FOR SALE BY FORMAL TENDER AS INDIVIDUAL LOTS OR ONE LOT TENDERS TO BE RECEIVED BY 11.00am ON THURSDAY 4th SEPTEMBER 2014 Residential Development Sites Cantley Lane, Cringleford LOT 1 GUIDE PRICE £1,500,000 LOT 2 GUIDE PRICE £900,000 WHOLE LOT GUIDE PRICE £2,400,000 Cantley Lane, Cringleford, Norwich, NR4 6TA NPS Contact: Darren Facey Tel. 01603 706168 E-mail: Savills Contact: Alan Cole Tel. 01603 229251 E-mail: (plan not to scale) NPS Group, Lancaster House, 16 Central Avenue, St Andrews Business Park, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 0HR Savills - Norwich, Hardwick House, Agricultural Hall Plain, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 3FS Residential Development Cantley Lane, Cringleford Introduction NPS and Savills have been instructed to market two development opportunities situated off Cantley Lane, Cringleford. The sites form part of the Former Cringleford Primary School which is under two separate ownerships and are available either as a combined single lot or as two separate lots. Lot 1 comprises the former playing field on the western part of the former school and has outline planning consent for 24 dwellings. Lot 2 comprises the eastern part of the former school and has planning consent for 14 dwellings. Location Cringleford is considered to be one of the premier residential suburbs of Norwich, on the south western outskirts. The site is convenient for a number of employment facilities, including the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, Norwich Research Park and the University of East Anglia. There are also good transport connections to Norwich city centre and local educational facilities, whilst also being within close proximity to Waitrose supermarket in Eaton. into London Liverpool Street, Cambridge and Norfolk’s coastal towns. Description Lot 1 (Shaded Pink) This is a substantial site of approximately 1.1 Hectares (2.71 Acres) situated in a prime location, perfect for a residential development. The site was part of the adjoining school but it has been relocated to another part of Cringleford, meaning the playing field is now surplus to requirements. An outline planning permission has been obtained for a residential development, comprising a total of 24 dwellings. Lot 2 The site forms the eastern part of the former Cringleford Primary School which was vacated during 2013. The original school house dates back to the 1800s with further extensions added during the 19th century. The school house is constructed of Flemish bond brickwork, with sash windows and stone cills under a hipped roof covered with slate and clay ridge tiles. In all, the site extends to approximately 0.40 ha (1.40 acres). At present, access to the site is gained off Cantley Lane with the proposed masterplan providing two separate accesses off Cantley Lane. The site is ideally suited for a mix of small and large two storey family dwellings. Norwich also has an expanding international airport with flights to destinations within the UK and Europe, and a train station with direct rail links Planning Lot 1 (Shaded Pink) NPS Property Consultants have obtained an outline planning permission for a residential development comprising 24 dwellings and any associated works. Planning Reference: 2012/1644/O There is a Section 106 Agreement with the outline planning permission which requires eight of the 24 properties to be affordable dwellings, education contributions and others requirements which are listed along with the outline planning permission on our website. Lot 2 South Norfolk District Council have granted full planning permission and conservation area consent for 2 dwellings along with outline planning permission for 12 dwellings under planning reference 2012/1713. These planning permissions are subject to normal conditions, including a three year time limit and a number of precommencement conditions. Such conditions include the approval of full details of site ecology mitigation, a foul drainage strategy and a plan indicating the positions, design, material and type of boundary treatment proposed. There is a Section 106 Agreement requiring four of the 14 properties to be affordable dwellings. The requirement is for; two, one bed two person flats and two, two bed four person houses built to a minimum of Level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes. All four affordable dwelling will made available under the affordable rent tenure. All planning enquiries are to be made to South Norfolk District Council’s planning department on 01508 533633 quoting the above planning references. Services Mains water, electricity and drainage are understood to be available for connection at Cantley Lane. Mains gas is not readily available. Potential buyers are to ensure the availability and adequacy of services. Fixtures and fittings The sale of the property includes all fixtures, fittings and equipment remaining in the property unless otherwise stated. Rights of way The sale is subject to all rights of support, public and private rights of way, water, light, drainage and other easements, quasi-easements and wayleaves, all or any other like rights, whether mentioned in these