SMART data collection and inteGRation platform to enhance availability and accessibility of data and infOrmation in the EU territory on SecoNDary Raw Materials WP5 Dissemination and Exploitation Deliverable D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Lead Organization ENCO SRL Deliverable due date 01.01.2016 Submission date 28.12.2015 Version 1.0 Author(s) ENCO SRL Funding Scheme Horizon 2020 – Waste 4c-2014 Single Stage CSA Duration 30 months Type of Deliverable R (Document, Report) Dissemination level PU (Public) This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 641988 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan STATEMENT FOR OPEN DOCUMENTS (c) 2015 SMART GROUND Consortium The SMART GROUND Consortium ( grants third parties the right to use and distribute all or parts of this document, provided that the SMART GROUND project and the document are properly referenced. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE. Any liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this document is disclaimed. No license, express or implied, by estoppels or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein. The members of the SMART GROUND project do not accept any liability for actions or omissions of SMART GROUND members or third parties and disclaims any obligation to enforce the use of this document. This document is subject to change without notice. ABSTRACT OF THE DELIVERABLE The purpose of this deliverable is to provide guidelines for all communication and dissemination activities carried out by the consortium, with a primary objective to support sustainable uptake of project results by end users. Target user groups have been identified and ways to reach them have been developed. It is a dynamic document, as it will be updated if necessary even after its formal delivery. KEY WORDS OF THE DELIVERABLE Communication strategy, Dissemination, Project Results, Website, Exploitation SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 2/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan History of changes Version Author Date Comments 0.1 ENCO SRL 23.10.2015 ToC 0.2 ENCO SRL 30.10.2015 First draft of the Communication Strategy (4) and Synergies with ongoing projects and initiatives (5) sections 0.3 ENCO SRL 11.11.2015 First draft of the Dissemination Strategy (3) and Monitoring and Evaluation (6) sections 0.4 ENCO SRL 30.11.2015 First draft of the Exploitation sections (7) 0.5 ENCO SRL 10.12.2015 Contribution from partners to relevant events, national magazines and target groups tables 0.6 ENCO SRL 15.12.2015 Update of partners individual Exploitation plan 1.0 ENCO SRL 21.12.2015 Quality Assessment Disclaimer: This document reflects only the author view and the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 3/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Table of Contents Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 1 Roadmap for the Dissemination and Communication Activities ............................................................ 10 2 Quality Management ............................................................................................................................... 11 3 4 2.1 Approval Procedures for Publications and Presentations ............................................................... 11 2.2 Standard Acknowledgement and Disclaimer .................................................................................. 11 2.3 Evaluation of Effectiveness.............................................................................................................. 12 Dissemination Strategy............................................................................................................................ 14 3.1 Objectives of the Dissemination Activities ...................................................................................... 14 3.2 Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................... 14 3.3 Procedure for the Periodical Collection of Technology Transfer Results ........................................ 17 3.4 Dissemination Target Groups .......................................................................................................... 17 3.5 Messages to be disseminated ......................................................................................................... 20 3.6 Dissemination Tools and Channels .................................................................................................. 21 3.7 Expected Impact of the Dissemination Activities ............................................................................ 29 Communication Strategy ......................................................................................................................... 30 4.1 Objectives of the Communication Activities ................................................................................... 30 4.2 Communication Tools and Activities ............................................................................................... 30 4.3 Expected Impact of Communication Activities................................................................................ 39 5 Synergies with Ongoing Projects and Initiatives ..................................................................................... 40 6 Monitoring and Evaluation ...................................................................................................................... 41 6 Exploitation Plan ..................................................................................................................................... 44 6.1 Exploitable Results........................................................................................................................... 44 6.2 Context and Value Proposition ........................................................................................................ 46 6.3 Exploitation at Partners Level.......................................................................................................... 53 6.4 Exploitation at Consortium level ..................................................................................................... 58 7 Conclusions .............................................................................................................................................. 59 8 Annexes ................................................................................................................................................... 60 8.1 Annex 1: Project Banner .................................................................................................................. 60 8.2 Annex 2: PowerPoint Template ....................................................................................................... 62 8.3 Annex 3: Press Release Template .................................................................................................... 64 8.4 Annex 4: Newsletter Template ........................................................................................................ 65 8.5 Annex 5: Report of the Event – Template ....................................................................................... 66 8.6 Annex 6: Project Brochure ............................................................................................................... 67 SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 4/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 8.7 Annex 7: Google Analytics First Report (M2-M3) ............................................................................ 68 Index of Tables Table 1: Acronyms and Glossary ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Table 2: Evaluation indicators for SMART GROUND C&D activities .................................................................................. 13 Table 3: Tangible and Intangible Outputs generated ....................................................................................................... 17 Table 4: SMART GROUND Dissemination target groups................................................................................................... 20 Table 5: Main outputs to be disseminated (see also D6.2 Innovation Management plan) .............................................. 20 Table 6: List of external channels ...................................................................................................................................... 23 Table 7: Preliminary list of external conferences .............................................................................................................. 25 Table 8: Scientific Journal and E-Journals ......................................................................................................................... 27 Table 9: Official EU Dissemination Channels .................................................................................................................... 28 Table 10: Dissemination targets ....................................................................................................................................... 29 Table 11: National, regional and local Magazines............................................................................................................ 36 Table 12: SMART GROUND related hash tags .................................................................................................................. 38 Table 13: Communication targets..................................................................................................................................... 39 Table 14: Dissemination and Communication activities ................................................................................................... 41 Table 15: Type of audience reached ................................................................................................................................. 42 Table 16: Scientific publications ........................................................................................................................................ 43 Table 17: List of Exploitable Results .................................................................................................................................. 46 Index of Figures Figure 1: Communication and Dissemination phases ....................................................................................................... 10 Figure 2: Partners’ roles and responsibilities for Dissemination activities ........................................................................ 15 Figure 3: Timing of Dissemination Activities ..................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 4: SMART GROUND Logo – Option 1...................................................................................................................... 31 Figure 5: SMART GROUND Logo – Option 2...................................................................................................................... 31 Figure 6: SMART GROUND Logo – Option 3...................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 7: SMART GROUND Website Content Tree ............................................................................................................ 34 Figure 8: Subscribe section – Screenshot of the website................................................................................................... 39 Figure 9: Economic importance and supplying risk of Raw Materials (EU Commission, 2012) ........................................ 46 Figure 10: World production of Critical Raw Materials (EC, 2014) ................................................................................... 47 Figure 11: Waste generation, 2012 (1000 tons). Source: Eurostat 2012 .......................................................................... 50 Figure 12: SGD Key actors ................................................................................................................................................. 51 Figure 13: Banner and Website Slider no 1 ....................................................................................................................... 60 Figure 14: Website Slider no 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 60 Figure 15: Website Slider no 2 with Text .......................................................................................................................... 60 SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 5/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Figure 16: Website Slider no 3 .......................................................................................................................................... 61 Figure 17: Cover page ....................................................................................................................................................... 62 Figure 18: Contents page .................................................................................................................................................. 62 Figure 19: Master page ..................................................................................................................................................... 63 Figure 20: Back page......................................................................................................................................................... 63 Figure 21: External side ..................................................................................................................................................... 67 Figure 22: Internal side ..................................................................................................................................................... 67 SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 6/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Acronyms and Glossary Acronyms/Abbreviations Description CA Consortium Agreement CBA Cost Benefit Analysis C&D Communication and Dissemination CPD Continuing Professional Development CRMs Critical Raw Materials D Deliverable DoA Description of Action DOI Digital Object Identifier D&E Dissemination and Exploitation EASME Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises EC European Commission EFSI European Fund for Strategic Investments EIP European Innovation Partnership ENPV Expected Net Present Value ERDF European Regional Development Funds EU European Union FNPV Financial Net Present Value GA Grant Agreement GPS Global Positioning System H2020 Horizon 2020 HTML Hypertext Markup Language ISSN International Standard Serial Number KPIs Key Performance Indicators LCA Life-Cycle Assessment M Month N.A. Not available NGOs Non-Governmental Organisations RIFD Radio-Frequency Identification R&D Research and Development RM Raw Material RSS Rich Site Summary RTD Research and Technology Development SG Smart Ground SGD Smart Ground Databank SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 7/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan SRM Secondary Raw Materials URL Uniform Resource Locator TBD To Be Defined T.E. Travelling Exhibit WP Work Package Table 1: Acronyms and Glossary SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 8/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Introduction The SMART GROUND project gives strong importance to the dissemination and exploitation activities, which are being carried out in a full cooperative approach within the consortium. Key objectives of the D&E plan are mainly three: To spread information on the project’s activities and results among as many stakeholders as possible in order to increase EU RM knowledge and to assure cooperation at EU level allowing matching the supply and demand from industries. To elicit stakeholders’ feedback on the project activities in order to steer the development interests towards current needs in the market. To ensure the sustainability of the project after the initial funding from EC, through the creation of the SGD that will remain operative after the formal completion of the project. The present Deliverable D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation in Section 3 and 4 sets up appropriate C&D measures that aim at fostering the maximization of the expected impacts of the project activities. The SMART GROUND dissemination plan provides the possibility of spreading knowledge produced all along the project. Measures for creating synergies and cooperation among ongoing projects and initiatives have been presented in Section 5. Methods to guarantee the Quality management, the constant Monitoring of the C&D activities carried out by the partners and the Evaluation of the impacts have been featured respectively in Section 2 and 6. In addition, a preliminary list of the project exploitable results, the first intention of exploitation per partner as well as the initial joint exploitation strategy have been compiled in Section 7. The enclosed Annexes display the templates to be used by partners in presentations, press releases and newsletters. Moreover, the present document provides the template for the report of the events attended by partners to promote the project and disseminate the results, the project brochure to be distributed and the screen shoot of the SMART GROUND’s “Google Analytics” page to monitor the users’ activities on the project website. According to the DoA, a single release of the present Deliverable is foreseen but for the project partners it is conceived as a dynamic document to be updated as the project progresses. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 9/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 1 Roadmap for the Dissemination and Communication Activities At the outset of the project, as no results are available, the communication strategy will focus on raising project awareness among the community of stakeholders. Once the first project results are achieved, the dissemination of results will start and last until the end of the project duration. During the last quarter of the project schedule, the project participants will adopt appropriate measures to ensure that the project results will be available to the target audiences, used in future activities and further exploited. The Figure 1 represents the roadmap that has been designed to reach the C&D objectives defined under paragraph 3.1 in a timely and adequate manner. Figure 1: Communication and Dissemination phases 1. PLANNING OF ACTIVITIES (M1 – M2) During this phase the WP Leader (ENCO), in cooperation with the project partners, establish proper mechanisms and methods to valorise and spread widely all the non-confidential results of the project to target groups. 2. IMPLEMENTATION PHASE (M3 – M30) It starts with the development of a comprehensive communication tool kit and consists in carrying out planned C&D activities to disseminate the project results among relevant stakeholders. 3. MONITORING ACTIVITIES (M3 – M30) This phase covers the whole implementation phase and is dedicated to analyse and assess the impact and success of C&D activities against pre-established key performance indicators (KPIs). 4. SUSTAINABILITY (M22 – M30) During this phase, mechanisms to ensure a long-lasting visibility and impact of the SMART GROUND Project outcomes are set up. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 10/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 2 Quality Management The main purpose of the Dissemination and Exploitation Plan is to set up rules and criteria to ensure the smooth management and effective implementation of the respective activities. Thus, the WP Leader envisages lying down specific procedures for releasing publications and presentations, consistent with the Grant Agreement (GA) and Consortium Agreement (CA). Moreover, a set of KPIs has been established as benchmarks for evaluating the effectiveness and the impact of the dissemination, communication and exploitation activities. 2.1 Approval Procedures for Publications and Presentations Article 29.1 of the GA and Article 8.3 of the CA shall govern dissemination activities, including but not restricted to publications and presentations. The governance of dissemination is defined in the GA as follows: “A beneficiary that intends to disseminate its results must give advance notice to the other beneficiaries of at least 45 days, together with sufficient information on the results it will disseminate. Any other beneficiary may object within 30 days of receiving notification, if it can show that its legitimate interests in relation to the results or background would be significantly harmed. In such cases, the dissemination may not take place unless appropriate steps are taken to safeguard these legitimate interests. If no objection is made within the time limit stated above, the publication is permitted. An objection is justified if: (a) the protection of the objecting Party's Results or Background would be adversely affected (b) the objecting Party's legitimate academic or commercial interests in relation to the Results or Background would be significantly harmed. The objection has to include a precise request for necessary modifications. If an objection has been raised the involved Parties shall discuss how to overcome the justified grounds for the objection on a timely basis (for example by amendment to the planned publication and/or by protecting information before publication) and the objecting Party shall not unreasonably continue the opposition if appropriate measures are taken following the discussion. The objecting Party can request a publication delay of not more than 90 calendar days from the time it raises such an objection. After 90 calendar days the publication is permitted, provided that Confidential Information of the objecting Party has been removed from the Publication as indicated by the objecting Party”. 2.2 Standard Acknowledgement and Disclaimer All communications and publications made by the SMART GROUND partners about the project, including conferences, or any type of information and promotional material, must acknowledge the contribution received from the European Commission under Grant Agreement no. 641988. All communications and publications therefore bear the following clause, followed by the EU emblem: [EN] “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 641988”. [IT] “Questo progetto ha ricevuto il finanziamento del programma di ricerca e innovazione dell'Unione Europea Horizon 2020 in virtù del contratto di sovvenzione n.641988”. [ES] “Este proyecto ha recibido financiación del programa de investigación e innovación de la Unión Europea Horizon 2020 en virtud de acuerdo de subvención n° 641988”. [FI] "Tämä hanke on saanut rahoituksen Euroopan Unionin Horisontti 2020 tutkimus ja innovaatio ohjelmasta rahoitussopimus No. 641988 mukaisesti." SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 11/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan [HU] “A projektet az Európai Unió Horizon 2020 kutatási és innovációs programja támogatja, a szerződés száma: 641988." Responsibilities of the European Commission in SMART GROUND project activities must be specified and delimited through a disclaimer that will be included in all the project publications. The disclaimer clause to be used is the following: “The authors are solely responsible for the content of this publication. The opinions expressed, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of EASME or the European Union and neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.” Open documents published by the SMART GROUND consortium such as public deliverables, scientific publications including books, conference proceedings and grey literature should also include the following statement: STATEMENT FOR OPEN DOCUMENTS (c) 2015 SMART GROUND Consortium The SMART GROUND Consortium ( grants third parties the right to use and distribute all or parts of this document, provided that the SMART GROUND project and the document are properly referenced. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE. Any liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this document is disclaimed. No license, express or implied, by estoppels or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein. The members of the SMART GROUND project do not accept any liability for actions or omissions of SMART GROUND members or third parties and disclaims any obligation to enforce the use of this document. This document is subject to change without notice. 2.3 Evaluation of Effectiveness The C&D activities and materials will be tailored and diversified according to diverse target groups (as outlined in paragraph 3.4) in order to achieve the maximum outreach and impact. To assure a quality standard, which allows the SMART GROUND Consortium to evaluate the impact of C&D activities, a set of KPIs has been identified. Tool/Method Website Web 2.0 tools Newsletters Informative printable material: posters, roll-up banner, KPI(s) identified Number of visitors and views Most viewed website pages (sections) Search terms and search engines leading to the website Number of downloads of the newsletter and project communication materials Number of downloads of the deliverables Number of posts Number of fans Number of members achieved Number of visits and visualizations Number of subscriptions to the service Number of copies printed and distributed SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 12/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan brochure, project factsheet Participation in the media (TV, radio) Participation in relevant events Announcements on partners’ websites, Press releases campaign, publication of articles Project final event Number of appearances Number of speeches/interviews released Number of conferences and workshops attended Number of project presentations done Number of new synergies established Number of press releases, Number of visualisations Number of newsfeed published in the partner’s website Number of appearance of SMART GROUND in stakeholders’ websites Number of participants Number of new connection established Table 2: Evaluation indicators for SMART GROUND C&D activities SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 13/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 3 Dissemination Strategy In order to draw the target groups’ attention to the project activities and results a mix of strategic channels and tools has been selected based on the following process of analysing: To whom – the audience; How – the method; Why – the purpose of the C&D action; What will be communicated – the message; When – the timing. 3.1 Objectives of the Dissemination Activities The dissemination action is extremely fundamental for heightening awareness about the results generated during the project. It seeks to extensively propagate tangible and intangible assets developed through the SMART GROUND action to as wide and relevant audiences as possible and to fine tune a set of measures to ensure that target groups have access to these results. Dissemination activities are crucial for the exploitation of the project results by other parties, in order to: 3.2 Provide bases for further actions. Foster collaboration and avoid duplication of effort. Accelerate innovation. Involve citizens and society. Roles and Responsibilities The dissemination action will be regularly adjusted according to the progress reached and target groups’ backgrounds, and has been designed taking into account the expertise of the project partners. ENCO is the WP5 Leader and will lead the project dissemination activities planned according to the dissemination strategy defined in the present document. The main ENCO’s responsibilities consist in: Setting up the most appropriate mechanisms and tools for maximum outreach and impact. Coordinating the partners’ contribution to the dissemination action. Monitoring and evaluating the dissemination results. The Figure 2 presents in a synthetic manner each partner’s tasks and responsibilities for the SMART GROUND dissemination activities. The Figure 3 visualises the timing of the SMART GROUND dissemination activities. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 14/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan UL AZ T VT O BI P. g. Re CU EO AG OS AT IM O IT UN N BZ UP S M K O K GT AM M C EN Website Management Regular update L L All partners contribute providing contents, news, events, updates Publications In specialized journals, magazines or newsletters S C C C C L C C C L C C C C C L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Events Planning and organisation of project events and final conference Participation in external events Produce digital dissemination material (Flyer, Poster, etc.) Printing dissemination material Running workshops Preparing and submitting conference papers Preparing presentations L C C Training Planning training programme Preparing training material Delivering training C C C C C C L C C C C C L C L C L = Leader C= Contributor S = Supervision Figure 2: Partners’ roles and responsibilities for Dissemination activities SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 15/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MONTH 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Dissemination Website Uploading content to the website Publications In specialized journals, magazines or newsletters Events Planning and organisation of project events and final conference Participation in external events Produce digital dissemination material (Brochure, Poster, etc.) Printing dissemination material Running workshops Preparing and submitting conference papers Preparing presentations Training Planning training programme Preparing training material Delivering training Figure 3: Timing of Dissemination Activities SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 16/68 36 48 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 3.3 Procedure for the Periodical Collection of Technology Transfer Results Technology Transfer is a process consisting in providing potential users with technical information and products developed by the project partners in order to encourage and accelerate their use. The principal scopes of technology transfer within SMART GROUND are: Boosting the SRM sector. Creating greater added value to the economy and more jobs. Increasing knowledge and use of the most advanced, economically effective and innovative technologies in the whole value chain of raw materials. The concept of technology transfer is to get the EU knowledge base, methodologies and database developed by the SMART GROUND project into the hands of the industries, public authorities and researchers as quickly as possible in a form useful to that end-users’ community. What is concretely transferred is often not really technology (tangible asset) but rather a particular kind of knowledge (intangible asset). Knowledge transfer is a process requiring fundamental steps, as the identification of exploitation pathways and activities focused on identified end-users to have a significant impact and uptake of the results. In order to capture tangible and intangible outputs related to methodologies, best practices and other SMART GROUND project activities, partners are encouraged to fill the following table in twice a year, starting from M6. The results gathered will be disseminated and transferred to the end-users through the SMART GROUND dissemination channels (mainly workshops and training sessions). WP Description of the Technology/Research Outcome generated Applications and potential benefits 1 Enumerate all outcomes of your activities within the SG project (not only the final SGD and platform but all knowledge/products generated in your field of work) Possible applications of the results ( e.g. a new visualisation tool would have plenty of potential applications) End-users of the SG outcome Expected added value for the endusers and for the whole RMs sectors No rhetoric statements concrete ideas but Table 3: Tangible and Intangible Outputs generated 3.4 Dissemination Target Groups The dissemination activities will be tailored according to the different target groups of the projects. A preliminary involvement of such target groups will occur already in WP1, with the creation of pilots for the collection of data and information. Such pilots will lay the foundations for actions implying community building and therefore a stronger engagement of the actors. Moreover, during the preparation of the proposal, each of the partners was asked to get in contact and involve a number of complementary organisations as third parties, which will support the consortium in the dissemination activities. The representatives of these third parties will be invited to participate in the workshops and training sessions organised in the framework of the project. