BILAT ERAL AGREEMENT on th e Pr ogr a m of Module Cooper a tion Interna tiona l M aster Degr ee Studies Bl SINESS ECO~ O M I CS by and among: l. Slovak University of Agriculture in ~itra. Facul ty of l:.conomics and Management. Slovak Republic, hcreinafter reťerred to as ,.SUA" lden ti fication No. of the Organization: 00397482 Address: Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra. Slo\ak Republic and ., Institute of Graduate and Continuing Lducation. National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Ukraine. hereinaftcr rcferred to a~ ,,NU LP'' Building on l. ľhc Iong-term intcnsive cooperation among instinttions. establishing mutual contributi on to the academic educat ion cncouraging acadc mic intcrnationali:t..ation 2. fht cxisting master study programs as folluws: a) Study program ,.Business Economics" (SUA) b) Study program " Administratíve management" (NU LP) M iss ion: to establish a master degree program allo\\ ing students of both participating univcrsitics to international ize their master degree study. 1. Accepta nce of students and their en rolm cnt l hc num ber of students each academic ycar entering the module cooperation program ,."ili be li111itcd to 15 ťrom each partni!r uni\'ersity. Studcnts of bo1h pat1ner universities. already fini~hcd their Bachclor studies and obtain Bachelor diploma: a) ''ili bc cnrolled as the students of Master study programs: ,,Business Economics·· (SUA). b) will bc able to ťollow· courses in English. c) can apply for studies until May 31 of each acndcmic ycar based on recommcndation of authorities of their home institution. d} \\i li hc offered to he enrolled tor parallel Master s ltldi~ s "Admini stratíve management'' at l\ U LP. 2. O r ganization of the Program of Module Coope ration The Program of Module Cooperation is organi7cd at both univcrsities at 1he follo,.,.·ing principles: 2.1. The tirst semester students study at the Faculty of Economics and 1anagement of the SJO\·ak Un i vcr~ity of Agriculture in ;-.Jitra. They are ohliged to pass the main obliga tor: courses of the study program hased on the structure of the study program. During the first semester a student has lo decide on the topic of hisfher diploma work/scicnti tie project and his/her supervisor (at SUA) and consultant (at ;-.JU LP). Language of instruction i-; Engl ish and Slovak. There is ~trong rccommcnded for Ukrainían students to take the course of Slovak language in order to bc able to ťollov. instructions during practical placcmcnts. thcmatic cxcursions and occasional consultations. - 2.2. The second semester students study at National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Ukraine. They are obJiged to pass courses according to structure approved and attached to this agreement (see Table l) and/or other additional courses in national language to fulfil the requirement of accredited study program. Optionally, the research and scientific practice/or diploma seminar in Ukraine can be a part of the module. Language of instruction is English and Uk.rainian. As a part of the study in Ukraine the students are advised to take the course of Uk.rainian lan&JUage (applicable for others than Ukrainian students). 2.3. The third semester students study at SUA. They are obliged to pass courses according to structurc approved and attached to this agreement and research practicc (see Table l) and/or other additional courses to fulfil the requirement of accredited study program. Language of instruction is English. This semester will be shortened in order to enable research practice for Ukrainian students. 2.4. The fourth semester students study at SUA. They are obliged to pass the main obligatory courses of the study program based on the structure of the study program. During the fourth semester a student has to submit his/her scientific/diploma work and pass state exam in Slovakia. Language of scientific/diploma work is English. 2.5. After successful master study and state cxam successfully passed in Slovakia, master students will bc awarded with master in " Business Economics" at SUA. 2.6. During the study, each university will send to the second university a Transcript of Records to summarize all measurable achievements (ECTS, grades) during one semester achieved at another university. All records will be a part of a diploma supplement with full recognition of all ECTS credits obtained during the master program. A diploma supplement will be used indicating all obtained ECTS credits with spee i fica ti on of training hours, language of instruction, the place where the course had been followed and all other relevant details. 3. Student Expenses No tuition fee will be charged by the receiving institution. Expenses for insurance, for travel, and for living costs in the host country will be responsibility of the participating students. Partner universities may activate support and scholarships for students, participating at the Program of Module Cooperation. 4. Coordination of the Module cooperation and other regulations 4.1. Module cooperation will be coordinated by the coordinators at each university: Prof.lng. Iveta Ubrežiová, PhD, vice-dean for international research projects and cducational programmcs, Faculty ofEconomics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Doc. Oksana Perkhach, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Department of Administratíve and Financial Management, Institute of Graduate and Continuing Education, Kational University ..Lviv Polytechnic", Ukraine Coordinators are requested to submit yearly report on current state of Module cooperation implementation to the Dean's Office at home universitics. 4.2 Study will bc conducted by the Slovak university Law 1'-:r. 131/2002 Co!. and according to the accreditcd study program Business Economics. Eventual parallel study in Ukraine, will be conducted by the Ukrainian Uni vcrsity Law of High Education. 4.3 This general agreement does not exclude the university' s right for a case by case decision. S. Valid ity of agreement Agreement is val id after si going by representati vcs of both partner institutions, for implementation during academic years 201512016-2018/2019. Done in L vi v. June 3. 2015 for SLOVAK UNI VE RSITY OF AGRI CULTU RE IN NITRA for NATIONAL UNIVE RSIT Y RECTOR: VICE·RECTOR for Research and l ntemational Relations: aculty of Economics t SUA Nitra "LVIV POLYTECHNIC" Continuing Education Ph.D., Assoc.Prof. Victor Yaskov Table l STRUCTURE OF THE STUDY PROGRAMíincluding optional courses* Subject and ECTS JSt semester Microeconomy II 6 Macroeconomy and International Economy 6 Logistics 6 Quality Management 6 International Management and Business 6 2110 semester Business Economics 6 Strategic Marketing 6 Management of organisations and Strategic Management 6 Financial Management and Business Risk 6 3n l semester - Managcrial Economics 6 Economics oflnvestment projects 6 Taxes of Business Entities 6 Bioeconomic sev. Visegrad Macroeconomic Studies 6 Practical placement II 6 6 Business Analysis and Controlling Organizational of Managcrial Work 6 Sociology of Rural Countryside and Agriculture 3 Managerial Statistics and Econometrics 6 6 Public Economics and Administration 6 Prices and Pricing Policy Diploma thcsis Total ECTS 4111 semester 12 60 60 * Study program can be modified slightly due to any unexpected results of accreditation -