biographical sketch - UNC School of Medicine

Vita – Karen A. Erickson
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Karen A. Erickson, Ph.D.
David E. and Dolores J. (“Dee”) Yoder Distinguished Professor of Literacy and Disability
Professor, Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences
Director, Center for Literacy and Disability Studies
Campus Box 7335, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7335
(919) 966-8828
Ph.D. 1995
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Special Education and Literacy
M.S. 1988
State University of New York, Albany
Special Education
B.S. 1987
Cornell University
Human Development and Family Studies
Professional Experience
Professor and Director, The Center for Literacy and Disability Studies, Division of Speech and
Hearing Sciences, Department of Allied Health Sciences, School of Medicine, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009 - present
Research Associate Professor and Director, The Center for Literacy and Disability Studies,
Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Department of Allied Health Sciences, School of
Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2001-2008
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Program in Special Education and Coordinator of
the Graduate Program in Early Childhood Education, University of New Hampshire, 19982001
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Division of Speech Pathology and
Audiology, Duke University Medical Center and Coordinator of Educational Services, The
Center for Literacy and Disability Studies, 1996-1998
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Allied Health Professions, Center for
Literacy and Disability Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1995-1996
Robert E. Bryan Public Service Award
David E. and Dolores J. (“Dee”) Yoder Distinguished Professor of Literacy and
Disability Studies
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Faculty Engaged Scholar
The David E. Yoder Distinguished Literacy Lectureship
The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Literacy Lectureship Award
National Down Syndrome Congress Educator of the Year Award
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The David E. Yoder Distinguished Literacy Lectureship
The Don Johnston Literacy Lectureship Award for career contributions to the
success of struggling readers
The Marvin Wynne Scholarship
1. Erickson, K. A., and Koppenhaver, D. A. (2007). Children with Disabilities Reading and
Writing the Four Blocks Way. Winston-Salem, NC: Caron-Dellosa.
2. Erickson, K.A., Koppenhaver, D K, and Yoder, D.E. (2002). Waves of Words: Augmented
communicators read and write. Toronto: ISAAC Press. [Also available in a French
Book Chapters
1. Erickson, K.A. and Clendon, S. A. (2009). Addressing Literacy Demands Of The
Curriculum For Beginning Readers And Writers. In G. Soto and C. Zangari (Eds.),
Practically Speaking: Language, Literacy, and Academic Development for Students With
AAC Needs (p. 195-215). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
2. Koppenhaver, D. A. and Erickson, K.A. (2008). Literacy in Individuals with Autism
Spectrum Disorders Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication. In P.
Mirenda and T. Iacono (eds.), AAC for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (p.
385-412). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.
3. Erickson, K. A., Koppenhaver, D. A., and Cunningham J. W. (2006). Balanced Reading
Intervention in Augmentative Communication. In R. McCauley and M. Fey (Eds.),
Treatment of Language Disorders in Children (p. 309-346). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
4. Cunningham, J. W., Koppenhaver, D. A., Erickson, K. A., and Spadorcia, S. A. (2004).
Word identification and text characteristics. In J. V. Hoffman and D. Schallert (Eds.),
Texts in Elementary Classrooms (p. 21-38). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
5. Mirenda, P. and Erickson, K. A. (2000). Autism, AAC and Literacy. In A. Wetherby and
B. Prizant (Eds.), Communication and language issues in autism and PDD: A transactional
developmental perspective (p. 333-367). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
6. Koppenhaver, D., Spadorcia, S., and Erickson, K. (1998). Inclusive early literacy
instruction for children with disabilities. In S. B. Neuman, and K. Roskos (Eds.), Children
achieving: Instructional practices in early literacy (p. 77-97). Newark, DE: International
Reading Association.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
1. Erickson, K. A. & Sachse, S. (in press). Reading Acquisition, AAC and the
Transferability of English Research to Languages with More Consistent or Transparent
Orthographies. Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
2. Clendon, S. A., & Erickson, K.A. (2009). Principles Underlying Effective Literacy
Instruction for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs. ACQuiring Knowledge
in Speech, Language and Hearing (ACQ).
3. Clendon, S. A. & Erickson, K. A. (2008). The vocabulary of beginning writers:
Implications for children with complex communication needs. Augmentative and
Alternative Communication, 24(4), 281-293.
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4. Murphy, J., Hatton, D., & Erickson, K. (2008). Exploring early literacy practices of
teachers of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with visual impairments. Journal of Visual
Impairment and Blindness, 102(3), 133-146.
5. Erickson, K.A., Clendon, S.A., Cunningham, J.W., Spadorcia, S. A., Koppenhaver, D.A.,
Sturm, J., and Yoder, D. E. (2008) Automatic Word Recognition: The Validity of a
Universally Accessible Assessment Task. Augmentative and Alternative Communication,
21(1), 64-75.
6. Hanser, G., & Erickson, K. A. (2007). Integrated Word Identification and Communication
Instruction for Students with Complex Communication Needs: Preliminary Results. Focus
on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 22(4), 268-278.
7. Erickson, K. A., & Hatton, D. (2007). Expanding Understanding of Emergent Literacy:
Empirical Support for a New Framework. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness,
101(5), 261-277.
8. Erickson, K.A., Hatton, D, Roy, V. Fox, D., and Renne, D. (2007). Literacy in early
intervention for children with visual impairments: Insights from individual cases. Journal
of Visual Impairments and Blindness, 101(2), 80-95.
9. Erickson, K.A., and Hatton, D. (2007). Literacy and visual impairments. Seminars in
Speech and Language, 28(1), 58-68.
10. Sturm, J., Spadorcia, S.A., Cunningham, J.W., Cali, K.S., Staples, A., Erickson, K.,
Yoder, D.E. and Koppenhaver, D.A. (2006). What Happens to Reading Between the First
and Third Grade? Implications for Students Who Use AAC. Augmentative and
Alternative Communication, 22(1), 21-36.
11. Erickson, K.A., Clendon, S. A., Abraham, L., Roy, V., Van de Karr, H. (2005). Toward
positive literacy outcomes for students with significant developmental disabilities.
Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits, 2(1), 45-55.
12. Cunningham, J. W., Spadorcia, S. A., Erickson, K. A., Koppenhaver, D. A., Sturm, J.,
Yoder, D. E. (2005). Investigating the Instructional Supportiveness of Leveled Texts.
Reading Research Quarterly. 40(4), 410-427.
13. Skotko, B.G., Koppenhaver, D. A., and Erickson, K. A. (2004). Parent reading behaviors
and communication outcomes in girls with Rett syndrome. Exceptional Children, 70(4).
14. Koppenhaver, D. A., and Erickson, K. A. (2003). Natural Emergent Literacy Supports for
Preschoolers with Autism and Severe Communication Impairments. Topics in Language
Disorders, 23(4), 283-292.
15. Sturm, J.M., Erickson, K.A., and Yoder, D.E. (2002). Enhancing literacy development
through AAC technologies. Assistive Technology, 14(1), 71-80.
16. Koppenhaver, D. A., Erickson, K. A., and Skotko, B. G. (2001). Supporting
communication of girls with Rett syndrome and their mothers in storybook reading.
International Journal of Disability, Development, and Education, 48(4), 395-410.
17. Koppenhaver, D., Erickson, K., Harris, B., McLellan, J., Skotko, B., and Newton, R.
(2001). Storybook-based communication intervention for girls with Rett syndrome and
their mothers. Disability and Rehabilitation, 23 (3-4), 149-159.
18. Erickson, K. A. (2000). All Children are Ready to Learn: An Emergent versus Readiness
Perspective in Early Literacy Assessment. Seminars in Speech and Language, 21(3), 193203.
19. Howell, R., Erickson, K., Stanger, C., and Wheaton, J. (2000). Evaluation of a Computerbased Program on the Reading Performance of First Grade Students with Potential for
Reading Failure. Journal of Special Education Technology, 15(4), 5-14.
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20. Cunningham, J. W., Erickson, K. A., Spadorcia, S. A., Koppenhaver, D. A., Cunningham,
P. M., Yoder, D. E., and McKenna, M. C. (1999). Assessing Word Attack from an OnsetRime Perspective. Journal of Literacy Research, 31(4), 391-414.
21. Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. (1998, Sept/Oct). Using the “write talk-nology”
with Patrik. Teaching Exceptional Children, 31(1), 58-64.
22. Erickson, K. A., Koppenhaver, D. A., Yoder, D. E., and Nance, J. (1997). Integrated
Communication and Literacy Instruction for a Child with Multiple Disabilities. Focus on
Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 12(3), 142-150.
23. Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. (1995). Developing a Literacy Program for
Children with Severe Disabilities. Reading Teacher, 48(8), 676-684.
Other Professional Papers
1. Erickson, K.A., Hatch, P., & Clendon, S. A. (in press). Literacy, Assistive Technology,
and Students with Significant Disabilities. Focus on Exceptional Children.
2. Erickson, K. A., Hanser, G., Hatch, P., & Sanders, E. (2009). Research-Based Practices
for Creating Access to the General Curriculum in Reading and Literacy for Students with
Significant Intellectual Disabilities. Monograph prepared for the Council for Chief State
School Officers (CCSSO) Assessing Special Education Students (ASES) State
Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS)
3. Koppenhaver, D. A., and Erickson, K. A. (2007). Supporting literacy learning in all
children. In M. F. Giangreco and M. B. Doyle (Eds.) Quick-Guides for Inclusion: Ideas
for Educating Students with Disabilities (2nd ed.). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
4. Koppenhaver, D. A., and Erickson, K. A. (2006). Supporting literacy learning in all
children. In M. F. Giangreco (Ed.) Quick-Guides for Inclusion, III (2nd ed.). Baltimore,
MD: Brookes.
