SECTION 13650 Photovoltaic (PV) Glass PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 WORK TO BE PERFORMED A. B. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. 1.03 Most terms used within the documents are industry standard. Certain words or phrases shall be understood to have specific meanings as follows: 1. Provide: Furnish and install completely connected up and in operable condition. 2. Furnish: Purchase and deliver to a specific location within the building or site. 3. Install: With respect to equipment furnished by others, install means to receive, unpack, move into position, mount and connect, including removal of packaging materials. 4. Conduit: Raceways of the metallic type which are not flexible. Specific types as specified. 5. Connect: To wire up, including all branch circuitry, control and disconnection devices so item is complete and ready for operation. RELATED SECTIONS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1.04 Section 01300 – Submittals: Submittal Requirements Section 01600 – Product Requirements: Substitution Requirements Section 01650 – Starting of Systems: Requirements for start-up and training. Section 01810 – Commissioning Section 08800 - Glazing Section 08910 – Aluminum Curtainwall Section 1600 – Product Requirements: Substitution Requirements Section 1650Starting of Systems: Requirements for Start-Up and Training INSPECTION OF SITE A. 1.05 Bidders will be permitted to inspect site. Failure to inspect existing conditions or to fully understand work which is required shall not excuse the contractor from his obligations to supply and install work in accordance with specifications and the Drawings and under all site conditions as they exist. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE A. 1.06 Provide all labor, materials, tools, and equipment to complete the installation of the PV Glass system. Install, equip, adjust, and put into operation the respective portions of the installation specified, and so interconnect various items or sections of work in order to form a complete and operating whole. The work shall consist of, but shall not necessarily be limited to the following: 1. PV Glass Units, including installation and connection to building electrical system. 2. All testing of equipment installed 3. Any other item of work hereinafter specified or indicated on drawings 4. Systems Identification 5. Rigging, and Staging for all work 6. Refer to Section 16000 for equipment provided under related work Retain a competent representative on the project COOPERATION PV SYSTEM 13650 - 1 A. Work shall be carried on under usual construction conditions, in conjunction with other Contractor's work. Cooperate with other contractors, coordinate work and proceed in a manner as not to delay progress. B. Before proceeding, examine all Construction Drawings and consult other Contractors to coordinate installation and avoid interference. C. Requests For Information or Change Orders see Architect of Record in accordance with General and Supplementary General Conditions. 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. B. Codes and Ordinances: 1. All material and work provided shall be in accordance with the following codes and standards as most recently amended. 2009 ICC (IBC) International Building Code (w/ Rockford Amendments) 2009 ICC (IMC) International Mechanical Code 2009 ICC (IECC) Electric Code with Reference to the: 2008 NFPA 70 (NEC) National Electrical Code 2009 ICC (IMPC) International Property Maintenance Code 2009 ICC (IFC) National Fire Code 2009 NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Standards of the Underwriters Laboratory (UL) 2. Where contract documents indicate more stringent requirements than codes, the contract documents shall take precedence. All work shall comply with the following ASTM tests. 1. 2. 3. Weathering: a. ASTM E1171- Standard Test Method for Photovoltaic Modules in Cyclic Temperature and Humidity Environments b. ASTM E1596- Standard Test Methods for Solar Radiation Weathering of Photovoltaic Modules c. ASTM E1802-Standard Test Methods for Wet Insulation Integrity Testing of Photovoltaic Modules d. ASTM E2047- Standard Test Method for Wet Insulation Integrity Testing of Photovoltaic Arrays e. ASTM E1830- Standard Test Methods for Determining Mechanical Integrity of Photovoltaic Modules f. ASTM E781- Standard Practice for Evaluating Absorptive Solar Receiver Materials When Exposed to Conditions Simulating Stagnation in Solar Collectors With Cover Plates g. ASTM E782- Standard Practice for Exposure of Cover Materials for Solar Collectors to Natural Weathering Under Conditions Simulating Operational Mode h. ASTM E823- Standard Practice for Nonoperational Exposure and Inspection of a Solar Collector j. ASTM E881- Standard Practice for Exposure of Solar Collector Cover Materials to Natural Weathering Under Conditions Simulating Stagnation Mode Calibration: a. ASTM E1039- Standard Test Method for Calibration of Silicon Non-Concentrator Photovoltaic Primary Reference Cells Under Global Irradiation b. ASTM E1362- Standard Test Method for Calibration of Non-Concentrator Photovoltaic Secondary Reference Cells Energy Performance: a. ASTM E948- Standard Test Method for Electrical Performance of Photovoltaic Cells Using Reference Cells Under Simulated Sunlight b. ASTM E1021- Standard Test Methods for Measuring Spectral Response of Photovoltaic Cells c. ASTM E903- Standard Test Method for Solar Absorptance, Reflectance, and Transmittance of Materials Using Integrating Spheres PV SYSTEM 13650 - 2 d. e. 1.08 ASTM E1040- Standard Specification for Physical Characteristics of Nonconcentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Reference Cells ASTM