G5 RECORDS MANAGEMENT POLICY Next Review: March 2018 Responsible: The Principal For approval by Governors’ Finance and Personnel Committee March 2016 For approval by Full Governing Body N/A 1 General The academy recognises that the efficient management of its records is necessary to comply with its legal and regulatory obligations and to contribute to the effective overall management of the academy. 2 Scope of the policy 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 Responsibilities 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 This policy applies to all records created, received or maintained by staff of the academy in the course of carrying out its functions. Records are defined as all those documents which facilitate the business carried out by the academy and which are thereafter retained (for a set period) to provide evidence of its transactions or activities. These records may be created, received or maintained in hard copy or electronically. A small percentage of the academy’s records will be selected for permanent preservation as part of its archives and for historical research. The academy has a corporate responsibility to maintain its records in accordance with current legislation and guidelines issued by the Records Management Society of Great Britain. The person responsible for records management in the academy will give guidance for good records management practice and will promote compliance with this policy so that information will be retrieved easily, appropriately and in a timely manner. Individual employees must ensure that records for which they are responsible are accurate and that they are maintained and disposed of in accordance with the academy’s records management guidelines. Relationship with existing policies This policy has been drawn up within the context of P26 Freedom of Information Policy and with other legislation and regulation, including Data Protection, audit and equal opportunities. 5 Records management guidelines Where records are identified for destruction, they will be disposed of in an appropriate way, usually by shredding and/or disposal to a waste paper disposal merchant. Page 1 of 11 In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the academy will retain a list of records which have been destroyed and who authorised their destruction, in a database format. Where records are identified for permanent preservation, the records will be archived. The retention schedule (which is a procedural document) refers to all information regardless of the media in which they are stored (Annexe A for information) Page 2 of 11 Annexe A Retention Schedule Basic file description Data protection issues Retention period Action at end of life of the record Child Protection files. Yes DOB + 25 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Allegation of a CP nature against a member of staff. Yes Until person’s normal retirement age, or 10 years from the date of the allegation, whichever is longer. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Governors’ Minutes (signed copies). No Permanent Governors’ Reports. No Date of report + 6 years Retain in academy for 6 years from date of meeting, then transfer to archives. Transfer to archives. Governors’ Instrument of Governance. No Permanent Retain in academy whilst academy is open. Trusts & Endowments. No Permanent Action plans. No Date of action plan + 3 years Retain in academy whilst operationally required, then transfer to archives. Destroy. Policy documents. No Expiry of policy Complaints. Yes Date of resolution of complaint + 6 years 6.1 Child Protection 6.2 Governors Retain in academy whilst operational, then transfer to archives. Retain in academy for first 6 years, review for further retention in the case of contentious disputes, destroy routine complaints. Page 3 of 11 6.3 Management Log books (which record what happens in the academy). Minutes of SLT and other internal administrative bodies. Reports made by Principal or SLT. Yes Date of last entry in book + 6 years Yes Date of meeting + 5 years Yes Date of report + 3 years Basic file description Data protection issues Yes Retention period Retain in academy for 6 years, then transfer to archives. Retain in academy for 5 years from meeting, then transfer to archives. Retain in academy for 3 years from meeting, then transfer to archives. Action at end of life of the record Closure of file + 6 years Destroy. No Date of correspondence + 3 years Destroy. Yes Closure of plan + 6 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. No Closure of plan + 6 years Review and archive if necessary. Admission registers. Yes Date of last entry in the file + 6 years Attendance registers. Yes Date of register + 3 years Student files. Yes DOB of the student + 25 years Retain in the academy for 6 years from date of last entry then transfer to archives. Destroy. If records are retained electronically, any backup copies should be destroyed at the same time. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Student SEN files. Yes Closure of file + 35 years Records created by Principal, SLT and other members of staff with administrative responsibilities. Correspondence created by Principal, SLT and other members of staff with administrative responsibilities. Professional development plans. Academy Improvement Plans. 6.4 Students Destroy unless legal action is pending. Page 4 of 11 Statement maintained under The Education Act 1996, Section 324, including proposed statement or amended statement. General SEN files. Yes DOB + 30 years Destroy unless legal action is pending. Yes DOB of the student + 25 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Advice and information to parents regarding educational needs. Letters authorising absence. Yes Closure of the file + 12 Years Destroy unless legal action is pending. No Date of absence + 2 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Examination results: Public No Year of examination + 6 years Basic file description Data protection issues Yes Retention period Destroy. Any certificates left unclaimed are returned to the examination board. Action at end of life of the record Current year + 5 years Destroy. Yes/No Current year + 3 years Review at the end of 3 years and either allocate a further retention period or destroy. Curriculum development. No Current year + 6 years Destroy. Curriculum returns. No Current year + 3 years Destroy. Syllabus, Schemes of Work, Timetable, Class record books, Mark Books, Record of homework set, students’ work. Value added reports. No Current year + 1 year Destroy. Yes Current year + 6 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Examination results: Internal Any other records created in the course of contact with students. 