5. Erickson, K.A. (2005). Literacy and Persons with Developmental Disabilities: Why and
How? A report commissioned by the United Nations Education, Science, and Culture
Organization (UNESCO) for The 2005 Education for All Global Monitoring Report.
6. Erickson, K.A. and Clendon, S. A. (2005). Responding to Individual Needs: Promoting
the Literacy Development of Students who use AAC. Special Interest Divisions of the
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Division 12 Newsletter.
7. Erickson, K. A. (2004). Evaluation techniques: the particular problem of how to assess
output skills of individuals with complex communication needs and limited literacy skills.
In S. von Tetzchner and M. H. Jensen (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial ISAAC
Research Symposium. ISAAC.
8. Erickson, K. A. (2003). Reading development in AAC. Special Interest Divisions of the
American Speech-Language - Hearing Association, Division 12 Newsletter.
9. Erickson, K. A. (2003). Reading and augmentative communication. The ASHA Leader,
8(12), 6.
10. Koppenhaver, D. A., and Erickson, K. A. (2002). Supporting learning in your inclusive
classroom. In M. F. Giangreco (Ed.) Quick-Guides for Inclusion, III. Baltimore, MD:
11. Mallory, B. L., and Erickson, K. A. (2000). A Review of Play and Imagination in Children
with Autism by Pamela J. Wolfberg (Teachers College Press). Early Childhood Research
Quarterly, 15(4).
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12. Erickson, K. A. (2000). Including Children with the Most Significant Disabilities in
Balanced Literacy Instruction. A four-part article appearing in the quarterly newsletter of
AbleNet, Inc.
13. Erickson, K. A., and Staples, A. H. (1995, August). Multiple learning influences and a
classroom in transition. ISAAC Bulletin, 14, 4.
14. Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. (1996, November). Should AAC be Taught as a
Separate Curriculum? Special Interest Divisions of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Division 12 Newsletter, 5(3), 5 - 7.
15. Erickson, K. A., and Staples, A. H. (1994, August). A sound decision. Team Rehab
Report, 5(8), 20-23.
16. Erickson, K. A. (1994). Helping to Promote Literacy in AAC Users. More Parent Articles.
Tucson, AZ: Communication Skill Builders.
17. Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. (1994). Literacy and adults with developmental
disabilities (TR94-15). Philadelphia: National Center on Adult Literacy.
Peer Reviewed Papers Presented at International and National Conferences
1. Erickson, K. A. and Hatch, P. Researched-Based Comprehensive Reading Intervention for
Individuals Who Use AAC. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA), New Orleans, LA, November 2009.
2. Hatch, P. and Erickson, K.A. Literacy Instruction for Students with Significant
Disabilities; Two Complementary Studies. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA), New Orleans, LA, November
3. Harper, H., Pierce, P., and Erickson, K. The Time is Now in PreK: Year 1 Results. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Speech Language Hearing Association
(ASHA), New Orleans, LA, November 2009.
4. Erickson, K. A. and Hatch, P. The MEville to WEville™ with Literacy Starters Program:
Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for Children with Significant Disabilities. Concurrent
session at the annual Closing the Gap conference, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2008.
5. Hatch, P. and Erickson, K. Promoting Wide Reading and Reading Growth for Adolescents
with Significant Cognitive Impairment. Concurrent session at the annual Closing the Gap
conference, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2008.
6. Erickson, K. A. and Porter, P. New Voices Assessment: An Online Tool to Support
Interdisciplinary Assessments. Paper presented at the 13th Biennial Conference of the
International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Montreal,
Canada, August, 2008.
7. Erickson, K.A. and Hatch, P. Project Converge: Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for
Beginning Readers with Severe Intellectual Disabilities. Paper presented at the 13th
Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative
Communication, Montreal, Canada, August, 2008.
8. Erickson, K.A. and Hatch, P. Project Converge: Bringing Together MEville to WEville™
and Start-to-Finish© Literacy Starters in Comprehensive Literacy Instruction. Concurrent
session at the annual meeting of the Assistive Technology Industry Association, Orlando,
FL, February 2008.
9. Erickson, K.A. and Hatch, P. Project Converge: Bringing Together MEville to WEville™
and Start-to-Finish© Literacy Starters in Comprehensive Literacy Instruction. Concurrent
session at the annual Closing the Gap Conference. Minneapolis, MN, October 2007.
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10. Hanser, G. and Erickson, K.A. Effective, Research-Based Reading, Spelling, and
Communication Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities. Concurrent session
at the annual Closing the Gap Conference. Minneapolis, MN, October 2007.
11. Dills-Booth, T., Hanser, G., and Erickson, K.A. Implementing Literacy and
Communication Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities, Including DeafBlindness: Activities and Strategies that ARE Working. Concurrent session at the annual
Closing the Gap Conference, Minneapolis, MN, October 2007.
12. Donnelly, M., Erickson, K. A., and King-DeBaun, P. A Framework for Literacy
Development and the tango! Concurrent session at the annual Closing the Gap
Conference, Minneapolis, MN, October 2007.
13. Erickson, K. A. and Carter, J. Get Your Kicks on Route 66 Literacy. Concurrent session at
the annual meeting of the Technology, Reading, and Learning Disabilities Conference,
Orlando, FL, January 2007.
14. Hanser, G. and Erickson, K. Literacy Through Unity: Systematic Phonics Instruction for
Students with Complex Communication Needs. Concurrent session at the annual meeting
of the Assistive Technology Industry Association, Orlando, FL, January 2007.
15. Erickson, K. A. and Hatch, P. Supporting Writing Strategy Development in the General
Education Classroom. Concurrent session at the annual meeting of the Assistive
Technology Industry Association, Orlando, FL, January 2007.
16. Erickson, K. A. and Carter, J. Get Your Kicks on Route 66 Literacy. Concurrent session at
the annual meeting of the Assistive Technology Industry Association, Orlando, FL,
January 2007.
17. Musselwhite, C., Erickson, K., and Stemach, J. STFLS Surprises: Using Start to Finish
Literacy Starters with Diverse Learners. Concurrent session at the annual Closing the Gap
Conference, Minneapolis, MN, October 2006.
18. King-DeBaun, P., Brune, P., Biggerstaff, K., and Erickson, K. Moving Forward:
Curriculum Adaptations for Inclusion of Students with Severe Disabilities. Full-day
preconference workshop at the annual Closing the Gap Conference, Minneapolis, MN,
October 2006.
19. Erickson, K. A. and Hatch, P. Supporting Writing Strategy Development in the General
Education Classroom. Concurrent session at the annual Closing the Gap Conference,
Minneapolis, MN, October 2006.
20. Erickson, K. A. and Carter, J. Get Your Kicks on Route 66 Literacy. Concurrent session at
the annual Closing the Gap Conference. Minneapolis, MN, October 2006.
21. Erickson, K.A., Koppenhaver, D. A., and Hatch, P. Comprehensive Literacy Instruction
for Older Students with Complex Communication Needs. Preconference workshop
presented at the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Biennial Meeting, Dusseldorf, Germany, August 2006.
22. Sasche, S., and Erickson, K.A. Reading instruction in German: What can we learn from
the English language research? Paper presented at the International Society for
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Biennial Meeting, Dusseldorf, Germany,
August 2006.
23. Erickson, K.A., and Koppenhaver, D. A. The reliability of a universally accessible reading
assessment. Paper presented at the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative
Communication Biennial Meeting, Dusseldorf, Germany, August 2006.
24. Erickson, K.A., and Fox, D. L. Promoting Literacy and Communication for Students with
Multiple Disabilities Including Visual Impairments, Blindness, and Deaf-blindness. Poster
session at the Getting in Touch with Literacy conference. Denver, CO, December 2005.
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25. Erickson, K.A., Fox, D. L., and Hatton, D. Language and Literacy Development of Young
Children with Visual Impairments. Concurrent session at the Getting in Touch with
Literacy conference. Denver, CO, December 2005.
26. van Kraayenoord, C., Koppenhaver, D., Erickson, K., Morris D., Spadorcia, S., Elkins, J.,
Moni, K., Jobling, A., Wharton-McDonald, R., and Clendon, S. Enhancing literacy
outcomes for diverse learners. One-day institute presented at the International Reading
Association Convention, San Antonio, TX, May 2005.
27. Musselwhite, C.R., Erickson, K.A., Stemach, J., and Odum, J. STFLS Meets Core
Vocabulary for AAC Users: Supporting Language and Literacy Through Start-to-Finish©
Literacy Starters. Concurrent session at the annual Closing the Gap Conference.
Minneapolis, MN, October 2005.
28. Erickson, K., Clendon, S., Koppenhaver, D., and Spadorcia, S. Automatic word
recognition: The reliability of an accessible assessment task. Seminar presented at the
International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Biennial
Conference, Natal, Brazil, October 2004.
29. Erickson, K., Clendon, S., Koppenhaver, D., and Spadorcia, S. The reliability of a written
language comprehension assessment measure. Seminar presented at the International
Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Biennial Conference, Natal,
Brazil, October 2004.
30. Clendon, S., Jennings, J., Poston, V., Abraham, L., and Erickson, K. MEville to WEville:
Literacy and communication for children with significant disabilities. Concurrent session
presented at the annual Closing the Gap Conference, MN, October 2004.
31. Erickson, K. A., Clendon, S.A., and Spadorcia, S. Scientifically-based reading instruction:
How does the science relate to your students? Preconference workshop presented at the
annual Closing the Gap Conference, Minneapolis, MN, October 2004.
32. Clendon, S., Erickson, K., Poston, V., Van de Carr, H., and Abraham, L. Literacy,
communication, and significant Impairments: Investigating a new instructional program.
