Circuit Theory Goals and Underlining Assumptions 1 Circuit Theory's Goals • Being able to predict the behavior of complex electrical systems and design better ones • To analyze any complex system engineers typically describe the system in terms of simplified (approximated) models (abstractions) of its components 2 Engineering discipline F If I tell you that I'm applying a certain force on a given object, and I want to predict how much is the object going to be accelerated, all I need to ask for is the mass of the object !! • What about the object's size, shape, density, temperature, …? • The material-point abstraction (approximation) enables us to disregard most of the object's properties and it makes very simple to deal with complex physical systems 3 A quick review of Physics • Any electrical phenomenon can be fully described in terms of the four Maxwell's equations + the continuity equation (a.k.a. the conservation of charge equation) • Maxwell's equations: – Gauss's Law for Electricity – Gauss's Law for Magnetism – Faraday's Law – Ampere-Maxwell's Law 4 Gauss's law for electric fields • Electric charge produces an electric field, and the flux of that field passing through any closed surface is proportional to the total charge contained within that surface 5 Gauss's law for magnetic fields • The net magnetic flux through any closed surface must always be zero • Magnetic Fields do not originate and terminate on charges; they form closed loops. 6 Gauss's law for magnetic fields • All static magnetic fields are produced by moving electric charge. The contribution dB to the magnetic field at a specified point p from a small element of electric current is given by Biot-Savart law: • Biot-Savart law is equivalent to Coulomb's law for static electric fields produced by fixed electric charges 7 Faraday's law • If the magnetic flux through a surface changes, an electric field is induced along the boundary of the surface. If a conducting material is present along that boundary, the induced electric field provides an emf that drives a current through the material The integral in this expression is over any surface S, whereas the integral in Gauss's law is over a closed surface. The magnetic flux through an open surface may be non zero – it is only when the surface is closed that the number of magnetic field lines passing through the surface in one direction must equal the number 8 passing through in the other direction. Faraday's law • The E in Faraday's law represent the induced electric field at each point along path C (the boundary of the surface through which the magnetic flux is changing over time). The path may be through empty space or through a physical material – the induced electric field exists in either case. 9 Faraday's law • The induced electric fields produced by changing magnetic flux are very different from the electric fields produced by electric charge. • The field lines of induced electric fields form closed loops, so this fields are capable of keep “driving” charged particles around continuous “circuits” • Charge moving through a circuit is the very definition of electric current, so the induced electric field may act as a generator of electric current 10 Faraday's law • The circulation of the induced electric field around a path is the work that the electric field does when moving a “test” charge around the path. 11 Faraday's law • It is important to understand that changing magnetic flux induces an electric field whether or not a conducting path exists in which a current may flow. • If you find the idea disturbing think of an unconnected battery. The battery emf is there whether we attach the battery to something or not. The emf is produced by the chemical work that happens inside the battery. VB 12 Faraday's law • The emf produced by a changing magnetic flux is due to the work spent to make the magnetic flux change (e.g. moving a magnet to change B, or moving a loop within a magnet to change dA). 13 Ampere-Maxwell's law • A magnetic field is produced along a a path if any current is enclosed by the path or if the electric flux through any surface bounded by the path changes over time • It is important to understand that the path may be real or purely imaginary – the magnetic field is produced whether the path exists or not 14 Ampere-Maxwell's law • The magnetic fields induced by changing electric flux are extremely weak • A changing electric field produces a magnetic field even when no charges are present and no physical current (i.e. no physical movement of charges) flows. There is neither charge or physical current on the surface between the plates. A changing electric field can be obtained either moving the plates or applying a time varying voltage to the plates 15 Electromagnetic waves • Since changing magnetic fields induce electric fields, and changing electric fields induce magnetic fields electromagnetic waves can propagate even through a perfect vacuum 16 Charge conservation law • Electric charge is never lost or created. Electric charges can move from place to place but never appear from nowhere (we say that charge is conserved). • If there is a net current out of a closed surface, the amount of charge inside must decrease by the corresponding amount Total current flowing out of a volume V is equal to the current density J through the surface S, which in turn is equal to the 17 rate of decrease of the charge enclosed in V. From Physics to EE VB What is the current through the light bulb ? 