62 ' SOD128 Reel pack, SMD, 7" T1 standard product orientation Ordering code (12NC) ending 115 Rev. 1 — 27 March Packing information 1. Packing method Printed plano box Barcode label Reel Tape QA Seal Preprinted ESD warning PQ-label (permanent) Circular sprocket holes opposite the label side of reel Cover tape Carrier tape 001aak603 Fig 1. Table 1. Reel pack for SMD Dimensions and quantities Reel dimensions d w (mm) [1] SPQ/PQ (pcs) Reels per box Outer box dimensions l w h (mm) 180 12 3000 1 186 186 24 [1] d = reel diameter; w = tape width. SOD128 NXP Semiconductors Reel pack, SMD, 7" T1 standard product orientation Ordering code (12NC) ending 115 2. Product orientation 6WDQGDUGSURGXFWRULHQWDWLRQ62' GLUHFWLRQRIIHHG Fig 2. DDD Product orientation in carrier tape 3. Carrier tape dimensions : . $ % 3 PGE GLUHFWLRQRIIHHG Fig 3. Carrier tape dimensions Table 2. Carrier tape dimensions In accordance with IEC 60286-3. SOD128_115 Packing information A0 (mm) B0 (mm) K0 (mm) P1 (mm) W (mm) 2.85 5.0 1.25 4 12 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 27 March © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2014. All rights reserved. 2 of 4 SOD128 NXP Semiconductors Reel pack, SMD, 7" T1 standard product orientation Ordering code (12NC) ending 115 4. Reel dimensions A Z W2 B ØC ØD detail Z 001aao149 Fig 4. Schematic view of reel Table 3. Reel dimensions In accordance with IEC 60286-3. SOD128_115 Packing information A [nom] (mm) W2 [max] (mm) B [min] (mm) C [min] (mm) D [min] (mm) 180 18.4 1.5 12.8 20.2 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 27 March © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2014. All rights reserved. 3 of 4 SOD128 NXP Semiconductors Reel pack, SMD, 7" T1 standard product orientation Ordering code (12NC) ending 115 5. Barcode label Fixed text Country of origin i.e. "Made in....." or "Diffused in EU [+] Assembled in...... Packing unit (PQ) identification 2nd traceability lot number* 2nd (youngest) date code* 2nd Quantity* Traceability lot number Date code With linear barcode Quantity With linear barcode Type number NXP 12NC With linear barcode NXP SEMICONDUCTORS MADE IN >COUNTRY< [PRODUCT INFO] (Q) QTY Optional product information* Re-approval date code* Origin code Product Manufacturing Code MSL at the Peak Body solder temperature with tin/lead* MSL at the higher lead-free Peak Body Temperature* 2D matrix with all data (including the data identifiers) HALOGEN FREE (30P) TYPE RoHS compliant (1P) CODENO Additional info if halogen free product Additional info on RoHS (33T) PUID: B.0987654321 (30T) LOT2 (31D) REDATE (30D) DATE2 (32T) ORIG (30Q) QTY2 (31T) PMC (31P) MSL/PBT (1T) LOT MSL/PBT (9D) DATE Lead-free symbol 001aak714 Fig 5. Example of typical box information barcode label NXP -ASSEMBLED IN >COUNTRY< (30P)TYPE HALOGEN FREE EU/CN RoHS compliant (1T)LOT (9D)DATE (Q)QTY (1P)CODENO 001aak715 Fig 6. Table 4. Example of typical reel information barcode label Barcode label dimensions Box barcode label l w (mm) Reel barcode label l w (mm) 100 75 36 75 Limited warranty and liability © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2014. Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. For more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.com For sales office addresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@nxp.com Date of release: 27 March Document identifier: SOD128_115 All rights reserved.