Poster session presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Convention, Philadelphia, PA, November 2004.
33. Erickson, K., Spadorcia, S., Koppenhaver, D., Cunningham, J., and Clendon, S.
Establishing the construct validity of a universally accessible word recognition
assessment. Roundtable presented at the National Reading Conference, San Antonio, TX,
December 2004.
34. Erickson, K. A. and Herlihy, D. Multimedia and Social Stories: Using Technology to
Maximize Learning. Concurrent session at the annual Closing the Gap Conference,
Minneapolis, MN, October 2003.
35. Erickson, K. A. and Spadorcia, S. Older Struggling Readers: Possible Explanations and
Solutions. Preconference workshop presented at the annual Closing the Gap Conference,
Minneapolis, MN, October 2003.
36. Erickson, K. A., Koppenhaver, D. A., and Clendon, S. A. Literacy in Augmentative
Communication: Technology Supports for Assessment and Instruction. Preconference
workshop presented at the annual Closing the Gap Conference, Minneapolis, MN,
October 2003.
37. Erickson, K. A. and Hanser, G. The Adolescent Literacy Learning Link: An Alternative
Teaching Approach. Paper presented at the International Society for Augmentative and
Alternative Communication, Odense, Denmark, August 2002.
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38. Musselwhite, C., Erickson, K. & Ziolkowski, R. From Emergent to Transitional to
Conventional Literacy: Making the Leap! Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Closing the Gap, Minneapolis, October 2002.
39. Erickson, K. A., & Spadorcia, S. Older Struggling Readers: Possible Explanations and
Solutions. Preconference workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Closing the
Gap, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2002.
40. Erickson, K. A. ALL-Link: Linking adolescents with significant disabilities to successful
literacy instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of TASH, Boston, MA,
December 2002.
41. Cunningham, J. W., Spadorcia, S., and Erickson, K. A. Books for beginning readers:
Multiple perspectives in leveling texts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
National Reading Conference, Miami, FL, December 2002.
42. Cunningham, J. W., Koppenhaver, D. A., Erickson, K. A., and. Spadorcia, S. Investigating
the Supportiveness of Phonetically Decodable Text for Onset-Rime-Based Decoding
Instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, in
San Antonio, TX, December 2001.
43. Cunningham, J., Spadorcia, S., Erickson, K.A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. Do Rigby PM
Books have more High Frequency Words than Other Books Leveled for Use in Reading
Recovery? Paper presented at the 50th annual meeting of the National Reading
Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2000.
44. Koppenhaver, D., Erickson, K., Spadorcia, S., & Cunningham, J. Do Basal Readers with
“Decodable Text” Support Onset-Rime Decoding Instruction? Paper presented at the 50th
annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, November, 2000.
45. Koppenhaver, D. A., Erickson, K. A., Harris, B., Skotko, B., and Goughnour, R. Storybook Based Communication Intervention for Girls with Rett Syndrome. Paper presented
at the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication,
Washington, DC, August 4, 2000.
46. Sturm, J., Erickson, K., Koppenhaver, D., and Yoder, D. Reading ABC: Tools for
Assessing Reading Comprehension with AAC Users. A miniseminar presented at the
Ninth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative
Communication, Washington, DC, August 5, 2000.
47. Erickson, K. and Koppenhaver, D. Writing within a Balanced Literacy Program. Paper
presented at the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication,
Washington, DC, August 6, 2000.
48. Bedrosian, J., Lasker, J., Koppenhaver, D., Erickson, K., Schlosser, R., Blischak, D., and
Foley, B. AAC, Literacy and Autism: Approaches to Intervention. A miniseminar
presented at the Ninth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative
and Alternative Communication, Washington, DC, August 4, 2000.
49. Erickson, K. A., and Stanger, C. Balanced literacy instruction and an integrated beginning
reading program. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the International Reading
Association, Indianapolis, IN, May 2000.
50. Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. Writing within a Balanced Literacy Program.
Paper presented at the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative
Communication, August 6, 2000.
51. Erickson, K. A., Koppenhaver, D.A., and Sturm, J. Technology Supports for Balanced
Writing Instruction in Beginning Writers. Preconference workshop presented at the annual
Closing the Gap Conference, Minneapolis, MN, October 2000.
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52. Erickson, K. and Fonner, Kelly. Yes they Can! Literacy and Single Switch Access.
Concurrent session presented at the annual Closing the Gap Conference, Bloomington,
MN, October 1999.
53. Bingham, A., Erickson, K., and Stanger, C. Balanced literacy instruction and an integrated
beginning reading program. Concurrent session presented at the annual Closing the Gap
Conference, Bloomington, MN, October 1999.
54. Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. Technology Supports for Balanced Word Level
Instruction in Beginning Reading. Preconference workshop presented at the annual
Closing the Gap Conference, Bloomington, MN, October 1999.
55. Baker, B and Erickson, K. A. Early Literacy and Minspeak Instruction. Concurrent
session presented at the Annual Closing the Gap Conference, Bloomington, MN, October
56. Musselwhite, C. and Erickson, K. A. It’s a Balancing Act! Integrating Technology and
Literacy in Elementary Schools. Preconference workshop at the 16th Annual Closing the
Gap, Minneapolis, MN, October 1998.
57. Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D.A. Technologies to Support Balanced Writing
Instruction for Children with Disabilities. Preconference workshop at the 16th Annual
Closing the Gap, Minneapolis, MN, October 1998.
58. Musselwhite, C., Erickson, K. A., and Koppenhaver, D.A. It’s a Balancing Act!
Integrating Technology and Literacy in Elementary Schools. Preconference workshop at
the Annual Closing the Gap, Minneapolis, MN, October 1996.
59. Erickson, K. A., and Baker, B. Real Language, Literacy, and Semantic Compaction. Paper
presented at the biennial meeting of the International Society for Augmentative and
Alternative Communication, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 1996.
60. Erickson, K. A., and Koppenhaver, D. A. Literacy Assessment Lessons Learned from
Children with Developmental Disabilities. Miniseminar presented at the biennial meeting
of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication,
Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 1996.
61. Erickson, K. A. Literacy and Inclusion for a Student with Severe Speech and Physical
Impairments. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the National Reading Conference,
New Orleans, LA, December 1995.
62. Staples, A. H., Erickson, K. A., and Koppenhaver, D.A. Reading Lesson Interactions of
Children who Use Augmentative Communication and Their Speaking Peers. Paper
presented at the Technology and Media (TAM) Conference on Technology in Special
Education, St. Paul, MN, February 1994.
63. Staples, A. H., Koppenhaver, D. A., and Erickson, K. A. Teacher Perceptions of
Technology Use in Literacy Instruction. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the
International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Maastricht, The
Netherlands, October 1994.
64. Koppenhaver, D.A., Pierce, Patsy L., Steelman, Jane D., Staples, A. H., Erickson, K. A.,
and Yoder, D. E. The Literacy Literature Revisited: What have we learned since 1990?
Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the International Society for Augmentative and
Alternative Communication, Maastricht, The Netherlands, October 1994.
65. Koppenhaver, D.A., Staples, A. H., and Erickson, K. A. Technology and Media in
Literacy Instruction for Children with Disabilities. Paper presented at the biennial meeting
of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Maastricht,
The Netherlands, October 1994.
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66. Erickson, K. A., and Koppenhaver, D. A. A Literacy Program for Children with Severe
Disabilities. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the International Society for
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Maastricht, The Netherlands, October
67. Erickson, K. A., Koppenhaver, D. A., and Yoder, D. E. Adult Literacy and AAC Users:
Research Findings and Future Directions. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the
International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Maastricht, The
Netherlands, October 1994.
68. Erickson, K. A. Epistemologies Underlying Classroom Literacy Educational Practices.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, San Diego,
CA, December, 1994.
69. Staples, A. H., Erickson, K. A., and Koppenhaver, D.A. Uses of Technology and
Educational Materials in Literacy Instruction for Children with Developmental
Disabilities. Paper presented at the National Reading Conference, Charleston, SC,
December 1993.
Invited Papers Presented at International and National Conferences
1. Erickson, K. A., Universal Design, Early Childhood, and Students in the 2% Population.
Member of panel presentation on Universal Design at OSEPs 19th Annual Technical
Assistance and Dissemination Conference, April, 2010.
2. Erickson, K. A., and Sachse, S. Literacy in AAC: What Are We Aiming For?
Preconference sessions at the biennial meeting of the International Society for
Augmentative and Alternative Communication – GSC (German Speaking Countries).
Dortmund, Germany, September, 2009.
3. Erickson, K. A. Waves of Words: Creating the Conditions to Learn to Read, Write, and
Communicate. Concurrent session at the biennial meeting of the International Society for
Augmentative and Alternative Communication – GSC (German Speaking Countries).
Dortmund, Germany, September, 2009.
4. Erickson, K. A. Literacy for Students with Significant Disabilities: High Expectations and
Endless Possibilities. Concurrent session at the U.S. Department of Education, Office of
Special Education Programs, National Parent Center Conference, Washington, DC,
January, 2009.
5. Erickson, K. A. Highly Capable Teachers in Action: From Low-Incidence to CoTeaching. Invited plenary session at the annual meeting of the National Association of
State Directors of Special Education, Kiawah Island, SC, October, 2008.
6. Erickson, K. A. How “Flexible” Are You? Alternate (1%) and Modified (2%) Academic
Achievement Standards: Implications for Policy, Instruction, Preservice , and Inservice.
