FALL SEMESTER 2016 CATALOG AUGUSTA TECHNICAL COLLEGE AUGUSTA CAMPUS 3200 Augusta Tech Drive Augusta, GA 30906 (706) 771-4000 (706) 771-4067 (V/TTY) FAX: (706) 771-4034 COLUMBIA COUNTY CENTER 3500 John Huffman Way Grovetown, GA 30813 (706) 651-7368 FAX: (706) 651-7377 THOMSON CAMPUS 388 Tech Drive, N.W. Thomson, GA 30824 (706) 595-0166 (706) 595-0166 (V/TTY) FAX: (706) 595-3011 WAYNESBORO CAMPUS 216 Highway 24 South Waynesboro, GA 30830 (706) 437-6801 (706) 437-6806(V/TTY) FAX: (706) 437-6886 SECURITY (706) 771-4021 SECURITY (706) 651-7368 SECURITY (706) 595-0166 SECURITY (706) 437-6801 (706) 771-4028 ADMISSIONS New Student Registration (706) 651-7368 (706) 595-0166 (706) 437-6801 CAREER SERVICES (706) 771-4146 CONTINUING EDUCATION (706) 771-4090 (706) 771-4067 COUNSELING SERVICES Academic Counseling Career Counseling (706) 651-7368 (706) 595-0166 (706) 437-6801 SPECIAL NEEDS/DISABILITY SERVICES (706) 771-4067 (V/TTY) (706) 771-4149 FINANCIAL AID Financial Aid Veterans Affairs (706) 651-7368 (706) 595-0166 (706) 437-6801 (706) 771-5708 STUDENT RECORDS Registrar Transcripts Transfer Credit Evaluation (706) 651-7368 Graduation (706) 595-0166 (706) 437-6801 STUDENT ACCOUNTS (706) 771-4030 WEBSITE www.augustatech.edu CATALOG EFFECTIVE DATE FALL SEMESTER 2016 AUGUSTA TECHNICAL COLLEGE Augusta Technical College operates under the supervision of the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia, serving the needs of business, industry, and the public in a five-county area in east central Georgia. Augusta Technical College is a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia. Augusta Technical College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award Associate of Science Degrees, Associate of Applied Science Degrees, Diplomas, and Technical Certificates of Credit. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Augusta Technical College. Interested constituents should contact the Commission on Colleges (1) to learn about the accreditation status of the institution, (2) to file a third-party comment at the time of the institution’s decennial review, or (3) to file a complaint against the institution for alleged non-compliance with a standard or requirement. Normal inquiries about the College, such as admission requirements, financial aid, educational programs, etc., should be addressed directly to Augusta Technical College and not to the Commission’s office. THE TECHNICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM OF GEORGIA AND ITS CONSTITUENT TECHNICAL COLLEGES DO NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, CREED, NATIONAL OR ETHNIC ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, DISABILITY, AGE, POLITICAL AFFILIATION OR BELIEF, GENETIC INFORMATION, DISABLED VETERAN, VETERAN OF THE VIETNAM ERA, SPOUSE OF MILITARY MEMBER OR CITIZENSHIP STATUS (EXCEPT IN THOSE SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES PERMITTED OR MANDATED BY LAW). THIS NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY ENCOMPASSES THE OPERATION OF ALL TECHNICAL COLLEGE-ADMINISTERED PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS FINANCED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT INCLUDING ANY WORKFORCE INNOVATION AND OPPORTUNITY ACT (WIOA) TITLE I FINANCED PROGRAMS, EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING ADMISSIONS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND LOANS, STUDENT LIFE, AND ATHLETICS. IT ALSO ENCOMPASSES THE RECRUITMENT AND EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONNEL AND CONTRACTING FOR GOODS AND SERVICES. THE TECHNICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES SHALL PROMOTE THE REALIZATION OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY THROUGH A POSITIVE CONTINUING PROGRAM OF SPECIFIC PRACTICES DESIGNED TO ENSURE THE FULL REALIZATION OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. THE FOLLOWING PERSON HAS BEEN DESIGNATED TO HANDLE INQUIRIES REGARDING THE NONDISCRIMINATION POLICIES: For information on Title IX, contact: Shannon Patterson, Title IX Coordinator, Augusta Campus-Building 100, (706) 771-4013, sbently@augustatech.edu; Brenda Norman, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Columbia County Center and Thomson Campus Library-Room #121, (706) 595-0166, bnorman@augustatech.edu; Joan Teresa Evans, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Burke Campus Library-Room #103, (706) 437-6806, tevans@augustatech.edu. For information on ADA/504, contact Karissa D. Wright, ADA/504 Coordinator, (706) 771-4067, Augusta Campus Counseling Center-Building 1300, kdavis@augustatech.edu. THE COLLEGE CATALOG The statements set forth in this catalog are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as the basis of a contract between a student and the College. While this catalog’s provision will ordinarily be applied, Augusta Technical College reserves the right to change any of this catalog’s provisions, including entrance requirements and admissions procedures, courses, programs of study, academic requirements for graduation, fees and charges, financial aid, rules and regulations, and the college calendar without notice to individual students. Every effort will be made to keep students advised of changes and to minimize the inconvenience such changes might create for students. Information on changes will be available in the Admissions Office and/or the Student Records Office. It is especially important that students know that it is their responsibility to keep informed of all changes, including academic requirements for graduation. 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR FALL SEMESTER – AUGUST 2016 August 15 August 15 – 17 September 5 October 21 November 21 November 22 November 23 November 24 November 25 November 26 December 5 December 6 – 8 December 22 December 23 December 26 December 27 Fall Semester Classes Begin Drop/Add Period Labor Day (College Closed) Last Day to Withdraw with a “W” grade Student Holiday (College Open) Student Holiday (College Open) Veteran’s Day (Observed – College Closed) Thanksgiving (College Closed) Robert E. Lee’s Birthday (Observed – College Closed) No Saturday Classes Fall Semester Ends/Last Day of Classes Final Exams State Holiday (Observed – College Closed) Columbus Day (Observed – College Closed) Christmas Day (Observed – College Closed) Washington’s Birthday (Observed – College Closed) SPRING SEMESTER—JANUARY 2017 January 2 January 9 January 9 - 11 January 16 March 30 April 3 - 7 April 8 TBD May 1 May 2 - 4 May 10 New Year’s Day (College Closed) Spring Semester Begins Drop/Add Period Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (College Closed) Last Day to Withdraw with a “W” grade Spring Break/Student Holiday (College Open) No Saturday Classes Spring Spirit 2017 Spring Semester Ends/Last Day of Classes Final Exams Graduation SUMMER SEMESTER – MAY 2017* May 15 May 15 – 17 May 29 June 30 July4 July 3, 5 - 7 July 8 July 31 August 1 – 3 Summer Semester Begins Drop/Add Period Memorial Day (College Closed) Last Day to Withdraw with a “W” grade Independence Day Holiday (Observed – College Closed) Summer Break/Student Holiday (College Open) No Saturday Classes Summer Semester Ends/Last Day of Classes Final Exams *Note: The duration of the Summer Semester is 10 weeks 3 A Unit of the Technical College System of Georgia 3200 Augusta Tech Drive Augusta, GA 30906 (706) 771-4000 Telephone (706) 771-4016 Fax www.augustatech.edu A Message from the President: Welcome to Augusta Technical College. The College has been the community leader in providing quality technical education programs for more than 50 years. Augusta Technical College makes positive contributions to the lives of area citizens and to the economic growth and development of the Central Savannah River Area. The College is proud of its role in developing choices for individuals to use in career planning and development. Whether you are a high school student, recent graduate, returning student, or degree holder seeking new skills or advanced training, I believe that one of the more than 90 programs leading to an associate degree, diploma, or technical certificate of credit will meet your needs. You will find dedicated faculty members with expertise in their fields to help you have a meaningful educational experience. The College provides a caring environment and a student services staff committed to providing quality support services in the areas of advising, career counseling, financial aid, and job placement. Faculty and staff work as a team to provide opportunities for student success and to assist you in reaching your educational goals. Again, welcome to Augusta Technical College. Use this catalog as a guide to the programs and services available to you. Sincerely, Terry D. Elam, President 4 Late Registration Books, Tools, Uniforms, and Equipment Practicum/Clinical Courses – Travel Transcripts Graduation Deadlines and Fees Degree/Diploma/TCC Graduation Fees Continuing Education/Off–Campus Courses Financial Obligations CONTENTS Campus Map Directory for Information Equal Opportunity Academic Calendar President’s Message General Information Augusta Technical College Timeline Mission and Goals Guarantee Accreditation Administrative Organization Locations Campus Tours Instructional Programs Associate Degree, Diploma and TCC Programs Continuing Education Learning Support Classes CADTEC Quick Start Training Off-Campus Instruction Distance Education Advisory Committees Academic Calendar Daily Schedule IFC 1 2 3 4 8 8 9 9 9-10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 FINANCIAL AID Grants Scholarships Student Access Loan (SAL) Student Access Loan – Technical (SALT) Private Loans Federal Work Study Course Load Determination Academic Policies for Financial Aid Learning Support and Financial Aid Drug-Free Postsecondary Education Act of 1990 Vocational Rehabilitation Service Educational Benefits for Veterans and Eligible Dependents G.I. Bill –Procedures for Applying for Benefits ACADEMIC REGULATIONS Grading System Grade Change Policy Grade/Academic Decision Appeals Program/Course Grade Requirements Electives Upper Level Course Substitution Directed Independent Study (DIST) Practicum/Clinical Travel Work Ethics Dean’s List Academic Probation and Suspension Academic Good Standing Satisfactory Academic Progress Unsatisfactory Academic Progress Proof of Registration Drop/Add Period Course Add Period Attendance Withdrawals Repeat of Course Graduation Information Honor Graduates College Honor Code Programs/Specialties Technical Certificates of Credit ADMISSIONS 14 General Policy 14 Eligible Applicants 14 Entrance Requirements 14 Education 14 Placement Tests 14 Health 15 Competitive Admission 15-16 Admission Procedures 16 Regular Status 17 Provisional Status 17 Adult Education Referrals 17 Special Admission 17 International Admission 17 College Readmission 17 Program Readmission 17 Transient Admission 18 Transfer Admission 18 Credit for Prior College Experience 18 Transfer Credit 18 Fine Arts and Humanities Coursework 18 Social Sciences Coursework 18 Foreign Earned Credit 19 College Exemption Examination 19 Prior Learning Assessment for Non-College Experiences 19 Credit for Military Training 19 Standardized Examination Credit 19 Industry Certifications 19 Non-Traditional Learning 19 High School Programs 20 Senior Citizens 20 Audits 20 Background Check 20 ADULT EDUCATION Adult Education Classes GED Test Registration Rules Governing Legal Residency of Students for Tuition Purposes FINANCIAL INFORMATION Term Fee Schedule Refunds Refund Schedule General Fees and Expenses Application for Admission ID Badges STUDENT SERVICES Orientation Academic Counseling Services Career Services Special Needs/Disability Services Advisement and Registration Library/Information Technology Centers Success Center Health Services Campus Security ID Badges Accident Insurance Liability Insurance Student Records Directory Information Housing Cafeteria-Student Center Snack Bars Children on Campus Special Populations Services Bookstore 21 21 21 21-22 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 5 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34-35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 STUDENT ACTIVITIES GOAL Program Spring Spirit STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS National Technical Honor Society Phi Theta Kappa Professional Organizations Student Leadership Council Rotaract Skills USA Student Government Association Student Veterans of America (SVA) Grievance Procedure Coordinators ARTS & SCIENCES, LEARNING SUPPORT, AND PERSONAL SERVICES 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 PROGRAMS Barbering Barbering, diploma Barbering for Cosmetologists, TCC 64 64 Cosmetology Cosmetology, diploma Hair Designer, TCC Shampoo Technician, TCC 65 65 66 Culinary Arts Culinary Arts, diploma Catering Specialist, TCC Food Production Worker I, TCC Prep Cook, TCC 67 67 68 68 Technical Specialist Technical Specialist, TCC 69 ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES AND NURSING 41 Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) 41 Cardiovascular Technology Cardiovascular Technology, degree BUSINESS, PUBLIC SAFETY, AND EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION 42 Accounting Accounting, degree Accounting, diploma Computerized Accounting Specialist, TCC Payroll Accounting Specialist, TCC 70 71 72 72 Agribusiness Agribusiness, degree Agribusiness, diploma 73 73 Certified Personal Trainer Certified Personal Trainer, TCC 43 Dental Assisting Dental Assisting, diploma 44 Diagnostic Medical Sonography Diagnostic Medical Sonography, degree 45 Echocardiography Echocardiography, degree 46 Applied Technical Management Applied Technical Management, degree 74 Health Care Assistant Health Care Assistant, TCC 47 Business Administration Business Administration, degree 75 Health Information Management Technology Health Information Management Technology, degree 48 Medical Assisting Medical Assisting, diploma Medical Coding, TCC Physicians Practice Management, TCC 49 50 51 Business Management Business Management, degree Business Management, diploma Supervisor/Management Specialist, TCC 76 77 77 Occupational Therapy Assistant Occupational Therapy Assistant, degree 52 Business Technology Business Technology, degree Business Technology, diploma Administrative Support Assistant, TCC Microsoft Office Applications Professional, TCC 78 79 80 80 Pharmacy Technology Pharmacy Technology, degree Pharmacy Technology, diploma 53 54 Physical Therapist Assistant Physical Therapist Assistant, degree 55 Criminal Justice Technology Criminal Justice Technology, degree Criminal Justice Technology, diploma Criminal Justice Specialist, TCC Basic Law Enforcement, TCC 81 82 82 83 Practical Nursing Practical Nursing, diploma Nurse Aide, TCC 56 57 Radiologic Technology Radiologic Technology, degree Computed Tomography Specialist, TCC Magnetic Resonance Imaging Specialist, TCC Early Childhood Care and Education Early Childhood Care and Education, degree Early Childhood Care and Education, diploma Child Development Specialist, TCC 84 85 86 58 59 59 Emergency Medical Technician Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), TCC Advanced Emergency Medical Technician TCC 87 88 Respiratory Care Respiratory Care, degree 60 Surgical Technology Surgical Technology, diploma Central Sterile Supply Process Tech, TCC 61 62 Fire Science Technology Fire Science Technology, degree Fire Science Technology, diploma Fire Fighter I, TCC 89 90 90 Golf Course Management Golf Course Management, degree Golf Course Management, diploma Golf Course Technician, TCC 91 92 92 Vascular Technology Vascular Technology, degree 63 6 Horticulture Horticulture, degree Horticulture, diploma Landscape Specialist, TCC Nursery Greenhouse Technician, TCC Sustainable Urban Agriculture Technician, TCC 93 94 94 95 95 Marketing Management Marketing Management, degree Marketing Management, diploma Entrepreneurship, TCC Project Management, TCC 96 97 98 98 Paralegal Studies Paralegal Studies, degree INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 100 Architectural and Engineering Drafting Technology Architectural and Engineering Drafting Tech, degree Architectural and Engineering Drafting Tech, diploma 101 102 Automotive Technology Automotive Technology, diploma Automotive Transmission/Transaxle Technician, TCC Automotive Engine Repair Technician, TCC Automotive Climate Control Technician, TCC Automotive Electrical/Electronic Systems Tech, TCC Automotive Engine Performance Technician, TCC Automotive Chassis Technician Specialist, TCC 103 103 104 104 105 105 106 Aviation Maintenance Technology Aviation Maintenance Technology, degree Aviation Maintenance Technology, diploma Aviation Maintenance Technician, TCC Aviation Maintenance Technician-Airframe, TCC Aviation Maintenance Technician-Powerplant, TCC 107 108 109 109 110 Chemical Technology Chemical Technology, degree 111 Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology, degree 112 Electrical Systems Technology Electrical Systems Technology, diploma Electrical Contracting Technician, TCC Commercial Wiring Technician, TCC Residential Wiring Technician, TCC 113 113 114 114 Electronics Technology Electronics Technology, degree Electronics Technology, diploma Electronics Fundamentals, diploma 115 116 117 Industrial Systems Technology Industrial Systems Technology, degree Electrical Control Systems, diploma Industrial Mechanical Systems, diploma Manufacturing Maintenance Fundamentals, TCC 118 119 119 120 Machine Tool Technology Machine Tool Technology, diploma CNC Specialist, TCC Basic Machinist, TCC 121 121 122 Mechanical Engineering Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology, degree 123 124 Welding and Joining Technology Welding and Joining Technology, diploma Advanced Pipe Welding, TCC Gas Metal Arc Welder, TCC Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welder, TCC Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welder, TCC 125 125 126 126 127 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 99 Air Conditioning Technology Air Conditioning Technology, diploma Nuclear Engineering Technology Nuclear Engineering Technology, degree 7 CISCO Certifications CISCO Network Specialist, TCC 128 Computer Certifications Programs PC Repair and Network Technician, TCC 128 Computer Programming Computer Programming, degree Computer Programming, diploma C++ Programmer, TCC C# Programmer, TCC Cross-Platform Mobile Web Programming, TCC JAVA Programmer, TCC PHP Programmer, TCC Visual Basic Programmer, TCC 129 130 131 131 132 132 133 133 Computer Support Specialist Computer Support Specialist, degree Computer Support Specialist, diploma 134 134 Cybersecurity Cybersecurity, degree 135 Design and Media Production Technology Design and Media Production Technology, degree Design and Media Production Technology, diploma Advertising Layout Specialist, TCC Design and Media Production Specialist, TCC Digital Illustration Specialist, TCC Graphic Design & Prepress Technician, TCC Motion Graphics Assistant Photographer, TCC WEB Interface Design Technician, TCC 136 137 138 138 139 139 139 140 140 Networking Specialist Networking Specialist, degree Networking Specialist, diploma Microsoft Network Administrator, TCC 141 142 142 CERTIFIED PROGRAM Certified Customer Service Specialist, TCC 143 GENERAL EDUCATION General Education Competencies and Student Learning Outcomes General Education Degree Courses Non-General Education Degree Courses General Education Basic Skills Courses Learning Support Courses 144 145 146 146 146 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS PERSONNEL CAMPUS LOCATIONS 147 203 IBC GENERAL INFORMATION Augusta Technical College Timeline 1961 Augusta Area Vocational-Technical School was established by the Georgia State Board of Education in conjunction with the Richmond County Board of Education. 1963 The Richmond Area Vocational School was established. 1966 The two schools were combined to form Augusta Area Technical School. 1981 With the exception of the health occupations programs, which remained in a facility on Walton Way, the programs offered by Augusta Area Technical School were moved to one campus located off Deans Bridge Road. 1984 The first students graduated with an Associate of Applied Technology Degree (AAT). 1987 Augusta Area Technical School became a state school operated by the Georgia State Board of Technical and Adult Education. The State Board changed the school name to Augusta Technical Institute. The Augusta Technical Institute Foundation was founded to promote higher education by acquiring and administering cash, grants, and other funds to support scholarships, building projects, and other programs at Augusta Technical Institute. 1990 Augusta Technical Institute became Augusta’s leading provider of literacy education when the school accepted responsibility for the Office of Adult Education. 1991 Allied Health programs moved to the Deans Bridge Road campus when construction was completed on a new Health Sciences building. 1995 The Augusta Technical Institute Foundation launched The Power To Be Campaign, a major gifts campaign to provide furnishings and equipment for Augusta Technical Institute’s Thomson/McDuffie and Waynesboro/Burke Campuses, technology support, and funds for future land acquisition and capital construction. 1997 Plans were announced for the Waynesboro/Burke Campus. The Office of Adult Education was moved to the Augusta Campus. The Thomson/McDuffie Campus opened. 1999 Construction began on the Waynesboro/Burke Campus of Augusta Technical Institute. Plans for the Student Services/Classroom Building were announced for the Augusta Campus. 2000 Augusta Technical Institute’s name became Augusta Technical College. The Waynesboro/Burke Campus of Augusta Technical College opened. 2001 Groundbreaking for the Student Services/Classroom Building was held on December 4, 2001. 2002 The 900 building was dedicated to Thelma “T” Ray Allgood. 2003 The Student Services/Classroom Building opened. 2004 The dedication of the Student Services/Classroom Building was held on April 29, 2004. 2005 Funds were appropriated for Columbia County Center. 2011 Columbia County Center opened. 8 Mission Augusta Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, is a public postsecondary institution that provides academic and technical education, customized business and industry training, continuing education, student support, economic development, and adult education services to its service area (Burke, Columbia, Lincoln, McDuffie, and Richmond Counties) at a competitive financial value. Associate of Science Degrees, Associate of Applied Science Degrees, diplomas, and technical certificates of credit are provided through traditional and distance delivery methods. Reviewed by Augusta Technical College Board of Directors, April 2016. Approved by Technical College System of Georgia State Board, June 2016. Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To provide competency-based associate degree, diploma, and technical certificate of credit programs to prepare students for employment. To provide adult education services which prepares students for access to postsecondary education. To contribute to the development of business, industry, and the community through customized education, continuing education, job training, and retraining. To provide services and activities to support students in achieving student success as they pursue their educational, personal, and career goals. To increase community awareness through marketing and public relations activities. Objectives 1.1 Develop sustainable program offerings to meet service area employment demands. 1.2 Improve program quality through ongoing review, assessment and revision. 1.3 Improve student success outcomes (retention and completion rates) through course design enhancements, use of innovative resources, and advanced technology. 2.1 Provide pathways that encourage qualified adult education students to be dually enrolled. 2.2 Develop strategies to transition students from adult education into post-secondary programs. 3.1 Provide customized training programs and continuing education programs that meet the needs and interests of the local industry. 3.2 Support the economic development activities and initiatives of local and regional communities, the Technical College System of Georgia, and the State of Georgia. 3.3 Promote industry and community awareness of the services available through the Economic Development Division. 4.1 Increase awareness of student support services, policies, and student activities. 4.2 Foster and promote student responsibility and engagement in his/her education, policies, and student activities. 5.1 Develop a comprehensive awareness strategy to promote the College mission. Reviewed by Augusta Technical College Board of Directors, April 2016. Approved by Technical College System of Georgia Board of Directors, May 2016. Guarantee The Technical College System of Georgia has developed curriculum standards with the direct involvement of business and industry. These standards serve as the industry-validated specifications for each program of study and allow Augusta Technical College to offer its business partners this guarantee: “If one of our graduates, who was educated under a standard program, and his or her employer agrees that the employee is deficient in one or more competencies as defined in the standards, Augusta Technical College will retrain that employee at no instructional cost to employee or employer.” This guarantee applies to graduates who are employed in their fields of training. It is in effect for a period of two years after graduation and includes those graduates who have failed to pass a State of Georgia required licensing examination within two years after graduation. To inquire or to file a claim under this warranty, the employer in conjunction with the graduate should contact the Vice President for Academic Affairs at (706) 771-4020 to discuss the need for retraining. A letter from the employer on company letterhead must be submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs noting that the graduate is deficient in one or more areas as defined by the Technical College System of Georgia. Accreditation Augusta Technical College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award Associate of Science Degrees, Associate of Applied Science Degrees, Diplomas, and Technical Certificates of Credit. Contact the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, telephone 404-679-4500, http://www.sacscoc.org for questions about the accreditation of Augusta Technical College. Interested constituents should contact the Commission on Colleges (1) to learn about the accreditation status of the institution, (2) to file a third-party comment at the time of the institution’s decennial review, or (3) to file a complaint against the institution for alleged non-compliance with a standard or requirement. Normal inquiries about the College, such as admission requirements, financial aid, educational programs, etc., should be addressed directly to Augusta Technical College and not to the Commission’s office. 9 Certain programs have also achieved special professional accreditation as listed below: PROGRAM YEAR ACCREDITED/APPROVED ACCREDITING/APPROVING AGENCY Associate Degree Nursing 2012 Georgia Board of Nursing Automotive Technology 2001 National Automotive Technical Education Foundation (NATEF Cardiovascular Technology 1994 The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs Joint Review Committee on Education in Cardiovascular Technology, 25400 US Highway 19 N., Suite 158, Clearwater, FL 33763, 727-2102350, www.caahep.org. Dental Assisting 1971 Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association, 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611, P. 312440-4653, www.ada.org Electrical and Computer EngineeringTechnology 2001 Accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org Echocardiography 1994 The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs Joint Review Committee on Education in Cardiovascular Technology, 25400 US Highway 19 N., Suite 158, Clearwater, FL 33763, 727-2102350, www.caahep.org Mechanical Engineering Technology 1991 Accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org Medical Assisting 1975 Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Programs upon the recommendation of the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB), 25400 US Highway 19 N., Suite 158, Clearwater, FL 33763, Phone 727-210-2350. www.caahep.org Occupational Therapy Assistant 2000 The Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education of the American Occupational Therapy Association, 4720 Montgomery Lane, Suite 200, Bethesda, MD 20814-3449. ACOTE’s phone number c/o AOTA is (301) 652-2682-P, (301) 652-1417-F, accred@aota.org Nurse Aide 1994 Georgia Medical Care Foundation, State of Georgia Department of Medical Assistance Pharmacy Technology 2013 American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), 7272 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, Phone: (866) 2790681, www.ashp.org Practical Nursing 1961 Georgia Board of Nursing 1988 Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (formerly NLNAC/National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Inc.) 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, Georgia 30326, P. 404975-5000; F. 404-975-5020, www.acenursing.org. Radiologic Technology 2016 Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT), 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606-3182, 312-704-5300, www.jrcert.org Respiratory Care 1981 The Respiratory Care Program on the Augusta Campus is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (www.coarc.com), Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care, 1248 Harwood Road, Bedford, Texas 76021-4244, (817) 283-2835 Surgical Technology 1993 Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, 25400 US Highway 19 N., Suite 158, Clearwater, FL 33763, Phone 727-210-2350, www.caahep.org, Accreditation Review Committee for Educational Programs in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (ARCSTA) located at 6 W. Day Street Circle, Suite #110, Littleton, CO 80120, Phone 303-694-9262, www.arcsta.org. Vascular Technology 2001 The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs Joint Review Committee on Education in Cardiovascular Technology, 25400 US Highway 19 N., Suite 158, Clearwater, FL 33763, 727-210-2350, www.caahep.org 10 Administrative Organization Augusta Technical College is under the policy and administrative control of the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia. This Board provides overall policies for the management of the College to ensure that the needs of the citizenry, business, and industry are met to the highest possible degree and in the most cost-effective and efficient manner. The Board shall provide overall policy guidance to the Commissioner of the Technical College S ystem of Georgia, which is responsible for the day-to-day operations on behalf of the Board. State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia Gretchen Corbin Mary Flanders Richard Porter Frank S. “Chuck” Newman Baoky N. Vu James F. Gingrey Lynn Cornett Michael L. “Sully” Sullivan Ben I. Copeland, Sr. Dinah C. Wayne Trey Sheppard Jay Cunningham Tommy David Tim Williams Joe W. Yarbrough Ben Bryant Doug Carter Randall Fox Anne Kaiser Robert “Buzz” Law Sylvia E. Russell Shirley Smith Phil Sutton Commissioner First District Second District Third District Fourth District Fifth District Sixth District Seventh District Eighth District Ninth District Tenth District Eleventh District Twelfth District Thirteenth District Fourteenth District Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Augusta Technical College is governed by a nine member Board of Directors. The board members are nominated for their positions by area industry and educational officials and approved by the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia. The Board of Directors meets monthly to interpret the State Board policies and provide supplemental policies to ensure that the needs of the CSRA are met. Responsibilities include reviewing and approving goals and objectives, shortrange and long-range plans, facilities expansion, program additions and changes, and the annual budget before submission for approval by the State Board. Augusta Technical College Board of Directors Linda Bailey, Vice Chairman Peggy Barmore Alana Burke James Heffner Robert C. Osborne, Jr. Velvet Perry, Chairman Myra Phillips Dennis Skelley Harold Wright Burke County McDuffie County Lincoln County Richmond County Richmond County Richmond County Columbia County Columbia County Richmond County 11 Locations The Augusta campus of Augusta Technical College is located at 3200 Augusta Tech Drive, Augusta. The Thomson/McDuffie Campus is located at 388 Tech Drive N.W., Thomson. The Waynesboro/Burke County Campus facility is located at 216 Highway 24 South, Waynesboro. The Columbia County Center is located at 3500 John Huffman Way, Grovetown. Campus Tours Visitors are welcome and are invited to visit Augusta Technical College when classes are in session. Each visitor is requested to check with the Admissions Office before touring the campus or visiting classes. Groups wishing to tour the Augusta campus should contact Admissions Office at (706) 771-4028 to arrange a convenient date and time. Campus tours of the Waynesboro and Thomson campuses may be arranged by contacting Student Services at the Waynesboro campus at (706) 437-6801 or at the Thomson campus at (706) 595-0166. Campus tours of the Columbia County Center may be arranged by calling (706) 651-7368. Instructional Programs Associate Degree, Diploma, and Technical Certificate of Credit Programs: The associate degree, diploma, and technical certificate of credit programs offered at Augusta Technical College provide instruction that develops the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for employment in career occupations. Programs are offered in Allied Health, Business, Industrial Technology, Information and Engineering Technology, and Personal Services. All programs are offered on a full-time basis, ranging from one term to two years. Many of the courses in these programs are also offered in the evening. Since the demand for most programs is heavy, prospective students should apply well ahead of desired entry dates. Applicants are admitted in the order of successful completion of entrance requirements or on a competitive basis for the program desired. Continuing Education: Continuing education non-credit courses, seminars, workshops, and customized courses are designed to be responsive to life-long learning needs. While courses are offered on a term basis, courses can begin on request. Courses are offered day and evening at the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro campuses as well as other community locations. The Continuing Education Office publishes a term flyer that includes a list of courses, course descriptions, and fees. This information is available on each campus and at the College website at www.augustatech.edu. Students are required to complete a registration form for courses. Senior citizen fee waivers are not applicable for continuing education non-credit courses, seminars, workshops, and customized courses. Some of the continuing education courses receive CEUs (Continuing Education Units). CEUs are internationally recognized units of credit and represent ten hours of non-transferable credit. Transcripts of completed courses are available from the Student Records Office. Learning Support Classes: Learning Support classes provide instruction to develop mathematics, language, and reading skills. Development of these skills allows students to reach levels recommended for entry into their chosen courses or programs of study. CADTEC: The Center for Advanced Technology (CADTEC) was founded for the purpose of delivering innovative technologies to area industry. CADTEC offers customized training for business and industry using state-of-the-art training devices and techniques. Customized training can be arranged to meet the customer’s needs. From job analysis and skill assessment through training on industrial level hardware and software, CADTEC offers businesses the ability to train all or a portion of their workforce at a reasonable cost. For more information about CADTEC, call (706) 771-4089. Quick Start Training: Quick Start is the Technical College System of Georgia’s statewide training program for new and expanding industries in Georgia. Developed as an incentive for companies to locate in Georgia, the Quick Start program is 100 percent state funded. All training services are available at no cost to client companies. Created by state statute in 1967 to provide job-specific training for Georgians to enter the workforce in the state's new and expanding industries, Quick Start has trained over 877,000 new workers for over 6000 Georgia businesses and industries. For more information about Quick Start, call (706) 771-4089. Off-Campus Instruction: Non-credit, short-term, job-oriented courses are conducted by Augusta Technical College at the request of and in accordance with the needs of area business and industry. For more information about Off-Campus Instruction, call (706) 771-4089. Distance Education: Augusta Technical College offers a wide variety of Distance Education courses. Available courses and registration information for Distance Education can be found at www.augustatech.edu or call (706) 771-5700 for additional information. 12 Advisory Committees Instructional standards are maintained through the assistance of the College Board of Directors and program advisory committees. The Board of Directors assists and advises the President in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the College mission and goals. Occupational program advisory committees work closely with their respective programs and provide advice as to the adequacy of equipment, instruction, and graduates' job performance capabilities. Academic Calendar Associate degree, diploma, and technical certificate of credit programs are offered beginning in August (Fall Term), January (Spring Term), and May (Summer Term). Fall and Spring terms consist of 75 class days or the equivalent. Because entrance dates vary with programs, see Programs of Study section of this catalog for program entrance dates. Evening and off-campus courses are offered and scheduled as needed. Contact the Augusta Campus Admissions Office (706-771-4028), the Thomson Campus Student Services Office (706-595-0166), the Waynesboro Campus Student Services Office (706-4376801), or the Columbia County Center (706-651-7368) for details. Daily Schedule Classes are scheduled Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 10:50 p.m. and Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Weekend classes are also scheduled as needed. 13 ADMISSIONS Anyone desiring an application for admission or information concerning programs offered by Augusta Technical College should contact: AUGUSTA CAMPUS THOMSON CAMPUS WAYNESBORO CAMPUS COLUMBIA COUNTY CENTER Office of Admissions Augusta Technical College 3200 Augusta Tech Drive Augusta, GA 30906 (706) 771-4028 Student Services Augusta Technical College 388 Tech Drive, N.W. Thomson, GA 30824 (706) 595-0166 Student Services Augusta Technical College 216 Highway 24 South Waynesboro, GA 30830 (706) 437-6801 Student Services 3500 John Huffman Way Grovetown, GA 30813 (706) 651-7368 General Policy Augusta Technical College is committed to an "open door" admission policy in accordance with its stated mission and goals. The "open door" policy means that any qualified applicant able to benefit from the curriculum will be served by the College on a first-applied, first-qualified basis with the exception of programs that have competitive admission. Eligible Applicants With the exception of programs noted below, individuals 16 years of age or older or dually enrolled high school students in the 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grades are eligible to apply for admission. Cosmetology and Allied Health applicants must be at least 17 years old to apply; Basic Law Enforcement applicants must be at least 18 years old to apply. Entrance Requirements Education: To be admitted to Augusta Technical College, applicants must satisfy one of the four academic readiness paths below, submit an official transcript and acceptable placement test scores: 1. A high school diploma (verified by an official transcript, including graduation date) which has met the attendance, academic, and/or assessment requirements for the state’s board of education, or equivalent agency, or a state-authorized examination the state recognizes as the equivalent of a high school diploma will be required for admission to the Technical College unless otherwise specified by the program's standards.  Secondary schools must be accredited by an agency included on the TCSG approved accreditation agency list.  Students with diplomas from secondary schools located outside the United States must have their transcripts evaluated for equivalency by an approved outside evaluation organization.  High school diplomas from unaccredited institutions, Certificates of Attendance or other certificates, credentials or other documents where the student did not complete all required coursework or testing required for a high school diploma in that state are not recognized for admission purposes. 2. Applicants who have successfully completed (C or better) a minimum of 30 semester or 45 quarter hours at the degree level may submit official transcripts from all previously attended colleges accredited by an accepted accrediting agency in lieu of a high school diploma or a state-authorized examination the state recognizes as the equivalent of a high school diploma as described above. 3. Applicants of home schools located in Georgia who did not attend a recognized accredited program:  Submit a Certificate of Attendance form from the local superintendent’s office or a Declaration of Intent to utilize a Home Study Program from the Georgia Department of Education verifying that the parent or legal guardian complied with the requirements of home study programs as referenced in O.C.G.A. § 20-2-690.  Submit annual progress reports or a final transcript for the equivalent of the home-schooled student’s junior and senior years. The final progress report should include the graduation date. 4. Applicants of home schools located outside the state of Georgia who did not attend a recognized accredited program:  Submit annual progress reports or a final transcript for the equivalent of the home-schooled student’s junior and senior years. The final progress report should include the graduation date.  Submit SAT or ACT scores that meet the TCSG system minimum requirements. Placement Tests: Applicants for a degree, diploma, and technical certificate of credit programs must take the ACCUPLACER Test. The Standardized Aptitude Test (SAT), American College Test (ACT), College Placement Exam (CPE), COMPASS, or ASSET scores may be accepted in lieu of the ACCUPLACER. The ACCUPLACER is a series of placement tests in the areas of sentence skills, reading comprehension, arithmetic, and elementary algebra. It is a computerized multiple-choice format test and is not timed. Calculators are provided for some sections of the test. NOTE: ACCUPLACER scores remain valid for sixty months. 14 Applicants with a learning or physical disability that may require testing accommodations must notify Counseling Services on the Augusta Campus or Student Services on the Thomson, Waynesboro Campuses, and the Columbia County Center at least two days prior to the scheduled tests to arrange testing accommodations. Appropriate documentation will be required before allowing test accommodations. Health: Applicants should be able to attend school regularly and to perform necessary classroom and laboratory/shop activities. Competitive Admission: Admission to the following programs is competitive: Associate Degree Nursing, Cardiovascular Technology, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Echocardiography, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Practical Nursing, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Care, Surgical Technology, and Vascular Technology. For more information regarding this process for a specific program, please contact the Augusta Campus Admissions Office (706) 771-4028, the Thomson Campus Student Services Office (706) 595-0166, the Waynesboro Campus Student Services Office (706) 437-6801, or the Columbia County Center (706) 651-7368 for details. Note: Applicable Augusta Technical College exemption exam scores will be used for competitive admissions ranking in lieu of Defense Activity for Nontraditional Educational Support (DANTE), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), ARMY/AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION REGISTRY TRANSCRIPT SYSTEM (AARTS), Exempt (EX), or Advanced Placement (AP) results, as well as results from similar exams. Deadlines for Competitive Progression and Other Deadline Driven Programs Program Entrance Term for Candidates for Progression Associate Degree Nursing August/Fall 2016 August/Fall 2017 (First Ranking Cycle) August/Fall 2016 August/Fall 2017 (Second Ranking Cycle) Basic Law Enforcement Progression Term Application and Progression Form Deadlines TEAS Examination Deadlines Transcript(s) Prerequisite/Course Completion Deadlines August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2018 February 1, 2017 February 1, 2018 February 2, 2017 February 2, 2018 February 20, 2017 February 20, 2018 August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2018 February 1, 2017 February 1, 2018 April 28, 2017 April 27, 2018 May 30, 2017 May 30, 2018 See program advisor on the Augusta Campus August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2018 February 1, 2017 February 1, 2018 May 30, 2017 May 30, 2018 Cardiovascular Technology August/Fall 2016 August/Fall 2017 (First Ranking Cycle) August/Fall 2016 August/Fall 2017 (Second Ranking Cycle – if slots available) August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2018 April 3, 2017 April 3, 2018 August 15, 2017 August 15, 2018 Diagnostic Medical Sonography August/Fall 2016 August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2018 February 1, 2017 February 1, 2018 August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2018 February 1, 2017 February 1, 2018 May 30, 2017 May 30, 2018 August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2018 April 3, 2017 April 3, 2018 August 15, 2017 August 15, 2018 Echocardiography August/Fall 2016 August/Fall 2017 (First Ranking Cycle) August/Fall 2016 August/Fall 2017 (First Ranking Cycle) Nuclear Engineering Technology Occupational Therapy Assistant Physical Therapist Assistant May 30, 2017 May 30, 2018 May 30, 2017 May 30, 2018 See program advisor on the Augusta Campus August/Fall 2016 August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2016 August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2018 January/Spring 2018 August 30, 2017 Practical Nursing January/Spring 2016 January/Spring 2017 August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2018 February 1, 2017 February 1, 2018 Radiologic Technology January/Spring 2016 August/Fall 2016 January/Spring 2017 January/Spring 2017 August/Fall 2017 January/Spring 2018 June 1, 2016 February 1, 2017 June 1, 2017 15 May 30, 2017 May 30, 2018 February 1, 2017 February 1, 2018 August 30, 2017 April 30, 2017 April 30, 2018 August 30, 2017 May 30, 2017 May 30, 2018 August 30, 2016 May 30, 2017 August 30, 2017 August/Fall 2016 August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2018 February 1, 2017 February 1, 2018 May 30, 2017 May 30, 2018 August/Fall 2016 August/Fall 2017 (Second Ranking Cycle – if slots available) August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2018 April 3, 2017 April 3, 2018 August 15, 2017 August 15, 2018 Surgical Technology Diploma January/Spring 2017 August/Fall 2017 February 1, 2017 May 30, 2017 August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2018 February 1, 2017 February 1, 2018 May 30, 2017 May 30, 2018 Vascular Technology August/Fall 2016 August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2016 August/Fall 2017 (Second Ranking Cycle – if slots available) August/Fall 2017 August/Fall 2018 April 3, 2017 April 3, 2018 August 15, 2017 August 15, 2018 Respiratory Care Competitive Progression Terminology Competitive progression is the use of criteria to select/rank students for advancement beyond the prerequisite program courses. A candidate for progression is a student who is enrolled in a program to take prerequisite courses required for competitive progression. The entrance term is the semester the program admits candidates to begin taking prerequisite courses. The progression term is the semester a student begins taking courses with academic program prefixes (i.e. CAVT, VAST, ECHO, OCTA, DMSO, RESP, RADT, PNSG, SURG). Completion of pre-admission criteria does not guarantee admission to competitive progression programs. Complete program requirements are given in the Program of Study section of this catalog. Application Deadlines for Non-Competitive Programs Non-competitive program acceptance is contingent upon successful completion of all admission procedures. Applications are accepted until the program slots are filled. Prospective students are encouraged to submit applications no later than 30 days before the start of each term. Complete program requirements are given in the Program of Study section of this catalog. Admission Procedures To be accepted, prospective students must complete the following: 1. Submit a completed application for admission and the required fee to the Student Accounts Office at the Augusta campus or the Student Services Office at the Waynesboro and Thomson campuses and the Columbia County Center. If mailing the application, send a check or money order made payable to Augusta Technical College. 2. Request that an official transcript, including graduation date which has met the attendance, academic, and/or assessment requirements for the state’s board of education, or equivalent agency, or a state-authorized examination the state recognizes as the equivalent of a high school diploma be sent to the Office of Student Records at the Augusta campus. ï‚· Applicants who have successfully completed (C or better) a minimum of 30 semester or 45 quarter hours at the degree level may submit official transcripts from all previously attended colleges accredited by an accepted accrediting agency in lieu of a high school diploma or a state-authorized examination the state recognizes as the equivalent of a high school diploma as described above. ï‚· Secondary schools must be accredited by an agency included on the TCSG approved accreditation agency list. ï‚· Students with diplomas from secondary schools located outside the United States must have their transcripts evaluated for equivalency by an approved outside evaluation organization. ï‚· High school diplomas from unaccredited institutions, Certificates of Attendance or other certificates, credentials or other documents where the student did not complete all required coursework or testing required for a high school diploma in that state are not recognized for admission purposes. 3. Official college transcripts from all prior colleges, universities, technical schools, and/or other postsecondary institutions must also be submitted if the applicant has attempted college credits and has applied for a competitive program. For non-competitive programs, prospective students may request their official transcripts to be sent to Augusta Technical College from prior colleges, universities, technical schools, and/or other postsecondary institutions if they are seeking transfer credit. Veterans may submit a copy of Form DD214 to verify courses taken in the military. (Note: Only a Form DD214 version dated prior to August 2009 may be used as proof of high school graduation). Transcript request forms and HSE test score request forms are available in Student Services at all campus locations. 4. Report for ACCUPLACER testing if scheduled. Testing will not be required for students who have submitted acceptable official test scores (taken within the last 60 months) from a recognized admissions placement test (ACCUPLACER, ASSET, COMPASS, SAT, ACT) or have been awarded appropriate college credit for English and/or math. 16 Regular Status Students who meet all requirements for admission into a selected program and are eligible to take all courses in the program curriculum are granted regular admission status. Provisional Status Students who do not meet all requirements for regular admission into a selected program are granted provisional admission status. Provisionally admitted students may take learning support classes and certain specified occupational courses as long as class pre- and co-requisites are satisfied. All certificate, diploma, and associate degree program students initially admitted on a provisional basis must have satisfactorily completed the necessary prerequisite and learning support course work in order to progress through the State Standard Curriculum. Adult Education Referrals Applicants who score below the provisional cut scores in English, math, or reading on the ACCUPLACER/ASSET tests are referred to Adult Education for remediation. When remediation has been completed, as determined by Adult Education, the applicant will be eligible to retest. Special Admission Special admission is granted to applicants on a space available basis who desire to take credit courses for personal or professional benefit but do not plan to earn a degree, diploma, or Technical Certificate of Credit. Special admission students should be aware of the following admissions criteria: 1. Transcripts are not evaluated except on request by students and/or college officials for proof of English, math, or other course prerequisites. 2. International students may not be admitted. 3. Students receiving financial assistance requiring certification of enrollment may not be admitted. 4. Prerequisite and/or co-requisite course requirements will apply. 5. Out-of-school applicants must be 18 years of age or older to be admitted. 6. Students on academic suspension may not be admitted. 7. A student may count up to a maximum of 17 semester hours of credit toward a specific degree/diploma/technical certificate of credit program while in this status. 8. Special admit students have the prerogative to apply for regular student status but must meet the requirements of the regular student admissions process. 9. Special admit students receive credit for regular program coursework that is satisfactorily completed. 10. Special admit students are not eligible for financial aid. International Admission International students who desire a student visa or who are transferring from another college on a student visa must complete the following requirements in addition to the admissions procedures for new students: 1. Provide an official English translation and evaluation of all secondary and postsecondary records performed by an independent evaluation service (the addresses and applications are available in the Student Records Office). 2. Submit TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores. A report/recommendation from an English language institute or program within the United States will be accepted in lieu of test scores. 3. Provide SAT, ACT, or ACCUPLACER scores (taken within the last 60 months). 4. Provide a detailed statement of financial resources including a statement from a recognized financial institution or appropriate governmental agency indicating that the student has sufficient funds to finance an education, cover living expenses, and return home. Note: Augusta Technical College is authorized to issue M1 student visas only. College Readmission Students dismissed or suspended from the College because of administrative action, absenteeism, or academic reasons may apply to reenter the College at the beginning of any term following the dismissal or suspension period. Students who do not enroll for two consecutive terms (fall/spring or spring/fall) must re-apply to the College and must meet current program admission requirements. Upon re-admittance, the student must complete the current program curriculum in effect at that time in order to graduate. If, under a new curriculum, there has been an increase in the number of hours or competencies for a course(s) that the student completed when previously enrolled, the student must re-take the course(s). Students who need to re-enter the College must submit a new application through Student Services. Program Readmission New students will be given admission priority to competitive admission programs over admission of a student who has been suspended. In addition, students who do not meet the program specific academic requirements as indicated in the catalog may not be readmitted. 17 Students desiring to re-enter a competitive admission allied health program must follow the program policy for readmission. For more information regarding this process, please contact the Dean of Allied Health and Nursing. Transient Admission A student in good standing at another institution may enroll as a transient student on a space-available basis in order to complete work to be transferred back to the student’s home institution. A transient student should be advised in writing by the home institution concerning recommended courses. The transient student must: 1. Submit an application for admission to the host institution. 2. Present a Transient Agreement Letter from the Registrar or Academic Dean of the home institution indicating that the student is in good standing and eligible to return to that institution. NOTE: The 25-hour credit maximum may be waived for the student upon the recommendation of the home institution. 3. Pay scheduled fees for the host institution. Eligible program admitted students at Augusta Technical College desiring to take a course or courses from another institution must have prior approval from the Registrar. Transfer Admission Applicants wishing to transfer to the College must complete the admission procedures. In addition, applicants who are in good standing at their previous institution may be accepted in good standing; applicants who are on academic probation at their previous institution may be accepted only on academic probation. Regular admission status is based upon the credential (degree, diploma, or Technical Certificate of Credit) being sought by the student. Note: A student must complete in residence at least 25 percent of the credit hours required for graduation. Credit for Prior College Experience Transfer Credit Students may receive transfer credit for courses taken at regionally accredited colleges and universities. If students attended a college that was not regionally accredited at the time of attendance, students may be asked to provide additional materials including course syllabi, college catalog course description, and instructors' credential information for the course to be considered for transfer. For course credit to transfer, a student must have earned a grade of C (2.0 grade points) or higher and the course must have greater than or equal to the number of semester hours required by the similar course at Augusta Technical College. The Registrar, instructional faculty, and academic deans determine the transferability of courses taken at other postsecondary institutions by considering the educational quality of the learning experience for which students seek transfer credit; the comparability of the nature, content, and level of the learning experiences to the courses offered at Augusta Technical College; and the appropriateness and applicability of the learning experiences to the programs offered at Augusta Technical College. Augusta Technical College distinguishes between the acceptance of credit and its applicability toward program requirements. Students should review individual program selection and admission requirements to determine if coursework is applicable to the desired program of study and if coursework needs to be completed within a specific timeframe. Regardless of the amount of transfer, exemption, or prior learning credit granted by the college, students must complete a minimum of 25% of their academic program in residence at Augusta Technical College to be awarded an Associate Degree, Diploma, or Technical Certificate of Credit. Fine Arts and Humanities Coursework If a student has taken a course in Art, Music, or Literature at another college, and the course is similar in scope, nature, content and level of learning experience to an ARTS, MUSC, or ENGL course offered at Augusta Technical College, credit may be granted which will satisfy the Area IV General Education requirement. Credit granted in this manner will be noted on the student’s transcript as ARTS 11XX, MUSC 11XX, or ENGL 11XX. Transferability of these courses will be determined by the Registrar in consultation with faculty on a case-by-case basis. Social Sciences Coursework If a student has taken a course in History, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology at another college, and the course is similar in scope, nature, content and level of learning experience to a HIST, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI course offered at Augusta Technical College, credit may be granted which will satisfy for the Area II General Education requirement. Credit granted in this manner will be noted on the student’s transcript as HIST 11XX, POLS 11XX, PSYC 11XX, or SOCI 11XX. Transferability of these courses will be determined by the Registrar in consultation with faculty on a case-by-case basis. 18 Foreign Earned Credit Credit may be awarded based upon an evaluation performed by an independent evaluation service accredited by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) or Association of International Credentials Evaluators (AICE). Official evaluations must be submitted directly to the Office of Student Records for review. Transferability of these courses will be determined by the Registrar in consultation with faculty on a case-by-case basis. Foreign credential evaluations are of an advisory nature and do not guarantee the acceptance of transfer credit at Augusta Technical College. College Exemption Examination A student may receive credit for a course by passing the College exemption exam (generally administered during the week of final exams) only if the student has neither attempted nor failed the course(s) or equivalent course(s) at Augusta Technical College or another postsecondary institution. Students desiring credit by exemption examination must: 1. Be regularly accepted or enrolled in non-learning support courses at Augusta Technical College. 2. Complete the Credit by Exemption Examination application (located in Student Services) and obtain approval from the Director of Admissions or Enrollment Manager. 3. Take the application to the appropriate program Dean for approval. 4. Take the completed application to Student Accounts (Augusta campus) or Student Services (Waynesboro and Thomson campuses or Columbia County Center) and pay the required exemption exam fee for each course to be challenged (the current exemption exam fee is $50). 5. Take the application to the person responsible for administering the exemption exam. 6. Earn a minimum score of 80 percent (required to pass an exemption examination). Qualified students are allowed one exemption exam attempt per course. Note: Not all courses offer an exemption examination. Prior Learning Assessment for Non-College Experiences Augusta Technical College recognizes students’ learning experiences outside of the traditional college classroom through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA). PLA is a process for evaluating knowledge and skills in order to award college credit for learning from on the job learning, corporate training, independent study, military service, or volunteer service that is consistent with College mission and ensures that course work and learning outcomes are at the collegiate level and comparable to the College’s own degree programs. Augusta Technical College currently recognizes the following methods for PLA: Credit for Military Training Augusta Technical College accepts coursework completed as part of training in the United States Armed Forces based on the recommendations of the American Council of Education. Students who wish to have military training reviewed for transfer credit must submit an official Joint Services Transcript to the Office of Student Records. Students may request Joint Services Transcripts by visiting https://jst.doded.mil. All Joint Services Transcript credit recommendations will be reviewed by the appropriate college content area experts. In some cases, the content area expert may require the student to complete a skills assessment to verify the breadth and depth of the prior training. If a skills assessment is deemed necessary, this assessment will be provided to the student at no cost. Standardized Examination Credit Credit will be awarded for successful completion of appropriate CLEP (College Level Examination Program) and DANTES core subject area examinations. Credit is awarded based on score recommendations of the American Council on Education. The Office of Student Records maintains a list of CLEP and DANTES exams accepted for transfer credit. Credit will be awarded to students for Advanced Placement courses, provided the student completed the official AP examination and the student provides an official score report from the College Board. Students must earn a score of “3” or higher on AP exams to receive transfer credit. The Office of Student Records maintains the list of acceptable AP courses for Augusta Technical College credit. Industry Certifications Students may earn exemption credit for coursework if they possess a current industry certification, enroll in a related program, and if the certification has been reviewed for learning outcome equivalency with Augusta Technical College courses. Official documentation of an active certification is required, and documentation requirements may vary by certification. The Office of Student Records maintains a current list of industry certifications that have been evaluated for course exemption purposes. Non-Traditional Learning Applicants with non-traditional instruction or job training may request to have their experiences reviewed for possible exemption credit. Any non-traditional learning experience must have previously been reviewed and recommended for college 19 credit by the American Council on Education (ACE) or by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL). Students must provide their official ACE transcript or CAEL credit recommendations which will be reviewed by the Registrar and the appropriate faculty members for credit. ACE and CAEL recommendations are of an advisory nature and do not guarantee the issuance of exemption credit by Augusta Technical College. High School Programs The New Move On When Ready (MOWR): Programs formerly known as Accel, dual enrollment, and the old Move On When Ready have been consolidated into one program called Move On When Ready (MOWR). The new MOWR allows high school students to take either academic degree level core courses that will transfer to any TCSG or USG college or university, occupational courses, and diploma level core courses. Some students may choose to enroll fully into a degree, diploma or technical certificate of credit program, or they may choose to just take a few courses. All college coursework taken through MOWR will be fully covered through MOWR funding, and students will not be required to pay out of pocket for tuition, mandatory college fees, or textbooks. The only fees students may be responsible for are course-specific fees. No hours taken through the new MOWR program will count towards a student’s HOPE Grant or Scholarship caps. Participating in the new MOWR program is a great incentive for high school students to get a jump start on their college education and career! Eligibility: Students enrolled in the 9th through 12th grade at an eligible Georgia high school, or home study program, who have achieved the required scores on the college placement exam, SAT or ACT, are eligible to take part in the program. There are NO residency or citizenship requirements. Joint Enrollment: Joint Enrollment provides high school students the opportunity to take courses at Augusta Technical College and receive college credit ONLY for the courses that they take at the college. Joint Enrollment students usually attend college classes in the afternoon or evening after they have attended high school an entire school day. Joint Enrollment students are allowed to take academic core and occupational program courses for any technical certificate or diploma program in which they are eligible. Eighty percent (80%) of the tuition will be paid by the HOPE Grant for Georgia residents. Augusta Technical College will exempt other tuition and fees. Hours taken through Joint Enrollment DO count against a student’s HOPE Grant and Scholarship caps. Senior Citizens Residents of Georgia who are 62 years of age or older may request a waiver of tuition. This policy applies to regular and college credit courses only. Waiver of fees and tuition does not apply to continuing education courses, noncredit courses, or seminars. If tuition is waived under this policy, admission will be granted only on a space-available basis. Senior citizens must meet all other admission requirements as specified in the College catalog. Proof of age must be presented at registration to receive a tuition waiver. Audits Regular, provisional, or special admission students may audit a class and receive no credit. However, a student will be permitted to re-register for the course for credit at a later date. In addition, a student must complete a Request to Audit Form before the time of registration or by the end of the drop/add period. Courses taken on an audit basis will not be used for certification for Financial Aid, Social Security, or Veterans Administration educational benefits. Students auditing course(s) must pay the regular tuition and fees for enrollment. Background Check Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required by the profession. A background check and drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum/internship. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor. 20 ADULT EDUCATION Adult Education Adult Education is designed to assist individuals with basic reading and language skills, mathematics, science, and social studies, General Education Development (GED) test preparation, English Literacy Program (ELP), civics education/citizenship, family literacy, and workplace literacy. For more information about Adult Education, call (706) 771-4131 or visit www.augustatech.edu and the adult education listing. Adult Education Classes Classes are offered in Adult Basic Education, General Educational Development (GED) Test preparation, English Literacy Program (ELP), Civics Education/Citizenship, family literacy, and workplace literacy. These classes are offered during the day and evening at locations throughout the Augusta Technical College five-county service area in Burke, Columbia, Lincoln, McDuffie, and Richmond counties. Registration is required for all Adult Education classes. Registration is in the Adult Education Admissions Office, and there is no cost to individuals for adult education classes. To register, individuals 16 or 17 years of age need to provide picture identification, birth certificate, withdrawal form from the last school attended, and a parent’s permission form. To register, individuals 18 or 19 years of age need a high school withdrawal form and picture identification. Individuals 20 years of age or older need to provide only picture identification. For more information on enrolling in classes, call 706- 771-4131. GED Test Registration Registration is required for GED Testing, full-battery testing, and partial testing. Individuals 20 years of age or older need a picture ID to register. Individuals 18 or 19 years old need their high school withdrawal form and picture ID to register. Individuals 16 or 17 years of age need State approval to take the GED Test, which can be obtained by providing the GED Office with picture ID, birth certificate, high school withdrawal form, and parent’s permission form and ID to be forwarded to the State. Underage students (16 and 17) must also meet class attendance requirements before permission is granted to take the test. The current GED testing fee is $95 for the full battery test and $19 for partial test or retakes and must be paid at the time of registration. Call 706-771-4131 for the GED registration schedule. The testing fee is payable only by debit or credit cards, cash, and money orders. Money orders should be made to: Augusta Tech-GED. All individuals registering to take the GED Test are encouraged to take advantage of the free Saturday classes after being TABE tested. The classes are to enhance mathematics, calculator, and essay writing skills. These classes are offered on Saturdays from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. There is limited seating. Please contact the Assistant Director of Adult Education if interested at 706-771-4131. Upon successful completion of the GED Test, the GED graduate will receive a GED diploma and a HOPE voucher for $500. This voucher may be used to pursue further education at any Georgia accredited technical college or university. For information on GED testing, call 706-771-4131 or 706-771-5710. Rules Governing Legal Residency of Students for Tuition Purposes Legal residence in the State of Georgia requires not only recent physical presence in Georgia but also the element of intent to remain indefinitely. To be classified as an in-state student for tuition purposes, an individual who is 18 years of age or older must show that he/she has been a legal resident of Georgia for a period of not less than 12 months immediately preceding the date of registration. In the absence of documentation that the individual has established legal residence in Georgia, neither an emancipated minor nor any person 18 years of age or older shall gain in-state status while attending any educational institution in this state. If a person is under 18 years of age, he or she may register as an in-state student only upon showing that his/her supporting parent or guardian has been a legal resident of Georgia for a period of at least 12 months immediately preceding the date of registration. If a parent or legal guardian of a minor changes his/her legal residence to another state following a period of legal residence in Georgia, a minor student may continue to take courses for a period of 12 consecutive months as an in-state student. After the 12 month period, the student may continue his/her registration only upon the payment of fees at the out-of-state rate. In the event that a legal resident of Georgia is appointed as guardian of a non-resident minor, such minor will not be permitted to register as an in-state student until the expiration of one year from the date of court appointment and then only upon proper showing that such appointment was not made to avoid payment of out-of-state fees. Aliens shall be classified as non-resident students; however, an alien who is living in this country under an immigration document permitting indefinite or permanent residence shall have the same privilege of qualifying for in-state tuition as a citizen of the United States. Out-of-state tuition may be waived for exceptions as defined in this policy. 21 Exceptions to the in-state residency requirements of this policy include the following:  Employees and their children who move to Georgia for employment with a new or expanding industry as defined in Georgia Code 20-4-40.  Non-resident students who are financially dependent upon a parent, parents, or spouse who has been a legal resident of Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of registration, provided that such financial dependence shall have existed for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of registration.  Full-time employees of Georgia's technical colleges, their spouses, and their dependent children.  Full-time teachers in the public schools of Georgia or in the University System and their dependent children. Teachers employed full-time on military bases in Georgia shall qualify for this waiver.  Military personnel and their dependents stationed in Georgia and on active duty.  Military personnel and their dependents that are legal residents of Georgia but are stationed outside the state.  Enrolled students who are legal residents of out-of-state counties bordering on Georgia counties in the Augusta Technical College service area. This applies to legal residents of South Carolina in the five bordering counties (Aiken, Allendale, Barnwell, Edgefield, and McCormick).  International students selected by the president or authorized representative, provided that the number of the international students exempted does not exceed one percent of the total enrollment of full-time students.  Career consular officers and their dependents who are citizens of the foreign nation that their consular office represents, and who are living in Georgia under orders of their respective governments. This waiver shall apply only to those consular officers whose nations operate on the principle of educational reciprocity with the United States. Procedures When applying for admission to Georgia's technical colleges, an individual must indicate whether or not he/she is a legal resident of the state of Georgia and for what period of time. When a question arises concerning legal residence, proof of intent to remain in Georgia indefinitely must be reviewed with each case being considered unique and evaluated accordingly. 22 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Introduction Tuition and Fees are payable prior to the beginning of each term/course except as noted. FEES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT THE BEGINNING OF ANY TERM OR COURSE. Term Fee Schedule CREDIT HOURS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (Full-time) 13 14 15 $ FULL-TIME TUITION AND FEES 373 462 551 640 729 818 907 996 1085 1174 1263 1352 1441 1530 1619 (Effective Fall Semester 2016) Fees listed above are for legal residents of Georgia and legal residents of South Carolina in bordering counties (Aiken, Allendale, Barnwell, Edgefield, and McCormick). Fees include tuition ($89 per credit hour, unless otherwise indicated), student activity fee ($35 per term), registration fee ($55 per term), transportation fee ($5 per term/Augusta campus only), supplemental accident insurance ($4 per term), and Instructional Fee ($55 per term), Technology Fee ($105 per term), and Campus Safety Fee ($25 per term). Students receiving adequate financial aid may agree to have these fees withheld from their financial aid award. **All Allied Health Sciences and Nursing, Barbering, Cosmetology, and Early Childhood students are required to pay an additional liability insurance fee of $6.00. The liability insurance is paid each term with tuition and fees. Students receiving adequate financial aid may agree to have these fees withheld from their financial aid award. South Carolina residents living in other counties other than those listed above and other out-of-state residents pay two times the tuition ($178) per credit hour for associate degree, diploma, and certificate programs. Foreign students pay four times the tuition ($356 per credit hour for associate degree and diploma programs) required for Georgia residents. This applies to non-immigrant aliens, those on I-20 Foreign Student Visas, and foreign students to include diplomatic, consular mission, and other non-consular personnel. Foreign immigrants who are permanent residents shall pay the same tuition as citizens of Georgia. The following programs are charged tuition and fees as follows: Basic Law Enforcement Cardiovascular Technology Echocardiography Vascular Technology Tuition Per Credit Hour $210 $89 $89 $89 Program Fee Per Term N/A $370 $370 $370 Full-time Tuition and Fees $ 3434 $ 1989 $ 1989 $ 1989 **Liability insurance fee as listed above will be added to tuition and other fees for these programs. 23 Refunds Students who withdraw before the term begins or during the first three days of the term may receive a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees if their financial obligations have been satisfied. No refund is granted for withdrawals after the 3rd day of the term. Refund/withdrawal forms may be obtained in the Admissions Office, Building 1300, Augusta Campus, or in Student Services at the Thomson/McDuffie and Waynesboro/Burke Campuses, and the Columbia County Center. Students who submit a refund form after the stated deadline(s) will not be eligible for a refund. The Business Office will process refunds after the third week of the term. Refund Schedule Time of Withdrawal Registered students may receive a full refund of all tuition and fees if their financial obligations have been satisfied provided that the Refund Form is received by the campus Student Services Office prior to the 4th day of the term. Amount Refunded Full Refund of all Fees Beginning the 4th day of the term No Refund General Fees and Expenses Application for Admission–An individual’s first application for admission to credit courses must be accompanied by a $25 application fee (nonrefundable). ID Badges–All students, faculty, and staff must have a current Augusta Technical College identification visible at all times. The identifications cards can be obtained from the bookstore in Building 1300 on the Augusta Campus and at the Admissions Office on the Thomson and Waynesboro Campuses and the Columbia County Center. Student ID cards must be validated each term. A fee of $5 may be assessed under certain circumstances for replacement ID’s. Late Registration–A $45 late payment fee will be added to regular fees for all students paying on or after the first day of the term. Books, Tools, Uniforms, and Equipment–Every student is required to have books, tools, uniforms, and other equipment appropriate to the program of study. In most instances, these items will be usable in the student’s employment following graduation. All required books and some other program needs may be purchased from the College bookstore. Practicum/Clinical Courses–Travel Students enrolled in off-campus practicum or clinical courses will be required to travel to businesses, industries, and hospitals. Travel arrangements and costs for practicum/clinical courses must be provided by students. Transcripts – Official transcripts may be requested for a fee of $5. Additional fees may apply for special conditions. Unofficial transcripts are available to students at no charge through the BannerWeb system. Graduation Deadlines and Fees–Graduation information is available from the Office of Student Records. Students should see their advisor one term before graduation is planned for graduation information. Graduation fees are non-refundable. Degree/Diploma/Technical Certificate of Credit Graduation Fees a. Degree, diploma, or technical certificate of credit (any number) received at the same graduation - $35 b. Additional cover for a degree, diploma, or technical certificate of credit - $8 c. The cost for invitations is included in the graduation fee. Invitations are available for pick up when students receive their cap & gown at the Campus Bookstore. Continuing Education/Off-Campus Courses Fees are charged for each continuing education/off-campus course as indicated in the announcement of course offerings for each semester. Students may be required to purchase textbooks and supplies for some courses. Financial Obligations Students who are delinquent in the payment of any financial obligation(s) may be removed from one or all courses and will not be allowed to register for another term until all delinquent fees are paid. Student transcripts or other student records will not be released until all delinquent fees are paid. 24 FINANCIAL AID Augusta Technical College offers a comprehensive program of financial aid for students. Through this program, eligible students can receive one or more types of financial aid. Financial aid is generally in the form of grants, scholarships, and/or a workstudy program. Most financial aid at Augusta Technical College is awarded on the basis of a student’s academic progress and proven financial need. Financial need is defined as the difference between a family’s resources and the total expenses of attending the College. Augusta Technical College uses the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to measure a family’s financial strength. The online FAFSA can be completed at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Information about financial aid is available in the Financial Aid Office in Building 1300 on the Augusta Campus and in the Student Services Office at the Waynesboro and Thomson campuses and the Columbia County Center. Grants NOTE: You must apply annually for all grants and loans Federal PELL Grant - Students who have financial need and are enrolled in an associate degree or a diploma program may be eligible for this grant if they have not previously earned a bachelor’s degree. All students seeking financial assistance at Augusta Technical College must apply for the grant before aid will be awarded. Grants vary per year depending upon the level of federal funding, the cost of education, and the student’s eligibility index as calculated by PELL Grant. The award also varies with credit hours of enrollment. It is recommended that the student apply at least ten (10) weeks prior to the term beginning date. Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) - Students with exceptional financial need may be eligible for this grant. The award amount is contingent upon the availability of SEOG funds and the amount of other aid the student is receiving. Eligible students are processed on a first-come, first-served basis until allocated funds are expended. HOPE Scholarship/Grant Program - The Georgia Lottery for Education funds this program. The HOPE Scholarship covers tuition and in some cases only a portion of tuition is covered. HOPE Grant is used to pay for a portion of tuition for the technical certificate of credit and/or diploma programs of study. For more information or to apply for the HOPE Grant, please visit http://www.augustatech.edu/financial_aid_admissions or http://www.gaCollege411.com . HOPE Scholarship is used to pay for Accel and associate degree programs of study. For more information or to apply for the HOPE Scholarship, please visit http://www.augustatech.edu/financial_aid_admissions/; or http://www.gaCollege411.com . A Free Application for Federal Student Aid-FAFSA application can be completed by going to the Augusta Tech site: http://www.augustatech.edu/financial_aid_admissions/ , the Georgia Student Finance Commission partner's site: http://www.gaCollege411.com, or the federal financial aid site: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/. General Eligibility Requirements 1. Must be a “legal” resident of Georgia for one year or active military/dependant. 2. Must be enrolled in an eligible post-secondary institution. 3. Must be a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident Alien. 4. Must not be in default of Federal Title IV aid or owe a refund on Federal Title IV aid. Specific Eligibility Requirements for Associate Degree Students 1. Must have graduated from high school no more than seven years ago. 2. Must have a high school cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 for college preparatory curriculum or cumulative 3.2 in other curriculum. 3. Eligible student may receive grant payments up to 127 credit hours. 4. Must maintain 3.0 cumulative GPA at each 45-credit hour increment, additional established checkpoints, and also meet Federal standards of satisfactory progress. 5. For associate degree students who have previously attended post-secondary schools, see Financial Aid office for additional eligibility requirements. 6. Students who have completed 45 degree level credit hours and maintained a “B” average, see Financial Aid office for eligibility. The HOPE Scholarship covers tuition for Associate of Applied Science degrees. 25 Specific Eligibility Requirements for Diploma/Certificate Students 1. Eligible regardless of year of high school graduation. 2. Eligible for a maximum of 63 semester hours HOPE Grant payments. 3. Must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 at the 30th and 60th attempted hour and 67% of coursework completion. 4. Must not be in default on a student loan or owe a refund on a grant. The HOPE Grant covers a portion of tuition cost for diplomas and technical certificates of credit. NOTE: Military personnel in Georgia are eligible for the HOPE Grant provided they are enrolled in a certificate or diploma program. Scholarships Scholarships are available on a limited basis to students in need of financial assistance through the Office of Financial Aid Office. Please contact the Financial Aid Office at 706.771.4149 for more information regarding application dates, qualifications and guidelines to each scholarship. Jack B. Patrick Scholarship—Established in honor of Jack B. Patrick, former President of Augusta Technical College. Three scholarships are awarded annually for tuition and books. Each award is up to $500 per semester. Ray Powell Memorial Scholarship—Named in honor of former instructor and Vice President for Instruction, Ray Powell. One scholarship is awarded annually for tuition and books. Each award is up to $300 per semester. Todd R. Cato Memorial Scholarship—Established in memory of former student, Todd R. Cato. One scholarship is awarded annually to an area high school graduate that lettered in a sport, was active in an extracurricular activity and has an overall grade average of 75 or better. This is a one-time annual award up to $500. Lichtenberg Scholarship—Established by Herbert and Alan Lichtenberg of Samson Manufacturing. This scholarship is awarded annually to two students pursuing an Associate Degree and who have demonstrated financial need. The award varies depending on individual needs. The J. D. Smith Waynesboro Rotary Club Scholarship—Established by the Waynesboro Rotary Club in honor of Mr. J.D. Smith. This $750 scholarship is awarded annually to a Burke County resident pursuing an Associate Degree. The recipient must have a grade point average of 2.0 or better, must have demonstrated financial need, must not be receiving HOPE or Pell, and must not be enrolled in remedial classes. Preference is given to students who have been members of Interact in high school. The Barbara Williams Dental Assisting Scholarship—Established in honor of former Program Chair, Barbara Williams. This scholarship is awarded annually to a student pursuing a diploma in Dental Assisting. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. This is a one-time annual award up to $500. Regent Security Services Scholarship Program—Funds scholarships for employees of Regent Security Services and their family members attending Augusta Technical College. Contact Regent Security Services for more details on the program. The Medical Assisting Endowment - Established by Dr. Paul Fischer of the Centers for Primary Care. The scholarships are awarded twice a year, spring and fall semester. Each award is $500. The scholarships are for currently enrolled, full-time Medical Assisting students with a 3.0 or better grade point average. Currently Certified Medical Assistants wishing to return to college to acquire an Associate of Applied Science - Health Degree may also apply. Applications should be made through the Department Head of the Medical Assisting Program. NOTE: Eligibility criteria are subject to change for each award year. All scholarship awards are contingent on availability of funds from donating organizations/individuals. Complete scholarship details and eligibility criteria are available with each scholarship application. 26 Student Access Loan (SAL) The Student Access Loan (SAL) Program is a need-based, low interest loan program administered by the Georgia Student Finance Authority (GSFA). The purpose of the program is to assist with the affordability of a college education, encourage timely persistence to the achievement of postsecondary credentials and incentivize loan recipients to work in public service. The loans or portions of the loans are forgivable for recipients who work in certain occupations. To apply for a Student Access Loan, a student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, www.fafsa.ed.gov, then visit https://www.gsfc.org/secure/lg/ to complete the SAL application. Student Access Loan - Technical (SALT) (effective Fall Term, 2014) The Student Access Loan-Technical (SALT) Program is a need-based, low interest loan program administered by the Georgia Student Finance Authority (GSFA). The SALT Program may be funded by state general funds, proceeds from the Georgia Lottery for Education and public and/or private donations. The purpose of the program is to assist with the affordability of a college education at one of Georgia’s public technical colleges and encourage timely persistence to the achievement of postsecondary credentials. The loans, or portions of the loans, are forgivable for recipients who graduate with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5. To apply for a Student Access Loan, a student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, www.fafsa.ed.gov, then visit https://www.gsfc.org/secure/lg/ to complete the SAL application. Private Loans Private loans are available to students. In order to apply for a private loan, a student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (www.fafsa.ed.gov) and complete the application process with the lender. Augusta Technical College works with the following lenders: Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan Smart Option Loan funded by Fifth Third Bank Smart Option Loan funded by Regions Bank Federal Work-Study The Federal Work-Study Program provides jobs for students who need financial aid and who must earn a part of their educational expenses. The amount of the award is based on need and the amount of funds available. Tuition and fees cannot be deducted from a Federal Work-Study award. Students must apply by completing the individual Federal Work Study application in the Financial Aid Office. Students normally work 2 to 3 hours per class day or 15 hours per week. Course Load Determination Minimum Term Credit Hours Full Time Three-Quarters Time Half-time Less than half-time 12 or more 9-11 6-8 1-5 Academic Policies for Financial Aid Federal regulations require the College to establish policies--Standards of Satisfactory Progress--to measure whether students applying for financial aid are in good academic standing and making satisfactory academic progress toward completion of their diploma or degree programs. A student must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 to receive financial aid and maintain a 67 percent completion rate. A detailed description of the Standards of Satisfactory Progress policy is available in the Financial Aid Office. Learning Support and Financial Aid Students must be accepted as regular or provisional to be considered for Pell Grant. Students accepted as learning support may be considered for HOPE Grant only. Learning support courses count in the HOPE MAXIMUM hour limits. Special admissions students DO NOT QUALIFY for Pell or HOPE. 27 Drug-Free Postsecondary Education Act of 1990 The “Drug-Free Postsecondary Education Act of 1990” requires students who commit certain felony offenses involving marijuana, controlled substances, or dangerous drugs to be: 1. a) suspended from postsecondary public education institutions and b) denied state funds from the date of conviction to the completion of the next academic term, and 2) denied state funds at postsecondary nonpublic educational institutions from the date of conviction to the completion of the next academic term. The Act shall apply only with respect to felony offenses committed on or after July 1, 1990. The Georgia Student Finance Authority is authorized to define such terms and prescribe such rules, regulations, and procedures as may be reasonable and necessary to carry out the purposes of the Act. Campus crime statistics are available at the College website, www.augustatech.edu. Vocational Rehabilitation Service The Vocational Rehabilitation Service of the Georgia Department of Labor provides financial assistance to persons with certain physical disabilities. To be referred to your local Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, please visit the Counseling Center in Building 1300/Disability Services. Educational Benefits for Veterans and Eligible Dependents The Financial Aid Office assists veterans and eligible dependents in applying for VA educational benefits. Information is also available at www.gibill.va.gov and www.va.gov. G.I. Bill–Procedures for Applying for Benefits See the VA Certifying Official in the Financial Aid Office to complete paperwork. To withdraw from courses or to make program changes, students must see the VA Certifying Official. 28 ACADEMIC REGULATIONS Grading System The following grading system is used: Program Courses Grade A = B = C = D = F = WF = I = IP = AC = AU = EX = TR = W = WP = Learning Support Courses Grade Point 90 -100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 0 - 59 0 - 59 Incomplete In Progress Articulated Credit Audit/Warranty Exempted/Credit by Exam Transfer Credit Withdraw Withdraw Passing Grade A* = B* = C* = D* = F* = WF* = I = AU = TR = W = WP = 4 3 2 1 0 0 Grade Point 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 0 - 59 0 - 59 Incomplete Audit/Warranty Transfer Credit Withdraw Withdraw Passing 0 0 0 0 0 0 WORK ETHICS GRADE 3 = Exceeds Expectations 2 = Meets Expectations 1 = Needs Improvement 0 = Unacceptable “AU” AUDIT–Indicates a student is registered to audit a course and attend classes without meeting all admission requirements for the course and without receiving credit. Students are not permitted to change from audit to credit after the drop/add period without meeting recommended admission requirements or from credit to audit after the drop/add period at the beginning of each term. “I” INCOMPLETE–Indicates that a student has satisfactorily completed a substantial portion of the required coursework, but for non-academic reasons beyond the student’s control, has not been able to complete the course. It is at the discretion of the instructor as to whether an “I” grade is issued. The student must contact the instructor to develop plans for a timely completion of the course. If the required work is not completed on or before midterm of the following term, the “I” will automatically become an “F.” If a grade of “I” is received in a course that is a prerequisite to other courses, the student must complete the required prerequisite and receive a final grade to be eligible to enroll in other courses. “IP” IN PROGRESS–Indicates that a course continues beyond the end of the term. “TR” TRANSFER OF CREDIT - ‘Course grades less than “C” are not acceptable as transfer credit. Prior to spring semester 2012, courses accepted for transfer credit were assigned a grade of “TR” on the transcript. Transfer credits accepted beginning spring semester 2012 are assigned a grade of “TRA”, “TRB”, or “TRC”. The third letter indicates the grade earned in the course.’ “W” WITHDRAW–Signifies the student stopped attending and/or withdrew before midterm. “WF” WITHDRAW FAILING–Signifies the student withdrew with a failing grade after midterm. “WF” carries a grade point value of “0.” “WP” WITHDRAW PASSING–Signifies the student withdrew with a passing grade after midterm. 29 Grade Change Policy If a student questions a grade received in a course, the student should contact the instructor with a petition to change a grade. The Registrar cannot change a grade without the approval and notification by the instructor. A student must petition for a grade change and have the change resolved by mid-term of the subsequent term. Grade/Academic Decision Appeals A student may appeal a final grade or any other academic decision. The student should first discuss the issue with the instructor who awarded the grade or made the academic decision. This appeal should take place within two weeks. If the consultation with the instructor does not satisfy the student, he or she may submit a written appeal to the academic dean. This appeal should occur within four weeks of the contested grade or decision. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the dean or director, the student may appeal in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. This appeal should occur within six weeks of the contested grade or decision. The decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs concerning the approval of a grade change is final. Program/Course Grade Requirements Specified courses in degree/diploma/technical certificate of credit programs of study may require a grade of "C" or higher as stated in the program description or course description sections of the College catalog. A grade of "C" or higher may be required for a specific course that is a prerequisite to a more advanced course. Electives In the program section, some programs list elective hours (general core, occupational specific and/or program electives). This number of elective hours is required for graduation from the program. Students may contact their program advisor for suggestions for appropriate course selections. Students on financial aid should have the course selections approved before registering. Students who have transfer credit that can be used for the elective hour requirement may not receive financial aid coverage for the cost of any additional elective courses. Upper Level Course Substitution Students, including those on financial aid, in diploma or Technical Certificate of Credit (TCC) programs may take the upper level equivalent of the required English, math, and/or psychology course(s) if their ACCUPLACER, other acceptable entrance test scores, and/or prerequisites meet the degree level requirement for those areas. Directed Independent Study (DIST) On a limited basis, a directed independent study course may be offered. Permission of the instructor and the dean are required prior to registration for a directed independent study course where the following general guidelines apply: 1. There must be a legitimate hardship, usually one precluding a student’s graduation, to justify not enrolling in the regularly scheduled course. 2. The course in question must be one which can be adequately taught on a directed independent study basis. 3. The student must provide eveidence of his/her ability to complete the course successfully. 4. All directed independent study requests must be approved in writing by the instructor and the dean, and be assigned the proper course reference number (CRN), before the student can register for that course. Practicum/Clinical/Internship Travel Students enrolled in off-campus practicum or clinical courses will be required to travel to businesses, industries, or hospitals. All travel arrangements and costs for practicum/clinical courses must be provided by students. Work Ethics The work ethics grade is designed to evaluate and encourage good work habits. Performance factors and indicators include, but are not limited to, quality of work, ability to follow instructions, productivity, dependability, honesty, reliability, attendance and punctuality, attitude, integrity, enthusiasm, interpersonal skills, and initiative. Students will receive a work ethics grade (3, 2, 1, or 0) for all courses each term. The term work ethics grade will not affect the academic grade point average (GPA) of a student. The work ethics grade will be printed on the transcript. 30 Dean's List The Dean's List is compiled each term. Students who attempt and earn 10 or more credit hours with a term grade point average of 3.5 or higher are placed on the Dean's List. Learning support classes are not calculated in the GPA. Academic Probation and Suspension A student who earns a term grade point average of less than 2.0 will be placed on academic probation during the next term of registration and enrollment. A student will be suspended for one term if a grade point average of less than 2.0 is earned during the term the individual is enrolled on academic probation. During the first term of enrollment after academic suspension, a student is placed on academic probation. A student who fails or does not successfully complete (earn a grade of “C” or higher as required for courses specified in the college catalog) a course twice will not be allowed to repeat that course for one year and will be allowed to retake a third time on a space available basis only. After receiving academic counseling, the exception is general education courses for which the student may register for on a space available basis during the add/drop period for the term; however, a new or continuing student will be given registration priority over a student retaking a course(s) for the third time. A student who is academically suspended from a program twice will not be allowed to reenter that program. Students in either of the above categories are required to have academic advising by their advisor(s) before repeating a course. Reapplication for admission does not mandate acceptance to the same program after the first suspension from that program. Students who do not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses attempted in their program of study as specified in NOTES as listed in the Program of Study section of the College catalog will be suspended from their program for one year. Before reentering the program, the student must complete an individualized remedial program assigned by the department head. Students who do not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any three courses with these prefixes will not be allowed to reenter that program or course(s). Academic Suspension Appeals If a student desires to appeal an academic suspension, the student must submit an appeal letter within two days of receiving the suspension letter to the appropriate dean. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the dean, the student may appeal in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs within two days of receiving the decision. The decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs concerning the approval of a suspension appeal is final. Academic Good Standing Academic Good Standing means that students are eligible to enroll or re-enroll. However, it should be noted that a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher is required for graduation. Satisfactory Academic Progress Students are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress if they are in good standing or on academic probation. Unsatisfactory Academic Progress Students are considered to be making unsatisfactory academic progress if they have been placed on academic suspension because of term grade point averages. Proof of Registration A student will be required to present proof of registration and payment of fees upon entering each course at the beginning of the term. This includes courses added during the drop/add period. Drop/Add Period A student may drop or add a course(s) without academic penalty before the first day of the term (drop/add period is one day before the term begins). Course(s) dropped during the drop/add period will not appear on the student’s transcript. Additionally, students with no financial obligation to the College may withdraw from courses during the first three (3) instructional days of the term without penalty. Course Add Period Students may add open and approved sections of courses through the first seven (7) calendar days of the term. 31 Attendance Students are expected to be punctual and attend all classes for which they are registered. Attendance requirements vary by course and program and will be clearly stated on the course syllabus. Course participation includes completing activities such as submitting assignments, taking exams/quizzes, interactive tutorials or computer-assisted instruction. Students enrolled in online courses are expected to participate in the online class by completing assignments, contributing to online discussions, and maintaining contact with their instructor. Logging into the online class does not establish student enrollment and participation in the course. Students must establish enrollment and course participation each semester before financial aid funds are disbursed. Student attendance will be monitored for the first seven calendar days of each semester. Monitoring attendance beyond the seventh day is at the instructor’s discretion. Instructor Initiated Withdrawals Throughout the course of the academic term, instructors will review their course rosters. In courses with a formal attendance policy, students who have violated the attendance policy will be reported as withdrawn by the instructor. In courses without formal attendance policies, instructors will conduct course censuses at predetermined dates during the term. During a census, students will be reported as withdrawn if, in the instructors best judgement, the student has fully stopped participating in the course. Students will be notified through their Smartweb e-mail at the time of the withdrawal. Appeal Procedure for Instructor Initiated Withdrawals A student withdrawn for violation of class participation/attendance regulations may appeal first to the instructor by submitting a written appeal via Smartweb e-mail within two (2) days after official notification of the withdrawal. The appeal email must contain:   a written narrative stating the reason for each absence or explanation for lack of class participation. supporting documentation that explains the reason(s) for being absent or lack of class participation (e.g., doctor’s excuse, hospital documentation). Based on the student’s documentation, circumstances, and class standing, the instructor may reinstate the student. If the student is not reinstated, the student may then appeal to the Dean by submitting a written appeal via Smartweb email within two (2) days after official notification from the instructor. If the student is not reinstated, the student may appeal the decision of the Dean to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs by submitting a written appeal via Smartweb email within two (2) days after official notification from the Dean. Withdrawals Withdrawal from Course(s) A student who withdraws from a course(s) after the drop/add period, must complete a Schedule Change Form. This form must be signed by all required College personnel. Schedule Change Forms are available in the Office of Student Records at the Augusta Campus and in Student Services at the Waynesboro and Thomson Campuses and the Columbia County Center. A withdrawal is not official until the form is submitted to the Student Records office or Student Services office of our branch locations. Withdrawal from Online Course(s) If the student decides to drop an online course, he/she must complete an official drop form through the Office of Student Records, or email Najhee Jackson, Assistant Registrar (njackson@augustatech.edu) and Mike Violette, Registrar (mviolette@augustatech.edu), as well as the instructor to request a drop. Once the email has been received, the student will officially be dropped from the class. Online students requesting a withdrawal through e-mail must use their official Augusta Technical College e-mail address. Withdrawal requests will not be accepted from outside e-mail addresses. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Office of Financial Aid in advance of their withdrawal request to ensure they understand any adjustments to their aid package due to their withdrawal. Repeat of Course When a student repeats a credit course(s) for which he or she has already earned credit, the student’s official grade for graduation purposes will be the highest grade earned of all attempts. All grades earned remain on the official academic record and are computed in the cumulative grade point average. 32 Graduation Information Graduates are students who have achieved regular program admission status and have successfully completed a program of study as outlined in the College catalog with a 2.0 or higher program grade point average. In addition, a grade of “C” or higher must be earned in courses specified in the College catalog. A student who has completed all courses in a program with less than a 2.0 program grade point average is not eligible to be a graduate, but may receive a transcript. When a student reenters after withdrawal or termination, the program of study in effect at the time of reentry must be completed. A student must complete at least 25 percent of the credit hours required for graduation in residence regardless of the amount of transfer and exemption credit awarded. All Advisor Recommendation for Graduation forms will be evaluated by the Registrar. Students should see their advisors prior to midterm of the term before their last planned term of enrollment for graduation eligibility information. All eligible graduates are encouraged to participate in the ceremony. For participation in the graduation ceremony, applications for graduation must be submitted with the required fee to the College bookstore. Graduates who do not wish to participate in the graduation ceremony may pick up their degree/diploma/certificate any time after the graduation ceremony. No fee is required. Honor Graduates Degree and diploma graduates who have achieved a program grade point average of 3.5 or higher are recognized at graduation as honor graduates. College Honor Code “It is my honor to be an Augusta Technical College student. I pledge to do honor to myself, my classmates, and the College by doing my best and by following the Student Code of Conduct. I will not dishonor myself or the College by lying, cheating, stealing, or doing harm to another person or property. I understand that following an honor code is a reflection of my work ethic which is important to my success on the job and in life.” Programs/Specialties Majors–The opportunity to pursue two programs of study and receive two diplomas is available to students enrolled at the College. Upon registering for the last course/term for the first major, the student must complete an Application for Admission for the second major. The requirements, as listed in the catalog, must be satisfied for both majors. The term the student is accepted and enrolled for each major determines which catalog requirements must be met. If all requirements for both majors are completed prior to a graduation exercise, then both diplomas will be awarded. If not, the student will be permitted to participate in the second graduation exercise and receive the second diploma. Specialties–Some majors at Augusta Technical College provide the opportunity to complete more than one area of specialization. However, only one diploma or TCC will be received. The distinction among specialties is made on the transcript. Technical Certificates of Credit Students enrolled in a technical certificate of credit program will receive a certificate upon successful completion of all program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher. 33 STUDENT SERVICES Orientation An orientation is provided for new students. Orientation includes a survey of school facilities; an explanation of college rules and policies; a briefing on student services including financial aid, bookstore, library, counseling, registrar/records, and career services; and a briefing on accessing faculty advisors. Information about programs of study and student activities is also provided. Orientation is continued throughout each student’s enrollment by the student’s faculty advisor. This service is provided to assist the student in making adequate adjustments to the instructional program and to the world of work. For students with disabilities, the counseling staff provides an individual orientation explaining accommodations and services. After orientation, the counseling staff is available to assist each student in his or her adjustment to technical education by offering a variety of services. An online version of the new student orientation is also available at www.augustatech.edu. Academic Counseling Services Counselors provide support for students who request assistance or who may be referred for assistance by an instructor through the Early Alert Referral system. Students occasionally need help that involves career exploration and program selection, program changes, poor grades, study skills, time management, wellness, and referrals to campus and community resources. Career Services The Career Services Office provides job search support services to enable students to meet their employment goals while in school and upon graduation. Career Services is considered a team effort at Augusta Technical College and involves program instructors, deans and directors, and counselors. Career Services maintains an online job board reserved for Augusta Technical College students and graduates. Other services offered include mock interviewing, resume and cover letter critiques, resume referral to employers, career fairs, and workshops. Also, information is collected from graduates to ensure that the College is achieving its educational objectives and giving students the skills they need for success. Special Needs/Disability Services Special assistance is provided for students with disabilities so that they have an equal opportunity to enroll and to participate in College programs and activities. Students with disabilities must self-identify each term and provide documentation of the disability to a counselor in the Counseling Center in order to receive assistance. Available services include accommodation during the admission process and modification in the instructional setting. Also, various community agencies may be contacted for additional support resources. Advisement and Registration After a student has been enrolled for one term, the advisement/registration process is as follows: 1. Students will be notified of term advising/registration dates via flyers and SmartWeb e-mail. 2. Currently enrolled students must meet with their program advisor or learning support advisor to outline their schedule of classes. 3. Register for the appropriate course(s) online at internet address www.augustatech.edu. 4. Pay any outstanding tuition and/or fees in the Student Accounts office (Augusta Campus) or in Student Services (Burke and Thomson campuses and Columbia County Center). Library/Information Technology Center The Augusta Technical College Library consists of three libraries working as a unit through an automated library system and online catalog. The Jack B. Patrick Information Technology Center (ITC) is a 50,000 square foot, state of the art facility that houses the Augusta Campus Library (27,000 square feet). There is a branch library (2,000 square feet) at the Thomson/McDuffie Campus and a branch library (2,500 square feet) at the Waynesboro/Burke Campus. Library and media support is also provided for the Columbia County Center. The Augusta Technical College Library offers a collection of over 200,000 items of information: books, journals, DVDs, CDs, interactive tutorials, a children’s collection, GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online (GALILEO)-a large collection of full-text databases and other electronic resources, electronic book collections by ProQuest eBrary and EBSCO eBooks, and a streaming video collection by Films On Demand. Group, individual, and class orientations are available on a scheduled basis. Faculty and students offer input for collection development and resources via requests, surveys and interviews to ensure that services, resources, and materials support student research and the curriculum. The library serves students, faculty, employees, and community users. The ITC’s facilities include a 250 seat auditorium, a 30 seat tiered/lecture classroom, a multimedia classroom for employee training, a multimedia development lab to support distance education and classroom instruction, a conference room, and four individual/small group study rooms. Additionally, each campus library has workstations (total of 106 workstations available) equipped with instructional software. WiFi is available at each campus library with power receptacles conveniently located near tables and comfortable seating. Study carrels and spacious reading/study areas are available and coin operated copy machines are conveniently located in each library. Scanning and color printing are also available. Multimedia Services 34 includes assistance with instructional media, multimedia, and duplication. Equipment is provided for curriculum support in the classroom. Equipment is also available to support workshops, conferences, meetings and other events held in the public venues at each campus and the Columbia County Center. Operating hours for the ITC and other Campus Libraries are as follows: www.augustatech.edu Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday Quick Links >Library Augusta Campus Library Thomson Campus Library Waynesboro Campus Library 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 8:00 am ― 8:00 pm 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 8:00 am ― 8:00 pm 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 8:00 am ― 8:00 pm 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 8:00 am ― 8:00 pm 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 7:30 am ― 3:00 pm 8:00 am ― 3:00 pm 7:30 am ― 3:00 pm 2:00 pm ― 6:00 pm Library Holdings 2015 Print Volumes: 56359 Print Titles: 51639 AV Volumes: 5728 AV Titles: 4352 Electronic Books: 196371 Streaming Video: 23394 Subscriptions: 287 Success Center Academic support services are provided by the staff of the Success Center to Augusta Tech students and applicants on the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro campuses, and at the Grovetown center. The free services include individual and group tutoring, help with Learning Support and credit classes in English, Math, Reading, Chemistry, Physics and COMP1000, as well as help with writing assignments for any class. Assistance in getting started with Blackboard and improving general study skills, test-taking, and other academic skills is also available. The Success Center is located on the Ground Floor of the ITC/Library Building on the Augusta campus. For more information about hours and services at all sites, see http://www.augustatech.edu/class.html. Health Services In the event of injury or other medical emergencies, the nearest instructor or staff member and the dean or director should be notified. Professional emergency care, if needed, will be secured by the appropriate dean, director, Vice President for Operations, or the Vice President for Administrative Services. As a nonresidential school, Augusta Technical College expects that the student will normally secure medical services through a family physician. In case of a serious accident or illness, the College will refer the student to the nearest hospital (or hospital of the student’s choice) for emergency care and will notify the student’s next-of-kin. It is to be understood that the student or the student’s family will be responsible for the cost of such emergency care, including ambulance service, if in the opinion of college authorities, such service is necessary. Campus Security It is the obligation of the College to ensure orderly operation, to protect the rights of all members of the College community, to prohibit acts which materially and substantially interfere with legitimate educational objectives or interfere with the rights of others, and to institute disciplinary action where conduct adversely affects the pursuit of educational objectives. Therefore, Augusta Technical College employs Special Duty Sheriff’s Department Deputies and Georgia State Patrol Officers to enforce security rules and regulations including the Code of Conduct and Traffic and Parking Regulations (see the Augusta Technical College Student Handbook). The special duty officers are employees of Augusta Technical College when on assignment. They have full arrest powers and can issue traffic citations. Uniformed officers provide police protection for safety. The purpose of campus security is to serve the student and provide a safe and pleasant campus atmosphere. Students are encouraged to provide cooperation to the officers. Students and faculty/staff must have the Augusta Technical College identification card visible for verification at all times. Students and faculty/staff shall not interfere with the special duty officers in the performance of their duties. For questions, problems, or special needs; or if there is a concern regarding enforcement of the code of conduct, traffic and parking regulations and/or security procedures, contact the Vice President for Administrative Services or the Vice President for Operations. To report emergencies, thefts, vehicle accidents, injuries, suspicious persons, suspicious activities, and solicitors at the Augusta Campus, call (706) 771-4021. To report emergencies, thefts, vehicle accidents, injuries, suspicious persons, suspicious activities, and solicitors at the Thomson and Waynesboro Campuses, call (706) 595-0166 and (706) 437-6801, respectively. For emergencies at the Columbia County Center, call (706) 651-7368. Statistics concerning the occurrence on campus of criminal offenses reported by special duty officers to the Vice President for Administrative Services will be published annually in September. This information will be available in the Library/Information Technology Center and the Business Office. 