circuit design is focused on low voltage low-power battery operated equipment to be used as an example in portable equipment, wireless communication products, hearing aids, and consumer electronics. A reduced supply voltage is necessary to decrease power consumption to ensure a reasonable battery lifetime in portable electronics. For the same reason, low-power circuits are also expected to reduce thermal dissipation, of increasing importance with the general trend in minimisation. Advancements required by International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (lTRS), means that with current CMOS standard fabrication processes, circuits must work at supply voltages as low as 1.5 V. Working at lower voltages poses new constraints, especially important for the specific case of analog design. However, a reduction in performance is not desirable. Nevertheless, going to lower voltages and higher efficiencies require innovative circuits to solve current design needs of faster circuits and better performance. amplifier performance is closely approximated by an idealized amplifier model. Indeed quite frequently circuits are designed explicitly to insure acceptability of this approximation. And in other cases where the idealization is not a sufficiently accurate approximation nevertheless it often provides a starting point for an iterative process towards a final design. Consider the 741 amplifier, an older but proven industry-standard device, which has a voltage gain exceeding 105 in normal operation. To cause an output voltage change between representative saturation voltage limits of ±15 volts, i.e., a full thirty-volt output change, the input voltage change involved is less than 0.3millivolt. Such a small voltage difference often may be neglected, i.e., approximated as zero, when compared to other circuit voltages with which it is associated in a KVL loop equation. This section briefly discusses the basic concept of opamp. An amplifier with the general characteristics of very high voltage gain, very high input resistance, and very low output resistance generally is referred to as an op-amp. Most analog applications use an Op-Amp that has some amount of negative feedback. The Negative feedback is used to tell the Op-Amp how much to amplify a signal. And since op-amps are so extensively used to implement a feedback system, the required precision of the closed loop circuit determines the open loop gain of the system. From the other point of view, as for various recently developed high-performance integrated electronic systems or subsystems, e.g. AID converter, switched-capacitor filter, RF modulator and audio system, CMOS operational amplifiers with high unitygain bandwidth and large dynamic range are necessitated. A basic op-amp consists of 4 main blocks. a. Current Mirror b. Differential Amplifier c. Level shift, differential to single ended gain stage d. Output buffer The general structure of op-amp is as shown in figure 1 below:- For high-accuracy circuits, op amps with very high open loop gain and high unity gain frequency are required in order to meet sub-threshold operations improve gain, the frequency response is sacrificed. So from previous argument, it is deduced that the designing of op-amps puts new challenges in low power applications with reduced channel length devices. SYSTEM OVERVIEW For Op-amps used in many useful applications, rather a surprisingly large number of applications, the actual General Structure of op-amp 63 International Journal of Computer Science and Communication Engineering IJCSCE Special issue on “Emerging Trends in Engineering” ICETIE 2012 The first block is input differential amplifier, which is designed so that it provides very high input impedance, a large CMRR and PSRR, a low offset voltage, low noise and high gain. The second stage performs Level shifting, added gain and differential to single ended converter. The third block is the output buffer. The output buffer may sometimes be omitted to form a high output resistance un-buffered opamp often referred to as Operational transconductance amplifier or an OTA. Those which have the final output buffer stage have a low output resistance (Voltage operational amplifiers). APPLICATIONS Operational amplifiers are used in so many different ways that it is not possible to describe all of the applications. However we may look into the use of op-amps for some simple yet widely used applications to form an idea of its mode of employment for various applications: given as VO = RA/RF (VA - VB). Thus the setup amplifies the difference of two voltages by a constant gain set by the used resistances. Op-amp differential circuit Summing Amplifier (Adder): The summing amplifier is a handy circuit enabling to add several signals together. The summing action of the circuit shown in Figure next easy to understand. By keeping the negative terminal close to 0V (virtual ground) the op-amp essentially nails one leg of R1, R2 and R3 to a 0V potential. This makes it easy to write the currents in these resistors. I1 = V1 / R1; I2 = V2 / R2; I3 = V3 / R3………... (1) According to Kirchhoff’s law, we get I = I1 + I2 + I3 and V0 = - RF (V1 / R1 + V2 / R2 + V3 / R3) ……... (2) PROPOSED CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Op-Amp summing circuit The switch control is off, the lower MOSFET switch turns on to circulates the inductor current and provides a current path for the inductor when discharging. Differential Amplifier: The difference op-amp produces the algebraic difference between two input voltages, which is shown When RF=Rin and RA=RB the output of the amplifier can be 64 CHARACTERIZATION EQUATIONS International Journal of Computer Science and Communication Engineering IJCSCE Special issue on “Emerging Trends in Engineering” ICETIE 2012 ±0.3V supply‖, IEEE Conference 2003, Pages: 121 – 124. [7] Kaulberg, T. ―A CMOS current-mode operational amplifier‖, IEEE Journal 1993, Pages: 849 – 852. [8] Schlogl, F.; Zimmermann, H. ―Low-voltage operational amplifier in 0.12 μm digital CMOS technology‖ IET Journal 2004, Pages: 395 – 398. [9] Schlogl, F.; Dietrich,H.;Zimmermann, . 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