E1462- Standard Test Methods for Insulation Integrity and Ground Path Continuity of Photovoltaic Modules SUBMITTALS A. Refer to 01300 – Submittals for Submittal Requirements. No equipment for which review is required shall be installed prior to review, except at Contractor's own risk. B. Shop Drawings: Provide detailed shop drawings that show the layout and configuration of all PV Glass units. Show sizes of each unit and the layout of the PV cells within each unit. Coordinate layouts with Aluminum Curtainwall shop drawings. Provide complete wiring diagrams for each PV Glass installation, including connections to the building electrical system. Provide details of connection to and integration with Aluminum Curtainwall System. C. Product Data: a. Product Cut Sheets for all materials and components used. Provide UL, ASTM or other listings where appropriate. b. Renewable Energy: Submit calculations indicating the energy expected to be produced by each array. D. Manufacturer Qualifications: Submit evidence of successful completion of a minimum of five (5) successful PV Glazing installations. Of similar size to this installation. Provide references for owners and contractors for each installation. 1.09 GUARANTEE A. B. Keep work in repair without expense to Owner as far as concerns defects in workmanship or materials for a period of not less than one year from date of substantial completion except as outlined in Item B below. Provide manufacturer’s extended warranty for equipment as follows: 1. 2. 1.10 PV Modules: original. PV Mounting/curtainwall System: 20 year warranty on power output to within 80% of 25 year warranty. TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL SUPPORT FACILITIES A. B. Refer to Section 01500 –Temporary Facilities, and Section 01560 – Temporary Controls. Provide all tools, equipment, ladders, and temporary construction required for execution of the work. C. All scaffolding, ladders, and other temporary construction shall be rigidly built in accordance with all local and state requirements, and shall be removed upon completion. 1.11 INSPECTIONS AND TESTS A. Inspection: If inspection of materials installed shows defects, such defective work, materials, and/or equipment shall be replaced and inspection and tests repeated. B. Tests: Make reasonable tests and prove integrity of work and leave electrical installation in correct adjustment and ready to operate. A consistent phase orientation shall be adhered to at all terminations. C. UL Field Inspection: Completed installation shall be inspected for conformance to UL Standards 1703 and 1741. All PV Glass installations shall pass the UL Filed Inspection. Submit two copies of the inspection report to the Architect for review prior to Substantial Completion. 1.12 RECORD DRAWINGS A. Provide two (2) sets of black or blue line on white Drawings to maintain and submit Record Drawings, one set shall be maintained at site and which shall be accurate, clear, and complete showing actual location of all equipment as installed. Record Drawings shall be updated at least monthly. Record Drawings shall show outlet from which homeruns are taken, and location of all PV SYSTEM 13650 - 3 junction boxes and access panels. These Drawings shall be available to Architect/Engineer field representative. B. Any addenda sketches and Supplementary Drawings issued during course of construction shall be attached to Drawings. C. At completion, submit an accurate checked set of Drawings. D. After approval of these Drawings, photo reproductions of original tracings shall be revised to incorporate changes, including addenda sketches and Supplementary Drawings. These "as-built” photo reproductions shall be certified as correct and delivered to the Architect along with two (2) sets of black line prints. 1.13 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. B. Operating Instructions: Furnish operating instructions to Owner's designated representative with respect to operations, functions and maintenance procedures for equipment and systems installed. Cost of such instruction up to a full three (3) days of Electrical Subcontractor's time shall be included in contract. Cost of providing a manufacturer's representative at site for instructional purposes shall also be included. Maintenance Manuals: 1. At completion of the project, provide four copies of complete manuals containing the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 2. Complete Shop Drawings of equipment. Operation description of systems. Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of suppliers of systems. Vendors' P.O. numbers for equipment installed. Preventive maintenance instructions for systems. Spare parts list of system components. UL Field Inspection Report All information shall be in one binder. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Product specifications are written in such a manner so as to specify what materials may be used in a particular location or application and therefore do not indicate what is not acceptable or suitable for a particular location or application. B. For purpose of establishing a standard of quality and not for purpose of limiting competition, the basis of this Specification is upon specified models and types of equipment and materials, as manufactured by specified manufacturers. C. In all cases, standard cataloged materials and systems have been selected. Materials specially manufactured for this particular project and not part of a manufacturers' standard product line will not be acceptable. In the case of systems, the system components shall be from a single source regularly engaged in supplying such systems. A proposed system made up of a collection of various manufacturers' products will be unacceptable. D. Where Specifications list manufacturers' names and/or "as approved" or "equal approved by Architect", other manufacturers' equipment will be considered if equipment meets Specification requirements and has all features of the specified items as are considered essential by Architect and if submitted as required for a Substitution by Section 01600 – Product Requirments.. E. All material shall be new and shall be UL listed. 