35 ID Badges All students, faculty, and staff must have a current Augusta Technical College identification visible at all times. The identification cards can be obtained from the bookstore in Building 1300 on the Augusta Campus and at the Admissions Office on the Thomson and Waynesboro Campuses and Columbia County Center. Student ID cards must be validated each term. A fee of $5 may be assessed under certain circumstances for replacement ID’s. Accident Insurance All credit students are required to purchase accident insurance at the time of registration. In case of an accident, the student is responsible for any expenses not paid by this accident insurance. Accident insurance provides partial (supplemental) coverage for medical expenses related to accidents (accidental injury or death) as specified below. 1. College - Time Coverage protects students while engaged in college activities during the semester. 2. Traveling - To or from the student’s residence and the College to attend classes or as a member of a supervised group (not as a spectator) traveling in a college-furnished vehicle or chartered transportation going to or from a collegesponsored activity. 3. On the College Premises - During the hours on the days when the College is in session or any other time while the student is required to participate in a college-sponsored activity (not as a spectator). 4. Away from the College Premises - As a member of a supervised group participating in a college-sponsored activity requiring the attendance of the student (not as a spectator). Students are responsible for reporting claims to the Vice President for Administrative Services or a Vice President for Operations. Liability Insurance All Early Childhood Care and Education, Cosmetology, Barbering, and Allied Health and Nursing students are required to obtain professional liability insurance for coverage in the internship, clinical education, and training areas that are a required part of each of these programs. Student Records Procedures relating to the establishment, utilization, availability, and retention of student records are in accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended, the policies of Augusta Technical College, the State Board of Technical and Adult Education, and the Records Management Office Procedures and Regulations as established by the State of Georgia. Students, alumni, and other former students should contact the Student Records office on all matters relating to their academic records, transfer of credit, withdrawal, graduation, and other governmental or college certificates. Directory Information “Directory Information” is information not generally considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Effective July 1, 2016, the College has designated the following information as “Directory Information”: [1] Full name of student; [2] Address(es); [3] Telephone number(s); [4] Email address(es); [5] Major and field(s) of study; [6] Degrees and awards including nature and date received; [7] Dates of attendance; [8] School or division of enrollment; [9] Enrollment status; [10] Name of institution last attended; [11] Participation in official activities and sports; [12] Weight and height of members of athletic teams; and [13] Photograph(s). Students who wish to prohibit the release of directory information should file a written notification with the Office of Student Records on the Augusta Campus. Housing Dormitories or other on/off-campus housing facilities are not provided by Augusta Technical College. Students desiring housing may obtain information through local newspaper advertisements and real estate agencies. Cafeteria/Student Center A Cafeteria/Student Center is housed in the 1300 building on the Augusta campus. Short order breakfast and lunch are served between 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Snack Bars Vending rooms are located at all campus locations. Children on Campus It is the policy of the College that children are not permitted on campus except for special functions (i.e. open house). 36 Special Populations Services The Special Populations Coordinator provides supportive assistance to: single parents, including single pregnant women; displaced homemakers who have experienced divorce, legal separation, disability, or death of a spouse; nontraditional program students (females in mostly-male programs such as Engineering or Automotive Technology, or males in mostlyfemale programs such as Nursing or Early Childhood Education); and students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) due to having a language other than English as their first language. Information and advice regarding use of available school and community resources may help these students overcome barriers to the successful completion of their education and career goals. There is no charge for any of these services. More information may be obtained by calling the Special Populations Coordinator at (706) 771-4070. Bookstore A bookstore is located in Building 1300 on the Augusta campus. Bookstores are also located on the Thomson and Waynesboro campuses and the Columbia County Center. Hours are posted at each location. New and used books are available for sale along with a variety of computer software, apparel, gift items, and supplies needed by students. It is recommended that new students attend all classes on the first day of the term to obtain a complete list of textbooks and supplies that will be needed. Refund Policy Textbooks - A full refund will be made subject to the following conditions: 1. New books must be free of all marks (pencil, ink, highlighter, etc.). 2. Shrink-wrapped material and sealed codes must be unopened and unused. 3. Any software (CD ROM, etc.) included with the book must be unopened. 4. New or used books must be returned or exchanged within one week from date of purchase. 5. A student ID card or picture ID and original receipt are required for all returns or exchanges. 6. Refunds on all items purchased by check require a ten-business day waiting period from date of purchase. 7. Defective new books will be exchanged at no charge. Used books are not guaranteed. 8. Refunds will not be made on non-required books, supplies, general merchandise, backpacks, clothing, candy, or snacks. Used Book Buy Back Used textbooks are purchased at the College bookstore the last two days of each semester. 37 STUDENT ACTIVITIES GOAL Program The Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (GOAL) is cosponsored statewide by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and the State Board of Technical and Adult Education. GOAL is cosponsored locally by The Optimist Club of Augusta and Augusta Technical College. The purposes of the GOAL Program are to give recognition annually to the State’s outstanding postsecondary technical students and to stimulate public interest in the importance of technical education. The main objectives of the GOAL Program are the following: 1. To spotlight the importance of technical education in modern society 2. To reward students who excel in learning a skill 3. To encourage pride in workmanship 4. To generate greater respect and appreciation for the working person 5. To emphasize the dignity of work in today’s society All students with a 3.0 GPA who have completed at least 12 semester hours toward program graduation at a technical college are eligible for GOAL nomination. From these nominations, a committee chooses four outstanding students from degree or diploma programs. Finally, the College winner, chosen from the four finalists, is selected to compete in the annual statewide GOAL competition in Atlanta. The College winner must be enrolled in the same program or same program group throughout the competition. Spring Spirit Spring Spirit is held for students in the spring of each year. Various types of activities are planned by the Student Government Association. 38 STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS National Technical Honor Society The National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) is designed to honor academic excellence for students enrolled in diploma programs. Membership in NTHS is the highest scholastic honor awarded for excellence in workforce and technical occupational education in America. NTHS encourages scholastic achievement, skill development, honesty, service leadership, citizenship, and individual responsibility. Phi Theta Kappa Phi Theta Kappa is an international scholastic honorary society for students enrolled in associate degree programs at twoyear colleges and technical colleges and institutes. The only nationally acclaimed honor organization serving American institutions offering associate degree programs, Phi Theta Kappa annually initiates some 35,000 students into over 1100 chapters located in the U.S. and its territorial possessions. The organization maintains a “shared commitment to excellence” through its four hallmarks: scholarship, leadership, fellowship, and service. Professional/Student Organizations Students are encouraged to participate in local, regional, and national organizations related to their programs of study. The following organizations maintain campus chapters or area chapters for student membership: American Association of Medical Assistants American Society of Mechanical Engineers Armed Forces Communicators Electronics Association Engineering Technology Professional Society Student Nurses Association Rotaract Rotaract is a service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30 who are dedicated to community and international service. Its membership totals over 184,000 in more than 8,000 clubs worldwide. Rotaract clubs are self-governing and selfsupporting and can be either university- or community-based. Individual Rotary clubs sponsor Rotaract clubs and offer guidance and support, making the Rotaract clubs true “partners in service” and key members of the family of Rotary. Skills USA Skills USA was established for trade, industrial, technical, and allied health students. It is a student organization that focuses on teaching leadership skills and offering opportunities for students to participate in skill competitions at the state and national level. Skills USA brings together people with common interests to exchange ideas, discuss problems, and work toward their goals. Students should see their advisors to become a part of the Skills USA team. Student Government Association The Student Government Association, with representation from the student body, provides a channel through which students may exhibit leadership, influence college decision-making, voice concerns, and enhance communication among students, faculty, and staff. Student Veterans of America (SVA) The purpose of the SVA Augusta Technical College chapter is to provide any student using the GI Bill a platform for gaining information concerning Veterans Affairs requirements, as well as the school’s policies and procedures. The association will empower student-veterans with information they can pass on to other service members, veterans, and military family members who are considering selecting Augusta Technical College as their choice of school for enrollment. The SVA is also designed to provide student-veterans with the resources, support, and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education, as well as after graduation and throughout life. 39 Grievance Procedure Policy Augusta Technical College is in compliance with the rules and regulations for the administration of Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Title II of the Amendments of 1976, Public Law 83-318, as amended by Section 3 of Public Law 93-568, Title VI, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Public Law 101336, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. THE TECHNICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM OF GEORGIA AND ITS CONSTITUENT TECHNICAL COLLEGES DO NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, CREED, NATIONAL OR ETHNIC ORIGIN, GENDER, RELIGION, DISABILITY, AGE, POLITICAL AFFILIATION OR BELIEF, GENETIC INFORMATION, DISABLED VETERAN, VETERAN OF THE VIETNAM ERA, OR CITIZENSHIP STATUS (EXCEPT IN THOSE SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES PERMITTED OR MANDATED BY LAW). THIS NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY ENCOMPASSES THE OPERATION OF ALL FEDERALLY FINANCED PROGRAMS, EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES INVOLVING ADMISSIONS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND LOANS, STUDENT LIFE AND ATHLETICS. IT ALSO APPLIES TO THE RECRUITMENT AND EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONNEL AND THE CONTRACTING FOR GOODS AND SERVICES. Grievance Procedure The following procedure is to be used in reporting and settling grievances in regard to the policy listed above. a. An opportunity will be provided to resolve the complaint informally through meetings with faculty/staff and student(s) and/or the appropriate coordinator as designated in this policy. b. All parties to the complaint will be protected from retaliation. All written complaints and information obtained by impartial inquiry will be kept confidential. c. The Coordinator shall within 15 days conduct a thorough and impartial inquiry into the matter. The findings of this inquiry will be reported in writing to the College administration. d. A response concerning the complaint shall be made within ten (10) working days by the appropriate Vice President listed below: Vice President for Academic Affairs (Day or Evening credit programs or Adult Education), Vice President for Economic Development (Continuing Education or Industry Training programs), Vice President for Administrative Services (Business Office, Bookstore, Maintenance, Grounds, and Custodial Services), or the Vice President for Student Affairs (Admission, Career Services, Counseling, Financial Aid, or Student Activities). Coordinators STUDENT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE COORDINATORS FOR DISCRIMINATION IN REGARD TO RACE, SEX, OR DISABILITY NONDISCRIMINATION COMPLIANCE COORDINATOR SHANNON PATTERSON AUGUSTA CAMPUS BUILDING 100 706-771-4013 sbentley@augustatech.edu ADA/504 COORDINATOR KARISSA D. WRIGHT AUGUSTA CAMPUS BUILDING 1300 706-771-4067 k d a vis @ au g us ta t ec h .e du MAILING ADDRESS: AUGUSTA TECHNICAL COLLEGE 3200 AUGUSTA TECH DRIVE AUGUSTA, GA 30906 40 Programs of Study ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES AND NURSING ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Six Terms 72 Admission: Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) is a competitive progression program. Students who meet the College criteria for admission will be admitted to the program as a candidate for progression to take the prerequisite courses. Students must score at the proficient level (cut score of 58.7%) or higher on the TEAS Test and complete the prerequisite courses (ENGL 1101, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, BIOL 2117, BIOL 2117L, Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV, PSYC 1101, and MATH 1111) with a minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale by the designated deadlines (pages 15-16) to be evaluated for program progression. The ranking order for progression to the RNSG prefix courses is determined using the TEAS cut score (represents 30% of the ranking score) and the grade point average for the prerequisite courses (represents 70% of the ranking score). Students who are not selected for progression should consider a program change or resubmit an application and progression form for the next progression term. If selected for progression, SPCH 1101 and PSYC 2103 can be taken during the first or second semester of the program. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. For more information regarding this process, please contact the Admissions Office at (706) 771-4028. Refer to page 16 for program related deadlines. Notes:  The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is an examination for students considering health programs and is composed of four areas: reading, mathematics, science, and English and language usage. Ideally, the TEAS should be taken immediately after completing the prerequisite courses (but not required), as the recent content in these courses may lead to a student scoring higher on the TEAS exam. If a student has previously taken the TEAS V, a test score older than 5 years at the time of progression evaluation will not be accepted for ranking purposes.  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses listed in the curriculum outline. A student who receives a grade of less than a “C” in two or more prerequisite courses is not eligible for program progression/admission. This includes less than a “C” in the same or a different course. This includes courses taken under any program of study at Augusta Technical College and courses included on all submitted transcripts.  Students must have received a grade of a “C” or less in order to retake a course for ranking purposes. The first grade and the retake grade(s) will be averaged to determine the grade used for ranking purposes. This policy also applies to students with a transfer grade of a ‘C”. The transfer grade of a “C” and the retake grade will be averaged to determine the ranking grade. Program Description: The Associate Degree Nursing program is designed to prepare students to practice professional nursing in a variety of settings. Graduates will understand the nursing process, learn to think critically, and make appropriate clinical decisions. They will use current evidence as a scientific rationale for making clinical decisions. Based on their understanding of the significance of ongoing developments in nursing, medical science, and technology, they will express a commitment to lifelong learning and further career development. They will comprehend the core values of the nursing profession, including respecting the dignity as well as value of all persons, including caring, cultural competence, and basic ethical and legal concepts. They will develop the basic role competencies expected of associate degree graduates. The program is approved by the Georgia Board of Nursing.  If a student makes less than a “C” in a prerequisite course that includes a lab, this will be counted as “one” academic failure or unsuccessful attempt. The student will be required to retake the component (lab or theory) in which a grade of less than a “C” was awarded in order to meet the prerequisite requirement. The theory letter grade will be averaged with the corresponding letter grade in lab to determine the final letter grade for ranking purposes.  Unsuccessful course attempts that led to ineligibility for competitive progression evaluation will expire after five years.  Students who do not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with the RNSG prefix will not be allowed to reenter the program.  The student bears the responsibility for paying for the health requirements of the program. Students are required to sign an authorization to allow the College faculty members to release health information to clinical sites. Students must submit completed medical and dental information prior to beginning nursing courses. Separate documentation will be required for Hepatitis B seroconversion, RPR, TB testing, and all immunizations and/or titers. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  Natural science courses older than 5 years will not be considered for program progression evaluation. Students will need to retake these courses to become eligible for program progression evaluation.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take the licensing exam required for the profession. A background check and drug screen is required before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a nurse.  The College does not offer a student health plan. At the present time, students are responsible for their own health care costs. We advise you to have coverage under a personal, family, or work health insurance plan.  Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to clinical sites. Employment Opportunities: Graduates are always in demand for employment in nursing homes, health centers, convalescent homes, hospitals, schools, doctor’s offices, and prisons. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition /Rhetoric I XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Area Four Options MATH 1111 College Algebra PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology SPCH 1101 Public Speaking Occupational Courses BIOL 2113 Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2113L Anatomy and Physiology Lab I BIOL 2114 Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2114L Anatomy and Physiology Lab II BIOL 2117 Introductory Microbiology BIOL 2117L Introductory Microbiology Lab PSYC 2103 Human Development RNSG 1210 The Nursing Profession: Foundational Concepts RNSG 1230 Pharmacology and Dosage Calculation RNSG 1250 Adult Nursing I RNSG 1270 Mental Health Nursing RNSG 2210 Adult Nursing II RNSG 2230 Maternal-Child Nursing RNSG 2250 Adult Nursing III RNSG 2270 Pediatric Nursing Credits 15 3 3 3 3 3 57 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 8 3 6 3 6 4 8 4 41 Programs of Study CARDIOVASCULAR TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Seven Terms 70 Admission: Cardioavascular Technology is a competitive progression program. Students must complete all prerequisite courses (ENGL 1101, Humanities/Fine Arts Area Four MATH 1111, MATH 1127, PSYC 1101, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, PHYS 1110, and PHYS 1110L) with a minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale by the designated deadline to be evaluated for program progression. The ranking/academic order for progression to the CAVT prefix courses is determined using the grade point average in MATH 1111, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, PHYS 1110, and PHYS 1110L.. Students who are not selected for progression should consider a program change or resubmit an application and progression form by the designated deadline for the next progression term. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. For more information regarding this process, please contact the Admissions Office at (706) 771-4028. Refer to pages 15-16 for program related deadlines. Occupational Courses CAVT 1002 Medical Physics CAVT 1100 Cardiac Catheterization Fundamentals CAVT 1020 Cardiac Catherization I CAVT 1021 Cardiac Catherization Clinical I CAVT 1030 Electrophysiology and Cardiac Anatomy CAVT 1080 Advanced Hemodynamics and Cardiac Physiology CAVT 1090 Drug Calculations and Administration CAVT 2020 Cardiac Catherization II CAVT 2030 Cardiac Catherization Clinical II CAVT 2050 Cardiac Catherization Clinical III CAVT 2070 Cardiac Catherization Registry Review I Notes:   Program Description: Cardiovascular Technology is a program of Augusta Technical College and University Hospital‘s Harry T. Harper, Jr., M.D., School of Cardiac and Vascular Technology. The off-campus site is centered at the Heart and Vascular Institute at University Hospital.  The Cardiovascular Technology program is a sequence of courses that provide educational opportunities to individuals in didactic and clinical environments that will enable them to obtain skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to graduate and become successful entry-level Cardiovascular Technologist specializing in Invasive Cardiac Catheterization. Cardiovascular Technology is a health technology profession centered on the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of patients with cardiac diseases. A cardiovascular technologist performs examinations at the request or under direct supervision of a physician, is proficient in the use of analytical equipment, and provides a foundation of data from which a correct anatomic and physiologic diagnosis may be made.   The program is accredited by The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs—Joint Review Committee on Education in Cardiovascular Technology. The contact information for the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs is as follows: 25400 US Highway 19 N., Suite 158, Clearwater, FL 33763, 727-210-2350, www.caahep.org. Students take the National Registry in Cardiac or Vascular Technology before graduation.   Employment Opportunities: Cardiovascular technologists may pursue career opportunities within hospitals, physician offices, medical clinics, mobile outreach companies, cardiac equipment companies, or research groups. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1111 College Algebra MATH 1127 Introduction to Statistics XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV Options PHYS 1110 Conceptual Physics PHYS 1110L Conceptual Physics Lab PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology Non General Education Degree Courses BIOL 2113 Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2113L Anatomy and Physiology Lab I BIOL 2114 Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2114L Anatomy and Physiology Lab II PHYS 1110 Conceptual Physics PHYS 1110L Conceptual Physics Lab 43 2 3 4 3 3 3 2 4 6 11 2  Credits 19 3 3 3 3 3 1 3  8  3 1 3 1 3 1 42 A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses. Students must have received a grade of a “C” or less in order to retake a course for ranking purposes. The first grade and the retake grade(s) will be averaged to determine the grade used for ranking purposes. A student who receives a grade of less than a “C” in two or more prerequisite courses is not eligible for program progression/admission. This includes less than a “C” in the same or a different course. This includes courses taken under any program of study at Augusta Technical College and transcripts from colleges/universities previously attended. If a student makes less than a “C” in a prerequisite course that includes a lab, this will be counted as “one” academic failure or unsuccessful attempt. The student will be required to retake the component (lab or theory) in which a grade of less than a “C” was awarded in order to meet the prerequisite requirement. The theory letter grade will be averaged with the corresponding letter grade in lab to determine the final letter grade for ranking purposes. Unsuccessful course attempts that led to ineligibility for competitive progression evaluation will expire after five years. Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience. A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in one course with the CAVT prefix will be suspended from the program for one year. A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with these prefixes will not be allowed to re-enter the Cardiovascular Technology Program. Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor. Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a cardiovascular technologist. Natural Science prefix courses older than 5 years will not be considered for program progression evaluation. Students will need to retake these courses to become eligible for program progression evaluation. Programs of Study CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Two Terms 19 Program Description The program is designed to provide the graduate with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to engage in the practice of personal training in a variety of settings. The goals and objectives of the program are guided by, but not limited to, the criteria and guidelines set forth by the American Council on Exercise. Upon completion of the program graduates may be eligible to sit for a national certified personal trainer exam. Graduation from this program does not guarantee certification. Additional certifications for eligibility to sit for the personal trainer exam include the American Heart Association’s Healthcare Provider CPR certification, including live skills check, and AED certification. Admission Admission to the program can be obtained through achieving the established minimum score on the ACCUPLACER exam. A high school diploma or GED is required for program admission. Employment Opportunities Personal trainers work one-on-one or with two or three clients, either in a gym, health club, sports center, or the client’s home. They help clients assess their level of physical fitness and set and reach fitness goals. Trainers also demonstrate various exercises and help clients improve their exercise techniques. They keep records of their clients’ exercise sessions to monitor the clients’ progress toward fitness. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses ALHS 1011 Structure and Function of the Human Body ALHS 1040 Introduction to Health Care SFMA 1211 Sports Nutrition SFMA 1250 Biomechanics of Personal Training and Sports Technique I SFMA 1251 Biomechanics of Personal Training and Sports Technique II SFMA 1263 Seminar in Sports and Fitness Management 19 5 3 2 3 3 3 Notes:  A minimum grade of “C” is required for all courses in the curriculum outline.  Prior to participation in practicums/labs, students are required to complete the clinical clearance package. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student participates in a practicum experience. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her practicum rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the practicum facility in the capacity of a personal trainer. 43 Programs of Study DENTAL ASSISTING DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Notes:  A minimum grade of “C” is required for all courses in the curriculum outline  Students must complete all prerequisite courses with a minimum grade of “C” before enrolling in the DENA prefix courses.  ALHS courses older than 5 years will not be considered for prerequsiste credit. Students will need to retake these courses before enrolling in the DENA prefix courses.  Dental Assisting students must submit medical examination and evaluation forms and letters of recommendation prior to enrollment in clinical courses. These forms will be distributed by academic advisors.  A student who is not enrolled in the program for one or more terms will be required to validate knowledge of courses with the DENA prefix completed in the previous terms (as designated by course instructors). A student who is not enrolled in the program for more than one year will be required to retake courses with the DENA and ALHS prefixes. A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with the ALHS or DENA prefixes (including second attempts to any of these courses) will not be allowed to reenter the program.  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a dental assistant. Fall and Spring Five Terms 55-59 Program Description: The Dental Assisting Program prepares students for employment in a variety of positions in today’s dental offices or clinics. Graduates are competent in the technical areas of chairside assisting, infection control, dental radiology, dental practice management, and dental laboratory procedures. Graduates receive a diploma in dental assisting and are certified in expanded functions for the State of Georgia and are eligible to sit for the Dental Assisting National Board exam. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. The Dental Assisting Program is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) of the American Dental Association and has been granted the accreditation status of “Approval.” The Commission is a special accrediting body recognized by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation and by the United States Department of Education. The Commission on Dental Accreditation can be contacted at telephone number (312) 440-4653 or at 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Employment Opportunities: Certified dental assistants are in great demand in our service area. Graduates should be able to obtain suitable employment with excellent working conditions in private dental offices, hospital dental clinics, dental schools, public health departments, military and veterans dental clinics, and prison dental clinics. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Credits 9 3 3 3 Occupational Courses 46-50 ALHS 1011 Structure and Function of the Human Body (or) 5 DENA 1010 Basic Human Biology (1) ALHS 1040 Introduction to Health Care 3 DENA 1030 Preventive Dentistry 2 DENA 1050 Microbiology and Infection Control 3 DENA 1080 Dental Anatomy 5 DENA 1070 Oral Pathology and Therapeutics 2 DENA 1090 Dental Assisting National Board Examination Prep 1 DENA 1400 Dental Practice Management 2 DENA 1390 Dental Radiology 4 DENA 1340 Dental Assisting I: General Chairside 6 DENA 1350 Dental Assisting II: Dental Specialities & EFDA Skills 7 DENA 1460 Dental Practicum I 1 DENA 1470 Dental Practicum II 1 DENA 1480 Dental Practicum III 5 COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 3 44 Programs of Study DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL SONOGRAPHY ASSOCIATES OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours required for Graduation: Fall Six Terms 78 Admission: Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) is a competitive progression program. Students who meet the College criteria for admission will be admitted to the program as a candidate for progression and are permitted to take the prerequisite courses. The prerequisite courses (ENGL 1101, Humanities/Fine Arts area four, PSYC 1101, MATH 1111, MATH 1127, PHYS 1110, PHYS 1110L, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, and BIOL 2114L) must be completed with a minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale by the designated deadline to be evaluated for program progression. Students must also take the TEAS Test and score at the proficient level (58.7%) or higher. The ranking order for progression to the DMSO prefix courses is determined using the grade point average in BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, and BIOL 2114L (represents 70% of the ranking score) and the TEAS cut score (represents 30% of the ranking score). Students who are not selected for progression should consider a program change or resubmit an application and progression form for the next progression term. A high school diploma or GED is required for admission to the program. For additional information regarding this process, please contact the Admissions Office at (706) 771-4028. Program Description: The DMS Program provides quality didactic and clinical education experiences to prepare the students to enter the field as an entry-level Diagnostic Medical Sonographer. After completion of this program graduates will be able to work in a variety of settings. The program covers multiple modalities including: abdomen, small parts, obstetrics, gynecology, invasive procedures, and an introduction to vascular sonography. Graduates of the program will be able to analyze patient information, perform diagnostic ultrasound procedures, evaluate acquired images for pathology, display satisfactory communication skills and demonstrate professionalism. Employment Opportunities: Diagnostic Medical Sonographers may pursue a career in hospitals, physician offices, outpatient imaging centers, travel companies, and ultrasound equipment companies. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric XXXX XXXX Humanities/Fine Arts Area Four PSCY 1101 Introductory Psychology MATH 1111 College Algebra MATH 1127 Introduction to Statistics Credits 15 3 3 3 3 3 Occupational Courses BIOL 2113 Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2113L Anatomy and Physiology Lab I BIOL 2114 Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2114L Anatomy and Physiology Lab II PHYS 1110 Conceptual Physics PHYS 1110L Conceptual Physics Lab 12 3 1 3 1 3 1 ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· The following occupational courses will be completed after students have been accepted for program progression. Occupational Courses DMSO 1010 Foundations of Sonography DMSO 1020 Sectional Anatomy and Normal Sonographic Appearance DMSO 1040 Sonographic Physics and Instrumentation DMSO 1050 Abdominal Sonography DMSO 1060 Clinical Sonography I DMSO 1070 Pelvic Sonography and First Trimester Obstetrics DMSO 1080 Sonographic Physics and Instrumentation Registry Review DMSO 1090 Introduction to Vascular DMSO 1100 Clinical Sonography II DMSO 2010 OB Second and Third Trimesters DMSO 2020 Specialized Sonographic Procedures DMSO 2030 Clinical Sonography III DMSO 2040 Comprehensive ABD and OB/GYN registry Review DMSO 2050 Clinical Sonography IV 51 3 ï‚· 3 3 3 4 2 1 1 6 3 2 8 2 10 45 Notes: The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is an examination for students considering nursing programs and is composed of four areas: reading, mathematics, science, and English and language usage. A TEAS test score older than five years at the time of progression evaluation will not be accepted. A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses. Students must receive a grade of “C” or less to retake a prerequisite course. The first grade and the retake grade will be averaged to determine the grade used for ranking purposes for program progression. If a student received less than a “C” in two or more prerequisite courses the student is not eligible for program progression. This includes a “C” in the same or a different course, under any program of study at Augusta Technical College and courses included on formal transcripts received from previous colleges and universities attended. In the event that a student makes less than a “C” in a prerequisite course that includes a lab, this will be counted as one academic failure or unsuccessful attempt. The student will be required to retake the component (lab or theory) in which the grade of less than “C” was awarded in order to meet the prerequisite requirements. The letter grade for theory and the letter grade for the corresponding lab will be averaged to determine the final letter grade for raking purposes. Course attempts that are unsuccessful and lead to ineligibility for competitive progression evaluation and ranking will expire after five years. The student is responsible for the cost of program health requirements. Prior to beginning scan lab and clinical rotations, students are required to submit completed medical and dental exam forms. All required immunizations including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination must sign a declination form and be aware the clinical rotation sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience and therefore may not be able to continue in the program. A student that does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in a course with the DMSO prefix will be suspended from the program for one year. A student that does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with the DMSO prefix will not be allowed to reenter the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program. Natural Science courses older than five years will not be considered for program progression evaluation. Students will need to retake these courses to become eligible for program progression evaluation. Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in the field and may make a student ineligible to take the registry exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and drug screen will be required prior to the student starting clinical rotations. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor. Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotation, will be strictly educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer. Students will be required to provide their own transportation to clinical rotation sites which will be up to 35 miles from Augusta Technical College. Programs of Study ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Occupational Courses CAVT 1030 Electrophysiology and Cardiac Anatomy CAVT 1080 Advanced Hemodynamics and Cardiac Physiology CAVT 1090 Drug Calculations and Administration DMSO 1040 Sonographic Physics and Instrumentation DMSO 1080 Sonographic Physics and Instrumentation Registry Review ECHO 1100 Echocardiography Fundamentals ECHO 1310 Echocardiography I ECHO 1320 Echocardiography II ECHO 1370 Echocardiography Clinical I ECHO 2360 Echocardiography Clinical II ECHO 2370 Echocardiography Clinical III ECHO 2400 Comprehensive Registry Review Fall Seven Terms 73 Admission: Echocardiography is a competitive progression program. Students must complete all prerequisite courses (ENGL 1101, Humanities/Fine Arts Area Four MATH 1111, MATH 1127, PSYC 1101, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, PHYS 1110, and PHYS 1110L) with a minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale by the designated deadline to be evaluated for program progression. The ranking order for progression to the CAVT, DMSO, and ECHO prefix courses is determined using the grade point average in MATH 1111, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, PHYS 1110, and PHYS 1110L). Students who are not selected for progression should consider a program change or resubmit an application and progression form by the designated deadline for the next progression term. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. For more information regarding this process, please contact the Admissions Office at (706) 771-4028. Refer to pages 15-16 for program related deadlines. The Echocardiography program is a technical program designed to prepare students for work in the allied health field as Echocardiographers. The program offers both clinical and didactic instruction. Upon completion of the Echocardiography program, the student is eligible for a national certification examination. The program is accredited by The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs—Joint Review Committee on Education in Cardiovascular Technology. The contact information for the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs is as follows: 25400 US Highway 19 N., Suite 158, Clearwater, FL 33763, 727-210-2350, www.caahep.org. Students take the National Registry in Cardiac or Vascular Technology before graduation. Employment Opportunities: Echocardiographers may pursue career opportunities within hospitals, physician offices, medical clinics, mobile outreach companies, cardiac equipment companies, or research groups. Non General Education Degree Courses BIOL 2113 Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2113L Anatomy and Physiology I Lab BIOL 2114 Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2114L Anatomy and Physiology Lab II 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 7 7 10 1 Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses.  Students must have received a grade of a “C” or less in order to retake a course for ranking purposes. The first grade and the retake grade(s) will be averaged to determine the grade used for ranking purposes.  A student who receives a grade of less than a “C” in two or more prerequisite courses is not eligible for program progression/admission. This includes less than a “C” in the same or a different course. This includes courses taken under any program of study at Augusta Technical College and transcripts from colleges/universities previously attended.  If a student makes less than a “C” in a prerequisite course that includes a lab, this will be counted as “one” academic failure or unsuccessful attempt. The student will be required to retake the component (lab or theory) in which a grade of less than a “C” was awarded in order to meet the prerequisite requirement. The theory letter grade will be averaged with the corresponding letter grade in lab to determine the final letter grade for ranking purposes.  Unsuccessful course attempts that led to ineligibility for competitive progression evaluation will expire after five years.  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in one course with the CAVT, DMSO or ECHO prefix will be suspended from the program for one year. A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with these prefixes will not be allowed to re-enter the Cardiovascular Technology Program.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a cardiovascular technologist.  Natural Science prefix courses older than 5 years will not be considered for program progression evaluation. Students will need to retake these courses to become eligible for program progression evaluation. Program Description: Echocardiography is a program of Augusta Technical College and University Hospital‘s Harry T. Harper, Jr., M.D., School of Cardiac and Vascular Technology. The off-campus site is centered at the Heart and Vascular Institute at University Hospital. General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric I MATH 1111 College Algebra MATH 1127 Introduction to Statistics XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV Options PHYS 1110 Conceptual Physics PHYS 1110L Conceptual Physics Lab PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology 46 3 19 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 8 3 1 3 1 46 Programs of Study HEALTH CARE ASSISTANT TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Summer and Fall Semesters Three Terms 29-34 Certified Personal Trainer+ SFMA 1211 Sports Nutrition SFMA 1250 Biomechanics of Personal Training and Sports Technique I SFM 1251 Biomechanics of Personal Training and Sports Technique II SFMA 1263 Seminar in Sports and Fitness Management Program Description: The Health Care Assistant Certificate of Credit is a program that provides academic foundations at the diploma level in communications, mathematics, and human relations, as well as technical fundamentals. Program graduates are trained in the underlying fundamentals of health care delivery and are well prepared for employment and subsequent upward mobility. For information regarding this process, please contact the Admissions Office (706) 7714028. Specialization Semester *Offered Spring Semester +Begins Spring Admission: Admission to the Health Care Assistant Program can be obtained through achieving the established minimum score on the ASSET or ACCUPLACER exam and having a GED or graduating from high school. Occupational Core Courses ALHS 1011 Structure and Function of the Human Body ALHS 1040 Introduction to Health Care ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 9 3 3 3 13 5 3 2 3 Specializations Students must complete one of the specializations listed to meet program requirements for graduation. Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician* CSSP 1010 Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development 5 2 Medical Office Support Specialist * MAST 1010 Legal and Ethical Concerns in the Medical Office MAST 1060 Medical Office Procedures MAST 1100 Medical Insurance Management MAST 1110 Administrative Practice Management 2 4 2 3 Physicians Practice Management+ BUSN 2370 Medical Office Billing/Coding/Insurance MGMT 1100 Principles of Management MGMT 1105 Organizational Behavior MGMT 2115 Human Resource Management 3 3 3 3 Nurse Aide** ALHS 1060 Diet and Nutrition for Allied Health Sciences NAST 1100 Nurse Aide Fundamentals 2 6 3 3 3 **Offered Spring and Summer Notes:  A minimum grade of “C” is required for all courses in the curriculum outline. The general and occupational core courses listed in the curriculum outline must be completed before a student is eligible to enroll in a specialization.  ALHS and MAST prefix courses older than 5 years will not be considered for prerequisite credit.  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to complete the clinical clearance package. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a health care assistant.  Students who successfully complete the program with the Nurse Aide specialization may be eligible to sit for the National Nurse Aide Assessment program (NNAAP), which determines competency to become enrolled in the State nurse aide registry.  Students who successfully complete the program with the Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician Specialization may be eligible to apply to take the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Material Management (IAHCSMM) certification exam.  Students who successfully complete the program with the Certified Personal Trainer Specialization may be eligible to sit for a national certified personal trainer exam. Completion of the program and specialization does not guarantee certification. Additional certifications for eligibility to sit for the personal trainer exam include the American Heart Association’s Healthcare Provider CPR certification, including live skills check, and AED certification.  The Medical Office Support and Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician specializations are offered spring semester. The Physician Practice management specialization is offered summer semester. The Nurse Aide specialization is offered spring and summer semesters.  The Certified Personal Trainer Specialization courses begin spring semester. Employment: Health Care Assistants are employed in medical and surgical centers, medical laboratories, and offices of physicians. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology 2 47 Programs of Study HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Spring Five Terms 66 Notes: ï‚· Program Description: The Health Information Management Technology program is a sequence of courses designed to provide students with the technical knowledge and skills necessary to process, maintain, analyze, and report health information data according to legal, accreditation, licensure and certification standards for reimbursement, facility planning, marketing, risk management, utilization management, quality assessment and research; program graduates will develop leadership skills necessary to serve in a functional supervisory role in various components of the health information system ï‚· ï‚· Employment Opportunities: Health information technicians work at a number of healthcare providers such as physicians’ offices, nursing care facilities, outpatient care centers, and home healthcare services. Technicians also may be employed outside of healthcare facilities, such as in Federal Government agencies. In addition to job growth, numerous openings will result from the need to replace medical record and health information technicians who retire or leave the occupation permanently. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or) MATH 1101 College Algebra (or) MATH 1111 Mathematical Modeling XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology ECON 1101 Principles of Economics Occupational Courses ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences BIOL 2113 Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2113L Anatomy and Physiology Lab I BIOL 2114 Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2114L Anatomy and Physiology Lab II HIMT 1100 Introduction to Health Information Technology HIMT 1150 Computer Applications in Healthcare HIMT 1200 Legal Aspects of Healthcare HIMT 1250 Health Record Content and Structure HIMT 1350 Pharmacotherapy HIMT 1400 Coding and Classification – ICD Basic HIMT 1410 Coding and Classification – ICD Advanced HIMT 2150 Healthcare Statistics HIMT 2200 Performance Improvement HIMT 2300 Healthcare Management HIMT 2400 Coding and Classification System – CPT/HCPCS HIMT 2410 HIMT 2460 MAST 1120 Revenue Cycle Management Health Information Technology Practicum Human Diseases ï‚· ï‚· 15 3 3 3 3 3 3 52 2 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 48 A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses listed in the curriculum outline. Prior to participation in clinical practicums, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B and seasonal flu, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B/seasonal flu vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse to allow them the opportunity to gain clinical experience at their facility. Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and make a student ineligible to obtain a certification in field. A background check and drug screen is required by all clinical affiliates prior to a student beginning a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor. ALHS and natural science courses older than 5 years will not be considered for prerequisite credit. Students will need to retake these courses before enrolling in the HIMT prefix courses. Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a health information management technician. Programs of Study MEDICAL ASSISTING DIPLOMA Notes:  Students in the health field have a special responsibility regarding grades in their programs. To be eligible for graduation, students must make a minimum passing grade of “C” in all courses.  A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses will be suspended from the program for one year. After the third unsuccessful attempt of any course, the student will not be allowed to re-enter the Medical Assisting program.  ALHS courses must not be older than five years to be used as a prerequisite for MAST prefix courses. Students will need to retake these courses to meet the prerequisite requirements for MAST prefix courses.  MAST prefix courses that were taken more than five years ago must be repeated.  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a medical assistant. Offered at the Augusta, Waynesboro, and Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring: Augusta Fall: Thomson Fall: Waynesboro Four Terms 54 Program Description: The Medical Assisting program is a specialized training program designed to prepare competent entry-level medical assistants in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains. Important attributes of successful program graduates are critical thinking, problem solving, human relations skills, and the ability to apply knowledge and skills to the work environment. The field is presently experiencing rapid expansion, and the trend is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. After completion of this four semester day program, the student is encouraged to take the National Certification Exam to become a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA). The four semester diploma level Medical Assisting program on the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro campuses of Augusta Technical College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (www.caahep.org) upon the recommendation of the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB). The address and phone number for the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs is 25400 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 158 Clearwater, FL 33763, 727210-2350. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. For information regarding this process, please contact the Admissions Office (706) 771-4028. Employment Opportunities: The Medical Assisting Program prepares students for employment in a variety of positions in today’s medical offices. Additionally, other medically related facilities such as hospitals, clinics, insurance companies, and health departments may provide suitable employment opportunities. Curriculum Outline Credits Basic Skills Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Occupational Courses ALHS 1011 Structure and Function of the Human Body ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers MAST 1010 Legal and Ethical Concerns in the Medical Office MAST 1030 Pharmacology in the Medical Office MAST 1060 Medical Office Procedures MAST 1080 Medical Assisting Skills I MAST 1090 Medical Assisting Skills II MAST 1100 Medical Insurance Management MAST 1110 Administrative Practice Management MAST 1120 Human Diseases MAST 1170 Medical Assisting Externship MAST 1180 Medical Assisting Seminar 9 3 3 3 45 5 2 3 2 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 6 3 49 Programs of Study MEDICAL CODING TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta and Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Three Terms 24 Notes:  Students in the health field have a special responsibility regarding grades in their programs. To be eligible for graduation, students must make a minimum passing grade of “C” in all courses.  A student who does not earn a grade of a “C” or higher in any two courses will be suspended from the program for one year. After the third unsuccessful attempt of any course, the student will not be allowed to re-enter the Medical Coding program.  Prerequisites required by medical coding students for MAST 1120 are ENGL 1010, ALHS 1011, and ALHS 1090.  The prerequisite for BUSN 1440-Document Production is the ability to key (type) at least 25 words per minute (WPM) on 3-minute timing with no more than 3 errors. If you cannot type at this speed, you will need to take BUSN 1100 to attain this speed prior to enrolling in BUSN 1440. As BUSN 1100 is not a required course in the program, you may be required to pay out of pocket for this class. You will need to take BUSN 1100 prior to entering the second term of the program to remain in sequence with your cohort and to complete the program in three terms.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a medical coder.  ALHS prefix courses must not be older than five years to be used as a prerequisite for MAST prefix courses. Program Description: The Medical Coding technical certificate of credit program provides a sequence of courses that prepares students with appropriate general core, anatomy and physiology, human diseases, medical procedural, and physicians procedural coding skills. Learning opportunities develop academic, technical, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of didactic and laboratory instruction necessary for successful employment. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Program Objectives: The mission of the Medical Coding program is to provide enhanced training for persons who have successfully completed a medical program or are currently working in the medical field. Upon completion of this program, students are encouraged to attempt an entry-level coding certification exam. Medical Coding students may work in positions in medical coding departments in hospitals, clinics, and medical offices. Employment Opportunities: The current need and an anticipated rise in the number of medical coders needed in local hospitals, clinics, and medical/surgical offices have had a positive impact on entry-level salaries in the Augusta Technical College service area. Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I Occupational Courses ALHS 1011 Structure and Function of the Human Body BUSN 1440 Document Production ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences MAST 1120 Human Diseases MAST 1510 Medical Billing and Coding I MAST 1520 Medical Billing and Coding II MAST 1530 Medical Procedural Coding 3 3 21 5 4 2 3 2 3 2 50 Programs of Study PHYSICIANS PRACTICE MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus and the Columbia County Center Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Two Terms 17 Program Description: The Physicians Practice Management technical certificate prepares students to manage medical practices. The TCC includes courses from programs in business, allied health and management. Admission: Admission to the program can be obtained through achieving the established minimum score on the ACCUPLACER exam. A high school diploma or GED is required for program admission. Prior experience as a Medical Assistant, Dental Assistant, Medical Coder, or office manager of a medical or dental practice is highly recommended. Employment: Practice managers are employed in physicians and dentists’ offices and medical clinics. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences BUSN 2370 Medical Office Billing/Coding/Insurance COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers MGMT 1100 Principles of Management MGMT 1105 Organizations Behavior MGMT 2115 Human Resource Management 17 2 3 3 3 3 3 Notes: ï‚· A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses. ï‚· ALHS prefix courses older than 5 years will not be accepted for prerequisite credit unless the applicant is a Certified Medical Assistant, Dental Assistant, or Medical Coder who is currently working in field or a related field. 51 Programs of Study OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Six Terms 73 Admissions: Occupational Therapy Assistant is a competitive progression program. Applicants are required to obtain established minimum entrance scores on ACCUPLACER, ASSET, SAT, or ACT tests. High school graduation or GED is required. Students who meet the College criteria for admission will be admitted to the program as a candidate for progression to take prerequisite courses (ALHS 1090, ENGL 1101, MATH 1111, Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV [refer to page 139 for options], SPCH 1101, PSYC 1101, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, and BIOL 2114L). Students must complete all of the prerequisite courses with a minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale by the designated deadline (pages 15-16) to be evaluated for program progression. The grade point average in BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, and ENGL 1101 determines the academic/ranking order for selection of students for progression to the courses with the OCTA prefixes. Students who are not selected for progression should consider a program change or resubmit an application and progression form by the designated deadline for the next progression term. For more information regarding this process, please contact the Admissions Office at (706) 771-4028. Refer to page 16 for all program related deadlines. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric I MATH 1111 College Algebra XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV Options SPCH 1101 Public Speaking PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology 15 3 3 3 3 3 Occupational Courses ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences BIOL 2113 Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2113L Anatomy and Physiology I Lab BIOL 2114 Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2114L Anatomy and Physiology II Lab OCTA 1010 Introduction to Occupational Therapy OCTA 1020 Growth and Development OCTA 1030 Development Tasks OCTA 1050 Analysis of Human Movement OCTA 2010 Psychosocial Dysfunction OCTA 2040 Pediatric Issues OCTA 2060 Physical Dysfunction OCTA 2090 Geriatric Issues OCTA 2120 Occupational Therapy Trends and Issues OCTA 2130 Therapeutic Adaptations OCTA 2210 Level II Fieldwork – A OCTA 2220 Level II Fieldwork – B 58 2 3 1 3 1 4 2 2 4 6 4 6 3 2 3 6 6 Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses.  Students must have received a grade of a “C” or less in order to retake a course for ranking purposes. The first grade and the retake grade(s) will be averaged to determine the grade used for ranking purposes. This policy also applies to students with a transfer grade of a ‘C”. The transfer grade of a “C” and the retake grade will be averaged to determine the ranking grade.  A student who receives a grade of less than a “C” in two or more prerequisite courses is not eligible for program progression/admission. This includes less than a “C” in the same or a different course taken under any program of study at Augusta Technical College and/or courses included on formal transcripts received from a previous colleges/university attended.  If a student makes less than a “C” in a prerequisite course that includes a lab, this will be counted as “one” academic failure or unsuccessful attempt. The student will be required to retake the component (lab or theory) in which a grade of less than a “C” was awarded in order to meet the prerequisite requirement. The theory letter grade will be averaged with the corresponding letter grade in lab to determine the final letter grade for ranking purposes.  Unsuccessful course attempts that led to ineligibility for competitive progression evaluation will expire after five years.  A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any one course attempted with the OCTA prefix will be suspended from the program for one year. Before re-entering the program, the student must complete an individualized remedial program assigned by the department head. After the second unsuccessful attempt of any courses with the OCTA prefix, the student will not be allowed to re-enter the Occupational Therapy Assistant program.  All Level II Fieldwork must be completed within 18 months of completion of the didactic course work before the student is eligible for graduation.  Prior to participation in Level I and Level II Fieldwork experiences, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. Separate documentation will be required for Hepatitis B seroconversion, RPR, TB testing, MMR and chicken pox titers. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that fieldwork sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check is required prior to participating in Levels I, II, fieldworks. Some clinical facilities may require a drug screen. For more information, contact the program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of an occupational therapy assistant.  Natural science and ALHS prefix courses older than 5 years will not be considered for program progression evaluation. Students will need to retake these courses to become eligible for program progression evaluation. Program Description: The Occupational Therapy Assistant program is designed to train students to implement treatment procedures and plans for clients with limitations in occupational performance under the supervision of an occupational therapist per AOTA standards and State Regulations. Other occupational therapy assistant responsibilities include record keeping, and assistance with appropriate evaluation. The Occupational Therapy Assistant program meets the accreditation requirements of the American Occupational Therapy Association and program graduates may become certified by the National Board after passing the National certification Board examination before licensure by the State. The program provides learning opportunities which introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Program graduates receive an Occupational Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Technology degree. The program includes off-campus fieldwork in health care facilities (may include out–of- town assignments). The Occupational Therapy Assistant Program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), located at 4720 Montgomery Lane, Suite 200, Bethesda, MD 20814-3449. ACOTE’s phone number c/o AOTA is (301) 652-2682 and fax number (301) 652-1417 (Fax), E-mail: accred@aota.org. Graduates of the program will be able to sit for the national certification examination for the occupational therapy assistant administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). After successful completion of this exam, the individual will be a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA). In addition, most states require licensure in order to practice; however, state licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT Certification Examination Employment Opportunities: Occupational therapy assistants work in inpatient and outpatient hospitals and rehabilitation centers, transitional care facilities, prisons, home health care, nursing homes, industry, halfway houses, group homes, assisted living facilities, schools, sheltered workshops, community mental health centers, day care or early intervention centers, hospice programs, and wellness/fitness centers. 52 Programs of Study PHARMACY TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Occupational Courses ALHS 1040 Introduction to Health Care ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences BIOL 2113 Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2113L Anatomy and Physiology Lab I BIOL 2114 Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2114L Anatomy and Physiology Lab II COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers PHAR 1000 Pharmaceutical Calculations PHAR 1010 Pharmacy Technology Fundamentals PHAR 1020 Principles of Dispensing Medications PHAR 1030 Principles of Sterile Medication Preparation PHAR 1040 Pharmacology PHAR 1050 Pharmacy Technology Practicum PHAR 2060 Advanced Pharmacy Technology Principles PHAR 2070 Advanced Pharmacy Technology Practicum Fall Five Terms 65 Program Description: The Pharmacy Technology Associate Degree Program is a sequence of courses that prepare students for careers in the pharmacy field. Learning opportunities develop academic and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Pharmacy Technology program graduates are prepared to function as pharmacy technicians in positions requiring preparations of medications according to prescriptions under supervision of a pharmacist. Program graduates are to be competent in the college level areas of communications, math, and interpersonal relations. Program graduates are to be competent to perform basic occupational functions including pouring, weighing, or measuring dosages, and grinding, heating, filtering, or dissolving and mixing liquid or soluble drugs and chemicals. They are also to be competent in procuring, storing, and issuing pharmacy materials and supplies, as well as maintaining files and records. Before graduation, students receive preparation for and are eligible to take the national Pharmacy Technician Certification Board. The program graduate receives an Associate of Applied Science degree and is employable as a pharmacy technician. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses.  A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with the ALHS, BIOL, MATH, and PHAR prefix will be suspended from the program for one year. Before re-entering the program, the student must complete an individualized remedial program assigned by the department head. After the third unsuccessful attempt of any course or courses with the PHAR prefix, the student will not be allowed to re-enter the Pharmacy Technology program.  The Georgia Board of Pharmacy has adopted Rule 480-15-02. This rule requires pharmacy technicians (including students working in pharmacies) to register with the Georgia Board of Pharmacy before performing technical duties in a pharmacy in Georgia.  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a pharmacy technologist.  Natural science and ALHS prefix courses must not be older than five years to be used as a prerequisite for PHAR prefix courses. The Pharmacy Technology Program is accreditation by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). The contact information for ASHP is: 7272 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, (866) 279-0681, www.ashp.org Employment Opportunities: Graduates are in demand in hospital pharmacies and retail pharmacies, clinics, and health maintenance organizations. The medium national salary is $29,320 per year or $14.10 per hour. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or) MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV Options PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology XXXX XXXX Guided General Education Elective Credits 15 3 3 3 3 3 Guided General Education Elective (A minimum of 3 credit hours from the following list is required) ECON ECON ECON HIST HIST HIST HIST POLS ENGL SOCI SPCH 1101 2105 2106 1111 1112 2111 2112 1101 1102 1101 1101 50 3 2 3 1 3 1 3 4 5 4 4 4 5 3 5 Principles of Economics (or) Principles of Macroeconomics (or) Principles of Microeconomics (or) World History I (or) World History II (or) U.S. History I (or) U.S. History II American Government Literature and Composition Sociology Public Speaking 53 Programs of Study PHARMACY TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Spring Five Terms 56 Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses.  A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with the ALHS, BIOL, MATH, and PHAR prefix will be suspended from the program for one year. Before re-entering the program, the student must complete an individualized remedial program assigned by the department head. After the third unsuccessful attempt of any course OR combination of courses with the PHAR prefix, the student will not be allowed to re-enter the Pharmacy Technology program.  The Georgia Board of Pharmacy has adopted Rule 480-15-02. This rule requires pharmacy technicians (including students working in pharmacies) to register with the Georgia Board of Pharmacy before performing technical duties in a pharmacy in Georgia.  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a pharmacy technologist.  ALHS prefix courses must not be older than five years to be used as a prerequisite for PHAR prefix courses. Program Description: The Pharmacy Technology diploma is designed to enable the student to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for employment within a pharmacy. The program prepares graduates to perform a variety of technical duties related to preparing and dispensing drugs in accordance with standard procedures and laws under the supervision of a registered pharmacist. A variety of clinical experiences is designed to integrate theory and practice. The program graduate receives a diploma and is employable as an entry level pharmacy technician. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. The Pharmacy Technology Program is accredited by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). The contact information for ASHP is: 7272 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, (866) -279-0681, www.ashp.org . Employment Opportunities: Graduates are in demand in hospital pharmacies and retail pharmacies, clinics, and health maintenance organizations. The medium national salary is $29,320 per year or $14.10 per hour. Curriculum Outline Credits Basic Skills Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Occupational Courses ALHS 1011 Structure and Function of the Human Body ALHS 1040 Introduction to Health Care ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences PHAR 1000 Pharmaceutical Calculations PHAR 1010 Pharmacy Technology Fundamentals PHAR 1020 Principles of Dispensing Medications PHAR 1030 Principles of Sterile Medication Preparation PHAR 1040 Technology Pharmacology PHAR 1050 Pharmacy Technology Practicum PHAR 2060 Advanced Pharmacy Technology Principles PHAR 2070 Advanced Pharmacy Technology Practicum COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 9 3 3 3 47 5 3 2 4 5 4 4 4 5 3 5 3 54 Programs of Study PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Spring Length of Program: Four Terms (after completion of prerequisite courses) Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 76 Notes:  The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) for Allied Health measures basic essential skills in the academic content area domains of reading, mathematics, science, English and language usage. A TEAS score older than five years at the time of progression evaluation will not be accepted.  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses.  A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with the PHTA prefix will be suspended from the program for one year. Before reentering the program, the student must complete an individualized remedial program assigned by the department head. After the third unsuccessful attempt of a course with the PHTA prefix, the student will not be allowed to reenter the PTA program.  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who decline the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience at the facility.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to obtain a state license. A background check and/or drug screen are required by all clinical affiliates prior to a student beginning a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a respiratory care or respiratory therapist.  Students will be required to provide their own transportation to clinical rotation sites which may be up to 45 minutes from Augusta Technical College.  Natural science courses older than 5 years will not be considered for program progression evaluation. Students will need to retake these courses to become eligible for program progression evaluation. Admission: Physical Therapist Assistant is a competitive progression program. Students must complete all of the prerequisite courses (ENGL 1101, MATH 1111 or MATH 1101 or Math 1103, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, PSYC 1101, PSYC 2103, PHYS 1110, PHYS 1110L, Humanities/Fine Arts [refer to page 145 for options] with a minimum of 2.75 on a 4 point scale by the designated deadline (pages 15-16) to be evaluated for program progression. Students must also take the TEAS Test and score at the proficient level (58.7%) or higher. The ranking order for progression into the PTA program (PHTA prefix courses) will be determined by the grade point average of all the prerequisite courses; and the TEAS score. Students who are not selected for progression should consider a program change or resubmit an application and progression form by the designated deadline for the next progression term. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. For more information regarding this process, please contact the Admissions office at (706) 7714028. Refer to page 15-16 of the catalog for all program related deadlines. Program Purpose: The Physical Therapist Assistant program is designed to prepare students to perform selected components of physical therapy interventions and data collection under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist. The curriculum combines general education and physical therapy courses to prepare students with the skills necessary to pass the licensure exams, and be competitive in the workforce as proficient entry level Physical Therapist Assistants qualified in a variety of work settings. Various facilities in the Augusta and Central Savannah River area will be utilized for clinical experiences. Effective communication, time management, physical stamina and attention to detail are characteristics of the professional PTA. In addition to being clinically competent, the graduate will also value and practice professional and ethical behaviors. Employment Opportunities: Physical Therapist Assistant graduates find a variety of employment opportunities in acute care and rehab hospitals, home health agencies, skilled nursing facilities, outpatient clinics, schools and sports medicine centers. Curriculum Outline General Education Core ENGL 1101 Composition & Rhetoric PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology PSYC 2103 Human Development MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra (or) MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts (see pg. 143) Occupational Courses BIOL 2113 Human Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2113L Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab BIOL 2114 Human Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2114L Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab PHYS 1110 Conceptual Physics PHYS 1110L Conceptual Physics Lab Occupational Courses (projected to begin January 2018) PHTA 1110 Intro to Physical Therapy PHTA 1120 Patient Care Skills PHTA 1130 Functional Anatomy/Kinesiology PHTA 1140 Physical Therapy Procedures PHTA 2110 Pathology I PHTA 2120 Rehabilitation I PHTA 2130 Physical Therapy Procedures II PHTA 2140 Clinical Education I PHTA 2150 Pathology II PHTA 2160 Rehabilitation II PHTA 2170 Kinesiology II PHTA 2180 Clinical Education II PHTA 2190 Clinical Education III PHTA 2200 Phys Therapist Assistant Seminar Total hours Please note the following: Graduation from a physical therapist assistant education program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 1111 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314; phone; 703-706-3245; accreditation@apta.org is necessary for eligibility to sit for the licensure examination, which is required in all states. Augusta Technical College-Augusta Campus is seeking accreditation of a new physical therapist assistant education program from CAPTE. The program is planning to submit an Application for Candidacy, which is the formal application required in the pre-accreditation stage, on June 1, 2017. Submission of this document does not assure that the program will be granted Candidate for Accreditation status. Achievement of Candidate for Accreditation status is required prior to implementation of the technical phase of the program; therefore, no students may be enrolled in technical courses until Candidate for Accreditation status has been achieved. Further, though achievement of Candidate for Accreditation status signifies satisfactory progress toward accreditation, it does not assure that the program will be granted accreditation. Credits 27 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 7 1 76 55 Programs of Study PRACTICAL NURSING DIPLOMA Occupational Courses 48 ALHS 1011 Structure and Function of the Human Body 5 ALHS 1060 Diet and Nutrition for AHS 2 PNSG 2010 Introduction to Pharmacology/Clinical Calculations 2 PNSG 2030 Nursing Fundamentals 6 PNSG 2035 Nursing Fundamentals Clinical 2 PNSG 2210 Medical-Surgical Nursing I 4 PNSG 2220 Medical Surgical Nursing II 4 PNSG 2230 Medical-Surgical Nursing III 4 PNSG 2240 Medical-Surgical Nursing IV 4 PNSG 2250 Maternity Nursing 3 PNSG 2255 Maternity Nursing Clinical 1 PNSG 2310 Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical I 2 PNSG 2320 Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical II 2 PNSG 2330 Medical Surgical Nursing III 2 PNSG 2340 Medical Surgical Nursing IV 2 PNSG 2410 Nursing Leadership 1 PNSG 2415 Nursing Leadership Clinical 2 Offered at the Augusta, Waynesboro, and Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall: Augusta Fall: Waynesboro Fall: Thomson Four Terms 57 Admission: The Practical Nursing program is a competitive progression program. Students who meet the College criteria for admission will be admitted to the program as a candidate for progression to take the prerequisite courses. Students must score at the proficient level (cut score of 58.7%) or higher on the TEAS Test and complete the prerequisite courses (ENGL 1010, MATH 1012, PSYC 1010, ALHS 1060, ALHS 1011) with a GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale by the designated deadline (pages 15-16) to be eligible for progression evaluation. The ranking order for progression to the PNSG courses is determined using the TEAS cut score (represents 30% of the ranking score) and the grade point average for the prerequisite courses (represents 70% of the ranking score). Students who are not selected for progression should consider a program change or resubmit an application and progression form by the designated deadline for the next progression term. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. For more information regarding this process, please contact the Admissions Office at (706) 771-4028. Refer to page 16 for all program related deadlines. Notes:  The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is an examination for students considering health programs and is composed of four areas: reading, mathematics, science, and English and language usage. A TEAS test score older than five years at the time of progression evaluation will not be accepted.  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses listed in the curriculum outline.  Students must have received a grade of a “C” or less in order to retake a course for ranking purposes. The first grade and the retake grade(s) will be averaged to determine the grade used for ranking purposes  A student who receives a grade of less than a “C” in two or more prerequisite courses is not eligible for program progression/admission. This includes less than a “C” in the same or a different course. This includes courses taken under any program of study at Augusta Technical College.  Unsuccessful course attempts that led to ineligibility for competitive progression evaluation will expire after five years.  Students who do not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any one course with the PNSG prefix will be suspended from the program for one semester. Before reentering the program, the student must complete an individualized remedial program assigned by the course instructor. A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with the PNSG prefix will not be allowed to reenter the program. A student who is not enrolled in the program for more than one year will be required to reenter the first semester of the program.  ALHS prefix courses older than 5 years will not be considered for program progression evaluation. Students will need to retake these courses to become eligible for program progression evaluation.  Practical Nursing students must submit completed medical and dental examination forms prior to participation in lab activities beginning in PNSG 2010 and PNSG 2030. Separate documentation will be required for Hepatitis B seroconversion, RPR, TB testing, and all immunizations and/or titers. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take the licensing exam required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen will be required by all agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a practical nurse. Program Description: The Practical Nursing program is designed to prepare students to take the state board examination for licensure as practical nurses, NCLEX-PN. The program prepares graduates to give competent nursing care. This preparation is done through a selected number of academic and occupational courses providing a variety of techniques and materials necessary to assist the student in acquiring the knowledge and skills to give competent care. A variety of clinical experiences is planned so that theory and practice are integrated under the guidance of the clinical instructor. Program graduates receive a practical nursing diploma and have the qualifications of an entry-level practical nurse. The Practical Nursing Program is approved by the Georgia Board of Nursing (GBON) and accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (formerly the NLNAC/National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission). The address and phone number is: Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, Georgia 30326, 404-975-5000. The web site is www.acen.org. Employment Opportunities: Graduates are in high demand for employment in nursing homes, health centers, convalescent homes, hospitals, schools, doctor’s offices, and prisons. Curriculum Outline Basic Skills Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Credits 9 3 3 3 56 Programs of Study NURSE AIDE TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta, Waynesboro, and Thomson campuses Notes: Entrance Dates: Fall and Spring: Waynesboro Fall: Augusta and Thomson Augusta: To be announced Length of Program: One Term Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 13     Admission: Admission to the Nurse Aide Program can be obtained through achieving the established minimum score on the ASSET or ACCUPLACER exam. A high school diploma or GED is required for program admission. Program Description: This program prepares the students with classroom training and practice as well as the clinical experiences necessary to care for patients in various settings including general medical and surgical hospitals, nursing care facilities, community care facilities for the elderly, and home health care services. Students who successfully complete the program may be eligible to sit for the National Nurse Aide Assessment program (NNAAP) which determines competency to become in the State nurse aide registry.   Employment Opportunities: Graduates are in demand for employment in nursing homes, home health agencies, and hospitals. Georgia State Law requires nursing homes to perform background checks on prospective employees to determine prior offenses and/or felonies. Such searches could influence the employability of Nurse aide graduates. Curriculum Outline Credits Occupational Courses ALHS 1060 Diet and Nutrition for Allied Health Sciences ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences NAST 1100 Nurse Aide Fundamentals ALHS 1040 Introduction to Health Care 13 2 2 6 3 57 A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses. ALHS 1040, ALHS 1060, and ALHS 1090 must be completed with a grade of a “C” or higher in order to enroll in NAST 1100. ALHS prefix courses older than five years cannot be used as prerequisite credit for NAST 1100. Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience. Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor. A student must complete the program to be eligible to apply to take the certification exam Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a patient care assistant or nursing assistant. Programs of Study RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Curriculum Outline General Education Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric I MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra MATH 1127 Introduction to Statistics XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV Options PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Fall and Spring Length of Program: Four Terms (after completion of prerequisite courses) Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 77 Credits 15 3 Occupational Courses ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences BIOL 2113 Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2113L Anatomy and Physiology Lab I BIOL 2114 Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2114L Anatomy and Physiology Lab II RADT 1010 Introduction to Radiography RADT 1030 Radiographic Procedures I RADT 1060 Radiographic Procedures II RADT 1065 Radiographic Science RADT 1075 Radiographic Imaging RADT 1085 Radiographic Equipment RADT 1200 Principles of Radiation Biology and Protection RADT 1320 Clinical Radiography I RADT 1330 Clinical Radiography II RADT 2090 Radiographic Procedures III RADT 2260 Radiologic Technology Review RADT 2340 Clinical Radiography III RADT 2360 Clinical Radiography V Admission: Radiologic Technology is a competitive progression program. Students must complete all of the prerequisite courses (ENGL 1101, MATH 1101 or MATH 1111, MATH 1127, Humanities/Fine Arts Area Four [refer to page 139 for options], PSYC 1101, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, and ALHS 1090) with a minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale by the designated deadline (pages 15-16) to be evaluated for program progression. The grade point average in BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, MATH 1101 or MATH 1111, and MATH 1127 determines the academic/ranking order for selection of students for progression to the courses with the RADT prefixes. Students who are not selected for progression should consider a program change or resubmit an application by the designated deadline for the next progression term. High school graduation or GED is also required for admission to this program. For more information regarding this process, please contact the Admissions Office at (706) 771-4028. Refer to page 16 for all program related deadlines. Program Description: The Radiologic Technology Associate Degree Program provides a sequence of courses that prepare students for positions in radiologic departments and related businesses and industries. Learning opportunities develop academic, technical, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of didactic and clinical instruction necessary for successful employment. Program graduates receive an Associate of Applied Science degree in Radiologic Technology, have the qualifications of a radiographer, and are eligible to sit for a national certification examination for radiographers. The program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). The contact information for the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology is 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606-3182, 312-704-5300, www.jrcert.org . 3 3 3 3 62 2 3 1 3 1 4 3 3 2 4 3 3 4 7 2 3 6 9 Note:  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B and influenza, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B or influenza vaccination must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses.  A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with the RADT prefix will be suspended from the program for one year. A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any three courses with the RADT prefix will not be allowed to re-enter the Radiologic Technology Program.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen is required before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a radiologic technologist.  Natural science and ALHS prefix courses older than 5 years will not be considered for program progression evaluation. Students will need to retake these courses to become eligible for program progression Program Objectives: The mission of the Radiologic Technology program is to prepare radiographers who are competent and who respond to the needs of the patient and the needs of the organization. Technological advances in the medical field have increased the demand for entry-level radiographers who will perform tasks that include assisting the physician, caring for the critically ill, and performing x-ray exams for patients in the operating room, emergency room, and in the radiology department. Employment Opportunities: The current need and an anticipated rise in the number of radiographers needed in local hospitals, clinics, and medical/surgical offices have had a positive impact on entry-level salaries in the Augusta Technical College service area. Graduates of the program are eligible to complete additional training in related areas beyond the associate degree at other educational institutions if desired. evaluation. 58 Programs of Study COMPUTED TOMOGRAPY SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Fall (Evening and Day Program) Length of Program: Two Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 21 Entrance Dates: Fall (Evening and Day Program) Length of Program: Two Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 24 Program Description The Computed Tomography (CT) certificate program provides educational opportunities to the post-graduate registered Radiologic Technologist, registered Radiation Therapist, registered Sonographer, and registered Nuclear Medicine Technologist in good standing. It provides students with the knowledge needed to perform CT exams, and to sit for the Post-Primary Computed Tomography Certification Examination. The academic component is designed to meet competency requirements of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Exam in CT, as well as providing for continuing educational requirements. Program Description The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technical certificate program provides educational opportunities to the post-graduate registered Radiologic Technologist, registered Radiation Therapist, registered Sonographer, and registered Nuclear Medicine Technologist in good standing. It provides students with the knowledge needed to perform MRI exams, and to sit for the Post-Primary Magnetic Resonance Imaging certification examination. The academic component is designed to meet competency requirements of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Exam in MRI, as well as providing for continuing educational requirements. Admission Admission to the program can be obtained through achieving the established minimum score on the ACCUPLACER exam. A high school diploma or GED is required for program admission. Applicants must be a graduate of a Radiologic Technology program and registered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). Admission Admission to the program can be obtained through achieving the established minimum score on the ACCUPLACER exam. A high school diploma or GED is required for program admission. Applicants must be a graduate of a Radiologic Technology program and registered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). Employment Opportunities CT technologists perform diagnostic imaging exams using CT scanners and work in hospitals, physicians’ offices, imaging centers, medical and diagnostic laboratories, and outpatient care centers. Employment Opportunities MRI technologists perform diagnostic imaging exams using MRI scanners and work in hospitals, physicians’ offices, imaging centers, medical and diagnostic laboratories, and outpatient care centers. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses RADT 2201 Introduction to Computed Tomography RADT 2220 Computed Tomography Procedures I RADT 2250 Computed Tomography Clinical I RADT 2210 Computed Tomography Physics and Instrumentation RADT 2230 Computed Tomography Procedures II RADT 2265 Computed Tomography Clinical II Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses 24 MRIM 2300 Orientation and Introduction to MRI 3 MRIM 2350 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinical Education I 6 MRIM 2320 MRI Procedures and Cross Sectional Anatomy 3 MRIM 2330 MRI Physics and Instrumentation 3 MRIM 2360 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinical Imaging II Clinical Education II 6 MRIM 2370 MRI Review 3 21 2 3 4 5 3 4 Notes:  A minimum grade of “C” is required for all courses in the curriculum outline.  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to complete the clinical clearance package. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a CT technologist.  Students who successfully complete the program are eligible to apply to take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (AART) exam in Computed Tomography. Notes:  A minimum grade of “C” is required for all courses in the curriculum outline.  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to complete the clinical clearance package. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a MRI technologist.  Students who successfully complete the program are eligible to apply to sit for the Post-Primary Magnetic Resonance Imaging certification exam. 59 Programs of Study RESPIRATORY CARE ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Six Terms 78 Admission: Respiratory Care is a competitive progression program. Students must complete all of the prerequisite courses (ENGL 1101, MATH 1111 or MATH 1101, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, BIOL 2117, BIOL 2117L, PSYC 1101, CHEM 1211 CHEM 1211L or CHEM 1151, CHEM 1151L by the designated deadline (pages 15-16) to be evaluated for program progression. The grade point average in the prerequisite courses determines the academic/ranking order for selection of students for progression to the courses with the RESP prefixes. Students who are not selected for progression should consider a program change or resubmit an application and progression form by the designated deadline for the next progression term. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. For more information regarding this process, please contact the Admissions office at (706) 771-4028. Refer to page 16 for all program related deadlines. Occupational Courses 69 BIOL 2113 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3 BIOL 2113L Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab I 1 BIOL 2114 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3 BIOL 2114L Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab II 1 BIOL 2117 Introductory Microbiology 3 BIOL 2117L Introductory Microbiology Lab 1 RESP 1110 Pharmacology 3 RESP 1120 Introduction to Respiratory Therapy 3 RESP 1130 Respiratory Therapy Lab I 4 RESP 1193 Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology 4 RESP 2090 Clinical Practice I 2 RESP 2100 Clinical Practice II 2 RESP 2110 Pulmonary Disease 3 RESP 2120 Critical Respiratory Care 2 RESP 2130 Mechanical Ventilation Equipment and Airway Care 4 RESP 2140 Advanced Critical Care Monitoring 1 RESP 2150 Pulmonary Function Testing 1 RESP 2160 Neonatal Pediatric Respiratory Care 3 RESP 2170 Advanced Respiratory Care Seminar 3 RESP 2180 Clinical Practice III 2 RESP 2190 Clinical Practice IV 2 RESP 2200 Clinical Practice V 3 RESP 2220 Clinical Practice VI 7 RESP 2270 Rehabilitation and Home Care 1 Program Purpose: The respiratory care associate degree is a sequence of courses that prepares students for careers in the field of respiratory care. Learning opportunities develop academic and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Emphasis is placed upon specialized training in areas such as patient assessment, diagnostic procedures, pharmacology, medical gas therapy, humidity and aerosol therapy, mechanical ventilation, hyperinflation therapy, airway clearance, adult critical respiratory care, and pediatric and neonatal respiratory care. Program graduates are eligible for the credential of Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT), the highest credential of the profession. Graduates initially take the Therapist Multiple Choice Exam (TMC) administered by the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC). This exam has two cut scores. Achieving the higher cut score awards the graduate with the credential of Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) and qualifies the graduate to take the Clinical Simulation Exam (CSE). Successful completion of the CSE awards the graduate with the credential of Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT). Achieving the lower cut score awards the graduate with the credential of CRT. A graduate who achieves the lower cut score may repeat the TMC to achieve the higher cut score and become eligible to take the CSE. Employment in most states, including Georgia and South Carolina, requires a license. Both Georgia and South Carolina recognize the CRT credential as the requirement for licensure. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses.  Respiratory Care students must submit letters of recommendation prior to enrollment in clinical courses. These forms will be distributed by academic advisors.  A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with the RESP prefix will be suspended from the program for one year. Before reentering the program, the student must complete an individualized remedial program assigned by the department head. After the third unsuccessful attempt of a course with the RESP prefix, the student will not be allowed to reenter the Respiratory Care program.  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who decline the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience at the facility.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to obtain a state license. A background check and/or drug screen are required by all clinical affiliates prior to a student beginning a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a respiratory care or respiratory therapist.  Natural science courses older than 5 years will not be considered for program progression evaluation. Students will need to retake these courses to become eligible for program progression evaluation. Employment Opportunities: Respiratory Care graduates find a variety of employment opportunities in hospitals, home health agencies, medical equipment sales, physicians’ offices, polysomnography, and pulmonary function laboratories. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric I CHEM 1211 Chemistry I CHEM 1211L Chemistry I Lab (or) CHEM 1151 Survey of Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 1151L Survey of Inorganic Chemistry Lab MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Area Four Options PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology (or) SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology Credits 20 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 60 Programs of Study SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Five Terms 57 Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses listed in the curriculum outline.  Students must have received a grade of a “C” or less in order to retake a course for ranking purposes. The first grade and the retake grade(s) will be averaged to determine the grade used for ranking purposes. This policy also applies to students with a transfer grade of a ‘C”. The transfer grade of a “C” and the retake grade will be averaged to determine the ranking grade.  A student who receives a grade of less than a “C” in two or more prerequisite courses, same or different prerequisite course, is not eligible for program progression/admission. This includes courses taken under any program of study at Augusta Technical College and/or courses submitted on formal transcripts received from any previous college attended.  Unsuccessful course attempts that led to ineligibility for competitive progression evaluation will expire after five years.  A student who receives a grade of less than a “C” in one course with the SURG prefix will be suspended from the program for one semester and will be considered for reentry on a space available basis at the next time that course is offered. The student should submit a “Program Readmission Form” to the Director of Surgical Technology by midterm of the semester prior to student wishing to return. A student who receives a grade of less than a “C” in two courses with the SURG prefix, same or different SURG course, will not permitted to reenter the program.  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B and seasonal flu, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B/seasonal flu vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse to allow them the opportunity to gain clinical experience at their facility.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field. A background check and drug screen is required by all clinical agencies prior to a student attending clinical. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  ALHS courses older than five years will not be considered for program progression evaluation. Students will need to retake these courses to become eligible for program progression evaluation.  Applicants must have the appropriate ACCUPLACER, ASSET, SAT or ACT scores to take the equivalent associate degree level courses.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a surgical technologist. Admission: Surgical Technology is a competitive progression program. Students must complete the prerequisite courses (ENGL 1010, MATH 1012, PSYC 1010, ALHS 1011, ALHS 1090) with a minimum of a 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale by the designated deadline (pages 15-16) to be evaluated for program progression. The grade point average in MATH 1012 and ALHS 1011 determines the academic/ranking order for selection of students for progression to the courses with the SURG prefixes. Students who are not selected for progression should consider a program change or resubmit an application and progression form by the designated deadline for the next progression term. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. The minimum age requirement is 17. For more information regarding this process, please contact the Admissions Office at (706) 771-4028. Refer to page 16 for all program related deadlines. Program Description: The surgical technology program prepares students for employment in a variety of positions in the surgical field. The surgical technology program provides learning opportunities which introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and technical knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. In addition, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge and skills or to retrain in surgical technology. Graduates of the program receive a surgical technology diploma and are qualified for employment as surgical technologists as well as eligible to sit for the Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) examination through the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) as a requirement of graduation. Employment Opportunities: Surgical technologist are in demand for employment in hospitals, operating rooms, physicians’ offices, emergency rooms, ambulatory day surgery centers, central sterile processing departments, managerial roles, and more. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Credits 9 3 3 3 Occupational Courses ALHS 1011 Structure and Function of the Human Body ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences SURG 1010 Introduction to Surgical Technology SURG 1080 Surgical Microbiology SURG 1100 Surgical Pharmacology SURG 1020 Principles of Surgical Technology SURG 2030 Surgical Procedures I SURG 2110 Surgical Technology Clinical I SURG 2120 Surgical Technology Clinical II SURG 2130 Surgical Technology Clinical III SURG 2040 Surgical Procedures II SURG 2140 Surgical Technology Clinical IV SURG 2240 Seminar in Surgical Technology 48 5 2 8 2 2 7 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 61 Programs of Study CENTRAL STERILE SUPPLY PROCESSING TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Fall (Evening Program) Spring (Day Program) Summer (Day Program specifically for prospective Surgical Technology Students) Length of Program: One Term Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 9 Description The Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician Technical Certificate of Credit is designed to provide entry-level training that will prepare graduates to function in the sterile supply processing and distribution areas of healthcare facilities. The program is based on theory and clinical instruction that will apply scientific principles to the specific work area. Theory classes with laboratory participatory classes will prepare students for clinical application for skills and knowledge in healthcare facilities. Admission Admission to the program can be obtained through achieving the established minimum score on the ACCUPLACER exam. A high school diploma or GED is required for program admission. The program is recommended for on-the-job trained Central Sterile Supply Processing Technicians with experience and candidates for progression into the Surgical Technology program. Employment Central Sterile Supply Processing Technicians are employed in hospitals and surgical centers. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences CSSP 1010 Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development 9 2 5 2 Notes:  A minimum grade of “C” is required for all courses in the curriculum outline.  ALHS prefix courses older than 5 years will not be accepted for prerequisite credit unless the applicant is a Certified Surgical Technologist who is currently working in field or a related field.  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to complete the clinical clearance package. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a health care assistant.  Students who successfully complete the program with the Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician Specialization may be eligible to apply to take the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Material Management (IAHCSMM) certification exam. 62 Programs of Study Non General Education Degree Courses BIOL 2113 Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2113L Anatomy and Physiology I Lab BIOL 2114 Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2114L Anatomy and Physiology Lab II VASCULAR TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Seven Terms 73 Occupational Courses CAVT 1030 Electrophysiology and Cardiac Anatomy DMSO 1020 Sectional Anatomy and Normal Sonographic Appearance DMSO 1040 Sonographic Physics and Instrumentation DMSO 1080 Sonographic Physics and Instrumentation Registry Review VAST 1100 Vascular Fundamentals VAST 1040 Vascular I VAST 2050 Vascular II VAST 2060 Vascular Clinical I VAST 2080 Vascular Clinical II VAST 2090 Vascular Clinical III Externship Admission: Vascular Technology is a competitive progression program. Students must complete all prerequisite courses (ENGL 1101, Humanities/Fine Arts Area Four MATH 1111, MATH 1127, PSYC 1101, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, PHYS 1110, and PHYS 1110L) with a minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale by the designated deadline to be evaluated for program progression. The ranking/academic order for progression to the CAVT, DMSO, and VAST prefix courses is determined using the grade point average in MATH 1111, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, PHYS 1110, and PHYS 1110L). Students who are not selected for progression should consider a program change or resubmit an application and progression form by the designated deadline for the next progression term. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. For more information regarding this process, please contact the Admissions Office at (706) 771-4028. Refer to pages 15-16 for program related deadlines. 46 3 3 3 1 3 4 4 6 6 13 Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses.  Students must have received a grade of a “C” or less in order to retake a course for ranking purposes. The first grade and the retake grade(s) will be averaged to determine the grade used for ranking purposes.  A student who receives a grade of less than a “C” in two or more prerequisite courses is not eligible for program progression/admission. This includes less than a “C” in the same or a different course. This includes courses taken under any program of study at Augusta Technical College and transcripts from colleges/universities previously attended.  If a student makes less than a “C” in a prerequisite course that includes a lab, this will be counted as “one” academic failure or unsuccessful attempt. The student will be required to retake the component (lab or theory) in which a grade of less than a “C” was awarded in order to meet the prerequisite requirement. The theory letter grade will be averaged with the corresponding letter grade in lab to determine the final letter grade for ranking purposes.  Unsuccessful course attempts that led to ineligibility for competitive progression evaluation will expire after five years.  Prior to participation in campus/clinical labs, students are required to submit completed medical and dental examination forms. All required immunizations, including Hepatitis B, must be accompanied by documentation. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in one course with the CAVT, DMSO or VAST prefix will be suspended from the program for one year. A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with these prefixes will not be allowed to re-enter the Cardiovascular Technology Program.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of a cardiovascular technologist.  Natural Science prefix courses older than 5 years will not be considered for program progression evaluation. Students will need to retake these courses to become eligible for program progression evaluation. Program Description: Vascular Technology is a program of Augusta Technical College and University Hospital‘s Harry T. Harper, Jr., M.D., School of Cardiac and Vascular Technology. The off-campus site is centered at the Heart and Vascular Institute at University Hospital. The program is a sequence of courses that provide educational opportunities to individuals in didactic and clinical environments that will enable them to obtain skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to graduate and become successful entry-level Vascular Technologist in an allied health profession specifically concerning the diagnosis and treatment of patients with vascular diseases. The profession requires critical thinking skills, judgment, and the ability to provide appropriate health care services. A vascular technologist performs examinations at the request or under direct supervision of a physician, is proficient in the use of a variety of diagnostic imaging and monitoring equipment, and provides sonographic images and data from which a correct anatomic and physiologic diagnosis can be made. Vascular Technology use high frequency sound waves to perform venous and arterial diagnostic procedures. The information is evaluated by physicians to make a medical diagnosis. Course work includes sonographic physics, sonographic identification of normal and abnormal anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pathophysiology of the venous and arterial systems, journal and case reviews, and a comprehensive registry review. The program is accredited by The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs—Joint Review Committee on Education in Cardiovascular Technology. The contact information for the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs is as follows: 25400 US Highway 19 N., Suite 158, Clearwater, FL 33763, 727-210-2350, www.caahep.org. Students take the National Registry in Cardiac or Vascular Technology before graduation. Employment Opportunities: Vascular technologists may pursue career opportunities within hospitals, physician offices, medical clinics, mobile outreach companies, cardiac equipment companies, or research groups. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric I MATH 1111 College Algebra MATH 1127 Introduction to Statistics XXXX xxxx Humanities Area IV Options PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology PHYS 1110 Conceptual Physics PHYS 1110L Conceptual Physics Lab 8 3 1 3 1 Credits 19 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 63 Programs of Study ARTS & SCIENCES, LEARNING SUPPORT, AND PERSONAL SERVICES BARBERING DIPLOMA BARBERING FOR COSMETOLOGISTS TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta campus Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Entrance Dates: Fall, Spring Summer (Days); Fall, Spring (Evening) Length of Program: Four Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 52 Program Description: The purpose of the Barbering for Cosmetologists Technical Certificate is to broaden career opportunities for existing cosmetologists by offering them specialized courses that concentrate on barbering practices. This program will allow students who hold a current Master Cosmetology license to receive additional training that will qualify them to take the barbering exam. Learning opportunities develop academic and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes specialized training in safety, sanitation, hair treatment and manipulations, haircutting techniques, shaving, skin care, reception, sales, and management. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Program Description: The Barbering program is a sequence of courses that prepares students for careers in the field of barbering. Learning opportunities develop academic and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes specialized training in safety, sanitation, hair treatments and manipulations, haircutting techniques, shaving, skin care, reception, sales, and management. The curriculum meets state licensing requirements of the Georgia State Board of Barbering. The program graduate receives a Barbering diploma. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Employment Opportunities: Graduates of the Barbering program will be eligible to sit for the State Board barbering license that will allow them to work anywhere in the State of Georgia. If graduates are South Carolina residents, the hours may be transferred to the South Carolina State Board allowing them to obtain the South Carolina State Board Barbering license. Job opportunities include employment as a barber, salon/shop manager or owner, product distributor, platform artist, apprentice trainer, industry publications, film and news studios. Employment Opportunities: Graduates of the Barbering for Cosmetologists certificate will be eligible to obtain the State Board Barbering license that will allow them to work anywhere in the state of Georgia. If graduates are South Carolina residents, the hours may be transferred to the South Carolina State Board allowing them to obtain the South Carolina State Board Barbering license. Employment opportunities include employment as a barber, salon/shop manager, salon/shop owner, product distributor, platform artist, apprentice trainer, industry publications, and film and news studios. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Spring Two Terms 19 Curriculum Outline Credits Occupational Courses 19 BARB 1000 Introduction to Barbering/Styling Implements 3 BARB 1010 Science: Sterilization, Sanitation & Bacteriology 3 BARB 1020 Introduction to Haircutting and Shampooing 5 BARB 1030 Haircutting/Basic Styling 3 BARB 1040 Shaving 2 BARB 1100 Barber/Styling Practicum and Internship 3 8+ 3 3 2 (3) Occupational Courses 44 BARB 1000 Introduction to Barber/Styling Implements 3 BARB 1010 Science: Sterilization, Sanitation, and Bacteriology 3 BARB 1020 Introduction to Haircutting and Shampooing 5 BARB 1030 Haircutting/Basic Styling 3 BARB 1040 Shaving 2 BARB 1050 Science: Anatomy and Physiology 3 BARB 1060 Introduction to Color Theory/Color Application 3 BARB 1070 Chemical Restructuring of Hair 5 BARB 1080 Advanced Haircutting/Styling 5 BARB 1090 Structures of Skin, Scalp, Hair and Facial Treatments 3 BARB 1100 Barber/Styling Practicum and Internship 3 BARB 1110 Shop Management/Ownership 3 COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 3 Note: ï‚· Applicants must have a current Master of Cosmetology license. 64 Programs of Study COSMETOLOGY DIPLOMA HAIR DESIGNER TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta and Waynesboro campuses Offered at the Augusta and Waynesboro Campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring: Augusta Fall: Waynesboro Four Terms 55 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Program Description: The Cosmetology program is a sequence of courses that prepares students for careers in the field of cosmetology. Learning opportunities develop academic and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes specialized training in safety, sanitation, state laws, rules, and regulations, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, skin, hair, and nail diseases and disorders, hair treatments and manipulations, hair shaping, hair styling, artificial hair, braiding/intertwining hair, chemical reformation and application, skin and nail care, hair coloring, hair lightening, reception, sales, management, math, reading, writing, interpersonal relations development, computer skills, employability skills, and work ethics. The curriculum meets state licensing requirements of the State Board of Cosmetology. Program graduates receive a Cosmetology diploma and are employable as a cosmetology salesperson, cosmetologist, salon manager, or a salon owner. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Program Description: The Hair Designer Technical Certificate of Credit is a sequence of courses that prepares students for careers in the field of hair design. Learning opportunities develop academic and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes specialized training in safety, sanitation, state laws, rules, and regulations, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, hair and scalp diseases and disorders, hair treatments and manipulations, hair shaping, hair styling, artificial hair, braiding/intertwining hair, chemical reformation and application, hair coloring, hair lightening, reception, sales, management, and work ethics. The curriculum meets state licensing requirements of the State Board of Cosmetology. Employment Opportunities: The hair designer graduate will be employable as a hair designer sales person, beauty operator, salon manager, or a salon owner. After additional experience/training, a graduate may become a Master Cosmetologist, a Hair Designer Instructor, platform artist, color technician, makeup, or may work in another specialist area within the cosmetology field. Employment Opportunities: The cosmetology graduate will be employable as a cosmetology sales person, hairstylist, salon manager, salon owner, platform artist, color technician, or make-up artist. The graduate may work in another specialized area within the cosmetology field. After additional experience/training, a graduate may become an instructor. Curriculum Outline Basic Skills Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Occupational Courses COSM 1000 Introduction to Cosmetology Theory COSM 1010 Chemical Texture Services COSM 1020 Hair Care and Treatment COSM 1030 Haircutting COSM 1040 Styling COSM 1050 Hair Color COSM 1060 Fundamentals of Skin Care COSM 1070 Nail Care and Advanced Techniques COSM 1080 Physical Hair Services COSM 1090 Hair Services Practicum I COSM 1100 Hair Services Practicum II COSM 1110 Hair Services Practicum III COSM 1115 Hair Services Practicum IV COSM 1120 Salon Management COSM 1125 Skin and Nail Care Practicum COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers Fall and Spring Four Terms 36 Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses COSM 1000 Introduction to Cosmetology COSM 1010 Chemical Texture Services COSM 1020 Hair Care and Treatment COSM 1030 Chemical Texture Services COSM 1040 Styling COSM 1050 Hair Color COSM 1080 Physical Hair Service Practicum COSM 1090 Hair Services Practicum I COSM 1100 Hair Services Practicum II COSM 1110 Hair Services Practicum III COSM 1115 Hair Services Practicum IV COSM 1120 Salon Management Credits 8+ 3 3 2 (3) 47 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 Note: A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses with a COSM prefix. 65 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 Programs of Study SHAMPOO TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta and Waynesboro Campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring One Term 12-13 Program Description: The Shampoo Technician Technical Certificate of Credit introduces courses that prepare students for careers in the field of Cosmetology as Shampoo Technicians. Learning opportunities develop academic and professional knowledge required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes specialized training for safety, sanitation, state laws, rules and regulations, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, structure of the hair, diseases and disorders of the hair and scalp, hair and scalp analysis, basic hair and scalp treatments, basic shampooing techniques, reception sales, management, employability skills, and work ethics. Graduates receive a Shampoo Technician Technical Certificate of Credit and are employable as a Cosmetology salesperson, salon manager, or salon owner. Employment Opportunities: The shampoo technician graduate will be employable as an assistant to a license cosmetologist, receptionist in a salon, or a salon owner. After additional experience/training, a graduate may become a Hair Designer and/or Master Cosmetologist or may work in another specialist area within the cosmetology field. Curriculum Outline Basic Skills Course EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Occupational Courses COSM 1000 Introduction to Cosmetology COSM 1020 Hair Care and Treatment COSM 1120 Salon Management Credits 2 3 4 3 3 66 Programs of Study CULINARY ARTS DIPLOMA CATERING SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta campus Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring Four Terms 52 Entrance Dates Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Program Description: The Catering Specialist technical certificate of credit (TCC) program is a series of courses that prepares students for the catering profession. Emphasis is placed upon a combination of culinary theory and practical application for successful employment. Program Description: The Culinary Arts program is a sequence of courses that prepare students for the culinary profession. Learning opportunities develop academic, occupational, and professional knowledge and the skills for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of culinary theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. Program graduates receive a Culinary Arts Diploma. Graduates who are current practitioners will benefit through enhancement of career potential. Entry-level persons will be prepared to pursue diverse opportunities in the culinary field as cooks, bakers, caters, or culinary managers. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. . Employment Opportunities: Under general supervision of the Food Service Director, the Catering Specialist graduate will be employable at various levels in the catering profession. Responsibilities may include planning, ordering, preparing foods, developing recipes, as well as delivery and set-up of orders. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses CUUL 1110 Culinary Safety and Sanitation CUUL 1120 Principles of Cooking (or) CUUL 1122 Foundations of Cooking Principles (and) CUUL 1124 Foundations of Cooking Techniques CUUL 1129 Fundamentals of Restaurant Operations CUUL 1220 Baking Principles CUUL 1320 Garde Manger CUUL 2160 Contemporary Cuisine Employment Opportunities: Program graduates are prepared for entry-level jobs as cooks, bakers, and managers. Through the American Culinary Federation Educational Institute, program graduates are eligible to become certified cooks/bakers after one year of approved work experience. Upon completion of the program of study, the student is qualified to work in a food preparation, production, or service area in a variety of food service establishments. Curriculum Outline Basic Skills Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Occupational Courses CUUL 1000 Fundamentals of Culinary Arts CUUL 1110 Culinary Safety and Sanitation CUUL 1120 Principles of Cooking CUUL 1129 Fundamentals of Restaurant Operations CUUL 1220 Baking Principles CUUL 1320 Garde Manger CUUL 1370 Culinary Nutrition and Menu Development CUUL 2130 Culinary Practicum MGMT 1115 Leadership (or) CUUL 2190 Principles of Culinary Leadership CUUL 2160 Contemporary Cuisine COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers Fall and Spring Three Terms 25 Credits 8+ 3 3 2 (3) 44 4 2 6 4 5 4 3 6 3 4 3 Notes:  Culinary Arts students must submit a health card prior to registration for lab/internship courses and provide documentation concerning their ability to lift up to fifty pounds. Academic advisors will provide information to students concerning application procedures for health cards. 67 2 6 4 5 4 4 Programs of Study FOOD PRODUCTION WORKER I TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT PREP COOK TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring Two Terms 16 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Program Description: The Food Production Worker I technical certificate of credit (TCC) program is designed to provide basic entrylevel skills for employment in the food service industry as prep cooks and banquet/service prep workers. Program Description: The Food Prep technical certificate of credit (TCC) program provides skills for entry into the food service preparation area as prep cooks. Topics include food service history, safety and sanitation, purchasing and food control, nutrition and menu development and design, along with principles of cooking. Employment Opportunities: The Food Production Worker I graduate will be employable in a variety of food settings such as restaurants, hotels, coffee shops, and healthcare resident facilities. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses CUUL 1000 Fundamentals of Culinary Arts CUUL 1110 Culinary Safety and Sanitation CUUL 1120 Principles of Cooking (or) CUUL 1122 Foundations of Cooking Principles (or) CUUL 1124 Foundations of Cooking Techniques CUUL 1129 Foundations of Restaurant Operations Fall and Spring One Term 12 Employment Opportunities: The Prep Cook graduate will be employable in a variety of food settings such as restaurants, hotels, and healthcare resident facilities. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses CUUL 1000 Fundamentals of Culinary Arts CUUL 1110 Culinary Safety and Sanitation CUUL 1120 Principles of Cooking (or) CUUL 1122 Foundations of Cooking Principles (and) CUUL 1124 Foundations of Cooking Techniques 4 2 6 4 68 4 2 6 Programs of Study TECHNICAL SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Occupational Courses—A minimum of 9 credit hours is required BUSN 1430 Desktop Publishing and Presentation Applications 4 BUSN 1190 Digital Technologies in Business (or) BUSN 2160 Electronic Mail Applications (or) BUSN 2170 Web Page Design 2 COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 3 Offered at the Augusta, Waynesboro, and Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, Summer Three Terms 36 Program Description: The Technical Specialist technical certificate of credit prepares students for positions in business that require technical proficiency to translate technical information to various audiences and in various formats using written and oral communication skills. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. General Core Electives: (A minimum of 9 credit hours from the list below is required, excluding those courses already in the curriculum.) ARTS BIOL BIOL CHEM CHEM CHEM Employment Opportunities: Students completing the certificate program would qualify for entry-level jobs requiring strong written and oral communication skills in a variety of business, health, and industrial organizations. Curriculum Outline Language Arts/Communication ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric 1101 1111 1111L 1151 1151L 1152 CHEM 1152L 3 CHEM CHEM CHEM CHEM ECON ECON ECON ENGL ENGL HIST HIST HIST HIST MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MUSC PHYS PHYS PHYS PHYS PHYS PHYS POLS PSYC SOCI SPCH Humanities/Fine Arts—A minimum of 6 credit hours from the following list is required. ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation 3 ENGL 2130 American Literature 3 ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700 (or) MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation (or) THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation 3 Social /Behavioral Sciences—A minimum of 6 credit hours from the following list is required. ECON 1101 Principles of Economics 3 ECON 2105 Macroeconomics 3 HIST 1111 World History I 3 HIST 1112 World History II 3 HIST 2111 U. S. History I 3 HIST 2112 U. S. History II 3 POLS 1101 American Government 3 PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology 3 SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology 3 ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics 3 Mathematics/Natural Sciences—A minimum of 3 credit hours from the following list is required BIOL 1111 Biology I 3 BIOL 1111L Biology I Lab 1 CHEM 1151 Survey of Inorganic Chemistry 3 CHEM 1151L Survey of Inorganic Chemistry Lab 1 MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling 3 MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning 3 MATH 1111 College Algebra 3 MATH 1113 Precalculus 3 69 1211 1211L 1212 1212L 1101 2105 2106 1102 2130 1111 1112 2111 2112 1101 1103 1111 1113 1127 1131 1101 1110 1110L 1111 1111L 1112 1112L 1101 1101 1101 1101 Art Appreciation Biology I Biology I Lab Survey of Inorganic Chemistry Survey of Inorganic Chemistry Lab Survey of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Survey of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Lab Chemistry I Chemistry I Lab Chemistry II Chemistry II Lab Principles of Economics Macroeconomics Principles of Microeconomics Literature and Composition American Literature World History I World History II U. S. History I U. S. History II Mathematical Modeling Quantitative Skills and Reasoning College Algebra Pre-Calculus Introduction to Statistics Calculus I Music Appreciation Conceptual Physics Conceptual Physics Lab Introductory Physics I Introductory Physics I Lab Introductory Physics II Introductory Physics Lab II American Government Introductory Psychology Introduction to Sociology 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 Programs of Study BUSINESS, PUBLIC SAFETY, AND EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Occupational Courses ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I ACCT 1105 Financial Accounting II ACCT 2000 Managerial Accounting ACCT 1115 Computerized Accounting ACCT 1120 Spreadsheet Applications ACCT 1125 Individual Tax Accounting ACCT 1130 Payroll Accounting BUSN 1440 Document Production* COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers Offered at the Augusta, Waynesboro, and Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring Five Terms 64 Program Description: The associate degree program is a sequence of courses that prepares students for careers in the accounting profession. Learning opportunities develop academic, technical, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Areas covered in this program include maintaining a set of books for business entities, account classifications, subsidiary record accounting, corporate accounting, cost accounting, payroll, computerized accounting, spreadsheet and database fundamentals, tax preparation, and word processing. The program emphasizes a combination of accounting theory and practical application necessary for successful employment using both manual and computerized accounting systems. Program graduates receive an Accounting Associate of Applied Science degree. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Employment Opportunities: As an accounting technician assistant, the graduate can look forward to an interesting and rewarding career with public accounting firms, banking and credit companies, governmental agencies, service businesses, and merchandising/ manufacturing corporations. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Elective PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology XXXX xxxx General Core Elective Credits 15 3 31 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 Accounting Electives ACCT xxxx Elective 9 9 Free Electives (occupational or general core) 9 Approved Accounting Electives ACCT 2105 Accounting Internship II ACCT 2110 Accounting Simulation ACCT 2130 Integrated Accounting Mgmt. Systems ACCT 2120 Business Tax Accounting ACCT 2135 Introduction to Government and Nonprofit Acct. ACCT 2140 Legal Environment of Business ACCT 2145 Personal Finance ACCT 2150 Principles of Auditing ACCT 2155 Principles of Fraud Examination BUSN 1100 Introduction to Keyboarding MKTG 1100 Principles of Marketing MKTG 2210 Entrepreneurship MGMT 1100 Principles of Management MGMT 1105 Organizational Behavior 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 Note:  *The prerequisite for BUSN 1440, Document Production, which students take second term, is the ability to key (type) at least 25 words per minute with keys covered. If a student cannot type at this speed, BUSN 1100 will need to be completed during the student’s first term to attain this speed prior to enrolling into BUSN 1440. If students do not need to take BUSN 1100, students will not take an elective class during the first term but will take an accounting elective during the fifth term. 3 3 3 3 General Core Electives (A minimum of 3 credit hours from the following list is required.) ENGL 1102 Literature and Composition ENGL 2130 American Literature* ECON 1101 Principles of Economics ECON 2105 Macroeconomics ECON 2106 Microeconomics HIST 1111 World History I HIST 1112 World History II HIST 2111 US History I HIST 2112 US History II HUMN 1101 Humanities SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology SPCH 1101 Public Speaking (* if not used as a general core requirement) 70 Programs of Study ACCOUNTING DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta, Waynesboro, and Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Specific Occupational Guided Electives (A minimum of 3 credit hours from the following is required.) Fall and Spring Four Terms 47 BUSN 1100 ACCT 2120 ACCT 2135 Program Description: The Accounting diploma program is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students for careers in the accounting profession. Learning opportunities develop academic, technical, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of accounting theory and practical application necessary for successful employment using both manual and computerized accounting systems. Program graduates receive an Accounting diploma. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. ACCT ACCT ACCT ACCT Occupational Courses ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I ACCT 1105 Financial Accounting II ACCT 1115 Computerized Accounting ACCT 1120 Spreadsheet Applications ACCT 1125 Individual Tax Accounting ACCT 1130 Payroll Accounting BUSN 1440 Document Production* COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers ACCT 2105 Accounting Internship II XXXX xxxxx Specific Occupational Guided Elective 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Note:  An internship is required for program completion and may include both a credit and criminal background check.  *The prerequisite for BUSN 1440, Document Production, which students will take second term, is the ability to key (type) at least 25 words per minute with keys covered. If a student cannot type at this speed, BUSN 1100 will need to be completed during the student’s first term to attain this speed prior to enrolling into BUSN 1440. If students do not need to take BUSN 1100, students will not take an elective class during the first term but will take an accounting elective during the fourth term. Employment Opportunities: In the areas of banking, business, credit, industry, and local, state, and federal government, the accounting graduate will find an interesting and rewarding career. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1011 Business Mathematics (or) MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology 2140 2145 2150 2155 Introduction to Keyboarding Business Tax Accounting Introduction to Government and Nonprofit Accounting Legal Environment of Business Personal Finance Principles of Auditing Principles of Fraud Examination Credits 8+ 3 3 2 (3) 39 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 8 3 71 Programs of Study PAYROLL ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro campuses Offered at the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring Two Terms 18 Program Description: The Payroll Accounting Specialist technical certificate provides entry-level skills into payroll accounting. Topics include: principles of accounting, computerized accounting, principles of payroll accounting, mathematics, and basic computer use. Students will: compile and post employee time and payroll data; compute and post wages and deductions; prepare paychecks; and learn the procedures required to ensure that employees are paid in a timely and accurate manner. Program Description: The Computerized Accounting Specialist technical certificate provides students with the skills needed to perform a variety of accounting applications using accounting software and practical accounting procedures. Topics include: principles of accounting, computerized accounting, principles of computerized accounting, spreadsheet fundamentals, and basic computer use. Students will compute, classify, and record numerical data utilizing accounting software to keep financial records complete. Students will use computer systems to perform any combination of routine calculating, posting, and verifying duties to obtain primary financial data for use in maintaining accounting records. Students will also check the accuracy of figures, calculations, and postings pertaining to business transactions recorded. Employment Opportunities: Favorable job opportunities are expected through 2018, according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Job openings will arise each year as experienced payroll and timekeeping clerks transition to other occupations. Employment in large organizations is projected to remain popular for specialized accounting clerks. As organizations computerize their financial records, clerks need to be able to use specialized accounting software, spreadsheets, and databases. Employment Opportunities: According to the Bureau of Labor Statics (www.bls.gov) a decrease in the number of accounting positions due to automation of accounting procedures will make computerized accounting jobs more competitive in the coming years. Clerks who can carry out a full range of bookkeeping and accounting activities will be in greater demand than specialized clerks. Increase automation of accounting records and the use of computer software will increase the need for computerized accounting specialists. While many job openings are expected to result from job growth, even more openings will stem from the need to replace existing workers who leave. Employment is projected to grow by 10 percent between 2008-2018. Curriculum Outline ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I ACCT 1105 Financial Accounting II ACCT 1115 Computerized Accounting ACCT 1120 Spreadsheet Applications COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers Fall and Spring Two Terms 17 Curriculum Outline ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I ACCT 1105 Financial Accounting II ACCT 1115 Computerized Accounting ACCT 1130 Payroll Accounting COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers Credits 4 4 3 4 3 72 Credits 4 4 3 3 3 Programs of Study AGRIBUSINESS ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE AGRIBUSINESS DIPLOMA Offered at Thomson and Waynesboro campuses Offered at Thomson and Waynesboro campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring Five Terms 62 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring Four Terms 49 Program Description: Agribusiness is the study of the business and economics of agribusiness firms. Agribusiness possess many unique challenges and opportunities including risks and uncertainties of agricultural production, reliance on natural resources, government involvement with food and agriculture, competitive nature of the agribusiness sector, innovative technology within commercial agriculture and food processing, and global impacts of food and agriculture. The agribusiness curriculum allows individuals to gain an appreciation for management and technology concepts needed for the agricultural industry. This program develops knowledge and skills in management, production, and marketing as related to agribusiness management. Program Description: Agribusiness is the study of the business and economics of agribusiness firms. Agribusiness possess many unique challenges and opportunities including risks and uncertainties of agricultural production, reliance on natural resources, government involvement with food and agriculture, competitive nature of the agribusiness sector, innovative technology within commercial agriculture and food processing, and global impacts of food and agriculture. The agribusiness curriculum allows individuals to gain an appreciation for management and technology concepts needed for the agricultural industry. This program develops knowledge and skills in management, production, and marketing as related to agribusiness management. Employment Opportunities: Maintain records of animals' health, crop rotation, operating expenses, major purchases, as well as pay bills and file taxes. Keep the paperwork needed to satisfy legal requirements. Responsible for purchasing and selling machinery, seed, fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, fuel, and labor. Employment Opportunities: Maintain records of animals' health, crop rotation, operating expenses, major purchases, as well as pay bills and file taxes. Keep the paperwork needed to satisfy legal requirements. Responsible for purchasing and selling machinery, seed, fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, fuel, and labor. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1111 College Algebra (or) MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Elective XXXX xxxx Social/Behavioral Sciences Elective XXXX xxxx General Core Elective Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers AGRB 1100 Introduction to Agribusiness AGRB 1110 Agribusiness Management AGRB 1120 Leadership in Agribusiness AGRB 1150 Agricultural Finance and Credit AGRB 2100 Agribusiness Marketing AGRB 2110 Farm Organization and Management AGRB 2130 Agriculture Policy AGRB 2140 Issues of Agriculture and Natural Resources AGRB 2200 Principles of Agronomy AGRB 2250 Survey of the Animal Industry AGRB 2300 Precision Agricultural Systems AGRB 2800 Agribusiness Internship XXXX xxxx Occupational Guided Elective Credits 3 3 3 3 3 Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers AGRB 1100 Introduction to Agribusiness AGRB 1110 Agribusiness Management AGRB 1120 Leadership in Agribusiness AGRB 1150 Agricultural Finance and Credit AGRB 2100 Agribusiness Marketing AGRB 2110 Farm Organization and Management AGRB 2130 Agriculture Policy AGRB 2140 Issues of Agriculture and Natural Resources AGRB 2200 Principles of Agronomy AGRB 2250 Survey of the Animal Industry AGRB 2300 Precision Agricultural Systems AGRB 2800 Agribusiness Internship XXXX xxxx Occupational Guided Elective 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 9 Credits 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 Guided Elective Courses Guided Elective Courses (Classes that are being used to fulfill another requirement may not be used to also fulfill the elective requirement.) BUSN xxxx Any BUSN class in which prerequisits are met (credits vary) ACCT xxxx Any ACCT class in which prerequisits are met (credits vary) MGMT xxxx Any MGMT class in which prerequisits are met (credits vary) MKTG xxxx Any MKTG class in which prerequisits are met 3 HORT xxxx Any HORT class in which prerequisits are met (credits vary) (Please refer to the course descriptions for credits and prerequisite information). (Classes that are being used to fulfill another requirement may not be used to also fulfill the elective requirement.) BUSN xxxx Any BUSN class in which prerequisits are met (credits vary) ACCT xxxx Any ACCT class in which prerequisits are met (credits vary) MGMT xxxx Any MGMT class in which prerequisits are met (credits vary) MKTG xxxx Any MKTG class in which prerequisits are met 3 HORT xxxx Any HORT class in which prerequisits are met (credits vary) (Please refer to the course descriptions for credits and prerequisite information). 73 Programs of Study APPLIED TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE- DEGREE Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses 15 ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric 3 MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra 3 ENGL 2130 American Literature (or) ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation (or) ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700 (or) MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation (or) THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation 3 ECON 1101 Principles of Economics (or) ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics (or) ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 SPCH 1100 Fundamentals of Speech (or) PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology 3 Offered at the Augusta, Waynesboro, and Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer Five Terms 68 Program Description: The AAS in Applied Technical Management allows a student to complete a diploma in a TCSG program area and to continue to this AAS. In addition to the skills and knowledge obtained in the diploma, the student will obtain degree-level general education knowledge and business related skills and knowledge. By obtaining the AAS in Technical Management, the student will be able to complete his/her associate degree and possibly continue to a bachelor’s degree if he/she so chooses. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Occupational Courses MGMT 1100 Principles of Management MGMT 1105 Organizational Behavior MKGT 1130 Business Regulations and Compliance MGMT 2125 Performance Management ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting XXXX xxxx Completion of required courses for a Diploma Employment Opportunities: Graduates of this program can obtain employment in public, private, and government facilities. The actual job will vary depending on the technical skills that the student obtained in the initial diploma program. ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· 74 53 3 3 3 3 4 37 Notes: Diploma programs that can be transferred into this program include the following: Accounting Business Administrative Technology Business Management Computer Design Drafting Criminal Justice Culinary Arts Early Childhood Care and Education Electrical Control Systems Electrical Systems Technology Golf Course Management Horticulture Industrial Mechanical Systems Machine Tool Technology Marketing Medical Assisting Practical Nursing Surgical Technology Programs of Study BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE DEGREE PHYS PHYS Offered at the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro campuses and the Columbia County Center Entrance Dates: Fall, Spring, Summer Length of Program: Five Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 64 Program Description: The Associate of Science Business Administration degree is a sequence of courses designed to provide students the option to obtain a degree that is transferrable that will lead to a B.S. Degree in Business Administration with optional majors in accounting, management, marketing, or management information systems. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. The required 64 credits for graduation include 44 credits of General Core Courses (9 credits from Area I; 12 credits from Area II; 14 credits from Area III; and 9 credits from Area IV). The remaining 20 credits will be the designated Area V Occupational Core courses. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses AREA I ENGL 1101 ENGL 1102 SPCH 1101 Composition and Rhetoric Literature and Composition Public Speaking AREA II (Choose one of the following—3 credits) POLS 1101 American Government PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology (Select 9 additional AREA II credits from the list below) ECON 1101 Principles of Economics HIST 1111 World History I HIST 1112 World History II HIST 2111 U. S. History I HIST 2112 U. S. History II POLS 1101 American Government PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology AREA III (Choose one of the following—3 credits) MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning MATH 1111 College Algebra (Select 11 additional AREA III credits from the list below) BIOL 1111 Biology I BIOL 1111L Biology Lab I BIOL 1112 Biology II BIOL 1112L Biology Lab II CHEM 1151 Survey of Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 1151L Survey of Inorganic Chemistry Lab CHEM 1152 Survey of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry CHEM 1152L Survey of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Lab CHEM 1211 Chemistry I CHEM 1211L Chemistry Lab I CHEM 1212 Chemistry II CHEM 1212L Chemistry Lab II MATH 1113 Precalculus MATH 1127 Introduction to Statistics MATH 1131 Calculus I PHYS 1110 Conceptual Physics PHYS 1110L Conceptual Physics Lab PHYS 1111 Introductory Physics I PHYS 1111L Introductory Physics Lab I 1112 1112L Introductory Physics II Introductory Physics Lab II 3 1 AREA IV (Choose one of the following—3 credits) ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation HUMN 1101 Introduction to Humanities MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation THEA 1101 Theatre Appreciation 9 3 3 3 3 (Select 6 additional AREA IV credits from the list below) ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation ENGL 2130 American Literature HUMN 1101 Introduction to Humanities MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation THEA 1101 Theatre Appreciation 3 3 3 3 3 Occupational Core Courses AREA V ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I ACCT 1105 Financial Accounting II COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers ECON 2105 Macroeconomics ECON 2106 Microeconomics MGMT 1125 Business Ethics Credits 44 9 3 3 3 20 4 4 3 3 3 3 12 NOTES:  All Business Administration students are required to meet with the program advisor for curriculum planning prior to their first semester.  Transferability of courses is always at the discretion of the accepting institution 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 14 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 4 3 1 3 1 75 Programs of Study BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta and Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Fall, Spring, Summer Terms Length of Program: Five Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 63 Occupational Courses ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I MGMT 1110 Employment Rules and Regulations (or) MKTG 1130 Business Regulations and Compliance COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers MGMT 1100 Principles of Management MGMT 1105 Organizational Behavior MGMT 1115 Leadership MGMT 1120 Introduction to Business MGMT 1125 Business Ethics MGMT 2115 Human Resource Management MGMT 2125 Performance Management MGMT 2215 Team Project Program Description: The Business Management program at Augusta Technical College is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students to work in management or supervision positions in businesses and industries. Students are provided with learning opportunities that introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Program graduates who are experienced workers are prepared to perform management and supervisory functions such as employee training, employee evaluation, employee counseling and disciplinary action. Graduates of the program receive a Business Management Associate of Applied Science degree. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. 45+ 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (Completion of one of the following specializations is required) Human Resource Management Specific Occupational Courses MGMT 2120 Labor Management Relations MGMT 2130 Employee Training and Development MGMT 2205 Service Sector Management (or) MGMT 2210 Project Management MGMT xxxx Guided Electives in area of concentration Employment Opportunities: Business Management is an exciting and growing field that provides a challenging and rewarding career. A degree in Business Management will prepare you for a career in management or supervision in a variety of businesses and industries. Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses 18 ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric 3 MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra 3 HUMN 1101 Introduction to Humanities (or) ENGL2130 American Literature (or) ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation (or) ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700 (or) MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation (or) THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation 3 ECON 1101 Principles of Economics (or) ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics (or) ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 MGMT Electives (Human Resource Specialization) (A minimum of 3 credit hours from the following list is required.) MGMT 2205 Service Sector Management* MGMT 2210 Project Management* MGMT 2140 Retail Management (* if not already used as a specific occupational course) 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 Service Sector Management Specific Occupational Courses MGMT 2130 Employee Training and Development MGMT 2140 Retail Management MGMT 2205 Service Sector Management MGMT xxxx Guided Electives in area of concentration General Education Electives 6 (A complete list of suitable general education degree electives can be found in this catalog at the end of the “Programs of Study” section. Below is a partial list. A minimum of 6 credit hours is required.) ENGL 1102 Literature and Composition MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling* MATH 1111 College Algebra* SPCH 1101 Public Speaking ECON 1101 Principles of Economics* ECON 2105 Macroeconomics* ECON 2106 Microeconomics* HIST 1111 World History I HIST 1112 World History II HIST 2111 U.S. History I HIST 2112 U.S. History II PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology ENGL 2130 American Literature* ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation* ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700 (or) MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation* (or) THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation* 3 (* if not already used as a general education requirement) MGMT Electives (Service Sector Specialization) (A minimum of 3 credit hours from the following list is required.) MGMT 2120 Labor Management Relations MGMT 2210 Project Management 76 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 Programs of Study BUSINESS MANAGEMENT DIPLOMA SUPERVISOR/MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta and Thomson campuses Offered at the Thomson campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, Summer Terms Four Terms 47 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, Summer Terms One Term 12 Program Description: The Business Management program at Augusta Technical College is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students to work in first level managerial and supervisory positions in businesses and industry. Students are provided with learning opportunities that introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Graduates of the program receive a Business Management diploma. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Program Description: This specialized technical certificate program of study is designed to develop and improve the skills required to manage a work group or labor force. The program includes management strategy for hiring, training, and retaining good employees as well as learning how to motivate, lead, and evaluate individuals and groups in the workplace. This technical certificate is designed to meet the needs of employers and their managers by offering needed training that does not conflict with work schedules. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Employment Opportunities: Business Management is an exciting and growing field that provides a challenging and rewarding career. A diploma in Management and Supervisory Development prepares the experienced worker entry into managerial or supervisory positions in a variety of businesses and industries. Employment Opportunities: This TCC will allow for newly promoted supervisors to attain training in decision making, personnel relations, and performance evaluation – three significant areas necessary for manager supervisors. It would also act as a feeder to encourage further education and training provided in the Management and Supervision diploma and degree programs. Curriculum Outline Basic Skills Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Curriculum Outline Credits 8+ 3 3 Fundamental Occupational Courses ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I MGMT 1110 Employment Rules and Regulations (or) MKTG 1130 Business Regulations and Compliance COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers MGMT 1100 Principles of Management MGMT 1105 Organizational Behavior MGMT 1120 Introduction to Business MGMT 1115 Leadership MGMT 1125 Business Ethics MGMT 2115 Human Resource Management MGMT 2125 Performance Management MGMT 2215 Team Project MGMT XXXX Guided Electives in area of concentration Fundamental Occupational Courses MGMT 1100 Principles of Management MGMT 1115 Leadership MGMT 2115 Human Resource Management MGMT 1110 Employment Rules and Regulations (or) MKTG 1130 Business Regulations and Compliance (or) MGMT 2120 Labor Management Relations 2 (3) 39+ 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 MGMT Electives (A minimum of 6 credit hours from the following list is required.) MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT 2120 2130 2140 2205 2210 Labor Management Relations Employee Training and Development Retail Management Service Sector Management Project Management 3 3 3 3 3 77 Credits 12 3 3 3 3 Programs of Study BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta and Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring Five Terms 64 See page 138 for a complete list of suitable general education electives. Below is a partial list. Program Description: The Business Technology program is designed to prepare graduates for employment in a variety of positions in today’s technology-driven workplaces. The Business Technology program provides learning opportunities, which introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes the use of word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and database applications software. Students are also introduced to accounting fundamentals, electronic communications, internet research, and electronic file management. The program includes instruction in effective communication skills and terminology that encompasses office management and executive assistant qualification and technology innovations for the office. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge and skills or to retrain in the area of administrative technology. Graduates of the program receive a Business Technology, Associate of Applied Science degree. A high school diploma or GED is required for admission to this program. General Education Electives ENGL 1102 Literature and Composition MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling* SPCH 1101 Public Speaking ECON 1101 Principles of Economics ECON 2105 Macroeconomics ECON 2106 Microeconomics PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology* SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation* ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700* MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation* THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation* (* if not already used as a general core requirement) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Occupational Courses 49 COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 3 BUSN 1400 Word Processing Applications 4 BUSN 1430 Desktop Publishing and Presentation Applications 4 BUSN 1440 Document Production 4 BUSN 1190 Digital Technologies in Business 2 BUSN 1240 Office Procedures 3 BUSN 1410 Spreadsheet Concepts and Applications 4 BUSN 1420 Database Applications 4 BUSN 2160 Electronic Mail Applications 2 BUSN 2210 Applied Office Procedures 3 BUSN 2190 Business Document Proofreading and Editing 3 MGMT 1100 Principles of Management 3 ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I (or) 4 BUSN 2200 Office Accounting XXXX xxxx Guided Electives 6 Employment Opportunities: Graduates of this program find employment as administrative and executive office professionals in government, business, medical, legal, educational, and technical areas. With the ongoing expansion of business in the CSRA, there is a continual need for highly skilled administrative professionals and executive support personnel. Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses 15 ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric 3 MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra 3 ECON 1101 Principles of Economics (or) ECON 2105 Macroeconomics (or) ECON 2106 Microeconomics (or) POLS 1101 American Government (or) SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology (or) PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology (or) HIST 1111 World History I (or) HIST 1112 World History II (or) HIST 2111 U.S. History I (or) HIST 2112 U.S. History II 3 ENGL 2110 World Literature (or) ENGL 2130 American Literature (or) ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation (or) ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700 (or) HUMN 1101 Introduction to Humanities (or) MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation (or) THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation 3 XXXX xxxx General Education Elective 3 Guided Elective Courses Classes that are being used to fulfill another requirement may not be used to also fulfill the elective requirement. BUSN xxxx ACCT xxxx MGMT xxxx ECON xxxx MKTG xxxx PSYC 1101 SOCI 1101 Any BUSN class in which prerequisites are met Any ACCT class in which prerequisites are met Any MGMT class in which prerequisites are met Any ECON class in which prerequisites are met Any MKTG class in which prerequisites are met Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Sociology (credits vary) (credits vary) (credits vary} 3 3 3 3 Please refer to the catalog for course descriptions, credits, and prerequisite information. Note:  Upon entry into this program, if student is unable to key at a rate of 25 wpm or higher with the keys covered, BUSN 1100 must be taken as a first-quarter elective. 78 Programs of Study BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA Guided Electives Classes that are being used to fulfill another requirement may not be used to also fulfill the elective requirement. Offered at the Augusta, Waynesboro, and Thomson campuses and the Columbia County Center Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring Four Terms 50 BUSN xxxx ACCT xxxx MGMT xxxx MKTG xxxx Program Description: The Business Technology program is designed to prepare graduates for employment in a variety of positions in today’s technology-driven workplaces. The Business Technology program provides learning opportunities, which introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes the use of word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. Students are also introduced to accounting fundamentals, electronic communications, internet research, and electronic file management. The program includes instruction in effective communication skills and technology that encompasses office management and executive assistant qualification and technology innovations for the office. Also provided are opportunities to upgrade present knowledge and skills or to retrain in the area of business technology. Graduates of the program receive a Business Technology Diploma with a specialization in one of the following: Business Administrative Assistant or Medical Administrative Assistant. A high school diploma or GED is required for admission to this program. Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers BUSN 1400 Word Processing Applications BUSN 1440 Document Production BUSN 2190 Business Document Proofreading and Editing BUSN 2200 Office Accounting (or) ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I (credits vary) (credits vary) (credits vary) 3 Please refer to the catalog for course descriptions, credits, and prerequisite information. MEDICAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT SPECIALIZATION Occupational Specialization Courses MAST 1120 Human Diseases BUSN 2300 Medical Terminology (or) ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences BUSN 2310 Anatomy and Terminology for the Medical Administrative Assistant (or) ALHS 1010 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology (or) ALHS 1011 Structure and Function of the Human Body BUSN 2340 Medical Administrative Procedures BUSN 2370 Medical Office Billing/Coding/Insurance XXXX xxxx Guided Electives Employment Opportunities: Graduates of this program find employment as administrative and executive office professionals in government, business, medical, legal, educational, and technical areas. With the ongoing expansion of business in the CSRA, there is a continual need for highly skilled administrative professionals and office support personnel. Curriculum Outline Basic Skills Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1011 Business Math (or) MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Any BUSN class in which prerequisites are met Any ACCT class in which prerequisites are met Any MGMT class in which prerequisites are met Any MKTG class in which prerequisites are met 24 3 2 2 3 4 5 4 3 9 Guided Electives Classes that are being used to fulfill another requirement may not be used to also fulfill the elective requirement. BUSN xxxx ACCT xxxx MGMT xxxx MKTG xxxx Credits 8+ 3 3 Any BUSN class in which prerequisites are met Any ACCT class in which prerequisites are met Any MGMT class in which prerequisites are met Any MKTG class in which prerequisites are met (credits vary) (credits vary) (credits vary) 3 Please refer to the catalog for course descriptions, credits, and prerequisite information. 2 (3) Note:  Upon entry into these programs, if student is unable to key at a rate of 25 wpm or higher with the keys covered, BUSN 1100 must be taken as a first-quarter elective. 18 3 4 4 3 4 Completion of one of the following specializations is required BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT SPECIALIZATION Occupational Specialization Courses 24 BUSN 1190 Digital Technologies in Business 2 BUSN 1240 Office Procedures 3 BUSN 1410 Spreadsheet Concepts and Applications 4 BUSN 1430 Desktop Publishing and Presentation Applications 4 BUSN 2160 Electronic Mail Applications 2 BUSN 2210 Applied Office Procedures 3 XXXX xxxx Guided Electives 6 79 Programs of Study ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT ASSISTANT TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT MICROSOFT OFFICE APPLICATIONS PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro campuses Offered at the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring Two Terms 20 Entrance Dates: Fall: Augusta Fall and Spring: Thomson and Waynesboro Length of Program: Two Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 22 Program Description: The Administrative Support Assistant program prepares individuals to provide administrative support under the supervision of office managers, executive assistants, and other office personnel. Courses include: Introduction to microcomputers, word processing, and office procedures. A high school diploma or GED is required for admission to this program. Program Description: The Microsoft Office Applications Professional certificate program provides students with the knowledge and skills to perform word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation applications in an office environment. It is designed to provide hands-on instruction for developing foundation skills for office assistant careers as well as to prepare students for Microsoft Certified Application Specialist (MCAS) certification. Graduates of the program receive a Microsoft Office Applications Professional Technical Certificate of Credit. A high school diploma or GED is required for admission to this program. Employment Opportunities: Those students who graduate with the Administrative Support Assistant certificate may be employed in entry level positions in office settings including educational institutions, federal, state, and local government offices, and small and large businesses. Entry level positions are available in several areas including office assistant, receptionist, clerk typist, general office clerk, order clerk, stock control clerk, and data entry clerk. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers BUSN 1240 Office Procedures BUSN 1440 Document Production BUSN 1400 Word Processing Applications XXXX xxxx Elective Courses Employment Opportunities: Graduates of this program find employment as administrative and executive office professionals in government, business, medical, legal, educational, and technical areas. With the ongoing expansion of business in the CSRA, there is a continual need for highly skilled administrative professionals and executive support personnel Credits 20 3 3 4 4 6 Curriculum Outline Credits Occupational Courses 22 COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 3 BUSN 1400 Word Processing Applications 4 BUSN 1410 Spreadsheet Concepts and Applications 4 BUSN 1420 Database Applications 4 BUSN 1430 Desktop Publishing and Presentation Applications 4 XXX xxxx Specific Occupational-Guided Elective 3 Electives (A minimum of 6 credit hours from the following is required) BUSN 1100 Introduction to Keyboarding 3 BUSN 1180 Computer Graphics and Design 3 BUSN 1190 Digital Technologies in Business 2 BUSN 1300 Introduction to Business 3 BUSN 1310 Introduction to Business Culture 3 BUSN 1340 Customer Service Effectiveness 3 BUSN 1410 Spreadsheet Concepts and Applications 4 BUSN 1420 Database Applications 4 BUSN 1430 Desktop Publishing and Presentation Applications 4 BUSN 2120 Spreadsheet Concepts and Applications 4 BUSN 2160 Electronic Mail Applications 2 BUSN 2170 Web Page Design 2 BUSN 2180 Speed and Accuracy Keying 1 BUSN 2200 Office Accounting 4 BUSN 2230 Office Management 3 BUSN 2240 Business Administrative Assistant Internship I 4 BUSN 2300 Medical Terminology 2 BUSN 2310 Anatomy and Terminology for the Medical Administrative Assistant 3 MKTG 1100 Principles of Marketing 3 MKTG 1130 Business Regulations and Compliance 3 MGMT 1100 Principles of Management 3 MGMT 1125 Business Ethics 3 MGMT 2115 Human Resource Management 3 ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I 3 MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics 3 Electives (A minimum of 3 credit hours from the following is required) BUSN 1100 Introduction to Keyboarding 3 BUSN 1180 Computer Graphics and Design 3 BUSN 1190 Digital Technologies in Business 2 BUSN 1240 Office Procedures 3 BUSN 1300 Introduction to Business 3 BUSN 1310 Introduction to Business Culture 3 BUSN 1340 Customer Service Effectiveness 3 BUSN 2160 Electronic Mail Applications 2 BUSN 2170 Web Page Design 2 BUSN 2180 Speed and Accuracy Keying 1 BUSN 2200 Office Accounting 4 Notes:  Upon entry into this certificate program, if student is unable to key at a rate of 25 wpm or higher, BUSN 1100 must be taken as a firstquarter elective. 80 Programs of Study CRIMINAL JUSTICE TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro Campuses Occupationally Related Electives (A minimum of 15 credit hours from the following list is required.) Entrance Dates: Fall and Spring: Augusta and Thomson Fall: Waynesboro Length of Program: Four Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 60 *ACCT 1100 *ACCT 1105 *ACCT 1125 *ACCT 2155 CRJU 1021 CRJU 1062 CRJU 1063 CRJU 1065 CRJU 1075 CRJU 2060 CRJU 2110 ECCE 2202 **LETA 1014 **LETA 1020 **LETA 1022 **LETA 1028 MKTG 1130 MGMT 1115 MGMT 2115 Program Description: The Criminal Justice Technology associate degree program is a sequence of courses that prepares students for Criminal Justice professions. Learning opportunities develop academic, occupational, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of Criminal Justice theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. Program graduates receive a Criminal Justice Technology associate degree. Graduates who are current practitioners will benefit through enhancement of career potential. Entry-level persons will be prepared to pursue diverse opportunities in the corrections, security, investigative, and police administration fields. High school diploma or GED is required for admission to this program. Students desiring to be employed in the public protection sector upon graduation must meet the requirements established by Georgia Code 35-8-8. Financial Accounting I Financial Accounting II Individual Tax Accounting Principles of Fraud Private Security Methods of Criminal Investigations Crime Scene Processing Community Oriented Policing Report Writing Criminology Homeland Security Social Issues and Family Involvement Firearms Training for Basic Law Enforcement Police Traffic Control and Investigation for BLE Methods of Criminal Investigation for BLE Police Patrol Operations for BLE Business Regulations and Compliance Leadership Human Resource Management 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Notes:  Students who have been convicted of a felony or sufficient misdemanors to show a disregard for the law will not be eligible for state and local law enforcement positions.  *These elective courses may be used for an accounting concentration.  **These courses may be used as an elective if completed in the Basic Law Enforcement TCC. Employment Opportunities: Criminal Justice graduates find a variety of employment opportunities in public protection, private security, and corrections. Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses 15 ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric 3 MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra 3 ENGL 2130 American Literature (or) ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation (or) ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700 (or) MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation (or) THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation 3 PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology 3 SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology (or) POLS 1101 American Government (or) HIST 2111 U.S. History I (or) HIST 2112 U.S. History II 3 Occupational Courses 45 CRJU 1010 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 CRJU 1030 Corrections 3 CRJU 1040 Principles of Law Enforcement 3 CRJU 1068 Criminal Law for Criminal Justice 3 CRJU 1400 Ethics & Cultural Perspective for Criminal Justice 3 CRJU 2020 Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice 3 CRJU 2050 Criminal Procedure 3 CRJU 2070 Juvenile Justice 3 CRJU 2100 Criminal Justice Externship (or) 3 CRJU 2090 Criminal Justice Practicum 3 COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 3 XXXX xxxx Occupationally Related Electives 15 81 Programs of Study CRIMINAL JUSTICE TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA CRIMINAL JUSTICE SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro Campuses Offered at the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro Campuses Entrance Dates: Fall and Spring: Augusta and Thomson Fall: Waynesboro Length of Program: Four Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 48 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Program Description: The Criminal Justice Technology diploma program is a sequence of courses that prepares students for Criminal Justice professions. Learning opportunities develop academic, occupational, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of Criminal Justice theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. Program graduates receive a Criminal Justice Technology diploma. Graduates who are current practitioners will benefit through enhancement of career potential. Entry-level persons will be prepared to pursue diverse opportunities in the corrections, security, investigative, and police administration fields. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Program Description: The Criminal Justice Specialist TCC program is a sequence of courses that prepares students for Criminal Justice professions. Learning opportunities develop academic, occupational, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of Criminal Justice theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. Completers receive a technical certificate of credit. Entry-level persons will be prepared to pursue opportunities in the criminal justice field. High school diploma or GED is required for entrance into this program. Students desiring to be employed in the public protection sector upon graduation must meet the requirements established by Georgia Code 35-8-8. Students desiring to be employed in the public protection sector upon graduation must meet the requirements established by Georgia Code 35-8-8. Employment Opportunities: Criminal Justice graduates of the Technical Certificate find a variety of entry-level employment opportunities in public and private protection and corrections. Employment Opportunities: Criminal Justice graduates find a variety of employment opportunities in public protection, private security, and corrections. Curriculum Outline Basic Skills Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses CRJU 1010 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRJU 1030 Corrections CRJU 1040 Principles of Law Enforcement CRJU 1068 Criminal Law for Criminal Justice CRJU 2020 Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice Credits 9 3 3 3 Occupational Courses CRJU 1010 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRJU 1030 Corrections CRJU 1040 Principles of Law Enforcement CRJU 1068 Criminal Law CRJU 1400 Ethics in Criminal Justice CRJU 2020 Constitutional Law CRJU 2050 Criminal Procedure CRJU 2070 Juvenile Justice CRJU 2100 Criminal Justice Externship (or) CRJU 2090 Criminal Justice Practicum COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers XXXX xxxx Occupationally Related Electives Occupationally Related Electives (A minimum of 9 credit hours from the following list is required.) CRJU 1021 Private Security CRJU 1062 Methods of Criminal Investigations CRJU 1065 Community Oriented Policing CRJU 1075 Report Writing In Criminal Justice CRJU 2060 Criminology CRJU 2110 Homeland Security *LETA 1020 Police Patrol Operations for BLE *LETA 1022 Methods of Criminal Investigation for BLE *LETA 1028 Police Traffic Control and Investigation for BLE Fall and Spring: Augusta Minimum of One Term 15 39 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 Credits 15 3 3 3 3 3 NOTES:  Students who have been convicted of a felony or sufficient misdemeanors to show a disregard for the law will not be eligible for state and local law enforcement positions. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Notes:  Students who have been convicted of a felony or sufficient misdemeanors to show a disregard for the law will not be eligible for state and local law enforcement positions.  *These courses maybe used as an elective if completed in the Basic Law Enforcement TCC. 82 Programs of Study BASIC LAW ENFORCEMENT TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: ADA Compliance: Training requires the regular sustained performance of moderately physically demanding work, typically involving some combination of climbing, running, balancing, stooping, kneeling, crouching, and crawling and involves lifting, carrying, pushing ,and pulling moderately heavy materials. Other training requires sensory ability to perceive and discriminate color or shades of color, sounds, odor, depth, texture, visual cues or signals, and the ability to communicate orally. Spring and Summer Two Terms 42 Program Description: The Basic Law Enforcement Certificate program provides students with the necessary skills, standards, and knowledge in order to become qualified, proficiently trained, ethical and competent law enforcement officers in criminal justice careers. Program Objectives: This program will prepare individuals with the necessary skills to become qualified, proficiently trained, ethical and competent peace officers in criminal justice careers. Those who attend the Academy will be POST certified. Students who attend the Academy can continue their education at Augusta Tech after the post certification and earn a diploma or degree in Criminal Justice. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Notes: ï‚· Admissions Criteria to the Peace Officers Training Academy: 18 years of age High school transcript or GED transcript College transcripts, if applicable Proof of citizenship ACCUPLACER test Successfully complete background investigation ï‚· Students that meet the entrance requirements to the College are provisionally admitted to the BLE TCC pending POST approval. Employment Opportunities: Graduates of the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit are prepared for positions as law enforcement officers with law enforcement agencies. ï‚· Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses 42 LETA 1010 Health and Life Safety for Basic Law Enforcement 2 LETA 1012 Ethics and Liability for Basic Law Enforcement 2 LETA 1014 Firearms Training for Basic Law Enforcement 4 LETA 1016 Emergency Vehicle Operations for BLE 4 LETA 1018 Defensive Tactics for Basic Law Enforcement 2 LETA 1020 Police Patrol Operation for Basic Law Enforcement 4 LETA 1022 Methods of Criminal Investigation for BLE 4 LETA 1024 Criminal Law for Criminal Justice for BLE 4 LETA 1026 Criminal Procedure for Basic Law Enforcement 4 LETA 1028 Police Traffic Control and Investigation for BLE 3 LETA 1030 Principles of Basic Law Enforcement for BLE 3 LETA 1032 Introduction to Criminal Justice for BLE 3 LETA 1034 Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice for BLE 3 ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· The Academy will contact eligible applicants to further assist with the applicant process. Provisionally accepted applicants will need to complete the following: POST Application for certification Background Check Fingerprints Physical Exam Driver History Oral Interview The Academy sends the applicant’s completed packet to The Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training Council for final processing. A student that is dismissed from the Academy because of academic or performance examination failure must complete an individualized remedial program assigned by the academy director before reapplying for admission into the program. After the second unsuccessful attempt to complete the coursework, the student will not be allowed to re-enter the Basic Law Enforcement TCC. Employers may require a credit check, a background check, a polygraph test, a drug screen, etc., for employment in field. Disclaimer: Students desiring to be employed in the public protection sector upon graduation must meet the requirements established by Georgia Code 35-8-8 and POST Rules 464-3-01 through 464-3-03. 83 Programs of Study EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Notes:   Offered at the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring: Augusta Fall and Spring: Thomson Fall: Waynesboro Five Terms 72  Program Description: The Early Childhood Care and Education associate of applied science degree program is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students for a variety of careers in the field of early childhood education. The program emphasizes a combination of early childhood care and education theory and practical application as well as general core competencies necessary for successful employment. Graduates have qualifications to be employed in early care and education settings including child care centers, Head Start, Georgia Pre-K programs and elementary school paraprofessional positions. Graduates of this program will receive a Paraprofessional Specialization. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program.  Employment Opportunities: Graduates will be able to obtain jobs as early child care professionals, teacher assistants, preschool, prekindergarten, kindergarten teachers (private sectors), Early Head Start and Head Start teachers, family and group day care home providers, child care program administrators, and child care center directors. Employment can also be found in Early Intervention programs.   Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses 18 ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric 3 ENGL 1102 Literature and Composition (or) SPCH 1101 Public Speaking 3 MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra 3 PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology 3 ENGL 2130 American Literature (or) ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation (or) ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700 (or) MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation (or) THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation 3 SOCI 1101 Introductory Sociology 3   Occupational Courses 48 ECCE 1101 Introduction to Early Childhood Care and Education3 ECCE 1103 Child Growth and Development 3 ECCE 1105 Health, Safety and Nutrition 3 ECCE 1112 Curriculum and Assessment 3 ECCE 1113 Creative Activities for Children 3 ECCE 1121 Early Childhood Care and Education Practicum 3 ECCE 2115 Language and Literacy 3 ECCE 2116 Math and Science 3 ECCE 2201 Exceptionalities 3 ECCE 2202 Social Issues and Family Involvement 3 ECCE 2203 Guidance and Classroom Management 3 ECCE 2240 Early Childhood Care and Education Internship 12 COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 3 Paraprofessional Specialization Courses ECCE 2310 Paraprofessional Methods and Materials ECCE 2312 Paraprofessional Roles and Practices    6 3 3 84 The Early Childhood Care and Education Degree program meets the requirement for the 120 clock hours of training required for the CDA (Child Development Associate) credential. Prior to beginning the laboratory rotation in ECCE 1121, Early Childhood Care and Education students must have a physical exam and present a complete medical form documenting any special medical conditions, a negative tuberculin test reading, and their decision to take or decline the Hepatitis B vaccine series. (Documents must be submitted in ECCE 1101). Prior to beginning the laboratory rotation in ECCE 1121, students must submit an application for a Fingerpring Records Check and receive a satisfactory determination by Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning. No person having an unsatisfactory determination as to his or her fingerprint records check will be eligible to complete this program of study. Criminal records checks are good for a 12 month period. Students must submit a second criminal records check to the department during the term prior to Internship enrollment. (Documents must be submitted in ECEE 1101). Background checks are required on all incoming students to insure the safety of the children during routine care by students in the practicum/internship education courses. Students will be required to order their background checks, online, in sufficient time for it to be reviewed by the placement site prior to starting practicum/internship rotation. A background check typically takes 3-5 normal business days to complete. The background check will be conducted by an outside agency, a firm specializing in background checks. For more information, contact your program advisor. Students must be aware that many employers also require drug screening as a condition of employment and practice zero tolerance policies. ECCE students completing their internship will be required to take the National Occupational Competency Test. Placement for Practicum and Internship students: The State of Georgia has a law regarding the placement of persons with criminal records in childcare facilities. Anyone who has been convicted of a felony offense or of neglecting or abusing a dependent person, a sexual offense or any other “covered crime” will not be allowed to work in a childcare facility. If you are affected by this law, or think you may be, discuss your situation immediately with your advisor. Effective January 1, 2014, any individual desiring to perform duties or tasks in a paid or unpaid capacity which involve personal contact with any child being cared for by a public or private child care center (i.e. a child care learning center, group day care home, or family day care home) under the oversight of Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) must first undergo a fingerprint records check and receive a satisfactory determination from DECAL or have an unsatisfactory determination reversed. If you are affected by this law, or think you may be, discuss your situation immediately with your program advisor. Your employment options will be severely limited and you may need to reconsider your chosen field of study. Students enrolled in ECCE 1121 will be required to do the full lab practicum experience at the lab school site if there is one available. Students enrolled in ECCE 2240 will be required to complete required internship hours within the time frame allotted by the college. Failure to comply with Internship contract guidelines will adversely affect successful completion of course. A grade of “C” or higher is required for all Early Childhood Care and Education occupational courses with the prefix ECCE. Programs of Study EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Notes:  The Early Childhood Care and Education Diploma program meets the requirement for the 120 clock hours of training required for the CDA (Child Development Associate) credential.  Prior to beginning the laboratory rotation in ECCE 1121, Early Childhood Care and Education students must have a physical exam and present a complete medical form documenting any special medical conditions, a negative tuberculin test reading, and their decision to take or decline the Hepatitis B vaccine series. (Documents must be submitted in ECCE 1101).  Prior to beginning the laboratory rotation in ECCE 1121, students must submit a Fingerprint Records Check and receive a satisfactory determination by Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning, or have an unsatisfactory determination reversed. No person having an unsatisfactory determination as to his or her fingerprint records check will be eligible to complete this program of study. (Document must be submitted in ECCE 1101).  Background checks are required on all incoming students to insure the safety of the children during routine care by students in the practicum/internship education courses. Students will be required to order their background checks, online, in sufficient time for it to be reviewed by the placement site prior to starting practicum/internship rotation. A background check typically takes 3-5 normal business days to complete. The background check will be conducted by an outside agency, a firm specializing in background checks. For more information, contact your program advisor.  Students must be aware that many employers also require drug screening as a condition of employment and practice zero tolerance policies.  Placement for Practicum and Intern students: The State of Georgia has a law regarding the placement of persons with criminal records in childcare facilities. Anyone who has been convicted of a felony offense or of neglecting or abusing a dependent person, a sexual offense or any other “covered crime” will not be allowed to work in a childcare facility. If you are affected by this law, or think you may be, discuss your situation immediately with your advisor.  Effective January 1, 2014, any individual desiring to perform duties or tasks in a paid or unpaid capacity which involve personal contact with any child being cared for by a public or private child care center (i.e. a child care learning center, group day care home, or family day care home) under the oversight of Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) must first undergo a fingerprint records check and receive a satisfactory determination from DECAL or have an unsatisfactory determination reversed. If you are affected by this law, or think you may be, discuss your situation immediately with your program advisor. Your employment options will be severely limited and you may need to reconsider your chosen field of study.  Students enrolled in ECCE 1121 will be required to do the full lab practicum experience at the lab school site if there is one available.  Students enrolled in ECCE 2240 will be required to complete required internship hours within the time frame allotted by the college. Failure to comply with Internship contract guidelines will adversely affect successful completion of course.  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all Early Childhood Care and Education occupational courses with the prefix ECCE. Fall and Spring: Augusta Fall and Spring: Thomson Fall: Waynesboro Four Terms 53 Program Description: The Early Childhood Care and Education Diploma program is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students for a variety of careers in the field of early childhood education. The program emphasizes a combination of early childhood care and education theory and practical application as well as limited general core competencies necessary for successful employment. Graduates have qualifications to be employed in early care and education settings including child care centers and Head Start. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Employment Opportunities: Graduates will be able to obtain jobs as early child care professionals, teacher assistants, preschool, prekindergarten, kindergarten teachers (private sectors), Early Head Start and Head Start teachers, family and group day care home providers, child care program administrators, and child care center directors. Employment can also be found in Early Intervention programs. Curriculum Outline Basic Skills Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Credits 8+ 3 3 Occupational Courses ECCE 1101 Introduction to Early Childhood Care and Ed ECCE 1103 Child Growth and Development ECCE 1105 Health, Safety and Nutrition ECCE 1112 Curriculum and Assessment ECCE 1113 Creative Activities for Children ECCE 1121 Early Childhood Care and Education Practicum ECCE 2115 Language and Literacy ECCE 2116 Math and Science ECCE 2202 Social Issues and Family Involvement ECCE 2203 Guidance and Classroom Management ECCE 2240 Early Childhood Care and Education Internship COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 2 (3) 45 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 3 85 Programs of Study CHILD DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Notes:  Acceptance into the evening program is restricted to students currently working in field. Students must provide documentation of employment. (Augusta Campus only).  The Early Childhood Care and Education Child Development Specialist program meets the requirement for the 120 clock hours of training required for the CDA (Child Development Associate) credential.  The State of Georgia has a law regarding the placement of persons with criminal records in childcare facilities. Anyone who has been convicted of a felony offense or of neglecting or abusing a dependent person, a sexual offense or any other “covered crime” will not be allowed to work in a childcare facility. If you are affected by this law, or think you may be, discuss your situation immediately with your advisor.  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all Early Childhood Care and Education occupational courses with the prefix ECCE. Fall and Spring: Augusta Fall and Spring: Thomson Fall: Waynesboro Two Terms: 14 Program Description: The Early Childhood Care and Education Child Development Specialist TCC is a sequence of five courses designed to prepare students for a variety of careers in the field of early childhood education. The program emphasizes the basics needed for a career in early childhood, but this TCC also includes more content about planning curriculum and working in the field. Graduates have qualifications to be employed in early care and education settings including child care centers and Head Start. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program Employment Opportunities: Graduates will be able to obtain jobs as early child care professionals, teacher assistants, preschool, prekindergarten, kindergarten teachers (private sectors), Early Head Start and Head Start teachers, family and group day care home providers, child care program administrators, and child care center directors. Employment can also be found in Early Intervention programs. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses ECCE 1101 Introduction to Early Childhood Care and Education ECCE 1103 Child Growth and Development ECCE 1105 Health, Safety and Nutrition ECCE 1112 Curriculum and Assessment EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development* (or) ECCE 1121 Early Childhood Care and Education Practicum* 3 3 3 3 2 3 *Advisor recommendation required for course selection. 86 Programs of Study EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN (EMT) TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall One Term 16 Notes:  A grade of "C" or higher is required in all courses with the prefix EMSP.  A student who does not earn a grade of "C" or higher in any course with the EMSP prefix will be suspended from the program for one year. Before re-entering the program, the student must complete an individualized remedial program assigned by the department head. After the third unsuccessful attempt of any courses with the EMSP prefix, the student will not be allowed to reenter the Emergency Medical Technician Program.  The student bears the responsibility for paying for the health requirements of the program. Students are required to sign an authorization to allow Augusta Tech faculty members to release health information to clinical sites.. Students must submit completed medical and dental information prior to beginning clinical rotations. Separate documentation will be required for Hepatitis B seroconversion, RPR, TB testing, and all immunizations and/or titers. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  To be admitted to the program, each student must: a. Be 18 years old before completing the program, b. Sign a statement that states he/she is neither alcohol nor drug dependent, c. Be physically and mentally capable of performing the duties of an Emergency Medical Technician, and d. Be a high school graduate or equivalent prior to start of course.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen at the student’s expense may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).  The College does not offer a student health plan. At the present time, students are responsible for their own health care costs. We advise students to have coverage under a personal, family, or work health insurance plan.  Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to clinical. Program Description: The Emergency Medical Technician certificate program prepares students to provide basic emergency medical care and transportation for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system. This individual possesses the basic knowledge and skills necessary to provide patient care and transportation. Emergency Medical Technicians function as part of a comprehensive EMS response, under medical oversight. Emergency Medical Technicians perform interventions with the basic equipment typically found on an ambulance. The Emergency Medical Technician is a link from the scene to the emergency health care system. Successful completion of the program allows the graduate to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians EMT certification examination and apply for Georgia licensure as an EMT. This technical certificate of credit replaces the previous EMB1 "Emergency Medical Technician (Basic)" technical certificate of credit. High school diploma or GED is required for admission to this program. Employment Opportunities: Emergency Medical Technician certification is the minimal requirement necessary to operate an emergency ambulance and work in the medical field as an Emergency Medical Technician. Curriculum Outline Credits Occupational Courses EMSP 1110 Introduction to the EMT Profession EMSP 1120 EMT Assessment/Airway Management and Pharmacology EMSP 1130 Medical Emergencies for the EMT EMSP 1140 Special Patient Populations EMSP 1150 Shock and Trauma for the EMT EMSP 1160 Clinical and Practical Applications for the EMT 16 3 3 3 3 3 1 87 Programs of Study ADVANCED EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN (AEMT) TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Notes:  Documentation of EMT Certification is a minimum requirement for admission to the AEMT Program.  A grade of "C" or higher is required in all courses with the prefix EMSP.  A student who does not earn a grade of "C" or higher in any course with the EMSP prefix will be suspended from the program for one year. Before re-entering the program, the student must complete an individualized remedial program assigned by the department head. After the third unsuccessful attempt of any courses with the EMSP prefix, the student will not be allowed to re-enter the Emergency Medical Technician Program.  The student bears the responsibility for paying for the health requirements of the program. Students are required to sign an authorization to allow Augusta Tech faculty members to release health information to clinical sites.. Students must submit completed medical and dental information prior to beginning clinical rotations. Separate documentation will be required for Hepatitis B seroconversion, RPR, TB testing, and all immunizations and/or titers. Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical practicum sites may refuse them an opportunity to gain clinical experience.  To be admitted to the program, each student must: a. Be 18 years old before completing the program, b. Sign a statement that states he/she is neither alcohol nor drug dependent, c. Be physically and mentally capable of performing the duties of an Emergency Medical Technician, and d. Be a high school graduate or equivalent prior to start of course.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen at the student’s expense may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor.  Student activities associated with the curriculum, especially while students are completing his or her clinical rotations, will be educational in nature. Students will not be receiving monetary remuneration during this educational experience, nor will he or she be substituted for hired staff personnel within the clinical institution in the capacity of an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).  The College does not offer a student health plan. At the present time, students are responsible for their own health care costs. We advise you to have coverage under a personal, family, or work health insurance plan.  Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to clinical sites. Spring One Term 10 Program Description: The Advanced Emergency Medical Technician certificate program prepares students to provide basic and limited advanced emergency medical care and transportation for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system. This individual possesses the basic knowledge and skills necessary to provide patient care and transportation. Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians function as part of a comprehensive EMS response, under medical oversight. Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians perform interventions with the basic and advanced equipment typically found on an ambulance. The Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) is a link from the scene to the emergency health care system. Successful completion of the program allows the graduate to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians AEMT certification examination and apply for Georgia licensure as an AEMT. This technical certificate of credit replaces the EM01 "Emergency Medical Technician (Intermediate)" technical certificate of credit. High school diploma or GED is required for admission to the program. An EMT functions as a primary care provider in the prehospital setting. The EMT is responsible for all aspects of care provided to the sick and injured. The EMT provides basic life support, including patient assessment, airway management, use of the automatic defibrillator and assisting patients with taking some of their own medications. The EMT is responsible for driving the ambulance in a safe manner under all conditions. The EMT must have a thorough knowledge of the street, highway and addressing system in which he or she will be working. In organizations that provide advanced patient care, the EMT will work under the direction of a paramedic and assume a support role. The EMT must understand all applicable legal, moral and ethical issues surrounding emergency medical service. The EMT must be dedicated to continued learning through continuing education and maintenance of licensure and certification. Employment Opportunities: Emergency Medical Technicians are employed by ambulance services, fire departments, and other medical facilities. Curriculum Outline Credits Occupational Courses EMSP 1510 Advanced Concepts for the AEMT EMSP 1520 Advanced Patient Care for the AEMT EMSP 1530 Clinical Applications for the AEMT EMSP 1540 Clinical and Practical Applications for the AEMT 10 3 3 1 3 88 Programs of Study FIRE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered online through the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses.  A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with the prefix FRSC or MATH, will be suspended from the program for one year. Before re-entering the program, the student must complete an individualized remedial program assigned by the department head. After the third unsuccessful attempt of any courses with the FRSC prefix, the student will not be allowed to re-enter the Fire Science Technology program.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor. Summer Six Terms 62 Program Description: The Fire Science Associate of Applied Science degree program is a sequence of courses designed to prepare fire service personnel at all levels to become better officers and leaders. The program provides learning opportunities which introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to retrain and upgrade present knowledge and skills. Completion of the program of study leads to an AAS degree in Fire Science. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Employment Opportunities: This program provides education in leadership and theoretical and skill enhancement to firefighting professionals already trained and working in the profession. Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric I MATH 1111 College Algebra (or) MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV Options ENGL 1105 Technical Communications (or) SPCH 1101 Public Speaking PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology (or) SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology 15 3 Occupational Courses FRSC 1100 Introduction to Fire Science FRSC 1110 Fire Science Supervision/Leadership FRSC 1121 Fire Fighting Strategy & Tactics FRSC 1132 Fire Service Instructor FRSC 1141 Hazardous Materials FRSC 1151 Fire Prevention and Inspection FRSC 1161 Fire Service Safety & Loss Control FRSC 2100 Fire Service Management FRSC 2110 Fire Service Hydraulics FRSC 2120 Fire Protection Systems FRSC 2130 Fire Service Building Construction FRSC 2141 Incident Command FRSC 2170 Fire/Arson Investigation COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 47 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 89 Programs of Study FIRE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA FIRE FIGHTER I TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered online through the Augusta campus Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Fall Length of Program: Four Terms (based on full-time enrollment) Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 55 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Program Description: The Fire Science Technology diploma program is a sequence of courses designed to respond to the needs of fire department and emergency services personnel providing critical educational opportunities toward the development of better leaders striving for advancement as well as those who have assumed greater roles and responsibilities. This program provides the knowledge, skill and attitudes necessary for the student to successfully lead and supervise fire and rescue personnel in both emergency and nonemergency settings. This is a college level program designed to assist the student in developing advanced skills in written communication, understanding the human reactions to disaster/emergency situations, and enhance the student’s mathematical and science background. High school diploma or GED is required for admission to the program. Program Description: The Firefighter I program is designed to prepare graduates for entry level employment in a fire service environment. This technical certificate program is conducted in cooperation with Georgia Firefighter Standards and Training to ensure graduates have the skills, knowledge and credentials to serve in today’s modern fire service. Graduates will be tested and certified at the National Professional Qualifications (NPQ) System Fire Fighter I level according to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications. High school diploma or GED is not required upon admittance, but must be obtained upon 50% completion of coursework. Employment Opportunities: Graduates are in demand for employment in private and public sector fire departments. Positions available to graduates include entry level firefighter, public educator, juvenile fire setter intervention programs, fire inspection and prevention officer, facilities safety officer, in-house fire brigade officer and communications officer. Employment Opportunities: This program provides education in leadership and theoretical and skill enhancement to firefighting professionals already trained and working in the profession. Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology (or) EMP 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development 8 3 3 (3) Occupational Courses FRSC 1100 Introduction to Fire Science FRSC 1110 Fire Science Supervision/Leadership FRSC 1121 Fire Fighting Strategy & Tactics FRSC 1132 Fire Service Instructor FRSC 1141 Hazardous Materials Operations FRSC 1151 Fire Prevention and Inspection FRSC 1161 Fire Service Safety & Loss Control FRSC 2100 Fire Administration Management FRSC 2110 Fire Service Hydraulics FRSC 2120 Fire Protection Systems FRSC 2130 Fire Service Building Construction FRSC 2141 Incident Command FRSC 2170 Fire/Arson Investigation COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 47 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 Fall Semester Two Terms 15 Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses FRSC 1020 Emergency Service Fundamentals FRSC 1030 Basic Firefighter Module I FRSC 1040 Basic Firefighter Module II FRSC 1141 Hazardous Materials Operations 2 Credits 15 3 5 3 4 Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses.  A student who does not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with the prefix FRSC will be suspended from the program for one year. Before re-entering the program, the student must complete an individualized remedial program assigned by the department head. After the third unsuccessful attempt of any courses with the FSC prefix, the student will not be allowed to reenter the Fire Fighter I program.  Students must be eighteen (18) years of age and satisfy NFPA 1582, Standard on medical requirements for Fire Fighters, or provide a physicians release to participate. All candidates should be in excellent physical condition. Additional physical fitness requirements may be added based on any revisions or updates to NFPA guidelines and standards or actions otherwise directed by the Georgia Standards and Training office. Students will be expected to rent or purchase all turn out gear necessary to the completion of the course.  Students may enroll in FRSC 1020 and 1040 prior to age eighteen and/or before obtaining a medical release from their physician. However students must meet the eighteen (18) year requirement before enrolling in FRSC 1030 or 1040.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in field and may make a student ineligible to take licensing/certification exam(s) required for the profession. A background check and/or drug screen may be required by some agencies before a student attends a clinical practicum. For more information, contact, the appropriate advisor. 90 Programs of Study GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring Four Terms 60 Degree Electives (A minimum of 3 credit hours from the following list is required) Program Description: The Golf Course Management, Degree program is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students for varied careers in the golf industry. Learning opportunities develop academic, technical, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes the combination of managerial theory and practical application necessary for successful employment in the three general industry fields of Golf Operations Management, Turfgrass Management, and Non-traditional Golf Outlet Operations. Program graduates receive a Golf Course Management degree which qualifies them as assistants in any of the three listed fields. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. ACCT 1105 GCMT 1101 HORT 1420 MGMT MGMT MGMT MKTG Employment Opportunities: The Golf Course Management program is a sequence of courses that prepares the student for a career in the golf industry in turf management, pro shop management and sales, equipment representative, or equipment sales and/or servicing. The graduate may work at a golf course caring for the turf, working behind the counter in the pro shop or working at a retail outlet away from a course. The program is designed for the individual who wishes to work toward the position of golf course superintendent, assistant superintendent, head or assistant pro. Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses 15 ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric 3 MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra 3 ENGL 2130 American Literature (or) ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation (or) ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700 (or) MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation (or) THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation 3 PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology 3 ECON 1101 Principles of Economics (or) ECON 2106 Microeconomics (or) ECON 2105 Macroeconomics 3 Occupational Courses 45 ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I 4 HORT 1000 Horticulture Science 3 HORT 1080 Pest Management 3 GCMT 1100 Swing Dynamics 3 GCMT 1105 Fundamentals of Golf Rules, History and Culture 3 GCMT 1110 Merchandising/Golf Shop Operations 2 GCMT 1120 Tournament Operations 3 GCMT 1125 Club Repair/Club Fitting 3 GCMT 1130 Cart Fleet Management 3 GCMT 1140 Turf Management 3 GCMT 1145 Golf Course Maintenance 3 MKTG 1100 Principles of Marketing 3 MKTG 1160 Professional Selling 3 COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 3 XXXX xxxx Electives 3 91 1100 1105 1115 2210 Financial Accounting II Intermediate Swing Dynamics Golf Course Design, Construction, and Management Principles of Management Organizational Behavior Leadership Entrepreneurship 4 3 3 3 3 3 6 Programs of Study GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT DIPLOMA GOLF COURSE TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta campus Offered at the Thomson campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring Three Terms 48 Fall, Spring and Summer Three Terms 15 Program Description: The Golf Course Management, Diploma program is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students for varied careers in the golf industry. Learning opportunities develop academic, technical, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes the combination of managerial theory and practical application necessary for successful employment in the three general industry fields of Golf Operations Management, Turfgrass Management, and Non-traditional Golf Outlet Operations. Program graduates receive a Golf Course Management diploma which qualifies them as entry level jobs assistants in any of the three listed fields. High school diploma or GED is not required upon admittance, but must be obtained upon 50% completion of coursework. Program Description: The Golf Course Technician Technical Certificate of Credit is to provide employees that meet the staffing needs of the local golf course industry. The Golf Course Technician TCC provides a course of study for learning golf skills and knowledge needed to perform the correct maintenance tasks on the golf course and the grounds adjacent to the course. The technicians will become familiar with golf course design, construction, and maintenance. Soil preparation, fertilization application, pest management, irrigation techniques, and mowing techniques are additional skill the technicians will gain in the program. Graduates may transfer credits from the Golf Course Technician program into the Golf Course Management program and continue their education. High school graduation or GED is required for admission into this program. Employment Opportunities: The Golf Course Management program is a sequence of courses that prepares the student for a career in the golf industry in turf management, pro shop management and sales, equipment representative, or equipment sales and/or servicing. The graduate may work at a golf course caring for the turf, working behind the counter in the pro shop, or working at a retail outlet away from a course. Employment Opportunities: Students that complete the Golf Course Technician TCC may find employment with a golf course maintaining and managing areas that consist of turf and also working with aspects of ornamental horticulture that are present on the grounds of a course. Curriculum Outline Basic Skills Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses GCMT 1140 Turf Management GCMT 1145 Golf Course Maintenance HORT 1000 Horticulture Science HORT 1080 Pest Management HORT 1420 Golf Course Design, Construction, and Management Credits 8+ 3 3 2 (3) Occupational Courses ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I HORT 1000 Horticulture Science HORT 1080 Pest Management GCMT 1100 Swing Dynamics GCMT 1105 Fundamentals of Golf, Rules, History and Culture GCMT 1125 Club Repair/Club Fitting GCMT 1130 Cart Fleet Management GCMT 1140 Turf Management GCMT 1145 Golf Course Maintenance MKTG 1100 Principles of Marketing MKTG 1160 Professional Selling COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers XXXX xxxx Electives 40 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Diploma Electives (A minimum of 3 credit hours from the following list is required.) GCMT 1101 Intermediate Swing Dynamics HORT 1310 Irrigation HORT 1420 Golf Course Design, Construction, and Management 3 4 3 92 Credits 15 3 3 3 3 3 Programs of Study HORTICULTURE ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Landscape Specialization HORT 1041 Landscape Construction HORT 1060 Landscape Design HORT 1120 Landscape Management HORT 1330 Turfgrass Management HORT 1310 Irrigation and Water Management HORT xxxx Elective Offered at the Augusta and Thomson Campuses and the Columbia County Center Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer Six Terms 60 Program Description: The Horticulture program is a sequence of courses that prepares students for careers in environmental horticulture. The program provides learning opportunities which introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and technical knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to retrain or upgrade present knowledge and skills. Graduates of the program receive an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Horticulture with a specialization in either General Horticulture Specialization or Landscape Specialization. Employment Opportunities: A graduate of this program may expect to find career opportunities as a first-line supervisor or manager in the landscape industry as well as nursery, greenhouse, and garden center operations and sales or a small business owner in one or more of these areas. Curriculum Outline General Education Core Classes ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric XXXX xxxx Social/Behavioral Science Elective MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Elective XXXX xxxx General Education Elective Credits 15 3 3 Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers HORT 1000 Horticulture Science HORT 1010 Woody Ornamental Plant Identification HORT 1020 Herbaceous Plant Identification HORT 1080 Pest Management HORT 1150 Environmental Horticulture Internship (or) HORT xxxx Horticulture Elective XXXX xxxx Horticulture Elective 3 3 3 21 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Completion of one of the following specializations is required: General Horticulture Specialization HORT HORT HORT HORT HORT HORT HORT HORT HORT HORT HORT HORT HORT HORT HORT HORT HORT 1030 1041 1050 1060 1070 1100 1110 1120 1140 1160 1310 1330 1410 1420 1680 1690 1750 (Choose 24 credits from the following list) Greenhouse Management Landscape Construction Nursery Production and Management Landscape Design Landscape Installation Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture Small Scale Food Production Landscape Management Horticulture Business Management Landscape Contracting Irrigation and Water Management Turfgrass Management Soils Golf Course Design Construction and Management Woody Plant Identification II Horticulture Spanish Interiorscaping 24 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 93 24 4 4 4 4 4 4 Programs of Study LANDSCAPE SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT HORTICULTURE DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta and Thomson Campuses and the Columbia County Center Offered at the Augusta and Thomson Campuses and the Columbia County Center Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer Four Terms 44 Program Description: The Landscape Specialist program prepares individuals for challenging careers in the expanding field of Landscape Horticulture. Students will also develop contemporary business concepts as they apply to landscape and garden centers. Program Description: The Horticulture program is a sequence of courses that prepares students for careers in most fields of horticulture. The program provides learning opportunities which introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and technical knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to retrain or upgrade present knowledge and skills. Employment Opportunities: A graduate of this program may expect to find career opportunities in the construction of landscapes using a variety of different techniques and construction materials. Employment Opportunities: A graduate of this program may expect to find career opportunities as a first-line supervisor or manager in the landscape industry as well as nursery, greenhouse, and garden center operations and sales or a small business owner in one or more of these areas. Curriculum Outline Basic Skills Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Occupational Courses HORT 1000 Horticulture Science HORT 1010 Woody Ornamental Plant Identification HORT 1020 Herbaceous Plant Identification HORT 1080 Pest Management HORT 1140 Horticulture Business Management HORT 1150 Horticulture Internship COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers Fall, Spring, and Summer One Term 17 Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses HORT 1000 Horticulture Sciences HORT 1010 Woody Ornamental Plant Identification HORT 1070 Landscape Installation HORT 1080 Pest Management HORT 1120 Landscape Management Credits 8 3 3 2 (3) 21 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 General Horticulture Specialization 15 (A minimum of 15 credit hours from the following list is required.) HORT 1030 Greenhouse Management 4 HORT 1050 Nursery Production and Management 4 HORT 1060 Landscape Design 4 HORT 1070 Landscape Installation 4 HORT 1100 Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture 3 HORT 1110 Small Scale Food Production 4 HORT 1120 Landscape Management 4 HORT 1410 Soils 3 94 Credits 17 3 3 4 3 4 Programs of Study NURSERY/GREENHOUSE TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT SUSTAINABLE URBAN AGRICULTURE TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta and Thomson Campuses and the Columbia County Center Offered at the Augusta and Thomson Campuses and the Columbia County Center Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer One Term 17 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Program Description: The Nursery/Greenhouse Technician program prepares graduates for challenging careers in the expanding fields of nursery production, greenhouse production, and garden center sales. Program Description: This program prepares the student for a career in sustainable, small scale food production that integrates economic profitability and environmental stewardship. Courses provide hands-on experience in the fundamentals of plant production and marketing, giving the student a complete knowledge of the sustainable farmer’s market system. Employment Opportunities: The Nursery/Greenhouse Technician program prepares individuals to produce, store, and deliver plant species in controlled indoor environments for wholesale, commercial, research, or other purposes. Includes instruction in applicable principles of plant science; climate, irrigation, and nutrition control equipment operation and maintenance; facilities management; inventory control; safety procedures; and personnel supervision. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses HORT 1000 Horticulture Science HORT 1010 Woody Plant Identification I HORT 1020 Herbaceous Plant Identification HORT 1030 Greenhouse Management HORT 1050 Nursery Production and Management Fall, Spring, and Summer Two Terms 19 Employment Opportunities: Market Farmer, Agri-tourism Farmer, Farmer’s Market Director, Community Garden Manager/Organizer, kitchen garden designer/specialist, CSA operator/farmer, Ecolandscaper (sustainable/organic landscape specialist) are responsible for soil preparation, crop production planning, crop installation, crop management, harvest, handling and marketing. Technicians use sustainable methods to produce the crop on relatively small properties, in agricultural terms. Technicians are located locally and often in urban settings and take advantage of sites previously considered blighted. Technicians most often market directly to the consumer from their property or locally established Farmer’s markets. Credits 17 3 3 3 4 4 Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses HORT 1080 Pest Management HORT 1100 Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture HORT 1110 Small Scale Food Production HORT 1140 Horticulture Business Management HORT 1410 Soils HORT XXXX Elective 95 Credits 19 3 3 4 3 3 3 Programs of Study MARKETING MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer Five Terms 63 (Completion of one of the following specializations is required) Program Description: The Marketing program is designed to prepare students for employment in a variety of positions in today's marketing and management fields. The Marketing program provides learning opportunities that introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge and skills or to retrain in the area of marketing. Graduates of the program receive a Marketing Associate Degree with specializations in marketing management and/or entrepreneurship. High school graduation or GED is required for admission into this program. Marketing Administration Specialization MKTG 1370 Consumer Behavior MKTG 2010 Small Business Management (or) MKTG 2210 Entrepreneurship MKTG 2060 Marketing Channels MKTG 2070 Buying and Merchandising OR Employment Opportunities: Marketing graduates are qualified to pursue careers with companies in sales, customer service, and management positions. Entrepreneurial opportunities are also pursued by graduates. Entrepreneurship Specialization MKTG 2010 Small Business Management MKTG 2070 Buying and Merchandising MKTG 2210 Entrepreneurship Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses 15 ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric 3 MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra 3 ENGL 2130 American Literature (or) ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation (or) ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700 (or) MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation (or) THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation 3 ECON 1101 Principles of Economics (or) ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics (or) ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 SPCH 1101 Public Speaking (or) PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology 3 Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I BUSN 1190 Digital Technologies in Business (or) BUSN 1430 Desktop Publishing and Presentation Applicat MKTG 1100 Principles of Marketing MKTG 1130 Business Regulations and Compliance MKTG 1160 Professional Selling MKTG 1190 Integrated Marketing Communications MKTG 2090 Marketing Research MKTG 2300 Marketing Management MKTG 2290 Marketing Internship/Practicum MGMT 1100 Principles of Management 12+ 3 3 (6) 3 3 36 3 4 2 (4) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Guided Electives (A minimum of 3 credit hours from the following list is required.) MGMT 1105 Organizational Behavior MGMT 1115 Leadership MGMT 1120 Introduction to Business MGMT 1125 Business Ethics MGMT 2115 Human Resource Management 96 12 3 3 6 Programs of Study MARKETING MANAGEMENT DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer Four Terms 42 Program Description: The Marketing program is designed to prepare students for employment in a variety of positions in today's marketing and management fields. The Marketing program provides learning opportunities that introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge and skills or to retrain in the area of marketing management. Graduates of the program receive a Marketing diploma with specializations in marketing, and/or entrepreneurship. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. (Completion of one specialization is required) Credits Marketing Administration Specialization MKTG 1370 Consumer Behavior MKTG 2010 Small Business Management (or) MKTG 2210 Entrepreneurship MKTG 2060 Marketing Channels MKTG 2070 Buying and Merchandising Employment Opportunities: Marketing graduates are qualified to pursue career opportunities with companies in sales, customer service, and management training positions. Entrepreneurial opportunities are also pursued by graduates. 12+ 3 3 (6) 3 3 OR ENTREPRENEURSHIP Curriculum Outline Basic Skills Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Credits 8+ 3 3 Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers MKTG 1100 Principles of Marketing MKTG 1130 Business Regulations and Compliance MKTG 1160 Professional Selling MKTG 1190 Integrated Marketing Communications MKTG 2090 Marketing Research MKTG 2290 Marketing Internship/Practicum (or) MKTG 2300 Marketing Management Entrepreneurship Specialization MKTG 2010 Small Business Management MKTG 2070 Buying and Merchandising MKTG 2210 Entrepreneurship 2 (3) 36 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Guided Electives (A minimum of 3 credit hours from the following list is required.) MGMT 1105 Organizational Behavior MGMT 1115 Leadership MGMT 1120 Introduction to Business MGMT 1125 Business Ethics MGMT 2115 Human Resource Management 97 12 3 3 6 Programs of Study ENTREPRENEURSHIP TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta and Thomson campuses Offered at the Thomson campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Summer, Fall, and Spring Two Terms 12 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Program Description: The Entrepreneurship program is designed to provide learning opportunities for students that have a desire to become entrepreneurs and attain self-sufficiency. The Entrepreneurship program generally prepares individuals to perform development, marketing and management functions associated with owning and operating a business. High school diploma or GED is not required upon admittance, but must be obtained upon 50% completion of coursework. Program Description: This Technical Certificate of Training program will consist of four courses designed to introduce the student to the Project Management processes required for a successful project implementation. The program will take the student through the identification of a project, the defining of the project charter and scope. It will introduce the student to the planning of a project, its execution, scheduling and cost control techniques as well as the contracting and procurement processes required within the project management discipline. Employment Opportunities: The Entrepreneurship program prepares the student for self-sufficiency as related to owning and operating one’s own business. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses MKTG 1130 Business Regulations and Compliance MKTG 2210 Entrepreneurship MGMT 1100 Principles of Management (or) MKTG 2010 Small Business Management Fall, Spring, and Summer Three Terms 15 This Technical Certificate of Credit will allow students to attain the needed training in project management that can be utilized in every degree and diploma program currently provided by the Augusta Technical College service area. Credits 12 3 6 Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses MGMT 2210 Project Management MGMT 2214 Project Planning, Execution, and Closure MGMT 2216 Schedule and Cost Control Techniques MGMT 2218 Contracting and Procurement in Project Management 3 98 Credits 15 3 4 4 4 Programs of Study PARALEGAL STUDIES ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall and Spring Five Terms 69 Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers PARA 1100 Introduction to Law and Ethics PARA 1105 Legal Research and Legal Writing I PARA 1110 Legal Research and Legal Writing II PARA 1115 Family Law PARA 1120 Real Estate Law PARA 1125 Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure PARA 1130 Civil Litigation PARA 1135 Wills, Trusts, Probate, and Administration PARA 1140 Tort Law PARA 1145 Law Office Management PARA 1150 Contracts, Commercial Law and Business Org. PARA 2210 Paralegal Internship I XXXX xxxx Occupational Guided Electives Program Description: The Paralegal Studies program is a sequence of courses that prepares students for positions in the paralegal profession. Learning opportunities develop academic, technical and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The knowledge and skills emphasized in this program include ethical obligations; research in state and federal law; legal correspondence preparation; family law matters; basic concepts of real property law, criminal law and procedure, civil litigation, tort law, and substantive contract law; and wills, trusts, and probate. The program of study emphasizes opportunities that provide students with specialized legal knowledge and skills required to aid lawyers in the delivery of legal services. Program graduates receive a Paralegal Studies Associate of Applied Technology degree. High school graduation or GED is required for admission into this program. Employment Opportunities: Graduates of the Paralegal Studies Program can find employment opportunities in corporate legal departments, government agencies, and law firms specializing in areas of law such as real property law; criminal law; civil litigation; tort law; contract law; and probate law. Graduates can also find independent contracting opportunities with law entities. Students learn the skills necessary to aid in the delivery of legal services. 