Moderator for panel presentation at the Annual Meeting of the U.S. Department of
Education, Office of Special Education Programs Project Directors Washington, DC, July,
7. Erickson, K. A. Retrofit No More: The Intersection of Universal Design for Learning
(UDL) and Response to Intervention (RTI) in the Curriculum. Invited panel member at the
Annual Meeting of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education
Programs Project Directors Washington, DC, July, 2008.
8. Erickson, K. A. Bookshare for Education: Digital Texts Revolutionize Learning for
Students with Print Disabilities, Kindergarten through Graduate School and Beyond.
Invited panel member at the Annual Meeting of the U.S. Department of Education, Office
of Special Education Programs Project Directors Washington, DC, July, 2008.
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9. Erickson, K.A. Waves of Words: Creating the Conditions for Reading, Writing, and
Communication. Invited plenary session at the Netherlands/Belgium Chapter of the
International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, SintMichielsgestel, Netherlands, December, 2007.
10. Erickson, K.A., Hatch, P., and Porter, P. Project Converge: MEville to WEville™ Meets
Start-to-Finish© Literacy Starters. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Technology
Innovators Conference, National Center for Technology Innovations, Washington, DC,
November, 2007.
11. Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. Children with Disabilities Reading and Writing
the Four Blocks Way. Paper presented at the Four-Block Leadership Conference,
Winston-Salem, NC, January 2007.
12. Koppenhaver, D.A., and Erickson, K. A. Autism and Literacy. Paper presented at the
Four-Block Leadership Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, January 2007.
13. Erickson, K. A. Successful Literacy for Children with Severe Communication Difficulties.
What Does It Take? Full-day session for the Irish chapter of the International Society of
Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Dublin, Ireland, November 2005.
14. Erickson, K. A. Successful Literacy for Children with Severe Communication Difficulties.
What Does It Take? Full-day session for the UK chapter of the International Society of
Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Manchester, England, November 2005.
15. Erickson, K. A. Successful Literacy for Children with Severe Communication Difficulties.
What Does It Take? Full-day session for the UK chapter of the International Society of
Augmentative and Alternative Communication. London, England, November 2005.
16. Erickson, K. A. Successful Literacy for Children with Severe Communication Difficulties.
What Does It Take? Full-day session for the UK chapter of the International Society of
Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Dunfermline, Scotland, November 2005.
17. Erickson, K.A. Getting Started with Literacy with Significant Disabilities including DeafBlindness. Concurrent session at the bi-annual meeting of the Australia augmentative
communication association, AGOSCI: Together We Can. Brisbane, Australia, August
18. Erickson, K.A. Reading Comprehension and Word Identification Instruction in AAC.
Concurrent session at the bi-annual meeting of the Australia augmentative communication
association, AGOSCI: Together We Can. Brisbane, Australia, August 2005.
19. Erickson, K.A. Literacy for All: Establishing the Proper Conditions Providing the Proper
Supports. Keynote presentation at the bi-annual meeting of the Australia augmentative
communication association, AGOSCI: Together We Can. Brisbane, Australia, August
20. Erickson, K.A. Successful Literacy: What does it look like? What does it take? Full-day
Post-conference workshop at the bi-annual meeting of the Australia augmentative
communication association, AGOSCI: Together We Can. Brisbane, Australia, August
21. Erickson, K. A. Access to Literacy. Plenary session at the International Rett Syndrome
Association conference. San Antonio, TX, May 2005.
22. Erickson, K. A. Access to Learning. Plenary session at the International Rett Syndrome
Association conference. San Antonio, TX, May 2005.
23. Erickson, K.A. Successful Literacy: What does it look like? What does it take? Full-day
workshop presented at AAC in the Mountains, Park City, UT, July 2004.
24. Erickson, K. A. Proposing a Theoretical Framework for Decision-Making in Literacy:
Research and Practical Applications. Plenary address presented at the International
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Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Natal, Brazil, October 10,
Erickson, K. A. Reading Development in AAC. Paper presented at the Annual Leadership
Meeting of the Special Interest Division 12 of the American Speech-Language - Hearing
Association, January, 2002. Sea Island, GA.
Erickson, K.A., & Koppenhaver, D. A. Technology Supported Literacy: A ProblemSolving Process. Invited session at the annual meeting of the Assistive Technology
Industry Association, Orlando, FL, January, 2002.
Koppenhaver, D. A. & Erickson, K.A. A New Look at Emergent Literacy for Children
with Significant Disabilities. Invited session at the annual meeting of the Assistive
Technology Industry Association, Orlando, FL, January, 2002.
Koppenhaver, D. A. & Erickson, K.A. Q is for Duck: Strategies and Technologies for
Adolescents with Significant Disabilities. Invited session at the annual meeting of the
Assistive Technology Industry Association, January, 2002. Orlando, FL.
Erickson, K. A. Language and Literacy Issues in AAC: A Model of Silent Reading
Comprehension. Paper presented as part of an invited panel presentation, Language and
Literacy Issues in AAC: Future Directions, sponsored by Special Interest Division 12,
American Speech and Hearing Association Annual Conference, November, 2002, Atlanta,
Erickson, K.A., and Koppenhaver, D. A. Now We Know Our XYZ’s. Keynote
presentation at the 10th Symposium on Literacy and Disabilities, Cary, NC, January, 2001.
Erickson, K.A., and Koppenhaver, D. A. This Much We Know is True. Plenary
presentation at the 10th Symposium on Literacy and Disabilities, Cary, NC, January, 2001.
Koppenhaver, D.A., and Erickson, K. A. Supporting Students with Disabilities in Writing.
Paper presented at the Four-Block Leadership Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, January
Koppenhaver, D.A., and Erickson, K. A. Supporting Students with Disabilities in Guided
Reading. Paper presented at the Four-Block Leadership Conference, Winston-Salem, NC,
January 2000.
Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. Technologies to Support Children with
Disabilities in Working with Words. Paper presented at the Four-Block Leadership
Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, January 2000.
Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. Technologies to Support Reading and Writing
Independence in Children with Special Needs. Paper presented at the Four-Block
Leadership Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, January 2000.
Erickson, K. A. Emergent Literacy and Children with Severe Disabilities. Paper presented
at the Swedish ID-Days (Assistive Technology Days), Stockholm, Sweden, October 2000.
Koppenhaver, D., and Erickson, K. Balanced Literacy Instruction for Children with
Severe Communication Impairments. Miniseminar presented at the Annual meeting of the
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington, DC, November 2000.
Skotko, Brain G., Harris, Beverly, Koppenhaver, D.A., and Erickson, K. A. StorybookBased Communication Intervention for Young Girls with Rett Syndrome. Concurrent
session presented at the 8th Symposium on Literacy and Disabilities, Research Triangle
Park, NC, February 1999.
Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D.A. Technology Supports for Balanced Word Level
Instruction in Beginning Reading. Post-conference mini-seminar presented at the 8th
Symposium on Literacy and Disabilities, Research Triangle Park, NC, February 1999.
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40. Erickson, K.A., and Casey, K. Autism, AAC, and Literacy. Two-day workshop at the 4th
Annual AAC in the Mountains, Park City, UT, July 1998.
41. Erickson, K., Koppenhaver, D., Sturm, J., & Yoder, D. Reading Comprehension
Instruction for the “Yeahbuts.” Post-conference mini-seminar presented at the 7th
Symposium on Literacy and Disabilities, Research Triangle Park, NC, February, 1998.
42. Erickson, K. A., Harris, B., and Koppenhaver, D. A. Strategies and Techniques to Support
Early Literacy Learning. Invited workshop presented at the annual meeting of the
International Rett Syndrome Association, Charleston, SC, August 1998.
43. Erickson, K. A., Harris, B., and Koppenhaver, D. A. Working with Schools to Support
Emergent Literacy and AAC. Invited workshop presented at the annual meeting of the
International Rett Syndrome Association, Charleston, SC, August 1998.
44. Koppenhaver, D. A., Erickson, K. A., and Harris, B. Storybook-Based Communication
Intervention for Girls with Rett Syndrome. Invited plenary session presented at the annual
meeting of the International Rett Syndrome Association, Charleston, SC, August 1998.
45. Cunningham, P., and Erickson, K. A. Balanced Reading Instruction for Diverse Learners.
Plenary session presented at the 6th Annual Symposium on Literacy and Disabilities,
Durham, NC, January, 1997.
46. Erickson, K. A., and Koppenhaver, D. A. Technologies to Support Literacy Learning in
Children with Disabilities. Preconference workshop presented at the 12th Annual
International Technologies and Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, CA,
March 1997.
47. Erickson, K. A., and Koppenhaver, D. A. Reading Instruction for School-Aged Students
with Developmental Disabilities. Concurrent session presented at the Symposium on
Literacy and Disabilities, Research Triangle Park, NC, June 1994.
48. Koppenhaver, D.A. and Erickson, K. A. Some Questions (And a Few Answers) about
Technology Use in Literacy Instruction for Children with Disabilities. Concurrent session
presented at the Symposium on Literacy and Disabilities, Research Triangle Park, NC,
June 1994.
49. Erickson, K. A., & Koppenhaver, D. A. Adult Literacy and Developmental Disabilities:
Research Findings and Future Directions. National Association for Adults with Special
Learning Needs Conference, Philadelphia, PA, September, 1994.
50. Erickson, K. A. Literacy for Children with Severe and Profound Disabilities: How and
Why? Lecture presented at the Symposium on Literacy and Disabilities, Research Triangle
Park, NC, March 1993.
51. Erickson, K. A., Koppenhaver, D. A., Pierce, P. & Steelman, J. The Role of Literacy in
Employment for Augmented Communicators. Pittsburgh Employment Conference,
Pittsburgh, PA, August, 1993.
Papers Presented at State and Regional Conferences
1. Koppenhaver, D. A. and Erickson, K. A. Engaging Literacy Instruc0on that Makes Sense
to Kids with Down Syndrome. Concurrent session at the annual meeting of the
Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress. Worchester, MA, March 2010.