2.02 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM A. Photovoltaic system shall be a utility-grade Integrated Glass Module that will deliver 2.7 kilo-Watts Peak (kWp) of power or more, equal to shop drawing specifications. The PV system shall meet standards of the electric utility, industry and the Napa Valley Unified School District where long life, reliable performance and system compatibility are critical. Equal manufacturers shall provide PV SYSTEM 13650 - 4 module specification as described. When equal manufacturers are used provide required quantity to obtain same overall system kWp output. B. Manufacturer: 1. Atlantis Energy Systems: Sacramento, CA;, (916) 438-2930 2. Approved Equal: Submit per Section 01600 – Product Requirements C. The system shall comprise of the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Modules to endure the harshest environments. Predictable performance. Certification by recognized U.S. and world standards organizations. Fast, easy installation. High voltage per module. An encapsulation system to overcome the decline in module performance associated with degradation of traditional EVA encapsulant. Other methods of achieving the same purpose will be acceptable. Durable construction to protect the module from tear, penetration, fire, electrical conductance, delamination, and moisture. D. Performance and reducing system losses: 1. 2. 3. Each module shall be individually tested under calibrated solar simulator. Module-module wiring losses are included in the rating. Each of the crystalline silicon cells to be inspected and matched according to their power output. E. Module Construction 1. Solar Cells: -- Q.Cells multicrystalline silicon cells, each edge length 156 mm and 24336 mm sq. 2. Encapsulant: -- advanced, long-life encapsulant or Hermetically sealed to withstand entrance of environmental contaminants which may reduce the life of the module. 3. Front Glass: -- tempered, 3.0 mm (0.12”) thick, low iron solar glass 4. Back Glass: -- tempered, 3.0 mm (0.12”) thick clear or float, edged 5. Frame: 6. Bypass Diode: 7 Termination: -- Quick-connectors F. Typical Electrical Characteristics 1. Ppeak Watts dc 2. Vpeak volts dc 3. Ipeak amps dc 4. Voc volts dc 5. Isc amps dc 6. Vmax system volts dc 270 36 7.5 43.2 8.1 600 The above rating is for reference purposes based upon ASE only. Ratings are expected to vary depending on manufacturer. Vmax system volts at 600 vde shall not be exceeded. Power may vary by +/- 4%, other parameters by 10%. G. Product Options 1. 2. Conduit Box Mounting Hardware H. Integrated Glass/Array Requirements 1. 2. 3. High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells – High power per unit area in a long life, stable multicrystalline solar cell at or exceeding 14.1 solar efficiency. Internal Bypass Diode Protection. Quick, Polarized Connectors. PV SYSTEM 13650 - 5 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. J. Two conductor Harness – No traditional return wire is needed from the end of a row back to the source combiner. Power Testing at the Connector. Photovoltaic Glass System/Array to be integrated and coordinated with curtainwall manufacturer using PV Integrator shop drawings Site inspected to UL 1703 Listing or equal. Class A Fire Rating – Permits module mounting on any roof without compromising the roofs fire rating. Class C fire rating will be acceptable with proper installation so as not to compromise roof rating. Certifications: IEC 503-ISPRA Certified UL 1703 Listed UL Class A Fire Rating or equivalent construction with proper mounting. Monitoring System: Provide for connection to real-time monitoring system to be provided by separate contractor. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.01 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS A. Plans: 1. B. Specifications: 1. 3.02 Specifications supplement Drawings and provide specifics pertaining to methods and material to be used. PROTECTION AND CLEANUP A. Protection: 1. 2. 3. B. 2. 3.03 Materials and equipment shall be suitably stored and protected from weather. During progress of work, equipment openings shall be temporarily closed so as to prevent obstruction and damage. Be responsible for maintenance and protection of material and equipment until final acceptance. Cleanup: 1. Keep job site free from accumulation of waste material and rubbish. Remove all rubbish, construction equipment, and surplus materials from site and leave premises in a clean condition. At completion, equipment with factory finished surfaces shall be cleaned and damaged spots touched up with the same type paint applied at factory. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS A. 3.04 Drawings showing layout of systems indicate approximate location of raceways, and apparatus. Final determination as to routing shall be governed by existing conditions and as approved by Architect. Of Record Provide proper guards, signage, and other necessary construction required for prevention of accidents and to insure safety of life and property. Remove any temporary safety precautions at completion. FIREPROOFING AND WATERPROOFING PV SYSTEM 13650 - 6 A. Fireproof and waterproof all openings in walls or ceiling. --- END OF SECTION ---- PV SYSTEM 13650 - 7