51 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 9 Occupational Guided Electives (A minimum of 9 credit hours from the following is required.) PARA PARA PARA PARA PARA PARA ENGL Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses 18 ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric 3 MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra 3 ENGL 2130 American Literature (or) ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation (or) ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700 (or) MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation (or) THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation 3 SPCH 1101 Public Speaking 3 SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology (or) PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology 3 XXXX xxxx General Education Elective 3 General Education Electives ENGL 1102 Literature and Composition 3 MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling* 3 SPCH 1101 Public Speaking* 3 ECON 1101 Principles of Economics 3 ECON 2105 Macroeconomics 3 ECON 2106 Microeconomics 3 PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology* 3 HIST 1111 World History I 3 HIST 1112 World History II 3 HIST 2111 U.S. History I 3 HIST 2112 U.S. History II 3 SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology 3 ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation* 3 ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700* (or) MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation* (or) THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation* 3 (* if not already used as a general core requirement) 99 1200 1205 1210 1215 2205 2215 1105 Bankruptcy/Debtor-Creditor Relations Constitutional Law Legal and Policy Issues in Healthcare Administrative Law Advanced Legal Research and Writing Paralegal Internship II Technical Communications 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 Programs of Study INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY nTECHNOLOGY AIR CONDITIONING TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta and Thomson campuses and the Columbia County Center Entrance Dates: Fall and Summer: Augusta Fall: Thomson and Columbia County Center Length of Program: Three Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 51 Program Description: The Air Conditioning Technology Diploma program is a sequence of courses that prepares students for careers in the air conditioning industry. Learning opportunities develop academic, occupational, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of air conditioning theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. Program graduates receive an Air Conditioning Technology diploma and have the qualification of an air conditioning technician. High school diploma or GED is required to be admitted to the program. Employment Opportunities: Since air conditioning has become standard in homes, businesses, and many industries, the need for craftsmen in this field will continue to increase. Many program graduates eventually open their own businesses. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology Occupational Courses AIRC 1005 Refrigeration Fundamentals AIRC 1010 Refrigeration Principles and Practices AIRC 1020 Refrigeration Systems Components AIRC 1030 HVACR Electrical Fundamentals AIRC 1040 HVACR Electric Motors AIRC 1050 HVACR Electrical Components and Controls AIRC 1060 Air Conditioning Systems Application and Installation AIRC 1070 Gas Heat AIRC 1080 Heat Pumps and Related Systems AIRC 1090 Troubleshooting Air Conditioning Systems COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers Credits 8 3 3 2 3 43 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 Note:  A background check and drug screening are routinely required by most employers before students are accepted for employment. For more information concerning field related requirements, contact a Program Advisor for Air Conditioning Technology.  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses. 100 Programs of Study ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY AAS DEGREE Offered at the Augusta campus Day & Evening Classes Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall (or Advisor consent) Five Terms 62 Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 English MATH 1111 Algebraic Concepts MATH 1113 Precalculus XXXX xxxx Humanities Elective XXXX xxxx Social/Behavioral Science Elective Program Description: The Architectural and Engineering Drafting Technology degree program Augusta Technical College prepares students for employment in a variety of positions in the Architectural and Mechanical drafting fields. The program provides learning opportunities which introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and technical knowledge, skills and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Additionally, the program provides opportunities for students to upgrade present knowledge and skills or retrain in current drafting practices and techniques used on various Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) packages and software. The program provides curriculum support to engineering technology programs at the associate level. Occupational Courses ENGT 1000 Introduction to Engineering Technology MEGT 1010 Manufacturing Processes Specific Occupational Courses DFTG 2010 Engineering Graphics I DFTG 1125 Architectural Fundamentals DFTG 1127 Architectural 3D Modeling DFTG 1129 Residential Drawing I DFTG 1131 Residential Drawing II TDSG 1201 Advanced CAD TDSG 1202 Engineering Graphics II TDSG 1203 Engineering Graphics III TDSG 1205 CAD/CAM TDSG 1207 Statics and Strength of Materials TDSG 1211 Major Project Instruction is delivered through a combination of lecture and laboratory work to provide students with both theory and applicable skills related to both Architectural and Mechanical drafting disciplines. Employment Opportunities: Job skills in the engineering technology disciplines are increasing. Within the engineering technology disciplines, support jobs such as computer-aided drafting (CAD) will also be increasing. These support jobs require the technician to have the latest training in CAD and technical design techniques. These training skills and techniques may be acquired in Architectural and Engineering Drafting Technology. Architectural and Engineering Drafting Technology program is a five term technical degree program offering the latest skills in the area of Architectural or Mechanical computer-aided drafting. As students graduate, they may find work with Architects, Engineers, and industry as a Design Drafter. As a Design Drafter, the technician will be able to read, produce or revise engineering drawings necessary for the construction of buildings and consumer products in both the architectural or mechanical engineering realms. 101 Credits 15 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 41 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 5 4 3 3 Programs of Study ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta campus Day & Evening Classes Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Four Terms (Day) 49/50 Curriculum Outline Program Description: The Architectural and Engineering Drafting Technology program at Augusta Technical College is a sequence of specific discipline courses designed to prepare students to become Drafters for the Architectural or Mechanical Engineering Technology disciplines. Core classes provide the student with background and skills in mathematics, communications, computer skills, engineering materials, interpersonal relations and professional development. This program of study emphasizes expertise in computer-aided drafting while creating working drawings for architectural and mechanical designs. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Instruction is delivered through a combination of lecture and laboratory work to provide students with both theory and application in Architectural and Engineering Drafting Technology relating to the Architectural or Mechanical Engineering Technology disciplines. Credits General Core Courses ENGL 1010 English MATH 1013 Algebraic Concepts MATH 1015 Geometry and Trigonometry EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) 11 3 3 3 Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers DFTG 2010 Engineering Graphics DFTG 1125 Architectural Fundamentals ENGT 1000 Fundamentals of Engineering Technology TDSG 1201 Advanced CAD TDSG 1202 Engineering Graphics II TDSG 1207 Statics and Strength of Materials TDSG 1211 Major Project 26 3 4 4 3 2 4 3 3 2 AND one or both of the Following Specializations Specific Occupational Courses Employment Opportunities: Job skills in the engineering technology disciplines are increasing. Within the engineering technology disciplines, support jobs such as computer-aided drafting (CAD) will also be increasing. These support jobs require the technician to have the latest training in CAD and technical design techniques. These training skills and techniques may be acquired in Architectural and Engineering Drafting Technology. Architectural and Engineering Drafting Technology is a one-year technical diploma program offering the latest skills in the area of Architectural or Mechanical computeraided drafting. As students graduate, they may find work with Architects, Engineers, and industry as a Design Drafter. As a Design Drafter, the technician will produce engineering drawings necessary for the construction of buildings and consumer products. Architectural Specialization DFTG 1127 Architectural 3D Modeling DFTG 1129 Residential Drawing I DFTG 1131 Residential Drawing II 12/24 4 4 4 AND/OR Mechanical Specialization MEGT 1010 Manufacturing Processes TDSG 1203 Engineering Graphics III TDSG 1205 CAD/CAM 102 3 5 4 Programs of Study AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA AUTOMOTIVE TRANSMISSION/TRANSAXLE TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered day and night at the Augusta and Waynesboro campuses Offered day and night at the Augusta and Waynesboro campuses Entrance Dates: Fall/Spring: Augusta or Departmental Approval Fall, Spring, and Summer: Waynesboro Length of Program: Day: Four Terms/Night: Varies Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 55 Entrance Dates: Program Description: The Automotive Technology Diploma program is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students for careers in the automotive service and repair profession. Learning opportunities enable students to develop academic, technical and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of automotive mechanical and electrical/electronic theory and practical applications necessary for successful employment. Program graduates receive an Automotive Technology Diploma qualifying them as entry-level technicians. Program Description: The Automotive Transmission/Transaxle Technician certificate program provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to enter the automotive repair industry as an entry level transmission/transaxle and power train diagnosis and repair technician. Topics covered include: Shop safety, general service and maintenance, drive axle, four wheel and all wheel drive, automatic and manual transmission/transaxle theory and operation, diagnosis and repair. Spring/Fall: Augusta Spring/Summer/Fall: Waynesboro Length of Program: Two Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 18 Employment Opportunities: Due to the complexity of today’s electronically controlled power train systems and components, highly trained entry level technicians are in high demand for service, diagnostics and repair. Opportunities range from employment in new car dealerships, independent and specialized heating and air conditioning repair facilities, and self-employment opportunities. Employment Opportunities: Vast opportunities exist for trained, qualified, automotive entry level technicians. Dealerships, Fleet Repair services, Independent repair facilities, and self- employment opportunities are just a few examples of employment opportunities available in the ever broadening and technologically advanced automotive repair industry. Curriculum Outline Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses AUTT 1010 Automotive Technology Introduction AUTT 1020 Automotive Electrical Systems (or) AUTT 1021 Automotive Electrical Systems I (and) AUTT 1022 Automotive Electrical Systems II AUTT 2020 Automotive Drive Train and Axles AUTT 2030 Automotive Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles Credits General Core Courses ENG 1010 Fundamentals of English I MAT 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMP 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development Occupational Courses AUTT 1010 Automotive Technology Introduction AUTT 1020 Automotive Electrical Systems (or) AUTT 1021 Automotive Electrical Systems I (and) AUTT 1022 Automotive Electrical Systems II AUTT 1030 Automotive Brake Systems AUTT 1040 Automotive Engine Performance (or) AUTT 1041 Automotive Engine Performance I (and) AUTT 1042 Automotive Engine Performance II AUTT 1050 Automotive Suspension and Steering Systems AUTT 1060 Automotive Climate Control Systems AUTT 2010 Automotive Engine Repair (or) AUTT 2011 Automotive Engine Repair I (and) AUTT 2012 Automotive Engine Repair II AUTT 2020 Automotive Drive Train and Axles AUTT 2030 Automotive Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles COMP 1000 Introduction to Microcomputers 8 3 3 2 47 2 7 4 7 4 5 6 4 5 3 103 Credits 18 2 7 4 5 Programs of Study AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE REPAIR TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT AUTOMOTIVE CLIMATE CONTROL TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered day and night at the Augusta and Waynesboro campuses Offered day and night at the Augusta and Waynesboro campuses Entrance Dates: Spring/Fall: Augusta Summer/Fall/Spring: Waynesboro Length of Program: Two Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 15 Entrance Dates: Program Description: The Automotive Engine Repair Technician certificate program provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to enter the automotive repair industry as an entry level engine service, diagnosis and repair technician. Topics covered include: Shop safety, general service and maintenance, theory, lubrication and cooling system operation, diagnosis and repair. Program Description: The Automotive Climate Control Technician certificate program provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to enter the automotive repair industry as an entry level heating and air conditioning service and repair technician. Topics covered include: Shop safety, general heating and air conditioning service, theory, system description and operation, diagnosis and repair. Employment Opportunities: Due to the complexity of today’s overhead cam modular engines, highly trained entry level technicians are in high demand for service, diagnostics and repair. Opportunities range from employment in new car dealerships, independent and specialized heating and air conditioning repair facilities, and selfemployment opportunities. Employment Opportunities: Due to the complexity of today’s electronically controlled heating and air conditioning systems, highly trained entry level technicians are in high demand for diagnostics and repair. Opportunities range from employment in new car dealerships, independent and specialized heating and air conditioning repair facilities, and self-employment opportunities. Curriculum Outline Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses AUTT 1010 Automotive Technology Introduction AUTT 1020 Automotive Electrical Systems (or) AUTT 1021 Automotive Electrical Systems I (and) AUTT 1022 Automotive Electrical Systems II AUTT 2010 Automotive Engine Repair (or) AUTT 2011 Automotive Engine Repair I (and) AUTT 2012 Automotive Engine Repair II Spring/Fall: Augusta Summer/Fall/Spring: Waynesboro Length of Program: Two Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 14 Credits Occupational Courses AUTT 1010 Automotive Technology Introduction AUTT 1020 Automotive Electrical Systems (or) AUTT 1021 Automotive Electrical Systems I (and) AUTT 1022 Automotive Electrical Systems II AUTT 1060 Automotive Climate Control Systems 15 2 7 6 104 Credits 14 2 7 5 Programs of Study AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE PERFORMANCE TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered day and night at the Augusta and Waynesboro campuses Offered day and night at the Augusta and Waynesboro campuses Entrance Dates: Spring/Fall: Augusta Summer/Fall/Spring: Waynesboro Length of Program: One Term Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 9 Entrance Dates: Spring/Fall: Augusta Summer/Fall/Spring: Waynesboro Length of Program: Two Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 16 Program Description: The Automotive Electrical/Electronic Systems Technician certificate program provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to enter the automotive repair industry as an entry level electrical/electronic diagnosis and repair technician. Topics covered include: Shop safety, general service, electrical/electronically controlled systems theory and operation, diagnosis and repair. Program Description: The Automotive Engine Performance Technician certificate program provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to enter the automotive repair industry as an entry level engine performance diagnosis and repair technician. Topics covered include: Shop safety, general service and maintenance, fuel, ignition and emissions system theory and operation, diagnosis and repair. Employment Opportunities: Due to the complexity of today’s electrical/electronic controlled systems, highly trained entry level technicians are in high demand for service, diagnostics and repair. Opportunities range from employment in new car dealerships, independent and specialized heating and air conditioning repair facilities, and self-employment opportunities. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses AUTT 1010 Automotive Technology Introduction AUTT 1020 Automotive Electrical Systems (or) AUTT 1021 Automotive Electrical Systems I AUTT 1022 Automotive Electrical Systems II Employment Opportunities: Due to the complexity of today’s electronically controlled engine performance systems, highly trained entry level technicians are in high demand for service, diagnostics and repair. Opportunities range from employment in new car dealerships, independent and specialized heating and air conditioning repair facilities, and self-employment opportunities. Credits Curriculum Outline 9 2 Occupational Courses AUTT 1010 Automotive Technology Introduction AUTT 1020 Automotive Electrical Systems (or) AUTT 1021 Automotive Electrical Systems I (and) AUTT 1022 Automotive Electrical Systems II AUTT 1040 Automotive Engine Performance (or) AUTT 1041 Automotive Engine Performance I (and) AUTT 1042 Automotive Engine Performance II 7 105 Credits 16 2 7 7 Programs of Study AUTOMOTIVE CHASSIS TECHNICIAN SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered day and night at the Augusta and Waynesboro campuses Entrance Dates: Spring/Fall: Augusta Summer/Fall/Spring: Waynesboro Length of Program: Two Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 17 Program Description: The Automotive Chassis Technician Specialist certificate program provides students with the knowledge and skills to enter the automotive repair industry as an entry level general chassis service and maintenance technician. Topics covered include: Shop safety, general vehicle maintenance, basic electrical/electronic theory and diagnosis, manual transmission/transaxle operation and diagnosis, automatic transmission/transaxle operation and diagnosis, axles operation and diagnosis, differentials operation and diagnosis, and 4WD/AWD systems operation and diagnosis. Employment Opportunities: Due to the increased emphasis upon new vehicle maintenance and high tech chassis designs, highly trained entry level technicians are in high demand for performing scheduled maintenance and general chassis repair. Opportunities range from employment in new car dealerships, independent and specialized repair facilities, and self-employment opportunities. Curriculum Outline Credits Occupational Courses AUTT 1010 Automotive Technology Introduction AUTT 1020 Automotive Electrical Systems (or) AUTT 1021 Automotive Electrical Systems I (and) AUTT 1022 Automotive Electrical Systems II AUTT 1030 Automotive Brake Systems AUTT 1050 Automotive Suspension and Steering Systems 17 2 7 4 4 106 Programs of Study AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY DEGREE Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Seven Semesters/Day 98 AVMT AVMT AVMT AVMT AVMT AVMT Offered at the Aircraft Technology Training Center/Thomson Admission: ï‚· Attainment of 16 years of age; ï‚· Documentation of high school graduation or satisfaction of High School Equivalency Certificate requirements; ï‚· Achievement of minimum provisional admission scores on tests of reading, language, and math, or recommendation by program faculty and designated admissions personnel on the basis of interview and assessment of student potential; ï‚· Completion of application and related procedures; AVMT 2275 AVMT 2280 AVMT 2285 Credit Hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 Essential Fundamental Technical Courses AVMT 1000 Aviation Mathematics AVMT 1010 Aircraft Maintenance Regulations AVMT 1020 Aircraft Applied Sciences I AVMT 1025 Aircraft Applied Sciences II AVMT 1030 Aircraft Electricity and Electronics AVMT 1210 Aviation Physics 2 2 5 4 5 2 Essential Specific Technical Courses AVMT 2010 Aircraft Airframe Structures AVMT 2020 Airframe Sheet Metal AVMT 2025 Airframe Non-Metallic Structures AVMT 2030 Airframe Welding AVMT 2040 Airframe Assembly and Rigging AVMT 2050 Airframe Inspection AVMT 2060 Aircraft Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems AVMT 2070 Aircraft Landing Gear Systems AVMT 2080 Aircraft Environmental Control Systems AVMT 2085 Aircraft Fuel and Instrument Systems AVMT 2090 Aircraft Electrical Systems AVMT 2095 Aircraft Communication and Navigation Systems 2 2 2 1 2 4 2 3 3 3 4 2 Reciprocating Engine Powerplants I Reciprocating Engine Powerplants II Gas Turbine Powerplants I Gas Turbine Powerplants II Aircraft Engine Fuel and Fuel Metering Systems Powerplant Instruments, Fire Protection, and Electrical Systems Powerplant Ignition and Starting Systems Aircraft Powerplant Accessory Systems Aircraft Propeller Systems NOTES: ï‚· A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses with the AMT prefix. ï‚· Attendance requirements are also mandated by the FAA. Program Description: The program is intended to provide students with an introduction to the occupational area of Aviation Maintenance Technology as currently understood and practiced by Federal Aviation Administration mechanic certificate holders with airframe and/or powerplant ratings. In addition, the combined airframe and powerplant curriculum is designed to provide students with the technical knowledge and skills required to diagnose problems and repair aircraft airframes, both metal and wood, their systems and components, and aircraft powerplants, both reciprocating and turbine, their systems and components. Satisfactory completion of all program courses entitles students to participate in FAA airframe and powerplant examinations and certification. CURRICULUM OUTLINE: Essential General Core Courses (Non FAA approved courses) ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra XXXX xxxx Social/Behavioral Science Elective XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts XXXX xxxx General Education Elective COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 2210 2220 2230 2240 2260 2270 107 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 Programs of Study AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: AVMT AVMT AVMT AVMT AVMT AVMT Fall Six Semesters/Day 91 Offered at the Aircraft Technology Training Center/Thomson Admission: ï‚· Attainment of 16 years of age; ï‚· Documentation of high school graduation or satisfaction of High School Equivalency Certificate requirements; ï‚· Achievement of minimum provisional admission scores on tests of reading, language, and math, or recommendation by program faculty and designated admissions personnel on the basis of interview and assessment of student potential; ï‚· Completion of application and related procedures; AVMT 2275 AVMT 2280 AVMT 2285 Credit Hours 3 3 2 3 Essential Fundamental Technical Courses AVMT 1000 Aviation Mathematics AVMT 1010 Aircraft Maintenance Regulations AVMT 1020 Aircraft Applied Sciences I AVMT 1025 Aircraft Applied Sciences II AVMT 1030 Aircraft Electricity and Electronics AVMT 1210 Aviation Physics 2 2 5 4 5 2 Essential Specific Technical Courses AVMT 2010 Aircraft Airframe Structures AVMT 2020 Airframe Sheet Metal AVMT 2025 Airframe Non-Metallic Structures AVMT 2030 Airframe Welding AVMT 2040 Airframe Assembly and Rigging AVMT 2050 Airframe Inspection AVMT 2060 Aircraft Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems AVMT 2070 Aircraft Landing Gear Systems AVMT 2080 Aircraft Environmental Control Systems AVMT 2085 Aircraft Fuel and Instrument Systems AVMT 2090 Aircraft Electrical Systems AVMT 2095 Aircraft Communication and Navigation Systems 2 2 2 1 2 4 2 3 3 3 4 2 Reciprocating Engine Powerplants I Reciprocating Engine Powerplants II Gas Turbine Powerplants I Gas Turbine Powerplants II Aircraft Engine Fuel and Fuel Metering Systems Powerplant Instruments, Fire Protection, and Electrical Systems Powerplant Ignition and Starting Systems Aircraft Powerplant Accessory Systems Aircraft Propeller Systems NOTES: ï‚· A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses with the AMT prefix. ï‚· Attendance requirements are also mandated by the FAA. Program Description: The program is intended to provide students with an introduction to the occupational area of Aviation Maintenance Technology as currently understood and practiced by Federal Aviation Administration mechanic certificate holders with airframe and/or powerplant ratings. In addition, the combined airframe and powerplant curriculum is designed to provide students with the technical knowledge and skills required to diagnose problems and repair aircraft airframes, both metal and wood, their systems and components, and aircraft powerplants, both reciprocating and turbine, their systems and components. Satisfactory completion of all program courses entitles students to participate in FAA airframe and powerplant examinations and certification. CURRICULUM OUTLINE: Essential General Core Courses (Non FAA approved courses) ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1013 Algebraic Concepts EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 2210 2220 2230 2240 2260 2270 108 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 Programs of Study AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN-AIRFRAME TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Fall Six Semesters/Day 80 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Offered at the Aircraft Technology Training Center/Thomson Fall Three Semesters/Day 50 Offered at the Aircraft Technology Training Center/Thomson Admission: ï‚· Attainment of 16 years of age; ï‚· Documentation of high school graduation or satisfaction of High School Equivalency Certificate requirements; ï‚· Achievement of minimum program admission scores on tests of reading, language, and math, or achievement of minimum provisional admission scores and recommendation by program faculty and designated admissions personnel on the basis of interview and assessment of student potential; ï‚· Completion of application and related procedures Admission: ï‚· Attainment of 16 years of age; ï‚· Documentation of high school graduation or satisfaction of High School Equivalency Certificate requirements; ï‚· Achievement of minimum program admission scores on tests of reading, language, and math, or achievement of minimum provisional admission scores and recommendation by program faculty and designated admissions personnel on the basis of interview and assessment of student potential; ï‚· Completion of application and related procedures Program Description: The Aviation Maintenance Technician program courses prepare students for employment in the field of aviation maintenance. The program emphasizes a combination of aircraft maintenance theory and aircraft maintenance application. This program meets the FAA academic requirements for the FAA Airframe and Powerplant certificate. Program Description: The Aviation Maintenance Technician-Powerplant program courses prepare students for employment in the field of aviation maintenance. The program emphasizes a combination of aircraft maintenance theory and aircraft maintenance application. This program meets the FAA academic requirements for the Mechanic-Airframe certificate. CURRICULUM OUTLINE: CURRICULUM OUTLINE: Credit Essential Fundamental Technical Courses AVMT 1000 Aviation Mathematics AVMT 1010 Aircraft Maintenance Regulations AVMT 1020 Aircraft Applied Sciences I AVMT 1025 Aircraft Applied Sciences II AVMT 1030 Aircraft Electricity and Electronics AVMT 1210 Aviation Physics Essential Specific Technical Courses AVMT 2010 Aircraft Airframe Structures AVMT 2020 Airframe Sheet Metal AVMT 2025 Airframe Non-Metallic Structures AVMT 2030 Airframe Welding AVMT 2040 Airframe Assembly and Rigging AVMT 2050 Airframe Inspection AVMT 2060 Aircraft Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems AVMT 2070 Aircraft Landing Gear Systems AVMT 2080 Aircraft Environmental Control Systems AVMT 2085 Aircraft Fuel and Instrument Systems AVMT 2090 Aircraft Electrical Systems AVMT 2095 Aircraft Communication and Navigation Systems AVMT AVMT AVMT AVMT AVMT AVMT 2210 2220 2230 2240 2260 2270 AVMT 2275 AVMT 2280 AVMT 2285 Reciprocating Engine Powerplants I Reciprocating Engine Powerplants II Gas Turbine Powerplants I Gas Turbine Powerplants II Aircraft Engine Fuel and Fuel Metering Systems Powerplant Instruments, Fire Protection, and Electrical Systems Powerplant Ignition and Starting Systems Aircraft Powerplant Accessory Systems Aircraft Propeller Systems Credit 2 2 5 4 5 2 Essential Fundamental Technical Courses AVMT 1000 Aviation Mathematics AVMT 1010 Aircraft Maintenance Regulations AVMT 1020 Aircraft Applied Sciences I AVMT 1025 Aircraft Applied Sciences II AVMT 1030 Aircraft Electricity and Electronics AVMT 1210 Aviation Physics 2 2 5 4 5 2 2 2 2 1 2 4 2 3 3 3 4 2 Essential Specific Technical Courses AVMT 2010 Aircraft Airframe Structures AVMT 2020 Airframe Sheet Metal AVMT 2025 Airframe Non-Metallic Structures AVMT 2030 Airframe Welding AVMT 2040 Airframe Assembly and Rigging AVMT 2050 Airframe Inspection AVMT 2060 Aircraft Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems AVMT 2070 Aircraft Landing Gear Systems AVMT 2080 Aircraft Environmental Control Systems AVMT 2085 Aircraft Fuel and Instrument Systems AVMT 2090 Aircraft Electrical Systems AVMT 2095 Aircraft Communication and Navigation Systems 2 2 2 1 2 4 2 3 3 3 4 2 NOTES:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses with the AMT prefix.  Attendance requirements are also mandated by the FAA. 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 NOTES:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses with the AMT prefix.  Attendance requirements are also mandated by the FAA. 109 Programs of Study AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN-POWERPLANT TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Three Semesters/Day 50 Offered at the Aircraft Technology Training Center/Thomson Admission: ï‚· Attainment of 16 years of age; ï‚· Documentation of high school graduation or satisfaction of High School Equivalency Certificate requirements; ï‚· Achievement of minimum program admission scores on tests of reading, language, and math, or achievement of minimum provisional admission scores and recommendation by program faculty and designated admissions personnel on the basis of interview and assessment of student potential; ï‚· Completion of application and related procedures Program Description: The Aviation Maintenance Technician-Powerplant program courses prepare students for employment in the field of aviation maintenance. The program emphasizes a combination of aircraft maintenance theory and aircraft maintenance application. This program meets the FAA academic requirements for the Mechanic-Powerplant certificate. CURRICULUM OUTLINE: Credit Essential Fundamental Technical Courses AVMT 1000 Aviation Mathematics AVMT 1010 Aircraft Maintenance Regulations AVMT 1020 Aircraft Applied Sciences I AVMT 1025 Aircraft Applied Sciences II AVMT 1030 Aircraft Electricity and Electronics AVMT 1210 Aviation Physics Essential Specific Technical Courses AVMT 2210 Reciprocating Engine Powerplants I AVMT 2220 Reciprocating Engine Powerplants II AVMT 2230 Gas Turbine Powerplants I AVMT 2240 Gas Turbine Powerplants II AVMT 2260 Aircraft Engine Fuel and Fuel Metering Systems AVMT 2270 Powerplant Instruments, Fire Protection, and Electrical Systems AVMT 2275 Powerplant Ignition and Starting Systems AVMT 2280 Aircraft Powerplant Accessory Systems AVMT 2285 Aircraft Propeller Systems 2 2 5 4 5 2 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 NOTES:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses with the AMT prefix.  Attendance requirements are also mandated by the FAA. 110 Programs of Study CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Six Terms (Day) 64 Program Description: Chemical Technology students will be competent in the areas of math, communications, and the principles of chemistry; the techniques, instrumentation, and analysis used in chemistry; chemical and radiation safety; and industrial processes. Courses in chemical and process instrumentation, analytical chemistry, and quantitative analysis will provide techniques and knowledge for success in a career as a technician. Protocols, safety, and quality control will be emphasized throughout the program. Employment Opportunities: Technologists operate and control many kinds of equipment and instrumentation, use various apparatus for chemical reactions, prepare compounds, monitor industrial processes, and purify and analyze samples. Technicians, while conducting various procedures from routine protocols to complex research projects, also work in data management and quality control. Greater interest in environmental issues, such as pollution control, clean energy, and sustainability, are expected to increase the demand for chemistry research and development (Bureau of Labor and Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2011-2012 ed.). Program graduates could be employed in a number of fields including governmental organizations, research labs, environmental labs, quality control, and chemical production. Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1111 College Algebra MATH 1113 Precalculus xxxx xxxx Social/Behavioral Science Elective xxxx xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 15 3 3 3 3 3 Occupational Courses CHEM 1211 Chemistry I CHEM 1211L Chemistry I Lab CHEM 1212 Chemistry II CHEM 1212L Chemistry II Lab CHEM 2211 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 2211L Organic Chemistry I Lab CHEM 2212 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 2212L Organic Chemistry II Lab CHET 1100 Introduction to Chemical Technology CHET 1200 Chemical Methods and Functions CHET 1300 Chemistry Literature and Portfolio (or) CHET 2990 Internship CHET 2110 Chemical Separations and Analysis CHET 2120 Analytical Chemistry I CHET 2210 Analytical Chemistry II CHET 2220 MOX Process CHET 2230 Inorganic Chemistry XXXX xxxx Occupational Elective 49 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 3 Note: A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses. 111 Programs of Study ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: AND Fall, Spring, and Summer Six Terms 66 (Students must choose one of the following areas of specialization) Computer Engineering Technology Specialization Courses 25 ECET 2120 Electronic Circuits I 4 ECET 2110 Digital Systems II 4 ECET 1210 Networking Systems I (or) CIST 2451 Introduction to Networks - CISCO 4 ECET 2210 Networking Systems II (or) CIST 2452 Cisco Routing and Switching Essentials 4 ENGT 2300 Capstone Project 1 XXXX xxxx Occupational Electives 8 Program Description: The Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology program is a planned sequence of carefully developed college-level courses designed to prepare students to work in the field of engineering technology. The program of study emphasizes the application of scientific methods, and mathematical knowledge in support of engineering practices. Program graduates are qualified as engineering technicians with a specialization in, computer engineering technology, electronics engineering technology, or instrumentation and control engineering technology. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. OR Program Objectives: Graduates of the program will: ï‚· Possess technical skills with a balance of theory and practice appropriate to their discipline, required to be successfully employed in their field. ï‚· Possess a comprehensive understanding of work place ethics needed to function effectively in a professional environment. ï‚· Remain life-long learners through formal education and/or professional development. Electronics Engineering Technology Specialization Courses ECET 2120 Electronic Circuits I ECET 2220 Electronic Circuits II ECET 2110 Digital Systems II ECET 1210 Networking Systems I (or) CIST 2451 Introduction to Networks - CISCO ENGT 2300 Capstone Project XXXX xxxx Occupational Electives Employment Opportunities: The increasing complexity of modern technology has resulted in a rising demand for engineering technicians. Graduates will be qualified to work with engineers and scientists in developing, producing and maintaining technically advanced products and processes. High placement rates, outstanding starting salaries and potential for career advancement are strengths of the program. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1111 College Algebra MATH 1113 Precalculus PHYS 1111 Introductory Physics I PHYS 1111L Introductory Physics I Lab PHYS 1112 Introductory Physics II PHYS 1112L Introductory Physics II Lab (or) CHEM 1211 Chemistry I CHEM 1211L Chemistry I Lab (or) CHEM 1151 Survey of Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 1151L Survey of Inorganic Chemistry Lab XXXX xxxx Social/Behavioral Science Elective XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Elective Fundamental Occupational Courses ENGT 1000 Introduction to Engineering Technology ECET 1101 Circuit Analysis I ECET 2101 Circuit Analysis II ECET 1191 Computer Programming Fundamentals ECET 1110 Digital Systems I 25 4 4 4 4 1 8 OR Instrumentation and Control Specialization Courses ECET 2120 Electronic Circuits I ICET 2010 Electromechanical Devices ICET 2020 Instrumentation and Process Measurement ICET 2030 Programmable Logic Controllers ICET 2050 Process Control ENGT 2300 Capstone Project XXXX xxxx Occupational Elective(s) Credits 23 3 3 3 3 1 25 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 Notes:  A grade of “B” or higher is required in MATH 1111. A grade of “C: or higher is required for all other courses in the curriculum.  All occupational electives must be approved by a program advisor. Occupational courses taken in a program that is not ABET accredited will not transfer to the Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology Program, unless approved by a program advisor.  The Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. 3 1 3 3 18 3 4 4 3 4 112 Programs of Study ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta campus Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Fall (Evenings Only), Spring, and Summer (Days) Length of Program: 3+ Semesters (Days), 5+ Semesters (Evenings) Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 43 Entrance Dates: Fall (Evenings), Spring, and Summer (Days) Length of Program: 2+ Semesters (Days), 4+ Semesters (Evenings) Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 26 Program Description: The Electrical Systems Technology program provides instruction in the inspection, maintenance, installation, and repair of electrical systems in the residential, commercial, and industrial industries. A combination of theory and practical application is emphasized to develop academic, technical, and professional knowledge and skills. Program graduates receive a diploma in Electrical Systems Technology with a specialization in residential or industrial applications. High school graduation or GED required for admission to this program. Program Description: The Electrical Contracting Technician Technical Certificate of Credit is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students for careers in residential and commercial electrical industries. The program emphasizes a combination of theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. High school diploma or GED is not required upon admittance, but must be obtained upon 50% completion of coursework. Employment Opportunities: Electricians install, repair, and maintain all of the electrical and power systems for homes, businesses, and industry. Electricians either focus on construction or maintenance, although many do both. Electricians specializing in construction primarily install wiring systems into factories, businesses, and new homes. The Electrical Contracting Technician program graduating student may seek employment as an apprentice or helper in construction. Credits Curriculum Outline 26 Employment Opportunities: Employment of electricians should increase 12 percent, about as fast as the average for all other occupations. As the population grows, electricians will be needed to wire new homes, restaurants, schools, and other structures that will be built to accommodate this growth. In addition, older buildings will require improvements to their electrical systems to meet update codes, and to accommodate higher electricity consumption due to the greater use of electronic equipment in homes and workplaces. Employment is expected to grow with a wide range of skills, including voice, data, and video wiring. The Electrical Systems Technology graduating student may seek employment as an electrical apprentice, electrical helper in construction or in maintenance. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development Credits 8 3 3 2 Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Microcomputers IDFC 1007 Industrial Safety Procedures IDFC 1011 Direct Current I ELTR 1020 Electrical System Basic I ELTR 1060 Electrical Prints, Schematics, and Symbols ELTR 1080 Commercial Wiring I ELTR 1090 Commercial Wiring II ELTR 1180 Electrical Controls 25 3 2 3 3 2 5 3 4 AND Specialization Occupational – Electrical Construction and Maintenance 10 ELTR 1205 ELTR 1210 ELECTIVE IDFC ELTR ELTR ELTR ELTR ELTR ELTR ELTR Residential Wiring I Residential Wiring II Occupational Elective 3 3 4 OR Specialization Occupational-Industrial Electrical Technology ELTR 1220 Industrial PLC’s ELTR 1250 Diagnostic Troubleshooting ELTR 1270 N.E.C. Industrial Wiring Applications 10 4 2 4 113 1011 1020 1060 1080 1090 1180 1205 1210 Direct Current I Electrical System Basic I Electrical Prints, Schematics, and Symbols Commercial Wiring I Commercial Wiring II Electrical Controls Residential Wiring I Residential Wiring II 3 3 2 5 3 4 3 3 Programs of Study COMMERCIAL WIRING TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT RESIDENTIAL WIRING TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta campus Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Fall (Evenings), Fall, Spring, and Summer (Days) Length of Program: 2+ Semesters (Days), 2+ Semesters (Evenings) Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 18 Entrance Dates: Fall, Spring, and Summer (Days) See Program Advisor (Evening) Length of Program: 2+ Semesters (Days), 2+ Semesters (Evenings) Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 16 Program Description: The Commercial Wiring Technical Certificate of Credit provides instruction in the knowledge and skills necessary to perform wiring functions in a commercial setting. Topics include safety practices, blueprint and schematic reading and interpretation, and wiring procedures and practices. Program graduates receive a Commercial Wiring Technician Technical Certificate of Credit. High school diploma or GED is not required upon admittance, but must be obtained upon 50% completion of coursework. Program Description: The Residential Wiring Technical Certificate of Credit prepares students for employment in the construction industry as qualified residential wiring technicians. Topics include NEC regulations, blueprint reading, principles of direct and alternating current, and residential wiring procedures and practices. Program graduates receive a Residential Wiring Technician Technical Certificate of Credit. High school diploma or GED is not required upon admittance, but must be obtained upon 50% completion of coursework. Program mission: The mission of the Commercial Wiring Technician TCC program is to provide educational opportunities to individuals that will enable them to obtain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to succeed in the field of Commercial Electrical Construction. Program mission: The mission of the Residential Wiring Technician TCC program is to provide educational opportunities to individuals that will enable them to obtain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to succeed in the field of Electrical Construction and Maintenance. Employment Opportunities: The Commercial Wiring Technician graduates will be employable as an electrician apprentice/helper or electrician in commercial construction. Credits Curriculum Outline Semester 1 10 IDFC 1007 Industrial Safety Procedures 2 IDFC 1011 Direct Currents I 3 ELTR 1020 Electrical System Basic I 3 ELTR 1060 Electrical Prints, Schematics, and Symbols 2 Semester 2 ELTR 1080 ELTR 1090 Commercial Wiring I Commercial Wiring II Employment Opportunities: The Residential Wiring Technician graduates will be employable as an electrician apprentice/helper or electrician in residential construction. Credits Curriculum Outline Semester 1 10 IDFC 1007 Industrial Safety Procedures 2 IDFC 1011 Direct Currents I 3 ELTR 1020 Electrical System Basic I 3 ELTR 1060 Electrical Prints, Schematics, and Symbols 2 8 5 3 Semester 2 ELTR 1205 ELTR 1210 114 Residential Wiring I Residential Wiring II 6 3 3 Programs of Study ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta Campus AND Telecommunications Electronics Technology Specialization Specific Occupational Courses ELCR 2170 Computer Hardware ELCR 2190 Networking I ELCR 2590 Fiber Optic Systems ELCR 2600 Telecommunication and Data Cabling ELCR 2620 Telecommunications Systems Installation, Programming, and Data Transmission Concepts Entrance Dates: Every Semester Length of Program: Five Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Industrial 61 Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Telecommunications 63 Program Description: The Electronics Technology Associate Degree program is sequence of courses designed to prepare students for careers in electronics technology professions. Learning opportunities develop academic, technical and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of electronics technology theory and practical application necessary for successful employment using both manual and computerized electronics systems. Program graduates receive an Electronics Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree which qualifies them as electronics technicians with a specialization in biomedical instrumentation, communications electronics, compute electronics, general electronics, industrial electronics, or telecommunications electronics. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. 18 5 3 3 3 4 Note:  CIST 1401 Networking Fundamentals or CIST 2451 Introduction to Networks - CISCO may be substituted for ELCR 2190 Networking I as required. This option will increase the credit hours required for graduation to 64. OR Employment Opportunities: The U.S. Department of Labor and other groups predict a growing need for computer systems servicing and troubleshooting technicians. Graduates may seek employment with telecommunications, manufacturing, and communications companies, and other industrial and commercial electronic sales and service outlets. With minimal systems training, the graduate is expected to perform proficiently in industrial organizations or computer networking facilities. Industrial Electronics Technology Specialization Specific Occupational Courses ELCR 2110 Process Control ELCR 2120 Motor Controls ELCR 2130 Programmable Controllers ELCR 2140 Mechanical Devices ELCR 2150 Fluid Power ELCR 2160 Robotics Curriculum Outline Credit Hours General Core Courses 15 *ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric I 3 XXXX xxxx Social/Behavioral Science Elective 3 ECON 1101 Principles of Economics ECON 2105 Macroeconomics (or) ECON 2106 Microeconomics (or) HIST 1111 World History I (or) HIST 1112 World History II (or) HIST 2111 U.S. History I (or) HIST 2112 U. S. History II (or) *PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology (or) *SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology 3 *MATH 1111 College Algebra 3 *MATH 1113 Precalculus 3 XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3 ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation (or) *ENGL 2130 American Literature (or) ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700 (or) HUMN 1101 Introduction to Humanities (or) MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation (or) THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation 3 Note:  IDSY 1110(+1) may substitute for ELCR 2120, ELTR 1220(+1) or IDSY 1120(+1) may substitute for ELCR 2130, IDSY 1170(+2) may substitute for ELCR 2140, and IDSY 1190 (+2) may substitute for ELCR 2150. Substitute courses will increase the required credit hours to graduate. Occupational Courses ELCR 1005 Soldering Technology ELCR 1010 Direct Current Circuits ELCR 1020 Alternating Current ELCR 1030 Solid State Devices ELCR 1040 Digital and Microprocessor Fundamentals ELCR 1060 Linear Integrated Circuits COMP 1000 Introduction to computers 30 1 6 7 5 5 3 3 *Denotes classes that will transfer to Board of Regents Colleges. 115 16 3 3 3 2 2 3 Programs of Study Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1013 Algebraic Concepts (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Every Semester Length of Program: Five Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Industrial 54 Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Telecommunications 56 Program Description: The Electronics Technology program is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students for careers in electronics technology professions. Learning opportunities develop academic, technical, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Program graduates are to be competent in the general areas of communications, mathematics, computer literacy, and interpersonal relations. The program emphasizes a combination of electronics technology theory and practical application necessary for successful employment using both manual and computerized electronics systems. Program graduates receive an Electronics Technology Diploma, which qualifies them as electronics technicians with a specialization in biomedical instrumentation, communications electronics, computer electronics, general electronics, industrial electronics, or telecommunications electronics. After completing the Electronics Technology Diploma program, students who desire to obtain an associate degree may enroll in the Associate of Applied Science in Industrial Technology program, and complete the requirements for an associate degree with the addition of 30 credit hours. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Credits 8 3 3 2 Occupational Courses ELCR 1005 Soldering Technology ELCR 1010 Direct Current Circuits ELCR 1020 Alternating Current ELCR 1030 Solid State Devices ELCR 1040 Digital and Microprocessor Fundamentals ELCR 1060 Linear Integrated Circuits COMP 1000 Introduction to computers 30 1 6 7 5 5 3 3 AND Telecommunications Electronics Technology Specialization Specific Occupational Courses ELCR 2170 Computer Hardware ELCR 2190 Networking I ELCR 2590 Fiber Optic Systems ELCR 2600 Telecommunication and Data Cabling ELCR 2620 Telecommunications Systems Installation Programming, and Data Transmission Concepts 18 5 3 3 3 4 Note:  CIST 1401 Networking Fundamentals or CIST 2451 Introduction to Networks - CISCO may be substituted for ELCR 2190 Networking I as required. This option will increase the credit hours required for graduation to 57. Employment Opportunities: The U.S. Department of Labor and other groups predict a growing need for computer systems servicing and troubleshooting technicians. Graduates may seek employment with telecommunications, manufacturing, and communications companies, and other industrial and commercial electronic sales and service outlets. With minimal systems training, the graduate is expected to perform proficiently in industrial organizations or computer networking facilities. OR Industrial Electronics Technology Specialization Specific Occupational Courses ELCR 2110 Process Control ELCR 2120 Motor Controls ELCR 2130 Programmable Controllers ELCR 2140 Mechanical Devices ELCR 2150 Fluid Power ELCR 2160 Robotics 16 3 3 3 2 2 3 Note:  IDSY 1110(+1) may substitute for ELCR 2120, ELTR 1220(+1) or IDSY 1120(+1) may substitute for ELCR 2130, IDSY 1170(+2) may substitute for ELCR 2140, and IDSY 1190 (+2) may substitute for ELCR 2150. Substitute courses will increase the required credit hours to graduate. . 116 Programs of Study ELECTRONICS FUNDAMENTALS DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Every Semester Three Terms 38 Program Description: The Electronics Fundamentals program is designed to prepare students for careers in electronics professions. Learning opportunities develop academic, technical, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of electronics theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. Program graduates receive an Electronics Fundamentals diploma, which prepares them for entry-level positions in the electronics field and qualifies them for admission to the Electronics Technology program. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Employment Opportunities: The U.S. Department of Labor and other groups predict a growing need for computer systems servicing and troubleshooting technicians. Graduates may seek employment with telecommunications, manufacturing, and communications companies, and other industrial and commercial electronic sales and service outlets. With minimal systems training, the graduate is expected to perform proficiently in industrial organizations or computer networking facilities. Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1013 Algebraic Concepts (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development 8 3 3 3 Occupational Courses ELCR 1005 Soldering Technology ELCR 1010 Direct Current Circuits ELCR 1020 Alternating Current ELCR 1030 Solid State Devices ELCR 1040 Digital and Microprocessor Fundamentals ELCR 1060 Linear Integrated Circuits COMP 1000 Introduction to computers 30 1 6 7 5 5 3 3 2 117 Programs of Study INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric I MATH 1111 College Algebra Fall Five Terms 63 (Choose from one of the following) ECON 1101 Principles of Economics (or) ECON 2105 Macroeconomics (or) ECON 2106 Microeconomics (or) HIST 1111 World History I (or) HIST 1112 World History II (or) HIST 2111 U.S. History I (or) HIST 2112 U.S. History II (or) POLS 1101 American Government (or) PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology (or) SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology Program Description: The Industrial Systems Technology Degree program is designed for the student who wishes to prepare for a career as an Industrial Systems technician/electrician. The program provides learning opportunities that introduces, develops and reinforces academic and technical knowledge, skill, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to retrain or upgrade present knowledge and skill. The Degree program teaches skills in Industrial Systems Technology providing background skills in several areas of industrial maintenance including electronics, industrial wiring, motors, controls, plc’s, instrumentation, fluid power, mechanical, pumps and piping, and computers. Credits 15 3 3 3 (Choose from one of the following) 3 ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation (or) ENGL 2130 American Literature (or) ENGL 2310 English Literature from the Beginnings to1700 (or) MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation (or) THEA 1101 Theater Appreciation Employment Opportunities: Graduates of the program receive an Industrial Systems Technology Degree that qualifies them for employment as industrial electricians or industrial systems technicians. The strengths of the program include a potential of high placement rates for graduates, above average starting salaries, and potential for career advancement and growth. Graduates are qualified for positions as engineering assistants, programmable control specialists, automation specialists, industrial electronics specialists, and a wide variety of industrial management positions. The associate degree program provides for continuing career mobility and facilitates continuing educational opportunities. (Choose from one of the following) MATH 1113 Precalculus (or) PHYS 1110 Introductory Physics (or) Any additional course listed above Occupational Courses IDSY 1101 DC Circuit Analysis IDSY 1105 AC Circuit Analysis IDSY 1110 Industrial Motor Controls I IDSY 1210 Industrial Motor Controls II IDSY 1120 Basic Industrial PLC‘s IDSY 1220 Intermediate Industrial PLC‘s IDSY 1130 Industrial Wiring IDSY 1170 Basic Mechanics IDSY 1190 Fluid Power Systems IDSY 1195 Pumps and Piping Systems COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers Occupational Electives (Choose from the following prefixes) IDSY xxxx AIRC xxxx ELCR xxxx MCHT xxxx WELD xxxx Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses. 118 3 48 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 8 Programs of Study ELECTRICAL CONTROL SYSTEMS DIPLOMA INDUSTRIAL MECHANICAL SYSTEMS DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta and Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Offered at the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro campuses Fall Four Terms 44 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Program Description: The Electrical Control Systems program is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students in the field of electrical control systems. Learning opportunities develop academic and professional knowledge, along with skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes specialized training in PLC’s, electrical controls, and instrumentation. Graduates of the program receive an Electrical Control Systems diploma that qualifies them for employment as industrial electricians or industrial control technicians. Program Description: The Industrial Mechanical Systems Diploma program provides instruction to prepare students for employment in a variety of positions within the industrial production equipment maintenance field. The program provides learning opportunities that introduce, develop and reinforce academic and technical knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to retrain or upgrade present knowledge and skills. Graduates of the program receive a Industrial Mechanical Systems diploma that qualifies them for employment as industrial millwright or industrial maintenance mechanics. High school diploma or GED is required for admission. Employment Opportunities: Graduates in the Electrical Control Systems program are prepared for employment as entry-level electrical maintenance technicians. Program graduates are to be competent in the technical areas of electrical wiring, motors, motor controls, programmable logic controllers, and electrical troubleshooting. Graduates are competent in industrial electrical equipment and electrical systems maintenance, direct and alternating current principles, and electrical troubleshooting. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics (or) MATH 1013 Algebraic Concepts EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development Occupational Courses IDSY 1101 DC Circuit Analysis IDSY 1105 AC Circuit Analysis IDSY 1110 Industrial Motor Controls I IDSY 1120 Basic Industrial PLC’s IDSY 1130 Industrial Wiring IDSY 1210 Industrial Motor Controls II IDSY 1220 Intermediate Industrial PLC’s IDSY 1230 Industrial Instrumentation COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers Occupational Electives (3 credit hours from any of the following:) IDSY AIRC ELCR MCHT WELD Fall Four – Eight Terms 51 Employment Opportunities: Industrial Mechanical Systems graduates are in demand more and more as the competition for business in the market place increases. Graduates in the Industrial Mechanical Systems program are prepared for employment as entrylevel maintenance mechanics. Program graduates are to be competent in the technical areas of direct current, alternating current, industrial mechanics, industrial hydraulics, industrial pneumatics, milling operations, lathe operations, welding, and have a basic understanding of the fundamentals of refrigeration. Employment opportunities for the multi-skilled technician are increasing as technology advances. Curriculum Outline Credits Credits 8 3 3 3 General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics (or) MATH 1013 Algebraic Concepts* EMP 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development 2 33 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 Occupational Courses IDSY 1101 DC Circuit Analysis IDSY 1105 AC Circuit Analysis IDSY 1110 Industrial Motor Controls I IDSY 1020 Problem Solving and Print Reading IDSY 1170 Industrial Mechanics IDSY 1160 Mechanical Laws and Principles IDSY 1190 Fluid Power Systems IDSY 1195 Pumps and Piping Systems IDS 1240 Maintenance for Reliability COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers 3 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx Occupational Electives (Choose from the following prefixes) IDSY xxxx AIRC xxxx MCHT xxxx WELD xxxx ELCR xxxx Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses. Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses. 119 8 3 3 2 43 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 8 Programs of Study MANUFACTURING MAINTENANCE FUNDAMENTALS TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta and Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, Summer Two Terms 25 Program Description: The Manufacturing Maintenance Fundamentals Technical Certificate of Credit provides training to assist students employed in a variety of positions within the industrial production equipment maintenance field. The program provides learning opportunities that introduce, develop, and reinforce academic, technical knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to retrain or upgrade present knowledge and skills. Graduates of the program receive a Manufacturing Maintenance Fundamentals Technical Certificate of Credit that verifies the training received in certain mechanical maintenance competencies. Employment Opportunities: Manufacturing Maintenance Fundamentals graduates are in demand more and more as the competition for business in the market place increases. Graduates in the Manufacturing Maintenance Fundamentals program are prepared for employment as entry-level maintenance technicians. Program graduates are to be competent in the technical areas of safety, direct current, alternating current, industrial mechanics, industrial hydraulics, industrial pneumatics, and blueprint reading. Employment opportunities for the multi-skilled technician are increasing as technology advances. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics IDFC 1007 Industrial Safety Procedures IDFC 1011 Direct Current I (or) IDSY 1101 DC Circuit Analysis IDFC 1012 Alternating Current I (or) IDSY 1105 AC Circuit Analysis (or) ELTR 1020 Electrical Systems Basics I IDSY 1170 Industrial Mechanics IDSY 1190 Fluid Power Systems IDSY 1195 Pumps and Piping Systems MCHT 1012 Blueprint for Machine Tool Credits 25 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 120 Programs of Study MACHINE TOOL TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA CNC SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta campus Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer Three Terms 48 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Program Description: The Machine Tool Technology Diploma program is a sequence of courses that prepares students for careers in the machine tool technology field. Learning opportunities develop academic, technical, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of machine tool theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. Program graduates receive a Machine Tool Technology Degree/Diploma and have the qualification of a machine tool technician Program Description: The CNC Specialist Technical Certificate of Credit program provides training for graduates to gain employment as CNC machine tool technicians. Topics include CNC Fundamentals, mill and lathe manual programming, CNC practical applications, and CAD/CAM programming. The program emphasizes a combination of CNC theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. Employment Opportunities: Some machinists, often called production machinists, may produce large quantities of one part, especially parts requiring the use of complex operations and great precision. Many modern machine tools are computer numerically controlled (CNC). CNC machines, following a computer program, control the cutting tool speed, change dull tools, and perform all necessary cuts to create a part. Frequently, machinists work with computer control programmers to determine how the automated equipment will cut a part. Some machinists train in CNC programming and write basic programs themselves. Employment Opportunities: Machinists use machine tools such as lathes, milling machines, and grinders to produce precision metal parts. Although they may produce large quantities of one part, precision machinists often produce small batches or one-of-a-kind items. They use their knowledge of the working properties of metals and their skill with machine tools to plan and carry out the operations needed to make products that meet precise specifications. The parts that machinists make range from bolts to automobile pistons. Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses ENG 1010 Fundamentals of English I MAT 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMP 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development Curriculum Outline 8 3 3 Occupational Courses MCHT 1011 Introduction to Machine Tool MCHT 1012 Blueprint for Machine Tool MCHT 1020 Heat Treatment/Surface Grinder Operations COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers MCHT 1119 Lathe Operations I MCHT 1120 Mill Operations I AMCA 2110 CNC Fundamentals MCHT 1219 Lathe Operations II MCHT 1220 Mill Operations II 34 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (Choose One of the Following Math Courses) MCHT 1013 Machine Tool Math (or) MATH 1015 Geometry and Trigonometry 3 3 Occupational Electives MCHT 1520 Industrial Machine Applications 3 3 Occupational Courses AMCA 2110 CNC Fundamentals AMCA 2130 CNC Mill Manual Programming AMCA 2150 CNC Lathe Manual Programming AMCA 2170 CNC Practical Applications AMCA 2190 CAD/CAM Programming (Choose One of the Following Prefixes) MATH MGMT TDSG MEGT PHYS WELD IDSY Fall, Spring, and Summer One to Two Terms 20 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx Note:  Graduation requires a grade of “C” or higher in all courses with the following prefixes: MCHT and MATH. More specifically, a grade of “B” is required For MCHT 1012 Blueprint Reading. 121 Credits 20 3 5 5 3 4 Programs of Study BASIC MACHINIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer One Term 10 Program Description: The Basic Machinist certificate program prepares students for a machine tool operator position with a machine shop or machine tool establishment. Topics include foundations of mathematics, an introduction to machine tool technology, and blueprint reading for machine tool applications. Occupational Trends: Machinists held about 421,500 jobs in 2008. About 78% work in manufacturing industries such as machine shops and machinery, motor vehicle and parts, aerospace products and parts, and other transportation equipment manufacturing. Maintenance machinists work in most industries that use production machinery. Employment Opportunities: Employment of machinists is projected to decline by 5 percent over the 2008-2018 decade due to rising productivity among these workers and strong foreign competition in the manufacture of goods. Despite the projected decline in employment, job opportunities for machinists should continue to be good, as employers value the wide-ranging skills of these workers. Employment levels in this occupation are influenced by economic cycles as the demand for machined goods rises and falls. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics MCHT 1011 Introduction to Machine Tool MCHT 1012 Blueprint for Machine Tool Credits 10 3 4 3 122 Programs of Study MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Occupational Courses ENGT 1000 Fundamentals of Engineering Technology (or) NUET 1000 Introduction to the Nuclear Power Industry DFTG 2010 Engineering Graphics TDSG 1202 Engineering Graphics II ENGL 1105 Technical Communications MEGT 1010 Manufacturing Processes MEGT 2020 Engineering Materials MEGT 2030 Statics MEGT 2080 Strength of Materials MEGT 2090 Machine Design MEGT 2100 Manufacturing Quality Control MEGT 2260 Fluid Power MEGT 2600 Final Projects XXXX xxxx Technical Elective Fall, Spring, and Summer Five Terms 67 Program Description: The Mechanical Engineering Technology program consists of a planned sequence of carefully developed collegelevel courses designed to prepare students to work in the field of mechanical engineering technology. Graduates will receive an associate degree with a major in Mechanical Engineering Technology with emphasis in manufacturing and design. The program of study requires the application of scientific, mathematical, and engineering knowledge and methods combined with the technical skills required for the support of engineering activities. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Suggested Occupational Elective Courses MEGT 1910 Computer Applications for MET NUET 1250 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer ECET 1101 Circuit Analysis I ECET 1191 Computer Programming Fundamentals TDSG 1203 Engineering Graphics III TDSG 1205 CAD/CAM Program Objectives: Graduates of the program will: ï‚· Obtain technical positions and work competently in professional careers related to the field of mechanical engineering. ï‚· Have the skills and abilities to make a seamless transfer or advancement to higher level mechanical engineering or related educational programs, and are well prepared for professional growth and upward mobility. ï‚· Be able to perform as team players, communicate and work well with others including those from diverse cultures, and practice ethical behaviors in the workplace. General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric I ECON 1101 Principles of Economics (or) XXXX xxxx Social/Behavioral Science Elective MATH 1111 College Algebra MATH 1113 Precalculus PHYS 1111 Introductory Physics I PHYS 1111L Introductory Physics I Lab CHEM 1211 Chemistry I CHEM 1211L Chemistry I Lab XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3 3 4 3 5 4 Notes: ï‚· A grade of ―C or higher is required for all program courses. ï‚· The Mechanical Engineering Technology program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, Employment Opportunities: The increasing complexity of modern technology results in an increased demand for engineering technicians. Graduates will work with engineers and scientists in developing, manufacturing, distributing, and marketing new technically advanced designs and other world-class quality products in a global market. To successfully compete in this market requires all engineering technology graduates to be thoroughly knowledgeable of and skilled in computeraided technologies such as computer aided design, and manufacturing. Curriculum Outline 44 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 http://www.abet.org Credits 23 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 123 Programs of Study NUCLEAR ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Summer Six Terms 63 Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses listed in the curriculum outline except MATH 1111. A grade of “B” or higher is required for MATH 1111. A student who receives a grade of less than a “C” in one or more prerequisite courses is not eligible for program progression/admission. This includes less than a “C” in the same or a different course. This includes courses taken under any program of study a t A u g u s t a T e c h n i c a l C o l l e g e a n d t r a n s f e r courses o n a l l submitted transcripts.  Students must have received a grade of a “C” or less in order to retake a course for ranking purposes. The first grade and the retake grade(s) will be averaged to determine the grade used for ranking purposes.  If a student makes less than a “C” in a prerequisite course that includes a lab, this will be counted as “one” academic failure or unsuccessful attempt. The student will be required to retake the component (lab or theory) in which a grade of less than a “C” was awarded in order to meet the prerequisite requirement. The theory letter grade will be averaged with the corresponding letter grade in lab to determine the final letter grade for ranking purposes.  Unsuccessful course attempts that led to ineligibility for competitive progression evaluation will expire after five years.  Students who do not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses with the NUET prefix will not be allowed to reenter the program.  Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor or patterns of unlawful behavior or significant credit issues may prohibit employment in field. An extensive background check including a credit check and drug screen is required for work in the nuclear industry. Admission: The Nuclear Engineering Technology Program is a competitive progression program. Students who meet the College criteria for admission will be admitted to the program as a candidate for progression to take the prerequisite courses. Students must complete the following prerequisite courses with a minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale by the designated deadlines (page 15) to be evaluated for program progression: MATH 1111, MATH 1113, CHEM 1211, CHEM 1211L, PHYS 1111, PHYS 1111L, ECET 1101, and ECET 2101. The program progression process determines the academic/ranking order for selection of students for progression to the courses with the NUET prefixes. Students who are not selected for progression should consider a program change or resubmit an application for the next progression term. Program Description: The Nuclear Engineering Technology (NET) Program is an innovative approach to addressing the nuclear industry's increasing need for a well-trained nuclear workforce. The program is a planned sequence of courses that meets the defined educational requirements identified by the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) in ACAD 08-006 April 2011, “Uniform Curriculum Guide for Power Plant Technician, Maintenance, and Nonlicensed Operations Personnel Associate Degree Programs”. The Nuclear Uniform Curriculum Program is administered by the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and is designed to promote and standardize associate degree nuclear training programs across the nation. The associate degree program prepares prospective nuclear workers at the technician, maintenance, and non-licensed operator level. Employment Opportunities: Graduates of the program are able to gain employment in the commercial and DOE nuclear industry sector as electrical and mechanical maintenance technicians, instrumentation and control technicians, and non-licensed operators. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1111 Algebra MATH 1113 Precalculus XXXX xxxx Social/Behavioral Science Elective XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Elective CHEM 1211 Chemistry CHEM 1211L Chemistry Lab PHYS 1111 Introductory Physics I PHYS 1111L Introductory Physics I Lab Credits 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 Occupational Courses 40 ECET 1101 Circuit Analysis I 4 ECET 2101 Circuit Analysis II 4 NUET 1000 Introduction to the Nuclear Power Industry 3 NUET 1170 Nuclear Plant ACAD Basic Fundamentals Part II 4 NUET 1180 Nuclear Plant ACAD Basic Fundamentals Part I 4 NUET 1220 Nuclear Materials Processing 3 NUET 1250 Nuclear Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 3 NUET 1255 Radiation Protection and Instrumentation 3 NUET 1260 Basic Reactor Theory, Design, and Operation 4 NUET 1300 Reactor Plant Protection and Safety 4 NUET 2020 Material Science 4 124 Programs of Study WELDING AND JOINING TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA ADVANCED PIPE WELDING TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta and Waynesboro campuses and the Columbia County Center Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer Three Terms 54 Program Description: The Advanced Pipe Welding program is designed to take the graduate of Augusta Technical College Welding program to the next level of welding in the pipe field. Program learning opportunities develop academic, technical, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes welding theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. The student will weld pipe of various sizes in the 2g-5g-and 6g positions using the SMAW and GTAW process. Program graduates receive an Advanced Pipe Welding certificate and are prepared to take a qualification test. Program Description: The Welding and Joining Technology diploma is designed to prepare students for careers in the welding industry. Program learning opportunities develop academic, technical, professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes welding theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. Program graduates receive a Welding and Joining Technology diploma, have the qualifications of a welding and joining technician, and are prepared to take qualification tests. Employment Opportunities: The Welding and Joining Technology graduate will be employable as a construction welder, industrial welder, or special purpose welder. Graduates readily find employment in the many welding, steel fabrication, railroad repair and rebuilding, and heavy construction industries in the area. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development Occupational Courses WELD 1000 Introduction to Welding Technology WELD 1010 Oxyfuel Cutting WELD 1030 Blueprint Reading for Welding Technology WELD 1040 Flat Shielded Metal Arc Welding WELD 1050 Horizontal Shielded Metal Arc Welding WELD 1060 Vertical Shielded Metal Arc Welding WELD 1070 Overhead Shielded Metal Arc Welding WELD 1090 Gas Metal Arc Welding WELD 1110 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding WELD 1120 Preparation for Industrial Qualification Occupational Electives WELD 1150 Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc Welding WELD 1152 Pipe Welding WELD 1153 Flux Cored Arc Welding COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers Fall, Spring, and Summer One Term 8 Employment Opportunities: The graduate of the Advanced Pipe Welding program will be employable as a pipe construction welder, using the SMAW and GTAW process to weld various sizes of pipe. Other Jobs include industrial welder, steel fabricator, and heavy construction industries. Graduates readily find employment in these fields in the area. Credits Curriculum Outline 8 3 3 Occupational Courses WELD 2010 Advanced Pipe Welding Credits 8 8 2 Notes:  Completion of the Welding and Joining Technology Diploma Program with a 3.0 GPA and the completion of WELD 1152 Pipe Welding with a 3.0 or better is required for admission to this program. 40 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 3 4 4 3 125 Programs of Study GAS METAL ARC WELDER TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT BASIC SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDER TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta and Waynesboro campuses. Offered at the Augusta and Waynesboro campuses. Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer Four Terms (Evenings only) 16 Entrance Dates: Fall, Spring, and Summer Length of Program: Three Terms (Evenings only) Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 12 Program Description: The Gas Metal Arc Welder Technical Certificate of Credit prepares students for welding careers in the MIG process. Topics include an introduction to welding technology, oxyfuel cutting techniques, and MIG welding techniques and processes Program Description: The Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welder Technical Certificate of Credit prepares students for careers in the welding and joining industry. This certificate emphasizes arc welding in the flat position and is pre-requisite to the advanced certificate. Successful completion of WELD 1000 – Introduction to Welding Technology is required for admission to this program. Employment Opportunities: The Gas Metal Arc Welder graduate will be employable as a special purpose welder. Graduates readily find employment as an entry level welder in the Steel Fabrication Industry. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses WELD 1000 Introduction to Welding Technology WELD 1010 Oxyfuel Cutting WELD 1090 Gas Metal Arc Welding WELD 1153 WELD 1040 Flux Cored Arc Welding (or) Flat Shielded Metal Arc Weldin Employment Opportunities: The Flat Shielded Metal Arc Welder graduate will be employable as a special purpose welder. Graduates readily find employment as an entry level welder in the Steel Fabrication Industry. Credits 16 4 4 4 Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses WELD 1000 Introduction to Welding Technology WELD 1010 Oxyfuel Cutting WELD 1040 Flat Shielded Metal Arc Welding 4 4 126 Credits 12 4 4 4 Programs of Study ADVANCED SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDER TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta and Waynesboro campuses. Entrance Dates: Fall, Spring, and Summer Length of Program: Three Terms (Evenings only) Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 12 Program Description: The Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welder Technical Certificate of Credit is a continuation of the basic certificate. The advanced program provides instruction in shielded metal arc welding in the overhead, horizontal, and vertical positions. Employment Opportunities: The Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welder graduate will be employable as a special purpose welder. Graduates readily find employment as an entry level welder in the Steel Fabrication Industry. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses WELD 1050 Horizontal Shielded Metal Arc Welding WELD 1060 Vertical Shielded Metal Arc Welding WELD 1070 Overhead Shielded Metal Arc Welding Credits 12 4 4 4 Note:  Prerequisite: Students must complete - Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welder TCC. 127 Programs of Study INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PC REPAIR AND NETWORK TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT CISCO NETWORK SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta and Thomson Campuses Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Spring and Fall, Day and Evening Length of Program: Three Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 16 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Program Description: The purpose of this Cisco Network Specialist certificate is to teach students the skills needed to design, build, and maintain small to medium-size networks and help prepare for the CCNA certification examination. This provides opportunity to enter the workforce and/or further their education and training in the computer networking field. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Program Description: The objective of this 18-hour certificate program is providing students with the following CompTIA certification objectives: High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. A+ Service Technician: Installation, configuration, and upgrading, diagnosing and troubleshooting, safety and preventive maintenance, motherboard/processors/memory, printers, portable systems, introduction to basic networking. Employment Opportunities: According to the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) employers will create a demand in this country for roughly 1.6 million IT workers this year. With demand for appropriately skilled people far exceeding supply, half of these positions--843,328--will likely go unfilled. In a total U.S. IT workforce of 10 million, that shortfall means one job in every dozen will be vacant. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses CIST 2451 Introduction to Networks - CISCO CIST 2452 Cisco Routing and Switching Essentials CIST 2453 Cisco Scaling Networks CIST 2454 Cisco Connecting Networks Fall and Spring Two Terms 18 Network+: Basic networking knowledge (OSI Model), physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, TCP/IP fundamentals, TCP/IP Suite: utilities, remote connectivity, security, implementing the installation of the network, maintaining and supporting the network, and troubleshooting the network. This program defines network architecture, identifies infrastructure components, monitors and analyzes network performance, and design and management of Enterprise TCP/IP networks. Credits 16 4 4 4 4 Employment Opportunities: The purpose of the PC Repair and Network Technician program is to prepare the student to attain CompTIA, A+ and Network+ industry certification for entry-level microcomputer and networking support positions in the field of Information Technology. Notes: A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses with the prefixes CIST. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers CIST XXXX A Microcomputer Operation System Course CIST 1001 Computer Concepts CIST 1401 Computer Networking Fundamentals (or) CIST 2451 Introduction to Networks - CISCO CIST 1122 Hardware Installation and Maintenance (A+) Credits 18 3 3 4 4 4 Notes: A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses with the prefixes CIST. 128 Programs of Study COMPUTER PROGRAMMING ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring and Summer Day - Five Terms Evening – Eight Terms 65 Programming Language Courses (Required 20 hours with at least one Tier II course) Tier I Programming Language Courses CIST 2311 Visual Basic Programming I CIST 2312 Visual Basic Programming II CIST 2341 C# Programming I CIST 2342 C# Programming II CIST 2351 PHP Programming I CIST 2361 C++ Programming I CIST 2371 Java Programming I CIST 2372 Java Programming II Program Description: The Computer Programming degree program consists of courses designed to provide students with an understanding of the concepts, principles, and techniques required in processing business data. Those interested in a Computer Programming degree should be highly motivated individuals who are interested in becoming an information technology professional. Program graduates are to be competent in the following areas: programming languages such as PHP, Visual BASIC, Java, Java Script, and C++; SQL and data base management; systems analysis and design; networking concepts; natural sciences or mathematics; social or behavioral sciences; and the general areas of humanities or fine arts. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Tier II Programming Language Courses CIST 2313 Visual Basic Programming III CIST 2343 C# Programming III CIST 2352 PHP Programming II CIST 2362 C++ Programming II CIST 2373 Java Programming III Employment Opportunities: The Bureau of Labor Statistics has indicated an increase in the need for software developers through the year 2018. Employers will continue to seek computer professionals with strong programming, systems analysis, interpersonal, and business skills. Program graduates receive a Computer Programming Associate of Applied Science degree and are qualified for jobs as entry-level business applications programmers. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra ECON xxxx An Economics course (or) Social/Behavioral Science elective ENGL 2130 American Literature (or) Humanities/Fine Arts elective XXXX xxxx General Education Elective 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 CIST Electives CIST 1122 Hardware Installation and Maintenance (or) CIST 1520 Scripting Technologies (or) CIST 2411 Microsoft Client Credits 15 3 Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers (or) CIST xxxx Elective CIST 1001 Computer Concepts CIST 1220 Structured Query Language (SQL) CIST 1305 Program Design and Development CIST 1510 Web Development I (HTML) CIST 2921 IT Analysis, Design, and Project Management ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I (or) BUSN 1300 Introduction to Business (or) MGMT 1120 Introduction to Business CIST 2932 Advanced Programming Topics CIST xxxx Elective 20 Note:  A grade 3 3 3 3 30 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 2 129 of “C” or higher is required for all courses. Programs of Study COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Diploma Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Programming Language Courses Fall, Spring, and Summer Day - Four Terms Evening – Seven Terms 53 (Required 20 hours with at least one Tier II course) Tier I Programming Language Courses CIST 2311 Visual Basic Programming I CIST 2312 Visual Basic Programming II CIST 2341 C# Programming I CIST 2342 C# Programming II CIST 2351 PHP Programming I CIST 2361 C++ Programming I CIST 2371 Java Programming I CIST 2372 Java Programming II Program Description: The Computer Programming diploma program consists of courses designed to provide students with an understanding of the concepts, principles, and techniques required in processing business data. Those interested in a Computer Programming diploma should be highly motivated individuals who are interested in becoming an information technology professional. Program graduates are to be competent in the following areas: programming languages such as PHP, Visual BASIC, Java, Java Script, and C++; SQL and data base management; systems analysis and design; networking concepts; mathematics, communications; and interpersonal relations and professional development. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Tier II Programming Language Courses CIST 2313 Visual Basic Programming III CIST 2343 C# Programming III CIST 2352 PHP Programming II CIST 2362 C++ Programming II CIST 2373 Java Programming III Employment Opportunities: The Bureau of Labor Statistics has indicated an increase in the need for software developers through the year 2018. Employers will continue to seek computer professionals with strong programming, systems analysis, interpersonal, and business skills. Program graduates receive a Computer Programming diploma and are qualified for jobs as entry-level business applications programmers. Curriculum Outline Note:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses. Credits General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1013 Algebraic Concepts EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relationships and Professional Development 8 3 3 Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers (or) CIST xxxx Elective CIST 1001 Computer Concepts CIST 1220 Structured Query Language (SQL) CIST 1305 Program Design and Development CIST 1510 Web Development I (HTML) CIST 2921 IT Analysis, Design, and Project Management CIST 2932 Advanced Programming Topics 25 2 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 130 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Programs of Study C# PROGRAMMER TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus C++ PROGRAMMER TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer Three Terms 18 Program Description: C# is one of the most popular application development languages used in our service area and throughout North America. In addition to the demand for C# language skills, employers also desire .NET platform skills which are taught jointly with C#. The C# Programmer certificate provides the opportunity for Computer Programming majors and those who are currently working in the programming field to obtain C# program language skills. Upon successful completion of the C# Programmer TCC, the graduate will be able to create and maintain interactive data driven C# programs on a .NET and ASP.NET platform. Program Description: The C++ Programmer certificate provides the opportunity for Computer Programming majors and those who are currently working in the programming field to obtain C++ program language skills. Upon successful completion of the C++ Programmer TCC, the graduate will be able to create and maintain C++ programs. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses CIST 1305 Program Design and Development CIST 1510 Web Development I CIST 2361 C++ Programming I CIST 2362 C++ Programming II CIST 1220 SQL Fall, Spring, and Summer Three Terms 22 Credits 18 3 3 4 4 4 Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses CIST 1305 Program Design and Development CIST 1510 Web Development I CIST 2341 C# I CIST 2342 C# II CIST 2343 C# III CIST 1220 SQL Notes:  CIST 1305 is a prerequisite for CIST 2361.  A grade of C or higher is required for all courses. Notes:  CIST 1305 is a prerequisite for CIST 2341.  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses. 131 Credits 22 3 3 4 4 4 4 Programs of Study CROSS-PLATFORM MOBILE WEB PROGRAMMING TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT JAVA PROGRAMMER TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall Four Terms 21 Program Description: The Cross-Platform Mobile Web Development TCC includes occupational and specialized courses designed to allow programming and web development majors to augment their existing programs with Mobile Web application development concepts. This program will also allow professional programmers and web developers to add Mobile Web application development to their skill set. The need for new applications on mobile devices and tablets will help increase the demand for application software developers. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses CIST 1510 Web Development I CIST 1305 Program Design and Development CIST 1520 Scripting Technologies (JavaScript) CIST 2381 Mobile Programming I CIST 2388 Cross-Platform Mobile Programming CIST 2383 User Experience Fall, Spring, and Summer Three Terms 22 Program Description: Java is one of the most popular application development languages used in our service area and throughout North America. In addition to the demand for Java language skills, employers also desire object oriented programming skills which are taught jointly with Java. The Java Programmer certificate provides the opportunity for Computer Programming majors and those who are currently working in the programming field to obtain Java program language skills. Upon successful completion of the Java Programmer TCC, the graduate will be able to create and maintain interactive data driven Java programs. Credits Curriculum Outline 3 3 3 4 4 4 Occupational Courses CIST 1305 Program Design and Development CIST 1510 Web Development I CIST 2371 Java I CIST 2372 Java II CIST 2373 Java III CIST 1220 SQL Notes: A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses Notes:  CIST 1305 is a prerequisite for CIS 2371.  CIST 1510 is a prerequisite for CIS 2373.  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses. 132 Credits 22 3 3 4 4 4 4 Programs of Study PHP PROGRAMMER TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMER TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer Three Terms 18 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer Three Terms 22 Program Description: PHP is one of the most popular application development languages used in our service area and throughout North America. In addition to the demand for PHP language skills, employers also desire open source development skills which are taught jointly with PHP. The PHP Programmer certificate provides the opportunity for Computer Programming majors and those who are currently working in the programming field to obtain PHP program language skills. Upon successful completion of the PHP Programmer TCC, the graduate will be able to create and maintain interactive data driven PHP web sites. Program Description: Visual Basic is one of the most popular application development languages used in our service area and throughout North America. In addition to the demand for Visual Basic language skills, employers also desire .NET platform skills which are taught jointly with Visual Basic. The Visual Basic Programmer certificate provides the opportunity for Computer Programming majors and those who are currently working in the programming field to obtain Visual Basic program language skills. Upon successful completion of the Visual Basic Programmer TCC, the graduate will be able to create and maintain interactive data driven Visual Basic programs on a .NET platform. Curriculum Outline Curriculum Outline Credits Occupational Courses CIST 1305 Program Design and Development CIST 1510 Web Development I CIST 2351 PHP Programming I CIST 2352 PHP Programming II CIST 1220 SQL Occupational Courses CIST 1305 Program Design and Development CIST 1510 Web Development I CIST 2311 Visual Basic I CIST 2312 Visual Basic II CIST 2313 Visual Basic III CIST 1220 SQL 18 3 3 4 4 4 Notes:  CIST 1305 and CIST 1510 are prerequisites for CIST 2451.  CIST 2351 is a prerequisite for CIST 2352.  A grade of C or higher is required for all courses. Notes:  CIST 1305 is a prerequisite for CIST 2311.  CIST 1510 is a prerequisite for CIST 2313.  A grade of ―C or higher is required for all courses. 133 Credits 22 3 3 4 4 4 4 Programs of Study COMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE COMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta and Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Fall, Spring, and Summer Length of Program: Four Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 55 Offered at the Augusta and Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall, Spring, and Summer Five Terms 62 Program Description: The Computer Information Systems - Computer Support Specialist diploma program is designed to provide students with an understanding of the technical areas of computer support of the desktop work environment, including terminology and concepts, program design and development, and computer networking. Program graduates receive a Computer Information Systems - Computer Support Specialist diploma and are qualified for employment as computer support specialists. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Program Description: The Computer Information Systems - Computer Support Specialist degree program is designed to provide students with an understanding of the technical areas of computer support of the desktop work environment, including terminology and concepts, program design and development, and computer networking. Program graduates receive a Computer Information Systems - Computer Support Specialist degree and are qualified for employment as computer support specialists. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Employment Opportunities: Today, the majority of service and industrial companies uses standalone and networked computing systems. Computers are sophisticated and require highly trained technicians to install, troubleshoot and support desktop work environments. The demand for technicians with computer skill to meet business needs is expected to continue to grow according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment Opportunities: Today, the majority of service and industrial companies uses standalone and networked computing systems. Computers are sophisticated and require highly trained technicians to install, troubleshoot and support desktop work environments. The demand for technicians with computer skill to meet business needs is expected to continue to grow according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1111 College Algebra ECON xxxx Economics Course (or) XXXX xxxx Social/Behavioral Science Elective ENGL 2130 American Literature (or) XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Elective XXXX xxxx General Education Elective Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers CIST 1001 Computer Concepts CIST 1130 Operating Systems Concepts CIST 1305 Program Design and Development CIST 1401 Computer Networking Fundamentals CIST 1220 Structured Query Language (OR) CIST 2129 Comprehensive Database Techniques CIST XXXX Guided Office Productivity Application Course CIST 1601 Information Security Fundamentals CIST 1122 Hardware Installation and Maintenance CIST 2921 IT Analysis, Design, and Project Management CIST XXXX Electives Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I MATH 1013 Algebraic Concepts EMP 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development Credits 15 3 3 Credits 8 3 3 2 3 Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers CIST 1001 Computer Concepts CIST 1130 Operating Systems Concepts CIST 1305 Program Design and Development CIST 1401 Computer Networking Fundamentals CIST 1220 Structured Query Language (OR) CIST 2129 Comprehensive Database Techniques CIST XXXX Guided Office Productivity Application Course CIST 1601 Information Security Fundamentals CIST 1122 Hardware Installation and Maintenance CIST 2921 IT Analysis, Design, and Project Management CIST XXXX Electives 3 3 47 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 12 47 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 12 CIST Electives 12 (Students must meet prerequisites for electives or advisor approval) CIST 1101 Working with Microsoft Windows 3 CIST XXXX Programming Language 4 CIST 1220 Structured Query Language 4 CIST 2127 Comprehensive Word Processing Techniques 3 CIST 2128 Comprehensive Spreadsheet Techniques 3 CIST 2129 Comprehensive Database Techniques 4 CIST 2411 Microsoft Client 4 CIST 2451 Introduction to Networks - CISCO 4 CIST 2452 Cisco Routing and Switching Essentials 4 CIST 2453 Cisco Scaling Networks 4 CIST 2454 Cisco Connecting Networks 4 CIST 2412 Windows Server Directory Services 4 CIST 2413 Microsoft Server Infrastructure 4 CIST 2414 Microsoft Server Administrator 4 CIST 2992 Internship II 4 CIST Electives 12 (Students must meet prerequisites for electives or advisor approval) CIST 1101 Working with Microsoft Windows 3 CIST XXXX Programming Language 4 CIST 1220 Structured Query Language 4 CIST 2127 Comprehensive Word Processing Techniques 3 CIST 2128 Comprehensive Spreadsheet Techniques 3 CIST 2129 Comprehensive Database Techniques 4 CIST 2411 Microsoft Client 4 CIST 2451 Introduction to Networks - CISCO 4 CIST 2452 Cisco Routing and Switching Essentials 4 CIST 2453 Cisco Scaling Networks 4 CIST 2454 Cisco Connecting Networks 4 CIST 2412 Windows Server Directory Services 4 CIST 2413 Microsoft Server Infrastructure 4 CIST 2414 Microsoft Server Administrator 4 CIST 2992 Internship II 4 Notes:  Additional Electives are available upon advisor approval.  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses.  CIST 2411 can be substituted for CIST 1130 and CIST 2451 can be substituted for CIST 1401.  Guided Office Productivity Courses are: CIST 2127, CIST 2128 or CIST 2129. Notes:  Additional Electives are available upon advisor approval.  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses.  CIST 2411 can be substituted for CIST 1130 and CIST 2451 can be substituted for CIST 1401.  Guided Office Productivity Courses are: CIST 2127, CIST 2128 or CIST 2129. 134 Programs of Study CYBERSECURITY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta campus Entrance Dates: Spring and Fall, Day and Evening Length of Program: Five Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 72 Program Description: The Cybersecurity program provides students with hands on and technical training in the concepts, principles, and techniques required to successfully prevent and/or mitigate security issues on computing devices in a networked environment. Students will learn best practices for the design of secure modern networks as well as how to secure existing computing devices and networks. Students will learn about evolving threats and the proper use of specific security tools. Both security theory and hands on practice are stressed. Employment Opportunities: Cybersecurity graduates are in high demand by businesses with planned or existing networked computer infrastructures. With many cybersecurity jobs becoming available in the Augusta area, there will be a steady demand for cybersecurity entry level personnel. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1111 College Algebra XXXX xxxx Social/Behavioral Science Elective XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Elective XXXX xxxx General Education Elective Occupational Courses CIST 1001 Computer Concepts CIST 1122 Hardware Installation and Maintenance CIST 1601 Information Security Fundamentals CIST 1602 Security Policies and Procedures CIST 2411 Impl MS Windows Professional Client CIST 2431 UNIX/Linux Introduction CIST 2451 Cisco Introduction to Networks CIST 2452 Cisco Routing and Switching Essentials CIST 2455 Cisco CCNA Security CIST 2601 Implementing Operating Systems Security CIST 2602 Network Security CIST 2611 Network Defense and Countermeasures CIST 2612 Computer Forensics CIST 2613 Ethical Hacking/Penetration Testing CIST xxxx Electives Occupational Course Electives CIST 1220 Structured Query Language (SQL) CIST 1510 Web Development I CIST 2413 Microsoft Server Infrastructure CIST 2341 C# Programming I CIST 2453 Cisco Scaling Networks CIST 2434 UNIX/Linux Scripting Credits 15 3 3 3 3 3 57 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 Note:  For the program, students must take general core courses, occupational courses and complete Specific Occupational Courses. A grade of C or higher is required for all courses. 135 Programs of Study DESIGN AND MEDIA PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Students must take at least one of the following specializations: Fall (Day only) Five Terms 61-62 Program Description: Design and Media Production Technology prepares students for employment in a variety of media production industries. This program of study emphasizes hands on production in specialized areas. Graduates of the program received a Design and Media Production degree with specializations in Graphic Design and Prepress, Photography, or Web Interface Design. Graphic Design and Prepress DMPT 2100 Identity Design DMPT 2105 Page Layout DMPT 2110 Publication Design DMPT 2115 Advertising and Promotional Design DMPT 2120 Prepress and Output DMPT xxxx DMPT Elective MKTG xxxx Marketing Elective DMPT 2905 Practicum/Internship II 27-28 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 Job/Career Description: Plan, analyze, and create visual solutions to communications problems; use color, type, illustration, photography, animation, and various print and layout techniques; develop the overall layout and production design of magazines, newspapers, journals, corporate reports, and other publications; develop material for Internet Web pages, interactive media, and multimedia projects; may produce the credits that appear before and after television programs and movies; use specialized computer software packages to help them create layouts and design elements and to program animated graphics. Photography DMPT 1020 DMPT 1025 DMPT 2125 DMPT 2135 DMPT 2700 DMPT 2705 DMPT xxxx MKTG xxxx 27-28 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 Graphic Design & Prepress: Covers traditional print application as well as retail/advertising design. The student will learn to design logos, stationary, posters, billboards, signage, packaging, advertising, corporate identity and campaigns. Upon completion of this specialization the student will have created a professional portfolio Web Interface Design DMPT 2300 Foundations of Interface Design DMPT 2305 Web Interface Design DMPT 2330 Intro to CMS DMPT 2335 Web Interface Structure DMPT xxxx DMPT Approved Elective DMPT xxxx DMPT Approved Elective DMPT 2905 Practicum/Internship II Photography: Photography trains students to capture still images that may serve as commercial art. In addition to exhaustive training in camera operation, students will also focus on lighting, shooting in studio and directing models. The sequence of classes is designed to give students a taste of each major form of photography, including documentary, portraiture and shooting in controlled environments. Graduates will be capable of producing stunning photographs in a variety of scenarios. Electives DMPT 1015 DMPT 1020 DMPT 2125 DMPT 2130 DMPT 2600 DMPT 2660 DMPT 2905 Web Interface Design: : Web Interface Design prepares training for employment as a member of the Web Development Team as Web Production Artist, Web Designer, or Web Interface Designer. This program of study provides students training in navigation design, page composition and layout, design principles, photographic manipulation, graphic creation, informative architecture, vector animation, style sheets, web language and multi-media file creation. Graduates will receive a Web Interface Design Technician Technical Certificate. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling (or) MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or) MATH 1111 College Algebra SPCH 1101 Public Speaking ECON xxxx An economics course (or) a Social/Behavioral Science elective ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation (or) a Humanities/Fine Arts elective Fundamental Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers DMPT 1000 Introduction to Design & Media Production DMPT 1005 Vector Graphics DMPT 1010 Raster Imaging DMPT 2930 Exit Review Credits 15 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 3 4 4 4 4 136 Intro to Photography Production Photography Advanced Raster Documentary Photography Portraiture Photography Photography II DMPT Elective (or) Marketing Elective Drawing Introduction to Photography Advanced Raster Advanced Vector Basic Video Editing Special Projects Practicum/Internship II 28 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Programs of Study DESIGN AND MEDIA PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall (Day only) Four Terms 47 Students must take at least one of the following specializations: Program Description: Design and Media Production Technology prepares students for employment in a variety of media production industries. This program of study emphasizes hands on production in specialized areas. Graduates of the program received a Design and Media Production degree with specializations in Graphic Design and Prepress, Photography, or Web Interface Design. Job/Career Description: Plan, analyze, and create visual solutions to communications problems; use color, type, illustration, photography, animation, and various print and layout techniques; develop the overall layout and production design of magazines, newspapers, journals, corporate reports, and other publications; develop material for Internet web pages, interactive media, and multimedia projects; may produce the credits that appear before and after television programs and movies; use specialized computer software packages to help them create layouts and design elements and to program animated graphics. Graphic Design & Prepress: Covers traditional print application as well as retail/advertising design. The student will learn to design logos, stationary, posters, billboards, signage, packaging, advertising, corporate identity and campaigns. Upon completion of this specialization the student will have created a professional portfolio. Photography: Photography trains students to capture still images that may serve as commercial art. In addition to exhaustive training in camera operation, students will also focus on lighting, shooting in studio and directing models. The sequence of classes is designed to give students a taste of each major form of photography, including documentary, portraiture and shooting in controlled environments. Graduates will be capable of producing stunning photographs in a variety of scenarios. Web Interface Design: Web Interface Design prepares training for employment as a member of the Web Development Team as Web Production Artist, Web Designer, or Web Interface Designer. This program of study provides students training in navigation design, page composition and layout, design principles, photographic manipulation, graphic creation, informative architecture, vector animation, style sheets, web language and multi-media file creation. Graduates will receive a Web Interface Design Technician Technical Certificate. Curriculum Outline General Core Courses ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development (or) PSYC 1010 Basic Psychology MATH 1011 Business Math (or) MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics Fundamental Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers DMPT 1000 Introduction to Design & Media Production DMPT 1005 Vector Graphics DMPT 1010 Raster Imaging DMPT 2930 Exit Review Credits 8 3 2 3 3 19 3 4 4 4 4 137 Graphic Design and Prepress DMPT 2100 Identity Design DMPT 2105 Page Layout DMPT 2110 Publication Design DMPT 2115 Advertising and Promotional Design DMPT 2120 Prepress and Output 20 4 4 4 4 4 Photography DMPT 1020 DMPT 1025 DMPT 2125 DMPT 2135 DMPT 2700 20 4 4 4 4 4 Intro to Photography Production Photography Advanced Raster Documentary Photography Portraiture Photography Web Interface Design DMPT 2300 Foundations of Interface Design DMPT 2305 Web Interface Design DMPT 2330 Intro to CMS DMPT 2335 Web Interface Structure DMPT xxxx DMPT Elective 20 4 4 4 4 4 Electives DMPT 1015 DMPT 1020 DMPT 2125 DMPT 2130 DMPT 2600 DMPT 2660 DMPT 2905 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Drawing Introduction to Photography Advanced Raster Advanced Vector Basic Video Editing Special Projects Practicum/Internship II Programs of Study ADVERTISING LAYOUT SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT DESIGN AND MEDIA PRODUCTION SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall (Day only) Three Terms 32 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Program Description: The Advertising Layout Specialist TCC provides entry-level training in advertising layout with courses in identity design, page layout, advertising and promotional design. Students will have the opportunity to choose from electives in advertising, photography and commercial photography. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge or skills. Graduates will receive a technical certificate of credit. Program Description: The Design and Media Production Specialist TCC prepares students with basic design and media production skills, including those in vector graphics and raster imaging. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge or skills. Graduates will receive a technical certificate of credit. Job/Career Description: Plan, analyze, and create visual solutions to communications problems. Find the most effective way to get messages across in print and electronic media using color, type, illustration, photography, animation, and various print and layout techniques. Work primarily in motion picture and video industries, advertising, and computer systems design services. Job/Career Description: Designers who work for advertising agencies usually work in one of three positions: graphic designer, art director or creative director. Graphic designers work on layouts and design elements for ads in various mediums. They plan, analyze, and create visual solutions to communications problems; use color, type, illustration, photography, animation, and various print and layout techniques; develop the overall layout and production design of magazines, newspapers, journals, corporate reports, and other publications Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses DMPT 1000 Introduction to Design & Media Production DMPT 1005 Vector Graphics DMPT 1010 Raster Imaging DMPT 1020 Introduction to Photography DMPT 1025 Production Photography DMPT 2100 Identity Design DMPT 2105 Page Layout DMPT 2115 Advertising and Promotional Design Fall (Day only) One Term 12 Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses DMPT 1000 Introduction to Design & Media Production DMPT 1005 Vector Graphics DMPT 1010 Raster Imaging Credits 32 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 138 Credits 12 4 4 4 Programs of Study DIGITAL ILLUSTRATION SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: MOTION GRAPHICS ASSISTANT TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Fall (Day only) Two Terms 20 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Program Description: Motion Graphics Assistant TCC (also known as Multi-media artists and animators) combines the specialist skills of preproduction, production and an emphasis on post-production. Motion Graphics are graphics that use video and/or animation technology to create the illusion of motion or a transforming appearance. Students develop valuable industry standard techniques and become adept with using various software applications to integrate 2D and 3D design elements with live footage, audio and visual effects artistry. Program Description: The Digital Illustration Specialist TCC provides entry-level skills in traditional and digital illustration with courses in drawing, beginning and advanced vector graphics, raster imaging and identity design. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge or skills. Graduates will receive a technical certificate of credit. Job/Career Description: Create pictures for books, magazines, and other publications and for commercial products such as textiles, wrapping paper, stationery, greeting cards, and calendars. Increasingly, illustrators are working in digital format - for example, creating scenery or objects for a video game. This has created new opportunities for illustrators to work with animators and in broadcast media. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses DMPT 1005 Vector Graphics DMPT 1010 Raster Imaging DMPT 1015 Drawing DMPT 2100 Identity Design DMPT 2130 Advanced Vector Job/Career Description: Multimedia artists and animators create special effects, animation, or other visual images on film, on video, or with computers or other electronic media. They work primarily in the motion picture and video industries, advertising, and computer systems design services. They draw by hand and use computers to create the series of pictures that form the animated images or special effects seen in movies, television programs, and computer games. Some draw storyboards for television commercials, movies, and animated features. Credits 20 4 4 4 4 4 Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses DMPT 1000 Intro to Design & Media DMPT 1005 Vector Graphics DMPT 1010 Raster Imaging DMPT 1020 Intro to Photography DMPT 2125 Advanced Raster DMPT 2600 Basic Video Editing DMPT 2605 Intro to Video Comp. ………………………………………………………………………………. GRAPHIC DESIGN and PREPRESS TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall (Day only) Three Terms 20 Program Description: The Graphic Design & Prepress Technician certificate provides students with the fundamental skills required for graphic design, image editing, and prepress production. Job/Career Description: They find the most effective way to get messages across in print and electronic media using color, type, illustration, photography, animation, and various print and layout techniques. Designers also select the size and arrangement of the different elements on the page or screen. In printing and publishing firms, graphic designers also may assist the printers by selecting the type of paper and ink for the publication and reviewing the mock-up design for errors before final publication. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses DMPT 1000 Introduction to Design & Media Production DMPT 1005 Vector Graphics DMPT 1010 Raster Imaging DMPT 2105 Page Layout DMPT 2120 Prepress and Output Fall (Day only) Three Terms 28 Credits 20 4 4 4 4 4 139 Credits 28 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Programs of Study PHOTOGRAPHER TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT WEB INTERFACE DESIGN TECHNICIAN TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Fall (Day only) Four Terms 24 Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Program Description: The Photographer TCC will cover a wide range of photographic skills, including an introduction to photography, photography for commercial use and documentary journalism, as well as beginning and advanced raster imaging. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge or skills. Graduates will receive a technical certificate of credit. Program Description: Web Interface Design Technician prepares training for employment as a member of the Web Development Team as Web Production Artist, Assistant Web Designer, or Assistant Web Interface Specialist. This program of study provides students training in navigation design, page composition and layout, design principles, photographic manipulation, graphic creation, informative architecture, vector animation, style sheets, and multi-media file creation. Graduates will receive a Web Interface Design Technician Technical Certificate. Job/Career Description: Photographers produce and preserve images that paint a picture, tell a story, or record an event. To create commercial-quality photographs, photographers need technical expertise, creativity, and the appropriate professional equipment. Producing a successful picture requires choosing and presenting a subject to achieve a particular effect, and selecting the right cameras and other photographic enhancing tools. For example, photographers may enhance the subject's appearance with natural or artificial light, shoot the subject from an interesting angle, draw attention to a particular aspect of the subject by blurring the background, or use various lenses to produce desired levels of detail at various distances from the subject. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses DMPT 1000 Introduction to Design & Media Production DMPT 1010 Raster Imaging DMPT 1020 Introduction to Photography DMPT 1025 Production Photography DMPT 2125 Advanced Raster DMPT 2135 Documentary Photography Fall (Day only) Four Terms 32 Job/Career Description: Develop the style sheets, page layout, and navigation structures of web pages, and other content delivered via the world wide web; develop material for interactive media, and multimedia projects; use specialized computer software packages to help them create layouts and design elements and to program animated graphics; Plan, analyze, and create visual solutions to communications problems; use color, type, illustration, photography, animation, and various layout techniques. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses DMPT 1000 Introduction to Design & Media Production DMPT 1010 Raster Imaging DMPT 2300 Foundations of Interface Design DMPT 2305 Web Interface Design DMPT 2330 Intro to CMS DMPT 2335 Web Interface Structure DMPT xxxx DMPT Approved Elective DMPT xxxx DMPT Approved Elective Credits 24 4 4 4 4 4 4 140 Credits 32 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Programs of Study  For the program, students must take general core courses, occupational courses and complete Specific Occupational Courses. A grade of C or higher is required for all courses. NETWORKING SPECIALIST ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Spring and Fall, Day and Evening Length of Program: Five Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 68 Program Description: The Networking Specialist program provides students with hands on and technical training in the concepts, principles, and techniques required to successfully design and implement computer networked services. The student will study the elements of Cisco, Microsoft, and associated technologies necessary to create these networks. The successful student will be qualified to join a networking team as a productive entry level specialist. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Employment Opportunities: Networking Specialist Program graduates are in high demand by businesses with planned or existing networked computer infrastructures. Additional demand is created by the training our graduates have in specialized server skills, applications, and hardware maintenance. Bureau of Labor statistics indicate that computer networking skills will be in high demand in the foreseeable future. Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric MATH 1111 College Algebra ECON xxxx Economics Course (or) XXXX xxxx Social/Behavioral Science Elective ENGL 2130 American Literature (or) XXXX xxxx Humanities/Fine Arts Elective XXXX xxxx General Education Elective 15 3 3 Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers CIST 1001 Computer Concepts CIST 1122 Hardware Installation and Maintenance CIST 2411 Microsoft Client CIST 2412 Microsoft Server Directory Services CIST 2413 Microsoft Server Infrastructure CIST 2414 Microsoft Server Administrator CIST 2451 Introduction to Networks - CISCO CIST 2452 Cisco Routing and Switching Essentials CIST 2453 Cisco Scaling Networks CIST 2454 Cisco Connecting Networks CIST 2602 Networking Security CIST xxxx Electives 53 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 Occupational Course Electives CIST 1220 Structured Query Language (SQL) CIST 1305 Program Design and Development CIST 1510 Web Development I CIST 1520 Scripting Technologies CIST 2311 Visual Basic I CIST 2341 C# Programming I CIST 2361 C++ Programming I CIST 2371 Java Programming I CIST 2420 Microsoft Exchange Server CIST 2455 Cisco CCNA Security CIST 2560 Web Application Programming I CIST 2921 IT Analysis, Design, and Project Management CIST 1601 Information Security Fundamentals CIST 1602 Security Policies and Procedures CIST 2431 UNIX/Linux Introduction CIST 2601 Implementing Operating Systems Security 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Note: 141 Programs of Study NETWORKING SPECIALIST DIPLOMA MICROSOFT NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Augusta Campus Offered at the Augusta Campus Entrance Dates: Fall, Spring, Summer and Fall (Day & Evening) Length of Program: Four Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 16 Entrance Dates: Spring and Fall, Day and Evening Length of Program: Five Terms Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 61 Program Description: The Microsoft Network Administrator Certificate provides training in Microsoft networking. This certificate will prepare the student for an entry level computer networking position. Skills taught include implementation of Microsoft operating systems, implementation of Microsoft servers, and networking Infrastructure. Hands-on labs provide students with real world simulations. This certificate prepares the student for the Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA) networking exam. Program Description: The Networking Specialist program is designed to provide students with an understanding of the concepts, principles, and techniques required in information technology. Program graduates receive a Networking Specialist diploma and are qualified for employment as networking specialists. High school graduation or GED is required for admission to this program. Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses CIST 2411 Microsoft Client CIST 2412 Microsoft Server Directory Services CIST 2413 Microsoft Server Infrastructure CIST 2414 Microsoft Server Administrator Employment Opportunities: Networking Specialist Program graduates are in high demand by businesses with planned or existing networked computer infrastructures. Additional demand is created by the training our graduates have in specialized server skills, applications, and hardware maintenance. Bureau of Labor statistics indicate that computer networking skills will be in high demand in the foreseeable future. Notes:  A grade of “C” or higher is required for all courses with the prefixes CIST. Curriculum Outline Credits General Core Courses 8 EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relations and Professional Dev 2 ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I 3 MATH 1013 Algebraic Concepts 3 Occupational Courses COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers CIST 1001 Computer Concepts CIST 1122 Hardware Installation and Maintenance CIST 2411 Microsoft Client CIST 2412 Microsoft Server Directory Services CIST 2413 Microsoft Server Infrastructure CIST 2414 Microsoft Server Administrator CIST 2451 Introduction to Networks - CISCO CIST 2452 Cisco Routing and Switching Essentials CIST 2453 Cisco Scaling Networks CIST 2454 Cisco Connecting Networks CIST 2602 Networking Security CIST xxxx Electives Occupational Course Electives CIST 1220 Structured Query Language (SQL) CIST 1305 Program Design and Development CIST 1510 Web Development I CIST 1520 Scripting Technologies CIST 2311 Visual Basic I CIST 2341 C# Programming I CIST 2361 C++ Programming I CIST 2371 Java Programming I CIST 2420 Microsoft Exchange Server 53 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 CIST 2455 Cisco CCNA Security 4 CIST CIST CIST CIST CIST CIST 2560 2921 1601 1602 2431 2601 Web Application Programming I IT Analysis, Design, and Project Management Information Security Fundamentals Security Policies and Procedures UNIX/Linux Introduction Implementing Operating Systems Security 4 4 Credits 16 4 4 4 4 Notes:  A grade of C or higher is required for all courses. 142 Programs of Study CERTIFIED PROGRAM CERTIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE OF CREDIT Offered at the Thomson campuses Entrance Dates: Length of Program: Credit Hours Required for Graduation: Spring, and Summer Two Terms 11 Program Description: The Certified Customer Service Specialist curriculum provides an academic and technology foundation to produce highly skilled employees for the service industry through the provision of core interpersonal, customer contact, business and communication skills, and fundamental computer skills used in a customer service environment. High school graduation or GED is required for graduation from this program. Employment Opportunities: The graduates of this program will be prepared for entry-level service industry/customer contact jobs Curriculum Outline Occupational Courses Credits MKTG 1161 Service Industry Business Environment 2 MKTG 1162 Customer Contact Skills 4 MKTG 1163 Computer Skills for Customer Service 2 MKTG 1164 Business Skills for the Customer 2 MKTG 1165 Personal Effectiveness in Customer Service 1 143 GENERAL EDUCATION General Education Competencies and Student Learning Outcomes General education courses provide a base of knowledge and skills for student success. The assessment of college-level general education competencies is designed to allow review of specific learning for general education courses. These outcomes and assessment measures will provide evidence that the College curriculum meets the goals of student learning and are documented at the institutional and course levels. 1. Communication – Written and Oral Students will demonstrate the ability to speak, listen, read, and write in an organized and effective manner. A competent communicator can interact with others using all forms of communication, resulting in understanding and being understood. Assessment: Core: ENGL 1101/ENGL 1010 2. Critical Thinking Students will demonstrate the ability to think logically, critically, and independently in order to make informed decisions. A competent critical thinker evaluates evidence carefully and applies reasoning to decide what to believe and how to act. Assessment: Core: ENGL 1101/ENGL 1010 and MATH 1111/MATH 1012 3. Quantitative Reasoning Students will demonstrate necessary mathematical and scientific skills in order to solve problems and interpret data. A person who is competent in quantitative reasoning possesses the skills and knowledge necessary to apply the use of logic, numbers, and mathematics to deal effectively with problems and issues. Assessment Core: MATH 1111/MATH 1012 4. Technology and Information Literacy Students will demonstrate technology competency by possessing (1) basic skills for use with technology and (2) knowledge of technology terms. A student who is competent in technology usage is computer literate (i.e. has an understanding of the concepts, terminology and operations that relate to general computer use and has the essential knowledge needed to function independently with a computer. – adapted from www.computerliteracyusa.com) and has the ability to gather information from the Internet. Assessment: Smarter Measure assessment 144 General Education Degree Courses COURSE COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS Area I—Language Arts/Communication COMM 1109 Human Communications ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric ENGL 1102 Literature and Composition SPAN 1101 Introduction to Spanish Language and Culture I SPAN 1102 Introduction to Spanish Language and Culture II SPCH 1101 Public Speaking 3 3 3 3 3 3 AREA II—Social/Behavioral Sciences ECON 1101 Principles of Economics ECON 2105 Macroeconomics ECON 2106 Microeconomics HIST 1111 World History I HIST 1112 World History II HIST 2111 U. S. History I HIST 2112 U. S. History II POLS 1101 American Government PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 AREA III—Natural Sciences/Mathematics BIOL 1111 Biology I BIOL 1111L Biology I Lab BIOL 1112 Biology II BIOL 1112L Biology II Lab CHEM 1151 Survey of Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 1151L Survey of Inorganic Chemistry Lab CHEM 1152 Survey of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry CHEM 1152L Survey of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Lab CHEM 1211 Chemistry I CHEM 1211L Chemistry I Lab CHEM 1212 Chemistry II CHEM 1212L Chemistry II Lab CHEM 2211 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 2211L Organic Chemistry I Lab CHEM 2212 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 2212L Organic Chemistry II Lab MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning MATH 1111 College Algebra MATH 1113 Pre-calculus MATH 1127 Introduction to Statistics MATH 1131 Calculus I PHYS 1110 Conceptual Physics PHYS 1110L Conceptual Physics Lab PHYS 1111 Introductory Physics I PHYS 1111L Introductory Physics Lab I PHYS 1112 Introductory Physics II PHYS 1112 L Introductory Physics Lab II 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 AREA IV—Humanities/Fine Arts ARTS 1101 ENGL 2110 ENGL 2130 ENGL 2310 HUMN 1101 MUSC 1101 THEA 1101 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Art Appreciation World Literature American Literature English Literature from the Beginnings to 1700 Introduction to Humanities Music Appreciation Theater Appreciation 145 Non-General Education Degree Courses COURSE BIOL 2113 BIOL 2113L BIOL 2114 BIOL 2114L BIOL 2117 BIOL 2117L ENGL 1105 PSYC 2103 PSYC 2250 COURSE TITLE Anatomy and Physiology I Anatomy and Physiology Lab I Anatomy and Physiology II Anatomy and Physiology Lab II Introductory Microbiology Introductory Microbiology Lab Technical Communications Human Development Abnormal Psychology CREDIT HOURS 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 General Education Basic Skills Courses COURSE EMPL 1000 ENGL 1010 MATH 1012 MATH 1013 MATH 1015 PSYC 1010 COURSE TITLE Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development Fundamentals of English I Fundamentals of Math Algebraic Concepts Geometry and Trigonometry Basic Psychology CREDIT HOURS 2 3 3 3 3 3 Learning Support Courses ENGL ENGL MATH MATH READ 00903 00904 00903 00904 0090 Learning Support English Learning Support English Learning Support Math Learning Support Math Learning Support Reading 146 3 3 3 3 3 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Course descriptions are arranged in alphabetical-numerical order. FOUR numbers shown after the course title indicate in sequence: number of hours in class per week; number of hours in demonstration laboratory per week; number of hours in practical performance laboratory and/or occupation-based instruction per week; and number of credit hours for the course. Course prerequisites and corequisites are specified in parentheses. College Credit is designated for developmental courses by the letters I.C. following the number of Credit Hours. Developmental courses cannot be used for elective credit to meet graduation requirements. Unless otherwise specified, regular admission is a prerequisite for registration for all credit courses. Class is defined as instruction which emphasizes group or individualized classroom learning. Demonstration laboratory is defined as instruction which emphasizes teacher assisted learning activities. Practical performance laboratory is defined as instruction which emphasizes structured activities requiring the application and practice of occupational competencies. Occupation-based instruction is defined as instruction which emphasizes supervised work-experience activities requiring the application of occupational competencies. ACCT 1100, Financial Accounting I 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: Advisor Approval or Program admission) Introduces the basic financial accounting concepts of the complete accounting cycle and provides the student with the necessary skills to maintain a set of books for a sole proprietorship. Topics include: accounting vocabulary and concepts, the accounting cycle for a personal service business, the accounting cycle for a merchandising business, inventory, cash control and receivables. Laboratory work demonstrates theory presented in class. ACCT 1105, Financial Accounting II 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: ACCT 1100 with a C) Introduces the intermediate financial accounting concepts that provide the student with the necessary skills to maintain a set of books for a partnership and corporation. Topics include: Fixed and Intangible Assets, Current and LongTerm Liabilities (Notes Payable), Payroll, Accounting for a Partnership, Accounting for a Corporation, Statement of Cash Flows, and Financial Statement Analysis, Laboratory work demonstrates theory presented in class. ACCT 1115, Computerized Accounting 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite: COMP 1000. Corequisite: ACCT 1105,) Emphasizes operation of computerized accounting systems from manual input forms. Topics include: company creation (service and merchandising), chart of accounts, customers transactions, vendors transactions, banking activities, merchandise inventory, employees and payroll, and financial reports. Laboratory work includes theoretical and technical application. ACCT 1120, Spreadsheet Applications 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: COMP 1000 and ACCT 1105). This course covers the knowledge and skills to use spreadsheet software through course demonstrations, laboratory exercises and projects. Topics and assignments will include: spreadsheet concepts, creating and manipulating data, formatting data and content, creating and modifying formulas, presenting data visually and collaborating and securing data. ACCT 1125, Individual Tax Accounting 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) Provides instruction for the preparation of individual federal income tax returns. Topics include: taxable income, incomeadjustments, schedules, standard deductions, itemized deductions, exemptions, tax credits, and tax calculations. ACCT 1130, Payroll Accounting 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: ACCT 1100) Provides an understanding of the laws that affect a company's payroll structure and practical application skills in maintaining payroll records. Topics include: payroll tax laws, payroll tax forms, payroll and personnel records, computing wages and salaries, taxes affecting employees and employers, and analyzing and journalizing payroll transactions. ACCT 2000, Managerial Accounting III 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: ACCT 1105 with a C) Emphasizes a fundamental understanding of corporate and cost accounting. Topics include: accounting for a corporation, statement of cash flows, cost accounting, budgeting, and long-term liabilities. Work demonstrates theory presented in class. ACCT 2105, Accounting Internship II 0-0-24-8 (Prerequisite: All non-elective courses required for program completion and advisor approval.) Includes the application and reinforcement of accounting and employability principles in an actual job setting. Acquaints the student with realistic work situations and provides insight into accounting applications on the job. Topics include: appropriate work habits, acceptable job performance, application of accounting knowledge and skills, interpersonal relations, and development of productivity. The full-time accounting internship is implemented through the use of written individualized training plans, written performance evaluation, weekly documentation or seminars, and/or other projects as required by the instructor. ACCT 2110, Accounting Simulation 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite: ACCT 1105, ACCT 1120). (Co-requisite: ACCT 1115) Students assume the role of a business owner where he/she can directly experience the impact and importance of accounting in a business. At the end of the simulation course, the student will have completed the entire accounting cycle for a service business, merchandising business, and a corporation using an accounting information system software different from software used in ACCT 1115-Computerized Accounting. Emphasis placed on providing students with real-world opportunities for the application and demonstration of accounting skills by using Simulation Projects will enable them to build a foundation for understanding and interpreting financial statements. Topics include company creation, chart of accounts, customer’s transactions, vendors transactions, banking activities, merchandise inventory, employees and payroll, financial statements. Preparation of payroll tax forms and preparation of income tax forms. Laboratory work includes theoretical and technical application. ACCT 2120, Business Tax Accounting 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: ACCT 1125) Provides instruction for preparation of both state and federal partnership, corporation, and other business tax returns. Topics include: organization form, overview of taxation of partnership, special partnership issues, corporate tax elections, adjustments to income and expenses, tax elections, forms and schedules, tax credits, reconciliation of book and tax income, tax depreciation methods, and tax calculations. ACCT 2130, Integrated Accounting Management Systems 22-0-3 (Prerequisite: ACCT 1105, ACCT 1115, ACCT 1120) Emphasizes use of database management packages, electronic spreadsheet packages, and accounting software packages for accounting/financial applications with more advanced systems. Topics include: creation and management of database applications, creation and management of spreadsheet applications, and creation and management of accounting integrated software systems. ACCT 2135, Introduction to Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: ACCT 1105) Provides an introduction to financial reporting and accounting principles for state/local governments and nonprofit entities. 147 ACCT 2140, Legal Environment of Business 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) Introduces law and its relationship to business. Topics include: legal ethics, legal processes, business contracts, business torts and crimes, real and personal property, agency and employment, risk bearing devices, and Uniform Commercial Code. ACCT 2145, Personal Finance 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) Introduces practical applications of concepts and techniques used to manage personal finances. Topics include: cash management, time value of money, credit, major purchasing decisions, insurance investments, retirement, and estate planning. ACCT 2150, Principles of Auditing 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: ACC 1105) Introduces the student to the auditor’s responsibilities in the areas of professional standards, reports, ethics, and legal liability. Students learn about the technology of auditing; evidence gathering; audit/assurance process; internal controls; and sampling techniques. The specific methods of auditing the revenue/receipts process, disbursement cycle, personnel and payroll procedures, asset changes, and debt and equity are learned. Finally, procedures to attest engagements and internal auditing are reviewed. ACCT 2155, Principles of Fraud Examination 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) Provides instruction of the basic principles and theories of occupational fraud. Topics covered include: fraud concepts, skimming, cash larceny, billing schemes, check tampering, payroll schemes, expense reimbursement scheme, register disbursement schemes, non-cash asset fraud, corruption schemes, and accounting principles and fraud. AGRB 1100, Introduction to Agribusiness- 1-0-0-1 This course introduces students to agribusiness. This is an agribusiness awareness and identification course consisting of various topics associated with the importance of agribusiness. AGRB 1110, Agribusiness Management 3-0-0-3 Basic managerial concepts, procedures and techniques in agribusiness management. Importance is placed on planning, organizing, directing and controlling functions of management. AGRB 1120, Leadership in Agribusiness 3-0-0-3- This course serves as an opportunity for students to have a greater understanding of leadership as it pertains to agriculture. We will explore leadership models, roles of leaders and followers, concepts of effective leadership and ethical issues with special focus on leadership in teams, organizations, communities and society. AGRB 1150, Agricultural Finance and Credit 3-0-0-3 Financial concepts used in agribusiness, farming, and financial institutions. Including analysis based on financial statements, risk, and investment opportunities. Needs sources and problems associated with credit are examined as well. AGRB 2100, Agribusiness Marketing 3-0-0-3 Agribusiness marketing will provide an understanding of the various marketing functions, agencies, and institutions which assemble, process, and distribute agricultural commodities and products. AGRB 2110, Farm Organization and Management 3-0-0-3 A study of farm programs and management for the purpose of determining methods to increase farm revenue. Emphasis will be placed on decision making and efficient use of resources. AGRB 2130, Agricultural Policy 3-0-0-3 Local, state, national and international government policies affect agribusiness and rural economies. Policy alternatives aimed at solving problems for the food and agricultural industry are identified and evaluated. AGRB 2140, Issues of Agriculture and Natural Resources 3-0-0-3 Includes many practical aspects and techniques of soil and water conservation. Students learn the nature of water and the need for conservation practices. AGRB 2200, Principles of Agronomy 3-0-0-3 A course developed to increase a student’s basic understanding of modern field crop production. Field crops of the Southeast are stressed. Organic production is also covered. Course covers planting to harvesting of crops. AGRB 2250, Survey of the Animal Industry 3-0-0-3 A course in the basic principles of animal selection, nutrition, growth and reproduction. Livestock and poultry economic importance is also stressed. AGRB 2300, Precision Agricultural Systems 4-0-0-4 Explores precision agriculture tools, including Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Variable Rate Technology (VRT). Through hands-on experiences, you will understand the basic components and operation of these tools in precision agriculture systems, and how they impact today’s agriculture industry. AGRB 2800, Agribusiness Internship 0-0-9-3 The Agribusiness Internship provides the student with the opportunity to gain agribusiness management experience under appropriate supervision in an actual job setting. It is the student’s responsibility to secure a position as an intern at an agricultural business approved by the instructor. Upon completion, the student should possess the basic knowledge and skills necessary for an entry level position in the agribusiness industry. AIRC 1005, Refrigeration Fundamentals 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: Provisional Admission. Corequisites: None) Introduces the basic concepts, theories, and safety regulations and procedures of refrigeration. Topics include an introduction to OSHA, safety, first aid, laws of thermodynamics, pressure and temperature relationships, heat transfer, the refrigerant cycle, refrigerant identification, and types of AC systems. AIRC 1010, Refrigeration Principles and Practices 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: AIRC 1005) This course introduces the student to basic refrigeration system principles and practices, and the major component parts of the refrigeration system. Topics include refrigeration tools, piping practices, service valves, leak testing, refrigerant recovery, recycling and reclamation, evacuation, charging, and safety. AIRC 1020, Refrigeration Systems Components 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: AIRC 1005) This course provides the student with the skills and knowledge to install, test, and service major components of a refrigeration system. Topics include compressors, condensers, evaporators, metering devices, service procedures, refrigeration systems, and safety. AIRC 1030, HVACR Electrical Fundamentals 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: Provisional Admission. Corequisites: None) This course provides an introduction to fundamental electrical concepts and theories as applied to the air conditioning industry. Topics include AC and DC theory, electric meters, electrical diagrams, distribution systems, electrical panels, voltage circuits, code requirements, and safety. AIRC 1040, HVACR Electrical Motors 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: AIRC 1030) This course provides the student with the skills and knowledge necessary for application and service of electric motors commonly used by the refrigeration and air conditioning industry. Topics include diagnostic techniques, capacitors, installation procedures, types of electric motors, electric motor service, and safety. AIRC 1050, HVACR Electrical Components and Controls 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: AIRC 1030). Provides instruction in safely identifying, installing, and testing commonly used electrical components in an air conditioning system. Topics include identification, installation, application, diagnosis and safety procedures for: transformers, thermostats, pressure switches, control boards and commonly used HVACR controls and controls systems. AIRC 1060, Air Conditioning Systems Application and Installation 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: AIRC 1010. Corequisites: AIRC 1030) Provides instruction on the installation and service of residential air conditioning systems. Topics include: heat load studies, duct design procedures, split systems, package systems, system wiring, control circuits, and safety. 148 AIRC 1070, Gas Heat 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: AIRC 1030, MATH 1012. Corequisites: None) This course introduces principles of combustion and service requirements for gas heating systems. Topics include installation, servicing procedures, electrical controls, piping, gas valves, venting, code requirements, principles of combustion, and safety. AIRC 1080, Heat Pumps and Related Systems 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: AIRC 1010, AIRC 1030. Corequisites: None) This course provides instruction on the principles, applications, and operation of a residential heat pump system. Topics include installation and servicing procedures, electrical components, geothermal ground source energy supplies, dual fuel, valves, and troubleshooting techniques. AIRC 1090, Troubleshooting Air Conditioning Systems 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: AIRC 1010, AIRC 1030. Corequisites: ENGL 1010) This course provides instruction on the troubleshooting and repair of major components of a residential air conditioning system. Topics include air flow, air filters, psychrometrics, troubleshooting techniques, electrical controls, the refrigeration cycle, electrical servicing procedures, and safety. ALHS 1011, Structure and Function of the Human Body 5-00-5 (Prerequisite: Program Admission, Corequisites: None). Focuses on basic normal structure and function of the human body. Topics include general plan and function of the human body, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous and sensory systems, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, and reproductive system ALHS 1015, Basic Inorganic Chemistry 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisite: Appropriate level placement scores). Introduces chemical concept principles, laws, and techniques applicable to the medical laboratory. Topics include laboratory safety fundamental principles of chemistry, weight and measures, solutions, and basic laws of chemistry. ALHS 1040, Introduction to Health Care 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission, Corequisites: None). Introduces a grouping of fundamental principles, practices, and issues common in the health care profession. In addition to the essential skills, students explore various delivery systems and related issues. Topics include: basic life support/CPR, basic emergency care/first aid and triage, vital signs, infection control/blood and air-borne pathogens. ALHS 1060, Diet and Nutrition for AHS 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisite: Program admission) A study of the nutritional needs of the individual. Topics include: nutrients, standard and modified diets, nutrition throughout the lifespan, and client education. ALHS 1090, Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisite: Program Admission). Introduces the elements of medical terminology. Emphasis is placed on building familiarity with medical words through knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Topics include: origins (roots, prefixes, and suffixes), word building, abbreviations and symbols, and terminology related to the human anatomy. ALHS 1127, Health Sciences Chemistry 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level placement scores). Provides an introduction to basic chemical principles and concepts which explain the behavior of matter. Topics include measurement and units, atomic structure, chemical bonding, physical states of matter, nomenclature, stoichiometry, acids and bases, gases, liquid mixtures, nuclear chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry. AMCA 2130, CNC Mill Manual Programming 3-4-0-5 (Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: All Required AMCA 2110) Provides instruction for the safe operation and manual programming of computer numerical controlled (CNC) milling machines. Topics include: safety, calculation for programming, program codes and structure, program run and editing of programs. AMCA 2150, CNC Lathe Manual Programming 3-4-0-5 (Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: All Required AMCA 2110) Provides instruction for the safe operation and manual programming of computer numerical controlled (CNC) Lathes. Topics include: safety, calculations for programming, program codes and structure, program run and editing of programs. AMCA 2170, CNC Practical Applications 0-6-0-3 (Prerequisites: All Required AMCA 2110, AMCA 2130, AMCA 2150. Corequisites: None). Provides additional instruction in part holding and fixture design. Students will also gain additional experience in print-to-part development of CNC programming. Topics include: safety, fixture design and manufacturing, and CNC part manufacturing. AMCA 2190, CAD/CAM Programming 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: All Required AMCA 2110) Emphasizes the development of skills in computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM). The student will design and program parts to be machined on computer numerical controlled machines. Topics include: hardware and software, drawing manipulations, tool path generation, program posting, and program downloading. ARTS 1101, Art Appreciation 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate Degree Level Writing and Reading Placement Test Scores). Explores the visual arts and the relationship to human needs and aspirations. Students investigate the value of art, themes in art, the elements and principles of composition, and the materials and processes used for artistic expression. Well-known works of visual art are explored. The course encourages student interest in the visual arts beyond the classroom. AUTT 1010, Automotive Technology Introduction 1-2-0-2 (Corequisites: None) Introduces basic concepts and practices necessary for safe and effective automotive shop operations. Topics include: safety procedures; legal/ethical responsibilities; general service; hand tools; shop organization, management, and work flow systems. AUTT 1020, Automotive Electrical Systems 2-2-12-7 (Corequisites: AUTT 1010) Introduces automotive electricity, emphasizes the basic principles, diagnosis, and service/repair of batteries, starting systems, starting system components, alternators and regulators, lighting system, gauges, horn, wiper/washer, and accessories. AUTT 1021, Automotive Electrical Systems I 1-1-7-4 (Corequisite: AUTT 1010) Introduces automotive electricity, emphasizes the basic principles, diagnosis, and service/repair of batteries, starting systems, starting system components, and basic lighting systems. AUTT 1022, Automotive Electrical Systems II 1-1-5-3 (Corequisite: AUTT 1021) Emphasizes the basic principles, diagnosis, and service/repair of altenators and regulators, advanced lighting systems, gauges, horn, wiper/washer, and accessories. AUTT 1030, Automotive Brake Systems 2-2-3-4 (Corequisites: AUTT 1010) Introduces brake systems theory and its application to automotive systems and anti-lock brake system (ABS) to include ABS components and ABS operation, testing, and diagnosis. Topics include: hydraulic system diagnosis and repair; drum brake diagnosis and repair; disc brake diagnosis and repair; power assist units diagnosis and repair; miscellaneous brake components (wheel bearings, parking brakes, electrical, etc.) diagnosis and repair; test, diagnose, and service electronic brake control system. AMCA 2110, CNC Fundamentals 1-2-3-3 (Prerequisites: All Required Provisional Admission. MCHT 1011, MCHT 1012, MCHT 1013. Corequisites: None) Provides a comprehensive introduction to computer numerical controlled (CNC) machining processes. Topics include: safety, Computer Numerical Control of machinery, setup and operation of CNC machinery, introduction to programming of CNC machinery, introduction to CAD/CAM. 149 AUTT 1040, Automotive Engine Performance 2-3-10-7 (Prerequisites: AUTT 1020) Introduces basic engine performance systems which support and control four stroke gasoline engine operations and reduce emissions. Topics include: general engine diagnosis, computerized engine controls and diagnosis, ignition system diagnosis and repair, fuel and air induction, exhaust systems, emission control systems diagnosis and repair, and other related engine service. AUTT 1041, Automotive Engine Performance I 1-2-5-3 (Corequisite: AUTT 1020) Introduces basic engine performance systems which support and control four stroke gasoline engine operations and reduce emissions. Topics include; general engine diagnosis, fuel and air induction, exhaust systems, PCV control system diagnosis and repair, and other realted engine service. AUTT 1042 Automotive Engine Performance II 1-2-5-4 (Corequisite: AUTT 1020 or AUTT 1022) Continues basic engine performance systems which support and control four stroke gasoline engine operations and reduce emissions. Topics include: computerized engine controls and diagnosis, ignition systems diagnosis and repair, and advanced emission control systems diagnosis and repair. AUTT 1050, Automotive Suspension and Steering Systems 1-3-4-4 (Corequisites: AUTT 1020) Introduces students to principles of steering, suspension, wheel alignment, electronic steering, and electronic active suspension. Topics include: general suspension and steering systems diagnosis; steering systems diagnosis and repair; suspension systems diagnosis and repair; related suspension and steering service; wheel alignment diagnosis, adjustment and repair, wheel and tire diagnosis and repair. AUTT 1060, Automotive Climate Control Systems 3-2-2-5 (Pre-requisites: AUTT 1020) Introduces the theory and operation of automotive heating and air conditioning systems. Students attain proficiency in inspection, testing, service, and repair of heating and air conditioning systems and related components. Topics include: a/c system diagnosis and repair; refrigeration system component diagnosis and repair; heating, ventilation, and engine cooling systems diagnosis and repair; operating systems and related controls diagnosis and repair; refrigerant recovery, recycling, and handling. AUTT 2010, Automotive Engine Repair 2-5-5-6 (Corequisite: AUTT 1010) This course introduces the student to automotive engine theory and repair, placing emphasis on inspection, testing, and diagnostic techniques for both 2 cycle and 4 cycle internal combustion engines. Topics include general engine diagnosis; removal and reinstallation; cylinder heads and valve trains diagnosis and repair; engine blocks assembly diagnosis and repair; lubrication and cooling systems diagnosis and repair. AUTT 2011, Automotive Engine Repair I 1-2-3-3 (Corequisites: AUTT 1010) Introduces the student to automotive engine theory and repair, placing emphasis on inspection, testing, and diagnostic techniques for both 2 cyle and 4 cycle internal combustion engines. Topics include: general engine diagnosis, removal and reinstallation, basic cylinder heads and valve trains diagnosis and repair, and lubrication and cooling systems diagnosis and repair. AUTT 2012, Automotive Engine Repair II 1-3-2-3 (Corequisite: AUTT 2011) Continues automotive engine theory and repair, placing emphasis on inspection, testing, and diagnostic techniques for both 2 cycle and 4 cycle internal combustion engines. Topics include: advanced cylinder heads and valve trains diagnosis and repair, and engine blocks assembly, diagnosis and repair. AUTT 2020, Automotive Manual Drive Train and Axles 2-2-3-4 (Corequisites: AUTT 1010) This course introduces basics of rearwheel drive, front-wheel drive, and four-wheel drive driveline related operation, diagnosis, service and related electronic controls. Topics include: drive shaft and half shaft, universal and constant-velocity (CV) joint diagnosis and repair; ring and pinion gears and differential case assembly; limited slip differential; drive axle shaft; four-wheel drive/all-wheel drive component diagnosis and repair. Introduces basics of front and rear-wheel drive. Clutch operation, diagnosis and service is included. Electronic controls related to transmission/transaxles operation are discussed. Topics include: clutch diagnosis and repair; transmission/transaxles diagnosis and repair. AUTT 2030, Automotive Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles 2-4-3-5 (Prerequisites: AUTT 1020) Introduces students to basic automatic transmission/transaxle theory, operation, inspection, service, and repair procedures as well as electronic diagnosis and repair. Topics include: general automatic transmission and transaxle diagnosis; in vehicle and off vehicle transmission and transaxle maintenance, adjustment and repair. AVMT 1000, Aviation Mathematics 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisite: Program Admission, Co-requisite None) Provides students with the knowledge necessary to use and apply mathematical procedures and processes that are applicable to aviation maintenance functions. Topics include: perform algebraic operations; extract roots and raise numbers to a given power; determine area and volume of geometrical shapes; and solve ratio, proportion, and percentage problems. AVMT 1010, Aircraft Maintenance Regulations 2-0-2-2 (Prerequisite: Program Admission, Co-requisite None) This course provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to select and use FAA and manufacturers' specifications, data sheets, manuals, related regulations, and technical data; to write descriptions of aircraft conditions, record work performed, and complete maintenance forms and inspection reports; and to interpret federal regulations regarding mechanic privileges and limitations. Topics include: maintenance publications, maintenance forms and records, and mechanic privileges and limitations. AVMT 1020, Aircraft Applied Sciences I 4-0-4-5 (Prerequisite: Program Admission, Co-requisite None) Provides students with the fundamentals of aircraft materials and processes, ground operations and servicing, and aircraft cleaning and corrosion control. AVMT 1025, Aircraft Applied Sciences II 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: Program Admission, Co-requisite None) Provides students with the fundamentals of aircraft drawings, weight and balance, and fluid lines and fittings. AVMT 1030, Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Basic Electricity and Electronics 3-3-0-5 (Prerequisite: Program Admission, Co-requisite AVMT 1000) Provides a study of the relationships of voltage, current, and resistance in aircraft electrical systems, and the use of meters. Alternators; generators; starters; motors; charging systems; basic AC and DC systems; and semiconductor, solid state, and integrated circuit fundamentals are introduced. Topics include: determine the relationship of voltage, current, and resistance in electrical circuits; read and interpret electrical circuit diagrams; measure voltage, current, resistance, and continuity; calculate and measure electrical power; calculate and measure capacitance and inductance; inspect and service batteries; and solid state devices applications. AVMT 1210, Aviation Physics 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisite: Program Admission, Co-requisite AVMT 1000) Provides students with an introduction to the theory and application of physics to aerospace vehicles and their subsystems. Topics include: temperature and heat; pressure, temperature, and volume of air mass; basic aerodynamics and theory of flight; physical factors affecting engine output; relationship of pressure, area, and force; origin of sound; principles of simple machines; and centrifugal and centripetal force. 150 AVMT 2010, Aircraft Airframe Structures 1-0-2-2 (Prerequisite: Program Admission; Co-requisite None) This course presents a survey of aircraft airframe structures used in aircraft. Topics include: wood structures, aircraft covering, and aircraft finishes. AVMT 2020, Airframe Sheet Metal 1-0-3-2 (Prerequisite: AVMT 1020; Co-requisite: None) Provides a study of metal airframes. Topics include sheet metal structures introduction, install conventional rivets, install special rivets and fasteners, sheet metal form, lay out and bend, inspection and repair of sheet metal structures. AVMT 2025, Airframe Non-Metallic Structures 1-0-4-2 (Prerequisite: Program Admission; Co-requisite None) Provides a study of non-metallic tube and riveted sheet monocoque and semi-monocoque structures. Topics include identifying nonmetallic structures, inspect bonded structures, plastic structures, fiberglass structures, composite and honeycomb structures, inspect, check, service, and repair windows, doors, and interior furnishings, and laminated structures. AVMT 2030, Airframe Welding 1-0-0-1(Prerequisite: AVMT 1020; Co-requisite None) Provides an introduction to welding skills and tasks used on airframes. Topics include: welding principles; soldering, brazing, gas-welding, and arc-welding steel; welding aluminum and stainless steel; fabricating tubular structures; soldering stainless steel; and welding titanium and magnesium. AVMT 2040, Airframe Assembly and Rigging 1-0-2-2 (Prerequisite: AVMT 1010, AVMT 1020, AVMT 1025, AVMT 2010; Co-requisite None) This course provides a study of aircraft assembly and rigging configurations. Topics include: use assembly and rigging hand tools and equipment; rig fixed wing aircraft; rig rotary wing aircraft; check alignment of structures; assemble aircraft components, including flight control surfaces; balance, rig, and inspect movable primary and secondary control surfaces; and jack aircraft. AVMT 2050, Airframe Inspection 2-0-5-4 (Prerequisite: Program Admission; Co-requisite AVMT 1010, 1020, 1025, Required AVMT 2010 or AVMT 2011) This course provides instruction for performing airframe inspections with emphasis on developing the skills related to conformity and air worthiness evaluations. Topics include: perform airframe conformity inspection, and perform airframe air worthiness inspection. AVMT 2060, Aircraft Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems 1-0-22 (Prerequisite: Program Admission; Co-requisite None) This course provides a study of the principles of generation, distribution, and management of hydraulic and pneumatic power throughout the aircraft. Topics include: identify hydraulic fluids; repair hydraulic and pneumatic power system components; inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and repair hydraulic and pneumatic power systems; hydraulic and pneumatic position and warning systems; and inspect, check, troubleshoot, service, and repair aircraft position and warning systems. AVMT 2070, Aircraft Landing Gear Systems 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission; Co-requisite None) This course provides a study of aircraft landing gear systems with emphasis on inspection and maintenance procedures of hydraulic and pneumatic power throughout the aircraft structure. Topics include: inspect, check, service, and repair landing gear retraction systems and shock struts; inspect, check, service, and repair brakes, wheels, and tires; and inspect, check, service, and repair steering systems. AVMT 2080, Aircraft Environmental Control Systems 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission; Co-requisite None) This course provides a study of aircraft environmental control systems. Topics include: inspect, check, troubleshoot, service, and repair cabin atmosphere control systems; inspect, check, troubleshoot, service, and repair ice and rain control systems; and inspect, check, troubleshoot, service, and repair fire protection systems. AVMT 2085, Aircraft Fuel and Instrument Systems 3-0-2-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission; Co-requisite None) This course provides a study of airframe fuel and instrument systems. Topics include: inspect, check, troubleshoot, service and repair aircraft fuel systems; and inspect, check, troubleshoot, service and repair aircraft instrument systems. AVMT 2090, Aircraft Electrical Systems 3-0-4-4 (Prerequisite Program Admission; Co-requisite AVMT 1030) This course provides a study of aircraft electrical systems. Topics include: install, check, and service airframe electrical wiring, controls, switches, indicators, and protective devices; inspect, check, troubleshoot, service, and repair alternating and direct current electrical systems; repair and inspect aircraft electrical system components, crimp and splice wiring to manufacturer's specifications, and repair pins and sockets of aircraft connectors; and inspect, check, and troubleshoot constant speed and integrated speed drive generators. AVMT 2095, Aircraft Communication and Navigation Systems 2-0-2-2 (Prerequisite: Program Admission; Co-requisite AVMT 1030) This course provides a study of aircraft communication and navigation systems. Topics include the inspection, checking, and troubleshooting of autopilot servos and approach coupling systems, inspection, checking, and servicing of aircraft electronic communication and navigation systems to include VHF passenger address interphones and static discharge devices, aircraft VOR, ILS LORAN, radar beacon transponders, flight management computers, and GPWS, and the inspection and repair of antenna and electronic equipment installations. AVMT 2210, Reciprocating Engine Powerplants I 3-0-3-3 (Prerequisite Program Admission; Co-requisite None) This course provides a study of piston engine theory and maintenance including air and water cooled aircraft engines. Topics include: aircraft reciprocating engine theory, and inspect and repair radial engines. AVMT 2230, Gas Turbine Powerplants I 1-0-8-5 (Prerequisite Program Admission; Co-requisite AVMT 2210) This course provides a study of piston engine theory and maintenance including air and water cooled aircraft engines. Topics include: aircraft reciprocating engine theory, and inspect and repair radial engines. AVMT 2240, Gas Turbine Powerplants II 3-0-3-3 (Prerequisite Program Admission; Co-requisite None) This course continues a study of the fundamentals and evolution of the jet engine and jet propulsion. Topics include: overhaul a turbine engine; install, troubleshoot, and remove turbine engines; and inspect, check, service, and repair turbine engines and turbine engine installations. AVMT 2260, Aircraft Engine Fuel and Fuel Metering Systems 2-0-5-5 (Prerequisite: Program Admission; Co-requisite None) This course provides a study of aircraft engine fuel and fuel metering systems. Topics include: repair engine fuel system components; inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and repair engine fuel systems; troubleshoot and adjust turbine engine fuel metering systems and electronic engine fuel controls; inspect check, service, troubleshoot, and repair reciprocating and turbine engine fuel metering systems; overhaul carburetors; repair engine fuel metering system components; and inspect, check, and service water injection systems. AVMT 2270, Powerplant Instruments, Fire Protection, and Electrical Systems 2-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: Program Admission; Co-requisite: AVMT 1030) This course provides a study of powerplant instruments, fire protection and electrical systems. Topics include: troubleshoot, service, and repair electrical and mechanical fluid rate-of-flow indicating systems; inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and repair electrical and mechanical engine temperature, pressure, and r.p.m. indicating systems; inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and repair engine fire detection and extinguishing systems; install, check, and service engine electrical wiring, controls, switches, indicators, and protective devices; and repair engine electrical system components. 151 AVMT 2275, Powerplant Ignition and Stating Systems 3-0-2-4 (Prerequisite: AVMT 1030; Co-requisite None) This course provides a study of powerplant ignition and starting systems. Topics include: overhaul magneto and ignition harness; inspect, service, troubleshoot, and repair reciprocating and turbine engine ignition systems and components; inspect, service, troubleshoot, and repair turbine electrical starting systems; and inspect, service, and troubleshoot turbine engine pneumatic starting systems. AVMT 2280 Aircraft Powerplant Acccessory Systems 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite AVMT 2210 and AVMT 2230, Co-requisite None) This course provides a study of aircraft powerplant accessory systems. Topics include: inspect and maintain aircraft engine lubrication systems; inspect and maintain aircraft engine induction systems; inspect and maintain aircraft engine cooling systems; and inspect and maintain aircraft engine exhaust systems. AVMT 2285, Aircraft Propeller Systems 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite AVMT 2210, Co-requisite None) This course provides a study of aircraft propeller systems. Topics include: propeller theory and fundamentals; inspect and maintain propellers; and install, troubleshoot, and remove propellers. BARB 1000, Introduction to Barbering/Styling Implements 1-2-3-3 (Prerequisite: Diploma level placement scores in English, reading and math) Introduction to Barber/Styling is designed to give an overview of the barbering profession. Students are also taught the fundamentals of each barber/styling implement. Emphasis will be placed on the maintenance and care of each implement. Topics include: Barbering history, personality development, professional barbering ethics, and professional barbering image, safety, and reception and telephone techniques, nomenclature, types and sizes, proper use and care, and maintenance. BARB 1010, Science: Sterilization, Sanitation and Bacteriology 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BARB 1000) Introduces fundamental theories and practices of bacteriology, sterilization, sanitation, safety, and the welfare of the barber/stylist and patron. Topics include: sterilization, sanitation, safety, bacteriology, and Hazardous Duty Standards Act compliance. BARB 1020, Introduction to Haircutting and Shampooing 3-0-6-5 (Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BARB 1000) Introduces the theory and skills necessary to apply basic haircutting techniques. Safe use of haircutting implements will be stressed. Also introduces the fundamental theory and skills required to shampoo hair. Laboratory training includes shampooing a live model. Topics include: preparation of patron, haircutting terminology, safety and sanitation, implements, and basic haircutting techniques, shampoo chemistry, patron preparation, and shampoo procedures. BARB 1030, Haircutting/Basic Styling 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BARB 1000) Continues the theory and application of haircutting techniques and introduces hairstyling. Topics include: introduction to styling, client consultation, head and hair analysis, style cutting techniques, and implements for style cutting and tapering techniques. BARB 1040, Shaving 1-0-3-2 (Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BARB 1000) Introduces the theory and skills necessary to prepare and shave a patron. Simulated shaving procedures will precede practice on live models. Topics include: patron preparation, beard preparation, shaving techniques, once-over shave techniques, and safety precautions. BARB 1050, Science: Anatomy and Physiology 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BARB 1000) Develops knowledge of the function and care of the scalp, skin, and hair. Emphasis is placed on the function, health, and growth of these areas. Topics include: cells, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, circulatory system, and related systems. BARB 1060, Introduction to Color Theory/Application 1-2-3-3 (Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BARB 1000) Introduces the fundamental theory of color, predispositions tests, color selection, and color application. Presents the application of temporary, semi-permanent, and permanent hair coloring products. Topics include: basic color concepts, skin reactions, the color wheel, color selection and application, mustache and beards, coloring products, safety precautions and tests, mixing procedures, color selection and application. BARB 1070, Chemical Restructuring of Hair 2-0-9-5 (Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BARB 1000) Introduces the chemistry and chemical reactions of permanent wave solutions and relaxers. Provide instructions in the applications of permanent waves and hair relaxers. Precautions and special problems involved in applying permanent waves and relaxers will be emphasized. Application of perms and relaxers on live models is included. Topics include: permanent wave techniques, safety procedures, chemical relaxer techniques, and permanent wave and chemical relaxer, application procedures on manikins, timed permanent wave, timed relaxer applications, safety precautions, and Hazardous Duty Standard Act. BARB 1080, Advanced Haircutting/Styling 1-0-12-5 (Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BARB 1000) Continues the theory and application of haircutting and styling techniques. Topics include: elevation and design cutting, introduction to hairpieces, blow-dry styling, and thermal waving and curling, advanced haircutting and styling; use of clippers, shears, and razor; hair chemical texturizing/styling; permanent waving/styling; shaving techniques; and beard trimming. BARB 1090, Structure of Skin Scalp and Hair 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BARB 1000) Introduces the theory, procedures, and products used in the care and treatment of the skin, scalp, and hair. Provides instruction on the theory and application of techniques in the treatment of the skin, scalp, and hair; and introduces the theory and skills required in massaging the face, preparing the patron for facial treatment, and giving facial treatments for various skin conditions. Benefits of facial treatments and massage will be emphasized. Emphasis will be placed on work with live models. Topics include: treatment theory, basic corrective hair and scalp treatments, plain facial, products and supplies, disease and disorders, implements, products and supplies, diseases and disorders, corrective hair and scalp treatments, facial procedures and manipulations, and safety precautions, theory of massage, preparation of patron for massage, massage procedures, facial treatment, types of facials, and facial treatment benefits. BARB 1100, Barber/Styling Practicum and Internship 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BARB 1000) Provides experience necessary for professional development and completion of requirements for state licensure. Emphasis will be placed on the display of professional conduct and positive attitudes. The requirements for this course may be met in a laboratory setting or in a combination of a laboratory setting and an approved internship facility. Topics include: haircutting/styling, hairstyling texturizing, shaving, beard trimming, thermal waving, hairpiece fitting and styling, safety precautions, and licensure preparation. BARB 1110, Shop Management/Ownership 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BARB 1000) Emphasizes the steps involved in opening and operating a privately owned cosmetology salon or barber/styling shop. Topics include: planning a salon/shop, business management, retailing, public relations, sales skills, client retention, and entrepreneurship. 152 BARB 2010, Introduction and Application to Barber Instruction 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Introduces the fundamental theory and practices and basic record keeping concepts of the barbering instructor profession. Emphasis will be placed on fostering and providing educational training in the field of Barbering. Topics include: state and local laws, rules and regulations, professional image, effective communication, theory of instruction, Hazardous Duty Standards Act Compliance, various career opportunities, attendance, grades, student service and theory hours, basic record keeping and effective use of advisory committee. BARB 2020, Program Development 2-4-3-5 (Prerequisite/Corequisite: None) Emphasizes the steps involved in the development of a great lesson plan and measuring the knowledge of learners. Topics include: developing curriculum, developing instructional outcomes, developing components of a lesson plan, using printed materials and visual aids in a lesson plan, understanding the purpose of testing, and academic policy, and developing rubics, multiple-category grading system and special learner needs. BARB 2030, Classroom/Lab Management 2-6-0-5 (Prerequisite/Corequisite: None) Emphasizes the steps involved in the operation of a barbering program, teaching skills, classroom management and dynamic clinic teaching. Topics include: identify entry-level practitioners in hair, skin and nails, teaching effective communication skills, inventory, networking, portfolio design, managing learner behavior, managing difficult learners, classroom arrangements, role of the clinic environment and basic principles of academic advising and counseling. BARB 2040, Teaching Skills and Techniques 2-4-3-5 (Prerequisite/Corequisite: None) Provides knowledge and application on the principles of teaching and identifies the characteristics of the different learner types and teaching methods. Topics include: educator to learner relationships, effective and reflective listening skills, emotional influences and needs of today’s learner, destructive verses constructive tactics, learner motivation, cultivating positive relationships, challenges for all learner styles, timed lecturing, and preparing for a lecture method of teaching. BARB 2050, Barbering Practicum I 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisite/Corequisite: BARB 2010, BARB 2020, BARB 2030, BARB 2040) Provides a experience necessary for professional development and completion of requirements for Instructor training state licensure requirements. Emphasis will be placed on the trainee’s display of professional conduct, positive attitude, and evaluation of learners in a lab setting. The requirements for this course may be met in a laboratory setting. Topics include monitoring and evaluating in the following areas: permanent waving and relaxers; hair color and bleaching; skin, scalp, and hair treatments; haircutting; dispensary; styling; manicure/pedicure/advanced nail techniques; reception; safety precautions/decontamination; Hazardous Duty Standards Act compliance. BARB 2060, Barbering Practicum II 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisite/Corequisite: BARB 2050) Provides experience necessary for professional development and completion of requirements for instructor training state licensure requirements. Emphasis will be placed on the trainee, display of professional conduct, positive attitude, and evaluation of learners in a lab setting. The requirements for this course may be met in a laboratory setting. Topics include monitoring and evaluating in the following areas: permanent waving and relaxers; hair coloring and lightning; skin, scalp, and hair treatments; haircutting; dispensary; styling; manicure/pedicure/advanced nail techniques; reception; safety precautions/decontamination; Hazardous Duty Standards Act compliance. BFMT 1030, Fundamentals of Structural Maintenance 2-8-0-6 (Prerequisite/Corequisite: MAT 1012) Provides introductory skills in basic building repair and maintenance. Topics include: carpentry and cabinet repairs; tile and floor repairs; paints and finishes; lab and shop safety; building codes; handicap accessibility; conduit installation; and waterproofing. BFMT 1050, Fundamentals of Plumbing 1-4-0-3 (Corequisite: MAT 1012) Provides introductory skills in basic plumbing. Topics include: basic pipe sizing; fitting identification and terminology; pipe joining; valve identification; plumbing repairs; and lab and shop safety. BIOL 1111, Biology I 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing/English and Reading]; Corequisite: BIOL1111 L). Provides an introduction to basic biological concepts with a focus on living cells. Topics include chemical principles related to cells, cell structure and function, energy and metabolism, cell division, protein synthesis, genetics, and biotechnology BIOL 1111L, Biology Lab I 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing/English and Reading]; Corequisite: BIOL1111). Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in BIOL 1111. The laboratory exercises for this course include chemical principles related to cells, cell structure and function, energy and metabolism, cell division, protein synthesis, genetics, and biotechnology. BIOL 2113, Anatomy and Physiology I 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing/English and Reading]; Co-requisite: BIOL 2113L). Introduces the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Emphasis is placed on the development of a systemic perspective of anatomical structures and physiological processes. Topics include body organization, cell structure and functions, tissue classifications, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, and nervous and sensory systems. BIOL 2113L, Anatomy and Physiology Lab I 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing/English and Reading]; Co-requisite: BIOL 2113). Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in BIOL 2113. The laboratory exercises for this course include body organization, cell structure and functions, tissue classifications, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, and nervous sensory systems. BIOL 2114, Anatomy and Physiology II 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in BIOL 2113 and BIOL 2113L; Corequisite: BIOL 2114L.) Continues the study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Topics include the endocrine system, cardiovascular system, blood and lymphatic system, immune system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, ,and reproductive system. BIOL 2114L, Anatomy and Physiology Lab II 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in BIOL 2113 and BIOL 2113L; Co-requisite: BIOL 2114). Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in BIOL 2114. The laboratory exercises for this course include the endocrine system, cardiovascular system, blood and lymphatic system, immune system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, and reproductive system. BIOL 2117, Introductory Microbiology 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in BIOL 2113 and BIOL 2113L or BIOL 1111 and BIOL 1111L; Co-requisite: BIOL 2117L). Provides students with a foundation in basic microbiology with emphasis on infectious disease. Topics include microbial diversity, microbial cell biology, microbial genetics, interactions and impact of microorganisms and humans, microorganisms and human disease. BIOL 2117L, Introductory Microbiology Lab 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in BIOL 2113 and BIOL 2113L or BIOL 1111 and BIOL 1111L; Co-requisite: BIOL 2117). Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in BIOL 2117. The laboratory exercises for this course include microbial diversity, microbial cell biology, microbial genetics, interactions and impact of microorganisms and humans, and microorganisms and human disease 153 BUSN 1100, Introduction to Keyboarding 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) This course introduces the touch system of keyboarding placing emphasis on correct techniques. Topics include: computer hardware, computer software, file management, learning the alphabetic keyboard, the numeric keyboard and keypad, building speed and accuracy, and proofreading. Students attain a minimum of 25 GWAM (gross words a minute) on 3-minute timings with no more than 3 errors. BUSN 1190, Digital Technologies in Business 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisite: COMP 1000). Provides an overview of digital technology used for conducting business. Students will learn the application of business activities using various digital platforms. BUSN 1240, Office Procedures 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: COMP 1000) Emphasizes essential skills required for the business office. Topics include: office protocol, time management, telecommunications and telephone techniques, office equipment, workplace mail, records management, travel/meeting arrangements, electronic mail, and workplace documents. BUSN 1300, Introduction to Business 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission). Introduces organization and management concepts of the business world and in the office environment. Topics include business in a global economy, starting and organizing a business, enterprise management, marketing strategies and financial management. BUSN 1310, Introduction to Business Culture 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) Provides skills and attitudes necessary to function effectively both professionally and interpersonally in the workplace. Topics include: health and wellness; exercise; stress, time, and money management; work ethics; wardrobe on the job; workplace communications; and business entertainment, travel, and international culture. BUSN 1320, Business Interaction Skills 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: None). This course equips participants with the tools to communicate and interact more effectively in person, in writing and on the telephone with both internal and external customers. Participants also learn how to work in teams to create a collaborative environment for accomplishing goals. This course consist of the following: language of business, communication skills, working with information, business writing, team and collaborative skills, and resolving interpersonal conflict. BUSN 1340, Customer Service Effectiveness 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: None).This course emphasizes the importance of customer service throughout all businesses. Topics include: customer service challenges and problem solving; strategies for successful customer service; effective communication and dealing with difficult customers; empowerment, motivation, and leadership; customer retention and satisfaction measurement; and excellence in customer service. BUSN 1400, Word Processing Applications 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: COMP 1000) This course covers the knowledge and skills required to use word processing software through course demonstrations, laboratory exercises and projects. Minimal document keying will be necessary as students will work with existing documents to learn the functions and features of the word processing application. Topics and assignments will include: word processing concepts, customizing documents, formatting content, working with visual content, organizing content, reviewing documents, sharing and securing content. BUSN 1410, Spreadsheet Concepts and Applications 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: COMP 1000) This course covers the knowledge and skills required to use spreadsheet software through course demonstrations, laboratory exercises and projects. Topics and assignments will include: spreadsheet concepts, creating and manipulating data, formatting data and content, creating and modifying formulas, presenting data visually and, collaborating and securing data. BUSN 1420, Database Applications 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: COMP 1000) This course covers the knowledge and skills to required67 to use database management software through course demonstrations, laboratory exercises and projects. Topics and assignments will include: database concepts, structuring databases, creating and formatting database elements, entering and modifying data, creating and modifying queries, presenting and sharing data and, managing and maintaining databases. BUSN 1430, Desktop Publishing and Presentation Applications 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: COMP 1000). This course covers the knowledge and skills required to use desktop publishing (DTP) software and presentation software to create business publications and presentations. Course work will include course demonstrations, laboratory exercises and projects. Topics include: desktop publishing concepts, basic graphic design, publication layout, presentation design, and practical applications BUSN 1440, Document Production 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in BUSN 1100 or the ability to key 25 gross words a minute on 3-minute timings with no more than 3 errors. Prerequisite/Corequisite: COMP 1000) Reinforces the touch system of keyboarding placing emphasis on correct techniques with adequate speed and accuracy and producing properly formatted business documents. Topics include: reinforcing correct keyboarding technique, building speed and accuracy, formatting business documents, language arts, proofreading, and work area management. BUSN 2160, Electronic Mail Applications 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisite: Program Admission, COMP 1000) This course provides instruction in the fundamentals of communicating with others inside and outside the organization via a personal information management program. Emphasizes the concepts necessary for individuals and workgroups to organize, find, view, and share information via electronic communication channels. Topics include: Internal and External Communication, Message Management, Calendar Management, Navigation, Contact and Task Management, and Security and Privacy. BUSN 2170, Web Page Design 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisite: Program admission, COMP 1000) This course provides instruction in the concepts necessary for individuals to create and manage professional quality web sites. Topics include: Web Site Creation, Web Page Development and Design, Hyperlink Creation, Test, and Repair, Integration, Web Site Navigation, and Web Site Management. BUSN 2180, Speed and Accuracy Keying 0-2-0-1 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in BUSN 1100 or the ability to key 25 gross words a minute on 3-minute timings with no more than 3 errors.) Further develops speed and accuracy through analysis of keying and prescribed practice drills. Topics include: building speed and accuracy and straight-copy proofreading. BUSN 2190, Business Document Proofreading and Editing 14-0-3 (Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 OR ENGL 1101. Prerequisite/Corequisite: BUSN 1440). Emphasizes proper proofreading and editing as applied to business documents. Topics include: applying proofreading techniques and proofreader’s marks with business documents; proper content, clarity, and conciseness in business documents; and business document formatting. BUSN 2200, Office Accounting 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Introduces fundamental concepts of the accounting cycle for a sole proprietor service business. Topics include: accounting equation, analyzing business transactions, journalizing and posting transactions, accounts receivable and accounts payable subsidiary ledgers, financial statements, cash control, and payroll concepts. 154 BUSN 2210, Applied Office Procedures 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite: BUSN 1240, BUSN 1400, BUSN 1410, BUSN 1440. Prerequisite/Corequisite: BUSN 2200, ACCT 1100, BUSN 2190) This course focuses on applying knowledge and skills learned in prior courses taken in the program. Topics include: communications skills, telecommunications skills, records management skills, office equipment/supplies, and integrated programs/applications. Serves as a capstone course. BUSN 2230, Office Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: BUSN 1240). Provide students with an overview of management concepts, styles, and skills. Topics include: management styles, leadership traits, ergonomics/workflow, communication channels, business ethics, supervisory techniques, and job performance evaluation techniques. BUSN 2240- Business Administrative Assistant Internship I 0-0-12-4 (Prerequisite: Must be in last semester of program. With advisor approval, may take concurrently with last semester courses.) Provides student work experience in a professional environment. Topics include: application of classroom knowledge and skills, work environment functions, and listening/following directions. Students will be under the supervision of the Business Administrative Technology program faculty and/or persons designated to coordinate work experience arrangements. BUSN 2250, Business Administrative Assistant Internship II 0-0-18-6 (Prerequisite: Must be in last semester of program. With advisor approval, may take concurrently with last semester courses.) Provides student work experience in a professional environment. Topics include: application of classroom knowledge and skills, work environment functions, and listening/following directions. Students will be under the supervision of the Business Administrative Technology program faculty and/or persons designated to coordinate work experience arrangements. BUSN 2300, Medical Terminology 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Introduces the basic spelling and pronunciation of medical terms, and the use of these terms as they relate to anatomy, treatment, surgery, and drugs. Topics include: word analysis, word elements, spelling, pronunciation, and semantics. BUSN 2310, Anatomy and Terminology for the Medical Administrative Assistant 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) Introduces the structure and function of the human body including medical terminology. Topics covered include information which will provide the medical office assistant with the knowledge needed to communicate with office staff, physicians, and patients and to assist in completion of medical reports generated in the medical office. Topics include: body structures, body functions, and medical terminology. BUSN 2320, Medical Document Processing/Transcription 1-60-4 (Prerequisite: BUSN 2300 or ALHS 1090; BUSN 2310 or ALHS 1010 or ALHS 1011; BUSN 1440; ENGL 1010) Provides experience in medical machine transcription working with the most frequently used medical reports. Topics include: equipment and supplies maintenance and usage, work area management, spelling, definitions, punctuation, processing/transcription speed and accuracy, resource utilization, and pronunciation. BUSN 2330, Advanced Medical Document Processing/Transcription 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisite: BUSN 2320) Continues the development of speed and accuracy in the transcription of medical reports with emphasis on a variety of medical specialization. Topics include: equipment and supplies maintenance and usage, work area management, spelling, definitions, punctuation, processing/transcription speed and accuracy, resource utilization, pronunciation, and medical transcription work ethics. BUSN 2340, Medical Administrative Procedures 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: BUSN 2300 or ALHS 1090; BUSN 2310 or ALHS 1010 or ALHS 1011; BUSN 1440; COMP 1000) Emphasizes essential skills required for the medical office. Introduces the knowledge and skills of procedures for billing purposes. Introduces the basic concept of medical administrative assisting and its relationship to the other health fields. Emphasizes medical ethics, legal aspects of medicine, and the medical administrative assistant's role as an agent of the physician. Provides the student with knowledge and the essentials of professional behavior. Topics include: introduction to medical administrative assisting, medical law, ethics, patient relations/human relations, physicianpatient-assistant relationship, medical office in litigation, medical records management, scheduling appointments, pegboard or computerized accounting, health insurance, transcription of medical documents, and billing/collection. BUSN 2350, Computerized Medical Office Skills 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisite: BUSN 2300 or ALHS 1090; BUSN 2310 or ALHS 1010 or ALHS 1011; BUSN 1440; COMP 1000) This course provides a study of the content, code sets, storage, retrieval, control, flow, retention, maintenance of the medical administrative and electronic health record, and computerized office management. Topics include: electronic health information management, electronic data interchange, coding standards, medical record and office management software, point of entry data entry, electronic coding from medical records, speed data entry in processing medical records, analysis of records to improve patient care, confidentiality, release of information, security of electronic health record, communication, technology, insurance payment, managed care, posting to accounts, appointment schedules, practice management, report generation and HIPAA security. BUSN 2370, Medical Office Billing/Coding/Insurance 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: BUSN 2300 or ALHS 1090; BUSN 2310 or ALHS 1010 or ALHS 1011) Provides an introduction to medical coding skills and applications of international coding standards for billing of health care services. Provides the knowledge and skills to apply coding of diagnostic statements and procedures for billing purposes. Provides an introduction to medical coding as it relates to health insurance. Topics include: International classification of diseases, code book formats; coding techniques; formats of the ICD and CPT manuals; health insurance; billing, reimbursement, and collections; and managed care. BUSN 2380, Medical Administrative Assistant Internship I 00-12-4 (Prerequisite: Must be in last semester of program. With advisor approval, may take concurrently with last quarter courses.) Provides student work experience in a medical office environment. Topics include: application of classroom knowledge and skills, work environment functions, and listening/following directions. Students will be under the supervision of the Business Administrative Technology program faculty and/or persons designated to coordinate work experience arrangements. BUSN 2390, Medical Administrative Assistant Internship II 00-18-6 (Prerequisite: Must be in last quarter of program. With advisor approval, may take concurrently with last quarter courses.) Provides student work experience in a medical office environment. Topics include: application of classroom knowledge and skills, work environment functions, and listening/following directions. Students will be under the supervision of the Business Administrative Technology program faculty and/or persons designated to coordinate work experience arrangements. CAVT 1002, Medical Physics 1-2-0 2 (Prerequisites: Program Admission. Corequisites CAVT 1030, CAVT 1100). In this course the student is introduced to theory of medical instrumentation and physics found in the cardiovascular sciences. Performance of laboratory procedure is used to reinforce understanding of biomedical applications of equipment and uses as well as proper technique in safety. Topics include: electrical circuit theory, hospital equipment safety and medical instruments and equipment. 155 CAVT 1020, Cardiac Catheterization 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: CAVT 1002, CAVT 1030, CAVT 1100. Corequisites: CAVT 1021 and CAVT 1080). This course includes an intensive study of the role of the Cardiovascular Technology student in the various diagnostic invasive cardiac catheterization procedures such as right and left heart procedures, temporary pacemakers, SwanGanz catheters, and coronary angioplasty. This includes identification of angiographic images and data as well as basic interventional techniques. Topics include: introduction to cardiac catheterization, medical legal ethics in the cardiac catheterization lab, angioplastic data, hemodynamic principles, special techniques in cardiac catheterization, and interventional techniques. Additional topics include emergency life support, cardiac pharmacology, and cardiac pathology and advance cardiac life support. CAVT 1021, Cardiac Catheterization Clinical 1 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisites: CAVT 1002, CAVT 1030, CAVT 1100, ECHO 1550 Corequisites: CAVT 1020 and CAVT 1080) Clinical prep will provide hands-on experience and will serve as an introduction to the competencies, rotations, and expectations of the student while in the cardiac catheterization lab in a student capacity. Topics include: ethical and legal behavior in the catheterization laboratory, environmental safety in the catheterization laboratory, clinical orientation, monitoring skills, and basic life support. The student will perform and complete various competencies to prepare for the clinical experience in each rotation. CAVT 1030, Electrophysiology I & Cardiac Anatomy 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisites: Program Admission Corequisite: Cardiovascular Program – CAVT 1100, CAVT 1002; Echocardiography Program – ECHO 1100, DMSO 1040; Vascular Program – VAST 1100, DMSO 1040) Introduces the concepts essential in the performance and interpretation of 12 lead EKG and heart sounds. As a study of the anatomy, physiology, structural relationships, and the pathophysiology of the human heart and vascular system, the course concentrates on specialized terminology, cardiac and vascular anatomy, and electrophysiology. Topics include: heart anatomy, circulatory system, heart electrical system, physical heart defects, electrocardiograph, preparation for various electrocardiographic examinations, physical principles and pathophysiology of heart sounds, exercise physiology, stress testing, Holter monitoring, cardiac pacemakers, and cardiac rehabilitation programs. Laboratory experiences will be provided. CAVT 1080, Advanced Hemodynamics & Cardiac Physiology 14-0-3 (Prerequisites: Cardiovascular Program – CAVT 1002, CAVT 1030, CAVT 1100; Echocardiography Program – CAVT 1030, ECHO 1100, DMSO 1040. Corequisites: Cardiovascular Program – CAVT 1020, CAVT 1021; Echocardiography Program – ECHO 1310, ECHO 1370, DMSO 1080.) The student is introduced to various forms of invasive monitoring. Various forms of invasive access are studied, including right and left heart catheterization, arterial line setups, and appropriate care. Emphasis is placed on the basics of hemodynamic monitoring and interpretation. Also provides an overview of cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology. Topics include: hemodynamics, aseptic technique, infection control, biochemistry of the cardiac muscle, conduction system, electrocardiogram, pathophysiology of acquired diseases, embryological development, and pathophysiology of congenital diseases. CAVT 1090, Drug Calculations and Administration 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisites: MATH 1101 or MATH 1111) Uses basic mathematical concepts and includes basic drug administration. Emphasizes critical thinking skills. Topics include: systems of measurement, calculating drug problems, resource materials usage, basic pharmacology, administering medications in a simulated clinical environment, principles of IV therapy techniques, and client education. CAVT 1100, Cardiac Catheterization Fundamentals 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisites: Program Admission Corequisites CAVT 1002, CAVT 1030) Provides an overview of cardiovascular invasive diagnosis and therapy. Includes an introduction of the cardiac catheterization lab. Topics include: x-ray therapy, safety, positioning, coronary arteriography, pharmacology, invasive cardiac measurements and calculations, and specialty procedures. CAVT 2020, Cardiac Catheterization 2 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: CAVT 1020, CAVT 1021, CAVT 1080. Corequisites: CAVT 1090, CAVT 2030) An intensive study of the role of the CV Technologist in the various invasive Cardiac Catheterization procedures such as: Right and Left heart catheterization, temporary pacemakers, Swan-Ganz, and coronary angioplasty, Topics include: general principles of acid-base and blood gas collection, interpretation and analogies, cardiac surgery and peripheral vascular disease, basic principles of electrophysiology and pacemaker technology, congenital heart disease and corrective surgeries, and basic hemodynamic review. Lab experience will be provided. CAVT 2030, Cardiac Catheterization Clinical 2 0-0-18-6 (Prerequisites CAVT 1020, CAVT 1021, CAVT 1080. Corequisites: CAVT 2020, CAVT 1090) Provides hands-on experience in performing invasive cardiac catheterization procedures while being monitored by a registered preceptor. Topics include: policies and procedures class, ethical and legal behavior in the catheterization laboratory, scrubbing skills, monitoring skills, circulating skills, and advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) certification. CAVT 2050, Cardiac Catheterization Clinical 3 0-0-33-11 (Prerequisites CAVT 2020, CAVT 2030. Corequisites CAVT 2040) The course provides a culminating clinical experience which allows students to analyze information and procedural instruction provided throughout the program. Offers an intensive study of the hands-on experience in role of the cardiac catheterization technologist in advanced cardiovascular procedures related to the catheterization lab while being monitored by a registered preceptor with emphasis on continuing to develop skills in scrubbing, monitoring and circulating during diagnostic and interventional procedures. Topics include: professional conduct, infection control, scrubbing skills, monitoring skills and circulation skills. CAVT 2070, Cardiac Catheterization Registry Review 1 0-4-0-2 (Prerequisites: CAVT 1020, CAVT 1021, CAVT 2020, CAVT 2030, CAVT 1090. Corequisite: CAVT 2050 ). An intensive review to prepare the student for the national examination. Topics include: cardiovascular anatomy and physiology, cardiovascular disease and pathophysiology, hemodynamic data, diagnostic techniques and patient care assessments. CHEM 1100, Nuclear Plant Chemistry 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: MATH 1111) Provides an introduction to basic chemical principles and concepts which explain the behavior of matter. Topics include measurements, structure of matter, chemical bonding, chemical and nuclear reactions, gas laws and pressure, liquid mixtures, acids and bases, pH, and fundamentals of water chemistry related to a nuclear power plant. A description of how the chemical and nuclear processes occurring at a nuclear power plant are interrelated. The laboratory exercises support classroom learning. Safety concepts will be emphasized in all experiments and statistical analysis will be applied. CHEM 1151, Survey of Inorganic Chemistry 3-0-0-3 (Corequisite: MATH 1101 or MATH 1111 and CHEM 1151L). Provides an introduction to basic chemical principles and concepts which explain the behavior of matter. Topics include measurements and units, structure of matter, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, gas laws, liquid mixtures, acids and bases, salts and buffers, and nuclear chemistry. 156 CHEM 1151L, Survey of Inorganic Chemistry Lab 0-0-3-1 (Co-requisite: MATH 1101 or MATH 1111 and CHEM 1151). Selected laboratory experiments paralleling the topics in CHEM 1151. The lab exercises for this course include units of measurements structure of matter, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, gas laws, liquid mixtures, acids and bases, salts and buffers, and nuclear chemistry. CHEM 1152, Survey of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1101 or MATH 1111 and CHEM 1151 and CHEM 1151L; Co-requisite: CHEM 1152L). Provides an introduction to organic chemistry and biochemistry. This survey will include an overview of the properties, structure, nomenclature, reactions of hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, ethers, halides, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amines, amides; the properties, structure, and function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and enzymes, as well as, intermediary metabolism. Topics include basic principles, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon derivatives, heterocyclic rings and alkaloids, carbohydrates, lipids and fats, proteins, nucleic acids, and intermediary metabolism. CHEM 1152L, Survey of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Lab 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1101 or MATH 1111 and CHEM 1151 and CHEM 1151L; Corequisite: CHEM 1152) . Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in CHEM 1152. The laboratory exercises for this course include basic principles of organic chemistry, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon derivatives, heterocyclic rings and alkaloids, carbohydrates, lipids and fats, proteins, nucleic acids, and intermediary metabolism. CHEM 1211, Chemistry I 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1101 or MATH 1111 and appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing/English and Reading]; Corequisite: CHEM 1211L). Provides an introduction to basic chemical principles and concepts which explain the behavior of matter. Topics include measurement, physical and chemical properties of matter, atomic structure, chemical bonding, nomenclature, chemical reactions, and stoichiometry and gas laws. CHEM 1211L, Chemistry Lab I 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1101 or MATH 1111 and appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing/English and Reading]; Corequisite: CHEM 1211). Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in CHEM 1211. The laboratory exercises for this course include measurement, physical and chemical properties of matter, atomic structure, chemical bonding, nomenclature, chemical reactions, stoichiometry and gas laws. CHEM 1212, Chemistry II 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1101 or MATH 1111 and CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L; Co-requisite: CHEM 1212L). Continues the exploration of basic chemical principles and concepts. Topics include equilibrium theory, kinetics, thermodynamics, solution chemistry, acid-base theory, and nuclear chemistry. CHEM 1212L, Chemistry Lab II 0-0-3-0 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1101 or MATH 1111 and CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L; Co-requisite: CHEM 1212). Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in CHEM 1212. The laboratory exercises for this course include equilibrium theory, kinetics, thermodynamics, solution chemistry, acid-base theory, and nuclear chemistry. CHEM 2211, Organic Chemistry I 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or Higher in CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L; Co-requisite: CHEM 2211L). This course is the first of a two-semester sequence on the organic chemistry of alkanes, alkenes and their substitution products, reactions, nomenclature, functional groups and electron structure. CHEM 2211L - Organic Chemistry I Lab 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or Higher in CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L; Corequisite: CHEM 2211). In this laboratory course, students perform experiments to illustrate the reactions, principles and techniques presented in Organic Chemistry I. Students gain experience in synthesis and techniques relating to isolation, purification and identification of organic compounds. CHEM 2212 - Organic Chemistry II 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or Higher in CHEM 2211 and CHEM 2211L; Corequisite: CHEM 2212L). This course is a continuation of Organic Chemistry I. Topics include spectroscopy, aromatic compounds and a survey of carbonyl compounds and their reactions. Instructors emphasize bioorganic compounds as they relate to biological structure and function. CHEM 2212L - Organic Chemistry II Lab 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or Higher in CHEM 2211 and CHEM 2211L; Corequisite: CHEM 2212). In this laboratory course, students perform experiments to illustrate the reactions, principles and techniques presented in Organic Chemistry II. Students gain additional experience in instrumentation, synthesis and techniques relating to isolation and purification. They also expand their capabilities relating to the identification of organic compounds. CHET 1100, Introduction to Chemical Technology 3-0-3-4 (Corequisites: MATH 1111 College Algebra, CHEM 1211 Chemistry I, and CHEM 1211L Chemistry I Lab) A survey of chemical industry job functions, professional ethical responsibilities, and employment opportunities in the local and national workforce. Topics include record keeping, literature use, government regulations, chemical safety, quality control, glove box use, radiation safety, and criticality issues. Case studies and group projects will be used to illustrate specific aspects of the course. CHET 1200, Chemical Methods and Functions 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: CHET 1100 Introduction to Chemical Technology) This course includes reading processes, instrumentation diagrams, and an introduction to unit operations and material balances. Describes how sensors and instrumentation are used to effectively control processes found in industry. CHET 1300, Chemistry Literature and Portfolio 1-0-2-2 (Prerequisite: CHET 1200, CHET 2110, CHET 2120, CHET 2210) Each student shall select a research idea involving literature searches, laboratory exercises, and create a portfolio summarizing their findings. Faculty mentoring will support these activities. CHET 2110, Chemical Separations and Analysis 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: CHET 1300 Chemistry Literature and portfolio) This course covers applications of various methods of chemical separations and analysis preformed in traditional wet chemical analysis. Coordination chemistry as it relates to separations technology. Techniques include extractions, distillations, and chromatography. The chemical methods of volumetric analysis, gravimetric analysis, and spectrophotometry are introduced. A focus on methodology is applied. CHET 2120, Analytical Chemistry I 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: CHET 1300 Chemistry Literature and Portfolio; Co-requisite: CHET 2110 Chemical Separations and Analysis) A methods based course that covers fundamentals in how and what variables are measured and what the results indicate. Calibration and statistical treatment of results to ensure quality will be included. The chemical methods of volumetric analysis, gravimetric analysis, and spectrophotometry are introduced. CHET 2210, Analytical Chemistry II 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: CHET 1300 Chemistry Literature and Portfolio; Co-requisites: CHET 2220 MOX Process and CHET 2230 Inorganic Chemistry) This course describes some common types of chemical instrumentation used in chemical analysis, process industries, and quality control. Theoretical as well as practical applications are covered. Instrumentation includes but is not limited to; Atomic Spectrophotometry, Gas Chromatography (GC), IR spectroscopy, Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometry, and High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). 157 CHET 2220, MOX Process 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: CHET 1300 Chemistry Literature and Portfolio; Co-requisites: CHET 2210 Analytical Chemistry II and CHET 2230 Inorganic Chemistry) This course is devoted to all aspects of the MOX process. The course includes the historical review of the chemical process, a detailed view of the extraction process (PUREX), and all aspects of fuel fabrication process. Issues concerning criticality, radiation protection, and the LIMS will be addressed. CHET 2230, Inorganic Chemistry 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: CHET 1300 Chemistry Literature and Portfolio; Co-requisites: CHET 2210 Analytical Chemistry II and CHET 2220, MOX Process) This course emphasizes metallic structures and properties including metallography, crystallography, and emission spectroscopy. CHET 2990, Internship 0-0-6-2 Provides the instructor and student an opportunity to develop special learning environments. Instruction is delivered through occupational work experiences, practicums, advanced projects, industry sponsored workshops, seminars, or specialized and/or innovative learning arrangements. CIST 1001, Computer Concepts 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) Provides an overview of information systems, computers and technology. Topics include: Information Systems and Technology Terminology, Computer History, Data Representation, Data Storage Concepts, Fundamentals of Information Processing, Fundamentals of Information Security, Information Technology Ethics, Fundamentals of Hardware Operation, Fundamentals of Networking, Fundamentals of the Internet, Fundamentals of Software Design Concepts, Fundamentals of Software, (System and Application), System Development Methodology, Computer Number Systems conversion (Binary and Hexadecimal), Mobile computing. CIST 1101, Working With Microsoft Windows Software 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) Working with Microsoft Windows provides students with the interface concepts of Microsoft Windows software and the opportunity to develop basic computer skills. Topics include: getting started with Microsoft Windows, managing programs and files with Microsoft Windows, using Microsoft Windows applications, data transfer with Microsoft Windows, printing with Microsoft Windows, and customizing with Microsoft Windows. CIST 1122, Hardware Installation and Maintenance 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 1001, Pre or corequisite: CIST 1130 or 2411) This course serves to provide students with the knowledge of the fundamentals of computer technology, networking, and security along with the skills required to identify hardware, peripheral, networking, and security components with an introduction to the fundamentals of installing and maintaining computers. Students will develop the skills to identify the basic functionality of the operating system, perform basic troubleshooting techniques, utilize proper safety procedures, and effectively interact with customers and peers. This course is designed to help prepare students for the CompTIA A+ certification examination. CIST 1130, Operating Systems Concepts 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite/Corequisite: CIST 1001 and CIST 1401 or CIST 2451) Provides an overview of modern operating systems and their use in home and small business environments. Activities will utilize the graphical user interface (GUI) and command line environment (CLI This will include operating system fundamentals; installing, configuring, and upgrading operating systems; managing storage, file systems, hardware and system resources; troubleshooting, diagnostics, and maintenance of operating systems; and networking. CIST 1220, Structured Query Language (SQL) 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisites CIST 1001) Includes basic database design concepts and solving database retrieval and modification problems using the SQL language. Topics include: database Vocabulary, Relational Database Design, Date retrieval using SQL, Data Modification using SQL, Developing and Using SQL Procedures. CIST 1305, Program Design and Development 2-2-0-3 An introductory course that provides problem solving and programming concepts for those that develop user applications. An emphasis is placed on developing logic, troubleshooting, and using tools to develop solutions. Topics include: problem solving and programming concepts, structured programming, the four logic structures, file processing concepts, and arrays. CIST 1401, Computer Networking Fundamentals 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 1001) Introduces networking technologies and prepares students to take the CompTIA's broad-based, vendor independent networking certification exam, Network +. This course covers a wide range of material about networking, including local area networks, wide area networks, protocols, topologies, transmission media, and security. Focuses on operating network management systems, and implementing the installation of networks. It reviews cabling, connection schemes, the fundamentals of the LAN and WAN technologies, TCP/IP configuration and troubleshooting, remote connectivity, and network maintenance and troubleshooting. Topics include: basic knowledge of networking technology, network media and topologies, network devices, network management, network tools and network security. CIST 1510, Web Development I (HTML) 2-2-0-3 Explores the concepts of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), XML, and XHTML following the current standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for developing inter-linking web pages that include graphical elements, hyperlinks, tables, forms, and image maps. CIST 1520, Scripting Technologies (Scripting Technologies) 2-2-0-3 Students learn how to use the features and structure of a client side scripting language, explore the features on server side scripting and develop professional web applications that include special effects, interactive, dynamic, validated, and secure forms. CIST 1601, Information Security Fundamentals 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites: CIST 1001) This course provides a broad overview of information security. It covers terminology, history, security systems development and implementation. Students will also cover the legal, ethical, and professional issues in information security. CIST 1602, Security Policies and Procedures 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisites: CIST 1001)This course provides knowledge and experience to develop and maintain security policies and procedures. Students will explore the legal and ethical issues in information security and the various security layers: physical security, personnel security, operating systems, network, software, communication and database security. Students will develop an Information Security Policy and an Acceptable Use Policy. CIST 2127, Comprehensive Word Processing Techniques 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisites: COMP 1000) This course provides students with knowledge in word processing software. Word processing topics include creating, customizing, and organizing documents by using formatting and visual content that is appropriate for the information presented. CIST 2128, Comprehensive Spreadsheet Techniques 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisites: COMP 1000) This course provides students with knowledge in spreadsheet software. Spreadsheet topics include creating and manipulating data, formatting data and content, creating and modifying formulas, presenting data visually, and collaborating on and securing data. CIST 2129, Comprehensive Database Techniques 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: COMP 1000) This course provides a study of databases beginning with introductory topics and progressing through advanced development techniques. Topics include: advanced database concepts, advanced development techniques, data integration concepts, and troubleshooting and supporting databases. 158 CIST 2311, Visual Basic I 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisites CIST 1305) Visual Basic I introduces event-driven programming. Common elements of Windows applications will be discussed created and manipulated using Microsofts Visual Studio development environment. Topics include numeric data types and variables, decision making structures, arrays, validating input with strings and functions, repetition and multiple forms, test files, lists and common dialog controls. CIST 2312, Visual Basic II 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisites CIST 1305 & CIST 2311) Visual Basic II teaches client-server systems, n-tier development environments, relational databases, use of SQL to access data, the use of ADO.NET objects, methods and properties to access and update relational and XML databases. Advanced features of Visual Basic are explored. CIST 2313, Visual Basic III 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisites CIST 2311, CIST 2312) This course provides a look at advanced Web Programming techniques using Microsoft Visual Basic. Topics include class and object creation, advanced data access, communicating with server side programs, security, and advanced topics. CIST 2341, C# Programming I 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 1305) This course is designed to teach the basic concepts and methods of objected-oriented design and C#.Net programming. Use practical problems to illustrate C#.Net application building techniques and concepts. Develop an understanding of C#.Net vocabulary. Create an understanding of where C#.Net fits in the application development landscape. Create an understanding of the C#.Net Development Environment, Visual Studio and how to develop, debug, and run C#.Net applications using the Visual Studio. Continue to develop student's programming logic skills. Topics include: C#.NET Language History, C#.NET Variable Definitions, C#.NET Control Structures, C#.NET Functions, C#.NET Classes, C#.NET Objects, and C#.NET Graphics. CIST 2342, C# Programming II 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite CIST 2341) This course is an intermediate course in C#.NET Programming. It is assumed that the student knows the C#.NET syntax as well as basic object oriented concepts. Intermediate C#.NET teaches client-server systems, n-tier development environments, relational databases, use of SQL to access data, the use of ADO.NET objects, methods and properties to access and update relational databases. Advanced features of C# windows programming are explored. CIST 2343, C# Programming III 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite CIST 2342) This course is an advanced course in C#.NET programming. It is assumed that the student is fairly familiar with the C#.NET programming language. The goal of this course is to help students understand how to use C# to build industry level dynamic Web-based applications. The course covers in detail how to use C# to develop an Enterprise level Web Application. The students will learn how to use HTML to build the Client-Side, and how to use C# for the Server side processing of data and talking to databases. CIST 2351, PHP Programming I 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisites CIST 1305, CIST 1510) An introductory PHP programming course that teaches students how to create dynamic websites. Topics include: PHP and basic web programming concepts, installing PHP, embedding PHP in HTML, variables and constants, operators, forms, conditional statements, looping, arrays, and text files. CIST 2352, PHP Programming II 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 2351) Reinforces and extends the concepts learned in PHP Programming I. Topics include: Database retrieval and updating, multiple form handling, regular expressions, and advanced array processing. CIST 2361, C++ Programming I 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite CIST 1305) Provides opportunity to gain a working knowledge of "C++" programming. Includes creating, editing, executing, and debugging "C++" programs of moderate difficulty. Topics include: basic "C++" concepts, simple I/O and expressions, I/O and control statements, arrays, pointers, structures, managing data and developing programs. CIST 2362, C++ Programming II 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite CIST 2361) Develops skills for the programmer to write programs using the language of C++. Emphasis is placed on utilizing the added features of C++, which will be added to the skills mastered in Introduction to C++ Programming. Topics include: objects, classes, inheritance, overloading, polymorphism, streams, containers, and exceptions. CIST 2371, Java Programming I 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisites: CIST 1305) This course is designed to teach the basic concepts and methods of objected-oriented design and Java programming. Use practical problems to illustrate Java application building techniques and concepts. Develop an understanding of Java vocabulary. Create an understanding of where Java fits in the application development landscape. Create an understanding of the Java Development Kit and how to develop, debug, and run Java applications using the JDK. Continue to develop student's programming logic skills. Topics include: JAVA Language History, JAVA Variable Definitions, JAVA Control Structures, JAVA Methods, JAVA Classes, JAVA Objects, and JAVA Graphics. CIST 2372, Java Programming II 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisites CIST 2371) This course is an intermediate course in Java Programming. It is assumed that the student knows the Java syntax as well as basic object oriented concepts. The student will use classes and objects provided by the core Java API. They will use these classes to accomplish tasks such as Database access, File access, exception handling, running threads, using sockets to talk across a network, and remotely calling methods using RMI techniques. CIST 2373, Java Programming III 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisites CIST 2372) This course is a course in building Web Applications using Java Enterprise Edition (JEE). It is assumed that the student knows Java Standard Edition as the concepts and techniques build on that foundation. The student will install Web, Application and Database servers. The student will learn to build Web Applications using JEE technologies, such as Servlets, Java Server Pages and Enterprise JavaBeans. CIST 2381, Mobile Application Development 2-4-0-6 (Prerequisites: CIST 1305) This course explores mobile guidelines, standards, and techniques. This course includes design and development techniques for multiple mobile devices, platforms, and operating systems. Students will develop mobile applications using state of practice development tools, languages and devices. CIST 2383, User Experience 2-2-3-7 (Prerequisites: CIST 2382 or CIST 2385 or CIST 2386 or CIST 2388) This course introduces students to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) concepts and best-practices used in mobile application development with purpose of improving user experiences. In this course students will utilize User Experience Design (UXD) for developing mobile applications in any mobile application platform. The UXD concepts explored in this course will include visual design, information architecture, interaction design, and usability. CIST 2388, Cross-Platform Mobile Programming 2-2-3-7 (Prerequisites: CIST 1510, CIST 1520, CIST 2381) This course provides an opportunity to develop a working knowledge of crossplatform mobile programming that Includes creating, editing, executing, and debugging cross-platform mobile applications. Students learn how to use web-based technologies and toolkits to develop cross-platform web applications and native applications. CIST 2411, Microsoft Client 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 1001 or advisor approval) Provides the ability to implement, administrator, and troubleshoot Windows Professional Client as a desktop operating system in any network environment. CIST 2412, Microsoft Server Directory Services 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 2411 and CIST 2413) Provides students with knowledge and skills necessary to install, configure, manage, support and administer Windows Server. Topics include server deployment, server management, monitor and maintain servers, application and data provisioning, and business continuity and high availability. 159 CIST 2413, Microsoft Server Infrastructure Services 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 2411 or advisor approval) Provides students with knowledge and skills necessary to install, configure, manage, support and administer Microsoft Directory Services. CIST 2414, Microsoft Server Administrator 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 2412 and CIST 2413) Provides students with knowledge and skills necessary to install, configure, manage, support and administer a Microsoft network infrastructure. CIST 2420, Microsoft Exchange Server 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 2414) Provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to install, configure, manage, support and administer Microsoft Exchange Server. CIST 2431, UNIX/Linux Introduction 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: CIST 1001) This course introduces the UNIX/Linux operating system skills necessary to perform entry-level user functions. Topics include: history of UNIX/Linux, login and logout, the user environment, user password change, the file system, hierarchy tree, editors, file system commands as they relate to navigating the file system tree, UNIX/Linux manual help pages, using the UNIX/Linux graphical desktop, and command options. In addition, the student must be able to perform directory and file displaying, creation, deletion, redirection, copying, moving, linking files, wildcards, determining present working directory and changing directory locations. CIST 2434, UNIX/Linux Scripting 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: CIST 2431) Course covers UNIX/Linux shell programming techniques necessary for UNIX/Linux System Administrators to understand and create shell script programs in a UNIX/Linux environment. Topics include: shell variables, running shell script program, conditional processing, looping structures, arithmetic operators, logical operators such as AND, OR, and NOT, positional parameters and process variables, redirection, piping and standard error, use of backslash, quotes and back quotes. CIST 2451, Introduction to Networks - CISCO 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 1001 or advisor approval) This course provides students with classroom and laboratory experience in current and emerging network technology. Topics include basic network concepts, basic network device configuration, network protocols and models, network access, Ethernet and access control, end to end communications, IPv4 and IPv6 addressing and subnetting, fundamental application services, security, and network performance. CIST 2452, Cisco Routing and Switching Essentials 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 2451) This course describes the architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches in a small network. Students learn how to configure a router and a switch for basic functionality. Topics include switched networks, routing concepts, routing in a switched network, static and dynamic routing, Single-Area OSPF, Access Control Lists, and IP Services (DHCP and NAT). CIST 2453, Cisco Scaling Networks 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 2452) This course describes the architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches in larger and more complex networks. Students learn how to configure routers and switches for advanced functionality. Students will configure and troubleshoot routers and switches and resolve common issues with OSPF, EIGRP, and STP in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. Students will also learn how to implement a WLAN in a small-tomedium network.. CIST 2454, Cisco Connecting Networks 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 2452, CIST 2453) This course discusses the WAN technologies and network services required by converged applications in a complex network. Topics include introduction to WANs, private WAN technologies and protocols, Network Address Translation (NAT), public WAN technologies and protocols, network monitoring, and network troubleshooting.. CIST 2455, Cisco CCNA Security 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 2452, CIST 2611) This course teaches students the skills needed to obtain entry-level security specialist jobs. It provides a handson introduction to network security. It is for individuals who want to enhance their CCNA-level skill set and help meet the growing demand for network security professionals. Topics include network threats and mitigation techniques, securing administrative access on Cisco routers, firewall technologies, Intrusion Prevention Systems, switch security, VPNs and cryptography, security policy, and Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA).. CIST 2560, Web Application Programming I 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites CIST 1305) Explores W3C and Microsoft .NET programming standards in order to practice various web programming techniques for creating web forms, providing web navigation, and accessing data that produce dynamic interactive web applications. Students may use Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Microsoft C# .NET, or another .NET language. CIST 2601, Implementing Operating Systems Security 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: CIST 1601 and CIST 2411 or CIST 2431) This course will provide knowledge and the practical experience necessary to configure the most common server platforms. Lab exercises will provide students with experience of establishing operating systems security for the network environment. CIST 2602, Network Security 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: CIST 2451, CIST 2411) This course provides knowledge and the practical experience necessary to evaluate, implement and manage secure information transferred over computer networks. Topics include network security, intrusion detection, types of attacks, methods of attacks, security devices, basics of cryptography and organizational security elements. CIST 2611, Implementing Internet / Intranet Firewalls 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: CIST 1601 and CIST 2451) Students will learn how to plan, design, install and configure firewalls that will allow key services while maintaining security. This will include protecting the Internal IP services, configuring a firewall for remote access and managing a firewall. CIST 2612, Computer Forensics 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: CIST 1601, CIST 1122, CIST 2613) This course examines the use of computers in the commission of crimes, collection, analysis and production of digital evidence. Students will use computer resources to explore basic computer forensic investigation techniques. CIST 2613, Ethical Hacking/Penetration Testing 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: CIST 1601, CIST 2451, CIST 2411, and CIST 2431) This course teaches students the skills needed to obtain entry-level security specialist jobs. It provides a hands-on introduction to ethical hacking, and penetration testing. It is for individuals who want to enhance their information security skill set and help meet the growing demand for security professionals CIST 2921, IT Analysis, Design, and Project Management 2-2-3-4 IT Analysis, Design, and Project Management will provides a review and application of systems life cycle development methodologies and project management. Topics include: Systems planning, systems analysis, systems design, systems implementation, evaluation, and project management. CIST 2932, Advanced Programming Topics 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite: Tier II programming language) A capstone course which will prepare the student for an entry level programming position. Topics include: database management, job search skills, and an advanced programming project. CIST 2991, CIST Internship I 0-0-3-3 Provides the instructor and student a 3 credit hour opportunity to develop special learning environments. Instruction is delivered through occupational work experiences, practicums, advanced projects, industry sponsored workshops, seminars, or specialized and/or innovative learning arrangements. To attain additional internship credit hours, the student can take CIST2992 (4 credit hours) and/or CIST2993 (5 credit hours). 