NCE - Scio

Gain students from
the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Universities are using
National Comparative Exams (NCE)
in their admission process.
A chance to address
tens of thousands of applicants
Outstanding students
The NCE are attended by as many as 40 000 students
applying to universities and colleges in the Czech Republic and Slovakia every year. We communicate with
them all through the year and will let them know about
your university as a user of NCE.
You can gain outstanding students with excellent aptitude to study at a university. The NCE results are used
by 60 faculties in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Many participants will appreciate the chance to use
their result at a foreign university.
No extra cost for the university or the applicants
NCE results are recognised internationally
■ One in three faculties in the Czech Republic and Slovakia use NCE
as their entrance exams, including the most prestigious
(f.e. Prague's Charles University and Masaryk University Brno).
■ The exams are taken by 30–40 000 Czech and Slovak university
applicants every year.
■ The number of faculties using NCE grows every year.
■ The most frequently used test is the General Academic Prerequisites
test (GAP), which is similar to the SAT Reasoning test.
■ Concurrent Validity Of The SAT and The GAP
We are continually observing the correlation of SAT tests and the
GAP test. The correlation coefficient describing the link between
the tests' results reaches around 0,761 for the entire exam, thus
denoting a very strong correlation.
A more detailed study:
About Scio
Scio is an independent company, active in the field of educational measurement since the
year 1996.
Scio is a member of the respected association AEA-E (Association for Educational Assessment
Scio cooperates with ETS (provider of GRE, SAT, TOEFL and
other exams).
Scio works within the
quality management system
ISO 9001:2008.
Faculties using NCE (year 2013)
Charles University Prague
◾ Faculty of Social Sciences
◾ Faculty of Law
Masaryk University Brno
◾ Faculty of Social Studies
◾ Faculty of Economics and Admin.
◾ Faculty of Informatics
University of West Bohemia Pilsen
◾ Faculty of Law
◾ Faculty of Economics
◾ Faculty of Applied Sciences
◾ Faculty of Electrical Engineering
◾ Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of Economics in Prague
◾ Faculty of Economics and Public
◾ Faculty of Inform. and Statistics
◾ Faculty of Management
Czech Technical Univers. in Prague
◾ Faculty of Electrical Engineering
◾ Faculty of Information Technology
University of Technology Brno
◾ Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Communication
◾ Faculty of Information Technology
◾ Faculty of Civil Engineering
Palacky University Olomouc
◾ Faculty of Law
◾ Faculty of Science
J. E. Purkyne Univers. in Usti n/L.
◾ Faculty of Education
Mendel University Brno
◾ Faculty of Forestry and Wood
◾ Faculty of Business and Economics
◾ Faculty of Regional Develop. and
Int. Stud.
◾ Institute of Lifelong Education
Tomas Bata University Zlin
◾ Faculty of Humanities
◾ Faculty of Manag. and Economics
◾ Faculty of Applied Informatics
Silesian University Opava
◾ School of Business Administration
◾ Faculty of Philosophy and Science
◾ Faculty of Public Policies
VSB-Technical Univers. of Ostrava
◾ Faculty of Economics
◾ Faculty of Safety Engineering
◾ Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
◾ Faculty of El. Eng. and Comp.
University of Pardubice
◾ Faculty of Public Administration
University of South Bohemia
◾ Faculty of Economy
◾ Faculty of Biological Sciences
Czech University of Life Sciences
◾ Faculty of Forestry and Environ.
◾ Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and
Nat. Res.
Technical University of Liberec
◾ Faculty of Sciences, Humanities
and Education
University of Presov
◾ Faculty of Humanities and Natural
◾ Faculty of Management
◾ Faculty of Arts
Slovak Univers. of Technology
◾ Faculty of Informatics and Inf.
◾ Faculty of Architecture
Slovak University of Agriculture
in Nitra
◾ Faculty of Economics and Management
University of Zilina
◾ Faculty of Management and
◾ Faculty of Special Engineering
Comenius University in Bratislava
◾ Faculty of Math, Physics and
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
◾ Faculty of Social Sciences and
Health Care
Pavol J. Safarik Univers. in Kosice
◾ Faculty of Science
Matej Bel University in Banska
◾ Faculty of Humanities
University of Veter. Medicine and
Pharmacy in Kosice
Gain new applicants! How to do it?
Does your university accept various admission criteria?
For example the International Baccalaureate, SAT and TOEFL examinations, your own entrance exams, etc.?
Why not include the NCE results for Czech and Slovak applicants?
The admission criteria may be formulated as follows:
Czech Republic and Slovak Republic: Applicants with an NCE-GAP
certificate will be accepted. The condition is reaching a percentile of
over 50 (to 90 – depending on how attractive the faculty/course is)
■ a chance for Czech and Slovak students who take NCE
■ a chance to directly address tens of thousands of Czech and Slovak university applicants
■ a chance to gain students with excellent aptitude
Do you offer advantages to the best applicants?
Can the best applicants study without a fee? Can they receive a
stipend or other advantages?
Some universities allow students who gained an excellent score in
the NCE to study free of charge or offer them other advantages, for
example a stipend.
The admission criteria may be formulated as follows:
Czech Republic and Slovak Republic: The three best applicants with
an NCE-GAP certificate may study free of charge in their first year.
Their percentile must be 90 or higher.
■ a chance to directly address tens of thousands of Czech and Slovak university applicants
■ a chance to gain students with excellent aptitude
■ students are motivated to apply
Will you use NCE ?
1. Contact us. We will help you formulate the admission criteria for
Czech and Slovak participants. We are ready to visit you.
2. During every academic year we will automatically and repeatedly
inform all Czech and Slovak applicants about the option of studying
at your university or faculty.
3. The validity of an NCE certificate can be checked online at:
Stay in touch with us:, s.r.o.
Pobrezni 34
186 00 Prague 8
Marian Golis
gsm: +420 732 622 598
A percentile states what percent
of particpants performed worse
in the examination.
Tests are set up as CRT tests,
therefore the average amount
of correct answers fluctuates
around 50 %.
The percentile level needed for
admission can be set to match
the attractiveness of the university or faculty.
■ GAP - General Academic Prerequisites
■ English Language
■ German Language
■ Mathematics
■ Humanities
■ Biology
■ Chemistry
The GAP test is taken by most
university applicants in the
Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Test GAP (General Academic
The following skills are tested:
■ Verbal section:
comprehending long texts and
their interpretation, distinguishing subtle differences in meaning between words, coming to
correct conclusions
■ Analytical section:
logical reasoning, analysing
and woking with data, critical
■ Quantitative section:
working with numbers, values,
charts and spread sheets, elementary mathematical skills