AO/V/4 ORIGINAL: French DATE:July 1, BUREAUX INTERNATIONAUX UNITED INTERNATIONAL REUNIS POUR LA PROTECTION «--^ -|~ T-W X"^T BUREAUX FOR THE PROTECTION GENEVE, SUISSE J3X XV. jL JL GENEVA, SWITZERLAND DE LA PROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE IJ I §3 1/ I OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CONSEIL INSTITUE PAR L'ARRANGEMENT DE LISBONNE CONCERNANT LA PROTECTION DES APPELLATIONS D'ORIGINE ET LEUR ENREGISTREMENT INTERNATIONAL CINQUIEME SESSION (Geneve, 26 et 29 septembre 1970) COUNCIL ESTABLISHED BY THE LISBON AGREEMENT FOR THE PROTECTION OF APPELLATIONS OF ORIGIN AND THEIR INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION FIFTH SESSION (Geneva, September 26 and 29, 1970) FORMALITIES DECISIONS IN THE FOR APPEAL AGAINST OF NATIONAL ADMINISTRATIONS FIELD OF APPELLATIONS OF ORIGIN 1. At the fourth ordinary session of the Council set up by the Lisbon Agreement, which was held at Geneva on September 25 and 26, 1969, it was decided that BIRPI would gather informa tion on the formalities existing in the various States of the Special Union for appeal against decisions in the field of appellations of origin. 2. By Circular No. 9 87 of March 6, 19 70, addressed to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of countries party to the Lisbon Agreement, the Director of BIRPI requested each member State to provide him with information on the formalities for appeal against decisions in the field of appellations of origin in the form of replies to a questionnaire attached to the circular mentioned above. slovakia, By July 1, 1970, three countries, Czecho Haiti and Portugal had replied to the questionnaire. Their replies are attached hereto (Annexes I to III). 19 70 AO/V/4 page 3. 2 The Council is requested take note of the replies countries. /End of document. _ Three Annexes follow/ to of these Original Annex I H A from the of Haiti I have the honor the provisions of July "Article in 17, 2. I the Administration 15, 1970) to inform you that 2 in Registration may consist T letter of which reads respect of marks those which I 1 of June of Article 1954, French to document AO/V/4 page (Extracts : devoid of solely fine of as have consulted the Trademark Law follows: also be any I refused or invalidated distinctive of expressions, character, symbols or or signs serving in the course of trade to designate the kind, type, quality, quantity, use, place of origin, etc., of the goods..." The registration of appellations of origin lies within the sole competence of this Department, and the law makes no provision for appeals in such cases. We therefore return to you herewith the questionnaire of March 6, information requested. 1970, with the Original Annex I : French to document AO/V/4 page 2 QUESTIONNAIRE regarding in the and formalities for appeal against field of appellations of origin (5) of the Lisbon Agreement of Appellations of Origin for and Their decisions (Article the 5(3) Protection International Registration) 1. State : A^JW1.10. PF. ^A1.1.1. 2. Administration replying Department 3. to this of Commerce questionnaire : and Industry Authority with original jurisdiction : Adp.^A^.^Ave Authority The Department of Commerce has sole competence case 4. Authority in in the point. (administrative* - judicial*) with appellate jurisdiction V, 5. Time limits 6. Date from which 7. Form of 8. Authority with which the appeal must be fogged 9. Other * Cross rsir appeal lodging an appeal tim^ limits begin to run : formalities out as : .. : : appropriate See reverse side Annex I If 10. there Authority are two appellate (administrative* jurisdiction at second 11. Time limitssfor lodging 12. Date from which time 13. Form of 14. Authority with which 15. Other 16. Any additional ities reappeal formalities of to document AO/V/4 page 3 : judicial*) with appellate level: a reappeal limits begin : to run : the reappeal must be NLodged : information further - levels appeal, (for example, or the as obligation agent established in the country) regards to possibil appoint : Date and signature : June 15, 1970 /End of the Annex/ an Original Annex II : French to document AO/V/4 page 1 QUESTIONNAIRE regarding formalities for appeal against decisions in the field of appellations of origin and (5) of the Lisbon Agreement (Article 5(3) for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Their International Registration) ~ 1. State : PORTUGAL 2. Administration replying to this questionnaire : .1.n.d?.s.t?.