160 CIST 2992, CIST Internship II 0-0-4-4 Provides the instructor and student a 3 credit hour opportunity to develop special learning environments. Instruction is delivered through occupational work experiences, practicums, advanced projects, industry sponsored workshops, seminars, or specialized and/or innovative learning arrangements. To attain additional internship credit hours, the student can take CIST2991 (3 credit hours) and/or CIST2993 (5 credit hours). CIST 2993, CIST Internship III 0-0-5-5 Provides the instructor and student a 3 credit hour opportunity to develop special learning environments. Instruction is delivered through occupational work experiences, practicums, advanced projects, industry sponsored workshops, seminars, or specialized and/or innovative learning arrangements. To attain additional internship credit hours, the student can take CIST2991 (3 credit hours) and/or CIST2992 (4 credit hours). COMM 1109, Human Communications 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing/English and Reading]). Introduction to the fundamental components of the human communication process. The course provides a basic history of the communication discipline from ancient rhetorical roots through modern social sciences. The course emphasizes selected methods and practices in dyadic, small group, and oral presentational settings. Course content also covers communication models, as well as a survey of a variety of human communication modes and methods, including verbal, nonverbal, small group, interpersonal, mass, organizational, public, and intercultural communication. COMP 1000, Introduction to Computers 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite/Corequisite: Provisional Admission) Introduces the fundamental concepts, terminology, and operations necessary to use computers. Emphasis is placed on basic functions and familiarity with computer use. Topics include an introduction to computer terminology, the Windows environment, internet and email, word processing software, spreadsheet software, database software, and presentation software. COSM 1000, Introduction to Cosmetology Theory 4-0-0-4 (Pre-requisites: All Required; Co-requisites: None) Introduces fundamental theory and practices in the cosmetology profession. Emphasis will be placed on professional practices and safety. Topics include: state rules, and regulations; state regulatory agency, image; bacteriology; decontamination and infection control, chemistry fundamentals, safety, Hazardous Duty Standards Act compliance, and anatomy and physiology. COSM 1010, Chemical Texture Services 1-2-3-3 (Pre-requisites: None; Co-requisites: COSM 1000) Provides instruction in the chemistry and chemical reactions of permanent wave solutions and relaxers, application of permanent waves and relaxers. Precautions and special problems involved in applying permanent waves and relaxers will be emphasized. Topics include: permanent wave techniques, chemical relaxer techniques, chemistry, physical and chemical change, safety procedures, permanent wave and chemical relaxer application procedures, hair analysis, scalp analysis, permanent wave procedures (in an acceptable time frame), relaxer application (in an acceptable time frame), and Hazardous Duty Standards Act Compliance. COSM 1020, Hair Care and Treatment 1-4-0-3 (Pre-requisites: None; Co-requisites: COSM 1000) Introduces the theory, procedures and products used in the care and treatment of the scalp and hair, disease and disorders and their treatments and the fundamental theory and skills required to shampoo, condition, and recondition the hair and scalp. COSM 1030, Haircutting 1-0-6-3 (Pre-requisites: None, Corequisites: COSM 1000) Introduces the theory and skills necessary to apply haircutting techniques, advanced haircutting techniques, proper safety and decontamination precautions, hair design elements, cutting implements, head, hair and body analysis, and client consultation. COSM 1040, Hairstyling 1-2-3-3 (Pre-requisites: None; Corequisites: COSM 1000) Introduces the fundamental theory and skills required to create shapings, pin curls, fingerwaves, roller placement, blow dry styling, thermal curling, thermal pressing, thermal waving, artificial hair and augmentation, and comb-outs. Laboratory training includes styling training on manikin. Topics include: braiding/intertwining hair, styling principles, pin curls, roller placement, fingerwaves, skip waves, ridge curls, blow dry styling, thermal curling, thermal pressing, thermal waving, artificial hair and augmentation, comb-outs, and safety precautions. COSM 1050, Hair Color 1-2-3-3 (Prerequisites: None; Corequisites: COSM 1000)Introduces the theory and application of temporary, semipermanent, demipermanent-deposit only, and permanent hair coloring, hair lightening, and color removal products and application. Topics include: principles of color theory, hair structure, color, tone, classifications of color, hair lightening, color removal, application procedures, safety precautions, client consultation, product knowledge, haircolor challenges, corrective solutions, and special effects. COSM 1060, Fundamentals of Skin Care 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisites: None; Co-requisites: COSM 1000) This course provides a comprehensive study in care of the skin for theory and practical application. Emphasis will be placed on client consultation, safety precautions, skin conditions, product knowledge, basic facials, facial massage, corrective facial treatments, hair removal, and make-up application. Other topics in this course include advanced skin treatments in electrotherapy, light therapy, galvanic current, high frequency, and microdermabrasion. COSM 1070, Nail Care and Advanced Techniques 1-0-6-3 (Pre-requisites: None; Co-requisites: COSM 1000) Provides training in manicuring, pedicuring and advanced nail techniques. Topics include: implements, products and supplies, hand and foot anatomy and Physiology, diseases and disorders, manicure techniques, pedicure techniques, nail product chemistry, safety precautions and practices, and advanced nail techniques (wraps/tips/acrylics). COSM 1080, Physical Hair Services Practicum I 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisites: COSM 1000, COSM 1020, COSM 1030, COSM 1040; Co-requisites: None) Provides laboratory experiences necessary for the development of skill levels required to be a competent cosmetologist. The allocation of time to the various phases of cosmetology is required by the Georgia State Board of Cosmetology. This course includes a portion of the required hours for licensure. Topics include: scalp and hair treatments; haircutting; styling; dispensary; reception; safety precautions/decontamination; and Hazardous Duty Standards Act compliance. COSM 1090, Hair Services Practicum I 1-0-6-3 (Pre-requisites: COSM 1000, COSM 1010, COSM 1020, COSM 1030, COSM 1040, COSM 1050; Co-requisites: None) This course provides laboratory experiences necessary for the development of skill levels required to be a competent cosmetologist. The allocation of time to the various phases of cosmetology is prescribed by the Georgia State Board of Cosmetology. This course includes a portion of the hours required for licensure. Topics include: permanent waving and relaxers; hair color, foiling, lightening, hair and scalp treatments; haircutting; clipper design, precision cutting, styling; dispensary; reception; safety precautions/decontamination; Hazardous Duty Standards Act compliance; product knowledge, customer service skills, client retention, State Board Rules and Regulations guidelines, and State Board foundation prep. 161 COSM 1100, Hair Services Practicum II 1-0-6-3 (Pre-requisites: None; Co-requisites: COSM 1090) Provides experience necessary for professional development and completion of requirements for state licensure. Emphasis will be placed on the display of professional conduct and positive attitudes. The appropriate number of applications for completion of state board service credit requirements for this course may be met in a laboratory setting. Topics include: texture services; permanent waving and relaxers; haircolor and lightening; hair and scalp treatment; haircutting; styling; dispensary; reception; safety precautions/decontamination; and Hazardous Duty Standards Act compliance. COSM 1110, Hair Services Practicum III 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisites: None; Co-requisites: COSM 1100) This course provides experience necessary for professional development and completion of requirements for state licensure. Emphasis will be placed on the display of professional conduct and positive attitudes. The requirements for this course may be met in a laboratory setting. Topics include: permanent waving and relaxers; hair color and lightening; hair and scalp treatments; haircutting; dispensary; styling; reception; safety precautions/decontamination; Hazardous Duty Standards Act compliance; and state licensure preparation COSM 1115, Hair Services Practicum IV 0-0-6-2 (Prerequisites: None; Co-requisites: COSM 1100)This course provides experience necessary for professional development and completion of requirements for state licensure. Emphasis will be placed on the display of professional conduct and positive attitudes. The requirements for this course may be met in a laboratory setting. Topics include: permanent waving and relaxers; hair color and lightening; hair and scalp treatments; haircutting; dispensary; styling; reception; safety precautions/decontamination; Hazardous Duty Standards Act compliance; and state licensure preparation. COSM 1120, Salon Management 3-0-0-3 (Pre-requisites: None; Co-requisites: COSM 1000) Emphasizes the steps involved in opening and operating a privately owned salon. Topics include: law requirements regarding employment, tax payer education / federal and state responsibilities, law requirements for owning and operating a salon business, business management practices, and public relations and career development. COSM 1125, Skin and Nail Care Practicum 0-0-6-2 (Prerequisites: None; Co-requisites: COSM 1060, COSM 1070)This course provides experience necessary for professional development and completion of requirements for state licensure. Emphasis will be placed on the display of professional conduct and positive attitudes. The appropriate number of applications for completion of state board service credit requirements for this course may be met in a laboratory setting. Topics include: skin treatment; dispensary; manicure/pedicure/advanced nail techniques; reception; safety precautions/decontamination; and Hazardous Duty Standards Act compliance. COSM 2000, Instructional Theory and Documentation 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Introduces the fundamental theory and practices of the cosmetology instructor profession. Emphasis will be placed on fostering and providing educational training in the field of Cosmetology. Topics include: state and local laws, rules and regulations, professional image, effective communication, theory of instruction, Hazardous Duty Standards Act Compliance, career opportunities, documentation for attendance, grades, student service and theory hours, basic record keeping, and effective use of an advisory committee. COSM 2010, Salon Management 1-2-3-3 (Corequisite: COSM 2000) Emphasizes the steps involved in the operation of a cosmetology program. and opening and operating a privately owned salon. Topics include: law requirements regarding employment, tax payer education / federal and state responsibilities, law requirements for owning and operating a salon business, business management practices, and public relations and career development,entry-level skills, communication skills, inventory, networking, and portfolio design. COSM 2020, Principles of Teaching 1-2-3-3 (Corequisite: COSM 2000) Provides knowledge and application on the principles of teaching. Topics include: educator to learner relationships, communication skills, emotional influences, needs of today's learner, destructive verses constructive tactics, learner motivation, and cultivating positive relationships. COSM 2030, Lesson Plans 1-2-3-3 (Corequisite: COSM 2000) Provides knowledge and application on the principles of teaching. Topics include: educator to learner relationships, effective and reflective listening skills, emotional influences and needs of today’s learner, destructive verses constructive tactics, learner motivation, and cultivating positive relationships. COSM 2040, Classroom Management 1-2-3-3 (Corequisite: COSM 2000) Emphasis will be placed on classroom management, professionalism in the classroom and dynamic clinic teaching. Topics include: classroom management, managing learner behavior, managing difficult learners, classroom arrangements, clinic environment, and academic advising and counseling. COSM 2050, Instruction and Evaluation 0-0-6-2 (Corequisite: COSM 2000) Identify the characteristics of the different learner types, teaching methods, and measuring student learning outcomes. Topics include: challenges for all learner styles, lecturing, preparing for a lecture method of teaching, testing, academic policy, rubrics, special learner needs, multiple-category grading system. COSM 2060, Practicum I 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisite: COSM 2000, COSM 2010, COSM 2020, COSM 2030, COSM 2040, COSM 2050) Provides experience necessary for professional development and completion of requirements for Instructor training state licensure. Emphasis will be placed on the trainees display of professional conduct, positive attitude, and evaluation of learners in a classroom/lab setting. The requirements for this course may be met in a classroom/laboratory setting. Topics include monitoring and evaluating in the following areas: theory/online testing; permanent waving and relaxers; hair color and lighting; skin, scalp, and hair treatments; haircutting; dispensary; styling; manicure/pedi-cure/advanced nail techniques; dispensary; reception; safety precautions/decontamination; Hazardous Duty Standards Act Compliance. COSM 2070, Practicum II 0-0-9-3 (Corequisite: COSM 2060) Provides experience necessary for professional development and completion of requirements for Instructor training state licensure requirements. Emphasis will be placed on the trainee’s display of professional conduct, positive attitude, and evaluation of learners in a lab setting. The requirements for this course may be met in a classroom/laboratory setting. Topics include monitoring and evaluating in the following areas: permanent waving and relaxers; hair color and lightening; skin, scalp, and hair treatments; haircutting; dispensary; styling; manicure/pedicure/advanced nail techniques; reception; safety precautions/decontamination; Hazardous Duty Standards Act Compliance. CRJU 1010, Introduction to Criminal Justice 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Introduces the development and organization of the criminal justice system in the United States. Topics include: the American criminal justice system; constitutional limitations; organization of enforcement, adjudication, and corrections; and career opportunities and requirements. CRJU 1021, Private Security 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Provides an orientation to the development, philosophy, responsibility, and function of the private security industry. A historical and philosophical perspective of private security will help students better understand the present stage of private security, its principles, its legal authority and its effect on society in general. Topics include: private security: an overview; basic security goals and responsibilities; when prevention fails; and security systems at work: putting it all together. 162 CRJU 1030, Corrections 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Provides an analysis of all phases of the American correctional system and practices, including its history, procedures, and objectives. Topics include: history and evolution of correctional facilities; legal and administrative problems; institutional facilities and procedures; probation, parole, and prerelease programs; alternative sentencing; rehabilitation; community involvement; and staffing. CRJU 1040, Principles of Law Enforcement 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) This course examines the principles of the organization, administration, and duties of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. Topics include: history and philosophy of law enforcement, evaluation of administrative practices, problems in American law enforcement agencies, emerging concepts, professionalism, and community crime prevention programs. CRJU 1062, Methods of Criminal Investigation 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) This course presents the fundamentals of criminal investigation. The duties and responsibilities of the investigator both in field and in the courtroom are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on techniques commonly utilized by investigative personnel as well as the procedures used for investigating various crimes. CRJU 1063, Crime Scene Processing 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite: CRJU 1062) This course presents students with practical exercises dealing with investigating crime scenes and gathering various forms of physical evidence. Emphasis is placed on crime scene assessment, search, fingerprinting, and evidence collection. Topics include: crime scene management, evidence characteristics, identification, documentation and collection as well as techniques for developing and lifting latent fingerprints CRJU 1065, Community Oriented Policing 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: CRJU 1040) Presents the fundamentals for the community-oriented policing philosophy, including the comparison of traditional and community policing philosophies; law enforcement and community relationships; importance of political and public support and involvement; attitudinal changes involving the roles of police management, supervisors and line personnel; creation of partnerships with community organizations, businesses, private security, other governmental agencies, and special interest groups; and police problem-solving methodologies. Topics include: foundations of communityoriented policing, partnerships and problem-solving in communityoriented policing, and community-oriented policing projects and programs. CRJU 1068, Criminal Law for Criminal Justice, 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course introduces criminal law in the United States, but emphasizes the current specific status of Georgia criminal law. The course will focus on the most current statutory contents of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) with primary emphasis on the criminal and traffic codes. Topics include: historic development of criminal law in the United States; statutory law, Georgia Code (O.C.G.A.) Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses; statutory law, Georgia Code (O.C.G.A.) Title 40 - Motor Vehicle and Traffic Offenses; and Supreme Court rulings that apply to criminal law. CRJU 1075, Report Writing 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) Explains and demonstrates the effectiveness of the entire criminal investigation process by the quality of notes reports, and accurate documentation. An examination of what goes into the preparation, content, elements, mechanics, and format of documenting the criminal investigation process is presented. Topics include: Field notes, initial information, observations, evidence, victims, witnesses, property, neighborhood canvass, crime scene, laboratory analysis and results, investigative followup, suspect statements, and the characteristics essential to quality report writing. CRJU 1400, Ethics and Cultural Perspectives for Criminal Justice 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course provides an exploration ethics and cultural perspectives in criminal justice. In presenting ethics, both the individual perspective and the organizational standpoint will be examined. Four areas of ethical decision making opportunities are studied including: law enforcement ethics; correctional ethics; legal profession ethics; and policymaking ethics. The presentation of cultural perspectives is designed to aid law enforcement officers to better understand and communicate with members of other cultures with whom they come in contact in the line of duty. Topics include: defining and applying terms related to intercultural attitudes, role-play activities related to intercultural understanding, developing interpersonal/intercultural communication competence, and development of personal intercultural growth plan. CRJU 2020, Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course emphasizes those provisions of the Bill of Rights which pertain to criminal justice. Topics include: characteristics and powers of the three branches of government; principles governing the operation of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment. CRJU 2050, Criminal Procedure 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: CRJU 1010) Introduces the procedural law of the criminal justice system which governs the series of proceedings through which government enforces substantive criminal law. The course offers an emphasis on the laws of arrest and search and seizure; the rules of evidence, right to counsel, and the rights and duties of both citizens and officers. The course covers in depth appropriate Case Law and court rulings that dictate criminal procedure on the State and Federal Level. CRJU 2060, Criminology 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: CRJU 1040) Introduces the nature, extent, and factors related to criminal behavior, and the etiology of criminal offenses and offenders. Topics include: sociological, psychological, and biological causes of crime; effectiveness of theories in explaining crime; theory integration; and application of theory to selected issues. CRJU 2070, Juvenile Justice 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: CRJU 1010) Analyzes the nature, extent, and causes of juvenile delinquency, and examines processes in the field of juvenile justice. Topics include: survey of juvenile law, comparative analysis of adult and juvenile justice systems, and prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency. CRJU 2090, Criminal Justice Practicum 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission and advisor approval) Provides experiences necessary for further professional development and exposure to related agencies in the criminal justice field. The student will pursue a professional research project supervised by the instructor. Topics include: criminal justice theory applications. CRJU 2100, Criminal Justice Externship 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission and advisor approval) Provides experiences necessary for further professional development and exposure to related agencies in the criminal justice field. The student will pursue and externship in a related agency supervised by the instructor. Topics include: criminal justice theory applications. CRJU 2110, Homeland Security, 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) The course provides an introduction to the principles of homeland security, roles and responsibilities of constituencies and implications for criminal justice fields. Topics include: intelligence and warning, border and transportation security, domestic counterterrorism, protecting critical infrastructure, defending against catastrophic threats, and emergency preparedness and response. CSSP 1010, Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician 3-4-0-5 (Prerequisite: ALHS 1090, EMPL 1000) This course provides an overview of the Central Sterile Processing and Distribution profession and develops the fundamental concepts and principles necessary to successfully participate as an entry level Central Sterile Processing Technician. Emphasis will be placed on the profession of Central Sterile Processing, basic sciences and related subjects, infection control, aseptic 163 CUUL1129, Fundamentals of Restaurant Operations 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite: CUUL 1120) Introduces the fundamentals of dining and beverage service and experience in preparation of a wide variety of quantity foods. Course content reflect American Culinary Federation Education Institute apprenticeship training objectives. Topics include: dining service/guest service, dining service positions and functions, international dining services, restaurant business laws, preparation and setup, table side service, and beverage service and setup, kitchen operational procedures, equipment use, banquet planning, recipe conversion, food decorating, safety and sanitation, and production of quantity food. Laboratory practice parallels class work. CUUL 1220, Baking Principles 2-4-3-5 (Prerequisite: CUUL: CUUL 1120) Baking principles presents the fundamental terms, concepts, and methods involved in preparation of yeast and quick breads and baked products. Emphasis is placed on conformance of sanitation and hygienic work habits with health laws. Course content reflects American Culinary Federation Educational Institute cook and pastry apprenticeship training objectives, along with Retail Bakery Association training program. Topics include: baking principles; Science and use of baking ingredients for breads, desserts, cakes, pastries; weights, measures, and conversions; preparation of baked goods, baking sanitation and hygiene, baking supplies and equipment. Laboratory demonstrations and student experimentation parallel class work. CUUL 1320, Garde Manger 1-2-6-4 (Prerequisite: CUUL 1120) Introduces basic pantry manger principles, utilization, preparation, and integration into other kitchen operations. Course content reflects American Culinary Federation Educational Institute apprenticeship pantry, garnishing, and presentation training objectives. Topics include: pantry functions; garnishes, carving, and decorating; buffet presentation; cold preparations; hot/cold sandwiches; salads, dressings and relishes; breakfast preparation; hot/cold hors d'oeuvres; chaudfroids, gelees, and molds; and pats and terrines. Laboratory practice parallels class work. CUUL 1370, Culinary Nutrition and Menu Development 1-2-3-3 (Prerequisite: CUUL 1120). This course emphasizes menu planning for all types of facilities, services, and special diets. Topics include: menu selection, menu development and pricing, nutrition, special diets, cooking nutritional foods, and organics. Laboratory demonstrations and student management and supervision parallel class work. CUUL 2130, Practicum and Leadership 1-0-15-6 (Prerequisite: CUUL 1220, CUUL1320) This course familiarizes the student with the principles and methods of sound leadership and decision making in the hospitality industry and provides the student with the opportunity to gain management/supervision experience in an actual job setting. Students will be placed in an appropriate restaurant, catering, or other food service business for four days per week throughout the quarter. On-the-job training topics include: restaurant management/on-off premise catering/food service business, supervisory training, and management training, on-off premise catering, hotel kitchen organization, kitchen management, restaurant kitchen systems, institutional food systems, kitchen departmental responsibilities, and kitchen productivity. Topics include: basic leadership principles and how to use them to solicit cooperation, use of leadership to develop the best possible senior-subordinate relationships, the various decision making processes, the ability to make sound and timely decisions, leadership within the framework of the major functions of management, and delegation of authority and responsibility in the hospitality industry. technique, equipment management, sterilization, instrumentation and supplies, legal issues, inventory management, safety, quality assurance, professional development and healthcare trends. Students completing this course will be eligible to apply to take the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM) certification exam. CTDL 1010, Fundamentals of Commercial Driving 3 0 0 3 Fundamentals of Commercial Driving introduces students to the transportation industry, federal and state regulations, records and forms, industrial relations, and other non-driving activities. This course provides an emphasis on safety that will continue throughout the program. CTDL 1050, Straight Truck/Passenger Vehicle Basic Operation 1 1 1 2 This course focuses on familiarizing students with truck instruments and controls and performing basic maneuvers required to drive safely in a controlled environment and on the Driving Range. Each student must receive at least twelve (12) hours behind-the-wheel (BTW) instructional time in range operations by operating a straight truck or passenger vehicle through clearance maneuvers, backing, turning, parallel parking and coupling and uncoupling. CTDL 1060, Straight Truck and Passenger Vehicle Advanced Operation 1 2 5 4 Advanced Operations focuses on developing students' driving skills under actual road conditions. The classroom part of the course stresses safe operating practices. These safe operating practices are then integrated into the development of driving skills on the road. Each student must receive at least twelve (12) hours behind-the-wheel (BTW) instructional time on the street/road. In addition the student must have a minimum program total of forty-four (44) hours BTW instructional time in any combination (with CTDL 1050) of range and street/road driving. Note: State law requires that whenever a vehicle is operated on public roads an instructor must be present in the truck while a student is driving. CUUL 1000, Foundations of Culinary Arts 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite/Corequisite: MATH 1012 ) Provides an overview of the professionalism in culinary arts, culinary career opportunities, Chef history, pride, and espirit d corp. Introduces principles and practices necessary to food, supply, and equipment selection, procurement, receiving, storage, and distribution. Topics include: cuisine, food service organizations, career opportunities, food service styles, basic culinary management techniques, professionalism, culinary work ethics, quality factors, food tests, pricing procedures, cost determination and control, selection, procurement, receiving, storage, and distribution. Laboratory demonstration and student experimentation parallel class work. CUUL 1110, Culinary Safety and Sanitation 1-0-3-2 (Prerequisite/Corequisite: Provisional admission) Emphasizes fundamental kitchen and dining room safety, sanitation, maintenance, and operation procedures. Topics include: cleaning standards, O.S.H.A. M.S.D.S. guidelines, sanitary procedures following SERV-SAFE guidelines, HACCAP, safety practices, basic kitchen first aid, operation of equipment, cleaning and maintenance of equipment, dishwashing, and pot and pan cleaning. Laboratory practice parallels class work. CUUL 1120, Principles of Cooking 2-4-6-6 (Prerequisite/Corequisite: CUUL 1110) This course introduces fundamental food preparation terms, concepts, and methods. Course content reflects American Culinary Federation Educational Institute apprenticeship training objectives. Topics include: weights and measures, conversions, basic cooking principles, methods of food preparation, recipe utilization, and nutrition. Laboratory demonstrations and student experimentation parallel class work 164 CUUL 2140, Advanced Baking and International Cuisine 2-4-6-6 (Prerequisite: CUUL 1220, CUUL1320) This course introduces international cuisine and acquisition of advanced cookery techniques. Course content reflects American Culinary Federation Educational Institute cook apprenticeship training objectives and provides background for those aspiring to become chefs. Topics include: international cuisine, advanced grill cookery, advanced vegetable cookery, advanced meat cookery, advanced line cookery, advanced fry cookery and nutrition. Laboratory practice parallels class work. Provides in-depth experience in preparing many types of baked goods commonly found in restaurants and hotels. Course content reflects American Culinary Federation and Retail Bakery Association training objectives and provides background for those aspiring to become pastry chefs or bakery supervisors. Topics include: breads, pies, cakes, pastry dough, puff pastry, icing, filling, and candy. Laboratory practice parallels class work. CUUL 2160, Contemporary Cuisine 1-2-6-4 (Prerequisite: CUUL 1220, CUUL 1320) This course emphasizes all modern cuisine and introduces management concepts necessary to the functioning of a commercial kitchen. Topics include: international cuisine, cuisine trends, kitchen organization, kitchen management, kitchen supervision, competition entry, nutrition, menu selection, layout and design, and on/off premise catering. Laboratory demonstration and student experimentation parallel class work. CUUL 2190, Principles of Culinary Leadership 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Familiarizes the student with principles, skills, methods, and behaviors necessary for sound leadership of people in their job responsibilities. Emphasis will be placed on real-life concepts, personal skill development, applied knowledge, and managing human resources. Course content is intended to help leaders, managers, and supervisors deal with a dramatically changing workplace that is affected by technology changes, a more competitive and global market place, corporate restructuring, and the changing nature of work and the workforce. Topics include: Leadership Principles, Leadership Relative to the Function of Management; Decision Making Process; Building and Effect Organizational Culture; Human Resource Management; and Delegating Management, Organization, and Control. DENA 1010, Basic Human Biology 1-0-0-1 (Pre-Requisites: ENGL 1010, PSYC 1010, MATH 1012, COMP 1000 Corequisites: ALHS 1040, DENA 1080). Focuses on basic normal structure and function of the human body with an emphasis on organ systems. Topics include: medical terminology as it relates to the normal human body; and normal structure and function of the human body - cells and tissues, organs and systems, and homeostatic mechanisms. DENA 1030, Preventive Dentistry 1-2-0-2 ((Prerequisites: ENGL 1010, PSYC 1010, COMP 1000, MATH 1012, DENA 1010, DENA 1080, ALHS 1040. Corequisites: DENA 1050, DENA 1340) Provides students with theory and clinical experience in the area of preventive and public health dentistry. Topics include: etiology of dental disease; patient education techniques; plaque control techniques; types and use of fluoride; diet analysis for caries control; and dietary considerations for the dental patient. DENA 1050, Microbiology and Infection Control 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites: ENGL 1010, PSYC 1010, COMP 1000, MATH 1012, ALHS 1011 or DENA 1010, DENA 1080, ALHS 1040. Corequisites: DENA 1030, DENA 1340). Introduces fundamental microbiology and infection control techniques. Topics include: classification, structure, and behavior of pathogenic microbes; mode of disease transmission; body’s defense and immunity; infectious diseases; and infection control procedures in accordance with CDC recommendations and OSHA guidelines. DENA 1070, Oral Pathology and Therapeutics 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisites DENA 1050, DENA 1030, DENA 1340 Corequisites DENA 1350, DENA 1390, DENA 1460) Focuses on the diseases affecting the oral cavity and pharmacology as it relates to dentistry. Topics include: identification and disease process; signs/symptoms of oral diseases and systemic diseases with oral manifestations; developmental abnormalities of oral tissues; basic principle of pharmacology; drugs prescribed by the dental profession; drugs that may contraindicate treatment; and applied pharmacology (regulations, dosage, and applications. DENA 1080, Dental Anatomy 5-0-0-5 (Prerequisites: ENGL 1010, PSYC 1010, COMP 1000, MATH 1012, Corequisites: ALHS 1011 or DENA 1010, ALHS 1040) Focuses on normal head and neck anatomy and the development and functions of oral anatomy. Topics include: dental anatomy; oral histology; oral embryology; osteology of the skull; muscles of mastication and facial expression; temporal mandibular joint; blood lymphatic nerve supply of the head; and salivary glands and related structures. DENA 1090, Dental Assisting National Board Examination Preparation 1-0-0-1 (Prerequisite DENA 1070, DENA 1350, DENA 1390, DENA 1460 Corequisite DENA 1400, DENA 1470, DENA 1480) Reviews information concerning all didactic areas tested by the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB). Topics include: collecting and recording clinical data; dental radiography; chairside dental procedures; prevention of disease transmission; patient education and oral health management; office management procedures; and test taking skills. DENA 1340, Dental Assisting I: General Chairside 3-6-0-6 (Prerequisites: DENA 1010 or ALHS 1011, DENA 1080, ALHS 1040 Corequisites: DENA 1050, DENA 1030) Introduces student to ethics and jurisprudence for the dental assistant and to chairside assisting with diagnostic and operative procedures. Topics include: ethics and jurisprudence in the dental office; fourhanded dentistry techniques; clinical data collection techniques; introduction to operative dentistry; and dental material basics. DENA 1350, Dental Assisting II: Dental Specialties and EFDA Skills 4-6-0-7 (Prerequisite: DENA 1050, DENA 1030, DENA 1340 Corequisite DENA 1070, DENA 1390, DENA 1460) Focuses on chairside assisting with dental specialty procedures. Topics include: prosthodontics procedures 9fixed and removable; orthodontics, pediatric dentistry; periodontic procedures; oral and maxillofacial surgery procedures; endodontic procedures; management of dental office emergencies; medically compromised patients and expanded functions approved by law for performance by dental assistants in the state of Georgia. Student will pass a comprehensive examination and successfully perform all required clinical skills to receive EFDA certification. DENA 1390, Dental Radiology 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: DENA 1050, DENA 1030, DENA 1340 Corequisiste: DENA 1070, DENA 1350, DENA 1460) After completion of the course the student will be able to provide radiation safety for patient and self, expose xrays, process x-rays, and prepare dental films for the dental office. Topics include: fundamentals of radiology and radiation safety; radiographic anatomy and interpretation; intraoral and extraoral radiographic techniques; and quality assurance techniques. DENA 1400, Dental Practice Management 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisites DENA 1070, DENA 1350, DENA 1390, DENA 1460 Corequisites DENA 1090, DENA 1470, DENA 1480) Emphasizes procedures for office management in dental practices. Topics include: oral and written communication; records management; appointment control; dental insurance form preparation; accounting procedures; supply and inventory control; employability skills and basic computer skills. A computer lab provides basic skills in computer use and utilization of these skills to perform office procedures on a microcomputer. 165 DENA 1460, Dental Practicum I 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisites DENA 1050, DENA 1030, DENA 1340. Corequisistes DENA 1070, DENA 1350, DENA 1390) Practicum focuses on infection control in the dental office and assisting with diagnostic and simple operative procedures. Topics include: infection control procedures; clinical diagnostic procedures; and general dentistry procedures. DENA 1470, Dental Practicum II 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisites: DENA 1070, DENA 1350, DENA 1390, DENA 1460 Corequisites: DENA 1090, DENA 1400, DENA 1480) Practicum focuses on advanced general dentistry procedures and chairside in dental specialties with special emphasis on nonsurgical specialties. Topics include: advanced general dentistry and specialties. DENA 1480, Dental Practicum III 0-0-15-5 (Prerequisites: DENA 1070, DENA 1350, DENA 1390, DENA `1460 Corequisites: DENA 1090, DENA 1400, DENA 1470) Practicum continues to focus on assisting chairside with advanced general dentistry procedures with emphasis on dental office management, preventive dentistry, and expanded functions. Topics include: advanced general dentistry procedures; preventive dentistry; dental office management; expanded functions; chairside in specialties; and management of dental office emergencies. DFTG 1125 Architectural Fundamentals 2-4-0-4, (Prerequisite: DFTG 2010) Introduces architectural fundamental principles and practices associated with architectural styles and drawing. Fundamentals of residential and commercial practices will be covered. Topics include: specifications and materials; architectural styles, construction drawing practices and procedures, dimensioning and scales. Lab work parallels class work. DFTG 1127 Architectural 3D Modeling 2-4-0-4, (Prerequisite: DFTG 1125) In the Architectural 3D Modeling course, the student becomes acquainted with concepts of the software related to Parametric modeling for Architectural drafting. The student will develop the skills necessary to create presentation/ construction drawings and 3D models. Lab work parallels class work. DFTG 1129 Residential Drawing I 2-4-0-4, (Prerequisite: DFTG 1125) Introduces the essential skills necessary for assessing the expected materials, labor requirements and costs for given structures or products also students will be introduce to architectural drawing skills necessary to produce a basic set of construction drawings given floor plan information. Topics include: material take-offs; footing and foundation; floor plans; exterior elevations; site plans; and construction drawing techniques/practices. Lab work parallels class work. DFTG 1131 Residential Drawing II 2-4-0-4, (Prerequisite: DFGT 1129) Continues in-depth architectural drawing practice and develops architectural design skills. Plans are designed to meet applicable codes. Topics include: material take-offs; footing and foundation; floor plans; exterior elevations; site plans; and construction drawing techniques/practices. Lab work parallels class work. DFTG 2010 Engineering Graphics 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) Covers the basics of computer terminology, input and output devices, file formatting, file management, for CAD software. Introduces students to the fundamentals of geometric construction, scale reading line relationship and basic history of the drafting concepts. Student will also be introduced to basic and intermediate CAD commands and procedures, and drafting concepts and principals. Lab work parallels class work. DIST 10XX, Directed Independent Study (1001 – 1012) Variable Hours (1 – 12): (Prerequisites: Program Instructor Approval) This course allows students to complete program projects or engage in other student led lab practice required to complete the course competencies in their selected program of study. DMPT 1000, Introduction to Design and Media Production 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: Program admission) Covers the basics of computer terminology, operating systems, and input and output devices, file formatting, file management, and overview of software. Introduces students to the fundamentals of design concepts, including design, composition and layout, color theory and typography. DMPT 1005, Vector Graphics 2-4-0-4 (Corequisites: DMPT 1000) This course is an introduction to the creation of vector imagery. Students will learn to draw illustrations, transform objects, work with layers, patterns, brushes, and filters, use effects and create graphics for the various applications. The focus will be on learning the essential tools, basic operation and commands used in the creation of vector graphics used in different media fields. DMPT 1010, Raster Imaging 2-4-0-4 (Corequisites: DMPT 1000 and DMPT 1005) In the Raster Imaging course, the student becomes acquainted with the concepts and software related raster image manipulation. The student is introduced to the workspace and tools used in an image editing software and will learn basic image editing techniques. DMPT 1015, Drawing 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: Provisional Admission) Introduces beginning student to basic drawing techniques. Student will complete drawings using various techniques and media. DMPT 1020, Introduction to Photography 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: Provisional Admission) Introduces student to an overview of photography. Students will be introduced to parts of a camera, photography processed and lighting setup, and will complete various projects using a camera. DMPT 1025, Production Photography 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: DMPT 1020) Students will produce photographs using a variety of commercial lighting techniques and common studio setups and compositing practices. Students will be required to produce a portfolio of their photography in a variety of formats. DMPT 2100, Identity Design 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: DMPT 1005 and DMPT 1010) This course focuses on the design challenges associated with the development of symbol systems, logos, environmental graphics and information graphics. Students will use their knowledge of vector and raster applications for further study into the use of typographic treatment and graphic images. DMPT 2105, Page Layout 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: DMPT 2100) This course is an introduction to graphic design production using page layout software. Students will be introduced to the essential terminology, tools, and stages of workflow in the graphic design process. DMPT 2110, Publication Design 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: Program Instructor Approval) Using skills learned in the page layout course, students will design projects relating to the challenges associated with multiple page formats. DMPT 2115, Advertising and Promotional Design 1- 6-0-4 (Prerequisites: Program Instructor Approval) Using skills learned in the page layout course, students will design projects for advertising and promotion of products and services. DMPT 2120, Prepress and Output 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: Program Instructor Approval) This course is an in-depth introduction to the graphic prepress production process. Though hands-on projects, the student will experience the challenges involved in successful graphic prepress production. DMPT 2125, Advanced Raster Graphics 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: DMPT 1010) The student will refine imaging skills and apply concepts in advanced techniques of raster imaging. DMPT 2130, Advanced Vector Graphics 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: DMPT 1005) Students will learn how to use advance vector imagery techniques for communicating creative concepts in different media fields. They will study a variety of digital illustration styles and begin to develop a personal style of their own. 166 DMPT 2135, Documentary Photography 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: DMPT 1020) This course is designed to provide an introduction to the principles and theories of photojournalism. It concentrates on the principles of personal and social documentary photography. It is also designed to increase understanding of photography as a communication tool and to train the student to translate ideas and Information into photographic form. DMPT 2205, Basic Printing Operations 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: DMPT 2200) Introduction students to basics of printing operations including safety, image carriers, materials and supplies. Student will begin to use press, bindery and finishing equipment. DMPT 2300, Foundations of Interface Design 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: DMPT 1005 and DMPT 1010) This course lays the foundation for an in-depth study of web Interface design. Students will be exposed to the basics of design fundamentals, information architecture, interface structure, and graphic element creation. These studies will be used as a basis to develop comprehensive web layouts and navigation systems. Topics include: design elements, project planning, thumbnails and wireframes, web anatomy, sitemap and user-flows, common usability problems, UI libraries and mock-ups.) DMPT 2305, Web Interface Design 2-4-0-4 (Co-requisites: DMPT 2300) This course introduces best practices for interaction design and user experience. This course begins with an in-depth study of visual page design and navigation structure and progresses in high-fidelity interface prototyping and user-testing. Students will learn to upload working prototypes and replace pages on a server. DMPT 2310, Animation for Web 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: DMPT 2305) This course begins with Keyframe animation and Tween animation and then progresses into code driven functionality. Students will be introduced to ActionScript or a similar language and use it to incorporate interactive navigation elements, sound and video files. DMPT 2315, Dynamic Web Design 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites:DMPT 2305) This course begins with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and moves into Dynamic Database Driven Web Page Development. Students will be introduced to database connectivity and data exchange using forms along with advanced client-side scripting. Students will also explore advanced scripting for 2D vector animation. DMPT 2320, Interactive Multimedia for Web 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisites: Program Instructor Approval) This course provides an opportunity to explore the latest trends and technologies related to live media, rich media, and virtual interactivity for the internet. Students will produce interactive and rich media content using sound, motion graphics, and 3D graphics. DMPT 2330, Introduction to CMS 2-4-0-4 (Pre-requisites: DMPT 2335) In the Introduction to CMS course, the student learns the basics of installing and configuring a Content Management System to easily build blogs and small web sites. Students will perform common tasks using any of the most popular (and free) Content Management Systems. DMPT 2335, Web Interface Structure 2-4-0-4 (Pre-requisites: DMPT 2305) Will focus on creating standard-based web interfaces while using the most current version of HTML for content structure and CSS for interface styling. Students will explore emerging design trends and techniques used for designing modern web based interfaces. DMPT 2600, Basic Video Editing 2-4-0-4 An introduction to basic audio and video editing techniques used in digital video production with non-linear software. Students will be introduced to the primary feature set and interface of video editing software and will learn to perform basic editing functions that include setup, adjusting and customizing preferences and settings, capturing video and audio, various editing and trimming techniques and tools, audio editing and audio creation, finishing and output. DMPT 2605, Introduction to Video Compositing and Broadcast Animation 2-4-0-4 This course introduces how to create and animate motion graphics. Students will learn to create dynamic animated titles and logos, animate raster and vector image file graphics, composite and edit multi-layered special effects using footage, work with shapes and masks, work with 3D elements, apply and animate various effect filters, and analyze and compress digital video for different output specifications. Students will be exposed to compositing concepts, techniques, and terminology used in finalizing a video or animation project. DMPT 2660, Special Projects 0-8-0-4 (Pre-requisites: Program Instructor Approval) In this course students will work closely with the instructor to develop complex, portfolio quality work that reflects his or her skill set in projects in production and/or postproduction. Depending on complexity, the instructor may ask students to create a single project, or multiple projects. These may include, but are not limited to, works using motion graphics, visual effects, animation, editing, color grading, or post-production audio. DMPT 2700, Portraiture Photography 2-4-0-4 (Pre-requisites: DMPT 1025) Provides instruction in the techniques of portrait photography. The students will be able to perform creative use of lighting, including available and studio lighting. Introduces techniques in posing portrait subjects, critical positioning of lighting, and techniques used in the field. Students develop skills for critical evaluation of a portrait photograph. Topics include: tools for indoor and outdoor photography, posing individuals and groups, manipulating natural light and flash, critique and portfolio building. DMPT 2705, Photography II 2-4-0-4 (Co-requisites: DMPT 1020) Students continue the study of Photography through technical skills and theory. Topics include exposure control, advanced lighting techniques, and portfolio building. This class emphasizes creative skills, practical exercises and photography projects. DMPT 2905, Practicum/Internship II – 0-0-12-4 (Pre-requisites: Program Instructor Approval) Provides an approved industry-like setting where the student develops and sharpens skills. Emphasis is placed on production standards achievement and quality control. DMPT 2930, Exit Review 0-0-12-4 (Pre-requisites: All Required) Emphasis is placed on student's production of portfolioquality pieces. Focuses on the preparation for entry into the job market. DMSO 1010, Foundations of Sonography 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission. Co-requisites: DMSO 1020, DMSO 1040, DMSO 1060) Using classroom didactic instruction and laboratory experiences, this foundations course prepares students for the role of a sonographer. The course provides a base of knowledge and experiences from which complementary and subsequent courses build on. Topics include diagnostic medical sonography history; medical ethics and law; patient privacy and confidentiality; body mechanics, lifts and transfers; patient assessment and administration of care; transducer care; response to medical emergencies; professionalism; medical and sonographic terminology; cultural competence; ergonomics: work related musculoskeletal disorders; basic sonographic physical principles and system operation; Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and sonographic scanning techniques. 167 DMSO 1020, Sectional Anatomy and Normal Sonographic Appearance 1-4-0-3 (Pre-requisite: Vascular Program CAVT 1030, VAST 1100, DMSO 1040; Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program Admission. Co-requisites: Vascular Program VAST 1040, VAST 2060, DMSO 1080; Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program DMSO 1010, DMSO 1040, DMSO 1060) This course combines the didactic education of sectional anatomy with active student participation in classroom laboratory experience. Information is weighted toward normal structures which are sonographically visible. Structures are described according to relative location and proportionality. Topics include: normal sectional anatomy of the neck, liver, biliary system, pancreas, genitourinary tract, spleen, peritoneal cavity, retroperitoneum, gastrointestinal tract, and vascular system structures within the upper and lower extremity; anatomic planes related to sonographic images; sonographic appearance and sonographic patterns of structures in the female and male pelvis, neck, liver, biliary system, pancreas, peritoneum and retroperitoneum, gastrointestinal tract, non-cardiac chest, and upper and low extremities; and related imaging, laboratory testing procedures and functional testing procedures. DMSO 1040, Sonographic Physics and Instrumentation 1-4-0-3 (Pre-requisite: Program Admission. Co-requisites: Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program - DMSO 1010, DMSO 1020, DMSO 1060; Echocardiography Program - CAVT 1030, ECHO 1100; Vascular Program -CAVT 1030, VAST 1100) Sonographers apply principles of ultrasound in the operation of medical sonographic equipment to produce a sonogram. Knowledge of the interaction of ultrasound with tissue is important for image optimization, acquisition and interpretation of sonographic images, and critical to the accurate diagnosis of disease. Introduces concepts for the factors involved with diagnostic ultrasound principles and instruments. Emphasis will be placed on ultrasound physics, transducer construction, operation and characteristics, artifacts and adjustable physics parameters. Topics include: basic principles and wave analysis; propagation of acoustic waves through tissues; principles of pulse echo imaging; sonographic transducers and sound beams; hemodynamic and Doppler imaging; sonographic instrumentation; artifacts; quality assurance/quality control of sonographic instruments; bioeffects and safety. Student laboratory scanning hours are included in this course.. DMSO 1050, Abdominal Sonography I 1-4-0-3 (Pre-requisite: DMSO 1020. Co-requisites: DMSO 1070, DMSO 1080, DMSO 1090, DMSO 1100) This course combines the didactic education of normal and abnormal abdominal with active student participation in classroom laboratory experience. Introduces advanced abdominal anatomy, sonographic appearance and procedures, pathology and pathophysiology for diagnostic medical sonography. Topics include: embryology; anatomy; protocols for all organs and organ systems of the abdomen and non-cardiac chest; variants of normal and congenital anomalies; function of organ and organ systems; patient history and indications for examination; scanning techniques; normal sonographic appearance; pathology and pathophysiology; related imaging and functional testing results; normal and abnormal Doppler and color flow characteristics. DMSO 1060, Clinical Sonography I 0-0-12-4 (Pre-requisite: Program Admission. Co-requisites: DMSO 1010, DMSO 1020, DMSO 1040) Provides students with a more detailed introduction into the hospital, clinic or other patient care setting work experience. This course covers the control of the physical parameters of the sonography unit and application of sonographic physics as it relates to image quality. Sonographic examinations are conducted under direct and indirect supervision. Topics include: oral and written communication; provide basic patient care; equipment manipulation for optimum image resolution; ergonomically correct scanning techniques; perform basic sonographic examinations of normal and abnormal abdominal anatomy and superficial structures; related imaging procedures and relevant laboratory findings; students must demonstrate progression of knowledge and scanning skills during this clinical rotation. DMSO 1070, Pelvic Sonography and First Trimester Obstetrics 1-2-0-2 (Pre-requisite: DMSO 1020. Co-requisites: DMSO 1050, DMSO 1080, DMSO 1090, DMSO 1100) This course introduces gynecology physiology, pathology, and pathophysiology along with normal and abnormal embryonic and fetal development during the first trimester using diagnostic medical sonography. Topics include: the role of the sonographer in obstetric imaging; antepartum obstetric sonography evaluation; Doppler imaging for the obstetric patient; significant laboratory values in early pregnancy; anatomy, physiology, pathology and pathophysiology of the female pelvis; gynecologic patient care and imaging techniques; clinical assessment of obstetrical patient; normal first trimester; uterine and extrauterine assessment during the first trimester; first trimester complications; prudent use; and performance standards and documentation. DMSO 1080, Sonographic Physics and Instrumentation Registry Review 0-2-0-1 (Pre-requisite: Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program –DMSO 1010, DMSO 1020, DMSO 1040, DMS0 1060; Echocardiography Program – CAVT 1030, ECHO 1100, DMSO 1040; Vascular Program – CAVT 1030, VAST 1100, DMSO 1040. Co-requisites: Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program – DMSO 1050, DMSO 1070, DMSO 1090, DMSO 1100; Echocardiography Program – CAVT 1080, ECHO 1310, ECHO 1370; Vascular Program – VAST 1040, VAST 2060, DMSO 1020.) Provides a review of knowledge from previous courses and helps the student prepare for national certification examinations for sonography. Information concerning test taking skills will also be reviewed. Topics include: patient care, safety and communication; physics principles, ultrasound transducers, pulseecho instrumentation, Doppler instrumentation; and quality assurance/quality control of equipment. DMSO 1090, Introduction to Vascular Sonography 0-2-0-1 (Pre-requisite: Program Admission, Co-requisites: DMSO 1050, DMSO 1070, DMSO 1080, DMSO 1100) This course is designed as an introduction into the field of vascular sonography. The general practitioner will be required to perform venous examinations of the lower extremity, arterial studies of the neck, and some Doppler studies within the abdomen. Emphasis is on the functional workings and settings associated with Doppler signals and waveforms. Topics include: machine/image settings for Doppler imaging; venous imaging of the lower extremities; arterial imaging of the neck; and vascular imaging of the abdomen, including aorta and its primary branches, vena cava, portal and hepatic veins, and renal arteries and veins. DMSO 1100, Clinical Sonography II 0-0-18-6 (Pre-requisite: DMSO 1060. Co-requisites: DMSO 1050, DMSO 1070, DMSO 1080, DMSO 1090) This course provides students with continued work experience in a hospital, clinic or other patient care setting. Students conduct sonographic examinations under direct and indirect supervision while continuing to improve their communication, professionalism and critical thinking skills. Topics include: patient care issues; advanced scanning techniques; normal anatomy and pathologic conditions of the abdomen; normal and abnormal sonographic imaging of the male pelvis; normal and abnormal anatomy and pathology of the female pelvis; normal and abnormal uterine and fetal development through the first trimester; and introduction to vascular sonography. DMSO 2010, OB Second and Third Trimesters 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: DMSO 1070. Co-requisites: DMSO 2020, DMSO 2030) Using classroom instruction and laboratory experiences this course introduces the knowledge of fetal anatomy, pathology, pathophysiology and procedures for diagnostic medical sonography. Instruction emphasizes normal fetal growth, fetal anomalies and maternal complications throughout all the second and third trimesters. Topics include: fetal assessment in the normal second and third trimesters; extra-fetal assessment of the second and third trimesters; assess abnormal fetal growth; high risk obstetrics; fetal structural abnormalities; genetic abnormalities and syndromes; interventional procedures; post-partum complications; prudent use; and performance standards and documentation. 168 DMSO 2020, Specialized Sonographic Procedures 1-2-0-2 (Pre-requisite: Program Admission, Co-requisites: DMSO 2010, DMSO 2030) This course provides students with three independent areas of concentration. They are High Resolution Sonography, Interventional Sonography and Pediatric Sonography. I. High Resolution Sonography introduces superficial structure anatomy, pathology and procedures for diagnostic medical sonography. II. Interventional Sonography this course provides instruction in sonographic procedures which are considered invasive and/or require sterile procedures. III. Pediatric Sonography provides the sonography student with specialized imaging procedures for the pediatric patient. Topics include: Intervention Sonography use of sonography in interventional procedures, transducer care, infection control, response to medical emergencies, contrast media, and organ transplant; High Resolution Sonography contrast media, and organ transplant; High Resolution Imaging anatomy and normal variants, function and physiology, indications for examination, sonographic imaging, pathology and pathophysiology, correlative and prior imaging, pertinent lab values; Pediatric Sonography embryology, anatomy and normal variants, function and physiology, indications for examination, sonographic imaging, and pathology and pathophysiology. DMSO 2030, Clinical Sonography III 0-0-24-8 (Pre-requisite: DMSO 1100. Co-requisites: DMSO 2010, DMSO 2020) This course provides students with continued work experience in a hospital, clinic or other patient care setting. Students improve skills in performing sonographic procedures previously introduced. Topics include: normal uterine and fetal development through the three trimesters including placental grading; equipment manipulation for optimum resolution; manipulation of equipment to minimize biological effects; normal anatomy and pathologic conditions of the abdomen and female pelvis; fetal biometry including gestational sac size, crown-rump length, biparietal diameter and head circumference; ectopic pregnancies; normal anatomy of the venous and arterial systems of the body; abnormal conditions of the human vasculature system; patient care issues; and demonstration of significant progression of knowledge and scanning skills. DMSO 2040, Comprehensive ABD and OB/GYN Registry Review 0-4-0-2 (Pre-requisites: DMSO 1050, DMSO 1070, DMSO 2010, Co-requisites: DMSO 2050 ) Provides a review of knowledge from previous courses and helps the student prepare for ARDMS national certification examinations for sonography. Information concerning test taking skills is also reviewed. Topics include: patient care, preparation and technique; instrumentation, normal pelvic anatomy; abnormal pelvic anatomy; extra-pelvic pathology associated with gynecology; pediatric sonography; post menopause; infertility and endocrinology; first trimester; placenta, amniotic fluid, umbilical cord; second and third trimester; congenital fetal anomalies; complications during pregnancy; fetal demise; coexisting disorders; HIPPA and patient care techniques utilizing a professional sonographer; anatomy and physiology of abdominal structures, small parts, and superficial structures; patient preparation and protocols for sonographic examination of abdominal structure; clinical indications, pertinent related diagnostic imaging procedures and laboratory tests; sonographic technique and appearance of normal anatomic abdominal structures, small parts; characteristic sonographic features and/or patterns of pathology in the abdomen, small parts; and instrumentation. DMSO 2050, Clinical Sonography IV 0-0-30-10 (Pre-requisite DMSO 2030. Co-requisite: DMSO 2040) Provides a culminating work experience in the hospital, clinic or other patient care setting for students to improve skills in performing procedures introduced during prior clinical and didactic courses to the level of an entrylevel sonographer. Topics include: refinement of equipment manipulation techniques, performance of sonographic examinations as an entry-level sonographer, role of the sonographer in performing interventional/invasive procedures, and completion of necessary competency requirements for graduation. ECCE 1101, Introduction to Early Childhood Care and Education 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Introduces concepts relating the responsibilities and procedures involved in a variety of early childhood care situations. Topics include historical perspectives; professionalism; guidance; developmentally appropriate practices; learning environment (including all children); cultural diversity; and licensing, accreditation, and credentialing. ECCE 1103, Child Growth and Development 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Introduces the student to the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of the young child (prenatal through 12 years of age). The course provides for competency development in observing, recording, and interpreting growth and development stages in the young child; advancing physical and intellectual competence; supporting social and emotional development; and examining relationships between child development and positive guidance. Topics include developmental characteristics, prenatal through age 12, developmental guidance applications, observing and recording techniques, ages and stages of development, and introduction to children with special needs. ECCE 1105, Health, Safety and Nutrition 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Introduces the theory, practices, and requirements for establishing and maintaining a safe, healthy learning environment. Topics include CPR and first aid, health issues, safety issues, child abuse and neglect, and nutritional needs of children. ECCE 1112, Curriculum and Assessment 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite/Corequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ECCE 1101, ECCE 1103) Provides student with an understanding of developmentally effective approaches to teaching, learning, observing, documenting and assessment strategies that promote positive development for young children. The course will enable the student to establish a learning environment appropriate for young children and to identify the goals, benefits, and uses of assessment in the development of curriculum for young children. Topics include observing, documenting, and assessing; learning environments; development of curriculum plans and materials; curriculum approaches; and instructional media. ECCE 1113, Creative Activities for Children 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ECCE 1101, ECCE 1103) Introduces the concepts related to creativity in art, music, movement and creative drama, and facilitating children's creative expression across the curriculum. Topics include concepts of creativity and expression; theories of young children's creative development; facilitation of children's creative expression, media, methods and materials across the curriculum; appreciation of children's art processes and products; appreciation of children's creativity in music, movement and dance; appreciation of children's creative expression in play and creative drama; and art and music appreciation. ECCE 1121, Early Childhood Care and Education Practicum 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ECCE 1101, ECCE 1103, ECCE 1105; Pre/Corequisite: ECCE 1112) Provides the student with the opportunity to gain a supervised experience in a practicum placement site allowing demonstration of techniques obtained from course work. Practicum topics include promoting child development and learning; building family and community relationships; observing, documenting, and assessing to support young children and families; teaching and learning; becoming a professional; and guidance techniques and classroom management. ECCE 2115, Language and Literacy 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ECCE 1101, ECCE 1103; Pre/Corequisite: ECCE 1112) Develops knowledge, skills, and abilities in supporting young children's literacy acquisition and development, birth through age twelve. Topics include developmental continuum of reading and writing, literacy acquisition birth to five years of age, literacy acquisition in kindergarten, literacy acquisition in early grades, and literacy acquisition in children who are culturally and linguistically diverse. 169 ECCE 2116, Math and Science 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ECCE 1101, ECCE 1103; Pre/Corequisite: ECCE 1112) Presents the process of introducing math and science concepts to young children. Includes planning and implementation of developmentally appropriate activities and development of math and science materials, media and methods. Topics include inquiry approach to learning; cognitive stages and developmental processes in developing math and science concepts with children birth to five; cognitive stages and developmental processes in developing math and science concepts with children in kindergarten and primary grades; planning math and science activities; and development of math and science materials, media and methods. ECCE 2201, Exceptionalities 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ECCE 1101, ECCE 1103, ECCE 1105) Provides for the development of knowledge and skills that will enable the student to understand individuals with special needs and appropriately guide their development. Special emphasis is placed on acquainting the student with programs and community resources that serve families with children with special needs. Topics include inclusion/least restrictive environment (LRE), physical and motor impairments, gifted/talented, intellectual and cognitive disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, communication disorders in speech and language, autism spectrum disorders, visual impairments, deaf and hard of hearing, health impairments, multiple disabilities, and community resources. ECCE 2202, Social Issues and Family Involvement 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Enables the student to value the complex characteristics of children's families and communities and to develop culturally responsive practices which will support family partnerships. Students use their understanding to build reciprocal relationships which promote children's development and learning. Students are introduced to local programs and agencies that offer services to children and families within the community. Topics include professional responsibilities, family/social issues, community resources, family education and support, teacher-family communication, community partnerships, social diversity and anti-bias concerns, successful transitions, and school-family activities. ECCE 2203, Guidance and Classroom Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite/Corequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ECCE 1101, ECCE 1103) Examines effective guidance practices in group settings based upon the application of theoretical models of child development and of developmentally appropriate practices. Focus will be given to individual, family, and cultural diversity. Topics will include developmentally appropriate child guidance (birth through 12); effective classroom management, including preventive and interventive techniques; understanding challenging behaviors; and implementing guidance plans. ECCE 2310, Paraprofessional Methods and Materials 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ECCE 1101, ECCE 1103, ECCE 1112) Develops the instructional skills to enable the student to work as a paraprofessional in a program for kindergarten through elementary age children. Topics include assessment and curriculum, instructional techniques, and methods for instruction in a learning environment. ECCE 2312, Paraprofessional Roles and Practices 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ECCE 1101, ECCE 1103; Pre/Co-requisite: ECCE 2310) Develops skills to enable the student to work as a paraprofessional in a program for kindergarten through elementary aged children. Topics include professional qualifications, professional and ethical conduct, professionalism and employment, and paraprofessional roles and responsibilities. ECCE 2240, Early Childhood Care and Education Internship 0-0-36-12 (Prerequisite: Advisor recommendation and completion of all required program courses) Provides the student with the opportunity to gain a supervised experience in an actual or simulated work site allowing demonstration of techniques obtained from course work. Practicum topics include promoting child development and learning; building family and community relationships; observing, documenting, and assessing to support young children and families; teaching and learning; becoming a professional; and guidance techniques and classroom management. ECET 1101, Circuit Analysis I 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: ENGT 1000 and a grade of “B” or higher in MATH 1111) Emphasizes the knowledge and ability to analyze basic DC circuits and introductory concepts of AC circuits. Topics include: international units, basic electrical laws, series and parallel circuits, network analysis concepts, network theorems concepts, D.C. instruments, grounding techniques, magnetism, inductance/capacitance, transient analysis, and introduction to dependent sources and 2port parameters. Laboratory work parallels class work. ECET 1110, Digital Systems I 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: ECET 1101) Study of digital circuit fundamentals with an emphasis on digital electronics and techniques, simplification of logic circuits, sequential and combinational logic circuits, programmable logic devices, flip-flops and registers, binary number system, and arithmetic and logic operations. Laboratory work parallels class work using trainers, DesignWorks, and Altera simulation software and system. ECET 1191, Computer Programming Fundamentals 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission.) This course emphasizes fundamental concepts of problem solving using a high level source language. Laboratory work is designed to acquaint students with computer facilities, software, and programming fundamentals. Topics include: system fundamentals, concepts of structured programming, arrays, functions, and engineering applications. ECET 1210, Networking Systems I 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: ECET 1110, ECET 1191) Provides a foundation in Local Area Networking of computers with an introduction to Wide Area Networking. Emphasis is on Peer-to-Peer Networking. ECET 2101, Circuit Analysis II I 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: ECET 1101, MATH 1113) Continue study of AC circuit analysis, which emphasizes complex networks. Topics include: analysis of complex networks, networks with multiple sources, AC network theorems, resonance, transformers, three-phase systems, filters and bode plots, non-sinusoidal waveforms, and pulse response of RLC circuits. Laboratory work parallels class work. ECET 2110, Digital Systems II 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: ECET 1110) Continues the study of digital systems with emphasis on the study of microcomputers with programming applications involving external devices with which the microprocessor/microcontroller must communicate. Topics include: logic families, PLD programming, microcomputer architecture, programming with arithmetic/logic instructions, jump, loop and call operations, I/O programming, timers, interrupts and interfacing techniques. Laboratory work parallels class work to include use of PLD (programmable logic devices) platforms, and microprocessor/microcontroller platforms to reinforce and edify theoretical concepts. ECET 2120, Electronic Circuits I 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: ECET 2101) Introduces the conduction process in semiconductor materials and devices. Topics include semiconductor physics; diodes; basic diode circuits and applications; biasing, stability and graphical analysis of bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistors; introduction to silicon controlled rectifiers; device curve characteristics; and related devices with selected applications. Laboratory work includes circuit construction, use of appropriate instruments, troubleshooting and circuit simulation using P-SPICE. 170 ECET 2210, Networking Systems II 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: ECET 1210) This course emphasizes the design, implementation, configuration, and monitoring of a client-server network environment. Emphasis is placed on applications to Local Area Networks. An introduction to Network Domains in Wide Area Networks is included. ECET 2220, Electronic Circuits II 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: ECET 2120) Emphasizes the analysis of BJT and FET amplifiers; analysis and applications of operational amplifiers and other linear digital ICs. Topics include: re transistor model; CB, CE and CC amplifiers; Darlington connection; cascaded systems; CS, CD, CG Amplifiers; High frequency and low frequency response of BJT and FET amplifiers; Power Amplifiers Class A, Class B, Class C Amplifiers; op-amp fundamentals; inverting, non-inverting amplifiers, voltage followers and summing amplifiers; comparators; instrumentation applications; active filters; differentiators and integrators; 555 Timers; A/D and D/A Conversion. Laboratory work parallels class work and includes circuit construction, use of appropriate instruments, troubleshooting and circuit simulation using P-SPICE. ECHO 1100, Echocardiography Fundamentals 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites: Program admission. Corequisites: CAVT 1030, DMSO 1040 ). This course introduces the basic principles and applications of the physical assessment and echocardiographic procedures. Discussion of medical law and ethics as it relates to the professional scope of practice. Topics include: basic echocardiographic imaging principles, patient skills and equipment instrumentation, basic Doppler and color principles, medical law and ethics and common terminology and abbreviations ECHO 1310, Echocardiography 1 0-6-0-3 (Prerequisites: ECHO 1100, CAVT 1030, DMSO 1040. Corequisistes: CAVT 1080, ECHO 1370, DMSO 1080). This course utilizes cardiac sonography fundamentals to evaluate cardiac anatomy, function and hemodynamics in diagnosing coronary artery heart disease. Incorporates all forms of noninvasive cardiovascular evaluation with emphasis on performance and interpretation of M-mode, 2dimensional, and Doppler echocardiography. Emphasis will be placed on obtaining quality echocardiograms, and laboratory experience will demonstrate the application of theoretical principles and concepts. Topics include: ventricular function, coronary artery disease, Stress Echocardiography, Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE), 3-D/4-D Echocardiography, Contrast Echocardiography and advanced techniques/procedures ECHO 1320, Echocardiography 2 0-6-0-3 (Prerequisites: ECHO 1310, ECHO 1370,CAVT 1080, DMSO 1080. Corequisites: ECHO 2360, CAVT 1090). This course utilizes fundamentals to evaluate cardiac function and acquired disease states. Incorporates all forms of noninvasive cardiovascular evaluation with emphasis on performance and interpretation of Mmode, 2-dimensional, and Doppler echocardiography. Emphasis will be placed on obtaining quality echocardiograms, and laboratory experience will demonstrate the application of theoretical principles and concepts. Topics include: valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathies, systemic and pulmonary hypertensive heart disease, pericardial diseases, systemic disease, cardiac transplantation, cardiac tumors/masses, diseases of the aorta, pericardial diseases, and miscellaneous topics. ECHO 1370, Echocardiography Clinical 1 0-0-21-7 (Prerequisites: ECHO 1100, CAVT 1030, DMSO 1040. Corequisites: CAVT 1080, ECHO 1310, DMSO 1080) Provides hands-on experience in performing noninvasive cardiovascular procedures with emphasis on instrumentation and development of clinical techniques. Topics include: policies and procedures, echocardiographic instrumentation, recording patient information, patient preparation, and performing echocardiographic examinations. ECHO 2360, Echocardiography Clinical 2 0-0-21-7 (Prerequisites: CAVT 1080, DMSO 1080, ECHO 1310, ECHO 1370. Corequisites: ECHO 1320, CAVT 1090) Provides hands-on experience in the clinical setting with an emphasis placed on the development of clinical techniques employed to obtain meaningful data. Continued participation by the student will progressively lead to the student performing diagnostic procedures with less assistance but under the supervision of an appropriately credentialed sonographer. Topics include: echocardiographic instrumentation, logging and reporting information, preparation for echocardiographic examinations, medical ethics, and performing echocardiographic procedures. Students may do a brief rotation through an invasive cardiology lab, pediatric lab and/or vascular lab. ECHO 2370, Echocardiography Clinical 3 0-0-30-10 (Prerequisites: CAVT 1090, ECHO 1320, ECHO 2360. Corequisites ECHO 2400) This course builds on the knowledge and skills learned in Clinical Echo 3. By the end of this rotation, the student will perform all echocardiography procedures independently with the supervision of an appropriately credentialed sonographer. This course provides a culminating clinical setting experience which allows students to synthesize information and procedural instruction provided throughout the program. Emphasis is placed on skill level improvements and final completion of all required clinical competencies presented in previous courses and practiced in previous clinical vascular courses. Topics include: scanning, documentation of pathologies, patient and equipment skills, current literature, professionalism, and ethical behavior. ECHO 2400, Echocardiography Comprehensive Registry Review 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisites: ECHO 2310. Corequisites: ECHO 2370) This course will be an overall review of Echocardiography to include demonstration of normal and abnormal cardiac anatomy, cardiac physiology, pathophysiology and hemodynamics/physics in the different types of cardiac disease/dysfunctions. Also included will be a review of clinical non-invasive cardiac diagnostic procedures, laboratory values, pharmacology and test validation and measurements. Emphasis is placed on reviewing information so that the student will successfully pass the ARMDS and/or CCI certification examinations. Topics include: normal and abnormal cardiac anatomy, techniques, pathology, physics/hemodynamics, test validation and measurements, and laboratory values. ECON 1101, Principles of Economics 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Provides a description and analysis of economic operations in contemporary society. Emphasis is placed on developing an understanding of economic concepts and policies as they apply to everyday life. Topics include basic economic principles; economic forces and indicators; capital and labor; price, competition, and monopoly; money and banking; government expenditures, federal and local; fluctuations in production, employment, and income; and United States economy in perspective. ECON 2105, Macroeconomics 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Provides a description and analysis of macroeconomic principles and policies. Topics include basic economic principles, macroeconomic concepts, equilibrium in the goods and money markets, macroeconomic equilibrium and the impact of fiscal and monetary policies. ECON 2106, Microeconomics 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Provides an analysis of the ways in which consumers and business firms interact in a market economy. Topics include basic economic principles, consumer choice, the behavior of profit maximizing firms, and the modeling of perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition. ELCR 1005, Soldering Technology 0-2-0-1 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Develops the ability to solder and desolder connectors, components, and printed circuit boards using industry standards. Topics include: safety practices, soldering, desoldering, anti-static grounding, and surface mount techniques. 171 ELCR 1010, Direct Current Circuits 5-2-0-6 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Provides instruction in the theory and practical application of simple and complex direct current circuitry. Topics include: laboratory safety practices and procedures, electrical laws and principles, DC test equipment, basic series and parallel circuits, complex series and parallel circuits, and DC theorems. ELCR 1020, Alternating Current 5-4-0-7 (Prerequisite: ELCR 1010) Introduces the theory and application of varying sine wave voltages and current, development of AC concepts with emphasis on constructing, verifying, and troubleshooting reactive circuits using RLC theory and practical application. Topics include: AC wave generation, frequency and phase relationship, impedance, admittance, and conductance power factors, reactive components, simple RLC circuits, AC circuit resonance, passive filters, and non-sinusoidal wave forms. ELCR 1030, Solid State Devices 4-2-0-5 (Prerequisite: ELCR 1020) Introduces the theory and application of solid state devices in industry emphasizing the physical characteristics and uses of solid state devices. Topics include: PN diodes, power supplies, voltage regulation, bipolar junction theory and application, field effect transistors, and special applications. ELCR 1040, Digital and Microprocessors Fundamentals 3-4-0-5 (Corequisite: ELCR 1030) Introduces digital number systems, logic gates, truth tables, Boolean algebra, minimization techniques, logic families, displays, converters, microprocessors, and digital test equipment. Topics include: digital math, logic circuits, truth tables, minimization techniques, logic families, microprocessors, and digital test equipment. ELCR 1060, Linear Integrated Circuits 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: ELCR 1030) Provides in-depth instruction on the characteristics and applications of linear integrated circuits. Topics include: operational amplifiers, timers, and three terminal voltage regulators. ELCR 1300, Mobile Audio and Video Systems 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Provides the fundamental concepts for the installation of automotive audio and video systems. Topics include: charging and electrical systems, automotive wiring harnesses, basic audio systems, advanced audio systems, and mobile video systems. ELCR 2110, Process Control 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite: ELCR 1020 or Instructor Approval) Introduces industrial process control applications with an emphasis on sensors and signal conditioning. Topics include: symbology and drawing standards; control techniques; sensors and signal conditioning; and ISA and other relevant standards. ELCR 2120, Motor Controls 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite: ELCR 1020 or Instructor Approval) Introduces the application of motor controls in the industrial environment. Topics include: AC/DC motors; AC/DC drives; MCC and contractors; NEC and NEMA standards; ladder diagrams; and power sources. ELCR 2130, Programmable Controllers 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite: ELCR 1020 or Instructor Approval) Provides the basic skills and techniques used in industrial application of programmable controls. Topics include: controller hardware; programming; PC applications; and troubleshooting. ELCR 2140, Mechanical Devices 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission). Develops knowledge and skills necessary to transmit mechanical power using common industrial linkage types. Emphasis is placed on the use of mechanical devices in combination with electronic controls. Topics include: linkages; motion analysis; gear drives; and preventative maintenance. ELCR 2150, Fluid Power 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Provides an overview of fluid power operation as applied to industrial electronics. Emphasis is placed on the interfacing of electronic and fluidic systems. Topics include: safety; fluid dynamics; hydraulics; pneumatics; air logic; and electrical interfacing. ELCR 2160, Robotics 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: ELCR 2140 or Instructor Approval) Continues microprocessor concepts and introduces instruction sets, robotic theory, terminology, and basic applications. Emphasis is placed on programming in robotic languages and robot/human interfacing safety practices. Topics include: safety, terminology, languages, and robotic programming. ELCR 2170, Computer Hardware 3-4-0-5 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Provides an introduction to the fundamentals of installing, configuring, upgrading, troubleshooting, and repairing microcomputer systems. Topics include installation, configuration, upgrading, diagnosing, troubleshooting, preventive maintenance, basic hardware, printers, and basic networking. ELCR 2190, Networking I 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Provides an introduction to networking technologies. Cover a wide range of material about networking, from careers in networking to local area networks, wide area networks, protocols, topologies, transmission media, and security. Focuses on operating network management systems and implementing the installation of networks. The course reviews cabling, connection schemes, the fundamentals of LAN and WAN technologies, TCP/IP configuration and troubleshooting, remote connectivity, and network maintenance and troubleshooting. Topics include: media and topologies, protocols and standards, network implementation, and network support. ELCR 2590, Fiber Optic Systems 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) Introduces the fundamentals of fiber optics and explores the applications of fiber optic transmission systems. Laboratory exercises give students hands-on experience with fiber optic devices and test equipment. Topics includes: fundamentals of fiber optics, types of optical fibers, fiber materials and manufacture, cabling, light sources/transmitters/receivers, connectors, splicing, test measurement, and fiber optic system design. ELCR 2600, Telecommunication and Data Cabling 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Introduces the basic of cable installation from the initial site survey to splicing cable and making connections. Through laboratory activities, students perform the basic tasks of a cable installer. Topics include: basic standards and practices, cable rating and performance, cable installation and management, testing and troubleshooting, industry standards, pulling cable, and understanding blueprints. ELCR 2620, Telecommunications and Data Transmission Concepts 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: ELCR 1020) Introduction to installation, programming, testing, and repair of simple and complex telephone systems, telecommunication, and data transmission concepts. Topics include: multi-line system installation, system programming, peripheral devices, customer relations, delineation of signal types and characteristics, methods of modulation and detection, transmission modes, characteristics of transmission media, measuring transmission signals, noise, distortion, multiplexing, and emerging technologies. ELTR 1020, Electrical Systems Basics I- 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites: None; Corequisites: None) Introduces the theory and application of varying sine wave voltages and current. Topics include: magnetism, AC wave generation, AC test equipment, inductance, capacitance, and basic transformers. ELTR 1060, Electrical Prints, Schematics, and Symbols 1-20-2 (Prerequisites: Provisional Admission, Corequisites: None) Introduces electrical symbols and their use in construction blueprints, electrical schematics, and diagrams. Topics include: electrical symbols, component identification, print reading and scales and measurement. ELTR 1080, Commercial Wiring I- 4-2-0-5 (Prerequisites: None, Corequisites: None) This course introduces commercial wiring practices and procedures. Topics include: industrial safety procedures, the National Electrical Code, commercial load calculations, three-phase power systems, and fundamentals of AC motor control. 172 ELTR 1090, Commercial Wiring II- 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisites: None, Corequisites: None) This course is a continuation of the study in commercial wiring practices and procedures. Topics include: transformer connections, an introduction to low voltage systems, conduit design and installation practices, and system design concepts. ELTR 1110, Electric Motors- 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: None, Corequisites: None) Introduces the fundamental theories and applications of single-phase motors. Topics include: motor theory/operating principles, motor terminology, motor identification, NEMA standards, motor efficiencies, preventive maintenance, troubleshooting/failure analysis, and NEC requirements ELTR 1120, Variable Speed/ Low Voltage Controls - 1-0-2-2 (Prerequisites: None, Corequisites: None) Introduces types of electric motor control, reduced voltage starting, and applications. Emphasis will be placed on motor types, controller types, and applications. Includes information on wye and delta motor connections; part wind, autotransformer; adjustable frequency drives and other applications; and oscilloscopes and their operation. Topics include: types of reduced voltage starting, reduced voltage motor connections, and adjustable frequency drive ELTR 1180, Electrical Controls- 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: None, Corequisites: None) Introduces line and low voltage switching circuits, manual and automatic controls and devices, and circuits. Emphasis will be placed on switching circuits, manual and automatic controls and devices, line and low voltage switching circuits, and operation, application and ladder diagrams. Topics include: ladder and wire diagrams, switching circuits, manual controls and devices, automatic controls and devices, and application and operation of controllers and controls ELTR 1205, Residential Wiring I- 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites: None Corequisites: None) Introduces residential wiring practices and procedures. Topics include: residential circuits, print reading, National Electrical Code, wiring materials, determining the required number and location of lighting/receptacles and small appliance circuits, wiring methods (size and type conductors, box fill calculations and voltage drop), switch control of luminaries, receptacle installation including bonding, GFCI and AFCI circuits, special purposes outlets - ranges, cook tops, ovens, dryers, water heaters, sump pumps, and sizing OCPDs (circuit breakers and fuses). ELTR 1210, Residential Wiring II 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites: None Corequisites: None) Provides additional instruction on wiring practices in accordance with the National Electrical Code. Topics include: residential single family service calculations, residential two family service calculations, load balancing, sub panels and feeders, residential single family service installation, residential two family service installation, concepts of TV and CATV installation, swimming pool installation, and remote control of lighting and intercom installation. ELTR 1220, Industrial PLC’s- 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: None: Corequisites: None) Introduces operational theory, systems terminology, PLC installations, and programming procedures for programmable logic controls. Emphasis is placed on PLC programming, connections, installations, and start-up procedures. Topics include: PLC hardware and software, PLC functions and terminology, introductory numbering systems, PLC installation and set up, PLC programming basics, relay logic instructions, timers and counters, connecting field devices to I/O cards, and PLC safety procedures. ELTR 1250, Diagnostic Troubleshooting1-0-3-2 (Prerequisites: None; Corequisites: None ) Introduces diagnostic techniques related to electrical malfunctions. Special attention is given to use of safety precautions during troubleshooting. Topics include: problem diagnosis, advanced schematics, and sequential troubleshooting procedures. ELTR 1260, Transformers 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisites: None; Corequisites: None) Provides instruction in the theory and operation of specific types of transformers. Emphasis will be placed on National Electrical Code requirements related to the use of transformers. Topics include: transformer theory, types of transformers, National Electrical Code requirements, and safety precautions ELTR 1270, N.E.C. Industrial Wiring Applications-2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: None) Provides instruction in industrial wiring applications of the National Electrical Code. Topics include: rigid/IMC conduit installation, EMT conduit installation, busways installation, cable tray/wireway installation, and equipment installation (600 volts or less). ELTR 1500, Electrical Systems Technology Internship/Practicum 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: None) This course is designed to give students the opportunity to engage in a lab project or an off-site internship for the purpose of refining the skills necessary for gainful employment. The student is expected to have completed all program requirements to this point, and to be able to demonstrate efficiency in all skills mastered. ELTR 1510, Electrical Worker 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisites: All Required Provisional Admission. Corequisites: None) Introduces work hazards present during the construction of manufacturing homes or construction sites. Emphasis is placed on the proper use of electrical tools and equipment and maintenance of these tolls on the work site. Topics include hazards of electricity, safe use electrical tools and equipment, and the repair of electrical cords, plugs, lights, and smirches. ELTR 1520, Grounding and Bonding- 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisites: All Required Provisional Admission, Corequisites: None) Presents the theory and practical applications for grounding and bonding systems. Emphasis will be placed on the use of the requirements of the National Electrical Code. Topics include: branch circuit grounding, equipment grounding/bonding, service grounding/bonding, and earth connections. ELTR 1525, Photovoltaic Systems- 3-4-0-5 (Prerequisites: None, Corequisites: None) This class introduces techniques and method on how to install residential and commercial photovoltaic systems. ELTR 1530, Conduit Sizing- 1-0-3-2 (Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: None) Provides practice in calculating conduit size. Emphasis is placed on use of the requirement of the National Electrical Code. Topics include: National Electrical Code, conduits types/trade sizes, and percent of fill. ELTR 1540, Wire Pulling/Codes- 1-2-3-3 (Prerequisites: All Required Provisional Admission. Corequisites: None) The purpose of this course is for instruction in the installation of cabling systems. Emphasis will be on the types of cabling technologies that address voice, video, and data communications and the applicable codes. EMPL 1000, Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisite: Provisional Program Admission). Emphasizes human relations and professional development in today’s rapidly changing world that prepares students for living and working in a complex society. Topics include human relations skills, job acquisition skills and communication, job retention skills, job advancement skills, and professional image skills. 173 EMSP 1110, Introduction to the EMT Profession 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) This course serves as the introductory course to the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) profession. It orients the student to the prehospital care environment, issues related to the provision of patient care in both in-hospital and out-of-hospital circumstances. It further provides foundational information upon which subsequent curriculum content is based so that successful completion of this content increases the potential for success in subsequent courses and should allow students to apply the fundamental knowledge, skills, and attitudes gained in order to effectively communicate and function safely, ethically and professionally within the emergency medical services environment. Topics include: Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terminology, Pathophysiology, CPR for HCP, EMS Systems, Research, Workforce Safety and Wellness, Documentation, EMS System Communication, Therapeutic Communication, Medical/Legal and Ethics, Public Health, Principles of Safely Operating a Ground Ambulance, Incident Management, Multiple Casualty Incidents, Air Medical, Vehicle Extrication, HazMat, MCI due to Terrorism/Disaster, and Life Span Development. EMSP 1120, EMT Assessment/Airway Management and Pharmacology 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: EMSP 1110) This course prepares students for initial scene management and assessment of patients as well as management of the airway. Introduction to pharmacology is also covered. Includes application of scene information and patient assessment findings (scene size up, primary and secondary assessment, patient history, and reassessment) to guide emergency management. Topics include: Scene Size-Up; Primary Assessment; History Taking; Secondary Assessment; Monitoring Devices; Reassessment; Airway Management; Respiration; Artificial Ventilation; Principles of Pharmacology; Medication Administration; and Emergency Medications. EMSP 1130, Medical Emergencies for the EMT 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) This course integrates pathophysiological principles and assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan of cases involving non-traumatic medical emergencies. Topics include: Medical Overview; Neurology; Abdominal and Gastrointestinal Disorders; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Endocrine Disorders; Psychiatric; Cardiovascular; Toxicology; Respiratory; Hematology; Genitourinary/Renal; Non-Traumatic Musculoskeletal Disorders; Diseases of the Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat; and Medical Assessments. EMSP 1140, Special Patient Populations 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) This course provides a fundamental knowledge of growth, development, and aging and assessment findings to provide basic emergency care and transportation for a patient with special needs. Topics include: Obstetrics, Gynecology, Neonatal Care, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Patients with Special Challenges, and Special Patient Populations Assessments. EMSP 1150, Shock and Trauma for the EMT 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) This course is designed to prepare the EMT student to apply pre-hospital emergency care to patients who have sustained injuries resulting from various mechanisms of injury including: Abdominal and Genitourinary trauma; Orthopedic trauma; Soft Tissue trauma; Head, Facial, Neck, and Spine Trauma and Nervous System trauma. Special considerations in trauma related injuries will be presented including the physiology of shock as well as multi-system trauma and environmental emergencies. Topics include: Shock and Resuscitation; Trauma Overview; Bleeding; Chest Trauma; Abdominal and Genitourinary Trauma; Orthopedic Trauma; Soft Tissue Trauma; Head, Facial, Neck, and Spine Trauma; Nervous System Trauma; Special Considerations in Trauma; Environmental Emergencies; and Multi-System Trauma. EMSP 1160, Clinical and Practical Applications for the EMT 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) This course provides supervised clinical experience in various clinical settings as well as opportunities to demonstrate critical thinking skills and assessment based management techniques through competency based evaluations relevant to the practice of an EMT. Topics include: Clinicals and Assessment Based Management. EMSP 1510, Advanced Concepts for the AEMT 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) This course serves as the introductory course to the advanced level practice of the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT). It expands on the information attained at the EMT level. Topics include: EMS Systems; Documentation; EMS System Communication; Therapeutic Communication; Principles of Pharmacology; Medication Administration; Emergency Medications; Airway Management; Respiration; Artificial Ventilation; Primary Assessment; and Secondary Assessment. EMSP 1520, Advanced Patient Care for the AEMT 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) This course provides opportunities to apply fundamental knowledge of basic and selected advanced emergency care and transportation based on assessment findings for the following: an acutely ill patient; a patient in shock, respiratory failure or arrest, cardiac failure or arrest, and post resuscitation management; and an acutely injured patient. In addition it provides a fundamental knowledge of growth, development, and aging and assessment findings to provide basic and selected advanced emergency care and transportation for a patient with special needs. Topics include: Geriatrics; Patients with Special Challenges; Medical Overview; Neurology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Endocrine Disorders; Cardiovascular; Toxicology; Respiratory; Hematology; Genitourinary/Renal; Shock and Resuscitation; Chest Trauma; Abdominal and Genitourinary Trauma; Orthopedic Trauma; Head, Facial, Neck, and Spine Trauma: Nervous System Trauma; and Integration of Medical/Trauma Assessments EMSP 1530, Clinical Applications for the AEMT 0-2-0-1 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) This course provides supervised clinical experience in various clinical settings. Topics include: Clinicals. EMSP 1540, Clinical and Practical Applications for the AEMT 0-6-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) This course provides supervised clinical experience in various clinical settings as well as opportunities to demonstrate critical thinking skills and assessment based management techniques through competency based evaluations relevant to the practice of an AEMT. Topics include: Clinicals and Assessment Based Management. ENGL 00903, Learning Support English (Co-enrollment diploma track learning support students) 3-0-0-3 I.C. (Prerequisite: Appropriate diploma learning support scores in reading and English and co-enrollment in ENGL 1010. This course emphasizes the rules of grammar, punctuation, capitalization, subject/verb agreement, correct verb forms, spelling, writing, and revising skills for basic sentences and paragraphs to complement ENGL 1010. ENGL 00904, Learning Support English (Co-enrollment degree track programs) 3-0-0-3 I.C. (Co-requisite: Appropriate learning support degree level placement score in reading and English and co-enrollment in ENGL 1101). This course emphasizes the rules of grammar, punctuation, capitalization, subject/verb agreement, correct verb forms, spelling, writing, and revising skills for paragraph and essay development to complement ENGL 1101. ENGL 1010, Fundamentals of English I 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate placement scores [Writing/English and Reading] or co-enrollment in ENGL 00903 without READ 0090). Emphasizes the development and improvement of written and oral communication abilities. Topics include analysis of writing, applied grammar and writing skills, editing and proofreading skills, research skills, and oral communication skills. 174 ENGL 1012, Fundamentals of English II 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ENGL 1010). Provides knowledge and application of written and oral communications found in the workplace. Topics include writing fundamentals and speaking fundamentals. ENGL 1101, Composition and Rhetoric 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing/English and Reading] or ENGL 00904 co-enrollment). Explores the analysis of literature and articles about issues in the humanities and in society. Students practice various modes of writing, ranging from exposition to argumentation and persuasion. The course includes a review of standard grammatical and stylistic usage in proofreading and editing. An introduction to library resources lays the foundation for research. Topics include writing analysis and practice, revision, and research. Students write a research paper using library resources and using a formatting and documentation style appropriate to the purpose and audience. ENGL 1102, Literature and Composition 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ENGL 1101). Emphasizes the student's ability to read literature analytically and meaningfully and to communicate clearly. Students analyze the form and content of literature in historical and philosophical contexts. Topics include reading and analysis of fiction, poetry, and drama; research; and writing about literature. ENGL 1105, Technical Communications 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ENGL 1101). Emphasizes practical knowledge of technical communications techniques, procedures, and reporting formats used in industry and business. Topics include reference use and research, device and process description, formal technical report writing, business correspondence, and technical report presentation. ENGL 2110, World Literature 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ENGL 1101). This course explores the history of the human experience through literature and writing across the cultures of the world. Surveys of important works across multiple genres of fiction and non-fiction as a reflection of cultural values. Explores themes from the ancient through modern era. ENGL 2130, American Literature 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ENGL 1101). Emphasizes American literature as a reflection of culture and ideas. A survey of important works in American literature. Includes a variety of literary genres: short stories, poetry, drama, nonfiction, and novels. Topics include literature and culture, essential themes and ideas, literature and history, and research skills. ENGL 2310, English Literature from the Beginnings to 1700 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ENGL 1101). Presents a survey of important works in early English literature. Course content includes a variety of literary genres: poetry, drama, fiction and nonfiction. Writers typically include the Beowulf poet, Gawain poet, Chaucer, Spenser, Sidney, Marlowe, Donne, Jonson, Shakespeare, and Milton. The course emphasizes English literature as a reflection of culture and ideas. Competency areas include literature and culture; essential themes and ideas; literature and history; research and writing skills; and oral communication skills. ENGT 1000, Introduction to Engineering Technology 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisites: Appropriate Degree Level Algebra Placement Test Score). Provides a study of engineering technology as a career field and describes the knowledge and skills required for academic and occupational success. Topics include: engineering technology career, measurement and standards, mathematical operators, engineering tools, and engineering concepts. Labs reinforce mathematical, mechanical and electrical concepts through practical exercises, such as measurement and calculation of density of objects, relative humidity, use of digital multi-meter, building circuits, use of precision instruments, and team exercises. ENGT 2300, Capstone Project 1-0-0-1 (Prerequisite: ECET 2101) This course will require students to undertake either individual or team projects, by applying knowledge acquired classroom/lab activities in program courses and core courses. The student will create or construct a product, a circuit or mechanism using circuit building, troubleshooting and other engineering skills developed through previous course work. The project activity includes conceptualization, detailed planning and design, project construction, cost and production considerations, quality assurance and project presentation. FRSC 1020, Basic Firefighter – Emergency Services Fundamentals 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course provides the student with information on the applicable laws, policies, and standards that the Firefighter I course is designed, and how the course will be administered. This course will provide the student basic knowledge of where and how the fire service originated from the colonial periods to present day firefighting operations. The student will learn basic roles and responsibilities of a firefighter, how firefighters have to abide by and work from standard operating procedures and guidelines, and how the chain of command works and their position within it. The student will be provided the knowledge on how to communicate within the fire service; whether it with the fire station or on the fire ground. This course provides the emergency responder with basic principles and functions of the Incident Command System. The course will provide the necessary knowledge and skills to operate within the ICS and their role within the ICS at the fire station, at a non-emergency scene, and at emergency scenes. It will provide also provide the emergency responder with knowledge on how to perform basic skills at emergency scenes that deal with infection control, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, basic first aid measures, and using an AED. Finally, it will provide the emergency responder skills and knowledge on how to recognize the presence of and the potential for a hazardous materials release, and how and who personnel should call. Upon completion of this course the student emergency responder candidate/recruit will have the basic skills and knowledge to be able to obtain a certificate of completion or become certified through the appropriate governing agency for the following: 1. Infection Control 2. CPR 3. First Aid 4. ICS-100 5. IS-700 6. NPQ - Hazardous Materials for First Responders Awareness Level This course meets the requirements NFPA 1001 Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications and all other state, local, and provincial occupational health and safety regulatory requirements. design, project construction, cost and production considerations, quality assurance and project presentation. FRSC 1030, Basic Firefighter Module I 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course provides the firefighter candidate/recruit with basic knowledge and skills to perform various fire ground operations as a firefighter on emergency scenes. The candidate/recruit will learn about safety during all phases of a firefighters career, the personal protective equipment that is required for training and every emergency response, and how to properly don it for use and doff it after use. The candidate/recruit will learn about the dynamics of fire through fire behavior and how to extinguish the different phases of fires with either portable fire extinguishers or through fire suppression attacks and techniques. The candidate/recruit will also learn the three tactical priorities of Life Safety, Incident Stabilization, and Property Conservation that have to be achieved on every fireground. Basic knowledge and skills will be provided to the candidate/recruit so they can achieve the tactical priorities through various fireground operations such as: response & sizeup, forcible entry, ladders, search & rescue, ventilation, water supply, fire hose, fire nozzles, fire streams, salvage, and overhaul. Upon completion of this course the student emergency responder candidate/recruit will have the basic skills and knowledge to be able to obtain a certificate of completion or become certified through the appropriate governing agency for the following: 1. Module I This course meets the requirements NFPA 1001 Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications and all other state, local, and provincial occupational health and safety regulatory requirements. 175 FRSC 1040, Basic Firefighter Module II 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course builds from the skills and knowledge in Module I and provides the knowledge and skills to support the fireground techniques learned in the previous courses. The firefighter will learn various uses of ropes & knots and how to hoist fire fighting tools and equipment. The firefighter will also gain the knowledge and skills of building construction principles that will be used throughout their firefighting career to identify building conditions such as: fire spread and travel, how and where to ventilate, indications of potential building collapse, etc. The firefighter will learn survival techniques that will be used throughout their career to help keep themselves safe and how to rescue themselves or another firefighter. Firefighter rehabilitation will be discussed during this course, so that the firefighter will know how and when to properly rehab themselves before, during, after an emergency response. Knowledge of fire suppression systems will be discussed, so that the firefighter will have a basic understanding of the components of a fire detection, protection, and suppression system. Basic cause determination will be discussed so that firefighters will be aware of observations during various phases of fireground operations. Finally to complete the Firefighter I program the firefighter will participate in the following live fire scenarios in order to complete the objectives of the program. 