2. Erickson, K. A. Imagine the Possibilities: Literacy Practices for Students with Significant
Disabilities. Full day plenary session for the Imagine the Possibilities Conference cosponsored by State Support Teams Regions 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 and the Ohio Center for
Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI). Cleveland, OH, March, 2010.
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3. Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. Engaging Literacy Instruc0on that Makes Sense
to Kids with Down Syndrome (for Professionals). Concurrent session at the annual
meeting of the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress. Worchester, MA, March 2010.
4. Erickson, K. A. Literacy in Autism and Related Disorders. Plenary session at the annual
Partnership for Effective Programs for Students with Autism (PEPSA) and Center for
Autism and Related Disabilities – University of South Florida. Clearwater, FL, August,
5. Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. Beginning Reading in Children of All Ages with
Down Syndrome. Concurrent session at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Down
Syndrome Congress. Worchester, MA, March 2009.
6. Porter, P., Pierce, P., & Erickson, K. A. Literacy, Language, and AAC: Working Together
to Navigate Intersecting Interests. Invited plenary session at the annual meeting of the
North Carolina Augmentative and Alternative Communication Association. Charlotte,
NC, February, 2009.
7. Erickson, K. A. Literacy, Assistive Technology, and AAC. Invited workshop for Perlman
Center Reach, Teach, and Grow series. Cincinnati, OH, September 2008.
8. Erickson, K.A. Advancing Understandings and Practices in Literacy and Communication.
Invited plenary session at the annual meeting of the Center for Autism and Related
Disorders Statewide Educators’ Conference. Lake Mary, FL, January 2008.
9. Erickson, K.A. Reading and Writing Interventions to Support Comprehension. Invited
concurrent session at the annual meeting of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders
Statewide Educators’ Conference. Lake Mary, FL, January 2008.
10. Erickson, K.A. Waves of Words: Creating the Conditions to Learn to Read, Write, and
Communicate. Invited plenary session at the Bi-annual meeting of AAC by the Bay, San
Francisco, CA, September 2007.
11. Erickson, K.A. Reading Comprehension Instruction that Improves Communication.
Invited concurrent session at the Bi-annual meeting of AAC by the Bay, San Francisco,
CA, September 2007.
12. Erickson, K.A. Identifying and Building the Literacy Strengths and Talents of All
Individuals with ASD. Keynote presentation at the ASD Symposium. New York, NY,
December 2006
13. Erickson, K.A. Communication and Literacy. Invited plenary session for the Ontario Rett
Syndrome Conference, Toronto, Canada, November 2006.
14. Erickson, K. A. The Part Informing the Future: Literacy Assessment, Intervention and
Research. The 4th David E. Yoder Symposium, Chapel Hill, NC, September 2006.
15. Koppenhaver, D. A. and Erickson, K. A. Advocating for Literacy in Your Child’s IEP:
What Should and Can be Taught? Concurrent session at the annual meeting of the
Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress. Worchester, MA, March 2006.
16. Koppenhaver, D. A. and Erickson, K. A. Reading Intervention: Demonstration and
Discussion of Practical Approaches. Concurrent session at the annual meeting of the
Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress. Worchester, MA, March 2006.
17. Koppenhaver, D. A. and Erickson, K.A. Assessing Reading: Demonstration and
Discussion of a Diagnostic Approach. Concurrent session at the annual meeting of the
Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress. Worchester, MA, March 2006.
18. Erickson, K.A. Identifying and Building the Literacy Strengths and Talents of All
Individuals with ASD. Keynote presentation at the ASD Symposium. Providence, RI,
March 2006.
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19. Erickson, K.A. Conceptualizing Beginning Teacher Quality In Special Education And The
Role Of Preservice Preparation. Panel presentation at the annual Office of Special
Education Programs Project Director’s Meeting, Washington, DC, July 2004.
20. Erickson, K. A. Reading and AAC: A Framework for Instruction. Invited presentation,
Annual meeting of the Connecticut State Speech and Hearing Association, Hartford, CT,
May 2004.
21. Erickson, K. A. Reading Comprehension: What is Required for Success? Invited keynote
address, Annual meeting of the North Carolina Speech Language and Hearing
Association, Asheville, NC, April 2004.
22. Erickson, K. A. Literacy and Autism: From Emerging Understandings to Comprehension.
Invited keynote presentation Community Autism Resources Annual Conference,
Providence, Rhode Island, March 2004.
23. Koppenhaver, D. A., Erickson, K. A., and Skotko, B. Supporting Literacy Learning
Success for Your Child. Invited presentation at the Annual meeting of the Massachusetts
Down Syndrome Congress, Worchester, MA, March 2004.
24. Erickson, K. A. Literacy and Students with Significant Disabilities. Invited workshop
presentation at the Literacy for ALL conference presented by the Exceptional Children’s
Assistance Center, NC Department of Public Instruction, Greensboro, NC, February 2004.
25. Erickson, K. A. Exploring the Unexplored: Literacy for Students with Deaf-Blindness.
Concurrent session for the Annual State-Wide Meeting of the Center for Autism and
Related Disabilities, Miami, FL, January 2004.
26. Erickson, K. A. Literacy for ALL: Never Too Late, Never Too Disabled. Keynote
presentation for the Annual State-Wide Meeting of the Center for Autism and Related
Disabilities, Miami, FL, January, 2004.
27. Erickson, K. A. Literacy and Autism: From Emerging Understandings to Comprehension.
Keynote presentation for the Teacher Preconference Day at the Annual State-Wide
Meeting of the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities, Miami, FL, January 2004.
28. Erickson, K. A. Using Literacy as the Context for Your Intervention. Invited breakout
session for the Illinois State Rett Syndrome Association Annual Teacher-Therapist
Conference, Chicago, IL, November 2003.
29. Erickson, K. A. Literacy Learning is Possible Given the Right Conditions. Invited keynote
presentation for the Illinois State Rett Syndrome Association Annual Teacher-Therapist
Conference, Chicago, IL, November 2003.
30. Erickson, K. A. Why Should Literacy Be on Your Agenda? Invited keynote presentation
for the Illinois State Rett Syndrome Association Annual Parent Conference, Chicago, IL,
November 2003.
31. Erickson, K. A. Literacy in AAC: From Emerging Understandings to Comprehension.
Full-day keynote presentation at the Southeast Augmentative Communication Conference,
Birmingham, AL, September 2003.
32. Erickson, K. A. Literacy and Children with Significant Disabilities. Paper presented at
Great Expectations… for All Children. The Alliance South Region Conference, Charlotte,
NC, May 2003.
33. Erickson, K. A. Supporting Struggling Readers and Writers: Instructional Strategies and
Assistive Technology Solutions. Two-day invited workshop for MSUM/UND Spring
Symposium, Fargo, ND, March 2003.
34. Erickson, K. A. Successful Literacy: What Does it Look Like? What Does it Take?
Workshop presented for the Annual AAC in the Desert, Phoenix, AZ, February, 2003.
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35. Erickson, K.A., Koppenhaver, D.A., and Clendon, S.A. Technology-supported literacy
instruction for children with disabilities. Invited workshop for the Florida Assistive
Technology Education Network (ATEN) Annual Winter Meeting, Orlando, FL, February
36. Erickson, K. A. Fostering Literacy & Language Development Among Students with
Disabilities. Paper presented at Inclusion Works! A statewide meeting of Delaware
Developmental Disabilities Council, Delaware Department of Education, Delaware
Assistive Technology Initiative, and The Parent Information Center of Delaware,
Rehoboth Beach, DE, November, 2002.
37. Erickson, K.A. Technology Supported Literacy: A Problem Solving Process. Paper
presented at the annual North Carolina Technology Expo, Raleigh, NC, October 2002.
38. Erickson, K. A. Literacy, Disability, and Assistive Technology: Research Guided
Practice. An open workshop sponsored by the Bridge School, San Francisco, CA, October
39. Erickson, K. A. Literacy for All: Never Too Late, Never Too Disabled. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the North Carolina ARC, Charlotte, NC, September, 2002.
40. Erickson, K. A. Practical Suggestions to Get Stared with Literacy. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the North Carolina ARC, Charlotte, NC, September, 2002.
41. Erickson, K.A., & Koppenhaver, D. A. Balanced Approaches to Literacy for Children
with Autism. Preconference session for the Texas State Autism Conference, Corpus
Christi, TX. September, 2001.
42. Sturm, J., Koppenhaver, D.A., and Erickson, K. A. Technology Supports for Balanced
Writing Instruction in Beginning Writers. Post-conference mini-seminar presented at the
9th Symposium on Literacy and Disabilities, Cary, NC, 2000.
43. Erickson, K. A. Reading and Writing Instruction for Children with Autism: Understanding
Comprehension and Composition Difficulties. Concurrent session presented for the NH
Summer Institute on Supporting Students with Autism/PDD in General Education
Classrooms, Manchester, NH, 2000.
44. Erickson, K.A. Facilitating Learning for All. Concurrent session at the annual meeting of
the Granite State Reading Association, Concord, NH, October 1999.
45. Erickson, K. Beyond Emergent Literacy: Reading, Writing and Assistive Technology for
All Leaners. Two-day invited session presented at ConnSENSE ‘99, The University of
Connecticut, Storrs, CT, July 1999.
46. Erickson, K. Literacy and Assistive Technology: Conventional Reading and Writing.
Easter Seals South Western Assistive Technology Expo '99, Mesa, AZ, March 1999.
47. Erickson, K. Literacy and Assistive Technology: Emergent Reading and Writing. Easter
Seals South Western Assistive Technology Expo '99, Mesa, AZ, March 1999.
