Answer any TEN questions. All questions carry equal marks. What is human resource accounting? LD~~ GlJGTT Bi~~UJ~ GTro!DlT~ GTro~? Define - accounti~g standards. Bi~8;.$lUJ~ ~ryrfuBiGlr- GlJ6IDryUJW. What is meant by 'Annuity'? ~~®~ Q~IT6IDBiGTro!DlT~ GTro~? , I What is additional reserve? ~®~~ 5. BiITULj GTrofDlT~ GTro6GT? What is "Rebate on bills discounted"? GlJLLLb Q8'WUJUULL 6. LDIT!bW8L® t.D~IT6GT ~Glr~uLq.. GTrofDlT~jGTro~? What do you understand by contingent liabilities? ,®Bi~8'lTrylTQUITWULjBiGlr u!bnSl ~6'lS1rr~nSlGlJ§I UJIT§J? 7. What is meant by absorption? FfrrUU6IDLDULj GTrofDlT~ GTro~? 8. How purchase consideration is determined? QBiITGlrc!:p~~ LDWUUJ6ID~ GTQJGlJITW~rrLDIT~8;6>uu®.$l!D§I? 9. Write a note on "Contributory". 'urfu8i~~~ro' 10. u!bnSl ®nSluLj GT@§I8i, Who are preferential creditors? QP6&r@lfil~LD BiLdp;a~ITI'rBiGlr 11. What is creditors voluntary winding up? 8iLdp;a~lTrr 12. UJITGlJrr? ~6&r 6'lS1®UU8;8i~Q)ULj What is meant by cash credit? GrylT8;8i8iLro GTro!DlT~ GTro6GT? GT6&r!DIT~GTro~? PART B - (5 x 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 13. What are the limitations of human resource accounting? LD~~6lJ6TT a;~8;$lUJbIS16irr ®~lDurr(9a;ro 14. State the objectives of accounting standards. a;~8;£uSlUJ"" 15. UJrr~6lJ? ~1J~~m CJDrr8;a;rfua;~6TTQ~fil6lS\. The life fund of a life insurance company on 31.3.2002 showed a balance of Rs. 54,00,000. However, the following items were not taken into account while preparing the revenue Alc for 2011-12. ~. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Interest and dividends accrued on investments Income-tax deduced at source on the above' Reinsurance claims recoverable Commission due on reinsurance premium paid Bonus in reduction of premiums 20,000 6,000 7,000 10,000 3,000 ~® ~lLlro a;rrL.lISt.:.(9 )£lW6lJ~Lb, 31.3.2012 ~6ifW ~!b@l~LUJ ~lLlro )£l~ ®. 54,00,000 @®uu!brra; a;rraioTt.Sl~~~. 2011-12 ~aioT@8;a;rr~ 6lJ®6lJrrliJ a;~8;® ~lUrrfil8;®Lb Curr~ £wa;rrWLb ~a;6B6i.>a;~6TT GT@~~8; Qa;rrro6TT6lS\""~Q). . I e!!j. 16. (~) 0:Pfb~® 6lJL...llt-LDW[pltb urliJBirrfbITUJtb (~) aLD WBi6liol"L6lJ w!& OJ (@) LDlPf8;rrLJL5Q;laBiITIJQ> WL...BiUUL...L~ (R') (2...) LDlPfBiITUDQ;l0:P~~LDtb ffiJ @liD rr~ 6,000 7,000 . 6lJ tfl t5lllt-~fbtb Q8'~~~UJ~Q> Qtl~6m"LDtb @j~!D8;BiLJUL...L~Q> 20,000 fblJa6lJ6liol"llt-UJ fblJ® 10,000 3,000 Q€l.J@jLD~ The Trial balance of the Nedungadi Bank Ltd. as on 30th June ~012 shows the following balances. Rs. Interest and discount Rebate on bills discounted (1. 7.2011) Fills discounted and purchased 45,40,600 4,750 3,37,400 The unexpired discount as on aO.6.2012 if') estimated to be Rs. 5,560. Draft necessary adjusting entries and calculate the amonnt of inter(Jst and discount to be (~reditcd to profit and loss account. Qp.;(b)r!iJa;rrUj6l.Jr!iJ$l~uSlQu.: ....lq-~ ~®uL.J8: ~8'lTtbQ)~ 30 ~~~ £~8;a;6IllrrL ~a;6l.JQ)Q)a;1TL...