INSTRUCTION Course Package EGR 212 ENGINEERING MECHANICS II: DYNAMICS APPROVED 12/02/2011 EFFECTIVE FALL 2012-13 MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 09/07/11) INSTRUCTION Course Package Prefix & Number EGR 212 Purpose of this submission: If this is a change, what is being changed? NO (Check all that apply) Course Title: Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics New Update Prefix Course Description Title Course Number Format Change Credits Prerequisite Competencies Textbook/Reviewed Competencies-no changes needed Does this course require additional fees? NO Is there a similar course in the course bank? NO Articulation: Is this course or an equivalent offered at other two and four-year universities in Arizona? Yes. CEE 212 at ASU Is this course identified as a Writing Across the Curriculum course? NO Course Textbook, Materials and Equipment Textbook(s) Software/ Equipment Modality Check all that apply Title Author(s) Publisher ISBN Barnes & Noble Price Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics Hibbeler, R. C. Pearson 13: 978-0-13-607791-6 $165 Title Author(s) Publisher ISBN Barnes & Noble Price Math engine such as Mathematica, Maple, MatLab, etc On Ground Course Assessments Description of Possible Course Assessments (Essays, multiple choice, etc.) Exams, Presentations, Portfolio Exams standardized for this course? Midterm Final Other (Please specify): Where can faculty members locate or access the required standardized exams for this course? (Contact Person and Location) Example: NCK – Academic Chair Office Are exams required by the department? No Yes If Yes, please specify :Chapter exams. Student Outcomes: Identify the general education goals for student MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 09/07/11) INSTRUCTION Course Package learning that is a component of this course. Check all that apply: Method of Assessment PowerPoint presentations, team work 1. Communicate effectively. a. b. Read and comprehend at a college level. Write effectively in a college setting. c. Communicate orally x 2. Demonstrate effective quantitative reasoning and problem-solving skills. 3. Demonstrate effective qualitative reasoning skills. 4. Apply effective methods of inquiry. a. Generate research paper by gathering information from varied sources, analyzing data and organizing information into a coherent structure. b. Employ the scientific method. 5. Demonstrate sensitivity to diversity a. Experience the creative products of humanity. b. Describe alternate historical, cultural, global perspectives. Office of Instruction Use only: CIP Code: ONET Code: Minimum Qualifications: MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 09/07/11) Problem solving on HW and exams, portfolio INSTRUCTION Course Package COURSE INFORMATION Initiator: John Saber Date of proposal to Curriculum Sub-Committee: 4 Nov 2011 Effective Semester/Year Fall 2012 Prefix & Number: EGR 212 Full Title: Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics Short Title: Dynamics Catalog Course Description: Engineering dynamics is concerned with the motion of bodies subjected to the action of forces, in particular the accelerated motion of a body. The subject of dynamics will be presented in two parts: kinematics, kinematics which treats only the geometric aspects of the motion, and kinetics, kinetics which is the analysis of the forces causing the motion. To develop these principles, the dynamics of a particle will be discussed first, followed by topics in rigid-body dynamics in both two and three dimensions. SUN Course Number: Credit Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Prerequisite(s) MAT 241 Co-requisite(s) MAT 260 Intended Course Goals By the end of the semester, students will be able to: 1. Effectively apply mathematical and engineering principles to analyze and solve problems involving bodies under the influence of unbalanced forces. 2. Apply appropriate technology, in particular MatLab, in analyzing and solving problems involving dynamic processes. 3. Work effectively in teams 4. Orally present their work to their peers. MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 09/07/11) INSTRUCTION Course Package Course Competencies and Objectives By the end of the semester, students will be able to: Competency 1 Solve Problems Involving Kinematics of a Particle Objective 1.1 use calculus based definitions of position, velocity and acceleration functions. Objective 1.2 solve problems involving motion of a particle along a straight line. Objective 1.3 use different coordinate systems to investigate motion of a particle in curve motion. Objective 1.4 analyze dependent motion of two particles. Objective 1.5 analyze relative motion of two particles using translating axes. Competency 2 Apply Newton’s Second Law to Relate Forces and Acceleration Objective 2.1 correctly apply the equation of motion to a single particle. Objective 2.2 correctly apply the equation of motion for a system of particles. Objective 2.3 analyze motion in rectangular coordinate systems. Objective 2.4 use the concepts of normal and tangential coordinates to solve motion problems. Objective 2.5 apply the equation of motion in cylindrical coordinates. Competency 3 Solve Problems Using Work-Energy Equivalency Objective 3.1 apply work-energy equivalency to solve problems that involve force, velocity and displacement. Objective 3.2 use the concepts of power and efficiency in solving time dependent work systems. Objective 3.3 use the conservation of energy equation to solve problems that involve conservative force systems, velocity and displacement. Objective 3.4 employ MatLab to solve problems. Competency 4 Apply the Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum Objective 4.1 apply the principle for a particle to solve problems involving force, velocity and time. Objective 4.2 solve problems involving the conservation of momentum for particles. Objective 4.3 analyze the mechanics of impact. Objective 4.4 solve problems involving angular impulse and momentum. Objective 4.5 to solve problems involving steady fluid streams and propulsion with variable mass. Competency 5 Solve Problems Involving Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body Objective 5.1 classify the various types of rigid body planar motion. Objective 5.2 solve problems involving rigid-body translation and angular motion about a fixed axis. Objective 5.3 solve problems involving planar motion using absolute motion analysis. Objective 5.4 apply relative motion analysis of velocity and acceleration using a translating frame of reference. Objective 5.5 show how to find the instantaneous center of zero velocity and determine the velocity of a point on a body using this method. Objective 5.6 perform a relative-motion analysis of velocity and acceleration using a rotating frame of reference. Competency 6 Solve Problems Involving Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body Considering Force and Acceleration Objective 6.1 solve problems using the planar kinetic equations of motion applied to a symmetric rigid body. Objective 6.2 apply these equations to bodies undergoing translation and rotation about a fixed axis and general planar motion. Objective 6.3 present solution to problems using Power Point presentations. MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 09/07/11) INSTRUCTION Course Package Competency 7 Solve Problems Involving Kinetics of a Rigid Body Considering Work and Energy Objective 7.1 discuss the kinetic energy of a body and the ways a force and couple do work. Objective 7.2 apply the principle of work and energy to solve rigid body planar kinetic problems that involve force, velocity and displacement. Objective 7.3 show how the conservation of energy can be used to solve rigid-body planar kinetic problems. Competency 8 Solve Problems Involving Kinematics of a Rigid Body in Three Dimensions Objective 8.1 analyze the kinematics of a body subjected to rotation about a fixed point and general planar motion. Objective 8.2 conduct a relative motion analysis of a rigid body using translating and rotating axes. Competency 9 Solve Problems Involving Kinetics of a Rigid Body in Three Dimensions Objective 9.1 determine the moments of inertia and products of inertia of a body about various axes. Objective 9.2 show how to apply the principles of work and energy and linear and angular momentum to a rigid body having three-dimensional motion. Objective 9.3 apply the equations of motion in three dimensions. Objective 9.4 solve problems involving gyroscopic and torque-free rotation. Competency 10 Solve Problems Involving Vibrations Objective 10.1 solve problems involving undamped vibration of a rigid body using the equations of motion and energy methods. Objective 10.2 solve problems involving undamped-forced vibrations and viscous damped-forced vibrations. MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 09/07/11)