particulars or not. Directions From Norwich, take the second exit at St Stephens roundabout onto Newmarket Road (A11). Continue on Newmarket Road for approximately 1.8 miles then take the slip road off onto Eaton Street. Follow Eaton Street, conjoining onto Newmarket Road for 0.7 miles. Take the next left onto Keswick Road and the next immediate right onto Cantley Lane. The site can then be found on your right hand side. The postcode for the site is: NR4 6TA Viewing You are welcome to view the site from the Public Highway, however, should you wish to enter the site, for security and Health and Safety reasons, we ask that you do not do so without an NPS representative. Viewings can be arranged with NPS Group as the sole viewing agents via the contact details on these sales particulars. Health and safety Care must be taken whilst viewing to avoid accident or injury. Save for death or personal injury caused by their negligence, neither NPS Group nor the vendor can accept any responsibility for any loss or damage, howsoever caused, whilst viewing the property and you are deemed to have accepted the terms of this disclaimer by entering onto the site. Legal packs An information pack, which will include the Official Copies of Title, replies to preliminary enquiries, Premium Chancel search, Commercial Drainage and Water search, Local Authority search and Environment search, will be available and free to download directly from our websites. Measurements Important notices All measurements are approximate. Please note that none of the appliances or the services at this property have been checked and we would recommend that these are tested by a qualified person before entering into any commitment. NPS Property Consultants Ltd & Savills (UK) Ltd for themselves and for the vendors of this property whose agents they are give notice that: Any floor plans are for the purpose of a service to our customers and are intended to be a guide to the layout only. It is not to scale and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. While we endeavour to make our sale particulars accurate and reliable, if there is any point which is of particular importance to you, please contact NPS Group and we will be pleased to check the information for you, particularly if contemplating travelling some distance to view the property. Method of sale The property is offer for sale by Formal Tender with the option to purchase either the whole as a single lot or either lot as an individual lot. In addition to the Terms of Sale detailed on the tender forms, please note the following: Intending purchasers should complete the attached tender forms and return them by the closing date of 11.00am on Thursday 4th September 2014. 1. The particulars are intended to give a fair and substantially correct overall description for the guidance of intending purchasers and do not constitute part of an offer or contract. Prospective purchaser(s) ought to seek their own professional advice. 2. All descriptions, dimensions, areas, reference to condition and if necessary permissions for use and occupation and their details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct. None of the services, equipment or facilities have been tested. Any intending purchaser(s) should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. 3. No person in the employment of the selling agents has any authority to make or give any representations or warranties, whether in relation to this property or particulars, nor to enter into any contract relating to the property on behalf of the Vendor. 4. No responsibility can be accepted for any expenses incurred by any intending purchaser(s) in inspecting making further enquiries or submitting offers for the property that has been sold, let or withdrawn. The sellers are obliged under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and the Money Laundering Act 2003 and 2007 to verify the identity of the purchaser of any description whenever a transaction involves accepting a total payment of approximately £15,000 or more. Intending purchasers must clearly state what lot(s) they are offering for. Intending purchasers are advised to seek appropriate professional advice prior to submitting an offer. The vendor does not bind itself to accept either the highest or any offer received. Misrepresentation Act 1967 The property is sold with all faults and defects whether of condition or otherwise and the Vendor is not responsible for any such faults or defects, or for any statement contained in the particulars. The Purchaser shall be deemed to acknowledge that he has not submitted his offer in reliance on any of the said statements, that he has satisfied himself as to the content of each of the said statements by inspection or otherwise and that no warranty or representation has been made by the Vendor or its servants or agents in relation to or in connection with the property. Any error, omission or mis-statement in any of the said statements shall not entitle the Purchaser to rescind or to be discharged from the contract, nor entitle either party to compensation or damages, nor in any circumstances give either party cause for action.