®8il!D~. 2012 ~~1!)J @. 6l.JL...lq-LDlD 1!)JLD~ffi~u 45,40,600 lq(1.7.2011) LDlTlD1!)J8: BL...lq-~~ffi~ulqLDlTlD1!)J8: BL® ~ffi~ulq- LDlD1!)JLD Qa;lTffiQP~~ 4,750 3,37,400 30.6.2012 ~~IDJ P,fJlT~ ~ffi~ulq®. 5.560 ~~ LD~UQ® Q8'uJlUUU®8il!D~. ~~Q)6l.JlUlT~;Q)ffi~ ~!1~ LDlD1!)JLD ~Q)rTU p.;LL a;~8;8il~ 6l.JfJGl..lQ)6l.J8;a;UU@LD 6l.JLlq-~ Q~ITQ)a; LDlDWLD~ffi~ulq~8illU6l.JlDQ)!D8; a;~8;8il®a;: 17. S Ltd. was taken over by R Ltd. The following position was mutually agreed upon No. of shares Face value of share Net assets SLtd RLtd 60,000 90,000 100 10 3,60;00,000 72,00,000 Ascertain intrinsic value of shares, ratio of exchange of shares and No. of shares to be issued. ~ lblIDl6l.J~~~~ R GSluSlQu.:. ~®~~ p.;L~~.$l!D~.£~8;a;IT~LD lbl~Q)a;mlQ> ~®6l.J®LD ~L~ulq-8;Q)a; GLDlDQa;rr6lllrrLlTIT. S ~uSlQLL ur!iJ®a;ffil~~QRrr~8;Q)a; ur!iJ$l~ Qfla;LD~uL.J lbla;fJQ8'rr~~8;a;ffi S ~L 60,000 '90,000 100 3,60,00,000 10' 72,00,000 RGSlL urru®a;ffil6UT 2...ffiGfTfTlT!1~ LD~ULt. ur!iJ®a;ffi uITlLDITlD!D~~~ ~8il~LD LDlD1!)JLD Q 6l.Jffilu5lLU u L ~6l.JQRrrtq.lUU rru®a;ffil6UT~aRrr~8;~a; ~8illU6l.J lD~!D a;ITQRrr a;. 18. Lal Ltd. agreed to absorb the business to Mal Ltd. The purchase consideration was as under: (a) For every 4, 10% preference shares of Rs. 10 each in Mal Ltd 7 equity shares of Rs. 10 each in Lal Ltd. as Rs. 8 paid up. There were 60,00010% preference shares in Mal Ltd. (b) For every 3 equity shares of Rs. 10 each in Mal Ltd, 8 . equity shares in Lal Ltd. as Rs. 10 paid up. There were 90,000 equity shares in Mal Ltd. Find out purchase consideration. Q)1T6UQ)luSlGLL:-, 101T6UQ)luSlG LL:.Jll-~ 6lS"lllJ ITUITfJ~~~ lOJ"ID U L.~. GffilT~ c!:p~6U1OIDJU llJGbTt5'lGbT6lJ® 1OITIDJ: (~) FFrr8;ffi ~L~U llj-8;~ffi 101TQ>Q)luSlGLL:-llj-GbT,~6i.JG6lJIT® 4, 10% C!:P~@JrT1~1O UffiJ@)ffi~ e!!j. 10 65~~~ID@), Q)1T6U Q)luSlGLL:_llj-Gb"r7 8'1Oj@~Q) uffiJ@)ffi~ e!!j. 10 65~Lb, ~~6U e!!j. 8 G8'~~~UUL..L§J. 101TQ> Q)luSlGLL.llj-6U60,000 (~) 10% C!:P~@JrT1~1OUffiJ@)ffi~ @®Ii>~§J. 101T6U Q)luSlGLL.llj-GbT ~6i.JG6lJIT® 3 8'lOj@~Q)U uffiJ@)ffi~ e!!j. 10 65~~~ID@), Q)1T6UQ)luSlGLL.llj-GbT 8 8'lOj@~Q)U UffiJ@)ffi~ e!!j. 10 G8'~~~UUL.L§J. 101T6UQ)luSlGLL.llj-Q> 90,000 8'lOj@~Q)U UffiJ@)ffi~@®Ii>~§J. Gffirr~ c!:p~Q>lOIDJUllJ ~m ffirr~ ffi. 19. A liquidator is entitled to receive remuneration @ 2% of the assets realised and 3% on the amount distributed among the unsecured creditors. The assets realised Rs. 70,00,000 against which payment was made as follows: • I Liquidation expenses Rs. 50,000 Preferential creditors Rs. 1,50,000 and Secured creditors Rs. 40,00,000 Unsecured creditors Rs. 30,00,000 Calculate the total remuneration payable to