New Hire Checklist: A Suggested Guide for Hiring Managers This checklist is provided for your use and offers suggested areas to consider as you are orienting a new employee. It is not prescriptive but does invite you to think critically about what information would be most helpful to create a smooth entry for a new employee into your department. The attached detailed onboarding materials checklist can be customized to your respective departmental needs. The Office of Human Resources sends the official hire confirmation letter to new employees. This letter includes starting date, wages or salary, an invitation to orientation and information regarding completion of the I-9 form. At least two weeks prior: Complete Payroll Authorization (PA) (contact candidate directly to obtain necessary info); deliver to Employee Information Services (EIS.) Receipt of PA and entry into HRMS will drive Email (Blitzmail) access and Dartmouth Name Directory (DND) account, as well as scheduling the employee for New Employee Orientation. Two weeks prior is the latest you should submit PA; ideally, as soon as acceptance is received, department should complete and submit to EIS. Recruit a departmental “buddy” (peer from same or related group) for new employee and provide guidance concerning role and responsibilities; should be someone who is interested in helping the new employee and who will be capable, available and willing to assist them (see “sample buddy plan” document-pending.) Send welcome letter to employee, to include the name of the departmental “buddy” and parking arrangements for first day (see sample letter.) Prepare work station, ensure space has appropriate supplies. Confirm with local computer/tech support staff that computer and phone in work station is up-to-date and ready for new hire. Order nameplate. Order business cards. Confirm phone number. Contact your HR Consultant if you have any questions. August, 2011 Page 1 of 5 Schedule computer training to establish employee’s electronic ID and familiarize them with applicable software (may need to schedule over first few months.) Request and schedule an ergonomic work station evaluation with EHS. Plan and schedule time with immediate supervisor on 1st day. Plan and schedule introductory meetings with appropriate internal and external staff. Create the work transition plan for the new employee and employees currently covering those areas of responsibility. The plan should include: a timeline; gradual or immediate transition of work training responsibilities; supervisor, employee covering the responsibility or technical specialist communication of plan; department, co-workers and campus colleagues A thorough work transition plan provides clear expectations for the new employee, co-workers and campus colleagues. Depending on the nature of the work, the plan can range from a few weeks to a few months in duration. One week prior: Arrange for welcome breakfast/reception with department. Send welcome e-mail to new employee via blitz, so it is one of the first e-mails they receive. Prepare meaningful initial work assignments / first week schedule of activities and necessary training. Arrange for E-mail account activation / account claiming procedure. Assemble materials to provide to employee on 1st day from the “Suggested Detailed Onboarding Materials Checklist” Suggested items include but are not limited to: Departmental phone list Key (s) to building/department with instructions for safeguarding List of acronyms Departmental organizational chart List of any department- specific policies (hours, meal break/ work, requesting time off, performance review process and timeline, development programs, activities, office supply order procedure, dress code, safety procedures, attendance, phone, email) August, 2011 Page 2 of 5 Map of campus and building (especially if at DHMC) Any appropriate Dartmouth publications or list of links to Dartmouth community resources ORACLE calendar - add new employee to existing groups and scheduled meetings. Identify designee rights if applicable and viewing access. One day before: Double-check to insure workspace is set up and phone/computer as appropriate are setup and connected. Check to insure sponsor is prepared for his/her initial meeting with the new employee. Remind reception/front desk or department-equivalent that new employee starts the next day 1st day: New employee attends the College New Employee Orientation, if possible. Welcome employee to department. Meet with supervisor. Complete forms: I-9 (with HR or divisional I-9 reviewer), W-4, direct deposit and send to EIS. Sign confidentiality agreement, if applicable to department or position. Register employee for DartAlert. <> Submit employee’s Emergency Contact Information via Dartmouth’s home page <>. Click on “Directory” and then on “Log in to Maintain My Information”. Introduce new hire to co-workers and give a tour of the office space. Arrange for team members to spend some initial time with employee. Provide keys to office, building and desk and explain any electronic access codes. August, 2011 Page 3 of 5 Provide information packet of department-specific information (see “One Week Prior” above) to complement the welcome letter mailed earlier. Include contact information and a “who’s-who” regarding “getting things done” in department. Review first week schedule of activities. Review work transition plan, and assignments awaiting new employee. Schedule initial feedback session. Coordinate/ take new employee to lunch on first day available to do so (may be after orientation.) Discuss health and safety issues related to job responsibilities. Review procedure for tracking time and pay periods, requesting vacation and unanticipated absences Electronic data systems introduction (OASIS, ORACLE, other as appropriate) ORACLE Calendar or other calendaring procedure VPN procedure Voicemail procedure Other departmental electronic systems (BANNER, Blackboard etc.) Copier usage/scanning process First two weeks Obtain Dartmouth ID (obtain DDS charge function and library access as desired.) Set up initial meetings with appropriate team members (Department Chair/Director and area or section heads) and familiarize with other key departmental staff resources Identify regular check-in times with supervisor (initial and ongoing.) Discuss performance expectations and review schedule, winter break issues for essential services and summer hours as applicable. Discuss professional development opportunities. Orient to standing meetings schedule (daily, weekly, and monthly.) August, 2011 Page 4 of 5 Review and include in “tag-along” meetings for initial period of employment. Review project plan/departmental or divisional objectives. Provide overview of department annual cycle including times of high volume, anticipated overtime or lighter workload. Review front desk/kitchen/keypad door access/supply room/scheduling conference space/business cards as applicable. Provide building familiarization and campus tour. Encourage use of community resources (gym, libraries, lectures, Hood, HOP, AfterHours program.) Review campus or area-specific history or pending issues relevant to department. Complete Dartmouth College Merchant Credit Card Policy Training (only for employees who process, store or transmit credit card data; for details, contact Mary Fisher, Office of Risk and Internal Controls Services, at 646-3039 or at Mary. Other Considerations 30 day check-in 4-month check-in 60 day check-in 5-month check-in 90 day check-in 6-month check-in RELATED DOCUMENTS: Sample Welcome Letter From Department Suggested Detailed Onboarding Materials Checklist August, 2011 Page 5 of 5