48. Koppenhaver, D. A., and Erickson, K. A. Unlocking Literacy for All Students.
Preconference workshop at the 4th Annual Wisconsin Technology Access Conference,
Milwaukee, WI, March 1997.
49. Erickson, K. A. Literacy Issues in Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Plenary
session presented at the 5th Annual Southwest Conference on Communicative Disorders,
Albuquerque, NM, February 1996.
50. Erickson, K. A. Technologies for Assisting Literacy Learning in Children with Severe
Disabilities. Concurrent session presented at the Second Statewide Technology Conference
of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, LA, January 1996.
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51. Koppenhaver, D. A., Erickson, K. A., and Staples, A. H. Literacy Lesson from Young
Children with Severe Disabilities. Presentation at the Leo. M. Croghan Conference on
Developmental Disabilities, Raleigh, NC, December 1995.
52. Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D.A. Literacy for Inclusion and Inclusion for Literacy.
Keynote address in addition to related workshops at the Lesley College Summer Institute
on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Boston, MA, July 1994.
53. Koppenhaver, D.A. and Erickson, K. A. School-aged Students with Developmental
Disabilities and Literacy: Theory and Practice. Invited pre-conference presentation at the
Facilitated Communication Institute Conference, Syracuse, NY, May 1994.
54. Erickson, K. A., and Koppenhaver, D. A. Long-Range Systematic Planning: What Do you
Want to Be When You Grow Up? Keynote presentation #4 at the Vermont State Inclusion
Team Winter Institute, Burlington, VT, March 1994.
55. Koppenhaver, D. A. and Erickson, K. A. To Conventional Literacy Learning from
Unconventional Instruction. Keynote presentation #3 at the Vermont State Inclusion Team
Winter Institute, Burlington, VT, March 1994.
56. Erickson, K. A., and Koppenhaver, D. A. Literacy: It’s Not Just for Adults Anymore.
Keynote presentation #2 at the Vermont State Inclusion Team Winter Institute, Burlington,
VT, March 1994.
57. Koppenhaver, D.A. and Erickson, K.A. Literacy and Developmental Disabilities Theory
and Best (Better?) Practice. Keynote presentation #1 at the Vermont State Inclusion Team
Winter Institute, Burlington, VT, March 1994.
58. Erickson, K.A. Oral and Written Language Development in Children with Developmental
Disabilities Using Augmentative Communication Techniques. Presentation at the Annual
meeting of the Virginia Speech and Hearing Association, Reston, VA, March 1993.
59. Erickson, K. A., Assistive Technology as a Mechanism for Successful Inclusion. Invited
workshop for the New York State Committee on Special Education Chairperson’s
Conference, Lake Placid, NY, March, 1993.
Invited Presentations and Workshops at Local Education Agencies and Organizations
1. Koppenhaver, D. & Erickson, K. Literacy in AAC: Assessments to Guide Instruction.
Two-day workshop for Oakland County Schools, Pontiac, MI, March, 2010.
2. Erickson, K. A. MEville to WEville: An Early Literacy and Communication Instructional
Program. Workshop for the Region IV Educational Service Center, Houston, TX.
February, 2010.
3. Erickson, K.A. Research-based Approaches to Supporting Access to the General
Curriculum for Students with Significant Disabilities. Workshop for the New Exceptional
Children Director’s Institute, Carolina Beach, NC, February 2010.
4. Erickson, K. A., Hanser, G. & Hatch, P. MEville to WEville: An Early Literacy and
Communication Instructional Program. Workshop for Durham Public Schools, Durham,
NC, January 2010.
5. Erickson, K.A. Literacy and Students with Significant Disabilities. Three-day invited
workshop for the Region IV Educational Service Center, Houston, TX. December, 2009.
6. Erickson, K. A. Comprehensive Literacy for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities.
Two day invited workshop for FDLRS Region 1 Technology Services, Pensacola, FL.
August, 2009.
7. Erickson, K. A. The Use of Assistive Technology for Literacy Instruction. One day
invited workshop for the Region IV Educational Service Center, Houston, TX. March
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8. Erickson, K. A. Balancing the ABC’s for Students with ASD. One day invited workshop
for the Institute on Disabilities, University of New Hampshire, Concord, NH, March.
9. Erickson, K. A. Literacy and Students with Significant Disabilities. Invited presentation
for New York City Board of Education, District 75 Administrators, March, 2009.
10. Erickson, K. A. and Hatch, P. All Children are Ready: The Evidence-base in Literacy for
Students with Significant Disabilities. One day invited workshop at the Silver Sands
School, Ft. Walton Beach, Fl, August, 2008.
11. Erickson, K. A. and Hatch, P. All Children are Ready: The Evidence-base in Literacy for
Students with Significant Disabilities. Two day invited workshop for Escambia County
Schools, Pensacola, FL, August, 2008.
12. Hatch, P. and Erickson, K. A. All Children are Ready: The Evidence-base in Literacy for
Students with Significant Disabilities. One day workshop for the entire staff of McIver
Special Education Center, Greensboro, NC, August, 2008.
13. Erickson, K.A. Literacy for Students with Significant Disabilities. Two-day invited
workshop for the Region XIII Education Service Center, Austin TX, February 2008.
14. Erickson, K.A. Literacy for Students with Developmental Cognitive Disabilities. Two-day
invited workshop for the Minnesota State-wide Network of Teachers of Students with
Developmental Cognitive Disabilities, Minneapolis, MN, October 2007.
15. Erickson, K.A. Planning Interventions Based on Student Needs: Reading Instruction for
Struggling Readers. Two-day invited workshop for the Minnesota Department of
Education, Minneapolis, MN, October 2007.
16. Erickson, K.A. Literacy for Students with Significant Disabilities. Invited workshop, Los
Angeles Unified School District, Los Angeles, CA, October 2006.
17. Erickson, K.A. Literacy for Students with Significant Communication Disorders and
Cognitive Impairments. Two-day invited workshop sponsored by the J. I. Riddle Center,
Morganton, NC, October 2006.
18. Erickson, K.A. Emergent Literacy and Young Children with Disabilities. Invited plenary
session, North Carolina Model Demonstration Preschool Project Summer Conferences
sponsored by the North Carolina Office of School Readiness, Greensboro, NC, June 2005.
19. Erickson, K.A. Literacy for Students with Significant Disabilities. Two-day invited
workshop for Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax, VA, April, 2005.
20. Erickson, K.A. Struggling Readers and Writers: Individualizing Instructional Decisions.
Two-day invited workshop Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency, Bettendorf, IA,
June 2004.
21. Erickson, K. A. Reading, Writing, and AAC. Two-day invited workshop for Dynavox
Systems, May 2004.
22. Erickson, K. A. Supporting Struggling Readers: Instructional Strategies and Assistive
Technology Solutions. Invited workshop for the Department of Special Education,
Assistive Technology Master’s Program, Southern Connecticut State University, New
Haven, CT, May 2004.
23. Erickson, K. A. Literacy Learning for Students with Severe Disabilities: Making the
Impossible Possible. Invited presentation at the Annual meeting of the North Carolina
Exceptional Children’s Division, NC Department of Public Instruction, Greensboro, NC,
October 2004.
24. Erickson, K. A. Systematic Literacy Instruction for Students Who Use AAC: What Does
It Look Like? Two-day invited lecture for the Bridge School Outreach Program, San
Francisco, CA, March 2004.
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25. Erickson, K. From Emerging Literacy to Comprehension: Literacy and Children with
Autism. Invited lecture for the Mecklenberg County Chapter of the Autism Society of
North Carolina, Charlotte, NC, May 2003.
26. Erickson, K. A Collaborative View of the Educator’s and SLP’s Role in Literacy. The
2003 David E. Yoder Distinguished Lecture, Chapel Hill, NC, April 2003.
27. Erickson, K. A. and Hanser, G. Literacy and Augmentative Communication: Research
Guided Practice. Two-day invited workshop for Dynavox Systems, Pittsburg, PA,
November 2003.
28. Erickson, K. A. Successful Literacy Instruction for ALL: Assessment Guided Instructional
Decision-Making. Two-day invited workshop for the El Paso Regional Service Center, El
Paso, TX, November 2003.
29. Koppenhaver, D. A., & Erickson, K. A. Technologies, Talk-nologies, and Text-nologies
to Support Writing Development in Children with Disabilities. One-day workshop
presented for the ORCLISH, Columbus, OH. April 2002.
30. Erickson, K. A. Literacy and Children with Autism: From Emerging Understandings to
Comprehension. One-day workshop for the Autism Society of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, February, 2002.
31. Erickson, K. A., & Koppenhaver, D. A. Children with Disabilities Reading and Writing
the Four Blocks Way. One-day Video-teleconference presented for Special Education
Training – British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. February, 2002.
32. Erickson, K.A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. Technology Supports for Balanced Literacy
Instruction: Writing. Part one of a three-part series sponsored by the Region IV Education
Service Center and the Statewide Assistive Technology Network, Houston, TX, January,
33. Erickson, K. A., & Hanser, G. A. Assessment and Balanced Literacy for Students with
Severe Communication Disorders. Two-day workshop presented for the DynaVox
Systems, LLC, California Speakers Series, Long Beach, CA. March, 2001.
34. Erickson, K.A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. Technology Supports for Balanced Literacy
Instruction: Working with Words Part two of a three-part series sponsored by the Region
IV Education Service Center and the Statewide Assistive Technology Network, Houston,
TX, December 2000.
35. Erickson, K.A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. Technology Supports for Balanced Literacy
Instruction: Guided Reading. Part one of a three-part series sponsored by the Region IV
Education Service Center and the Statewide Assistive Technology Network, Houston, TX,
November 2000.