the liquidator. ~® 8i~Q)uurr6TTrr8;@) G8'IT~§J 6lS"lID!D~6U2% lOIDWLb UIT§JffiITUU!D!D 8iL~li>a~IT®8;@) u$lrrp;~GTf)~~ G~rr~ffiu5l6U 3%-Lb ~~llJlOlT8i GUIDJ$l!DIT~. G8'IT~8;a;~ 6lS"lW!D e!!j. 70,00,000 Q>£~8;8i~L6lJrrIDJ G8'~~~UUL:-L§J. 8i~Q)uL.jB: G8'Q)Ql8iro e!!j. 50,0000 c!:pGbT®lrT1~lO8iL~p;a~lTrr t5'l~~llJ 8iL~li>a~rrrr e!!j. 1,50,000 lOIDIDJLb e!!j. 40,00,000 t5'l~~u5l6UQ)rr 8iL~p;a~rrrr e!!j. 30,00,000 8i~Q)uurr6TTrr8;@) G8'~~~llJ GLDIT~~ ~~llJ~~~ PART C - (3 x 10 8irr~ffi. = 30 marks) Answer any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 20. What is "financial reporting"? Explain its importance. j@~ ~p518;~8iu5lllJ6U 6TGbT!Drr6U 6TGbT6m"? ~~GbT c!:p8;$lllJ~§J6lJ~~~ 4 6lS"l6TT8;@). 60507IBYA4A 21. Prepare Revenue Account of the Marine Insurance company Ltd. as at 31at Ma~ch 2012 from the following information. Rs. ('000) Reserve for unexpired risk (1.4.2011) 496.6 Additional reserve (1.4.2011) 49.66 Premium less reinsurance 720 Claims outstanding 160 (1.4.2011) Claims paid 470 . Commission 35 , Expenses of management 54 Audit fees 10 Director sitting fees 3.4 Depreciation 5 General cp.arges 12 Outstanding claims due on 31at March 2012 was Rs. ('000) 60. Additional reserve is to be maintained at 10% on net premiums. £~8iIT@lJLD ~8i6U~8iGlfl6lSlQl).ffi~ LDITIT8=31, 2012-ro lbJWLD~~Qr 6lJQl)6UlTuJ8i~8;~8i ~UJlTlfl8;8i6l..lLD. 8iLroa:ITIT 8iITUDL® ®. ('OOQ> 8iITQ)LD8iL8;8iIT~ .@LIT8;8iITGm" 8ilTul...l(1.4.2011) 496.6 &\.<1'~ro 8irrul...l (1.4.2011) 49.66 LDW8iITUDLkt-GU8i~~ Q8iIT®UL ~6lJookt-UJ Qa:@)J~~UJ QP~~LDLD ~8iITlJro ~8iITlJro (1.4.2011) 720 160 470 8i~6l..l 35 ~LDQ)ITGliM~LDQa:Q)6l..l8i~ 54 ~Qllfl8;~8i 8iLL~LD 10 jUJ8i®!DIT8i~ 3.4 ~LDIT~ ~~uJ LDITGm"LD 5 QUIT~ 8iLL~LD 12 LDITIT8= 31, 2012 ~QrW Q8iIT®UL ~6U~kt-UJ a8ilTfJro (19. ('000) c!:p~Gm"LD~~GU10% &\.®~GU 8iITUl...lUIJITLDITl8i8i ~6UGliM®LD. 60. lbJ8i1J From the following particulars, prepare the profit and loss Ale of X Bank Ltd., for the year ending 31st March 2012. Rs. ('000) 3,490 3,650 480 94 Office expen~es 1,550 Discount on bills discounted 1,940 2,240 120 180 1,280 42 Interest on savings deposit accounts 690 Postal expenses 15 Printing and statio~ery 39 Other expenses 18 Adjustments to be made: (a) Rebate on bills discounted 5,20,000 (b) Provide for taxation @ 50% of the profits. £WMIT@tD ~QlQ>8iaflaSl<!9~~. LDITITB:31. 2012 ~~@ @tq.61S1Q> X-QJffiJ~ aSluSlGLl.:...tq.6UrQ)ITUtDLDtDIDJtD JDLL 8iEm'8;~8i ~LUlTrflM~tD. ®. ('000) 3,490 8iL6UrLO~IT~ QlLtq. lfi1~Q)LUIT61lT ~QlULj QlLLtD Q~HULUUULL LDlTtDIDJB:6L@ LO~IT~ ~Qr~utq. (1.4.2011) 480 94 8iW1~ ~~QlQ)8i 3,650 LO~IT~ QlLtq- G8'Q)~8iQr 1,550 QlLLtD G8'uJLUUULL LDlTtDIDJB:6L@ LO~IT~ QlLLtD 1,940 QIJ'ITM 8iL6UrLO~IT~ QlLtq. 2,240 JDLULj 8i6lm"8;@) LO~IT~ QjLtq. 