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 17/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan The following table shows a preliminary list of target groups which the SMART GROUND dissemination action is addressed to. Every year this list will be internally updated and reported in the D5.7 Final report on dissemination activities (M30). Target groups Provenance Researchers and Students Universities and Academies Research institutes Associations and Networks Industries Operating in waste management sector Production/Manufacturing industries (automotive and aerospace) Metal industry Chemical industry Preliminary List Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE) Politecnico di Torino Università degli Studi di Cagliari Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca Università degli Studi di Roma CNR Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg Luleå University of Technology University College London (UCL) Institute for Sustainable Resources (ISR) VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava Technical University Crete Bucharest University, Geology and Geophysics Faculty AGH University of Science & Technology Autonomous University of Madrid Polytechnic University of Madrid University of Cádiz University of Salamanca University of Galicia CIEMAT Instituto Nacional del Carbón (CSIC) ACEA Pinerolese Centro Servizi Lapideo VCO CAVIT s.r.l. Gruppo Minerali Industriali s.r.l. Viridor Biokom Recisur S.L. GreenSquare S.L. ReciclajesMediterraneo S.L. Viru Keemia Grupp AS MinPol KG - Agency for International Minerals Policy FER (Federación Española de la Recuperación y el Reciclaje) ASEGRE ATEGRUS AEDRA (Asoc. Españ. de desguazadores y recicladores vehículos usados) APIDEMA (Asociación Para El Desarrollo Integral De Las Personas Y El Medio Ambiente) Asociación Española de Profesionales de Automoción Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Equipos y Componentes para automoción Asociaciones Española de Fabricantes de Automóviles Asociación Española de Empresas Tecnológicas SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 18/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Governmental/public bodies Policy makers, Regional Government, Municipalities, Regulatory Bodies Other stakeholders (citizens included) Environmental associations Networks NGOs deDefensa, Aeronáutica, Seguridad y Espacio AIRBUS Minas RIO TINTO ACERALIA Corporación Siderúrgica S.A. AIQBE (Asociación de Industrias Químicas, Básicas y Energéticas de Huelva) Federación Empresarios del Metal Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales del metal Asociación de Empresarios del Metal de Madrid (AECIM) Asociación de Fundidores del País Vasco y Navarra Federación Española Asociaciones Fundidores Confederación de Centros de Transporte de Mercancías (CETM) Asociación nacional de la Industria Química Federación Empresarial de la Industria Química Española (FEIQUE) Asociación Española de Comercio Químico (AECQ) Asociación Española de Bioempresas Asociación de Empresas de Valorización Energética de RSU Asociación de Empresas de Energia Renovable Grupo PUMA Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY) of South-Savo ISPRA Regional authorities Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary National Center for Sustainable DevelopmentInstitute of Geology and Mineral Exploration(EKBAA-IGME) Geological survey of Slovenia Geological Institute of Romania Emilia-Romagna Region, Soil and Coast protection and Land Reclamation Service Geological Survey of Sweden MAGRAMA (Subdirección General de Residuos) IGME (Instituto Geológico y Minero de España) Secretaria de Estado para la minería CEDEX (Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas) REDIAM Portal Andaluz de la Minería Consorcio Provincial RSU Málaga ANPAR ANIM GEAM A4MIT IAEG Ecologists Without Borders Association Hungarian Mining Association (HMA)Aggregates Division SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 19/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan LEGACOOP - cooperatives association Ecologistas en Acción Grupo Ecologista Mediterráneo Greenpeace EMMA Andalucía Fundación Basura Environmental Services Association (ESA) The Chartered Institution of Waste Management (CIWM) Federazione Imprese di Servizi (FISE) Assoambiente ATIA - ISWA Asociación de Empresas Gestoras de Residuos y Recursos Especiales ASEGRE ATEGRUS, Spain, National FKF Nonprofit Zrt. (ISWA) Finnish Environmental Industries (YTP) Jätehuoltoyhdistys RY, Finland, National (JHY) Table 4: SMART GROUND Dissemination target groups 3.5 Messages to be disseminated SMART GROUND will produce different typology of results. The following list summarizes the main outputs to be disseminated to the identified target groups during the project schedule. WP 1 2 3 4 Outputs Outputs related to the characterization and modelling of potential sites: Factors that affect the reusability of the raw material in landfills in EU Data on the volumes of SRM in EU Characteristics and reuse potential of specific SRMs Information of the SRM potentials Outputs related to the materials flow, socio-economic and environmental impacts Sustainability issues for waste streams and SRM Socio-economic analysis to evaluate the opportunity to exploit the dumped raw materials, including the selection of the most promising markets Recycling potential of different waste stream Material flow maps Outputs related to the databank creation Repository Associated services Client application Outputs related to the implementation - Training – Networking Best practices gathered during the project Stakeholder database Training programme Open access training courses Table 5: Main outputs to be disseminated (see also D6.2 Innovation Management plan) SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 20/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 3.6 Dissemination Tools and Channels The messages listed in the Table 6 will be disseminated to the respective target audiences following a trilevel strategy comprising: Online tools and channels. Offline tools and channels. Physical interactive tools and channels. Dissemination tools consist in all tangible supports to diffuse the project outcomes. Dissemination channels refer to the means by which the partners will disclose and distribute the project results. 3.6.1 Online Dissemination Online presence will ensure a wide coverage on the web, as it is a powerful channel to spread the project information, results, exchange practices, and opinions with interested stakeholders. Online dissemination channels comprise: Project website: the SMART GROUND website acts as one of the project´s main dissemination channels that will be regularly updated all along the project schedule. It represents the first the entry point to the entire project’s information. A dedicated paragraph has been developed in this deliverable, namely 4.3.2 Website. External websites: project results will be showcased on different websites, ensuring the widest possible coverage for the project activities. The table below represents a preliminary list of internal (consortium level) and external website identified to be addressed. Type SMART GROUND partners Networks in Europe Channel ENCO MAMK GTK MS UP BZN MKM UNITO IMAGEO ATOS CU REG. P. BIOAZUL VTT SPIRE EIT Raw Materials European Enhanced Landfill Mining Consortium (EURELCO) European Minerals Foundation Forum International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) Industrial Minerals Association – Europe URL SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 21/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan European Association of Mining Industries, Metal Ores & Industrial Minerals European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources (ETP SMR) European Organization for Packaging and the Environment (EUROPEN) European Environmental Bureau Confartigianato VerbaniaNovara Association of Piedmont Geologists Association of Piedmont Engineering (different for each district) Finnish Association of the National Waste Management Plants Associazione Nazionale Produttori Aggregati Riciclati (ANPAR) Associazione Nazionale Ingegneri Minerari (ANIM) Associazione Georisorse e Ambiente (GEAM) Alliance for Materials Italia (A4MIT) International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and sustainable Resource management (ACR+) Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) European Recycling Industries Confederation (EuRIC) European Ferrous Recovery and Recycling Federation (EFR) European Metal Trade and Recycling Federation (EUROMETREC) Waste Management World Recycling & Waste World Waste plan Confederation of European Waste to Energy Plants f SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 22/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Websites of SMART GROUND related ongoing FP7 and H2020 projects Recycling international Zero Waste Europe Renewable Energy from Waste Recycling and Waste Management Solid Waste Fundacion Biodiversidad Fundación basura Residuos Profesional Retema Economía Circular Minería en Línea The International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services (FEAD) ProSUM CloseWEEE Minerals4EU 2 I MINE EIT RawMaterials NEW_InnoNet project RECREATE INTRAW MINATURA2020 EO-MINERS HISER CRM_InnoNet ReNew ProMine Table 6: List of external channels 3.6.2 Offline Dissemination All along the project duration, the project partners will develop official public Deliverables. These are conceived as one of offline dissemination of SMART GROUND results. It is planned that all of them will be uploaded to the project website under “Download” section and made them available to multiply the project excellence and disseminate knowledge as extensively as possible. 3.6.3 Physical Dissemination One of the most powerful dissemination channels is the dissemination of the project results during international events and conferences. It is an immediate way to present the project and its results to diverse stakeholders. To this aim, partners will attend and actively participate in relevant events. The table below lists a selection of events identified. As this activity lasts until the end of the project and beyond, a dedicated section in the restricted area of the website has been created in order to allow partners to point out further external conferences and events of interest that shall be targeted by the dissemination activities. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 23/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Event Venue and Date The Potential of the Waste Sector to a Low Carbon Economy Brussels (BE), 12.01.2016 URL en/events/upcomingevents/event/264-the-potential-ofthe-waste-sector-to-a-low-carboneconomy th 15 IERC International Electronics Recycling Congress Salzburg (AU) 19 – 22.01.2016 Third International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining (ELFM III) Lisbon, (PT), 8-10.02.2016 Circular Economy 2016 Brussels (BE), 16.02.2016 ICMRG 2016 - 18th International Conference on Mineral Resources and Geology Resource sium/ 81&page_id=2583 London (UK), 25-26.02.2016 /2016/02/london/ICMRG/home London (UK), 08-10.03.2016 Berlin (GE), 16 – 18.03.2016 23 Annual European Tyre Recycling Conference Brussels (BE), 16 – 18.03.2016 Plastics Recycling Show Europe Brussels (BE), 22 – 23.03.2016 Save the Planet- Exhibition and conference for South-East Europe on waste management and recycling Sofia (Bulgaria), 05-07.04.2016 Vienna (AU), 17-22.04.2016 Brussel (Spring, 2016) Once in two year, next time Bergamo, Italy 23-25.05.2016, IARC 2016- International automobile recycling congress rd European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 EGU EIP –Smart City Commitment meetings SUM 2016 - Third Symposium on Urban Mining ISWA - BEACON CONFERENCE Oslo, (NO) 15 – 17.06.2016 Euro Mine Expo 2016 Skellefteå (SE), 14-16.06.2016 Feria Inernacional del urbanismo y medio ambiente Madrid (ES), 15 – 17.06.2016 Circular Economy Connect Workshops Birmingham (UK), 13-15.09.2016 ntent/Circular-Economy-ConnectWorkshops Leipzig (GE) 11-15.07.2016 Barcelona (ES), 04-08.09.2016 hp?eventid=1419&Opendivs=s3 T.E. (Four times per year until 2020) n.a. Annual Conference of the International Mine Water Association (IMWA) 2016 nd EAGE 2016 -22 European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics Raw Materials University Day SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 24/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Green Week 30.Valtakunnalliset Jätehuoltopäivät 2016, National waste management seminar Brussels (BE), 10.2016 n.a. Helsinki (FI), 4-5.10.2016 reeviewid=tree6&nodeid=1 Ecomondo Rimini (IT), 8-11.11.2016 European Minerals day T.E. -sectors/waste-recycling-andservices Europe Mining Summit Annual European Raw Materials Conference N.A. Waste Eng 2018 TBC ECOFIRA International Environmental Solutions Trade Fair, Valencia (Spain) TBC 36&page_id=1131 http://www.feriasdelmedioambient Table 7: Preliminary list of external conferences The participation of the project partners in external events may consist in different formula or mix of them as having presentations showing slides, displaying posters and roll up banners, distributing brochures, fact sheets or other dissemination material. This channel will facilitate knowledge sharing, networking, and community building with targeted audiences. Moreover, participation in relevant events represents an additional opportunity to establish synergies with other initiatives and projects addressing similar scope, avoiding overlapping while maximising the action at the EU level. All events attended by partners will be advertised timely through all the project communication channels, including the website, where the section “Events” will be fed with specific event-related information (venue, registrations, agenda, proceedings, eventually slides, etc.). Furthermore, in order to sustain the dissemination of the results amongst researchers, exchange of visiting researchers and lecturers will be organised. 3.6.4 Scientific Journal and Conferences According to the DoA, all the not confidential results of the research activities carried out in the framework of the project for creating the SGD will be collected in technical reports and in scientific articles. Such documents will be peer-reviewed and published on EU and National journals, and made available to other users through open access models, together with the proceedings of the final conference. According to the Art. 29.2 of the GA “each beneficiary must ensure open access (free of charge, online access for any user) to all peer-reviewed scientific publications relating to its results”. In particular, project partners must: a) as soon as possible and at the latest on publication, deposit a machine-readable electronic copy of the published version or final peer-reviewed manuscript accepted for publication in a repository for scientific publications. Moreover, the partners must aim to deposit at the same time the research data needed to validate the results presented in the deposited scientific publications. b) ensure open access to the deposited publication — via the repository — at the latest: SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 25/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan on publication, if an electronic version is available for free via the publisher, or within six months of publication (twelve months for publications in the social sciences and humanities) in any other case. c) ensure open access — via the repository — to the bibliographic metadata that identify the deposited publication. The bibliographic metadata must be in a standard format and must include all of the following: the terms “European Union (EU)” and “Horizon 2020”. the name of the action, acronym and grant number. the publication date, and length of embargo period if applicable, and a persistent identifier. Open Access to scientific peer-reviewed publications is mandatory for SMART GROUND Action. According to the Guidelines on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Horizon 20201, open access is “the practice of providing on-line access to scientific information that is free of charge to the reader”. Two main options can be chosen for open access to scientific peer-reviewed publications: Self-archiving (or Green open access). Open access publishing (or ‘Gold’ open access). The first option occurs whenever “the published article or the final peer-reviewed manuscript is archived by the researcher – or a representative - in an online repository before, after or alongside its publication. Access to the article is often – but not necessarily - delayed (‘embargo period’) as some scientific publishers may wish to recoup their investment by selling subscriptions and charging pay-per-download view fees during an exclusivity period”2. The second preference intervenes whenever “an article is immediately provided in open access mode by the scientific publisher. The associated costs are shifted away from readers, and instead charged to (for example) the university or research institute to which the researcher is affiliated, or to the funding agency3 supporting the research”. Thus, SMART GROUND partners are free to deposit peer-reviewed publications in any institutional, thematic or centralized online archive they consider most appropriate. However, the SMART GROUND related publications must be continuously reported to the EC under one of the following options: Preferred option: OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe, Publications registered via OpenAIRE will directly link to the H2020 project concerned and automatically display all relevant information for reporting. DOI: Publications not accessible via OpenAIRE must be reported using the digital object identifier persistently linking to the article in a repository. Other: Publications not accessible via OpenAIRE or DOI must be provided and full reference data entered manually. Open Access is compatible with copyright, peer review, revenue, and does not affect the intellectual property generated by research results, because the decision on whether to publish open access 1 2 ibidem SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 26/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan documents comes after the more general decision on whether to first seek protection for intellectual property rights (See D5.2 IPR Management Plan). The following is an initial list of identified journals of interest that shall be targeted by the dissemination activities. Publication Headline Mining Global Magazine Mining Journal European Geologist Materials Science Journal Computers & Geosciences International Journal of Earth Sciences International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment International Journal of Integrated Waste Management, Science and Technology International Journal of Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management Landfill Magazines & Journals Environmental Science & Engineering La Chimica & L'Industria URL science+%26+engineering?SGWID=0-1733413-0-0-0 Environmental Earth Science Associazione Georisorse e Ambiente (GEAM) Journal of Cleaner Production Waste Management Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Materiaalit ja Ympäristöturvallisuus julkaisut. A sarja International Waste Working Group publications (IWWG) Table 8: Scientific Journal and E-Journals 3.6.5 Official EU Dissemination Channels The SMART GROUND partners envisage spreading the project results through channels set up by the European Commission for the EU funded project beneficiaries. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 27/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan The SG WP Leaders are committed to prepare press release whenever a milestone in the project is reached. Then it will be forwarded to the relevant EU dissemination portals by the WP5 Leader. The following official EU dissemination channels will be approached, as listed in the table below. Type Portals Channel EASME DG Environment JRC - Raw Materials Information System (RMIS) CORDIS European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Project stories Digital Agenda for Europe Magazines European Data Portal Horizon - The EU Research and Innovation Magazine Futuris and Innovation Magazine research*eu results Magazine URL 20/en/newsroom/551/ Magazine Environment for Europeans Table 9: Official EU Dissemination Channels Finally, according to the Art. 38 of the GA, the project Coordinator “before engaging in a communication activity expected to have a major media impact must inform the Agency”, in order to be supported in maximising the outreach of the activity planned. 3.6.6 Final Conference An international SMART GROUND final conference will be organised in M30 (March 2018) with the potential support of the SMART GROUND stakeholders. It will be addressed to the project target groups, including representatives of other countries not directly involved in the project. This will be the highlight of the project, the crucial moment to launch and present all results and establish new cooperation beyond the project timeframe. The final conference will be held in Brussels and representatives of industry, public authorities, and academia will be invited to join the event. Approximately 100 attendees are expected. The WP5 Leader will set up a Conference organising Committee, mainly composed by the project WP Leaders with the aim of defining: Conference agenda and main topics to be tackled. List of high profile speakers/panellists. List of presentations/scientific publications. Promotional material. Conference logistics. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 28/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Proceedings of the final conference will be published on the project website and briefing with journalists will be arranged to deliver maximal impact. Communication and advertising activities will begin no later than five calendar months prior to the scheduled date of the event. Costs for renting the conference room, facilities, and coffee break will be incurred by ENCO and MAMK. Attendees’ accommodation and travel costs will not be covered by the project beneficiaries. 3.7 Expected Impact of the Dissemination Activities SMART GROUND is expected to have a significant impact on the SRMs sector, besides of boosting cooperation among value chain players (researchers, entrepreneurs, public authorities, etc.) in several raw materials sectors, leading a more efficient use of raw materials and to waste reduction. Thus, the SMART GROUND database will also enable the exchange of contacts and information among the relevant stakeholders, which are interested in providing or obtaining SRM. However, the principal expected impact to achieve is the uptake of the project results for growth and jobs, with a view to increasing the innovation and business impacts. It should be also considered that a high diffusion of information on the existence and functioning of the online tool will possibly increase the number of the SGD users. This implies i) an integration of more data and information from the users, with a consequent increase in the possibilities of creating synergies; ii) a wider diffusion of the data and information included in the SGD. This, together with the publication of scientific articles based on the data collected during the implementation of the project and diffused according to open access models, will contribute in increasing the knowledge of EU RM and on waste management, while making information transparent and accessible by all stakeholders. Besides, the organisation and delivery of training sessions (partly held on-line through an open access system) will be accompanied by the publication of training material on the project website. Such material, together with the training activities themselves, which will target entrepreneurs, policy makers, researchers, students, consultants, etc. will spread knowledge, build expertise in the issue of raw materials and waste management, therefore contributing in creating the enabling environment for boosting the RM sector, and create more jobs. Finally, the dissemination activities targeting public authorities will favour the adoption of more informed policy-making practices, with a positive impact on the sector of raw materials processing and waste management. In order to measure the effectiveness of the dissemination action a set of KPIs and target values has been fixed, as reported in the table below. Tool Website Participation in relevant events Publication in Journals Project final event Target (By M30) At least 50.000 hits At least 2000 downloads of the newsletters and project dissemination materials At least 2 events per partner At least 3 new connections established per partner At least 10 papers At least 100 participants At least 40 new connections establish with third parties Table 10: Dissemination targets According to the DoA, in case the dissemination and exploitation action foreseen might not have the expected impact on stakeholders (critical Implementation risks and mitigation actions), the activities planned will be constantly revised and benchmarked by all partners, in order to improve and overcome potential flaws in the communication strategy. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 29/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 4 Communication Strategy The SMART GROUND project partners have been implementing a set of communication activities since the start of the project. These activities will be continuously performed for promoting the project and its finding during the period of the grant. As featured below, the communication activities will ensure both one-way as well as multilateral extensive communication. Partners are committed to identify the channels that are most likely to be referred to by their main interlocutors. Thus, the SMEs will participate to all activities but they will concentrate on business-tobusiness communication by preparing technical and commercial leaflets and publications. At the same time, they will target a wider public (test–case citizens) by preparing awareness raising and educational materials. On the other hand, the research institutions will mainly use the principal channels of the research community i.e. peer-reviewed publications, open access publication, scientific congresses and specialized websites. Public authorities will provide the consortium with a direct access to local and national media, such as TV and newspapers. Public authorities will also use their institutional websites to further advertise the project. Finally, as one of the most important communication activities in the project, training activities will be carried out to instruct SME, local Authorities and Professional operators on the new products for safe reuse of SRM. Such training modules will be based on a blended approach: part in-presence and part online. Indeed, the core training action will take place at the end-users premises, and will contain a component of practical training. However such activities will be supported by the creation of e-learning material to be used both by trained actors and all stakeholders in general. 4.1 Objectives of the Communication Activities The SMART GROUND communication strategy will pursue the following goals: 4.2 To give visibility to the project vision, aims, activities and results at all level while increasing EU RMs knowledge. To raise public awareness about the project key facts and findings while facilitating the exchange of information about SRMs sector. To encourage use of the SGD to make better-informed decisions at EU and national level. Communication Tools and Activities Each of the partner organisations will be responsible for advertising the project on their own website. They will therefore dedicate enough space to the project in their web pages, so to properly communicate the project vision, objectives and activities. In the same way, each of them will be responsible for advertising the action on a notice board, which will be strategically placed in their buildings, so to ensure the visibility of the project by the widest audience possible. In the perspective of achieving the above identified objectives and reach the identified targets, the project partners will implement a wide set of actions, using different tools, according to the best practices of public communication, all along the project lifetime. This section features the communication tool kit designed for the SMART GROUND project. Some tools will be also used for dissemination purposes. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 30/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 4.2.1 Logo and Graphic Identity The WP5 Leader has developed a visual identity for SMART GROUND project to support the partners to communicate more effectively with the target groups and general public. The project logo has been designed by a professional designer and agreed on by the partners. The logo has been created to be easily recognisable and meaningful for the identified audience. The SMART GROUND logo constitutes and acts as an official ‘trademark’ of the project. Different versions of the SMART GROUND logo have been produced, adapted to different backgrounds and displays (screen, print, black and white). The logo is available both in pixel and vector formats, and also available for the partners’ use downloadable via the Private Area Repository of the project website. Figure 4: SMART GROUND Logo – Option 1 Figure 5: SMART GROUND Logo – Option 2 SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 31/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Figure 6: SMART GROUND Logo – Option 3 The option 3, displayed in the Figure 6, represents the final stable visual element to be used in all C&D tools and material. Furthermore, with the purpose of facilitating the identification and the process of fixing the graphic identity of the SMART GROUND, the project banner has been also created. Consistent with the project logo, the project banner helps to communicate better the main ideas of the project: resources efficiency, environment, waste management, SRM recovery, SRM data collection. This banner will be used as complementary image of the project in brochure, posters, website, press releases and newsletter. Consistent with the project logo, including its colour palette and fonts, a set of graphical templates has been created and distributed among partners in order to ensure a professional level of quality in terms of design and presentation in all the project documents and communications. This set of templates includes: A template for the Project Deliverables. A template for Project PowerPoint Presentations (Annex 2). A template for the Project Press Release (Annex 3). A template for the Project Newsletter (Annex 4). 4.2.2 Website The SMART GROUND website is hosted on the following URL: It is available in English, Italian and Spanish languages. Moreover, it will be finalised with Finnish and Hungarian translation of contents by M15. The web design is intuitive and easy to navigate, besides being creative and eye-catching. The current version is consistent with the project graphical identity. It is administered by ENCO with the support and contribution of all partners. It was launched in November 2015 (M2) and will be constantly improved and updated with news, links, events, communication materials, deliverables and publications. It will be operative for the duration of the project and for at least 2 years after the project completion. Partners are required to link their website to the SMART GROUND website. The website consists of the following sections: Project; Partners; Links; News and events; Downloads; Training; Contact us; Private Area. The Content Tree is described in the flow chart below (c.f. Figure7: SMART GROUND website content tree). SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 32/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Homepage: SMART GROUND project title; Calendar box with upcoming events; Latest News; Icons of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn accounts of SMART GROUND; RSS Feed (to advertise project related events and describe its progress); Twitter Feed; Quick format for the subscription to SMART GROUND Newsletter; Administrative Info. Project: description of Project Context and Objectives; Impacts and Expected Outcomes; Pilot Landfills (it will be published as soon as the WP1 achieves milestones in the framework of the characterization of the pilot landfills). Partners: a short description of each partner, contact details and link to the own web page, including the precise role in SMART GROUND. Links: link to SMART GROUND Platform; links to SRM related EU initiatives and projects; links to repositories of open source software. Further, it includes linkto the Horizon 2020 Programme. News and Events: give access to up-to-date information and to a more detailed calendar of the SMART GROUND planned meetings, conferences and workshops and a specific agenda that can be consulted event by event. Downloads: a repository where the released Newsletters, Public Deliverables, Publications (press releases, documents produced, reports), Promotional material, Media and other documents are available and downloadable. Training: a space devoted to host all the training material developed under the WP4. Contact us: a format to enable interested public to contact the Project Coordinator or any other relevant person in the project and subscribe to the SMART GROUND newsletter and training. Private area: a repository restricted to the Consortium members, where each partner is allowed to share deliverables produced during the project, working documents, templates and presentations. The project website therefore represents a reference point for partners, stakeholders and public audience who want to get or give information on the project activities. The website is designed using responsive web technologies to enable optimum visualization independently of the device used (PC, tablet, and mobile). Visits and downloads will be monitored regularly by Google analytics (Annex 7). A summary of the visitors (including information on countries of origin) will be part of the Final Dissemination Report (D5.7, due date M30). SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 33/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Figure 7: SMART GROUND Website Content Tree 4.2.3 Project Brochure, Posters and Fact Sheets As support to the communication campaign of the SMART GROUND project, some promotional material will be created and distributed through various mass media channels for publicity use. This material comprises the project brochure, poster, roll-up banner and fact sheet. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 34/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan The brochure is a material to be circulated during conferences, workshops and project events. It will have in a glance an attractive and synthetic project overview, highlighting the main objectives and expected results to be achieved. It will be consistent with the SMART GROUND graphic in order to be easily recognizable. The first digital version was created in M2 in English, by the WP Leader and shared with all partners in order to be printed. Specific thematic brochure will be also created in support of the different tasks of the project. The brochure is in A5 size with 4 pages created using Adobe Indesign CS5. For the purpose of the current deliverable the first version is included in Annex 5. The digital version of the brochure has been published on the project website under the “Downloads” section > Promotional material (URL: The project poster and roll-up banner will be designed and used at events organised by the partners to promote the project or they will contribute to. The first digital version will be created by M4 in English by the WP Leader and shared with all partners. Both posters and roll up banners will be plastic coated in order to prevent wear and make them reusable. Content specific posters and roll-up banners will be created, if necessary. The project factsheet will be developed by M4 in A4 size containing an overview of the project, the Work Plan, its objectives, the consortium as a whole, including the project ID card with all the information related to the call, type of action, duration, status, QR code and website URL. An updated version of the content of the fact sheet will be produced by M18. The factsheet will be used by the EU for its own dissemination and awareness activities throughout the project lifecycle, and will be published on EC and EC sponsored websites. All communication material will include the appropriate information on funding along with the EU emblem in a prominent position. The first versions of this material will be in English and the translation in all partners’ languages is foreseen. Partners are responsible for the translation of the content while ENCO is in charge of the lay-out, development of the content in English and Italian. All the promotional material will be published on the project website, under the section “Downloads” and spread out through the SMART GROUND communication channels. 4.2.4 Media Coverage Each of the partners is responsible for getting in contact with national, regional and local media (Magazines, TVs and Radio) with the scope of supplementing the visibility of the SMART GROUND project. Type Websites at EU level Channel EurActiv Recycling International Recycling Today WASTE-MANAGEMENTWORLD SciDev.Net Waste Management World Waste Recycling & Waste World Magazine Resource Recycling Magazine Odpady (Waste) magazine Link SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 35/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Processing Magazine Engineering and Technology Magazine E-magazine Website at national level (Italy) Rivista Innovare Materia Rinnovabile (Finland) GeoFoorumi Tekniikka & Talous Read -magazine YLE tiedeuutiset (United Kingdom) LETSRECYCLE.COM Chartered Institute for Wastes Management Edie Net FuturENVIRO Recuperacion sta.aspx (Spain) HiTech Ambiente Educazione Sostenibile Recycling Pedeca Press Publicaciones Waste Ideal ASEGRE Blog Ambientum Revistas Residuos Revista de Gestión Medioambiental y Energética (Hungary) DON'T WASTE IT! HULLADÉK ONLINE Pollack Periodica Zöld Ipar Magazin sciences/pollack_periodica_eng Table 11: National, regional and local Magazines The main purpose pursued is to maximize the visibility of SMART GROUND results, and especially draw the attention of potential users of the project databank, that might use this platform to access to data and information on SRM in the EU territory as well as to exchange contacts and information on SRM. Moreover, partners taking part in radio and programs related to waste management are able to capture stakeholders’ attention to incentivize them to use SMART GROUND databank. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 36/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan The stimulating debates at local, national and international level will generate the effect to favour the reduction of pressure on primary RM (such as CRM, mineral RM, coal, natural gas, oil, mineral fertilizers, etc) and a positive impact on human health and environment. 4.2.5 Infographics Information graphics or infographics are, according to Wikipedia, graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. Some infographics mainly focused on WP1 and WP2 will be created in order to display in a very effective way crucial aspects and results obtained throughout the performance of “Characterization and modelling of potential sites” and “Materials flow, socio-economic and environmental impacts” tasks. Therefore, infographics will be developed in M12, M18, M24 and M30. They will be shared and used as much as possible by all partners. 4.2.6 Social Networks and Social Media Strategy The project will also give strong importance to the use of social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, considered as invaluable tools able to favour a rapid and widespread communication of project activities, results and news, while encouraging the debate among stakeholders on specific issues. The project social media strategy relies on the concept of strengthening the project presence in Europe and worldwide while leading to the project impact. At the time of writing, SMART GROUND dedicated pages on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn have been already created. Each account is linked to the SMART GROUND website and is conceived to echo and spread news on the project progress. Therefore, the SMART GROUND social presence includes: 1) Twitter. The project account will be used to inform the broader community about news, events, information, progress and achievements. Extensive use of Twitter is foreseen, creating weekly posts. A project hashtag is created and promoted #SmartGroundProject. Several tools have been set up in order to monitor the activity and reassess the project positioning: Twitter analytics, Tweetchup, Tweetdeck and Klout. Some hash tags related to the SMART GROUND topics have been already identified and will be used to increase the project visibility and draw the Twitter members’ attention. Below, some examples are listed. Sectorial General #UrbanMine #urbanmines #circulareconomy #EITRawMaterials #Mining #thinkcircular #rawmaterials #UrbanWaste #wastemanagement #resourcerecovery #Landfill #Rareearthelement #CriticalMetals #criticalrawmaterial #H2020 #Horizon2020 #EU #innovation #HorizonMagEU #thinkdif SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 37/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan #recycledproduct #EIPRawMaterials Table 12: SMART GROUND related hash tags 2) Facebook. A Facebook page has been also set up targeting the trainees of the knowledge transfer activities planned in the framework of WP4 of the project. Facebook is a channel that is adapted to this audience. 3) LinkedIn. The SMART GROUND page serves as a platform for formal discussions, sharing best practises, collection of information, and communication of the project results to experts. Individual invitations will be sent out as soon as the stakeholder database is built (M18) to targeted contacts in order to attract more members. 4) YouTube. A channel dedicated to SMART GROUND project will be created by M4 with the purpose of broadcasting the project professional videos as well short amateur videos taken during external events where SMART GROUND will be presented by the project partners. 4.2.7 Press Releases Whenever the SMART GROUND project attains a relevant achievement, press releases will be sent out by email to draw journalists’ attention and stimulate them to produce articles on the topic of SRM. Moreover, press releases will be published before relevant events, for example the launch of the first release of the SMART GROUND Databank and Service Platform (M12) or the project final conference (M30). Each partner is responsible for publishing at least a press release per year, in relation to the activities to be carried out. Thus, at least 28 press releases should be sent during the whole duration of the project. They should be sent to journalists at a national, regional and local scale and also at European level, whenever possible. They can also be spread through free information platforms. Partners are committed to use the specific template (Annex 6) and use specific standard content (date, eyecatching headline, clear summary of the content to be put as first paragraph, contact details for requesting more information, logo, EU emblem.). 4.2.8 Newsletters Five issues of the project newsletters will be sent on a bi-yearly basis, starting from M6. The newsletter will be developed in English, available both in HTML and PDF format and uploaded to the “Downloads” section of the project website. The newsletters will be sent to the partners’ networks and contact databases. The website of the project will feature an option to allow interested parties to enrol for the newsletter. The Figure below is a screenshot of the SMART GROUND website, showing the format created to sign up to the project newsletter service. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 38/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Figure 8: Subscribe section – Screenshot of the website Each issue will be announced ahead of time through the project communication channels, including other relevant newsletters and websites with the aim of maximise the outreach. Each newsletter will include an overview of the last progress achieved, an outlook for the next period of project activities and other relevant news concerning the project and surrounding environment. 4.3 Expected Impact of Communication Activities The SMART GROUND communication campaign is expected to provide a significant support to the achievement of the expected impact on the SRMs and waste management sector, ensuring the general success of the project. In order to measure the effectiveness of the action a set of KPIs and target values has been set, as visualised in the table below. Tool/Method Logo and Graphic Identity Project Brochures, Posters and Fact Sheets Media Coverage Social Networks Press releases Newsletter Announcements on partners’ websites, Press releases campaign, publication of articles Target (By M30) SMART GROUND imagery included in all project C&D material/tool At least 8000 brochures distributed 30 posters and 14 roll-up banners displayed 1500 project factsheets (downloaded/handed-out) At least 30 speeches/interviews released At least 200 posts 500 fans (Twitter and Facebook) 250 members (LinkedIn) 6000 visualisations At least 28 press releases At least 500 enrolment At least 40 newsfeed published in the partner’s website 30 appearance of SMART GROUND in stakeholders’ websites Table 13: Communication targets SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 39/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 5 Synergies with Ongoing Projects and Initiatives The SMART GROUND project prefigures to create and establish synergies and networking with other projects and initiatives in order to: Ensure that there is knowledge interchange among projects. Tackle lack of access to good practices and bridging the gap amongst similar initiatives while avoiding overlapping. Maximise the dissemination of the results generated during the SMART GROUND project lifetime. The synergistic approach with SG related projects and initiatives consists in: Joint organisation of events and mutual invitations to participate in project workshops and conferences. Bilateral promotion of events and news by exchange of announcements published on the respective project website, newsletters, and social media. Project logo/graphics inclusion on the project C&D materials event posters, banners, presentations. This activity will enable project partners also provide a basis for cooperation with other European innovation procurement projects and platforms, for example attending project meetings to exchange thinking and best practice and sharing methodologies for feedback and review. The PROSUM project (Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining wastes, ) is a project that SMART GROUND is already in contact with. In addition, SMART GROUND will establish synergies with REMEDIATE ETN ( ), a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Networks (ITN) project (H2020-MSCA-ITN2014). This project is devoted to providing innovative research and training for more cost effective and sustainable remediation of contaminated land. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 40/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 6 Monitoring and Evaluation The WP Leader continuously evaluates impacts and results achieved through the C&D activities, by benchmarking them against the deadlines foreseen in the time table and the set of KPIs. The WP Leader is responsible for ensuring that all the activities are carried out in full accordance with the present plan. If there are substantial differences between the planned targets and the actual impact, the consortium will agree on the corrective actions to be undertaken in order to ensure the good quality and the effectiveness of the C&D activities. In the case indicators of actual results are higher than expected the consortium will opt for a revision of the initial benchmarks, in order to keep the high quality of actions throughout the whole project. Monitoring activities will rely on a strong involvement of all partners, which regularly (every 6 months) receive a form on the results achieved thanks to their individual C&D action. Furthermore, the WP Leader will circulate a semi-structured grid, to be completed by all the partners. For the quantitative assessment, the following table visualises the information to be collected. Type of dissemination and communication activities Number Exhibition Press release Brochure Social media Web-site Training Organisation of a workshop Participation to a conference Participation to a workshop Video Trade fair Media campaign (e.g radio, TV) Non-scientific and non-peer reviewed publications (popularised publications) Press release Participation to an event Brokerage event Pitch event Participation in activities organised jointly with other H2020 project(s) Table 14: Dissemination and Communication activities Type of audience reached (“multiple choices” is possible) Estimated Number of persons reached Scientific Community (higher education, Research) Industry Civil Society General Public Policy makers Medias Investors SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 41/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Customers Other Table 15: Type of audience reached The scientific publication will be monitored by using the table below (Table 16). Publications accessible via OpenAIRE will be displayed automatically. Partners will only need to check if the publications are linked to the project. In case of publications not registered via OpenAIRE, the project participants encode the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and all the rest of information is complete automatically. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 42/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Type of Title of scientific the SP publication (SP) DOI ISSN or eSSN [Article in journal] [Publication in conference proceeding/ workshop] [Books/Mon ographs] [Chapters in books] [Thesis/diss ertation] [insert DOI referenc e] [insert [insert [insert [insert ISSN or authors' title of the number eSSN name(s)] journal] of the number] journal] [insert month and year of the publicati on] [insert title of the publicatio n] Authors Title of Number, Publisher Place Year of Relevant Public & Peerthe date of publicati pages private review journal or publica on participa equivalent tion tion [insert name of the publisher ] [insert place of publica tion] [insert year of the publicati on] [insert [YES] first and last page of the publicati on] YES] [NO] [NO] Is/Will open access provided to this publicati on [Yes Green OA [insert the length of embargo if any] [Yes Gold OA [insert the amount of processin g charges in EUR if any] [NO] Table 16: Scientific publications SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 43/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 6 Exploitation Plan In the following paragraphs, the initial exploitation strategy has been defined at individual project partner level and at the project consortium scale. The final exploitation plan will be presented in the D5.5 Business Plan (due date M30) The principal purpose of the exploitation strategy is to support project partners to turn their involvement in the project and the project outcomes into benefits/return on investment, favouring the further development of their current activities, and to possibly lead to the launch of new activities/business. Depending on the partner, these benefits can be financial in terms of a new revenue stream that pays back for the investment on the medium/longer run or non-monetary. As an illustration, non-monetary benefits refer to the increased EU raw materials knowledge, better use of the existing standards, or being recognised as an innovative company or cutting edge public authorities. 6.1 Exploitable Results The SMART GROUND exploitable results include a wide range of outcomes that the project partners generate all along the project lifetime. The following table visualises a preliminary list of the exploitable results, their description, the project partner(s) that owns the result, the key applications, the expected time for the application and the exploitable path(s). Expected Result General assessment of SRMs in EU Characterization of target pilot landfills & modelling the potential sites Recognized interfaces with existing national databanks Novel characterisation methods Description Owner(s) Key Applications A first estimate of the SRM availability across EU. Integration of data from different platforms and information sources, Generation of new database interfaces for target pilot landfills selected and foundation for standardisation of information collection. Geophysical data, physical analysis, mineralogy data and ore potential estimate of pilot landfills, results of spatial analyse, results of geochemistry. MAMK, GTK, MS, VTT, UP, BZN, UNITO, IMAGEO, CU, RP, BIOAZUL Waste management strategies. Decision making. MAMK, GTK, IMAGEO, VTT, UP, BZN, UNITO, IMAGEO, CU, RP, BIOAZUL Landfill exploitation. 2-3 years, project duration Generation of new database interfaces for national databanks. IMAGEO,G TK, MAMK Project duration Novel hybrid methods tested at 9 pilot sites and evaluation of their potential use. IMAGEO, GTK, MAMK, BIOAZUL Waste management strategies. Decision making Landfill exploitation Timetable for applicati on 1-2 years postproject 1-2 years Exploitation path(s) Exploitation as further research by RTD project partners and BIOAZUL. Commercial exploitation by pilot plant end-users as early adopters of the SGD. A specific model for the exploitation will be developed. Exploitation for further research projects. Exploitation by end-users. Free license access. Industry partners exploitation. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 44/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan New RFID traceability system Protocols concerning the most suitable methods for the data collection/characterization of the various types of landfills Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology Environmental Analysis methodology 3 The logistical management of material flows via RFID will be introduced the MS waste management pilot plant. This will dramatically enhance the knowledge of the material flow management in the waste management industry. The identification of the SRM reserves created in future. A standard e-sheet for the different level data collection to the databank will be created. MAMK, MS, UNITO Waste management procedures SRM trade 1-2 years End-user MS exploitation in their commercial activities. MAMK, GTK,MS, VTT, UP, BZN, UNITO, IMAGEO, CU, RP, BIOAZUL Analysis of the SRM potential of landfills Landfill exploitation 1-2 years postproject Further research. Development of a tailor made CBA methodology for the SG application. It will enable future landfill mining initiatives to assess the financial profitability rate of their planned investment (i.e. calculating FNPV/C and FNPV/K), assess the volume of risk attached to these investments (i.e. prepare the sensitivity analysis and quantitative risk analysis), and monetize the expected environmental effect of these planned investments (i.e. calculating ENPV). All calculation will be in line with the methodology as described in the Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Pro3 jects , enabling the financing of transferability and replicability through ERDF, Cohesion Fund, EFSI and European Investment Bank project financing. Tailor made methodology for the SG application will be developed. MKM SRM trade. Landfill exploitation. <1 year postproject MKM exploitation as commercial service. BZN, all WP2 partners Decision making. Waste management strategies. Postproject Exploitation as a commercial service. cba_guide.pdf SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 45/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan SG Databank and Service Platform enabling information storage, query analysis and visualization This framework will enable the storage, query analysis and visualization of relevant information. It probably will include several subcomponents: ATOS and potentially all WP3 partners (UNITO, BIOAZUL, RP) Landfill exploitation. Digital and hard copy training materials Information material packs. EUwide training courses. CU, UP, WP4 partners Best practice guidelines and recommendations Collected during the project duration. They will provide the starting point for post project regulatory and best practices activities. CU, UP, WP4 partners Database. Client application. Different services (to be defined). <1 year post project License as open source. ATOS and co-owners may exploit it commercially as a consultancy service. Waste management practices. 4-6 months post project Decision making. At the project completion Embedded resource materials generated in the project into dedicated, specialised courses at postgraduate levels and accredited courses for CPD. Standardisation/Re gulations. SRM trade. Decision making. Waste Management. Table 17: List of Exploitable Results 6.2 Context and Value Proposition According to the EU Commission (2014, Report on Critical Raw Materials for the EU), the availability of essential RMs is increasingly under pressure in the EU. The 13 RM considered Critical, due to their economic importance and the high relative supply risk, are figured below (Figure 8). Figure 9: Economic importance and supplying risk of Raw Materials (EU Commission, 2012) 4 4 0/attachments/1/translations/en/renditions/native+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=it SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 46/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan The EU is one of the main importers of Critical Raw Materials (CRM) and Industrial Minerals (IM) from nonEU countries. The supply of those materials is dominated by China (which supplies antimony, fluorspar, gallium, germanium, graphite, rare earths, tungsten), followed by USA (10%) and Russia (3.9%). Figure 10: World production of Critical Raw Materials (EC, 2014) 5 On the other hand, Europe is nearly autonomous in feldspar production thanks to the exploitation of Secondary Raw Materials (SRM) from quarry dumps and from ceramic waste recovery. In this context, the secondary supplies represent the unique viable path to drastically reduce the dependence on international markets for the provision of RM, essential for the EU Member States economy and business. However, some barriers prevent the uptake of SRMs in the economy, according to the EC. As illustration, the main factors that inhibit the smooth access to SRMs are the absence of adequate collection systems and difficulties on cross-border circulation of secondary raw materials. The chance to recover strategic RM from mining and industrial dumps (both waste in ancient dumps and fluent waste from mining activities) are going to be investigated by the SMART GROUND project partners, which are currently working on creating a databank that favours the exchange of information of RMs and the knowledge sharing at multiple level. Secondary raw materials still account for only a small proportion of materials used by EU large, small and medium enterprises. Thus, SGD, gathering technical, regulatory and economic information on the availability of SRM across the EU territory, provides a better insight into raw materials stocks and flows at EU level, bringing economic benefits, contributing to innovation, growth and job creation. Value proposition: The SMART GROUND Databank value proposition consists in providing stakeholders all along the value chain with a single database that integrates data on SRM coming from urban, industrial and mining dumps at EU level. It is conceived as an online inventory of the available mining dumps, waste deposits, and existing technologies that allow a second exploitation of the waste materials. 5 Report on Critical raw materials for the EU, SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 47/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan The integrated datasets include a selection of SRM flows and reserves availability, traceability legislation, environmental impact, RM characteristics (as volume, localisation potential markets that can absorb and use such materials, etc.), monitoring of dumps. In addition, SGD features data on disposed organic wastes and on components that can be utilized as a SRM in energy production (i.e., landfill gas, materials for incineration), soil stabilization, fertilization and/or landscaping. Moreover, new data will be collected during the WP1 and WP2 activities and integrated in SGD with the already existing RM and Waste databases. Data on SRM reserves and the key RM (CRM, ores, metals), as well as materials that are cost effective and multi beneficial to utilize (as waste to energy, waste to raw materials, waste to nutrients) will assist the enhanced landfill mining in the future and SRM trade from the identified resources. Development of suitable screening and evaluation methods of different types of landfills will potentially lead to an important increase of recovery of key RM (particularly, CRM) for the EU. The databank will therefore serve as a platform elaborating data to make it immediately readable and accessible to the end-users. Since SMART GROUND project aims also at developing procedures to promote the recovery of SRM from dumps, it contributes to securing sustainable supplies of RM, in accordance with the Strategic Implementation Plan of the EIP on Raw Materials. Gain Creators: The SGD will collect and process crucial data about SRM reserves (location, content of deposits, reusability of SRMs, landfill storage information), integrating scattered data already existing with new data from the current SRM resources in the landfills and waste flows in EU countries. Such information is essential for: Decision-making processes at multiple levels (Regulatory perspective). Boosting new researches connected to new technologies development and application (Research perspective). New business opportunities for large, medium and small enterprises in RM and SRM sector as well as increased job opportunities (Commercial perspective). Technical openings in the field of the eco-innovations related to the SRM mining, raw material supply, developed identification techniques of the SRM deposits (Technology perspective). The SGD will be structured in two sections regulated by different access rules: open and private. The open section will gather updated information from the RSMs and/or the potential landfills for (i) the raw material trade, (ii) business opportunities for mining companies and (iii) further research. The private section will host, for example, the specific traceability information for the waste management companies, landfills or municipalities for the disposed waste flows, so that they could be located and utilized whenever it is necessary. Due to the heterogeneity of the data and access control needs of the data providers, different data licensing options (e.g. private data, completely open data, open for research) will be provided. The following list presents a preliminary overview of the data that will be available on SGD: • General information of the SRM reserves and landfill types in EU, based on legislation and knowledge change between the partner nations. • Information of the SRM potentials and waste streams from the already existing sources. • National databanks and applicable surveillance information from the waste producers (e.g., available/applicable SRM data from the national open registers). • Location information of potential landfill sites. • Identified potentials of the waste deposits (Metals, CRM, content of deposits, waste to energy. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 48/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan SRM and related characteristics of the landfills (Environmental, LCA and economical aspects). Meta-data of the data collection methods from the landfills. • Logistical data (RHFID) and online data for the primary use of the waste management and development of the closed cycle raw material reserve. • Authorizations. • Georeferentiation (point geographic coordinates). Year management of waste disposed of (qualitative data on the types and quantities of waste sent to t / y for each waste code in accordance with the European Waste Catalogue. Annual management data on the quantities of percolate and biogas extract captured. Mining landfills data: localization, minerals mined, years of activity, underground/open pit operation, minerals or metals contained in waste material, landfill type, landfill position (active or closed). Pain relievers: Besides the huge issue of the production of wastes, the continual depletion of the RM/mineral resources and scarcity of disposal land, also the primary procurement of RM is becoming unsustainable and onerous for the EU business. The SMART GROUND project prior to the provision of the SRMs platform to external stakeholders, offers partners involved in the project with an overview on new and state of the art technologies and research, a natural assessment of the applicability of those and the exchange of information about current problems, future trends and challenges. Collected information from the SRM reserves and their potentials for the utilization in material and/or in energy will produce cumulative information flow that could be utilized as background information in the decision making related to the material-/energy efficiency, material supply and business opportunities. In addition, SGD provides users with comparison (across the EU) of the different national legislation as well as guidelines to exploit, eventually, SRM from landfills (indicating from which kind of landfills/dumps) and of the national procedures to obtain a CE label for different recycled products (and/or SRM). Thanks to these comparisons it will be possible to create a proper and shared “EU guidelines for SRM exploitation from dumps” (useful for industries and public bodies), a common EU legislation about dumps exploitation/management (useful mainly for public bodies) and a best practice “hand book” (useful mainly or industries) to obtain CE label for recycled product (or SRM). Market Study and value chain: The waste production in 2012 (last data available by EUROSTAT) in EU-28 is about 2.5 billion tons (Figure 12). In particular, two activities generated significant levels of waste: Construction (32.66%) and Mining and Quarrying Waste (29.19%). In the EU-28, 922 million tonnes of waste excluding major mineral wastes were generated in 2012, equivalent to 37 % of the total waste generated. Compared with 2010, the quantity of waste generated by mining and quarrying and by agriculture, forestry and fishing diminished considerably by 25% and 49% respectively over the period under consideration, while the amount of waste generated from water and waste management (61% ) and from construction (45% ) grew at a rapid pace. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 49/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Figure 11: Waste generation, 2012 (1000 tons). Source: Eurostat 2012 6 In 2012, 2302 million tonnes of waste were treated in the EU-28. In details, almost half (48.3%) was landlfilled, 36.4 % of the waste treated was subject to recycling, 9.3 % was backfilled, the remaining 6.0 % 28 was sent for incineration: 4.4 % with energy recovery and 1.6 % without. Waste disposal of 35.9 million tonnes accounted for almost half (47.8 %) of the hazardous waste that was treated in the EU-28 in 2012 (see Table 4). Some 10.5 million tonnes (or 13.9 %) of all hazardous waste was incinerated or used for energy recovery, and 28.8 million tonnes (or 38.3 %) was recovered. Solid-waste management/ recycling industries in EU have a turnover of around €137 billion (i.e. 1.1% of the EU’s GDP) and provide jobs for more than 2 million people. If Member States increase their recycling of wastes from the current 38% to 70% (according to the EC/2008/98) at least half a million new vacancies across Europe will be created (EC, 201011). 6,_2012_(1000_tonnes).png SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 50/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan With regard to mining waste, some thousand mining sites (including those exploited for ferrous, nonferrous metals, industrial minerals and coal) have been identified within the EU (BRGM, 20017); almost all metal and coal mining is closed, while the majority of industrial-minerals mining is still active. With respect to waste management, the EU also faces large differences amongst its Member States. In 2011, while six Member States landfilled less than 3% of their municipal waste, 18 landfilled over 50%, with some exceeding 90%. In this context, the key actors that will benefit from the SGD tools and services are figured below. Tra de/i ndus try a s s oci a tions NGOs DEMAND FOR METALS AND MINERALS ADVISORY SERVICES Mi ni ng a nd proces s i ng wa s te Wa s te Ma na gement La ndfi l l s opera tors compa ni es Recycl i ng technol ogy provi ders La ndfi l l s creeni ng s ervi ces Equi pment s uppl i ers Logi s tics compa ni es Ma nufa cturi ng i ndus tri es Ma rket a na l ys ts Di s tri butors Energy i ndus try Retai l ers Tra ns port s ector Cons ul tants R&D (Academia and Research Centres) Society Governmental organisations Loca l Communi ties EU ci tizens a nd cons umers a s us ers of SRMs products Authorities and Agencies Geological surveys EU Goverment Centra l Government Provi nci a l / Regi ona l Government Muni ci pa l Government Envi ronmental , Mi ni ng, other Authori ties Medi a Figure 12: SGD Key actors Industrial actors will benefit from the interoperability database through the SRM reuse/recovery. It will lead an improvement in the competitiveness of European industries in waste management, creating greater value added to the economy and more jobs. Through SGD, industries will have the chance of making business with more and more partners from all over Europe, as the exchange of information and business matching will be favoured by the SG platform. Public authorities will have the possibility to be part of the dialogue among researchers, industries and citizens. Open dialogue will allow public authorities to improve their decision-making procedures for the elaboration of policies on waste management. Scientific actors will benefit from SGD by become members of this platform hub. This will help them to be recognized as experts in SRMs field and enables them to present their expertise to an interested public. Considering that SMART GROUND aims to enhance knowledge in order to improve the sustainable supply of raw materials, the scientific partners will benefit from this dialogue by a) Increasing cooperation with industries, b) Identification of new areas of research. Potential for 2020: The EC adopted a Circular Economy Package in July 2014 accompanied by a legislative proposal for the review of waste legislation8. This approach lays on the concept of “Turning waste into a 7 8 BRGM, 2001. Management of mining, quarrying and ore-processing waste in the European Union SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 51/68 Investors ICT services and tools provider Recycl i ng Compa ni es Envi ronmental NGOs DISTRIBUTION AND RETAILS SUPPLY OF METALS AND MINERALS D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan resource” in order to increase resource efficiency. The EC is delivering measures to cut resource use, reduce waste and boost recycling and set some targets to be achieved by 2030 as: • • • • Recycling 65% of municipal waste. Recycling 75% of packaging waste. Reducing landfill to maximum of 10% of all waste. Simplify and improving waste definitions and harmonise calculation methods. According to the EC, the Circular Economy will lead to: • The saving €600 billion for EU businesses, equivalent to 8% of their annual turnover. • Creation of 580,000 jobs. • Reduction of EU carbon emissions by 450 million tonnes per year. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 52/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 6.3 Exploitation at Partners Level Taking into account the above context, partners have formulated their individual intentions, detailed below, demonstrating their strong engagement to exploit the project results to support their own business and activities. 6.3.1 ENCO SRL (ENCO) Experienced advisor to both private business and public authorities involved in local development and territorial marketing, ENCO carries out merger and acquisition activities and assists SMEs in participating in EU R&D projects and accessing EU funds. Role in the project: ENCO, with an extensive experience in the management of international and national projects, is the Project Coordinator of SMART GROUND, providing also its knowledge and expertise in knowledge transfer, dissemination and exploitation activities. Exploitation intention: ENCO is interested to exploit the knowledge acquired all along the project lifetime to facilitate the market penetration of SGD, to extend its client portfolio and improve its position within the ecologically and economically rational waste management sector as well as increase its competitiveness in medium and long-term offering a wider range of consultancy services. 6.3.2 MIKKELIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU OY (MAMK) MAMK is a higher Finnish education institution that profiles as a strong implementer of research, development and innovation activities (RDI). The special strengths of the RDI expertise are on the fields of the Materials, Technology and Environmental Safety such as on the field of the Digital Archiving and e-Services. Role in the project: MAMK is participating in the implementation of the WPs 1, 3 and 4 of the SMART GROUND project. MAMK is leading the WP1 information collection such as leading the tasks in the WP4, where the training programme is developed. MAMK is also strongly contributing to the development of the databank (WP 3, namely RFID pilot, Open data, Data archiving). During the implementation of the SMART GROUND project MAMK is integrating with the Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences (Kyamk). Exploitation intention: Use of the knowledge generated in relation to collected data, data processing and landfill mining for further research/training activities. In addition, MAMK has interest in future operations (namely, commercialisation options/standardisation) of the SMART GROUND system and tools. 6.3.3 GEOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS (GTK) GTK is a national geological research centre operating under the Ministry of Employment and Economy. GTK provides consultancy services and basic geological information essential for assessment of raw materials, nature conservation, environmental studies, land use planning and for new applications. The Research Center is member of the EIP on raw materials. Role in the project: GTK is involved in WP1, collecting and producing complementary data of the landfill potentials, screening methods and the potential deposits in the pilot in Finland. GTK also provides input data for the economic analysis of the profitability of the landfill mining. Furthermore, GTK will give its support in training courses preparation and dissemination activities, implementing EIP on raw materials. Exploitation intention: Use of knowledge generated in relation to the geophysical and geochemical techniques to be able to effectively investigate and model abandoned landfills and their metal content. Use of knowledge generated in relation to geophysical and geochemical techniques for further research of 3D tomography and data integration techniques. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 53/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 6.3.4 METSASAIRILA OY (MS) MS is a municipal waste management company. The company works in the general waste management and landfill operator focusing in particular on hazardous waste, WEEE and municipal wastes. Waste recycling is a must for Metsäsairila, the company is involved in a lot of activities to allow the reuse and recovery of secondary raw materials. Role in the project: MS is participating mainly in WP1, by providing landfill and waste information useful to the project activities and in particular SRM profitability information and collaborating in pilot and analysis. The company will also contribute to populate SMART GROUND database. Exploitation Intention: Early adopter/end-user of the SMART GROUND system in their waste management plant. 6.3.5 RAMBOLL FINLAND OY (RAMBOLL) RAMBOLL is a leading engineering, design and consultancy company founded in Denmark in 1945. RAMBOLL constantly strives to achieve inspiring and exacting solutions that make a genuine difference to our customers, end-users and society as a whole. RAMBOLL works across the markets: Buildings, Transport, Planning & Urban Design, Water, Environment & Health, Energy, Oil & Gas and Management Consulting. Role in the project: RAMBOLL is mainly involved in WP1 carrying out field sampling and measurement ativities and analyzing data. Exploitation Intention: RAMBOLL left the project on 2nd December 2015. 6.3.6 PECSI TUDOMANYEGYETEM - UNIVERSITY OF PECS (UP) With its ten faculties, more than 20,000 students, 2,000 teachers and a broad range of training and degree programmes the UP plays a significant role in Hungarian higher education. The mission of the UP as a regional knowledge base is to help develop innovation-oriented and knowledge-based economy, create the environment that is necessary for the optimal flow of knowledge between local knowledge bases and innovative entrepreneurs, and promote innovative activities. Role in the project: UP delivers technological and process engineering data concerning the recovery and utilization of useful components from dumps and landfills based on the literature and earlier experiments. Furthermore, UP is involved in the planning and execution of three pilot samplings: on municipal landfill mine gangue dumps in Hungary. The study on the operational and monitoring requirements of the landfills before, during and after the raw material mining process will be carried out. UP also contributes to the development of training materials, organization of trainings and transfer of information to civil organizations and municipalities. Exploitation intention: UP is interested in further research in the area of waste management and resource recovery. In addition, UP has interest in future commercialisation options/standarisation of the SMART GROUND system and tools. 6.3.7 BAY ZOLTAN ALKALMAZOTT KUTATASI KOZHASZNU NONPROFIT KFT (BZN) BZN is a Hungary's leading network of applied research institutes. Its objective is to improve the competitiveness and efficiency of enterprises in Hungary through successful innovation and technology transfer, in close co-operation with domestic and leading foreign partner institutions. The main R&D activity areas encompass: Material science, nano- and laser technology, Biotechnology, Information and communication technology, Environmental industry, Logistics and industrial production technology, Mechanical, physical, chemical-analytical measurement technology, Genomics, Control technology. Role in the project: BZN is the WP leader of WP2 that focuses on environmental, social and socio-economic assessment, involving the knowledge share for other work packages (especially for WP1, WP3). Besides, SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 54/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan BZN will contribute to dissemination activities as well as stakeholder analysis and business plan for the project. BZN together with the other Hungarian partners wants to achieve trailblazer competence in Hungary on the SMART GROUND related topics. Exploitation intention: Knowledge planned to be utilized in further projects involving other R&D institutions, companies, regional/national decision makers. 6.3.8 MKM CONSULTING MERNOKI KORNYEZETVEDELMI ES MENDZSMENT TANACSADO KORLATOLT FELELOSSEGU TARSASAG (MKM) MKM is market leader in waste management consultancy in Hungary. The company has several years of experience in managing and implementing environmental and consultancy services and generated project in waste management system development and landfill recultivation throughout Hungary. MKM is experienced in preparing waste management policy analysis on national and EU level, and prepared several complex cost-benefit analyses (including financial, sustainability, sensitivity, environmental and risk analysis) for Hungarian waste management development projects. Role in the project: MKM main activities include researching the recycling potential, barriers and factors affecting to the utilization of the raw materials, with a specific focus on: (i) technological and legal aspects, comparison of cost of first and secondary raw materials from different waste stream. (ii) Identification of barriers for utilization of secondary sources. (iii) Mapping up possible synergies between European countries (sources, demands, co-operation), defining future scenarios. Exploitation intention: Based on the state-of-art analysis and the results of national pilots, a cost-benefit analysis assessment tool will be developed, which will be enable future landfill mining initiatives to assess the financial profitability rate of their planned investment (i.e. calculating FNPV/C and FNPV/K), assess the volume of risk attached to these investments (i.e. prepare the sensitivity analysis and quantitative risk analysis), and monetize the expected environmental effect of these planned investments (i.e. calculating ENPV). All calculation will be in line with the methodology as described in the Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects, enabling the financing of transferability and replicability through ERDF, Cohesion Fund, EFSI and European Investment Bank project financing. 