\a.1. .p.r°Perty Office, reporting to the Directorate-General of Commerce (Ministry of Economy), which evaluates the applications at an administrative level. 3. Authority with original District of Lisbon 4. Authority c°urt °f jurisdiction (Art. 203 of the Industrial Property Code*) (administrative* - judicial*) with appellate jurisdiction Court ^qf Apjoeal . 5. Time limits for lodging an appeal : ,9.0. .d.a.Y.s. 6. Date from which time limits, begin to run : /.f.?H .^A .d.^.e. .°.f.. publication of the Industrial Troperty Bulletin (Boletim) containing the decision o.f the .Director General .(I.P. Code,, Art. 7. Form of appeal : . .°rdi.nar7. MX1.1. J?5°c.eAu.r.e. 8. Authority with which the Lisbon »^.. * District £ appeal must be lodged : Court , ... Appeal must be accompanied by the required copies and the issue of die •^oletinnl' in which £he contested decision was published, (Art. 205, sole § of or a certified copy thereof the I.P. * Cross out as appropriate Code). Sjee_reverse_side 205) Annex If there 10. are II to document AO/V/4 page 2 two appellate levels : Authority (administrative* - judicial*) with appellate jurisdiction The at second level: decision may be brought before Appeal (Court of the Supreme Court of.... Cassation) 11. Time limits for lodging a reappeal : 12. Date from which time limits begin to run : T^e notification of f the reappeal decision of . .?J9. t-. .aY? the Lisbon Court 13. Form of : 14. Authority with which the reaopeal must be lodged : • Court of 15. Other formalities 16. Any additional information (for example, as regards possibil- ^ agent established in the country) i ities of It is in the * Appeal : .... further appeal, essential to or the obligation to appoint an : appoint an agent (attorney),^established country. The Industrial Property Code was published in Nos. 7 to 11 year LV11, of the review published by BIRPI, "La Proprie'te' Industrielle." , . . Date and signature : Lisbon, /End of * Cross out as appropriate ' April ^ the Annex/ 4, 1970 j Original : English Annex III to document AO/V/4 page 1 QUESTIONNAIRE regarding formalities for appeal against decisions in the field of appellations of origin and (5) of the Lisbon Agreement (Article 5(3) for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Their International Registration) Czechoslovak Socialist Republic 1. State : 2. Administration replying to Office of Patents 3. Authority with original Office 4. Authority of this and questionnaire Inventions jurisdiction Patents (administrative* and - : : Inventions judicial*) with appellate jurisdiction Special appellate department of the Office^of Patents and Inventions 5. Time limits for lodging an appeal : . .. .^Xs. 6. Date from which time limits begin to run : .r°™.. .f . .^ .e. .°n .. which 7. Form of the applicant receives appeal effect when 8. for Other of reconsideration lodged within prescribed time Authority with which the appeal must be appellate 9. Request : notification : A request for - has a delaying limits lodged department of the Office of Patents formalities the decision : and Inventions reconsideration may be lodged in writing or orally (in the latter case it must be taken down in writing); the requesting party, the case and the nature of the request must be specified. * Cross out as appropriate Seejceverse_side Annex III to document AO/V/4 page If 10. there Authority are two appellate 2 levels (administrative* - judicial*) jurisdiction at for second : with appellate level: 11. Time limits lodaing 12. Date from which 13. Form of 14. Authority with which the reappeal must be 15. Other 16. Any additional information (for example, as regards possibil ities of further appeal, or the obligation to appoint an agent established in the country) : Review of the proceedings: proceedings by an administrative authority having resulted in time reappeal a reappeal limits begin : to run : lodged formalities a decision with force of law may be reviewed at the request of any of the parties to the proceedings, if new facts or evidence * come* to* right'," If' errors* were' committed* during* the* proceedings or if the decision is based on false evidence. A request for reconsideration may be lodged against a concerning the review of the proceedings.^ decision Foreigners are obliged to appoint an agent established in Czechoslovakia. Date and April signature 27, 19 70 /End of the Annex./ * Cross out as appropriate