120 \!!). ('000) 180 GlJITLQ}BiLDWWLO GlJrrJBi~ 1,280 aLDroGlJQ)IJU UWW tD~lTm GlJLllf- 42 iUJcS®IDrrJ~ BiLLQlMLO ~uSh.JLj Q}QluLj BiQlMcS$l~ LO~lTmQlLllf- 690 ~UlTro Qc9'G\)QjBi~ 15 ~661@p;ro 39 LDWWLO 6T@~QUIT@m- ifhlJ Qc9"G\)QjBi~ 18 c9'rrJBiLLroBi~ Qc9'uJUJaQl~llf-UJQ}QI 23. : (~) QlLLLO Qc9'uJUJUULL LDITWW8L@ (~) iG\)lTu~thlro 50% QlrrJcSBilTm~~cS~@. A Ltd, was absorbed by B Ltd, on 31.12.2012. On that date their Balance Sheets were as under: Liabilities Equity shares B Ltd A Ltd ~. ~. Assets ~~. 5,00,000 2,00,000 Fixed assets Reserves and surplus 1,00,000 Provisions B Ltd A Ltd ~. 3,00,000 2,00,000 50,000 Investments 2,00,000 1,50,000 2,000 shares of 'B' Ltd at cost ______ r 20,000 Loans and advances 5,00,000 1,80,000 8,00,000 4,00,000 The conditions of absorption are 2 shares ofB Ltd., of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 2.50 per share of every 1 share held in 'A' Ltd. Close the book of A Ltd, and give the entries in the books of BLtd. 31.12.2012 ~~W A-4luSlQLL ~uSlQLllf-mlTro i@ULj J£lQ)G\)cS®!DlULj QI@LDITW: B QSlL A QSlL Q61T~8;iljm FFrruuQ)LDcSBiUULL~. ~P>~ afhthlt6lro QUITl!JlLJl . jMm ~. ~. t". alf>irQ)LDUurf.J<¥m 5,00,000 2,00,000 )blQ)Q)UJIT~Q6IT~Mm iljlTuy LDWl!JltD ~~Ifl 1,00,000 50,000 B QSlu5lQLLIlI-Q> 5l~8;£~ 2,00,000 1,50,000 2.000 urru®iljm @~~ iljL~ LDWjpltD @~U~tD 8,00,000 4,00,000 B QSlL 3,00,000 . A QSlL ~. 2,00,000 20,000 5,00,000 1,80,000 8,00,000 4,00,000 B;L..L6U'>G1TB;GiT.A R'rrUU6U'>LDut5l6irr Urf,ut1rt>@)Lb. B-G&u51QLL.. G&u51QLL..tq..GU Qurt>lD 2 UrFu@)B;GiT@. 10 ®~Lb ~® UrFu£rt>@) c!:p6U'>6NLDLDITB; QJ~ffiJB; ~QJ~(blLb. A G&uSlQLL: ..tq..~ 24. ~6iJQQHT® e!9. 2.50 . 6J~B;6U'>G1T(yltq... B-G&u51QLL.. 6J(blB;mlGU U~QjB;6U'>G1T~~®B;. The position of X Ltd, in liquidation is as follows: 1,000 6% preference shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid 1,000 equity shares of Rs. 50 each fully paid 1,000 equity shares of Rs. 40 each, Rs. 30 called up on which calls in arrears are Rs. 4,000 Calls in advances Rs. 6,000 Preference share dividend in arrear for one year cash left after making payments to creditors but before making any call: Rs.1,17,000 You are required to prepare the liquidator's .final statement account. B;6U'>Q)Ut5lGN~UIT~ X-G&uSlGlLL..tq..~ Jbl6U'>Q)B;ffiQJ®LDITjpJ : 1~0006%C!:P~®Jfil6U'>LDurf.J@)B;ffi e!9. 100 6U~LO c!:p@QJ~ili 1.000 8'LDJbl6U'>Q)Uurf.J@)B;ffi @. Q8'~~~UJ~ 50 6U~Lb c!:p@QJ~Lb Q8'~~~UJ~ 1.000 8'LDJbl~Q)U UrFu@)B;GiT@. 40 ®~Lb. @. 4.000 e!9. 30 ~~~~~~GU Jbl~~QJ ~6U'>WULj c!:p~ Q8'W~~UJ~ @. Q8'~~~UJ t5llD@) ~~ITGb QJ®L~~rt>@) B;~8;@) QB;IT~UL~GU6U'>Q): ~6U'>~ut5lrt>@) ~®P;~ QI)IT8;B;LO@. 1,17,000. B;~Q)UUITG1Trr ~jpJ~ ~~~uLj I 6.000 C!:p~WJfil6U'>LD UrFu@) Urf.JB;IT~ITUJLb ~® B;Ldp;~ITrT8;@) of ~!&8;6U'>B;~UJ ~UJITfr Q8'uJB;. Q8'~~~Lb c!:p~