6.5 Curriculum Page 5 of 11 6.6 Personnel Timesheets, sick pay. Yes Current year + 6 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Staff personal files. Yes Termination + 7 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Interview notes & recruitment records. Yes Date of interview + 6 months Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Pre-employment vetting information, including unsuccessful CRB checks). No Date of check + 6 months Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant Disciplinary proceedings for all matters except those relating to child protection issues. Yes Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. If this is placed on a personnel file, it must be weeded from the file. Basic file description Data protection issues Yes Oral and Level 1 written warning: Date of warning + 6 months Level 2 written warning: Date of warning + 12 months. Final warning: Date of warning + 18 months. Retention period Date of incident + 12 years Review at end of the period. In the case of serious accident, a further retention period will need to be applied. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Records relating to accident or injury at work. Annual appraisal/assessment records. No Current year + 5 years Maternity pay records. Yes Current year + 3 years Records held under Retirement Benefits Schemes. Yes Last payment + 6 years Case not found – destroy immediately. Action at end of life of the record Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Page 6 of 11 6.7 Health and Safety Accessibility Plans. Current year + 6 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Adults: last entry in the Accident Book + 3 years. Children: DOB + 25 years Current year + 10 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Current year + 20 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Policy statements. Date of expiry + 1 year Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Risk Assessments. Date assessment superseded + 3 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Process of monitoring of areas where employees and persons are likely to have come into contact with asbestos. Fire precautions Log Books. Last action + 40 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Current year + 6 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Action at end of life of the record Accident reporting. Yes COSHH. Incident reports. Basic file description Yes Data protection issues Retention period Review, then shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. 6.8 Administrative Employer’s Liability certificate. Permanent whilst academy is open. Retain for 40 years after academy has closed. Page 7 of 11 Inventories of furniture and equipment. Disposal of last item + 6 years, or date superseded + 6 years. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. General files. Current year + 5 years School Prospectus. Current year + 3 years Review, then shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Transfer to archives. Circulars (staff/parents/students. Current year + 1 year Destroy. Newsletters etc. Current year + 1 year Transfer to archives. Visitors book. Current year + 2 years Review and destroy. Parents’ Association records. Current year + 6 years Transfer to archives. Annual accounts. Current year + 6 years Offer to archives. Loans and grants. Review and transfer to archives. Copy orders. Date of last payment on loan + 12 years. Under seal: Contract completion + 12 years. Under signature: Contract completion + 6 years. Monitoring records: Current year + 2 years. Current year + 2 years Budget reports, budget monitoring etc. Current year + 3 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. 6.9 Finance Contracts. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Page 8 of 11 Basic file description Retention period Action at end of life of the record Invoices, receipts and other records covered by the Financial Regulations. Annual budget and background papers. Current year + 6 years Order books and requisitions. Current year + 6 years Delivery documentation. Current year + 6 years Debtors records. Current year + 6 years School Fund cheque books. Current year + 3 years School Fund paying in books, ledgers, invoices, receipts, Bank statements, school journey records. Student grant applications. Current year + 6 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Free school meals registers. Current year + 6 years Applications for free school meals, travel, uniforms etc. Petty cash books. Whilst child at school 6.10 Data protection issues Current year + 6 years Current year + 3 years Current year + 6 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Property Title deeds. Permanent Plans. Permanent Maintenance and contractors. Current year + 6 years These deeds should follow the property. Offer to archives. Retain until superseded then archive. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Page 9 of 11 Leases. Expiry of lease + 6 years Lettings. Current year + 3 years Basic file description Data protection issues Retention period Burglary, theft and vandalism report forms. Current year + 6 years Maintenance log books. Last entry + 10 years Contractors reports. Current year + 6 years 6.11 Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Action at end of life of the record Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Local Authority Attendance returns. Current year + 1 year Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. HMI reports. No need to retain. Transfer to archives. OFSTED reports. Review and transfer to archives. DfE Returns. Replace former report with any new inspection report. Current year + 6 years Circulars from DfE. Whilst operationally required. 6.12 6.13 Department for Education Connexions Service level agreements. Until superseded Work experience agreements. DOB of child + 18 years 6.14 Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Destroy or transfer to archives. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. School meals Page 10 of 11 School meals summary sheets. Current year + 3 years Shred/dispose as confidential waste to a waste paper disposal merchant. Page 11 of 11