1. Exterior Class A Fire 2. Interior Structure Attack Above Grade Level 3. Interior Structure Attack Below Grade Level 4. Vehicle Fire 5. Dumpster Fire Upon completion of this course the student emergency responder candidate/recruit will have the basic skills and knowledge to be able to obtain a certificate of completion or become certified through the appropriate governing agency for the following: 1. NPQ Fire Fighter I This course meets the requirements NFPA 1001 Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications and all other state, local, and provincial occupational health and safety regulatory requirements. FRSC 1100, Introduction to the Fire Service 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course is a survey of the philosophy and history of Fire Protection, loss of property and life by fire, review of municipal fire defenses and the organization and function of the federal, state, county, city and private fire protection. Includes introduction to: fire technology education and the firefighter selection process; fire protection career opportunities; public fire protection; chemistry and physics of fire; public and private support organizations; fire department resources, fire department administration; support functions; training, fire prevention; codes and ordinances; fire protection systems and equipment; emergency incident management; and emergency operations. FRSC 1110, Fire Administration: Supervision and Leadership 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course provides the necessary knowledge and skills for an emergency responder to become a successful fire officer. The student will learn how to become a responsible leader and supervisor to a crew of firefighters, how to manage a budget for the fire station, understand standard operating procedures, and be able to manage an incident. Also, an understanding of basic fire prevention methods, fire and building codes, and records systems will be covered throughout the course. Upon completion of this course the student emergency responder candidate/recruit will have the basic skills and knowledge to be able to qualify for a certificate of completion or seek certification through the appropriate governing agency for the following: 1. NFA Leadership I 2. NFA Leadership II 3. NFA Leadership III This course meets the requirements NFPA 1021 Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications and all other state, local, and provincial occupational health and safety regulatory requirements. FRSC 1121, Firefighting Strategy and Tactics 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course presents the principles of applying fire department resources to mitigate a fire or related emergency. General topics include: principles of firefighting, size up, engine company operations, hose line selection and placement, water supply, standpipe and sprinkler operations, ladder company operations, forcible entry, ventilation and search and rescue. Specific-fires reviewed will include private dwellings, multiple dwellings, commercial buildings, high-rise structures, buildings under construction, structural collapse, flammable liquid and gas fires and waterfront fires. FRSC 1132, Fire Service Instructor 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Students will learn to analyze jobs and information, then prepare and present related training. Emphasis is placed on planning, organizing, presenting, and testing, using methodologies appropriate to the subject. Topics include: orientation to emergency services instruction, communication, planning and analysis, objectives, learning, assessment, methods of instruction, instructor materials, media, training related group dynamics, classroom management, the legal environment, and NPQ Fire Instructor I. Students will have numerous hands-on opportunities to apply what they learn. Successful completers of FRSC 1132 are qualified to test for the National Professional Qualification (NPQ) Fire Instructor I Exam. FRSC 1141, Hazardous Materials Operations 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course provides emergency responder personnel with the information to respond safely, limit possible exposure to all personnel, and to provide information to the proper authorities as being a primary goal while reacting in the defensive mode of operation. The first responder operations level responsibilities are recognition and identification of a hazardous material scene, the gathering of information, the notification of the proper authorities, the isolation of the area by setting perimeters/zones, possible evacuation, protection by initiating the incident management system, emergency decontamination, and performing defensive actions only. Even though the first responder is a member of an emergency response service, they are not trained in specialized protective clothing or specialized control equipment. Thus, the first responder is not a member of a hazardous materials response team. This course meets the requirements of NFPA 472 Professional Competence of First Responders to Haz Mat Incidents at the Operations Level. This course also meets the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120, EPA, USDOT, and all other appropriate state, local and provincial occupational health and safety regulatory requirements. Also required as prerequisite: NPQ FF I and NPQ Hazardous Materials Awareness Level. FRSC 1151, Fire Prevention and Inspection 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Emphasis is placed on the shared responsibility of all fire service personnel to prevent fires and fire losses by survey of fire prevention activities, conducting basic fire prevention inspections, practicing life safety codes, review of local and state laws regarding fire inspection, and review of applicable codes and standards. Topics include: code administration, inspection, use and occupancy, building limitations and types of construction, fire resistive construction elements, installation of fire protection systems, mean of egress, interior finish requirements, general fire safety provisions, maintenance of fire protection systems, means of egress maintenance for occupancies, hazardous materials, flammable liquids and aerosols, detonation and deflagration hazards, hazardous assembly occupancies, other storage and processing occupancies, compressed gases and cryogenic liquids, pesticides and other health hazards, and using referenced standards. Successful completion of FRSC 1151 qualifies individuals to test for the National Professional Qualification (NPQ) Inspector Level-I examination. 176 FRSC 1161, Fire Service Safety and Loss Control 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course will provide the necessary knowledge and skills for the emergency responder to understand occupational safety and health and be able to develop safety programs. The course starts with an introduction to occupational safety and health and covers the history, national agencies that produce injury and fatality reports, and efforts that have been made to address safety and health problems in emergency service occupations. The course will review safety related regulations and standards and discuss how to implement them through risk management processes. There will be lectures and discussions on pre-incident safety, safety at fire emergencies, safety at medical and rescue emergencies, safety at specialized incidents, and post-incident safety management. Personnel roles and responsibilities will be covered, so that knowledge can be gained on the relationship to the overall safety and health program by the different responding and administrative personnel at emergency scenes. Lectures and discussions on how to develop, manage, and evaluate safety programs will be covered to provide general knowledge and basic skills on occupational health and safety programs. Finally information management and various other special topics will be covered to gain knowledge on the legal, ethical, and financial considerations that programs need to be aware of and how to collect the data and report it. FRSC 2100, Fire Administration Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course will provide the necessary knowledge and skills for the emergency responder to become a diverse leader and manager in their department. The course starts with the history of the fire service which focuses on the historical events that have forged the fire service today. Discussions on preparing for the future are designed to provide information to develop a game plan for personal success. Leadership and Management principles will be taught to blend the academics of leadership and management research into what occurs in the fire service organization on a daily basis. Leadership styles will be discussed to help understand how to lead and manage and, as important, why it's done. The course will take an insightful look into how people handle change personally and organizationally. Discussions on ethics will be focused on the elements critical to ethical leadership and management practices. The course will explore the elements of team building and provide a depth of understanding how to blend various styles and personalities to get the most from people. Discussions on managing emergency services will target budgeting and personnel management the support elements that are so vital to every organization. Quality of the fire service will also be looked at for methods of quality improvement and their applications to improve the services delivered to citizens every day. An in-depth overview of the changes in disaster planning and response since 9-11, and includes ways to help with community evaluation and preparedness processes. Finally, shaping the future will explore the possibilities of what may occur in the fire service and how you can play an important role in helping to shape the fire service of the future. FRSC 2110, Fire Service Hydraulics 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course begins with the history and theories of the use of water for fire extinguishment then moves to practical application of the principles of hydraulics in water systems and on the fire ground. Topics include: water at rest and in motion, velocity and discharge, water distribution systems, fire service pumps, friction loss, engine and nozzle pressures, fire streams, standpipe systems, automatic sprinkler systems, firefighting foams, and the clip board friction loss system. FRSC 2120, Fire Protection Systems 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) A review of fire detection and protection systems including: automatic sprinkler systems, portable fire extinguishers, restaurant/kitchen systems, special hazard systems, detection systems, and control systems. The applicable laws, codes and standards will be introduced along with regulatory and support agencies. Specific topics include: introduction to fire protection systems, water supply systems for fire protection systems, water-based suppression systems, nonwater-based suppression systems, fire alarm systems, smoke management systems, and portable fire extinguishers. FRSC 2130, Building Construction 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Presents building construction features from the perspective of the fire service with emphasis placed on the use of building construction information to prevent and reduce fire fighter and civilian deaths and injuries. Topics include: principles of building construction, building construction classification, building construction hazards and tactical considerations, structural loads and stresses, structural building components and functions, fire resistance and flame spread, building codes, structural failure and firefighter safety, and firefighter safety in structural and wildland firefighting. FRSC 2141, Incident Command 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission) The Incident Command course is designed to illustrate the responsibilities to use, deploy, implement, and/or function within an Incident Command System (ICS) as well as functioning within multi-jurisdictions incident under the Incident Management System (IMS). The course emphasizes the need for incident management systems, an overview of the structure and expandable nature of ICS, an understanding of the command skills needed by departmental officers to use ICS guidelines effectively, and scenario practice on how to apply ICS and IMS. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) will illustrate and provide the consistent nationwide template to enable all government, private-sectors, and non-governmental organizations to work together during virtual all domestic incidents. These course competencies will cover those objectives entailed in NIMS 100, 200, 700, and 800. FRSC 2170, Fire and Arson Investigation 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission) The course presents an introduction to Fire Investigation. Emphasis is placed upon: fire behavior, combustion properties of various materials, sources of ignition, and investigative techniques for - structures, grassland, wildland, automobiles, vehicles, ships and other types of fire investigation, causes of electrical fires, chemical fires, explosive evaluations, laboratory operation, Techniques used in fire deaths and injuries, arson as a crime, other techniques, State and Federal laws, and future trends in fire investigative technology. GCMT 1100, Swing Dynamics 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) This course provides the student, through group and one-one instruction the fundamentals of teaching the golf swing to the beginning golfer, working through various areas of specialized instruction, and ending with hands-on experience. GCMT 1105, Fundamentals of Golf Rules, History and Culture 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) Provides a study of the USGA rules of golf, a review of the history of the game, and a discussion of golf etiquette. GCMT 1110, Merchandising/Golf Shop Operations 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisite: None) Provides a study of the interpersonal skills required in the management of a golf course dealing both with the public and with the supporting staff. Also included are study skills, projection of a professional image and job acquisition skills. GCMT 1120, Tournament Operations 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) Provides a study of the formats of conducting a golf tournament, handicapping systems, and tournament management. 177 GCMT 1125, Club Repair/Club Fitting 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) Provides a study of the factors that influence the flight of the golf ball as related to the care, construction and maintenance of golf equipment. Students get hands-on experience in the repair and alteration of golf clubs as well as extensive club fitting experience. GCMT1130, Cart Fleet Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) Provides a study of the management and care of golf course equipment, including golf cars, and mowing and other equipment. GCMT 1140, Turf Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) Provides a study of golf course grass: planting and growing, the influence of climate, and pest and disease control. GCMT 1145, Golf Course Maintenance 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: None) Provides a study of the management of golf turf. Course includes the care of greens, fairways, and roughs. Also includes the management of bunkers and water hazards. HIMT 1100, Introduction to Health Information Technology 22-0-3 (Prerequisites ENGL 1101, Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV Option, MATH 1111,or MATH 1101, or MATH 1103, ALHS 1090, PSYC 1101, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, MAST 1120; Corequisites HIMT 1150, HIMT 1200, HIMT 1400, HIMT 1250).This course focuses on orienting the student to health information management. Topics include introducing students to the structure of healthcare in the United States and its providers, and the structure and function of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). HIMT 1150, Computer Applications in Healthcare 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite ENGL 1101, Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV Option, MATH 1111,or MATH 1101, or MATH 1103, ALHS 1090, PSYC 1101, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, MAST 1120; Corequisites HIMT 1100, HIMT 1200, HIMT 1400, HIMT 1250). Designed to provide students with computer and software skills used in medical offices. Topics include hardware and software components of computers for medical record applications; database software and information management; specialized information management systems in healthcare; methods of controlling confidentiality and patient rights; accuracy and security of health information data in computer systems as well as future directions of information technology in healthcare. HIMT 1200, Legal Aspects of Healthcare 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites ENGL 1101, Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV Option, MATH 1111,or MATH 1101, or MATH 1103, ALHS 1090, PSYC 1101, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, MAST 1120; Corequisites HIMT 1100, HIMT 1150, HIMT 1400, HIMT 1250). This course focuses on the study of legal principles applicable to health information, patient care and health records. Topics include: working of the American Legal System, courts and legal procedures, principles of liability, patient record requirements, access to health information, confidentiality and informed consent, the judicial process of health information, specialized patient records, risk management and quality assurance, HIV information, and the electronic health record. HIMT 1250, Health Record Content and Structure 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisites ENGL 1101, Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV Option, MATH 1111,or MATH 1101, or MATH 1103, ALHS 1090, PSYC 1101, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, MAST 1120; Corequisites HIMT 1100, HIMT 1150, HIMT 1200, HIMT 1400). This course provides a study of content, storage, retrieval, control, retention, and maintenance of health information. Topics include: health data structure, content and standards, healthcare information requirements and standards. HIMT 1350, Pharmacotherapy 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisites HIMT 1100, HIMT 1150, HIMT 1200, HIMT 1400, HIMT 1250; Corequisites HIMT 2150, HIMT 2200, HIMT 2410). Introduces drug therapy with emphasis on safety, classification of drugs, their action, side effects, and/or adverse reactions. Also introduces the basic concept used in the administration of drugs. Topics include: introduction to pharmacology, sources and forms of drugs, drug classification, and drug effects on the body systems. HIMT 1400, Coding and Classification-ICD Basic 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites ENGL 1101, Humanities/Fine Arts Area IV Option, MATH 1111,or MATH 1101, or MATH 1103, ALHS 1090, PSYC 1101, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, MAST 1120; Corequisites HIMT 1100, HIMT 1150, HIMT 1200, HIMT 1250). This course provides the student an introduction to Medical Coding & Classification of diseases, injuries, encounters, and procedures using standard applications of Medical Coding Guidelines to support reimbursement of healthcare services. HIMT 1410, Coding and Classification – ICD Advanced 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites HIMT 1350, HIMT 2150, HIMT 2200, HIMT 2410; Corequisites HIMT 2300, HIMT 2400, HIMT 2460).This course provides the student with case studies for in-depth review of inpatient and outpatient record formats as found in current healthcare settings. Advanced coding skills and use of industry applications to apply coding and billing standards will be the focus to develop auditing and compliance strategies in the work setting. HIMT 2150, Healthcare Statistics 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisites HIMT 1100, HIMT 1150, HIMT 1200, HIMT 1400, HIMT 1250; Corequisites HIMT 1350, HIMT 2200, HIMT 2410). This course analyzes the study of methods and formulas used in computing and preparing statistical reports for health care services and vital records. It also focuses on the study of methods and techniques used in presenting statistical data. HIMT 2200, Performance Improvement 2-2-0-3 Prerequisites HIMT 1100, HIMT 1150, HIMT 1200, HIMT 1400, HIMT 1250; Corequisites HIMT 1350, HIMT 2150, HIMT 2410). This course introduces the students to the peer review and the role health information plays in evaluating patient care. The course investigates the components of performance improvement programs in health care facilities, including quality assessment, utilization management, risk management, and critical clinical pathways. State and local standards are included as well as review of the federal government’s role in health care and accreditation requirements of various agencies. HIMT 2300, Healthcare Management 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites HIMT 1350, HIMT 2150, HIMT 2200, HIMT 2410; Corequisites HIMT 1410, HIMT 2400, HIMT 2460). This course will engage in the functions of a manager, planning, organizing, decision making, staffing, leading or directing, communication and motivating. Further study will include principles of authority/ responsibility, delegation and effective communication, organization charts, job descriptions, policies and procedures, employee motivation, discipline and performance evaluation. HIMT 2400, Coding and Classification 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisites HIMT 1350, HIMT 2150, HIMT 2200, HIMT 2410; Corequisites HIMT 1410, HIMT 2300, HIMT 2460). This course provides an introduction to, and application of, codes using CPT/HCPCS system. Codes will be applied to workbook exercises, case studies, and actual outpatient charts. Codes will be assigned manually as well as by an encoder. HIMT 2410, Revenue Cycle Management 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites HIMT 1100, HIMT 1150, HIMT 1200, HIMT 1400, HIMT 1250; Corequisites HIMT 1350, HIMT 2150, HIMT 2200). This course focuses on how the revenue cycle is impacted by various departments within the facility such as patient access/registration, case management/quality review, health information management, and patient accounting. Subjects include insurance plans, medical necessity, claims processing, accounts receivable, charge master, DRGs, APCs, edits, auditing and review. ICD and CPT coding as they relate to the billing function will be reviewed. The importance of revenue cycle management for fiscal stability is emphasized. HIMT 2460, Health Information Technology Practicum 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisites HIMT 1350, HIMT 2150, HIMT 2200, HIMT 2410; Corequisites HIMT 1410, HIMT 2300, HIMT 2400). This course will allow students to perform advanced functions of a health information management (HIM) department. Students will work in realistic work environments in either a traditional, non-traditional, or lab setting. Activities will include application of all HIMT coursework. The student will also learn professional skills to prepare them for employment in the HIM career field. 178 HIST 1111, World History I 3-0-0-3 (Pre-requisite: Appropriate Degree Level Writing [English] and Reading Placement Test Scores) Emphasizes the study of intellectual, cultural, scientific, political, and social contributions of the civilizations of the world and the evolution of these civilizations during the period from the prehistoric era to early modern times. Topics include the Prehistoric Era the Ancient Near East, Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Rome, Ancient Africa, Islam, the Americas, Japan, Ancient Greece, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. HIST 1112, World History II 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate Degree Level Writing [English] and Reading Placement Test Scores) Emphasizes the study of the intellectual, cultural, scientific, political, and social contributions of the civilizations of the world and the evolution of these civilizations during the period from early modern times to the present. Topics include transitions to the Modern World, scientific revolution and the Enlightenment, political modernization, economic modernization, imperialism, and the Twentieth Century. HIST 2111, U. S. History I 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing /English and Reading]). Emphasizes the study of U. S. History to 1877 to include the postCivil War period. The course focuses on the period from the Age of Discovery through the Civil War to include geographical, intellectual, political, economic and cultural development of the American people. It includes the history of Georgia and its constitutional development. Topics include colonization and expansion; the Revolutionary Era; the New Nation; nationalism, sectionalism, and reform; the Era of Expansion; and crisis, Civil War, and reconstruction. HIST 2112, U. S. History II 3-0-0-3 ((Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing /English and Reading]). Emphasizes the study of the social, cultural, and political history of the United States from 1865 to the beginning of the twenty-first century and will equip the student to better understand the problems and challenges of the contemporary world in relation to events and trends in modern American history. The course also provides an overview of the history of Georgia and the development of its constitution. Topics include the Reconstruction Period; the great West, the new South, and the rise of the debtor; the Gilded Age; the progressive movement; the emergence of the U. S. in world affairs; the Roaring Twenties; the Great Depression; World War II; the Cold War and the 1950's; the 1960's and 1970's; and America since 1980. HORT 1000, Horticulture Science 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Introduces the fundamentals of plant science and horticulture as a career field. Emphasis will be placed on an industry overview; plant morphology; plant physiology; environmental factors affecting horticulture practices; soil physical and chemical properties; fertilizer elements and analysis; and basic propagation techniques. HORT 1010, Woody Plant Identification 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Provides the basis for a fundamental understanding of the taxonomy, identification, and culture requirements of woody plants. Topics include: introduction to woody plants, classification of woody plants, and woody plant identification and cultural requirements HORT 1020, Herbaceous Plant Identification 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) Emphasizes the identification,selection, and cultural requirements of herbaceous plants. Topics include: introduction to herbaceous plants, plant classification and nomenclature of herbaceous plants, herbaceous plant identification and cultural requirements and seasonal color management. HORT 1030, Greenhouse Management 2.5-2-1.5-4 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) This course helps to prepare students for a career in the management of commercial greenhouses, conservatories, and institutional greenhouses. Emphasis is placed on greenhouse construction; operation and management; regulating and controlling the environment; applying cultural practices as they affect plant physiological processes and influence plant growth and development; and management of a greenhouse business. HORT 1041, Landscape Construction 2.5-2-1.5-4 (Prerequisite: None) This course develops fundamental skills in landscape construction with an emphasis on landscape grading, drainage, retaining walls, and pavement. Topics include workplace safety, site preparation, project layout, construction methods, sequencing, and managerial functions. HORT 1050, Nursery Production and Management 2.5-2-1.5-4 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Develops skills necessary to propagate and produce both container and field grown nursery stock. Topics include: industry overview, facility design, propagation techniques and environment, field grown and container production, and managerial functions for nursery production. HORT 1060, Landscape Design 2.5-2-1.5-4 (Prerequisite: None) Introduces design principles, drawing skills, and plant selection techniques required to produce landscape plans for residential/commercial clients. Topics include: landscape design principles, sketching and drawing skills, site analysis, plant and material selection, and landscape design process. HORT 1070, Landscape Installation 2.5-2-1.5-4 (Prerequisite: None) This course develops skills needed for the proper selection, installation, and establishment of landscape trees, shrubs, groundcovers, turf, and flowers. Topics include workplace safety, interpreting a landscape plan, soil preparation, planting methods, post care and establishment, and managerial functions for landscape installers. HORT 1080, Pest Management 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) This course provides an introduction to the principles and mechanisms of integrated pest management across a diverse array of pests including insects, weeds, plant pathogens, nematodes and vertebrates. Specifically, the course will provide students with a fundamental and practical understanding of integrated pest management in a landscape setting with emphasis on pest identification and control; pesticide application safety; and legal requirements for state licensure. HORT 1100, Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Indroduces the fundamentals of small scale agriculture with a sustainable approach. Emphasis will be placed on an industry overview, history and foundation of sustainable practices, management and fertility of soils, pest management, and economic and marketing theory and practices. HORT 1110, Small Scale Food Production 2.5-2-1.5-4 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Continues hands-on experience in food-crop production to be sold direct to the consumer, at farmers markets or CSA (Community Sponsored Agriculture). Topics include farm safety, farm design and development, propagation, production, harvesting, packaging, and marketing. HORT 1120, Landscape Management 2.5-2-1.5-4 (Prerequisite: None) This course introduces cultural techniques required for proper landscape management with emphasis on practical application and managerial techniques. Topics include: landscape management, safe operation and maintenance of landscape equipment, and administrative functions for landscape managers. HORT 1140, Horticulture Business Management 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) This course presents managerial techniques required for business success in a chosen horticultural field. All aspects of establishing and managing a small business will be addressed. Emphasis will be placed on strategic planning; financial management; marketing strategies; human resource management; and operations and administration. HORT 1150, Horticulture Internship 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisite: Completion of all essential fundamental courses) Provides the student with practical experience in an actual job setting. This internship allows the student to become involved in on-the-job horticulture applications that require practice and follow through. Topics include: work ethics, skills, and attitudes, demands of the horticulture industry, horticultural business management, and labor supervision. 179 HORT 1310, Irrigation 2.5-2-1.5-4 (Prerequisite: None) Provides students with exposure to the basic principles of hydraulics and fluidics. Special attention is given to watering plant materials in various soil and climatic conditions through the use of irrigation. Topics include: industry overview, fluidics and hydraulics, system design and installation. HORT 1330, Turfgrass Management 2.5-2-1.5-4 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) A study of turfgrass used in the southern United States. Topics include: industry overview, soil and soil modification, soil fertility, turf installation, turf maintenance, turf diseases, insects and weeds: and estimating costs on management practices HORT 1410, Soils 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission; Corequisite: HORT 1000) This course introduces students to the basic fundamentals of soil science including: soil formation and classification; physical, chemical and biological characteristics; soil fertility and productivity; and soil management and conservation practices. HORT 1420, Golf Course Design, Construction, and Management 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Introduces basic golf course design principles as well as construction and renovation activities and basic golf course maintenance practices. Topics include: introduction and history, golf course design principles, golf course construction and golf course maintenance. HORT 1680, Woody Plant Identification II 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: HORT 1010) Students will develop a systematic approach to proper classification, nomenclature, identification, culture and use of many different woody plant species suitable for the region. Topics include: principles of plant classification and nomenclature, identification traits of woody plants and identification, culture and use of woody landscape plant species. HORT 1690, Horticulture Spanish 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) An introduction to the Spanish language and Latino culture as applied to green industry managers. Topics include: introductory conversational Spanish with an emphasis on green industry vocabulary in the areas of Spanish verbs; nouns and grammar; and understanding and appreciating aspects of Latino culture for more effective management. HORT 1750, Interiorscaping 2.5-2-1.5-4 (Prerequisite: None) Develops the skills involved in designing, installing, and maintaining interior plantings. Topics include: industry overview, environmental requirements, nutrient requirements, maintenance practices, plant disorders, design, and installation. HUMN 1101, Introduction to Humanities 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in ENGL 1101). Explores the philosophic and artistic heritage of humanity expressed through a historical perspective on visual arts, music, and literature. The humanities provide insight into people and society. Topics include historical and cultural developments, contributions of the humanities, and research. ICET 2010, Electromechanical Devices 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: ECET 2101) This course introduces electromechanical devices which are essential control elements in electrical systems. Topics include: fundamentals of electromechanical devices, control elements in electrical circuits, typical devices such as generators and alternators, D.C. and A.C. motors and controls, and transformers. Quantitative analysis of power losses, power factors, and efficiencies in D.C., single-phase and three-phase dynamos are stressed. Laboratory work parallels class work. ICET 2020, Instrumentation and Process Measurement 3-0-34 (Prerequisite: ICET 2010, ECET1110) This course introduces control system components and theory as they relate to controlling industrial processes. Course covers identification, interpretation and design of loop and piping & instrumentation (P&ID) drawings. Mechanical, fluidic, temperature, and miscellaneous sensors are studied with emphasis on measuring techniques. Topics include: open and closed loop control theory, feedback, transducers, signal conditioning, P&IDs and control hardware and actuators. Laboratory work heavily emphasizes practical exercises and applications. ICET 2030, Programmable Controllers 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: ICET 2010, ECET 1110) Emphasize an in-depth study of the programmable controller with programming applications involving control of industrial processes. Course explores SCADA system hardware. Topics include: input and output modules, logic units, memory units, power supplies, ladder diagrams, relay logic timers and counters, control strategy, programming, networks, user interface (HMI), communication equipment and software and troubleshooting. Lab work parallels class work with emphasis on program execution, effectiveness, efficiency and integration. ICET 2050, Process Control 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: ICET 2020) Provide a study of process control system design. Students explore system design and tuning, integration of sensors, transmitters, indicators, controllers and final control elements. Industrial electronics, control loop theory, PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative) control theory, loop tuning, and control loop troubleshooting are emphasized. IDFC 1007, Industrial Safety Procedures-1-2-0-2 (Prerequisite: Provisional Admission) Provides an in-depth study of the health and safety practices required for maintenance of industrial, commercial, and home electrically operated equipment. Topics include: Introduction to OSHA regulations; safety tools, equipment, and procedures; and first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. IDFC 1011, Direct Current I 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites: None/Corequisites: None) Introduces direct current (DC) concepts and applications. Topics include: electrical principles and laws; batteries; DC test equipment; series, parallel and simple combination circuits; and laboratory procedures and safety practices. IDFC 1012, Alternating Current I 2-1-0-3 (Corequisite: IDFC 1011) Introduces the theory and application of varying sine wave voltages and current. Topics include: magnetism, AC wave generation, AC test equipment, inductance, capacitance, and basic transformers IDSY 1020, Print Reading and Problem Solving 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate diploma level placement scores in Math, Writing/English and Reading) Introduces practical problem solving techniques as practiced in an industrial setting. Topics include: analytical problem solving; troubleshooting techniques; reading blueprints and technical diagrams, schematics, and symbols; specifications; and tolerances. The course emphasizes how the machine or mechanical system works, reading engineering specifications and applying a systematic approach to solving the problem. IDSY 1101, DC Circuit Analysis 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite Appropriate degree/diploma level placement scores in Math, Writing/English and Reading) This course introduces direct current (DC) concepts and applications. Topics include: electrical principles and laws; batteries; DC test equipment; Series, parallel, and simple combination circuits; and laboratory procedures and safety practices IDSY 1105, AC Circuit Analysis 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: IDSY 1101) This course introduces alternating current concepts theory, and application of varying sine wave voltages and current, and the physical characteristics and applications of solid state devices. Topics included, but are not limited to, electrical laws and principles, magnetism, inductance and capacitance. IDSY 1110, Industrial Motor Controls 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree/diploma level placement scores in Math, Writing/English and Reading) This course introduces the fundamental concepts, principles, and devices involved in industrial motor controls, theories and applications of single and three-phase motors, wiring motor control circuits, and magnetic starters and braking. Topics include, but are not limited to, motor theory and operating principles, control devices, symbols and schematic diagrams, NEMA standards, Article 430 NEC and preventative maintenance and troubleshooting. 180 IDSY 1120, Basic Industrial PLC, 1-4-3-4 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree/diploma level placement scores in Math, Writing/English and Reading) This course introduces the operational theory, systems terminology, PLC installation, and programming procedures for Programmable Logic Controllers. Emphasis is placed on PLC programming, connections, installation, and start-up procedures. Other topics include timers and counters, relay logic instructions, and hardware and software applications. IDSY 1130, Industrial Wiring 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite: IDSY 1101) Teaches the fundamental concepts of industrial wiring with an emphasis on installation procedures. Topics include: grounding, raceways, three-phase systems, transformers (three-phase and single-phase), wire sizing, overcurrent protection, NEC requirements, industrial lighting systems, and switches, receptacles, and cord connectors. IDSY 1150, DC and AC Motors 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: IDSY 1101) Introduces the fundamental theories and applications of single-phase and three-phase motors. Topics include: motor theory and operating principles, motor terminology, motor identification, NEMA standards, AC motors, DC motors, scheduled preventive maintenance, and troubleshooting and failure analysis. IDSY 1160, Mechanical Laws and Principles 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: Appropriate diploma level placement scores in Math, Writing/English and Reading) Introduces the student to fundamental laws and principles of mechanics. Topics include: Mechanical Principles of Simple Machines; Force, Torque, Velocity, Acceleration, and Inertia; Rotational Motion; Work, Power, and Energy; Matter; Gases; Fluid Power; and Heat. The course emphasizes understanding terminology and using related problem solving skills in everyday physical applications of mechanical technology. Competencies are reinforced with practical hands on lab exercises IDSY 1170, Industrial Mechanics I 1-4-3-4 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree/diploma level placement scores in Math, Writing/English and Reading) This course introduces and emphasizes the basic skill necessary for mechanical maintenance personnel. Instruction is also provided in the basic physics concepts applicable to the mechanics of industrial production equipment, and the application of mechanical principles with additional emphasis on power transmission and specific mechanical components. IDSY 1180, Magnetic Starters and Braking 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite: IDSY 1101) Provides instruction in wiring motor control circuits. Emphasis is placed on designing and installing magnetic starters in across-the-line, reversing, jogging circuits, and motor braking. Topics include: control transformers, full voltage starters, reversing circuits, jogging circuits, and braking. IDSY 1190, Fluid Power Systems 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree/diploma level placement scores in Math, Writing/English and Reading) This course provides instruction in the fundamentals of safely operating hydraulic, pneumatic, and pump and piping systems. Theory and practical application concepts are discussed. Topics include hydraulic system principles and components, pneumatic system principles and components, and the installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of pump and piping systems. IDSY 1195, Pumps and Piping Systems 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree/diploma level placement scores in Math, Writing/English and Reading) This course provides instruction in the fundamental concepts of industrial pumps and piping systems. Topics include: pump identification, pump operation, installation, maintenance and troubleshooting, piping systems and installation of piping systems. IDSY 1210, Industrial motor Controls 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite: IDSY 1110) This course introduces the fundamental concepts, principles, and devices involved in industrial motor controls, theories and applications of single and three-phase motors, wiring motor control circuits, and magnetic starters and braking. Topics include, but are not limited to, motor theory and operating principles, control devices, symbols and schematic diagrams, NEMA standards, Article 430 NEC and preventative maintenance and troubleshooting. IDSY 1220, Intermediate Industrial PLC’s 1-4-3-4 (Prerequisite: IDSY 1120) This course provides for hands on development of operational skills in the maintenance and troubleshooting of industrial control systems and automated equipment. Topics include data manipulation, math instructions, introduction to HMI, analog control, and troubleshooting discrete IO devices. IDSY 1230, Industrial Instrumentation 2-0-6-4 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree/diploma level placement scores in Math, Writing/English and Reading) Provides instruction in the principles and practices of instrumentation for industrial process control systems with an emphasis on industrial maintenance techniques for production equipment. Topics include: instrument tags; process documentation; basic control theory; sensing pressure, flow, level, and temperature; instrument calibration; and loop tuning. IDSY 1240, Maintenance for Reliability 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree/diploma level placement scores in Math, Writing/English and Reading) Applies advanced instrumentation in conjunction with principles of mechanical physics, vibration and particulate analysis, thermography, and advanced reliability concepts relative to precision/predictive maintenance of industrial equipment. LETA 1010, Health & Life Safety for Basic Law Enforcement 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisite: Admission) Introduces students of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy to emergency care or first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, universal precautions, interpersonal communications, as well as concepts related to mental health, mental retardation and substance abuse. This course is limited to students enrolled in the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit. LETA 1012, Ethics and Liability for Basic Law Enforcement 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisite: LETA 1030) This course for students of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy examines the ethical issues and areas of liability confronted by law enforcement personnel. Included in this course are the following topics: ethics and professionalism, peace officer liability. This course is limited to students enrolled in the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit. LETA 1014, Firearms Training for Basic Law Enforcement 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite: LETA 1010, LETA 1012, LETA 1018, LETA 1024, LETA 1026, LETA 1032) This course provides the student of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy with an understanding of terminology, legal requirements, liability, safety considerations, tactics, procedures, firearms nomenclature, fundamentals of marksmanship, fundamental simulation in the use of deadly force and the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in marksmanship. This course is limited to students enrolled in the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit. LETA 1016, Emergency Vehicle Operations for Basic Law Enforcement 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisite: LETA 1010, LETA 1024, LETA 1026, LETA 1030, LETA 1032) This course provides the student of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy with an understanding of appropriate driving actions, terminology, local responsibility, specific statutes, and safety considerations as well as demonstrate proficiency in the operation of an emergency vehicle. This course is limited to students enrolled in the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit. 181 LETA 1018, Defensive Tactics for Basic Law Enforcement 1-0-3-2 (Prerequisite: LETA 1010, LETA 1024, LETA 1026, LETA 1032) This course provides students of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy with an understanding of terminology, human anatomy, legal requirements, liability, safety, tactics, and demonstrate proper procedures for specific techniques to search, control and restrain a person. This course is limited to students enrolled in the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit. LETA 1020, Police Patrol Operations for Basic Law Enforcement 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: LETA 1010, LETA 1024, LETA 1026, LETA 1030, LETA 1032) This course presents the knowledge and skills associated with police patrol operations. Emphasis is placed on patrol techniques, crimes in progress, crisis intervention, domestic disputes, Georgia Crime Information Center procedures, electronics communications and police reports. Topics include: foundations, policing skills and communication skills. This course is limited to students enrolled in the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit. LETA 1022 Methods of Criminal Investigation for Basic Law Enforcement 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: LETA 1010, LETA 1024, LETA 1026, LETA 1030, LETA 1032) This course presents the fundamentals of criminal investigation. The duties and responsibilities of the investigator both in field and in the courtroom are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on techniques commonly utilized by investigative personnel as well as the procedures used for investigating various crimes. This course is limited to students enrolled in the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit. LETA 1024, Criminal Law for Criminal Justice for Basic Law Enforcement 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisite: LETA 1032) This course introduces criminal law in the United States, but emphasizes the current specific status of Georgia criminal law. The course will focus on the most current statutory contents of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) with primary emphasis on the criminal and traffic codes. Topics include: historic development of criminal law in the United States; statutory law, Georgia Code (O.C.G.A.) Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses; statutory law, Georgia Code (O.C.G.A.) Title 40 - Motor Vehicle and Traffic Offenses; and Supreme Court rulings that apply to criminal law. This course is limited to students enrolled in the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit. LETA 1026, Criminal Procedure for Basic Law Enforcement 32-0-4 (Prerequisite: LETA 1024, LETA 1032) Introduces the procedural law of the criminal justice system which governs the series of proceedings through which government enforces substantive criminal law. The course offers an emphasis on the laws of arrest and search and seizure; the rules of evidence, right to counsel, and the rights and duties of both citizens and officers. The course covers in depth appropriate Case Law and court rulings that dictate criminal procedure on the State and Federal Level. This course is limited to students enrolled in the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit. LETA 1028, Police Traffic Control and Investigation for Basic Law Enforcement 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite: LETA 1010, LETA 1024, LETA 1026, LETA 1030, LETA 1032) This course examines enforcement of traffic laws and procedures for traffic accident investigation. Emphasis is placed on Georgia traffic laws, traffic law enforcement, recognition of impaired driving, and traffic accident investigation. Topics include: regulations, impaired driving, and traffic accident investigation. This course is limited to students enrolled in the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit. LETA 1030, Principles of Basic Law Enforcement for Basic Law Enforcement 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: LETA 1024, LETA 1026, LETA 1032) This course examines the principles of the organization, administration, and duties of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. Topics include: history and philosophy of law enforcement, evaluation of administrative practices, problems in American law enforcement agencies, emerging concepts, professionalism, and community crime prevention programs. This course is limited to students enrolled in the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit. LETA 1032, Introduction to Criminal Justice for Basic Law Enforcement 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Introduces the development and organization of the criminal justice system in the United States. Topics include: the American criminal justice system; constitutional limitations; organization of enforcement, adjudication, and corrections; and career opportunities and requirements. This course is limited to students enrolled in the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit. LETA 1034, Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice for Basic Law Enforcement 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: LETA 1024, LETA 1026, LETA 1032) This course emphasizes those provisions of the Bill of Rights which pertain to criminal justice. Topics include: characteristics and powers of the three branches of government; principles governing the operation of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment. This course is limited to students enrolled in the Basic Law Enforcement Technical Certificate of Credit. LSEM Learning Support Seminar (Prerequisite/Co-requisite: Provisional Admission and applicable learning support courses [English, reading and/or math]) This fifty (50) minute weekly seminar is designed to provide tools to assist students in acquiring skills necessary to achieve academic and professional success in their chosen occupational/technical program of study. Topics include: Getting off to a Good Start, Learning and Personality Styles, Time and Money Management, Study and Test Taking Skills, Stress Management and Wellness, Communication Skills, Career Exploration, Research Skills, College Campus Knowledge, Memory & Reading Skills, Presentation & Interview Skills, and Group Skills MAST 1010, Legal and Ethical Concerns in the Medical Office 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisite ALHS 1011, MAST 1120, PSYC 1010, MAST 1060, ALHS 1090, COMP 1000, MATH 1012, ENGL 1010, MAST 1100; Corequisite: MAST 1080, MAST 1030, MAST 1110). Introduces the basic concept of medical assisting and its relationship to the other health fields. Emphasizes medical ethics, legal aspects of medicine, and the medical assistant's role as an agent of the physician. Provides the student with knowledge of medical jurisprudence and the essentials of professional behavior. Topics include: introduction to medical assisting; introduction to medical law; physician/patient/assistant relationship; medical office in litigation; as well as ethics, bioethical issues and HIPAA. MAST 1030, Pharmacology in the Medical Office 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisite: ALHS 1011, ALHS 1090, MATH 1012, ENGL 1010, COMP 1000, MAST 1060, MAST 1100, MAST 1120, PSYC 1010; Corequisite: MAST 1080, MAST 1110, MAST 1010). Introduces medication therapy with emphasis on safety; classification of medications; their actions; side effects; medication and food interactions and adverse reactions. Also introduces basic methods of arithmetic used in the administration of medications. Topics include: introductory pharmacology; dosage calculation; sources and forms of medications; medication classification; and medication effects on the body systems. MAST 1060, Medical Office Procedures 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: ALHS 1011 ALHS 1090, COMP 1000, MATH 1012; Corequisite: MAST 1100, ENGL 1010, MAST 1120, PSYC 1010). Emphasizes essential skills required for the medical practice. Topics include: office protocol, time management, appointment scheduling, medical office equipment, medical references, mail services, medical records, and professional communication. 182 MAST 1080, Medical Assisting Skills I 1-2-6-4 (Prerequisite: ALHS 1011, ALHS 1090, MAST 1120, PSYC 1010, COMP 1000, MATH 1012, ENGL 1010, MAST 1060, MAST 1100. Corequisite: MAST 1030, MAST 1110, MAST 1010) Introduces the skills necessary for assisting the physician with a complete history and physical in all types of medical practices. The course includes skills necessary for sterilizing instruments and equipment and setting up sterile trays. The student also explores the theory and practice of electrocardiography. Topics include: infection control and related OSHA guidelines; prepare patients/assist physician with age and gender-specific examinations and diagnostic procedures; vital signs/mensuration; medical office surgical procedures and electrocardiography. MAST 1090, Medical Assisting Skills II 1-2-6-4 (Prerequisite: ALHS 1011, ALHS 1090, COMP 1000, MATH 1012, ENGL 1010, MAST 1010, MAST 1120, MAST 1110, MAST 1030, MAST 1080, MAST 1100, MAST 1060, PSYC 1010; Corequisite: MAST 1170, MAST 1180) Furthers student knowledge of the more complex activities in a physician's office. Topics include: collection/examination of specimens and CLIA regulations/risk management; urinalysis; venipuncture; hematology and chemistry evaluations; advanced reagent testing (Strep Test, HcG etc); administration of medications; medical office emergency procedures and emergency preparedness; respiratory evaluations; principles of IV administration; rehabilitative therapy procedures; principles of radiology safety and maintenance of medication and immunization records. MAST 1100, Medical Insurance Management 1-0-3-2 (Prerequisite: ALHS 1011, ALHS 1090, COMP 1000, MATH 1012; Corequisite: MAST 1120, PSYC 1010, ENGL 1010, MAST 1060) Emphasizes essential skills required for the medical practice. Topics include: managed care, reimbursement, and coding. MAST 1110, Administrative Practice Management 1-2-3-3 (Prerequisite: ALHS 1011, ALHS 1090, COMP 1000, MATH 1012, ENGL 1010, MAST 1060, MAST 1120, PSYC 1010, MAST 1100; Corequisite: MAST 1010, MAST 1030, MAST 1080) Emphasizes essential skills required for the medical practice in the areas of computers and medical transcription. Topics include: medical transcription/electronic health records; application of computer skills; integration of medical terminology; accounting procedures; and application of software. MAST 1120, Human Diseases 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: ALHS 1090, ALHS 1011; Corequisite: PSYC 1010, MAST 1060, MAST 1100, ENGL 1010) Provides fundamental information concerning common diseases and disorders of each body system. For each system, the disease or disorder is highlighted including: description, etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures, treatment, management, prognosis, and prevention. Topics include: introduction to disease and diseases of body systems. MAST 1170, Medical Assisting Externship 0-0-18-6 (Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ALHS 1090, ALHS 1011, COMP 1000, MATH 1012, ENGL 1010, MAST 1010, MAST 1030, MAST 1060, MAST 1080, MAST 1100, MAST 1110, MAST 1120, PSYC 1010. Corequisite: MAST 1090, MAST 1180). Students must successfully complete all of the courses listed under the prerequisites before enrolling in MAST 1170. This course must be completed prior to graduation. Provides students with an opportunity for in-depth application and reinforcement of principles and techniques in a medical office job setting. This clinical practicum allows the student to become involved in a work setting at a professional level of technical application and requires concentration, practice, and follow-through. Topics include: application of classroom knowledge and skills and functioning in the work environment. MAST 1180, Medical Assisting Seminar 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: ALHS 1090, ALHS 1011, COMP 1000, MATH 1012, ENGL 1010, MAST 1010, MAST 1030, MAST 1060, MAST 1080, MAST 1100, MAST 1110, MAST 1120, PSYC 1010. Corequisite: MAST 1170, MAST 1090) Seminar focuses on job preparation and maintenance skills and review for the certification examination. Topics include: letters of application, resumes, completing a job application, job interviews, letters of resignation and review of program competencies for employment and certification. MAST 1510, Medical Coding and Billing I 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisites: ALHS 1011, ALHS 1090, BUS 1440, ENG1010; Corequisite: MAST 1120) Business Administrative Technology (BAT) students may substitute BUSN 2300 for ALHS1090 and BUSN 2310 for ALHS 1011 to meet the course prerequisites. Students enrolled in allied health and nursing programs cannot substitute BUSN 2300 for ALHS 1090 and BUSN 2310 for AHS 1011. Provides an introduction to medical coding skills and applications of international coding standards for billing of health care services. Topics include: International Classification of Diseases, code books formats, guidelines and conventions, and coding techniques. MAST 1520, Medical Coding and Billing II 1-2-3-3 (Prerequisite: MAST 1510. Corequisite: MAST 1530) Continues development of skills and knowledge presented in MAST 1510: Medical Billing and Coding I and provides for patient disease and medical procedure coding for billing purposes by health care facilities. Topics include: medical records coding techniques, coding linkage and compliance; third party reimbursement issues; and ethics in coding including fraud and abuse. MAST 1530, Medical Procedural Coding 1-1-0-2 (Prerequisite: MAST 1510. Corequisite: MAST 1520) Provides the knowledge and skills to apply the coding of procedures for billing purposes using the Physician‘s Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) manual. Topics include: format of CPT manual, CPT manual coding guidelines, and coding using the CPT manual. MATH 00903, Learning Support Mathematics (Co-enrollment diploma track programs) 3-0-0-3 I.C. (Prerequisite: Appropriate learning support math placement score and co-enrollment in MATH 1012 or MATH 1013). This course emphasizes in-depth arithmetic skills. Topics include number theory, whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, ratio/proportion, measurement, geometry, and application problems. MATH 00904, Learning Support Mathematics (Co-enrollment degree track programs) 3-0-0-3 I.C. (Prerequisite: Appropriate learning support placement score and co-enrollment in MATH 1101, MATH 1103 or MATH 1111). This course emphasizes: (1) quantitative skills and reasoning for those co-enrolled in MATH 1103 or (2) intermediate algebra skills for those co-enrolled in MATH 1101 or MATH 1111. Topics may include fundamental concepts of algebra, sets and logic, basic statistics, geometric formulas, financial management, solving linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, systems of equations, polynomial operations and factoring, rational expressions, functions and their graphs, and applications involving previously listed topics. MATH 1012, Foundations of Mathematics 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: MATH 0097 or appropriate pre-algebra placement score). Emphasizes the application of basic mathematical skills used in the solution of occupational and technical problems. Topics include fractions, decimals, percents, ratios and proportions, measurement and conversion, formula manipulation, technical applications, and basic statistics.. MATH 1013, Algebraic Concepts 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate algebra placement score, MATH 00903, or MATH 00903 co-enrollment). Emphasizes concepts and operations which are applied to the study of algebra. Topics include basic mathematical concepts, basic algebraic concepts, and intermediate algebraic concepts. MATH 1015, Geometry and Trigonometry 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1013). Introduces and develops basic geometric and trigonometric concepts. Course content emphasizes: geometric concepts and trigonometric concepts. 183 MATH 1017, Trigonometry 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1013). Emphasizes trigonometric concepts, logarithms, and exponential functions. Topics include trigonometric concepts, logarithms and exponential. MATH 1101, Mathematical Modeling 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level algebra placement score or coenrollment in MATH 00904). Emphasizes functions using realworld applications as models. Topics include fundamental concepts of algebra; functions and graphs; linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions and models; systems of equations; and optional topics in algebra. MCHT 1013, Machine Tool Math 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisites: All Required Provisional Admission. MATH 1012. Corequisites: None). This course develops mathematic competencies as applied to machine tool technology. Emphasis is placed on the use of machining formulas by incorporating algebraic, geometric, and trigonometric functions. Topics include machining algebra and geometry, applied geometry, and applied trigonometry. MCHT 1020, Heat Treatment /Surface Grinder Operations 2-0-3-5 (Prerequisites: All Required Provisional Admission. Corequisites: None). Provides instruction in the setup, operations, maintenance, and assembly operations of surface grinders. Introduces the properties of various metals, production methods, and identification of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Topics include: heat treatment safety, metallurgy principles and heat treatment of metals, surface grinders and surface grinder maintenance, surface grinder setup, surface grinder operations, and safety. MCHT 1119, Lathe Operations I 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisites: All Required Provisional Admission MATH 1012. Corequisites: None) Provides opportunities for students to develop skill in the setup and operation of metal cutting lathes. Topics include: safety, lathes parts and controls, lathe tooling and tool bit grinding, lathe calculations, lathe setup and operations. MCHT 1120, Mill Operations I 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisites: All Required Provisional Admission MATH 1012. Corequisites: None) Provides instruction in the setup and use of the milling machine. Topics include: safety, milling machines, milling machine setup, and milling machine operations. MCHT 1219, Lathe Operations II 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisites: All Required Provisional Admission MCHT 1119., Corequisites: None). Provides further instruction for students to develop skill in the use of lathes. Topics include: lathes, lathe setup, lathe operations, and safety. MCHT 1220, Mill Operations II 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisites: All Required MCHT 1120. Corequisites: None). Provides further instruction for students to develop skills in the use of milling machines. Topics include: safety, advanced milling calculation, advanced milling machine setup and operations. MCHT 1520, Industrial Machine Applications 0-6-0-3 (Prerequisites: All Required MCHT 1011. Corequisites: None). Provides an opportunity to perform creative and critical thinking skills needed to fabricate, modify, and maintain complex machine assemblies. Emphasis is placed on bench work, lathe, mill, and grinder operations; tool selection; and sequencing fabrication operations. Topics include: job planning, preparation for machining operations, and machining operations MEGT 1010, Manufacturing Processes 2-2-0-3 (Corequisite ENGT 1000) This course introduces industrial manufacturing processes that employ processes for material shaping, joining, machining and assembly to the student. Topics include: casting, shaping and molding of metals, ceramics and polymers; particulate processing of metals and ceramics, metal forming, machining, sheet metal working, joining and assembling, surface treatment, and manufacturing design considerations. Emphasis is provided on raw materials, quality, and costs of finished products. The course includes lab exercises that demonstrate the applications of the topics covered in actual manufacturing processes. MATH 1103, Quantitative Skills and Reasoning 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level algebra placement test score or co-enrollment in MATH 00904). This course focuses on quantitative skills and reasoning in the context of experiences that students will be likely to encounter. The course emphasizes processing information in context from a variety of representations, understanding of both the information and the processing, and understanding which conclusions can be reasonably determined. Students will use appropriate technology to enhance mathematical thinking and understanding. Topics covered in this course include: sets and set operations, logic, basic probability, data analysis, linear models, quadratic models, exponential and logarithmic models, geometry, and financial management. MATH 1111, College Algebra 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level algebra placement score or co-enrollment in MATH 00904). This course emphasizes techniques of problem solving using algebraic concepts. Topics include fundamental concepts of algebra, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, and systems of equations; optional topics include sequences, series, and probability or analytic geometry. MATH 1113, Precalculus 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Regular Admission and MATH 1111 with C or better OR appropriate math placement test score.). This course prepares students for Calculus. The topics discussed include an intensive study of polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions and their graphs. Applications include simple maximum and minimum problems, exponential growth and decay. MATH 1127, Introduction to Statistics 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level algebra placement score). This course emphasizes the concepts and methods fundamental to utilizing and interpreting commonly used statistics. Topics include descriptive statistics, basic probability, discrete and continuous distributions, sampling distributions, hypothesis testing chi square tests, and linear regression. MATH 1131, Calculus I 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: Regular Admission and MATH 1113 with a C or better OR appropriate math placement test score). Topics include the study of limits and continuity, derivatives, and integrals of functions of one variable. Applications are incorporated from a variety of disciplines. Algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions are studied MCHT 1011, Introduction to Machine Tool 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: All Required Provisional Admission. Corequisites: None). Introduces the fundamental concepts and procedures necessary for the safe and efficient use of basic machine tools. Topics include: machine shop safety, terminology, use of hand and bench tools, analysis of measurements, part layout, horizontal and vertical band saw setup and operation, drill press setup and operation, and quality control. MCHT 1012, Blueprint for Machine Tool 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisites: All Required Provisional Admission. Corequisites: None) Introduces the fundamental concepts necessary to develop blueprint reading competencies, interpret drawings, and produce sketches for machine tool applications. Topics include interpretation of blueprints, sketching, sectioning, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, and assembly drawings. 184 MEGT 1910, Computer Applications for MET 2-0-3-3 (Technical Elective) This course prepares the student for using various computer application programs for technical functions in industry. Topics include: solving engineering problems using computer programs, preparing critical path schedules using project software, simulating and evaluating processes, preparing presentations, and analyzing engineered components using 3D graphic programs. Emphasis is placed on the utilization of computer application programs for technical, project and process communication. Laboratory exercises focus on defining, designing and preparing technical information as well as solving problems, evaluating processes, assembling technical information, and analyzing engineering components using computer application programs. MEGT 2020, Engineering Materials 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: CHEM 1211, CHEM 1211L, MEGT 1010) This course introduces the fundamentals of metallurgy and engineering material science. Topics include: chemical, physical and mechanical properties of materials, material limitations, metallurgy, material structures and applications, material extraction processing techniques, material treating and treatments, and material testing. Emphasis is provided on material strength, design considerations and the effects of heat treatment, creep and fatigue. Includes performance lab exercises that demonstrate the applications of the topics covered such as; material testing (i.e. tensile and hardness testing), material treatment (i.e. heat treatment), and inspection (i.e. NDE). MEGT 2030, Statics 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisites: ENGT 1000, MATH 1113) This course introduces the student to the study of forces acting on objects and their effects on a body at rest or at constant velocity. Static principles are applied in analyzing structural systems. Topics include: vectors, resultants, equilibrium of force systems, free body diagrams (FBD), analysis of trusses and frames, distributed loading and geometric properties of areas. Emphasis is placed on bodies at rest in both 2 dimensions and 3 dimensions. MEGT 2080, Strength of Materials 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: MEGT 2030) This course studies the behavior of materials when subjected to different loadings and constraints. Topics include: stress, strain, material properties, properties of cross sectional areas, bending and buckling of members, beam and column analysis, torsion and combined loading. Emphasis is provided on predicting material behavior in various mechanical applications and utilizing fundamental analysis techniques to determine stress in solids under tension, compression, torsion and/or shear. The course includes hands on laboratory exercises such as evaluating beam deflection and the thermal expansion of various metals. MEGT 2090, Machine Design 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: TDSG 1202; Co-requisite MEGT 2080) This course introduces the theories and techniques used in the design of machine elements. Topics include: design of gears, belts, shafts, fasteners, springs, bearings, chains, brakes and clutches. Emphasis is provided on solving design process problems using applied engineering mechanics and strength of materials. Students will take the design principles for machine elements and perform hands on laboratory exercises in the topic areas. MEGT 2100, Manufacturing Quality Control 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite – One Required; ENGT 1000 or MATH 1013 or MATH 1111) This course introduces statistical quality control and quality assurance techniques in manufacturing processes. Topics include: fundamentals of Six Sigma methodology, creating customer focus, statistical control techniques, control charts, process capability, failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), teams and teamwork, leadership and strategic planning, optimization and reliability studies, lean manufacturing, and inspection tools and practices. The course is an effective training aid for those preparing to take the American Society for Quality (ASQ) Certified Quality Inspector (CQI) examination. Students will perform lab exercises applying quality concepts, tools and techniques to realistic industry examples. MEGT 2260, Fluid Power 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisites: MATH 1113, Corequisites: PHYS 1111, PHYS 1111L) This course studies the transportation of energy in liquid and gas systems and introduces the student to HVAC and cooling towers. Topics include: fundamental fluid theory and application, storage, control, components, symbols, circuits, and cooling processes. Emphasis is provided on hydraulic and pneumatic systems. The course includes hands on laboratory exercises such as pump selection and building circuits on a hydraulic trainer. MEGT 2600, MET Final Projects 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisite: TDSG 1202; Corequisites: MEGT 2090) This course has the student combine subject matter from MET program courses and core courses into an advanced project activity. The student will create or construct a product, mechanism or component using the engineering skills developed through previous courses and course work. The project activity includes conceptualization, detailed planning, detailed design, developing specifications, production considerations, cost and quality assurance. In addition the course assesses the student‘s cognitive aptitude of the MET program curriculum and the institute effectiveness by evaluating student learning outcomes with program educational objectives. MGMT 1100, Principles of Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Develops skills and behaviors necessary for successful supervision of people and their job responsibilities. Emphasis will be placed on real life concepts, personal skill development, applied knowledge and managing human resources. Course content is intended to help managers and supervisors deal with a dramatically changing workplace being affected by technology changes, a more competitive and global market place, corporate restructuring and the changing nature of work and the workforce. Topics include: Understanding the Managers Job and Work Environment; Building an Effective Organizational Culture; Leading, Directing, and the Application of Authority; Planning, Decision-Making, and Problem-Solving; Human Resource Management, Administrative Management, Organizing, and Controlling. MGMT 1105, Organizational Behavior 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Provides a general knowledge of the human relations aspects of the senior-subordinate workplace environment. Topics include employee relations principles, problem solving and decision making, leadership techniques to develop employee morale, human values and attitudes, organizational communications, interpersonal communications, and employee conflict. MGMT 1110, Employment Rules and Regulations 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Develops a working knowledge of the laws of employment necessary for managers. Topics include: Employment Law, the Courts, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Discrimination Law, Selecting Applicants Under the Law, OSHA and Safety, Affirmative Action, At-Will Doctrine, Right to Privacy, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Workers Compensation, Unemployment Compensation, and National Labor Relations Act. MGMT 1115, Leadership 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) This course familiarizes the student with the principles and techniques of sound leadership practices. Topics include: Characteristics of Effective Leadership Styles, History of Leadership, Leadership Models, The Relationship of Power and Leadership, Team Leadership, The Role of Leadership in Effecting Change. MGMT 1120, Introduction to Business 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of the functions of business in the market system. The student will gain an understanding of the numerous decisions that must be made by managers and owners of businesses. Topics include: the market system, the role of supply and demand, financial management, legal issues in business, employee relations, ethics, and marketing. 185 MGMT 1125, BUSINESS ETHICS 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Provides students with an overview of business ethics and ethical management practices with emphasis on the process of ethical decision-making and working through contemporary ethical dilemmas faced by business organizations, managers and employees. The course is intended to demonstrate to the students how ethics can be integrated into strategic business decisions and can be applied to their own careers. The course uses a case study approach to encourage the student in developing analytical, problem-solving, critical thinking and decision-making skills. Topics include: An overview of business ethics; moral development and moral reasoning; personal values, rights, and responsibilities; frameworks for ethical decisionmaking in business; justice and economic distribution; corporations and social responsibility; corporate codes of ethics and effective ethics programs; business and society: consumers and the environment; ethical issues in the workplace; business ethics in a global and multicultural environment; business ethics in cyberspace; and business ethics and the rule of law. MGMT 2115, Human Resource Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) This course is designed as an overview of the Human Resource Management (HRM) function and of the manager and supervisors role in managing the career cycle from organizational entry to exit. It acquaints the student with the authority, responsibility, functions, and problems of the human resource manager, with an emphasis on developing familiarity with the real world applications required of employers and managers who increasingly are in partnership with HRM generalists and specialists in their organizations. Topics include: strategic human resource management, contemporary issues in HRM: ethics, diversity and globalization; the human resource/supervisor partnership; human resource planning and productivity; job description analysis, development, and design: recruiting, interviewing, and selecting employees; performance management and appraisal systems; employee training and development: disciplinary action and employee rights; employee compensation and benefits; labor relations and employment law; and technology applications in HRM. MGMT 2120, Labor Management Relations 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Provides a student with an overview of the relationship of rank and file employees to management in business organizations. The nature of the workplace, the economic foundations of work organizations, and the history of the relationship between management and labor is examined. The course acquaints the student with the principles of developing positive relationships between management and labor within the context of the legal environment governing labor relations. Topics include: the nature of the American workplace; the economic history of business organizations, the historical roots of labor-management relations; adversarial and cooperative approaches to labor relations; the legal framework of labor relations; employee-employer rights; collective bargaining and union organizing processes; union and nonunion grievance procedures; international labor relations; and the future of labormanagement relations in a changing economy. Case studies, readings, and role-plays are used to simulate workplace applications in labor relations. MGMT 2125, Performance Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Develops an understanding of how fostering employer/employee relationships in the work setting improves work performance. Develops legal counseling and disciplinary techniques to use in various workplace situations. Topics include: the definitions of coaching, counseling, and discipline; importance of the coaching relationship; implementation of an effective counseling strategy; techniques of effective discipline; and performance evaluation techniques. MGMT 2130, Employee Training and Development 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Addresses the challenges of improving the performance and career potential of employees, while benefiting the student in their own preparation for success in the workplace. The focus is on both training and career and personal development. Shows the student how to recognize when training and development is needed and how to plan, design, and deliver an effective program of training for employees. Opportunities are provided for the student to develop their own career plans, assess their work-related skills, and practice a variety of skills desired by employers. Topics include: developing a philosophy of training; having systems approach to training and development; the context of training; conducting a needs analysis; critical success factors for employees: learning principles; designing and implementing training plans; conducting and evaluating training; human resource development and careers; personal career development planning; and applications in interpersonal relationships and communication. MGMT 2140, Retail Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission and program advisor approval) Develops a working knowledge of managing a retail business from a variety of perspectives with an emphasis on store management. The emphasis is on contemporary issues in retailing, particularly the process of supervising customer service and dealing with the changing demographics of retailing. An application focus on the use of information technologies, the internet, and electronic retailing is intended to give the student hands-on experience in retail management. Topics include: strategic retail management; store, non-store, and nontraditional retailing; retail human resource management; developing a customer-focused service strategy; managing customer service; retail operations and financial management; merchandise management; buying and inventory management; global, cataloging, and electronic retail management, information technology applications in retailing. MGMT 2205, Service Sector Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) This course focuses on supervision in the service sector with special emphasis on team building, quality management, and developing a customer focus. The challenge of providing world-class customer service is addressed through sections on principles of service industry supervision, career development, problem solving, stress management, and conflict resolution. Topics include: principles of service industry supervision, team building, customer service operations, TQM in a service environment, business software applications, communication in the service sector, introduction to information systems, selling principles and sales management, retail management, and legal issues in the service sector. MGMT 2210, Project Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Provides a basic understanding of project management functions and processes. Topics include: team selection and management; project planning, definition and scheduling of tasks; resource negotiation, allocation, and leveling; project control, monitoring, and reporting; computer tools for project planning and scheduling; managing complex relationships between project team and other organizations; critical path methodology; and total quality management. MGMT 2214, Project Planning, Execution and Closure 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission). Offers a practical approach emphasizing the project phases and processes presented by such organizations as the Project Management Institute (PMI®) in their Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®). This course will provide an overview of aspects related to the project life cycle and project management techniques that are used to manage projects that are on schedule, within budget and meet performance criteria. The student will learn the basic project management framework as well as the preparation of a basic project plan. The course will examine ways of identifying, evaluating and mitigating risk in planning, execution, and closure. 186 MGMT 2215, Team Project 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission and program advisor approval) This course utilizes team methodologies to study the field of management. It encourages students to discuss their perception of management practices which have been studied during the management program. Topics include: current issues and problems in management and supervision and state-of-the-art management and leadership techniques. Students will be put into teams, will work on team projects to demonstrate their understanding of the competencies of this course, and will do peer evaluation. Potential team projects could include authoring a management book covering the competencies, videos, web sites, bulletin boards, and slide presentations amongst others. MGMT 2216, Schedule and Cost Control Techniques 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: MGMT 2214 must be completed with a Grade of “C” or higher) This class emphasizes a hands-on approach to using project management tools to facilitate scheduling, estimating, tracking and controlling the schedule and costs of the project. A project baseline will be set so that actual schedule and cost variances can be compared to the project baseline and corrective actions can be developed to address the variances. Specific topics that will be covered include: Gantt, PERT and Milestone charts, Critical Path Methods, Earned Value techniques, present value and internal rates of return. Topics including ways to communicate project status and to do contingency planning will be discussed. This course will examine ways of identifying, evaluating, and mitigating the risk associated with scheduling and cost control. MGMT 2218, Contracting and Procurement in Project Management 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisite: MGMT 2216 must be completed with a Grade of “C” or higher) This course includes writing, negotiating and adhering to contracts as well as legal and ethical considerations. Procurement, including writing, clarifying and communicating specifications is covered. There is an emphasis on contract administration and dealing with subcontractors. Topics include bidding, types of bids (including RFPs, RFQs, IFBs, etc.), types of contracts, their respective purposes and their impact on risk, and project contract negotiation. Changes in contracts and methods to resolve disputes are included. Contract types including fixed price, cost plus, fixed fee, time and materials, etc. and writing clear Statements of Work are discussed. This class will examine ways of identifying, evaluating and mitigating risk in contracting and procurement. MKTG 1100, Principles of Marketing 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course emphasizes the trends and the dynamic forces that affect the marketing process and the coordination of the marketing functions. Topics include effective communication in a marketing environment, role of marketing, knowledge of marketing principles, marketing strategy, and marketing career paths. MKTG 1130, Business Regulations and Compliance 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course introduces the study of contracts and other legal issues and obligations for businesses. Topics include: creation and evolution of laws, court decision processes, legal business structures, sales contracts, commercial papers, Uniform Commercial Code, and risk-bearing devices. MKTG 1160, Professional Selling 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course introduces professional selling skills and processes. Topics include: professional selling, product/sales knowledge, customer analysis/relations, selling process, sales presentations, and ethics of selling. MKTG 1190, Integrated Marketing Communications 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course introduces the fundamental principles and practices associated with promotion and communication. Topics include: purposes of promotion and IMC, principles of promotion and Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC), budgeting, regulations and controls, media evaluation and target market selection, integrated marketing plans, trends in promotion, and promotion and communication career paths. MKTG 1370, Consumer Behavior 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course analyzes consumer behavior and applicable marketing strategies. Topics include: the nature of consumer behavior, influences on consumer behavior, consumer decision-making process, role of research in understanding consumer behavior, and marketing strategies. MKTG 2010, Small Business Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course introduces competencies required in managing a small business. Topics include: nature of small business management, business management and organizational change, marketing strategies, employee relations, financial planning, and business assessment and growth. MKTG 2060, Marketing Channels 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Emphasizes the design and management of marketing channels. Topics include: role of marketing channels, channel design and planning, supply chain management, logistics, and managing marketing channels. MKTG 2070, Buying and Merchandising 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Develops buying and merchandising skills required in retail or e-business. Topics include: principles of merchandising, inventory control, merchandise plan, assortment planning, buying merchandise, and pricing strategies. MKTG 2090, Marketing Research 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisites: MKTG 1100) This course conveys marketing research methodology. Topics include: role of marketing research, marketing research process, ethics in marketing research, research design, collection data analysis, reporting, application of marketing research, and marketing research career paths. MKTG 2210, Entrepreneurship 6-0-0-6 (Prerequisite: Program admission) This course provides an overview of the steps in establishing a business. A formal business will be created. Topics include planning, location analysis, financing, developing a business plan, and entrepreneurial ethics and social responsibility. MKTG 2290, Marketing Internship/Practicum 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisites: Program Instructor Approval) This course applies and reinforces marketing and employability skills in an actual job placement or practicum experience. Topics include: problem solving, adaptability to the job setting, use of proper interpersonal skills, application of marketing skills, and professional development. MKTG 2300, Marketing Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisites: Program Instructor approval and MKTG 1100) This course reiterates the program outcomes for marketing management through the development of a marketing plan. Topics include: the marketing framework, the marketing plan, and preparing a marketing plan for a new product. MRIM 2300, Orientation and Introduction to MRI 3-3-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission. Corequisites: MRIM 2320 and MRIM 2350) Provides knowledge of patient care and assessment, contrast agents, MRI safety, medical ethics and law, cultural diversity, and patient information management. Topics include: MRI history, anatomy, patient care and assessment, MRI safety, instrumentation, MRI fundamentals, and image parameters. MRIM 2320, MRI Procedures and Cross Sectional Anatomy 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission. Corequisites: MRIM 2300, MRIM 2350) Provides knowledge of anatomy, pathology, scanning protocols, contrast administration, and contraindications for magnetic resonance imaging of the head and neck, spine, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and musculoskeletal system. Topics include: anatomy, scanning protocol, MRI safety, image contrast, and image formation. MRIM 2330, MRI Physics and Instrumentation 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites: MRIM 2300, MRIM 2320, MRIM 2350. Corequisites: MRIM 2370, MRIM 2360) Introduces the concepts of basic physics and instrumentation for magnetic resonance imaging. Topics include imaging parameters, image quality, MRI Fundamentals, image processing and display, and special procedures. 187 MRIM 2350, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinical Education I 0-0-18-6 (Prerequisite: Program Admission. Corequisites: MRIM 2300, MRIM 2320) Introduces students to the magnetic resonance imaging department and provides an opportunity for participation in and observation of MRI procedures. Topics include equipment utilization, contrast media, exam preparation, patient care and assessment, scanning protocol, image quality and progress toward completion of clinical competency evaluations. MRIM 2360, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinical Education II 0-0-18-6 (Prerequisites: MRIM 2300, MRIM 2320, MRIM 2350. Corequisites: MRIM 2370, MRIM 2330) Intermediate course that reinforces learning obtained in MRI 110. Topics include exam preparations, patient care and assessment, equipment utilization, image quality, scanning protocol, contrast media, quality control, and progress toward completion of clinical competency evaluations. MRIM 2370, MRI Review 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisites: MRIM 2300, MRIM 2320, MRIM 2350. Corequisites: MRIM 2330, MRIM 2360) Provides a comprehensive review of patient care, imaging procedures, imaging formation and data acquisition for the magnetic resonance imaging certification exam. Topics include : anatomy, scanning protocol, MRI safety, image contrast, image formation, exam preparation, contrast media, patient care and assessment, equipment utilization, image quality, imaging parameters, MRI fundamentals, image processing and display, and special procedures. MUSC 1101, Music Appreciation 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate Degree Level Writing and Reading Placement Test Scores). Explores the analysis of well-known works of music, their compositions, and the relationship to their periods. An introduction to locating, acquiring, and documenting information resources lays the foundation for research to include the creative and critical process, the themes of music, the formal elements of composition, and the placing of music in the historical context. Topics include historical and cultural development represented in musical arts. NAST 1100, Nurse Aide Fundamentals 4-2-3-6 (Prerequisites/Corequisites: ALHS 1040, ALHS, 1060, ALHS 1090) Introduces student to the role and responsibilities of the Nurse Aide. Emphasis is placed on understanding and developing critical thinking skills, as well as demonstrating knowledge of the location and function of human body systems and common disease processes; responding to and reporting changes in a residents /patients condition, nutrition, vital signs; nutrition and diet therapy; disease processes; vital signs; observing, reporting and documenting changes in a residents condition; emergency concerns; ethics and legal issues and governmental agencies that influence the care of the elderly in long term care settings; mental health and psychosocial well-being of the elderly; use and care of mechanical devices and equipment; communication and interpersonal skills and skills competency based on federal guidelines. Specific topics include: roles and responsibilities of the Nurse Aide; communication and interpersonal skills; topography, structure, and function of the body systems; injury prevention and emergency preparedness; residents rights; basic patient care skills; personal care skills; and restorative care. NUET 1000, Introduction to the Nuclear Power Industry 2-00-2 (Prerequisite: Program Admission) Introduces students to the terms, concepts, careers, and procedures used in a nuclear plant. Topics include: professional ethics, regulatory agencies, basic safety, equipment and techniques; quality control concepts, job acquisition and fitness for duty. Additional topics include basic math skills and mechanical principles job acquisition. NUET 1150, Nuclear Plant Fundamentals: Mechanical 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisite: NUET 1000) This course examines the design, construction, and principles related to the operation of various mechanical components such as valves, pumps, turbines, heat exchangers, and diesel engines. NUET 1160, Nuclear Plant Fundamentals: Electrical 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisite: NUET 1000) This course examines the design, construction, and principles related to the operation of various electrical distribution components such as generators, batteries, motor control centers, and switch-yard equipment. This course will also discuss cathodic protection, fire protection, and ground detection systems. NUET 1170, Nuclear Plant ACAD Basic Fundamentals Part II 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisite: NUET 1000) This course examines the design, construction, and principles related to the operation of plant components such as valves, pumps, turbines, diesel engines, refrigeration/HVAC, and various other auxiliary equipment. NUET 1180, Nuclear Plant ACAD Basic Fundamentals Part I 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: NUET 1170) This course examines the design, construction, and principles related to the operation of various mechanical and electrical plant components such as generators, batteries, motor control centers, and switch-yard equipment. Additional topics include heat exchangers, steam taps, lubrication principles, and filters and demineralizers NUET 1250, Nuclear Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: PHYS 1111, PHYS 1111L) This course presents the basic concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer as they apply to power plant applications. It covers the topics of energy, entropy, thermodynamic cycles, and heat transfer. This course also discusses the basics of fluid flow. NUET 1260, Basic Reactor Theory, Design, and Operation 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: NUET 1170 and 1180) This course provides an understanding of the principles of reactor theory; including the fission process, the neutron life cycle, the concepts of subcritical multiplication, criticality and reactivity and thermal limits and their importance to operation. This course also provides a basic understanding of standard systems associated with the safe operations of nuclear power plants. NUET 1300, Basic Reactor Theory, Design, and Operation 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: NUET 1170 and 1180) This course explains the basic concepts related to reactor plant protection, accident analysis, transient prevention, mitigation of damage, and accident management. This course provides an understanding of the principles of radiation detection, monitoring, and shielding. Health effects of radiation and effects of radiation on matter will be explained. This course reviews major international nuclear industry operating experience. NUET 2000, Nuclear Power Plant Internship 0-0-15-5 (Prerequisite: NUET 1170 and 1180) Introduces the application and reinforcement of technical and employability principles in an actual job setting. Acquaints the student with realistic work situations and provides insights into nuclear power plant operations. Topics include: appropriate work habits, acceptable job performance, application of technical knowledge and skills, interpersonal relations, and development of productivity. The internship is implemented through the use of written individualized training plans, written performance evaluation, and other documentation in partnership with the nuclear power plant. NUET 2010, Industry Preparation, 1-0-0-1 (Prerequisite: NUET1000) Introduces employability principles and fitness for duty requirements needed for a successful job search. Resume preparation, interviewing techniques, and completion of forms required to attain security background checks and job applications will be presented in the class. Students will complete nuclear industry standard basic assessment modules Plant Access, Basic Radiation Worker, and Fitness for Duty NANTeL training modules. Topics include: resume writing, interviewing skills, appropriate work habits, acceptable job performance, application of technical knowledge and skills, interpersonal relations. The NANTeL General Plant Access training module, Basic Radiation Worker training module, and Fitness for Duty training module will be used in lectures. 188 NUET 2020, Material Science 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: CHEM 1100) This course introduces the fundamentals of metallurgy and engineering material science. Topics include: chemical, physical and mechanical properties of materials, material limitations, metallurgy, material structures and applications, material extraction processing techniques, material treating and treatments, and material testing. Emphasis is provided on material strength, design considerations and the effects of heat treatment, creep and fatigue. OCTA 1010, Introduction to Occupational Therapy Theory & Conditions 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program Admission/PROGRESSION) Explains the philosophy and history of occupational therapy and its relationship to other health care providers. Includes an overview of the etiology, clinical course, prognosis, and prevention of specific disease processes and traumatic injuries frequently seen by occupational therapy practitioners. Examines the influence of sociocultural issues on individuals and families. Emphasis is on the effect of such conditions on occupational performance and ways to promote health. Topics include: the definition of occupational therapy, foundations, history, and philosophical base of the profession and its personnel; role of OTA within health care team role of OTA within various practice settings; introduction to AOTA code of ethics and standards of practice; introduction to OT theories, models of practice, and frames of reference; introduction to the OT Practice Framework Domain and Process; and role delineation; introduction to disease processes, diseases and traumatic injuries of body systems, occupational performance issues related to various socio-cultural environments, promotion of health, and prevention of injury and disease for quality of life and wellbeing. OCTA 1020, Growth and Development 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisiste: Program Admission/PROGRESSION). Introduces the range of responses and reactions to human growth, and the activities to enhance body function. Topics include: normal growth and development patterns across life span, and occupational therapy principles which emphasize the use of purposeful activities and occupations to promote health and prevent disease. OCTA 1030, Developmental Tasks 0-2-0-2 (Prerequisites: Program Admission/PROGRESSION) Studies human tasks and activities across the developmental life span. Through learning and teaching occupations, students will utilize therapeutic self, group and dyadic interaction to analyze, grade and adapt purposeful activities and occupations to foster occupational performance within each stage of life. Topics include: activity analysis of daily living work and play/leisure, performance and teaching of selected life, tasks and activities, therapeutic use of self, introduction to group and dyadic interaction, OT practice framework domain and process, grading and adapting purposeful activity (occupational) for therapeutic interaction. OCTA 1040, Conditions in Occupational Therapy 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission Corequisite: OCTA 1010, SOCI 1101, COMP 1000, PSYC 2250) Overview of the etiology, clinical course, prognosis, and prevention of disease processes and traumatic injuries. Includes problems associated with individuals and family who have difficulty with social cultural expectations. Emphasis is on the effect of such conditions on occupational performance and ways to promote health. Topics include: introduction to disease processes, diseases and traumatic injuries of body systems, occupational performance problems related to various socio-cultural environments, promotion of health prevention of injury and disease for quality of life and well being. OCTA 1050, Kinesiology 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission/PROGRESSION) Introduces the phenomenon of human motion within the context of occupational performance. Topics include: introduction to movement, principles of gravity and basic biomechanics and their effect on movement, survey of the skeletal system, articular system, nervous system, and muscular system, and analysis of movement while performing functional activities OCTA 2010, Mental Health Issues & Treatment Methods 4-2-3-6 (Prerequisites OCTA 1010, OCTA 1020, OCTA 1030, and OCTA 1050) Introduces occupational therapy concepts related to provision of services for individuals with mental health conditions, including interventions for prevention, remediation, or maintenance at different stages of the lifespan. Encompasses OT concepts and principles in mental health conditions, emphasizing purposeful activity and role function. Topics include: mental health conditions commonly referred to occupational therapy; screening, evaluation, and contribution to the formation of OT goals and objectives; assistance with data collection, including administration of standardized and non-standardized assessments; therapeutic use of self in dyadic and group interactions; participation in the development of the OT intervention plan; collaboration with OTR on intervention techniques; implementation, reevaluation and intervention termination; and procedures for documentation of treatment interventions with individuals with mental health conditions. OCTA 2020, Psychosocial Dysfunction Treatment Methods 02-6-3 (Prerequisites: OCTA 1010, OCTA 1040 SOCI 1101, COMP 1000, PSYC 2250 Corequisites: OCTA 1020, OCTA 1030, OCTA 1050, OCTA 2010) Focuses on intervention of the psychiatric disorders occurring in different stages of human life through practical methods. Topics include: assistance with data collection which includes administering standardized and nonstandardized tests, contribution to the formation of OT goals and objectives on evaluation, use of self and dyadic and group interaction, and provision of the therapeutic intervention related to occupational performance areas in psychosocial dysfunction. OCTA 2040, Pediatric Issues 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: OCTA 1010, OCTA 1020, OCTA 1030, and OCTA 1050) Covers childhood to early adulthood occupational therapy related issues, including developmental disabilities. Topics include: service delivery models, OT practice framework domain process, pediatric conditions commonly referred to OT, therapeutic intervention with the pediatric population. Emphasizes the importance of patient, family/significant other/caregiver education and documentation to ensure reimbursement in today's healthcare environment. OCTA 2060, Physical Dysfunction & Treatment Methods 4-2-3-6 (Prerequisite OCTA 1010, OCTA 1020, OCTA 1030, and OCTA 1050) Introduces occupational therapy concepts related to physical dysfunction in different stages of the lifespan, along with techniques for the prevention or remediation of dysfunction. Encompasses OT concepts and principles in physical dysfunctions which emphasize purposeful activity and role function. Focuses on OT intervention and assessment principles through practical applications. Topics include: physical conditions commonly referred to occupational therapy; screening, evaluation, and standardized procedures for physical dysfunction intervention; participation in the development of the OT intervention plan; collaboration with OTR on initial intervention, implementation, re-evaluation and intervention termination; and procedures for documentation of treatment interventions with individuals with conditions causing physical dysfunction. Topics include: assistance with data collection and documentation which includes administering standardized and non-standardized tests and assessment tools appropriate to the role of OTA in the practice area of physical dysfunction, contribution to the formation of OT goals and objectives on evaluation, therapeutic use of self in dyadic and group interactions, and provision of therapeutic interventions related to occupational performance areas in physical dysfunction. OCTA 2070, Physical Dysfunction Treatment Methods 0-2-6-3 (Prerequisite: OCTA 1020, OCTA 1030, OCTA 1050, OCTA 2010, OCTA 2020) Corequisite: 2060) Focuses on OT intervention and evaluation principles through practical applications. Topics include: assistance with data collection which includes administering standardized and nonstandardized tests, contribution to the formation of OT goals and objectives on evaluation, use of self and dyadic and group interaction, and provision of the therapeutic intervention related to occupational performance areas in physical dysfunction. 189 OCTA 2090, Geriatric Issues 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite OCTA 1010, OCTA 1020, OCTA 1030 ,OCTA 1050, OCTA 2040, OCTA 2060, OCTA 2013) Covers occupational therapy related geriatric issues. Topics include: Service delivery models, OT practice framework domain and process, geriatric conditions commonly referred to OT, therapeutic intervention with the geriatric population. Emphasizes the importance of patient, family/significant other/caregiver education and documentation to ensure reimbursement in today's healthcare environment. OCTA 2120, Occupational Therapy Trends and Issues 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisite OCTA 1010, OCTA 1020, OCTA 1030 ,OCTA 1050, OCTA 2040, OCTA 2060, OCTA 2013) Teaches the roles and responsibilities in the administration of occupational therapy services. Topics include: assistance with the management of departmental operations; development of values, attitudes, and behaviors congruent with OT standards and ethics; the role of OTA in occupational therapy, research publication, and program evaluation; supervisory requirements; certification and licensure; reimbursement issues; personnel training and supervision; continued learning; and promotion of the Occupational Therapy profession; and job search skills. Resources for the life-long learning and professional support are provided and promoted; including job finding skills such as interviewing and negotiation Preparation for the national certification examination is provided as well as preparation for Level II fieldwork. OCTA 2130, Therapeutic Adaptations 1-4-0-3 (Prerequisite OCTA 1010, OCTA 1020, OCTA 1030, and OCTA 1050) Occupational Therapy issues that promote human quality of life are addressed through class, demonstration, and practical activities. Topics include: applications of therapeutic adaptation for accomplishing purposeful activities including family training, community programming, basic orthotics and prosthetics, assistive devices, equipment, and other OT technologies utilization of safety procedures; and assistance with planning and implementation of group and individual programs to promote health, function, and quality of life. OCTA 2210, Level II Fieldwork, A 0-0-18-6 (Prerequisite All OCTA courses: 1010, 1020, 1030, 1050, 2010, 2040, 2060, 2090, 2120, 2130) Provides the opportunity to practice occupational therapy for eight weeks in a supervised health care facility. Topics include: application of learned skills through presentation of a case study and/or special project, and supervised clinical applications of principles learned in the curriculum and appropriate to the learning needs of the student. OCTA 2220, Level II Fieldwork – B 0-0-18-6 (Prerequisite: All OCTA courses: 1010, 1020, 1030, 1050, 2010, 2040, 2060, 2090, 2120, 2130, OCTA 2210) Provides the opportunity to practice occupational therapy for eight weeks in a supervised health care facility. Topics include: application of learned skills through presentation of a case study and/or special project, and supervised clinical applications of principles learned in the curriculum and appropriate to the learning needs of the student. PARA 1100, Introduction to Law and Ethics 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional admission) Emphasizes the American legal system, the role of the lawyer and legal assistant within that system, and the ethical obligations imposed upon attorneys and legal assistants. Topics include: survey of American jurisprudence, code of professional responsibility and ethics overview, and introduction to areas of law and legal vocabulary. PARA 1105, Legal Research and Legal Writing I 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: ENGL 1101, PARA 1100) Introduces the student to the process of locating statutory, judicial, administrative and secondary sources on both a state and federal level. The student will utilize both print and electronic research resources. Focuses on the application and reinforcement of basic writing skills, familiarizes the student with types of writing typically engaged in by lawyers and legal assistants, and prepares the student for legal writing tasks. The student learns to write business letters as well as advisory documents. Topics include: legal analysis and legal correspondence and composition. PARA 1110, Legal Research and Legal Writing II 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: ENGL 1101, PARA 1100, PARA 1105) Builds on competencies acquired in PARA 1105 and continues the process of locating statutory, judicial, administrative and secondary sources on both a state and federal level. The student will conduct a wider range of research in both print and electronic research resources. Emphasis will be placed on preparation of legal documents. Criminal case documents will be examined, but most of the emphasis will be on civil matters. The student will be presented factual scenarios, and utilizing these facts, research and develop a case from intake to trial. PARA 1115, Family Law 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission. Corequisite: PARA 1100) Introduces the student to the issues which may arise in family law cases and to the role of the paralegal in assisting the attorney in the development and presentation of such cases. Topics include: issues associated with client and witness interviews, marriage validity and dissolution, litigation support in family law matters, issues concerning children, special matters in family law, and attorney and paralegal ethical obligations. PARA 1120, Real Estate Law 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission. Corequisite: PARA 1100) Introduces the student to the basic concepts of real property law as they pertain to common types of real estate transactions. Additionally, emphasis will be placed on practical skills such as document preparation and title examination. Topics include: real estate contracts, plat reading and legal descriptions, types and purposes of deeds, title searches, common real estate mortgages and documentation, real estate closing and closing statements, recordation statutes and requirements, and elements of the lease. PARA 1125, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission. Corequisite: PARA 1100) Introduces the student to the basic concepts of substantive criminal law and its procedural aspects with an emphasis on the constitutionally protected rights of the accused in the criminal justice system. Topics include: substantive criminal law and procedure and criminal litigation support. PARA 1130, Civil Litigation 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission, Corequisite: PARA 1100) Emphasizes competencies and concepts of civil litigation in both federal and state courts. Topics include: federal and state litigation; trial and pretrial proceedings; litigation ethics; and litigation documents, exhibits, investigations, and interviews. PARA 1135, Wills, Trusts, Probate, and Administration 3-0-03 (Prerequisite: Program admission. Corequisite: PARA 1100) Provides a general framework of the substantive theory of wills, trusts, and estates. Topics include: wills, trusts, and powers of attorney; probate of wills and administration of estates; document preparation for other probate proceedings; general jurisdiction of the probate court; terminology of wills and estate practice; client interviews; and document preparation. PARA 1140, Tort Law 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission. Corequisite: PARA 1100) Introduces the student to the basic concepts of substantive tort law. Topics include: concepts of intentional torts, negligence and product liability; causation and liability concepts; damages and defenses; and special tort actions and immunities. PARA 1145, Law Office Management 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission. Corequisite: PARA 1100) Introduces the student to common forms of law practice. The student will be exposed to methods of billing and time-keeping, automation in the law office, the law office library, the appropriate role of support staff in the law office, and ethical concerns relevant to law office management. Topics include: forms of law practice and insurance needs, support systems, support staff, and ethical responsibilities. 