18 How do we go from Physics to EE? • So far we do not know much about EE, so let's start from what we know (Maxwell's equations + charge-current continuity equation) and when we find it reasonable let's try to simplify things • Key Assumption: (Lumped elements assumption) – All elements in the system have negligible physical dimension 19 Lumped Elements Assumption • To say that all elements in the systems have negligible physical dimension it means that all electrical effects happen simultaneously throughout the system. • If the size of a system is small enough we can think of the system as “lumped” • But how small is small enough ? 20 Lumped Elements Assumption • If we want every point of the system to be reached simultaneously the wavelength ! of the signals traveling through the system must be much bigger than the dimension d of the circuit !"d (rule of thumb: at least 10 times) !# c speed of light f max highest frequency of operation 21 Lumped Elements Assumption • !# c f max "d means that at the timescales of interest the propagation delay of the electromagnetic waves across the circuit is negligible signal timescale: T # 1 f max d c • To assume that in a lumped system there is no e.m. wave propagation means that: propagation delay through the circuit: td # – the rate of change w.r.t. time of any e.m. quantity in the system is zero d $0 dt ! ! 22 Back to our EE problem VB • From an EE perspective we'd like to treat any lumped element in the system as a black-box accessible through its terminals. light bulb's filament 23 Back to our EE problem • Let's apply Faraday's law by taking a closed path C that include the terminals x and y of the filament: x magnetic flux which passes through surface outlined by the closed path %d & B dt !!d !l E !!d !l E y %d & B ( ( ' E)d l # dt * C y x %d & B ( ( ( ( + E)d l ,+ E)d l # dt x y 24 x Back to our EE problem • For a lumped-element: y x %d &B ( ( ( ( + E)d l ,+ E)d l # dt x y y =0 y x x y ( (l #%+ ( E)d (l + E)d V yx %V xy • Which in plain english means that a unique voltage V can be defined across the terminal x and y of our lumpedelement (the light bulb's filament), and the voltage does not depend on the path we use to go from x to y 25 Back to our EE problem • In summary when applying Faraday's law under the lumped-parameters assumption we must remember that: under LPA at all time through any closed path outside the element: d &B #0 dt • There is no magnetic coupling between the lumped elements forming a system (magnetic coupling can occur within a component, but not outside) 26 Back to our EE problem • Let's now apply the charge-current continuity equation by taking a gaussian surface S enclosing the filament: (J Ix x Sx y Iy d( S S d( S Sy The only parts of S that give a contribute are Sx and Sy (J total amount of charge enclosed by S current density out of S ' (J)d (S#% S dqenc * dt dq enc ( ( ( ( + J)d S,+ J )d S #% dt S S x y 27 !J Back to our EE problem d !S d !S • For a lumped element: !J =0 dq enc ( ( ( ( J )d S , J )d S#% + + dt S S x y %+ (J)d ( S #+ (J)d (S Sx %I x Sy Iy • Which in plain english means that the current I flowing through the lumped element is uniquely defined, or in other words the current entering into terminal x is the same as the current exiting from terminal y (i.e. there is no net charge accumulated inside the limped element) 28 Back to our EE problem • In summary when applying the current-charge continuity law under the lumped-parameters assumption we must remember that: under LPA at all time inside any closed surface enclosing the element: dqenc #0 dt • There is no net charge inside the lumped elements forming a system. 29 We are getting closer ... • Thanks to the LPA, Faraday's law and the charge conservation's law allows us to characterize any electrical system as the interconnection of a bunch of black boxes. The structural behavior of the system is completely captured by the V-I relationship at each black box's terminals Ix IB + VB + Vxy - 30 and closer ... • So far everything we have found does not depend on the internal nature of the circuit (i.e. we have found only topological constraints). • To solve the problem we also need to approximate (model) the internal behavior of the black box with its primary physical property F a? In our mechanics analogy the primary property of the object is the mass. If we do not know how to model the object with a certain mass there is no way to solve the problem. 31 The filament's resistance • Physicist have found that for most substances over a wide range of electric strengths of the electric field the current density is proportional to the electric field (J #- E ( Conductivity of the material (a very large number for metallic conductors, extremely small for poor conductors) dI # ( J )d (A 32 The filament's resistance • To keep things simple let's assume the filament's is cylindrical shaped with cross section A Area A (J I ! E L + Vxy - Resistivity It depends on the geometry ! E()d (l V xy L EL EL L 1 L # # # # #. I ! (J)d (l J A - E A - A A A /R Resistance 33 Lumped abstraction for the light bulb • The only property of interest for the bulb is its resistance x VB I VB y I# V with V #V B R 34