36. Erickson, K.A. Balanced Literacy for All Learners. Sponsored by the Panhandle Area
Education Consortium, Panama City, FL, August 2000.
37. Musselwhite, C.R. and Erickson, K.A. It’s a Balancing Act! Balanced Literacy Instruction
for Children with Disabilities. Two-day workshop sponsored by the Institute on
Disability, University Affiliated Program, Manchester, NH, April 2000.
38. Erickson, K.A. Beyond Emergent Literacy: Assessment and Balanced Instruction for All
Learners. Two day workshop sponsored by the United Cerebral Palsy Association of
Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ, March 2000.
39. Erickson, K.A. Emergent Literacy for All Children Especially Children with Significant
Special Need. Capital Area Beginnings Innovative Preschool Practices Spring
Conference, Albany, NY, March 2000.
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40. Erickson, K.A. Reading and Writing for Children with Severe Disabilities. Workshop
sponsored by the Institute on Disability, University Affiliated Program, Manchester, NH,
November 1999.
41. Erickson, K.A. Literacy: Making it Happen. Workshop sponsored by Community Bridges,
Concord, NH, September 1999.
42. Erickson, K.A. and Musselwhite, C.R. It’s a Balancing Act! Balanced Literacy Instruction
for Children with Disabilities. Two-day workshop sponsored by the Institute on
Disability, University Affiliated Program, Manchester, NH, March 1999.
43. Erickson, K.A. Reading and Writing Instruction for Children with Autism: Understanding
Comprehension and Composition Difficulties. One day workshop sponsored by the
Institute on Disability, University Affiliated Program, Manchester, NH, February 1999.
44. Erickson, K.A. Literacy, Technology, and Students with Developmental Disabilities.
Miami Valley Special Education Resource and Referral Center, Dayton, OH, November
45. Erickson, K.A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. Literacy Instruction for Struggling Readers. A
videoconference for multiple sites across British Columbia, Canada. Sponsored by Special
Education Training British Columbia, April 1998.
46. Koppenhaver, D. A. and Erickson, K. A. Literacy, Technology, and Children with Severe
Disabilities. Full-day workshop for Region IV teachers and therapists, Victoria, TX, April
47. Erickson, K. Literacy, Technology, and Augmentative Communication. Full-day
workshop sponsored by the Prentke-Romich Company for teachers, therapists, and parents
in Mississippi, Oxford, MS, April 1997.
48. Nance, J. and Erickson, K. A. What Are We Going To Teach? Some Nitty-Gritty on
Instruction and Assessment in Inclusive Classrooms. Lesley College Summer Institute on
Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Boston, MA, July 1996.
49. Koppenhaver, D. A., and Erickson, K.A. Literacy Strategies and Materials for Students
with Disabilities. Three-day workshop for the Grant Woods Area Education Agency,
Cedar Rapids, IA, June 1996.
50. Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. Stacking the Literacy Deck: Creating
Environments and Opportunities to Increase the Odds of Success. A two-day workshop
for the Special Education Service Agency, Anchorage, AL, May 1996.
51. Koppenhaver, D. A., and Erickson, K.A. Stacking the Literacy Deck: Creating
environments and opportunities to increase the odds of success. A videoconference for
multiple sites across British Columbia, Canada. Sponsored by Special Education Training
British Columbia, April 1996.
52. Erickson, K. A. Augmentative Communication for Students in Schools: Implementation
and Diagnostic Recommendations (from the perspective of a literacy educator). Day-long
workshop at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville for the Program in Communication
Disorders, March 1996.
53. Koppenhaver, D. A., and Erickson, K.A. Literacy Strategies and Materials for
Adolescents and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Two-day workshop for
the Institute on Disability, University Affiliated Program, Manchester, NH, October 1994.
Educational Curriculum and Materials
1. Erickson K.A. (ed.). (2008) tango! to literacy. New York, NY: BlinkTwice.
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2. Erickson, K. A. and Hatch, P. (2008). Extended Learning Literacy Lessons: MEville to
WEville. Roseville, MN: AbleNet.
3. Erickson, K. A. and Hanser, G. (2007). Literacy Through Unity: Words Study (45
Location Unity). Wooster, OH: Prentke-Romich.
4. Erickson, K. A. and Hanser, G. (2007). Literacy Through Unity: Words Study (84
Location Unity). Wooster, OH: Prentke-Romich.
5. Erickson, K. A. and Hanser, G. (2007). Literacy Through Unity: Words Study (128
Location Unity). Wooster, OH: Prentke-Romich.
6. Erickson, K. A., Hatch, P., and Pierce, P. (2007). Writing Coach: Writing Strategy
Instruction and SOLO™. Volo, IL: Don Johnston.
7. Erickson, K. A. (in press). Route 66 Literacy. Palo Alto, CA: Benetech.
Instructional Videos
1. Reading Assessment and Assistive Technology: A Three-Part Video. Produced by
Infinitech, Chicago, IL.
2. Including Readers with Special Needs: A RIF Exchange Video. Produced by RIFnet, a
Division of Reading is Fundamental, Washington, DC.
3. Limited Bodies, Limitless Minds. Produced by Footpath Pictures for the New Voices
Foundation, Raleigh, NC.
4. Start-to-Finish© Literacy Starters Workshop. Produced by Don Johnston, Inc., Volo, IL.
5. Literacy and Autism: From Emerging Understandings to Comprehension. Produced by for the Dan Marino Foundation, Miami, FL.
Teaching Record
2004-current Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, Graduate courses in augmentative communication, language and
learning disorders, literacy, and doctoral seminar in grant writing.
Lead Instructor
Fall 2009, SPHS 865 Doctoral Seminar in Grant Writing (14 students enrolled)
Fall 2009, SPHS 865 Augmentative and Alternative Communication (24 students
Spring 2009, SPHS 762 School-Age Language and Learning Disorders (21 students
Fall 2008, SPHS 950 Doctoral Seminar in Group Research Design (7 students)
Fall 2008, SPHS 865 Augmentative and Alternative Communication (27 students
Spring 2008, SPHS 762 School-Age Language and Learning Disorders (23 students
Fall 2007, SPHS 865 Doctoral Seminar in Grant Writing (11 students enrolled)
Fall 2007, SPHS 765 Augmentative and Alternative Communication (31 students
Fall 2006, SPHS 765 Augmentative and Alternative Communication (23 students
Fall 2005, SPHS 765 Augmentative and Alternative Communication (28 students
Spring 2005, AHSC 350 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Assistive Technology (4
students enrolled)
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Co-Instructor for an intensive, 40-hour seminar called “Literacy Issues in
Augmentative and Alternative Communication.” This course is a 3-credit graduate course that
has been taught at the following locations:
Iowa Dept. of Education, Des Moines, IA, 2009
AGOSCI, Rawson, Australia, 2008
Bridges, Mississauga, Ontario Canada, 2008
Oakland County Schools, Pontiac Michigan, 2007, 2009
University of Florida, 2001-2006, 2009
University of New Hampshire, 2004
Region IV Education Service Center, Houston, TX, 2002
Gustavus Adolphus College, 1999-2002
Duke University Medical Center, 1997
Anchorage Alaska, 1997
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994-1996
1998 -2001
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of New Hampshire,
Graduate and advanced undergraduate courses in special education and early
childhood education.
Classroom Teacher, Board of Cooperative Educational Services, Plattsburgh,
Resource Room Teacher, Niskayuna Middle School, Schenectady, NY
Classroom Teacher, Veeder Avenue Elementary School, South Colonie, NY.
Research Grants
1. Erickson, K.A. Project Converge II: A Phase II Steppingstones of Technology
Innovations Award. Steppingstones of Technology Innovations Grants, U.S. Department
of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, $599,949, October 15, 2009 –
October 14, 2011, Erickson, P.I., .30 FTE.
2. Erickson, K. A. Big Words: Computer-Based Phonics Instruction. Steppingstones of
Technology Innovations Grants, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special
Education Programs, $399,859, October 1, 2008 – September 30, 2010, Erickson, P.I., .20
3. Erickson, K.A. & P. L. Pierce, The Time is Now in PreK. U.S. Department of Education,
Early Reading First Award granted to Richmond County Schools with subcontract
awarded to UNC-CH, $580,881, September 1, 2007 – August 31, 2010. Erickson, Director
of Research, .30 FTE.
4. Erickson, K.A. New Voices. NEC Foundation. $44,000, May 1, 2007 – April 30, 2008.
Erickson, P.I., .05 FTE.
5. Erickson, K.A. Project Converge. Steppingstones of Technology Innovations Grants, U.S.
Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, $399,063, January 1,
2006 – December 31, 2007, Erickson, P.I., .30 FTE.
6. Erickson, K. A. YAKK. National Institutes of Health Small Business Innovative Research
subcontract with Blink Twice, Inc. $17,532, September 15, 2006 – February 15, 2007.
Erickson, P.I., .13 FTE.
7. Erickson, K.A. Project SOLO. National Center for Technology Innovations, Collaborative
Short-term Grant, co-sponsored by Don Johnston, Inc. $30,000, August 15, 2005 – Feb
15, 2006. Erickson, P.I., .20 FTE.
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8. Erickson, K. A. ABC-Link: A Web-Based Literacy Assessment Tool for Students with
Significant Disabilities. U.S. Department of Education, National Institute for Disability
and Rehabilitation Research, $449,006, October 2002 – September 2005. Erickson, P.I.,
.35 FTE.
9. Hatton, D. and Erickson, K. Project Emerge: Understanding Emergent Literacy in Young
Children with Visual Impairments and Blindness. U.S. Department of Education, Office
of Special Education Programs, $540,000, January 2003 – December 2005. Hatton, P.I.,
Erickson, Co-P.I., .20 FTE.