190 PARA 1150, Contracts, Commercial Law, and Business Organizations 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program admission, PARA 1100) Introduces the student to the basic concepts of legal rules commonly applicable in commercial settings, to the basic concepts of substantive contract law and to the formulation and operation of sole proprietorships, general partnerships, limited partnerships, and corporations. Additionally, the course explores the basic concepts of agency law. Topics include Constitutional law and its impact on business, the essential elements of a contract and related legal principles and the Uniform Commercial Code, sole proprietorships, partnerships, professional associations and other business organizations, corporations and tax implications of different organizations. PARA 1200, Bankruptcy/Debtor-Creditor Relations 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Completion of all 1100 numbered [i.e. PARA 11001150] Paralegal courses within one’s program of study.) Introduces the student to the purpose and application of the Federal Bankruptcy code and rules, as well as applicable state law related to bankruptcy and debtor-creditor issues. Topics include: the Bankruptcy code and rules, Bankruptcy court procedures, the preparation of bankruptcy forms and documents, state law workouts and collection, and the role of the paralegal in a bankruptcy practice. PARA 1205, Constitutional Law 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: PARA 1100) Explains the major legal principles and concepts of the U.S. Constitution including governmental powers and structure, and civil liberties. Additionally, this course includes an exploration of the history of the Constitution and case law interpreting it. PARA 1210, Legal and Policy Issues in Healthcare 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: PARA 1100) Provides an overview of the legal issues involved in the delivery of healthcare and the issues relating to Elder Law. Students will recognize the fundamentals of the healthcare treatment relationship, liability issues, patient care decisions and the human condition of sickness. They will explore the complexities of health care financing, health care access, governmental regulations and privacy issues. Topics will also include access to care, informed consent, patient care decisions, the doctor-patient relationship, end-of-life decision making, legal problems of the elderly, law and mental health, AIDS and the law and the privatization of health care facilities. PARA 1215, Administrative Law 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: PARA 1100) Introduces the student to the basic concepts of administrative law including the legislative process related to enabling the agency. The Administrative Procedure Act (federal and state) is covered. Topics also include agency discretion, due process, delegation, rulemaking, investigation, information collection, informal proceeding, hearings, and judicial review. Because paralegals are permitted to represent individuals in some agency proceedings (e.g., social security, unemployment, etc.), the students are introduced to the various aspects of such representation. PARA 2205, Advanced Research and Writing 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: PARA 1105, ENGL 1102) Continues to develop writing skills developed in PARA 1105 and 1110 focusing on legal memoranda preparation. Additionally, students enhance legal research skill. Course competencies include research methodology, legal memoranda preparation, and substantive law research. PARA 2210, Paralegal Internship I 0-0-18-6 (Prerequisite: Must be in last semester of program. With advisor approval, may take concurrently with last semester courses.) Focuses on the application and reinforcement of paralegal skills in an actual workplace environment or at the discretion of the instructor, in a school practicum with simulated work experiences. Students are acquainted with occupational responsibilities through realistic work situations and are provided with insights into paralegal applications on the job. Topics include: problem solving, adaptability to the job setting, use of proper interpersonal skills, application of paralegal skills in a workplace setting, and professional development. PARA 2215, Paralegal Internship II 0-0-18-6 (Prerequisite: Must be in last semester of program. With advisor approval, may take concurrently with last semester courses.)This course continues the focus on the application and reinforcement of paralegal skills in an actual workplace environment, or at the discretion of the instructor, in a school practicum with simulated work experiences. Realistic work situations are used to provide students with insights into paralegal applications on the job. Topics include: problem solving, adaptability to the job setting, use of proper interpersonal skills, application of paralegal skills in a workplace setting, and professional development. PHAR 1000, Pharmaceutical Calculations 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisites: ALHS 1011 or BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L and BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, ALHS 1040, ALHS 1090, COMP 1000, ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1101, MATH 1012 or MATH 1101 or MATH 1111. Degree students are also required to have a general education elective and Humanities/Fine Arts Course as prerequisites. Corequisites: PHAR 1010, PHAR 1040, ALHS 1127). This course develops knowledge and skills in pharmaceutical calculations procedures. Topics include: systems of measurement, medication dispensing calculations, pharmacy mathematical procedures, and calculation tools and techniques. PHAR 1010, Pharmacy Technology Fundamentals 4-2-0-5 (Prerequisites: ALHS 1011 or BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L and BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, ALHS 1040, ALHS 1090, COMP 1000, ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1101, MATH 1012 or MATH 1101, or MATH 1111. Degree students are also required to have a general education elective and Humanities/Fine Arts Course as prerequisites. Corequisites: PHAR 1000, PHAR 1040, ALHS 1127). Provides an overview of the pharmacy technology field and develops the fundamental concepts and principles necessary for successful participation in the pharmacy field. Topics include: safety, orientation to the pharmacy technology field, Fundamental principles of chemistry, basic laws of chemistry, ethics and laws, definitions and terms, and reference sources. PHAR 1020, Principles of Dispensing Medications 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: PHAR 1000, PHAR 1010, PHAR 1040, ALHS 1127; Corequisites: PHAR 1030, PHAR 1050). Provides an overview of the pharmacy technology field and develops the fundamental concepts and principles necessary for successful participation in the pharmacy field. Topics include: safety, orientation to the pharmacy technology field, Fundamental principles of chemistry, basic laws of chemistry, ethics and laws, definitions and terms, and reference sources. PHAR 1030, Principles of Sterile Medication Preparation 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites PHAR 1000, PHAR 1010, PHAR 1040; Corequisites: PHAR 1020, PHAR 1050). Continues the development of student knowledge and skills in preparing medication, processing glassware, and maintaining an aseptic environment. Topics include: aseptic and sterile techniques, parenteral admixtures, hyperalimentation, chemotherapy, filtering, disinfecting, contamination, ophthalmic preparations, infection control, and quality control. PHAR 1040, Pharmacology 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisites: ALHS 1011 or BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L and BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, ALHS 1040, ALHS 1090, COMP 1000, ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1101, MATH 1012, or MATH 1101, or MATH 1111. Degree students are also required to have a general education elective and Humanities/Fine Arts Course as prerequisites. Corequisites: PHAR 1010, PHAR 1010, ALHS 1127). The course introduces the students to principles and knowledge about all classifications of medication. Topics include: disease states and treatment modalities, pharmaceutical side effects and drug interactions, control substances, specific drugs, and drug addiction and abuse. PHAR 1050, Pharmacy Technology Practicum 0-0-15-5 (Prerequisites: PHAR 1000, PHAR 1010, PHAR 1040. Corequisites: PHAR 1020, PHAR 1030). Orients students to the clinical environment and provides experiences with the basic skills necessary for the pharmacy technician. Topics include: storage and control, documentation, inventory and billing, community practice, institutional practice, and communication. 191 PHAR 2060, Advanced Pharmacy Technology Principles 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites: PHAR 1020, PHAR 1030, PHAR 1050. Corequisites: PHAR 2070). This course presents the advanced concepts and principles needed in the pharmacy technology field. Topics include: physician orders, patient profiles, pharmacy data systems, job readiness, legal requirements, inventory and billing, pharmaceutical calculations review and pharmacology review. PHAR 2070, Advanced Pharmacy Technology Practicum 0-0-15-5 (Prerequisites: PHAR 1020, PHAR 1030, PHAR 1050. Corequisites: PHAR 2070). Continues the development of student knowledge and skills applicable to pharmacy technology practice. Topics include: dispensing responsibilities, physician orders, controlled substances, hyperalimentation, chemotherapy, patient profiles, pharmacy data systems, ophthalmic preparations, and hospital/retail/home health pharmacy techniques. PHTA 1110, Intro to Physical Therapy 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisite: Program Admission; Co-requisites: PHTA 1120, 1130, 1140) This course introduces students to the profession of physical therapy. Topics include professional responsibilities and core values; legal and ethical responsibilities in physical therapy practice; current trends in physical therapy; communication skills; cultural competency and health disparities; research and evidence-based practice. PHTA 1130, Functional Anatomy/Kinesiology 1-2-3-4 (Prerequisite: Program Admission; Co-requisites: PHTA 1110, 1120, 1140) This course introduces the basic concepts of functional anatomy and the study of human movement. Topics include an overview of kinesiology and the principles of biomechanics; examination of the neuromusculoskeletal system; a review of muscle attachments, actions, and innervations; and instruction in assessment techniques for measuring joint range of motion. PHTA 1140, Physical Therapy Procedures 2-0-6-4 (Prerequisite: Program Admission; Co-requisites: PHTA 1110, 1120, 1130) This course introduces the principles and application techniques for various physical therapy interventions. Topics include superficial and deep thermal physical agents; thermal agents and electromagnetic radiation; therapeutic massage techniques; wound care and personal protection; and instruction in assessment techniques for sensory response. PHTA 2110, Pathology I 2-4-0-4 (Prerequisites: PHTA 1110, PHTA 1120, PHTA 1130, PHTA 1140; Co-requisites: PHTA 2120, PHTA 2130) This course provides a survey of injuries and diseases commonly treated by physical therapist assistants. Topics include review of systems; examination of musculoskeletal system disorders and diseases; examination of general medical disorders and diseases; examination of circulation, respiration, and ventilation; recognition and response procedures for changes in physiologic status; and an overview of pharmacology for pain, musculoskeletal, endocrine, and GI system management. PHTA 2120, Rehabilitation I 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisites: PHTA 1110, PHTA 1120, PHTA 1130, PHTA 1140; Co-requisites: PHTA 2110, PHTA 2130) This course provides instruction in exercises and rehabilitation techniques commonly utilized by physical therapist assistants. Topics include functional mobility and training; rehabilitation techniques for musculoskeletal disorders; gait training and assistive devices; home management, community, and work reintegration; and health promotion, wellness and prevention PHTA 2130, Physical Therapy Procedures II 2-0-6-4 (Prerequisites: PHTA 1110, PHTA 1120, PHTA 1130, PHTA 1140; Co-requisites: PHTA 2110, PHTA 2120) This course provides continued instruction in the principles and application techniques for various physical therapy interventions. Topics include pain theories and assessment techniques; mechanical physical agents; electrotherapeutic physical agents; and adaptive, protective, and supportive devices. PHTA 2140, Clinical Education I 0-0-12-4 (Prerequisites: PHTA 2110, PHTA 2120, PHTA 2130; Co-requisites: PHTA 2150, PHTA 2160, PHTA 2170) This course provides students with the opportunity to observe and practice skills learned in the classroom and laboratory at various clinical settings for physical therapy practice. Students will be supervised by a clinical instructor who is either a licensed physical therapist or licensed physical therapist assistant. Topics include preparation of patients, treatment areas, and equipment; vital signs and sensory assessment; wound care and personal protection; transfers, body mechanics, and assistive devices; application of physical agents; goniometric measurements; therapeutic massage; interpersonal and communication skills; principles of teaching and learning; documentation; and modification of interventions within the plan of care. PHTA 2150, Pathology II 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisites: PHTA 2110, PHTA 2120, PHTA 2130; Co-requisites: PHTA 2140, PHTA 2160, PHTA 2170) This course provides continued instruction on diseases and conditions commonly treated by physical therapist assistants with an emphasis on neurological conditions. Topics include a review of neuroanatomy and physiology; examination of neurological disorders and diseases; examination of pediatric disorders and diseases; limb deficiency disorders; and pharmacology for spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and cardiac and pulmonary system management. PHTA 2160, Rehabilitation II 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisites: PHTA 2110, PHTA 2120, PHTA 2130; Co-requisites: PHTA 2140, PHTA 2150, PHTA 2170) This course provides continued instruction in exercises and rehabilitation techniques commonly utilized by physical therapist assistants. Topics includes rehabilitation of the neurological patient; rehabilitation of the pediatric patient; cardiac rehabilitation and chest physical therapy techniques; prosthetic and orthotic training; and the assessment of arousal, attention, and cognition. PHTA 2170, Kinesiology II 1-2-3-3 (Prerequisites: PHTA 2110, PHTA 2120, PHTA 2130; Co-requisites: PHTA 2140, PHTA 2150, PHTA 2160) This course provides continued instruction in the study of human movement. Topics include posture and equilibrium; gait, locomotion, and balance; advanced gait training techniques; and the assessment of muscle performance. PHTA 2180, Clinical Education II 0-0-12-4 (Prerequisites: PHTA 2140, PHTA 2150, PHTA 2160, PHTA 2170; Co-requisites: PHTA 2190, PHTA 2200) This course provides continued opportunity for clinical education under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist or licensed physical therapist assistant in various health care facilities. Topics include therapeutic exercise; interventions for neurological conditions; mechanical and electrotherapeutic physical agents; gait and posture analysis; advanced gait training techniques; manual muscle testing; interventions for limb deficiency disorders; identification of architectural barriers; interpersonal and communication skills; principles of teaching and learning; documentation; and modification of interventions within the plan of care. PHTA 2190, Clinical Education III 0-0-21-7 (Prerequisites: PHTA 2140, PHTA 2150, PHTA 2160, PHTA 2170; Co-requisites: PHTA 2180, PHTA 2200) This course provides continued opportunity for clinical education under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist or licensed physical therapist assistant in various health care facilities. Topics include therapeutic exercise; interventions for neurological conditions; mechanical and electrotherapeutic physical agents; gait and posture analysis; advanced gait training techniques; manual muscle testing; interventions for limb deficiency disorders; identification of architectural barriers; interpersonal and communication skills; principles of teaching and learning; documentation; and modification of interventions within the plan of care 192 PHTA 2200, Physical Therapist Assistant Seminar 0-2-0-1 (Prerequisites: PHTA 2140, PHTA 2150, PHTA 2160, PHTA 2170: Co-requisites: PHTA 2180, PHTA 2190) This seminar course prepares students for entry into the field of physical therapy as physical therapist assistants. Topics include review for the licensure examination; presentation of a case study; and overview of career development and commitment to lifelong learning. PHYS 1110, Conceptual Physics 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1101 or MATH 1103 or MATH 1111; Corequisite: PHYS 1110L). Introduces some of the basic laws of physics. Topics include systems of units and conversion of units, vector algebra, Newtonian mechanics, fluids and thermodynamics, heat, light, and optics, mechanical waves, electricity and magnetism, and modern physics. PHYS 1110L - Conceptual Physics Lab 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1101 or MATH 1103 or MATH 1111; Corequisite: PHYS 1110). Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in PHYS 1110. The laboratory exercises for this course include systems of units and systems of measurement, Newtonian mechanics, fluids and thermodynamics, heat, light, and optics, mechanical waves, electricity and magnetism, and modern physics. PHYS 1111, Introductory Physics I 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1113; Co-requisite: PHYS 1111L). The laboratory exercises for this course include units of measurement, vector algebra, Newton's laws, work energy and power, momentum and collisions, one- and two-dimensional motion, circular motion and law of gravity, rotational dynamics and static equilibrium, elasticity theory, harmonic motion, theory of heat and heat transfer, thermodynamics, wave motion, and sound. PHYS 1111L, Introductory Physics Lab I 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1113; Corequisite: PHYS 1111). Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in PHYS 1111. The laboratory exercises for this course include units of measurement, Newton's laws, work energy and power, momentum and collisions, one- and two-dimensional motion, circular motion and law of gravity, rotational dynamics and static equilibrium, elasticity theory, harmonic motion, theory of heat and heat transfer, thermodynamics, wave motion, and sound. PHYS 1112, Introductory Physics II 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or higher in PHYS 1111 and PHYS 1111L; Corequisite: PHYS 1112L). The second of two algebra and trigonometry based courses in the physics sequence. Topics include material from electricity and magnetism (electric charge, electric forces and fields, electric potential energy, electric potential, capacitance, magnetism, electric current, resistance, basic electric circuits, alternating current circuits, and electromagnetic waves), geometric optics (reflection and refraction), and physical optics (interference and diffraction). PHYS 1112L, Introductory Physics Lab II 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or higher in PHYS 1111 and PHYS 1111L; Corequisite: PHYS 1112). Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in PHYS 1112. The laboratory exercises for this course include material from electricity and magnetism, geometric optics, and physical optics. PNSG 2010, Introduction to Pharmacology/Clinical Calculations 1-0-3-2 (Prerequisite: Program admission) Applies fundamental mathematical concepts and includes basic drug administration. Emphasizes critical thinking skills. Topics include: systems of measurement, calculating drug problems, resource materials usage, fundamental pharmacology, administering medications in a simulated clinical environment, principles of IV therapy techniques, and client education. PNSG 2030, Nursing Fundamentals 4-0-6-6 (Prerequisites: Program Admission. Corequisite: PNSG 2010; ALHS 1060, PNSG 2035). An introduction to the nursing process. Topics include: nursing as a profession; ethics and law; client care which is defined as using thenursing process, using critical thinking, and providing client education and includes principles and skills of nursing practice, documentation, and an introduction to physical assessment; customer/client relationships; standard precautions; basic life support; infection control/bloodborne/airborne pathogens; and basic emergency care/first aid and triage. PNSG 2035, Nursing Fundamentals Clinical 0-0-6-2 (Prerequisites: Program Admission. Corequisite: PNSG 2030). An introduction to nursing practice in the clinical setting. Topics include but are not limited to: history taking, physical assessment, nursing process, critical thinking, activities of daily living, documentaion, client education, and standard precautions. PNSG 2210, Medical-Surgical Nursing I 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisites: PNSG 2010, PNSG 2030, ALHS 1060, PNSG 2035. Corequisites: PNSG 2310). Focuses on client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; hygiene and personal care; mobility and biomechanics; fluid and electrolytes; oxygen care; perioperative care; immunology; as well as pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to the cardiovascular, respiratory, and hematological and immunological systems. PNSG 2220, Medical-Surgical Nursing II 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisites: PNSG 2010; ALHS 1060; PNSG 2030; PNSG 2035; PNSG 2210. Corequisite: PNSG 2320). This second course in a series of four focuses on client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; as well as pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to the endocrine, gastrointestinal, and urinary system. PNSG 2230, Medical-Surgical Nursing III 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisites: PNSG 2010; ALHS 1060; PNSG 2030; PNSG 2035; PNSG 2210; PNSG 2220. Corequisite: PNSG 2330). This third course in a series of four focuses on client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; mental health; as well as pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to the neurological, sensory, and musculoskeletal systems. PNSG 2240, Medical-Surgical Nursing IV 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisites: PNSG 2010; ALHS 1060; PNSG 2030; PNSG 2035; PNSG 2210; PNSG 2220, PNSG 2230. Corequisite: PNSG 2340). This fourth course in a series of four courses focuses on client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole, oncology; as well as pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to the integumentary and reproductive systems. 193 PNSG 2250, Maternity Nursing 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisites: PNSG 2010; ALHS 1060; PNSG 2030; PNSG 2035; PNSG 2210; PNSG 2220, PNSG 2230, PNSG 2240. Corequisite: PNSG 2255). Focuses on health management and maintenance and the prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, and deviations from the normal state of health. The definition of client care includes using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, providing client education, displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. Topics include: health management and maintenance and prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, pathological and nonpathological concerns in obstetric clients and the newborn; client care, treatments, pharmacology, and diet therapy related to obstetric clients and the newborn; and standard precautions. PNSG 2255, Maternity Nursing Clinical 0-0-3-1 (Prerequisites: PNSG 2010, ALHS 1060, PNSG 2030, PNSG 2035, PNSG 2210, PNSG 2310, PNSG 2220, PNSG 2320, PNSG 2230, PNSG 2330, PNSG 2240, PNSG 2340. Corequisite: PNSG 2250). Focuses on clinical health management and maintenance and the prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, and deviations from the normal state of health. The definition of client care includes using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, providing client education, displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. Topics include: health management and maintenance and prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, pathological and nonpathological concerns in obstetric clients and the newborn; client care, treatments, pharmacology, and diet therapy related to obstetric clients and the newborn; and standard precautions. PNSG 2310, Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical I 0-0-6-2 (Prerequisites: PNSG 2010, ALHS 1060, PNSG 2030, PNSG 2035. Corequisite: PNSG 2210). This first clinical course, in a series of four medical-surgical clinical courses, focuses on clinical client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, applying critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. At the completion of the four part sequence of these medical-surgical clinical courses students will have completed a minimum of 412.5 hours of clinical experience including 300 hours of comprehensive medicalsurgical, 37.5 hours of maternal, 37.5 pediatric and 37.5 pediatric experiences. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; hygiene and personal care; mobility and biomechanics; fluid and electrolytes; oxygen care; perioperative care; immunology; mental health; and oncology. In addition pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to cardiovascular, hematological, immunological, respiratory, neurological, sensory, musculoskeletal, endocrine, gastrointestinal, urinary, integumentary and reproductive systems. PNSG 2320, Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical II 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisites: PNSG 2010, ALHS 1060, PNSG 2030, PNSG 2035, PNSG 2210, PNSG 2310. Corequisite: PNSG 2220). This second clinical course, in a series of four medical-surgical clinical courses, focuses on clinical client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, applying critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. At the completion of the four part sequence of these medical-surgical clinical courses students will have completed a minimum of 412.5 hours of clinical experience including 300 hours of comprehensive medical-surgical, 37.5 hours of maternal, 37.5 pediatric and 37.5 pediatric experiences. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; hygiene and personal care; mobility and biomechanics; fluid and electrolytes; oxygen care; perioperative care; immunology; mental health; and oncology. In addition pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to cardiovascular, hematological, immunological, respiratory, neurological, sensory, musculoskeletal, endocrine, gastrointestinal, urinary, integumentary and reproductive systems. PNSG 2330, Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical III 4-0-6-2 (Prerequisites: PNSG 2010, ALHS 1060, PNSG 2030, PNSG 2035, PNSG 2210, PNSG 2310, PNSG 2220, PNSG 2320. Corequisite: PNSG 2230). This third clinical course, in a series of four medical-surgical clinical courses, focuses on clinical client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, applying critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. At the completion of the four part sequence of these medical-surgical clinical courses students will have completed a minimum of 412.5 hours of clinical experience including 300 hours of comprehensive medicalsurgical, 37.5 hours of maternal, 37.5 pediatric and 37.5 pediatric experiences. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; hygiene and personal care; mobility and biomechanics; fluid and electrolytes; oxygen care; perioperative care; immunology; mental health; and oncology. In addition pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to cardiovascular, hematological, immunological, respiratory, neurological, sensory, musculoskeletal, endocrine, gastrointestinal, urinary, integumentary and reproductive systems. PNSG 2340, Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical IV 0-0-6-2 (Prerequisites: PNSG 2010, ALHS 1060, PNSG 2030, PNSG 2035, PNSG 2210, PNSG 2310, PNSG 2220, PNSG 2320, PNSG 2230, PNSG 2330. Corequisite: PNSG 2240). This fourth clinical course, in a series of four medical-surgical clinical courses, focuses on clinical client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, applying critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. At the completion of the four part sequence of these medical-surgical clinical courses students will have completed a minimum of 412.5 hours of clinical experience including 300 hours of comprehensive medical-surgical, 37.5 hours of maternal, 37.5 pediatric and 37.5 pediatric experiences. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; hygiene and personal care; mobility and biomechanics; fluid and electrolytes; oxygen care; perioperative care; immunology; mental health; and oncology. In addition pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to cardiovascular, hematological, immunological, respiratory, neurological, sensory, musculoskeletal, endocrine, gastrointestinal, urinary, integumentary and reproductive systems. 194 PNSG 2410. Nursing Leadership 1-0-0-1 (Prerequisites: PNSG 2010; ALHS 1060; PNSG 2030; PNSG 2035; PNSG 2210; PNSG 2220, PNSG 2230, PNSG 2240, PNSG 2250. Corequisite: PNSG 2415). Builds on the concepts presented in prior nursing courses and develops the skills necessary for successful performance in the job market. Topics include: application of the nursing process, supervisory skills, client education methods, group dynamics and conflict resolution. PNSG 2415. Nursing Leadership Clinical 0-0-6-2 (Prerequisites: : PNSG 2010, ALHS 1060, PNSG 2030, PNSG 2035, PNSG 2210, PNSG 2310, PNSG 2220, PNSG 2320, PNSG 2230, PNSG 2330, PNSG 2240, PNSG 2340, PNSG 2250, PNSG 2255. Corequisite: PNSG 2410). Builds on the concepts presented in prior nursing courses and develops the clinical skills necessary for successful performance in the job market, focusing on practical applications. Topics include: application of the nursing process, critical thinking, supervisory skills, client education methods, and group dynamics POLS 1101, American Government 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing/English and Reading]). Emphasizes study of government and politics in the United States. The focus of the course will provide an overview of the Constitutional foundations of the American political processes with a focus on government institutions and political procedures. The course will examine the constitutional framework, federalism, civil liberties and civil rights, public opinion, the media, special interest groups, political parties, and the election process along with the three branches of government. In addition, this course will examine the processes of Georgia state government. Topics include foundations of government, political behavior, and governing institutions. PSYC 1010, Basic Psychology 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Provisional Program Admission). Presents basic concepts within the field of psychology and their application to everyday human behavior, thinking, and emotion. Emphasis is placed on students understanding basic psychological principles and their application within the context of family, work and social interactions. Topics include an overview of psychology as a science, the nervous and sensory systems, learning and memory, motivation and emotion, intelligence, lifespan development, personality, psychological disorders and their treatment, stress and health, and social relations. PSYC 1101, Introduction to Psychology 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisites: Appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing/English and Reading]). Introduces the major fields of contemporary psychology. Emphasis is on fundamental principles of psychology as a science. Topics include research design, the organization and operation of the nervous system, sensation and perception, learning and memory, motivation and emotion, thinking and intelligence, lifespan development, personality, psychopathology and interventions, stress and health, and social psychology. PSYC 2103, Human Development 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in PSYC 1101). Emphasizes changes that occur during the human life cycle beginning with conception and continuing through late adulthood and death and emphasizes the scientific basis of our knowledge of human growth and development and the interactive forces of nature and nurture. Topics include but are not limited to theoretical perspectives and research methods, prenatal development and child birth, stages of development from infancy through late adulthood, and death and dying. PSYC 2250, Abnormal Psychology 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or higher in PSYC 1101). Emphasize the etiology and treatments consideration of various forms of abnormal behavior. Topics include historical and contemporary approaches to psychopathology; approaches to clinical assessment and diagnosis; understanding and defining classifications and psychological disorders. RADT 1010, Introduction to Radiology 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: Program admission. Corequisites: RADT 1030, RADT 1065, RADT 1320) Introduces a grouping of fundamental principles, practices, and issues common to many specializations in the health care profession. In addition to the essential skills, students explore various delivery systems and related issues. Provides the student with an overview of radiography and patient care. Students will be oriented to the radiographic profession as a whole. Emphasis will be placed on patient care with consideration of both physical and psychological conditions. Introduces a grouping of fundamental principles, practices, and issues common to many specializations in the health care profession. In addition to the essential skills, students explore various delivery systems and related issues. Topics include: ethics, medical and legal considerations, Right to Know Law, professionalism, basic principles of radiation protection, basic principles of exposure, equipment introduction, health care delivery systems, hospital and departmental organization, hospital and technical college affiliation, medical emergencies, pharmacology/contrast agents, media, OR and mobile procedures patient preparation, death and dying, body mechanics/transportation, basic life support/CPR, and patient care in radiologic sciences. RADT 1030, Radiographic Procedures I 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisites: Program Admission. Corequisite: RADT 1010, RAD 1065, RAD 1320) Introduces the knowledge required to perform radiologic procedures applicable to the human anatomy. Emphasis will be placed on the production of quality radiographs, and laboratory experience will demonstrate the application of theoretical principles and concepts. Topics include: introduction to radiographic procedures; positioning terminology; positioning considerations; procedures, anatomy, and topographical anatomy related to body cavities, bony thorax, upper extremities, shoulder girdle; and lower extremities. RADT 1060, Radiographic Procedures II 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite: RADT 1010, RADT 1030, RAD 1065, ALHS 1090, RAD 1320. Corequisite: RADT 1330, RADT 1075) Continues to develop the knowledge required to perform radiographic procedures. Topics include: anatomy and routine projections of the pelvic girdle; anatomy and routine projections of the spine, gastrointestinal (GI) procedures; genitourinary (GU) procedures; biliary system procedures; and minor procedures. RADT 1065, Radiologic Science 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisites: Program Admission. Corequisite: RADT 1010, RADT 1030, RADT 1320) Content of this course is designed to establish a basic knowledge of atomic structure and terminology. Others topics include: the nature and characteristics of x-radiation; ionizing and non-ionizing radiation; x-ray production; the properties of x-rays and the fundamentals of x-ray photon interaction with matter. RADT 1075, Radiographic Imaging 3-2-0-4 (Prerequisite: RADT 1010, RADT 1030, RADT 1320, RADT 1065. Corequisite: RADT 1060, RADT 1330) The content of this course introduces factors that govern and influence the production of the radiographic image using analog and digital radiographic equipment found in diagnostic radiology. Emphasis will be place on knowledge and techniques required to produce high quality diagnostic radiographic images. Topics include: image quality (radiographic density; radiographic contrast; recorded detail; distortion; grids; image receptors and holders (analog and digital)); processing considerations (analog and digital); image acquisition (analog, digital, and PACS); image analysis; image artifacts (analog and digital); guidelines for selecting exposure factors and evaluating images within a digital system will assist students to bridge between film-based and digital imaging systems. Factors that impact image acquisition, display, archiving and retrieval are discussed. Laboratory experiences will demonstrate applications of theoretical principles and concepts. 195 RADT 1085, Radiologic Equipment 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisite: RADT 1060, RADT 1075, RADT 1330, Corequisites: RADT 1200, RADT 2090, RADT 2340) Content establishes a knowledge based in radiographic, fluoroscopic and mobile equipment requirements and design. The content also provides a basic knowledge Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) devices, beam restriction, filtration, quality control, and quality management principles of analog and digital systems. Laboratory experiences will demonstrate applications of theoretical principles and concepts RADT 1200, Principles of Radiation Biology and Protection 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisite: RADT 1060, RADT 1075, RADT 1330. Corequisites: RADT 1085, RADT 2090, RADT 2340) Provides instruction on the principles of cell radiation interaction. Radiation effects on cells and factors affecting cell response are presented. Acute and chronic effects of radiation are discussed. Topics include: radiation detection and measurement; patient protection; personnel protection; absorbed dose equivalencies; agencies and regulations; introduction to radiation biology; cell anatomy, radiation/cell interaction; and effects of radiation. RADT 1320, Clinical Radiography I 0-0-12-4 (Prerequisites: Program Admission. Corequisites: RADT 1010, RADT 1030, RADT 1065) Introduces students to the hospital clinical setting and provides an opportunity for students to participate in or observe radiographic procedures. Topics include: orientation to hospital areas and procedures; orientation to mobile/surgery; orientation to radiography and fluoroscopy; participation in and/or observation of procedures related to body cavities, the shoulder girdle, and upper extremities. Activities of students are under direct supervision. RADT 1330, Clinical Radiography II 0-0-21-7 (Prerequisites: RADT, 1010, RADT 1030, RADT 1320, ALHS 1090. Corequisites: RAD 1060, RAD 1070) Continues introductory student learning experiences in the hospital setting. Topics include: equipment utilization; exposure techniques; attend to and/or observation of routine projections of the lower extremities, pelvic girdle, and spine; attend to and/or observation of procedures related to the gastrointestinal (GI), genitourinary (GU), and biliary systems; and attend to and/or observation of procedure related to minor radiologic procedures. Execution of radiographic procedures will be conducted under direct and indirect supervision. RADT 2090, Radiographic Procedures III-A 1-0-3-2 (Prerequisite: RADT 1060, RADT 1070, RADT 1330. Corequisite: RADT 2090, RADT 2340, RADT 2190) Continues to develop the knowledge required to perform radiographic procedures. Topics include: anatomy and routine projections of the cranium; anatomy and routine projections of the facial bones; anatomy and routine projections of the sinuses; sectional anatomy of the head, neck,thorax and abdomen. RADT 2201, Introduction to Computed Tomography 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisite: Program. Admission Corequisites: RADT 2220, RADT 2250) Introduces the student to computed tomography and patient care in the CT suite. Topics include: the history of computed tomography, patient care and assessment, anatomy, contrast agents, radiation safety and protection, medical ethics and law, cultural diversity, and patient information management. RADT 2210, Computed Tomography Physics and Instrumentation 5-0-0-5 (Prerequisites: RADT 2201, RADT 2220, RADT 2250. Corequisites: RADT 2230, RADT 2265). Introduces the concepts of basic physics and instrumentation for computed tomography. Topics include: computer concepts, system operation and components, image processing and display, instrumentation, single slice and volume scanning, 3-D volume rendering, image quality and artifacts, radiation protection and quality control. RADT 2220, Computed Tomography Procedures I 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Program Admission. Corequisites: RADT 2201, RADT 2250). Provides knowledge CT procedures of the head, chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Topics include: anatomy, pathology, scanning procedures, scanning protocol, contrast administration, and contraindications for computed tomography. RADT 2230, Computed Tomography Procedures II 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisites: RADT 2201, RADT 2220, RADT 2250. Corequisites: RADT 2210, RADT 2265). Provides knowledge of anatomy, pathology, scanning protocols, contrast administration, and contraindications for computed tomography of the neck, spine, musculoskeletal system, and special procedures. Postprocessing and quality assurance criteria are addressed. Topics include: anatomy, pathology, scanning protocol, contrast administration and contraindications, post processing and quality assurance. RADT 2250, Computed Tomography Clinical I 0-0-12-4 Computed Tomography Procedures II (Prerequisite: Program Admission. Corequisites: RADT 2201, RADT 2220). Introduces students to the computed tomography department and provides an opportunity for participation in and observation of CT procedures. Students progress toward completion of clinical competency evaluations. Topics include: exam preparation, patient care, equipment utilization, exposure techniques, evaluation of CT procedures, and incorporation of contrast media. RADT 2260, Radiologic Technology Review 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: RADT 2090, RADT 1085, RADT 1200, RADT 2340. Corequisites: RADT 2360) Provides a review of basic knowledge from previous courses and helps the student prepare for national certification examinations for radiographers. Topics include: image production and evaluation; radiographic procedures; anatomy, physiology, pathology, and terminology; equipment operation and quality control; radiation protection; and patient care and education. RADT 2265, Computed Tomography Clinical II 0-0-12-4 (Prerequisite: Program Admission. Corequisites: RADT 2210, RADT 2230). Provides students with continued computed tomography work experience. Students demonstrate increased proficiency levels in skills introduced in Computed Tomography Procedures and practiced in the previous clinical course. Students complete clinical competency evaluations. Topics include: exam preparation, patient care, equipment utilization, exposure techniques, evaluation of CT procedures, and incorporation of contrast media. RADT 2340, Clinical Radiography III 0-0-18-6 (Prerequisite: RADT 1330, RADT 1060, RADT 1075. Corequisites: RADT 2090, RADT 1085, RADT 1200, RADT 2340) Provides students with continued hospital setting work experience. Students continue to develop proficiency in executing procedures introduced in Radiographic Procedures. Topics include: patient care; behavioral and social competencies; performance and/or observation of minor special procedures, special equipment use, and participation in and/or observation of cranial and facial radiography. Execution of radiographic procedures will be conducted under direct and indirect supervision. RADT 2360, Clinical Radiography V 0-0-27-9 (Prerequisite: RADT 2090, RADT 1085, RADT 1200, RADT 2340. Corequisite: RADT 2260) Provides students with continued hospital setting work experience. Students demonstrate increased proficiency levels in skills introduced in all of the radiographic procedures courses and practiced in previous clinical radiography courses. Topics include: patient care; behavioral and social competency; advanced radiographic anatomy; equipment utilization; exposure techniques; sterile techniques; integration of procedures and/or observation of angiographic, interventional, minor special procedures; integration of procedures and/or observation of special equipment use; integration of procedures and/or observation of routine and special radiographic procedures; and final completion of all required clinical competencies. Execution of radiographic procedures will be conducted under direct and indirect supervision. READ 0090, Learning Support Reading 3-0-0-3 I.C. (Prerequisite: Appropriate placement test score in reading). This course uses a modular approach to emphasize the strengthening of fundamental reading competencies, vocabulary, comprehension skills, critical reading skills, study skills, and content area reading skills. Students demonstrate mastery through successful completion of identified module (s). 196 RESP 1110, Pharmacology 2–2–0–3 (Prequisites: Program Admission, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, MATH 1101 or MATH 1111). Introduces the physiologic and pharmacological basis of pulmonary and cardiac medications. Focuses on the preparation and calculation of dosages and mixtures and general principles of pharmacology as they relate to the body systems. Topics include: drug preparation, dosage calculation, mixture preparation, pharmacology principles, delivery systems, respiratory drugs, and cardiopulmonary system related drugs. RESP 1120, Introduction to Respiratory Therapy 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites: Program Admission, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, MATH 1101 or MATH 1111. Corequisites: RESP 1130, RESP 1193). Provides students with an introduction and comprehensive survey of the respiratory care profession. Emphasizes the application of physics and chemistry as the foundation for specific modes of respiratory care principles employed in patient care, including indications, hazards, contraindications, evaluation of therapy, and patient assessment. Topics include: respiratory therapy chemistry and physics principles, patient assessment, medical gas therapy, humidity and aerosol therapy, hyperinflation therapy, bronchopulmonary hygiene, infection control practices, and hospital safety. RESP 1130, Respiratory Therapy Lab I 0-8-0-4 (Prerequisites: Program Admission, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, MATH 1101 or MATH 1111. Corequisites: RESP 1120) Provides students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with basic respiratory therapy equipment and simulated practice of basic respiratory care modalities. Topics include: patient assessment, medical gas therapy, humidity and aerosol therapy, hyperinflation therapy, airway clearance techniques, infection control procedures, and medical ethics. RESP 1193, Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology 2–4-0–4 (Prerequisites: Program Admission, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, MATH 1101 or MATH 1111). Provides an in-depth study of cardiac and pulmonary anatomy and physiology, and the diagnostic procedures commonly used in the hospital to evaluate these systems. Emphasizes the heart-lung relationship and clinical applications of these phenomena in the cardiopulmonary system. Topics include: respiratory function; ventilatory mechanisms; gas transport; laboratory analysis; natural and chemical regulation of breathing; circulation, blood flow and pressure, and cardiac function; renal physiology and related topics. RESP 2090, Clinical Practices I 0–0–6–2 (Prerequisites: Program Admission) Introduces students to clinical practice in basic respiratory care procedures. Topics include: introduction to clinical affiliate, medical gas therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, incentive spirometry, inspiratory and expiratory PIP/PEP devices, patient assessment, and basic life support (BLS). RESP 2100, Clinical Practice II 0–0–6–2 (Prerequisites: RESP 2090; Corequisites: RESP 2090) Continues to develop skills used in the clinical practice. Topics include: medical gas therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, incentive spirometry, and patient assessment. RESP 2110, Pulmonary Disease 2–2–0–3 (Prerequisites: RESP 1110, RESP 1193; Corequisites: RESP 1110, RESP 1120, RESP 1193.) Provides students with information concerning assessment of etiology, pathophysiology, treatment, and prognosis of common cardiopulmonary, cardiovascular, and pulmonary diseases and conditions. Topics include: infectious diseases and conditions, respiratory diseases and conditions, neuromuscular diseases and conditions, cardiovascular diseases and conditions, sleep apnea, patient assessment, laboratory tests, chest radiographs, and trauma. RESP 2120, Critical Respiratory Care 1–2–0–2 (Prerequisites: RESP 1120, RESP 1130,) Provides students with knowledge on all phases of adult critical care and continuous mechanical ventilation. Topics include: mechanical ventilation history, principles of mechanical ventilation, continuous mechanical ventilation, ventilator implementation, ventilation monitoring, ventilator weaning, ventilator discontinuance, and special techniques. RESP 2130, Mechanical Ventilation and Airway Management 0–8–0–4 (Prerequisites: RESP 1120, RESP 1130, RESP 2120; Corequisites: RESP 2120) Provides instruction in the theory, setup, operation, and maintenance of mechanical ventilators and equipment used to establish and maintain both adult and pediatric airways and emergency airway disorders. Topics include: ventilator operation, ventilator maintenance, emergency airway disorders, adult airway establishment and maintenance, pediatric airway establishment and maintenance, fiberoptic bronchoscopy, thoracentesis, chest tube maintenance, arterial blood gas sampling, and noninvasive positive pressure ventilation. RESP 2140, Advanced Critical Care Monitoring 0–2–0–1 (Prerequisites: RESP 1120, RESP 1130, RESP 1193) Provides a study of advanced critical care techniques for hemodynamic and non-invasive monitoring. Topics include: arterial pressure monitoring, central venous catheters, pulmonary artery catheters, cardiac output measurement, and non-invasive monitoring techniques. Pre-requisites: All Required RESP 2150, Pulmonary Function Testing 0–2–0–1 (Prerequisites: RESP 1193) Provides knowledge regarding normal and abnormal pulmonary functions. Emphasizes performance, interpretation, and evaluation of various pulmonary function studies. Topics include: pulmonary function testing, pulmonary function interpretation, pulmonary function evaluation, blood gas analysis, and polysomnography. RESP 2160, Neonatal Pediatric Respiratory Care 2–2–0–3 (Prerequisites: RESP 1120, RESP 1130). Provides concepts on the processes of growth and development related to respiratory care from the fetus to the adolescent. Relates physiologic function to respiratory care assessment. Topics include: fetal growth and development, neonatal growth and development, fetal assessment, neonatal assessment, neonatal respiratory care, neonatal pathology, pediatric pathology, pediatric respiratory care, adolescent assessment, and adolescent respiratory care. RESP 2170, Advanced Respiratory Care Seminar 1–4–0–3 (Prerequisites: RESP 2120, RESP 2130) Review of respiratory therapy as it pertains to the national credential examinations administered by the NBRC. Emphasizes decision making and problem solving as they relate to clinical respiratory care. Topics include: medical ethics, basic computer literacy, CRT exam preparation, and RRT exam preparation. RESP 2180, Clinical Practice III 0–0–6–2 (Prerequisites: RESP 2100; Corequisites: RESP 2100, RESP 2140) Continues development of proficiency levels in skills introduced in Clinical Practices I and II. In addition, intermittent positive pressure breathing, chest physiotherapy, and airway care are introduced. Case presentations are required to integrate clinical and classroom theory. Topics include: intermittent positive pressure breathing, chest physiotherapy, airway care, medical gas therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, incentive spirometry, and patient assessment. RESP 2190, Clinical Practice IV 0–0–6–2 (Prerequisites: RESP 2180, RESP 2140, 2150. Corequisites RESP 2180) Continues development of proficiency levels in skills introduced in Clinical Practices I, II, and III. In addition, the student is introduced to critical respiratory care. Case presentations are required to integrate clinical and classroom theory. Topics include: intermittent positive pressure breathing, chest physiotherapy, airway care, medical gas therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, incentive spirometry, patient assessment, and respiratory care of the critical care patient. RESP 2200, Clinical Practice V 0–0–9–3 (Prerequisites: RESP 2120, RESP 2130, RESP 2180, RESP 2190; Corequisites: RESP 2120, RESP 2130, RESP 2190, RESP 2270). Continues development of skills required in the intensive care of the respiratory patient. Case presentations are required to integrate clinical and classroom theory. Topics include: basic respiratory care of critical care patients, airway management, ventilator monitoring, arterial blood collection, blood gas analysis, and EKG. 197 RESP 2220, Clinical Practice VI 0–0–21–7 (Prerequisites: RESP 2190; Corequisites: RESP 2190) Provides students with an opportunity for in-depth application and reinforcement of adult intensive care. In addition, students are provided an opportunity for application and reinforcement of pediatric and neonatal intensive care, advanced diagnostics, and rehabilitation/home care. Topics include: mechanical ventilation initiation, patient stabilization, critical care monitoring, hemodynamic measurement, hemodynamic evaluation, bronchial hygiene, weaning mechanics, extubation, arterial line sampling, advanced diagnostics, pediatric/neonatal respiratory care, and rehabilitation/home care. RESP 2270, Rehabilitation and Home Care 0–2–0–1 (Prerequisites: RESP 1120; Corequisites: RESP 1120) Provides an overview of the concepts, procedures, and equipment used in rehabilitation and in the delivery of long-term care to persons with chronic cardiopulmonary disorders. Topics include: cardiopulmonary rehabilitation/home care concepts, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation/home care procedures, and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation/home care equipment. RNSG 1210, The Nursing Profession: Foundational Concepts 5-2-6-8 (Prerequisite: Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program. Corequisite: RNSG 1230) - Pharmacology and Dosage Calculations) This course provides students with the fundamental concepts relevant to nursing practice. The student will be introduced to the organizing framework of the nursing program, physical assessment, the nursing process, basic concepts related to aging, oxygenation, and nutrition and elimination. The student will learn technical skills and procedures including medication administration and therapeutic communication. The client needs addressed in this course are: safe and effective care environment, health promotion and maintenance, psychosocial integrity and physiological integrity. Clinical experiences will include rotations through nursing homes. RNSG 1230, Pharmacology and Dosage Calculations 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisite: Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program. Corequisite: NUR 1210) This course focuses upon understanding the effects of drugs on the living organism. The role of the federal government on regulating drugs, drug approval process, categories of controlled substances, and categories of providers legally authorized to prescribe drugs are presented. Concepts of drug action including pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, and therapeutic classifications of drugs and their prototypes are discussed. The significance of the increasing use of herbal remedies is discussed. Students will be expected to apply the nursing process and critical thinking in the administration of prescribed medications, taking a medication history, and teaching patients about medications in a simulated setting. Students will learn to calculate drug dosages. RNSG 1250, Adult Nursing I 3-0-9-6 (Prerequisites: RNSG 1210, RNSG 1230. Corequisite: RNSG 2230) Utilizing the nursing process, this course introduces selected concepts related to the nursing care of individuals experiencing acute and chronic alterations in health related to respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, reproductive systems, oncology, fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance. End of life and palliative care will be addressed in relation to individuals with chronic and terminal alterations in health. The following concepts will be integrated into this course: physiological integrity; psychosocial integrity; nutrition; pharmacological; gerontology; and health assessments related to the problems under study. Clinical learning experiences will include rotations on medical-surgical units in acute care facilities. RNSG 1270, Mental Health Nursing 1-0-6-3 (Prerequisites: RNSG 1210, RNSG 1230, RNSG 2230. Corequisite: RNSG 2210) This course provides the foundation for understanding contemporary psychiatric mental health problems and treatment strategies. The roles of some prominent figures in the mental health movement and the development of psychiatric mental health nursing are discussed. The biological and psychological characteristics and clinical picture of selected mental health problems and related psycho-pharmacology are discussed. The use of the nursing process, critical thinking, and current evidence in clinical decisions in both inpatient and community settings are presented. Concepts addressed related to client/patients’ needs include physiologic integrity, psychosocial integrity, and safety and infection control. Clinical learning experiences will include rotations through inpatient and outpatient psychiatric facilities. RNSG 2210, Adult Nursing II 3-0-9-6 (Prerequisites: RNSG 1210, RNSG 1230, RNSG 1250, RNSG 2230 Corequisites: RNSG 1270) Using the nursing process, this course includes selected concepts related to the nursing care of the individuals experiencing the following acute and chronic alterations in health of the gastrointestinal, neurological, integumentary, endocrine and urinary systems. The following concepts will be integrated into this course: physiological integrity; psychosocial integrity; safety and infection control; diet therapy; pharmacology; and health assessments related to the problems under study. Content is introduced using the nursing process as a framework along the wellness illness continuum. Selected nursing interventions are based on current evidence using the scientific method. Clinical learning experiences will include rotations on medical-surgical units in acute care facilities RNSG 2230, Maternal-Newborn Nursing 2-0-6-4 (Prerequisites: RNSG 1210, RNSG 1230. Corequisites: RNSG 1250) This course prepares students to provide care to obstetric and newborn patients. Emphasis is placed on using the nursing process and critical thinking skills in the development, and implementation of a plan of care for obstetric and newborn patients. Family structures, psychosocial and cultural influences on childbearing and newborn families educational needs assessment of the obstetric and newborn patients, pregnancy and child birth, high risk pregnancies and deliveries, and conditions present in the newborn at birth are discussed. Supervised inpatient and outpatient clinical rotations will provide the opportunities for the students to achieve the course competencies. RNSG 2250, Adult Nursing III 4-2-9-8 (Prerequisites: RNSG 1210, RNSG 1230, RNSG 1250, RNSG 2210, RNSG 2230, RNSG 1270 Corequisites: RNSG 2270) Using the nursing process, this course introduces students to patients with complex multisystem disorders and prepares the student for transition into the nursing profession. The focus of the course is on patients with emergency and life threatening conditions. This course also examines the role of the nurse in managing groups of patients. Management principles and interactions with the healthcare team are emphasized as the student is prepared to care groups of patients in the acute care setting. The course is accompanied by a clinical and leadership practicum. Clinical learning experiences will include rotations through the emergency rooms, trauma centers, burn units, and critical care units for the clinical practicum and with nursing leaders/managers for the leadership practicum. 198 RNSG 2270, Pediatric Nursing 2-0-6-4 (Prerequisites: RNSG 1210, RNSG 1230, RNSG 1250, RNSG 2210, RNSG 2230. RNSG 1270 Corequisites: RNSG 2250) This course prepares students to provide nursing care for pediatric patients. Emphasis is placed on using the nursing process and critical thinking skills in the development, and implementation of a plan of care for pediatric patients. The educational needs of childrearing families, assessment of the pediatric patient, psychosocial and cultural influences on childbearing families, growth and development, and alterations in health of the pediatric patient are discussed. Concepts related to physiologic integrity, psychosocial integrity, health promotion, and safety and infection control are integrated with the course. Supervised inpatient and outpatient clinical rotations will provide the opportunities for the students to achieve the course competencies. SOCI 1101, Introduction to Sociology 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing/English and Reading]). Explores the sociological analysis of society, its culture, and structure. Sociology is presented as a science with emphasis placed on its methodology and theoretical foundations. Topics include basic sociological concepts, socialization, social interaction and culture, social groups and institutions, deviance and social control, social stratification, social change, and marriage and family. SPAN 1101, Introduction to Spanish Language and Culture I 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing/English and Reading]). A beginner's introduction to the Spanish language and culture. This course stresses the student's ability to acquire a non-native language and to communicate effectively in the target Spanish language. Emphasis is placed on reading, writing, and speaking the language. An overview of Hispanic society is also emphasized, highlighting the differences between American and Hispanic cultures. Not open to native speakers of Spanish. SPAN 1102, Introduction to Spanish Language and Culture II 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: SPAN 1101 - Introduction to Spanish Language and Culture I). A continuation of SPAN1101 that advances the student's acquisition of the target language and understanding of cultural difference between American and Hispanic cultures. Emphasis is placed on improving effective communication skills in the areas of reading, writing, and speaking the Spanish language. Not open to native speakers of Spanish. SPCH 1101, Public Speaking 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate degree level placement scores [Writing/English and Reading]). Introduces the student to the fundamentals of oral communication. Topics include selection and organization of materials, preparation and delivery of individual and group presentations, analysis of ideas presented by others, and professionalism. SURG 1010, Introduction to Surgical Technology 4-4-5-8 (Prerequisite: Program admission. Corequisite: None.) Provides an overview of the surgical technology profession and develops the fundamental concepts and principles necessary to successfully participate on a surgical team. Topics include: Topics include: introduction to preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative principles of surgical technology; assistant circulator role, professionalism as well as health care facility information. SURG 1020, Principles of Surgical Technology 5-0-6-7 (Prerequisite: Program Admission. Corequisite: SURG1010) Provides continued study of surgical team participation by wound management and technological sciences for the operating room. Topics include: technological sciences; patient care concepts; preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative surgical technology; and perioperative case management. SURG 1080, Surgical Microbiology 2-0-0-2 (Prerequisite: Program Admission. Corequisite: SURG1010, SURG1020) Introduces the fundamentals of surgical microbiology. Topics include: cell structure; introduction to microbiology; microorganisms; process of infection; hypersensitivity; fluid movement concepts; and immunologic defense mechanisms. SURG 1100, Surgical Pharmacology 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisite: Program admission. Corequisite: None.) Introduces the fundamentals of intraoperative pharmacology, and emphasizes concepts of anesthesia administration. Topics include: weights and measurements, drug conversions, interpretation of drug orders, legal aspects of drug administration, intraoperative pharmacologic agents, and anesthesia fundamentals. SURG 2030, Surgical Procedures I 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisites: SURG1010, SURG 1020, SURG1080; Corequisite: SURG1100, SURG2110, SURG2120) Introduces the surgical specialties to include General Surgery, Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgery, Genitourinary Surgery, Otorhinolaryngologic Surgery, and Orthopedic Surgery. Topics for each surgical specialty will include Anatomy and Physiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnostic Interventions, and the Surgical Procedure. SURG 2040, Surgical Procedures II 4-0-0-4 (Prerequisites: SURG 2030. Corequisite: SURG 2130, SURG 2140 SURG 2240.) Introduces the surgical specialties to include Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Ophthalmic (Eye) Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Peripheral Vascular Surgery and Neurosurgery. Topics for each surgical specialty will include Anatomy and Physiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnostic Interventions, and the Surgical Procedure. SURG 2110, Surgical Technology Clinical I 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisite: SURG 1010, SURG 1020, SURG 1080. Corequisite: SURG 2030, SURG 1100, SURG 2120) Orients students to the clinical environment and provides experience with basic skills necessary to the surgical technologist. Topics include, but are not limited to: scrubbing, gowning, gloving, and draping; assistance with patient care; processing of instruments and supplies; maintenance of a sterile field; and environmental sanitation. In addition, introduces the development of surgical team participation through clinical experience. Emphasis is placed on observation and/or participation in routine procedures for core and specialty surgery. Topics include: general surgery (to include gastrointestinal), cardiothoracic surgery, otorhinolaryngologic surgery (ENT), ophthalmic surgery (Eye), genitourinary surgery, neurological surgery, obstetrical and gynecological surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthopedic surgery, peripheral vascular surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, and procurement/transplant surgery. The total number of cases the student must complete is 120. Students are required to complete 30 cases in the General Surgery specialty. Twenty of the cases must be in the First Scrub Role. Students are required to complete 90 cases in various surgical specialties. Sixty of the cases must be in the First Scrub Role and evenly distributed between a minimum of 5 surgical specialties. However, 15 is the maximum number of cases that can be counted in any one surgical specialty. Diagnostic endoscopy cases and vaginal delivery cases are not mandatory, but up to 10 diagnostic endoscopic cases and 5 vaginal delivery cases can be counted toward the maximum number of Second Scrub Role cases. Cases that are in the Observation role must be documented but do not count towards the minimum of 120 total cases. 199 SURG 2120, Surgical Technology Clinical II 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisite: SURG 1010, SURG 1020. Corequisite: SURG 2030, SURG 1100, SURG 2110) Orients students to the clinical environment and provides experience with basic skills necessary to the surgical technologist. Topics include, but are not limited to: scrubbing, gowning, gloving, and draping; assistance with patient care; processing of instruments and supplies; maintenance of a sterile field; and environmental sanitation. In addition, introduces the development of surgical team participation through clinical experience. Emphasis is placed on observation and/or participation in routine procedures for core and specialty surgery. Topics include: general surgery (to include gastrointestinal), cardiothoracic surgery, otorhinolaryngologic surgery (ENT), ophthalmic surgery (Eye), genitourinary surgery, neurological surgery, obstetrical and gynecological surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthopedic surgery, peripheral vascular surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, and procurement/transplant surgery. The total number of cases the student must complete is 120. Students are required to complete 30 cases in the General Surgery specialty. Twenty of the cases must be in the First Scrub Role. Students are required to complete 90 cases in various surgical specialties. Sixty of the cases must be in the First Scrub Role and evenly distributed between a minimum of 5 surgical specialties. However, 15 is the maximum number of cases that can be counted in any one surgical specialty. Diagnostic endoscopy cases and vaginal delivery cases are not mandatory, but up to 10 diagnostic endoscopic cases and 5 vaginal delivery cases can be counted toward the maximum number of Second Scrub Role cases. Cases that are in the Observation role must be documented but do not count towards the minimum of 120 total cases. SURG 2130, Surgical Technology Clinical III 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisite: SURG 2120. Corequisite: SURG 2040, SURG 2140, SURG 2240) Orients students to the clinical environment and provides experience with basic skills necessary to the surgical technologist. Topics include, but are not limited to: scrubbing, gowning, gloving, and draping; assistance with patient care; processing of instruments and supplies; maintenance of a sterile field; and environmental sanitation. In addition, introduces the development of surgical team participation through clinical experience. Emphasis is placed on observation and/or participation in routine procedures for core and specialty surgery. Topics include: general surgery (to include gastrointestinal), cardiothoracic surgery, otorhinolaryngologic surgery (ENT), ophthalmic surgery (Eye), genitourinary surgery, neurological surgery, obstetrical and gynecological surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthopedic surgery, peripheral vascular surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, and procurement/transplant surgery. The total number of cases the student must complete is 120. Students are required to complete 30 cases in the General Surgery specialty. Twenty of the cases must be in the First Scrub Role. Students are required to complete 90 cases in various surgical specialties. Sixty of the cases must be in the First Scrub Role and evenly distributed between a minimum of 5 surgical specialties. However, 15 is the maximum number of cases that can be counted in any one surgical specialty. Diagnostic endoscopy cases and vaginal delivery cases are not mandatory, but up to 10 diagnostic endoscopic cases and 5 vaginal delivery cases can be counted toward the maximum number of Second Scrub Role cases. Cases that are in the Observation role must be documented but do not count towards the minimum of 120 total cases. SURG 2140, Surgical Technology Clinical IV 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisite: SURG 2120. Corequisite: SURG 2040, SURG 2130, SURG 2240) Orients students to the clinical environment and provides experience with basic skills necessary to the surgical technologist. Topics include, but are not limited to: scrubbing, gowning, gloving, and draping; assistance with patient care; processing of instruments and supplies; maintenance of a sterile field; and environmental sanitation. In addition, introduces the development of surgical team participation through clinical experience. Emphasis is placed on observation and/or participation in routine procedures for core and specialty surgery. Topics include: general surgery (to include gastrointestinal), cardiothoracic surgery, otorhinolaryngologic surgery (ENT), ophthalmic surgery (Eye), genitourinary surgery, neurological surgery, obstetrical and gynecological surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthopedic surgery, peripheral vascular surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, and procurement/transplant surgery. The total number of cases the student must complete is 120. Students are required to complete 30 cases in the General Surgery specialty. Twenty of the cases must be in the First Scrub Role. Students are required to complete 90 cases in various surgical specialties. Sixty of the cases must be in the First Scrub Role and evenly distributed between a minimum of 5 surgical specialties. However, 15 is the maximum number of cases that can be counted in any one surgical specialty. Diagnostic endoscopy cases and vaginal delivery cases are not mandatory, but up to 10 diagnostic endoscopic cases and 5 vaginal delivery cases can be counted toward the maximum number of Second Scrub Role cases. Cases that are in the Observation role must be documented but do not count towards the minimum of 120 total cases. SURG 2240, Seminar in Surgical Technology 2-0-0-2. (Prerequisite: SURG 2030. Corequisite: SURG 2040, SURG 2130, SURG 2140) Prepares students for entry into careers as surgical technologists and enables them to effectively prepare for the national certification examination. Topics include: employability skills and professional preparation. TDSG 1201, Advanced CAD 1-2-0-2 (Prerequisite: DFTG 2010) This course provides advanced study of CAD software and techniques for customizing for specific requirements. Lab work parallels class work. TDSG 1202, Engineering Graphics II 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisite: DFTG 2010) This course is a continuation of Engineering Graphics I. It covers concepts in 3D geometry and parametric solid modeling, and advanced dimensioning techniques. The student will develop the skills necessary to create 3D models and presentation/working drawings. Lab work parallels class work. TDSG 1203, Engineering Graphics III 2-6-0-5 (Prerequisite: TDSG 1202) This course continues dimensioning, section view, and auxiliary view skill development, introduces the basics of fastening techniques, using and interpreting technical data, and provides the knowledge and skills necessary to document the manufacture of machines. Topics include section view drawings, auxiliary view drawings, threaded fasteners, welding and symbol usage, usage of technical reference sources, orthographic and pictorial assembly drawings, and rendering. Lab work parallels class work. TDSG 1205, CAD/CAM 1-6-0-4 (Prerequisite: TDSG 1202) Integrates computer aided design, computer aided manufacturing, and computer aided engineering functions. Students will create CNC tool paths and produce parts on CNC machines. Topics include: manufacturing engineering technologies, computer-aided part design, process planning, computer-aided tool path generation. Laboratory work parallels class work. TDSG 1207, Statics & Strength of Materials 2-2-0-3 (Prerequisites: ENGT 1000, MATH 1015, MATH 1111) Emphasizes the study of forces and moments and the resulting stresses in structural components. Topics include: forces, moments, normal stress, shearing stress, deformation, strain, bending, torsion, factors of safety, shear and moment diagrams, properties of areas, stress concentrations and standards crosssections. Laboratory work parallels class work. 200 TDSG 1211, Major Project 0-0-9-3 (Prerequisite: Instructor Approval) A project from the student’s major area of specialization is developed from conception to final presentation. The project will include working/construction drawings, renderings, presentation techniques, and preparation for entry into the job market. THEA 1101, Theater Appreciation 3-0-0-3 (Prerequisite: Appropriate Degree Level Writing and Reading Placement Test Scores). Explores history, aesthetics, and craft of the theatrical experience on stage, emphasizing the role of the audience as well as that of the artist. Critical views of theatrical performances are examined alongside scripts. Emphasis is placed on the students' understanding of foundational elements, principles, and theories of dramatic art, including classical and contemporary varieties. The performance component of this course enables students to appreciate the process by which theatre is realized and the creative and cultural significance of theatre as a basic human endeavor. VAST 1040, Vascular 1 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisites: VAST 1100, CAVT 1030, DMSO 1040. Corequisites: VAST 2060, DMSO 1020, DMSO 1080) This course will provide an understanding of the extremity arterial and venous anatomy, physiology, pathology, hemodynamic and symptomatology. The physical exam and clinical assessment of patients with acute and chronic extremity occlusive disease will be discussed. Topics include: extremity venous anatomy; extremity venous physiology, pathology, symptomatology, and hemodynamics; physical assessment for venous signs; performing history for venous symptoms; performing physiologic venous testing; performing extremity venous duplex; laboratory results and correlative (other) testing relevant to venous disease; treatment of extremity venous disease; extremity arterial anatomy; extremity arterial physiology, pathology, symptomatology; and hemodynamics; physical assessment for arterial signs; performing history for arterial signs; performing history for arterial symptoms; performing physiologic arterial testing; performing extremity arterial duplex; laboratory results and correlative (other) testing relevant to arterial disease; and treatment of extremity arterial disease. VAST 1100, Vascular Fundamentals 2-0-3-3 (Prerequisites: Program admission. Corequisite: CAVT 1030, DMS0 1040) This course introduces the basic principles and applications of physical assessment of non-invasive cardiovascular procedures. Topics include: history of diagnostic medical sonography; role of the sonographer; learning tools and techniques; basic medical techniques and patient care; infection control and universal precautions; verbal and non-verbal communication skills; grieving process; informed patient consent; health care delivery models; resource and educational options for sonographers, vital signs; patient preparations, maintenance of clinical records; Maslows Hierarchy of Needs; legal issues; HIPPA regulations and patients rights in medical care, employee/employer relationships; sonographic terminology; proper ergonomics and patient transfer methods; routine scanning planes; standard patient positions; instrumentation and image manipulation; and Doppler principles. VAST 2050, Vascular 2 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: VAST 1040, VAST 2060, DMSO 1020, DMS0 1080. Corequisites: VAST 2050) This course provides an understanding of cerebrovascular noninvasive diagnosis. Topics include: anatomy of extra cranial and intracranial vessels; pathology, physiology, and symptomatology of cerebrovascular disease; physical exam and clinical assessment of cerebrovascular disease; history taking in cerebrovascular disease; performance of Carotid Duplex/color imaging/CW Doppler & transcranial Doppler (imaging and nonimaging); correlative (other) imaging; and treatment of cerebrovascular disease. VAST 2060, Vascular Clinical 1 0-0-18-6 (Prerequisites: VAST 1040, VAST 1050. Corequisites: VAST 1040, DMSO 1020, DMSO 1080) Provides the student opportunities to observe and participate in the diagnostic procedures performed in the noninvasive vascular laboratory and radiology departments that are clinical affiliates. Procedures are performed under the direct supervision of an appropriately credentialed technologist. Topics include: equipment utilization; patient history, identifying risk factors, and contributing disease; procedural skills and patient care; extremity venous vascular procedures, physiologic and duplex extremity arterial testing, cerebrovascular procedures (carotid and TCD) and proper ergonomic scanning. VAST 2080, Vascular Clinical 2 0-0-18-6 (Prerequisites: VAST 1040, VAST 2060, DMSO 1020, DMSO 1080. Corequisites: VAST 2050) This course provides opportunities for the student to participate in and perform with assistance procedures performed in noninvasive vascular laboratories, radiology departments, imaging centers, and surgical departments. Continued participation by the student will progressively lead to the unassisted performance of diagnostic procedures under the supervision of an appropriately credentialed technologist. Emphasis is placed on medical therapy, surgical therapy, and other diagnostic tests performed in settings other than vascular laboratories. Topics include: equipment utilization; patient history; procedural skills and patient care; cerebrovascular procedures; therapeutic intervention; diagnostic tests for vascular diseases; carotid, arterial, venous, TCD, abdominal duplex, VAST 2090, Vascular Clinical 3 0-0-39-13 (Prerequisites: VAST 2050, VAST 2080) This course provides a culminating clinical setting experience which allows students to analyze information and procedural instruction provided throughout the program. In a variety of settings, students perform all noninvasive vascular procedures independently with the supervision of an appropriately credentialed technologist. They also participate in procedures such as abdominal and visceral, extremity venous, extremity arterial, and cerebrovascular. Emphasis is placed on skill level improvement and final completion of all required clinical competencies presented in previous courses and practiced in previous clinical vascular courses. Topics include: professional conduct; infection control techniques; patient history; imaging and measuring abdominal organs and recognizing normal and abnormal echo patter; scope of practice of a vascular technologist; transporting patients; duplex, indirect, and TCD machine utilization; equipment utilization; procedural skills and patient care; and vascular procedures. WELD 1000, Introduction to Welding Technology 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: None) Provides an introduction to welding technology with an emphasis on basic welding laboratory principles and operating procedures. Topics include: industrial safety and health practices, hand tool and power machine use, measurement, laboratory operating procedures, welding power sources, welding career potentials, and introduction to welding codes and standards. WELD 1010, Oxyfuel Cutting 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: WELD 1000) Introduces fundamental principles, safety practices, equipment, and techniques necessary for metal heating and oxyfuel cutting. Topics include: metal heating and cutting principles, safety procedures, use of cutting torches and apparatus, metal heating techniques, metal cutting techniques, manual and automatic oxyfuel cutting techniques, and oxyfuel pipe cutting. Practice in the laboratory is provided. WELD 1030, Blueprint Reading for Welding Technology 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: WELD 1000) This course introduces the knowledge and skills necessary for reading welding and related blueprints and sketches. An emphasis is placed on identifying types of welds, and the associated abbreviations and symbols. WELD 1040, Flat Shielded Metal Arc Welding 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: WELD 1000) This course introduces the major theory, safety practices, and techniques required for shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) in flat positions. Qualification tests, flat position, are used in the evaluation of student progress toward making industrial welds. 201 WELD 1050, Horizontal Shielded Metal Arc Welding 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: WELD 1040) Introduces the major theory, safety practices, and techniques required for shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) in the horizontal position. Qualification tests, horizontal position, are used in the evaluation of student progress toward making industrial standard welds. Topics include: horizontal SMAW safety and health practices, selection and applications of electrodes, selection and applications for horizontal SMAW, horizontal SMAW joints, and horizontal SMAW to specification. WELD 1060, Vertical Shielded Metal Arc Welding 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: WELD 1050) Introduces the major theory, safety practices, and techniques required for shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) in the vertical position. Qualification tests, vertical position, are used in the evaluation of student progress toward making industrial standard welds. Topics include: vertical SMAW safety and health practices, selection and applications of electrodes for vertical SMAW, vertical SMAW joints, and vertical SMAW to specification. WELD 1070, Overhead Shielded Metal Arc Welding 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: WELD 1060) Introduces the major theory, safety practices, and techniques required for shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) in the overhead position. Qualification tests, overhead position, are used in the evaluation of student progress toward making industrial standard welds. Topics include: overhead SMAW safety and health practices, selection and applications of electrodes for overhead SMAW, overhead SMAW joints, and overhead SMAW to specification. WELD 1090, Gas Metal Arc Welding 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: WELD 1000) Provides knowledge of theory, safety practices, equipment and techniques required for successful gas metal arc welding. Qualification tests, all positions, are used in the evaluation of student progress toward making industrial standard welds. Topics include: GMAW safety and health practices; GMAW theory, machines, and set up; transfer modes; wire selection; shielded gas selection; and GMAW joints in all positions. WELD 1110, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: WELD 1000) Provides knowledge of theory, safety practices, inert gas, equipment, and techniques required for successful gas tungsten arc welding. Qualification tests, all positions, are used in the evaluating of student progress toward making industrial standard welds. Topics include: GTAW safety and health practices; shielding gases; metal cleaning procedures; GTAW machines and set up; selection of filler rods; GTAW weld positions; and production of GTAW beads, bead patterns, and joints. WELD 1120, Preparation for Industrial Qualification 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: WELD 1070) Introduces industrial qualification methods, procedures, and requirements. Students are prepared to meet the qualification criteria of selected national welding codes and standards. Topics include: test methods and procedures, national industrial codes and standards, fillet and groove weld specimens, and preparation for qualifications and job entry. WELD 1150, Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 1-0-3-3 (Prerequisites: WELD 1000) Provides knowledge of theory, safety practices, inert gas, equipment, and techniques required for successful advanced gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). Qualification tests, all positions, are used in the evaluation of student progress toward making advanced level industrial standard welds. Topics include: GTAW safety and health practices; shielding gases; metal cleaning procedures; GTAW machines and equipment set up; selection of filler rods; GTAW weld positions; and advanced production of GTAW beads, bead patterns, and joints. WELD 1152, Pipe Welding 2-2-3-4 (Prerequisites: WELD 1000) Provides the opportunity to apply skills to pipe welding operations. Topics include: pipe welding safety and health practices, pipe welding nomenclature, pipe layout and preparation, pipe joint assembly, horizontal welds on pipe (2G), vertical welds on pipe (5G), and welds on 45 degree angle pipe (6G). WELD 1153, Flux Cored Arc Welding 3-0-3-4 (Prerequisites: WELD 1000) Provides knowledge of theory, safety practices, equipment, and techniques required for successful flux cored arc welding (FCAW). Qualification tests, all positions, are used in the evaluation of student progress toward making industrial standards welds. Topics include: FCAW safety and health practices, FCAW theory, machine set up and operation, shielded gas selection, and FCAW joints in all positions. WELD 1330, Metal Welding and Cutting Techniques 1-0-3-2 This course provides instruction in the fundamentals of metal welding and cutting techniques. Instruction is provided in safety and health practices, metal fabrication preparation, and metal fabrication procedures. WELD 2010, Advanced Pipe Welding 2-0-18-8 (Prerequisite: Completion of the Welding and Joining Technology Diploma Program with a 3.0 GPA and the completion of WELD 1152 Pipe Welding with a 3.0 or better is required for admission to this program.) The Advanced Pipe Welding program is designed to take the graduate of Augusta Technical College Welding program to the next level of welding in the pipe field. Program learning opportunities develop academic, technical, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes welding theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. The student will weld pipe of various sizes in the 2g-5g-and 6g positions using the SMAW and GTAW process. Program graduates receive an Advanced Pipe Welding certificate and are prepared to take a qualification test. 202 Faculty and Staff Pamela Aban, Library Assistant; M.L.S., B.S., University of South Carolina Candace R. Adams, Custodian Lopamudra Agarwal, Instructor, Biology; M.S., B.S., Utkal University Jayson Akridge, Instructor, English, Speech and Theatre; M.A., Regent University; B.A., Augusta State University Shannon Alexander, One Stop Facilitator; Tamara A. Alicea, Instructor, Practical Nursing; M.S., Regis University; B.S., Georgia Southern University; A.S., Augusta State University; Diploma, Swainsboro Area Technical School Charles Allen, Jr., Instructor, Youth Development Center; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Tonya Amaker, Instructor, Adult Education; B.S., Claflin University Michael J. Anchor, Chief, Campus Police; A.A.S., Augusta Technical College Frances Anthony, One Stop Center Facilitator; B.B.A., A. A., Strayer University; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Gertrude Avery-Dunn, Instructor, Practical Nursing; M.S.N., University of Phoenix; B.S.N., Medical College of Georgia; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Kevin Baldwin, Department Head, Electronics Technology; B.S., Southern Illinois University Carbondale Christine Ball, Director, Admissions; Ed.S., Augusta State University; M.Ed., Troy University; B.A., Paine College Jade Ball, Admissions Assistant; A.A.S., Augusta Technical College Barbara Banning, Department Head, Occupational Therapy Assistant; M.Ed., Troy University; B.S., Medical College of Georgia; A.S., Dekalb Community College Dawn Barker, Data Entry Clerk, Adult Education; A.A.S., Augusta Technical College Marion Beasley, Jr., Groundskeeper Lisa Beaver, Purchasing Specialist Janis Belcher, Instructional Support Specialist; B.S., Augusta State University Eric Bennett, PC Support Technician; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Cameron Bentley, Instructor/Distance Education Coordinator; M.A.T., The Citadel; B.A., Hollins College Migdaliz A. Berrios, Academic Advisor/Navigator, Business & Information Technology; M.S., B.S., University of Phoenix Jan Blackburn, Admissions/Recruitment Specialist; M.Ed., Troy State University Kim A. Bohne, Instructor, Associate Degree Nursing (ADN); M.S.N., Medical College of Georgia; B.S.H.E., University of Georgia Natia Bolton, Accounts Payable Assistant; A.A.S., Augusta Technical College Betsy Bouwhuizen, Instructor, Early Childhood Care and Education; B.A., University of South Florida; M.Ed., Georgia Regents University Dianne Bowen, Learning Center Tutor; B.S., Georgia Southern University Leroy Brooks, Custodian Rose Brooks, Instructor, Youth Development Center; M.Ed., Troy University, B.S., Limestone College; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Tiffany Brooks, One Stop Coordinator; B.A., Paine College Douglas Broughman, Instructor, Air Conditioning Technology; A.A.S., Washtenaw Community College Christopher Brown, Groundskeeper; A.S., Kaplan University Karla Brown, Administrative Assistant; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Amanda Bryant, Administrative Support Assistant, Basic Law Enforcement; B.A. Georgia Regents University Kevin T. Bryant, Instructor, Automotive Technology; L. Gene Burke, Department Head, Surgical Technology; A.A.S, Augusta Technical College Sonya Burns, Instructor, Medical Assisting; B.B.A., Brenau University; A.A.T., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Shannon Henninger Burnside, Instructor, Medical Assisting; A.S., Georgia Military College; Diploma, Augusta Technical College 203 Faculty and Staff Nikema Butts, Instructor, Basic Law Enforcement; B.S., Troy State University; A.S., Georgia Military College Alfreda Bynes, Custodian Lindy Byrd, Instructor, Accounting; M.B.A., B.B.A, Augusta State University Joseph Cadavos, Instructor, Aviation; B.S., Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide; A.S., Bob Jones University Angela Caldwell, Testing Assistant; Rodithia Carr, Department Head, Early Childhood Care and Education; M.A.T., Augusta State University Julie B. Carter, Coordinator, Columbia County Center; B.A., Tift College Audora Chalker, One Stop Facilitator; B.A., University of Georgia Demetrial E. Chandler, Instructor, Health Occupations; M.B.A., Strayer University; B.S.N., Georgia Southern University Andrea Clanton, Accounting Assistant; B.S., Brenau University; A.S., Georgia Military College Drexel Clark, Instructor, Culinary Arts; M.A.T., Augusta State University; B.S., Savannah State University; B.S., A.S., Johnson & Wales University Kittie M. Clark, Admissions Assistant; A.A.S., A.A.T., Diploma, Certificate, Augusta Technical College Nicole Clark, Student Accounts Cashier; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Stanley Clark, Custodian Bobbie E. Collins, Instructor and Clinical Coordinator, Radiologic Technology; B.S., University of South Carolina; A.A.S., Augusta Technical College Robert Collins, Instructor, Nuclear Engineering Technology; B.S. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Brendalyn Cook-Jackson, Transitional Coordinator, Adult Education; B.A., West Virginia State College Katrina L. Cooks, Librarian; M.L.I.S., University of South Carolina; M.S., Southern Wesleyan University; B.A., Paine College Gregory Coursey, Coordinator, Waynesboro Campus; B.A., Brewton Parker College Franklin Deon Cox, Instructor, Welding and Joining Technology; A.A.S., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Lindsay Cox, Groundskeeper; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Margaret Crawford, Instructor, Early Childhood Care and Education; M.A.T., Augusta State University; B.S.Ed., University of Georgia Debra Crowson, Admissions Assistant; B.A., Southern Adventist University Martha Daley-Weeks, Instructor, Business Administrative Technology; M.B.A., B.B.A., Brenau University; A.A.S., Truett-McConnell College; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Cynthia L. David, Instructor, Biology; Ph.D., Medical College of Georgia; B.S., Bob Jones University Christopher J. Davis, Instructor, Automotive Technology; A.A.T., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Evett Davis, High School Coordinator; B.S., Medical College of Georgia Jesse Dawson, Instructor, Youth Development Center Janet Day, Custodian Supervisor Brandi Dean, Admissions Assistant; B.S. Georgia Southern University Terri W. Degenhardt, Instructor, English; M.Ed., B.A., Augusta State University Debra E. DelGenio, Instructor, Business Administrative Technology; M.B.A., B.B.A., Augusta State University Catherine DeSilva, Instructor, Adult Education; M.A., Durham University; B.A., University of Hawaii-Manoa Michael J. Dienes, Instructor, Industrial Systems Technology, Industrial Mechanical Systems, and Electrical Control Systems; M.S.E.E., B.S.E.E., Kando Technical Graduate College LaKishia Dinkins, Navigator, Financial Aid; M.A., University of North Carolina, Greensboro; B.A., Morris College Jason Dixon, Instructor, Design and Media Production Technology; B.A., Georgia Southern University; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Grady “Chip” Dixon, Instructor, Industrial Maintenance; A.A.S., East Georgia College; Diploma, Ogeechee Technical College Larry Douglas, Instructional Support Specialist; B.S., Benedict College; A.A.S, Midlands Technical College 204 Faculty and Staff Ciare Dunn, Student Accounts Cashier; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Paul Edenfield, Banner Functional Support Manager; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Terry D. Elam, President; M.Ed., University of Georgia; B.A., Paine College Sonya N. Ellis, Student Accounts Manager; M.B.A., B.B.A., Brenau University Roberta C. Elmore, Instructor, Adult Education; M.Ed., B.A., Texas A&M University Teresa Evans, Librarian; M.L.I.S., Valdosta State University; B.B.A., Brenau University; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Patrice Farmer, Payroll Assistant; B.B.A., Brenau University; A.A.S., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Pauline Flicek, Instructor, Occupational Therapy Assistant; B.S., A.S., Georgia Regents University Kristi Flowers, Department Head/Instructor, Diagnostic Medical Sonography; B.S. Georgia Regents University Elisabeth M. Frail, Instructor, Cardiovascular Technology; M.B.A., Central Michigan University; B.S., Medical College of Georgia Melissa Frank-Alston, Senior Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness and Research; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University; M.S., Western Illinois University; B.A., Northwestern State University Candice Freeman, Instructional Support Specialist; M.S., North Carolina A&T University; M.S., B.S., University of Maryland University College Kim Gaines, Instructor, Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology; M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic; B.S., Dillard University Narrie Garduno, Custodian Freddie Gavin, Campus Police Officer Douglas C. Gay, General Maintenance; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Laura Giddings, Director, Business and Industry; B.S., University of Maryland University College Yolanda Gilbert, Student Accounts Cashier; B.A., Brenau University; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Jackie Givens, Custodian; B.S., Voorhees College Sherry Givens, Special Populations Coordinator; B.S., Northeastern State University Shanan Glenn, Student Navigator; M.B.A., B.B.A. Brenau University Natasha Glover, Director of Clinical Education/Instructor, Respiratory Care Technology; M.P.H., A.T. Still University; A.A.S., Augusta Technical College Tony Golding, Bookstore Manager Gary Golovan, Department Head, Air Conditioning Technology; B.S., Brenau University; A.S., Georgia Military College; A.A.T., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Daisy Gordon, Instructional Support Specialist; M.Ed., B.S., Georgia State University Devette Green, Instructor, Cosmetology; Diploma and Certificate, Augusta Technical College Shanise Greene, Academic Advisor/Navigator, Arts and Sciences and Learning Support; M.S., B.S., Troy University; A.A.T., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Thomas Greer, Instructor, Welding and Joining Technology; Diploma, Coosa Valley Technical Institute Adrienne Guy, Instructor, Pharmacy Technology; B.I.S., Washburn University; A.A.S., Augusta Technical College Angela Hakeem-Mulkey, Department Head, Cosmetology Charles R. Hall, Sr., Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; Ed.D., Georgia Southern University; M.S. and B.S., Medical College of Georgia Eric Hankerson, Custodian Jason Hansbro, Instructor, Welding and Joining Technology; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Cicely Harpe, Financial Aide Counselor; M.S., Southern Wesleyan University; B. S., Savannah State University Jacqueline C. Harris, Instructor, Adult Education; M.Ed., Troy State University; B.A., Clark Atlanta University Renee Harris, Library Information Assistant; B.A., USC Aiken Bettina Harris-Redd, Department Head/Instructor, Medical Coding; B.S., Georgia Regents University; A.S., Augusta Technical College 205 Faculty and Staff Charles R. Hayes, Instructor, Cybersecurity; M.Ed., Georgia Southern University; M.B.A. Brenau University; B.S., Limestone College Karen Hazell, Instructional Support Specialist; B.S., City College of New York Roosevelt Herrington, Custodian LaTosha Hicks, PLA/PBI Project Coordinator; M.S.E., Capella University; B.B.A., Francis Marion University Frederick D. Higgs, Environmental Services Manager; B.S. Brenau University; A.A.T. Augusta Technical College Miriam Hilburn, Instructional Support Specialist; B.A., Augusta State University Sheila M. Hill, Vice President of Administrative Services; M.Ed., Troy University; B.B.A., Brenau University; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Kimberly N. Holden, Director, Community Engagement and Public Affairs; M.B.A., B.S., University of Phoenix Lauren Holley, Groundskeeper; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Terrell Holloway, Maintenance/Grounds Technician; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Willene C. Holmes, Financial Aid Specialist/Consultant; B.B.A., West Georgia College Eleanor Hopson, Instructional Support Specialist; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern; M.Ed., University of Georgia; B.S., Paine College Michael Hudson, Instructor, Electrical Systems Technology; A.A.S., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Jeffery Hughes, Tutor; M.B.A., Salem University; B.A, Troy State University Karen Hughes, Admissions Assistant; B.S., DeVry University; A.A.S., A.A.T., Ogeechee Technical College Rosa Hurt, Student Records Assistant; A.A.S., Truett-McConnell College; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Najhee Jackson, Assistant Registrar; B.A., Augusta State University Mary Januszki, Admissions Assistant, Thomson, B.S., Brenau University Bonita J. Jenkins, Military Navigator; B.S., Georgia Southern University Nichole C. Jenkins, Library Assistant Sharon K. Jenkins, Instructor, Cardiovascular Technology; B.S., Medical College of Georgia Jerri Jennings-Joly, Campus Police Officer; M.S., B.S., A.A.S., Augusta State University Ernestine M. Johnson, Instructor, Practical Nursing; M.S.A., Central Michigan University; B.S.., Medical College of Georgia; A.S.N., Augusta State University Rose Johnson, Tutor; Ed.S., Lincoln Memorial University; M.Ed., Augusta State University; B.A., Minot State University Sherrick Johnson, Director, Accounting; M.B.A., B.B.A., Brenau University; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Sean Joiner, Department Head, Criminal Justice; M.S., B.S., Troy University; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Lagaile Jones, Administrative Office Specialist, Columbia County Center; B.B.A., Brenau University; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Maureen Jones, Administrative Support Assistant, Business and Personal Services; M.B.A., University of Phoenix; B.B.A., Brenau University; A.S., Georgia Military College Monica Jones, Admissions Assistant; A.A.S., Augusta Technical College Neil Jones, Instructor, Industrial Systems Technology; A.A.T., Aiken Technical College; Diploma Augusta Technical College; Diploma, Swainsboro College Sharon Jones, Instructor, Dental Assisting; B.S., University of Phoenix; A.A.S., Diploma, Certificate, Augusta Technical College Elizabeth A. Julian, Dean, Business and Personal Services; M.B.A., Brenau University; B.S., Tennessee Technological University; A.S., Roane State Community College Robert Kearney, Campus Police Officer Elaine Keller, Assets/Facilities Manager Nicholas Kelley, Custodian Marvin Kelly, Custodian/Maintenance; Diploma, Augusta Technical College 206 Faculty and Staff Abdullah Kendoush, Instructor, Nuclear Engineering Technology; Ph.D., University of Strathclyde; M.S., University of Birmingham; B.S., University of Baghdad Dorothy A. Kennedy, Instructor, Accounting; M.A., Clemson University; B.S., Southern Wesleyan University Nichole Kennedy, Vice President of Student Affairs; Ed.D., University of Georgia; M.Ed., Auburn University; B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Margaret Kierath, Instructor, English; M.A., Valdosta State University; B.A., Curtin University of Technology Julie Langham, Dean for Operations of Off Site Campuses; M.Ed., Troy State University; B.A., Augusta State University Mark Lariscy, Instructional Design Specialist: M.B.A, B.S., Augusta State University Amy Laughter, Academic Counselor; M.S., Emporia State University; B.A., Mercer University Saundra Lee, Financial Aid Assistant; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Prescott Lerch, Instructor, Computer Programming; M.B.A., Brenau University; B.S., North Carolina State University Charlene Lewis, Administrative Assistant to the President Alyssa M. Lloyd, Admissions/Recruitment Specialist; B.A. Georgia Regents University Michael Lockaby, Instructor, Aviation; A.A.S, Georgia Military College LeAnne Lovering, Quality Enhancement Plan Director/Instructor, Business Administrative Technology; M.B.A., B.B.A., Augusta State University Allena Lowe, Bookstore Clerk Jeanette Lowe, Coordinator, Thomson Campus; M.B.A., B.B.A., Brenau University; A.A.T., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Tamara Lowe, Executive Secretary, Vice President for Academic Affairs; A.A.S., Augusta Technical College Thomas Lyles, Department Head, Welding and Joining Technology; Diploma, Coosa Valley Technical Institute Kay MacDonald, Instructor, Psychology; M.A., B.A., West Georgia College Charles S. Magill, HVAC Technician; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Chris Mangelly, Computer Services, Network Administrator Alan Manley, Department Head, Golf Course Management; B.S., Auburn University Betty Ann Manning, Instructor, Business Administrative Technology; M.B.A., B.S., Brenau University James Marshall, Custodian David M. Maryniak, Department Chair and Program Head, Science and Chemical Technology; Ph.D., University of South Carolina; B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology Marcus Matthews, Department Head, Horticulture; B.A., Augusta State University; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Zachariah Mathew, Instructor, Math; M.S., B.S., University of Kerala Phillip McCants, Administrative Support Assistant; Allied Health Sciences and Nursing; B.A., Maryville College Kim Yates McCord, Accounting Technician; B.A., Georgia College Patrick McCormack, Department Head, Applied Technical Management, Business Management; M.B.A., Augusta State University; B.S., Appalachian State University Stephanie McGahee, Instructor, Medical Assisting; A.A.T, Diploma, Augusta Technical College Marlow McIntyre, Jr., Academic Advisor/Navigator; B.A., Morehouse College Gilliam McKinnon, Instructor, Air Conditioning Technology; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Janice McNair, Custodian Ilishe Mikos, Instructional Support Specialist; B.A., University of South Carolina Warren Miller, Department Chair, Learning Support/Instructor, Learning Support Mathematics; M.B.A., Brenau University; B.S., South Carolina State College Lula Mills, Revenue Specialist; B.B.A., Brenau University, A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Johnica Mitchell, Associate Vice President for Strategic Initiatives; M.S., B.S., Clark Atlanta University Alberta Mobley, Instructor, Medical Assisting; B.S.N., Georgia Regents University; Diploma, Augusta Technical College 207 Faculty and Staff LaKeshia Moore, Continuing Education and Workforce Training Specialist; M.Ed., Troy State University; B.S. Georgia Southern University Jennifer Morales, Instructor, English; M.S., Southern New Hampshire University; B.S., University of AlaskaAnchorage Mary Morning, Secretary, Adult Education Angela M. Moseley, Executive Director, Adult Education; Ed.S., Georgia Regents University; M.S., Troy University; B.S., Albany State University Partica Muse, Instructor, Culinary Arts, A.S., Jefferson Community College of NY; Kimberly Natson, Instructor, Associate Degree Nursing; M.S.N., University of Phoenix; B.S.N., Georgia Regents University Doris Beth Newton, Instructor, Early Childhood Care and Education; Ed.D., Georgia Southern University; M.E.D., Georgia College and State University Stracy Nixon, Administrative Support Specialist; A.A.S., Augusta Technical College Brenda Norman, Librarian; M.S.L.S., Clark Atlanta University; B.S., Spelman College Tammy O’Brien, Dean of Information Technology, Distance Education, and Library Services; M.Ed., Southern Wesleyan University; B.S., University of Georgia; A.A., Aiken Technical College; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Angela Odom, Program Director, Dental Assisting; M.Ed., Concordia University; B.S., Voorhees College; Diploma, Aiken Technical College Beatrice Olden, Instructor, Associate Degree Nursing; M.S.N, University of Phoenix; B.S.N., Columbia Union College Alicia Tanay Ortiz, Financial Aid/Computer Technician; A.A.S., Augusta Technical College Justin Otto, Testing Coordinator; M.S., Georgia Southern University; B.S. Oklahoma State University Bonnie H. Owen, Director of Library Services; M.L.I.S., University of South Carolina; B.S., Charleston Southern University Lisa Palmer, Vice President for Economic Development; Ed.D., University of Georgia; M.Ed., University of South Carolina, B.A., Augusta State University Shannon B. Patterson, Director, Human Resources; M.B.A., University of Phoenix; B.B.A., Brenau University; A.A.T., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Randall L. Peek, Institutional Research Analyst; M.P.A., Georgia Regents University; B.B.A., Georgia Southern University Robert H. Peek, Department Head, Pharmacy Technology; Ed.S., Argosy University; M.Ed., University of Georgia; B.S., Florida A&M University College of Pharmacy Beverly Barshafsky Peltier, Director of Institutional Advancement; B.B.A., Augusta State University Frances Perry, Admission Clerk; Diploma, Augusta Technical College LeRoy Perry, Custodian; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Raul Peters, Instructional Support Specialist; Ph.D., Texas Christian University; B.S., Midwestern State University Deborah Pettus, Custodian; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Pamela Phillips, Assistant, Institutional Effectiveness; B.B.A., Brenau University; A.S., Georgia Military College; A.A., Phillips College Morgan Pinkston, Instructional Support Specialist; B.A., Oglethorpe University Jim Poarch, Department Head, Cybersecurity; M.A., Webster University; B.S., Howard Payne University John C. Pope, Instructor, Cardiovascular Technology; B.S., Medical College of Georgia Patty Poppell-Richey, Administrative Support Specialist, Arts and Sciences, Learning Support, and Personal Services; A.A., Columbia Bible College; Certificate, Augusta Technical College Surekha Prasad, Department Head, Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology; M.S., Arizona State University; B.S., Mangalore University James C. Price, Dean, Industrial, Information and Engineering Technology; M.A., University at AlbanySUNY; B.A., Kenyon College Joseph Pride, Department Head, Paralegal Studies, Instructor, Criminal Justice; J.D., John Marshall Law School; B.A., Augusta State University 208 Faculty and Staff Vianne A. Prowse, Student Success Center Tutor; B.S. University of Minnesota Karen Yvette Pruitt, Bookstore Assistant; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Gary Pulliam, Instructor, Management/Business Administrative Technology; B.A., Augusta State University Keisha Quick, Department Head, Computer Support Specialist; M.A. Ed., University of Phoenix; B.S., Saint Augustine’s College Luis A. Ramos, Tutor; B.S., University of South Carolina Melissa Redmond-Burch, Academic Navigator; M.B.A., Charleston Southern University; B.S., University of South Carolina Donavan Reimche, Program Director, Physical Therapist Assistant; M.H.E., Georgia Regents University; B.S., Howard University Wilson Rice, Instructor, Mathematics; M.S., Lehigh University; B.S., Morehouse College John Richardson, Dean, Arts and Sciences, Learning Support, and Personal Services; M.Ed., South Carolina State University; B.A., Benedict College Terry Richardson, Instructor, Associate Degree Nursing (ADN); M.S.N., University of Phoenix Patrick Riley, Department Head, Networking Specialist; B.S., Southern Illinois University Carbondale Mark Ristroph, Department Chair, English and Social Sciences, Instructor, English; M.A., University of South Carolina; B.A., Augusta State University Soheir Rizk, Instructor, Biology; M.D., Alexandria University Brian Roberts, Director, Student Activities and Support Services; M.Ed., B.A., University of South Carolina Cassandra Rogers, Human Resources Assistant Shirley Rouse, Human Resources Pre-Employment Manager; B.B.A., Brenau University; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College; Diploma, Phillips College Sherrie Rowe, Department Head, Design and Media Production Technology; A.A.T., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Tiffany Rowe-Thomas, Instructor, Business Administrative Technology; M.B.A., M.S., Troy State University; B.B.A., Brenau University; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Robert Rutledge, Custodian Suzette Rynier, Instructor, Psychology; M.S., Augusta State University; B.A., Alvernia College James T. Scogin, Instructor, Mathematics; M.M., University of South Carolina; B.A., Erskine College Dederick Scott, Instructor, Networking Technology; M.S., M.B.A., University of Maryland; B.S., Troy University Lauren Jackson Scott, Fiscal Analyst; M.A., B.A., Clark Atlanta University Melissa Scott, Career Services and Testing Assistant; B.A., University of Maryland University College Sonia Scott-Edmond, Library/Information Assistant; M.B.A., B.B.A., Brenau University; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Zyiqueta Scott, Student Accounts Assistant; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Patrick Seader, Instructor, Welding and Joining Technology; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Kristie Searcy, Department Head, Radiologic Technology; M.A., Webster University; B.S., Medical University of South Carolina Adam Secrest, Instructor, Biology; M.S., UNC Charlotte; B.S., Davidson College Joseph Sepielli, Department Head, Computer Programming; M.S., Capitol College; B.S., University of Maryland Valeria Shanks, Instructor, Adult Education; M.Ed., Georgia Southern University; B.S., Albany State College Patricia Sharpe, Custodian Jessica M. Shine, Instructor, Job Acquisition Skills/Psychology; M. S., B.S., Troy University Gregory Shouse, Instructor, Architectural Engineering and Drafting Technology; M.E., Georgia Southern University; B.A., Eastern Kentucky University David Sichuga, Instructor, Physics; Ph.D., M.S., University of Arkansas Ken Simmons, Instructor, Networking Specialist; M.B.A., Breanu University; B.S., Regents College of New York Arleen Small, Library Information Assistant 209 Faculty and Staff Darryl Smith, Instructor, Electrical Systems Technology; B.S., Middle Tennessee State University; A.A.S., Diploma, Augusta Technical College J. Scott Smith, Instructor, Horticulture; M.Ed., University of Georgia; B.S., Clemson University Beverly Smyre-Hines, Director, Financial Aid; B.S., A.S., University of Maryland University College Eric Snowberger, Director, Basic Law Enforcement; M.Ed., Troy University; B.S., Georgia Southern University Albert Steele, Veterans Education Coordinator; M.B.A., B.S., Brenau University Garry Stephens, Electrician/Maintenance Supervisor; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Anna Stewart, Instructor, Cosmetology Emmie Stokes, Instructor, English and Learning Support; M.Ed., Troy State University; B.B.A., Augusta State University Ebony Story, Instructor, Nursing; B.S., Columbus State University; A.A.S. Augusta Technical College Ashley Strong-Green, Instructor, English and Humanities; M.A., Carnegie Mellon University; B.A., Paine College Pamela Strouble, Instructional Support Specialist; M.Ed., Georgia College and State University; B.S. South Carolina State College Steven Studdard, Instructor, Mathematics; M.S., B.S., University of West Georgia Michael Sullivan, Maintenance Technician; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Darryl Symonds, Instructor, Machine Tool Technology; A.A.T, Augusta Technical College Joe Tabson, Head Groundskeeper; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Wendy Tapley, Instructor, Adult Education; A.A.S., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Gwen Taylor, Dean, Allied Health Sciences and Nursing; Ed.D. University of Phoenix; M.S.N., Medical College of Georgia; B.S.N., Tuskegee University Julia Thomas, Instructor, Adult Education; M.Ed., Troy University; B.S., Claflin College Patricia L. Thomas, Department Head, Cardiovascular Technology; M.B.A., Augusta State University; B.S., Medical College of Georgia Tammy D. Thomas, Instructor, English; M.A. and B.A., Georgia Southern University Michael Toney, Maintenance Technician Toussiant Towa, Instructor, Mathematics; M.S., University of Central Oklahoma; B.S., Oklahoma City Community College Robert Townsend, Instructor, Automotive Technology; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Laurie Trott-Spivey, Administrative Support Assistant, Industrial Technology; M.A., Webster University; B.A., Columbia College John Tucciarone, Instructor, Nuclear Engineering Technology; M.S.E.E., B.S.E.E., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Jeanette Turner, Executive Secretary; B.B.A., Brenau University; A.A.T., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Joseph A. Turner, Jr., Instructor, Aviation; A.A.S., Middle Georgia State College Shawna Underwood, Library Information Assistant David Upky, Instructor, Computer Information Systems; M.S.M., Colorado Technical University; B.I.T., American Intercontinental University; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Vicki D. Vandervelde, Department Head, Accounting; D.B.A., Argosy University; M.B.A., B.B.A., Brenau University; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Pamela Vincent, Tutor; B.S., Paine College Michael Violette, Registrar; M.A., B.A., University of Connecticut Paul Visintainer, Department Chair/Instructor, Mathematics; M.Ed., B.S., Augusta State University Esperanza Wakely, Financial Aid Assistant; A.A.T., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Ada Denise Walker, Instructor, Business Administrative Technology; M.A., Southern Polytechnic State University; M.B.A., Brenau University; B.B.A., Augusta State University Eddie Walker, Instructor, Culinary Arts; A.A.S., Coastal Carolina Community College; Diploma, AshevilleBuncombe Technical Institute Linda Walker, Instructor, Cosmetology; Diploma, Augusta Technical College 210 Faculty and Staff Patrice L. Walker, Financial Aid Office Manager; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College; A.A.T., Phillips Junior College Rebecca Walker, Academic Compliance Assistant; A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Shirley Walker, Administrative Support Assistant; B.S., Troy University; A.A.S. and Diploma, Augusta Technical College Rita Waller, Department Head, Respiratory Care; M.S.N., B.S.N., Medical College of Georgia; B.S., Medical University of South Carolina Karon Walton, Department Head, Medical Assisting; B.S., Voorhees College; A.A.S., Diploma, Augusta Technical College Kevin Ward, Department Head, Marketing Management; M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology; B.B.A., Augusta State University Shafique A. Warsi, Instructor, Mathematics; M.S., Clark Atlanta University; B.S., The Aligarh Muslim University Kelvin Washington, Custodian; Diploma, Augusta Technical College John M. Weiksner, Department Head, Mechanical Engineering Technology; B.S.M.E., Auburn University Donna Wendt, Director of Career Services and Student Support Services, Academic Advising, Navigation; M.Ed., Troy University; B.A., Georgia Southern University Terry Wheeler, Custodian Quentin White, Admissions/Recruitment Specialist; B.S., Georgia Regents University Sabrina T. White, Instructor, Business Administrative Technology; M.B.A., B.B.A, Brenau University A.A.T., Augusta Technical College Felicia S. Wiggins, Instructor, English; M.A., New York University; B.A., Augusta State University Pete Wilkinson, Director of Computer Services; M.S., Western Kentucky University; B.S., Florida State University Dale Wilkes, Maintenance/Grounds Technician Charles Williams, Custodian Natasha Williams, Admissions Assistant; B.S., Southern Wesleyan University Shery F. Williams, Instructor, Associate Degree Nursing; M.S.N., B.S.N., Thomas University; A.S.N., Darton State College Crystal Monds Willis, Student Success Coordinator; B.S.Ed., Georgia Southwestern State University; M.S., Columbus State University Robert Willis, Maintenance Assistant; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Shawn Winfrey, Bookstore Assistant Tiffany Woodberry, Instructional Support Specialist; B.S., Claflin College; Diploma, Augusta Technical College Farris L. Wren, Instructor, Agribusiness; B.S.A., University of Georgia Karissa D. Wright, Special Needs/Academic Counselor; M.Ed., Troy State University; B.S., Georgia College and State University Thomas Yingling, Campus Police Officer Sarah Zimmerman, Library Information Assistant; B.S., University of North Carolina at Charlotte 211 Campus Locations Augusta Campus The Augusta campus of Augusta Technical College is located at 3200 Augusta Tech Drive, Augusta. Easy access is available from Deans Bridge Road (U.S. Highway 1) and from Lumpkin Road. The Augusta campus is located on a beautifully wooded 70-acre site north of I-520, Bobby Jones Expressway. Columbia County Center The Columbia County Center is located at 3500 John Huffman Way, Grovetown. Thomson/McDuffie Campus The Thomson/McDuffie Campus is located at 388 Tech Drive N.W., Thomson. Easy access is available from I-20 and Highway 78. Waynesboro/Burke Campus The Waynesboro/Burke County Campus facility is located at 216 Highway 24 South, Waynesboro. Augusta Campus Columbia County Center Thomson/McDuffie Campus Waynesboro/Burke Campus Office of Admissions Augusta Technical College 3200 Augusta Tech Drive Augusta, GA 30906 Phone: (706) 771-4028 Office of Admissions 3500 John Huffman Way Grovetown, GA 30813 (706) 651-7368 Office of Admissions Augusta Technical College 388 Tech Drive N.W. Thomson, GA 30824 Phone: (706) 595-0166 Office of Admissions Augusta Technical College 216 Highway 24, North Waynesboro, GA 30830 Phone: (706) 437-6801