6.3.9 UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO (UNITO) UNITO is one of the most ancient and prestigious Italian universities, with about 70.000 students, 4.000 academic, and 1800 post-graduate and postdoctoral students. UNITO is active at international level through involvement of its researchers in several international projects, establishment of joint educational courses, such as bi-national degrees and international PhD programmes, through the subscription of formal cooperation agreements (roughly 450) with institutions around the world. It has a long record in participating in European projects. Role in the project: Scientific Coordinator of SMART GROUND project, UNITO is mainly involved in WP1, WP2 and WP3, and, therefore, it contributes in the data collection, environmental impact assessment, and in the development of the SGD platform specification and repositories management. UNITO will also contribute to knowledge transfer, dissemination and exploitation activities. Exploitation intention: Use of the knowledge generated in relation to mine waste management, to recovery of Secondary Raw Materials from mining waste, impacts on soil, water and air due to mining activities, for further research/training activities. Use of knowledge generated in relation to recycling activities and to best practices to boost mining waste recovery for possible post-project industrializations phases (to arrange with companies involved in recycling activities). SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 55/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 6.3.10 IMAGEO SRL (IMAGEO) IMAGEO is a spin-off of the Turin University; main activities are recognition, prevention and management of the hydrogeological risk. The company is specialized in the study, geological, geomorphological, geomechanical, hydrogeological characterization and in the monitoring of unstable slopes, landslides, glaciers throughout the use of innovative high-precision technologies (Laser Scanner, differential GPS). Role in the project: IMAGEO is involved in WP1 by providing topographic and morphologic characterization of test-sites by Lidar (Terrestrial Laser Scanner) and aerial photogrammetric survey; detailed reconstruction of the topographic surface; volume evaluation of raw materials in each site. Exploitation intention: Use of knowledge generated in relation to site survey to develop best practices to topographic 3D survey, imaging and 3D modelling. Interest in future commercialisation of the SMART GROUND technologies: topographic 3D survey, imaging and 3D modelling. 6.3.11 ATOS SPAIN SA (ATOS) ATOS SE (Societas Europaea) is a leader in digital services with 2014 pro forma annual revenue of circa € 11 billion and 93,000 employees in 72 countries. Serving a global client base, the Group provides Consulting & Systems Integration services, Managed Services & BPO, Cloud operations, Big Data & Cyber-security solutions, as well as transactional services through Worldline, the European leader in the payments and transactional services industry. With its deep technology expertise and industry knowledge, the Group works with clients across different business sectors: Defense, Financial Services, Health, Manufacturing, Media, Utilities, Public sector, Retail, Telecommunications, and Transportation. Role in the project: ATOS has a strong involvement in the Databank creation (WP3), bringing its expertise in the design of open, interoperable and standard-based architectures in the geospatial and environmental domain. It will also lead the implementation of the SMART GROUND heterogeneous repositories and web client to interact with it. ATOS will also support the preparation of training courses and will be actively involved in the dissemination and exploitation of results. Exploitation intention: The components developed by ATOS will probably be licensed as open source. However, ATOS will acquire useful knowledge during the design of the architecture, configuration of the repository and development of the client application and services that comprise the SMART GROUND service platform. The results of the platform customised to fulfil SRM requirements will help ATOS to enhance ongoing and future projects, both commercially and research projects with better and stronger products and new services for the public sector and other private companies within the SRM value chain. More specifically ATOS can use the knowledge acquired in the project to offer consultancy services to adapt SMART GROUND features to the needs of target organisations. ATOS will initially focus its efforts in Spain, addressing public data providers and users such as regional environmental agencies, and SMEs dedicated to environmental analysis and services to the public agencies and other companies involved in the waste management and SRM value chain. Under the assumption that “SMARTGROUND service platform as a whole” is commercialized, ATOS is willing to collaborate with the different partners that in turn will contribute e.g. with thematic expertise in the exploitation of the service platform. 6.3.12 CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY (CU) CU is one of the top five research-intensive universities in the UK and has an unrivalled reputation for transforming cutting edge technology, management and science into practical, life-enhancing solutions. CU has an extensive track record of applied scientific research, teaching and consulting for the waste and resource management industry. As an exclusively post-graduate centre of excellence our research, teaching and consulting is driven in response to questions and providing technology solutions for ‘real-world’ problems. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 56/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Role in the project: CU is responsible for WP4 – Implementing training and Networking and contributing to WP1 Characterisation and modelling of potential sites and WP5 dissemination and exploitation. Exploitation intention: Enhancing teaching and research impacts in Environmental technology by embedding findings in CU master courses programme in Environment and Energy. Building up sustainable relationships with project partners. Increasing impact through the exchange of expertise, knowledge and insights with a range of organisations, groups and people in the field of waste and resource management and circular economy. 6.3.13 REGIONE PIEMONTE (RP) Regione Piemonte is an Italian public administration. Its Environment Department manages the programming tasks and projects for the protection and exploitation of the air and water, protection of the protected areas, strategic environmental evaluation and impact assessment, energetic saving, reclamation polluted areas. The Environment Department is in charge of waste management, planning and defining the regulation of the waste cycle with the finality to reduce the quantity and the dangerousness of it, to promote the re-use and preparing for the re-use, to increase the quality of selective collection, the waste recycling and recovery, including energy recovery, to promote the use of the goods produced from recycled material, as well as to limit the use of the waste dumps. Role in the project: RP support will be finalized to the identification of the data required for the project; to assess the information currently available in the regional archives (computer and paper), to analyse and compare all the information in order to make them consistent and available. Exploitation intention: Use of the knowledge generated in relation to improve decision-making procedures for the elaboration of policies on waste management and to improve the knowledge of the environment. Contribute to improve the public access to data and information on the availability of raw materials and on waste management. Use of the knowledge generated in relation to waste recovery for further research/training activities. Early adopter of the SGD and Service Platform. 6.3.14 BIOAZUL (BIOAZUL) BIOAZUL is an engineering and technological consultancy focused on the environment. BIOAZUL offers customized solutions for treatment of industrial and urban water based on technologies result of research, development and innovation work carried out by the company, offering customers a wide range of engineering services. BIOAZUL goal is to integrate environmental and economic sustainability, energy efficiency and put our knowledge at your service to provide the most competitive solutions. One of the aspects that distinguish us from our competitors is our proven ability to design and adapt technologies to the specific requirements of each client. Role in the project: BIOAZUL is the Leader of task 5.4: Development of SMART GROUND business plan, Leader task 4.1: Stakeholder analysis. BIOAZUL is also involved in the following activities: Potential sites characterisation and modelling, Materials flow, socio-economic and environmental impacts, Implementation, training and networking, Dissemination and exploitation. Exploitation intention: Preferential use of the knowledge generated for further research activities and possible commercial exploitation (TBD) of the SMART GROUND system after the post-project industrialisation phase (and collaboration in the industrialisation phase as required). BIOAZUL intends to work on the marketing and business development of the SGD and Service platform during commercial exploitation. Use of the knowledge generated in relation to waste recovery for further research/training activities. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 57/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 6.3.15 Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy (VTT) VTT is a large internationally networked R&D centre for applied research in Northern Europe, harnessing high technology to develop scientific solutions for sustainable development and creating new business opportunities. VTT has deep knowledge and long experience in technologies for recycling and recovery of valuables from mineral and metal containing wastes, including mining waste, slags, ashes and wastewater. One of VTT’s strengths is integration of the competences of several research teams in development of recycling solutions. The competence areas include mapping and characterisation of waste, mechanical, optical and hydrometallurgical separation methods, process and reaction modelling as well as sustainability and risk analysis methods. Role in the project: VTT is mainly involved in WP1 carrying out field sampling and measurement activities and analyzing data. Exploitation intention: With further experience gained in the SMART GROUND project VTT aims at cementing its position as a national leader in knowledge regarding secondary raw material sources. VTT also seeks to exploit the network built in the project in future research activities. 6.4 Exploitation at Consortium level As already stated, the exploitation plan is the strategy and process that allow the capitalisation of the tangible and intangible results of the SMART GROUND project, optimise their value, enhance their impact and facilitate their integration at multiple levels. To secure the sustainability of SGD, which is the principal output of the project, the consortium has agreed to invest significant efforts to promote the use of SMART GROUND solutions and tools across Europe. To succeed the consortium will prepare a business plan associated with the commercial/business exploitation of the project results. The philosophy at the base of this exploitation is a paradigm shift towards the reuse of SRM across the EU territory and promoting best practices associated with the SMART GROUND approach. According to the DoA, the project partners in order to keep the main output of the project operative, namely the SGD, all data sets contributed into the platform will be cured and preserved for access and use by periodically refreshing the files, planning for obsolete technology and migrating content into new formats and industry standards before a technology becomes obsolete, and storing descriptive metadata and documentation along with the data sets. The project partners also consider two alternative possibilities: Establishing a multi-institution “SMART GROUND Centre” whose primary role will be to develop and implement a business plan and pricing strategy to sustain SMART GROUND beyond the project lifetime. Targeting a formal Memorandum of Agreement with Regione Piemonte stating that in the event that SMART GROUND is no longer able to support maintenance, the archived content will be curated by them. SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 58/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 7 Conclusions The hereby document details the C&D measures aimed at fostering the maximization of the expected impacts of the project. More precisely, after describing which audiences are targeted by the project C&D activities, it explains where and how to communicate the project and disseminate the results of SMART GROUND. In order to evaluate the quality of the C&D action, a set of KPIs and target values have been provided. The C&D strategy here presented is subject to continuous update, corresponding to the progress of the project and the generation of results of the project, which will be reflected by changes made to this document throughout the life cycle of the project. The document also outlines the preliminary list of the exploitable results, and presents how partners would exploit the expected project outcomes, the key applications, and the foreseen time for the application. In addition, a first exploitation strategy at the consortium level has been developed. Final individual (partner level) and joint (consortium level) exploitation paths will be discussed in Deliverable 5.5 Business Plan, (due date: M30). SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 59/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 8 Annexes 8.1 Annex 1: Project Banner Figure 13: Banner and Website Slider no 1 Figure 14: Website Slider no 2 Figure 15: Website Slider no 2 with Text SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 60/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Figure 16: Website Slider no 3 SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 61/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 8.2 Annex 2: PowerPoint Template Figure 17: Cover page Figure 18: Contents page SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 62/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Figure 19: Master page Figure 20: Back page SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 63/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 8.3 Annex 3: Press Release Template SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 64/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 8.4 Annex 4: Newsletter Template SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 65/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 8.5 Annex 5: Report of the Event – Template EVENT (name) [Name of the event] Location & Date [City, (Country), day1 – day2 –Month Year] URL link http: Participant partner/s [NAME OF THE PARTICIPANT PARTNER/S] Links to the related presentations/publications [If it is published on the event website (URL of the external website that hosts the presentation/publication) If it is not published on the event website (URL of the presentation uploaded to the SMART GROUND repository)] Event description The main objective of the conference: Type of audience reached (“multiple choices” is possible) [Scientific Community (higher education, Research) Industry Civil Society General Public Policy makers Medias Investors Customers Other] [Number] Estimated Number of persons reached Conclusion SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 66/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 8.6 Annex 6: Project Brochure Figure 21: External side Figure 22: Internal side SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 67/68 D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan 8.7 Annex 7: Google Analytics First Report (M2-M3) SMART GROUND - All Rights Reserved - Grant Agreement n° 641988 68/68