10. Erickson, K. A. SBIR-Balanced Literacy II: Read to Learn. . A Phase II National Institutes
of Health Small Business Innovative Research subcontract with IntelliTools, Inc.,
$60,000. January 1, 2005 – December 31, 2005. Erickson, Director of Research, .25 FTE.
11. Erickson, K. A. SBIR-Balanced Literacy II: Read to Learn. . A Phase I National Institutes
of Health Small Business Innovative Research subcontract with IntelliTools, Inc.,
$15,345. January 1, 2004 – March 15, 2004. Erickson, Director of Research, .25 FTE.
12. Erickson, K. A. and Koppenhaver, D. A. The Adolescent Literacy Learning Link for
Students with Disabilities. U.S. Department of Education, National Institute for Disability
and Rehabilitation Research, $374,230, June 1999 – June 2002. Erickson, P.I., 20 FTE.
13. Cunningham, J. W., Koppenhaver, D. A., and Erickson, K. A. Project Reading ABC: An
Alternative Reading Assessment Battery for Children with Severe Speech and Physical
Impairments. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services, Office of Special Education Programs, $524,624. January, 1996 –
December, 1999. Erickson, Project Manager, .50 FTE.
Contracts & Service Agreements
1. Erickson, K.A. New Voices Interdisciplinary School Consulting Project. New Voices
Foundation, $91,989, May 1, 2009 – April 30, 2011.
2. Erickson, K. A. Orange County Schools. Orange County Schools Exceptional Children’s
Department, $13,550, September 1, 2009 – June 15, 2010.
3. Erickson, K. A. Deaf-Blind Model Literacy Demonstration Project. North Carolina
Department of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children’s Division. $63,714, February 9,
2009 – January 31, 2010.
4. Erickson, K. A. Autism Early Communication Module and Advanced Literacy and
Augmentative/Alternative Communication Training. $55,348. North Carolina Department
of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children’s Division. October 15, 2008 – June 30, 2009.
5. Erickson, K.A. Literacy for Students with Significant Disabilities, Region III Education
Service Center, Victoria, Texas, $64,513, March 1, 2008 – October 31, 2008.
6. Erickson, K. A. and Pierce, P. Preschool Model Demonstration Project, North Carolina
Governor’s Office of School Readiness, $51,220, October 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008.
7. Erickson, K. A. Deaf-Blind Model Literacy Demonstration Project. North Carolina
Department of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children’s Division. $87,671, October 1,
2007 – June 30, 2008.
8. Erickson, K. A., New Voices Foundation: The New Voices AAC Assessment Project. New
Voices Foundation, $13,417. 12/1/07 – 2/28/08.
9. Erickson, K.A. Literacy and Students with Low Incidence Disabilities. North Carolina
Department of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children’s Division. $15,000, June 1, 2007
– June 30, 2007.
10. Erickson, K. A. and Pierce, P. Preschool Model Demonstration Project, North Carolina
Governor’s Office of School Readiness, $46,223, October 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007.
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11. Erickson, K. A. Deaf-Blind Model Literacy Demonstration Project. North Carolina
Department of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children’s Division. $99,084, October 1,
2006 – June 30, 2007.
12. Erickson, K. A. Deaf-Blind Model Demonstration Literacy Project. North Carolina
Department of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children’s Division. $61,100. March 1,
2006 – September 30, 2006.
13. Erickson, K. A. Deaf-Blind Model Literacy Demonstration Project. North Carolina
Department of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children’s Division. $160,394. March 1,
2005 – February 28, 2006.
14. Erickson, K. A. Center for Literacy and Disability Studies Model Demonstration Literacy
Centers for Deaf-Blind. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Exceptional
Children’s Division. $95,300. February 15, 2004 – September 30, 2004.
Contracts with Local Education Agencies and Other Organizations
1. FDLRS Region 1 Technology Services. 2009-2010 school year. Ongoing professional
development (face-to-face and webinars) regarding literacy for students with the low
incidence disabilities.
2. Forest View Elementary School, Durham Public Schools. 2007-present. Professional
development and systems change project implementing a response to intervention model
to address the reading instructional needs of all struggling 3rd to 5th grade students.
3. District 54 Schools, Schaumburg, IL August 2000 – present. Consultant for the districtwide literacy team implementing a diagnostic approach to literacy instruction for
struggling readers and writers.
4. Bay County Schools, Panama City, Florida, 2007- present. Consulting and training on
effective literacy instruction and assessment for children with significant disabilities.
5. New York City Board of Education, Manhattan, NY, 2005 – 2007. Consulting with school
developing a comprehensive inclusion program for children with severe motor and
communication program. Includes staff development and curriculum development.
6. Wake County Public School, Emergent Literacy Model Program and Project
Enlightenment. January 2002 – 2007. Consultant for the model demonstration project and
the Early Reading First project.
7. Leon County Schools, Tallahassee, Florida. 2005-2006. Consulting and training on
effective literacy instruction and assessment for children with significant disabilities.
8. Institute on Disability, University Affiliated Program, University of New Hampshire.
1999-2000. Statewide training of reading specialists to teach them to address the needs of
students with the most significant disabilities across the state.
9. Rochester Elementary School, Rochester, NH. 1999-2000. Consulting regarding a firstgrade student with significant disabilities.
10. Timberlane Middle School, Atkinson, NH. 1999-2000. Consulting regarding seventhgrade student with significant disabilities.
11. Washington Street Elementary School, Merrimack, NH. Evaluation and program planning
for a student in fifth grade with significant disabilities.
12. Carolina Computer Access Center, January 1998-1999. Research consultant on grant
investigating the integration of assistive technology into a literacy-based program for fouryear-olds at risk for later literacy learning difficulties.
13. Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Public Schools, August 1998-1999. Program planning
and ongoing support for a 6-year-old with Rett syndrome.
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14. New York City Board of Education, March 1999. Evaluation and program planning for an
8-year-old with Rett syndrome.
15. Wake County Public Schools, September 1998 – January 1999. Evaluation and program
planning for a 16-year-old with Rett syndrome.
16. Durham County Public Schools, September 1996 – July 1998. County-wide training and
support for general and special education staff regarding the implementation of balanced
literacy instruction for all learners.
17. Lee County Public Schools, 1995-1996. Training and support for general and special
education professional staff in a single elementary school and a separate special education
school regarding the implementation of balanced literacy instruction for all learners.
18. New Hanover County Schools, 1995-1998. Consulting and training for general and special
educators. Consulting with teams regarding individual children, participation on the
district-wide assistive technology planning committee, and provision of a series of
workshops regarding assistive technology, IEPs, literacy assessment, and literacy
19. Orange County Public Schools, 1994-19996. Training and support for general and special
education staff in two elementary schools regarding the implementation of balanced
literacy instruction for all learners.
Consulting with Commercial Entities
1. Don Johnston, Inc. April 1995 –present. Consultant on numerous projects including
research, product development, professional development, training for marketing staff,
production of video-based training.
2. BlinkTwice, Inc. August November 2005 – 2009. Consultant on the development of the
tango! communication device.
3. IntelliTools, Inc. July 1995 – 2003. Consultant for research and development of literacy
related software and curriculum using IntelliTools products.
4. Scott Foresman a Division of Pearson Publishing. October 1998 – 2000. Special education
and learning styles consultant on elementary basal reading series.
Professional Service to Discipline
Editorial Boards
Associate Editor, Augmentative and Alterative Communication (2004-2008)
Consulting Editor, Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Review Board, Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits
Guest Reviewer, Journal Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Guest Reviewer, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Guest Reviewer, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education
Guest Reviewer, Topics in Language Disorders
Invited Reviewer, Brookes Publishing book proposals
Conference Proposal Reviewer
ISAAC Biannual Conference 2002, 2004, 2006
TASH Annual Conference 2003 – 2006
ASHA Annual Conference 2007
Professional Memberships
1998 - current International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication
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1998 – current
1997 - current
United States Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication
National Reading Conference
Doctoral Student Mentoring
Dissertation Advisor
Hatch, P. (2009). Wide Text Exposure For Adolescents With Moderate To Severe
Intellectual Disability (Doctoral Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, 2009).
Wilson, K. (2007). Phonological Awareness, Speech, and Language Skills in Children
with Clefts (Doctoral Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007).
Clendon, S. (2006). The Language of Beginning Writers: Implications for Children with
Complex Communication Needs (Doctoral Dissertation, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, 2006).
Grenier, M. (2004). Inclusion in Physical Education for Students with Severe Disabilities
(Doctoral Dissertation, University of New Hampshire, 2004).
Committee Member
Lanter, L. (2009). Emergent Literacy Development in Children with Autism Spectrum
Disorders (Doctoral Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009).
Hanser, G. (2008). Investigating The Effects Of Integrated Systematic Decoding,
Spelling, And Communication Instruction For Students With Complex Communication
Needs (Doctoral Dissertation, University of New Hampshire, 2008).
Abraham, L. (2007). Examination of Maternal Language Strategies during Book Sharing
with Infants and Toddlers (Doctoral Dissertation, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, 2007).
Roy, V. (2006). Storybook Reading and the Addition of Toy Props: The Effects on Child
Engagement and Interest and the Interactions Between Caregivers and Their Children
(Doctoral Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006).
Professional Service to UNC-CH
Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences, PhD Curriculum Committee 2005- present
Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences, MS Curriculum Committee 2006-2007
Distribute Annual PhD Student online program evaluation 2005, 2006, 2007
Teach Academic Writing Workshop Fall 2006
Department of Allied Health Sciences Open House Committee 2006